An Integer Linear Programming Based Optimization For Home Demand-Side Management in Smart Grid
An Integer Linear Programming Based Optimization For Home Demand-Side Management in Smart Grid
An Integer Linear Programming Based Optimization For Home Demand-Side Management in Smart Grid
Abstract—We propose a consumption scheduling mechanism distributed energy resource management, load management
for home area load management in smart grid using integer and demand response techniques, as discussed in [4]–[11].
linear programming (ILP) technique. The aim of the proposed The focus of the work in this paper is on power con-
scheduling is to minimise the peak hourly load in order to
achieve an optimal (balanced) daily load schedule. The proposed sumption scheduling known as demand-side management. In
mechanism is able to schedule both the optimal power and [4], a powerful convex optimization technique was proposed
the optimal operation time for power-shiftable appliances and to schedule the power of individual appliances. Both the
time-shiftable appliances respectively according to the power centralised optimization based on linear programming and
consumption patterns of all the individual appliances. Simulation the decentralised approach based on game theory have been
results based on home and neighbourhood area scenarios have
been presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed proposed. However, the optimization framework in [4] might
technique. not be suitable for all appliances in practice. This is because
some appliances have a fixed power consumption pattern,
Index Terms—Demand-side management, load scheduling, in- which means that once the appliance is turned on, it has to
teger linear programming work according to its own power consumption pattern until
the job is finished. In this case, we could optimize only the
starting time, but the power consumption during the operation
of the appliance is not under the control of the optimizer,
I. I NTRODUCTION hence it is not an optimization parameter. In addition for
consumer’s comfort, we wish to introduce a feature that once
Ever since the first time people were able to light their certain appliance such as washing machine and dish washer
rooms using a switch, the electric power system has been in is scheduled to start, it should be allowed to finish the task
place for more than 100 years. However, the infrastructure without any break.
of the existing system has been little changed by far [1]. In In this paper, inspired by the scheduling mechanism in
the recent years, the energy industry has been facing signif- [4], we propose a demand-side management method using
icant challenges in terms of environmental issues, security integer linear programming technique. The proposed mech-
and utility management. Many believe that a fundamental anism will be able to minimise the peak hourly load and
evolution of the electric power system is needed. The goal satisfy both the user preference and specific requirements of
of the transformation is to make the next generation power all individual appliances. The mechanism can be firstly applied
grid a green, reliable and intelligent system, which is generally to the home energy management unit/gateway embedded in
known as the Smart Grid. the smart meters, which will probably work as a load control
In smart grid, advanced electric technologies will improve unit as well, in the home area network (HAN). Provided
the efficiency of the central bulk generation and transmission the consumption patterns of all the appliances and the user’s
network. Medium/low voltage Distributed Generation (DG) own load plan, the meter will be able to make an optimal
system using various environment-friendly sources will be scheduling for all the connected appliances in the household.
seamlessly integrated. Information and communication tech- The mechanism can also be applied to the distribution stations
nologies (ICT) will be widely applied to the grid to increase (central control node) in the neighbourhood/local areas to
its operation efficiency, reliability and flexibility [2], [3]. achieve centralised load management. In the future, when real-
Eventually, consumers will get the benefit of lower bills while time communications and various smart grid services such as
proactively managing their electricity consumption. flexible demand response technique become widely available,
Smart grid has become an attractive research area. Currently, the mechanism may be further applied to distributed load
the main research directions are on designing workable ICT control for every individual consumer in the grid.
infrastructure and energy management applications such as The rest of the paper is organised as follows. The proposed
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and a maximum working power β a , together with a possibly constraints as
preferred working period, the consumption requirement can be
min L
written as L,xa,h ∈R,st ∈Z24×1
αa ≤ xa,h ≤ βa , ∀h ∈ [has , ha(s+1) , . . . , haf ]. (6) s.t. xa,h + xt,h ≤ L, ∀h ∈ H,
a∈A−T t∈T
Now consider a time-shiftable appliance that consumes 1T xa = la , ∀a ∈ A − T,
power la . If we impose only the constraint (3), the optimization
will ensure supply of a total power of l a over the 24 hours. xa,h ≥ 0,
For example, if a washing machine requires 1.5kWh for its xa,h ≥ δa , ∀h ∈ [has , . . . , haf ],
operation, the constraint in (3) could ensure 1.5kWh power αa ≤ xa,h ≤ βa , ∀h ∈ [has , . . . , haf ],
supply over 24 hours. This total power can be distributed 0 ≤ st ≤ 1, 1T st = 1, ∀t ∈ T,
in any possible ways. For example, the vector x a can have
xt = PTt st , ∀t ∈ T. (10)
0.25 for six hours and zeros for the rest. However, a washing
machine cannot operate according to this power schedule. It Note that at this stage, the scheduling objective for the time-
might require 1kW for the first hour of operation and 0.5kW shiftable appliance is the switch vector s a , not the power x a,h .
for the second hour of operation. This kind of appliances will Therefore, we have to remove the corresponding appliance
need to operate according to their own power consumption from the appliance set A. The set A − T now contains
pattern for correct operation. Therefore, only a constraint in non-shiftable and power-shiftable appliances, whose power
the form of (3) is inadequate to ensure feasible operation of allocations are still needed to be scheduled by x a,h .
certain appliances. Considering this, we model this kind of The optimization problem above is a mixed integer linear
requirement as follows. programming problem which contains both integer variables
and non-integer variables. It can be solved using Branch and
Suppose, an appliance a has a fixed consumption pattern
Bound method [14]. Note that if there are more than one
pa = [pa,1 , . . . , pa,24 ]T , the schedule result x a has to be
optimal solution (with equal cost value) to the problem, the
exactly the same as one of the cyclic shifts of that pattern.
method will provide one of them.
All the possible shifts for the vector p a and hence all the
The above scheduling scheme is suitable for fixed price
possible xa can be put in a matrix form as
scenario where the unit price of the electricity consumption is
Pa = ca1 ca2 ... ca24 fixed at any time. In this case, consumers have little incentive
⎡ ⎤ to shift their consumption. However, operators who want to
pa,1 pa,24 ... pa,3 pa,2
⎢ pa,2 pa,1 ... pa,4 pa,3 ⎥ reduce the peak load will be able to achieve direct load control
⎢ ⎥
=⎢ . .. . . . .. ⎥ . (7) without hurting the consumers’ preferences by applying this
⎣ .. . . .. . ⎦ scheduling scheme. If the user is on a particular tariff, e.g.
pa,24 pa,23 ... pa,2 pa,1 the UK Eco 7 which provides much lower price for late night
The above constraint cannot be directly formulated using consumption [15], the users may change their preference and
linear programming. Hence, we apply integer linear program- the mechanism will also be able to provide optimal schedule.
ming (ILP) framework to formulate the constraint. The mechanism can also be further applied to distributed
control systems or real-time scheduling with flexible
Firstly, we define the schedule plan as x t = demand response and pricing policies. The main difference
[xt,1 , xt,2 , . . . , xt,24 ]T ≥ 0, and the appliance set is the distributed control system may probably need a
T ⊂ A for the time-shiftable appliance t ∈ T. Then, we perfect communication system to support the exchange of
define a binary integer vector s t = [st,1 , st,2 , . . . , st,24 ]T information.
as the switch control for the time-shiftable appliance. There
is only one non-zero element in the vector s t which is equal
to one. This property is written as follows III. S IMULATION RESULTS
1T st = 1, st ∈ {0, 1}24×1. (8) A set of system simulations has been carried out using Mat-
lab to implement the proposed scheduling mechanism in home
Now the schedule plan can be written as area and neighbourhood area scenarios. In the simulation,
we first define a set of home appliances and their individual
xt = PTt st . (9)
requirements as listed in Table I.
Then, we rewrite the optimization problem in (1) by adding According to the settings, we are able to formulate the total
st as an integer optimization variable, together with other power requirement and the individual consumption patterns to
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Name Type User preference and Scheduled load
power requirement
1.Hob Non- Operating period:
and oven shiftable 7pm-8pm(Hob/oven) 1
machine shiftable 1kWh for the 1st hr app1 app2 app3 app4 app5 app6 app7
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[15] 7.html
IV. C ONCLUSION [16] Renault. Fluence Z.E. Specifications,
R EFERENCES Dr. Zhong Fan is a chief research fellow at Toshiba Research Europe
Limited. He has substantial experience in wireless networks, IP networks,
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