IDS - SRS - Version 1.1

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i-Trust/Ikanos Confidential

System Requirement Specification

Ikanos DSL system GUI (IDS) software.

Submitted to
Ikanos, India

ITrust Technologies, Bangalore, India.

Draft (Version 1.1)

Prepared by Vidya Amarnath 6th October 2007

Reviewed by Ravishankar S 6th October 2007
IDS Software SRS

Table of Contents:

Sl. no. Description Page No.

Table Of Contents 2
1 Revision History 3
2 Introduction 4
2.1 Purpose of the document 4
2.2 Scope of the product 4
2.3 Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms 4
2.4 References 4
3 External Interfaces 5
3.1 Hardware Interface 5
3.2 Software Interface 5
4 Hardware Architecture 6
5 Software Architecture 7
6 Implementation option
7 Effort estimates

IDS Software SRS

1.0 Revision History

Version Number Date Description

Draft 1 13th Sept 2007 Draft version for clarifications
Draft 1.1 12th October 2007 Features caopured from
discussion with various
groups incorporated.
Almost all sections have
been changed.

IDS Software SRS

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Purpose of Document
The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the
software requirement specification (SRS) of the IDS software. This
document is intended for I-Trust Technologies, Bangalore, India and
Ikanos, Bangalore, India.

2.2 Scope of System

The objective of this project is to remodel the GUI of the existing IDS
(Ikanos DSL system) application, retaining all the existing
functionalities like communication between the PC and the host
processor (HP) of the Central Office (CO) Reference board. The
software configures the host processor, sends commands, receives
data from the host processor, helps in analyzing critical factors like,
signal to noise ratio in the form of graphs and displays the status of
the ports. The software works in Microsoft Windows environment.

2.3 Approach followed in system analysis

2.3.1 Steps In system study: Following points lists important steps in

system study.

a. Study of the functionality of the existing IDS system.

b. Study of High level design of existing IDS.
c. Study of interaction between IDS and reference board.
d. Interactions with the development group of existing IDS.
e. Interactions with management at Ikanos, Bangalore,India.
f. Study of the requirements received from user groups(copy
enclosed in annexure)

2.3.2 Summary of result of systems study: From the study

following points emerged as important requirements.

a. There is a requirement to completely revamp the GUI and

present a new GUI for the product.
b. The existing IDS does not implement all the desired features.
IDS can gather data/information from target system by sending
commands to the target system and getting the responses. Not
all possible commands have been implemented. It is required to
implement all commands. Time and again new commands will
be added to the host processor. In order to facilitate host

IDS Software SRS

processor and IDE commands being in ‘Sync’ , it is desirable to

work out a scheme where the commands supported can be
changed through a configuration file.
c. At the host processor there are two applications (among the
other s/w components) one of which accept commands the
commands through socket interface to Ethernet device and the
other communicates through serial port to accept and respond
commands. The former is said to be more efficient
implementation of the APIs interface while later has complete
command set fully implemented.
d. It is desired to produce interfaces to MATLAB to be used by
internal groups. No direct interface is desired. The data
received will have to be converted into a format which can be
directly imported into MATLAB.
e. It is required to enhance storage/retrieval capabilities.
f. It is required to add language support.
g. It is required to support CPE as target device in addition to
h. It is required to add on-line help facility.
i. It is required to add tool tips.
j. An install package is needed to install the software.
k. It may be desirable to have user profiles for users who use the
data and tune the GUI accordingly.

2.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

SRS System Requirements Specifications

IDS Ikanos DSL System
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
GUI Graphic User Interface
CO Central Office
DSP Digital Signal Processing
PC Personal Computer
HP Host Processor

IDS Software SRS

2.5 References.

1. IDSUserGuide_V2_1.doc received from Ikanos on 05.09.2007

2. IkanosGuiLook_v0.doc

IDS Software SRS

3.0 External Interfaces:

3.1 Hardware interfaces: The proposed IDS software communicates

through windows OS with the host processor on the CO Reference
Board designed by Ikanos with the following specifications.
1. Board based on Motorola Power PC chip.
2. This has 1 Ethernet port, 1 serial port with analog inputs, digital
I/O ports which in turn connects to the CPE reference boards.

3.2 Software interfaces: The proposed software communicates with

following software applications.
a. The proposed IDS software communicates with the
application that runs on VxWorks, on the board specified
in section 3.1, through services provided by windows
OS. The firmware that runs on the Power PC chip
has the following specifications:
1. It works with 2Mbyte flash memory on the CO
Board to hold the firmware and other
2. Pre-Programmed Boot loader that enables
Ethernet port to communicate with the IDS
application on power up for configuring,
sending commands, receiving the data and
monitoring operations from the IDS software.
3. The driver for MGMT Ethernet port which is
accessible through socket interface by the IDS
program, Serial port that provides required
features to set port parameters like baud rate,
parity, etc. and each digital input/output

b. With MATLAB modules to provide the required help to


IDS Software SRS

4.0 Hardware Architecture : The following figure shows the hardware

architecture of the IDS PC and the CO reference board:-

Serial Chip


Process Chip Chip Chip Chip

Ports Flash SDRAM
IDS GUI PC chip Chip

CO Reference Board

The following hardware equipment is needed for the IDS software.

 Ikanos CO5 Reference board(with IDS compatible binaries)

 One or more CPE4 or CPE5 modem
 One PC with 512 Mbytes of memory with Windows xP or Windows
Vista OS
 One cross-over Ethernet cable or regular cable with Ethernet hub.
 Two regular phone wire cables

IDS Software SRS

5.0 Software Architecture:

The software architecture of the IDS application is shown in the following
block diagram:-






The proposed new GUI model regroups the existing functionalities of the
IDS into a more user friendly interface. The pre requisite for the IDS
application to work is that the vxWorks.bdx binary file has been installed on the
Ikanos CO reference board through serial port and the CO system is ready for
the IDS operation.

5.1.1 IDS GUI:-

When the IDS application is started, a window will be displayed as
shown in the following screen shot:-

IDS Software SRS

The status is displayed at the bottom of the window.

The user chooses or enters the network address at which the target board is
Network: - This module helps in configuring IDS configuration by accepting
the details like, label, IP Address and port number of the CO reference board.
Following are the functions performed by this option.
a. The configuration of possible ipaddresses and port numbers
of the reference board is displayed.
b. New label, IPAddress and port number entries can be added.
c. Existing data can be edited.
d. Deleting the selected row of data is possible.

IDS Software SRS

e. Using ‘Connect’ button, connection can be established with

the board with IPaddress, port number and label indicated by
current row.

Download: This option is to download the firmware after connection, if

desired. File Menu: this provides following functionalities.

1. New: Set name for future provisioning save..
2. Open: Open previously saved provisioning data.
3. Close: close current window.
4. Save Window Data: Save data for current window. The
details of the configurations like number of BMEs, Number
of ports, configured profile are all stored as part of
provisioning information.

5. Save Window Data As: Select name and save data.

6. Save: Save current provisioning settings.
7. Save As: Select name and save settings.
8. Print ***: These are placeholders for future functionality.
9. Exit: Exits the application, prompts for save if needed. View: this helps provide various views. Help: Thus provides two options

a. On-line help and
b. About: this shows the version number and date of release.

5.1.2 Tabs: The on successful connection, user is taken to TAB window.

The main options in the tab window are:-

1. System Provision
2. Port Provision
3. Port Status
4. Debug
5. Maintenance

Each of the above mentioned options is a separate module by itself which

will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs. It should be possible to add
additional tabs, fields within tabs to provide enhancements to functionalities.

IDS Software SRS System Provision: - The following screen shot shows the System
Provision screen:-

System Provision is configuring BMEs. The parameters set for a BME applies
to all ports on the BME. This comprises of xx parameters that can be set. The
GUI provides option to set port parameters and send the same to the port. Provisioning system: This refers to setting system parameters for

BME. Following are salient features.
a. There are standard sets of configuration options which are
stored in files. User can choose from this option and configure
a port.
b. User can choose one or many or all BMEs using the drop
down list provided. The number of BMEs shown will depend
IDS Software SRS

upon the type of modem supported. The Profile Name column

displays the entire available standard and user defined profiles
in a combo box. First time a reference board is being used,
standard profile names are shown against each BME.
Subsequent usages profiles previously set by the user is
shown in ‘profile name’ Horizontal and vertical scroll bars
will help in viewing the complete list.
c. Edit profile: For each BME the user can choose from existing
profiles and if desired change some parameters there by
creating a new profile. All the parameters and the values of
the chosen profile will be displayed. The user can change any
of the values click “Ok”, which will prompt the user to enter a
new name for the profile. This is to ensure that the standard
profiles are not modified. If he chooses “cancel” button, no
new profile is saved. Once a new profile is created, it will be
shown in the profile name of the chosen BME. The new
profile will be stored in a separate file.
d. Save profile: The profiles chosen for BMEs can be saved
using save profile option. The profile names shown against
each BME will be saved. This profile will be used for system
provision while sending the command.
e. Delete Profile: This is used for cleaning up of the unwanted
user defined profiles. Delete will prompt if the user has
selected the standard profile. Again Ok and Cancel buttons
will be provided. The user will have the option of quitting if
he doesn’t want to delete. If in case he chooses Ok, the user
defined profile will be deleted from the drop down list of the
Profile Names and in case any of the BMEs is associated to
this deleted profile, it will get mapped to the first profile of
the drop down list.
f. Send: This option is used to send command to the Host
Processor to effect system provision. Port Provision: - The following figure show the Port Provision screen
which will be enabled only after system provision is completed:-

IDS Software SRS

Port Provision is configuring parameters which can be different for each port .
This comprises of xx parameters that can be set. Port provision screen displays
the BMEs and all the Ports and profiles. Provisioning port: This refers to setting system parameters for the
ports. Following are salient features.
a. There are standard sets of configuration options which are
stored in files. User can choose from this option and
configure a port.
b. User can choose one or many or all Ports using the drop
down list provided. The number of ports shown will depend
upon the type of modem supported. The Profile Name
column displays the entire available standard and user
defined profiles in a combo box. First time a reference board
is being used, standard profile names are shown against each
port. Subsequent usages profiles previously set by the user is
IDS Software SRS

shown in ‘profile name’ Horizontal and vertical scroll bars

will help in viewing the complete list.

c. Edit profile: For each port the user can choose from existing
profiles and if desired change some parameters there by
creating a new profile. All the parameters and the values of
the chosen profile will be displayed. The user can change
any of the values click “Ok”, which will prompt the user to
enter a new name for the profile. This is to ensure that the
standard profiles are not modified. If he chooses “cancel”
button, no new profile is saved. Once a new profile is
created, it will be shown in the profile name of the chosen
port. The new profile will be stored in a separate file.
d. Save profile: The profiles chosen for ports can be saved
using save profile option. The profile names shown against
each port will be saved. This profile will be used for port
provision while sending the command.
e. Delete Profile: - This is used for cleaning up of the unwanted
user defined profiles. Delete will prompt if the user has
selected the standard profile. Again Ok and Cancel buttons
will be provided. The user will have the option of quitting if
he doesn’t want to delete. If in case he chooses Ok, the user
defined profile will be deleted from the drop down list of the
Profile Names and in case any of the port is associated to
this deleted profile, it will get mapped to the first profile of
the drop down list. Send: This option is used to send command to the Host Processor
based on the command choices. The user can choose Port provision, Port start,
Port Stop and Clear port commands and click on “send”. The command will be
sent to the target board The status of this command will be displayed.
a. Port provision: This is used to send the configuration to the
b. Port start: This is to send command to the target board to
start the selected port.
c. Port stop: This is to “stop” a configured port.
D. clear counter: This is to send a command to clear the counter
associated with the port. Port Status: - This page allows user to display the status and
performance of ports. The same is used to change the status of the port.
following figure shows the Port Status screen:-

IDS Software SRS

a. When a reference board is connected (i.e., IDS has

established communication with a reference board, the port
numbers are highlighted.
b. The user can choose one or many ports and right click (to
select more than one port user has to keep ‘cntrl’ key
pressed and select the ports required). The right click menu
provides following options.
1. Complete Status: This will send a command to the
target board and get status of the port. The status data
fetched is displayed in a table as shown. This is
refreshed at intervals specified (default is 5 secs).

IDS Software SRS

Port 1 Port 1 Port 2 – Port 2 - Port n

– Provision Actual value Provision Actual

2. Port Statistics : Shows the statistics for the desired

ports. However this will allow a single port selection.


Num Line Payload SNR CRC FEC Line Payload SNR CRC FEC
Rate Rate margin count count Rate Rate margin count count
(Mbps) (Mbps) (db) (Mbps) (Mbps) (db)
1 125.256 101.128 7.2 5 20 120.512 100.192 6.9 2458 23456
1e-8 2.1e-3
2 off
3 off
4 80.384 70.064 10.1 1 2 30.448 25.320 4.8 1 2
1e-10 1e-10
5 off
6 off
7 off
8 off

3. Refresh rate: this will set refresh rate for the port.
4. Port start: This will start the selected port.
5. Port stop: this will stop the selected port. Debug:- This option helps in analyzing the various parameters like
SHOWSNR etc. The data for analysis can be on-line or off-line (stored in a
file). The data is plotted as graph which will help analyst to debug the data.

IDS Software SRS

a. Online - If this option is chosen,

1. The desired information is got the board sending relevant
2. The data received is stored in a file.
3. The file is created in a directory ./device_name/snr. The current
directory is the home directory of software installed.
4. A graph is also plotted for the received data. The graph has
following characteristics.
a. The color/resolution can be changed.
b. Any part of the graph can be zoomed and shrunk.
5. Following types of data can be fetched for on-line analysis.
a. SNRs – various SNRs can be got for analysis. The
SNR can be a value collected during training phase or
it can be for value fetched during ‘show time’
following SNRs are possible.
1. Training SNRE1.
2. Training SNRE2.
3. Training SNRE3.
IDS Software SRS

The SNR will be plotted and displayed.
b. AFEREG – This will fetch values of
Registers and plot it.
c. CMD3x1

b. Offline graph plotting: - If this option is selected, graph can be plotted

from the stored history file/files data for a debug command. Provision to
select the history file can be provided.

The following screen shot shows how Offline plotting can be implemented:-

The Offline debug data file can be chosen from the above screen.

IDS Software SRS

Once the offline plotting is over, the above screen allows the user to select a
different data file from the list of history files. Maintenance: - The screen displays the Maintenance screen:-

The appropriate maintenance command can be chosen and the command can be
sent to the target by selecting the Send button. The data received is stored in a
file and also displayed as a graph.

1. QLN:
2. Echo measurement: SELT: - Presently, the SELT program is running separately from the
IDS application. The design takes care to make provision for integrating SELT
program with IDS.

5.1.3 Socket communication:

This module will perform following functions:
1. Establishes the connection with the host processor (HP)
module based on the network details collected through GUI.
2. Sends the commands to the HP.
3. Receives data received on the Ethernet port passes on data to
GUI module
The send and receive modules are independent. The send module manages
sending commands from GUI to target and receive module received data from

IDS Software SRS

target and passes it on to GUI. There is no synchronization required between

the two.

6 Communication with the Host Processor:

The present software architecture on the Host Processor of the CO
reference board has two applications running on VxWorks:-
1. Ethernet port application which communicates with the IDS GUI through
2. Serial port application.
The first application which is running on the VxWorks of the CO
reference board communicates with the IDS GUI application through Ethernet
port which generates IPOS APIs on the Host Processor. However, this
application which is running on the VxWorks has only 20% of the commands
implemented. Implementing the remaining 80% of the commands needs
additional code to be implemented on the VxWorks Ethernet port GUI
communicating application and also on the IDS GUI application.
The second application which is running on the VxWorks, communicates
through serial port and internally generates IIDS APIs on the Host Processor.
This application has around 80% of the commands already implemented in the
VxWorks serial port application. Only 20% of the commands have to added in
this application and convert it into an Ethernet communicating application. Also
80% of the commands have to be included in the IDS application to support
One of the above mentioned options can be implemented based on the
feedback from Ikanos.

IDS Software SRS

7 Estimates for various approaches

Serial number Description Release Expected

release date
1 Change the Alpha 29th October
GUI according 2007
to new design
and keep the
n at present
2 Add feature Beta 5th November
described in 2007
2.3.2.b (run
time update for
received data
into file
formats to be
used by

IDS Software SRS


Inputs revived from ………………………………

Ikanos Modem GUI Tool

Currently, there are a couple of GUI tools available in Ikanos:

1. IDS: This tool was developed by customer engineering (Apps) group. The tool runs on PC & connects
via sockets to the PowerPC host board through the PowerPC’s management Ethernet port (10 Mbps).
The host then performs one or more required IPOS API calls to BME and sends back the information
to the GUI application on the PC. This has a basic GUI with some buttons for provisioning, port
start/stop, and display of line statistics with automatic update of some of the statistics. The first version
was released for internal use on July 14th.

2. Kterm: This tool was developed by Kedar (core technology software group). This tool runs on PC and
connects through the serial port. This provides a basic GUI, and in addition to supports a console
interface. The features such as provisioning is not provided and is expected to be done through the
console interface itself. It has good capability to draw plots using gnuplot for various per tone
information, such as bit-loading, SNR etc.

The proposal is to create a new version including the capabilities of both IDS and Kterm, and to enhance the
underlying GUI framework, so that it is scalable and easy to add new features in the future.

GUI Tool Requirements:

The new GUI should support following:
- Allow a person new to the Ikanos system, to easily do basic operations of the modem, such as changing
configurations (provisioning), starting/stopping modem, checking the statistics of the modem.
- Allow common operations to be performed quickly, using defaults, with minimum amount of clicking and
typing. For ex, it should be possible to start a modem with the most recently used profile with a single
- Organize statistics in functional groups, such as network layer, TC layer, PMD layer. Each functional
group can be in a separate tab to allow easy navigation.
- Allow expert users to modify through GUI those parameters which are typically changed, and then use the
GUI for the other actions.
- Allow console access for expert users to type in any command by providing a console window. Typically,
software engineers add new console commands for some new features being implemented, and we cannot
wait for GUI to be developed for each such command. It should be possible to do some initial things
through GUI, and then go to console for those features not accessible through GUI.

The GUI Framework should support following:

- Should be built to allow new functionality to be easily added.
- Should ensure correct sequencing of the IPOS commands to the BME. The GUI buttons when clicked, can
cause in some cases, more than one IPOS commands to the BME. If two GUI buttons are clicked quickly
one after another, the GUI framework should avoid conflict between these two sets of IPOS commands to
IDS Software SRS

BME, and wait for all the commands from the first GUI click to be finished, before sending the commands
for the second GUI click.
Similarly, the commands typed on the console will cause a IPOS command to BME. The GUI framework
should avoid conflict and wait for any unfinished commands from an earlier GUI button click to be
finished before acting on a command from the console.
- Should provide a mechanism for other applications to link to this through DLL. It is expected that the data
collected will be analysed in many different ways depending on what is being analyzed. It is not scalable to
have to compile the required analysis function into this each time. Instead, an analysis engine can be built
as a DLL to link to this and get the desired data and then do the required analysis on that data.

GUI Screen Examples:

Some examples of how the GUI screens can be organized is shown below. Further discussions are needed to
converge to a consensus on the GUI look and feel.

Initial Screen:
Should open up with a screen, and prompt to connect to the board with a dialog box to type in IP address of
board, with the default value being the most recently used board’s IP address. This dialog box should also have
a pull down button, which when clicked, will show the list containing the previously used IP addresses. After
the address is typed in, or selected from the previously used address list, user should hit ‘Enter’ key, and then it
should establish connection to the board.

Once board connection is done, the board should be queried to get the number of ports on that board display
should update with number of ports available on the board, and board type (100/100, VLR etc). This board
information can be added to be kept by the host code and returned upon query by the GUI.

The figure 1 below shows a proposed screen shot. The first line shows the board type and IP address, followed
by the set of tabs Provision, Stats, Network, TC, PMD, TimeDom, Analog, CollectData etc. In the figure below
the Provisioning tab is shown as being open.

IDS Software SRS


Connected to: 8 port Co5 Reference Board Rev 2, IP Adr

Provision Statistics Netwrk TC PMD Analog

System Profile: SysJapan100_100

Port Prof30a_2msec for 1-4

Profile: Ports:

Do: System & Port Provision, Start Port

System Provision only
Port Provision only
System & Port Provision
System & Port Provision, Start Port
Start Port
Stop Port
Start Maintenance Mode

System Provision - ok.

Port Provision port 1 …

Provisioning Tab:
The first few lines in this tab have boxes, which allow the user to type the name of system and port profile and
the port numbers to be provisioned. The profile name can be a filename on the PC hard disk, or $Flash0 or
$Flash1 where Flash0 and Flash1 are the profiles already in the flash. The most recently used profile name
should be the default value, and the dialog box should have a pull down button, which when clicked should
show the list of previously used profile names as history (similar to web addresses in explorer’s address line).
The port numbers can be a single number or a range of ports – the above figure shows 1-4 to indicate ports
1,2,3,4 should have these profiles..

The next line has a pull down which allows the user to choose the actions to be performed – the above figure
shows the pull down being used to select “System & Port Provision, Start Port” as the sequence of actions to be
done. When this is selected, the IPOS commands are sent for System provision, followed by port provision
command for the ports 1,2,3,4, and then port start command for the ports 1,2,3,4.

The bottom part of the window has a ‘action display’ window showing the sequence of actions being
performed. This will provide feedback to the user as to what command is being executed. When a port start
command is being executed, the sequence of states can be shown with the last state shown being the current
Port Start on port 1: g.hs, channel_discovery,

IDS Software SRS

Once one or more ports are up, we can use the other tabs to check information related to the ports which are
running. User can also return back to this tab at any time to stop a port which is running or to start a port which
is not running etc.

Statistics Tab:
This tab is “port statistics overview” tab and shows the most common statistics about the ports. Other tabs can
be used to dive into detail statistics based on the modem layer which is being analyzed or debugged. This
statistics overview tab can be as below:


Num Line Payload SNR CRC FEC Line Payload SNR CRC FEC
Rate Rate margin count count Rate Rate margin count count
(Mbps) (Mbps) (db) (Mbps) (Mbps) (db)
1 125.256 101.128 7.2 5 20 120.512 100.192 6.9 2458 23456
1e-8 2.1e-3
2 off
3 off
4 80.384 70.064 10.1 1 2 30.448 25.320 4.8 1 2
1e-10 1e-10
5 off
6 off
7 off
8 off

The data for counters can be updated every ‘x’ seconds, and the SNR margin can be updated every ‘y’ minutes.
To be Decided: is it useful to have such a overview tab ? anything else to be put there ?

TC layer tab:
This is for more detailed checking and should have a box at the top to enter the port number. Then show for that
port information such as the one below. This tab may have to be disabled for external users ?

Port Num: _1_

Downstream Upstream
N: ___ R:__ Depth: ___ IlvCwSize: ___ N: ___ R:__ Depth: ___ IlvCwSize: ___
Lp: ___ MDF per cw : ___ OH rate: _____ Lp: ___ MDF per cw : ___ OH rate: _____
other Frm params: ___________ other Frm params: _____________

FEC: corr: ____ uncorr: ____ FEC: corr: ____ uncorr: ____
CRC: __5__ _1.5e-7_ CRC: __5__ _1.5e-7_
Tx SuperFrameCount: ____ RxSuperFrameCount: _____

PMD layer tab:

This can show following:
For both Downstream and Upstream
Profile used: __ Target margin: __
IFFT & FFT size & symbol rate:
Highest loaded tone: in Mhz
Spectrum used: (loaded tones * tone spacing) Mhz
Bit Loading per tone: Min: __ Avg: __ Max: __

Current showtime SNR margin: Min: __ Avg:__ Max: ___

Erased symbol count: __
Buttons for dumps & plots: bit loading, snr, feq, clk err etc
Buttons for Disruptive dumps & plots: BER per tone, FFT/FEQ out while other side is transmitting

Time Domain & Analog:

IDS Software SRS

HPF: on/off Interp rate: 1/2/4/… Interp Mode: HalfBand/…

RFI: on/off Decim Rate: 1/2/4/… Decim Mode: Asym/…
Echo Canceler: on/off
Teq: on/off

PAR ratio at Zfifo, Afifo, …

AFE reg settings
Buttons for detailed dumps & plots: buttons for teq training info, EC training info, EC taps

Can add more tabs as needed:

Tabs for Repeated Data Collection to capture how some statistic varies with time:
Every n symbols/millisecs/secs/mins , Collect crc, clk err, snr margin etc
& plot vs time

Tabs for SELT, DELT etc

IDS Software SRS

3. requirements received from sanjay

Data Description Engineer Praveen

Maintenance Mode QLN, Echo Measurement GUI Need to schedu

Diagnostic Mode Different Test GUI Need to schedu
Automated Data/Log Retrieval
in the event of
Crash - BME EventLog,
AFE Register, SNR Per tone,
FMC Dump, RMC Dump etc

4. requirements received from Sanjay

1. Gabarit test with adjustable PSD, band-plan & PAR

Currently this has been very useful for debug but is limited by
amplitude, PSD & PAR GUI/FW
2. single/two/multi-tone test with programmability of amplitude.
Currently we use this in maintenence mode where the amplitude is low
& can not be changed GUI/FW
3 Same as #2 but with loading from FPGA in Z-FIFO
This is possible and is being done as needed through offline Matlab. It
will be good to integrate this with debug toolset & provide
programmability why FPGA ?
4. capture ADC data directly. A-FIFO capture also involves some
processing. While debugging ADC, it has always been a bottleneck GUI/FW
5. SNR per tone GUI Done - training
6. Capture any non-stationary noise GUI - need more explanation
7. Crash: Postmortem/debug : Dump AGC & registers as well as SNR
per tone just before BME crash GUI/FW
8. More detailed description/diagnostics for "link-failure". In GUI.
should display error message as opposed to Error number GUI/FW

IDS Software SRS

5. requirements received from HQ

Data Description Engineer Praveen

Critical Critical keyboard
commands commands to be
done through
GUI. GUI should
keep the same
command with
simple text
definition. Should
be able to go to
help on this
command by
pushing help
button. GUI Need to relook
Interface to type GUI should
provide an
interface for user
to type GUI
supported and
other commands GUI Need to relook
Screen echo GUI should
provide a display
screen where the
data retrieved
from device is
echoed in normal
mode GUI Need to relook
Data capture to GUI should
file provide user the
option to save
retrieved data into
a file for offline
analysis GUI Done

DELT parameters DELT tab in GUI In DELT mode,

get all DELT
parameters and
A separate tab is
designated for
display of all
parameters. GUI Need to schedule
QLN Per tone, plot
and/or save to file GUI Need to schedule
Hlog Per tone, plot
and/or save to file GUI Need to schedule
Hlin Per tone, plot
and/or save to file GUI Need to schedule
SNR Per tone, plot
and/or save to file GUI Need to schedule
LANT(per band) Per band GUI Need to schedule
information to be

IDS Software SRS

displayed on
screen and/or
saved to file
SATN(per band) Per band
information to be
displayed on
screen and/or
saved to file GUI Need to schedule
SNRM (per band) Per band
information to be
displayed on
screen and/or
saved to file GUI Need to schedule

Auto test run Test tab in GUI Run a subset of

standard tests
(eg. WT-100) and
plot report results
and compared to
Embeds test
script into the GUI
for user to run test
through GUI
Configures DSL
and gathers
modem data.
Test script will be
modified through
GUI, eg loop
Baseline results
are part of the tool
and will be
displayed against
measurements. QA???
Straight loop rate VDSL(different
reach test profiles), ADSL,
ADSL2+, etc.
mode to be
specified and run
Bridge tap test Refers to
section of test doc
and can pull up
the section using
help command

Showtime per Show-time tab in In show-time GUI Partly Done - 12

tone information GUI mode, extracts, command, 11, 13,
display and save 10 etc refreshed
requested every 5 sec
Gather and
parameters used

IDS Software SRS

in DELT as well if
Information can
be updated with
update frequency
(say 30 seconds)
if user requests
SNR Training is done.
Per tone SNR to Showtime SNR to
be displayed GUI be scheduled
SNRM Per tone SNR
margin to be
displayed GUI
FEQ coefficient FEQ coefficients
(per toned) values
in polar format as
well as magnitude
and phase GUI Need to schedule
BiGi table GUI Need to schedule

Time domain Extract and

information display
information with
supportable by
Pilot phase Display in polar
and phase and
magnitude format
as a function of
time GUI Need to schedule
Pilot loop Pilot loop
accumulator accumulator value
as calculated by
timing recovery GUI Need to schedule
Pilot VCO VCO bias value
correction provided from
timing recovery
algorithm GUI Need to schedule
Erasure Display the
information number of tones
above the erasure
threshold value FW/GUI

Channel Need more

information GUI clarifications
Initialization per
tone information GUI
timeline GUI
Analysis of data ??
BER per tone
indicator GUI

IDS Software SRS



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