CSSC-MS - Physics Code A
CSSC-MS - Physics Code A
CSSC-MS - Physics Code A
1) iv
2) ii
3) iv
4) i
5) iii
6) iii
7) iv
8) i
9) iv
10) i
11) ii
12) i
13) iii
14) i
15) ii
16) a
17) c
18) a
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uf =1/2(c1+c2)v2=5.33x10-2 J ½ Mark
ui-uf=2.67x10-2J ½ Mark
20) = 2 =
R=1/4 m ½ Mark
B= ½ Mark
=4x10-4 T
B= ½ Mark
B= 4πx10-6 T ½ Mark
R1 = – RG ½ Mark
R2 = − RG ½ Mark
R3= − RG ½ Mark
R3 = ½ Mark
r1 + r2 = A ½ Mark
r2 = ic = 450 1 Mark
22) 0 = 600nm
Hence wave length 430nm, 450nm will cause photo emission ½ Mark
= c/ 0 ½ Mark
5x10 hz ½ Mark
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23) Ec – EB = ½ Mark
EB - EA = ½ Mark
Ec - EA = ½ Mark
3 = ½ Mark
24) a) Energy required to take out an electron from diamond is highest. Hence number of
conduction electrons is negligibly small for diamond.-1 MARK
b) PN junction diode conducts during forward bias Alternatively Pn Junction offers low
resistance during forward bias 1Mark
Section C
+ =
Requ =R 1Mark
ICD = 0 ½ Mark
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-32I1+12I-3Ig=0 ……………………..1
-3I1+6Ig+I=0 ……………………………….2
-11I1+Ig+1=0 …………………………………..3
-32I1-3Ig + 12I =0
-4I1+75Ig =0
I1=( ) - ½ mark
Solving and finding current 1½ Mark
Ig = ( A -1 mark
cos 12 =3 = √ =√
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= 1Mark
cos 15 = = ½ Mark
6 !789:8;< √'
=> ?@
=> ?2
= √2 ½ Mark
28) Central maximum receives wavelets from the entire slIt, I maxima receives wavelet from
1/3 rd of the slit, II maxima receives wavelet form 1/5 th of the slit.So amplitude of I
maxima and II maxima are 1/3 and 1/5 respectively of the amplitude of central maximum.
Interference Diffraction
1. It consists of alternate bright and Diffraction bands are of varying width.
dark bands of same width The central maximum is twice as wide as
any other maxima
2. In interference all bright bands are Central maximum is of greatest intensity
of same intensity. and the intensity of other maxima
gradually decreases with increasing order.
2 Mark
= -0.00433B ½Mark
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graph - ½ Mark
I. KD ∝ F ½ Mark
Hence yellow beam emits photo electrons with greater K.E--- ½ mark
Section D
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31) a) Derivation 2 ½ Mark
b) graph ½ Mark
→E ½ Mark → E ½ Mark
→P P ←
G =0 in cases ½ Mark
a) Derivation 3 ½ Mark
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For uniform electric field
W= q∆v ½ Mark
=qEr ½ mark
=q r ½ Mark
32) ∅5 =Blx
1 Mark
Principle : When a current carrying coil is suspended in a uniform magnetic field it
experiences a torque. ½ Mark
When a current in passed through the coil it experience a deflecting torque
G =NBIA sinJ
defecting torque G =NBIA
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The above torque rotates the coil. Due to the elasticity of the spring a restoring torque is
set up in the coil that balances the deflecting torque
In equilibrium
NBIA = K ∝ 1 Mark
I= G ∝
a) Radial field
In radial field sinJ = 1. Hence the instrument can be provided with a linear scale
½ Mark
33) a)
i) b = c =7d − 1<(: − <
Wg > W Hence P = Positive 1 Mark
SS< P= c ∝ n ∝ ⋋ P∝⋋ ⋋ __ dec
P____Inc 1Mark
b) Derivation 3 Mark
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c) Ray diagram 1 Mark
Working: A beam of light parallel to the axis of the telescope from some distant light
source in incident on the objective. The objective converges this light towards its
principal focus. The reflected beam is intercepted by a convex mirror. The convex
mirror form an inverted image.
The inverted image is seen through the eyepiece 1 Mark
Two advantage:
(1) As the objective in a mirror it is free from chromatic aberration
(2) As the objective is a paraboloid mirror it is free from spherical aberration -- 1
- =
i j c
: '
- =
:k j# c#
Bl = '
=-5cm ½ Mark
i k
Magnitying Power = j 71 + c < = 20 ½ Mark
Section E
Case study
i) W = >vw x
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= Sz =300 1 Mark
d >vw xy
ii) W = >vw x i
= >vw x v=1.5x108 m/s 1 mark
y y
iii) tanic =
~ >vwv{
6 :>vw xy
A= =d :
2 Mark
• =>vwv ic=sin: *
2 Mark
19 a) Diagram -1 mark
b) work done = 0 1mark
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21) n= -½ mark
>vw xy
Sz =45° - ½ mark
! =A
=15° ½ mark
Sini =n sinr1
29 Difference -1 mark
T=E/p -½ mark
=4mm---------------------------- ½ mark
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End of Paper
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