Glory USF-100 Datasheet - EN - LOW RES PDF
Glory USF-100 Datasheet - EN - LOW RES PDF
Glory USF-100 Datasheet - EN - LOW RES PDF
Glory Global Solutions is a World Expert in cash Across the world, Glory Global Solutions is trusted by
management, delivering technology and solutions thousands of organisations to ensure their cash is managed
that provide security, productivity and innovation to securely and efficiently whilst delivering the ultimate in
our customers. These solutions are supported by the productivity. 2,500 professionals, including over 1,300
technical expertise of GLORY Group of Japan, the pioneer service and support staff and 350 business partners cover
in development and manufacture of money handling over 128 countries delivering these solutions – wherever
machines across the financial, retail, vending machine, money moves.
amusement and gaming industries for nearly 100 years.
USF-100 – Banknote sorting machine
Equipped with two stackers and one reject stacker, the USF-100 accurately and
quickly sorts mixed banknotes by fitness, new/old style, denomination, and orientation.
Next generation sensors with
superb counterfeit detection
Banknote handling machines must deliver both Fitness sorting
high efficiency combined with speed and accuracy.
denominations New/old style note sorting
Glory’s USF-100 offers next generation sensors for
fitness sorting and superb counterfeit detection,
Denomination sorting
while processing at a remarkably high speed of
650 notes per minute. Orientation sorting
The ability of the USF-100 to accurately assess
fitness and detect counterfeit banknotes has Batching arrangement
passed the strict framework standards of the
European Central Bank (ECB).
Fitness sorting New/old sorting Denomination sorting Orientation sorting Batching arrangement
Rejected Rejected
banknotes banknotes
Rejected Rejected Rejected (Counterfeit etc.) (Counterfeit etc.)
banknotes banknotes banknotes
(Counterfeit etc.) (Counterfeit etc.) (Counterfeit etc.)
By using USF-100 to increase the ratio of the cash sorted in the branch:
• Fit and current banknotes can be recycled as branch reserves. After
• Unfit or old banknotes and surplus cash are sent to the main office Customer
or to a company contracted to handle it. Customer
Capital reserves
• Cash management efficiency is improved and the amount of capital reserves Recycling
the cash Branch office
Capital reserves
on-hand can be reduced. on hand
the cash Branch office
on hand Unfit banknotes
Main office or a
• By automating the cash sorting task with the USF-100, Old banknotes
Unfit banknotes
Customer Counterfeit banknotes company contracted
Old banknotes Main office or a
the branch’s workload can also be reduced. Illegible banknotes
Counterfeit banknotes
to sort the cash
company contracted
Illegible banknotes to sort the cash
Double-LCD display with Large capacity hopper with
illustrated operator guidance an assisted feeding mechanism
For ease of use and operation For a lower incidence of feeding issues
The USF-100’s display features two side-by-side LCDs, due to poor quality banknotes
one for displaying data and messages and the other The large-capacity
for use as an illustrated system guide. Wide display hopper holds 500
screens substantially improve visibility. banknotes. Thanks to
the Assisted Feeding
Mechanism the hopper
reliably feeds one note
at a time to prevent
jamming or high rejects
Counting result and status Example of error reset
procedure display
due to double feeding.
The display section shows the total
amount and number of banknotes by The display shows the status of the The open-type hopper
denomination and the total processing system. If an error occurs, the display provides visibility of the
data. In the event of an error, the section describes the status and banknote feeding process so more banknotes can be
display section indicates a description location of the error.
of how to reset the system. added in continuous large-volume deposits.
Easier maintenance
Quick jam recovery reduces
processing interruptions
The USF-100 features a fully opening top that allows
easy maintenance of the banknote transport section.
Should banknotes or foreign objects jam in the
2-teller operation counting or transport section, the wide-opening upper
Further reductions in the time taken to section of the main unit makes it easy to find and
remove the jammed object. A dust tray is also provided
sort banknotes for easy removal of accumulated dust.
When the USER button on the control panel is pressed,
the A/B indicator lights to indicate the current user. The
Dust tray Removing
processed data is stored in memory for users A and B, jammed notes
so the data can be easily compiled and understood. and foreign
objects from
the transport
50mm or more
100mm 100mm
or more or more
Glory Global Solutions or more
Forest View, Crockford Lane, Chineham Business Park,
Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8QZ, UK
T +44 (0)1256 368000 F +44 (0)1256 368001