Agam MCQ Physio Part

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1. Normal safety factor against edema is:

a. 7 mm Hg
b. 17 mm Hg
c. 27 mm Hg
d. 37 mm Hg

2. Interstitial fluid volume can be calculated by: [AIIMS Nov 2015]

a. Using radiolabeled water and 133I labeled albumin
b. Using radiolabeled water
c. Radiolabeled Na+ and radiolabeled albumin
d. Radioactive iothalamate

3. Which of the following is true about sodium?

a. Normal serum level is 135-145 mEq/L
b. Daily intake is 180 mmol of NaCl
c. Major portion is intracellular
d. Major reserve is skeletal muscle

4. Plasma protein contributes only ~1 mosm/ litre in plasma osmolality

because of:
a. High concentration, Low molecular weight
b. Low concentration, High molecular weight
c. Low concentration, Low molecular weight
d. High concentration, High molecular weight

5. Osmotic pressure of 1 mole of ideal solute relative to pure water is:

a. 6.5 atm
b. 22.4 atm

c. 4 atm
d. 1 atm
e. 2 atm

6. Peripheral cell membrane proteins are:

a. Pumps
b. Channels
c. Adhesion molecule
d. Enzyme receptor

7. Which of the following is Not a cell adhesion molecule:

a. Integrin
b. Cadherin
c. Selectin
d. Spectrin

8. Osmolarity is defined as:

a. Number of osmole per liter
b. Number of osmole per kg
c. Weight of solute per liter
d. Weight of solvent per litre

9. Active transport across the cell membrane is mediated by:

[AIIMS May 01]
a. G--proteins
b. Na+-K+ ATPase
c. Carrier protein
d. Channel protein

10. Most diffusible ion in excitable tissue is:

a. Na+
b. K+
c. PO4-
d. Cl-


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11. RMP of nerve cell is equal to which ion’s equilibrium potential?

a. K+
b. Cl-
c. Na+
d. Ca++

12. Increased velocity of conduction in a nerve is favored by:

a. Increased capacitance
b. Decreased capacitance
c. Increased resistance
d. Increased velocity

13. Person wakes up with pain, paresthesia, tingling of the arms. He had
slept with arm below the head. Which fibers are involved?
a. Type A fibers
b. Type B
c. Type C (pain)
d. Type C (postganglionic)

14. Neurapraxia is a type of:

a. Physiological conduction block
b. Axonal disruption
c. Endoneurium disruption
d. Nerve trunk discontinuation

15. Conduction in which type of nerve fibers is blocked maximally by

a. C fibers
b. A alpha fibers
c. A beta
d. A gamma

16. Thin filament consists of all except:

a. Actin
b. Troponin
c. Myosin
d. Tropomyosin

17. Staircase phenomenon (Treppe) is due to:

a. Increased availability of intracellular calcium
b. Synthesis of stable troponin C molecules
c. Summation
d. Tetanus

18. Heart muscle, true are all except:

a. Act as syncytium
b. Has multiple nuclei
c. Has gap junctions
d. Has branching

19. True regarding excitation contraction coupling in smooth muscles is:

a. Presence of troponin is essential
b. Sustained contraction occurs with high calcium concentration
c. Phosphorylation of actin is required for contraction
d. Presence of cellular calcium is essential to cause muscle contraction

20. Smooth muscle that exhibits rhythmical contraction in the absence

of external stimuli also necessarily exhibits which of the following?
a. “Slow” voltage-sensitive Ca++ channels
b. Intrinsic pacemaker wave activity
c. Higher resting cytosolic Ca++ concentration
d. Hyperpolarized membrane potential
e. Action potentials with “plateaus”
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21.A 60yr old woman has a resting heart rate of 70 beats/min, arterial
BP 130/85mmHg, normal body temperature. Use the pressure volume
graph of her left ventricle below. What is her cardiac output in ml/min?

a. 2000
b. 3000
c. 4000
d. 6000
e. 7000

22.A 60-year-old man’s ECG shows that he has an R-R interval of 1.5
seconds at rest. Which statement best explains his condition?
a. He has fever
b. He has a normal heart rate
c. He has decreased parasympathetic stimulation of the S-A node
d. He is a trained athlete at rest
e. He has normal polarization of the S-A node

23.Which of the following is most likely to cause the heart to go into

spastic contraction?
a. Increased body temperature
b. Increased sympathetic activity
c. Decreased extracellular fluid potassium ions
d. Excess extracellular fluid potassium ions
e. Excess extracellular fluid calcium ions

24.What is the normal total delay of the cardiac impulse in the A-V node
+ bundle?
a. 0.22 second
b. 0.18 second
c. 0.16 second
d. 0.13 second
e. 0.09 second

25.Which statement best explains how sympathetic stimulation affects

the heart?
a. The permeability of the S-A node to sodium decreases
b. The permeability of the A-V node to sodium decreases
c. The permeability of the S-A node to potassium increases
d. There is an increased rate of upward drift of the resting membrane
potential of the S-A node
e. The permeability of the cardiac muscle to calcium decreases

26.What is the delay between the S-A node discharge and arrival of the
action potential at the ventricular septum?
a. 0.80 second
b. 0.16 second
c. 0.12 second
d. 0.09 second
e. 0.03 second
27.Sympathetic stimulation of the heart normally causes which

a. Acetylcholine release at the sympathetic endings

b. Decreased heart rate
c. Decreased rate of conduction of the cardiac impulse
d. Decreased force of contraction of the atria
e. Increased force of contraction of the ventricles

28.When recording lead II on an ECG, the negative electrode is in the

a. Right arm
b. Left leg
c. Right leg
d. Left arm + left leg
e. Right arm + left leg

29.When recording lead I on an ECG, the right arm is the negative

electrode and the positive electrode is the
a. Left arm
b. Left leg
c. Right leg
d. Left arm + left leg
e. Right arm + left leg

30.A 55-year-old man has been diagnosed with Stokes Adams

syndrome. Two minutes after the syndrome starts to cause active
blockade of the cardiac impulse, which of the following is the
pacemaker of the heart?
a. Sinus node
b. A-V node
c. Purkinje fibers
d. Cardiac septum
e. Left atrium


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31.Speed of conduction is fastest in:

a. AV node
b. SA node
c. Bundle of His
d. Purkinje system
e. Ventricular muscle

32.Vagal stimulation of the heart causes:

a. Increased heart rate
b. Increased R-R interval in ECG
c. Increased force of heart contraction
d. Increased cardiac output

33.Preload leads to:

a. Isovolumetric relaxation
b. Isovolumetric contraction
c. Peripheral resistance increase
d. Parasympathetic nervous system activation

34.Starling's law implies:

a. Increased VR leads to increased CO
b. Increased discharge leads to increased CO
c. Increased HR leads to increased CO
d. Increased BP leads to increased CO

35.Cardiac index is defined as

a. Stroke volume/m2 BSA
b. CO per unit body surface area
c. Systolic pressure/m2 BSA
d. End diastolic volume

36.During diastole, the arterial pressure is maintained by:

a. Elastic recoil of aorta
b. Musculature of arteries

c. Constriction of capillaries
d. Contraction of left ventricle

37.Detectable fall in blood pressure occur in:

a. Sympathetic stimulation
b. Inhibition of VMC
c. Disinhibition of VMC
d. Stimulation of vagal center

38.Bernoulli’s principle states:

a. Sum of kinetic energy of flow and pressure energy is constant
b. Low tones producing maximal stimulation at apex of cochlea
c. Magnitude of the sensation felt is proportionate to the intensity of
d. Force of contraction is proportional to the stretch of cardiac muscle

39.Which one of the following is the correct statement regarding

coronary food flow?
a. Coronary blood flow is directly related to perfusion pressure and inversely
related to resistance
b. Coronary blood flow is inversely related to perfusion pressure and inversely
related to resistance
c. Coronary blood flow is directly related to perfusion pressure and also to
d. Coronary blood flow is inversely related to both pressure & resistance

40.Increased BP and decreased heart rate is seen in:

a. Hemorrhage
b. High altitude
c. Raised intracranial pressure
d. Anemia
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41.Used to measure GFR:


a. Inulin
b. PAH
c. Hippurate
d. D2O

42.Juxtaglomerular apparatus lies in relation to:

a. Proximal convoluted tubule
b. Ascending loop of Henle
c. Descending loop of Henle
d. Glomerulus

43.In renal disease albumin is first to appear in urine because:

a. Of its high concentration in plasma
b. Has molecular weight slightly greater than the molecules normally
getting filtered
c. High albumin: globulin ratio
d. Tubular epithelial cells are sensitive to albumin

44.Renin is secreted from which of the following cell:

a. JG apparatus
b. Macula densa
c. Endothelial cell
d. Mesangial cell

45.Main function of DCT cells:

a. Acidification of urine
b. Water absorption
c. Amino acid reabsorption
d. HCO3- reabsorption

46.Proximal convoluted tubule has which type of aquaporins?

a. Aquaporin 1
b. Aquaporin 2
c. Aquaporin 5

d. Aquaporin 9

47.The principal site of absorption of sodium is:

a. Proximal convoluted tubule
b. Distal convoluted tubule
c. Loop of Henle (thick portion)
d. Collecting duct

48.Maximum absorption of water takes place in:

a. Proximal convoluted tubule
b. Distal convoluted tubule
c. Collecting duct
d. Loop of Henle

49.The principal site of acidification of urine is:

a. Distal convoluted tubule
b. Proximal convoluted tubule
c. Loop of Henle
d. Collecting duct

50.Vasopressin acts by:

a. Water transport across collecting duct
b. Water absorption at Bowman's Capsule
c. Water secretion at loop of Henle
d. Water transport at PCT


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51.GFR is determined by the following

a. Bowman's capsule pressure

b. Hydrostatic pressure
c. Plasma oncotic pressure
d. All of the above

52.Bicarbonate is absorbed
a. Actively in PCT
b. Actively in DCT
c. Indirectly in PCT
d. Indirectly in DCT

53.Aldosterone mainly acts upon

a. PCT
b. Loop of Henle
c. Glomerulus
d. Collecting duct

54.Which of the following occurs along with glucose transport in cell?

a. Sodium symport
b. Sodium antiport
c. Potassium transport
d. Amino Acid transport

55.Least clearance is for among these

a. Glucose
b. Inulin
c. Urea
d. Creatinine

56.Maximum osmotic gradient is found in

a) Outer medulla
b) Inner medulla
c) Outer cortex
d) Inner cortex

57.Which of the following is not a component of countercurrent

multiplier mechanism?
a) Thick ascending limb of loop of henle
b) Collecting duct
c) Vasa recta
d) Thin descending loop of henle

58.Renin is secreted by
a) Juxtaglomerular cells
b) Macula Densa
c) Mesangial cells
d) Glomerulus

59.Erythropoietin is secreted from

a) Juxtaglomerular cells
b) Macula Densa
c) Interstitial cells
d) Glomerulus

60.Potassium is maximally absorbed in which part of nephron?

a) PCT
b) DCT
c) Collecting ducts
d) Loop of henle

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61.What RBC enzyme facilitates transport of carbon dioxide (CO2)?

b)Carbonic anhydrase
c)Superoxide dismutase
d)Globin reductase

62.Which cell type migrates into inflammatory sites to clean up necrotic

tissue and direct tissue remodeling?
a)B lymphocytes
d)Dendritic cells

63.Which statement is true?

a)In a transfusion reaction, agglutination of the recipient blood occurs
b)Shutdown of the kidneys after a transfusion reaction occurs slowly
c)Blood transfusion of Rh+ve blood into any Rh-ve recipient will result in an
immediate transfusion reaction
d)A person with type AB Rh-positive blood is considered a universal recipient

64.During the second trimester of pregnancy, where is the predominant site

of RBC production?
a)Yolk sac
b)Bone marrow
c)Lymph nodes

65.Fluid exudation into the tissue in an acute inflammatory reaction is due to

which of the following?
a)Decreased blood pressure
b)Decreased protein in the interstitium
c)Obstruction of the lymph vessels
d)Increased clotting factors e)Increased vascular permeability

66.Which agent is not effective as an in vitro anticoagulant?

b)Warfarin (Coumadin)
c)Ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA)
d)Sodium citrate

67.Which phagocytes can extrude digestion products and continue to survive

and function for many months?

68.Patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) exhibit abnormal

functioning of which of the following mechanisms?
a)Antibody production only
b)T cell–mediated cytotoxicity only
c)Degranulation of appropriately stimulated mast cells
d)Both antibody production and T cell–mediated cytotoxicity

69.Which coagulation pathway begins with tissue thromboplastin? a)Extrinsic

b)Intrinsic pathway
c)Common pathway
d)Fibrin stabilization

70.Which of the following is true about helper T cells?

a)They are activated by the presentation of antigen by an infected cell
b)They require the presence of a competent B-cell system
c)They destroy bacteria by phagocytosis
d)They are activated by the presentation of antigen by macrophage or
dendritic cells


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71.Compliance of lung is measured by:

b)Amount of air
c)Blood flow
d)Presence if fluid

72.Tidal volume is calculated by:

a)Inspiratory capacity minus the inspiratory reserve volume
b)Total lung capacity minus the reserve volume
c)Functional residual capacity minus residual volume
d)Vital capacity minus expiratory reserve volume

73.Regarding dead space volume in a normal individual:

a)Anatomical dead space > physiological dead space
b)Anatomical dead space = Physiological dead space
c)Anatomical dead space < Physiological dead space
d)Anatomical dead space is not related to physiological dead space

74.A person is having normal lung compliance and increased airway

resistance. The most economical way of breathing for him:
a)Rapid and deep
b)Rapid and shallow
c)Slow and deep
d)Slow and shallow

75.Surfactant production is accelerated by:


76.Pulmonary function abnormalities in interstitial lung diseases include

all of the following except:
a)Reduced vital capacity
b)Reduced FEV1/FVC ratio
c)Reduced diffusion capacity
d)Reduced total lung capacity

77.Set of data which correctly defines restrictive lung disease is:


a)↑ FRC, ↓compliance of lung tissue

b)↑FEV1/FVC, ↓compliance of lung tissue
c)↓FEV1/FVC, ↓compliance of lung tissue
d)↑TLC, RV is ↓

78.Normal alveolar ventilation pressure on inspiration is:

a)– 1 cm water
b)– 1 cm Hg
c)+ 1 cm water
d)+ 1 cm Hg

79.Stability of alveoli is maintained by:

a)Compliance of the lungs
b)Residual air in alveoli
c)Negative intrapleural pressure
d)Reduce surface tension by surfactant

80.Functional residual capacity of lung is defined as:

a)Volume expired after normal expiration
b)Volume remaining after forced expiration
c)ERV + RV
d)Tidal volume + volume inspired force fully


1.b 11.b 21.e 31.d 41.a 51.d 61.b 71.b

2.c 12.a 22.d 32.b 42.b 52.c 62.b 72.a

3.a 13.a 23.e 33.b 43.b 53.d 63.d 73.b

4.d 14.a 24.d 34.a 44.a 54.a 64.d 74.c

5.b 15.b 25.d 35.b 45.a 55.a 65.e 75.b

6.c 16.c 26.b 36.a 46.a 56.b 66.b 76.b

7.d 17.a 27.e 37.b 47.a 57.c 67.c 77.b

8. a 18.b 28.a 38.a 48.a 58.a 68.d 78.a

9. c 19.d 29.a 39.a 49.d 59.c 69.a 79.d

10.b 20.b 30.b 40.c 50.a 60.a 70.d 80.c

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