Customer Profitability Installation Guide R18.1
Customer Profitability Installation Guide R18.1
Customer Profitability Installation Guide R18.1
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
for any purpose, without the express written permission of TEMENOS HEADQUARTERS SA.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................ 1
Document History........................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 3
Initial Preparation......................................................................................................................................... 4
Application Structure/Layers................................................................................................................. 4
Application Requirements..................................................................................................................... 5
Pre-Installation..................................................................................................................................... 5
Installation Steps......................................................................................................................................... 5
Running Installer – Single Server......................................................................................................... 6
Running Installer – Multi-Server........................................................................................................... 9
Database Server................................................................................................................................ 10
Web Application Server...................................................................................................................... 13
Run ReportViewer.exe....................................................................................................................... 17
Create Local User.............................................................................................................................. 17
Report Server Access for InsightWSUser...........................................................................................18
Testing the Install....................................................................................................................................... 19
Model Configuration................................................................................................................................... 20
Importing Customers and Accounts........................................................................................................... 20
Importing from InsightStaging............................................................................................................. 20
Importing from a system other than Insight........................................................................................21
Authentication Options............................................................................................................................... 21
Error Investigation...................................................................................................................................... 22
Installation without Installer........................................................................................................................ 26
Database Server Setup...................................................................................................................... 26
Reporting Server Setup...................................................................................................................... 27
Create Local User.............................................................................................................................. 27
Web Server Setup.............................................................................................................................. 27
Web Service with Alternate Binding................................................................................................... 29
Uninstall..................................................................................................................................................... 31
Related Documentation............................................................................................................................. 33
Document History
Customer Profitability is both a batch and online application whose purpose is to assist Financial
Institutions in calculating and comparing profitability. It works with the Temenos Analytics Warehouse
ETL processing to calculate profitability for account data and also serves as a web application for users to
do what-if profitability analysis.
This installation guide is provided for the Insight Implementation team to assist in installing the various
components of the Customer Profitability application using the installer. This guide will also give
information on what the Installer has setup and how to troubleshoot any issues.
In addition to installing the web application and databases, components are added to the Analytics
InsightETL and InsightStaging databases. Analytics R18 must be installed before running this installer.
Initial Preparation
Application Structure/Layers
SQL server:
SQL server is the database provider for storing data in the InsightPricing database
Reporting Services:
Reporting Services is the report provider for the internal reports.
The web application, SQL database and Report server can be installed on different servers.
Application Requirements
Refer to the R18 Advanced Analytics Platform Environment Requirements document for required
software components. It you are installing without R18 Analytics as the source, here are the minimum
Server Side
Windows Server 2012 or later
.NET Framework 3.5 and 4.5
.NET Framework .NET 2.0 Framework with latest service pack
SQL Server
Windows Server 2012 or later
SQL server configured in mixed mode authentication
Report Services SQL 2012 Reporting Services or later with latest service pack
Client Side
Microsoft Windows or Windows Server operating system.
Before you run the installer you will need to know the following:
Directory where the Web application files will be copied to on the Web Server
Name of a user to test the installation
Name and Password of SQL user for database access (Normally InsightDBUser)
Installation Steps
This section uses the Installer to load the Customer Profitability components. The installer will do the
Setup the application and web service in IIS
Create an InsightPricing database and load it with demo data
Add data to AttributeCalculations and Index tables in InsightETL database
Add stored procedures and data to InsightStaging database
Add data to RuleDefinitions, RuleColumns and RuleValues table in InsightETL
Add SQL user InsightDBUser for database access
Add local user InsightWSUser for report access
Add Reports and Data Source to Reporting Services
1. Launch the installer by running Customer Profitability Setup.exe provided by Distribution. Click
Next to start the Installer.
2. Choose both the Database Server and Application Server, and then click Next.
3. Enter the name of the server that will host the web application in the Application Server box.
Enter the name of the SQL database server in the Database Server box including an instance
name if applicable. Enter the TFS DataPath. This is where data files will be copied and them
subsequently imported into the databases. The SQL Username and Password will be used in the
connection string for database access. Click Next to continue.
4. Enter the URL of the SSRS Report server. In the Super User Account box, enter the name of a
user who will test the installation. Until Pricing is configured, this will be the only user who can
access the web application. All others will just see a blank screen. Click Next to continue.
6. The window shows a status bar and informational messages about what tasks the installer is
performing. This process will take several minutes.
Database Server
1. Copy the installer to the Database server. Launch the installer by running Customer Profitability
Setup.exe provided by Distribution. Click Next to start the Installer.
3. Enter the name of the server that will host the web application in the Application Server box.
Enter the name of the SQL database server in the Database Server box including the instance if
applicable. InsightDBUser will be the SQL user setup in database connection strings. It will have
owner privileges on InsightPricing database. If you change the password from the default or the
username, you will need to update the connection string in the Web.config files for the web
application. Click Next to continue.
4. Enter the URL of the SSRS Report server. In the Super User Account box, enter the name of a
user who will test the installation. Until Pricing is configured, this will be the only user who can
access the web application. All others will just see a blank screen. Click Next to continue.
6. The installer will then complete the installation process. The window shows a status bar and
informational messages about what tasks the installer is performing
1. Copy the installer to the Application server. Launch the installer by running Customer
Profitability Setup.exe provided by Distribution. Click Next to start the Installer.
3. Enter the name of the server that will host the web application in the Application Server box.
Enter the name of the SQL database server in the Database Server box including the instance if
applicable. Click Next to continue.
5. The installer will then complete the installation process. The window shows a status bar and
informational messages about what tasks the installer is performing
Run ReportViewer.exe
1. Create [InsightWSUser] and [Password] as a local windows user (Computer Management, Local
Users and groups) on the Reporting Server and Web Server (if separate), make sure to check
password never expires, and uncheck user must change password at next logon. Note the
password as it is required in a later step.
2. Give [InsightWSUser] browser rights to the InsightPricing report server folder in Report Manager.
3. Update the InsightPricing application with the correct password. This can be done by editing the
Application Settings for the InsightPricing in IIS Manager or by updating the Web.Config directly.
The Web.config will be in c:Inetpub\wwwroot\Insight Application\Insight Pricing\V121\App\
Web.config. Update the RSUser/Password for the Report Server and the WSUser/Password for
the Web server in the AppSettings section.
Web.Config Example:
In the Reporting Services report manager, give the InsightWSUser Browser access to the InsightPricing
folder. This is used for the internal Scenario and Usage reports.
You should see the Case List screen as the default when the application is launched. (shown below)
If this screen is not displayed, i.e. you see a blank screen; use the Error Investigation section to
troubleshoot the issue.
If the application successfully displays the Case List screen, you can continue to configure the Pricing
model and setup an interface for importing data from a banking system source such as the Insight ETL.
The data loaded into the InsightPricing database during installation will be deleted and replaced with a
custom model for the bank.
Model Configuration
The Installer will create an InsightPricing database with one User and some test data. That one User will
be able to test the web application to determine it has been installed properly. Once the application has
been tested, the InsightPricing database will be cleared of all data and a customized Pricing model will be
The Pricing web application will not display until the database is populated with a Pricing model and at
least one user is setup. Scripts are used to load the initial model, and then a Pricing Administrator will
maintain the model using the application screens. Follow the instructions in the Insight Pricing
Configuration Guide and use the Excel document ‘Customer Profitability ModelLoad.xlsm’ for creating
SQL scripts to load the initial model data.
The InsightStaging will have a stored procedure called s_InsightPricingUpdate.sql. This stored procedure
takes the accounts from the InsightStaging database and transforms them into Products that fit the
Pricing model. E.g. TermLoan in Staging could become Commercial Loan and Retail Loan in Pricing.
Once the InsightPricing model is setup, the interface s_InsightPricingUpdate.sql must be changed to
reflect the model products. If a product in InsightPricing has three attributes, the interface must setup the
product record with the same three attributes and with valid values that exist for those attributes in
NOTE: Every time the attributes and attribute values are changed in InsightPricing, this stored
procedure must be updated.
The following steps are required to import the data during the ETL process in InsightStaging:
1. Run the SQL scripts to load the Pricing model as described in the configuration guide.
2. Add classification and transaction mappings to InsightETL lookup rules
3. Upload the s_InsightPricing_Update stored procedure to the InsightStaging database; customize
it for the Pricing model.
4. Confirm the following has been setup:
InsightETL.dbo.AttributeCalculations has 11 entries for Configuration = ‘CustProfit’
InsightETL.dbo.Indexes has 2 entries for Configuration = ‘CustProfit’
InsightStaging.dbo.UpdateOrder has 1 Transform.Exec entry for Configuration =
5. Run ETL with S_CustomerProfit_Update enabled in UpdateOrder
6. Review the PricingSource** tables created
7. Review InsightPricing.dbo.view_productRecord
8. Run the QA scripts in the Model Setup to check for load discrepancies
9. Launch the InsightPricing web application to see if the customer and product data was
successfully updated.
10. Add sp_UpdateStats of the InsightPricing database to the nightly ETL job.
1. Run the SQL scripts to load the Pricing model as described in the configuration guide.
2. Create the PricingSource interface tables described in the configuration guide, making sure the
products, transactions and service charges are mapped to Pricing values.
3. Customize the s_Case_BankingSystem_AddFromInsightStaging to reference the correct
PricingSource tables.
4. Add the PricingSource table interface and s_case.. update to run in a nightly process.
Authentication Options
By default Insight Pricing is set up to use Windows Authentication. The users will not have to enter a
password when they launch Insight Pricing. The system will grant them access based on their
Domain/Username and their Pricing role setup. If Forms Authentication is used, they will be setup in
Pricing with a username and password and will be prompted for a password when they launch the
By default the web.config is set up for Window Authentication. The users will not have to enter a
password when they launch Insight Pricing. No action is needed if you are using Windows Authentication
and used the Installer.
Error Investigation
This section covers issues resulting from installation setup and data setup.
Blank Screen
There are several issues that will cause the application to show a blank screen when launched.
Run a SQL Server Profiler trace, filtering on the InsightPricing database. If you see any stored procedure
activity, the problem is with the data in the InsightPricing database. Otherwise the problem is with the
Web application/IIS side.
Web Application Issues:
1. Check the IIS logs to see if there are useful error messages. The logs are typically in a directory
called: c:\Inetpub\logs\logfiles\W3sVc1\
2. In IIS Manager confirm that the Web Site is active. Click on the Default Web Site and check the
Manage Website options in the Action pane. They should be Restart and Stop. If it says Start,
the web service is not running and you will have click Start to fix it.
If the Web Site will not start due to another process using the port, use netstat –aon |find “:8081”
to see what process is using the port, then check Task Manager for the PID returned.
Data Issues:
1. Check that the Active Directory user you are using to test with is setup in the
InsightPricing..User_ table. This should have been the user entered during installation. Change
the NTUserName field to match the correct username. Use SQL Profiler to capture the
parameters sent to s_UserIDFromNTLogin_get and s_user_settings_get.
2. Check that there is a DefaultPage in the UserSettings table. It is normally
3. Check that the data has products. Query the TargetRates table. If it is empty, you need to refer
to the Configuration guide on how to add data. The installer will have some test data already.
Technical Errors
A technical error page will appear if there is an unexpected data type or value. User SQL Profiler to
capture the stored procedure parameters. Look for a ProductRecord ID so you can query the data. You
can also review the error in the InsightPricing.LogError table.
1. Check for ‘null’ StartDate in the product record using view_ProductRecord. You will need to fix
the data in the source banking system or the interface.
2. Check for ‘null’ BaseRateID and BaseRateModifier where FixVar=’V’ in the product records.
Change the Interface for these, rerun the interface and fix the ProductRecord rows in existing
user created cases.
3. If there is a technical error on case selection on violating non-null, unique, or foreign-key
a. Check the scenario table to see if two people created a case in the same minute.
b. In s_cases_get add userid to the rank for finding the last modified scenario
4. If the error message has #FtpDateRange in it, check that the FTP Curve is set to one with dates
in the FTPRate table.
If the Popup on the Scenario page is causing runtime errors is blank, try the following:
1. Change your Internet Explorer to run in compatibility mode
2. Run SQL Profiler, and then click on the popup. Copy the SP that is executed on the popup, and try
to run the SP in query analyzer.
3. Check if the XLST file that is associated with that popup exists and is the correct XLST file for the
result set that is returned in the SP
4. Check the UserSettings table for correct values in the Popup1-10 fields.
4. If the home page settings are corrupted, delete the user’s record from the UserPersonalization
1. Check the s_InsightPricing_Update interface is creating valid Pricing Products. The products
setup in the Staging interface must match the setup of the products in the Pricing Model. Look
at the attributes and the values to make sure they match valid values in the pricing model. Run
the QA scripts in the InsightPricing_ModelLoad spreadsheet to find product mismatches.
2. Check classification and transaction mappings InsightETL to make sure banking data is mapped
to Pricing values.
3. Check the source banking system data. Often Pricing reveals mapping errors or unexpected null
values in the source banking system.
4. Check that the customer records are there. Product records are deleted if there isn’t an active
5. Check the InsightPricing.LogDB table to check any issues during the data load.
Multi-Server Environment
Internal users in the Web.config:
Report setup in the application (in the Reports table) or Admin\Client Reports in the application:
Path for internal report: /insight/insightpricing/User_scenario_usage
Path for custom report: /Insight/Insightpricing
If you are prompted for a user name from a remote server, make sure the network setup is allowing the
servers to communicate. For example: A Kerberos setup will require the App pool identity to be added
as a service principal name (SPN). Addition updates to the IIS settings may be required.
Only follow these steps if you are unable to use the Installer or if you want to review a particular part of
the installation.
1. Restore a provided InsightPricing database using Management Studio or publish from TFS to
create the InsightPricing database. Run scripts to add demo data.
2. Create a SQL server user named [InsightDBUser], choose SQL Server Authentication and
choose a strong [Password]. Remember username and password as they will be required in
setting up the connection string in the WebApp and WebService configuration later on. Uncheck
Enforce Password expiration.
3. Give [InsightDBUser] db_owner database role membership to Insight Pricing Database.
4. Copy the supplied web application files to the appropriate directory on the web server. E.g. C:\
inetput\wwwroot\Insight Application\
5. Update the InsightPricing..User_ table with your Domain\Username in the NTUsername field
for ‘JTemenos’.
6. Add InsightETL, InsightStaging and InsightETL procedures and data as provided.
4. Create [InsightWSUser] and [Password] as a local windows user (Computer Management, Local
Users and groups) on the Reporting Server, make sure to check password never expires, and
uncheck user must change password at next logon. Note the password as it is required in a later
5. Give [InsightWSUser] browser rights to the InsightPricing report server folder in Report Manager.
This local windows user is used by the application to access the report server.
InsightPricing Application and Web Service will be configured with this application pool.
3. Create the InsightPricingWS application, this is the Insight Pricing Web Service
Point to the Default Web Site, and right click and select Add Application
Enter ‘InsightPricingWS’ as alias
Choose the path where the application/code resides. Choose the WS directory path.
e.g. e:\InsightPricing\WS or c:\InetPub\wwwroot\Insight Application\Insight Pricing\V121\
Select the InsightPricingAppPool application pool.
Configure InsightPricingWS properties as follows:
o Click on the InsightPricingWS application Features Views (toggle at bottom of centre
o Double click the Authentication icon and disable Anonymous Authentication,
ASP.NET Impersonation, Forms Authentication. Enable Windows Authentication.
o *** note if Windows Authentication is missing, you will have to enable the
feature in Control Panel/Turn Windows features on-off/IIS/web
Edit the web service web.config file (file resides on the root directory of the WS directory)
and configure WhatifConnectionString to point to the Database Server (data source),
database (Initial Catalog) and [InsightDBUser] /[Password] created above.
4. Create the ‘InsightPricing’ application, this is the Insight Pricing Web Application
Point to the Default Web Site, and right click and select Add Application
Enter ‘InsightPricing’ as alias
Choose the path where the application/code resides. Choose the ‘App’ directory. e.g. e:\
InsightPricing\App or c:\InetPub\wwwroot\Insight Application\Insight Pricing\V121\App
Select the InsightPricingAppPool application pool.
Configure [InsightPricing] properties
o Click on the InsightPricing application Features Views (toggle at bottom of centre
o Double click the Authentication icon and disable Anonymous Authentication,
ASP.NET Impersonation, Forms Authentication. Enable Windows
Edit the web application web.config file (file resides on the root directory of the App
directory) and configure the following
Search for the ‘Add ConnectionString’ line and update the Database Server (data
source), database (Initial Catalog) and [InsightWSUser] /[Password] with the values
created above.
In the <AppSettings> configure:
1. In IIS Manager, right click Sites and choose ‘Add Web Site’
2. Give the site a name such as InsightPricing Web Site, and choose the InsightPricingAppPool.
3. Choose a physical path for the website and change the Binding port to a few port.
6. Change any URL’s used to launch InsightPricing to use the alternate binding. Eg.
To remove the application and database from the server do the following:
1. Run the Installer
4. The installer will then complete the installation process. The window shows a status bar and
informational messages about what tasks the installer is performing
Related Documentation
The following documentation is also available:
Customer Profitability Configuration Guide – This guide is used with the ModelLoad spreadsheet to
configure and load the initial model into the Pricing database.
Customer Profitability Calculation Reference – This guide provides details on the FTP and Net Income
calculations done during the profit update.
Customer Profitability Administrators Guide – This guide is provided to users of the system who will be
maintaining the model once the system is live.
Customer Profitability User Guide – This guide is for the ‘What-if’ users of the system for creating cases
and scenarios.