Factors Influencing Career Choices: IBT Journal of Business Studies Volume 15 (1), 2019, 33-45
Factors Influencing Career Choices: IBT Journal of Business Studies Volume 15 (1), 2019, 33-45
Factors Influencing Career Choices: IBT Journal of Business Studies Volume 15 (1), 2019, 33-45
Almost every individual is to face the challenge of the occupational choice problem at one or another
time. However, students are particularly to encounter such problem while the selection of study
programmes. It is widely believed, particularly by students, that selection of study programmes
is the major factor, which leads the students to struggle for their desired future career. This study
attempted to explore the roles of mothers, fathers, tutors, future income, future status, and societal
difference by labelling all of such factors as “Influencers” on the career choice of young students.
From this perspective, cross-sectional data based on primary data collection was gathered from
different university students based in Karachi via a developed questionnaire and through non-
probabilistic convenience sampling. The gathered data was, subsequently, analyzed through one
sample t-test and one way repeated Measure ANOVA by employing SPSS statistical package. The
result of the study highlighted the relative importance of various career choice influences& that
averages of variables of influence are statistically different F (4.215, 699.727)= 27.405, p<o.o5.
These results could be used to make the student opt the right career path and excel in the desired
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Selection of thedesired career can be stated as the top most priority of every individual in the
world. Nevertheless, students at college level seem more worried about their future career. From
this perspective, Nyamwange (2016) points out that every individual is to face the challenge of
theoccupational choice problem at one or another time. However, students are particularly to
encounter such problem while the selection of study programmes. It is widely believed, particularly
by students,that the selection of study programmes is the major factor, which leads the studentsto
struggle for their desired future career (Theresa, 2015). It would not be wrong to state that selection
of study programmes is based on the selection of future career. Therefore, the wrong selection of
study programmes leads the students towards anundesired future career.
Nyamwange (2016) argues that selection of the desiredcareer is a difficult and not a straightforward
undertaking, as it requires specialization at aworkplace, which means individuals must have
specializededucational background prior to embarking on the practical life. On the other hand,
individuals must be good decision makers prior to the selection of educational background.
According to Korkmaz (2015), various factors such asextrinsic and intrinsic (or both combined)
have asignificant influenceon the career choices of individuals. From this perspective, the intrinsic
factors are based on the interests, personality, self-concept, cultural identity, and attitudes of
individuals. In contrast, the extrinsic factors are based onsocial contacts, availability of respective
resources including information and finances, role models, globalization, level of educational
accomplishment, ethnic background, and so on. Nevertheless, one of the most significant issues is
the decision making, particularly when it comes to taking admission for a specific study programme.
Like other countries, choosing theright future career has become an important factor for young
students in Pakistan as well.Students in Pakistan are expected to consider certain factorswhile
choosing their future career as well as college majors.Nevertheless,a wide range of factors
influencesthe decision of students regarding the selection of college majors or future career. Some
of the factors include parents and parenting styles (Sarwar, 2016), religious figures, coaches, or any
role models in the life of students. Despite a large number of research studies exploring the factors
influencing the decision of students regarding their future career, it is a big issue for most of the
students to understand such factors. This study attempts to explore the roles of mothers, fathers,
tutors, future income, future status, and societal difference by labelling as “Influencers” on the
career choice of young students.From this perspective, it attempts to answer the following question:
What are the roles of influencers in choosing afuture careerby students in Pakistan?
With this research Question different research hypotheses for this study are as Follows:
H1:variable of the mother has no significant impact on the career choices of students.
H2: variable of the father has no significant impact on the career choices of the students.
H3: variable of tutor has no significant impact on the career choices of the students.
H4variable of future income has no significant impact on the career choices of the student.
H5: variable of societal difference has no significant impact on the career choices of the students.
H6: variable of future status has no significant impact on the career choices of the students.
H7: different variable does not differ in their level of influence on the career choicesof the students.
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Rani (2014) conducts astudy to explore the impact of parenting style on the career choice of students
and found that parents play a key role in the career development of students. While determining the
influence of parents on the decision of African American students, Hairston (2000) found, “In early
adulthood, many African American children, particularly African American females are influenced
by the aspirations of their mothers”(p. 7). Hairston (2000) further explains that mothers are cited
as influential figures, particularly because they provide their children with support, whicheases the
apprehensions of students about career choice. Considering this factor, Hairston (2000) believes a
strong influence of mothers on the career choice of students.Working on a study, O’brien, Friedman,
Tipton, and Linn (2000)investigate the career aspiration and career self-efficacyof young women
in the light of separation from and attachment to parents. The findings of the study revealed,
“Attachment to mother had a significant direct effect on career self-efficacy, and career self-efficacy
again influenced career aspiration” (p. 309).
According to Allen and Daly (2007), spending the time with children for the sake of taking their
care provides the fathers with opportunities to show their affection towards their children. It always
assists them to nurture their children. Exploring a range of factors that may influence choosing
acareerby the management students in India, Agarwala (2008) found, “Skills, competencies, and
abilities were the most important factor and father was the most significant individual influencing the
career choice of Indian management students” (p. 362). While determining the influence of certain
factors including gender, age, location, paternal and maternal occupation as well as their education
levelson the career preferences of students in Malaysia, Huern, Khairuddin, Ismail, and De (2015)
found that not only the fathersbut also occupations also play a significant role in thepreference of
career path of children.
Conducting astudy on South African students regarding their career choice, Shumba and Naong
(2012) found that teachers were the most significant factors influencing the aspirations and career
choice of students. Citing Barnett (2007), Shumba and Naong (2012) also figured out that as parents,
teachers are also viewed as crucial playersfor the career path, which young students are eventually
to pursue in their future lives. In the same way, Faitar and Faitar (2013) attempting to understand
the guidance of teachers and the extent it helps the students choose science-oriented careers found
that “an early attention to students’ skills and aptitudes, especially when dealing with minority and/
or underprivileged ones, is critical in encouraging them to follow future STEM careers” (p. 10).
Investigating the factors influencing the career selection of student, Ahmed, Sharif, and Ahmad
(2017) explored the need of counselling sessions and similar other interventions for students that
can build their interest in the available options and theright choice of career.
Future Income
According to Edwards and Quinter (2011), most of the students give priority to the career their
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parents prefer, other follow that their educational backgrounds have opened for them, some choose
to follow their passion without considering the outcome, and some give preference to the career that
can bring high income in their future. Conducting astudy to identify the major factors inducing the
Pakistani graduatesfor their career choice, Abbasi,and Sarwat (2014) explored that salary structured
was among one of the significant factors that influence the career choice of graduate students in
Pakistan. According to the results of the study conducted by Wilson and Donnelly (2011), “The most
important factor for students that entered industry or have an interest in the private sector was salary,
followed by lifestyle” (p. 5).
Future Status
Figure 1: Framework
The cross-sectionaldata collected for this comparative study is primary in nature. The respondent
has given direct responses toparticular Questions asked fromthem. They rated each Question based
on their Agreement level on it.
The variables of this research are termed career influences. The career influences are factors
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that could be a part of an individual’s career decision-making processes or that could direct an
individual’s career decision. Six career influences, which are mother, father, tutor, future status,
future income and making difference in society, are taken on ascale to highlight their effect on career
choice decision.
The Research participants consisted of different university students of Karachi. The participants are
selected disregard to their discipline they are enrolled in, or their Age. The findings of the research
could be generalized to an average student studying at the University of Karachi highlighting their
career decision-influencing factors.
Research instrument:
The adopted research instrument, used for this research gained its roots from the Questionnaire
developed by Daire, LaMothe & Fuller (2007). The Questionnaire was termed as CIIQ (Career
Involvement & Influence Questionnaire). This Questionnaire originally consisted of two sections-
one for pure Quantitative data and one section for Qualitative assessment of responses.We have
taken the Quantitative section of CIIQ for our Analysis. It will assess the different influences on
the career choices of a student. The close-ended Questions wouldevaluate the potential influence
enforced by these factors on career choices with a 1-5Likert scale.
Participant’s selection for the sample is based on non- probabilistic, convenience sampling technique.
In the beginning, 180 sample size was selected for applying repeated Measure ANOVA with 80%
of statistical power but due to a number of incomplete Questionnaires only 167 Questionnaire
Qualified to be part of the study and contributing towards its analysis.
Statistical Technique:
For the current study,one sample t-testand a one way repeated Measure ANOVA research technique
is applied. Since the same participant rated on different career influences and a comparison is done
by the means of these career influences. The Analysis would be based on factors should be answered
by the same cases (e.g. participant) in order to apply this technique since it is considered as an
extension of thematched paired test.
The results of the study can be highlighted with the help of tables and interpretations given below.
1. Descriptive Analysis:
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Table 1: Demographic
Majority of our respondents 71% belong to the age bracket of 18-24 since it’s an average age
for individuals studying in any university.12 and 16.8% of the respondents belong to other age
brackets.61% of them are undergraduatestudents whereas, 16.8 and 22.2% are intermediate and
graduates. out of 167, 70 are females and 97 are males.
Measure: MEASURE
Influencing_Factors Career choice influences
1 Mother
2 Father
3 Tutor
4 Future Income
5 Future status
6 Societal Difference
Table two highlights the different career choice influences considered for the study. One sample t-test
and one way repeated Measure ANOVA are applied to these six influences, rated by an individual as
affecting its career decision-making process.
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Since the career choices influences were rated on 5 pointsLikert scale from highest to lowest, it
could be observed future status (4.1018 + .97952), Future Income(3.8922 + 1.10328), the societal
difference (3.6407 + 1.14714) and father influence(3.6347 + 1.38564) has recordedmore than average
responses. Furthermore, mother (2.9760 + 1.42673) and tutors (2.9760 + 1.31695) influences are
more or less same and closer to average response.
2. Graphical Analysis:
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Figure 2:
The graphical Analysis also highlights that the major influencer, having peaked in the graph,inthe
career decision making of an individual is factor 5, which is future status. Whereas, mother and tutor
as factor 1 and 3 respectively, lacking their influence in the career choice, are highlighted as a lowest
mean point in the graph.
3. Inferential Analysis:
The individual variable significanceis tested via one sample t-test while taking 3 as the test value.
Whereas, the mean comparison is conducted by repeated Measure Anova.
Test Value = 3
It can be well observed from the above table that the variable of mothert (166) =-.217, p=.829
and tutor t (166) =-.235, p=.814 arelacking their statistical significance. Furthermore, the variables
of father t (166) =-5.920, p=.000, Future Income t(166) =10.451, p=.000 , Future Status1 t (166)
=14.536, p=.000 and societal Difference t (166) =-7.218, p=.000 are significant in influencing
students career choice. Hence, from one sample t-test,we could reject H1, H3 and retain H2, H4,
H5,and H6.
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i. Testing of sphericity:
Measure: MEASURE_1
Within- Mauchly's W Approx. Chi- df Sig. Epsilon
Subjects Effect Square
Greenhouse- Huynh- Lower-
Geisser Feldt bound
The null hypothesis for atest of Sphericity by Mauchly’s state that within-subject differences equal
variance is supposed. Since P=000 null rejected so the Assumption is violated chi squared=.131.124.
Violation of Sphericity assumption & epsilon value greater than 0.75 opens the door for Huynh-
Feldt correction (Maxwell & Delaney, 2004).
Measure: MEASURE_1
Source Type III Sum of Df Mean F Sig. Partial
Squares Square Eta
Influencing_ Sphericity Assumed 182.834 5 36.567 27.405 .000 .142
Greenhouse-Geisser 182.834 4.099 44.610 27.405 .000 .142
Huynh-Feldt 182.834 4.215 43.375 27.405 .000 .142
Lower-bound 182.834 1.000 182.834 27.405 .000 .142
Error Sphericity Assumed 1107.499 830 1.334
Greenhouse-Geisser 1107.499 680.353 1.628
Huynh-Feldt 1107.499 699.727 1.583
Lower-bound 1107.499 166.000 6.672
Using Huynh-Feldt statistics since the Epsilonvalue is greater than 0.75. The Huynh-Feldt rows
of the table will notify that means of the criterion variable are statistically meaningfully different
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for the changing influencesof the within-subjects factor (i.e., whether averages of influences are
statistically different between mother, father, future income, tutor, making difference in society &
Future Status ). Since the sig value =.000 so there exist a difference.Averages of variables of influence
are statistically different F (4.215, 699.727) = 27.405, p<o.o5 so Null hypothesis is Rejected.
The effect size for highlighting variability within-subject factor is given by partial Eta Squared.
Measure: MEASURE_1
Source Type III Sum of df Mean F Sig. Partial
Squares Square Eta
Influencing_ Sphericity Assumed 182.834 5 36.567 27.405 .000 .142
Greenhouse-Geisser 182.834 4.099 44.610 27.405 .000 .142
Huynh-Feldt 182.834 4.215 43.375 27.405 .000 .142
Lower-bound 182.834 1.000 182.834 27.405 .000 .142
Error Sphericity Assumed 1107.499 830 1.334
Greenhouse-Geisser 1107.499 680.353 1.628
Huynh-Feldt 1107.499 699.727 1.583
Lower-bound 1107.499 166.000 6.672
While spotting epsilon value of .843 for Huynh-Feldt test, it could be concluded that there exists a
Statistically significant difference in at least one pair of above factors, influencing career choice of
student F(4.215, 699.727)= 27.405, p<o.o5, partial η2=.142.
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Table 8: Pairwise Comparisons
The post hoc test clarifies the statistical difference between the means of various groups. it could
be well observed that future status with highest influencing power (4.1018 + .97952), statistically
differs from all another group of influencers (p<0.05).The mother (2.9760 + 1.42673) and tutors
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(2.9760+ 1.31695) are having same influencing power since their mean difference = .000 and P>0.05
The results of our study are in favour of the fact that the father plays an important role in the
development of or influencing decision-related to their child’s career within eastern society
(Agarwala, 2008). The career for which the student found that their future income would be high is
also mostly opted by an individual. They would refrain from the career path that would end up in an
average monthly income( Abbasi and Sarwat, 2014). While considering influences one of the career
choice influences that remain on the top list almost majority of the students is their future status.
The would love to opt for the career that could give them a boost in the society, having to afford
them a lavish lifestyle. Not only our study but a number of previous studies gave the same findings
(Bhattacharya, 2013).
Student’s plays there career decision on a variety of factors. This study provides a comparative
analysis of various factors that shape an individual’s career decision. This study will highlights
that for a career decision taken by an individual there exist a number of influences. Among these
influences, the most powerful ones are theinfluence of earning a reputable social status, income,
making difference in society and fathers pressure to take a move in a particular direction. These all
influences are not mere influences they shape the future of the society since career choice decision
even of a single individual is very important for a society.
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