Mynotes Signed

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irport de g
bi n: We lod
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PAR: O f i l s during this Stage
ist, constraits, logicat and s
s , technolag file
(floorplan! physical Librarie
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A rc em en t
lan: p o rt s placem en t, M eros placement
c i t @Floorp al cous addition and
Mannally , p hysi
Rating flanning
e Ahee Standard cells in sile
( 3 placement! W
(Extraction -the core area automatially
(Post layout STA
using Commands

Sigo ot cheeks PETS:

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upto cTS clo -Flig but on buffer/
Tapeaut the clock) bteuvteryduriflng a s we add d
inverters nverters a t chick puts an
Duffers /i
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G Rusting: nAua Gehe"t.connecting are repleed by plysical

net an d
S values a n extracted from each
Extrackon: RC
Keep ni a format called S p e f :
@(SpEr) / Standard parasitic Exchange

@Posr layout STA':,W

e od timing avalysis dna provide the feedback
sheeto D oT e a m
h e m i s s pre
and post layout STA
IS S P E F .

I dreß Anet is,

AaliuribilctityvechritieccaKsten , tomalts, LaS, R
Danofchock: -.Ge
Tapeout ICCL
D R I R : - IC - compalias
STA i prime time

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