Lesson Plan - Grade 10 - A Triumph of Surgery

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Global Indian International School, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Unit/Topic: 1. The Triumph of Surgery

Teacher Mr. Sukhadeo Ingle Subject: English (Lang. & Lit.)
(Footprints Without Feet)
Curriculum Standards: CBSE
No of Date: 29/03/2020 to 02/04/2020
35 Grade: 10 (A & B)
Students Day: Sunday to Thursday

HA: 12 MA: 11 LA: 12 SOD: N/A G&T:

Learning Objective: Lesson Progress Learning Resources Key Vocabulary:

The students will be able to: Prior learning: Text Book Bloated, blood shot, lolled, malt,
 Identify the characters and 1. Discussion about the story ‘Pet PPT whimper, convalscing, etc.
vocabulary Animals: Healt Related Diseases’ Worksheet
 Comprehend James Herriot 2. ‘Speak for a Minute’ on the topic – Video
vividly descriptive style of ‘Health Issues Related to Pet
writing. Animals’. Extension and Projects / G& T task Key Questions and structures:
 Analyse the eco-friendly theme Ed Talk and Non – Verbal Act (Mime) Effective Questioning:
of the story. Starter (time: 5 minutes ) 1. Enlist the characters in the
 Evaluate the dramatic irony has Day 1: Topic will be introduced by asking story.
been employed by the author. questions based on the story ‘Diseases of Pet 2. Justify the title ‘The Triumph
 Prepare a role play and Animals’ based on prior knowledge. of Surgery’.
improve the dramatic A topic will be given to debate on the Inquiry and Independent Learning 3. What message does the story
uncertainty of death. Application of Science and convey?
Day 2: The topic will be introduced by Significance of Physical Exercise: 4. Explain the irony and Satire
playing a video and conducting a Plan some Exercises and Application employed by the author.
Learning Outcomes
comprehension check activity. for Obese people. 5. Evaluate the ending of the
Day 3: The topic will be introduced by story. Do you think it is
All: Almost all students will be able to
playing a video on summary and plot of the Read a story titled – Dog a Duke. convincing?
list out the main characters in the story
story and conducting a comprehension check 6. Evaluate and Interpret the
and central idea of the story ‘The Tiger
activity. Theme and Message of the
Day 4: The topic will be introduced by Story.
playing a video on summary and plot of the
Most: Some students will be able to
story and conducting a comprehension check
apply and analyse satire and irony
employed by the author.

Global Indian International School, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Few will be able to evaluate the Main Activity

dramatic irony and jot down it in a Development: Characters/ Poetic Devices:
concept map. Day 1: Topic: Introduction of the Lesson, 1) The Narrator
About the Author of the Story, Summary and 2) Mrs. Pumphrey
Characters. 3) Tricki - the Dog
Teacher will brainstorm the students by
providing situations to link with the story
and begin explain the story using the PPT.
Activity 1:
Relevant video will be played for further AFL: (choose one or more /highlight
clarity of the topic. one or more)
Reading Activity to comprehend the main Questioning
ideas of the story. Peer Assessment
Day 2: The topic will be introduced and the Self-Assessment
discussion will be started on Theme/ Central Plickers
Idea, Plot and Reading with Comprehension. Thumbs up thumbs down
Teacher will brainstorm the students Quizizz
questioning based on topic covered in earlier Exit slip
class and begin explain the story using the
Activity 1: Questions will be asked from
students to involve and get feedback of their
Activity 2: students will be asked to prepare
a role play on the climax of the story and
present it.
Day 3: The topic will be introduced and the
discussion will be started on Reading with
Comprehension and Discussion on the
Questions Based on CBSE Exam. Teacher will
brainstorm the students questioning based
on topic covered in earlier class and begin
explain the story using the PPT.
Activity 1: Questions will be asked from
students to involve and get feedback of their
Global Indian International School, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Activity 2: students will be asked to prepare

Concept Map of the story and present it.
Day 4: The topic will be introduced and the
discussion will be started on Theme/ Central
Idea, Plot and Reading with Comprehension.
Teacher will brainstorm the students
questioning based on topic covered in earlier
class and begin explain the story using the
Activity 1: Questions will be asked from
students to involve and get feedback of their

Discussion time : Questioning-Critical

Thinking ( 10 minutes)
Discussion/ Brainstorm will be given to
discuss in group and conclude the answer.

Plenary: (time: 6 minutes )

Mind Mapping will be given to students
Relevant questions will be asked to
recapitulate and assess the mastery of

Reinforcement (HW):
Standard and Levelled Work sheet (as per
CBSE pattern)

Learning Strategies Differentiation Blooms Taxonomy: Relevant Core Values:

 Problem Solving  Resources  Task  Outcome  Remembering  Manage with Information and
 Collaboration  Assessment  Instruction  Content  Understanding Metrics
 Role Play  Support  Role  Applying  Agility & Adaptability
 Peer Learning  Analysing  Honesty, Integrity and Ethical
 Independent Learning  Evaluating Practices
Global Indian International School, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

 Brain Storming  Creating  Attitude before Knowledge

 Team Work
 Mentor, Coach and make a
 Ambience for Learning
Learning Skills: 9Gems Attributes : SOD/ SEN Cross Curricular links:
N/A It deals with Science based on surgery
 Citizenship  Gem 1 - Academic Excellence, and operation, Economics based on
 Communication Collaborative and Project based learning taxes and Social studies.
 Collaboration  Gem 2 - Sports, Health and Fitness
 leadership Excellence. ICT Links with UAE
 Independent Learning  Gem 3 - Visual and Performing Arts
 ICT  Gem 4 - Personality Development PowerPoint, Video Collect the information about the life
 Lifelong learning  Gem 5 - Innovation and creativity of royal families and their governance
 Critical thinking  Gem 6 - Entrepreneurship & Leadership in UAE.
 Gem 7- Universal Values and Ethics
 Gem 8 - Community & Care
 Gem 9 - Skill Development

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