LearnMagic MisterGreggy Ebook

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Congratulations on starting
your journey to becoming a
successful magician.

Inside this book you will find many fun and easy-to-
perform tricks with cards, rope, pencils, and even
some stage illusions. Several of them are used by
full time professional magicians.
As you read through the book find the tricks that are
easy and learn them first. Some are harder to learn
than others, but that’s ok. Stick with it, practice
every day and pretty soon you’ll get the hang of it.
Be sure to read the Rules for Good Magicians.
Remember that magic is a performing art. To
become a better magician, learn to be on stage.
Take theater classes, help out with your school
plays, enter talent contests, practice performing
whenever possible.
Enjoy my new book and remember to have fun with
your magic and pay attention to your audience.


Greg McMahan
SECRETS: Never tell the audience
HELPFUL HINTS… how a trick is done. When they
PRACTICING know how it’s done then all the fun
Make practice easier by setting aside a is gone. If they ask how you did it,
certain time each day, maybe just after smile and say, “It’s magic”.
dinner, for practicing your tricks.
Keep going for about 15 minutes, then REPEATING: Never repeat the same
stop for about 5 or 10 minutes. This trick for the same audience. If they
would be a good time to think about ask you to do it again, show them a
the kind of story you’ll tell when you different trick.
do the trick.
Now practice the same trick again for REACTION: Be sure to act surprised
another 15 minutes. You’ll find the and amazed when you perform.
moves are easier to do now. This will help your audience
It’s a good idea to practice the trick respond the same way and make
and the story you’ll tell at the same your magic more enjoyable and fun
time. Together they form a “routine”.
to watch.
When you perform a routine in front
of people, you may be nervous. This is PRACTICE: Practice each trick many
normal. However, when you have times before you show it to anyone.
practiced the routine as much as Without enough practice, the trick
possible, you won’t be quite as
could fail and you will give away
nervous, because you’ll have a better
idea of what's going to happen. the secret.
MAGICIAN ETHICS MIRRORS: Always think about how
If you see a magician do a good trick, the trick will look to the audience.
don’t ask them how they did it. Just The best way is to practice in front
because you’re a magician doesn’t of a mirror or video camera, so you
mean they have to tell you. can see what your friends will see.
If you are watching a magic show, and They will watch closely, so you
you think you know the secret to a must know how it looks to them.
trick, DON’T say you know how it
Sometimes you will see things that
was done. You may think this makes
you look smart, but it is actually very need to be corrected.
rude. People are at the show to have a TRICKS: Start by learning one trick
good time, not to find out what tricks
you know. Be a polite audience! first. If it’s difficult, put it aside and
try another one. After you master
one trick, start learning another
trick. With time you will find the
difficult tricks become easier
It’s OK to tell because you are gaining
your parents how experience. Have fun and be sure to
the tricks work; add your own personality.
they can help
you practice
The spectator picks the card YOU chose, but they think it's the card THEY chose.


Before starting the trick, secretly Once again, secretly remember the
remember the top card of the deck. top card of the deck. You will also
This is the “force card” you will need a scarf or cloth napkin that you
force your friend to choose. cannot see through. Hold the deck
Have the in your hand, and drape the scarf
spectator lift over it.
up half the Here comes the important move.
deck, and Under cover of the scarf, turn the
place it on deck upside-down in your hand. The
the table. photos are shown without the scarf.
You now
have two piles of cards, A & B. The
card your friend will choose, the
force card, is on the top of pile A.

The spectator cannot see it, since

the hanky is covering it up, so he
will think it is normal.
Now have the spectator lift
up the top half of the deck.
Keep track of the force card. Before the scarf uncovers
Tell your friend you will mark where your hand, turn the
the cut was. Pick up pile B, and bottom half of the deck
place it sideways on top of pile A. right-side up.
When the spectator
takes the top card off the
deck in your
hand, he will
think it is the
chosen card.

Look at your friend, then tell her to

show her card to everybody. You lift
pile B and point to the top card of
pile A. She will think this is where Remember… you’ll
need a table for the
she cut the deck of cards, so when
Cut Force, but the
the card is picked up, everybody will Scarf Force can be
think it is the one she chose. done anywhere.
A torn card is folded into a piece of
yellow paper. A newspaper is THE
wrapped around that, and SECRET:
everybody says the magic words. The yellow
When everything is unfolded, the paper is
card has magically been restored! actually 2
pieces glued
back to
back, each folded the same way.
Folded into the back side is a whole
card, which matches the torn card.
You'll need to use 2 decks. Make
sure you have permission before
tearing cards.
When unfolding the papers, be
careful not to show the back of the
yellow paper. Nobody should know
it's double sided.
Have a helper tear the card. Now
place the torn pieces in the center
of the yellow paper. Carefully fold
the yellow paper, while keeping it in
the center of the newspaper.
Now comes the secret move. While
folding the newspaper, simply turn
over the yellow paper. The large size
of the newspaper will help to cover
this move. Practice this often so it
will be done smoothly.
Unfold the papers and show the
torn card is whole again!
These folded papers are a very
useful tool for switching one flat
item for another.
You could turn blank paper into a
This gimmick is dollar bill, or 5 one dollar bills into
used in The Case 1 five dollar bill. You could use it to
of the Card in vanish a card, or make one appear.
the Case trick in
this book. A great bonus... it folds up small
and can be carried in your pocket.
For this routine you’ll need a deck of
cards, one duplicate card, a way to
vanish the card, and the card case
(the box that the cards come in
when purchased).
Here’s what happens: The spectator
picks a card, remembers it, and
shows it to everyone. (It’s ok if you
see it). The card disappears, and
reappears inside the card case,
which was in full view at all times.
This is a very strong routine, which
people will remember for a long
How does it work? Have the
duplicate card on top of the deck,
inside the case. When you pull the
deck out of the box, leave the
duplicate inside. Keep the opening
of the case towards you, so nobody Helpful Hints… Buying Tricks
sees you leave the card inside. Going into a magic shop to buy a new
Lay the card case on the table so trick is fun, but make sure you are
everybody can see it (but keep the prepared BEFORE you go. Remember,
duplicate inside and hidden). Have the person behind the counter doesn’t
the spectator choose a card, but know what tricks you like or what
make sure s/he gets the card which type of shows you do, so you need to
tell them.
matches the one in the case. You’ll
need to force the card. How much experience does the trick
require? Some tricks are very difficult
Here is where you vanish the card, even for magicians with 20 years
but don’t say you’re going to vanish experience, so you should wait before
it. Just say you’ll wrap it up for safe buying them.
keeping. How much does it cost? Many tricks
Now say the magic words, wave the are quite expensive and only do one
wand, jump up and down, or thing. The best thing to buy, instead of
whatever. Show that the card is a trick, is a book. In a magic book,
gone, then point to the card case. you will find dozens, maybe hundreds
Tell one of the spectators to open it, of tricks. Sometimes you will find out
and show the card inside. how to make one of the tricks you
saw in the store. This will save you
Use the Folding some money.
Paper Gimmick
described in this Some tricks you will have to buy,
book to make the because they are difficult to make
card vanish. yourself. Sponge balls, card vanish
boxes, thumb-tips and linking rings
Forcing a Card are just a few examples.
is in this book.
For this routine you'll need a paper bag
that easily fits over a person’s head, a
deck of cards, a duplicate card, and
some tape.
Have somebody choose a card from the
deck, and show it around. Then you toss
the deck (and card) into the paper bag,
and shake them up. Reach into the bag
and pull out a card... but it’s the wrong
one. Try again, but it’s still wrong. Ask
the spectator if he can find the card.
Turn the paper bag upside down over
the spectator’s head. With the cards
falling everywhere, ask if they’ve found
it yet. Take the paper bag off their head,
say “How could you miss it? It’s the only
card still in there”, reach inside, and
pull out the chosen card.
Here's how it’s done. Inside the paper
bag is a duplicate card, stuck to the
bottom with a small piece of tape. When HELPFUL HINTS...
the spectator chooses a card, you force CAN YOU SEE THIS?
the card that matches the one in the
paper bag. From here on it’s acting. Audiences need to see what you are
doing. If you are doing tricks for a few
When you pull out the wrong cards, act
people, they can be small tricks you
really disappointed. can fit in your pocket. When you do a
Make sure the person who wears the show for a large crowd, make sure the
paper bag is in a good mood. When the tricks can be seen by everybody. Card
routine is over, be certain to pick up the tricks are difficult for a large group
cards. Putting them back in the paper because people sitting in the back will
bag will make that easy. not be able to see well.
Here is another idea. While looking in Adjust your voice to suit the crowd
the bag for the chosen card, ask if it was also. For a few people, you can just
speak normally. For a large group, you
red or black. Let's say it is red. When
will need to speak louder. Don’t yell,
they answer red, pull out a card that is however, just speak louder.
completely covered in red, with no
numbers or anything showing. This Always keep in mind what the
audience will be seeing. When you
should get a good laugh.
show them something, hold it at your
Here's how. Get the jokers, and with finger tips so everyone can see it
paint or marker, color them completely, clearly. Watch people in TV
then tape them in the bag next to the commercials when they hold
duplicate card. something. They make sure it’s easy to
see. This is one of the reasons why
practicing in front of a mirror is so
Many card tricks start with somebody it will feel
choosing a card, looking at it, then different, and if
putting it back. You must find the card. you are riffling
By using a short card, it is easy to find a correctly, it will
chosen card. It takes a lot of PRACTICE, automatically
because you need to feel the card with stop. You may
your fingertips. also hear the
"snap" when
you hit the
short card.
To use the short card to find a chosen
card: Make sure the short card is on the
bottom of the deck. Have a helper
choose any card. Have her put the
chosen card on top of the deck. Now
tell her to cut the deck, and place the
bottom half on top of the other half.
A card is trimmed 1/16th of an inch That automatically places the short card
shorter than all the others. This may not on top of the chosen card. Try it and
seem like much, but it makes a big see!
difference when you riffle the ends of Finding it is easy now. Just riffle the
the deck. You should get an adult to cards until you come to the short card.
help with the trimming. The chosen card will be the next one
down. Easy!
A way to make this trick even better is
to let your helper cut the deck as often
as they want after they have inserted the
chosen card. The short card should stay
on top of the chosen card. If your helper
cuts the deck between the short card
and the chosen card, then the chosen
card will be on top of the deck, and the
short card will be on the bottom. If that
happens, just cut the deck one more
time, and the chosen and short card will
be together again.
Sometimes you may have trouble
finding the short card. This usually
happens when the short card is near the
top or bottom of the deck. Just cut the
Next, using fingernail clippers, trim the deck, and riffle again.
corners so they match the other cards as
closely as possible.
How do you riffle the cards? First, make
sure the edges of the deck are perfectly Make sure you
flat. Tap it gently on a table to set them.
get an adult to
Bend back one end of the deck, but not
too far, or you will not be able to riffle help with the
correctly. Softly let go of one card at a cutting and
time. When you come to the short card, trimming.
When you turn around, hold the
deck in your hand like before, and
insert the chosen card into the deck.
You’ve actually put the card into an
upside-down deck, but the
audience will think it's normal.
Ask a helper to choose any card
from the deck. Show it around, then
put it back in the deck. You try to
find it, but can’t. You spread the
cards out, but one card is upside-
down... it’s the chosen card!
Here is how it works: Your helper
picks any card she wants. If you
want, the front of the card may be Announce you will find the card
signed with a magic marker so they without looking, and hold the deck
can't forget the card. You then tell behind your back. Grab the top
her to show the card to everyone. To card (the one that’s upside-down),
make sure you don’t see it, turn show it to everyone, and ask if it
your back to the audience. Keep the was the chosen card. When they say
deck of cards in your hands. Now no, look a little worried and say
comes the secret move. you’ll try again.
Keep your elbows against your sides Reach behind you and grab the next
so the audience can’t see your arms card, show it to everyone, and
move. Turn the deck upside-down, again they will say no. Now act like
and then turn the top card upside you really messed up the trick, and
down. You now have a deck that start spreading the cards apart like
looks normal even though it’s in the photo at the top of this page.
actually upside-down.
When you come to the upside
down card, push it out onto the
table, but keep your finger on it. Tell
everybody that the card turned
upside-down by magic.
Now ask your helper what the name
of the card was, and when she says
it turn the card over. Take a bow!

I’m getting dizzy!

Now spell out the next card in the
CARD SPELLING list, the TWO, putting each card on
the bottom like before. Turn over
the top card, and place it on the
Before starting this trick, take the table. It will be the two. Continue
cards out of the deck that you see in with the rest of the packet. The list
the picture, and arrange them in of cards to spell are:
order like the picture. Put the rest of • ACE
the deck away. • TWO
It doesn’t matter which suits are • THREE Ask your audience
• FOUR to help you spell.
used (hearts, clubs, spades, • FIVE
diamonds). Don’t let anybody watch • SIX
you arrange the cards. • SEVEN
When you’re done, turn the stack of • NINE
cards (the packet) over in your hand • TEN
and hold it just like normal. • JACK
To make this more entertaining,
pretend you’re not sure if it will
work. Of course, you know by now
it will work IF YOU PRACTICE!!

As you perform more shows, things
will go wrong; but if you’re ready,
they won’t mess up your
One time a magician was doing a cut
and restored rope trick and his helper,
using a sharp pair of scissors, cut the
magician’s finger instead of the rope.
What would you do?
The best thing to do is make sure it
Start with the top card (the 3), and doesn’t happen at all. How? Cut the
spell the first card in the list (ACE), rope yourself, or use a pair of safety
scissors, or carefully hold the helper’s
taking one card off the top for each wrist when he cuts the rope. Always
letter, and putting that card on the figure out what could go wrong, then
bottom of the packet. Turn the next think of ways to keep mistakes from
card over, and it will be the ace. happening.
What did the cut magician do? He
Place the ace on the table, face up went off stage, got a cloth, and
so everybody can see it. wrapped his finger up. It got a laugh,
and everyone thought it was part of
the show. Of course, after the show
he washed it with soap & water, and
put a bandage on it.
The art of hand shadows, a form of
puppetry, goes back many years. It's
one of the earliest forms of
You can use an electric light shining
on a wall. By adjusting your hands
in the shapes of the pictures and
holding them in front of the light,
you can make shadows come alive.
This can be a fun way to tell stories,
perhaps as part of a magic show.
These figures will take a lot of
practice, and a video recorder may
come in handy
For this trick you will need a roll of
Lifesavers™ (or any candy with a
hole in the center), a handkerchief,
and a length of string or thin rope.
Here is how the trick looks. The
piece of candy is on the string like
the picture shows. A handkerchief is
Helpful Hints...
draped over the string hiding the
candy. Both ends of the string are World of Entertainment
held by other people. The magician Most tricks performed today have
been performed by other magicians in
reaches under the handkerchief and the past.
takes the candy off the string
What makes one magic show different
without breaking the candy or the from another is how the tricks are
string! presented to the audience along with
How? Before you start the trick, the personality of the magician.
carefully break a piece of the candy. To be a good magician, you must
You may have to try a few to get a ENTERTAIN your audience. People
clean break. will watch a trick and wonder how it
was done. But when people are
Glue the two pieces back together entertained by magic, they don’t
with just a little bit of glue, and give worry about how the tricks work. They
it time to dry. are too busy having a good time.
Make sure that this prepared candy How do you entertain? Watch other
is the first one in the roll, so it is the performers, and not always other
magicians. Watch singers, comedians,
one you put on the string. When you dancers, and see how they use their
reach under the handkerchief, have personality to set themselves apart
an extra piece of candy hidden in from the others. The best advice: BE
your hand. The best way to hide it is YOURSELF!
not to look at it. People tend to look
where you look. Quietly break the
candy on the string, and hide it in Some brands of
round candy works
your hand.
better than others.
Now bring out the unbroken piece,
holding it at your fingertips. Let
everyone look at the candy and the
string. While they are looking at it,
place both your hands in your
pockets, dropping the broken pieces
in also. It’s best to put both your
hands in your pockets, because if
you put one hand in your pocket, it
looks suspicious.
Hold a To start the
single piece trick, hide
of rope so the knot in
your friends your fingers
can see both so it doesn't
ends. show.
Drop one Your hand
end of the should look
rope while still holding onto the relaxed. If you're having trouble
other end. Point to the end hanging hiding the knot, make it smaller so
down, take a bow, then look at the it fits in your fingers better.
rope. The first two times you do the trick,
Oops... Nothing has happened. drop the end held between your
Try it again, but still... nothing fingertip and thumb. Keep the knot
happens. hidden. Pretend you made a
Then remember that your friends get mistake. This is a good chance to
to help by saying the magic word. practice your acting skills.
When they do, drop the end of the On the third try, ask the audience to
rope revealing a large knot tied on say the magic words. When they do,
it. Thank your friends for being such you appear to do the same move as
good magicians. before. But you actually do it in
HERE'S THE SECRET: reverse. Hold the end firmly
between your fingertip and thumb,
Before you start the trick, when
then open your other fingers to let
nobody is looking,
the knot end fall down.
tie a bundle of
loose knots near Point to the knot, and pause. This
one end of the pause is important, because it tells
rope. Leave an inch the audience that something has
or two sticking out. just happened, and it gives them
Make sure the time to notice the knot has
knots are big and appeared.
loose. Big so the This trick can be done with
audience can see them; loose so it’s something tied to the rope instead
easier to untie when you’re done. of a knot (as long as it will fit into
This prepared rope can be kept out your hand). For example, you could
of sight in your pocket, backpack, have a ring or small toy appear.
lunch-box, book-bag, or anywhere This is a fun trick that can be done
else you can easily reach. almost anytime. Carry it with you
everywhere so you're always ready
to amaze & entertain your friends!
A solid bracelet is tied onto the
string. Both ends are held by
someone, and a handkerchief is
draped over top of the bracelet. You
reach under the cloth and pull the
bracelet off the string… MAGIC!
Step 1: The secret is the way you tie
the string onto the bracelet. Fold the
shoelace in half, then pull it through
the bracelet (figure 1).
Step 2: Pull the ends through the
loop at the middle of the string
(figure 2), and pull it tight. This is
how the ring is tied to the string.
Step 3: Have somebody pull the
string, to make sure it is tight. Figure
3 shows what it looks like. Don’t
jerk on the string, or the bracelet
may break.
Step 4: Have a friend or two hold
both ends of the string loosely.
Drape the handkerchief over the
bracelet making sure it can’t be
seen. Reach under the cloth, and
pull the loop of string over top of the
ring. (Practice with your eyes closed
so you can do it perfectly.)
Pull the bracelet off the string, lift
the scarf, and show it to your
friends. Let them look at the
bracelet, handkerchief, and string.
You can also do this trick in reverse:
Have a friend hold both ends of the
rope, then you cover the center with
a scarf. Hold the bracelet under the
scarf, and “tie” it onto the rope A thick shoelace
while the ends are being held. Lift works well for
the scarf to finish the trick. this trick.
The magician holds a length of rope
(or shoestring, ribbon, yarn) in his
hands and pauses for a moment.
With a smooth movement, the
hands are brought together then
separated. TA-DA! A shoelace knot
has appeared.
You'll need a piece of rope.
Shoelace, yarn, ribbon or thick
flexible string will also work, but
not thread or curly ribbons.
Start by holding the rope in your
hands like you see in the top
picture. Relax your arms. Make sure
you're using the correct hand. The
right hand holds it loosely like a
hook, the left hand is palm up.
Notice the amount of rope hanging
down on the sides and in between
the hands are about the same size.
Turn both wrists so the hands are
now in position (2nd picture). These
images are from the magician's
The first finger of each hand is
raised up a bit so it looks like a
lobster claw. The left hand is closer.
The thumbs are not used.
Grab the rope with your first and
second fingers, then squeeze tight.
Keep your fingers as flat as you can,
and don't use your thumbs.
Keep gripping the rope as you pull
your hands apart. Don’t try to do if
fast, instead do it smoothly. Now
you have a shoelace knot!
You’ve probably seen this trick
before… the magician cuts a piece
of rope in two, waves his hand over
the parts, and they become one rope
This is a classic of magic. There are
hundreds of ways to do it. If you
study magic long enough, you’ll
discover that every magician has a
favorite method.
The envelope above has a notch cut
on each end. This is for the rope to
go through. These notches may
be cut while the audience is
watching. The holes on the front are
cut before you start the trick, and
should NEVER be seen by the
audience. The holes are not cut all
the way through the envelope, but
just through one side.
Pull the rope through the envelope;
but when threading the rope, slip it
out and back through the hidden
holes. Practice this so it’s done
smoothly without the audience
seeing it.
Lick the envelope and seal it. For a
joke, pretend the glue tastes bad &
make a funny face.
Now fold the envelope in half and
tighten the rope by pulling the ends.
Don’t tear the envelope yet.
Carefully cut along the fold. It will
look like you also cut the rope. Put
the ends of the envelope back
together, wave the wand, say the
magic words, wiggle your ears, or
whatever, then yank the rope out Get an adult
(tearing the envelope) and show it’s to help with
restored! the cutting
JUGGLING 1 • 2 • 3
ONE SCARF - Hold one scarf
dangling from the center. Swing
your arm across your body, and
toss the scarf up and across.
With your other hand, reach up
and catch it. Now toss it across
your body to the first hand. Do
this over & over & over. If you
don’t learn this step well, the others will be much harder.
Try to make each toss the same height. Study the drawings carefully.

Hold one scarf in
each hand. Toss
one just like
before, and when
it gets to the top of
the arch, toss the
other scarf across
your body. Catch
the first one, and
then the second.
Don’t toss both scarves at the same time. Wait until the first scarf is half-way
to your other hand before tossing the second scarf. Remember the two scarf
slogan: Toss-Toss-Catch-Catch.

Hold two scarves
in one hand (Black
& White), one in
the other (Grey).
Always start by
tossing one of the
two scarves. While
that scarf is in the
air, toss the grey
scarf from the
other hand.
Catch the white scarf, then toss the black scarf so your hand is empty to
catch the grey scarf. Always catch with an empty hand. Don’t place one scarf
into another hand, always toss it across to your other side.
The rubber pencil is more of an
optical illusion than a trick, but it
still is fun to include in a magic
show, especially if you are already
using a pencil for some other trick.
First show the pencil is normal by
tapping it on the table, or letting
somebody look at it. If you can
borrow a pencil, even better.
Hold the middle or the end of the
pencil between your first finger and
thumb tips. Now slowly twist your
finger and thumb tips back and
forth so the ends of the pencil go up HELPFUL HINTS...
and down. The ends don’t need to PACKS SMALL, PLAYS BIG
move very far or fast. There are many tricks and routines
that can be done with small props
At the same time you are twisting carried around in your pocket.
the pencil between your finger and That's one of the fun parts about
thumb, slowly move your hand up learning magic... you're always ready
and down about two inches each to show your friends a quick routine
way. The pencil will look like is is that amazes and entertains.
bending, as though it were made of When a magician says something
rubber. Watch yourself do this in "packs small and plays big", they
mean it takes up very little room in
front of a mirror, and you’ll see how their suitcase or pocket, yet it can be
this looks very strange to an a really amazing and fun routine.
audience. What does "play big" mean? There
After showing the pencil looks like was a famous entertainer who did a
it is made from rubber, hand it to great show with just a white glove on
his left hand. That glove, with the
somebody so they can see it is addition of a couple of cardboard
actually a regular stiff ears, became one of the most
pencil. beloved rabbit puppets of all time. It's
This could also be the performer that makes all the
difference. In this case, Jay Marshall
done with a pen, used his ventriloquist skills to bring
marker, small "Lefty" to life.
ruler, even your A single piece of rope is a common
magic wand. item for magic routines. There are
many wonderful routines that can be
performed... cut & restored, knots
appearing and disappearing,
I think my magic changing color, stretching, escapes.
wand is too big The magician Mac King does a great
for this trick! routine with just a piece of rope.
After wrapping a pencil in a napkin,
the audience says the magic words.
When the pencil is unwrapped, it
has changed color!
Spread the napkin flat on the table,
corner pointing to you (pretend that
it’s home plate on a baseball
diamond). Place the pencil in the
middle so it’s pointing towards 1st
base & 3rd base. Point out that it’s
yellow (or whatever color yours is).
Unknown to the audience is an
extra pencil hidden under the
napkin. Same position, different
color. Make sure nobody knows
about it.
Wrinkle the napkin a little to hide
the pencil underneath.
Grab both pencils and the napkin
together, and start wrapping. It
should look like you’re wrapping
just one pencil (the top one)
When you get to this point, with just
the corners showing, turn the
napkin over. Do this casually so it
looks like you’re still wrapping the
Wave your wand and ask the
audience to say the magic words.
While they’re doing that, slowly pull
the corners apart and show the
pencil has changed color!

This works best on

a tablecloth or a rug
on the floor.
The audience sees your empty hand Figure 1
holding a handkerchief (or a cloth
napkin, paper towel, etc). Figure 1
Tell your audience to watch closely;
something is about to happen. Don’t
tell them a pencil will appear
though... that would spoil the
Gently clap your hands together,
slowly lift the cloth (figure 2), and
suddenly a pencil appears! This is a
big surprise to the audience and is
actually easy to do. Of course, you
still have to practice to make sure
you can do it well each time.
Here’s the secret: Before starting the
trick, when nobody is looking, hold
a pencil in your hand (figure 3).
Palm up, pencil at the fingertips. Figure 2
Notice how the eraser end is up,
and sticking out above your fingers
just a little bit. This is so you can
grab it later.
Now drape the napkin over your
hand, and position it so the corner
is pointing towards your wrist, like Figure 3
figure 1. Make sure the pencil is
held at your finger tips. This way it’s
hidden much better by the napkin.
Keep your hand flat and your thumb
holding the cloth.
Turn your wrist to hold the pencil in
a normal position. Whisk away the
cloth and reveal the magically Grab the pencil thru
produced pencil! the cloth, and lift both
straight up. This is how
it looks under the
Dropping a pencil into an empty the pencil will be pulled up. Start by
plastic water bottle may seem a bit having the pencil move just a little,
odd. Waving your hand over top then a bit more, then rising slowly.
and saying magic words might be Act surprised.
even stranger. But when the pencil This is a very fun trick to do, but it
begins moving and floating by your must be done carefully. Moving the
command, you’re magical! bottle away from you should be
How does it performed smoothly and slowly. Use
work? your body positions, hand, and eyes
The pencil so people look at the pencil.
has a length Of course, this trick could be done
of thread tied with something other than a pencil.
to one end. You could make a wand rise from
These photos the bottle, a skinny vase, or from
show a thick your shirt pocket.
string, but Combing two different types of
that’s only so you can see it on the illusion in this trick can turn it into a
page. When you’re performing this very interesting routine. At first, the
trick for an audience, use a thin pencil or wand is becoming
thread. Also make sure it matches animated. It moves around on it’s
the color of your shirt own as if it’s alive. You could use the
as closely as possible. movements to illustrate a short story
Experiment with or even us the pencil as a puppet
various colors and who won’t stop moving.
you’ll discover which Later in the routine, the pencil or
is the hardest to see. wand levitates (floats)... a whole
Drop the pencil in new trick in the minds of the
the bottle, with the audience!
threaded end at the As with all
bottom. tricks,
The other end of the Make the pencil practice this
thread is tied to a button float with The one often
on your shirt, or your belt Magnetic and in front
buckle. It needs to be long Floating Pencil
of a mirror.
trick in this book.
enough that you can hold
the bottle, with the pencil
inside, about a foot in
front of you before the
thread gets pulled tight.
By moving the bottle away
from your body slowly,
Holding a pencil in your fist, you
explain that it has amazing
properties. If you hold your arm
really stiff and don't move, the
pencil will become magnetic and
stick to your hand.
Grab your wrist with the other hand
to steady your arm and stare straight
at the pencil. Slowly open one
finger at a time until just your
thumb is left holding the pencil.
Pause for dramatic effect; then lift
up your thumb to reveal the pencil
sticking to your hand like a magnet!
The Secret: As you can see in the
picture, your other hand is doing
more than just keeping your arm
steady. It's also holding the pencil.
Of course, make sure the audience This is a fun and easy way to make a
does not see this part of your hand. pencil float, and it can also be used
Position yourself so the side of your for lots of other objects. However, it's
body is towards them. not the only way. Making things float
has been in the repertoire of
When you grab your wrist, your first magicians for hundreds of years. It's
finger straightens out and holds the one of the most mystifying illusions.
pencil in place. But how? In the case of this trick, your
This should be done without finger provides the lift. But wouldn't it
be more amazing if you could let go of
anybody noticing. When you're your wrist and have the pencil float!
practicing this trick, your goal is to
If you have an extra pencil and wear a
grab your wrist and hold the pencil wristwatch and long sleeves, you can
in one movement, so there are no make it happen. Slip the extra pencil
suspicious adjustments or wiggling. under your wristband (when nobody
is looking, of course) and hide it under
The rest is acting and making it your sleeve. When you are holding
interesting to your audience. You your wrist, secretly slide the hidden
can pretend like it’s really hard to pencil out until it's holding the pencil
do, and you have to concentrate. in your hand. Make sure the other end
is still securely under your watchband.
This same trick can be done with Now do the trick as before with your
other things besides a pencil. If you hand holding your wrist while you
have a magic wand, this is a great slowly open the fingers to show the
trick to include. You could also use pencil floating. After a short pause,
a spoon, a stick, a straw, almost you can then let go of your wrist
anything that will fit in your hand.
The eyes cannot be fooled. It's the brain that is fooled. When something is
seen by your eyes, it's your brain that figures out what it is. There are many
ways to trick your brain.

Do you see
6 or 7 boxes?

Looking at these dice

can be very confusing!

Is this a rabbit looking to

the right, or a duck
looking to the left? Is the
Maybe there are paper really curved?
alternate dimensions?

Do you see 2 faces or 1 vase? Do any of these parts make sense?

Here’s a fancy flourish. And Hold the cards in
one that you can easily your right hand as
learn. A deck of you let them slowly
cards is sprung from drop into your left
one hand to the hand from below.
other cascading It gives the same
across like a illusion that the
waterfall. cards are springing
Magicians call this like a waterfall from one
“springing the hand to the other. Practice
cards.” It will take this until it’s easy.
you time to learn For fun, after cascading the
but it’s worth the cards forget to catch them and
effort. let the cards hang down from
To get started, hold your right hand. Act surprised
the deck in your and the audience will get a
hand at the fingertips good chuckle out of it.
and bend the deck
inwards towards your
palm. Let the cards slide
off your fingertips as you hold
them back with your thumb. Catch HELPFUL HINTS...
them in your other hand as they COMEDY IN MAGIC
spring forward. Aim the cards into When you do a magic show, there
are many ways to present it. How
the palm of your waiting hand. you present it makes a big difference
Practice this over a table or bed. It on how the audience enjoys it.
will make picking up the cards a lot You could be very serious. This works
easier. well if you are doing a mind reading
trick or a major illusion (such as
Here’s an easier method. Get about vanishing the Statue of Liberty).
40 playing cards and staple one end You could be very friendly. It’s always
of two cards together as shown in good to be friendly, but especially if
the photo above. Add a third card you’re doing a show for friends or
and staple it to one of the other young children.
cards at the opposite end. Repeat You could be funny. The comedy
this with a 4th card, and so on. approach is very popular. There are
different types of comedy. One
When you finished you will have a extreme is the slapstick clown who
deck of cards in a zigzag pattern as keeps falling and tripping. Another
shown. extreme is the standup comic who
tells jokes and does impressions.
The best way for deciding which
presentation to use is to be yourself
and to do what feels right for you.
This is more of a joke than a trick; Here is another good trick that turns
but to make it really funny, you out to be joke. Tell a helper you
need to act like it is an amazing have written a prediction of what
magic trick. they will say. Show the back of the
Start by borrowing a marker from paper, but make sure nobody can
somebody; then tell the audience see through it.
that you can turn this into a magic Now ask if your helper knows what
pencil. If nobody has a marker, just is written on this paper. When s/he
use one of your own. says no, you turn the paper around
Place the marker on the table, wave and show the word NO in big
your magic wand, say the magic letters.
words, wiggle your toes, or
whatever, then say that this marker HELPFUL HINTS...
is now a magic marker and will
write whatever color they name. GAG LINES
Whether you are doing tricks for
Have somebody name any color. friends or performing shows for a
Let’s say it is red. Now pick up the room full of strangers, it’s important
marker, and get ready to write. to make the tricks entertaining. One
Make it seem like you’re getting way is to have some funny things to
ready for a great feat of magic. say. These are called “ad-libs”
because they are supposed to sound
When you have everyone’s like you just made them up.
attention, quickly write the word Even the best performers have jokes
RED on the paper in big letters, and and funny “lines” written ahead of
hold it up for all to see. You may time. Whenever you hear something
now hand out the marker and the funny or think of a good line, write it
paper for examination. down in a notebook. Here are a few
to get you started:
• “Notice that my fingers never
leave my hand.”
• “Please close your eyes because
the trick is a lot easier to do that
• “My first trick this evening is
impossible, so I’ll start with the
• (Take the top card from the
Do you know any deck, place it in your friends
other jokes with hand, and say) “Select any card
the word “Red” or you like from the deck”
“Read” in them?
Tricks with balloons are always fun for Here is how this is done:
audiences, especially children. This You actually have two red balloons in
balloon trick is a silly routine, perfect if the bag at the beginning of this trick. Of
your magician character does comedy course, they could be any color, just
magic. make sure that both balloons are the
On a table is a brown paper grocery same color and size.
bag. It's fine if the bag is a bit torn and One balloon is kept in the bag with a
wrinkled. little bit of tape. Or just hold the
Open the bag, turn it upside balloon in place with your hands
down, and an inflated red when you turn the bag upside-
balloon falls out. Watch as it down.
falls, and bounce your head However you do it, make sure
up and down as the balloon that only one balloon falls out of
bounces. This will look very the bag when you turn it upside
funny. down. Also make sure the
Place the bag on the table, open audience does not see inside the
side up. bag when you turn it. Keep the open
Untie the balloon, and let the air out. It part pointed towards you when you
will make a silly noise, so make sure turn the bag over.
you react to that. You could point to the The balloon that falls out should be
balloon & say in a stern voice... " I loosely tied so you can easily
heard that, say excuse untie it and let the air out.
me.” Another idea is to have an
Hold the empty balloon uninflated balloon fall out
up for everybody to see of the bag at the beginning.
and drop it into the bag. You blow it up, let the air
Now comes another silly out and then drop it into the
part of this trick.... lean bag.
over the bag, and blow The rest of this silly routine is
into the top. Blow hard as just acting goofy and having
if you were actually fun!
blowing up a balloon. On the outside of the bag you
Keep your head above the could write your magician
bag. Stop now & then to name, or you could write "The
catch your breath. World Famous Balloon Trick".
When you are done blowing,
look into the bag, pause, then look at
the audience and smile again. Be as silly as
Pause again, reach into the bag, and you want with
pull out an inflated balloon. Hold it up this trick!
for all to see and take a bow!
If you can find a small globe, here is Tell your friends you can read their
a funny gag to use sometime during palm, then pull a fake rubber hand
a show. Small globes can be found from your pocket. Look closely and
at gift shops. Often they are used as read a story from it, “Once upon a
banks to save coins. Sometimes they time there was a beautiful princess.”
will have a pencil sharpener inside. (You won’t have to read any more
Ask a friend if he knows how to get than that.)
to the nearest store. When they start Ask what is so funny then turn the
to give you directions, tell them a hand around so they can see the
map would make it easier and pull words, which proves you can read
the small globe from your pocket. palms.
Point to it and say “We are here, When you carefully and neatly write
and the store is there. But don’t the words on the hand, use a marker
think you can get me lost, because I and be careful. Ink from the marker
know that blue part is water.” can be very messy.
Another gag you could use is this. Now tell them that palms are fun to
When talking with someone you read, but you liked the movie better.
might discover that you both know
Another joke is to ask your
the same person - or you both have
performing partner... “would you
the same birthday, some sort of
like your palm read?” When they
coincidence like that. When that
say yes paint their hand with
happens, show the globe and say
washable red paint, or write the
“It’s a small world, isn’t it!”
word “RED” in big red letters. Don’t
Here is popular one... When do this to a volunteer from the
someone asks where you live, or audience unless you’ve gotten their
you find out where they live, pull permission earlier.
out the globe and say “That’s easy to
get to. It’s only an inch and a half
drive from here!”
FUNNY COMEDY GAGS The Highly Trained Flea Comedy First Aid
Here are some quick, Performer in animal trainer At some point a performer
funny gags, perfect for just costume offers to show her pretends to get hurt, and
about any show. These partner a trained flea for two other people come on
may also be useful as only five dollars. He is with a stretcher to take
Scout meeting skits, talent asked to hold the flea's him away. However, the
shows, classroom jacket, boots, and hat, stretcher is just two broom
assignments, etc. which he does. Now the sticks with a blanket laid
Have a flower! flea does many amazing on top of them. Lay
tricks, such as stretcher down, roll
As the audience jumping from one patient onto blanket, then
is entering, hand hand to the other, pick up sticks and walk
someone a flower doing back flips, etc. off. The gag is the blanket
(which is inserted There is actually no and the patient stay on the
into a straw). flea, only the animal ground while the two
By holding the trainer using her eyes people walk off with just
top of the stem and head "watching" the sticks.
when they grab how the flea is Use ambulance driver
the straw, you moving (pantomime). jackets, siren sound
walk away with When the flea is effects, flashing lights, and
the flower, and they are finished, the animal trainer frantic movements. You
left with a straw. applauds, then slowly might even find hats with
This gag can also be used realizes that she just battery powered sirens on
with a helium balloon on squashed the flea. She top.
a short string tied close to starts acting very sad. The Funny Handshakes
your finger and a long partner is not upset and
length of string held in says he never believed This was made famous by
your hand. The person there was a flea in the first the Marx Brothers.
taking the balloon ends up place. The animal trainer Whenever two clowns
with the string. pauses, and asks "Then meet, they hold out their
why are you holding the hands as though to shake
With both these gags, it's a hands, then lift their legs
good idea to have a real flea's clothing?" The
partner gets angry, throws up into the others hand
flower, balloon or some and shake each other's
other treat to offer so they the flea's clothes down,
and stomps off. The animal ankles. Many other
don't feel cheated. variations could be
trainer smiles, takes a big
Dusty, dusty, dusty! wad of money from her developed... make your
This is a classic warm-up. pocket and counts it as own!
Walk through the she walks away.
audience with a feather
duster apologizing for the
dusty seats. Just as
somebody is about to sit,
gently dust off their seat;
but get carried away, and
start gently dusting off the
person's head, hands,
jacket, armpit.
Here is a trick that’s actually more of a puzzle. Be
warned, however, that you’re on your own to figure it out!
Trace or copy the large picture below, and cut along the
dark lines so you have 5 separate shapes.

Re-arrange the shapes

so it looks like this:
See the missing square
in the lower right hand
corner... Where did it go?
Get an adult to help with
the cutting
Red, blue, and
THE CRAYON TRICK yellow are good
colors to use.
They’re easier to
Who wouldn’t love to see inside a recognize.
closed box, especially around
birthday time? This trick will make What you’re actually doing is
people wonder if you really can. scraping a bit of crayon off with
A spectator places any color of your thumbnail. Bring your hand in
crayon into a box held behind your front of you, and point to the
back. You can tell, without looking, audience. When you do, glance at
what color is in the box. your thumbnail to see what color
the crayon is.
Dump all the crayons to be used on
the table. Now hold the empty box Try not to move your eyes though,
behind your back, and turn around. because people will notice that.
Instruct someone to place one Instead look at the audience, and
crayon in the box. When they’re move your thumbnail up towards
done turn around to face them and your forehead. This will give you
pretend to concentrate, staring into plenty of chance to see the crayon’s
their eyes. color without everybody noticing
your eye movement.
Announce in a loud clear voice
what color he placed in the box;
then place the closed box on the
table and let everyone open it and
look inside.

Helpful Hints… Costumes

The kind of clothing you wear when
you perform is important. If you do a
funny act, then you might want to get
some old clothes that are too big for
you. A hat is also a good thing to
have. A jacket is handy, especially if it
has a lot of big pockets that you can
carry tricks inside.
Of course, you don’t have to wear
goofy looking clothes to do a comedy
act. Some magicians do very funny
shows wearing a nice suit and tie.
For a serious act, you’ll want to look
your best, with a nice suit, well-
combed hair, and a tie.
Costume clothes can be found at
many secondhand stores. They are
low-priced, and there’s plenty to
choose from. Also keep an eye out for
hats, ties, even suitcases.
On the table is a piece of cardboard How does this work?
and a deck of cards. You explain to the The reason your audience helper can
audience that you will do this trick cut, shuffle and use any card in the
without touching the cards at any time. deck is because the predicted card is
Pick up the cardboard and have an not in the deck at all.
audience helper pick up the deck of The whole time
cards. Instruct them to place a card on you're holding the
the cardboard. You slide it off and begin cardboard and
making a pile placing the cards
of cards. on the pile, the 2 of
Have another hearts is held
card placed underneath the
on the cardboard, hidden
cardboard, from view. When
then another your helper is
and another. finished laying down the cards, you
While the drop the cardboard (with hidden force
pile of cards card underneath) on top of the pile. This
is forming, tell them they can stop at places the predicted card on top. That's
any time, they can pull a card from the it! Just make sure the card is positioned
middle of the deck, they can even cut the same way as the pile of cards.
or shuffle the cards if they want. There are a few details to keep in mind
When they decide to stop, you drop the when doing this trick. When sliding the
cardboard on top of the pile of cards. cards onto the pile, make sure you don't
Move your hands away, and ask tilt the cardboard... people may get a
somebody to please turn over the piece glimpse of the card underneath.
of cardboard. Written on the other side Practice this in front of a mirror so you
is a prediction. Now have somebody can be sure the card is not showing.
turn over the top card of the pile, and Emphasize many times that you are not
they match! touching the cards, this will make the
trick more powerful.
Wait until there are a few cards on the
pile before you mention they can stop
any time. If you tell them at the
beginning of the trick, and they stop
after one card... you have a problem.
If the pile gets messy to the point where
there may be confusion as to which is
the top card, ask your helper to
straighten it out a bit. Remember, you
don't want to touch the cards.
This is a great trick... practice and have
fun with it!
On the table are five Leave your force card
cards and a folded piece and the other one where
of paper with a they are.
prediction written on it. If neither of the two
The prediction is a cards pointed at is the
secret; only you know "force card", then put
what it is. those two cards onto the
Thru a process of pile, leaving three
elimination, the cards untouched.
are narrowed down to In other words, the
just one. When the helper does have a free
prediction is opened up, choice of cards.... but you decide
it matches the chosen card. It seems whether the cards stay or go.
that you can see into the future!
There are now two or three cards left on
Here is the secret: the table. This time ask the helper to
point to just one card.
Again, this card stays or goes depending
on whether it's the force card. If it is the
force card, move the remaining cards to
the pile and leave the force card where
it is.
If it's not the force card, move it to the
pile and ask the helper to point to
another card.
Eventually there will be one card left on
the table. This is the force card. Turn it
This is a useful technique for making the over so everybody can see.
audience think they are choosing the Now have the helper unfold the
card. In fact, it's the magician that prediction and show that they match!
makes the choice... which is why this
technique is called "Magician's Choice". Of course, this trick could be done with
items other than cards. Three to five
Before the trick begins, you need to objects work best. Any more or less and
know which card you want the you run the risk of the audience figuring
audience to pick. This is your "force it out.
card". Since they're face down, make
sure you remember where it is on the
table top.
Ask your audience helper to "point" to
two cards. Don't say "pick" or they may
pick up two cards which could spoil the
Now you have two choices to make
here, and this is where the secret of the
trick comes in.
If your "force card" is one of the two
pointed at, then place the other three
cards into a pile on the side of the table.
PICK A NUMBER Who knew math
could be magical?!

Have a spectator choose any number Here's the secret:

between 1 and 63. Tell them to write it Notice the first number of each card, in
down and put the paper in their pocket. the upper left corner. 1 • 2 • 4 • 8 • 16
Claim that you can tell what the number • 32. These are special numbers, each
is by listening to the tone of their voice double the one before it. Ask your math
as they answer yes or no to the or computer science teacher, they can
following questions. explain more about them.
Close your eyes (or put on a blindfold if All you have to do is add the special
you want to get extra fancy) and show number for each card that the spectator
them the first of these cards. Ask if their replies "yes". For instance, let's say the
number is on the card. When they reply, chosen number is "45". The spectator
pretend you are really concentrating. will answer "yes" for cards 1, 4, 8 and
Show the next card, ask again. Do this 32. Add these numbers together and
for all 8 cards. When done, pause and you get..... 45. As you are showing the
then announce in a loud clear voice cards, you'll need to know what the
what number they picked... it's correct! special number is on each one.

Copy this page on heavy paper, carefully cut out the cards. Ask an adult to help.
What if you could read with your
fingers? This trick shows that you
can. Three people write their names
on a piece of paper, a girl and two
boys. The paper is then torn in three
pieces, and the pieces are dropped
into a box or hat. With a blindfold
on, the magician is able to pull out
the one girl’s name.
Of course, this could be done with
two girl names and one boy name,
or two people wearing shoes with
laces and one with velcro, or two
people who take the bus to school
and one who walks.
Here is how it works.
The paper is folded into three parts,
and the names are written on the
paper like the picture. Now tear the
paper at the folds and drop the
pieces in the hat. Cover your eyes
with the handkerchief and reach
into the hat.
How do you tell which one is the
girl’s name? Feel the edges of the
paper carefully. The name in the
middle will be the only one with
two torn edges. The top and bottom
names have only one torn edge.
Pretend you’re thinking hard, and
people will think you can read with
your fingers.
With the use of a long strip of calculator
paper, you demonstrate a very strange
version of reality.
By taping the
Figure 3
ends together
(Figure 1), and
cutting down the
middle, you will
end up with 2
loops of paper. If you want to make the twists while
That is expected. taping the ends, you'll need to practice
Again, tape the the move until it is done very smoothly.
two ends Telling a story of some sort will help
Figure 1
together of keep attention away from the paper
another strip of paper, cut down the while you are making the twists.
middle... but now the loops are linked! The third strip of paper has two twists,
(Figure 2) as seen in figure 3. Again, cut down the
The third time, you cut down the middle middle.
and end up with one large loop! It helps to have a line drawn end to end
How does this happen? on the paper strips before starting. This
can be done easily by laying the strip of
As seen in figures paper on a table, putting a book at each
1,2 and 3, the end to hold it in place, then carefully
number of twists drawing the line with a pencil and a
in the loop makes yardstick.
all the difference.
Use safety scissors, and have an adult
The first loop has help. Or you could just tear the paper.
no twists when Some papers will tear in a straight line,
you tape the ends as well as certain cloths. You could
together. It helps make the loops from old newspapers,
the effect of the they are usually able to tear straight.
trick a lot to do
this regular loop THINK ABOUT THIS…
Figure 2 first. The
audience can see
and confirm that
cutting down the
middle results in
2 loops.
However, the second loop is twisted
before taping the ends, but the audience
must not be aware of it. Imagine that little
ant is walking
This is easy to accomplish, because the along the mobius
length of the paper strip hides any strip of paper.
twists. When preparing for this trick,
have the strips of paper laid on the table He will walk on
both sides of the
with the twists in place ahead of time. paper and never
This makes it easier to proceed. cross over the
edge of it!
With two hands and four practice, especially in
coins, you can make one front of a mirror. You
coin travel thru the space must be able to do the
between your fists and moves without even
appear in the other thinking about them.
hand.. is it teleportation? Practicing one hand at a
This is what the audience time is easier.
sees: You show four coins It must seem like the
with your two hands like trick hasn't started yet
the drawing above. Two when coins fall.
of the coins go inside For instance, you could
your fists. say.... "This trick that I'm
The other two are placed about to do works by
on top of your knuckles gravity. You know, when
by somebody from the things fall". Now drop
audience. the coins onto the table
After a bit of explanation top. "Like that. Would
about the effects of you please put those
gravity on the coins, you back on my knuckles..."
pause and have the Once those coins are
audience say the magic back on top of your
words. Upon opening knuckles, the audience
your hands, one coin has thinks the trick is just
traveled across! starting. In fact, it's
Here is the secret: basically over.
During your Hold your fists wide
"explanation" about apart, and move slowly.
gravity, you appear to Any fast motion would
drop the two coins from look suspicious.
your knuckles to the Keeping the fists apart,
table. Ask the audience move them slowly up
helper to place them and down. Grab the
back on your fists, then coins into your fists;
continue with the trick. then bring them back
The helper has just done down and hold still for a
the trick for you! moment. This pause is
When the audience sees very important.
two coins fall to to the Now slowly open your
table, they assume it is fists to show three in the
the coins that were on left, and one in the right.
your knuckles. That's the Again, this trick takes a
secret to this trick. lot of practice. But it's
When turning your fists worth it. This is a great
over, the left fingers grab effect and if done well,
the coin on top of the left will fool everybody!
hand and hides it in the must be done without Of course, you're not
fist. This is pretty easy. visibly opening the hand. limited to coins. You
The right fist, however, By turning your fist could also use game
does something totally sideways, you can hide chips (like in the
different. It drops the the opening that allows pictures), pebbles, small
coin from the top of the the coin to fall out. wrapped candy, or any
knuckles AND the coin This is not an easy trick four objects that look
from inside the fist. It to do. It takes a LOT of alike and can fit in your
hiding. Don't let the audience see
MAILING A COIN this. They should think that the coin

BY MAGIC is sealed inside. In fact, the pocket

remains open so the coin will fall
Deciding to mail a out without the audience
valuable coin to your Figure 1 realizing it.
friend, you send it via To get the coin to fall
magic express. out, simply turn the
This is what the audience envelope over in your
sees: You show hand. Gravity will make
everybody your valuable the coin fall into your
gold coin and wrap it up palm hidden behind your
in a piece of paper. After Figure 2 fingers.
saying the magic words With that same hand,
(with help from the hide the coin while
audience), you tear the reaching for your magic
paper into small pieces, wand. Grab your magic
and the coin is gone! wand with the same
Here is the secret: hand that is holding the
Figure 3 coin. This gives you a
It's all in the way you
fold the paper, plus a bit reason for keeping your
of sneaky misdirection at hand closed. But be
the end of the trick. careful not to let the coin
"clink" against the wand!
Start by placing the coin
on the paper (figure 1). Pause, look at the paper,
Figure 4 then slowly tear it into
Fold the bottom edge up
little pieces
(figure 2). The coin
should not be visible.
that the
Make sure it's not
coin is
peeking over the top.
Crease the folds as you're
making them and be as
Heavier coins
precise as possible. In this trick,
will slide easier.
neatness counts. (figures 3 & 4)
Both edges should be folded in Figure 5
the same direction, towards the
This next fold is the one that Figure 6
makes this trick possible. You
want it to look as though you
were folding the top flap of an
envelope (figure 5).
Notice how that fold creates a
"pocket" where the coin is
Drape the
PULLING A COIN napkin over
your wrist and
Figure 4

THRU A NAPKIN straighten it

out. Make sure
This is what the
there are no
audience sees:
Show your audience
Cover the coin
a coin in your hand.
again but lift both layers off of your wrist
You cover this coin
and place them over
with a cloth napkin
the coin. Figure 4.
or hanky, then show
everybody that it’s Notice that the coin
still there. Perhaps is now on the
they think it’s going outside of the cloth
Figure 1 and is only hidden
to disappear.
Twisting the bottom of the napkin, you by the fold in the
ask somebody to hold it tight. As if by middle.
magic, you slowly pull the coin right Straighten
thru the cloth... and show there is no everything so it
hole in the napkin! Figure 5
looks nice and neat.
Here is the secret: Now hold the coin with one hand and
You don’t actually pull the coin thru the grab the bottom of the napkin (figure 5).
napkin. By wrapping the coin in a Ask somebody to hold the napkin
special way, you make it look like it’s in tightly, making sure they don’t see the
the middle of the cloth. The coin is coin peeking out from under the cloth.
actually outside the napkin, near the You hold the coin in
edge. Here’s how. your fingertips and
Hold the coin like figure 1. This is slowly pull it out
important, so make sure you’re hand from under the
matches the photo. Your hand will stay cloth (figure 6). It
in this position for almost the will appear
whole trick. like it’s being
pulled right
Now cover the coin with the
thru the
napkin, making sure the coin Figure 6
napkin by
is in the middle. Again, this is
important. If you want, you
could have an audience
helper place the cloth over it.
Now come the secret move.
While straightening out the
napkin, you pinch some of it Figure 2
between your thumb and the coin.
Figure 2 is from the
magician’s point of view, it’s
what you see, NOT what
the audience sees.
Reach over the top of your
hand, grab the bottom of
the cloth closest to the
audience, and lift it up to
show that the coin is still
there (figure 3).
Figure 3
Sleight of hand magic - using pure skill in your first hand. Keep
to bring about a magical effect. With your thumb on the coin for
cards, coins, ropes and other small the rest of the trick with
items, the magician can perform your fingers flat.
apparent magic. Now pull your first hand
It takes a lot of practice, and your fingers back, still holding the coin,
may be doing things they’ve never done and close the fingers of the
before. When you see a skilled sleight of second hand at the same
hand artist perform, you may think it time. This should look just
looks easy. It’s not. But even though it’s like it did when you were
hard, it’s worth it. Practice is the key.... really putting it in your
lots of practice! hand (figure 4).
This is what the audience sees: Figure 4 Notice how the fingers are
A coin (or any small object) is shown to closed in figure 5… it looks
the audience. Placing it into the other like you’re about to punch somebody in
hand and making a magical gesture, the the nose (which is not nice).
hand is opened to reveal that the coin Make sure you close your
has vanished into thin air! fingers loosely like in
figure 4.
Here is the secret:
To really make the
You don’t actually put the coin into the audience believe the coin is
other hand. in the second hand, look at Figure 5
That may sound simple, but there is a lot that hand and move it up a
more to it. The coin has to look like it little. Keep your focus on that hand.
went into the second hand. There has to What about the first hand that is actually
be no doubt in the audience’s minds. holding the coin? Let it drop down to
Here’s how... your side as though it was not even
there. Don’t think about it, and NEVER
Hold the coin like figure 1. This is a
look at it.
natural way to hold a
coin. Say the magic words, pause, then open
your second hand.... the coin has
Next step, actually
place it into the other
hand and close your
Figure 1 fingers around it
(Figures 2 & 3).
Simple. Do this over
and over you’re not
even thinking about
Now that you’re tired
of this, let’s do it a bit
Figure 2 differently this time.
When you are turning
your hand over to This sleight of hand technique is
place the coin into very useful for magicians. I highly
your second hand, recommend you learn this well.
hold the coin with
your thumb so it stays
Figure 3
Borrow a dollar bill from somebody in
the audience. Or maybe a twenty... who
knows? You might get one!
Hold it up so the audience can see the
picture of the president on the front, and
point out that he is standing upright. Step 1
Fold the bill a few times keeping it held
steady and in full view. When you
unfold it, the president is now upside
Here’s how it’s done.
This one takes a lot of practice, because
the sequence of folds is important.
These photos are from your point of
view: what you will see when
Pre-folding the bill makes it much easier
to perform. Draw a dot on the back of
the bill. This helps you know which part
to grab at a crucial move. Step 2
Step 1:
While doing the folding, keep the bill as
motionless as possible. Act like it’s
“glued” to the air.
Step 2:
At this point, it helps if you hold the bill
from the top, where the letter “N” is
folded in half. Use just your fingertips so
it doesn’t look like you’re hiding
something. Fold the left side first, then
the right.
Step 3:
Before unfolding the bill, do the “magic
move”. It’s always fun to get your
audience involved by having them say
the magic word, wiggle their fingers,
maybe even do a silly dance. Use your Step 3
This part of the trick is the most
important. Make sure you are unfolding
the bill just like it shows in the photos.
Step 4:
The final move is where you reveal that
the president’s picture is now upside
If you finish and the president’s picture
is facing you, then try it again until you
see the word “ONE” upside down. Step 4
While your audience is All these moves should
watching you stretch a rubber- be practiced so they can
band around your first two be done in one smooth
fingers, you talk about the motion.
famous Harry Houdini. No Once the rubber-band is
ropes could hold him; he in position on your
always escaped. knuckles, you are ready
Even when held tightly to do the magic.
(squeeze the rubber-band) he Make sure the back of
was able to jump right out. your hand is facing the
When you open your hand, the audience and they can
rubber-band has jumped to see the rubber-band
your other two fingers in the easily (figure 2).
blink of an eye! Practicing in front of a
Here’s how it works: mirror (which is always
This is a very popular trick and a good idea) will help a
quite easy to do. Just pay lot.
attention to the photos and Pointing to the rubber-
make sure your fingers are in band helps to focus the
the same position. Figure 2 audience’s attention.
At the beginning you are You want them to know
stretching the rubber-band from that something is about
one side of your hand to the to happen, and they
other. This gets your audience better be watching. As
used to seeing you stretch it, usual, pause before you
and it helps to focus their do the next move.
attention on your hands. To make the rubber-
Before you close your fingers band jump across, open
into a loose fist, stretch the your fingers. It’s just that
rubber-band down along your Figure 3 easy! Make sure your
palm to your wrist (figure 4). Make sure fingers stay straight
the audience does not see this (figure 3). This happens
part, so keep the back of your very fast, which is why
hand towards them. Also, keep you want to make sure
the rubber-band against your the audience is looking
skin. Don’t lift it up away from closely.
your palm.
Now curl all your fingers so Can you figure out
they go inside the loop of the how to make two
rubber-band. Keep you thumb different color
Figure 4
out and make sure all your bands switch
fingers are inside (figure 5). places at once?
Notice that the fingers are Figure 5
straight, not bent over like a fist.
This is important.
Slide the rubber-band up your
fingers a bit so it rests on your
knuckles. Again, hide this from
the audience.
After showing a Audience
box empty, you
reach in and pull
out... anything Figure 1
that will fit!
Many types of
boxes will work
as long as they
have a lid that is Figure 2
not attached. Look at the pictures on
this page, and you'll see why.
The item you want to produce, called
the “load,” is in a cloth bag tied with a
string. That string is then attached to the
inside of the lid (figure 1).
The lid is placed on top of the box with
the load hidden inside (figure 2). Some
of these pictures are an “x-ray” view so
you may follow where the load bag is.
Figure 3
The box you use should not be clear.
Begin with the box on your table. Slide
the lid forward, towards the audience,
keeping the load hidden (figure 3).
Turn the lid up & show the inside of it
(figure 4). Rotate it if you want showing
the front & back of the lid. Make sure Figure 4
the string does not show. If the load is
Figure 5
lightweight enough, a thin thread will
work fine.
Drop the lid back down, then lift it up
and back. As always, keep the load
hidden (figures 5, 6, 7).
Once the lid is behind the box (figure
7), tilt the box forward and show
it's empty (figure 8). To put the lid
back on, just do these moves Figure 6
backwards. Then open the box
and pull out the items!
Practice with a mirror
and practice often!
Keep in mind where
the audience is so you
know what they can
see. If they are too far Figure 7
to your side, they will see
the load. Figure out a way
to block their view.
Figure 8
Two large sheets of cardboard are
shown empty by the assistant and
placed together. When they are
separated, a person appears
1st panel moved
between them! downstage &
Instead of cardboard you could also turned to show all
use foam core. It's more expensive,
Assistant walks to
but will last longer. You'll need to 2nd panel.
add supports to the panels so they
can stand upright (unless you're
using two assistants). The panels
should be tall enough for a person
to hide behind. Always slide them.
Don’t lift them up to move.
Downstage is towards the audience,
upstage is away.
The Secret:
Follow the illustrations, and you'll
see it's all in the sequence and
Second panel
position of the panels as they are moved downstage
being shown empty. The assistant & magician moves
moving the panels is on the right with it & hides
behind 1st panel.
(stage left, wearing earrings in the
illustrations), and the magician who Assistant turns 2nd
panel to show it’s
will appear is hiding behind the empty.
panel on the left (stage right,
wearing the hat). This could be used
to produce the assistant with the
magician moving the panels.
2nd panel slid
towards the left
Position of panels (stage right) &
at beginning of magician moves
trick. behind it and

This is a great trick Panel slid towards

for a school or the right (stage
scout talent show. left) & magician
appears by magic!
Once you begin collecting new
tricks, you will need something to HELPFUL HINTS…
carry them in. Some professionals SAVE YOUR IDEAS
Now that you’ve read and tried a few
use suitcases bought at thrift stores. routines, you may already be coming
Look around and you will find many up with ideas of your own. GREAT!!
possibilities for cases that will The best thing to do when you have a
match your new idea is write it down in a
notebook. Even if it seems silly and
show and could never work, write it down. That
personality. idea may spark another idea that
An old empty could become a great show.
tackle box Keep those notebooks. A magician in
would work Atlanta started keeping notes in
1974. He now has enough material
just fine. All to write dozens of books & magazine
those small articles and develop lots of new
compartments shows. He calls it his “Ideas File.”
are perfect for Think about your idea, and try to
holding cards, coins, rope, and any picture it in your head. Now get the
other items that you would use. materials you need; and PRACTICE!
You may know how the trick works,
How about an old lunch box? It’s but you still need to practice what
rugged, easy to find, not too you’ll say, how you’ll move, where
expensive, and you can have a you’ll stand, everything that makes a
snack after the show. routine entertaining.
For a comedy act, something really When you’re ready to perform for an
audience, you’ll feel confident and
different is in order. One magician sure of yourself because you know
uses a broken, dented garbage can exactly what is going to happen.
to carry his props in. That might be
hard for you to carry around. But
how about a paper bag? To make
sure it won’t break, you should
double-bag it (which makes a secret
pocket in the side... good for certain
tricks). An old shoe box decorated
with your name would look nice on
a small table.
A perfect table for beginning
magicians is a TV tray. They’re
lightweight, foldable, and sturdy
enough to hold small tricks.
Magic is very popular and FUN.
Everyone knows the name of David
Copperfield. He made the Statue of
Liberty disappear, as well as a jet Society of American Magicians:
airplane. David Blaine is well www.MagicSAM.com
known for floating. --------------------
Some magicians tour with large
stage shows. These are a real treat
to see, and you may get to meet
them backstage after the show. Society of Young Magicians:
Try to watch magicians whenever www.MagicSYM.com
you can. Search the TV schedule
and mark the shows that have them.
There are many books about magic.
Many can be found at your school
or local library. Most magic books
can be found around 793 in the
shelves. Study them, and learn as
much as you can about the
fascinating world of magic. Also try International Brotherhood
juggling, puppetry, balloon animals, of Magicians:
or even clowning. www.Magician.org
PRACTICING, AND • Magic: The Complete Course
HAVE FUN! by Joshua Jay.
• Complete Course in Magic
by Mark Wilson.
• Practical Encyclopedia of Magic
by Nicholas Einhorn.

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