Understanding Hot and Cold Corrosion in Marine Engines
Understanding Hot and Cold Corrosion in Marine Engines
Understanding Hot and Cold Corrosion in Marine Engines
Marine Engines
The profit earned by the shipping companies does not solely depend on the cargo they are
entitled to carry. In fact, a significant portion of the profit is achieved from the savings in
operational costs, which enable the ship owners to provide competitive price for carrying cargo.
As everyone knows, one of the major operating costs for running a ship from Port X to Port Y is
the fuel oil. And for the same reason, companies are doing everything possible to cut fuel costs
to the minimum using techniques such as slow steaming with low-grade fuels.
However, the fuel oils that are used to run the marine engines also adversely affect the engine
parts (due to the naturally occurring elements present in them) if not burnt efficiently.
Corrosion is a primary concern on ships when it comes to burning heavy fuel oil in the marine
engines. It can be further described as:
Hot Corrosion: It occurs due to the presence of Vanadium (Va) and Sodium (Na) in the
fuel oil and affects exhaust passage of the engine
Cold corrosion: It occurs due to the presence of sulphur in fuel oil and affects the
cylinder liner and other parts of combustion chamber
Hot Corrosion:
Vanadium is a naturally occurring element in marine fuel oils in soluble form, which means, it
will not be separated even when the fuel is treated in the centrifuge. Vanadium, when combined
with Sodium, can cause damage to the engine under elevated temperature. Sodium and
Vanadium compounds are formed at a high temperature, which plays a crucial role in hot
The availability of abundant oxygen in the combustion chamber during the burning of fuel
results in the oxidation of vanadium to form VO and VO2. During the temperature drop in the
further combustion process, VO2 undergoes further oxidation resulting V2O5.
V2O5 has a low melting point and becomes semi-liquid, sticky in nature and adhere to the
surface they come into contact with.
Sodium in the fuel reacts with water vapour during combustion to generate NaOH. This, in turn,
combines with SO2 forming sodium sulphate.
Sodium sulphate condenses at a temperature approx. below 890 deg. C and will adhere to
surfaces with already present V2O5. This resultant deposits block gas passages and corrode
metal surfaces. If the ratio of Va:Na is 3:1, the resulting complex melting point is at it’s lowest,
which is about 350 – 450 deg C, and there is an increased likelihood of deposit formation.
Fuels with high vanadium and sodium will increase the tendency for deposit formation in the
exhaust passages. At higher temperature (>600 deg C), ash deposits can accelerate corrosion of
metals and fouling of gas passages.
1. Erosion: It mainly takes place along the exhaust gas passages, as ash and carbon deposits
from high-temperature exhaust gases wear metals. Because of this, the exhaust valve is
profoundly affected.
2. Fused salt corrosion: At high temperature, Na and Va form corrosive fluxes, attacking and
corroding exhaust valves, turbocharger nozzles and blades. The salts dissolve the protective
oxide layers, facilitating further gas phase oxidation.
3. Gas phase oxidation: It is the effect of oxygen on metal engine surfaces in the hot exhaust.
Sulphur is another element which is a naturally found in crude oil. Its level is indicated by the
content of sulphur found in the residual fuel stream obtained during the process of crude oil
The current sulphur content in the fuel varies from 0.1% to 3.5 % under MARPOL Annex VI.
The new global cap of 0.50% m/m will apply on and after 1 January 2020 or 1 January 2025,
depending on the outcome of MEPC review.
Sulphur in the fuel acts as a natural EP (Extreme Pressure) additive, providing inherent lubricity
in the fuel passing through the injectors and pumps.
With plenty of oxygen available in the combustion chamber, the Sulphur is converted to SO2 and
it further combines with oxygen to form SO3 Sulphur trioxide.
When SO3 comes in contact with water or water vapour present in the scavenge air, it will react
and form H2SO4.
If the engine is running inefficiently at low RPM, the liner temperature is on the lower side and
below the dew point of sulphuric acid and water (120-160 deg C). Corrosive mixtures will
condense on the linear walls causing cold corrosion of cylinder liner.
In low sulphur fuels, late or slow combustion will increase the thermal load on cylinder
components, leading to overheating, lubrication problems and cold corrosion.
Another important reason is that new marine engines are designed to comply witTiere tier III
NOX regulations and EED guidelines. To meet these new regulations, engine cylinders must
operate under increased pressure and reduced operating temperatures (reduce NOX emission),
thus creating conditions below dew point to allow water to condense on the cylinder linear walls.
This then combines with sulphur from the combustion process to form H2SO4 which leads to
cold corrosion.
EGR also brings acidic components into the air mixture and impacts temperature in the
combustion chamber.
Thermal stress and pressure constant which can lead to the risk of corrosion are more severe in
long stroke engine.
Engines of Older ships are often modified to run at low load operation. They are additionally
installed with systems like VTA, gas bypass valves, jacket cooling bypass etc. to perform slow
steaming. The older engines are provided with modification to run at low load but no additional
modification is done to tackle cold corrosion.
The ultra low slow steaming engines operate at up to 10% of its full load, which again results in
low temperatures in the combustion chamber. Once the temperature falls below the dew point, it
will lead to cold corrosion.
Using modern cylinder lubrication methods such as alpha lubricator (MAN) or Pulse
Lubricating System (Wartsila)
To perform sweep test (done in MAN engines with high sulphur content fuel by supplying
cylinder oil at different feed rate for a period of 24 hrs to check the effect) to find out acceptable
ACC factor for a particular cylinder oil which corresponds to minimum corrosive wear.
Implementing a condition monitoring program for analyzing iron wear (Fe) and residual
TBN in scrape down oil