numeca用户手册系列4 fineTurbo求解器
numeca用户手册系列4 fineTurbo求解器
numeca用户手册系列4 fineTurbo求解器
- October 2007 -
NUMECA International
5, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1050 Brussels
FINE™ iii
iv FINE™
vi FINE™
FINE™ vii
viii FINE™
FINE™ ix
CHAPTER 1: Getting Started
1-1 Overview
Welcome to the FINE™ User’s Guide, a presentation of NUMECA’s Flow INtegrated Environ-
ment for computations on structured meshes. This chapter presents the basic concepts of FINE™
and shows how to get started with the program by describing:
• what is CFD,
• what FINE™ does and how it operates,
• how to use this guide,
• how to start the FINE™ interface.
1-2 Introduction
1-2.1 What is CFD?
All the mathematical sciences are founded on relations between physical laws and laws of numbers,
so that the aim of exact science is to reduce the problems of nature to the determination of quanti-
ties by operations with numbers.
James Clerk Maxwell, 1856
In the late 1970’s, the use of supercomputers to solve aerodynamic problems began to pay off. One
early success was the experimental NASA aircraft called HiMAT, designed to test concepts of high
manoeuvrability for the next generation of fighter planes. Wind tunnel tests of a preliminary design
for HiMAT showed that it would have unacceptable drag at speeds near the speed of sound; if built
that way the plane would be unable to provide any useful data. The cost of redesigning it in further
wind tunnel tests would have been around $150,000 and would have unacceptably delayed the
project. Instead, the wing was redesigned by a computer at a cost of $60,000.
Paul E. Ceruzzi, 1989
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is commonly accepted as referring to the broad topic encom-
passing the numerical solution, by computational methods, of the governing equations that describe
FINE™ 1-1
Getting Started Introduction
fluid flow related conservative equations (for instance involving energy or species concentration). It
has grown from a mathematical curiosity few decades ago, to become an essential tool in almost
every branch of fluid dynamics, from aerospace propulsion to weather prediction.
Key elements of CFD are briefly described below. Please notice these informations have mostly
been extracted from the web at and http:// The reader is invited to consult the web at
for more insight in CFD theory.
By 1900, theoretical and mathematical developments in fluid dynamics had not achieved signifi-
cant progress as quickly as experimental efforts. Although the Navier-Stokes equations describing
fluid behaviour had existed for over 75 years before the Wright brothers' first flight, they were sim-
ply too complex to solve in their complete form for anything but simplified problems under specific
conditions. Even today, theoretical solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations are rare and only suited
to specific classes of problems.
As a developing science, CFD has received extensive attention throughout the international com-
munity since the advent of the digital computer. CFD interests are mainly driven by the desire to
model complex physical fluid phenomena, that couldn't be easily or cost effectively simulated with
a physical experiment.
Computational techniques differ from analytical or theoretical solutions in the sense that they only
solve equations at a finite number of points rather than for the entire flow field. Choosing these
points may become quite difficult - especially for a complex geometry and may require hundreds of
thousands or even million of points. In general, a dense grid with many points will give a solution
of great detail, but require more computer memory and time to reach a solution. Since this trade-off
in computer resources and solution quality is required, the current trend is often to use a dense grid
in areas where the solution may change rapidly such as in the boundary layer or near a shock wave,
but use of a coarser grid with fewer computational points in areas where the solution is expected to
change more gradually.
The selection of grid nodes is the science of grid generation. It is a complex field on its own and has
many applications outside CFD, such as in constructing solid models for stress, vibration and heat
transfer analysis. There are several different techniques that are commonly used to develop compu-
tational grids for CFD.
Grid nodes can be arranged either in a regular or irregular pattern. Depending on the pattern
selected, the method of generation is referred to as structured or unstructured. Both techniques have
their own advantages and disadvantages.
Basically, structured methods enable the generation of regular grids, with high quality standards
and good control in the distribution of grid nodes in shear and boundary layers. However, they may
sometimes be hard to generate for very complex geometries. On the contrary, unstructured methods
allow a limited control in the grid quality (and thus in the grid solution) but the grid generation
process does usually require limited user resources, even for complex geometries.
It is thus important that the user recognizes these so that the best grid can be created for a particular
geometry. The quality of the grid is definitely important, since it strongly influences the solution -
including whether or not a solution can be found at all.
FINE™/Turbo and FINE™/Design3D environments developed by NUMECA rely on structured
grid methods, based on AutoGrid™ and IGG™ software tools. NUMECA offer also includes
unstructured capabilities, through HEXPRESS™ hexahedral grid generator and FINE™/HEXA
environment. More details can be provided upon request.
1-2 FINE™
Introduction Getting Started
Usually, about 4 to 5 unknowns are computed at each grid node. This makes methods of presenting
CFD results a difficult matter, mainly due to the large number of data to manage. Adequate post-
processing is then required to easily and quickly outline the major characteristics of the flow. This
is usually done through surface color techniques and particle paths/ribbons. The latter method is
mostly used to depict vortices and complex flow-wall interactions. The user referred to the
CFView™ User Manual for more detailed information on that area.
1-2.2 Components
The resolution of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems involves three main steps:
• spatial discretization of the flow domain,
• flow computation,
• visualization of the results.
To perform these steps NUMECA has developed three software systems. The first one, IGG™, is
an Interactive Geometry modeller and Grid generation system for multiblock structured grids. The
second software system, the flow solver EURANUS, is a state of the art 3D multiblock flow solver
able to simulate Euler or Navier-Stokes (laminar or turbulent) flows. The third one, CFView™, is a
highly interactive Computational Field Visualization system.
These three software systems have been integrated in a unique and user friendly Graphical User
Interface (GUI), called FINE™, allowing the achievement of complete simulations of 3D internal
and external flows from the grid generation to the visualization, without any file manipulation,
through the concept of project. Moreover, multi-tasking capabilities are incorporated, allowing the
simultaneous treatment of multiple projects.
1-2.3 Multi-Tasking
FINE™ has the particularity of integrating the concept of multi-tasking. This means that the user
can manage a complete project in FINE™ interface; making the grid using IGG™, running the
computation with EURANUS and visualizing the results with CFView™. Furthermore, the user has
the possibility to start, stop and control multiple computations. Please note that the flow simulation
can be time consuming, therefore the possibility of running computations in background has been
implemented. See Chapter 15 for more detail on how to manage multiple tasks through the interface
or in background.
FINE™ 1-3
Getting Started Introduction
— a ".cgns" file that contains the solution and that is used for restarting the solver,
— a ".res" file used by the Monitor to visualize the residual history (see Chapter 16),
— two files used to visualize the convergence history in the Steering with extensions ".steer-
ing" and ".steering.binary" (see Chapter 16).
— two files with extensions ".mf" and ".wall" that contain global solution parameters.
— two files with extensions ".std" and ".log" that contain information on the flow computation
— a ".batch" file used to launch the computation in batch (see Chapter 15).
• The CFView™ visualization files: In addition to the ".run" file, the flow solver creates a
series of files, which can be read by CFView™. These files have different extensions. For
example in case of turbomachinery flow problem, the solver will create a file for the azimuthal
averaged results with extension ".me.cfv".
Through the interface, the user can modify all the information stored in the files associated to the
When creating a new project a new directory is made, e.g. "/project". In this directory the project
file is stored "/project/project.iec" and a directory is created called "/project/_mesh". In this direc-
tory the grid files used for the computations can be stored. It is however also possible to select a
grid that is located in another directory.
Only one mesh file should be used for all computations in a project. If computations
need to be done on another mesh file it is advised to duplicate the project (see section 2-
3.1.4) or to create a new project (see section 2-3.1.1) for those computations.
The character "u with umlaut" is not allowed in the path name.
1-4 FINE™
How To Use This Manual Getting Started
At first time use of FINE™ it is recommended to read this first chapter carefully and certainly sec-
tion 1-4 to section 1-6. Chapter 2 gives a general overview of the FINE™ interface and the way to
manage a project. For every computation the input parameters can be defined as described in the
chapters 3 to 14. Chapter 15 gives an overview of how to run computations using the Task Manager
or using a script. Chapter 16 finally describes the available tools to monitor the progress on a com-
In chapters 3 to 14, the expert user finds a section describing advanced options that are available in
expert user mode. Additionally Appendix C provides a list with all supported expert parameters on
the page Computation Steering/Control Variables in expert user mode. For each parameter a ref-
erence is given to the section in the manual where it is described.
The use of non-supported parameters is at own risk and will not guarantee correct
1-3.2 Conventions
Some conventions are used to ease information access throughout this guide:
• Commands to type are in italics.
• Keys to press are in italics and surrounded by <> (e.g.: press <Ctrl>).
• Names of menu or sub-menu items are in bold.
• Names of buttons that appear in dialog boxes are in italics.
• Numbered sentences are steps to follow to complete a task. Sentences that follow a step and are
preceded with a dot (•) are substeps; they describe in detail how to accomplish the step.
A light bulb in the margin indicates a section with a description of expert parameters.
FINE™ 1-5
Getting Started First Time Use
1-6 FINE™
How to start FINE™ Interface Getting Started
b) Background Color
The background color of the graphics area can be changed by setting the environment variable
platforms. Set the variable to ’ON’ to have a black background and set it to ’OFF’ to have a white
background. The variable can be manually specified through the following commands:
in csh, tcsh or bash shell:
in korn shell:
The selection will take effect at the next session.
On Windows:
• Log in as Administrator.
• Launch System Properties from the Start/Settings/Control Panel/System menu.
• Go in the Environment Variables.
• Modify or add the IGG_REVERSEVIDEO entry to either ON or OFF.
The selection will take effect at the next session.
When multiple versions of FINE™ are installed the installation note should be con-
sulted for advice on how to start FINE™ in a multi-version environment.
On Windows click on the FINE™ icon in Start/Programs/NUMECA software/fine#. Alterna-
tively FINE™ can be launched from a dos shell by typing:
where NUMECA_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY is the directory indicated in section 1-4.1 and #
is the number corresponding to the version to be used.
FINE™ 1-7
Getting Started Required Licenses
1-8 FINE™
CHAPTER 2: Graphical User Interface
2-1 Overview
When launching FINE™ as described in Chapter 1 the interface appears in its default layout as
shown in Figure 2.1.0-1. An overview of the complete layout of the FINE™ interface is shown on
the next page in Figure 2.1.0-2. In the next sections the items in this interface are described in more
Together with the FINE™ interface a Project Selection window is opened, which allows to create a
new project or to open an existing project. See section 2-2 for a description of this window.
To define a profile through the FINE™ interface a Profile Manager is included. The Profile Man-
ager is described in more detail in section 2-7.
FINE™ 2-1
Graphical User Interface Project Selection
(Section 2-5)
(Section 2-6.2)
(Section 2-6.3)
1. click on the Create a New Project... icon ( ) in the Project Selection dialog box. A File Chooser will
appear, which allows to select a name and location for the new project.
The layout of the File Chooser depends on the used operating system but a typical layout is shown in
Figure 2.2.1-3. The Directories list allows to browse through the available directory structure to the project
directory. Then the Files list can be used to select the file name. In the case a file needs to be opened an exist-
ing file should be selected in the list of available files. In the case a new file needs to be created the user can
type a new file name with the appropriate extension. In the List Files of Type bar the default file type is set by
default to list only the files of the required type.
2-2 FINE™
Project Selection Graphical User Interface
2. In the Directories text box on UNIX a name can be typed or the browser under the text box may
be used to browse to an appropriate location. On Windows, the browser under the Save in text
box is used to browse to an appropriate location.
3. Once the location is defined type on UNIX and on Windows a new name in the text box under
respectively Files and File name, for example "project.iec" (it is not strictly necessary to add the
extension ".iec", FINE™ will automatically create a project file with this extension).
4. Click on OK (on UNIX) or Save (on Windows) to accept the selected name and location of the
new project.
A new directory is automatically created with the chosen name as illustrated in figure below indi-
cated by point (1). All the files related to the project are stored in this new directory. The most
important of them is the project file with the extension ".iec", which contains all the project settings
(Figure 2.2.1-4 - (2)). Inside the project directory FINE™ creates automatically a subdirectory
"_mesh" (Figure 2.2.1-4 - (3)).
(1) project directory
5. A Grid File Selection window (Figure 2.2.1-5) appears to assign a grid to the new project. There
are three possibilities:
• To open an existing grid click on Open Grid File. A File Chooser allows to browse to the grid
file with extension ".igg". Select the grid file and press OK to accept the selected mesh. A win-
dow appears to define the Grid Units and Project Configuration. Set the parameters in this
window as described in section 2-2.3 and click OK to accept.
FINE™ 2-3
Graphical User Interface Project Selection
• If the grid to be used in the project is not yet created use Create Grid File to start IGG™. Cre-
ate a mesh in IGG™ or AutoGrid™ (Modules/AutoGrid4 - Modules/AutoGrid) and save
the mesh in the directory "_mesh" of the new project. Click on Modules/Fine Turbo and con-
firm "yes" to return to the FINE™ project. Select the created mesh with the pull down menu
in the icon bar. A window will appear to define the Grid Units and Project Configuration.
Set the parameters in this window as described in section 2-2.3 and click OK to accept.
2.2 3
• Click on the icon Open an Existing Project... ( ). A File Chooser will appear that allows to
browse to the location of the existing project. Automatically the filter in the File Chooser is set
to display only the files with extension ".iec", the default extension for a project file.
• Select the project to open in the list of Recent Projects, which contains the five most recently
used project files. If a project no longer exists it will be removed from the list when selected.
To view the full path of the selected project click on Path... To open the selected project click
on Open Selected Project.
2-4 FINE™
Main Menu Bar Graphical User Interface
• Space Configuration: allows the user to specify whether the mesh is cylindrical or Cartesian
and the dimensionality of the mesh. In case the mesh is axisymmetric the axis of symmetry
should be defined.
• Use Grid Configuration: This option is only available with a special license feature (Sub-
Projects). The user can choose whether or not to use the automatic grouping based on the grid
configuration file (.config). More information on the automatic grouping can be found in
Chapter 8. This choice can only be made when loading the mesh for the first time, it cannot be
changed afterwards.
The mesh properties are always accessible after linking the mesh to the project through
the menu Mesh/Properties...
FINE™ 2-5
Graphical User Interface Main Menu Bar
output files generated by the flow solver will be written in the subdirectory of the running computa-
After the new project is created a Grid File Selection window (Figure 2.2.1-5) appears to assign a
grid to the new project. There are two possibilities:
• To open an existing grid click on Open Grid File. A File Chooser allows to browse to the grid
file with extension .igg. Select the grid file and press OK to accept the selected mesh. A win-
dow appears to define the Grid Units and Project Configuration. Set the parameters in this
window as described in section 2-2.3 and click OK to accept.
• If the grid to be used in the project was not yet created use Create Grid File to start IGG™.
Create a mesh in IGG™ or AutoGrid™ (Modules/AutoGrid4 - Modules/AutoGrid) and
save the mesh in the directory "_mesh" of the new project. Click on Modules/Fine Turbo and
confirm "yes" to return to the FINE™ project. Select the created mesh with the pull down
menu in the icon bar. A window will appear to define Grid Units and Project Configuration.
Set the parameters in this window as described in section 2-2.3 and click OK to accept.
Only one project can be active. Opening a second project will save and close the first
An attempt to open a no longer existing project will remove its name from the list in the
File menu.
2-6 FINE™
Main Menu Bar Graphical User Interface
Together with the ".run" file, a ".batch" (UNIX) or ".bat" (Windows) file is saved. This
file can be used to launch the computation in batch mode, without the need of opening
the interface. More information on how to use this ".batch" file can be found in
Chapter 15.
If more than one computation is selected in the Computations list, then all parameters in
the Parameters area will be assigned to all selected (active) computations. This may be
dangerous if the parameters for the currently opened information page are not the same
for all the selected computations. To avoid this it is recommended to select only one
computation at a time.
The ".run" file is automatically updated (or created if not existing) when starting a com-
putation through the main menu (Solver/Start...).
2-3.1.6 Preferences
When clicking on File/Preferences... the Preferences window appears that gives access to some
project specific and global settings:
FINE™ 2-7
Graphical User Interface Main Menu Bar
a) Project Units
In this section the user can change the units system of the project. The units can be changed inde-
pendently for a selected physical quantity or for all of them at the same time. To change the units
for one specific quantity select the quantity in the list (see (1) in Figure 2.3.1-7). Then select the
unit under Select New Units (2). To change the units for all physical quantities at the same time use
the box Reset Units System To (3).
The default system proposed by NUMECA is the standard SI system except for the unit for the
rotational speed, which is [RPM].
When the user changes the units, all the numerical values corresponding to the selected physical
quantity are multiplied automatically by the appropriate conversion factor. The numerical values
are stored into the project file ".iec" in the same units as they appear in the interface (e.g. the rota-
tion speed is in [RPM]), but in the ".run" file, which is used by the flow solver, the numerical values
are always stored in SI units (e.g the rotation speed is in [radian]). The results can be visualized
with the flow visualization system CFView™ in the units specified in FINE™.The change of the
units can be done at any stage of the creation of the project.
User-defined units can be defined through a text file "euranus.uni". Please contact NUMECA sup-
port team at [email protected] for more information.
b) Global Layout
In this section, the user may specify project independent preferences for the layout of the interface.
More specifically the user may activate or deactivate the balloon help (Show Balloon Help), which
gives short explanation of the buttons when the mouse pointer is positioned over them. By default
balloon help is activated. Deactivation of the balloon help will only be effective for the current ses-
sion of FINE™. When FINE™ is closed and launched again the balloon help will always be active
by default.
Furthermore, the section allows the user to control the Number of curves that can be plotted in the
Convergence History page of the Task Manager. By default the parameter is set to 10 meaning that
only 9 curves can be plotted in the steering (more details in Chapter 16).
2-8 FINE™
Main Menu Bar Graphical User Interface
2-3.1.7 Quit
Select the File/Quit menu item to quit the FINE™ integrated environment after confirmation from
the user. The active project will be saved automatically by default (Save Active Project activated).
Note that this action will not stop the running calculations. A FINE TaskManager window will
remain open for each running computation. Closing the FINE TaskManager window(s) will kill the
running calculation(s) after confirmation from the user.
FINE™ 2-9
Graphical User Interface Main Menu Bar
2-3.2.3 Unload
Mesh/Unload clears the mesh from the memory of the computer.
2-3.2.4 Properties
Clicking on Mesh/Properties... opens a dialog box that displays global information about the
• Grid Units: the user specifies the grid units when importing a mesh. When importing a mesh
the Grid Units and Project Configuration window appears, which allows the user to check the
mesh units (see section 2-2.3). The chosen units can be verified and, if necessary, changed.
• Space Configuration: allows the user to verify whether the mesh is cylindrical or Cartesian
and the dimensionality of the mesh. When importing a mesh the Grid Units and Project Con-
figuration window allows the user to check these properties. Those chosen properties can be
verified and, if necessary, changed.
• The total number of blocks and the total number of points are automatically detected from the
• For each block: the current (depending on the current grid level) and maximum number of
points in each I, J and K directions, and the total number of points are automatically detected
from the mesh.
2-10 FINE™
Main Menu Bar Graphical User Interface
Using the Start item to run the flow solver on active computation implies that the result file pro-
duced by a previous calculations on that computation will be overwritten with the new result val-
ues. It also implies that the initial solution will be created from the values set in the Initial Solution
2-3.3.2 Save
To save an intermediate solution while the flow solver is running click on Solver/Save....
FINE™ 2-11
Graphical User Interface Icon Bar
Finally the Harmo2Time module launches a reconstruction tool that will generate, starting from an
harmonic output, the "" and "_unst_t#.cgns" files presenting the same format as for unste-
day flow simulation results (for more details, see section 4-3).
The icon bar contains several buttons that provide a shortcut for menu items in the main menu bar.
Also the icon bar contains a File Chooser to indicate the mesh linked to the project and a pull down
menu to choose between Standard Mode and Expert Mode.
The Open Project icon is a shortcut for the menu item File/Open.
The Save Project icon is a shortcut for the menu item File/Save.
The Save RUN Files icon is a shortcut for the menu item File/Save Run Files.
To select a grid not only the grid file with extension ".igg" needs to be present but at least
the files with extensions ".igg", ".geom", ".bcs" and ".cgns" need to be available in the
same directory with the same name as for the chosen mesh.
If a mesh has already been linked to the current project and another mesh is opened, FINE™ will
check the topological data in the project and compare it against the data in the mesh file. If the top-
ological data is not equal, a new dialog box (Figure 2.4.2-9) will open. This dialog box informs the
user that a merge of the topologies is necessary and will also show at which item the first difference
was detected.
The three following possibilities are available:
• Merge Mesh Definition will merge the project and mesh data. For example, if a new block has
been added to the mesh. The existing project parameters have been kept for the old blocks, and
the default parameters have been set for the new block.
2-12 FINE™
Icon Bar Graphical User Interface
• Open Another Grid File will open a File Chooser allowing to browse to the a new grid file
with extension ".igg". Select the grid file and press OK to accept the selected mesh. Then the
dialog box Mesh Merge Information will appear.
• Start IGG will load automatically the new mesh into IGG™, where it can be modified.
The merge process may also occur when opening an existing project, or when switching between
IGG™ and FINE™, because the check of the topology is performed each time when a project is
In case the mesh file no longer exists, or is not accessible, an appropriate warning will pop-up when
opening the project. In this case it will not be possible to start the flow solver, so the user needs to
locate the mesh by means of the File Chooser button on the right of the Grid Selection bar.
Once the grid file is selected and its topology is checked, the Grid Units and Project Configuration
window appears. This window allows to check the properties of the mesh and to modify them if
necessary. See section 2-2.3 for more details on this window.
The Suspend Flow Solver icon is a shortcut for the menu item Solver/Suspend....
The Kill Flow Solver icon is a shortcut for the menu item Solver/Kill....
FINE™ 2-13
Graphical User Interface Computation Management
The Start CFView icon is a shortcut for the menu item Modules/CFView.
When selecting multiple computations, the parameters of the active page in the "parame-
ters area" are copied from the first selected computation to all other computations.
With the buttons New and Remove computations can be created or removed. When clicking on New
the active computation (highlighted in blue) is copied and the new computation has the same name
as the original with the prefix "new_" as shown in the example below. In this example
"computation_2" was the active computation at the moment of pressing the button New. A new
computation is created called "new_computation_2" that has the same project parameters as
To rename the active computation click on Rename, type the new name and press <Enter>.
These options are also available when click-right on the active computation.
2-14 FINE™
Graphical Area Management Graphical User Interface
The grid configuration describes (as presented in the figure below) the mesh structure of the project
as a tree through which the user can access the domain structure. The structure is defined as a set of
fluid and solid domains interconnected together through domain interfaces. Each domain contains a
set of subdomains and a set of interfaces. Each domain interface contains a type of boundary condi-
tion, a type of free boundary condition and the possible connected domain reference.
This data structure is very useful. It can be used to reduce the time needed to analyse and visualize
the mesh of a project, to setup the boundary conditions within FINE™/Turbo and to create sub-
projects starting from the main project (see Chapter 12 for more details).
FINE™ 2-15
Graphical User Interface Graphical Area Management
To see the pages in a directory double click on the name or click on the sign in front of the name.
The third page provides visualization commands on the grid. It consists of two rows: a row of but-
tons and a row of icons.
The row of buttons is used to determine the viewing scope, that is the grid scope on which the view-
ing commands provided by the icons of the second row will apply. There are five modes determin-
ing the scope, each one being represented by a button: Segment, Edge, Face, Block, Grid. Only
one mode is active at a time and the current mode is highlighted in yellow. Simply click-left on a
button to select the desired mode.
2-16 FINE™
Graphical Area Management Graphical User Interface
• : in Grid mode, a viewing operation applies to all the blocks of the grid.
The icons of the second row and their related commands are listed in the following table:
Icon Command
Toggles vertices.
Toggles edges.
Toggles shading.
The display of vertices should be avoided since it allows to modify interactively in the
graphics area the location of the vertices and therefore alter the mesh. The graphics area
is for display purposes only and any modification on the mesh in the graphics area will
not be saved in the mesh files and therefore not used by the flow solver.
FINE™ 2-17
Graphical User Interface Graphical Area Management
button to resize
Graphics area
The graphics area shows the mesh of the open project. The graphics area appears and disappears
when clicking on Mesh/View On/Off. When the graphics area appears it is covering the parameters
area. Use the button on the left boundary of the graphics area to reduce its size and to display the
parameters area. The Grid page, in the View subpanel on the left, and the viewing buttons can be
used to influence the visualization of the mesh. The View subpanel is described in section 2-6.3 and
the viewing buttons area are described below.
2-18 FINE™
Graphical Area Management Graphical User Interface
For systems that only accept a mouse with two buttons, the middle mouse button can be
emulated for viewing options by holding the <Ctrl> key with the left mouse button.
2-6.7.3 Scrolling
This button is used to translate the contents of active view within the plane of graphics window in
the direction specified by the user. Following functions can be performed with the mouse buttons:
• Left: press and drag the left mouse button to indicate the translation direction. The translation
is proportional to the mouse displacement. Release the button when finished. The translation
magnitude is automatically calculated by measuring the distance between the initial clicked
point and the current position of the cursor.
• Middle: press and drag the middle mouse button to indicate the translation direction. The
translation is continuous in the indicated direction. Release the button when finished. The
translation speed is automatically calculated by measuring the distance between the initial
clicked point and the current position of the cursor.
FINE™ 2-19
Graphical User Interface Graphical Area Management
• To select the centre of rotation, hold the <Shift> key and press the left mouse button on a
geometry curve, a vertex or a surface (even if this one is visualized with a wireframe model).
The centre of rotation is always located in the centre of the screen. So, when changing it, the
model is moved according to its new value.
2-20 FINE™
Profile Management Graphical User Interface
The Profile Manager is used to interactively define and edit profiles for both fluids and boundary
conditions parameters. The user simply enters the corresponding coordinates in the two columns on
the left. The graph is updated after each coordinate (after each pressing of <Enter> key).
The button Import may be used if the profile exists already as a file on the disk. The Export button
is used to store the current data in the profile manager as a file (for example to share profiles
between different projects and users).
The option Surface data allows the user to impose a 2D profile. The formats of the profile files are
explained in Appendix B where all file formats used by FINE™ and EURANUS are detailed.
FINE™ 2-21
Graphical User Interface Profile Management
If the mouse cursor is placed over a point in the graph window, this point is highlighted and the cor-
responding coordinates on the left will be also highlighted, giving the user the possibility to verify
the profile.
The button OK will store the profile values and return back to the main FINE™ window.
When imposing profiles, a zero extrapolation is applied for point located outside the
defined range of the profile. E.g. if the density profile is given for a pressure between 10
bar and 100 bar, the density at 1 bar will be the one imposed at 10 bar.
2-22 FINE™
CHAPTER 3: Fluid Model
3-1 Overview
Every FINE™ project contains a fluid with the corresponding properties. In FINE™ the fluid to use
for a computation can be defined by:
1. Using the fluid defined in the project file of which the properties are shown on the fluid selec-
tion page (see section 3-2.1), or
2. selecting a fluid from the fluid database included in the release that contains a set of pre-defined
fluids (see section 3-2.2), or
3. creating a new fluid (see section 3-2.3).
In the next section the interface is described in detail, including advises for use of the fluid defini-
tions. The theoretical background for the different fluid models is described in section 3-3.
FINE™ 3-1
Fluid Model The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface
list of properties
3-2 FINE™
The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface Fluid Model
Every fluid is associated with the user who created it and can be modified or removed only by its
owner (the owner has Read Write Delete permissions). All other users will only have Read Only
If the user selects a fluid from the list, the selection will be highlighted and the properties are dis-
played in the information box below the fluid list. Those fluid properties will be saved in the project
file ".iec" as soon as the project is saved.
Once the fluid name and type are correctly set, click on Next>> to go to the next page of the wiz-
ard. On this page the following properties have to be defined:
• Specific Heat Law,
• Heat Conduction Law,
• Viscosity Law,
• Density Law (for an incompressible fluid only).
The possible values to enter for these laws depend on the selected fluid type as described in the next
paragraphs. In the case a law is defined by a constant value, type the value in the corresponding dia-
log box. In the case a law is defined by a profile, the Profile Manager can be opened by clicking on
the button ( ) right next to the pull down menu (see section 3-2.3.6 for more detail). In the case a
law is defined by a formula, the Formula Editor can be opened by clicking on the button ( ) right
next to the pull down menu (see section 3-2.3.5).
Information linked to fluid creation is stored in the fluid database only when closing the
FINE™ interface. As a consequence, this information will not be available to other users
as long as this operation is not completed.
FINE™ 3-3
Fluid Model The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface
The default law uses the dynamic viscosity but the user can specify the kinematic viscosity if
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
Cp ( T ) = A 0 T + A1 T + A2 T + A3 + A4 T + A5 T + A6 T , (3-1)
–3 –2 –1 1 2 3
γ ( T ) = B0 T + B1 T + B2 T + B3 + B4 T + B5 T + B6 T , (3-2)
3-4 FINE™
The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface Fluid Model
introduced. In addition, the local temperature may not fit at some occasion in the prescribed range;
this is especially true during the transient. If so, as indicated by the formula editor (section 3-2.3.5),
the physical properties are kept constant, at a value that corresponds to the lower/upper bound
allowed by the range.
For the default definition of a real gas, the user has to specify:
• The gas constant r and the specific heat at constant pressure Cp, which depend on the tempera-
ture through a polynomial or a profile. In both cases, the user has to specify the temperature
range over which the specific heat is defined. Furthermore there are alternative modelling meth-
ods for a real gas that consists on:
— involving a compressibility factor and two laws defining the dependence of Cp and γ with
the temperature.
— constant r model with γ dependent on the temperature and Cp calculated from r and γ.
For the pre-defined fluids, the value of Cp is defined as a function of the temperature
through a profile. These profiles have been computed for a constant atmospheric pres-
• The heat conductivity, which can be constant, defined by a polynomial or a profile in tempera-
ture or specified through a constant Prandtl number.
• The viscosity law, which can be constant, dependent on temperature or specified by the Suther-
land law. In case the viscosity depends on the temperature the user can specify the law through a
polynomial or as profile. Furthermore, when the viscosity law is defined by the Sutherland law,
the Sutherland parameters are accessible by clicking on the button ( ) right next to the pull
down menu. The default law uses the dynamic viscosity but the user can specify the kinematic
viscosity if required, see Figure 3.2.3-3.
Compared to a perfect gas computation (Cp and γ constant), the real gas option results in an
increase of about 25% of the CPU time. Real gas calculations are usually robust enough to avoid
any use of a preliminary run with averaged physical properties. However, convergence difficulties
may arise during the convergence process (say the first 100-200 iterations) if either the allowed
temperature range is too large or if the properties are expected to vary significantly in the allowed
temperature range. At these occasions, it is often useful to make an equivalent perfect gas computa-
FINE™ 3-5
Fluid Model The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface
tion, with average properties, in order to remove any temperature dependency and ease the conver-
gence process.
For liquids, the reference temperature and pressure must lie in the expected range of the
static temperature and pressure of the flow field. The reference pressure and temperature
are defined on the Flow Model page (Eq. 4-100).
3-6 FINE™
The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface Fluid Model
oped a tool for the generation of the thermodynamic tables on basis of equations presented in the
literature (Starling form of Benedict-Webb-Rubin and modified Benedic-Webb-Rubin equations).
Two sets of thermodynamic tables are provided with FINE™: Refrigerant R134a and
Water-Steam tables.
In order to use a condensable gas as a fluid model, the user has to copy the provided tables in a user-
defined subdirectory called "/tables_fluidname/". The location of this subdirectory is platform
• On Unix/Linux systems:
• On Windows systems:
The subdirectory has to be created before launching FINE™. When the subdirectory is existing, the
condensable gas is recognized by FINE™ and the fluid will appear in the list with respectively
Fluid Name and Fluid Type as "Condensable__fluidname" and "Condensable Fluid".
When a law is defined by a formula clicking on the button ( ) right next to the pull down menu
will invoke a formula editor. When a law is defined by a formula clicking on the button right next to
the pull down menu will invoke the Formula Editor.
FIGURE 3.2.3-5 The Formula Editor for polynomials in the fluid properties
The Formula Editor is used to define polynomial values for the fluid properties. The user has to
define the seven coefficients of the polynomial according to the displayed formula on the top, and
also the lower and upper limits of the temperature range, in which the polynomial function is
defined. Press <Enter> after each entry to validate the input. Values outside of the specified temper-
ature range, will be considered constant and equal to the minimum or maximum value (as shown in
the graph in Figure 3.2.3-5).
If a fluid with "Read Only" permissions contains formulas they may be visualized by
means of the Show Fluid Properties... button that opens the Formula Editor window, but
they can not be modified - a message will warn the user that the selected fluid can not be
FINE™ 3-7
Fluid Model The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface
When a law is defined by a profile clicking on the button ( ) next to the pull down menu will start
the Profile Manager.
The Profile Manager is used to interactively define and edit profiles for both fluid and boundary
condition parameters. To input a profile, the user has to enter the corresponding coordinates in the
two columns on the left. The graph is updated after each coordinate entry (after pressing the
<Enter> key).
The button Import can be used to import a profile, which is already existing as a data file on the
disk. The Export button is used to store the current data in the profile manager as a data file (for
example to share profiles between different projects and users). The format of the profile files is
explained in detail in Appendix B.
If the mouse cursor is placed over a point in the graph window, this point is highlighted and the cor-
responding coordinates on the left will be also highlighted, giving the user the possibility to verify
the profile.
The button OK will store the profile values into the fluid definition.
If a fluid with "Read Only" permissions contains profiles they may be visualized by
means of the Show Fluid Properties... button that opens the Profile Manager window,
but they can not be modified - a message will warn the user that the selected fluid can not
be modified.
Only uniform distributions should be entered in the Profile Manager. Non-uniform distri-
butions will be converted to a uniform distribution by EURANUS.
Information linked to fluid removal is stored in the fluid database only when closing the
FINE™ interface. As a consequence, this information will not be available to other users
until this operation is completed. A message will however warn users that the fluid prop-
erties have been modified (up to removal in the present situation) by the owner.
3-8 FINE™
The Fluid Model in the FINE™ Interface Fluid Model
Information linked to fluid edition is stored in the fluid database only when closing the
FINE™ interface. As a consequence, this information will not be available to other users
until this operation is completed. A message will however warn users that the fluid prop-
erties have been modified by the owner.
3-2.7 Filters
On the Fluid Model page two filters are available to display only a limited amount of fluids out of
the complete list of fluids. Select the owner(s) and fluid type(s) to display from the pull down
menus to limit the list of fluids.
Please notice that under Windows™ the fluid database is not owner-oriented. The data-
base is stored locally and user defined fluids are accessible with full permissions to all
Windows users.
The filters are used only to browse the fluid list and not to change the current fluid asso-
ciated to the active computation except if selected in the list by left-click on it.
When loading an existing project and opening the Fluid Model page, please notice that
FINE™ is automatically checking if the fluid is existing or not in the fluid database. If
the fluid name is existing but the properties are different, a comparison window will
invite the user to select the fluid to use (the default fluid in the database or the fluid
defined in the project). If the fluid is not existing in the fluid database, no fluid will be
selected but the fluid parameters defined in the project will be kept.
FINE™ 3-9
Fluid Model Theory
All expert parameters related to fluid definition are available in Expert Mode in the Control Vari-
ables page. For these expert parameters the default values only have to be changed in case the user
has specific wishes concerning the fluid modelling.
PRT: Allows to define the turbulent Prandtl number (default value = 1.0).
3-3 Theory
3-3.1 Transport Properties
3-3.1.1 The Laminar Viscosity
In general the kinematic viscosity (in m2/s) is defined in FINE™. The laminar kinematic viscosity
can be
• constant,
• given in terms of a polynomial function of the temperature,
• given by a profile for a certain temperature range,
• varying according to Sutherland’s law.
The dynamic viscosity is then computed within the code by multiplying the kinematic viscosity by
the reference density.
The Sutherland law is given by:
For T ∞ > 120K
µ ( T ) = µ ( 120 ) --------- T ≤ 120K
µ ( T ) = µ ∞ ⎛ ------⎞ ⎛ -----------------------------------
T 1.5
- T ≥ 120K
⎝ T ∞⎠ ⎝ T + TSUTHE ⎠
For T ∞ ≤ 120K
µ ( T ) = µ ∞ ------ T ≤ 120K
T 1.5 120 + TSUTHE
µ ( T ) = µ ( 120 ) ⎛ ---------⎞ ⎛ ---------------------------------------⎞ T ≥ 120K
⎝ 120⎠ ⎝ T + TSUTHE ⎠
The viscosity µ ∞ in Eq. 3-3 and Eq. 3-4 is the dynamic viscosity specified in the Fluid Model page
or which is obtained from the kinematic viscosity and the density both specified in the Fluid Model
page. T ∞ and TSUTHE are respectively the reference temperature and the Sutherland temperature,
also specified in the Fluid Model page.
3-10 FINE™
Theory Fluid Model
• constant,
• given in terms of a polynomial function of the temperature,
• given by a profile for a certain temperature range,
• specified through the Prandtl number.
In case the Prandtl number Pr is specified, the laminar thermal conductivity is obtained as:
κ = ---------p- (3-5)
The turbulent viscosity is calculated iteratively using one of the turbulence models discussed in sec-
tion 4-4.3. The turbulent conductivity is obtained from the turbulent viscosity and a turbulent
Prandtl number whose value can be controlled through the expert parameter PRT (default: 1.0):
µt Cp
κ t = ----------- . (3-6)
Pr t
p = ρrT (3-7)
with r the gas constant for the perfect gas under consideration:
r = ----- = c p – c v , (3-8)
with R the universal gas constant and M the molecular weight of the perfect gas.
γ is the specific heat ratio, C p the specific heat at constant pressure, and C v the specific heat at
constant volume with:
γ = -----p- . (3-9)
When the gas temperature is so low that the vibrational and electronic modes are frozen, the inter-
nal energy of the gas will be proportional to the temperature. The specific heats as well as γ are
then constant. The gas is called "calorically perfect". This is the usual assumption of moderate
speed aerodynamics.
The relation between r and C p is given by
FINE™ 3-11
Fluid Model Theory
r = ----------- C p . (3-10)
The values of γ and C p are user input. The static pressure is obtained from the conservative varia-
bles through the following relation:
( ρw ) .
p = ( γ – 1 ) ρE – -------------- (3-11)
p = ρrT = ρ ----- T , (3-12)
• the enthalpy equation:
⎛ T
⎞ ⎧ T
∫ ∫
h = ⎜ C p dT⎟ = e + --- = ⎨ C v dT ⎬ + rT , (3-13)
⎝ T0 ⎠ ρ ⎩ T0 ⎭
where T0 is a reference temperature. In practice T0 is set equal to the minimum temperature of the
temperature range specified in the Fluid Model page.
These two equations lead to:
⎛ T
rT = ⎜
⎝ ∫ T0
( C p – C v ) dT⎟ .
In the case of a real gas with varying specific heats one can notice that it is not possible to respect
the 2 above equations with a constant value of r, unless the difference (Cp-Cv) does not vary with
Two solutions are proposed in EURANUS in order to model real gases:
• Constant r model. The user specifies the gas constant r (R). Then Cp(T) or γ(T) is provided and
Cp r
respectively γ is calculated as γ = -------------- or Cp is calculated as C p = ------------ .
Cp – r 1
1 – ---
• Perfect gas with compressibility factor. It is used when the user specifies Cp(T) and γ(T) to
define the specific heat law. The equation of state is modified to include a compressibility fac-
tor Z:
p = ZρrT = Zρ ----- T (3-15)
3-12 FINE™
Theory Fluid Model
⎛ T ⎞
⎝ T0 ∫ ( C p – C v ) dT⎟
Z = -------------------------------------------- (3-16)
where T0 corresponds to the new TMIN when from the two ranges, [TMING,TMAXG] for γ(T)
and [TMINC,TMAXC] for Cp(T), the smaller range is taken: TMIN=MIN(TMING,TMINC)
and TMAX=MAX(TMAXG,TMAXC). Then the range is expanded by (TMAX-TMIN)/2 on
the lower and upper side. This results in respectively a lowered TMIN and a higher TMAX, and
a two times wider range. Cp(T) and γ(T) are constant (zero order extrapolation) outside their
respective ranges.
In such case, in Eq. 3-16, the variable "ZrT" computed from user data (Cp(T) and γ(T)) is
directly used in Eq. 3-15 to define the pressure from the density.
a) Liquid
The density is user input:
ρ = Cst . (3-17)
This implies a decoupling of the mass and momentum conservation equations from the energy con-
servation equation, since no term in the mass and momentum equations depends on the tempera-
b) Barotropic Liquid
The density is a user defined function of the pressure:
ρ = f(p) . (3-18)
The corresponding values can be entered either through a polynomial approximation or through a
profile (see section 3-2.3.5 and section 3-2.3.6).
The particularity of the barotropic liquid formulation is that although the density is not constant, a
decoupling of the energy equation is still adopted, exactly as in the full incompressible formulation.
Modification of the treatment of the energy equation
A modification of the treatment of the energy is required in order to account for the density varia-
tions. The temperature equation for any type of fluid can be written as:
ρc v ------ = – T ⎛ ------⎞ ⎛ ∇V⎞ + ∇ ⎛ k∇T⎞ + ε v ,
dt ⎝ ∂T⎠ V ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
where εv is the viscous dissipation term and V is the specific volume (inverse of density). Since for
a barotropic fluid there is a unique relation between the pressure and the density the first term on
the right hand side of the above equation vanishes and the temperature for a barotropic fluid
ρc v ------ = ∇ ⎛ k∇T⎞ + ε v .
dt ⎝ ⎠
In addition, since from classical thermodynamics it is known that
FINE™ 3-13
Fluid Model Theory
∂c ⎛ ∂ 2 p⎞
--------v = T ⎜ --------⎟ , (3-21)
∂V ⎝ ∂T ⎠ V
the specific heat at constant volume depends only on the temperature C v = C v ( T ) . Note that for an
incompressible fluid the specific heats at constant pressure and at constant volume are equal
Cv = Cp .
The modification of the formulation of the energy for a barotropic fluid can be derived from the
above relations. For a barotropic fluid:
de = c v dT + ⎛ T ⎛ ------⎞ – p⎞ dV = c v dT – pdV . (3-22)
⎝ ⎝ ∂T⎠ V ⎠
The barotropic relation can be integrated from a reference state to finally obtain:
T p
⎛ ⎞
p ∂ρ
e ( p, T ) = e 0 + ⎜ c v dT⎟ + ----2- ------ dp
⎝ T0
∫ ⎟
⎠ p0 ρ
Compared to an incompressible formulation the energy depends on both pressure and temperature.
a) Introduction
The aim of the condensable fluid module is modelling the real thermodynamic properties of the
fluid by means of interpolation of the variables from dedicated tables.
The module can be used for a single-phase fluid whose properties are too complex to be treated
with a perfect or real gas model. It can also be used in order to treat thermodynamic conditions that
are close to the saturation line. Note that the model can be used on the liquid or on the vapour side
of the saturation curve. In case the thermodynamic state lies inside the two-phase region a homoge-
neous equilibrium two-phase mixture of vapour and liquid is considered. The hypothesis of an equi-
librium mixture is however not valid if the dryness (wetness) fraction exceeds 20%. The module
can not be used above these fractions, as it completely ignores evaporation-condensation phenom-
For a real fluid the equation of state may be a complicated and usually implicit expression, generat-
ing unacceptable computational overhead if the corresponding equations are explicitly introduced
in the solver. Similarly when an equilibrium mixture of vapour and droplets (wet steam for
instance) is considered as a single fluid, the calculation from the saturation properties of thermody-
namic variables must be done iteratively.
The approach that has been adopted in EURANUS consists of using a series of thermodynamic
tables, one table being required each time a thermodynamic variable must be deduced from two
other ones. This implies the creation of many tables as input, but presents the advantage that no iter-
ative inversion of the tables is done in the solver, with as a consequence a very small additional
CPU time. This additional time corresponds to the one that is needed by the bilinear (or bicubic)
interpolation procedures through the tables. In order to optimize the efficiency of these interpola-
tions, the input tables are always built on basis of a Cartesian mesh in the plane of the input varia-
bles (V1,V2) (N1 and N2 values for the variables V1 and V2 respectively).
3-14 FINE™
Theory Fluid Model
b) Thermodynamic Tables
Tables are generated based on NUMECA internal tools, which are based on various sets of well-
known equations as described below:
• Starling form of the Benedict-Webb-Rubin equation (usually used with hydrocarbons),
• Modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin model (selected equation for hydrogen),
• Vander Waals equation.
Single tables are generally used, which means that the tables cover both single-phase and two-phase
regions, as for instance depicted in Figure 3.3.2-7, showing one of the tables used to model hydro-
gen. A bilinear interpolation approach is well adapted to these tables, providing an adequate
smoothing of the saturation region. Bicubic interpolation techniques have also been implemented
and tested. They provide a higher accuracy for a given number of data points but tend to create spu-
rious oscillations in the saturation region. These oscillations can be avoided by adopting separated
tables covering respectively the single and the two-phase regions. These two tables are intersecting
along the saturation line.
Five categories of tables are used by the solver:
1. Basic tables: p(e,ρ) and T(e,ρ) or ρ(h,p) and T(h,p)
For non-preconditioned equations, the numerical scheme is based on a formulation of the equations
on basis of the energy and the density. The basic tables are used in order to update the pressure and
the temperature after each update of the formulation variables. For preconditioned equations, the
basic variables are enthalpy and pressure, they are used in order to update the density and tempera-
2. Entropy tables: p(h,s), ρ(h,s), s(h,p), h(s,p)
The entropy tables are used at the inlet/outlet boundary conditions, and are required in order to cal-
culate the total (static) thermodynamic conditions from the static (total) ones.
3. The (p,T) tables: e(p,T) and ρ(p,T)
These tables are required in order to allow the use of the inlet boundary conditions based on total
pressure and temperature. They are also required by the turbomachinery initial solution procedure.
FINE™ 3-15
Fluid Model Theory
ρ [kg/m3]
3-16 FINE™
Theory Fluid Model
The speed of sound is also required. It enters the numerical solution process through the spectral
radius in the time step and in the residual smoothing and artificial dissipation coefficients. It can
either be interpolated from a table or computed from the partial derivatives of the p(e,ρ) table:
∂p p ∂p
c = ⎛ ------⎞ + ----2- ⎛ ------⎞
⎝ ∂ρ⎠ e ρ ⎝ ∂e⎠ ρ
The Baldwin-Lomax, Spalart-Allmaras and (k,e) turbulence models can be used. The turbulent con-
ductivity calculation is based on the usual relation:
κ t = -------t- c p (3-25)
The specific heat at constant pressure can either be constant (the value being provided in the user
interface) or deduced from the specific table.
The condensable fluid option is not compatible with the use of cooling/bleed module
and/or upwind schemes for space discretization.
By default, a set of thermodynamic tables for water (steam) and the refrigerant R134a,
are installed. More details can be found in Appendix D. The installation of other sets of
thermodynamic tables must be performed as described in section 3-2.3.4
d) Specific Output
Specific outputs can be created by the condensable fluid module:
• enthalpy: static, total absolute and total relative
• dryness fraction (0<x<1), and generalised dryness fraction
Figure 3.3.2-8 shows the extra choices appearing in the Outputs/Computed Variables page under
the thumbnail Thermodynamics when a condensable gas is selected as a fluid model.
FINE™ 3-17
Fluid Model Theory
3-18 FINE™
CHAPTER 4: Flow Model
4-1 Overview
The Flow Model page, as displayed in Figure 4.1.0-1, can be used in order to specify several char-
acteristics of the flow:
• the time configuration to define time dependence of the equations to solve,
• the mathematical model to:
— choose between viscous and non-viscous flow,
— choose between laminar and turbulent flow,
— activate gravity,
— activate pre-conditioning for low speed flow,
• the passive tracers,
• the characteristic scales defining the Reynolds number of the flow,
• the reference values of the temperature and pressure in the flow.
This chapter is organised in the following way:
• section 4-2 describes the interface, best practice and theoretical background for unsteady com-
• section 4-3 describes the interface, best practice and theoretical background for harmonic
• section 4-4 describes the interface, best practice and theoretical background for the definition
of the mathematical model and especially the available turbulence models,
• section 4-5 provides details for the passive tracers,
• section 4-6 provides details on the Reynolds number related information and reference values.
FINE™ 4-1
Flow Model Time Configuration
a) Rotating Machinery
On the Rotating Machinery page, under the Rotor-Stator thumbnail, the Domain Scaling rotor/
stator interaction is activated. Furthermore, the Phase Lagged capability can be activated on the top
of the page. When activated, the Phase Lagged rotor/stator interaction will be applied.
4-2 FINE™
Time Configuration Flow Model
• fct(time) to define a constant value in space but varying in time. Click on the profile data but-
ton ( ) to activate the Profile Manager.
• fct(space-time) to define a space and time dependent variation of the boundary condition
value. In this case a one-dimensional space profile has to be defined. The time profile to
impose is a scaling factor that is applied to the space profile. This means that the profile in
space is only varying in time with a certain scaling factor.
Another way to define an inlet/outlet unsteady boundary condition is to set an absolute rotational
speed to the boundary condition by activating Rotating Boundary_Condition and specifying the
rotational speed in Rotational Speed Unsteady respectively under the INLET and OUTLET
thumbnails, and to set the periodicity of the signal entered in FINE™ through the expert parameter
EURANUS allows only one rotation speed (combined with a zero rotation speed).
θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 2π
t0 t0+T
The blade channel is initially (t0) located at θ1,θ2 and will after one period of the signal (T) be
located at θ3,θ4. Τhe circumferential signal has thus to be imposed from at least θ1 to θ4.
When Rotating Boundary Condition is activated, the time step is no longer specified by the phys-
ical time step in the FINE™ interface in the Computation Steering/Control Variables page.
Instead the time step is imposed by defining the Number Of Angular Positions.
c) Phase Lagged
When activating Rotating Boundary Condition in the Boundary Conditions page to rotate the
reference system of the boundary condition at the inlet and/or outlet, the period of the boundary
condition should be compared to the blade passing period. In the case of a single blade row calcula-
FINE™ 4-3
Flow Model Time Configuration
tion with the period of the varying inlet or outlet boundary conditions different from the blade pass-
ing period, the Phase Lagged option should be activated in the Rotating Machinery page and the
periodicity of the signal entered in FINE™ has to be specified through the expert parameter
NPERBC. See section 4-2.3.2 and section 4-2.4.5 for more detailed information on the phase
lagged boundary condition.
In the case of phase lagged approach, the Number Of Angular Positions is the
number of time iterations per full machine rotation.
EURANUS allows only one rotation speed (combined with a zero rotation speed).
d) Control Variables
On the Computation Steering/Control Variables page the following parameters appear when
selecting an unsteady time configuration non-turbomachine:
• Physical Time Step: in general cases the user specifies the magnitude of the physical time step
in seconds. This time step is constant through the whole calculation. In cases of turbomachin-
ery applications where Rotor/Stator interfaces are detected or Rotating Boundary Condition
activated, the Number Of Angular Positions is requested instead of the time step as
described in section 4-2.3.4.
• Number Of Physical Time Steps: to define the number of time steps to perform. In cases of
turbomachinery applications where Rotor/Stator interfaces are detected or Rotating Bound-
ary Condition activated, the Number of Periods can also be specified.
• Save Solution Every: allows to save the solution after a constant number of time steps. By
default the output files will be overwritten, every time the solution is saved. In order to keep
the successive unsteady solutions, the multiple output (Multiple Files) option has to be acti-
• Include Time Averaged Solution in Output: When activated the time averaged solution will
be saved in a "_tav.cfv" file. This option is only available when Rotor/Stator interfaces are
detected or the Rotating Boundary Condition is activated.
The time averaged solution is not available when the phase lagged approach is used.
1. The solution is saved every x time steps as specified in Save Solution Every ... time steps
4-4 FINE™
Time Configuration Flow Model
— Intermediate and One Output File: One set of output files is saved1 for restart of the
unsteady computation and visualization in CFView™ during the computation. No second
order restart possible.
— Intermediate and Multiple Files: Multiple sets of output files are saved1 for restart of the
unsteady computation. and visualization in CFView™ during the computation. This option
allows a second order restart (see paragraph e). This combination has to be chosen to be able
to make an animation of the saved time steps in CFView™.
• Number Of Steady Iterations: the number of iterations to initialize the unsteady computa-
tion. Such initialisation is performed with the steady state algorithm, using fixed geometry and
mesh as well as constant inlet/outlet boundary conditions. In case this initialisation procedure
is used the steady state iterations can even be preceeded by a full multigrid process allowing a
rapid initialisation of the flow (see section 9-4.3).
• Save Steady Solution Every: the number of iterations at which the solution of steady initiali-
sation is saved
By default only one output file is created. For the generation of multiple output files,
the Multiple Files option has to be selected.
Note that only a limited output is saved when selecting Multiple Files with Output
For Visualization/At end only. If a solution is requested every x time steps, only solu-
tion files with extension ".cgns" are written every x time steps instead of a full set of
solution files. This limited output still allows to restart from this solution (see section 16-
2). The full set of solution files will be written at the end of the computation.
1. The solution is saved every x time steps as specified in Save Solution Every ... time steps
FINE™ 4-5
Flow Model Time Configuration
4-6 FINE™
Time Configuration Flow Model
— to use constant values, initial solution for turbomachinery or throughflow as an initial guess
with or without steady state initialisation.
For more detail on these initialisation procedures see section 4-2.3.3.
7. All outputs available in steady mode are also available in unsteady mode (see Chapter 11).
8. On the Control Variables page set:
— the physical time step or number of angular position (see section 4-2.3.4) and the number of
time steps or periods,
— the amount of output files (see section 4-2.3.5),
— amount of iterations in steady state initialisation (see section 4-2.3.3).
A circumferential profile must be entered in the FINE™ interface for the full range
[0,2π] and NPERBC = 1 or for part of the range [0,2π/N] covering one or multiple peri-
ods of the signal and NPERBC = N. The profile should be based on θ, z-θ or r-θ. The
profile is rotating at the speed, specified in the Boundary Conditions page (Rotational
Speed Unsteady).
A profile as a function of r-θ must be structured. The profiles must be given at stations
of constant θ for increasing r. Also θ must be increasing going from one station to the
next in the file.
FINE™ 4-7
Flow Model Time Configuration
time accurate calculation in this case follow the steps 1 to 8 as detailed in section 4-2.3.1. In step 6
select in the Initial Solution page from file and select the solution of the steady computation. In
step 8 (section 4-2.3.1) it is also possible to select additional steady state initialisation in the Con-
trol Variables page (see paragraph c).
4-8 FINE™
Time Configuration Flow Model
• Number Of Angular Positions = i x N1 x N2 where i is an integer so that (i x N1) and (i x N2) are
around 30.
• Number Of Time Steps = j x (Number Of Angular Positions) where j is the number of full revolu-
tions. Usually j is set to 20.
• NPERBC = 1
(Number Of Angular Positions)x(NPERBC) corresponds to the number of time steps per full revolution
".cgns" files will be generated. The files are automatically renamed accordingly to the time step
computed using the suffix "_t#." that is thus determining the #th physical time step. The corre-
sponding ".cfv" files can be read in CFView™ only if in addition of the Multiple Files the Inter-
mediate option has been selected in the Output For Visualization option. Note that the ".run" and
".cgns" files (without "_t#." suffix) are linked to the initial state of calculation.
∂ ∂U
∂t ∫ ∫ ∫ U dV + ∫ ∫ ∫ ------
∂τ ∫∫
- dV + F ⋅ dS =
∫ ∫ ∫ ST dV , (4-1)
where t is the physical time and τ is pseudo time, U is the solution vector of the conservative variables, V is
the volume, F are the conservative fluxes and ST are the source terms. The time discretization of the deriva-
tive of the conservative variables with respect to the physical time t is made to meet the desired accuracy in
time. Two formulations are available:
First order upwind in time:
U V –U V
⎜ ---- U dV⎟ = --------------------------------------------- . (4-2)
⎝ ∂t ⎠ ∆t
FINE™ 4-9
Flow Model Time Configuration
This first order scheme is used only for the first time step of the unsteady computation except for a
restart when the two previous solutions are available (see section 4-2.1, paragraph e).
Second order upwind in time:
1.5U V – 2U V + 0.5U V
⎜ ---- U dV⎟ = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . (4-3)
⎝ ∂t ⎠ ∆t
All other terms in Eq. 4-1 are computed at time n+1. The equation is then treated as a modified
steady state problem in the pseudo time τ:
------- V n + 1 + R TA ( U ) = 0 . (4-4)
Denoting by R the residual corresponding to the steady state problem, the new residual used for
time accurate computations RTA is given by:
l+1 l ∂U
U = U + ------- ∆τ . (4-6)
Putting Eq. 4-6 into Eq. 4-5, a modified pseudo time step is introduced:
∆τ mod = ---------------------- . (4-7)
1 + β 1 ------
The pseudo time step is modified by an additional term containing the physical time step. This term
becomes dominant if the physical time step is significantly smaller than the pseudo time step. This
situation does not often happen since the physical time step is taken as large as possible. However,
in the far field where mesh dimensions are increased the pseudo time step might reach high values
and the contribution of the physical time step will have a stabilizing effect there.
The physical time step ∆t is limited by the level of desired accuracy. For periodic flows the time
step is usually taken a fraction lying between 1/20-1/40 of the expected period.
4-10 FINE™
Time Configuration Flow Model
n+1 n+1 n n
U initial V = U V (4-8)
Vn+1 being the cell volume evaluated at the next time step. The volume evaluation at each physical
time step is only performed for moving meshes.
In Jameson (1991) it is suggested to take as initial solution an extrapolated solution from the previ-
ous time steps. This is obtained by a Taylor expansion:
n+1 n ∂(U ⋅ V) 2
(U ⋅ V) = ( U ⋅ V ) + ----------------------- ∆t + O ( ∆t ) (4-9)
This expression leads to the following initial solution:
In practice however, using this expression does not show any convergence enhancement for the
next time step compared to the convergence obtained with Eq. 4-8. Eq. 4-8 is therefore imple-
In the particular case of turbomachinery applications a discretization in time of the blade passing
period is performed by the unsteady algorithm, and once one full period has been accomplished by
the algorithm, the solution may be initialised using the solution obtained at the same position at the
previous rotation. This requires the storage of all the intermediate solutions and the experience has
shown that it did not bring significant convergence improvements. The approach has however been
implemented in EURANUS, and can be activated by setting the expert parameter PREROT to 1.
∂ – 1 ∂Q
∂t ∫ ∫ ∫ U dV + ∫ ∫ ∫ Γ ------- dV +
∂τ ∫ ∫ F ⋅ dS = ∫ ∫ ∫ ST dV , (4-11)
where t is the physical time and τ is pseudo time, U is the solution vector of the conservative varia-
bles, Q is the solution vector of chosen dependent variables, Γ is the preconditioning matrix, V is
the volume, F are the conservative fluxes and ST are the source terms. For all fluids we have:
Q = ( p g, u, v, w, E g, ρ k, ρε, Y i ) . (4-12)
The time discretization of the derivative of the conservative variables with respect to the physical
time t is made to meet the desired accuracy in time. The equation is then treated as a modified
steady state problem in the pseudo time τ:
∂Q- n + 1
------ V + R TA ( Q ) = 0 , (4-13)
FINE™ 4-11
Flow Model Time Configuration
tion vector Q. When steady state is reached at each physical time step, the left hand side tends to
zero and the time accurate solution is obtained
When integrating Eq. 4-14 in the pseudo time τ, we treat the term ( Γβ 1 UV
) ⁄ ( ∆t ) implicitly.
This is obtained by developing the solution vector U in a Taylor expansion:
l+1 l ∂U ∂Q
U = U + ------- ------- ∆τ (4-15)
∂Q ∂τ
Putting this relation into equations Eq. 4-13 we obtain the following updating procedure:
-------- V n + 1 = – ⎛ I + Γβ 1 ∂U
------- ∆τ
------⎞ R ( U ) (4-16)
∆τ ⎝ ∂Q ∆t ⎠ TA
where I is the identity matrix. The updating procedure has been modified and includes now the time
steps ratios, leading to a stabilizing effect.
n+1 n+1 n n
U initial V = U V
n+1 n+1
Q initial = Q ( U initial )
Since the dependent variables are Q, these variables have to be computed at the beginning of each
physical time step from the conservative variables U.
4-12 FINE™
Time Configuration Flow Model
If one of the imposed variables along the inlet or the outlet is not uniformly distributed in the tan-
gential direction in the fixed space, the inlet/outlet section sees a boundary condition that changes
in time. In this case, the space distribution of the imposed quantity being defined by qo (1D or 2D),
each cell face centre coordinate is rotated by an angle ∆θ = Ω relative • ∆t at each time step, before
performing a new space interpolation.
The activation of this procedure along the inlet and/or the outlet is obtained by activating Rotating
Boundary Condition in the Boundary Conditions page and specifying the rotational speed in
Rotational Speed Unsteady respectively under the INLET and OUTLET thumbnails.
The use of a Rotating Boundary Condition imposes a limitation for the specified
profiles at the inlet and outlet. Only θ profiles (f(θ), f(r-θ) or f(θ-z)) are allowed and the
2D space profile f(r-θ) must be structured (profile f(r) with the same number of points for
different θ)
FINE™ 4-13
Flow Model Time Configuration
NumberOfAngularPositions NOFROT
n = --------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ---------------------------
NumberOfBlades NBLADES
Let us consider that the computational domain is the one defined by ABCDHGFE as shown in
Figure 4.2.4-3, where the solid blade walls correspond to the segments BC and FG. Under the con-
text of phase-lagged boundary conditions, the scalar variables (density, pressure, turbulent viscos-
ity,...)on AB, EF and CD, GH are not equal and the velocity vectors are not related by a simple
rotation operator, since the flow is not periodic.
U GH ( t ) = U CD ( t – ( n ⋅ ∆t ) ) , (4-18)
Therefore, the flow variables of segments AB and CD need to be stored for the n preceding time
4-14 FINE™
Time Configuration Flow Model
Therefore, the flow variables of segments EF and GH need to be stored for the (NOFROT-n) pre-
ceding time steps.
Since at the beginning of the computation no solution is available at the previous time steps, stand-
ard periodic boundary conditions are applied at the first iteration and then frozen during n time
steps for segments EF, GH and (NOFROT-n) time steps for segments AB and CD. Although this
procedure is the simplest, it might contribute to slow down the convergence to a periodic state.
∆t = --------------------------------------------------------------- , (4-20)
Ω ⋅ Nperiods ⋅ NOFROT
where Nperiods is the number of blades, or in case of phase lagged option:
2π 1
∆t = ------ ------------------------- . (4-21)
4-2.4.7 References
Arnone, A., Liou, M. and Povinelli, L., 1995, " Integration of Navier-Stokes Equations using dual
time stepping and multigrid method:, AIAA-Journal, Vol. 33, No. 6, 1995, pp. 985-990.
Eliasson, P., and Nordstrom, J., 1995, " The development of an unsteady solver for moving meshes
", FFA/TN 1995-39.
Fatsis, A., Pierret, S., Van den Braembussche, R., 1995, " 3D unsteady flow and forces in centrifu-
gal impellers with circumferential distortion of the outlet static pressure ", ASME, 95-GT-33.
Hakimi N. (1997) ’Preconditioning methods for time dependent Navier-Stokes equations’, PhD
Thesis, Dept of Fluid Mechanics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Hirsch Ch. (1990) 'Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows. Volume 2', John Wiley
& Sons.
Jameson, A., 1991, "Time dependent calculations using multigrid, with applications to unsteady
flows past airfoils and wings", AIAA-Paper 91-1596.
Melson, N.D., Sanetrik, M.D., Atkins, H.L., 1993, "Time accurate Navier-Stokes calculations with
multigrid acceleration", AIAA paper, pp. 1041-1042.
Pierce, N.A., Alonso, J.J., 1997,"A preconditioned implicit multigrid algorithm for parallel compu-
tation of unsteady aeroelastic compressible flows:, AIAA-Paper 97-0444.
FINE™ 4-15
Flow Model Harmonic Method
The non-linear harmonic method can only be used for turbomachinery applications.
When Harmonic is checked, the turbulence model is by default set to Spalart-Allmaras. The other
turbulence model that can be selected is Baldwin-Lomax. Euler flow and Laminar flow can also be
4-16 FINE™
Harmonic Method Flow Model
Only compressible perfect and real gases can be modelled using this method.
The flow perpendicular to the rotor/stator interface has to be subsonic, since a 1D non-
reflecting approach is used for the rotor/stator interfaces (see section 5-3).
The number of harmonics per perturbation in a row is restricted to be the same all over
the multistage machine.
The other harmonic method parameters in FINE™ GUI can be found at the following menus:
a) Initial Solution
It is strongly recommended to set the initial solution as the result of a previous steady flow simula-
tion. This improves the rate of convergence to the values of the amplitudes of the disturbance fre-
b) Outputs
A Harmonics thumbnail is accessible allowing specific outputs from the harmonic method and the
reconstruction in time.
In the Harmonics page of the Outputs/Computed Variables page, a first group is visible and cor-
responds to the harmonic variables: Pressure, Density, Vx, Vy, Vz and Entropy.
If a box is checked, the Real & Imaginary parts and/or the norm (Amplitude), of the complex
amplitude of the harmonics of the variable, can be stored in the output ".cgns" file. The number of
harmonics is the maximum, over the whole flow field, of the total number of harmonics per group
(bladerow), which is equal to (NPERT)x(NBHAR), both set in the Flow Model page.
FINE™ 4-17
Flow Model Harmonic Method
Example 1: if the Pressure box is checked, there will be 6 harmonics of pressure fluctuation per
row in the output solution file for NBHAR=3 and NPERT=2. This means 6 (for real) + 6 (for imag-
inary) + 6 (for norm) = 18 additional flow variables in the ".cgns" file, if the real and imaginary
parts are selected as well as the norm.
Example 2: For a igv/rotor/ogv configuration, NPERT is set to 2 and NBHAR is set to 4 by the user.
There are thus 8 (2x4) harmonics H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8 in the output.
• In igv row: only one perturbation is generated, induced by the downstream rotor. The perturba-
tion is modelled by its first NBHAR=4 harmonics: H1-H2-H3-H4. No second perturbation
exists, so H5, H6, H7, H8 are set to zero.
• In rotor row: two perturbations are generated. If the first perturbation is the one originating
from the row upstream then:
H1-H2-H3-H4: first 4 harmonics of the periodic disturbance induced by the igv,
H5-H6-H7-H8: first 4 harmonics of the periodic disturbance induced by the ogv.
• In ogv row: one perturbation is modelled, the first 4 orders being solved. H1-H2-H3-H4: first 4
harmonics of the periodic disturbance induced by the rotor. H5-H6-H7-H8: zero.
In this case, selecting only the amplitude of the Pressure fluctuation for the output gives 8 addi-
tional flow variables in the ".cgns" file.
If a stress is selected, each of its contribution per harmonic will be stored in the output ".cgns" file,
that is 8 different values in example 2 presented above.
c) Reconstruction in Time
The program Harmo2Time for reconstructing a harmonic solution in time, is available in the Mod-
ules menu. It can be also activated from the command line: harmo2time /full path/
In the Harmonics tab of the Outputs/Computed Variables page, an extra control is available for
the reconstruction in time, see Figure 4.3.1-5. The following parameters are only used for the
Harmo2Time module and can thus be modified after the harmonic computation has finished:
• Number of harmonics per perturbation used: The number of harmonics per perturbation
that the user wants to keep for the reconstruction. By default, this parameter is set to the value
of the Number of frequencies per perturbation that was chosen by the user in the Flow
Model page. The number of harmonics per perturbation, used for the reconstruction in time,
can be lower or equal to the value set in the Flow Model page.
4-18 FINE™
Harmonic Method Flow Model
• Extract the solution in time at nodes: Offers the possibility to select different grid nodes in
the mesh blocks at which the flow time evolution will be calculated. The program of recon-
struction will generate one data file per grid node (_unst_P#.dat) that will include the evolu-
tion in time of the flow variables (density, pressure, velocity and also the eddy viscosity for a
turbulent flow).
Harmo2Time generates a run file named "" presenting the same format as for the result of
an unsteady flow simulation.
By default, 10 unsteady "_unst_t#.cgns" files are generated whose time span extends over the max-
imum blade passing period over the multistage turbomachine. The "_unst_t#.cgns" files contain
only one blade channel per row. If a number of "_unst_t#.cgns" files different from 10 is wanted, as
well as more adjacent blade channels in a row, then the user can specify these quantities as expert
parameters. They are described in section 4-3.2.
4-3.3 Theory
The unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations are considered, formulated in Cartesian
coordinates (x,y,z) in a rotating frame for the conservative flow variable U = ( ρ, ρv, ρE ) where
v = ( v x, v y, v z ) is the relative velocity.
The conservative variable is decomposed into a time-averaged value and a sum of periodic pertur-
bations, which in turn can be decomposed into N harmonics:
U ( r, t ) = U ( r ) +
∑ U' ( r', t ) (4-26)
∑ ( U˜
Iω k t ˜ ( r )e Iω–k t )
U' ( r, t ) = – k ( r )e +U –k (4-27)
The first harmonic being the fundamental associated with the blade passing frequency (BPF) of a
bladerow for instance. The harmonic amplitudes U˜ and U ˜ are complex conjugates.
k –k
A time-mean flow equation is obtained by time-averaging the unsteady equations. This is like Rey-
nolds averaging, except that the unsteady perturbations are periodic fluctuations, assumed to be pre-
ponderant over the turbulent fluctuations. The resulting time-mean flow equations are in a
conservative form and can be formulated following a finite-volume method as
∑ ∑
Ω i ------- = – FcS + Fv S + Ωi Qi (4-28)
dt i
cellfaces cellfaces
FINE™ 4-19
Flow Model Harmonic Method
where i is the cell number and Ωi its volume. Fc and Fv are respectively the discretized convective and vis-
cous fluxes, and Q is the source term that includes the Coriolis and centrifugal terms.
The non-linearity makes the deterministic stress terms appear in the time-averaged equation in the same
way as Reynolds stress terms appear in the Reynolds averaged equations. They provide new contributions
Detc and Detv to the advective and viscous fluxes following:
( ρv ⋅ S )
( ρv ⋅ S )v x + pS x
F c S = ( ρv ⋅ S )v + pS + Det c (4-29)
y y
( ρv ⋅ S )v z + pS z
( ρv ⋅ S )H
Dx ⋅ S 0
Fv S = Dy ⋅ S + 0 (4-30)
Dz ⋅ S 0
Det v
(B ⋅ S) + q
Dx ⋅ v
where Dx = (τxx , τxy ,τxz), Dy = (τyx , τyy ,τyz), Dz = (τzx , τzy ,τzz) are the strain terms and B = D y ⋅ v .
Dz ⋅ v
v' x ( ( ρv )' ⋅ S ) D' x ⋅ v'
The deterministic stress contribution is of the form Det c = v' y ( ( ρv )' ⋅ S ) and Det v = D' y ⋅ v' ⋅ S .
H' ( ( ρv )' ⋅ S )
To compute the stress terms and perform the model closure, a transport equation for the unsteady perturba-
tions is obtained by retaining the first-order terms in the basic unsteady flow equations. Considering the
first N harmonic components of the periodic fluctuation U’, a transport equation is obtained for each com-
plex amplitude U k of the fluctuation. By casting the 1st order linearized equation into the frequency
domain, this harmonic perturbation equation is made space dependent only like the time-averaged flow
equation. It can be made pseudotime dependent and, being in a conservative form, formulated following
the finite-volume method:
∑ F S + ∑ F S + Ω Q˜
dU ˜ ˜
Ω i ------- = – c v i i (4-31)
dt i
faces faces
4-20 FINE™
Harmonic Method Flow Model
˜ ⋅ S)
( ρv
( ρv ⋅ S )v˜x + ( ρv
˜ ⋅ S )v + p̃ S
x x
F˜c S = ( ρv ⋅ S )v˜ + ( ρv˜ ⋅ S )v + p̃ S (4-32)
y y y
( ρv ⋅ S )v˜z + ( ρv
˜ ⋅ S )v + p̃ S
z z
( ρv ⋅ S )H̃ + ( ρv ⋅ S )H
Dx ⋅ S
F˜v S = D˜ ⋅ S
y (4-33)
D˜ z ⋅ S
( B˜ ⋅ S ) + q̃
D x ⋅ v˜ + D
˜ ⋅v
˜ ˜
where B = D y ⋅ v + D˜ ⋅v .
D z ⋅ v˜ + D
˜ ⋅v
Besides the linearized terms of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, the harmonic source term
includes the complex term that was induced by the casting in the frequency domain:
Q˜ k = – Iω k U
˜ (4-34)
⎛ ∂v i ∂v j 2 ⎞
τ ij = ( µ + µ t ) ⎜ ------- + ------- – --- ( ∇ ⋅ v )δ ij⎟ (4-35)
⎝ ∂x j ∂x i 3 ⎠
⎛ ∂v˜ ∂v˜ 2 ⎞
τ˜ij = ( µ + µ t ) ⎜ -------i + -------j – --- ( ∇ ⋅ v˜ )δ ij⎟ (4-36)
⎝ ∂x j ∂x i 3 ⎠
b) Closure of Model
The deterministic stress is directly computed from the harmonic values. The stress generated by
two fluctuations f’ and g’ reads
FINE™ 4-21
Flow Model Mathematical Model
4-3.4 References
Adamczyk, J. J. (1985), ’Model Equations for Simulating Flows in Multistage-Turbomachinery’,
ASME Paper 85-GT-226.
Chen, T., Vasanthakumar, P., and He, L. (2001), ’Analysis of Unsteady Blade Row Interaction
Using Nonlinear Harmonic Approach’, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No.3.
Gerolymos, G. A., Michon, G. J., and Neubauer, J. (2002), ’Analysis and Application of Choro-
chronic Periodicity in Turbomachinery Rotor/Stator Interaction Computations’, AIAA Journal of
Propulsion and Power, Vol. 18, No. 6.
He, L. and Ning, W. (1998) ’Efficient Approach for Analysis of Unsteady Viscous Flows in Tur-
bomachines’, AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 11.
Saxer, A. P. and Giles, M. B. (1993), ’Quasi-Three-Dimensional Nonreflecting Boundary Condi-
tions for Euler Equations Calculations’, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 9, No. 2.
Vilmin S., Lorrain E., Hirsch C., Swoboda M. (2006) ’Unsteady Flow Modeling Across The Rotor/
Stator Interface Using The Nonlinear Harmonic Method’, ASME Turbo Expo 2006, Barcelona.
4-22 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
For the Spalart-Allmaras, v2-f, k-ε and k-ω models, additional equations are solved and conse-
quently suitable initial and boundary conditions must be defined in the interface.
a) Boundary Condition
• Spalart-Allmaras: the value of the turbulent viscosity must be defined. It might be constant or
varying in space and time. The user can specify the time or spatial variation through the profile
• k-ε models: the values of the turbulent quantities (k and ε) must be defined. They might be
constant or varying in space and time. The user can specify the time or spatial variations
through the profile manager.
• v2-f model: the values of the turbulent quantities (k and ε) must be defined. They might be
constant or varying in space and time. The user can specify the time or spatial variations
through the profile manager. The value of v2 is deduced assuming an isotropic turbulence.
• k-ω models: the values of the turbulent quantities (k and ε) must be defined. They might be
constant or varying in space and time. The user can specify the time or spatial variations
through the profile manager. The value for ω is determined according to:
ω = --------- , with β*=0.09 (4-39)
β∗ k
b) Initial Condition
• Spalart-Allmaras: a constant initial value of the turbulent viscosity is defined through the
expert parameter NUTFRE on the Control Variables page under the Expert Mode.
• k-ε models: the initial values of the turbulent quantities (k and ε) are specified by the user if a
constant or initial solution for turbomachinery is chosen.
• v2-f model: the initial values of the turbulent quantities (k and ε) are specified by the user if a
constant or initial solution for turbomachinery is chosen. The value of v2 is deduced assuming
an isotropic turbulence.
• k-ω models: the initial values of the turbulent quantities (k and ε) are specified by the user if a
constant or initial solution for turbomachinery is chosen. The value for ω is determined
according to Eq. 4-39.
FINE™ 4-23
Flow Model Mathematical Model
When problems occur during the wall distance calculation (wall distance not equal to
0 on the wall), it is recommended to increase the value of NTUPTC (and to reduce RTOL
if the wall distance gradient is not smooth).
IDISTN: old algorithm for wall distance calculation when set to 0 (default value = 1).
IATFRZ: multigrid parameter
= 0: apply the turbulence model on all grid levels,
= 1: freeze turbulence on coarser grids (default),
= 2: freeze turbulence on all grids (see ITFRZ and RESFRZ).
ITFRZ: freeze the turbulent viscosity field if the fine grid iteration exceeds ITFRZ (default value =
RESFRZ: freeze the turbulent viscosity field if the fine grid residual is lower than RESFRZ
(default value = -12).
MUCLIP: controls the maximum allowable value for the ratio MUT/MU in the flow field but not
on boundary conditions (default value = 5000).
NUTFRE: constant to initialize the turbulent viscosity field (default value = 0.0003).
k-ε models
CMU: constant for the k-ε model in Eq. 4-77 (default value = 0.09).
4-24 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
CE1: constant for the k-ε model in Eq. 4-75 (default value = 1.44 automatically set to 1.35 for the
Chien k-ε model).
CE2: constant for the k-ε model in Eq. 4-75 (default value = 1.92 automatically set to 1.8 for the
Chien k-ε model).
SIGK: constant for the k-ε model in Eq. 4-74 (default value = 1.).
SIGE: constant for the k-ε model in Eq. 4-75 (default value = 1.3).
PRT: constant for the k-ε model - the turbulent Prandtl Number (default value = 1.).
INEWKE: defines the high Reynolds k-ε model when k-epsilon (Extended Wall Function) is
= 0: standard formulation of the wall functions,
= 10 (default): mesh independent formulation of the wall functions (extended wall functions).
MAVRES: allows to control the update of k and ε (default = 0.95),
> 0: according to the restrictions defined by Eq. 4-88 and Eq. 4-89,
= 0: according to the restriction defined by Eq. 4-88,
< 0: according to the restriction defined by Eq. 4-90.
MAVREM: allows to control the multigrid corrections for k and ε (default = 0.95),
> 0: according to the restrictions defined by Eq. 4-88 and Eq. 4-89,
= 0: according to the restriction defined by Eq. 4-88,
< 0: according to the restriction defined by Eq. 4-90.
MUCLIP: controls the maximum allowable value for the ratio MUT/MU in the flow field but not
on boundary conditions (default value = 5000).
LTMAX: maximum turbulent length scale (default = 1.E+6),
= -1: control of turbulent length scale with automatic clipping.
IYAP: (= 1) applies the Yap’s modification to control the turbulent length scale (default value = 0).
The value of the expert parameter LTMAX must be the default value.
TEDAMP: parameter to improve the robustness of the k-ε models (default value = -1),
> 0: a minimum of TEDAMP multiplication factor of the clipping value (EKCLIP) is used
for k in the factor 1 ⁄ T in Eq. 4-75,
<= 0 : the minimum values used for k and ε correspond to the expert parameter EPS,
PRCLIP: sets an upper bound for the ratio between production and dissipation (default value = 50).
LIPROD: corresponds to a linearization of the production term (default value = 1) when strain rate
is large (i.e. impinging flow) and PRCLIP has no effect anymore on the flow field.
EKCLIP: clipping value for the turbulent kinetic energy k (default value = 1.E-5).
EPCLIP: clipping value for the turbulent dissipation rate ε (default value = 1E-5).
KEGRID: Full multigrid parameter corresponding to the finest grid level on which the Baldwin-
Lomax model is used (default = 2). On the lower grid levels, the k-ε model is used.
FINE™ 4-25
Flow Model Mathematical Model
IUPWTE: (= 1) uses an upwind scheme for the convection of k-ε instead of a centre scheme
(default = 1).
IKENC: (= 1) solves the k-ε equations with a non-conservative approach (default = 1).
IKELED: (= 1) actives the LED scalar scheme for k-ε instead of the standard central scheme
(default = 0).
IOPTKE: (= 1) optimized implementation for k-ε (Yang-Shi, Wall function, Lauder Sharma)
(default = 1).
v2-f model
CMUV2F: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-98 (default value = 0.22),
C1F: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-97 (default value = 1.4),
C2F: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-97 (default value = 0.3),
CL: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-99 (default value = 0.23),
CET: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-99 (default value = 70.0),
CE2V2F: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-95 (default value = 1.9),
SIGE: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-95 (default value = 1.3),
SIGK: constant for the v2-f model in Eq. 4-94 (default value = 1),
MAVREM: allows to control the multigrid corrections for v2-f (default = 0.95),
> 0: according to the restrictions defined by Eq. 4-88 and Eq. 4-89,
= 0: according to the restriction defined by Eq. 4-88,
< 0: according to the restriction defined by Eq. 4-90,
EKCLIP: clipping value for the turbulent kinetic energy k (default value = 1.E-5),
EPCLIP: clipping value for the turbulent dissipation rate ε (default value = 1E-5),
KEGRID: Full multigrid parameter corresponding to the finest grid level on which the Baldwin-
Lomax model is used (default = 2). On the lower grid levels, the v2-f model is used.
k-ω models
For more information, contact NUMECA Support at [email protected].
4-26 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
FINE™ 4-27
Flow Model Mathematical Model
a) Cell Size
Separating flow
logarithmic law
Note that the sublayer extends up to y+=5 but 10 is an acceptable approximation for
design calculations.
Note: The variable v* displayed in the figure is uτ.
Picture from White, F.M., Viscous Fluid Flow, McGraw Hill, 1991.
When calculating turbulence quantities it is important to place the first grid node off the wall within
a certain range (ywall). This can be done for the blade and the endwalls (hub and shroud) independ-
ently. When doing computations including viscosity (Navier-Stokes equations) the boundary layer
near a solid wall presents high gradients. To properly capture those high gradients in a numerical
simulation it is important to have a sufficient amount of grid points inside the boundary layer. When
Euler computations are performed no boundary layer exists and therefore the cell size near solid
walls is of less importance.
To estimate an appropriate cell size ywall for Navier-Stokes simulations including turbulence, the
local Reynolds number based on the wall variable y+is computed. The value of y+ associated with
the first node off the wall will be referred to here as y1+:
ρu τ y wall
y1 + = --------------------- (4-40)
where uτ is the friction velocity:
4-28 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
τ wall 1---
uτ = ----------- = ( V )2 Cf (4-41)
ρ 2 ref
In Figure 4.4.5-6 is represented the evolution of u+ against y+ from the measurements of Lind-
gren(1965) with:
u+= u / u τ
Low-Re models resolve the viscous sublayer and are well suited for y1+ values between 1 and 10
whereas high-Re models apply analytical functions to the log-layer and are appropriate to y1+ val-
ues ranging from 20 to 50 (depending on the extension of the buffer layer for the considered flow).
Moreover one can notice that the logarithmic function does not apply for separated flow. So
whether it is expected that a significant amount of separation will have to be predicted, one of the
low-Reynolds number turbulence models would be more appropriate.
Recommendations are given in the table below for ranges of y1+ specific to the different types of
One way to estimate ywall as a function of a desired y1+ value is to use a truncated series solution of
the Blasius equation:
V ref –7 / 8 1/8
y wall = 6 ⎛⎝ ---------⎞⎠ ⎛L ref⎞
- y1+... (4-42)
ν ⎝ 2 ⎠
Note that the reference velocity, Vref, can be taken from an average at the inlet. For instance, if the
mass flow is known the value can be calculated using density and the cross-sectional area of the
inlet. If the mass flow is not known the reference velocity may be calculated from the inlet total
pressure and an estimated static pressure using isentropic relations. The reference length, Lref,
should be based on a typical length scale since an estimation of boundary layer thickness is implied
in this calculation. For instance, in the case of a turbomachinery simulation one could use the dis-
tance between hub and shroud curves that exist upstream of the first row of blades. This is approxi-
mate, of course, as the thickness of the boundary layers will vary widely within the computational
domain. Fortunately it is only necessary to place y1+ within a range and not at a specific value.
Another method of estimating ywall is to apply the 1/7th velocity profile. In this case the skin fric-
tion coefficient Cf is related to the Reynolds number:
FINE™ 4-29
Flow Model Mathematical Model
C f = ------------- (4-43)
Re x1 / 7
where Rex should be based on average streamwise values of Vref and Lref as discussed above. Since
uτ is based on Cf it may be calculated based on Eq. 4-41, and ywall may then be calculated from
Eq. 4-40. Note that either method is not exact but they will yield results that are quite close to each
other. In fact, it can be instructive to calculate ywall using both methods as a check. Since only one
wall distance is being calculated, the particular flow being studied should be kept in mind. For
instance if it is a diffusing flow Cf, and hence y1+, can be expected to drop. Since a certain range is
desired (e.g., 20< y1+<50 for high-Re Standard k- ε) the user may choose to base the calculation of
wall distance on an average of that range (e.g., 40).
c) General Advice
• What grid resolution is adequate?
The resolution method employed in the EURANUS flow solver requires approximately 9 nodes
across a free shear-layer and approximately 15 across a boundary layer to provide grid-independent
results for turbulent flows. If wall functions are used the boundary layer only requires approxi-
mately 9 nodes.
Of course the flow field under study will realistically consist of shear layers of which the width var-
ies substantially throughout the flow field. The user must therefore decide what is important to cap-
ture and what is not. For instance, in the design-cycle analysis of a compressor with a volute it
would probably be acceptable to choose a fully-developed boundary layer. The number of nodes
across the diameter would therefore be approximately 29. However, it would be wise to select a
number like 33 to maintain a large number of multi-grid levels. The selection of nodes in the
streamwise direction should be governed by what resolution adequately represents the studied
geometry. Regions of concentrated high gradients, such as airfoil leading or trailing edges or any
geometrical corners should contain a relatively high clustering of nodes.
• What determines the grid quality?
After the various grid resolution concerns are addressed, the level of skewness must be analysed.
Providing clustering in a curved geometry can often lead to internal angles of grids cells of 10o. It is
important to minimize the number of cells containing such low angles as the calculation of fluxes
can become significantly erroneous under such conditions. More information concerning how to
check the quality of a grid can be found in the IGG™ or AutoGrid™ manual. If the adjustment of
4-30 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
node numbers and clustering does not reduce the level of skewness, local smoothing should be
applied. The expansion ratio, or the ratio of adjacent cell sizes, should also be checked. It is partic-
ularly important to keep this value within an absolute range of about 0-1.6 in regions of high gradi-
ents, such as boundary layers, free shear-layers and shocks. If it is evident that adjacent cells are
different in size by factors significantly greater than two, the clustering in this region should be
reduced or the number of nodes should be increased.
d) Verification of y1+
By following these instructions it should be possible to generate a grid of reasonable quality for tur-
bulent flows. It is recommended however, that the user checks values of y1+ after approximately
one hundred iterations on the fine grid to ensure the proper range has been specified. At the same
time, it can be useful to plot contours of residuals (continuity, momentum, energy and turbulence)
over selective planes. If the level of skewness is too high, this will be indicated by local peaks in
residuals that are orders of magnitude greater than the rest of the flow field. If a multi-block grid is
used, the residual levels in each block can be compared in the Monitor.
a) Spalart-Allmaras Model
When the Spalart-Allmaras model is selected the user should specify in the inlet boundary condi-
tion the kinematic turbulent viscosity νΤ (m2/s). If no information is available on the turbulence
properties of the flow, estimates can be made based on the following assumptions that:
• For internal flows (e.g. turbomachinery): -----T = 1 to 5.
• For external flows (e.g. vehicle aerodynamics): -----T = 1 .
b) k-ε Models
• Estimation of k
The value of the turbulent kinetic energy can be derived from the turbulence intensity Tu or from
the wall shear stress.
— From the turbulence intensity: The turbulence intensity Tu can be expressed against the
streamwise fluctuating velocity u’ and the streamwise velocity Uref:
T u = ---------- . (4-44)
U ref
FINE™ 4-31
Flow Model Mathematical Model
For internal flows the value of Tu is about 5% and for external flows it is reduced to 1%. With
these considerations k can be calculated in considering an isotropic turbulence:
k = --- ⎛ u' ⎞
3 2
2⎝ ⎠
— From the wall shear stress: If the wall shear stress is known, the user can use the wall func-
tions defined for the fully turbulent flow:
k = ----------- (4-46)
ρ Cµ
This value of k could be used as an initial value and also for the inlet boundary condition.
• Estimation of ε
The value of the turbulent dissipation can be specified through one of the following rules:
— Specify the ratio of the turbulent viscosity to the laminar viscosity:
µ ρ ref k
ε = C µ ------ -------------
- (4-47)
µ it µ
3 3
--- ---
4 2
cµ k
ε = ---------- . (4-48)
— Derive ε from the asymptotic turbulent kinetic equation:
In a free uniform flow the turbulent kinetic energy equation reduces to
u ----- = – ε . (4-49)
This relation can be used to specify the value of the turbulent dissipation in the following way:
ε = – u ------ , (4-50)
where u is the inlet velocity, ∆k the decay of the turbulent kinetic energy over a length L. For
example, in a turbomachine, L is the maximum geometric length and ∆k could be set to 10% of
the inlet value of k.
Using this method, the user must make sure that the value of the turbulent viscosity obtained
from these values of k and ε is not too big or too small. i.e. 1 < ----t < 1000 . If this condition is not
satisfied, it is advised to scale down or up the value of k inlet or the ∆k and compute again the
turbulent dissipation
— Specify the wall shear stress:
If the wall shear stress is known, the user can use the wall functions defined for the fully turbu-
lent flow.
4-32 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
( τ wall ⁄ ρ )
ε = ------------------------
- (4-51)
If there is an initial solution file containing k and ε , the k and ε values of this file are used to
initialize the fields.
The initial values mentioned above can also be used to set the inlet boundary conditions for the k
and ε fields. However, to reduce the possibility of oscillations in skin friction due to non-physical
relaminarisation during convergence, it is recommended to insure ε ≈ 0.1 ε inlet .
Either of the above methods can be applied for setting the boundary conditions in tur-
bomachine applications. However, if the given values of k and ε lead to the killing of the
turbulence shortly after the inlet section, we suggest to apply Eq. 4-50 and select an inlet
values of k such that the ratio of the turbulent viscosity to the laminar viscosity equals
In some cases a cross-check between Eq. 4-47 and Eq. 4-49 may result in very differ-
ent values for ε. In such a case it is recommended to re-evaluate k and ε in the following
1. Use relation Eq. 4-50:
∆k 0.1k
ε = – u ------- = u ---------- . (4-52)
∆L ∆L
This relation expresses that k0 (k at the inlet) is expected to be decreased by about 10% over a
length ∆L that is characteristic to the size of the domain.
2. Use relation Eq. 4-47. In this relation Cµ=0.09 and ν represents the laminar viscosity of the
3. Combine the relations of the two previous steps to remove ε0, leading to:
0.1U µ T ν
k 0 = ------------ ⎛ ------ ------⎞ . (4-53)
∆L ⎝ µ C µ⎠
4. Using either relation Eq. 4-47 or Eq. 4-50 then easily leads to an estimation of ε0.
c) v2-f Model
The way the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and turbulent dissipation (ε) are estimated is the same as
the one used for k-ε models (see paragraph b). The value of v2 is deduced assuming an isotropic tur-
d) k-ω Models
The way the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and turbulent dissipation (ε) are estimated is the same as
the one used for k-ε models (see paragraph b). The value for ω is determined according to Eq. 4-39.
FINE™ 4-33
Flow Model Mathematical Model
4-34 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
KEGRID=2, the solution computed on 111 is seen as a Baldwin-Lomax solution. The k and ε fields
are then reset using the classical procedure while the other variable fields (density, velocity and
energy) are transferred adequately. To overcome this difficulty, KEGRID must again be set to a
value higher than the number of grids. This procedure results in a much better initialisation of k and
ε, thus preventing some relaminarisation while enhancing convergence.
FINE™ 4-35
Flow Model Mathematical Model
4-4.6.1 Baldwin-Lomax
The Baldwin-Lomax algebraic turbulence model, Baldwin & Lomax (1978), is a two layer model
where the turbulent viscosity in the inner layer is determined using Prandtls mixing length model,
and the turbulent viscosity in the outer layer is determined from the mean flow and a length scale.
The strain-rate parameter in Prandtls mixing length model is taken to be the magnitude of the vor-
The influence on the mean flow equations through the turbulent kinetic energy is neglected.
The turbulent viscosity is given by
⎧ ( µ t ) i, n ≤ n c
µt = ⎨ (4-54)
⎩ ( µ t ) 0, n > n c
where n is the normal distance to the wall, and n c is the smallest value of n at which the inner and
outer viscosity is equal.
The inner viscosity is
( µ t ) i = ρl ω (4-55)
+ +
–y ⁄ A
l = kn ( 1 – e ) (4-56)
+ ⎛ ρ w τ w⎞
y = ⎜ ----------------⎟ n (4-57)
⎝ µw ⎠
∂u j
ω i = ε ijk (4-58)
∂ xk
n max F max
2 (4-60)
and C wk n max 2 2 2 2 2 2 /F max
( u + v + w ) max – ( u + v + w ) min
The term n max is the value of n corresponding to the maximum value of F , F max , where
+ +
– n /A
F( n) = n ω (1 – e ) (4-61)
4-36 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
F Kleb = 1 + 5.5 ( nC 6
Kleb /n max )
The constants used are hard coded and equal to: A = 26 , C wk = 1. , C cp = 1.6 , k = 0.41 ,
C kleb = 0.3 , K = 0.0168 .The turbulent Prandtl number, needed to calculate the turbulent con-
ductivity, is accessible through the expert parameter PRT (see section 3-3.1.2).
The expert parameter IATFRZ allows to control the interaction of the model with the multigrid sys-
tem. When IATFRZ is set to 0, the model is applied separately on all grid levels. When it is set to 1
(default), the model is only applied on the finest grid and the turbulent viscosity is restricted
(through the restriction operator) to the coarser grids where the turbulent viscosity is frozen. It is
possible to freeze the turbulent viscosity field on all grid level by setting IATFRZ to 2. The value
can be automatically changed by using a criteria based on a maximum iteration number or on a
minimum convergence. The maximum iteration number is specified by the expert parameter
ITFRZ. The minimum reduction of order of magnitude is set in the expert parameter RESFRZ.
4-4.6.2 Spalart-Allmaras
The Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is a one equation turbulence model which can be consid-
ered as a bridge between the algebraic model of Baldwin-Lomax and the two equation models. The
Spalart-Allmaras model has become quite popular in the last years because of its robustness and its
ability to treat complex flows. The main advantage of the Spalart-Allmaras model when compared
to the one of Baldwin-Lomax is that the turbulent eddy viscosity field is always continuous. Its
advantage over the k-ε model is mainly its robustness and the lower additional CPU and memory
The principle of this turbulence model is based on the resolution of an additional transport equation
for the eddy viscosity. The equation contains an advective, a diffusive and a source term and is
implemented in a non conservative manner. The implementation is based on the papers of Spalart
and Allmaras (1992) with the improvements described in Ashford and Powell (1996) in order to
avoid negative values for the production term ( S˜ in Eq. 4-68).
The turbulent viscosity is given by
ν t = ν̃f v1 (4-63)
f v1 = ------------------
- (4-64)
χ + c v1
with χ is the ratio between the working variable ν̃ and the molecular viscosity ν ,
χ = --- (4-65)
The turbulent working variable obeys the transport equation
∂ν̃ 1
------ + V ⋅ ∇ν̃ = --- { ∇ ⋅ [ ( ν + ( 1 + c b2 )ν̃ ) ∇ν̃ ] – c b2 ν̃ ∆ν̃ } + Q (4-66)
∂t σ
FINE™ 4-37
Flow Model Mathematical Model
ν̃P ( ν̃ ) = c b1 Sν˜ (4-68)
ν̃D ( ν̃ ) = c w1 f w ⎛ ---⎞ (4-69)
⎝ d⎠
S˜ = Sf v3 + ----------
-f ;
2 2 v2
κ d
1 ( 1 + χf v1 ) ( 1 – f v2 )
f v2 = ------------------------------3- ; f v3 = -------------------------------------------- (4-71)
( 1 + χ ⁄ c v2 ) χ
where d is the distance to the closest wall and S the magnitude of vorticity.
⎛ 1 + c w3 ⎞ 6
fw = g ⎜ -------------------⎟ (4-72)
⎝ g + c w3⎠
6 6
6 ν̃
g = r + c w2 ( r – r ) ; r = -------------
- (4-73)
˜S κ 2 d 2
The constants arising in the model are
c w1 = c b1 ⁄ κ + ( 1 + c b2 ) ⁄ σ , c w2 = 0.3 , c w3 = 2. , c v1 = 7.1 , c v2 = 5.
The equation Eq. 4-66 is solved with the appropriate boundary conditions:
on a solid wall ν̃ = 0 , along the inflow boundaries the value of ν t is specified ( ν̃ is obtained by
using a Newton-Raphson procedure to solve Eq. 4-63) and along the outflow boundaries it is
extrapolated from the interior values.
4-38 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
a) General Formulation
In the k – ε turbulence model two additional transport equations for the turbulent kinetic energy, k ,
and the turbulent dissipation rate, ε , are solved. In EURANUS, 4 linear and 2 non-linear models
are currently used.
In the k – ε turbulence model two additional differential equations need to be solved respectively
for k and ε . These additional equations can be put in the following general form:
∂ρk- µt ⎧ ⎫
-------- + ∇•⎛ ρwk – µ + ----- ∇k⎞ = – ⎨ ρw″ ⊗ w″ S ⎬ – ρε (4-74)
∂t ⎝ σk ⎠
⎩ ⎭
ρε̃- µt 1⎛ ⎧ ⎫ ⎞
+ ∇•⎛ ρwε̃ – µ + ----- ∇ε̃⎞ = – --- ⎜ C ε1 f 1 ⎨ ρw″ ⊗ w″ S ⎬ + C ε2 f 2 ρε̃⎟ + E (4-75)
∂t ⎝ σε ⎠ T⎝ ⎠
⎩ ⎭
where S is the mean strain tensor and – ρw″ ⊗ w″ the turbulent Reynolds stress tensor.
ε̃ = ε – D (4-76)
µ t = ρC µ f µ kT (4-77)
b) Linear Models
In the linear models, the turbulent Reynolds stress tensor is related to the mean strain tensor in a lin-
ear way.
( – ρ w″ ⊗ w″ ) ij = 2µ t S ij – 2
--- ( ∇w )δ ij – --- ρkδ ij
3 3
1 ⎛ ∂w̃ i ∂w̃ j⎞
S ij = --- ⎜ + ⎟
2 ⎝ ∂ xj ∂ xi ⎠
FINE™ 4-39
Flow Model Mathematical Model
The constants or functions Cµ, Cε1, Cε2, σk, σε, fµ,f1, f2, D, E and T are model dependent and are
2 0.5
k k y
defined in the Table 4-3 where Re t = ------ and Re y = -----------
νε ν
T k ⁄ ε̃ k⁄ε k ⁄ ε̃ k ⁄ ε + (ν ⁄ ε)
2 2
D 2νk ⁄ y 0. 2ν ( ∇ k ) 0.
– 0.5y
2µε˜ e
–---------------------------- 2 2
E - 0. 2νµ t ( ∇•S ) νµ t ( ∇•S )
2 0.5
kw uτ ⁄ Cµ /
0. 0. 0.
εw u τ ⁄ ( κy ) / 2
0. 0. 2ν ( ∇ k )
The constants Cµ, Cε1, Cε2, σk, σε can however be changed by the user (respectively the expert param-
eters CMU, CE1, CE2, SIGK, SIGE) in the Computation Steering/Control variables page. The
turbulent Prandtl number, needed to calculate the turbulent conductivity, is also an expert parameter
4-40 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
Two variants of the high Reynolds k-ε with wall functions (see section d) exist:
• If the expert parameter INEWKE=10 (default), the wall functions are derived from DNS
(Direct Numerical Simulation) curve fitting. The k-ε model is in that case derived from the
Yang-Shih model. This new model, named extended wall functions, allows to obtain accurate
results on fine mesh contrary to the standard high Reynolds k-ε model.
• if the expert parameter INEWKE=0, standard wall functions are applied and the y+ value of
the near wall cell should be greater than 20.
The Chien and the Launder-Sharma models belong to the same family (zero value of ε
at the wall) while the standard and Yang-Shih model belong to a second family (non zero
value of ε at the wall). Launching a restart from a previously computed solution is only
allowed as long as the user sticks to the same family.
⎛ γRi t ⎞
4 fµ 2
– ρw″ ⊗ w″ = --- ----------------------
- ⎜ 1 – ----------------------⎟ kTS – --- ρkI
3A + f s⎝ 1 + γRi ⎠
i 3
1 µ t
C τ2
kT' ⎛⎝ 2S – SΩ + ΩS – --- { S }⎞⎠
2 2 2 2
– -----------------------------
3 3
A2 + s + ω 3
C τ3
kT' ⎛ 2S + SΩ – Ω S – --- { S }⎞
2 2 2 2
– -----------------------------
A2 + s + ω
3 3 ⎝ 3 ⎠
T' = 1 ⁄ ( f t1 ⁄ T w + f t2 ⁄ T ) ; T w = -------------------
2{S }
1 f t1
f t1 = 1 – ---------------------------------------------2- ; f t2 = 1 – --------------------------
2 1 + Re t ⁄ 70
( 1 + 2 { S }ν ⁄ ε )
2 2 2
s = T' 2 { S } ; ω = T' – 2 { Ω } ; Ri t = – ωs – ω
FINE™ 4-41
Flow Model Mathematical Model
4 1 ⎛ γRi t ⎞
– ρw″ ⊗ w″ = --- -------------- ⎜ 1 – ----------------------⎟ kTS – --- ρkI
3 A1 + s ⎝ 1 + γRi ⎠
i 3
C τ2
kT ⎛ 2S – SΩ + ΩS – --- { S }⎞
2 2 2 2
– ----------------------------- (4-80)
A2 + s + ω
3 3 ⎝ 3 ⎠
C τ3
kT ⎛ 2S + SΩ – Ω S – --- { S }⎞
2 2 2 2
– -----------------------------
A2 + s + ω
3 3 ⎝ 3 ⎠
s = T 2{S }
ω = T –2 { Ω }
Before launching the non-linear model, it is recommended to apply first the linear
model and restart from this solution. This procedure will provide a good initial solution
for the non-linear model and prevent the non-linear terms to cause divergence of the
code at the early stage.
Since the non-linear model is from Yang-Shih, the restart can be done only from the
Yang-Shih model (linear or not) and the Standard model with wall functions.
For the models that do not use wall functions (Chien, Launder Sharma, Yang & Shih
and Low Reynolds non linear model), the profile of the boundary layer is directly
inferred from the input values at the wall. Consequently, particular attention must be paid
to the grid refinement in this region in order to capture the viscous sublayer. A typical
value is given by 1 < y < 10 at the first node from the wall.
The wall functions are used to mimic the presence of the walls by reflecting the effect of the steep,
non-linear variations of the flow properties through the turbulent boundary layer. They define the
shear stress and the heat flux on the cell faces lying on solid boundaries as well as the values of k
and ε in the vicinity of the wall.
The wall functions are applied in the Standard (see kw and εw in Table 4-3 ) and in the High Rey-
nolds non linear k-ε models. For the extended wall functions model, the wall functions for k and ε
are fitted with polynomials to the DNS data.
4-42 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
d.1) Velocity
For smooth walls:
The wall function in the viscous sublayer is given by:
u- +
---- = y (4-82)
with y = -------τ- , the dimensionless normal distance from the walls and u τ =
τ wall ⁄ ρ , the wall
friction velocity directly related to the wall shear stress.
While in the turbulent layer, the wall function becomes:
u- 1 +
---- = --- ln y + B (4-83)
uτ κ
where κ is the von Karman constant (default value 0.41) and B another constant (default value
5.36). They can be modified by the user in the Boundary Condition page.
For rough walls:
The wall function is given by (no viscous sublayer considered):
u- 1 y–d
---- = --- ln -------------0- + B (4-84)
uτ κ k0
where κ and B are defined just above and k0 and d0 are constants asked for each rough wall. The
constant k0 is the equivalent roughness height while d0 is known as the height of the zero displace-
ment plane, defined by u ( k0 + d 0 ) = 0. (if B=0). For small roughness elements, d 0 = 0 . For high
roughness elements, the flow behaves as if the wall was located at a distance d0 from the real wall
k 0 = ------ where ks is the average roughness height
+ ks y
For rough walls, the constant B is usually zero (when ks+ > 70 with k s = ------------ ). Otherwise the
value of B is evolving as presented in below graph.
FINE™ 4-43
Flow Model Mathematical Model
When a rough wall is specified, the distance from the wall to the cell-centre of the first
inner cell should be bigger than k0 + d0. In general, the first inner cell should be located
within the fully turbulent layer.
d.2) Temperature
Similarly, for isothermal walls, the following laws are considered in the code:
+ +
T = Pr y in the viscous sublayer (4-85)
+ Tw – T
where T = ---------------- .
q w = ρCpu τ T τ (4-87)
A complete description of the available thermal boundary conditions at walls is provided in section
The "law of the wall" distributions of velocity, temperature and other variables are
assumed to prevail across the boundary layer. They are imposed at the node of a single
grid cell for which the user is advised to check that 20 < y < 100 . As a result, if the first
cell node from the wall is placed too close, calculation is conducted in the viscous sub-
layer and the law is no longer valid. Similarly, if the first node is placed too far away,
then a discrepancy may exist between the profiles and their assumed shape.
e) Numerical Concerns
This paragraph provides a description of the numerical method used to deal with the k and ε equa-
e.1) Choice of the initial and boundary conditions
Initial values for k and ε must be specified by the user, as well as the inlet boundary condition.
The specified values at the inlet boundary can have a strong effect on the flow-field prediction. Sev-
eral methods are proposed in section 4-4.5.4 to help the user in the choice of suitable values.
e.2) Limiters for the turbulence variables
Successive limitations are set for the turbulence variables to ensure physical values and the stability
of the calculation. Indeed, the term sources in the k-ε equations can vary strongly especially at the
beginning of the computation and lead to unphysical values and divergence.
1. To control the stability of the calculation, the expert parameter MAVRES, denoted here ζ , is
used This parameter limits the variation of the turbulence variables for each Runge-Kutta stage.
Denoting the new value of k or ε as q , the following restrictions are imposed when MAVRES
> 0:
4-44 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
n+1 n+1 n
q = max ( q , EPS,ζq ) (4-88)
n+1 n+1 n
q = min ( q , ( 2 – ζ )q ) (4-89)
where EPS is an expert parameter with a small value, default 1E-28, also used to avoid possible divi-
sions by zero.
The restriction defined in Eq. 4-89 is not applied to the turbulent dissipation rate (ε) when this tends to
increase, in order to avoid excessive values of the turbulent viscosity.
If MAVRES = 0, only the restriction defined in Eq. 4-88 is applied (avoiding negative values)
If MAVRES < 0, the restriction is:
n+1 n
n+1 n (1 + ζ)(q –q )
q – q = --------------------------------------------- (4-90)
⎛ q
n + 1
– q -⎞
⎜ 1 + ------------------------- ⎟
⎝ q
2. A similar system is applied to the multigrid corrections with the expert parameter MAVREM,
denoted below as ζ :
n+1 n n
If MAVREM > 0: q – q < ( 1 – ζ )q
If MAVREM = 0: restriction to positive values
n+1 n
n+1 n (1 + ζ)( q –q )
If MAVREM < 0: q – q = ---------------------------------------------
⎛ q
–q ⎞
⎜ 1 + ------------------------- -⎟
⎝ ⎠
3. The expert parameter LTMAX is used to limit the turbulence length scale L turb = --------- to a value
compatible with the domain scale.
If Lturb>LTMAX and MAVRES > 0, the value of ε is set to respect the maximum length scale.
If Lturb>LTMAX and MAVRES <= 0, the values of k and ε are set to a small value EPS.
The default value for LTMAX is 1E+6.
4. An automatic control of the turbulent length scale is possible by setting the expert parameter
LTMAX to a negative value (LTMAX = -1). In this case, the following length scale control is pro-
with le max the maximum equilibrium length scale in the computation, defined by
–3 ⁄ 4
le max = κd max C µ (4-92)
where d max is the maximum distance to the wall among all grid points of all blocks. The factor 5 in
Eq. 4-91 is set to avoid to clip the length scale too early.
FINE™ 4-45
Flow Model Mathematical Model
For the update of turbulent variables (previous paragraph), LTMAX is replaced by 5le max
5. Another way to control the turbulent length scale is the Yap’s modification. It is applied by set-
ting the expert parameter IYAP to 1. In this case, the expert parameter LTMAX should be set to its
default value (1.E+6) to avoid conflicts.
Yap’s modification consists of adding to the epsilon equation a source term that control the turbu-
lent length scale. It can be applied to all k-ε models. The source term to be added writes:
l 2ε
S YAP = 0.83max ⎛ --- – 1, 0⎞ ⎛ ---⎞ ---
⎝ le ⎠ ⎝ l e⎠ T
where l and l e are respectively the turbulent length scale ( l = kT ) and the equilibrium
–3 ⁄ 4
length scale ( l e = κdC µ ).
A weakness of Yap’s correction is that it might conflict with the inlet boundary conditions if these
are set without respecting a turbulent length scale criteria.
6. The expert parameter TEDAMP is another parameter to control stability. This parameter prevents
the factor 1 ⁄ T in the ε equation from being singular as k tends to zero (see Eq. 4-75 and the rela-
tionship between k and T in Table 4-3 ). A minimum of TEDAMP multiplication factor of the clip-
ping value (expert parameter EKCLIP) is used for k .
The same parameter is used to damp 1/ε coming from T in the calculation of the turbulent viscos-
ity, Eq. 4-77: a minimum of TEDAMP multiplication factor of the clipping value (expert parameter
EPCLIP) is used for ε .
If TEDAMP<=0, the minimum values used for k and ε correspond to the expert parameter EPS.
The default value of TEDAMP is -1.
Irrespective of the value of TEDAMP, this strategy always avoids the use of possible negative val-
ues of k in the source term and of ε in the turbulent viscosity.
7. Another important consideration is the amount of turbulence production compared to its dissipa-
tion, Prod ⁄ ( ρε ) . This quantity should stay within physically admissible ranges so that the turbu-
lence production remains limited. The parameter PRCLIP allows the control of this ratio. As an
example, Prod ⁄ ( ρε ) ≈ 1 for homogeneous core flows and thin shear layers, whereas
Prod ⁄ ( ρε ) < 1 for separated shear layers and wakes. Flows of high shear, such as jets in cross
flow, can exhibit much higher values of Prod ⁄ ( ρε ) . An upper bound of PRCLIP=50 is recom-
mended to the user. However, this control is removed by the use of a linearised turbulent production
model introduced in all linear k-ε models. This simple modification is relevant for impinging flows,
for which the turbulence models are well known to overestimate the turbulent production of kinetic
energy. It corresponds to a linearisation of the production term when the strain rate is large when the
expert parameter LIPROD is set at 1.
8. The expert parameters EKCLIP and EPCLIP are respectively the minimum allowable values of
the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and the turbulent dissipation rate (ε). They avoid non-physical neg-
ative values. Moreover the minimum value of k (EKCLIP) allows to maintain a minimum residual
turbulence in the domain. The default value is 1.E-5.
The minimum value of ε is chosen so that the computed value of the turbulent viscosity is reasona-
ble. With a default value set to 1.E-5, the turbulent viscosity has a value of the order 1.E-6.
4-46 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
9. The input parameter KEGRID allows the use of a particular full multigrid strategy for k-ε or v2-f
computations. The Baldwin-Lomax model is used on the coarse grids during the full multigrid stage
and the k, ε, v2 and f initial solution is obtained from the Baldwin-Lomax model solution.
KEGRID corresponds to the last grid level on which the algebraic model is used. For example, if
the computation is done with 4 levels of multigrid and KEGRID is equal to 2, the Baldwin-Lomax
model is used on the 333 (or level 4), 222 (or level 3) and 111 (or level 2) and the k-ε computation
is initiated when transferring to the finest grid. If KEGRID is set to 3, the k-ε computation will be
initiated when transferring to 222. If KEGRID is greater than the number of multigrid levels, the
computation will be started on the coarsest level with k-ε.
11. The expert parameter IKENC allows solving k-ε equations with a non-conservative approach.
This settings avoids the appearance of an artificial source term in the k-ε equations during the con-
vergence process. This artificial term comes from the residuals of the equation of the mass conser-
vation that can be non-negligible at the beginning of the convergence process. This approach is new
and not sufficiently tested to ensure that the loss of conservation is not excessive in all cases.
12. The expert parameter IKELED allows to avoid an excessive artificial dissipation of the standard
central scheme into the boundary layer. Indeed this scheme can lead to a non-physical relaminarisa-
tion in some specific test cases. An alternative computation of the artificial dissipation, based on the
Local Extrema Diminishing (LED) version of the Jameson-Schmidt-Turkel treatment has been
implemented. It is active when the expert parameter IKELED is set to 1.
All the above mentioned limiters are very important for the robustness of k-ε compu-
tations. With the exception of the length scale LTMAX all limiters are given appropriate
defaults and it is not recommend to modify them.
a) General Formulation
Though they produces relatively good results for a number of flow aspects, the Low-Reynolds k-ε
turbulence models use damping functions that correct the improper asymptotic behaviour of the
eddy-viscosity formulation close to solid walls. Insofar as the objective of this damping effect is to
represent the kinematic blocking by the wall, Durbin (1991) suggests to use the turbulent stress nor-
mal to streamlines instead of the turbulent kinetic energy in the definition of the turbulent viscosity.
Therefore, he introduces a new v2-f turbulence model that does not require any damping function:
v2 represents the turbulent stress normal to streamlines and f is a redistribution function.
The present code-friendly variant of v2-f turbulence model derived from the one described in Lien
and Kalitzin (2001). It is based on the high-Reynolds k-ε model with two additional equations for
the turbulent stress normal to streamlines and the redistribution function:
ν ∂k
------- = P k + ∂ ⎛ ⎛ ν + -----t ⎞ -------⎞
Dt ∂ xj ⎝ ⎝ σ k⎠ ∂x j⎠
C ε1 P k – C ε2 ε ∂ ⎛ ⎛ ν t ∂ε
ν + -----⎞ -------⎞
------- = -------------------------------
-+ (4-95)
Dt T ∂ xj ⎝ ⎝ σ ε⎠ ∂x j⎠
ε ν ∂v 2
--------- = kf – 6v 2 -- + ∂ ⎛ ⎛ ν + -----t ⎞ --------⎞
Dt k ∂ xj⎝ ⎝ σ k⎠ ∂x j ⎠
FINE™ 4-47
Flow Model Mathematical Model
2 2 ( C1 – 1 ) v 2
P 5 v2
L ∇ f – f = -------------------
- + ---- – --- – C 2 -----k – --- ---- (4-97)
T k 3 k Tk
The eddy viscosity is computed as ν t = C µ v T where the turbulent time (T) and length (L) scales
are defined by:
⎛ ⎛ k ν 0.6k ⎞ ⎞
T = min ⎜ max ⎜ ⎛ --, 6 ---⎞ , ----------------------⎟⎟ (4-98)
⎝ ⎝ ⎝ ε ε ⎠ 6C µ v S⎠ ⎠
⎛ ⎛ ⎛ k3 ⁄ 2 k
3⁄2 ⎞ 3⁄4
ν ⎞⎞
L = C L max ⎜ min ⎜ ⎜ ---------, ----------------------⎟ , C η ---------
-⎟ ⎟ (4-99)
⎝⎝ ε
⎝ 6C µ v S⎠ ε ⎠⎠
2 3
The terms that include the strain-rate magnitude (S) are linked to the realizability constraint intro-
duce by Durbin (1995) in order to overcome a too high production close to stagnation points. The
turbulent time and length scales are also bounded by the Kolgomorov scales.
The parameter used in this model and available through expert parameter in the Control Variables
page under Expert Mode are: Cµ = 0.22 , σk = 1, σε = 1.3, Cε1 = 1.4 ⎛ 1 + 0.05 ⎛ ----⎞ ⎞ , Cε2 = 1.9,
⎝ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎠
C1 = 1.4, C2 = 0.3, CL = 0.23 , Cη = 70.
b) Solid Boundary
k 2
The boundary condition on no-slip wall boundaries are: k → 0 ; ε → 2ν ----2 ; v → 0 ; f → 0 when
c) Limitations
To date the current implementation has not been extended to some specific modules: Rotor/Stator
interfaces, Full Non-Matching connections and Cooling/Bleed module.
4-4.6.6 References
Ashford G.A. , and Powell K.G. 1996, "An unstructured grid generation and adaptative solution
technique for high-Reynolds number compressible flow", VKI (Von Karman Institute) Lecture
Series 1996-06.
Baldwin B., Lomax H. (1978) 'Thin Layer Approximation and Algebraic Model for Separated Tur-
bulent Flows', AIAA-78-257.
Chien K.Y. (1982) 'Predictions of Channel and Boundary-Layer Flows with a Low-Reynolds-
Number Turbulence Model', AIAA J., Vol. 20, No. 1.
Durbin P.A. (1991), ’Near-wall turbulence closure modeling without damping function’. Theor.
Comput. Fluid Dynamics 3,1.
Durbin P.A. (1995), ’Separated flow computations with the k-e-v2 model’. AIAA J., 33, 659-664.
4-48 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
Hakimi N. (1997) ’Preconditioning methods for time dependent Navier-Stokes equations’, PhD
Thesis, Dept of Fluid Mechanics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Jameson A., Schmidt W., Turkel E. (1981) 'Numerical Solutions of the Euler Equations by Finite
Volume Methods using Runge-Kutta Time-Stepping Schemes', AIAA-81-1259.
Jameson A., 1995, "Positive schemes and shocks modelling for compressible flows", International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol 20, pp 773-776.
Launder B.E. and Sharma B.I., 1974,"Application of the Energy-Dissipation Model of turbulence to
the Calculation of Flow Near a Spinning Disc", Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 1, pp. 131-
Launder B.E. and Spalding D.B., 1974, "The numerical computation of turbulent flow", Comput.
Methods App. Mech. Eng., vol. 3, pp. 269-289.
Lien F.S. and Kalitzin G. (2001), ’Computations of transonic flow with the v2-f turbulence model’.
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 22, 53-61.
Nichols R.H. (1990) 'A Two-Equation Model for Compressible Flows', AIAA paper 90-0494.
Sarkar S., Erlebacher G., Hussaini M.Y., Kreiss H.O. (1991) 'The analysis and modelling of dilata-
tional terms in compressible turbulence', J Fluid Mech, Vol.227, pp.473-493.
Spalart P.R. and Allmaras S.R. (1992),"A one equation turbulence model for aerodynamic flows",,
AIAA 92-0439
Vandromme D. (1991) 'Turbulence Modelling for Compressible Flows and Implementation in
Navier-Stokes Solvers', VKI Lecture Series 1991-02.
Yang Z. and Shih T.H., 1993, "A k-e model for turbulence and transitional boundary layer", Near-
Wall Turbulent Flows, R.M.C. So., C.G. Speziale and B.E. Launder(Editors), Elsevier-Science Pub-
lishers B. V., pp. 165-175.
Zhang H.S., So R.M.C., Speziale C.G., Lai Y.G. (1991) 'A Near-Wall Model for Compressible Tur-
bulent Flow', ICASE Report 91-82.
When the gravity is taken into account in the Navier-Stokes equations, the source terms ρg
and ρ ( g ⋅ V ) are respectively introduced in the momentum and energy conservation equations
where ρ is the density, g the gravity vector and V the velocity vector.
If the fluid is a liquid, the density is constant and there is no influence of the pressure or temperature
on the flow by interaction with the gravity. To simulate these interactions, one can use the Boussin-
esq approximation in the gravity source terms. With this approximation, the density is developed in
the first order of the MacLaurin series. It becomes:
FINE™ 4-49
Flow Model Mathematical Model
with α the compressibility and β the dilatation coefficients specified in the fluid properties.
This variation of the density is only applied to the gravity source term (Boussinesq approximation).
Otherwise, the density is kept constant in the conservation equations. The value of ρ ref is the
characteristic density specified in the Flow Model page. p ref and T ref are the reference values in
the Flow Model page.
When the gravity is taken into account, a reference pressure must be specified at a ref-
erence altitude to add the hydrostatic pressure in the initial pressure field. The reference
pressure is the reference value in the Flow Model page. The reference altitude is speci-
fied in the expert parameter IREFPT in meter [m].
4-4.8 Preconditioning
This option appears in the Flow Model page only if the fluid type is compressible.
Preconditioning is automatically used for incompressible fluids.
This option is only available for central schemes. Consequently, the upwind spatial
scheme (Numerical Model page) is not available if the preconditioning option is chosen.
4-50 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
conditioning matrix. The main property of this matrix is to remove the stiffness of the eigenvalues.
In addition, reduced flow variables such as the dynamic pressure and the dynamic enthalpy are
introduced, reducing drastically the round off errors at low Mach numbers. The acoustic wave
speed c is replaced by a pseudo-wave speed c’ of the same order of magnitude as the fluid speed. To
be efficient the selected preconditioning matrix should be valid for inviscid computations as well as
for viscous computations with heat transfer.
The preconditioning methodology developed (Hakimi, 1997) is of sufficient generality and can
treat any type of fluids including perfect gases and incompressible Newtonian and non Newtonian
fluids. On the numerical level, the solution procedure including space discretization, time integra-
tion and boundary conditions have been adapted to the new transient behaviour of the conservation
The low speed preconditioner has been validated for inviscid flows, viscous flows, turbulent flows
and unsteady flows. Efficient convergence rates and accurate solution have been obtained for Mach
numbers from M=0.1 to M=10-6, Reynolds numbers from Re=106 to 10-6 and aspect ratios from 1
to 2000.
∂p- ---------
1- ----- ∂ρu ∂ρv ∂ρw
---- + + --------- + ---------- = 0
2 ∂t ∂x ∂y ∂z
αu ∂p ∂τ xx ∂τ yx ∂τ zx
------2- ----- ------ + ∂p
- + ρ du ------ = ---------
- + ---------- + ----------
β ∂t dt ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂z
αv ∂p dv ∂p ∂τ xy ∂τ yy ∂τ zy (4-101)
- + ---------- + ---------- – ρg
------2 ------ + ρ ------ + ------ = ---------
β ∂t dt ∂y ∂x ∂y ∂z
αw ∂p dw ∂p ∂τ xz ∂τ yz ∂τ zz
- ------ + ρ ------- + ------ = ---------
------- - + ---------- + ---------
2 ∂t dt ∂z ∂x ∂y ∂z
ρ ------ + p ⎛ ∇ ⋅ V⎞ = ∇ ⋅ ⎛ k∇T⎞ + ε v
dt ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Compared to the unpreconditioned Navier-Stokes equations a pressure time derivative is added to
the continuity equation and also to the momentum equations. The internal energy equation is con-
sidered to build the system and ε v is a dissipation term defined as: ε v = ⎛ τ ⋅ ∇⎞ ⋅ V = τ ij -------i ;
⎝ ⎠ ∂x j
V = ( u, v, w ) is the velocity vector. At this stage the eigenvalues as well as the eigenvectors associ-
ated with the preconditioned method defined by Eq. 4-101 are already completely defined.
– 1 ∂Q
∫∫∫Γ ------- dΩ +
∂t ∫ ∫ F ⋅ dS = ∫ ∫ ∫ ST dΩ (4-102)
FINE™ 4-51
Flow Model Mathematical Model
Q = ( p g, u, v, w, E g, ρk, ρε̃ ) . (4-103)
The variable p g = p – p ref is the gauge pressure and the variables E g is the total gauge energy.
E g = C v ( T – T ref ) + ----- (4-104)
⎛ ⎞
⎜ 1- ⎟
⎜ ---- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 ⎟
⎜ β
2 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ( 1 + α )u ⎟
⎜ --------------------
- ρ 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 ⎟
⎜ β
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ( 1 + α )v ⎟
- 0 ρ 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0
= ⎜ ⎟
Γ β
⎜ ⎟
⎜ ( 1 + α )w ⎟
⎜ ---------------------- 0 0 ρ 0 0 0 0 . . 0 ⎟
⎜ β
⎜ ⎟
⎜ αv 2 + Eg ⎟
⎜ ---------------------- ( – 1 )∗ 0 0 0 ρ 0 0 0 . . 0 ⎟
⎜ β ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 . . 0 ⎟
⎝ 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 . . 0 ⎠
4-52 FINE™
Mathematical Model Flow Model
λ 1 ,2, 3 = V ⋅ n
2 2 (4-107)
1 ⎛ β⎞
2 ⎛ ⎛ β ⎞⎞
2 ⎛ 2 (V ⋅ n) ⎞ 2
λ 4 ,5 = --- V ⋅ n ⎜ 1 – α + ----2-⎟ ± ⎜ V ⋅ n ⎜ 1 – α + ----2-⎟ ⎟ + 4 ⎜ n – -----------------
-⎟ β
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ c ⎠⎠ ⎝ c ⎠
2 2
The two parameters α and β are chosen so that the stiffness of the eigenvalues is minimised at low
The corresponding eigenvalues for incompressible fluids are:
λ 1 ,2, 3 = V ⋅ n
1 2 2 2
λ 4 ,5 = --- V ⋅ n ( 1 – α ) ± ( V ⋅ n ( 1 – α ) ) + 4n β
Compared to preconditioned system of compressible fluids, the first three eigenvalues are
unchanged and the eigenvalues of the acoustic waves can be obtained by setting in Eq. 4-107 the
speed of sound to infinity. We note in particular that the acoustic eigenvalues are always of opposite
sign showing that the flow remains subsonic with respect to the pseudo-sonic speed. As for the
compressible preconditioner the two parameters α and β are chosen so that the stiffness of the
eigenvalues is minimised at low speed.
Note that if a k-ε model is considered, the corresponding eigenvalues will be:
P ref ,T ref are accessible through the Flow Model page and are referred to as reference pressure and
reference temperature.
A value of Tref of the order of magnitude of the expected temperature field will reduce
the machine round-off errors influence on the temperature field.
The value of Pref fixes the absolute level of the pressure in the field. This value is used
in the equation of state for a compressible fluid and in the second order artificial dissipa-
tion term. A value of Pref close to the real pressure level is therefore recommended.
The parameter α is accessible as expert parameter in the Control Variables page under Expert
Mode as ALPHAP. According to several computations accomplished with the central scheme,
good convergence rates were obtained for values of α lying in the range [-1,1]. So far the best value
is found to be α=-1. This optimal value is not surprising since it increases the spectral radius and
therefore adds an additional amount of artificial dissipation.
Τhe preconditioning parameter β is imposed by the user in the Numerical Model page through a
coefficient β∗ and a characteristic velocity U ref such that
β = β∗ U ref
2 2
FINE™ 4-53
Flow Model Mathematical Model
U ref is representative of the maximum velocity in the flow field. For example, in external flows,
Uref could be taken as the free stream velocity whereas in internal flows it could be taken as the
maximum inlet velocity. For the user’s convenience, the constant Uref is however always set equal
to the reference velocity specified in the Flow Model page and used in the calculation of the Rey-
nolds Number.
The default value of β∗ is 3. Based on our experience with the presented low speed preconditioner
the parameter β∗ can be taken of order unity for inviscid flow computations. For viscous computa-
tions associated with Reynolds numbers greater than about Re=1000, a constant value β∗ of order
unity is also adequate. If convergence difficulties are encountered at the very beginning of a compu-
tation, it is recommended to increase the value of the parameter β∗. Remember however that a too
large value of β∗ will introduce excessive artificial dissipation into the solution.
For lower Reynolds number the parameter β∗ has to vary in order to preserve numerical stability and
a good convergence rate. The parameter β∗ should increase as the Reynolds number decreases and
may vary over several orders of magnitude (see Figure 4.4.8-7).
With low Reynolds number, β∗ has to be increased. But this increases the dissipation
and therefore alters the precision of the solution.
If the local velocity scaling option is activated in the Numerical Model page, another definition of
β is used:
1 10 100 1000 10000 Re
For high Reynolds flows it is suggested to choose β among the following values:
• β=3
• β=30
• β=300
Too small or too big values of β may lead to divergence or to a too dissipative solution (if β is too
4-54 FINE™
Passive Tracers Flow Model
4-4.8.6 References
Chorin, A. J. (1967) ’A numerical method for solving incompressible viscous flow problems’, J. of
Comput. Phys., Vol 2, pp. 12-26.
Hakimi N. (1997) ’Preconditioning methods for time dependent Navier-Stokes equations’, PhD
Thesis, Dept of Fluid Mechanics, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
ρ= ∑ ρs with ns, the total number of species. The external condition requires the same input data.
For passive tracers, species concentrations are entered and are independent from each
other. There is no limitation on the sum of the concentrations.
For passive tracers, species concentrations are entered and are independent from each
other. There is no limitation on the sum of the concentrations
4-5.3 Outputs
For each species, EURANUS will compute automatically the species concentration for each tracer.
4-5.4 Theory
The species conservation equation is written as
FINE™ 4-55
Flow Model Characteristic & Reference Values
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂c s
c s + ------- c s u = - ------- ⎛ D s --------⎞
---- (4-111)
∂t ∂x j ∂x j ⎝ ∂x j ⎠
D s = -------- (4-112)
ρS c
For turbulent computations a turbulent Schmidt number Sc,t is added leading to:
µ µt
D s = -------- + ------------ (4-113)
ρS c ρS c, t
4-56 FINE™
Characteristic & Reference Values Flow Model
The reference values have been introduced for preconditioning, to define a gauge pressure and a
gauge total energy. These reference values also have some additional uses which are described
— in the Boussinesq approximation for incompressible fluid (Eq. 4-100),
— in the outlet boundary condition for which the mass flow is imposed with pressure adapta-
— in the definition of the heat transfer coefficient when the expert parameter HTCDEF is set to
2, see section 11-2.1.5.
FINE™ 4-57
Flow Model Characteristic & Reference Values
4-58 FINE™
CHAPTER 5: Rotating Machinery
5-1 Overview
The Rotating Machinery page contains the following tab pages:
• Rotating Blocks, defining for each block typical information concerning cylindrical cases.
This page is only available when the mesh is cylindrical (see Mesh/Properties... to see
whether the mesh is cylindrical or Cartesian). See section 5-2 for more detail on this tab page.
• Rotor-Stator, defining the properties of each rotor/stator interface. This page is only available
when the mesh contains Rotor/Stator interfaces. Rotor/Stator interfaces are defined in IGG™
as ROT boundary condition. For more detail on this thumbnail see section 5-3.
• Throughflow Blocks, giving access to two-dimensional throughflow Euler simulation. This
module is only accessible for non-viscous flows (Euler has to be selected as the mathematical
model on the Flow Model page). See Chapter 6 for more details on the options available in
this tab page.
FINE™ 5-1
Rotating Machinery Rotating Blocks
When selecting the Rotating Blocks thumbnail the page appears as shown in Figure 5.2.0-1. On the
left a list of all blocks is displayed. If the mesh has been made with AutoGrid™, a default grouping
per row is proposed. It is also possible to manually group the blocks that have the same properties:
1. Clicking on a block de-selects the currently selected block(s). It is possible to select several con-
secutive blocks in the list by clicking on the first one and holding the left mouse button while
selecting the next. To select a group of blocks which are not situated next to each other, click on
each of them while keeping the <Ctrl> key pressed.
2. Click on the Group button. A text box will appear just below the Group button. Place the cursor
in the text box and type the name of the group and press <Enter>. The name of the group will
appear on the list of blocks in red with a plus sign on the left of the name. To see the blocks that
are included in a certain group double click on the name of the group or click on the symbol
in front of the name.
3. To remove a group of blocks select the group and click on the Ungroup button. The group will
be removed and the blocks that were in this group will be listed again in the list as separate
4. The Reset Turbo Groups button allows to reset the default grouping proposed by AutoGrid™.
On the right of the list with blocks, the information for the selected block or group of blocks is
given. If multiple blocks are selected the information is only displayed for the first selected block.
For each block the current and maximum number of nodes in the three grid directions is shown.
Four items need to be defined by the user: the streamwise direction, the spanwise direction, the azi-
muthal direction and the rotational speed:
— The streamwise, spanwise and azimuthal directions allow to determine the block orientation.
Please note that if AutoGrid™ is used for the grid generation, the streamwise direction is
automatically taken as being the k-direction, the spanwise direction as the j-direction and the
azimuthal direction as the i-direction.
The block orientation has an impact when using the radial equilibrium outlet (span-
wise direction used), when performing an azimuthal or surface averaging (respectively
spanwise and streamwise direction used).
5-2 FINE™
Rotor/Stator Interaction Rotating Machinery
— The EURANUS flow solver solves the equations in a relative frame of reference. This
implies that the mesh blocks surrounding rotating blades rotate with the blades and should
therefore be set as "rotating" in this page. The Rotational Speed of the block has to be given
in Revolutions Per Minute (RPM). A positive value for the rotation speed indicates a rota-
tion in positive θ-direction with θ positive according to a right handed coordinate system. In
Figure 5.2.0-2 this is illustrated for the case where the z-axis is the axis of rotation which is
automatically the case for a mesh created with AutoGrid™.
The different computations in a project can not have different configuration settings. If
any of the settings in this area are changed, the modifications will be taken into account
for all (active and non-active) computations.
The rotation axis should be the z-axis in order to be compatible with the EURANUS
flow solver.
On the left, the list of patches is displayed which are defined as part of a rotor/stator interface in
IGG™ (boundary condition type: ROT). It is possible to display only a limited amount of patches
by using the Filter. Type in the text box the part of the name that is common to all patches to dis-
play and press <Enter>. All patches containing in the name the entered text will be displayed. Note
that the filter is case insensitive.
It is possible to group patches that have the same definition by selecting them in the list and click-
ing on the Group button. A text box will appear below this button which allows to enter a name for
the group. The group will be displayed in red in the list of patches. Double click on the group name
to see which patches are in the group. To select multiple patches select them while keeping the
FINE™ 5-3
Rotating Machinery Rotor/Stator Interaction
<Ctrl> key pressed. To remove the group simply select the group from the list and click on
Ungroup. The patches in the selected group will be put back into the list of patches and the group
name will be removed from the list.
Multiple rotor/stator interfaces can be treated in one single project. Each rotor/stator interface is
indicated by an ID Number and each of them may contain an arbitrary number of Upstream and
Downstream patches. For each patch in the list, the ID number of the corresponding rotor/stator
interface has to be provided by the user. Also it should be specified whether the patch is located in
the upstream or downstream side of the interface. It should be mentioned that no hypothesis is made
on the direction of the flow through the interface, except when the transition module (see section 7-
5) or the stage-by-stage analysis (see section 11-3.2) is used. The purpose of the upstream and
downstream denominations is only to establish the two groups of patches belonging to respectively
the rotor and the stator side.
In addition to the ID number and the upstream/downstream side specifications the user has to select
• the order of Extrapolation (zero or first order). Zero order extrapolation (default) is used in
most cases and usually provides satisfactory results. First order extrapolation may be useful in
case of important flow gradients in the direction normal to the interface together with a rela-
tively coarse mesh.
• one of the five available steady state techniques (for steady state applications only), i.e. the
Conservative Coupling by Pitchwise Rows, Local Conservative Coupling, Full Non
Matching Mixing plane, Full Non Matching Frozen Rotor and Non Reflecting 1D
1. The Conservative Coupling by Pitchwise Rows approach is recommended due to its capability
to provide an exact conservation of mass flow, momentum and energy through the interface. This
approach adopts the same coupling procedure for all the nodes along the circumferential direction,
even if the local flow direction is different from the averaged one. This technique offers the advan-
tage of being able to guarantee a strict conservation of mass, momentum and energy through the
interface. Moreover it shows to be very robust and is therefore used by default.
2. The Local Conservative Coupling approach is only recommended for the rotor/stator interface
between an impeller and a volute. Experience has shown that in cases, where significant flow varia-
tions are observed in the circumferential direction (as for instance in the case of rotor-volute inter-
5-4 FINE™
How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces? Rotating Machinery
actions), it is more stable to base the flux decomposition on the local flow direction as it is done in
the Local Conservative Coupling technique. Small conservation errors can be observed with this
technique, which is therefore only used for special configurations.
3. The Full Non Matching Mixing plane approach is respecting an exact conservation of mass
flow, momentum and energy through the interface as the Conservative Coupling by Pitchwise
Rows but has less constraints on the interface geometry.
4. The Full Non Matching Frozen Rotor approach is considering the rotor/stator interface as a
perfect connection and is neglecting the rotor movement in the connecting algorithm. In this
approach, the periodicities between rotor stator must be equal.
5. The Non Reflecting 1D approach is based upon a characteristic analysis of the linearized Euler
equations. The characteristic variables are imposed on each side of the rotor/stator interface. Such a
treatment is recommended when wave reflection is observed at the interface, which can occur when
the interface is close to the blade.
The Non Reflecting 1D approach can not be used when the flow perpendicular to the
rotor/stator interface is supersonic.
FINE™ 5-5
Rotating Machinery How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces?
time-averaged flow. The values are calculated with respect to the matching of the unsteady
flow on both sides of the interface and are treated locally by a non-reflective treatment. A mix-
ing-plane approach is applied to the eddy-viscosity if the Spalart-Allmaras model is used. See
section 5-4.5 for more detail on how to use this approach and, section 4-3.3 and section 5-5.6
for the theoretical background.
5-6 FINE™
How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces? Rotating Machinery
Another interpolation technique (Full Non Matching Mixing plane) has been implemented to
avoid those geometrical constraints. This technique is based on the full non-matching algorithm and
has clear advantages:
• The geometrical constraints have been removed, the only remaining constraint being that the
rotor/stator patches belonging to a given interface should lie on the same common axisymmet-
ric surface.
• An exact conservation of the mass flow, momentum and energy is guaranteed.
ID = 2
Upstream Downstream
Upstream Downstream
ID = 1
Flow Direction
FINE™ 5-7
Rotating Machinery How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces?
In some cases, i.e. in low pressure ratio compressors or turbines, the losses at the
rotor/stator interfaces are in the order of magnitude of the overall gain in the machine. In
such cases, it is recommended to use an unsteady approach and more specifically the har-
monic approach (section 5-4.5)
5-8 FINE™
How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces? Rotating Machinery
2. To create a mesh covering the same pitchwise distance on both sides of the interface and to
impose Full Non Matching Frozen Rotor in the Rotating Machinery page under the Rotor-
Stator thumbnail. Furthermore the user has to specify for each of these patches the ID and the
upstream/downstream location as described in section 5-4.1.3 at step 2. Therefore, the boundary
condition type must be set to "ROT" in IGG™ for all grid patches belonging to a rotor/stator
3. When starting an unsteady computation by imposing iterations as a steady initialization in the
Control Variables page, the frozen rotor technique is used during the steady iterations.
Note that for example for an impeller-volute computation the complete impeller
would need to be meshed in all three cases since the periodicity of the volute is 1.
FINE™ 5-9
Rotating Machinery How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces?
As an illustration the frozen rotor method is compared to the sliding mesh approach for the Aachen
Turbine in Figure 5.4.2-7 and Figure 5.4.2-8.
5-10 FINE™
How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces? Rotating Machinery
FINE™ 5-11
Rotating Machinery How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces?
5-12 FINE™
How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces? Rotating Machinery
The two periods of blade passing frequencies are respectively (ixNbrotorx∆t) and (ixNbstatorx∆t).
Since the number of time steps per passage is usually imposed around 40, the value of i should be
adjusted so that (ixNbrotor) and (ixNbstator) are both close to this number. By experience, if the
number of time steps per passage is lower than 30 the solution starts to be deteriorated.
5. The Number Of Time Steps in the Control Variable page is defined as:
Number Of Time Steps = j x (Number Of Angular Positions)/min(Nbrotor,Nbstator)
During the calculation, it is recommended to repeat the longer period at least 15 to 20 times (j
evolves from 15 to 20). By experience, usually after 20 times (j=20), the flow becomes periodic.
There is thus no need to make many full rotations and sometimes even one full rotation.
6. For more info on the Outputs Files available in the Control Variables page, see section 4-2.1.
By default, the Phase Lagged method computes the viscous fluxes at the rotor/stator interface by
extrapolation from dummy cell values, set from same side inner cells (more details can be found in
section 5-5.5.2).
FINE™ 5-13
Rotating Machinery How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces?
Nb rotor
Number Of Points in Azimuthal Direction in stator 1: 30 x --------------------
- x NH
Nb stator1
Nb stator1 Nb stator2
max(30 x --------------------- x NH, 30 x --------------------- x NH)
Nb rotor Nb rotor
Nb rotor
Number Of Points in Azimuthal Direction in stator 2: 30 x --------------------- x NH
Nb stator2
5-14 FINE™
How to Set-up a Simulation with Rotor/Stator Interfaces? Rotating Machinery
FINE™ 5-15
Rotating Machinery Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces
5-16 FINE™
Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces Rotating Machinery
FINE™ 5-17
Rotating Machinery Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces
Once the transfer is completed, a decoding of the fluxes with pressure is carried out on each side
with the formulas which depend on the type of fluid.
Compressible flows
For compressible flows, the density, velocity vector and pressure are derived from Q ρ, Q v, Q E ,
respectively the flux of mass, the flux of momentum plus the pressure force and the flux of energy.
The other variables such as k or ε are also derived from their fluxes. They are referred to, in the fol-
lowing as X an QX. The fluxes are constructed from the primitive variables using:
Qρ = ρ ( V ⋅ S )
Q v = ρV ( V ⋅ S )
. (5-1)
Q E = ρ ( CpT + V ⁄ 2 ) ( V ⋅ S )
Q X = ρX ( V ⋅ S )
where ρ is the density, V the absolute velocity vector, T the temperature, Cp the heat capacity and
S the surface vector of the cell face. After application of the mixing process the primitive variables
are calculated from the fluxes using:
2 ·
⎛ Qv ⋅ S ⎞
Qv ⋅ S ( γ – 1 ) ( Q v – ( 2Q ρ Q E ) )
- ± ⎜ ----------------------⎟ + ----------------------------------------------------------
p s = ---------------------
S (γ + 1) ⎝ S 2 ( γ + 1 )⎠ 2
S (γ + 1)
Qv – ps S
v = -------------------
Qρ (5-2)
ρ = ----------
X = -------
For incompressible flows, the velocity vector and pressure are derived from Q ρ, Q v , respectively
the flux of mass and the flux of momentum plus the pressure force (See Eq. 5-1). The other varia-
bles like k or ε are also derived from their fluxes. They are referred to, in the following, as X and
QX. As far as the energy equation is concerned, the temperature is also derived from its flux like the
other X variables.
( Qv ⋅ S – Qρ ⁄ ρ )
p s = --------------------------------------
( Qv – ps S ) (5-3)
V = -------------------------
X = ------X-
5-18 FINE™
Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces Rotating Machinery
FINE™ 5-19
Rotating Machinery Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces
One image mesh is constructed on both sides of the interface. It respects the following constraints:
• The image is a "concatenation" of all the patches constituting the left or right side of the inter-
• The pitchwise mesh lines lie on circular arcs.
• The left and right images have the same spanwise distribution of the nodes.
• The mesh density of the image is similar to the one of the initial patch.
The creation of the image mesh is illustrated by Figure 5.5.3-11, showing the creation of the image
of a butterfly configuration. With the previous version of the mixing plane module such a configu-
ration would have required the creation of an intermediate block with one face connected to the but-
terfly and the opposite face respecting the constraints of rotor/stator patches.
F 1 = ρV n ∆S
F 2 = ρV r V n ∆S
F 3 = ρV θ V n ∆S
F 4 = ρV z V n ∆S
F 5 = ρHV n ∆S
2. For all spanwise positions perform a pitchwise averaging of the flux and of the primitive varia-
3. For all spanwise positions determine the upstream and downstream side according to the flow
direction, and build the mixing plane fluxes.
5-20 FINE™
Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces Rotating Machinery
The local fluxes on the upstream side are taken from the upstream, with a contribution of the aver-
aged downstream static pressure.:
ups ups
F1 = F1
ups ups down
F2 = F2 + p n r ∆S
ups ups
F3 = F3
ups ups down
F4 = F4 + p n z ∆S
ups ups
F5 = F5
On the downstream side the local fluxes are taken as the averaged fluxes on the upstream side with
a contribution of the local static pressure:
down ups
F1 = F1
down ups down
F2 = F2 + p n r ∆S
down ups
F3 = F3
down ups down
F4 = F4 + p n z ∆S
down ups
F5 = F5
Without IGV
FIGURE 5.5.4-12 Relative Mach number at 95% spanwise position for a multistage
FINE™ 5-21
Rotating Machinery Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces
A common way to cope with this problem is to use a steady-state non reflecting boundary condition
based upon a characteristic analysis of the linearized Euler equations [Giles, 1988]. The characteris-
tic variables are imposed on each side of the rotor-stator interface. On a downstream patch the
entropy wave, two vorticity waves and the downstream running pressure wave are imposed,
whereas the upstream running pressure wave is imposed on the upstream patch.
Though the methodology is based on the linearized Euler equations, it could be applied to viscous
flows. Nonetheless, such an approach should be restricted to cases where the pitchwise variations
are much smaller than the pitch average quantities.
The use of this rotor-stator interface is limited to non-preconditioned perfect gas. It should be
noted that this method uses the Full Non-Matching technique and that the geometrical constraints
associated with the default mixing plane approach are eliminated. The procedure described bellow
is performed on the image meshes.
1 ρ –ρ
–c 0 0 0
c2 0 0 ρc 0 0 u –u
c3 = 0 0 0 ρc 0 v –v (5-4)
c4 0 ρc 0 0 1 w –w
c5 0 –ρ c 0 0 1 p –p
where ρ is the density, u is the velocity normal to the boundary considered, v and w are the tangen-
tial velocities, and p the pressure. The upper bar designs the averaging procedure. c is the speed of
sound. The characteristic variables are:
• c1: the linearized perturbation in entropy.
• c2 and c3: the tangential velocity.
• c4: the downstream running pressure wave.
• c5: the upstream running pressure wave.
Downstream of the rotor/stator interface the fourth first incoming characteristics are specified,
whereas the fifth characteristic is specified upstream of the rotor/stator interface. For instance if a
stator is located upstream of a rotor, at the stator outflow the imposed characteristic is c5 = 0 and at
the rotor inflow the imposed characteristics are c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0
The other characteristics are computed using Eq. 5-4. The averaged vector used is composed of the
five flux-averaged quantities as computed by Eq. 5-2 on the opposite side of the rotor/stator inter-
face. For instance, the flux-averaged quantities computed on the downstream side are used in order
to compute the characteristic variables on the upstream side. Eq. 5-4 is inverted in order to recom-
pute the new primitive variables on the boundary.
In should be noted that the full non-matching mixing plane approach already described above is
used for the turbulent quantities.
5-22 FINE™
Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces Rotating Machinery
5-5.4.4 References
Giles, MB (1988), ’Non-reflecting boundary conditions for the Euler equations’. Technical Report TR-
88-1, MIT Computational Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.
K1 P1 = K2 P2 . (5-5)
where the indices 1 & 2 refer to the upstream and downstream sides of the interface, and P1 & P2 are
the pitches of the two connected blade rows.
If the numbers of blades in respectively the rotor and the stator are not equal, the user should make the
choice between:
• modelling a higher number of blade passages (or even the entire machine if a common multiple
can not be found). If for instance the numbers of blades are 16 & 24, the numbers of passages to
model are respectively 3 & 2. This permits to avoid the introduction of an error due to the geome-
try scaling, at the cost of an increased memory requirement.
• scaling the geometry. The easiest way to proceed in order to obtain the required scaling is to gen-
erate a mesh with a blade number different from the real one. The ratio between the modified and
the real blade numbers should be as close as possible to 1.0.
In some cases the most appropriate treatment may be a combination of the 2 above approaches. If for
instance the numbers of blades are 18 & 24, one could scale the stator by changing the number of
blades from 18 to 16, and then choose to model 2 & 3 passages. The scaling factor is then 1.125,
instead of 1.33 in case only one blade passage is modelled.
The major advantage of having the same pitch distance on both sides of the interface is that it permits
to avoid considering any time periodicity in the boundary condition treatment. The boundary condi-
tions to be imposed along the periodic boundaries inside the gap region are given by
U i ( r, θ i , z, t ) = U i ( r, θ i ± p, z, t ) i = 1, 2 , (5-6)
where p = K 1 P 1 is the pitch distance on both sides of the interface. The “+” sign is to be used when
imposing boundary conditions on the lower periodic segment (minimum azimuthal coordinates) and
the “-” sign is to be used for the higher periodic segment (maximum azimuthal coordinates). Along the
rotor/stator interface, the boundary condition is defined as
FINE™ 5-23
Rotating Machinery Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces
where the parameter m is selected such that the point θ i – mp is part of the computational
domain of row 3-i to allow for the interpolation across the interface. Since only the spatial periodic-
ity is accounted for in the connecting boundary condition, the periodic surfaces become simple non-
matching rotating boundaries, while the interface is a non-matching connecting boundary. The solu-
tion procedure is then as follows, for each physical time t:
• Rotate the grid in function of the physical time step and of the rotation speed of each row.
• Resolve the flowfield at the given physical time t. The boundary conditions to be imposed
along the periodic segments are defined by equation Eq. 5-6. The boundary condition to be
imposed along the interface boundary is defined by equation Eq. 5-7.
• Save the flow solution for future post-processing.
This method does not impose any time periodicity in the boundary condition treatment and thus,
allows to capture all time frequencies of the various unsteady interactions, but occurring on a mod-
ified geometry due to the grid scaling. The effect of the grid scaling on the accuracy of the com-
puted flow solution is of great importance when comparing computational results with the
experimental data, as another one-stage configuration has been truly resolved. These effects may be
summarized as:
• a shift in the spectrum of time frequencies for the blade row that has not been scaled.
• the modification in both blade rows of the Fourier modes that are propagating the flow infor-
The unsteady governing flow equations are resolved in the relative system of each row. Thus, no
grid rotation needs to be performed at each physical time step and only the interpolation data struc-
ture needs to be modified in function of the relative position of each component. For example, a
downstream rotor will see an upstream stator moving in the opposite direction of its own rotation
velocity, while the upstream stator will see the rotor moving in the direction of the rotor rotation
Finally, the previous implementation lets the rotor do the full rotation. The problem in this method
is that the rotor and the stator are in front of each other for a little fraction of time. During this time,
no time shift is necessary at the R/S interface which acts then as a pure connection. The modifica-
tion proposed aims at increasing the time during which the R/S interface acts as a connection. To
perform this, only the periods during which the rotor and the stator are in front of each other, are
repeated. But, since the length of the periods are different in the 2 blades rows, the solution has to
be stored and reset in the row with the smallest period.
Example: if row 1 has the highest number of blades and therefore is submitted to the larger period,
this last period T1 is repeated over and over, while a fractional number of periods will be simulated
in row 2. The solution is thus stored at the end of the last completed period in row 2, to be reused at
the beginning of each T1. This method increases a lot the speed of exchange between the two blade
rows. It increases also the robustness of the computation.
5-24 FINE™
Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces Rotating Machinery
fluxes between the left and right image. The difference in the case of unsteady calculations is that
the boundary condition patches linked to the rotor side need to be positioned according to the cur-
rent time step.
This implementation is organised in nearly the same way as the mixing plane approach, except
from the fact that the mixing plane technique applied between the two image must be replaced by
an additional full non-matching connection. The global organisation is the following:
1. Extrapolate the inner flow solution to boundary condition patches (on both sides),
2. Interpolate the flow solution from initial patches to the image (on both sides),
3. Full non-matching connection between the two images (with appropriate rotation of the rotor-
linked image),
4. Transfer of the calculated fluxes to the initial boundary condition patches.
X’ and X” are respectively extrapolated on R/S interface from X3 and X4. Then X2’ is interpolated
from X’ and X”. Finally, X2” is defined in the dummy cell by extrapolating X2 (result coming from
the stator) and X2’ (result coming from the rotor). This last method is automatically activated for all
computations. It can be de-activated through the expert parameter IRSVFL (by default set to 1), by
setting it to 0.
The old implementation of the R/S interface (IRSVFL = 0), only ensures the continu-
ity of the inviscid fluxes. The viscous fluxes are computed at the interface from the value
in the dummy cells which are extrapolated from the inner cells.
FINE™ 5-25
Rotating Machinery Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces
5-5.5.4 References
Erdos J.I., Alzner E. & McNally W. (1977), Numerical Solution of Periodic Transonic Flow
Through a Fan Stage, AIAA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 1559-1568
Giles M.B. (1990), Stator/Rotor Interaction in a Transonic Turbine, Journal of Propulsion, pp. 621-
He L. (1997), Computational Study of Rotating-Stall Inception in Axial Compressors, Journal of
Propulsion & Power, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 31-38
Lemeur A. (1992), Calculs 3D stationnaire et instationnaire dans un étage de turbine transonique,
AGARD Report CP-510
Rai M.M. (1989), Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Simulations of Turbine Rotor-Stator Interac-
tion; Part I - Methodology and Part II - Results, Journal of Propulsion, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 305-319
Van Leer B. (1985), Upwind-Difference Methods for Aerodynamic Flows Governed by the Euler
Equation, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 23, Part 2, AMS, Providence, pp. 327-336
5-5.6.1 References
Adamczyk, J. J. (1985), ’Model Equations for Simulating Flows in Multistage-Turbomachinery’,
ASME Paper 85-GT-226.
Chen, T., Vasanthakumar, P., and He, L. (2001), ’Analysis of Unsteady Blade Row Interaction
Using Nonlinear Harmonic Approach’, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 17, No.3.
5-26 FINE™
Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces Rotating Machinery
Gerolymos, G. A., Michon, G. J., and Neubauer, J. (2002), ’Analysis and Application of Choro-
chronic Periodicity in Turbomachinery Rotor/Stator Interaction Computations’, AIAA Journal of
Propulsion and Power, Vol. 18, No. 6.
He, L. and Ning, W. (1998) ’Efficient Approach for Analysis of Unsteady Viscous Flows in Tur-
bomachines’, AIAA Journal, Vol. 36, No. 11.
Saxer, A. P. and Giles, M. B. (1993), ’Quasi-Three-Dimensional Nonreflecting Boundary Condi-
tions for Euler Equations Calculations’, AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 9, No. 2.
Vilmin S., Lorrain E., Hirsch C., Swoboda M. (2006) ’Unsteady Flow Modeling Across The Rotor/
Stator Interface Using The Nonlinear Harmonic Method’, ASME Turbo Expo 2006, Barcelona.
FINE™ 5-27
Rotating Machinery Theoretical Background on Rotor/Stator Interfaces
5-28 FINE™
CHAPTER 6: Throughflow Model
6-1 Overview
The Throughflow module is intended for the design and the analysis of turbomachinery flows. This
kind of simulation is based on the two-dimensional steady state axisymmetric Euler equations with
a specific model for blade rows. It is fully integrated in EURANUS, the three-dimensional Euler-
Navier-Stokes flow solver. As a consequence:
• Options that apply to comparable 3D calculations also apply to throughflow calculations: the
physical fluid model, the boundary conditions, the spatial and time discretization, the conver-
gence acceleration techniques and the output, including data for visualization.
• The code accepts any number of blade rows.
• Throughflow blocks can be combined with 3D blocks in a single computation.
• Any improvement introduced in the 3D solver also applies to the throughflow blocks.
The throughflow simulation should be used only with the perfect gas model currently
available through the FINE™ interface.
The throughflow simulation can be activated directly from the FINE™ interface by clicking on the
Throughflow Blocks thumbnail in the Rotating Machinery page. This thumbnail is only accessi-
ble when the Mathematical Model is set to Euler in the Flow Model page. In the next section the
Throughflow Blocks option in the FINE™ interface is described including all related parameters.
Finally, section 6-5 provides its theoretical background.
FINE™ 6-1
Throughflow Model Throughflow Blocks in the FINE™ GUI
6-2 FINE™
Throughflow Blocks in the FINE™ GUI Throughflow Model
Two different types of throughflow blocks are available. The Throughflow module is fully active
by selecting either the Compressor or Turbine options. The difference between the two lies in the
definition of the loss coefficient: for a turbine the pressure used as reference is taken at the trailing
edge and for a compressor at the leading edge.
FINE™ 6-3
Throughflow Model Throughflow Blocks in the FINE™ GUI
In all modes except the analysis mode with Throat Control the geometry can be defined by:
• 2D input file: the file defining the blade geometry should contain the (Z,R,θcl,θss,θps) coordi-
nates of the blade camber line, suction and pressure sides throughout the meridional domain
covered by the blade. For each (Z,R) meridional position the circumferential coordinate θ is
given at the camber line, the suction and pressure sides. For the format of a 2D input file see
section 6-3.
• 1D input parameters where the user specifies:
— the streamwise location of the maximum thickness at hub and shroud (a linear evolution is
assumed from hub to shroud),
— a file containing the spanwise distribution of maximum tangential thickness,
— the normalised streamwise distribution of blade thickness: This distribution can be com-
puted using a power function whose exponent has also to be specified or loaded from a 1D
input file with the format as specified in section 6-3. For most configurations a power func-
tion with an exponent of 2 leads to a correct modelling of the blade generating a quadratic
thickness evolution. The thickness function is set to zero at the leading and trailing edges
and presents a maximum at the prescribed position of maximum thickness.
An additional blockage can be introduced to take the endwall boundary layers (Endwall boundary
layer and wake blockage factors) into account. The two real parameters refer to the inlet and out-
let values of the endwalls blockage. A linear variation is assumed between the inlet and the outlet.
6-4 FINE™
Throughflow Blocks in the FINE™ GUI Throughflow Model
In case the analysis mode with Throat Control is selected the user specifies the streamwise evolu-
tion of the effective blockage, which results from the tangential blockage and the flow angle beff= b
cosβ, with b the tangential blockage and β the relative flow angle at the trailing edge.
The user specifies:
— the streamwise location of the throat at hub and shroud. If a negative value is entered, it is
assumed that there is no throat and a linear evolution of the effective blockage from the lead-
ing to the trailing edge will be adopted.
— a file containing the spanwise distribution of the throat section. The throat is by definition
the section in which the effective blockage is minimum. In transonic turbines it determines
the mass flow.
— the normalised streamwise distribution of effective blockage: This distribution can be
computed using a power function whose exponent has also to be specified, or loaded from
an input file. The streamwise distribution of effective blockage results from the values spec-
ified by the user at the leading and trailing edges and at the throat (if a throat is given).
FINE™ 6-5
Throughflow Model Throughflow Blocks in the FINE™ GUI
tion, the streamwise distribution of the flow angle or of the tangential velocity is iteratively com-
puted according to the calculated value at the leading edge and the value defined at the trailing
edge. The default value of the exponent is 1, which generates linear evolutions from leading to trail-
ing edge.
Two definitions of the flow angle are available, respectively based on the axial and
meridional directions. The choice between these definitions is made through the expert
parameter ITHVZM:
Wθ=Wz.tan β(ITHVZM=0, default)
Wθ=Vm.tan β(ITHVZM=1).
In case of radial configurations the parameter ITHVZM should be set to 1.
In the case of the Analysis mode with Throat control one additional input is required: the span-
wise distribution of the leading edge flow angle has to be provided in a file. This is required in
order to define the value of the effective blockage at the leading edge.
6-6 FINE™
Throughflow Blocks in the FINE™ GUI Throughflow Model
FINE™ 6-7
Throughflow Model Throughflow Blocks in the FINE™ GUI
6-2.4.4 Connections
Under the framework of throughflow calculations, rotor/stator interfaces are replaced by simple
connections between the throughflow blocks.
Throughflow blocks can also be connected to 3D blocks. This implies the use of a quasi-steady
interface (rotor-stator interface).
6-2.6 Output
The output for throughflow simulations can be selected on the Computed Variables page under
the Throughflow thumbnail. The following quantities can be stored:
• Grad(B)/B-1st component: radial component of the ------ vector,
6-8 FINE™
File Formats Throughflow Model
• Grad(B)/B-3rd component: axial component of the ------ vector,
• Lean vector (tangential vector along the blade in the spanwise direction),
• Loss coefficient ψ ,
• Blade force vector fB ,
FINE™ 6-9
Throughflow Model File Formats
— if for a streamwise distribution, the leading and/or trailing edge values should be extended to
the upstream/downstream ends of the block. Values of 1 and 3 extend the upstream region,
whereas values of 2 and 4 extend the downstream regions. This switch is used to achieve a
blockage factor below 1. upstream and/or downstream of the blade passages.
The angles are in degrees, the length in meters, except for the blade thickness, which is in millime-
Some examples of the geometrical files are given hereafter:
• Spanwise distribution of the maximum blade thickness:
14 4 1 0
.1181262 8.20958
.1282913 8.22191
.138422 8.16546
.1484767 8.03777
.1583352 7.85892
.1680261 7.58743
.1778827 7.26814
.1877939 6.86779
.197697 6.45259
.2076666 6.11613
.217709 5.78311
.2277728 5.65696
.2378241 5.84635
.2477884 6.27821
6-10 FINE™
File Formats Throughflow Model
ALPHA = arctg(VT/VZ)
BETA = arctg(WT/VZ)
GAMMA = arctg(VR/VZ)
Mach Number
Meridional Mach Number
Static Pressure, Static Temperature,
Absolute Total Pressure
Rothalpy Total Pressure
Relative Total Pressure
Absolute Total Temperature
Rothalpy Total Temperature
Relative Total Temperature
Isentropic Efficiency
Polytropic Efficiency
Mass Flow
Total Area
FINE™ 6-11
Throughflow Model Expert Parameters
In addition of files which can be read by CFView™, a summary file is created when the through-
flow module is activated. It has the extension ".gtf" and gives the average inlet and outlet results for
each block in SI units.
6-4.2 Others
• ITHVZM = 0 (default): Wθ=Wz.tan β
= 1: Wθ=Vm.tan β
Definition of the flow angle. The selection of ITHVZM to 1 is crucial for a correct treatment of
radial machines.
• PRCON to define the pressure for the initial solution at rotor/stator interfaces. If this parame-
ter is not modified a linear pressure distribution from inlet to outlet is assumed.
6-12 FINE™
Theoretical Background Throughflow Model
conjunction with the imposed flow direction (analysis) or swirl (design), leaving four differential
equations to be solved.
In the present approach the blade force is treated as an additional time dependent unknown. The full
5-equations Euler system is then solved, with an additional equation for the blade force. This is the
so-called time dependent approach, which has proven to be more robust than the space discretiza-
tion, especially at transonic and supersonic flow conditions. The other advantage is that the fact that
the throughflow solver is based on the same time marching algorithm as the 3D one makes hybrid
3D-throughflow calculations possible.
ρ bρW
∂ 1
---- + --- ∇ ⋅ b ( ρW ⊗ W + pI ) = ∇b (6-1)
∂t ρW b ρQ + p ------- + ρ ( f B + f F )
ρE bρWH ρQ
This is a system of 5 PDE for 5 unknowns (the dependent variables, e.g., the primitive variables in
cylindrical coordinates, ρ, Wr, Wθ, Wz, p) in two spatial dimensions (r and z). Apart from the
absence in the differential operators of derivatives with respect to the tangential direction, the sys-
tem differs from the three-dimensional Euler equations in three ways:
• The presence of the blockage factor b in the fluxes.
• Source terms p ∇b
------- and f B representing the inviscid action of the blades.
• A source term f F grouping all the effects of viscosity and heat conduction.
The system is solved in Cartesian coordinates using explicit Runge-Kutta integration in time and
either central or upwind spatial discretization.
d 2πr
b = 1 – --- where s = --------- (6-2)
s z
Thus, b = 1 outside blade rows and 0 < b ≤ 1 inside blade rows (including the hypothetical case of
blades with zero thickness). The blockage factor is an external input to the computation.
FINE™ 6-13
Throughflow Model Theoretical Background
• the first main component is proportional to the suction-to-pressure side difference, and is ori-
ented in the direction normal to the mean camber surface. The tangential component of this
force is the additional unknown considered in the time dependent approach, for which an addi-
tional equation will be solved together with the 5 Euler equations.
• the second component is due to the deviation of the suction and pressure side normals from the
normal to the mean camber surface. It is computed according to p ------- , and is therefore deter-
mined entirely by the tangential blockage factor, b, which is external input as seen in the pre-
ceding section, and by the static pressure, which is a result of the computation.
As mentioned in section 6-5.2, the blade force is treated as an additional unknown with the present
approach. Starting from some initial value in each cell, the blade force is modified locally, until the
current converged solution exactly matches the externally imposed target, for instance the flow
angle β (analysis) or the tangential velocity Wθ (design). The correction is proportional to the dif-
ference between the actual and a required tangential velocity:
k+1 k t
( ρF Bθ ) = ( ρF Bθ ) + κ ( W θ – W θ ) (6-3)
where the constant κ is user input. The target tangential velocity Wθt is either direct external input
(design mode) or locally calculated from the prescribed relative flow angle β and the current merid-
ional velocity (analysis mode: Wθ=Vmtanβ). The vector of the blade force, f B , is perpendicular to
the mean camber surface, which is internally defined by the flow angle and the lean angle. Cur-
rently, a zero lean angle is assumed.
Robust analysis mode
In the case of the analysis mode another formulation of the above equation is adopted, based on the
magnitude of the blade force instead of its tangential component:
= ( ρF B ) – κ ⎛⎝ W n⎞⎠ ----
k+1 k F̃
( ρF B ) - (6-4)
W ˜
where FB is the magnitude of the blade force and n is the normal vector whose direction results
from the imposed relative flow angle distribution. In case the angle is measured with respect to the
axial direction (ITHVZM=0):
p W
ρf F = – ------------ p ref ∂ m ψ --------- (6-6)
pt rot W
6-14 FINE™
Theoretical Background Throughflow Model
This formulation ensures that a loss coefficient of zero will give exactly a zero friction force. The
imposed loss coefficient is defined as:
pt rot – pt rot
ψ = ------------------------------- (6-7)
p ref
where ptrot is the total pressure associated with rothalpy defined as:
γ -
Ttrot γ – 1 2
W – ( ωr )
pt rot = p ⎛ -------------⎞ Ttrot = T + -----------------------------
⎝ T ⎠ where 2c p (6-8)
where W is the relative velocity magnitude and pref is a reference dynamic pressure taken at the
leading edge (for compressors) or trailing edge (for turbines) on each streamwise mesh line.
FINE™ 6-15
Throughflow Model Theoretical Background
6-16 FINE™
CHAPTER 7: Optional Models
7-1 Overview
FINE™ contains the following three optional models:
• Fluid-Particle Interaction to model solid particles in the flow.
• Conjugate Heat Transfer to model the heat transfer between the fluid and solid walls.
• Cooling/Bleed to model cooling holes or bleed.
• Transition Model to model the flow transition.
Each of these models requires a special license feature. If the model is not accessible due to a miss-
ing license it is displayed in grey under Optional Models. Contact NUMECA sales or support team
for more information about the possibility to obtain a license.
FINE™ 7-1
Optional Models Fluid-Particle Interaction
7-2.1.2 Algorithm
The hypothesis of a dilute mixture permits to have a very simple sequential calculation of the trajec-
tories of the different particles injected through the inlet sections.
The algorithm considers successively the different inlet patches. The user specifies the number of
trajectories per cell. The origins can be located at a given point chosen by the user, or equally dis-
tributed throughout the cell.
The algorithm proceeds cell by cell, the time step being calculated so that several time steps are per-
formed in each mesh cell. The procedure starts at a cell of an inlet boundary and stops when a
boundary is reached.
Each time step consists of:
• the calculation of the force on the particle.
• the integration to find the new velocity and position.
7-2 FINE™
Fluid-Particle Interaction Optional Models
7-2.2.1 Parameters
The top window allows to choose the degree of influence of the particles on the flow. The calcula-
tion of the carrier flow and of the particles can be fully (2-way coupling) or weakly (1-way cou-
pling) coupled:
• in the 1-way coupling approach the flow calculation (ignoring the influence of the particles on
the flow field) is followed by a calculation of the trajectories of particles. In this case, there is
no influence of the particles on the flow.
• in the 2-way coupling approach the calculation of the trajectories of particles is followed by a
second flow calculation, taking into account the presence of the particles in the flow (the inter-
phase forces are introduced as source terms in the flow calculation). The sequence can be
repeated several times (by entering the Number of global iterations) until no changes are
observed in the results (usually 3 to 10 times).
Concerning the simulation itself, the user can choose the Global strategy:
• Start from scratch: to start the flow calculations and then pursue with the particle tracking
simulation. In this particular case, the criterion for the carrier flow calculations convergence is
the one set on the Control Variables page (set to -6 by default).
• Start from converged flow solution: to proceed directly with the Lagrangian coupling from a
previous converged flow calculation.
FINE™ 7-3
Optional Models Fluid-Particle Interaction
3. in this new computation activate the Lagrangian Fluid-particle calculation and perform a com-
putation with Lagrangian coupling. The particles encounter several forces: the friction force, i.e.
the resultant of the pressure and viscous stress in the carrier phase over the particle surface, as
well as potential inertia and gravity forces. The user is free to introduce the Gravity Forces
through the vectorial components of the acceleration of gravity on the Flow Model page. An
inertial force due to the rotation of the system of reference can also be included. If some of the
blocks are rotating the option Body forces/Rotation of reference system should systematically
be activated. In this case the reference rotation velocity is the one specified on the Rotating
Machinery page.
4. while moving through a turbulent flow, each particle faces a sequence of random turbulent
eddies that result in a lack of accuracy in particle velocity and position. This process is taken
into account using a stochastic treatment when activating Turbulence. The treatment is availa-
ble when the k-ε turbulence model is assumed for the carrier flow simulation. In this case a
Coefficient for eddy life time has to be imposed (more details in section 7-2.5.4).
a) Inlet Boundary
The user can enter a number of classes of particles, each class representing a different type of parti-
cles. For each class the inlet boundary conditions have to be specified. The displayed boundary con-
ditions are the one for the class specified in the bar as indicated (a) in Figure 7.2.2-2. To select
another class use the scroll buttons on both sides of this bar. The purpose of this is to be able to sim-
ulate the presence of different types of particles in the same patch.
FIGURE 7.2.2-2 Inlet boundary conditions for the fluid-particle interaction model
7-4 FINE™
Fluid-Particle Interaction Optional Models
Note however that multiple classes are of interest for fully couples calculations only, by allowing
the flow calculation to account for the presence of different particle types. In the case of a weak
coupling strategy it is recommended to create one computation per particle class, because only one
particle class can be visualized in CFView™. The expert parameter (in Expert Mode on the Con-
trol Variables page) CLASID permits to specify which particle class must be included in the
CFView™ output.
The inlet boundary conditions are the following:
• spatial distribution of the injection points: uniform over the chosen patch or located at a chosen
point of coordinates (x,y,z).
• inlet velocity of the particles (absolute or relative frame of reference). The velocity is always
considered in the same relative frame of reference as the one of the block in which the inlet
particle is located. The relative velocities here defined as the difference between the particle
and the flow velocity (a zero relative velocity is therefore very commonly used) whereas the
absolute velocity boundary conditions is used when the velocity of the particle is well known
and different from the velocity of the flow. Note that only the Cartesian coordinate system is
• density and mean diameter of the particles.
• particle concentration (number of particles/m3).
• number of particles per cell should be seen as the number of trajectories per cell.
The use of multiple trajectories per cell permits to ensure a more uniform covering of the inlet (and
hence of the computational domain) by the particles. This is only of interest in the case of fully cou-
pled calculations where it is important to ensure that the source terms are correctly evaluated in all
mesh cells. The use of multiple trajectories does not modify the number of particles entering the
domain. Each trajectory must be seen as an ensemble of particles. It is also very often referred to as
a computational particle.
In the case of full coupling, the number of particles per cell should be statistically large enough to
provide accurate averaging of the dispersed phase parameters. Therefore it is recommended in this
case to have a high number of particles per cell. This increases the computational time required for
the particle tracking process, but gives rise to a smoother distribution of the particles in the domain.
In the case of a weak (1-way) coupling, only one particle per cell is usually enough to provide a suf-
ficiently detailed description of the particles distribution in the field.
FINE™ 7-5
Optional Models Fluid-Particle Interaction
FIGURE 7.2.2-3 Solid boundary conditions for the fluid-particle interaction model
7-2.2.3 Outputs
7-6 FINE™
Fluid-Particle Interaction Optional Models
• the components of the mass weighted absolute velocity vector (Vx ,Vy, Vz)
⎛ ⎞
V x = ⎜ ∑ V xi ρ ipart Ω ipart N i⎟ ⁄ ∑ ρ ipart Ω ipart N i ,
⎝ i ⎠ i
• the weighted mass and weighted absolute or relative velocity vectors number,
⎛ ⎞
• the components of the interphase force F = ⎜ ∑ F i Ni⎟ ⁄ Ω .
⎝ i
The solver automatically writes an output file (".tr" and ".tr.sum") containing the particle traces that
is read by the CFView™ post processing software.
• Scalars
Number concentration (51)
Mass of particles per cell volume (52)
Volume of particles per cell volume (53)
Presence (1) or absence (0) of particles in cells (54)
Vx: x-component of mass-weighted velocity vector (55)
Vy: y-component of mass-weighted velocity vector (56)
Vz: z-component of mass-weighted velocity vector (57)
Fx: x-component of interphase force (58)
Fy: y-component of interphase force (59)
Fz: z-component of interphase force (60)
FINE™ 7-7
Optional Models Fluid-Particle Interaction
• The maximum residence time (TMAX in corresponding ".run" file), which is the time limita-
tion for particle residence in the flow. It may be used either to prevent particle stopping or to
avoid an infinite loop, having for instance a particle captured in a separation bubble. After the
time has expired, the particle disappears.
• The governing equations for particles in a carrier flow consist of a set of non-linear ordinary
equations. Two methods are provided to integrate this equations with respect to time (that can
be selected in expert mode):
— The Runge-Kutta scheme, in which the transfer to the next time level is fulfilled through a
finite number of intermediate steps. A two-stage and a four-stage option (NRKS in corre-
sponding ".run" file) are available. This scheme is limited to big particles.
— The exponential scheme that lies on a semi-analytical method. This scheme is particularly
suitable for small particles.
• The Drag force is in general the only considered part of the interphase force. It corresponds to
the force on a particle moving in a still fluid at constant velocity (or using the particle refer-
ence system, a fixed particle in a uniform laminar flow). At extremely low Reynolds numbers
(Rep << 1 i.e. at low relative velocities), it is expressed through the Stokes formula. For higher
Reynolds numbers, an optional standard curve fit may be chosen (section 7-2.5.1). The choice
between the two types of forces can be made in expert mode.
Other parameters have a standard value, which may be modified only on rare occasions. They are
accessible in the Expert Mode of the Computation Steering/Control Variables page:
CLASID: selection of class for CFView™ output
LMAX: the maximum number of segments along a trajectory may be used to avoid an infinite
loop in the case of an oscillatory movement for instance.
DDIMAX: tolerance factor to establish that a particle has left a cell (default=1.E-4).
I2DLAG: simplification for 2D problems (0 if 3D, 1 if 2D).
DIAMR: diameter ratio under which the particle tracking process stops (default value: 0.1).
KOUTPT: enables to write the ASCII ".tr.out" file containing the output of the trajectories
(default value: 0). Contact support at [email protected] to have more details on this file.
7-2.5 Theory
In a Lagrangian approach the particle cloud is modelled by a finite number of computational parti-
cles, representing a group of real physical particles with similar properties. The particles are tracked
separately, each as a single probe particle, through the flow field.
7-8 FINE™
Fluid-Particle Interaction Optional Models
F = ma = m ------- (7-1)
where a is the acceleration vector of the particle of velocity V and F is the sum of the friction force
between the fluid and the particle and the eventual inertia and gravity forces:
The gravity force is defined by the user on the Flow Model page:
F gravity = mg
It is assumed that the mesh blocks for which a rotation of the reference system is introduced in the
carrier flow equations (when rotation of the reference system is activated under the Parameters
thumbnail of the Fluid-Particle Interaction page) are also considered as rotating ones for the par-
ticles calculation. The inertia force due to the rotation of the reference system contains the two
terms related to the inertia and Coriolis effects:
F inertia = – m [ ω × ( ω × r ) + 2ω × V ] (7-3)
Fd is the drag force between the flow and the particles, calculated according to the Stokes law:
F d = – ----- ( V – U ) (7-4)
where D is the diameter of the particles, U is the velocity of the fluid and Fs depends on the viscos-
ity of the fluid and on the Reynolds number Rep based on D:
F s = 1 ⁄ ( 3πµC ) (7-5)
ρ ( V – U )D
C = 1 (simple Stokes law for Re p ≡ --------------------------- « 1 )
or C = 1 + 0.179Re p + 0.013Rep (standard curve approximation).
Up to now, no model is incorporated in which the mass and the volume of the particle would change
(for instance by combustion or evaporation).
FINE™ 7-9
Optional Models Fluid-Particle Interaction
The time step used by the algorithm is the minimum between the time required to traverse the mesh
cell (which depends on the particle velocity and on the cell size) and the relaxation time, which is
the time required by the particle to lose its initial slip velocity:
τ drag = ( ρD ) ⁄ ( 18µC ) (7-6)
For a stationary reference system (no inertia force) and in the case of no gravity, the relaxation time
is the time required by the particle to reach the flow velocity U, whereas in the presence of an iner-
tia and/or a gravity force, the velocity reached by the particle after the relaxation time is not U, but
U + g . τdrag.
In some cases (for instance with very small particles) the relaxation time is very small, which leads
to a large number of time steps per mesh cell, and hence to a larger CPU time for the particle track-
ing algorithm. A faster convergence may then be reached by using the so-called exponential scheme
for the time integration step.
F interphase = m ------- – F inertia – F gravity (7-7)
U = U + U' (7-8)
The fluctuation U' is randomly sampled from the normal Gaussian distribution with the probabil-
ity-density-function f:
1 ⎛ u' 2 ⎞
f ( u' ) = ----------------- exp ⎜ – ----------⎟ and
2 ⎝ 2u' 2⎠
U' = ∫ f ( u' ) du' (7-9)
2πu' –∞
The individual components of the velocity fluctuation are assumed to be non-correlated. The mean
square deviation is evaluated from the turbulent kinetic energy:
2 2
u' = --- k (7-10)
It is accepted that this sample velocity fluctuation remains unchanged within the turbulent eddy
during its life time. The eddy life time Te and size Le are calculated according to:
7-10 FINE™
Conjugate Heat Transfer Optional Models
Te = C lt -- and Le = Te ⎛⎝ 2--- k⎞⎠ (7-11)
ε 3
Where Clt is an empirical coefficient with a default value of 0.28 (Coefficient for eddy life time).
The eddy life time Te and size Le are bounded by the Kolgomoroff scales:
ν ν
Tk = --- and Lk = ----------
- (7-12)
ε ε
The calculated fluctuation gives the instantaneous flow velocity, which is used while tracking the
particle. As soon as the life time has expired or the particle has left the eddy, a new fluctuation is
chosen as described before, assuming no correlation with the previous sample.
The turbulence is only taken into account for the different linear and non linear k-ε
models and for the v2-f turbulence model. It is not compatible with the Spalart-Allmaras
and SST turbulence models. In the particular case of the Baldwin-Lomax model, turbu-
lence does not have a direct influence on the particles trajectories.
7-2.6 References
Chang, K. C., Wang, M. R., Wu, W. J., Liu, Y. C., Theoretical and Experimental Study on Two-
Phase Structure of Planar Mixing Layer, AIAA Journal, Vol. 31, No 1, pp 68-74, 1993.
The model has been validated for steady state applications. It assumes that some of the blocks of the
multiblock mesh are "solid", whereas the other ones are "fluid". The connections between the solid
and fluid blocks become "thermal connections" along which the fluid-solid coupling is performed.
First section 7-3.2 explains how to set up a project involving the Conjugate Heat Transfer model
using the FINE™ user environment. In section 7-3.3 a theoretical description is provided, present-
ing the approach used to solve the conduction problem and describing the adopted solid-fluid cou-
pling strategy.
FINE™ 7-11
Optional Models Conjugate Heat Transfer
The only action required from the user to set up a computation involving the Conjugate Heat Trans-
fer model can be decomposed in three steps:
1. determine the "solid" and "fluid" blocks.
2. set the global parameters.
3. define the thermal connections.
Those steps are described in the following paragraphs in more detail.
For each solid block the thermal conductivity has to be specified (in W/m/K). The specified value
has to be larger than 0.
When the automatic grouping based on the Grid Configuration is used, the blocks
put as solid during the mesh generation, will automatically be set to solid in FINE™
7-12 FINE™
Conjugate Heat Transfer Optional Models
tions with a particular thermal condition, along which the imposed temperature profile is iteratively
recalculated in order to ensure a correct coupling.
These patches appear in the list of patches in the tab page Solid in the Boundary Conditions page.
Although the thermal aspect is fully controlled by the coupling procedure, the kinematic boundary
condition must be specified by the user (rotation speed in [RPM]).
Type of Connections Between Solid and Fluid Blocks
Two types of thermal connections are allowed:
• matching connections (one patch on each side),
• full non-matching connections (one patch or one group of patches on each side). The connec-
tion algorithm is implemented in a general way, allowing on both sides a grouping of solid and
fluid patches. This is useful for instance in order to facilitate the coupling of a turbine block
with holes with the external flow. One single connection can be built, with on the inner side a
group of patches including the blade surface and the outer face of the holes.
Type of Connections Between Solid and Solid Blocks
Three types of thermal connections are allowed:
• matching connections (one patch on each side),
• Periodic connections (PER),
• full non-matching connections (one patch or one group of patches on each side). The connec-
tion algorithm is implemented in a general way, allowing on both sides a grouping of solid and
solid patches.
7-3.3 Theory
This section describes the Conjugated Heat Transfer model implemented within EURANUS:
• the technique used to solve the conduction in the solid bodies,
• the thermal coupling strategy.
ρC p ------- Vol = Σ ⎛ k∇T⎞ n∆S (7-13)
∆τ ⎝ ⎠
where Vol is the volume of the control volume, n∆S is the normal vector to the faces of the control
volume and k,ρ and Cp are respectively the conductivity, density and specific heat of the solid body.
This equation is applied to calculate the change of temperature T at a given time step resulting from
the equilibrium of the conduction fluxes through the faces of the control volume.
One can notice that the absence of any advective contribution in the equilibrium permits to avoid the
use of artificial dissipation (case of a centred scheme). It also imposes to adopt a pure diffusive
approach for the calculation of the time step. For a 2D problem the time step is calculated according
FINE™ 7-13
Optional Models Conjugate Heat Transfer
∆τ ρC Vol
--------- = ---------p ----------------------------------------- (7-14)
Vol k
Si + Sj + 2Si·Sj
2 2
One can notice that once the 2 above equations are put together the heat capacity Cp is eliminated
from the equation, and is hence not required as input data.
Exactly as for the flow solver the adopted time integration approach is a 4- or 5-steps Runge-Kutta
scheme whose efficiency is largely enhanced by the use of an implicit residual technique and of a
multigrid strategy.
This finite volume approach can be used for both steady and unsteady conduction problems. Its
efficiency has been compared for steady state applications to the classical Gauss-Seidel and PSOR
schemes often employed for the resolution of pure elliptic equations. The results have shown that the
use of a time marching approach together with multigrid is much more efficient.
The calculation is performed simultaneously on the fluid and solid blocks. The thermal coupling is
applied each time the boundary conditions are applied. Note that no particular procedure is required
in order to initiate the calculation. The full multigrid strategy is very efficient in order to rapidly
establish an overall temperature distribution in the domain.
On both solid and fluid sides, the thermal boundary condition imposes a temperature profile. This
profile is iteratively recalculated in order to ensure equality of the heat-fluxes calculated on both
hf(Tw-Tf)=-hs(Tw-Ts), (7-15)
where hf and hs are the heat transfer coefficients and Tf and Ts are the inner temperatures. The heat
transfer coefficients are calculated in a simple way, assuming a sufficient orthogonality of the mesh:
h = ------ , (7-16)
where k is the local conductivity and ∆y is the distance between the inner cell centre (where the
temperature of Tf and Ts is taken) and the wall.
7-14 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
∑ ∑
i i i
Tw = T n w n + T inner W i with wn + Wi = 1 . (7-17)
elmts elmts
In the generic case of Figure 7.3.3-6:
• the cell 1 is not connected and the above equation is applied with Wi=1,
• the cell 2 is partially connected and 0<Wi<1,
• the cell 3 is fully connected and Wi=0.
The heat-flux density is calculated as the summation of the contribution of the elements:
⎛ i ⎞
ϕ w = ⎜ ∑ ϕ n S n⎟ ⁄ S
i i
⎝ elmts ⎠
Note that the heat-flux density is saved instead of the heat-flux so that the thermal connection
boundary condition is compatible with the boundary condition imposing the heat-flux density. In
the routine imposing the heat-flux into the residual the heat-flux density is re-multiplied by the cell
It should be mentioned that hybrid connections are allowed, this means that each side of the inter-
face can be composed of fluid and solid patches.
7-4 Cooling/Bleed
7-4.1 Introduction
The Cooling/Bleed model allows both the simulation of cooling flows injected through solid walls
into the flow or bleed flows where mass flow leaves the main flow through solid wall.
The adopted technique makes use of additional sources of mass, momentum and energy located at
given points or along given lines of the solid walls and does not require the meshing of the cooling
flow injection channels. The objective of this model is not to describe the details of the cooling flow
itself but rather to consider its effect on the main flow. The major hypothesis of the model is that the
injection/bleed surface is smaller than the local cell surface.
FINE™ 7-15
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
In the next sections the following information is given on the Cooling/Bleed model:
• section 7-4.2 describes how to set up a project involving the Cooling/Bleed model under the
FINE™ user environment.
• section 7-4.3 gives a summary of the available expert parameters related to cooling or bleed
• section 7-4.4 provides a theoretical description of the approach used to solve the cooling flow
The list box on the top of the page (a) displays all the injectors (Cooling or Bleed) imported or
added by the user. The buttons below the list enable to Add, Edit, Remove or Import (more details
on data file in section 7-4.5) injectors (b). Clicking with the left mouse button on a selected injector
will display its corresponding parameters in the lower part of the page (c). Clicking with the right
mouse button on a selected injector will display a popup menu enabling to add/edit/remove the
7-16 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
It is strongly recommended to use only standard english letters, arabic numerals and
underscore "_" symbol when naming an injection sector. Non-standard characters may
not be recognized or may be misinterpreted when using the project on other computers.
In case a slot (or a line) should traverse several patches (as for instance in a HOH
mesh configuration) all the patches should be selected and one single slot should be cre-
FINE™ 7-17
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
To cancel the modifications to the injector definition and close the wizard click on the Cancel but-
Once the injector sector role, type and mode are correctly set, click on Next>> to go to the next
page of the wizard. On this page, depending of the role, type and mode of injector, the flow param-
eters and geometry/positioning parameters have to be defined in the second page of the wizard.
7-18 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
Each hole is circular. The equivalent diameter of the hole surface is specified by the
user, but a hole is included in one cell only, even when the diameter exceeds the cell
width. If the expert parameter COOLFL is set to 3, all cells included in the definition of
the hole will be used, see section 7-4.3.
As for the old algorithm, the holes are located by means of a spanwise and a streamwise relative
position. The algorithm can be applied to H, I or O-meshes generated by AutoGrid™. For O-
meshes the blade surface is divided in two different sub-patches (one for the pressure side and one
for the suction side). Therefore, the user has to select on which side of the blade (Side1/Side2) the
injection will be located. A button has been added in the interface in order to select the side. This
button is active only for O-meshes.
Only the version of AutoGrid™ provided with FINE™ 6.1-1 (and later versions) can
be used to generate the mesh and this relative positioning is only available for blade sur-
The location is defined as a fraction of the arc length from hub to shroud and from the leading edge
to the trailing edge. Spanwise and streamwise coordinates are computed for each cell vertex. The
closest point found in this relative coordinate frame is the one that is concerned by the injection.
An option has been set-up in order to use the axial chord (Axial Coordinates option) instead of the
arc length (only available for axial machines).
The relative positioning does not accept meshes with a blunt at the leading edge
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options
are available: it can be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of refer-
FINE™ 7-19
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
FIGURE 7.4.2-11 . Relative positioning of a hole at 70% spanwise and 50% streamwise.
When Grid Indices is selected, the injection direction is provided by the user through 2 angles
expressed in degrees (depending of the units selected in the menu File/Preferences). Each angle is
measured with respect to the local normal and one of the 2 grid line directions tangent to the wall.
I ( J, K )
In case of an = ct surface, the angles are measured with respect to the grid lines
J ( K, I )
K ( I, J )
respectively. Figure 7.4.2-12 illustrates the definition of angle βk for an I = cst surface.
I=constant surface
βk is the angle of the velocity projection in the (K,n) plane with respect to the normal n
to the surface.
FIGURE 7.4.2-12 Angle definition in the cooling flow page of the FINE™ GUI
V i, j, k
β i, j, k = atan ⎛ -------------⎞ (7-19)
⎝ Vn ⎠
For example, in order to make the velocity direction oriented along the normal, the two angles
should be set equal to 0. A 90 degrees angle is not allowed as it will induce a velocity vector tan-
gent to the corresponding grid line direction, with zero mass flow.
7-20 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
For holes located on the blade walls and when the mesh is generated with AutoGrid™, the K- and
J- lines are the two tangent directions along the blade wall, respectively oriented in the streamwise
and spanwise directions.
e.2) Relative positioning for a line of holes
The user specifies the diameter of the hole in case of a line of holes. Furthermore, the number of
holes has to be specified and will be uniformly distributed on the line.
Each hole is circular. The equivalent diameter of the hole surface is specified by the
user, but a hole is included in one cell only, even when the diameter exceeds the cell
width. If the expert parameter COOLFL is set to 3, all cells included in the definition of
the hole will be used, see section 7-4.3.
As for the old algorithm, the line of holes is defined by two points (holes) that are located by means
of a spanwise and a streamwise relative position. The algorithm can be applied to H, I or O-meshes
generated by AutoGrid™. For O-mesh the blade surface is divided in two different sub-patches
(one for the pressure side and one for the suction side). Therefore, the user has to select on which
side of the blade (Side1/Side2) the injection will be located. A button has been added in the inter-
face in order to select the side. This button is active only for O-meshes.
For each point of the line the algorithm works as for the single hole positioning.
Only the version of AutoGrid™ provided with FINE™ 6.1-1 (and later versions) can
be used to generate the mesh and this relative positioning is only available for blade sur-
The location is defined as a fraction of the arc length from hub to shroud and from the leading edge
to the trailing edge. Spanwise and streamwise coordinates are computed for each cell vertex. The
closest point found in this relative coordinate frame is the one that is concerned by the injection.
An option has been set-up in order to use the axial chord (Axial Coordinates option) instead of the
arc length (only available for axial machines).
The relative positioning does not accept meshes with a blunt at the leading edge
FINE™ 7-21
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. When Grid Indices is selected, refer to the end of section e.1) for more
details. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options are available: it can
be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of reference.
e.3) Cartesian positioning for a single hole
The user specifies the diameter of the hole in case of a single hole.
Each hole is circular. The equivalent diameter of the hole surface is specified by the
user, but a hole is included in one cell only, even when the diameter exceeds the cell
width. If the expert parameter COOLFL is set to 3, all cells included in the definition of
the hole will be used, see section 7-4.3.
As for the old algorithm, the holes are located by means of the (X,Y,Z) Cartesian coordinates.
For a single hole, the cell that is concerned by the injection is the closest cell face cen-
tre to the defined point. In case of repetition, the point is automatically transferred to the
meshed patch
Furthermore, in order to ease the capture of the right coordinates, the button Get Coordinates ena-
bles the user to interactively select the point in the mesh view after opening the mesh through the
menu Mesh/View On/Off or Mesh/Tearoff graphics (only available on UNIX).
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. When Grid Indices is selected, refer to the end of section e.1) for more
details. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options are available: it can
be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of reference.
e.4) Cartesian positioning for a line of holes
The user specifies the diameter of the hole in case of a line of holes. Furthermore, the number of
holes has to be specified.
Each hole is circular. The equivalent diameter of the hole surface is specified by the
user, but a hole is included in one cell only, even when the diameter exceeds the cell
width. If the expert parameter COOLFL is set to 3, all cells included in the definition of
the hole will be used, see section 7-4.3.
As for the old algorithm, the line of holes is defined by two points (holes) that are located by means
of the (X,Y,Z) Cartesian coordinates.
7-22 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
For the two points defining the line, the cells that are concerned by the injection are
the closest cell face centre to the defined point. In case of a repetition, the point is auto-
matically transferred to the meshed patch
Furthermore, in order to ease the capture of the right coordinates, the button Get Coordinates ena-
bles the user to interactively select the point in the mesh view after opening the mesh through the
menu Mesh/View On/Off or Mesh/Tearoff graphics (only available on UNIX).
FIGURE 7.4.2-15 Geometry parameters for space Cartesian positioning of a line of holes
A line is drawn from those two points (this line does not necessarily follow the surface of the patch,
see Figure 7.4.2-16). The segment is then uniformly divided into N-1 sub-segments (where N is the
number of holes on this line). Each N-2 limits of the sub-segment is then projected on the patch (the
closest cell face centre is found). Those are the cells where the injection will be applied. They are
not necessarily uniformly distributed on the patch.
For a mesh with a high clustering, or for a high number of points on the line, several
projected points could end on the same cell. This is taken into account in the algorithm.
The mass flow injected is then multiplied by the relevant factor. Therefore, one should be
aware that the number of cells that are highlighted in the interface should not strictly
match the number of holes on the line.
FINE™ 7-23
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
Parametric Space
Parametric Space
FIGURE 7.4.2-17 Definition of a line of holes without or within the parametric space
On the contrary for a mesh with a relatively poor spatial discretization, the location of the cell face
centres where the injection will be applied will not be strictly on a line. A limitation of this algo-
rithm is that the line does not necessarily follow the patch surface. Therefore, defining a line of
holes at the hub of a gap (upper surface of a rotor blade) could produce the problem presented on
the left side of Figure 7.4.2-17. The same problem can arise generally on a convex surface. In order
to solve this problem, the user can define a line of holes following a parametric surface defined by
the grid lines by activating Parametric Space. Therefore, a line of holes on a convex surface could
be more easily defined (right side of Figure 7.4.2-17).
One limitation of this option is that a line of holes cannot cross a connection. For
instance defining a line of holes (in the parametric space) close to the trailing edge of a O
mesh will produce the result sketched bellow.
7-24 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
For turbomachinery configuration with periodic conditions, points could be located either on the
meshed passage or on one of its repetitions. Therefore, the injections are automatically transferred
to the meshed patch.
In case of multi-patch selection the algorithm described above is applied independently for each
patch. Therefore, a direct definition of a line of holes crossing several patches is not possible. In this
case it is recommended to define as many lines as necessary (see figure below). In order to over-
come this problem the multi-patch selection has been restricted to the slots defined by Cartesian or
cylindrical coordinates.
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. When Grid Indices is selected, refer to the end of section e.1) for more
details. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options are available: it can
be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of reference.
FINE™ 7-25
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
The multi-patch selection has been restricted to the slots defined by Cartesian or cylin-
drical coordinates.
For the positioning of the slot, the radius and z values are asked to the user. The closest cell face of
the patch to this point is found. The radius and axial position of this cell face centre becomes the
slot position in the (r,z) plane. It should be noted that this slot position is not identical to the initial
user input. For most axial machines the radius can be easily identified by calculating the closest
point on the patch. In this case only the axial position of the slot is required in the interface. For
radial machines, or for axial machines with complex vein geometry, the two components of the
original point are required (Figure 7.4.2-22).
Axial Machine
Radial Machine
The algorithm that defines the cell faces that are concerned by this slot is illustrated in Figure 7.4.2-
23. For each cell face of the patch, the two extremities in the (r,z) plane of this polygon (A,B and
A’,B’) are identified (i.e., the two vertices with the maximum distance in this plane). They define
the limits of the cell face in the (r,z) plane. If those two points are called A,B for cell 1 and A’,B’ for
cell 2, and S is the slot location specified by the user in the (r,z) plane through FINE™, as presented
on Figure 7.4.2-23, S is only included in the domain of cell 1 limited by A,B in the (r,z) plane,
therefore, the cell 1 is the only cell concerned by the slot S.
7-26 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
FIGURE 7.4.2-23 Identification of the cells concerned by the slot S in the (r,z) plane. δ is the
distance between A and B.
On the contrary, S is not inside the domain defined by A',B'. Thus, the cell 2 will not be concerned
by the slot.
For O-meshes with small cells close to leading or trailing edges, this algorithm could
leads to missing cells. This problem is due to a (r,z) position specified by the user in
FINE™ for the slot that is not precise enough.
FINE™ 7-27
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
Furthermore, in order to ease the capture of the right coordinates, the button Get Coordinates ena-
bles the user to interactively select the point in the mesh view after opening the mesh through the
menu Mesh/View On/Off or Mesh/Tearoff graphics (only available on UNIX).
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. When Grid Indices is selected, refer to the end of section e.1) for more
details. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options are available: it can
be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of reference.
e.6) Grid positioning for a single hole
The user specifies the diameter of the hole in case of a single hole.
Each hole is circular. The equivalent diameter of the hole surface is specified by the
user, but a hole is included in one cell only, even when the diameter exceeds the cell
width. If the expert parameter COOLFL is set to 3, all cells included in the definition of
the hole will be used, see section 7-4.3.
The grid positioning used in EURANUS depends on the grid indices of the centre of the cell faces.
It is different from the grid indices used in IGG™ and in CFView™. The grid indices are directly
used by the flow solver in order to introduce the flow of mass, momentum and energy at this cell
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. When Grid Indices is selected, refer to the end of section e.1) for more
details. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options are available: it can
be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of reference.
e.7) Grid positioning for a line of holes
The user specifies the diameter of the hole in case of a line of holes. Furthermore, the number of
holes has to be specified.
Each hole is circular. The equivalent diameter of the hole surface is specified by the
user, but a hole is included in one cell only, even when the diameter exceeds the cell
width. If the expert parameter COOLFL is set to 3, all cells included in the definition of
the hole will be used, see section 7-4.3.
From the two cell face centres defined in the interface, two geometrical points are defined by their
(x,y,z) coordinates. Then, a line is constructed in the same way as for the Cartesian positioning (sec-
tion e.4). In this case there is no problem of repetition because the two extremities of the line are
located on the meshed patch. Furthermore, concerning the Parametric Space option, refer to sec-
tion e.4) on page 7-24 for more details.
7-28 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. When Grid Indices is selected, refer to the end of section e.1) for more
details. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options are available: it can
be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of reference.
e.8) Grid positioning for a slot
The user specifies the width of the slot. has to be specified.
From the grid indices a geometrical point is defined. Then the slot is defined in the same way as for
the Cartesian positioning (section e.5).
Finally, three ways to impose the injection direction are proposed through the interface: Cartesian,
cylindrical or grid indices. When Grid Indices is selected, refer to the end of section e.1) for more
details. For injection direction specified in Cylindrical coordinates two options are available: it can
be defined in the relative frame of reference or in the absolute frame of reference.
f) Flow Parameters
The user has to specify the Mass flow: the specified mass flow is actually the total mass flow
through all the blades and through all the holes in the case of a line of holes. Thus the mass flow
through one hole is the specified mass flow divided by the number of blades and the number of
holes. The mass flow is often responsible for initialization troubles as it might be too high. The
FINE™ interface allows a tuning of the specified mass flow through an expert parameter. This is
described in section 7-4.3.
FINE™ 7-29
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
For cooling flow the mass flow specified in FINE™ will be considered as positive.
The mass flow is considered as negative for bleed flow.
Furthermore, the Arrows scaling factor parameter enables the user to control the shape of the
arrows representing the injection direction after opening the mesh through the menu Mesh/View
On/Off or Mesh/Tearoff graphics (only available on UNIX).
For cooling additional parameters have to be defined:
• static or total temperature in absolute or relative frame of reference.
• turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation or turbulent intensity when the k-ε model is used.
7-30 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
The parameters area will then be overlapped by the graphic window, and the small control button
on the upper - left corner of the graphic window can be used to resize the graphics area in order to
visualize simultaneously the parameters and the mesh (see section 2-6.6).
FINE™ 7-31
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
ZMNMX: in the old algorithm (COOLFL=0) for the relative mode, the injector position in stream-
wise direction can be provided with 0 and 1 defined in two different ways:
= 0 (default):the leading and trailing edges are the grid edges, i.e the points where the
periodic lines of the mesh meet the blade walls
= 1: the points located at respectively the minimum and maximum axial positions.
COOLFL: there is a possibility to specify the cooling/bleed flow data through an external input
file with the extension ".cooling-holes". This file can be useful in case the flow calcula-
tion is integrated into an automatic procedure. For more details on the format of the
file, refer to section 7-4.5.
= 0: the old algorithm of the cooling/bleed model will be used (model used in FINE™
6.1 and previous releases). The backward compatibility is ensured through this
parameter set to 0.
= 1: the old algorithm of the cooling/bleed model will be used (model used in FINE™
6.1 and previous releases) based on an external file with the extension ".cooling-
holes" located in the corresponding computation subfolder will be read and the
data specified through the FINE™ interface will be ignored.
= 2 (default): the new algorithm of the cooling/bleed model will be used.
= 3: all cells included in the injection width/diameter will be included in the boundary
condition. By default only one cell is used, even when the width/diameter is bigger
then one cell.
MAXNBS: the maximum allowed number of injection sectors is controlled through the expert
parameter MAXNBS (the default value is 50). If the input file contains a higher
number of sectors the parameter should be modified.
7-4.4 Theory
The major hypothesis of the model is that the injection/bleed surface is smaller than the local cell
If COOLFL=0, the model consists in the addition of local source terms to all the flow equations
(mass, momentum, energy and k-ε equations when a 2-equations turbulence model is used). These
terms are added as fluxes through the solid boundary cells where a cooling hole has been placed by
the user. Fluxes are computed as:
• Mass: F = ρW n S
= ρW x, y, z W n S + p∗ n x, y, z S
• Momentum F x, y, z
7-32 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
= W n ( ρE + p∗ )S
• Energy F
k, ε
• k,ε-equations: F = ρW n ( k, ε )S
where ρ is the density, Wn is the velocity component normal to the solid wall and S is the cooling
hole surface.The increased static pressure is computed as:
p∗ = p + --- ρk (7-20)
and the total energy E* is:
E∗ = e + ----- + k (7-21)
The density required to calculate the velocity components is obtained from the computed pressure
field along the walls and from the imposed static or total temperature.
Note that for the momentum equations only the velocity term is added as a source
term. The pressure term already exists even in the absence of holes.
If COOLFL=2, the cooling injection/bleed are treated as additional inlet or outlet boundary condi-
Finally, the turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation can either be directly imposed by the user or be
calculated from the turbulent intensity. In that case, the turbulent kinetic energy is obtained as:
k = 1.5 ( Tu ⋅ W ) (7-22)
where W is the velocity magnitude and Tu is the turbulent intensity. The turbulent dissipation is
obtained from the relation:
0.75 1.5
Cµ k
ε = -------------------
- (7-23)
where D is the diameter of the hole and Cµ = 0.09.
It should be noted that the velocity remains equal to zero at the walls even in the cool-
ing flow region. Thus the boundary condition on the velocity is left unchanged and the
effect of the cooling flow will be observed in the surrounding cells. However, the tem-
perature field will be affected on the wall itself.
FINE™ 7-33
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
Each injection sector should contain all the appropriate data. If one data is missing, the
flow solver will stop and a message will appear on the screen.
b) Boundary Patch
The user should specify the block and face number, as well as the boundary patch on which the
holes are located. The face number can be 1 (I=1), 2 (J=1), 3 (K=1), 4 (K=KM), 5 (J=JM), 6 (I=IM)
The patch number is only required if several solid patches are present on the face (for instance on a
hub or shroud wall).
Note that this "blade wall" positioning option is only valid for H- or I-type meshes, the
pressure and suction surfaces being assumed to be located on two opposite faces of the
7-34 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
e) Flow Properties
• the mass flow through the hole(s): the specified mass flow is the total mass flow through all
the blades. In case of a line of holes, the specified mass flow is the overall mass flow through
all the holes. Therefore the mass flow through one hole is the specified mass flow divided by
the number of blades and by the number of holes. Mass flow has to be negative for Bleed flow.
• the static or relative total temperature (if both are present only the static temperature will be
• he turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation, or the turbulent intensity (if the k-ε model is used).
The kinematic turbulent viscosity (if Spalart-Allmaras model is used) cannot be speci-
fied through an external file ".cooling-holes".
f) Velocity Direction
Finally, when a cooling injection sector has been selected, three ways to impose the injection direc-
tion are proposed through the interface: Cartesian, cylindrical or grid indices. When the injection
direction is provided by the user through grid indices, 2 angles have to be expressed in degrees.
Each angle is measured with respect to the local normal and one of the 2 grid line directions tangent
to the wall. The user specifies 2 of the following 3 angles (in degrees), depending on the face on
which the hole is located:
• Angle with respect to I-grid line
• Angle with respect to J-grid line
• Angle with respect to K-grid line
Note that the two angles should be equal to 0 degree to make the velocity direction oriented in the
normal direction to the blade wall, whereas a 90 degrees angle induces the velocity vector to be tan-
gent to the corresponding grid line direction.
In the case of holes located on the blade walls, and if the mesh has been generated with the AutoG-
rid™ software, the K- and J-lines are the two tangent directions along the blade wall, respectively
oriented in the streamwise and spanwise directions. The K-angle is the streamwise angle, whereas
the J-angle is the spanwise angle.
FINE™ 7-35
Optional Models Cooling/Bleed
a) Global Data
Single hole (1), line(2) or slot(3) type
Number of holes (if line) number of holes
Diameter (single hole or line) diameter
Width (slot) width
Block Number block
Face Number face
Patch Number (only if several patches) patch
Input Mode (1-relative, 2-Cartesian(X,Y,Z), 3-Grid(I,J,K)) mode
b) Positioning
7-36 FINE™
Cooling/Bleed Optional Models
c) Flow Properties
Mass Flow (negative if bleed flow) mass flow
Static Temperature (only for cooling flow) static temperature
Relative Total Temperature (only for cooling flow) total temperature
Turbulent Kinetic Energy (only for cooling flow and k-ε model) width
Turbulent Dissipation (only for cooling flow and k-ε model) turbulent dissipation
Turbulent Intensity (only for cooling flow and k-ε model) turbulent intensity
7-4.5.3 Examples
Example 1 - Bleed Flow through a Slot define in Grid (I,J,K) mode
FINE™ 7-37
Optional Models Transition Model
Furthermore, predicting the onset of turbulence is a critical component of many engineering flows.
It can have a tremendous impact on the overall drag, heat transfer, and performances especially for
low-Reynolds number applications. However, most of the turbulent models fail to predict the
transition location.
7-38 FINE™
Transition Model Optional Models
user input or via a separate guess. It should be pointed out that these transition terms should only be
active when the transition module is used. When it is not used, the fully turbulent version of the
Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model remains unchanged.
In the next sections the following information is given on the Transition Model:
• section 7-5.2 describes how to set up a project involving the Transition Model under the
FINE™ user environment.
• section 7-5.3 gives a summary of the available expert parameters related to the Transition
• section 7-5.4 provides a theoretical description of the approach used to solve the transition
A list of all the blades appears in the left box and the remaining area is divided into two boxes for
suction and pressure side, respectively. Four choices are possible:
— Fully Turbulent
— Fully Laminar
— Forced Transition
— Abu-Ghannam and Shaw (AGS) Model
Furthermore, for Forced Transition, the user has to specify the position of the transition lines on
each side of each blade. It is based on the relative stream-wise position and it is defined as a line on
the blade pressure and/or suction sides from hub to shroud. The user specifies two anchor points
through which a straight line will be built by the solver. It should be noted that only blades are
transitional while wall ends are fully turbulent.
The transition model is only available for the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras model
using AutoGrid™ mesh and is applied to blade boundaries and work in both steady and
unsteady modes.
FINE™ 7-39
Optional Models Transition Model
For the Abu-Ghannam and Shaw model: only one "downstream" R/S upstream of
each blade is allowed. Furthermore, there are no restrictions on the number of inlets.
Finally, a new output has been added into FINE™ on the Outputs/Computed Variables page
under the thumbnail Solid data in order to enable the visualisation in CFView™ of Intermittency
(more details on this quantity in section 7-5.4).
MultiGrid Transition
Coarse Grid
Initialization MultiGrid
7-40 FINE™
Transition Model Optional Models
ITRWKI (integer): switches on the wake induced transition model. When activated (ITRWKI set
to 1), the free stream turbulence intensity (defined at the inlet or at the rotor/sta-
tor interface) and the turbulence intensity from the boundary layer edge are
used to define the transition region. When this parameter is not checked, only
the free stream turbulence intensity is used.
7-5.4 Theory
The Transition Model consists of introducing a so-called intermittency, Γ, defined as the fraction of
time during which the flow over any point on a surface is turbulent. It should be zero in the laminar
boundary layer and one in fully developed turbulent boundary layer.
The intermittency function is defined on each point of the blade surface and at each iteration. It is
extended to the computational domain by a simple orthogonal extension (i.e., each point of the
computational domain has the same intermittency than the closest point on the blade surface).
The intermittency is used to multiply the turbulence production term. For the Spalart-Allmaras tur-
bulence model this gives:
~ ~
S = ΓS (7-24)
where S˜ is the production term in the Spalart-Allmaras in Eq. 4-52. Free-stream wakes (with only
a weak production term) will not be affected by the intermittency. A laminar boundary layer will be
preserved upstream of the transition location and turbulence could freely develop thereafter.
The transition location imposed by the user through the Forced Transition option and
by the AGS Model is only appearing if it has been defined in a turbulent boundary layer.
FINE™ 7-41
Optional Models Transition Model
The intermittency, Γ, is then computed on each point of the blade surface (it is set to 0 upstream of
the transition line and tends towards 1 downstream). Each point of the computational domain has
the same intermittency as the one of the closest point on the blade surface. However a special treat-
ment is required close to the trailing edge and in tip gaps.
FIGURE 7.5.4-33 Example of the calculation of a transition point on a blade suction side as a
percentage of the chord length.
⎛ F (λθ ) ⎞
Rθs = 163 + exp⎜ F (λθ ) − τ⎟
⎝ 6.91 ⎠ . (7-25)
θ 2 dU e
λθ =
ν ds (7-26)
where Ue is the velocity at the edge of the boundary layer, s is the streamwise distance from the
leading edge, and θ denotes the momentum thickness in the laminar region.
7-42 FINE™
Transition Model Optional Models
τ is the free stream turbulence level (in %). It is computed based on the upstream (inlet or rotor/sta-
tor) eddy viscosity and assuming a turbulent length scale of about 10% of the reference length
τ = 86 ⋅ ------------
- (7-27)
UL ref
F (λθ ) = 6.91 + 12.75λθ + 63.64(λθ ) 2 for adverse pressure gradient (λθ < 0), (7-28)
F (λθ ) = 6.91 + 2.48λθ − 12.27(λθ ) 2 for a favourable pressure gradient (λθ > 0). (7-29)
Therefore, according to these relations, transition is promoted in adverse pressure gradient whereas
it is retarded in favourable pressure gradient.
The range of application of the AGS correlation is 0.1 > λθ > -0.1, and for a free stream turbulent
level ranging from 0.3 to 10%.
Γ = 1 − exp(−0.412ξ 2 ) (7-30)
ξ= Max( s − st ,0) (7-31)
where st is the position of the transition onset and s is the current position on the arc from leading
edge to trailing edge. λ is the characteristic extent of the transition region and is determined from
the correlation:
Re λ = 9 Re st
Close to the trailing edge the intermittency is set to 1. This is necessary in order to allow a turbulent
wake to be generated downstream of the blade. This special treatment is controlled by the expert
parameter FTURBT that is set to 0.95 by default (i.e., only the last 5% of a blade side will have an
intermittency of 1). In order to get a tri-dimensional distribution of the intermittency, the intermit-
tency of a cell is the one of the closest cell on a solid surface (hub, shroud, and tip gap are fully tur-
bulent and have an intermittency equal to unity).
FINE™ 7-43
Optional Models Transition Model
7-44 FINE™
CHAPTER 8: Boundary Conditions
8-1 Overview
During the IGG™ grid generation process, the user has to define the type of boundary condition to
be imposed along all boundaries. The parameters associated with these boundary condition types
can be fully defined using the Boundary Conditions page.
This chapter gives a description of the boundary conditions, available in the Boundary Conditions
page. In section 8-2, the page is described. For expert use, section 8-3 gives an overview of the
available expert parameters. In section 8-4, some advice is provided on the combinations of bound-
ary conditions to use. For more detailed information, section 8-5 provides a theoretical description
of each available boundary condition
Note that the connecting (matching (CON) and non-matching (NMB)) boundary con-
ditions (without periodicity) do not appear in this menu, because they do not require any
input from the user. Only the "periodic" conditions (PER & PERNM) appear in the Peri-
odic tab page.
Note that the full non matching and periodic full non matching connections defined
within IGG™ (refer to IGG™ User Manual for details on limitations) are appearing in
the Solid tab page.
A common particularity of the five boundary conditions pages is their subdivision into two areas.
The left area contains always a list of the different patches that are of the boundary condition type
of the selected tab page. A patch can be identified either by the name of the block face to which it
belongs and by its number, or by the numbers of the block and face and by its local index on the
FINE™ 8-1
Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI
face (if no name is provided in IGG™). The right area is the area where the boundary condition
parameters are specified for the selected patch(es).
One or several patches may be selected in the left area by simply clicking on them. Clicking on a
patch unselects the currently selected patch(es). It is possible to select several patches situated one
after another in the list by clicking on the first one and holding the left mouse button while selecting
the next. To select a group of patches that are not situated one after another in the list, the user
should click on each of them while simultaneously holding the <Ctrl> key pressed.
Several patches can be grouped by selecting them and clicking on the Group button. A dialog box
will appear asking for a group name. The name of the group will appear in red color in the list of
patches to indicate that this is a group of patches. Every change in the parameters when a group is
selected applies to all patches in the group. The Ungroup button removes the group and its patches
are displayed individually in the list.
The Ungroup button is active only when at least one group is selected.
Clicking with the left mouse button on the plus sign + left of a group name in the list will display
the patches included in this group.
If some of the patches have been given names in IGG™, these names will appear in
FINE™. If the patches have been grouped in IGG™, by giving the same name to many
patches, they will appear ungrouped in FINE™ (with block, face and patch number
shown after the name) to avoid contradiction between grouping in IGG™ and FINE™.
Ungroup button will toggle the IGG™ name of the selected patch(es) with the default
FINE™ name (block, face and patch number).
If the Use Grid Configuration option is activated when linking the mesh for the first
time (see section 2-2.3), a default grouping by row is proposed by FINE™. For the solid
boundaries, the rotation speed specified in IGG™ or AutoGrid™ is automatically trans-
ferred to FINE™. This limits the user input to a strict minimum. This automatic group-
ing cannot be modified by the user.
8-2 FINE™
Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI Boundary Conditions
If the graphics area with the mesh topology of the project is opened (Mesh/View On/Off menu), all
the selected patches and/or groups will be highlighted. A click with the right mouse button over a
selected patch will select all the patches and groups in the list that have the same parameters.
If the user selects several patches that have different parameters, a warning dialog box will appear.
When clicking on OK all parameters will be set equal to the ones of the first patch. Selecting Cancel
instead will cancel the selection.
FIGURE 8.2.0-2 Two patches will be grouped into a group called HUB.
The right area of all the notebook boundary condition pages is created in a generic way by means of
a resource file, where all the boundary condition parameters are described altogether with their
default values.
FINE™ 8-3
Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI
FIGURE 8.2.1-3 Subsonic inlet boundary conditions page for cylindrical problems.
FIGURE 8.2.1-4 Subsonic inlet boundary conditions page for Cartesian problems.
The upper part of the inlet boundary condition page allows the user to select the type of inlet condi-
tion to apply to the selected patches through a series of toggle buttons. There are two categories of
inlet conditions: conditions applicable to Subsonic inlets and conditions applicable to Supersonic
Note that to determine whether an inlet (or an outlet) boundary is subsonic or super-
8-4 FINE™
Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI Boundary Conditions
Taverage + ∆T
FIGURE 8.2.1-5 Meridional view of the "Coupling with Outlet ID" functionality
When the mass flow is imposed at an inlet patch, the temperature may be chosen to be coupled to an
outlet patch. The coupling is performed through the static temperature. Only in that case, the aver-
age temperature Taverage is computed at the specified outlet and imposed at the inlet as Tinlet = Taver-
age + ∆T (see Figure 8.2.1-5). The quantity ∆T is a constant temperature difference (>=0 or <0)
FINE™ 8-5
Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI
specified by the user. This is done in FINE™ by choosing Mass Flow Imposed as boundary condi-
tion type for the subsonic inlet in cylindrical configuration and clicking on the Coupling Temper-
ature With Outlet button. A pull-down menu allows to select which patch of the outlet must be
involved in the coupling. The value to be entered in the static temperature box is ∆T.
This option is only working if both inlet and coupled outlet patch have the mass flow
imposed as a boundary condition.
To visualize and/or edit the profile data press the small button ( ) on the right side of the label
"profile data". This button opens the Profile Manager with the existing profile. See section 2-7 for a
detailed description of the Profile Manager. It offers the possibility to modify or to create a data
profile interactively. Click on the OK button to set the new profile to the selected patch(es).
The option Surface data toggles 1D and 2D editing modes. It can be used to change the dimension
of an existing profile. 2D profiles are displayed as a "cloud of points". Selecting a point will display
the f(x,y) value in blue in the corresponding column of the Profile Manager. More details on the
required file format are available in Appendix B.
8-6 FINE™
Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI Boundary Conditions
An option for treatment of Backflow Control can be activated in the case of radial
diffusers outlet. The purpose of this option is to control the total temperature distribution
along the exit section. In case the flow partially re-enters the domain through the bound-
ary, the total temperature of the entering flow is controlled so that the entering and outgo-
ing flows globally have the same total temperature.
FINE™ 8-7
Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI
When using the mass flow imposed outlet boundary condition and restarting a compu-
tation from a file, only one group of patches can be used in the initial solution page and
the reset convergence history has to be deactivated
(static pressure)
(mass flow)
8-8 FINE™
Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI Boundary Conditions
In a design process, with a variation of the geometry, it is not always known in advance where in the
performance curve the computations are performed. Therefore it is not always possible to choose
the appropriate boundary condition at the outlet for the complete design process.
To overcome this problem this boundary condition allows to impose a relation between the mass
flow and the pressure at the outlet. It is no longer needed to choose between imposing pressure
when working around the chocking part and imposing mass flow when working close to the stall
The user has to impose a very simple characteristic line defined through 3 parameters: a target out-
let mass flow and a target outlet pressure (at point 2 in Figure 8.2.2-8) and the pressure at zero mass
flow (point 1 in Figure 8.2.2-8). For more detail on this boundary condition see section 8-5.2.
In case some input is required this section explains how to define the periodic conditions using the
PERIODIC tab page.
FINE™ 8-9
Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI
The type of periodicity connection between the patches (Matching or Non Matching) can be
entered. A connection is Matching if the numbers of mesh points along the connected patches are
identical, and if all the corresponding points along these patches coincide (PER type within
IGG™). The Non Matching connection (PERNM type within IGG™) requires the use of an inter-
polation process to establish the connection, whereas a matching one consists of a single communi-
cation of the flow variables. The interpolation used for non matching periodic boundaries consists
on a linear interpolation from the four nearest cells.
Some additional characteristics need to be given to fully determine the periodic boundary condi-
• For Cartesian (rectangular) problems, the user has to specify the translation vector defining the
periodicity. The positive translation vector goes from the current patch to the periodicity
• For cylindrical problems, the user has to specify the rotation angle in degrees. The rotation
angle is calculated from the connected patch to the current patch, according to the rule of the
right handed system.
FIGURE 8.2.4-10 Solid boundary conditions page in case of a cylindrical boundary condition
8-10 FINE™
Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI Boundary Conditions
When the area defined option is selected, a small picture defining the parameters is displayed (the z
axis is the rotation axis, the r axis is the radial axis). The rotation velocity is set to ω 1 outside the
domain and to ω 2 inside the domain.
The specified range must be a valid range for the used geometry. For example, for an
axial machine the limits for rotation of the hub can be defined by setting the lower and
higher axial limit to appropriate values. In such a case it is important to set the radial lim-
its such that they include the full solid (hub) patch.
b) Thermal Condition
Three options are available for the thermal condition: constant Heat Flux (in W/m2), Adiabatic or
constant Temperature (isothermal). The imposed heat flux or temperature can be constant on the
patch or defined as a profile. Use the pull down menu to change Constant Value to for example
fct(space). Click on the profile button to launch the Profile Manager as described insection 8-2.1.3.
∑ F ⋅ nz . (8-1)
The computed force is the one from fluid on solid. The force is considered as positive
when in the direction of the z-axis.
The projection of the torque along a given direction z , i.e. the couple exerted by the global force
along the rotation axis:
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ∑ r × F⎟ ⋅ z (8-2)
⎝ S ⎠
In all other cases the force and torque are computed as:
— the lift,
— the drag,
FINE™ 8-11
Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI
FIGURE 8.2.4-11 File ".wall" when computing partial torque along the blade
Finally, the resulting ".wall" will contain, in addition of the global torque and force on the selected
blade, the partial torque for each layer along the J-direction of the blade as presented in
Figure 8.2.4-11.
The force and torque computed on the selected surface(s) and included in ".wall" file
are based on the full 360 degrees, so taking into account the periodicity when the blocks
concerned are presenting a periodicity.
8-12 FINE™
Boundary Conditions in the FINE™ GUI Boundary Conditions
Use an external condition rather than an inlet condition for cases for which it is not
known if the flow enters or leaves the domain.
FINE™ 8-13
Boundary Conditions Expert Parameters
8-14 FINE™
Best Practice for Imposing Boundary Conditions Boundary Conditions
IFRCTO: calculate and to store the partial torque in the corresponding ".wall" file. More
details in section 8-2.4.3, on page 11,
IXMP: coordinate (x,y,z) of the point around which the moment has to be calculated.
The coordinates are expressed in meters.
TORRO: = 0 (default): Compute force and torque on the complete patch
= 1: Compute force and torque only on the part of the patch which is defined trough an
area defined rotation.
FINE™ 8-15
Boundary Conditions Best Practice for Imposing Boundary Conditions
A solution to overcome this drawback is to impose the mass-flow at the outlet. This can be done in
two ways:
• Velocity Scaling: for a low subsonic outlet (Mach number lower than 0.4) this condition fixes
the mass-flow at a given control surface by scaling the vectors on this surface. This is not as
robust as to impose the exit pressure and is not recommended in case significant backflows are
detected along the exit. If this is the case, the next option is better suited.
• Pressure Adaptation: in this case, an automatic procedure introduces a variation of the
imposed exit pressure at each iteration of the calculation. The pressure is then iteratively
updated in order to reach at convergence the imposed mass-flow. This is not as robust as to
impose the exit pressure, but is more robust than the velocity scaling option.
Radial turbine
FIGURE 8.4.3-13 Example of case with strongly varying radius in the inlet1
1. Picture from D. Japikse, N.C. Balines, Introduction to Turbomachinery, Concept ETI Inc. and Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1994.
8-16 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
8-5 Theory
The boundary conditions are identified in EURANUS by a number (ITYPE) indicating the type of
boundary condition and an index (OPSEL) indicating the variant of the type of boundary condition.
In this section the type number and variant index of each described boundary condition is given.
α = atan -----θ-
γ = atan -----r
• the magnitude of the velocity and other flow angles δ and ε are specified (OPSEL = 5):
δ = acos ------r
ε = atan ------t
2 2
with V m the meridional velocity ( V m = V r + V z ). This option has been designed to allow
radial inlet with zero axial velocities,
• the cylindrical velocity components are specified (OPSEL = 7).
The static pressure is extrapolated from the interior by Eq. 8-13, which allows to calculate all the
primitive variables on the boundary.
For a turbulent calculation with the Spalart-Allmaras model, the turbulent viscosity has also to be
specified on the inlet boundary. When a k-ε, v2-f or k-ω turbulence model is selected, the boundary
values of k and ε have to be specified.
These conditions can also be used for incompressible flows.
FINE™ 8-17
Boundary Conditions Theory
( Vz )0 = ( Vz )1 (8-5)
Note that it is assumed that the angular velocity vector is in the z-direction,
ω = ω ⋅ 1z , (8-6)
which makes this direction the axial one. Also note that, as a result of Eq. 8-6 the absolute and
relative axial velocity component are equal.
• the mass flow is extrapolated, assuming that the meridional component of the velocity is the
one contributing to the mass flow.
( Qm )0 = ( Qm )1 , (8-7)
with Q m = ρV m S . (8-8)
This boundary condition is specially dedicated to radial turbomachinery for which a problem of
mass flow conservation can arise. It is not interfaced but it can be used by selecting the previous
boundary condition (absolute flow angles with extrapolation of velocity) and setting the expert
parameter IMASFL to 1.
Inlet patches have to be grouped in one group to use the extrapolation of mass flow
boundary condition.
b.2) Relative flow angles from axial direction
For a stator calculation it may be convenient to impose the velocity angles of the relative flow at the
exit of the upstream rotor. In case of rotors the user may also prefer to impose relative boundary
conditions. This procedure is only available in case total conditions and flow angles are imposed. In
addition to that the extrapolation of Vz must be selected. Note also that both flow angles and total
conditions are then treated in the relative mode. This boundary condition is not directly available in
the Boundary Conditions page of the interface. It can be used by selecting the previous boundary
condition (absolute flow angles with extrapolation of the axial velocity component) and using the
expert parameter INLREL. In this case, relative flow angles, relative total pressure and relative total
temperature are specified in the interface instead of the absolute values. Set INLREL to 1 in the
case of stators. In the case of rotors (INLREL=2) the approach is exactly the same as the one used
when absolute conditions are imposed.
8-18 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
The adopted approach consists of imposing boundary conditions, which are still defined in the
absolute frame of reference, but which vary from one iteration to the another in order to respect the
imposed relative value. This technique provides a robust algorithm with an under-relaxation of the
evolution of absolute conditions and a special treatment of the hub and shroud boundary layers.
Since the hub and shroud walls are usually not rotating, the relative flow angle tends to 90 degrees
in the boundary layer, which complicates the boundary condition treatment if the relative conditions
are imposed. The above approach (switch to the absolute frame of reference) allows computing the
absolute flow angles distribution through an extrapolation in the boundary layers. The under-relax-
ation factor as well as the percentage of the distance from the hub and the shroud where the angle is
extrapolated are specified in the expert parameter ANGREL.
The relation between the relative (β) and absolute (α) angles is the following:
tan α = tan β + ------ (8-9)
where ω is the speed of rotation of the upstream rotor specified in the expert parameter OMGINL
and r the radial position.
The update of the flow angle is followed by the update of the absolute total conditions according to:
( ωr ) ωrV
T 0 = T 0 – ------------- + ------------θ-
a r
2c p cp
a γ ⁄ (γ – 1)
. (8-10)
a r ⎛T ⎞
p0 = p 0 ⎜ ----0r-⎟
⎝ T 0⎠
The initial values of the absolute flow angle and total conditions are set to the value of
the relative ones, except for the initial solution for turbomachinery. In the initial solution
for turbomachinery, Eq. 8-9 and Eq. 8-10 are used to compute the initial absolute flow
angle and total conditions from the specified relative values.
b.3) Velocity direction
The user first specifies a direction (given under the form of a vector) that corresponds to the direc-
tion of the absolute velocity vector. Note that this vector does not have to be a unitary vector. The
r,θ,z components of the direction vector are given. E.g. if the user enters the direction (0,1,1) the
user imposes that the θ- and z-components of the absolute velocity vector at inlet are equal and that
the radial velocity is zero.
The absolute total pressure and the absolute total temperature on the inlet boundary are also speci-
fied. These values will be imposed.
The module of the absolute velocity vector is extrapolated from the interior field. Using subscript 0
for the boundary, and subscript 1 for the first internal cell:
V0 = V1 (8-11)
FINE™ 8-19
Boundary Conditions Theory
The mass flow can be extrapolated. This boundary condition is specially dedicated to radial tur-
bomachinery for which problem of mass flow conservation can arise. It is not interfaced but it can
be used by setting the expert parameter IMASFL to 1.
The inlet patches have to be grouped in one group to use the extrapolation of mass
flow boundary condition.
b.4) Tangential velocity and meridional angle
Imposing the tangential velocity at the inlet is useful for turbomachinery configurations with high
absolute tangential velocities. (OPSEL = 8)
The user specifies the direction of the radial and axial velocity, together with the magnitude of the
tangential velocity in [m/s]. The absolute total pressure and the absolute total temperature on the
inlet boundary are also specified. The application of the boundary condition can be described as fol-
• The meridional velocity is extrapolated from the interior of the computational domain
• The velocity magnitude is deduced from the input of the tangential velocity
• The static pressure and temperature are computed from the imposed total values
• The radial and axial velocities are imposed in the appropriate direction
• The velocity components in the Cartesian frame of reference are deduced
b.5) Flow angle and total conditions in upstream rotational frame
This type of boundary condition is especially useful when a computation is done on only part of a
machine. As an example, a 2.5 stage computation including relative conditions can mimic the
behavior of a full 3.5 stage machine. In such a case, relative conditions can be set as extracted from
the full machine computation at the exit of the first machine. (OPSEL = 9)
The user specifies the direction of the radial and axial velocity, together with the flow angle in [rad].
The relative total pressure and the relative total temperature on the inlet boundary are also speci-
fied. To compute the relative frame of reference, the users needs to input the upstream rotational
speed. The application of the boundary condition can be described as follows:
• The meridional velocity is extrapolated from the interior of the computational domain
• The relative and absolute tangential velocities are computed using the upstream rotational
• The relative velocity magnitude is deduced
• The static pressure and temperature are deduced from the relative pressure and temperature
• The radial and axial velocities are imposed in the appropriate direction
• The velocity components in the Cartesian frame of reference are deduced
8-20 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
α = atan -----θ-
, (8-12)
β = acos -----z-
with the angles given in radians.
For a turbulent calculation with the Spalart-Allmaras model, the turbulent viscosity has also to be
specified on the inlet boundary. When a k-ε, v2-f or k-ω turbulence model is selected, the boundary
values of k and ε have to be specified.
d.2) Static quantities
The flow at inlet is completely specified, by giving the static pressure, static temperature and the
three absolute cylindrical velocity components (ITYPE = 23, OPSEL = 2).
For turbulent models with additional equations, the corresponding quantities are also specified and
imposed on the inlet boundary.
It should be mentioned that the use of this boundary condition requires the presence of
the saturation table ("PSA.atab") of the fluid in the corresponding subfolder.
The boundary condition is based on the dryness fraction (X), whose value is bounded
between 0 and 1. The inlet thermodynamic must be either saturated or be located inside
FINE™ 8-21
Boundary Conditions Theory
The validity of the condensable fluid model is limited to gases with small fraction of
liquid (X > 0.9) or reversely to liquids with small fraction of gas (X < 0.1).
The implementation of the boundary condition is based on extrapolation of the static pressure,
which permits to evaluate the saturated liquid and gas values of the density and enthalpy. The dry-
ness fraction permits to deduce the values of the local static enthalpy and density. The other bound-
ary conditions are then used to calculate the velocity vector.
p0 = p1 , (8-13)
8-22 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
the y- and z-component of the absolute velocity vector at inlet should be equal. In other words, the
flow comes in at an angle of 45 degrees between z- and y-direction, whereas the angle between z-
and x-direction is 0 degrees.
The absolute total pressure and the absolute total temperature on the inlet boundary are also speci-
fied. These values will be imposed.Two variants are available depending on the value that is extrap-
• the absolute Mach number is extrapolated from the interior field (OPSEL = 2, only available
for compressible fluid):
M0 = M1 , (8-14)
• the module of the absolute velocity vector is extrapolated from the interior field.
V0 = V1 (8-15)
FINE™ 8-23
Boundary Conditions Theory
For a turbulent calculation with the Spalart-Allmaras model, the turbulent viscosity has also to be
specified on the inlet boundary. When a k-ε, v2-f or k-ω turbulence model is selected, the boundary
values of k and ε have to be specified.
The outlet patches have to be grouped in one group to use this boundary condition.
This boundary condition is only valid on surfaces with mesh lines at constant radius.
The static pressure in the outlet section is assumed to be uniform in the tangential direction and to
vary in radial direction according to:
∂p v θ
= ρ ⋅ ------- . (8-16)
∂r r
8-24 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
The user specifies the static pressure at a specific radius, followed by that radius and the radial
direction. The radial direction is specified by using the block orientation (I-direction, J-direction or
The pressure distribution in the outlet section is then found by integrating Eq. 8-16 with pitchwise
averaged values of Vθ and r.
The other variables are extrapolated following the system of options exposed above. See “Static
Pressure Imposed” on page 24. The treatment of backflow is not implemented for this boundary
The outlet patches have to be grouped in one group to use this boundary condition.
new old r gas T ref actual imposed
p = p + RELAXP -(Q
--------------------- –Q ) , (8-17)
L ref
where Lref and Tref are the characteristic length and reference temperature specified in the Flow
Model page. rgas (RGAS) and RELAXP are expert parameters defined in the Control Variables
page. The expert parameter RELAXP introduces an under-relaxation of the successive modifica-
tions of the exit pressure. The default value is 1.
FINE™ 8-25
Boundary Conditions Theory
The value of the exit pressure provided by the user is the initial one. In case the radial equilibrium is
used, the initial value of the exit pressure is imposed at midspan.
Contrary to the previous option fixing the mass flow through velocity scaling, it is only after con-
vergence of the procedure that the mass flow reaches the imposed value.
e) Characteristic Imposed
ITYPE = 29
This boundary condition has been implemented to increase the robustness in the frame of a design
process. It is not always suitable to impose the pressure at the exit because it can drive the machine
to stall when the changes in geometry affect its characteristic line.
The proposed solution is to impose a relation between the mass flow and the pressure at the outlet.
It is no longer needed to choose between imposing pressure when working around the chocking part
and imposing mass flow when working close to the stall limit.
The user has to impose a line defined through 3 parameters: a target outlet mass flow ( Qt ), a target
outlet pressure ( p Qt ) and the pressure at zero mass flow ( p Q0 ). See section 8-2.2 for a schematic
representation of this boundary condition.
The implementation follows three principles:
• The relation between mass flow and pressure is imposed from a function of the type:
F ( Q, p ) = 0 , (8-18)
( p Qt – p Q0 ) 2
F = p – p Q0 – --------------------------
-Q . (8-19)
∂F ∂F
F + ------- δQ + ------ δp = 0 , (8-21)
∂Q ∂p
where the δ are the variations of the mass flow and averaged exit pressure and where F and its
derivatives are computed from the old values of p and Q.
• The local outgoing characteristic variables are extrapolated.
• the relation between p 1 and p 0 is imposed as follows:
p 0 = p 1 + ∆p , (8-22)
with ∆p is constant over the whole outlet and with the subscripts 0 and 1 corresponding respec-
tively to the value in the first outer cell and in the first inner cell.
Combining these three principles and expressing Q and p in function of ∆p at the outlet, Eq. 8-21
can be written as a polynomial of second order in ∆p. The suitable root is chosen so that the
imposed pressure always respects the relation defined between the mass flow and the pressure dur-
ing the computation.
8-26 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
w∗ w = w 1
3 1
w∗ w = --- w 1 – --- w 2
2 2
with subscripts w,1,2 denoting respectively the wall, the first and the second inner cell.
FINE™ 8-27
Boundary Conditions Theory
= w∗ w – ( w∗ w ⋅ n )n ,
w w (8-24)
with n the normal to the wall. The velocity vector on the wall is finally found by a scaling process
such that its module equals:
ww = w1
3 1 . (8-25)
w w = --- ⋅ w 1 – --- ⋅ w 2
2 2
The wall density and pressure are obtained through extrapolation from the interior with zero order:
ρw = ρ1
pw = p1
or first order:
3 1
ρ w = --- ρ 1 – --- ρ 2
2 2
. (8-26)
3 1
pw = --- p 1 – --- p 2
2 2
Alternatively the pressure can be solved from the normal momentum equation (ITYPE=15):
n ⋅ ∇p = ρv ⋅ ⎛ v ⋅ ∇⎞ n , (8-27)
⎝ ⎠
which is written in a local curvilinear system as:
∂n ∂n ∂p ∂p ∂p
ρv wall ( v wall ⋅ S i ) ------ + ( v wall ⋅ S k ) ------ = S i ⋅ n ------ + S j ⋅ n ------ + S k ⋅ n ------ , (8-28)
∂ξ ∂ζ ∂ξ ∂η ∂ζ
where ξ, η, ζ represent the coordinates in the i, j and k directions, and where it is assumed that the
j-direction is directed away from the wall (not necessarily perpendicular to the wall). S i, j, k are the
surface vectors of the corresponding cell faces.
Eq. 8-28 is then solved for ------ , whereas zero-order extrapolation is used for the density.
a) Adiabatic Walls
The velocity vector on the wall vanishes. ITYPE = 11 or 13 are used for Cartesian boundary condi-
tion, 111 or 113 for cylindrical. If condition 111 or 113 is used, the angular velocity of the wall (in
the absolute frame of reference) has to be specified.
The velocity relative to the wall should be zero, leading to:
w = –( u s – uw ) , (8-29)
8-28 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
A relation for the pressure is obtained by projection of the momentum equation onto the wall nor-
mal direction n . Written in the absolute frame of reference:
n ⋅ ∇p = – ρ n ⎛ V ⋅ ∇⎞ V + n ⋅ ⎛ ∇ ⋅ τ⎞ . (8-30)
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
The normal pressure gradient can be written as a function of pressure derivatives along the coordi-
nate lines:
1 ∂p ∂p ∂p
n ⋅ ∇p = ------------ S j ⋅ S i + S j ⋅ S j + S j ⋅ S k , (8-31)
Sj Ω ∂ ζ ∂ η ∂ζ
where ξ, η, ζ represent the coordinates in the i, j and k directions, and where it is assumed that the
j-direction is directed away from the wall (not necessarily perpendicular to the wall). S i, j, k are the
surface vectors of the corresponding cell faces.
Combining Eq. 8-30 and Eq. 8-31 and considering that the velocity vanishes on the wall, yields:
∂p ∂p ∂p -------
Ωρ Ω
– - ⋅ n ⎛ V ⋅ ∇⎞ V + ------- n ⎛ ∇ ⋅ τ⎞
= – --------2- S j ⋅ S i + S j ⋅ S k (8-32)
∂η ∂ξ ∂ζ S ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
Sj j Sj
Two implementations of the adiabatic Navier-Stokes wall are available.
In the simplest one (ITYPE=13 or 113), only the terms COR1 and COR2 of the equation above are
taken into account in the evaluation of the pressure derivative. This corresponds to assume that the
normal pressure gradient equals zero. Taking into account that the velocity, appearing in the term
COR2, is the velocity on the wall, this term can be simplified to:
Ωρ 2
COR2 = --------2- ⋅ S j r ⋅ ω w (8-33)
Note that COR2 vanishes for a stator wall.
In the more complicated implementation (ITYPE=11 or 111) the complete normal momentum
equation is considered in the evaluation of the pressure derivative, i.e. the term COR3 is also
accounted for. Applying Gauss' theorem this term can be rewritten as:
COR3 = ----- Ω ⎛ ∇ ⋅ τ⎞ = ----- ⎛ ∇ ⋅ τ⎞ dΩ = ----- τdS ≈ -------j2-
∫ °∫ ∑
n n n
τi ⋅ Si . (8-34)
S ⎝ ⎠ S ⎝ ⎠
S S faces
Once ∂p/∂η is determined, the pressure on the wall is obtained as (assuming the direction points
inside the interior field, and with indices w,1 representing the wall and the first inner cell):
1 ∂p
p w = p 1 – --- ------ . (8-35)
2 ∂η
The temperature on the wall is obtained by expressing that the normal temperature gradient van-
ishes, or in terms of the derivatives along the coordinate lines, cf. Eq. 8-31:
∂T 1 ∂T ∂T
= – --------2- S j ⋅ S i + S j ⋅ S k . (8-36)
∂η ∂ξ ∂ζ
FINE™ 8-29
Boundary Conditions Theory
The wall temperature is then found using a similar equation as Eq. 8-35.
The density follows from pressure and temperature through the appropriate relation, depending on
the type of gas.
b) Isothermal Walls
The implementation of the isothermal wall boundary condition is very similar to the adiabatic
Navier-Stokes wall. The only difference is in the determination of the wall temperature, which is
fixed to the specified temperature in the current boundary condition. Again two versions are availa-
ble, depending on whether all the terms in the normal momentum equation are taken into account
when determining the wall pressure (ITYPE 12 ≡ 11; 14 ≡ 13; 112 ≡ 111; 114 ≡ 113).
For the cylindrical isothermal walls, #112 and #114, the angular velocity of the wall has to be spec-
ified. For all versions (#12,#112,#14,#114) the wall temperature is specified.
The pressure is determined as in the adiabatic condition and the density follows from pressure and
temperature through the appropriate relation, depending on the type of gas.
± 2c
R n = Vn ± ----------- , (8-37)
where R n are the Riemann variables associated with the direction n and c is the local speed of
+ +
For subsonic inflow, R n corresponds to a positive, incoming characteristic. R n is then obtained
from the free stream values:
+ 2c ∞
R n = V ∞ ⋅ n + ----------- , (8-38)
where V ∞ is the free stream velocity, c ∞ the free stream speed of sound.
R n , on the other hand, corresponds to an outgoing characteristic and has to be estimated from
inside the computational domain by an appropriate extrapolation:
- 2c
R n = V i ⋅ n – ----------i- , (8-39)
where subscript i refers to values from the interior. Linear extrapolation of the variables to the
external boundary will be used to obtain a sufficiently accurate solution:
8-30 FINE™
Theory Boundary Conditions
3 1
q i = --- q 1 – --- q 2 , (8-40)
2 2
where subscript 1 and 2 refer to the first two inner points.
The normal velocity and the local speed of sound can now be obtained on the boundary by adding
+ -
and subtracting both Riemann variables R n and R n :
+ -
Rn + Rn γ–1
-, c wall = ( R +n – R -n ) ----------- .
V w ⋅ n = ----------------- (8-41)
2 4
The entropy on the wall is set to the free stream entropy. All the flow variables can then be
Corresponding formulas hold for a subsonic outflow with the difference that R n and the wall
entropy are obtained from interior values.
For supersonic flows, both Riemann variables and the entropy are obtained from free stream values
for inflow, interior values for outflow.
For computations with preconditioning, the same principle is used with modified invariants defined
⎛ ⎞ 2⎛ ⎞ ⎛ vn ⎞ 2
2 2 2
± pg β β
- v n ⎜ 1 – ----- – α⎟ −
R n = v n – ----------- + n
v ⎜ 1 – - – α⎟ + 4 ⎜ 1 – ------
---- -⎟ β , (8-42)
⎝ c
⎠ ⎝ c
⎠ ⎝ c ⎠
p g = p – p ref
. (8-43)
β = β∗ U ref
2 2
The free stream variables of static pressure, static temperature and the three velocity components
are specified by the user in the boundary condition file.
When a k-ε, v2-f or k-ω turbulence model is selected, the values for k and ε on the boundary are set
to their free stream values (inflow) or extrapolated from the interior (outflow).
FINE™ 8-31
Boundary Conditions Theory
8-32 FINE™
CHAPTER 9: Numerical Model
9-1 Overview
To define numerical parameters of the computation, the Numerical Model page allows to define
several aspects of the computation:
• the CFL number,
• the multigrid parameters,
• preconditioning parameters (if applicable).
These parameters are described in the next section.
In expert user mode (Expert Mode) additional parameters are available as shown in Figure 9.1.0-2:
additional multigrid parameters and unsteady parameters. These interfaced expert parameters are
described in section 9-3. Also the non-interfaced expert parameters are described in this section.
More theoretical information on the available parameters related to the numerical model (spatial
and temporal discretizations) is provided in section 9-4.
FINE™ 9-1
Numerical Model Numerical Model in FINE™ GUI
9-2 FINE™
Numerical Model in FINE™ GUI Numerical Model
The coarsest grid level available is then 4 along i and 5 along j and k.
• The current grid level is the finest grid level (for each of the i, j and k directions) on which the
computation will take place. The selected levels should be in the range between 0 and the coars-
est grid level available for each of the i, j and k directions. Referring to the example given just
above, the user can do a first run on level 3 3 3 to validate the computational parameters and
then switch to level 1 1 1 or 0 0 0 for a finer solution. It gives a high flexibility to the system
since with one grid, the user can run simulations on several sub-meshes.
All combinations between the i, j and k grid levels, in the specified range, are possible
such as 2 3 1 or 0 3 2...etc. It is however not recommended to use such hybrid levels (e.g.
010 or 211) since it deforms the mesh in a preferential direction and thus possibly
increasing the aspect ratio. Consequently, the quality of the resulting mesh can be
Press <Enter> after each modification to validate the new specified levels.
The use of multigrid is highly recommended in order to ensure fast convergence of the flow solver.
The mesh used to discretise the space can have multiple grid levels in each direction of the compu-
tational domain i, j and k. These levels are numbered from 0 (finest grid) to N (coarsest grid).
The grid level (N) available in one direction (I, J, or K) is the smallest grid among all
patches on that particular direction (I, J, or K).
The third box, named Number of Grid(s), permits to significantly accelerate the convergence to
steady state if several grid levels are available: the flow calculation is performed simultaneously on
all the grid levels. This technique is referred to as the multigrid strategy. This number should be
chosen as high as possible, and deduced from the information displayed on the available grid level
and the grid level on which the computation will be performed (Current Grid Level).
Finally, the option Coarse Grid Initialization enables, before calculating the flow on the mesh
contained in the IGG™ files, to perform a preliminary flow calculations on a coarser mesh auto-
matically created by the flow solver by coarsening the initial one. This provides a rapid estimation
of the flow. This technique is referred to Full Multigrid.
The Merkle preconditioning method is also available for flows at higher Mach num-
bers. The Low Speed Flow (M<0.3) option just has to be activated to activate the pre-
When using the Merkle preconditioner, no extra inputs are required. When choosing Hakimi pre-
conditioning, extra parameters have to be defined. Preconditioning is described in detail in section
4-4.8. Especially section 4-4.8.5 provides more information on the value to choose for β*, the refer-
ence velocity and the option to use Local velocity scaling.
FINE™ 9-3
Numerical Model Expert Parameters
• An additional input box permits to select the number of sweeps to be performed on the coarse
grid levels through the input box Number of sweeps on successive grid levels. The amount of
sweeps is the amount of times the Runge-Kutta operator is applied (see section 9-4.4 for more
detail). In the default configuration of the solver called Linear progression, the number of
sweeps on each level equals the level number (2 sweeps on second level,...). It has been
observed in many cases that the convergence rate may be significantly improved by performing
a higher number of sweeps on the coarsest levels. Recommended sets of values are proposed in
the Sweeps area through the parameter Scheme definition: for instance (1,2,16) in case of 3
grid levels. However, it is should be noted that more sweeps have as a consequence more time
required for an iteration.
Condensable and preconditioned fluids are not compatible with the use of upwind
schemes for space discretization.
9-4 FINE™
Expert Parameters Numerical Model
If the computation is an unsteady computation, unsteady parameters box appears. Please refer to
chapter section 4-2.1 for a description of those unsteady parameters.
9-3.2.1 Multigrid
IMGDIR: Indicates if coarsening will be applied in the specified I, J or K direction
(three values):
= 1 1 1 (default): coarsening applied in all directions
= 0 0 0 : no coarsening applied in all directions
= 1 1 0 : coarsening applied only on I and J directions
IPROLO: Indicates the order of the prolongation within the multigrid approach:
= 0: is piecewise constant prolongation,
= 1 (default): is linear prolongation (no damping if -1),
= 2 linear prolongation except at boundaries(-2).
When used with a preconditioned formulation, this damping option is somewhat use-
less and can be damaging. FINE™ therefore sets its to off when preconditioning is used.
When used with k-ε turbulence model and preconditioning, the linear prolongation
with damping is recommended.
IRESTR: Gives the order of the restriction operator of the multigrid.
= 0 (default): corresponds to linear restriction,
= 1: to quadratic restriction.
MGRSTR: Applies only for multigrid and fixes the type of multigrid cycle. MGRSTR=1: V-
cycle; MGRSTR=2: W-cycle; MGRSTR=3: F-cycle; MGRSTR=4: V-cycle in saw-
tooth; MGRSTR=5: W-cycle in sawtooth; MGRSTR=6: F-cycle in sawtooth.
Default: MGRSTR=1.
MGSIMP: Applies only for multigrid. If MGSIMP>1 a simplification will be used on coarser
levels. If MGSIMP=1 a more dissipative scheme is used on coarser meshes, i.e. first-
order upwind (if 2nd order upwind scheme is used) or central scheme with increased
4th order dissipation on solid walls (if central scheme is used). If MGSIMP=2, in
addition to the simplification for MGSIMP=1, viscous and source terms (of turbu-
lence) are neglected on coarser levels. No simplification for MGSIMP=0. Default:
FINE™ 9-5
Numerical Model Expert Parameters
RSMPAR: Residual smoothing parameter σ*/σ. A value less or equal to zero means no residual
SMCOR: Only used in case of multigrid. SMCOR has the same meaning as RSMPAR but
applies to the interpolated multigrid corrections instead of the residuals. SMCOR
indicates whether interpolated corrections should be smoothed or not. The default
value for SMCOR is 0.
a) Central Discretization
CDIDTE: Constant used in the exponential damping factor that is used in the numerical dissi-
pation for k and ε, both if central or upwind schemes are used. The default value for
CDIDTE is 100
EXPMAR: Exponent in the multi-dimensional scaling model of Martinelli of the dissipation
used in central schemes (see section 9-4.1.3). Default EXPMAR=0.5 i.e. multi-
dimensional scaling not used.
IARTV2: Defines whether the second order artificial dissipation switch should be based on
both pressure and temperature gradients (parameter IARTV2=1) or on pressure gra-
dients only (IARTV2=0). In the default configuration, only pressure gradients are
taken into account. Both pressure and temperature gradients (IARTV2=1) can only
be taken into account for compressible cases.
VIS2: Coefficient κ(2) for 2nd order dissipation in the central scheme (default VIS2=1.0).
VIS2KE: Used only for k-ε turbulence model. Coefficient κ(2) for 2nd order dissipation in the
central scheme, as applied to the k and ε equations. Default VIS2KE=1.0
VIS2SW: This parameter switches off all second order dissipation for incompressible fluids
(when set to the default: VIS2SW=1). Second order dissipation is intended for stabi-
lization of the shocks but there are no shocks in incompressible flows. Therefore the
default is to switch off all second order dissipation for incompressible fluids. Some-
times it may be stabilizing to use some second order dissipation. In that case set this
parameter to zero.
VIS4: Coefficient κ(4) for 4th order dissipation in the central scheme. Default VIS4=0.1
VIS4KE: Used only for k-ε turbulence model. Coefficient κ(4) for 4th order dissipation in the
central scheme, as applied to the k and ε equations. Default VIS4KE=0.1
VISNUL: Eliminates 2nd order dissipation fluxes along the physical boundaries (central
scheme). Default VISNUL=1. If VISNUL=0, the procedure is not applied.
9-6 FINE™
Expert Parameters Numerical Model
b) Upwind Discretization
ENTRFX: Entropy coefficients, see Eq. 9-2, on page 9-8 and Eq. 9-3, on page 9-9. The first
value is the entropy fix coefficient applied to the linear field, the second value is
applied to the non-linear field. ENTRFX<1. means a constant value, ENTRFX>1.
means scaled with the spectral radius through a factor ENTRFX-1.
IRATIO: Vector of two values, that indicate which effective ratio is to be used, see Eq. 9-
27, on page 9-13. The first value applies to the linear field, the second to the non-lin-
ear field.
IROEAV: = 1 indicates that Roe averages are to be used to calculate cell face data. See Eq. 9-
14, on page 9-11. If IROEAV=0 (default), arithmetic averaging will be used.
NSTAGE: number of stages for the explicit Runge-Kutta scheme. In practice, 4 or 5 stage
schemes are mostly used.
= 4 : ISWV = 1 1 0 ...(ISWV can be modified afterwards independently)
= 5 : ISWV = 1 0 1 0 1 0 ...(ISWV can be modified afterwards independently)
IRSMCH: specifies the type of residual/correction smoothing.
= 1: standard version, Eq. 9-58
= 2 (default in incompressible cases): Radespiel & Rossow, Eq. 9-59
= 3 (default in compressible cases): Zhu, time step dependent coefficients (Eq. 9-61)
= 4: Swanson & Turkel viscous
= 5: Vatsa, Eq. 9-63. On meshes without high aspect ratio.
FINE™ 9-7
Numerical Model Theory
ISWV: governs the recalculation of the dissipative residual in the different Runge-Kutta
stages. A value α between 0 and 1 is allowed. Zero means no recalculation of dissi-
pative residual (latest available value will be used); 1 means recalculation. For inter-
mediate values, a weighted averaging of the latest dissipation residual and of the
preceding one is applied with the weight α and (1-α) respectively. E.g. for a 5-stage
scheme: ISWV = 1 0 1 0 1, means that the dissipative residual is calculated in 1st,3rd
and 5th stage only. ISWV is used in combination with IBOTH.
RSMPAR: residual smoothing parameter σ*/σ. A value less or equal to zero means no residual
smoothing. Default value = 2.
9-4 Theory
9-4.1 Spatial Discretization
The discretization in space is based on a cell entered control volume approach. The general Navier
Stokes equation Eq. 9-1 is discretised as:
∫ Ω∂ t
dΩ +
∑ F ∆S + ∑ F ∆S = ∫ Q dΩ ,
I V (9-1)
faces faces Ω
∫ °∫
1 1
∇Φ = ---- ∇Φ dΩ = ---- ΦdS . (9-2)
Two options exist:
1. IFACE = 0, the gradients are first calculated in cell corners. This is done by applying Eq. 9-2
using as control volume, the volume that has the cell centres that surround the cell corner of
interest as corner points, as depicted in Figure 9.4.1-3 (a) below for two dimensions. The cell
face gradient is then obtained by averaging the gradients in the 4 corners of the cell face. Arith-
metic averaging (input variable IWAVVI=0) or a more accurate weighted averaging may be
chosen (IWAVVI=1).
2. IFACE = 1 (Default), gradients are calculated directly on cell faces. Figure 9.4.1-3 (b) and (c)
illustrate the control volumes used to find the gradient on respectively the cell face i+1/2 and
The option IFACE=1 is more robust and therefore preferred (default), although it is more expensive
as the total number of cell faces is approximately 3 times the number of cell corners.
9-8 FINE™
Theory Numerical Model
FIGURE 9.4.1-3 : Different control volumes used to calculate gradients in cell corners or cell
* 1
( Fn ) i+1⁄2 = --- { ( Fn ) i + ( Fn ) i + 1 } – d i + 1 ⁄ 2 . (9-3)
The first term in the right-hand-side of Eq. 9-3 corresponds to a purely central evaluation of the
flux. The term d i + 1 ⁄ 2 represents a numerical dissipation term, that may be an artificial dissipation,
used in combination with central schemes, or the dissipation associated with upwind schemes.
In Eq. 9-3 an arithmetic averaging technique is used. Alternatively, instead of averaging the fluxes
in Eq. 9-3, a flux can be used, based on the averaged unknowns, i.e.
Ui + Ui + 1
= Fn ⎛ ------------------------⎞ – d i + 1 ⁄ 2 .
( Fn ) (9-4)
⎝ 2 ⎠
Theoretically, the formulation Eq. 9-3 is to be preferred, but, in combination with the central
scheme, the formulation of Eq. 9-4 (default) is sometimes more robust, especially for high speed
Both central schemes and upwind schemes are available within EURANUS.
Currently, the arithmetic averaging given by Eq. 9-3 and Eq. 9-4 (IWAVCO=2) are the only availa-
ble options.
(2) (4) 3
di + 1 ⁄ 2 = ε i + 1 ⁄ 2 δU i + 1 ⁄ 2 + εi δ Ui + 1 . (9-5)
FINE™ 9-9
Numerical Model Theory
(2) 1 (2) *
ε i+1⁄2 = --- κ λ max ( ν i – 1, ν i, ν i + 1, ν i + 2 )
. (9-6)
= max ⎛ 0, --- κ λ -ε i + 1 ⁄ 2⎞
(4) 1 (4) * (2)
ε i+1⁄2
⎝ 2 ⎠
(2) (4)
The coefficients κ , κ are user input, respectively VIS2,VIS4 in the non-interfaced parame-
The cell entered values of ε in Eq. 9-5 are obtained by arithmetic averaging of the cell face val-
ues of Eq. 9-6. The variables v i are sensors to activate the second-difference dissipation in regions
of strong gradients, such as shocks, and to deactivate it elsewhere. They are based on pressure and
temperature variations (depending on the value for the expert parameter IARTV2) and are defined
⎧ p i + 1 – 2p i + p i – 1 T i + 1 – 2T i + T i – 1 ⎫
- , ------------------------------------------- ⎬
v i = max ⎨ ----------------------------------------- (9-7)
⎩ p i + 1 + 2p i + p i – 1 T i + 1 + 2T i + T i – 1 ⎭
for all equations except the k and ε equations. For liquids, only a pressure switch is used. For the k
and ε equations, v i is based on the pressure, on the turbulent kinetic energy and on the dissipation
⎧ p i + 1 – 2p i + p i – 1 k i + 1 – 2k i + k i – 1 ε i + 1 – 2ε i + ε i – 1 ⎫
- , ----------------------------------------- , ----------------------------------------- ⎬ .
v i = max ⎨ ----------------------------------------- (9-8)
⎩ p i + 1 + 2p i + p i – 1 k i + 1 + 2k i + k i – 1 ε i + 1 + 2ε i + ε i – 1 ⎭
λ in Eq. 9-6 is a measure of the inviscid fluxes and is commonly chosen as the spectral radius
multiplied with the cell face area:
* *
λ = λ i+1⁄2 = ( v∆S + c∆S ) i + 1 ⁄ 2 . (9-9)
On high aspect ratio meshes, the resulting dissipation in the streamwise direction may become very
low. Increasing it may improve the robustness and the convergence rate. According to Martinelli
(1987), the spectral radii in the other directions are also accounted for. Instead of Eq. 9-9 one uses:
* * * 1–σ * σ * 1–σ * σ
λ = max { λ i + 1 ⁄ 2, (λ i + 1 ⁄ 2) (λ j + 1 ⁄ 2) ,(λ i + 1 ⁄ 2) (λ k + 1 ⁄ 2) } (9-10)
The spectral radii in the other directions are defined similar as in Eq. 9-9, e.g. for the j-direction:
λ j+1⁄2 = ( v i + 1 ⁄ 2 ∆S j + 1 ⁄ 2 + c i + 1 ⁄ 2 ∆S j + 1 ⁄ 2 ) (9-11)
The cell face normal ∆S j + 1 ⁄ 2 is obtained by averaging the normals on the 4 cell faces in the j-
direction, belonging to the 2 cells that share the i+1/2 cell face.
The parameter σ is user input (EXPMAR). The default value is 0.5, i.e. Eq. 9-9 is used. In the cur-
rent version of EURANUS, the Martinelli approach is not yet implemented for the turbulence equa-
Note that if the k – ε turbulence model is chosen, the resulting equations for k and ε can be solved
(2) (4)
with the central scheme (IUPWTE=0). Separate coefficients κ , κ for the artificial dissipation
can be chosen, respectively VIS2KE and VIS4KE in the non-interfaced expert parameters. Both the
9-10 FINE™
Theory Numerical Model
2nd and 4th order dissipation are damped by multiplying them with the following exponential func-
+ 2 ⎛ V 2⎞
1 – exp ⎛ – ⎛ -----⎞ ⎞ exp ⎜ – -----3 ⎟
. (9-12)
⎝ ⎝ C⎠ ⎠ ⎝ S ⎠
The constant C corresponds to the input variable CDIDTE. The above expression means that the
damping is applied in the region where y+<CDIDTE, the default is CDIDTE=100; V is the cell vol-
ume and S the cell face area.
1 l
d i + 1 ⁄ 2 = --- R i + 1 ⁄ 2 diag ( α i + 1 ⁄ 2 )δ i + 1 ⁄ 2 W , (9-13)
where δW represents the variation of the characteristic variables which is related to the conserva-
tive variables U or the primitive variables V through
–1 –1
δW = R δU = L δV . (9-14)
The matrices R and R contain respectively the right and left eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix.
l l
diag ( α i + 1 ⁄ 2 ) in Eq. 9-13 represents a diagonal matrix with α i + 1 ⁄ 2 the element in row and col-
umn l.
They are to be evaluated on the cell faces, and therefore require the knowledge of the primitive var-
iables on the cell face. These can be obtained either by arithmetic averaging of the primitive varia-
bles in the cell centres left and right of the cell face (input variable IROEAV=0) or by a Roe-type of
averaging (IROEAV=1). In the latter case the following formulas are used:
ρi + 1 ⁄ 2 = ρi ρi + 1
vi ρi + vi + 1 ρi + 1
v i + 1 ⁄ 2 = ---------------------------------------------
ρi + ρi + 1
Hi ρi + Hi + 1 ρi + 1
H i + 1 ⁄ 2 = ------------------------------------------------
ρi + ρi + 1
c i+1⁄2 = (γ – 1) H 2
i+1⁄2 – v i+1⁄2
Theoretically the Roe averages have to be used. However, in practice, arithmetic averages can be
used in most applications without any repercussion on accuracy or convergence. Arithmetic averag-
ing has the advantage that it is computationally less expensive.
Different upwind schemes result, depending on the expression for α. In EURANUS a TVD version
of the Flux Difference Splitting scheme (FDS TVD), Roe (1981), and Symmetric TVD (STVD),
Yee (1987), are available.
For both schemes α can be expressed as:
αi + 1 ⁄ 2 = λi + 1 ⁄ 2 [ 1 – Qi + 1 ⁄ 2 ] (9-16)
FINE™ 9-11
Numerical Model Theory
where λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 represents the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix and Q i + 1 ⁄ 2 is a limiter function,
ensuring monotonicity.
Both the FDS TVD and STVD scheme do not have a built-in entropy criterion, which would guar-
antee that the 2nd law of thermodynamics is satisfied. These schemes therefore may allow unphys-
ical solutions, such as expansion shocks.
In order to avoid unphysical solutions an entropy fix is used. The eigenvalue λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 in Eq. 9-16 is
replaced by λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 :
2 2
) λ i+1⁄2 + δ
λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 = ------------------------------ if λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 ≤ δ
2δ . (9-17)
= λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 if λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 > δ
Eq. 9-17 limits the minimum value of λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 to δ . In subsonic and transonic cases a small con-
stant value (<1.) for the entropy fix δ suffices (choose the input variable ENTRFX < 1.). For flow
simulations in high speed regime, it is advised to scale the entropy fix with the spectral radius, by
choosing the input variable ENTRFX > 1, e.g. ENTRFX=1.05 or 1.1. The scaling factor is then
ENTRFX-1., i.e.:
δ = ( ENTRFX – 1. ) λ i+1⁄2 . (9-18)
The latter choice also increases the robustness, at the expense of a slightly increased dissipation.
Two values for ENTRFX are to be specified. The first one applies to the linear field (the character-
istic variables that propagate with speed un ), the second value to the non-linear field (the charac-
teristic variables that propagate with speed un ± c ).
For first-order upwind schemes, the limiter vanishes and both FDS TVD and STVD reduce to the
same first-order accurate upwind scheme.
For second-order upwind schemes, the limiter is activated.
The limiter Q i + 1 ⁄ 2 acts on ratios r i + 1 ⁄ 2 of variations of the characteristic variables, defined as:
- δi – 1 ⁄ 2 W + δi + 3 ⁄ 2 W
-, r i + 1 ⁄ 2 = --------------------
r i + 1 ⁄ 2 = -------------------- - (9-19)
δi + 1 ⁄ 2 W δi + 1 ⁄ 2 W
For the FDS TVD scheme, Q is function of only one of the ratios, according to the sign of the
Q = Q ( ri + 1 ⁄ 2 ) λi + 1 ⁄ 2 > 0
Q = Q ( ri + 1 ⁄ 2 ) λi + 1 ⁄ 2 < 0
The following limiters are available:
Q ( r ) = minmod ( 1, r ) , (9-21)
Q ( r ) = -------------2- r>0
1+r (9-22)
= 0 r<0
9-12 FINE™
Theory Numerical Model
r+ r
Q ( r ) = -------------- , (9-23)
which represent respectively the Min Mod limiter (LIMITE=1), the Van Albada limiter (LIM-
ITE=2), the Van Leer limiter (LIMITE=3) and the Super Bee limiter (LIMITE=4). The function
minmod chooses the value with the minimum module.
In the STVD scheme, the check on the eigenvalue sign is avoided by choosing Q as a function of
- +
the two ratios r and r
- +
Q = Q ( r i + 1 ⁄ 2, r i + 1 ⁄ 2 ) . (9-25)
Since the 'classical' limiters such as Van Leer, Van Albada, Min Mod, Super Bee are defined as a
function of one ratio, Eq. 9-25 would exclude these limiters in a STVD context.
A new family of non-separable limiters, containing also smooth limiters, is proposed within EURA-
NUS, Lacor et al. (1993).
The classical limiter functions are applied to a so-called effective ratio r , which is an average of
- +
r and r :
- +
Q ( r , r ) = Q ( r* ) . (9-26)
The same functions Q as given in Eq. 9-21 to Eq. 9-24 can be chosen, where the ratio r is replaced
by the effective ratio r* (the same limiters as for the FDS scheme are used).
The following possible choices for the effective ratio are proposed:
+ - 2 - + 2 + -
+ - r (r ) + r (r ) 2r r -
- ≤ --------------- ≤ r + r ≤ .5 ( r + + r - ) ≤ max (r +,r -) .
min (r ,r ) ≤ -------------------------------------- (9-27)
+ 2 - 2 + -
(r ) + (r ) r +r
It can be shown that these new limiters guarantee monotonicity provided that:
r* ≥ 0 , (9-28)
FINE™ 9-13
Numerical Model Theory
In general, robustness is increased by applying a more diffusive limiter. By applying this limiter
only to the non-linear field, and a compressive one to the linear field, a good compromise between
robustness and accuracy can be obtained.
The upwind dissipation can also be reformulated to let the limiter act on ratios of variations of the
primitive variables.
Combining Eq. 9-9 to Eq. 9-11 the limiter function can be moved outside the diagonal matrix and
put in front of the primitive variable variation:
1 1 –1
d i + 1 ⁄ 2 = --- R i + 1 ⁄ 2 diag ( λ i + 1 ⁄ 2 )L i + 1 ⁄ 2 [ 1 – Q i + 1 ⁄ 2 ]δ i + 1 ⁄ 2 V . (9-29)
The limiter function is the same as before and acts on ratios as in Eq. 9-19 or Eq. 9-27 where the
characteristic variable variations are replaced by primitive variable variations.
Eq. 9-29 can be simplified to
d i + 1 ⁄ 2 = --- An i + 1 ⁄ 2 ( 1 – Q i + 1 ⁄ 2 )δ i + 1 ⁄ 2 V . (9-30)
∂ ( Fn )
The Jacobian matrix in Eq. 9-30 is the Jacobian with respect to the primitive variables --------------- :
An = RΛL . (9-31)
Coarse level : 2 2 2
Coarsest level : 3 3 3
MG Cycle
The multigrid method is based on the Full Approximation Storage (FAS) approach. V (input param-
eter MGRSTR = 1), W (MGRSTR = 2) and F-cycle (MGRSTR = 3) can be chosen by the user, or if
preferred their sawtooth variant (MGRSTR = 4, 5 or 6 for respectively V,W,F sawtooth). In the
sawtooth variant no smoothing (i.e. Runge-Kutta solver or implicit solver) will be applied in the
coarse-to-fine part of the cycle. As a result, the solution is only prolonged when passing from
coarse to fine.
9-14 FINE™
Theory Numerical Model
Consider a set of meshes denoted with an index l = 1,...,L with L being the finest level. The Navier-
Stokes problem on the finest level can be written as:
---------- + N L ( U L ) = 0 , (9-32)
where N L ( U ) is the spatial discretization of the Navier-Stokes operator on the finest mesh L . The
problem is then approximated on coarser levels l as:
--------- + N l ( U l ) = F l , (9-33)
with F l the forcing function, defined recursively as:
) + ˆI l + 1 [ F l + 1 – N l + 1 ( U ) ] ,
l l+1 l+1
Fl = Nl ( Il + 1 U (9-34)
where I l + 1 and ˆI l + 1 represent restriction operators of respectively the unknowns and the residu-
∑R ,
ˆI l R l + 1 = l+1
∑Ω U
l+1 l+1
l l+1
Il + 1 U = --------------------------------- , (9-36)
where R is defined as:
l+1 l+1
R = Fl + 1 – Nl + 1 ( U ) (9-37)
and Ω represents the cell volume. The summation in Eq. 9-35 and Eq. 9-36 is over the 8 fine cells
contained within a coarse cell.
If IRESTR=1 a more complicated quadratic restriction is used both for the residuals and the
After temporal discretization, Eq. 9-33 becomes:
FINE™ 9-15
Numerical Model Theory
l l(0)
S∆U + N l ( U ) = Fl . (9-38)
U is the current solution on mesh l, around which the equations have been linearized (in an
implicit method) and which has to be smoothed. One has:
l(0) l l+1
U = Il + 1 U (9-39)
l l(0)
∆U is an update of U and is to be calculated.
S is the smoother. It is the operator that corresponds to the chosen time integration method.
In EURANUS, an explicit multi-stage Runge-Kutta time-marching scheme has been implemented,
see below.
l l
The linear problem Eq. 9-38 can be solved for ∆U . The updated solution U will be smoothed
(provided S is a good smoother) and can be restricted to the next coarser level, according to Eq. 9-
39 with l replaced by l-1.
Note that the number of smoothing sweeps (i.e. the number of times the Runge-Kutta operator is
applied) can be chosen by the user for each grid level (Numerical Model page in Expert Mode:
Scheme definition and Number of sweep on successive grid levels) as described in section 9-
Once the solution on the coarsest mesh is smoothed, the coarse-to-fine sweep of the multigrid cycle
is initiated. The current solutions on finer grids are updated with the solution on the next coarser
l l l l-1 l-1 l
U = U + Il-1 (U - Il U ) (9-40)
The operator Il-1 is a prolongation operator, which may be of zero- (i.e. piecewise constant, input
parameter IPROLO = 0) or first-order (IPROLO = 1).
In the basic V,W,F cycle (MGRSTR = 1,2,3 respectively) the new solution on the finer mesh is
l(0) l
smoothed before proceeding to the next finer level, by solving Eq. 9-35, with U = U . The
number of sweeps of the smoothing operator is user input (Numerical Model page in Expert
Mode: Scheme definition and Number of sweep on successive grid levels).
In the sawtooth type cycles (MGRSTR = 4, 5 or 6) the system of equations is not solved in the
coarse-to-fine part of the multigrid cycle.
The user also has the possibility to smooth the corrections after prolongation (2nd term in the right-
hand-side of Eq. 9-40) before adding them to the current finer grid solution, by applying the resid-
ual smoothing operator to the corrections. This is governed by the input parameter SMCOR which
has the same definition as RSMPAR, see below, and allows to calculate the smoothing parameter,
according to the chosen type of residual smoothing (parameter IRSMCH), see below.
In EURANUS, the computing cost of a multigrid cycle is significantly reduced by using simplify-
ing assumptions on coarser (i. e. all levels but the finest) grids (input parameter MGSIMP). If
MGSIMP = 1, a first-order accurate upwind scheme is used on coarser levels (if Upwind spatial
discretization scheme is selected in the Numerical Model page in Expert Mode), else a more dif-
fusive central scheme is used on coarser levels (if Central spatial discretization scheme is selected
in the Numerical Model page in Expert Mode). If MGSIMP = 2 in addition to the changes for
MGSIMP = 1 also viscous terms as well as source terms (of turbulence and chemistry) are omitted
on coarser levels.
9-16 FINE™
Theory Numerical Model
Coarse level : 2 2 2
Coarsest level : 3 3 3
Based upon numerical experiments, it has been found that it is very important to check the conver-
gence level of solutions on the coarser grid before switching to the next finer grid level. The reason
for this is, that if solutions do not converge on the coarser grid, it may cause divergence on the next
finer grid.
In addition, an initial solution on coarse grids is less sensitive to multigrid convergence than on the
finest grid. A large cell size makes solutions converge easily and fast. Hence it takes much less
computational time and risk of blowing up to get reasonable solutions on the finest grid, when com-
pared to the start directly on the finest grid. A full multigrid method can therefore improve the
robustness and efficiency of numerical iterations methods.
= F(U ) (9-41)
can be written:
FINE™ 9-17
Numerical Model Theory
1 n n
u = u + α 1 ∆tF ( u )
2 n 1
u = u + α 2 ∆tF ( u )
… (9-42)
q n q–1
u = u + ∆tF ( u )
n+1 q
u = u
The coefficients α i determine the stability area and the order of accuracy of the Runge-Kutta
scheme. They can be chosen in such a way that they suit the problem to be solved.
For inviscid calculations the local (i.e. for each cell) inviscid time step is calculated as:
⎛∆-----t⎞ = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- . (9-43)
⎝ Ω⎠ I
wS i + wS j + wS k + c [ S i + S j + S k ]
CFL is the user specified CFL number (variable CFL on the Numerical Model page). The vectors
S are cell normals at the cell centre (obtained by averaging the normals on the cell faces) in respec-
tively i,j and k-direction. The module corresponds to the cell face area.
For viscous calculations one also calculates a local viscous time step in each cell.
If a viscous CFL number (expert parameter CFLVIS by default set at -1) is specified by the user in
the Control Variables page, i.e. the input variable CFLVIS > 0, the following formula is used for
the viscous time step:
⎛∆-----⎞ = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,
⎝ Ω⎠ ν 2 2 2
8µ { S i + S j + S k + 2 [ S i S j + S i S k + S k S j ] }
with µ the local laminar viscosity (laminar simulation) or the sum of local laminar and turbulent
viscosity (turbulent simulation).
The actual local time step is then the minimum of both time steps:
⎛∆ ⎧ ∆t ∆t ⎫
-----⎞ = min ⎨ ⎛ -----⎞ ,⎛ -----⎞ ⎬ .
⎝ Ω⎠ ⎝ Ω⎠ I ⎝ Ω⎠ ν
⎩ ⎭
If the input variable CFLVIS < 0 (Default) the viscous CFL number, CFLVIS, is replaced by the
inviscid CFL number, CFL in Eq. 9-44. The actual local time step is then obtained by weighting the
inviscid and viscous time step according to a harmonic mean formula:
⎛∆ t ∆t
-----⎞ ⎛ -----⎞
∆ ⎝ Ω⎠ I⎝ Ω⎠ ν
⎛ -----⎞ = --------------------------------
⎝ Ω⎠
⎛∆ -----⎞ + ⎛ -----⎞
t ∆t
⎝ Ω⎠ I ⎝ Ω⎠ ν
If local time stepping is used i.e. each cell in the computation domain has its own time step given by
Eq. 9-43, for inviscid calculations and Eq. 9-45 or Eq. 9-46 (depending on CFLVIS) for viscous
If global time stepping is used, i.e. in all cells the same time step is used, which is, for stability rea-
sons, the minimum of the local time steps. This option is only to be used for unsteady simulations
when the dual time stepping approach (default) is not selected. For steady simulations, it is recom-
mended always to choose local stepping, as it will increase the convergence rate.
9-18 FINE™
Theory Numerical Model
In practice, 4 or 5 stage Runge-Kutta schemes are mostly used. In EURANUS the following coeffi-
cients are default for 4 and 5 stage schemes:
For central schemes
The user has the possibility to provide the Runge-Kutta coefficients through the expert parameter
IRKCO. The first element of IRKCO corresponds to the first coefficient, the 2nd element to the sec-
ond, and so forth. A maximum of 10 coefficients (i.e. a 10-stage scheme) is foreseen. If all elements
of IRKCO are zero the default values are used as listed in section 9-3.2.3.
In Jameson (1985) the dissipative terms are calculated only once or a few times in a q-stage Runge-
Kutta scheme. This approach reduces the computational cost substantially.
The disadvantage is that the dissipative terms need to be stored separately. For the laminar Navier-
Stokes equations with 5 equations, 5 extra arrays are required to store the dissipative residuals from
the artificial dissipation.
The residual F ( U ) is split into a convective and a dissipative part:
The artificial (central or upwind) dissipation terms, cf. Eq. 9-2, are accounted for either in the con-
vective part (parameter IBOTH = 0) or in the dissipative part (parameter IBOTH = 1).
The expression for F in Eq. 9-42 at any stage m is then
where m is the current stage and r is the latest stage at which the dissipative residuals have been
The recalculation of the dissipative residuals is governed by the (vector) variable ISWV. For a m-
stage Runge-Kutta scheme the m first elements of this vector are used, the first element correspond-
ing to the 1st stage, the 2nd element to the 2nd stage and so on. If the element of ISWV is 0 it means
that the dissipative residual should not be calculated at the corresponding stage, and the latest avail-
able dissipative residuals will be used; if it is 1, D will be calculated.
Note that for consistency reasons, the first value of ISWV should always be one.
For upwind schemes, in order to run at high CFL numbers, it is advised to recalculate the upwind
dissipation at every stage. The best strategy is to chose IBOTH = 0 (upwind dissipation put in con-
vective residuals, and hence calculated at each stage). ISWV monitors then only the recalculation of
the physical dissipation (i.e. Navier-Stokes terms) and a calculation on the first stage only is usually
enough (ISWV = 1 0...0).
FINE™ 9-19
Numerical Model Theory
Central schemes are usually less sensitive to the recalculation of the artificial dissipation, so that
IBOTH = 1 can be used. The recalculation of artificial dissipation is then also governed by ISWV.
However only one calculation (ISWV = 1 0...0) may not be enough; a better choice is for instance
recalculation once every 2 stages, e.g. ISWV = 1 0 1 0 1 for 5-stage Runge-Kutta.
For IBOTH = 2 (Default), the same strategy as for IBOTH = 1 is used but in addition the physical
viscous terms are evaluated only once per iteration.
For non-equilibrium real gas calculations (ITYGAS = 4 in corresponding ".run" file) the input vari-
able ISWS governs the recalculation of the source terms of the species equations. Apart from the
source terms, ISWS also governs the recalculation of the diagonal terms of the Jacobians of the
source terms (which are used in the point implicit procedure).
From Eq. 9-42 it can be seen that, after the update in the last stage, the residual is normally not re-
calculated any more. Strictly spoken however, within a multigrid approach, one should use in the
calculation of the forcing function for the coarser level, Eq. 9-34, the residual corresponding to the
latest solution. For single grid computations, re-calculation is never done.
Within multigrid, the Runge-Kutta operator can be applied more than once on each grid level, to
ensure a better smoothing. The parameter Number of sweeps on successive grid levels gives the
number of times the Runge-Kutta operator has to be applied to each grid level during the fine-to-
coarse - respectively the coarse-to-fine - part of the multigrid cycle. They can take different values
on each grid level.
Within the explicit Runge-Kutta approach, the source terms of the two-equation turbulence models
and of the chemistry equations (non-equilibrium real gas) are treated in a point implicit way.
For the k-ε equations the Jacobian of the negative part of the source term is diagonalized by assum-
ing that the turbulent viscosity is approximately constant. This leads to the following relations
between ρk and ρε :
µ t ρε
ρk = -----------
Cµ fµ
( ρk )
ρε = C µ f µ -------------
For instance, for the Chien model, this results in the following diagonal terms of the Jacobian,
including the compressibility corrections of Sarkar and of Nichols:
∂S k Cµ µ C p1 ( γ – 1 )Mk
= – 2 ------ ρk ⎛ 1 + --- αM t ⎞ – 2 -------2- – 2 ---------------------------------
1 2
Pk , (9-53)
∂ ( ρk ) µt ⎝ 2 ⎠ ρy ρka
∂S ε 3 C µ ρε µ –0.5y+
= – --- C ε 2 f 2 ------------
- – 2 ----2 e . (9-54)
∂ ( ρε ) 2 µt y
Note that in the equations above the damping function f µ is not taken into account.
9-20 FINE™
Theory Numerical Model
m+1 n m n m
u = u + α m ∆tF ( u ) = u + α m R ( u ) (9-55)
The residual R may then be smoothed first, before applying the update of Eq. 9-55. The smoothing
may be obtained by applying a central type operator leading to a smoothed residual R˜ :
2 2 2
( I – ε i ∆ i ) ( I – ε j ∆ j ) ( I – ε k ∆ k )R̃ = R (9-56)
with the operator ∆ i
∆ i R˜ = R˜ i – 1 – 2R˜ i + R˜ i + 1
* 2
1 σ
ε > --- ----- –1 , (9-58)
4 σ
where σ , σ are the CFL numbers of the smoothed and unsmoothed Runge-Kutta scheme respec-
tively. The result of the residual smoothing is thus that one can run at higher CFL numbers: choose
σ /σ > 1 and by an adapted choice of ε, according to Eq. 9-58, the scheme remains stable. Though
theoretically Eq. 9-58 guarantees stability for any value of σ /σ , in practice this is not the case. A
* *
good practical value is σ /σ =2. The parameter σ /σ is user input (RSMPAR).
1 σ* 1 + max ( ( λ j * ⁄ λ i * ), ( λ k * ⁄ λ i * ) )
ε i = --- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- –1 , (9-59)
4 σ 1 + max ( λ j * ⁄ λ i *, λ k * ⁄ λ i * )
with the spectral radius (scaled with the cell face area), e.g.:
λ i * = [ ( un + c ) ⋅ S ] i . (9-60)
1 ∆t
ε i = --- λ i * ----- (9-61)
2 Ω
FINE™ 9-21
Numerical Model Theory
IRSMCH = 4 is after Swanson & Turkel for viscous flows. First Eq. 9-61 is applied. Denoting the
obtained value as ε*, the final value is:
1 10 ⋅ λ d
ε i = max [ε*,--- -------------------------------------] . (9-62)
4 λi * + λj * + λk *
1 σ* 1 + ( λ j * ⁄ λ i * ) + ( λ k * ⁄ λ i * )
ε i = --- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- –1 . (9-63)
4 σ 1 + λj * ⁄ λi * + λk * ⁄ λi *
9-22 FINE™
CHAPTER 10:Initial Solution
10-1 Overview
FINE™ provides the possibility to start a computation from an initial solution. The following initial
solution types are available:
• constant values,
• from file,
• for turbomachinery,
• from throughflow.
Each of these types is described in the next sections.
FINE™ allows to define a different initial solution type for each block or group of blocks. Such a
block dependent initial solution provides more flexibility in the restart of previously computed
solutions. The next section describes how to set up a block dependent solution.
FINE™ 10-1
Initial Solution Block Dependent Initial Solution
FIGURE 10.2.1-1 Initial Solution default settings when loading AutoGrid™ mesh
10-2 FINE™
Initial Solution Defined by Constant Values Initial Solution
2. A turbine includes 10 stages. Even with the turbomachinery-oriented initial solution, the code
does not succeed to converge properly. The designer could split the turbine in several parts and
calculate the solution for each of these parts. Then a global project is created. In the Initial
Solution page, a from file initial solution is assigned to each part of the project. The computa-
tion will have a far better chance to succeed.
To restart from a solution the computation definition file with extension ".run" is not
sufficient. It is required that the solution file with extension ".cgns" is present, which
contains all the saved and requested quantities.
FINE™ 10-3
Initial Solution Initial Solution from File
The option Reset convergence history can be activated. When selecting this button the ".res" file,
which contains all the residuals from the previous computation, will be erased. The new residuals
will be calculated with respect to the first iteration of the new computation. If the from file solution
is already very close to the exact solution, the normalized residuals will decrease slowly. This is
because the starting state is already a good approximation of the solution.
When all the blocks are grouped in only one group, the user is able to unselect the option Reset
convergence history. In this case, the new residuals are appended to the ".res" file and are calcu-
lated with respect to the first iteration of the old computation.
If only one group of blocks exists the option Reset convergence history can be acti-
vated or deactivated. If several groups of blocks exist, the option is disabled and auto-
matically the convergence history is reset.
If the user wants to keep the convergence history, the ".run" file MUST belong to the active compu-
tation. The following steps are not compatible with the Reset convergence history option:
1. Compute a solution.
2. Create a new computation.
3. In this new computation, select a from file initial solution.
If the user de-activates the Reset convergence history option, it will be activated automatically.
If, for some reason, the user still wants to keep the convergence history in a new computation, the
only workaround is to copy all the files from the old computation directory to the new computation
directory and to rename them with the name of the new computation. Then the File Chooser will
point to a ".run" file belonging to the active computation and the convergence history will not be
The initialization of the flow computation from a solution file is currently limited to
".cgns" files.
As the initial pressure and temperature fields are block dependent, discontinuities in
these quantities can be present at block connections. The flow solver could have difficul-
ties to converge in such a case. Therefore boundary conditions should be carefully
checked in order to avoid any large discontinuities at block connections.
10-4 FINE™
Initial Solution for Turbomachinery Initial Solution
The flow solver can start from files resulting from calculations performed on different grid levels.
Only the grid levels that are used in the multigrid cycle are considered here. For instance, a compu-
tation of a three-stage turbine on 0/0/0 with 3 grid levels can start from three solutions for each
stage, each one on a different grid level (0/0/0, 1/1/1, and 2/2/2). Furthermore, the full multigrid
cycle is automatically removed by the flow solver when at least one file is provided on the finest
grid level.
Before imposing the initial solution type, all the blocks need to be grouped and the
Reset convergence history option deactivated in order to allow a second order restart.
Otherwise only a first order restart will be applied automatically.
The initial solution for turbomachinery is not available when imposing supersonic
inlet boundary condition.
10-5.1 Methodology
The initial solution for turbomachinery is computed on the 2D meridional view divided into differ-
ent parts named "meridional sectors". The control sections of the meridional mesh in AutoGrid™
that correspond to the inlets, outlets and rotor-stator interfaces define these meridional sectors as
showed in Figure 10.5.1-1.
FINE™ 10-5
Initial Solution Initial Solution for Turbomachinery
The conservation of mass and rothalpy is applied on the streamlines of each meridional sector. Then
the initial solution computed in the meridional view is interpolated in the 3D mesh.
Such initial solution ’for turbomachinery’ can also be used for the blocks defining technological
effects. For example the axisymmetric elements such as seal leakages that are not included in the
general meridional view can be treated easily. If the cell centre is not located in the meridional view,
the pressure will be the pressure in the closest cell of the meridional mesh (idem for the tempera-
ture). The components of the velocity will be set to zero. This special treatment can be applied as
well to the blocks included in 3D effects located in the main passage (cooling holes, …). Selecting
the page techno effects uses this initial solution.
When using a mesh created by AutoGrid™ 4, the axisymmetric stream surfaces are
defined by the grid surfaces and the initial solution is applied on each block. For this the
grid topology, orientation (I,J,K) and the type of down- and upstream boundary condi-
tions are taken into account.
10-6 FINE™
Initial Solution for Turbomachinery Initial Solution
The turbomachinery-oriented page displays two major panels: one for the inlet patches and one for
the Rotor/Stator interfaces (see Figure 10.5.2-1). On the left of each panel, a tree shows by default
the AutoGrid™ grouping. If no patch name has been given in IGG™, the default name will be a
concatenation of the name of the block, the index of the face and the index of the patch.
The Inlet Patches grouping displayed in this initial solution page is identical to the grouping cre-
ated under the INLET thumbnail of the Boundary Conditions page. Similarly, the Rotor/stator
Interface grouping displayed in the Initial Solution page is based on the ID given in the Rotor-
Stator thumbnail of the Rotating Machinery page. These groups of patches cannot be modified in
the Initial Solution page. If these groups of patches need to be edited, the user must go back to the
Boundary Conditions or Rotating Machinery pages.
An input dialog box is provided per group of patches in order to select the type of static pressure
specification: constant distribution or radial equilibrium. One or two input boxes are provided per
group of patches in order to define the static pressure value to be used and, if radial equilibrium is
chosen, the radius (in meters [m]) on which this radial equilibrium will be based.
Provided that a k-ε, k-ω or v2-f turbulence model is selected, a third panel is displayed that requires
the initial values for the turbulent kinetic energy (k) and the turbulent dissipation rate (epsilon). For
advice on the initial values to choose for k and epsilon see section 4-4.5.4.
An inlet patch has to be defined among the blocks for which a ’for turbomachinery’
initial solution has been chosen. If there is no inlet patch for the selected group of blocks,
a warning message is displayed in the FINE™ interface asking the user either to edit the
group or to change the type of initial solution.
FINE™ 10-7
Initial Solution Throughflow-oriented Initial Solution
There is no direct link between the throughflow module integrated in the FINE™
interface and the format currently available. Work is in progress to make the bridge
between both tools.
The solver will create a virtual mesh based on the hub and shroud definitions, forcing points on the
data points. Two additional stations will be created, at the inlet and outlet, respectively. The inlet
data are extrapolated from the first spanwise station while the outlet data come from the last station.
It is therefore recommended that the inlet and outlet boundaries of the mesh lie outside the meridi-
onal domain covered by the throughflow data.
10-8 FINE™
Throughflow-oriented Initial Solution Initial Solution
There are 4 spanwise stations in this example (Z=-0.025, Z=0.0, Z=0.025 and Z=0.05), each with 3
points in spanwise direction (R direction). The point order in a streamwise and spanwise station
goes respectively from hub to shroud and from inlet to outlet.
Each data line is made of the two (R,Z) coordinates (in m), the static pressure (in Pa), the static tem-
perature (in K), the meridional velocity and the tangential velocity (in m/s).
The hub is described in increasing Z coordinate from -0.02 to 0.051. The first column contains the
R coordinate for each of the two points on the hub.
FINE™ 10-9
Initial Solution Throughflow-oriented Initial Solution
3D View
10-10 FINE™
CHAPTER 11:Output
11-1 Overview
With the EURANUS flow solver in the FINE™ environment the user has the possibility to specify
the content of the output generated by the solver. The output does not only contain the flow varia-
bles for which the equations are solved (density, pressure, velocity components), but also other var-
iables such as temperature, total conditions, the Mach number, customized velocity projections,
Furthermore CFView™ allows to calculate derived quantities, which permits to limit the memory
size of the output and to avoid re-launching the flow solver in case one quantity of interest is not
available. With this functionality the user can find the compromise between an acceptable memory
size for the output and the ease of having all flow quantities of interest immediately available for
In the next sections the way to control the output from the EURANUS flow solver is described in
more detail:
• field quantities: calculated at all the mesh nodes (see section 11-2.1),
• solid data: calculated along the solid wall boundaries (see section 11-2.1.5),
• customized averaged data:
— the evolution of some averaged quantities can be provided along the streamwise direction as
described in section 11-2.2,
— for turbomachinery applications, a pitchwise averaged output can be created for visualiza-
tion as described in section 11-2.3,
• global performance output (see section 11-2.5),
• additional output for the ANSYS code, a widely used finite element code for structural analy-
sis (see section 11-2.4.1).
The global performance output is written in an ASCII file with the extension ".mf". All other out-
puts, generated by the solver, are written in one single ".cgns" file, compatible with the CFView™
visualisation software. It is also possible to request for the output to be written in Plot3D format, as
described in section 11-2.6.
FINE™ 11-1
Output Output in FINE™
11-2.1.1 Thermodynamics
Table 11-1 and Table 11-2 give the formulae used to calculate the thermodynamic quantities.
Total temperature 2 2
V +k V +k
T tot = T stat + --------------- T tot = T stat + ---------------
2C p 2C p
Density ρ ρ
Entropy T stat ( P stat ⁄ P stat inlet )
s = C p ln --------------------
- s = C v ln -----------------------------------------
T stat inlet γ
( ρ ⁄ ρ inlet )
Dynamic viscosity µ µ
11-2 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
Furthermore five definitions of the pressure coefficient are available for internal flow (inlet and out-
let boundary conditions available): CP1, CP*1, CP2, CP*2, CP3:
2 ( P – Ptinlet )
— CP1 = -------------------------------
ρ inlet U ref
Pt inlet – Pt
— CP∗ 1 = -------------------------
Pt inlet
2(P – P inlet )
— CP2 = -----------------------------2- ,
ρ inlet W inlet
2 ( Pt – Pt )
— CP∗ 2 = ---------------------------------
ρ inlet W inlet
2(P – P inlet )
— CP3 = -----------------------------
where Xinlet corresponds to the mean value of the variable X on the inlet, and where Uref is defined
• ω RLEN in cylindrical cases, with RLEN, the reference length given in the Flow Model page,
and ω, the rotational speed (defined block per block),
• UENTR (Cartesian case) to be specified in the expert parameters list of the Control Variables
When the reference velocity Uref is set to 0, the value of CP1 and CP3 are undefined
and set to 0.
Finally, when a condensable fluid is selected in the Fluid Model page, new quantities at the bottom
of the page will appear. Those variables are defined using the thermodynamic tables defining the
condensable fluid (see section 3-2.3.4 for more details).
When the condensable fluid option is used, 6 flow variables are stored at all mesh cell centers
instead of 5 for a perfect gas or liquid. These variables are the following: density, velocity compo-
nents, static pressure and total energy ( ρE = ρ ⎛⎝ e + ------⎞⎠ ). The static and total enthalpy can easily be
derived using:
FINE™ 11-3
Output Output in FINE™
• absolute total enthalpy Ha = ⎛⎝ h + V
------⎞ .
⎠ 2
• relative total enthalpy H r = ⎛⎝ h + ------
W -⎞
⎠. 2
The dryness fraction permits to evaluate the location of the local thermodynamic state with respect
to the saturation curve. For each value of the pressure an interpolation from the saturation table
("PSA.atab") permits to determine the saturated liquid (ρl) and gas (ρv) values of the density. The
dryness fraction is then computed by:
The generalised dryness fraction directly results from the above expression whereas the standard
dryness fraction is bounded in the [0,1] interval.
The presence of the saturation table ("PSA.atab") is required in order to calculate the
dryness fraction, although this table is not required by the solver itself (unless an inlet
boundary condition based on dryness fraction X is used).
11-2.1.2 Velocities
Vis = V – ⎛ V ⋅ Si⎞ ⋅ Si .
⎝ ⎠
11-4 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
γP stat⎞
M abs = V ⁄ ⎛ -------------
- .
⎝ ρ ⎠
Vθ = Vy cos θ – V x sin θ ,
2 2
Vm = Vr + Vz .
W= V – ω × r ,
Wθ = Wy cos θ – W x sin θ .
• Relative velocity projections: Wi, Wj, Wk, |Wi|, |Wj|, |Wk|, Wis, Wjs, Wks
Wis = W – ⎛ W ⋅ Si⎞ ⋅ Si .
⎝ ⎠
11-2.1.3 Vorticities
ζ= ∇ × V ,
where ∇ is the gradient operator. From the above expression, ζx, ζy, ζz, ζxyz, and ζ are available.
FINE™ 11-5
Output Output in FINE™
11-2.1.4 Residuals
The residuals are computed in FINE™/Turbo by a flux balance (the sum of the fluxes on all the faces
of each cell). The absolute value |RES| resulting from the flux balance is written as output for each
cell. The residuals for the following quantities can be selected:
• density ρ,
• energy E,
• velocity component Wx,
• velocity component Wy,
• velocity component Wz,
• turbulent kinetic energy k, for the k-ε, k-ω and v2-f turbulence models,
• turbulent energy dissipation rate ε, for the k-ε and v2-f turbulence models.
The solid wall data refer to quantities that are estimated at the solid boundaries:
• static pressure at walls (see section 11-2.1.1)
• static temperature at walls (see section 11-2.1.1)
• normalized tangential component C f = ----------------
of the viscous stress at walls, where τ is the vis-
ρV ⁄ 2
cous stress, V is the reference velocity and ρ is the reference density defined in Flow Model
11-6 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
11-2.1.6 Turbulence
ρy wall u w
y + = ---------------------- ,
11-2.1.7 Harmonic
For the output specific for harmonic computations see section 4-3.1.
11-2.1.8 Throughflow
For the output specific for throughflow computations see Chapter 6.
FINE™ 11-7
Output Output in FINE™
Since the integration is performed on mesh surfaces, some differences could appear.
For example, if the geometry contains a splitter, two curves will be generated in the Car-
tesian plot. A sum of these curves has to be performed to see the evolution of the quan-
tity in streamwise direction of one channel.
Since the surface averaging is performed on grid surfaces this option is only suitable
11-8 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
Like for a cylindrical project the surface averaged evolution of the quantities is shown
for each block separately.
After selecting such averaged variables, they are available through the menu Quan-
tity/Plot Data within CFView™, which is automatically plotting the averaged variable
along the selected streamwise direction on each I, J or K constant surface.
FINE™ 11-9
Output Output in FINE™
The choice is left to the user to apply Mass or Area averaging, and to merge the averaging patches
into one patch or not. This last option (Merging of meridional patches) simplifies the meridional
view but the patches are merged in increasing order one after another, which is not suitable for all
mesh topologies.
If Surface of revolution mesh (Autogrid) option is activated, a specific algorithm will be applied
to enhance azimuthal averaging of the solution performed on revolution surfaces.
The "parameters area" is divided into five ’notebook pages’ which can be selected by clicking on
one of the five corresponding tabs: Thermodynamics, Velocities, Vorticities, Residuals and Tur-
bulence in the same way as for the control variables.
Figure 11.2.3-9 shows an example of the corresponding information page for thermodynamics vari-
ables. Other pages are similar to those described in section 11-2.1.
At the bottom of Figure 11.2.3-9 in Expert Mode the user can define the meridional patches for
azimuthal averaging. See section 11-3.1 for more detail on this possibility. By default meridional
averaging patches are set.
Automatic setting of the meridional averaging patches only works if no manual action
has been performed (like renaming of some patches).
11-2.4 ANSYS
The FINE™/Turbo environment provides the user with a specific ANSYS output. The objective is
to export results of the CFD computation on solid surfaces (nodes and elements) into ANSYS as a
boundary condition for the finite element model. This approach is called FEM loading method for
loading the CFD results on a Finite Element Model. The transferred results on the interface fluid-
11-10 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
structure can be the pressure field for a structural analysis and the temperature field or the heat
fluxes for a thermal analysis in the structure.
The FEM approach needs to have the finite element mesh of ANSYS. If this mesh
does not exist before the CFD computation, it is impossible to create directly a file that
can be imported in ANSYS to apply the suitable boundary condition. Consequently the
best way to manage the interface between FINE™/Turbo and ANSYS can be a new post-
processing tool. The post-processing tool is needed with the specification of the ANSYS
mesh, the common surfaces where the data must be interpolated and the type of bound-
ary condition on each surface. The transfer will be carried out through the ANSYS file
saved with the command CDWRITE ("project_ANSYS.cdb") in ANSYS. This file will
be modified and read again in ANSYS to impose the CFD results as boundary conditions
(see Figure 11.2.4-10).
FINE™ 11-11
Output Output in FINE™
TABLE 11-3 Default code for different type of boundary condition imposed from CFD
The coded value can be modified in order to avoid confusion with physical values.
Note that the surface must be relatively flat or smooth (without sharp angle) so that the
six surfaces define a cube. Moreover a surface closed on itself, like a cylinder or a blade
must be divided into two parts if the conservative interpolation type is required.
The heat transfer coefficient can be computed only for non-adiabatic solid patches.
The correct physical bulk temperature must be specified on the surfaces with convection.
It must be constant for each surface.
If the coded values have been prescribed by using the solid model, the solid model has
not to be saved in the original ".cdb" input file (see the options for achieve file).
Validation tests are performed with ANSYS release v8.0. Please refer to ANSYS user
manual for more details on the ".cdb" file format
11-12 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
Firstly, the user needs to specify under the thumbnail Global Parameters in Boundary Conditions
(Figure 11.2.4-11 - (1)) the coded constant value used in the file "project_ANSYS.cdb". The default
coded values are given in the Table 11-3 for the different types of boundary condition. Furthermore,
the user has to specify the required units of the data for each type of boundary condition. The units
will be specified next to the coded value.
Then, the user needs to load the file "project_ANSYS.cdb" (Figure 11.2.4-11 - (2)) created in
ANSYS (refer to section 11-2.4.1 for more details) in Input File.
The data transfer between the CFD mesh and the structural mesh is possible if the common geome-
tries are matching. It is possible that this condition is not fulfilled and the causes can be diverse:
• Units: a first difference can come from the units of the meshes. Consequently the units used in
the ANSYS mesh must be specified in ANSYS Mesh Units. The conversion Factor will be
deduced automatically (Figure 11.2.4-11 - (3)).
• Reference system: the second cause of mismatching is the use of different coordinate systems
(Figure 11.2.4-11 - (3)). For example, the original geometry can be rotated for the CFD model
so that the axial direction corresponds to the Z axis. The necessary conversion of coordinates
will be done through the specification of the position of the coordinate center of the ANSYS
mesh in the coordinate system of the CFD mesh and the specification of the location of three
common points in both meshes in Reference System.
Note that these points cannot be located on a line or a plane including the zero point
(not linearly dependent). The coordinates are specified in their respective units.
Finally in Output File, the user specifies the new output file "project_CFD.cdb" (Figure 11.2.4-11
- (4)) containing the transferred CFD results on the solid boundaries coded in ANSYS (refer to sec-
tion 11-2.4.1 for more details).
In order to create the new output file, the user has to complete the page under the Surface Selection
thumbnail before clicking on the Create Output File button (Figure 11.2.4-11 - (5)).
FINE™ 11-13
Output Output in FINE™
Note that in the non-conservative approach, the local normal of the fluid mesh is used
for the projection of the ANSYS surface on the corresponding IGG™ solid patches.
Whereas an averaged local normal of the ANSYS mesh is used for the projection in the
conservative approach. If the geometry of the common surfaces does not match exactly
between the IGG™ mesh and the ANSYS mesh (e.g. if the fillet is not modeled in the
fluid mesh), the result depends on the way to define the surfaces in ANSYS, the selection
of the IGG™ solid patches from which the interpolation is performed and the choice of
the interpolation type. A slight discontinuity can appear in the interpolated field. In case
the fillet is not modeled, the different ways to project the ANSYS surface on the IGG™
solid patches imply that the conservative approach can fail if the ANSYS surfaces are
not approximately divided in the fillet where its normal intersects the edge separating the
IGG™ solid patches (blade and hub or shroud).
(1) (3)
The CFD results are read from the ".cgns" file of the active computation. The non-
conservative approach needs to save the solid data on the IGG™ solid patches. For the
conservative approach, only the solid data Heat Flux is required for the computation of
the heat transfer coefficient.
An allowed maximal distance (Max Dist) can be used to control the interpolation process by ensur-
ing that it is performed in the nearest element of the selected solid CFD patches.
The maximum distance of the ANSYS output on the surface selection page, is always
expressed in meters (independent from the mesh units or project preferences)
11-14 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
Then, the user specifies the solid CFD patches in the list of Solid Patches by <Ctrl> or <Shift> and
left-click. To add or remove solid patches linked to the highlighted ANSYS surface, the buttons
Add Selection and Remove Selected are used respectively. When the solid patches are well selected,
the window has to be closed (Close) and the patches will appear in the list Selected Solid Patches
and Groups (Figure 11.2.4-12 - (3)).
A visualization of the active ANSYS surface and of the selected solid patches can help the user in
the selection process after opening the mesh through the menu Mesh/View On/Off or Mesh/
Tearoff graphics (only available on UNIX). Moreover, the visualization allows checking that the
surfaces (ANSYS and IGG™ solid patches) are matching. A modification of the ANSYS mesh unit
or reference system is directly taken into account in the visualization when the user refreshes the
view by clicking again on any ANSYS surface.
To ensure a complete data transfer, the selected IGG™ solid patches have to com-
pletely overlap the ANSYS surface.
The area of the selected IGG™ solid patches can be larger than the area of the ANSYS
Since the IGG™ solid patches defining a periodic structure can be divided (Figure 11.2.4-14), a
periodic shift can be required to match the common ANSYS surface. This shift must be specified
for each solid patch, highlighted in Selected Solid Patches and Groups list, in Periodicity by acti-
vating Rotation and Translation (Figure 11.2.4-12 - (4)). The rotation and translation shifts are
respectively specified in degrees and IGG™ mesh units.
FINE™ 11-15
Output Output in FINE™
Moreover one ANSYS surface can be covered by a group of solid patches and by the same group
which is rotated (or translated). Consequently, a duplication of the periodic solid patches is possible
by activating Duplicate patch(es) after applying a Rotation and Translation to the highlighted
solid patch (Figure 11.2.4-12 - (4)).
Finally, the new output file can be created by clicking on the Create Output File button
(Figure 11.2.4-11 - (5)).
11-16 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
ries. Those quantities are computed from the global force F = F pressure + F viscous exerted by the
flow at a given point. This force can be estimated from the pressure and velocity fields at each
point. The calculated quantities for an internal configuration are:
• Axial thrust, i.e. the projection of the global force on the rotation axis: ∑ F ⋅ nz .
• The projection of the torque along a given direction z , i.e. the couple exerted by the global
⎛ ⎞
force ⎜ ∑ r × F⎟ ⋅ z along direction z . This direction is given through the expert parameter
⎝ S
FINE™ 11-17
Output Output in FINE™
2 γ–1 T t2
p2 T t2
ln ⎛ ------⎞ ln ⎛ -------⎞
p2 ⎞ γ 1 – -------
⎛ ----- - T t1
⎝ p t1⎠
R ⎝ p t1⎠ η = ----------------------------- cp ⎝ T t1⎠
η is = ----------------------------- η pol = ---- ⋅ ------------------ is γ–1
----------- η pol = ---- ⋅ ------------------
cp T t2 R p2
ln ⎛⎝ -------⎞⎠ p2 ⎞ γ ln ⎛⎝ ------⎞⎠
T t2 ⎛
------- – 1 1 – ------
T t1 T t1 ⎝p ⎠ t1
p t1
3 γ–1 T
p 1 – ----2- T
ln ⎛ ----2-⎞ ln ⎛ ----2-⎞
⎛ p----2-⎞ T1
⎝ p 1⎠
R ⎝ p 1⎠ η = --------------------------- - cp ⎝ T 1⎠
η is = ---------------------------
- η pol = ---- ⋅ ----------------
- is γ----------
– 1- η pol = ---- ⋅ -----------------
cp T R p
ln ⎛ -----⎞ ln ⎛ ----2-⎞
T2 p γ
1 – ⎛ -----⎞
2 2
----- – 1 ⎝ T 1⎠ ⎝ p 1⎠
T1 ⎝p ⎠ 1
TABLE 11-4 Isentropic and polytropic efficiency definitions for perfect gases
Global performance data, available in the ".mf" file, are calculated using the results at the inlet and
outlet boundaries of the computational domain. The ".mf" file also provides global averages at each
rotor/stator interface. If the project does not involve any of these boundaries or interfaces, the ".mf"
file is empty.
For turbomachinery cases, the output includes the efficiency. Several definitions are available,
selected through the expert parameter EFFDEF (default: 1). For projects with a rotor, the expres-
sions proposed in Table 11-4 are used (index 1 and 2 refer to the inlet and outlet sections respec-
The same definitions can be applied to the real gas when the specific heat law is defined by Cp and
γ evolving with the temperature, but with γ instead of γ.
The definitions in Table 11-5 correspond to real gases when the specific heat law is defined by a
constant r and Cp or γ evolving with the temperature. The value of h 02 is obtained from the temper-
2is C 2is
∫1 ∫1
ature T 02 by using the isentropic relation: -----p- dT 0 = ----- dP .
T0 P0 0
11-18 FINE™
Output in FINE™ Output
Expressions involving the Torque in Table 11-6 are computed only if the user activates the option
Compute force and torque in the Boundary Conditions page devoted to solid surfaces.
For non rotating projects (pure stator), the following expression is used to define the efficiency:
p t2 – p 2
η = -----------------
- (11-1)
p t1 – p 2
Finally, relative and absolute flow angles are derived from the averaged velocity components:
vθ ⎞ w
α = arc tan ⎛ ------ β = arc tan ⎛ ------θ ⎞ cylindrical (11-2)
⎝ V m⎠ ⎝ V m⎠
v w
α = arc tan ⎛ ----y⎞ β = arc tan ⎛ ------y⎞ Cartesian (11-3)
⎝ v x⎠ ⎝ w x⎠
The power cannot be computed for a counter-rotating turbomachine (i.e. two rotors
presenting the same rotation speed amplitude but not the same direction of rotation).
A row-by-row and/or stage-by-stage analysis can be performed by using the expert parameter
RBRSBS. The additional performances stored in the *.mf file are: the mass flow in and out, the
static and total pressure ratio, the static and total temperature ratio and the isentropic and polytropic
efficiency (see section 11-3.2).
When selecting the Unformatted file (binary) option, use the corresponding option
in CFView™ to open the file: click on the File Format... button in the menu File/Open
Plot3D Project... and select Unformatted. Do not select Binary format. In CFView™
the user needs to select also low endian or big endian formats. On PC platforms (Win-
dows and LINUX) select binary low endian and on all other platforms select binary big
endian (more details in CFView™ User Manual).
FINE™ 11-19
Output Expert Parameters
When using the Non-Linear Harmonic method, the plot3d output is limited to the grid
file and the independent quantities (static pressure, static temperature, velocity and tur-
bulent data). All other quantities can be derived from this output.
MERMAR: Safety margin for azimuthal averaged CFView™ solution. The mesh is shrunk
with a factor of 1 - MERMAR.
1st entry = axial safety margin
2nd entry = radial safety margin
The purpose of these two margins is to avoid points near the boundaries for which the azimuthal
averaging can not be performed. In general the azimuthal averaging is performed by taking a point
on the defined patch and to average the values for points in azimuthal direction starting from this
point. If there is not a sufficient amount of points in azimuthal direction the average is not com-
puted for that point and therefore the value for this point is not represented in CFView™. To avoid
such ’blank’ points near the edges of the patches it may be necessary to take a certain margin from
the edges of the patches.
The default values for the safety margins are appropriate for meshes on surfaces of revolution. If
the mesh is not a mesh on surfaces of revolution, higher margins may be required. See section 11-
4.3 for more detailed information on the methods available for azimuthal averaging and the use of
these margins.
11-20 FINE™
Expert Parameters Output
• Lift coefficient, i.e. normalized projection of the global force in a chosen direction, generally
In the above equations, S is the surface of the selected patch(es), ρ ref and U ref are user defined ref-
erence density and velocity (see the Flow Model page). S ref is a surface of reference for which the
default value SREF is set to 1 m2 and C ref is a length of reference for which the default value
CREF is set to 1. n 1, n 2, n 3 are normalized vectors used for the Drag, Lift and Momentum coeffi-
cient and defined through the expert parameters IDCDP, IDCLP and IDCMP. Their default value is
(0., 0., 1.). r is the distance from the reference point IXMP (default value: 0., 0., 0.). n z is the nor-
malized vector directed along the rotation axis. The parameters mentioned here can be changed in
the Control Variables page in Expert Mode.
IWRIT: Add some additional output on all block faces such as mass flow through these faces:
= 0 (default): deactivated,
= 1: mass flow through rotor/stator interfaces,
= 3: summarizes the mass flow through different boundary types (SOL, ROT, INL,...),
= 4: mass flow through all block faces.
FINE™ 11-21
Output Theory
RBRSBS: Analyze the performances of every single element (row) and/or stage of a multi-stage
machine. The additional output is available in the ".mf" file.
= 0 (default): no extra analysis
= 1: row-by-row analysis
= 2: stage-by-stage analysis (stage = stator + rotor)
= 3: row-by-row and stage-by-stage analysis (stage = stator + rotor)
= -2: stage-by-stage analysis (stage = rotor + stator)
= -3: row-by-row and stage-by-stage analysis (stage = rotor + stator)
SREF: Reference area to non-dimensionalize the lift, drag and momentum, to get respectively
the lift coefficient, drag coefficient, moment coefficient. The default SREF=1.
CREF: Reference chord to non-dimensionalize the calculated moment, to get the moment coef-
IDCDP: This parameter gives the direction (i.e. 3 values) on which the body force has to be pro-
jected to give the axial thrust or the drag component. E.g. 1,0,0 means that the drag is
the x-component of the body force.
IDCLP: For flows around bodies this parameter gives the direction (i.e. 3 values) on which the
body force has to be projected to give the lift component. E.g. 1,0,0 means that the lift is
the x-component of the body force. For internal (IINT=1) cylindrical cases this parame-
ter is not used.
IDCMP: This parameter gives the direction (i.e. 3 values) on which the moment vector on the
body has to be projected to give the moment. E.g. 1,0,0 means that the moment is the x-
component of the moment vector.
IXMP: Specifies the x,y,z coordinate of the point around which the moment has to be calcu-
lated. The coordinates are expressed in meters.
11-4 Theory
11-4.1 Computed Variables
The flow solution is stored in the ".cgns" file and will be used for the 3D CFView™ output.
CFView™ requires a cell-vertex representation of the flow solution, i.e. the flow variables need to
be provided at the mesh nodes. Since EURANUS considers the flow variables at cell centres, an
interpolation process is performed by the flow solver in order to compute the flow variables at the
mesh nodes.
The required interpolation of the flow solution is done by arithmetic averaging. If u represents one
of the primitive variables ρ, w x, w y, w z, p and u the interpolated value,
∑u ,
u = --- i (11-4)
where the summation is over the eight surrounding original locations of the respective variable. The
basic flow variables are calculated at the mesh nodes using the above procedure. Derived quantities
( v r, p t, H, s, ... ) are computed from this consistent representation of solution and geometry. By
contrast, if a quantity involves the surface normals, these are first calculated on the cell faces of the
11-22 FINE™
Theory Output
original mesh and then averaged to the required location. Other exceptions are quantities involving
gradients or which are provided by the code:
∇ × V = ∇ × W + 2ω system (11-5)
If a k-ε, k-ω or v2-f turbulence model is selected, k and ε are additional variables treated in the same
way as the primitive variables. The residuals are also provided by the code in the cell centres and
therefore treated in the same way as the primitive variables, with the difference that they are only
defined in the interior and thus copied to the dummy cells as described above.
The above described arithmetic averaging process used to construct the CFView™ solution is first
order accurate, which has an important consequence if the user wants to extract quantitative global
In case of high flow gradients the calculation within CFView™ of the average (sur-
face integral) of a given quantity throughout an I, J or K=constant surface of the mesh or
a cutting plane will be performed with an error with respect to the flow solution calcu-
lated by the flow solver.
FIGURE 11.4.2-16 Stencil for 1D averaged flow. The numbers are the relative weight of each
cell in the contribution of the central cell to the surface average.
The weight coefficients are computed on the cell face centres (index F ), since this is the natural
location of the required surface normals, yielding:
FINE™ 11-23
Output Theory
m· F = --- q corner (11-6)
four corners
q = --------------------------------------- wF qF , (11-7)
where w F = m· F or A F . The stencil shown in Figure 11.4.2-16 illustrates that the contributions
from the cell face centre at a boundary, contain some influence from the lateral dummy cells
(weight 1/4).
u = -------------- wu dθ (11-8)
w dθ
2 2
Vm = v r + v z is the meridional velocity. Either mass or area averaging can be requested. The
same type of averaging will be used for all the primitive variables.
The integrals in Eq. 11-8 are approximated by trapezoidal sums. Practically, the r, z -constant line
along which the integration proceeds may be composed of k fragments of n ( j ) data points,
j = 1, ...,k , so that Eq. 11-8 is evaluated as:
k n(j)
u = ∑ ∑a u ij ij (11-10)
j = 1i = 1
11-24 FINE™
Theory Output
Σ i = 1 b ij
a ij = b ij ------------------------------
k n ( j)
- (11-11)
Σ j = 1 Σ i = 1 b ij
⎧ 2w i θ 2 – θ 1 i = 1
bi = ⎨ wi θi + 1 – θi – 1 i = 2, ..., n-1 (11-12)
⎩ 2w i θ n – θ n – 1 i = n
All requested variables are derived, if possible, from the azimuthal averaged primitive variables.
Those variables that can not be computed from the azimuthal averaged primitive variables are com-
puted first. The fact that they are computed by the same routines that are used for generating 3D
CFView™ output ensures consistency. The suction and pressure side of the blades can be superim-
posed on the azimuthal averaged view.
For meshes that do not lie on surfaces of revolution the accuracy of the averaged solution is
decreased close to curved boundaries (see Figure 11.4.3-17). Although all boundary grid points lie
on the same surface of revolution, the straight line segments forming the cell edges do not. The
r, z -constant ray associated with point 1 will therefore miss some cell faces or pick values from the
inside instead of boundary values. In the worst case it will not encounter any cell faces at all. Strong
curvature and cells with high aspect ratio increase the inaccuracy.
This problem has been addressed in two ways. First, meridional grid points encountering fewer than
two cell faces are set to zero (a message printed to the screen indicates for how many points this
was necessary). Secondly, the possibility is provided to shrink the meridional mesh by a small
amount to avoid the outermost regions of the volumetric mesh as shown in Figure 11.4.3-18. Inde-
pendent shrink factors k can be specified in the streamwise and spanwise directions using the
expert parameter MERMAR, see section 11-3.1. Figure 11.4.3-18 illustrates the global effect. Each
mesh line is shrank individually by uniformly contracting towards its centre. The grid points
thereby slide along the segments of the original line (dashed line in Figure 11.4.3-18).
2 2
1 1
a) b)
FIGURE 11.4.3-17Azimuthalaveraging along circular arcs at curved boundary (light lines =
meridional mesh supporting the azimuthal-averaged solution, heavy lines = an arbitrary
cell face of the computational mesh), situation (a) before shrinking and (b) after shrinking.
FINE™ 11-25
Output Theory
FIGURE 11.4.3-18: Shrinking of the meridional mesh, schematic illustration of (a) the global
effect and (b) the modification applied to each mesh line (dashed line and circles = original
line, solid line and squares = shrank line, C = centre point of the original line)
∫ Q dS = ∑ QB SB ∫ qd S = ∑ qB SB (11-13)
surface1/2 cell faces surface1/ 2 cell faces
The index B indicates a boundary cell face centre value, obtained by averaging the coordinates
( r = x, y, z ) of the four corners:
r B = --- i (11-14)
and the solution ( U = ρ, w x, w y, w z, p ) in the first inner (index 1) and first outer cell (index 0):
U B = --- [ U 0 + U 1 ] . (11-15)
All variables, except flow angles, are first computed locally from this consistent representation of
solution and geometry and then summed, multiplied by the appropriate weight factor
11-26 FINE™
Theory Output
w x, w y, w z, w r, w t, v x, v y, v z, v r, v t, W , V , -------, p, ρ, p t, rel, p t, abs, p t, rot, T t, rel, T t, abs, T t, rot .
Static pressure is area averaged, all other variables are mass averaged. Explicitly, q representing
any of the enumerated scalars (other than p ) and q its average:
∑ ∑
1 1
q = ---·- m· B q B p = --- AB pB . (11-16)
m A
cell faces cell faces
The mass flow m· is obtained from Eq. 11-13 with Q = ρW , the area A with q = 1 . The values
of p t, rel, p t, abs, T t, rel, T t, abs are also computed from p, ρ and the averaged velocity components
to be compared with the directly averaged values.
FINE™ 11-27
Output Theory
11-28 FINE™
CHAPTER 12:SubProject
12-1 Overview
The FINE™ environment allows the partial treatment of multistage turbomachinery projects. Tur-
bomachinery applications can be naturally decomposed into several domains, e.g. rotor, stator...
This natural decomposition can also be performed in FINE™, by means of a so-called SubProject.
After performing a first computation on the full turbomachine (Main Project), the user can create
SubProjects, containing only part of the machine. This allows a fast and easy optimization of the
geometry of each row. Afterwards, the results obtained on part of the machine can be merged
together again with the full turbomachine.
The access to the SubProject module requires a special license feature. Contact the NUMECA sales
or support team ([email protected]) for more information about how to obtain a license.
The next sections will describe the way to set-up and control the SubProjects in more detail.
FINE™ 12-1
SubProject Management Set-up of SubProjects in FINE™
Before creating a SubProject, the main project has to be executed first. The final solution of the
main project will be used as the initial solution for the SubProjects. Therefore the main project
should be run until satisfactory convergence is reached.
In the main project, all rotor-stator interfaces have to be defined as Full Non Match-
ing Mixing Plane. The type of several rotor-stator interfaces can be changed simultane-
ously by selecting one rotor-stator interface, hold the <Shift> button and left-click on the
desired type of rotor-stator interface, see figure 12.2.2-3. All settings, such as the ID
Number, will be kept.
12-2 FINE™
Set-up of SubProjects in FINE™ SubProject Management
<Shift> - Left-Click
After completion of the main project, a SubProject can be created in the following way:
• Go to the Grid Configuration subpad.
• Right-click on Main Project and select Duplicate. A new SubProject is created.
• By left-clicking and holding the <Ctrl> button, several rows of the newly created SubProject
can be selected.
• Right-click allows to delete the selected rows from the SubProject, see figure 12.2.2-5.
FINE™ 12-3
SubProject Management Set-up of SubProjects in FINE™
The settings for the SubProject are copied from the main project and adjusted if necessary.
• Boundary Conditions: Settings for in- and outlet are automatically changed if necessary. A
special boundary condition From Rotor/Stator has been created. This will transfer the quanti-
ties from the rotor-stator of the main project as in- and/or outlet condition.
The From Rotor/Stator boundary condition is only available for SubProjects and is
set by FINE™ GUI automatically. These settings should not be modified by the user.
• Initial Solution: The initial solution is set automatically to From File. The solution of the main
project will be used as an initial solution.
• Control Variables: The settings are identical to the main project.
Settings that are changed manually by the user when a SubProject is selected, e.g.
number of iterations, will be transferred to the main project.
The SubProject can be executed in the same way as the main project. The computation will con-
tinue until the maximum number of iterations is reached or the convergence criteria is satisfied.
12-4 FINE™
Set-up of SubProjects in FINE™ SubProject Management
If the mesh of the subproject has not been created yet, a warning message will appear
informing the user that the mesh of the main project will be loaded.
• Before being able to modify the geometry of the SubProject, the mesh of the SubProject has to
be saved separately. More information on this subject, can be found in the Grid Configura-
tion section of the AutoGrid™ user manual.
Only the geometry of the subproject can be modified. The topology of the mesh and
the number of grid points have to be kept equal to the main project.
• After generating and saving the mesh of the SubProject, switch back to FINE™ GUI by using
the Modules menu. AutoGrid™ automatically saves the mesh of the SubProject in a separate
folder in the _mesh directory. More details can be found in section 12-2.4.
• The mesh of the SubProject will be automatically linked to the computation.
The computation of the modified SubProject can be launched in the exact same way as the main
FINE™ 12-5
SubProject Management Set-up of SubProjects in FINE™
The merged project will behave in the same way as a SubProject. The computation settings are trans-
ferred from the main project, and adapted automatically if necessary.
12-6 FINE™
CHAPTER 13:Blade to Blade Module
13-1 Overview
This chapter describes the quasi-three-dimensional Blade-to-Blade Module for turbomachinery cas-
cade analysis. The module is fully automatic and can be used (and acquired) independently from
the other NUMECA tools.
Furthermore, an additional module is associated with the present one, called FINE™/Design2D,
which permits to redesign the blades for an improved pressure distribution on the blade surfaces
and is presented in Chapter 14.
The module assumes that the flow in the turbomachinery cascade remains on an axisymmetric
streamsurface, whose shape and thickness can either be provided by the user, or automatically con-
structed by the module (using the given hub and shroud walls).
The geometrical input data required from the user can be:
1. The streamsurface and the blade section on this last surface or,
2. The whole three-dimensional blade shape and the hub and shroud walls.
The module comprises a fully automatic mesh generator (which is able to treat any type of meridi-
onal configuration) and a customised version of NUMECA’s turbulent Navier-Stokes flow solver.
In the next section the interface is described in detail including advice for use of the Blade-to-Blade
Module. The theoretical background for the mesh generator and the flow solver is described in sec-
tion 13-4. Finally, the Blade-to-Blade Module requires geometrical data files and generates output,
which are detailed in section 13-5.
FINE™ 13-1
Blade to Blade Module Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI
When an existing Blade-to-Blade project should be opened click on the button Open an Existing
Project... in the Project Selection window and select the project in the File Chooser window. The
most recently used projects can also be selected from the list of recent projects. If the selected
project was saved in the Design 2D module, the FINE™ interface is automatically switched to this
module showing the interface as in Figure 13.2.1-1.
13-2 FINE™
Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI Blade to Blade Module
FINE™ 13-3
Blade to Blade Module Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI
- 3D type (from .geomTurbo file): The whole 3D blade geometry is given under the form of a
geometry turbo file containing the hub, shroud and blade definition (more details in
AutoGrid™ User Manual). The stream surface can either be specified by the user (the
lower and the upper axisymmetric surfaces have to be specified), or can be automati-
cally constructed by the solver (geometrical division). In the latter case, the user only
has to specify the spanwise position of the stream surface and its relative thickness.
a) Streamsurface Data
Figure 13.2.2-2 shows the "parameter area" for entering Stream surface data. The following
stream surface data files have to be specified, depending on the type of input data:
• 2D or Q3D types: stream surface definition file name,
• 3D case: hub and shroud file names or .geomTurbo file name.
When the 3D type of input data is selected additional parameters have to be defined:
• - Geometrical division or streamtube provided by the user.
• - If geometrical division: spanwise position between 0 (hub) and 1 (shroud).
• - If streamtube provided: lower and upper surfaces file names (2 lines).
In both cases the module automatically calculates the intersection of the 3D blade with the consid-
ered stream surface.
13-4 FINE™
Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI Blade to Blade Module
In a 3D case with geometrical division, the streamtube height defines the thickness of the stream-
tube (the recommended value is 1%).
In a 2D, Q3D or 3D case with streamtube provided, the blockage ratio permits to scale the stream-
tube thickness distribution.
For all types of input data the number of points along meridional stream surfaces has to be speci-
fied. This input data is the number of points that the module will generate along the streamsurface
in order to obtain an accurate calculation of the meridional coordinate (default: 300).
FIGURE 13.2.2-3 Blade geometry information page for 3D cases (from hub to shroud)
FINE™ 13-5
Blade to Blade Module Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI
13-6 FINE™
Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI Blade to Blade Module
• Number of points in the pitchwise direction: The number of cells should better be a multiple
of 8, so that four multigrid levels are available.
• Periodic boundaries type: the user defines if the periodic lines should be straight or curved.
In the default configuration the periodic lines are curved.
• Five thumbnails give access to parameters to influence the mesh quality and points distribution
as described in the next paragraphs.
a) Inlet
The inlet location of the mesh is imposed on the hub and the shroud. The position is specified in
meridional coordinates (Z, R) or in streamwise coordinate (S).
b) Outlet
The outlet location of the mesh is imposed on the hub and the shroud. The position is specified in
meridional coordinates (Z, R) or in streamwise coordinate (S).
c) Clustering
The clustering coefficient in streamwise direction can be imposed from 0.0 to 1.0. A value of 1.0
gives a uniform distribution, whereas a 0.0 value concentrates all the points at the edges.
The second input defines if an Euler (no clustering in pitchwise direction) or a Navier-Stokes mesh
(with clustering to capture the boundary layer) should be generated. For a Navier-Stokes mesh the
following parameters should be specified:
• Size of the first mesh cell in the pitchwise direction (in meters).
• Number of constantly spaced cells in the pitchwise direction.
FINE™ 13-7
Blade to Blade Module Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI
• Constant or decreasing clustering from the blade edges to the inflow/outflow boundaries.
d) Smoothing
An elliptic smoother can be used in order to improve the quality of the mesh. In case the smoothing
is selected, the user has to specify if the smoothing should be performed with or without the control
of the clustering along the walls, and the number of smoothing steps (sweeps) to be performed (see
Figure 12.2.2-6).
e) Local Pre-Smoothing
A local pre-smoothing can be performed in the leading and trailing edge regions, which can be
appropriate in cases of thick rounded leading and/or trailing edges (Figure 12.2.2-7).
FIGURE 13.2.2-7 Local pre-smoothing page of the Mesh generation parameters page
13-8 FINE™
Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI Blade to Blade Module
Both zero and first order extrapolation techniques are available, and can be selected in the Expert
Mode (the default technique is the zero-order one).
FINE™ 13-9
Blade to Blade Module Blade-to-Blade in the FINE™ GUI
Both zero and first order extrapolation techniques are available, and can be selected in the Expert
Mode (the default technique is the zero-order one).
It should be mentioned that the inverse design method is more stable when the mass
flow is explicitly imposed as a boundary condition. Therefore it is recommended to
impose the mass flow during the analysis also. The recommended strategies are therefore
the one imposing the mass flow at the inlet and the pressure at the outlet, or the one
imposing the total conditions at the inlet and the mass flow at the outlet.
13-10 FINE™
Expert Parameters Blade to Blade Module
In the case the initial solution has been obtained with a frozen turbulent viscosity field
(using the ITFRZ expert parameter), the parameter IATFRZ should be set to 2 in order to
read the turbulent viscosity field from a file and to keep this field unchanged.
13-4 Theory
The main characteristics of the mesh generation tool and of the blade-to-blade flow solver are pro-
vided in this section.
FINE™ 13-11
Blade to Blade Module Theory
tage is that the effects of the eventual streamtube thickness variations are then implicitly taken into
account, and do no longer have to be introduced under the form of additional source terms in the
The main characteristics of the generator are the following ones:
• can be applied to any type of meridional configuration (axial, radial and mixed flow machines,
return channels...),
• treatment of blunt leading and trailing edges,
• splitters can be modelled,
• generation of H- and I-type (H non periodic) meshes,
• possibility to have an inclined mesh (non periodic) in both upstream and downstream regions,
or only in the upstream or downstream region,
• general mesh generation process, which allows to consider the real leading and trailing edges
of the blade as the edges of the mesh, whereas in a classical H-mesh generator the edges (the
points where the upstream/downstream boundaries intersect with the blade) are respectively
the points located at the minimum and maximum x-position.,
• fully automatic tool: the only information required from the user is the number of points along
the suction side and along the pitchwise direction. The number of points in the different seg-
ments of the mesh as well as the inclination angles of the upstream and downstream regions
are calculated automatically.
2 2
∂p V Vm
------ = ρ -----θ- cos δ – ρ ------
-, (13-1)
∂n r Rc
where n is the spanwise direction, Vm and Vθ are respectively the meridional and tangential compo-
nents of the absolute velocity, and δ and Rc are respectively the slope and the curvature radius of
the meridional trace of the streamsurface.
13-12 FINE™
File Formats Blade to Blade Module
A procedure is applied to the numerical scheme in order to force the flow to be aligned to the
streamsurface. This procedure eliminates the momentum residual in the direction normal to the
streamsurface. In case of multigrid the same procedure is applied to the flow solution after restric-
tion and prolongation of the solution.
FINE™ 13-13
Blade to Blade Module File Formats
a) Streamsurface Data
For the 2D and Q3D types, one ASCII file defining the surface and its thickness is required. For the
3D type (form hub to shroud), 2 files are required to define the hub and shroud walls separately and
for the 3D type (from .geomTurbo), 1 file is required to define the hub, shroud and the blade. In
case the user wants to specify the streamsurface, 2 additional files are required to define the lower
and upper axisymmetric surfaces of the streamtube.
The structure of the streamsurface data file is the following:
— line 1: title of the input file
— line 2: coordinate system:
ZRB (for 2D and Q3D types)
ZR, RZ or XYZ (for 3D type)
— line 3: number of data points N
— lines 4 to 3+N: data points in 2 or 3 columns (ordered from the inlet to the outlet)
— line 4+N: character line (facultative)
— line 5+N: Zin, Zout, Rin, Rout, specifying the inlet/outlet positions of the mesh (facultative).
(X,Y,Z) are the Cartesian coordinates (Z being the axial coordinate along the axis of rotation), R is
the radius, and B is the streamtube thickness.
The inlet/outlet positions of the mesh can either be specified:
• in the above streamsurface data file(s) (lines 4+N and 5+N)
• through the FINE™ interface through the thumbnails Inlet and Outlet in the Mesh Genera-
tion Parameters page.
In both cases the inlet/outlet positions along a given surface are specified by four real data, i.e. Zin,
Zout, Rin, Rout. No extrapolation is allowed, which implies that these positions should be located
inside the meridional curve formed by the data points.
In a 2D or Q3D case, one single meridional position is required for both inlet and outlet boundaries,
which are applied to the given streamsurface. These positions are either specified in the streamsur-
face data file or through the 4 first real data contained in the expert parameter B2BLIM.
In a 3D case, two positions should be specified for the inlet/outlet positions. They are applied along
the hub and shroud walls (geometrical creation of the streamtube), or along the upper/lower sur-
faces of the streamtube (streamtube specified by the user). These positions can be given in the 2
corresponding input files, or through the thumbnails Inlet and Outlet in the Mesh Generation
Parameters page.
13-14 FINE™
File Formats Blade to Blade Module
(X,Y,Z) are the Cartesian coordinates (Z being the axial coordinate along the axis of rotation), R is
the radius, TH is the circumferential position (in radians) and T is the circumferential coordinate
multiplied by the radius (Rθ).
V RPM (<0)
FIGURE 13.5.1-12 Coordinate system and reference for flow angles and speed of rotation
In a 2D case, if the ZTR coordinate system is used, the radius does not have to be specified in the
blade geometry input file. The number of columns can be 2 or 3, the third column being not read by
the solver (the radius is automatically set to the value given in the streamsurface data input file).
The suction side is by convention located above the pressure side in the θ-direction
Figure 12.5.1-12. It does not necessarily have to be the physical suction side.
FINE™ 13-15
Blade to Blade Module File Formats
a) ’project_computationname.cgns’
This file contains the results of the calculation, i.e. the five flow variables (density, x-y-z components
of the relative velocity and the static pressure) at all the mesh cell centers (including the dummy cells
generated by the boundary conditions). It also contains all output variables to be displayed by
b) ’’
This file is a summary file containing the averaged flow quantities at the inlet and the outlet bounda-
c) ’project_computationname.mfedge’
This file is a summary file containing the averaged flow quantities at the leading and trailing edge
⎛ p ----------
- ⎞
----------- ⎜ ⎛ ----0-⎞ – 1⎟ ,
Mis = (13-2)
γ – 1⎜⎝ p ⎠ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
where p is the local static pressure, and p0 is the local relative total pressure calculated assuming a con-
stant rothalpy and a constant entropy in the field.
The pressure coefficient is defined by:
13-16 FINE™
File Formats Blade to Blade Module
p – p exit
Cp = ------------------
-, (13-3)
p exit
where pexit is the exit static pressure, and p is the local static pressure.
These files can be read and plotted by the NUMECA MonitorTurbo (Loading diagram menu). The
".velini" file contains the initial distributions, whereas the ".vel" contains the actual ones, and is
iteratively updated during the resolution process.
h) ’project_computationname.split.loadini’ &
’project_computationname.split.load’ (if splitter blades)
These files contain the same results as the ".load" and ".loadini" files along the splitter blades.
These files can be read and plotted by the NUMECA MonitorTurbo provided with the FINE™ user
interface (Loading diagram menu).
b) ’project_computationname.res’
This file contains the evolution of the mean and maximum residuals and of the inlet and outlet mass
flows. This file can be read and plotted by the NUMECA MonitorTurbo (Convergence history
FINE™ 13-17
Blade to Blade Module File Formats
13-18 FINE™
CHAPTER 14:Design 2D Module
14-1 Overview
This chapter describes the new quasi-three-dimensional FINE™/Design 2D Module for turboma-
chinery cascade inverse design. This module is associated with the FINE™/Design 2D Blade-to-
Blade module presented in Chapter 13. In addition to the mesh generator and the flow solver, the
FINE™/Design 2D module includes one of the latest inverse methods for the redesign of the blades
with improved performance. Such a method permits to redesign the blade shape for a target pres-
sure distribution along the blade surfaces. The use of the design method requires a license for blade-
to-blade simulation.
The FINE™/Design 2D module can be used (and acquired) independently from the other
NUMECA tools.
Both analysis and design modules are based on the assumption that the flow in the turbomachinery
cascade remains on an axisymmetric streamsurface. The geometrical inputs required from the user
to perform an inverse design are not different from the ones required to perform an analysis (as
described in Chapter 13).
For more information about the Blade-to-Blade method, see the description provided in the
Chapter 13. In the next section the interface is described in detail including advice for use of the
inverse design method. The theoretical background for the inverse method is described in section
14-3. Finally, the Design 2D Module requires geometrical data files and generates output as
detailed in section 14-4.
FINE™ 14-1
Design 2D Module Inverse Design in the FINE™ GUI
When an existing Design 2D project should be opened click on the button Open an Existing
Project... in the Project Selection window and select the project in the File Chooser window. The
most recently used projects can also be selected from the list of recent projects. If the selected
project was saved in the Design 2D module, the FINE™ interface is automatically switched to this
module showing the interface as in Figure 13.2.1-1.
14-2 FINE™
Inverse Design in the FINE™ GUI Design 2D Module
14-2.2.1 Recommendations
It is often useful to save the results obtained after the analysis computation. Therefore it is recom-
mended to perform the inverse design in a new computation. With the analysis computation
selected in the Computations area on the top left of the FINE™ interface click on the New button.
A new computation is created with the same parameters as the initial computation. The Rename
button may be used to rename the new computation.
inverse design
The expert integer parameter IATFRZ is usually set to 2 during the inverse design procedure in
order to freeze the computation of the turbulent viscosity. The consequence of this is to drastically
reduce the computational time per inverse design iteration.
FINE™ 14-3
Design 2D Module Inverse Design in the FINE™ GUI
At any moment, a zoom of the curves can be obtained by defining a new rectangular
window, using the left button of the mouse. The previous unzoomed view can be
retrieved by pressing the right button of the mouse.
14-4 FINE™
Inverse Design in the FINE™ GUI Design 2D Module
Finally, the number of iterations performed for the inverse design calculation.
FINE™ 14-5
Design 2D Module Inverse Design in the FINE™ GUI
Exactly as in the case of the restart of a flow analysis the user has to specify the name
of the initial solution file. It is recommended to save the results of the flow analysis
under a different name, so that several inverse design calculations can be performed suc-
cessively, starting from the same initial solution.
An interrupted inverse design calculation can be "restarted". For this purpose the user
should set the expert parameter INVMOD to 1 instead of 0. This implies that in addition
to the correct flow solution file, the actual blade geometry will be read by the solver and
considered as the initial one.
14-6 FINE™
Theory Design 2D Module
14-3 Theory
The purpose of an inverse method is to redesign the blade shape in order to obtain a prescribed
pressure distribution along the blade surfaces. This provides a detailed control of the boundary
layer behaviour, by limiting the amount of diffusion and by eliminating the eventual spurious accel-
eration and deceleration detected along the initial blade profile. Such a method also offers an indi-
rect control of the secondary losses, as a control of the blade loading distribution can be obtained.
The inverse design method adopted in FINE™/Design 2D consists of modifying iteratively the
blade geometry, until a target pressure distribution is reached on the blade surfaces. The geometry
modification algorithm is based on the permeable wall concept. Each iteration of the process is
composed of 2 separate steps, respectively related to the geometry and to the flow field updates.
Both viscous and inviscid problems can be treated with this approach.
Three formulations of the inverse problem are possible:
FINE™ 14-7
Design 2D Module File Formats
• the classical formulation, in which both suction and pressure sides are redesigned in order to
obtain a pressure distribution prescribed along the whole blade surface.
• the mixed formulation, in which the suction side is redesigned in order to obtain a pressure dis-
tribution specified along the suction side only. This formulation is for instance interesting for
rotor blades on which strict mechanical constraints are imposed. In those cases the classical
inverse formulation may be less efficient because the blade thickness is a result of the calcula-
tion, and it is often difficult and time consuming to find an appropriate target leading to a blade
with an acceptable thickness distribution.
• the loading formulation, in which the distribution of blade loading (pressure-to-suction side
pressure difference) from the leading to the trailing edge is prescribed, and in which the cam-
ber line of the blade is redesigned (the blade thickness distribution being kept unchanged).
This approach is interesting especially for radial machines. This is due to the fact that in radial
machines, the average velocity level in the blade channel is mainly controlled by the shape of
the hub and shroud endwalls, and therefore a modification of the blade shape mainly influ-
ences the loading distribution. The "loading" formulation is therefore more appropriate and
efficient for radial machines. However no general rule can be set, and improvements can be
reached in many cases using the second formulation.
Several geometrical constraints and options have been implemented, to increase the flexibility of
the method:
• Control of the leading and trailing edges: several points can be kept unchanged in the leading/
trailing edge regions.
• Constant blade chord.
• Specification of the fixed reference point (leading or trailing edge).
• Inverse problem formulated in terms of isentropic Mach number or of pressure coefficient.
• Constant meridional position of leading and trailing edges (recommended for radial
machines): with this option, the points are displaced along the circumferential direction, which
guarantees that their meridional position is unchanged.
An important advantage of the present method is the possibility to control the outlet flow angle or
swirl. A major drawback of most inverse methods is the lack of control of the turning angle or work
exchange in the cascade. The user does not have the guarantee that the specified target pressure dis-
tribution will lead to an unchanged turning angle. This implies that several iterations are sometimes
required before finding the target leading to an acceptable design.
FINE™/Design 2D offers a unique solution to that problem, allowing the control of the turning
angle or of the change of swirl from inlet to outlet. A degree of freedom is introduced in the target
pressure distribution, that is automatically modified in order to respect the outlet flow angle con-
straint. A part of the target pressure distribution is defined using a fourth order polynomial curve.
The parameter defines the vertical position of a point of this polynomial curve. A smooth transition
is ensured between the fixed part of the target and variable one. The parameter is iteratively and
automatically adjusted in order to respect the outlet flow angle or the outlet swirl RVθ.
14-8 FINE™
File Formats Design 2D Module
FINE™ 14-9
Design 2D Module File Formats
The coordinates are given in the same unit length chosen by the user for the input data.
⎛ p ----------
- ⎞
Mis =
2 ⎜ ⎛ 0⎞
----------- ----- – 1⎟
γ – 1⎜⎝ p ⎠ ⎟ (14-1)
⎝ ⎠
where p is the local static pressure, and p0 is the local relative total pressure calculated assuming a
constant rothalpy and a constant entropy in the field.
The pressure coefficient is defined by:
p – p exit
Cp = ------------------
- (14-2)
p exit
where pexit is the exit static pressure and p is the local static pressure.
These files can be read and plotted by the NUMECA MonitorTurbo (Loading dia-
gram). In the case of an inverse design the visualization of the two files permits to com-
pare the initial and the new pressure distributions.
14-10 FINE™
File Formats Design 2D Module
formulation of the inverse design method is selected. The ".loadini" file contains the initial distribu-
tion, whereas the ".load" file contains the actual one.
These files can be read and plotted by the NUMECA MonitorTurbo (Loading diagram).
In the case of an inverse design the visualization of the two files permits to compare the ini-
tial and the new distributions.
These files can be read and plotted by the NUMECA MonitorTurbo (Loading diagram).
The comparison of the ".tarini" and ".velini" (or ".loadini") permits to observe the inverse
problem to be solved, whereas the comparison of the ".tar" and ".vel" (or ".load") files per-
mits to verify the correct convergence of the inverse design.
FINE™ 14-11
Design 2D Module File Formats
14-12 FINE™
CHAPTER 15:The Task Manager
15-1 Overview
Using the Solver menu in FINE™/Turbo, computations can be started, suspended or killed. For
basic task management these menu items are sufficient.
The Task Manager provides more advanced features for the management of (multiple) tasks. It
allows to manage tasks on different machines on a network, to define parallel computations or to
delay tasks to a given date and time.
Before using the Task Manager for the first time it is important to read the next section first. This
section provides important information for getting started with the Task Manager. Read this section
carefully to fully benefit of the capabilities of the Task Manager.
From FINE™/Turbo the Task Manager can be accessed through the Modules/Task Manager menu
item. The interface as shown in Figure 15.3.1-1 will appear.
In section 15-3 the Task Manager interface is described in detail including a description of all capa-
bilities. The current limitations of the Task Manager are listed in section section 15-6.
To manage tasks through the use of scripts is also possible and has the benefit that it is not neces-
sary to stay logged in on the machine on which the tasks are launched. See section 15-5 for more
detail on the scripts to use to launch NUMECA software.
FINE™ 15-1
The Task Manager Getting Started
15-2 FINE™
Getting Started The Task Manager
3. Test the rsh command on the desired machine: an external check that the .rhosts file is set cor-
rectly is to enter the following command line:
% rsh remote_host ls <Enter> when the remote host is UNIX or rsh remote_host dir
<Enter> when the remote host is on Windows.
where remote_host is the name of the machine to connect to. If the login on the remote host
is not the same, ensure that the .rhosts file contains the line:
remote_host local_login
and in this case the command line is:
% rsh remote_host -l local_login ls when the remote host is UNIX or rsh remote_host -l
local_login dir <Enter> when the remote host is on Windows.
If the rhosts file is set up correctly, a listing of the files is shown on the remote host.
Due to a limitation of the PVM library, FINE™ can not be connected to a machine
where FINE™ has already been started. When PVM tries to establish the connection, it
detects that a server FINE™ is already running and/or pvm daemons are still running and
finally refuses the connection with a warning. To solve this problem, the PVM daemons
must be stopped on the machine on which FINE™ must be connected:
1. Log on the machine where the connection must be established.
2. Start FINE™ and open the Task Manager through Modules/Task Manager and use the
button Shutdown of the page Hosts definition. The button Shutdown can be used to
switch off all the PVM daemons of all the machines connected to FINE™. This action
will stop all the daemons on all the machines connected, kill all the tasks and finally exit
3. On UNIX: remove all the /tmp/pvmd.<userID> and /tmp/pvml.<userID> files. On Win-
dows these files should be removed from the directory defined by PVM_TMP (by default
this directory is C:\tmp).
4. Repeat this operation for all the machines on which the problems appear.
FINE™ 15-3
The Task Manager Getting Started
All these operations apply to the users daemons and users files. Multiple users can use
the Task Manager simultaneously. No interaction appears between PVM daemons and
PVM log files of different users.
On Windows, when the user stops the pvmd on a remote host (using Remove Host but-
ton on the Hosts definition page) and immediately tries to restart it (using the Add
Host... button), a message will appear stating that it is not possible to connect. This prob-
lem does not occur in general since there is no need to remove a host and add it immedi-
ately after. When it occurs the only solution is to wait until the host is available again
(after 5 to 10 minutes). More details are available in the installation note.
From time to time, when a user tries to connect on a remote host, an error message can
appear very briefly: "Can not connect to RSH Port!!!" This may happen on Windows
connecting to a host, disconnecting, and trying to reconnect again to the same host. There
is a socket release time parameter which keeps the connection for some time.
15-4 FINE™
The Task Manager Interface The Task Manager
— Create a file test, then type the command: rcp -b test destination_machine:/tmp/test. If no
error is returned by the system, the remote copy works between the local host and the
destination_machine. Errors may appear if the .cshrc file contains an stty command. In order
to be able to use the remote copy feature, remove all the stty commands from the .cshrc file.
— If the login on Windows is different from the login on the remote host, type the command:
rcp -b test destination_machine.remote_login:/tmp/test
rcp.exe is provided with FINE™ and is located in the same directory as rsh.exe.
FINE™ 15-5
The Task Manager The Task Manager Interface
When the user accepts (Accept), the host name appears in the host list, with type of operating sys-
tem and its connection status. At this point, the host is in the virtual machine, and is ready to receive
a task.
If the connection can not be established, check for more detail in section 15-2.1, sec-
tion 15-2.3 and section 15-2.4.
15-3.1.3 Shutdown
When the user clicks on the Shutdown button, all hosts in the virtual machine are removed. FINE™
exits and the virtual machine halts. All running tasks are killed. This option is useful when the user
wants to change the machine on which FINE™ is running. See section 15-2.1.1 for more detail on
virtual machines and when to change this.
15-6 FINE™
The Task Manager Interface The Task Manager
When the user validates the data, a little watch in the task list indicates that the task is scheduled:
FIGURE 15.3.2-3 Task List with Delay window to start a task at a later moment
When exiting FINE™, all the delayed tasks are automatically started and stay in sleep
mode until their starting dates are reached. When starting FINE™ again, all the message
windows, related to the delayed tasks which are still in sleep mode, are killed and the
Task Manager gets back the control of these tasks.
— The mesh generation system AutoGrid™ requires three files as arguments: the ".trb" file, the
".geomTurbo" file and as output the grid file ".igg" (see the AutoGrid™ User Manual for
more details)
When working on a remote host, the process still requires a valid display. On Win-
FINE™ 15-7
The Task Manager The Task Manager Interface
dows platforms, it is not possible to transfer the display, therefore the mesh generation
has to be executed locally. On Linux platforms, the command <xhost +> has to be exe-
cuted on the local machine.
— The flow visualization system CFView™ requires two files: the ".run" file and a macro file
".py" (see CFView™ User Manual for more details)
When working on a remote host, the process still requires a valid display. On Win-
dows platforms, it is not possible to transfer the display, therefore the mesh generation
has to be executed locally. On Linux platforms, the command <xhost +> has to be exe-
cuted on the local machine.
The run file is automatically opened by CFView™ before starting the macro. The macro file
may open other ".run" files to perform flow comparisons (see CFView™ User Manual for
more information about the macro ".py" file).
c) Remote Copy
The Remote copy to option allows the user to specify that the files are not visible from the remote
machine and must be transferred. This is only available for AutoGrid™, Design3D and EURA-
15-8 FINE™
The Task Manager Interface The Task Manager
d) Parallel Computations
d.1) MPI system
The flow solver, euranusTurbo, has an integrated multiprocessor machine concept. The option Par-
allel Computation can be activated to specify that the parallel version of the flow solver has to be
used for this computation.
The button Flow solver parallel settings gives access to the dialog box used to set up a parallel
When the dialog box is opened, the block list displays all the blocks of the mesh. The user can
define new processes on all the available machines. Additionally, the load balancing can be defined
manually or automatically (by using the Automatic Load Balancing button).
The parallel processing can only be used on multiprocessor machine (shared memory
mode) or on machines with the same operating systems (homogenous distributed mem-
ory mode)
See section 15-4 for more detailed information on parallel computations.
FINE™ 15-9
The Task Manager The Task Manager Interface
The user can change the block distribution but not the process host names since the
SGE system only asks for a number of processors.
Process Management
Once the process is starting, the ".run" file is modified automatically, depending on the number of
processors used. A script file (".sge") is also created at the same time as the ".p4pg" file, when using
MPI system.
The name of the SGE job is limited to 8 characters and the following format is thus
chosen "comp#000" where 000 stands for any number depending of the number of SGE
jobs already running under the same environment.
15-10 FINE™
The Task Manager Interface The Task Manager
Because EURANUS has not been launched using the PVM daemon, there is no communication
with the Task Manager. To test if a computation is running, the "qstat" command with the job-ID
number of the SGE job is used.
To suspend the SGE job, the user can use the Suspend function of the Task Manager. It will create
automatically a ".stop" file in the running computation directory that will enable EURANUS to sus-
pend after saving the solution at the next iteration or after the full multigrid initialization.
To kill the SGE job, the user can use the Kill function. The Task Manager will then use the SGE’s
function "qdel" to kill the computation without saving the solution.
To kill EURANUS properly, the SGE’s "execd parameters" variable should be set to
"NOTIFY_KILL=TERM" and the "notify time" variable of nodes should be set to a suf-
ficient value to allow EURANUS to exit properly. We advise the user to ask the SGE
administrator to check these variables.
d.3) PBS system
Within the Task Manager, the parallel process can also be set-up using the Portable Batch System
(PBS). This system includes the possibility to add a PBS type host and to define the arguments
needed to launch the computation within the Task Manager.
Host Definition
In the page Hosts definition the user needs to add the host. When adding the host, automatic
checks are performed:
1. it will detect if the process "pbs_mom" is running on the platform. If not, it means that the plat-
form does not have PBS capabilities.
2. it will detect all defined PBS environments.
When all checks are successful, the PBS capability of the added host is activated and the user can
see if the host added is a PBS platform within the Task Manager GUI (Figure 15.3.1-1).
Task Definition
If the user selects a PBS platform when launching an EURANUS task in parallel, the Task Defini-
tion page gives access to the MPI or PBS system (Figure 15.3.2-5).
When the PBS system is used, the number of processors and the PBS environment have to be spec-
ified. Depending on the number of processor, an automatic load balancing is performed to update
the block distribution by default and the process needs only to be started by the user.
If the user wants to change the distribution of the blocks, the Automatic Load Balancing option
has to be switched off. Then the user can access the block distribution through the Flow solver par-
allel settings button (see Figure 15.3.2-4).
The user can change the block distribution but not the process host names since the PBS system
only asks for a number of processors.
Process Management
Once the process is starting, the ".run" file is modified automatically, depending on the number of
processors used. A script file (".pbs") is also created at the same time as the ".p4pg" file, when
using MPI system.
The name of the PBS job is limited to 8 characters and the following format is thus
chosen "comp#000" where 000 stands for any number depending of the number of SGE
jobs already running under the same environment.
FINE™ 15-11
The Task Manager The Task Manager Interface
Because EURANUS has not been launched using the PVM daemon, there is no communication
with the Task Manager. To test if a computation is running, the "qstat" command with the job-ID
number of the PBS job is used.
To suspend the PBS job, the user can use the Suspend function of the Task Manager. It will create
automatically a ".stop" file in the running computation directory that will enable EURANUS to sus-
pend after saving the solution at the next iteration or after the full multigrid initialization.
To kill the PBS job, the user can use the Kill function. The Task Manager will then use the PBS’s
function "qdel" to kill the computation without saving the solution.
To kill EURANUS properly, the PBS variable "kill_delay" should be set to a suffi-
ciently high value to allow EURANUS to exit properly (e.g. 120 seconds). In general,
this variable should be set to a value higher than the time required for 1 iteration. We
advise the user to ask the PBS administrator to check this variable.
e) Message Window
When a task is started, a Task Manager process is launched to take care about the task management:
process communication, automatic launching of the sequential and parallel subtasks. A message
window linked to the Task Manager is opened. In this window the user can follow the evolution of
the status of all the subtasks of the current task. In case the flow solver is launched, the iterations
are also displayed in this window as shown in Figure 15.3.2-6.
At the bottom of the Task Manager window a Refresh Rate can be chosen. This rate determines how
frequently the Task Manager window is updated. A higher refresh rate will update the information
in the window more frequently but will use more of the available CPU.
If the user quits FINE™, all the message windows will stay open and the tasks will
continue. Closing a message window will immediately kill all the subtasks of the corre-
sponding task.
15-12 FINE™
Parallel Computations The Task Manager
FINE™ 15-13
The Task Manager Parallel Computations
The fluid-particle interaction, blade to blade and inverse design modules are not avail-
able for parallel computations.
15-14 FINE™
Parallel Computations The Task Manager
• The real memory allocation is performed for each process. It should be set to the minimal
amount of memory necessary to hold the data structure on the process that has most grid
points. When the load is well balanced, the real memory overload is due to face and edge data
structures. These data need indeed to be duplicated when two processors are involved in the
same block connection.
The total memory need Mtotal for a parallel computation involving n ( n ≥ 2 ) processors can be esti-
mated as:
M total = M real ⋅ 1, 2 ⋅ ------------ + M integer ⋅ n
where Mreal and Minteger are the real and integer memory needed for the same computation in
sequential mode.
From a practical point of view, the user does not specify the total memory needed but the integer
real M
- ⋅ 1, 2 for the real mem-
and real memory required per processor. This can be estimated as --------------
ory and Minteger for the integer memory.
When doing a parallel calculation, the estimated real memory displayed by FINE™ on
the Control Variables page, shall not be followed but the formula shown above will be
The following table states the total memory needed for a parallel computation using respectively 4
and 6 and 8 processors. The values of Mreal and Minteger are set to 10 Mb and 1 Mb respectively.
The equivalent memory request on a single processor is thus 11Mb.
15-4.5 Troubleshooting
If the computation is interrupted for an unknown reason, more detailed information is provided in
the ".std" and ".log" computation files. These files contain all relevant information, including MPI
error messages and can be sent to the NUMECA support team ([email protected]).
FINE™ 15-15
The Task Manager Task Management in Batch
15-4.6 Limitations
• The distributed memory mode is restricted to homogeneous (i.e. with the same operating system)
• The number of processors should not exceed the number of blocks.
The capability to launch in batch is currently not supported for EURANUS in parallel mode
on PC.
When launched in batch, IGG™ does not open the graphical user interface but an access to
the display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
15-16 FINE™
Task Management in Batch The Task Manager
batch" options respectively permit to launch the script and to avoid to display the IGG™ graphical
user interface. The igg.exe executable can be found in: "<NUMECA_install_dir>\Fine#\bin\"
When launched in batch, IGG™ does not open the graphical user interface but an
access to the display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
• The full path of the executable (igg.exe) has to be specified.
• The full path of the script has to be specified.
• There can be a segmentation fault at exit (due to an uncontrollable "opengl" problem). It is
possible to avoid this message, by adding the option "-driver msw".
When launched in batch, IGG™ does not open the graphical user interface but an
access to the display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
When launched in batch, IGG™ does not open the graphical user interface but an
access to the display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
FINE™ 15-17
The Task Manager Task Management in Batch
the mesh that will be saved. The "-batch" option avoids the display of the IGG™ graphical user interface.
The igg.exe executable can be found in: "<NUMECA_install_dir>\Fine#\bin\"
When launched in batch, IGG™ does not open the graphical user interface but an access to the
display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
When launched in batch, IGG™ does not open the graphical user interface but an access to the
display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
If the geometry or mesh topology has been changed, it is strongly advised to use FINE™
interface to set-up the computation. When a new/modified mesh is linked with an existing
project file, an automatic merge will be performed. This merge will reset the physical parameters
to their default values for the modified parts of the mesh. If for example blocks have been added,
the rotation speed, solid conductivity and initial solution of these blocks will be set to the default
15-18 FINE™
Task Management in Batch The Task Manager
FINE™ 15-19
The Task Manager Task Management in Batch
It is not possible to set-up parallel computations on Windows with the finebatch program.
#! /bin/csh
euranusTurbo <project_path>/computation_1/ -niversion <version> -seq
euranusTurbo <project_path>/computation_2/ -niversion <version> -seq
#! /bin/csh
euranusTurbo<version> <project_path>/computation_1/ -seq
euranusTurbo<version> <project_path>/computation_2/ -seq
The script is started in a C-shell, which is obtained by the first line: "#! /bin/csh". The command line,
to start the flow solver EURANUS, contains its name, the full path of the ".run" file to launch
(<project_path>), the FINE™ release that will be used (<version>) and the sequential mode selec-
2. Set Permission for execution for the script file "" by typing the command:
"chmod 755".
15-20 FINE™
Task Management in Batch The Task Manager
3. Create an input file (".run") for each computation. To create those files through the FINE™
interface, click on the File/Save Run Files menu in order to save the ".run" file of the activated
computation, after opening the corresponding project.
4. Launch the script "" by typing: "./".
When saving the ".run" file of the computation (File/Save Run Files), a script
"computation_name.batch" is automatically created in the corresponding computation
subfolder. This script enables the user to launch the same computation in batch.
The command line, to start the flow solver EURANUS, contains the full path of the euranus.exe
executable (<euranus_path>), the full path of the ".run" file to launch (<project_path>) and the
sequential mode selection. The euranus.exe executable can be found in:
2. Set permission for execution of the ".bat" file.
3. Create an input file (".run") for each computation. To create those files through the FINE™
interface, click on the File/Save Run Files menu in order to save the ".run" file of the activated
computation, after opening the corresponding project.
4. Launch the script ".bat" by typing the script file name: "batch.bat" in a shell or double click on
the ".bat" file from the Windows Explorer.
When saving the ".run" file of the computation (File/Save Run Files), a script
"computation_name.bat" is automatically created in the corresponding computation sub-
folder. This script enables the user to launch the same computation in batch.
#! /bin/csh
euranusTurbo_parallel<version> <project_path>/computation/ \\
-p4pg <project_path>/computation/computation.p4pg
The script is started in a C-shell, which is obtained by the first line: "#! /bin/csh". The command
line, to start the flow solver EURANUS in parallel, contains the name and the release to use
(<version>), the full path of the ".run" file to launch (<project_path>) and the full path of the
file ".p4pg" containing the definition of the machines that will be used to launch the computa-
tion in parallel.
The name of the executable is different from the one for sequential computations.
FINE™ 15-21
The Task Manager Task Management in Batch
2. Create hosts definition file ".p4pg". A file needs to be created to define the hosts (e.g. "computa-
tion.p4pg"). This file specifies the machine information regarding the various processes. An example of
a "hosts.p4pg" file:
Example 1:
hostname1 4 euranusTurbo<version> (master host on hostname1 and 4 processes on hostname1)
hostname2 2 euranusTurbo<version> (2 processes on hostname2)
Example 2:
hostname1 0 euranusTurbo<version> (master host on hostname1 and 0 processes on hostname1)
hostname2 2 euranusTurbo<version> (2 processes on hostname2)
For each machine, a line must be added consisting of the machine name (the machine hostname), the
number of processes to run on the machine, the name of the executable and the FINE™ release:
"hostname <nr_processes> euranusTurbo<version>"
If additional machines are to be used, subsequent lines are required for each one. If the number of proces-
sors is set to 0 for the first machine (first line of the ".p4pg" file), only the master host process will run on
that machine while the nodes will run on the next machines declared in the following lines.
The first machine (hostname) specified in the ".p4pg" file has to be the one, on which the script
will be launched.
The total number of processes defined in the ".p4pg" file should be equal to the number of
nodes running.
3. Set permission for execution "" by using the command: "chmod 755"
The input file ".run" to launch the computation has to be created. The parallel settings of the computational
file (".run") are managed by the Task Manager. Therefore before launching the parallel computation script,
the following steps must be performed through the FINE™ interface:
4. Create computational file (".run") by activating the corresponding computation and clicking on the File/
Save Run Files menu in the interface.
5. To set the final parallel settings:
— create a task in the Task Manager,
— define the parallel settings of EURANUS subtask (parallel computation),
— launch the task through the Task Manager by clicking on Start,
— kill the task when EURANUS flow solver starts by clicking on Kill.
These operations are mandatory in order to have all the parallel settings correctly imposed in the compu-
tation file (".run"). They can also be performed in batch, with the finebatch command, see section 15-
6. Launch the script "" by typing the script file name: "./".
When saving the ".run" file of the computation (File/Save Run Files) and launching the com-
putation in parallel as explained in step 5 through the Task Manager (Modules/Task Manager)
and killed it just afterwards, a script ".batch" and a ".p4pg" file are automatically created in the
corresponding computation subfolder. These files enable the user to launch the same parallel com-
putation in batch.
15-22 FINE™
Task Management in Batch The Task Manager
"<mpirun_path>\mpirun.exe <project_path>\computation\computation.p4pg \\
The command line, to start the flow solver EURANUS in parallel, contains the full path to the script
that enables parallel computations (mpirun.exe), the full path of the ".run" file to launch
(<project_path>) and the full path of the ".p4pg" file containing the definition of the machines that
will be used to launch the computation in parallel. The mpirun.exe executable can be found in:
2. Create hosts definition file ".p4pg". A file needs to be created to define the hosts (e.g. "computa-
tion.p4pg"). This file specifies the machine information regarding the various processes. An example
of a "hosts.p4pg" file:
Example 1:
hostname1 5 <euranus_path>\euranus.exe (master host on hostname1 and 4 processes on hostname1)
hostname2 2 <euranus_path>\euranus.exe (2 processes on hostname2)
Example 2:
hostname1 1 <euranus_path>\euranus.exe (master host on hostname1 and 0 processes on hostname1)
hostname2 2 <euranus_path>\euranus.exe (2 processes on hostname2)
For each machine, a line must be added consisting of the machine name (the machine hostname), the
number of processes to run on the machine and the full path of the euranus executable:
"hostname <nr_processes> <euranus_path>\euranus.exe"
The euranus.exe executable can be found in: "<NUMECA_install_dir>\Fine#\bin\"
If additional machines are to be used, subsequent lines are required for each one. If the number of
processors is set to 1 for the first machine (first line of the ".p4pg" file), only the master host process
will run on that machine while the nodes will run on the next machines declared in the following lines.
The first machine (hostname) specified in the ".p4pg" file has to be the one, on which the
script will be launched.
The total number of processes defined in the ".p4pg" file should be equal to the number of
nodes running.
3. Set permission for execution "batch.bat"
The input file ".run" to launch the computation has to be created. The parallel settings of the computa-
tional file (".run") are managed by the Task Manager. Therefore before launching the parallel computa-
tion script, the following steps must be performed through the FINE™ interface:
4. Create computational file (".run") by activating the corresponding computation and clicking on the
File/Save Run Files menu in the interface.
5. To set the final parallel settings:
— create a task in the Task Manager,
— define the parallel settings of EURANUS subtask (parallel computation),
— launch the task through the Task Manager by clicking on Start,
— kill the task when EURANUS flow solver starts by clicking on Kill.
These operations are mandatory in order to have all the parallel settings correctly imposed in the com-
putation file (".run").
6. Launch the script ".bat" by typing the script file name: "batch.bat" in a DOS-shell or double click on
the ".bat" file from the Windows Explorer.
FINE™ 15-23
The Task Manager Task Management in Batch
When saving the ".run" file of the computation (File/Save Run Files) and launching the
computation in parallel as explained in step 5 through the Task Manager (Modules/Task
Manager) and killed it just afterwards, a new script ".bat" and a file ".p4pg" are created in
the corresponding computation subfolder that enable the user to launch the same computa-
tion in batch and in parallel.
15-24 FINE™
Task Management in Batch The Task Manager
export MPIR_HOME
export PATH
are the environment variables indicating respectively the NUMECA software installation directory
and the mpi directory that are used in the following command:
$MPIR_HOME/bin/mpirun -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines \\
$NI_VERSIONS_DIR/bin/euranusTurbo82_1 \\
$NSLOTS is the number of slots (processors) that have been allocated by SGE for the job,
$TMPDIR is generated by SGE for providing the machines file used by the mpirun script.
$NI_VERSIONS_DIR/bin/euranusTurbo is a symbolic link to the numeca_start startup script for
all Numeca softwares and 82_1 is the version of the code that will be used and requires that it is
installed in <NUMECA_RELEASE_PATH>/fine82_1.
/home/sgeuser/parallel/parallel_computation_1/ is the argument to
the euranusTurbo executable.
For sequential runs, the line "#$ -pe numecampi 3" must be "#$ -pe numecampi 1"
and the final command must be: $NI_VERSIONS_DIR/bin/euranusTurbo82_1 \\
/home/sgeuser/parallel/parallel_computation_1/ -seq
Create input file ".run" to launch the computation. The parallel settings of the computational file
(".run") are managed by the Task Manager. Therefore before launching the parallel computation
script, the following steps must be performed through the FINE™ interface:
2. Create computational file (".run") by activating the corresponding computation and clicking on
the File/Save Run Files menu in the interface.
3. To set the final parallel settings:
— create a task in the Task Manager,
— define the parallel settings of EURANUS subtask (parallel computation),
— launch the task through the Task Manager by clicking on Start,
— kill the task when EURANUS flow solver starts by clicking on Kill.
These operations are mandatory in order to have all the parallel settings correctly imposed in the
computation file (".run"). They can also be performed in batch, with the finebatch command,
see section 15-5.3.1.
4. Launch the script "batch.sge" by typing the script file name: "./batch.sge".
When saving the ".run" file of the computation (File/Save Run Files) and launching
the computation in parallel as explained in step 3 through the Task Manager (Modules/
Task Manager) and killed it just afterwards, a new script ".sge" is created in the corre-
sponding computation subfolder that enables the user to launch the same computation in
batch and in parallel.
FINE™ 15-25
The Task Manager Task Management in Batch
#PBS -N comp#001
#PBS -r n
#PBS -q workq -lselect=3:ncpus=1
export MPIR_HOME
export PATH
$MPIR_HOME/bin/mpirun -v -machinefile $PBS_NODEFILE -np $NPROCS \\
$NI_VERSIONS_DIR/bin/euranusTurbo82_1 \\
All lines beginning with #PBS are PBS commands.
#! /bin/sh requires Bourne shell to be used by PBS for job submission and hence, only the .profile
file of the user is executed if exists on each computation host. There is nothing specific to Numeca
software that must be written . the .profile file.
#PBS -o /home/sgeuser/parallel/parallel_computation_1/parallel_computation_1.std -j oe tells
the PBS system that the standard output has to be redirected in the ".std" in the computation direc-
tory, the option "-j oe" indicates that the standard error is also redirected into the same file.
#PBS -N comp#001 is the name of the job given to PBS and that will be seen when monitoring the
job with qstat PBS command. PBS has a limitation of 8 characters for the job name.
#PBS -r n specifies that the job is not rerunnable. That means that the job cannot be stopped and
put back again in the waiting queue.
#PBS -q workq -lselect=3:ncpus=1 requests 3 slots (processors) to the PBS system for executing
the job using the workq queue. This must correspond to NTASK +1 where NTASK is the number of
computation processes in the ".run" file, the "+1" being the host process that manages inputs/out-
NPROCS=`wc -l < $PBS_NODEFILE` The NPROCS variable contains the total number of proc-
essors allocated for the computation and will be used by the mpirun executable.
export MPIR_HOME
export PATH
are the environment variables indicating respectively the Numeca software installation directory
and the mpi directory that are used in the following command:
15-26 FINE™
Task Management in Batch The Task Manager
When launched in batch, CFView™ does not open the graphical user interface but an
access to the display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
When launched in batch, CFView™ does not open the graphical user interface but an
access to the display of the machine on which the process is launched, is still required.
FINE™ 15-27
The Task Manager Limitations
-defaults <file name> starts CFView™ with the default settings from the specified file,
-project <file name> starts CFView™ and opens immediately the specified project,
-macro <file name> starts CFView™ and execute the specified macro script,
-macromodule <file name> starts CFView™ and load the specified macro module,
-display <display name> starts CFView™ on the specified display device,
-doublebuffering on (off) activates (disables) double buffering,
-updateabort on (off) activates (disable) update aborting (see the CFView™ manual for more
detail on this option),
-driver <driver name> starts CFView™ with the specified graphics accelerator,
-reversevideo on (off) starts CFView™ with black (white) background color (see the CFView™
manual for more detail on this option),
-facedisplacement <n> starts CFView™ with the specified face displacement (see the CFView™
manual for more detail on this option),
-loaddata all (none, ask) when opening a project the quantities fields are loaded in the computed
memory (are not loaded, a specific dialog box is raised where the user choose the field variables to
be loaded). The defaults is to load all field quantities. (see the CFView™ manual for a description
of the data management facility and of the associated dialog box),
-nob2b on: starts CFView™ and allows to avoid the hub and shroud projections process when
loading a turbomachinery solution file,
-batch on (off) starts CFView™ without graphical user interface. This mode can be used in combi-
nation with the -macro command line option in order to perform the execution of a macro script
without user interaction,
-hoops_relinquish_memory off this option disables the hoops garbage collection feature that is
activated when CFView™ is idle during a long period of time.
15-6 Limitations
The task manager have some limitations due to the current PVM and MPI libraries:
• The remote copy works only if there is enough disk space on the remote machine. Currently, no
check is performed to identify the available disk space and the flow solver crashes with "undi-
fined reason".
• Parallel computation with distributed memory are only available on homogenous UNIX/Win-
dows platforms.
• When a user launches FINE™ on different machines, the connection between these machines is
not allowed as described in section 15-2.1.1.
15-28 FINE™
CHAPTER 16:Computation Steering
16-1 Overview
This chapter describes the Computation Steering pages and the additional tool MonitorTurbo.
First section 16-2 describes the Computation Steering/Control Variables page. Furthermore this
chapter is completely dedicated to the monitoring tools available in FINE™ to monitor the global
solution during and after a computation:
• Computation Steering/Convergence History and Task Manager/Convergence History, see
section 16-3.
• MonitorTurbo, see section 16-4.
In section 16-5 advice is provided on how to use the monitoring tools in analysing the progress of a
FINE™ 16-1
Computation Steering & Monitoring Convergence History
or a k-ε turbulence model is used. Also the amount of selected output may require more mem-
ory. To allocate more memory for the computation activate the option Set the requested
memory. This will allow to define the amount of memory in Mb used for reals and integers.
For unsteady computations the Control Variables page is updated to give access to
additional parameters as described in section 4-2.1 and section 4-2.3.
In expert mode, this page contains two lists of expert parameters. Only the expert parameters that
are described in the manual are supported. Use of the other parameters is not recommended. For a
summary of all supported expert parameters see Appendix C.
16-2 FINE™
Convergence History Computation Steering & Monitoring
When the flow solver EURANUS is invoked, a communication is automatically established with
FINE™ allowing the user to follow the selected quantities. Two representations of the quantities are
currently available: the convergence curves displayed in the area 5 and the quantity value at the last
iteration in the area 4. All these data are stored in files with extension ".steering" and ".steer-
ing.binary". These files are created and managed automatically by FINE™
If the communication between the flow solver and FINE™ is interrupted (i.e.: net-
work problem), parts of the convergence curves can be lost.
(c) (d)
2. All the steering files already loaded can be selected by <Ctrl>-left click and <Shift>-left click in
the list of available computations.
3. The file can also be loaded manually using the Add Computation button (c). A file chooser
prompts the user to select the file.
4. The Remove Computation button (d), allows the user to remove the selected computation from
the memory (the file is not removed from the disk and remains available for selection).
5. Additionally, when a task is started, the steering file of the active computation is automatically
loaded and becomes available in the list of computations (b).
The Export Curves To File... button enables the user to save all the curves plotted in the Graphics
View in an ASCII file ".cvh".
FINE™ 16-3
Computation Steering & Monitoring Convergence History
When a quantity has been added, it appears in the selection list and becomes the selected quantity. If
the flow solver is running, the value and the convergence curve of the new quantities is displayed
after a few seconds. The convergence curve begins at the iteration corresponding to the moment
when the new quantity has been added in the Selected Variables list.
When a quantity is added for selection it appears in the selection list with a number behind the
name. This number is only added to avoid to have two times the same variable name in the list. This
is especially necessary when, for example, the static pressure is monitored at two different points in
the domain.
Care should be taken when using the steering of a parameter on a local 3d grid point. It
should be carried out in the following way:
— select the parameter (relative velocity u, static pressure...).
— add it for selection. It becomes available for the selected variables.
16-4 FINE™
Convergence History Computation Steering & Monitoring
— set the block id and the I,J,K indices of the grid point on which the evolution
of the selected parameter will be visualized.
All modifications (I,J,K indices...) can also be performed (and modified) during the
Selecting a quantity will show its history in the graphics view as described in the next paragraph. To
select multiple quantities click on them (with the left mouse button) in the list while holding the
<Ctrl> or <Shift> key. To select quantities that are next to each other in the list simply click on the
first one and keep the mouse button pressed while moving to the last variable.
The root mean square of the residuals is computed with the following formula:
FINE™ 16-5
Computation Steering & Monitoring Convergence History
When working with harmonic method, a global residual called ’global residual har-
monics’ will be available in addition of the ’global residual’. This last variable is linked
to the time averaged solution while the ’global residual harmonics’ is linked to the time
Additionally the global residuals are shown in numerical values in the Task Manager window (3rd
column). The RMS value listed in the Task Manager window is the global root mean square nor-
malized by its value at the first iteration: RMSRES-(RMSRES)it=1. The maximum value (4th col-
umn) is the maximum residual at a certain iteration normalized by the RMS residual at the first
iteration: MAXRES-(RMSRES)it=1.
16-6 FINE™
MonitorTurbo Computation Steering & Monitoring
The convergence history of the selected curves are displayed inside the graphics view.
In the Computation Steering/Convergence History page, the color of the curves is different (up
to 8 selected quantities). The automatic chosen curves colors are also used for the displayed value
(a). Additionally, the error between the two first selected quantities is also indicated (b). This is
especially important for checking the difference between the mass flow at inlet and outlet
(Figure 16.3.6-7).
In the Task Manager/Convergence History page, the color of the curves is the same (but with dif-
ferent markers) if related to the same computation. The color is different for each curve if related to
different computations (up to 9 selected quantities controlled by the user if necessary - File/Prefer-
ences menu, see section 2-3.1.6).
16-4 MonitorTurbo
16-4.1 Introduction
The MonitorTurbo can be launched independently from FINE™ in order to facilitate the batch
mode control. It is a separate graphic control window in which the user can visually monitor:
• the convergence history of one or several computations (Convergence history),
• the blade loading distribution (Loading diagram available with FINE™/Design 2D only),
• the blade profile (Blade profile available with FINE™/Design 2D only).
FINE™ 16-7
Computation Steering & Monitoring MonitorTurbo
The two last displays are only available under the FINE™/Design 2D environments, as described in
Chapter 13 and Chapter 14. This section only describes the functionalities of the convergence his-
tory display.
On UNIX and LINUX platforms type: monitorTurbo -niversion <version> -print <Enter>
When multiple versions of FINE™ are installed the installation note should be con-
sulted for advice on how to start FINE™ in a multi-version environment.
On Windows click on the Monitor icon in Start/Programs/NUMECA software/fine#. Alterna-
tively FINE™ can be launched from a dos shell by typing:
<NUMECA_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY>\fine#\bin\monitor <Enter>
FINE™ allows multi-process analyses. Therefore, the convergence histories of multiple (running)
projects can be visualized at the same time. It is also possible to compare the convergence history
associated with different computational parameters for the same project.
The monitored variables are displayed as a x-y graph in the upper part of the window (a). The x-
axis represents the number of multigrid cycles or work units (see section 16-4.3.4 and section B-
4.3) achieved by the flow solver. The y-axis is a logarithmic axis representing the power of ten of
the residual values. The user can choose the residual of any of the equations solved and some global
parameters using the buttons visible in the lower right part of the graphic control window (b) as
shown in Figure 16.4.1-9.
16-8 FINE™
MonitorTurbo Computation Steering & Monitoring
The lower part of the graphic control window contains four boxes. The small box (c) located on the
left side contains a Print button (which allows to save the current graph as a postscript file) and a
Quit button (which allows to close the MonitorTurbo window). The three other boxes are described
in the next sections.
The convergence history of a computation using the v2-f turbulence model, cannot be
loaded in the MonitorTurbo application.
Since the RMS and maximum residuals are normalized differently it may occur that
the RMS value shown in the MonitorTurbo is higher than the maximum residual.
FINE™ 16-9
Computation Steering & Monitoring MonitorTurbo
• External flow problems (expert parameter IINT=0): The drag, the lift and the momentum coeffi-
cients. The user has to specify the axis that has to be taken into account for these global quanti-
ties as described in section 11-3.
If several computations are performed at the same time, the curves associated with the different
projects are drawn in different colors. The buttons of the present box act only on the curves of the
file and block selected through the File and Block menu.
Several buttons are provided to visualize the real and imaginary part of the harmonic quantities
available in the FINE™/Turbo environment: Density, Vx, Vy, Vz and Pressure.
If several computations are performed at the same time, the curves associated with the different
projects are drawn in different colors. The buttons of the present box act only on the curves of the
file and block selected through the File and Block menu.
The option Show curve allows to plot the curve in the MonitorTurbo window.
16-10 FINE™
Best Practice for Computation Monitoring Computation Steering & Monitoring
The Update now button updates the graph for the active residual file and the selected block.
The Auto update option can be switched on to follow the iteration processes automatically. It is
however a rather time-consuming option and this button is not active by default.
FINE™ 16-11
Computation Steering & Monitoring Best Practice for Computation Monitoring
should normally decrease gradually. In general a fall of 3 orders with a stabilization of this curve is
considered as a good convergence. But it is important to check if other global quantities like mass
flow, efficiency, pressure ratio are also stabilized and to compare the differences between massflow
at inlet and outlet (in general a difference of less than 5% is acceptable).
16-5.3 MonitorTurbo
The MonitorTurbo follows the same quantities as the Convergence History, but its main interest is
to offer the possibility to follow the convergence block by block. Thus, one can localize problems
and, if necessary, modify the mesh in the region associated to the block, or change a boundary con-
Finally, coming back to the Task Manager, it is possible to get a deeper control, locally, by adding
control points (local 3d grid point). These points allow to track in important parts of the domain,
the speed, the pressure and turbulent quantities, which sometimes could be a requested information.
In the case of steady computations, the values associated to these points should converge to a con-
stant value.
One additional advice is to use CFView™ during the computation with intermediate and non-con-
verged solutions. When having convergence problems for example CFView™ may be used to look
for the zones were the residuals have too high values compared to other regions or an incorrect tur-
bulence field. To know in which block(s) the residuals start to increase first in case of divergence
problem, the MonitorTurbo may already give a first indication. Combining the information from
the MonitorTurbo and CFView™ allows to find the cause of convergence problems in the computa-
16-12 FINE™
Best Practice for Computation Monitoring Computation Steering & Monitoring
FINE™ 16-13
Computation Steering & Monitoring Best Practice for Computation Monitoring
16-14 FINE™
APPENDIX A:Governing Equations
A-1 Overview
The flow solver integrated into the FINE™ user environment is named EURANUS ("EURopean
Aerodynamic NUmerical Simulator"). EURANUS is a multipurpose code for 2D and 3D flows in
complex geometries, using the latest numerical developments in CFD. A structured mesh is
required and complex geometries can be easily handled through a flexible multiblock meshing pro-
This appendix describes the basic governing equations solved in EURANUS. For more detailed
information on the different aspects like turbulence, fluid modeling, multi grid strategy etc., see the
related chapters in this manual.
U + ∇F I + ∇F V = Q , (A-1)
U = ρv , (A-2)
Governing Equations Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
ρv i 0
ρv 1 v i + pδ 1i τ i1
F li = ρv 2 v i + pδ 2i and – F vi = τ i2 , (A-3)
ρv 3 v i + pδ 3i τ i2
( ρE + p )v i q i + v j τ ij
where the stress and the heat flux components are given by:
∂w̃ ∂w̃
τ ij = ( µ + µ t ) --------i + --------j – 2
--- ( ∇w )δ ij (A-4)
∂x j ∂x i 3
∂ ˜
and q i = ( κ + κ t ) T. (A-5)
∂ xi
Q = ρf e , (A-6)
with f e expressing the effects of external forces and W f the work performed by those external
forces: W f = ρf e ⋅ v . Other source terms are possible, like gravity, depending on the chosen func-
q = q + q' (A-7)
where where q is the time averaged value and q' the fluctuating part and
q' = 0 (A-8)
The energy, velocity components and temperature are density weighted averages defined as:
q̃ = ------ (A-9)
∂w i ∂w j 2 2
– ρw i ″w j ″ = µ t + – --- ( ∇w̃ )δ ij – --- ρkδ ij (A-10)
∂ xj ∂ xi 3 3
Formulation in Rotating Frame for the Absolute Velocity Governing Equations
with w i the xi component of the relative velocity. In this equation k is the turbulent kinetic energy
and is defined as:
k = --- ρw i ″w i ″ ⁄ ρ . (A-11)
In contrast to the laminar case, both the static pressure and the total energy contain contributions
from the turbulent kinetic energy k and are defined as:
p* = p + --- ρk , (A-12)
E˜ = ẽ + --- w̃ i w̃ i + k (A-13)
Note that Eq. A-13 does not contain a term in the angular velocity. This term is accounted for in the
source term, and assuming stationary flow, corresponds to the last term of Eq. A-15.
ρ ρw̃ i 0
ρw̃ 1 p*δ 1i + ρw̃ i w̃ 1 τ i1
U = ρw̃ 2 F Ii = p*δ 2i + ρw̃ i w̃ 2 – F vi = τ i2 (A-14)
where the shorthand notation , i, in the Fvi expression, is used to denote derivatives with respect to
x i . The source term vector Q contains contributions of Coriolis and centrifugal forces and is given
Q = ( – ρ ) [ 2ω × w + ( ω × ( ω × r ) ) ] (A-15)
2 2
ρw∇ ( 0.5ω r )
with ω the angular velocity of the relative frame of reference.
Governing Equations Formulation in Rotating Frame for the Absolute Velocity
components. This formulation is different from the one generally used to solve internal turboma-
chinery problems, where the equations are solved for the relative velocity. The two formulations
should lead to the same flow solution. However, experience shows that the solution can be differ-
ent, especially in the far field region. For propeller problems, the formulation based on relative
velocities has the disadvantage that the far field relative velocity can reach high values. This
induces an excess of artificial dissipation leading to a non physical rotational flow in the far field
region, this dissipation being based on the computed variables.
This formulation is valid only if all boundary conditions are uniform in the azimuthal
direction. If the flow field boundary conditions are not uniform in the azimuthal direc-
tion, the boundary conditions expressed in this formulation must be unsteady. In this
case, the formulation for the relative velocity is suggested.
Except for the non-linear k-ε turbulence model, first-order closure, based on Boussinesq's assump-
tion, is used for the Reynolds stress:
∂ṽ i ∂ṽ j 2 2
– ρv i ″v j ″ = µ t + – --- ( ∇ṽ )δ ij – --- ρkδ ij (A-16)
∂ xi ∂ xi 3 3
with v i the xi component of the absolute velocity. The flux vectors are decomposed into Cartesian
F I = f I1 1 x + f I2 1 y + f I3 1 z
F v = f v1 1 x + f v2 1 y + f v3 1 z
ρ ρw̃ i 0
ρṽ 1 p*δ 1i + ρw̃ i ṽ 1 τ i1
U = ρṽ 2 F Ii = p*δ 2i + ρw̃ i ṽ 2 – F vi = τ i2 (A-18)
where the shorthand notation, i, in the Fvi expression, is used to denote derivatives with respect to
x i . The velocity w i is the xi component of the relative velocity. This formulation involves thus both
the absolute and the relative velocity components.
The source term vector Q is given by:
Q = –ρ ( ω × v ) , (A-19)
with ω the angular velocity of the relative frame of reference. Other source terms are possible, like
gravity, depending on the chosen functionalities.
Formulation in Rotating Frame for the Absolute Velocity Governing Equations
The averaged Navier-Stokes equations are obtained by the Favre averaging as described in section
In contrast to the laminar case, both the static pressure and the total energy contain contributions
from the turbulent kinetic energy k and are defined as:
p* = p + --- ρk , (A-20)
E˜ = ẽ + --- w̃ i w̃ i + k . (A-21)
The stress and the heat flux components are given by:
∂ṽ ∂ṽ
τ ij = ( µ + µ t ) -------i + -------j – 2
--- ( ∇v )δ ij (A-22)
∂x j ∂x i 3
and q i = ( κ + κ t ) ∂ T˜ , (A-23)
∂ xi
Governing Equations Formulation in Rotating Frame for the Absolute Velocity
APPENDIX B:File Formats
B-1 Overview
This Appendix describes the files used by FINE™ and the flow solver EURANUS. It is divided in
two parts. The first one gives the file format information needed to use FINE™, while the second
one describes the format of the files used and produced by EURANUS. As FINE™ is intended to
handle the file treatment for the user, knowing the exact format of all the files used in a simulation
process is not required. This appendix is therefore written for advanced users only.
In the following description, it is assumed that all the files are related to a generic project called
'project'. The chapter is divided in five sections:
• files produced by IGG™,
• files produced and used by FINE™,
• files produced and used by the flow solver EURANUS,
• files used as data profile,
• resource files used to control the layout and which contain default values and reference infor-
To simplify the notations, it is assumed that the related mesh has a topology of one block.
File Formats Files Produced by FINE™
Manual modification of these files is not supported since it may corrupt the file or pro-
vide incorrect results. Such a modification should only be done on explicit advice of
NUMECA support team ([email protected]).
Files Produced by the Flow Solver EURANUS File Formats
a) File Header
The file always has the following header containing the version number and the project type:
After the header, 3 new lines are used to store the name of the files linked to the project:
GRID_FILE /usr/_turnkey_tutorials/_rotor37/rotor37/_mesh/rotor37.igg
TRB_FILE /usr/_turnkey_tutorials/_rotor37/rotor37/rotor37.trb
GEOMETRY_FILE /usr/_turnkey_tutorials/_rotor37/rotor37.geomTurbo
These are respectively the mesh, the template and the geometry files. The template and the geometry
files are not used by FINE™/Turbo and are only there for backward compatibility reasons.
The menu File/Save Run Files enables to save the ".run" file without starting the solver
File Formats Files Produced by the Flow Solver EURANUS
Files Produced by the Flow Solver EURANUS File Formats
Work unit: for single grid computations, one work unit is equal to one iteration, while in multigrid,
the work unit corresponds to the computing effort of the multigrid run to the single grid run. For 3D
cases it is computed as follow: WU = 1 + n2(1/2)3 + n3(1/2)6 +...
Mass flow in/out = total mass flow for both inlet and outlet boundaries. When no inlet or outlet is
present in the computation, the corresponding mass flow is set to zero.
Finally, the ".res" file is given with the CPU time included. For sequential computation, the CPU
time is the total CPU time at each iteration which includes the CPU time of previous iterations. For
parallel computations the wall clock time will be given instead of the CPU time.
File Formats Files Produced by the Flow Solver EURANUS
The first 3 files can be written in ASCII or binary format, the binary format being the Fortran unfor-
matted format. The ".name" file is always written in ASCII.
When the Unformatted file (binary) FORTRAN format is selected in FINE™: the
user has to make sure that the file format is also correctly defined in CFView™. When
opening the Plot3D project in CFView™ through the menu File/Open Plot3D Project...,
click on the File Format... button and select Unformatted. Do not select Binary as it
corresponds to binary files generated by C programs. Once this is done, the user also
needs to check the binary low endian or binary big endian format on the same page.
On PC platforms (Windows or LINUX) make sure to use binary low endian format
whereas binary big endian is mandatory on all other platforms.
1. The "project_computationName.g" file format:
• Line1: number of blocks,
• Line2: the 3 dimensions of each block,
• for each block, the coordinates of the mesh points.
Files Used as Data Profile File Formats
The imported values will be interpreted in the current project units. These values
would change (in the database) if the user changes the corresponding units. Therefore all
values will be converted for the flow solver EURANUS in SI system units (in radians for
the angles).
The values for 1D profiles should be given in increasing order of the x-coordinate. For example,
when entering a profile of temperature as a function of R, FINE™ checks whether the two first
points are in increasing order. If this is not the case, the profile will be inverted automatically in
order to ensure compatibility with the flow solver. The next time the Profile Manager ( ) is
opened, the profile will be shown in increasing order, contrary to what was initially entered.
For 2D profiles there is no such constraint except for profiles as a function of r-θ (see section 4-
File Formats Files Used as Data Profile
The theta angle is defined as θ = arctg (y/x). The θ profile should cover the patch
geometry, so it may take negative values. For unsteady calculations with profile rotation
the θ profile must be given form 0 to 2π (see section 4-2.3.2).
If profiles are extracted from CFView™, the data are on the cell corners and the type 0
cannot be used. The file in such case should contain the values of the quantity without
the coordinates of the cell centers.
• The next lines contain the coordinate(s) of each point with the associated physical value.
If profiles are extracted from CFView™, the user don't need to specify the coordinates
but need to impose the value in a certain order:
If K=cst surface: I=1 J=1, I=2 J=1,..., I=n J=1, I=1 J=2, I=2 J=2,...,I=n J=2,...
If J=cst surface: K=1 I=1, K=2 I=1,..., K=n I=1, K=1 I=2, K=2 I=2, ...,K=n I=2,...
If I=cst surface: J=1 K=1, J=2 K=1,...,J=n K=1, J=1 K=2,...J=n K=2,...
Example 1:
r pressure
0.5 101000
0.6 102000
0.6 103000
0.7 102000
0.8 101000
Files Used as Data Profile File Formats
This example is related to the interpolation of the pressure along the radius. There are 5 point coor-
dinates in the file. This is a space profile.
FINE™ uses the same file formats to import space, time, and space and time profiles. Thus if there
is only one profile in the file, it will be interpreted as a space profile, if a second profile exists,
FINE™ will recognize it as a time profile. Following is an example of a space and time profile:
Example 2:
R Pt
.3 95600.13
.251765 98913.46
.248412 100909.6
.24445 101527.6
.240182 101740.4
.23622 101811.4
100 10
.216713 101811.4
.210922 101872.1
.205435 101872.1
.199644 101872.1
.195682 101872.1
.191414 101872.1
.187452 101872.1
.18349 101740.4
.179222 99946.98
.1 99946.98
The two profiles are separated by an empty line. The interpolation type in time is specified as 100.
If this file is imported with the profile viewer invoked as fct(space) - only the first part will be
taken into account. If fct(time) is specified - only the second part will be read by the flow solver.
Both profiles will be imported if fct(space-time) is specified for the variable type.
If there are less coordinates supplied than the number of points specified, FINE™ will put zero for
the missing coordinates.
File Formats Resource Files
Example 1:
T Mu
11 5
270 6e-5
275 3e-5
280 2e-5
290 1.5e-5
300 0.9e-5
The format for the Cp and Gamma profiles is slightly different because the two profiles are speci-
fied in the same file (with extension ".heat_capacity"). It is as shown in the example below:
Example 2:
T Cp
11 4
295 1004.9
298 1005.3
301 1010.8
318 1011.0
11 3
296 1.31
298 1.34
303 1.36
The first set of points is for the Cp profile, the second is for the Gamma profile as functions of the
B-10 FINE™
Resource Files File Formats
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# these are the names of the systems
# used to change all the quantities at the same time
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# this is the system that will be taken as default
# when creating a new project
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
CONV_FACTOR 1 3 3.280839895
CONV_FACTOR 1 4 39.37007874
CONV_FACTOR 2 3 3.280839895
CONV_FACTOR 2 4 39.37007874
FINE™ B-11
File Formats Resource Files
CONV_FACTOR 3 1 0.3048
CONV_FACTOR 3 2 0.3048
CONV_FACTOR 4 1 0.0254
CONV_FACTOR 4 2 0.0254
CONV_FACTOR 4 3 0.08333333333
CONV_FACTOR 1 3 0.06852176586
CONV_FACTOR 1 4 0.005710147155
CONV_FACTOR 2 3 0.06852176586
CONV_FACTOR 2 4 0.005710147155
UNITS_NAME 3 [lbf s2/ft]
CONV_FACTOR 3 1 14.59390294
CONV_FACTOR 3 2 14.59390294
CONV_FACTOR 3 4 0.08333333333
UNITS_NAME 4 [lbf s2/in]
CONV_FACTOR 4 1 175.1268352
CONV_FACTOR 4 2 175.1268352
If, for example, a new system is added on the fifth position, the user should supply the factors to
convert the physical quantities from all the existing systems (1, 2, 3, and 4) to the fifth, and back
from the fifth to all the others as shown below:
CONV_FACTOR 1 3 3.280839895
CONV_FACTOR 1 4 39.37007874
CONV_FACTOR 1 5 new_factor_value_from_1_to_5
B-12 FINE™
Resource Files File Formats
CONV_FACTOR 2 3 3.280839895
CONV_FACTOR 2 4 39.37007874
CONV_FACTOR 2 5 new_factor_value_from_2_to_5
CONV_FACTOR 3 1 0.3048
CONV_FACTOR 3 2 0.3048
CONV_FACTOR 3 5 new_factor_value_from_3_to_5
CONV_FACTOR 4 1 0.0254
CONV_FACTOR 4 2 0.0254
CONV_FACTOR 4 3 0.08333333333
CONV_FACTOR 4 5 new_factor_value_from_4_to_5
UNITS_NAME 5 [new_units_name]
CONV_FACTOR 5 1 new_factor_value_from_5_to_1
CONV_FACTOR 5 2 new_factor_value_from_5_to_2
CONV_FACTOR 5 3 new_factor_value_from_5_to_3
CONV_FACTOR 5 4 new_factor_value_from_5_to_4
The first (SI) and the second (default) systems are identical except for the rotational
speed units (RPM vs. radian).
FINE™ B-13
File Formats Resource Files
B-14 FINE™
APPENDIX C:List of Expert
C-1 Overview
On the Control Variables page under Expert Mode a list of non-interfaced expert parameters is
available. As stated in the interface these parameters should not be used unless explicitly stated in
this manual. This chapter contains a list of all non-interfaced expert parameters that are described in
this manual. For each parameter a reference is given to the corresponding section. If more informa-
tion is desired on another parameters please contact NUMECA support at [email protected].
List of Expert Parameters List of Integer Expert Parameters
List of Float Expert Parameters List of Expert Parameters
List of Expert Parameters List of Float Expert Parameters
RTOL: maximum angle for normals in calculation wall distance section 4-4.4
SIGE: constant for k-ε and v2-f model section 4-4.4
SIGK: constant for k-ε and v2-f model section 4-4.4
SMCOR: residual smoothing section 9-3.2
SREF: reference surface to non-dimensionalize coefficients section 11-3
TEDAMP: damping for k-ε model section 4-4.4
THFREL: throughflow under-relaxation section 6-4
UENTR: thermodynamic output variables section 11-2.1
VELSCA: maximum value allowed for velocity scaling section 8-3
VIS2: central discretization section 9-3.2
VIS2KE: central discretization section 9-3.2
VIS4: central discretization section 9-3.2
VIS4KE: central discretization section 9-3.2
APPENDIX D:Characteristics of
Thermodynamic Tables
D-1 Overview
As described in section section 3-2.3.4, the Condensable Fluid module aims at modelling the real
thermodynamic properties of a given fluid by means of interpolation of the variables from dedi-
cated tables.
The approach that has been adopted in EURANUS consists of using a series of thermodynamic
tables, one table being required each time a thermodynamic variable must be deduced from two
other ones. This implies the creation of many tables as input, but presents the advantage that no
iterative inversion of the tables is done in the solver, with as a consequence a very small addi-
tional CPU time.
Information related to
• the range of variation of admissible values for thermodynamic variables
• the discretization of the grid
• the nature of the interpolation algorithm selected
• the relative mean error (mean and maximum) on thermodynamic variables
• the size of the table
Characteristics of Thermodynamic Tables Main Characteristics for Water (Steam)
PHS: interpolates static or total pressure as a function of entropy and static or total
RHS: interpolates static pressure over density as a function of entropy and enthalpy
HSP: interpolates static or total enthalpy as a function of entropy and static or total
MER: interpolates dynamic viscosity as a function of internal energy and density
KER: interpolates thermal conductivity as a function of internal energy and density
PSA: defines the saturation line
Main Characteristics for R134a Characteristics of Thermodynamic Tables
Table 1 on page 2 lists the range of admissible variations for the thermodynamic variables, in the
different tables proposed. Ranges have been extended from the default tables proposed up to
FINE™ /Turbo 6.2-7, especially at low pressures (< 1000 Pa). Significant improvements, both in
terms of robustness and accuracy, are expected in that area.
Both RMS (root mean square) and maximum errors should be interpreted as relative errors. RMS
error does not exceed 2%, while in most tables it is ranging from 0.0001% to 0.1%. Maximum rela-
tive errors are located nearby the saturation line, where the interpolation naturally degrades despite
the use of bi-cubic interpolations and double table strategy.
Tables DPT and EPT have been tuned so as to guarantee maximum accuracy in the vapor phase (<
0.1% at maximum). However, run performed in the liquid phase are consequently prohibited since
they would lead to large relative errors (> 100%) in that area. A dedicated set covering DPT and
EPT tables balancing maximum relative errors both on vapor and liquid phases can however be
obtained upon request. Please take direct contact at "[email protected]" for any question on this
Characteristics of Thermodynamic Tables Main Characteristics for R134a
RHS: interpolates static pressure over density as a function of entropy and enthalpy
HSP: interpolates static or total enthalpy as a function of entropy and static or total
PSA: defines the saturation line
Table 3 on page 4 lists the range of admissible variations for the thermodynamic variables, in the
different tables proposed.
Main Characteristics for R134a Characteristics of Thermodynamic Tables
Both RMS (root mean square) and maximum errors should be interpreted as relative errors. Maxi-
mum relative errors are located nearby the saturation line, where the interpolation naturally
degrades despite the use of bi-cubic interpolations and double table strategy.
Characteristics of Thermodynamic Tables Main Characteristics for R134a
Numerics Block
1D Non Reflecting 5-21 Conjugate Heat Transfer 7-12
Throughflow 6-2–6-3
A Boundary Conditions 8-1
Abu-Grannam-Shaw Model 7-42 Blade To Blade 13-8
Add Fluid 3-3 Compute Force and Torque 8-11
Condensable fluid 8-21
Fillet 11-14
External 8-13
Outputs 11-10
Full Non Matching 8-1
Visualization 11-15
Group 8-2
AutoBlade 2-4, 2-11
Lagrangian Module 7-4–7-6
AutoGrid 1-2, 2-4, 2-6, 2-11
Passive Tracers 4-56
Batch 15-17
Periodic 8-9
Axial Thrust 8-11, 11-17
Rotor/Stator 5-17–5-19
Azimuthal Averaged Output 11-9
Throughflow 6-7–6-8
B Turbulence 4-23
Background Color 1-7 Unsteady 4-2, 4-7, 4-12
Barotropic Liquid, see Fluid, Barotropic Liquid Boussinesq 4-57
Batch BPF 4-16
AutoGrid 15-17
CFView™ 15-27 C
FINE™ 15-18 CFD
IGG™ 15-16 Governing equations A-1
Benedict-Webb-Rubin 3-15 Introduction 1-1
Blade To Blade 13-1 CFL Number 7-12, 9-2, 9-18
Boundary Conditions 13-8 CFView™ 1-3, 2-11
File Formats 13-13–13-17 Batch 15-27
Flow Solver 13-12 CGNS B-4
Characteristic Values, see Reference Values
Geometrical Data 13-3
Condensable Fluid
Initial Solution 13-10, 14-5 Saturation 3-16
Input Files 13-13–13-15 Condensable fluid
Inverse Design 13-8 Boundary conditions 8-21
Mesh Generator 13-6, 13-11 Outputs 11-3
New Project 13-2 Condensable Fluid, see Fluid, Condensable
Numerical Model 13-10 Conductivity 3-4–3-6
Open Project 13-2 Laminar 3-10
Output Files 13-15–13-17 Turbulent 3-11
Stream Surface Data 13-4 Turbulent, Condensable Fluid 3-17
Theory 13-11 Config
Bleed Flow Grid Configuration 2-15
Theory 7-32, 7-33 Conjugate Heat Transfer 7-11–7-15
Bleed flow Block Types 7-12
Data file 7-34 CFL Number 7-12
Flow Parameters 7-29 Theory 7-13–7-15
Outputs 7-31 Thermal Connections 7-12
Positioning 7-18 Control Variables 16-1
Visualization 7-31 Unsteady 4-4
Wizard 7-16 Convention 1-5
Convergence History 10-4, 16-2 EURANUS 1-3
Cooling Flow Expert Mode 2-14
Theory 7-32, 7-33 Expert Parameters C-1
Cooling flow 7-15 External Boundary Condition 8-13
Bleed flow 7-15
Data file 7-34 F
Flow Parameters 7-29 File
Limitations 2-9
Outputs 7-31
Management 1-3
Positioning 7-18
Menu 2-5
Visualization 7-31
Names 2-9
Wizard 7-16
Create New 2-12
Grid File 2-4 Open 2-12
Project 2-2, 2-5 Save 2-12
Run File 2-7 Save Run File 2-12
File Format 6-9, B-1
D Fillet 11-14
Delete Fluid 3-8 Finebatch 15-18
Design 2D 2-11, 14-1 Flow Model 4-1
Formulation 14-4, 14-7 Fluid
Input Files 14-3, 14-8 Add 3-3
Mach Number 14-4, 14-10 Barotropic Liquid 3-13
New Project 14-2 Condensable 3-6, 3-14–3-17
Output Files 14-9 Delete 3-8
Start 14-6 Edit 3-9
Theory 14-7–14-8 Incompressible 5-18
Design 3D 1-2, 2-4, 2-11 Interface 3-2
Discretization Liquid 3-6, 3-13
Central Scheme 9-9–9-11 List 3-2
Limiters 9-12 Models 3-1–3-17
Spatial 9-4, 9-8–9-14 Perfect Gas 3-4, 3-11
Temporal 9-5 Real Gas 3-4, 3-12
Time 9-17–9-22 Fluid-Particle Interaction. See Lagrangian Module.
Upwind Scheme 9-11–9-14 Force 8-11
Drag 8-11 Blade 6-13
Drag Coefficient 11-21 Friction 6-14
Driver 1-6 Forced Transition 7-39, 7-41
Dryness Fraction 3-16 Formula Editor 3-7
Duplicate Active Project 2-7 Frequency 4-16
Full Non Matching 5-20, 8-1
Fully Laminar 7-41
Edit Fluid 3-9
Fully Turbulent 7-41
Efficiency 11-18
Enthalpy 3-12, 3-16, 3-17 G
Entropy 3-15 Gas Constant 3-5
Euler 4-22 Gauss Theorem 9-8
2D 6-1 Global Layout 2-8
Equations 6-13 Global Performance 11-17, B-4
ii FINE™
Graphics 1-6 L
Graphics Area 2-18 Lagrangian Module
Boundary Conditions 7-4–7-6
Gravity 3-6, 4-50
Grid Global Strategy 7-3
Configuration 2-15 Interaction With Turbulence 7-10
Create Grid File 2-4 Outputs 7-6
Grid Generation 1-2–1-4 Particle Traces 7-7
Units 2-4, 2-10 Theory 7-8–7-11
Group Laminar 4-22
Block Rotation 5-2 Layout 2-8
Boundary Conditions 8-2 License 1-8
Rotor/Stator 5-3 Lift 8-11
Lift Coefficient 11-21
Light Bulb 1-5
Hand Symbol 1-5
Limitations 2-9
Harmo2Time 2-12, 4-18 Limiter
Harmonic 4-16, 5-14 Lacor 9-13
Reconstruction in Time 4-17 Minmod 9-13
Harmonic Global Residual 16-6 Superbee 9-13
Host Definition 15-5 Van Albada 9-13
Hybrid Analysis 6-3 Van Leer 9-13
Liquid, see Fluid, Liquid
Local Conservative Coupling 5-17–5-18
Icon Bar 2-12
Loss Coefficient 6-6
IGG™ 1-3, 2-4, 2-6, 2-11
Low Speed Flow 4-50
Batch 15-16
Incompressible M
Fluid Model, see Fluid, Incompressible Mach Number
Local Conservative Coupling 5-18 Absolute 11-4
Initial Solution 10-1–10-10 Condensable Fluid 3-17
Blade To Blade 13-10, 14-5 Isentropic 14-4, 14-10
Block Dependent 10-1–10-3 Relative 11-5
Coarse Grid 9-3 Mathematical Model 4-22
Constant Values 10-3 Menu
From File 10-3–10-5 File 2-5
Full Multigrid Strategy 9-17 Menu Bar 2-5
Initial Grouping 10-6 Mesh 2-9
Reset Convergence History 10-4 Modules 2-11
Throughflow 6-8–6-9, 10-8–10-10 Solver 2-10
Turbomachinery 10-5–10-7 Merge
Turbulence 4-23 Merge Mesh Topology 2-12
Unsteady 10-5 Patch For Azimuthal View 11-10
Initialization Merkle 4-50
Full Multigrid Strategy 10-1 Mesh 1-2–1-4
Unsteady 4-5 Information 2-17
Installation 1-6 Properties 2-10
Interface 1-7 Selection 2-12
General Description of FINE™ Interface 2-1–2-21 Toggles 2-17
View 2-9, 2-18–2-21
FINE™ iii
View Area 2-16, 2-17 Vorticity 11-5
Modules 2-11
Moment 8-11
Paasive Tracers
Momentum 11-21
Schmidt Number 4-56
Pair of Scissors 1-5
Convergence History 16-11
Parallel Computation 15-9, 15-14, 15-21
Display 16-10
MPI 15-21
Harmonic 16-10
PBS 15-25
Quantities 16-3
SGE 15-24
Residual File Box 16-9
Parameters Area 2-2
Solution 16-1–16-12
Particles 7-1
Steering File 16-3
Passive Tracers 4-55
Zoom 16-11
Initial Solution 4-56
MonitorTurbo 16-7
mass fractions 4-56
MPI 15-21
PBS 15-25
MSW Driver 1-6
Perfect Gas, see Fluid, Perfect Gas
Multigrid 9-2
Performance 11-17, B-4
Full 9-17
Periodic Boundaries 6-7, 8-9
Prolongation 9-17
Phase Lagged 4-3, 4-13
Strategy 9-4, 9-14–9-17
Plot3D 11-19, B-6
N Post Processing 1-3–1-4
New Project 2-5 Prandtl Number 3-11
Non Reflecting 1D 5-21 Preconditioning 4-50
Numerical Model 9-1 Hakimi 4-51
Blade To Blade 13-10 Merkle 4-50
Parameters 4-54, 9-3
O Preferences 2-7
Open Profile Manager 2-21, 3-3–3-8
Project 2-4, 2-6
File Formats B-7
OPENGL Driver 1-6 Project
Outputs 11-1–11-27 Configuration 2-4
.mf File 11-17, 11-21 Create 2-2
3D Quantity 11-2–11-7, 11-22 Duplicate 2-7
ANSYS 11-10 Management 1-3
Azimuthal Averaged 11-9, 11-20, 11-24–11-26 New 2-5
Condensable Fluid 3-17, 11-3 Open 2-4, 2-6
Efficiency 11-18 Save 2-7
Global Performance 11-17 Save As 2-7
Lagrangian Module 7-6 Units 2-8
Particle Traces 7-7 Properties
Plot3D 11-19 Fluid 3-1
Residuals 11-6 Mesh 2-10
Solid Data 11-6 PVM
Surface Averaged 11-9, 11-23 Daemons 15-1–15-5
Theory 11-22–11-27 Q
Turbulence 11-7 Quit 2-9
Velocity 11-4
iv FINE™
R Smooth Wall 4-43
R134a D-3 Solid Data 11-6
Real Gas, see Fluid, Real Gas Solver
Reconstruction in Time 4-17, 4-18 Menu 2-10
Reference Restart 2-11
Density 3-10, 4-57
Save 2-11
Length 4-57
Start 2-10
Pressure 3-6, 4-54
Stop 2-11
Reference Values 4-57
Suspend 2-11
Temperature 3-6, 3-10, 4-54
Specific Heat 3-11–3-14, 3-17
Velocity 4-54, 4-57
Standard Mode 2-14
Residual 11-6, 16-5, B-4 Stator
Implicit Smoothing 9-21 Rotor/Stator Interface. See Rotor/Stator.
Radespiel & Rossow 9-21 Steady
Vasta 9-22 Rotor/Stator 5-6–5-8, 5-9–5-10, 5-17–5-21, 5-25
Restart SubProject 12-1
Design 2D 14-6 Create 12-2
Unsteady 4-5 File Structure 12-6
Restart Flow solver 2-11 Grid Requirements 12-1
Reynolds Number 4-57 Merge 12-5
Rotate View 2-20 Modify 12-5
Rotation Surface Averaged Output 11-8
Blocks 5-2–5-3 Sutherland Law 3-10
1D Non Reflecting 5-21 T
Domain Scaling 5-10–5-12, 5-23–5-25 Task Definition 15-6
FNMB Mixing Plane Coupling 5-19–5-21 Taskmanager 15-1–15-28
Frozen Rotor 5-9–5-10, 5-25 Add Host 15-5
Initial Solution 10-7 Delay 15-6
Interface 5-3–5-5 Host Definition 15-5
Local Conservative Coupling 5-17–5-18 Limitations 15-28
Mixing Plane Coupling 5-6–5-8, 5-17–5-21 Parallel Computation 15-9
Phase Lagged 5-12 PVM 15-1–15-5
Pitchwise Rows Coupling 5-19 Remove Host 15-6
Steady 5-6–5-8, 5-9–5-10, 5-17–5-21, 5-25 Scripts 15-16–15-28
Theory 5-16–5-25 Shutdown 15-6
Unsteady 5-10–5-12, 5-23–5-25 Subtask 15-7–15-12
Rough Wall 4-43 Task Definition 15-6–15-12
Run File 1-3, 2-7 Tear-off Graphics 2-9
Runge-Kutta Temperature
Scheme 9-17 Reference 3-10
Sutherland 3-10
Thermal Connections 7-12
Thermodynamic Tables 3-15, D-1
Project 2-7
Throat Control 6-3
Schmidt Number 4-56
Second Order Restart 4-5
Analysis Mode 6-3
SGE 15-24
Blade Force 6-13
SI System 2-8
Blade Geometry 6-3–6-5
Block Type 6-2 Create 4-6
Boundary Conditions 6-7–6-8 Harmonic 4-16, 5-14
Expert Parameters 6-12 Initial Solution 10-5
File Format 6-9 Initialization 4-7
Flow Angle/Tangential Velocity 6-5–6-6 Phase Lagged 4-3
Friction Force 6-14 Rotor/Stator 5-10–5-12, 5-23–5-25
Global Parameters 6-2 Rotor/Stator Phase Lagged 5-12
Hybrid Analysis 6-3 Second Order in Time 4-5
Initial Solution 6-8–6-9, 10-8–10-10 Turbomachinery 4-13
Loss Coefficient 6-6 User Mode 2-14
Mesh 6-6
Model 6-1–6-15
Vander Waals 3-15
Periodic Boundaries 6-7
Theory 6-12–6-15
Absolute 11-4, 11-5
Throat Control 6-3
Friction 4-29
Time Configuration 4-2
Local Scaling 4-55
Time Step
Projections 11-4
Global 9-5
Reference 4-57
Local 9-5
Relative 11-5
Physical 4-15
Relative Projections 11-5
Torque 8-11, 11-17
View Area 2-16, 2-17
Tracers 4-55
View Manipulation 2-18
Transition Model 7-38
View On/Off 2-9, 2-16
Abu-Grannam-Shaw Model 7-42
Forced Transition 7-39, 7-41
Inviscid Flux 9-9
Fully Laminar 7-41
Laminar 3-10
Fully Turbulent 7-41
Turbulent 3-11, 4-46
Viscous Flux 9-8
Boundary Conditions 4-23
Vorticity 11-5
Initial Solution 4-23
Output 11-7 W
Turbulence Models Wall
Baldwin-Lomax 4-36 Rough 4-43
k-epsilon 4-31, 4-39 Smooth 4-43
k-omega 4-34, 4-49 Water (Steam) D-1
Non Linear k-epsilon 4-41 Work Unit B-5
Spalart-Allmaras 4-31, 4-37
v2-f 4-33, 4-47 X
TVD 9-12 X11 Driver 1-6
Units Zoom In/Out/Region 2-20
Grid 2-4, 2-10
Project 2-8
Unload Mesh 2-10
Unsteady 4-2
Boundary Conditions 4-2, 4-7, 4-12
Control Variables 4-4
vi FINE™