The Impact of Social Media On Children

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The Impact of Social Media on

Children: Positive & Negative

Social media can have positive or negative effects, depending on how
the child uses it.
Social media is a fast-emerging platform that has changed how people
communicate and connect. Since these networking platforms are easy
to use and entertaining, they have attracted the attention of most
Social media, if used wisely, is a good platform to interact, learn, communicate, and have fun;
however, if misused or excessively used, it may lead to cyberbullying, anxiety, and health
problems. So, before allowing your children to access this digital technology, you should be
aware of its functionalities, privacy settings, and age limit. This post discusses social media’s
positive and negative effects and tips to keep your children safe.

Do not allow your child to access social media before

adolescence independently. Even after adolescence, the age limit
for using different networking sites will differ to avoid adverse effects.

According to a Pew Research Center survey, approximately one-third

of teenagers chose Snapchat (35%) and YouTube (32%) as their
preferred online platforms. Instagram was a primary choice for 15% of
teenagers, while only 10% reported using Facebook frequently
What Are The Effects Of Social Media
On Children?
According to Pew Research Center’s last survey, 95% of
teenagers have easy access to smartphones, and 45% are almost
online all the time. Therefore, controlling their usage can become
challenging (2). Before trying to control their social media activities,
parents need to be aware of its positive and negative effects.

Positive Effects Of Social Media On

Social media helps you link up with people all over the world. The
positive influence of social media on children include (3) (4):

1. Helps to connect with extended family and friends

2. Helps develop better perspectives on various issues
3. Enables them to learn new things, exchange ideas, and hone
their networking skills
4. Provides an effective platform for enhancing your child’s
knowledge through online education
5. Helps children get involved in charitable activities and campaigns
6. Motivates children to get better at communication and
encourages freedom of self-expression
7. Helps connect with educators and facilitators from different parts
of the world
8. Get emotional support from people during difficult times
9. Facilitates the development of technical expertise and practical
understanding of technology in your child
10. Social media influencers can serve as positive role models
for children, promoting healthy habits, positive attitudes, and
inspiring creativity.

Point to Ponder
Denying your children of any screen time exposure may not be a
practical solution. Social media also helps children learn how to
navigate relationships and handle bullies and unkind people
Home • Kid • Behavior
The Impact Of Social Media On
Children: Positive & Negative
Social media can have positive or negative effects, depending on how the child uses it.






Image: ShutterStock

Social media is a fast-emerging platform that has changed how people

communicate and connect. Since these networking platforms are easy to use
and entertaining, they have attracted the attention of most children.
Therefore, it becomes essential to discuss the effects of social media on
children. Social media, if used wisely, is a good platform to interact, learn,
communicate, and have fun; however, if misused or excessively used, it may
lead to cyberbullying, anxiety, and health problems. So, before allowing your
children to access this digital technology, you should be aware of its
functionalities, privacy settings, and age limit. This post discusses social
media’s positive and negative effects and tips to keep your children safe.
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In This Article
 What Is The Right Age For Children To Be On Social Media?
 What Are The Effects Of Social Media On Children?
 Positive Effects Of Social Media On Children
 Negative Effects Of Social Media On Children
 How To Help Your Children Be Safe On Social Media?
 Frequently Asked Questions
 Infographic: How To Help Children Be Safe On Social Media
 Key Pointers
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What Is The Right Age For Children To
Be On Social Media?


Image: Shutterstock

Do not allow your child to access social media before

adolescence independently. Even after adolescence, the age limit for using
different networking sites will differ to avoid adverse effects (1).
 Children of 13 years and above: Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, and Youtube
 Children of 16 years and above: Whatsapp, LinkedIn, and Myspace
 Children of 18 years and above: Monkey, MeetMe, and Tagged
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According to a Pew Research Center survey, approximately one-third of
teenagers chose Snapchat (35%) and YouTube (32%) as their preferred
online platforms. Instagram was a primary choice for 15% of teenagers, while
only 10% reported using Facebook frequently
What Are The Effects Of Social Media
On Children?
According to Pew Research Center’s last survey, 95% of teenagers have
easy access to smartphones, and 45% are almost online all the
time. Therefore, controlling their usage can become challenging (2). Before
trying to control their social media activities, parents need to be aware of its
positive and negative effects.
Related: 31 Fun And Interesting Challenges For Kids To Try

Positive Effects Of Social Media On

Social media helps you link up with people all over the world. The positive
influence of social media on children include (3) (4):

1. Helps to connect with extended family and friends


Image: Shutterstock

2. Helps develop better perspectives on various issues

3. Enables them to learn new things, exchange ideas, and hone their
networking skills
4. Provides an effective platform for enhancing your child’s knowledge through
online education
5. Helps children get involved in charitable activities and campaigns
6. Motivates children to get better at communication and encourages
freedom of self-expression
7. Helps connect with educators and facilitators from different parts of the
8. Get emotional support from people during difficult times
9. Facilitates the development of technical expertise and practical
understanding of technology in your child
10. Social media influencers can serve as positive role models for children,
promoting healthy habits, positive attitudes, and inspiring creativity.

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While there can be many topics among teenagers, the survey conducted by
Pew Research Center on teenagers’ experiences on social media platforms
identified some popular topics that they usually post about. The graph below
shows that about half of teens (49%) post about their accomplishments,
followed by family posts (44%) and posts about feelings and emotions
(34%). Other topics include posts on dating life, personal problems, and
political views.
Topics teens commonly post on social media
andfeelingsDating lifePersonal ProblemReligious beliefsPolitical beliefsNone
of thesePercentageTopics of post
Topics of post Percentage

Accomplishments 49

Family 44

Emotions and feelings 34

Dating life 22

Personal Problem 13
Topics of post Percentage

Religious beliefs 11

Political beliefs 9

None of these 28

Source: Pew Research Center

Point to Ponder
Denying your children of any screen time exposure may not be a practical
solution. Social media also helps children learn how to navigate relationships
and handle bullies and unkind people (11).

Related: 17 Activities To Build Confidence And Self-Esteem In Teens

Negative Effects Of Social Media On

Young minds are moldable, and social media can affect how your child
thinks or behaves. At their age, they are innocent and cannot discern good
and bad. Some common adverse effects may be (5) (6):
1. Social media is a vast platform, and one cannot control the amount of
information available here. Therefore, children may bump into
inappropriate or harmful content that may affect their thinking.
2. Online communication has led to a growing trend of cyberbullying,
particularly on social media and messaging platforms. It spreads fear and
shame among people and may have undesirable effects on children.
3. Makes children less productive because much of their time is
spent without doing anything important, and they become
addicted. These addictions may adversely affect their physical
4. Excessive use of technology and the internet, including gaming
addiction and internet addiction, can hinder children’s
productivity by consuming significant amounts of their time
without engaging in meaningful activities. These addictions may
adversely affect their physical health.
5. Excessive social media use may also affect your child’s ability to
develop interpersonal relationships.

Dangerous viral trends, false marketing, and online predators are
other dangers of social media (11).

How To Help Your Children Be Safe

On Social Media?
Since social media has considerable adverse effects, parents need to
be vigilant about the safety of their children. “The best way to give
advice to children about social media is to remind them that it is a tool
to connect with others. It is not the end all be all for their existence.
Additionally, help them understand the safety measures that are in the
apps to stay protected from people. Scare tactics should not be used
because they can be traumatizing to the child,” recommends Darby.

The following guidelines could be of help (3) (7):

 Talk to your children and help them understand that your involvement in their social
media interactions is not about invading their privacy but ensuring their online safety.
Educate them about issues such as fake news, and cybercrimes including online
grooming, and their repercussions.
 It is important to educate your children about cyber ethics and emphasize the
significance of practicing good behavior while using social media
platforms. Additionally, they should be made aware of the risks associated with
cybersecurity and be encouraged to report any incidents of harassment, cyberbullying,
or cyberstalking immediately.
 It is crucial to prioritize cyber wellness and protect your child’s online identity
by ensuring they do not engage with strangers or disclose personal
information on social media platforms.
 Research the popular apps your children may be using and learn their
functionalities so you may know how it affects them.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is social media toxic?
The effect of social media on children may be toxic in case of
excessive usage. According to the research, more than three hours of
social media in a day may cause anxiety and depression in teens.
Moreover, the life that people portray on social media may lead to
comparisons, causing low self-esteem in children. In addition, children
keeping their phones by their sides while sleeping are often distracted
by their notifications and bright light, leading to poor sleep (8).

2. What are social media recommended settings

for children’s safety?
The social media privacy settings for children include (9) (10):
 Screen name: Use your full name, first name, or a pseudonym.
 Profile picture: Choose a profile picture that represents you
positively. You may even choose a graphical picture instead.
 Contact information: It is safe to create a separate email
address for social media profiles.
 Identity: Create an identity you want to portray publicly by
customizing your information.
 Manage the people who can view the posts, comment on them,
or tag them.

 3. How does social media affect children’s

mental health?
 Excessive internet and social media use have been linked to
various mental health issues in children such as depression,
poor sleep, increased physiological arousal, decreased attention,
hyperactivity, aggression, antisocial, fearful behavior, social
isolation, and anxiety about conforming to social norms (12).
 4. Is social media good for students?
 As with any other technology, social media has no absolute
labeling, terming it as either good or bad. When used judiciously
and to enhance knowledge, it is a great medium for sharing,
learning, and exploring new information. However, there is no
denying that it may harm students due to its potential misuse and
 5. What are the potential long-term effects of
social media use on children’s development?
 Excessive social media use may trigger mental health issues
such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, and low self-esteem. In
addition, using social media at bedtime can lead to sleep
disruption and impact a child’s academic performance. However,
monitoring and encouraging healthy online habits can assist to
reduce these effects and promote positive development (11).
 6. What parental controls are available for
social media?
 Several parental control options are available for social media,
depending on the platform and device used. These include
platform-specific functions like content filters, privacy settings,
and the ability to block particular websites or apps.
 7. How has the use of social media among
children changed over the years?
 According to a study, social media use among children and
teens has increased significantly, notably in the two years
following the COVID-19 outbreak, surpassing the growth
experienced in the previous four years. The study noted that
children aged 8 to 12 years spend an average of five and a half
hours on screens daily (13).
 A big part of good parenting today is ensuring your child spends
quality time on social media websites and reaps positive
outcomes. Keep a tab on the effects of social media on children
and be watchful of the sites they access. Impart digital literacy by
talking about the pros and cons of these networking sites. You
may visit a therapist if you find your child too withdrawn, moody,
or excited due to a lack of social media access. Let’s make
social media a fun, positive experience for children and ensure
that their digital footprints don’t damage their online reputation or
Key Pointers
 Social media can be a useful tool for interaction, learning,
communication, and entertainment.
 Misuse or excessive use of social media can lead to negative
consequences such as cyberbullying, anxiety, and health problems.
 Parents should supervise their child’s use of social media before
adolescence to avoid adverse effects.
 Children may come across inappropriate content on social media that
can affect their thinking and cyberbullying is a prevalent issue that
can cause fear and shame in victims.
 Excessive time spent on social media can lead to addiction and
hinder the development of interpersonal relationships.
 Initiating a healthy conversation with your child can assure them that
parental involvement is for their safety and not an invasion of privacy.
 If necessary, involve the police or child protection services if you
suspect your child is being harassed.

The debate around social media’s negative effects on today’s youth is

such a visceral topic.
So many people are talking about how social media is damaging youth,
how kids are getting “corrupted” by it, and even how it’s tearing down
our democracy.
I have some pretty controversial opinions about this. On AskGaryVee
Episode 296 with Baby Ariel, a concerned mother of teenage boys
named Michelle asked a question about the dangers of social media and
how it impacts young people. Her question was specifically about my
thoughts on kids using Snapchat, but my answer applies to social media
in general.

We’re living in an era with some of the worst parenting strategies of all
time. I genuinely believe that in a hundred years, people will look back
at this time and wonder what we were thinking when it comes to how
we’re raising our kids.
My mom did an incredible job raising me, and I try to always use her as
an example for other parents.
My mother taught me how to believe in myself the most, while still
allowing me to recognize the value in others. She always supported and
cheered me on for the right things, but never felt the need to award me
with “8th place trophies.”
She downplayed the things that she knew didn’t matter as much for me
(like school) while also teaching me to respect them at the same time.
Like, I couldn’t run wild in school or curse at my teachers.
And when I did do something wrong, she gave the appropriate
repercussions. She gave me the perfect mix of freedom, support,
acknowledgement and most importantly, she was able to see my
strengths and encouraged me to play to them.
She instilled massive amounts of self esteem in me.
Most kids aren’t so lucky. Instead of building up self esteem in kids
around their strengths, a lot parents use their kids to build their own self
And it shows.
For example… a lot of parents are afraid of their kids using Snapchat
because it has a rep for being a “sexting platform.” They’re afraid that
their kids will get tricked by the platform and it’ll change their behavior.
But it’s not that simple.
Recently, I ripped apart a mother that I’m an acquaintance with who got
very upset with my points of view on social media. I essentially told
her… “maybe if you didn’t keep telling your daughter that she needed to
‘get skinnier’ when she was young, she would have better body image
and wouldn’t have turned out the way she did.”
If a young girl is sending inappropriate photos to a guy in her class who
gives her positive reinforcement, it’s most likely because she didn’t get
that positive reinforcement at home. Not because Snapchat “made her do
Another example:
A lot of kids parents complain that kids compare themselves to others on
social media, and that creates insecurities in their kids. They’re afraid
that kids will get anxiety as they get into their teens and 20s.
But parents are the ones comparing their kids with other kids first.
Parents are putting judgement on their kids based on how other parents
view them. And because that makes the kid uncomfortable with
themselves, they feel insecure when they compare themselves to others.

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