Earthquake Management Plan
Earthquake Management Plan
Earthquake Management Plan
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 01
1.1 Need of the Plan 01
1.2 Objectives of the Plan 02
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Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
List of Tables
List of Figures
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Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Need of the Plan i) Substantially reduce global disaster
mortality by 2030, aiming to lower
Gujarat is located in the Himalayan
the average per 100,000 global
Collision Zone where Indo-Australian
mortality rate in the decade 2020-
tectonic plate slides under Eurasian
2030 compared to the period 2005-
Plate causing active fault lines
beneath. The Vulnerability Atlas of
India (BMTPC, 1997) classifies Gujarat ii) Substantially reduce the number of
into four classes based on a base of affected people globally by 2030,
10.3 million buildings recorded in the aiming to lower the average global
1991 Census and BIS standard (IS: 1893 figure per 100,000 in the decade
1984). As per the classification 19% of 2020-2030 compared to the period
the total area in Gujarat is at a very 2005-2015
high risk for earthquake, i.e. seismic iii) Reduce direct disaster economic
zone V, 13% area of the state is at a loss in relation to global gross
high risk for earthquake, i.e. seismic domestic product (GDP) by 2030
zone IV, another 66% area of the state
iv) Substantially reduce disaster
is at a moderate risk for earthquake,
damage to critical infrastructure
i.e. seismic zone III and only 1% area of
and disruption of basic services,
the state is at a low risk for earthquake,
among them health and
i.e. seismic zone II.
educational facilities, including
Earthquake Management Plan covers through developing their resilience
all phases of earthquake by 2030
management right from mitigation,
v) Substantially increase the number
preparedness, emergency response,
of countries with national and local
relief to recovery. The plan discusses
disaster risk reduction strategies by
roles and responsibilities of each
stakeholder and should be used as a
guide by all the concerned line vi) Substantially enhance international
departments to prepare their cooperation to developing
respective department to play these countries through adequate and
critical roles and responsibilities. sustainable support to complement
their national actions for
Earthquake Management Plan is also
implementation of this Framework
crucial to achieve the global targets
by 2030
under The Sendai Framework for
Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The vii) Substantially increase the
seven global targets are: availability of and access to multi
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
hazard early warning systems and iv) To minimize the suffering of people
disaster risk information and due to earthquakes
assessments to the people by 2030 v) To develop efficient earthquake
response mechanism in the State.
1.2 Objectives of the Plan
vi) To enhance State’s resilience to
i) To reduce earthquake risks by
cope with the future earthquakes
reducing vulnerability of people
and better prepare the State
and infrastructure
Government and the line
ii) To build the capacity of all
departments for recovery,
stakeholders in the State to cope
reconstruction and rehabilitation
with the earthquakes
after the earthquakes
iii) To protect and minimize the loss of
lives and property/infrastructure
from earthquakes
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Chapter 2 Institutional
Disaster management structure is in across the entire disaster
place right from the national to local management cycle.
level. This institutional mechanism plays
a crucial role in all activities from 2.1 National Level
policy making to implementation
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
disasters in the State. As per the before, during and after earthquake
Gujarat State Disaster Management rests with the Commissioner of Relief in
Act, 2003, the responsibility for initiation conjunction with other relevant
and execution of emergency government departments.
preparedness and response measures
Agencies Roles & Responsibilities
Gujarat State Promotes an integrated and coordinated system of disaster
Disaster management including prevention or mitigation of disaster by
Management the State, local authorities, stakeholders and communities.
Authority Collect/cause to be collected data on all aspects of disasters
(GSDMA) and disaster management and analyze it and further cause
and conduct research and study relating to the potential
effects of events that may result in disasters.
Acts as a repository of information concerning disasters and
disaster management
Lays down the policies and plans for disaster management in
the State.
Promotes or causes to promote awareness and preparedness,
advices and trains the community and stakeholders
Gujarat Institute Provides training related to disaster management in close
of Disaster coordination with NIDM.
Management Undertakes activities for human resource development, public
(GIDM) education and community awareness, safety etc. in disaster
education and management
State Fire & Provides crucial immediate response during any disaster
Emergency Provides regular training to the fire staff in using and
Services maintaining the equipment
State Crisis Apex body in the state to deal with major chemical accidents
Group and to provide expert guidance for the same
Review all district off-site emergency plans in the State with a
(In case of view to examine its adequacy in accordance with the
earthquake Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals,
triggers any Rules and forward a report to the Central Crisis Group once in
chemical or three months
industrial Assist the State Government in the planning, preparedness
incident) and mitigation of major chemical accidents in state
Continuously monitor the post accident situation arising out of
a major chemical accident in the State and forward a report
to the Central Crisis Group
Composition of State Crisis Group in mentioned annexure 3
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The SEOC compound also has utilities under the District Collector at the
like garden, fire fighting system, district level. It is the nerve centre to
parking, generator room (160 KVA), support, co-ordinate and monitor the
security cabin and main gates, water disaster management activities at the
harvesting system, sump room and district level. In a disaster situation, the
electric and transformed room (315 EOC will come under the direct
KVA). control of Chief Secretary or any other
person designated by the Chief
Each room has been provided with air
Secretary as Chief of Operations.
conditioning system and CCTV
cameras. The main building also c) Functions of EOC
consists of announcing system, fire 1. Receive, monitor, and assess
extinguishers, smoke detectors and disaster information
sensors. 2. Monitor, assess, and track response
units and resource requests
a) Activation of EOC
3. Proclaim local emergencies as
The EOC is a nodal point for the overall
coordination and control of relief work.
4. Provide direction and
In case of an L1 disaster the DEOC will
management for EOC operations
be activated and in case of an L2
through set priorities and establish
disaster SEOC will be activated along
with the DEOC.
5. Coordinate operations of all
b) Command & Control of EOCs responding units, including law
The EOC, its system, and procedures enforcement, fire, medical, logistics
are designed in such a way that 6. Augment comprehensive
information can be promptly assessed emergency communication from
and relayed to concerned parties. EOC to any field operation when
Immediate dissemination of needed or appropriate
information contributes to quick 7. Maintain EOC security and access
response and effective decision- control
making during emergency. Being the 8. Keep senior, subordinate and
main coordination and control point tenant officials informed
for all disaster specific efforts, the EOC 9. Keep local jurisdictions
is the place of decision-making, under (Village/town/City, district and
a unified command. State) informed
10. Operate a message centre to log
The EOC in normal circumstances will
and post all key disaster
work under the supervision of Relief
Commissioner at the State level and
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Chapter 3 Earthquake
Hazard, Vulnerability,
Capacity & Risk Analysis
3.1 Understanding Earthquake scale. The earthquake magnitude is
3.1.1 Earthquake determined by use of a seismograph,
an instrument that continuously
An earthquake is a series of vibrations
records ground vibrations. An increase
on the earth’s surface caused by the
of one unit represents an increase of
generation of elastic (seismic) waves
ground shaking by ten times and
due to sudden rupture within the earth
energy released by thirty two times.
during release of accumulated strain
Generally, earthquakes of magnitude
greater than 5 cause damages while
The point on the fault where slip starts major earthquakes measure 7 or more
is the Focus or Hypocenter and the on Richter scale.
point vertically above this on the
b) Intensity
surface of the Earth is the Epicenter.
The depth of focus from the epicenter, Intensity is a qualitative measure of the
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
hazard risk for Gujarat has been northern coastal Saurashtra and north
classified into four categories based Gujarat fall into the High Damage Risk
on a base of 10.3 million buildings zone. Kutch is framed by a series of
recorded in the 1991 Census and BIS semi-parallel neo-tectonic faults that
standard (IS: 1893 1984). extends north to south from the
famous Allahbund Fault, through the
As per the Vulnerability Atlas, the area Island Belt Fault, the Kutch Mainland
in Gujarat that falls into seismic (MSK Fault, the Katrol-Bhuj Fault, the Wagad
Intensity Scale) zones is as below: Fault and the North Kathiawar Fault.
• Very High Risk: >MSK IX (19 percent)
• High: MSK VIII (13 percent) Urban centres that are located near
• Moderate MSK VII (66 percent) neotectonic Fault in Gujarat include:
• Low Damage: less than or equal to Bhuj (Katrol Bhuj Fault), Jamnagar
MSK VI (1 percent) (Kathiawar Fault), Bhavnagar
(Marginal Fault 1 of the Cambay
All of Kutch is classified under the Very Basin), Bharuch (Narmada-Son Fault),
High Damage Risk Zone while parts of Valsad (West Coast Fault).
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
The Anjar Earthquake of 1956 and the PGA zonation for return period of 25,
Kutch Earthquake of 2001 are among 50, 100 and 200 years. This zonation is
major earthquakes Gujarat has faced typically used for design of houses
in recent past. The 2001 Kutch which would have mean design
earthquake was the third largest and service life of 25, 50, 100 and 200 years
second most destructive earthquake respectively.
in India over the last two centuries.
Accordingly, the estimated mean
GSDMA had undertaken a study on Taluka PGA (in g) zonation for a 100-
Hazard, Risk and Vulnerability year return period is presented in the
Assessment of the State and figure 3.2.
developed maps for mean Taluka
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
The boundaries of key structural Thus areas lying in seismic zone IV and
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buildings (38%) followed by tile on and other safety guidelines have not
brick (17%), tile on earth (16%), CGI been followed.
and ACC roofs (9%) and RCC on stone
8%). Structural vulnerability is more for areas
with high physical vulnerability. Thus
As per Census 2011, the material of
during development and planning of
roof and walls of housing varies widely
new infrastructure, geographical
and include grass/ thatch/ bamboo,
mud/unburnt brick, wood, stone, burnt location of the site should also be
bricks, concrete, etc. Thus depending considered along with other factors.
on the type of material of housing,
As per Census 2011, the following is the
structural vulnerability is further
state of housing in Gujarat:
increased if the proper building codes
Total Good Livable Dilapidated
Total 1,17,67,057 79,73,324 36,11,222 1,82,511
Rural 64,36,493 38,87,921 24,12,055 1,36,517
Urban 53,30,564 40,85,403 11,99,167 45,994
Table 3.2: Status of Residential Households
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Figure 3.3: Estimated Composite Capital Risk due to Earthquake (100 year return period)
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Figure 3.4: Gujarat Composite Earthquake Risk Index (Cumulative Risk Decile Classes)
Almost whole State (except some part risk and moderate risk zone as
of Dahod district) is categorized into mentioned in table 3.4.
three zones namely highest risk, high
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Chapter 5 Earthquake
Preparedness & Capacity Building
5.1 Preparedness Measures take necessary steps to be
From the experience of 2001 Kutch prepared for all probable disasters
Earthquake, thinking in management 4. Facilitate timely procurement
of disasters has undergone a quantum related to disaster management of
change in the state. As per the current materials, equipment and services
thinking and policy of the state in connection with the disaster
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
5. Identify space for burial of dead 3. Enlist godowns and cold storage
animals facilities, refrigerated transportation
vehicles present in the state along
c. Civil Aviation Department
with their storage capacities and
1. Ensure that sites for helipads are
facilities available
identified across the state as per
4. Enlist private retailers and
the laid guidelines
wholesale dealers of food items
d. Education Department and packaged drinking water
1. Organise camps in school and 5. Enlist available kerosene depots,
colleges for awareness of do-s and petrol pumps, CNG pumps, diesel
don’t s for earthquakes depots, LPG agencies, etc.
2. Ensure preparation of disaster
g. Health & Family Welfare
management plans and first aid kits
in all schools and colleges
1. Develop plan for hospital
3. Identify safe schools and colleges
preparedness and mass casualty
which can be used as relief shelters
for short duration of time in
2. Prepare a database of registered
aftermath of any earthquake
private hospitals, clinics, diagnostic
e. Fire & Emergency Services labs, blood banks, etc. along with
resources centres
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training programmes.
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Chapter 6 Earthquake
Response & Relief
6.1 Levels of Disaster (L Concept)
The L concept has been developed to order to facilitate the assistance to
define the different levels of disaster in states and districts.
Level Description Activities
L0 Normal time Prevention, preparation and capacity
building activities like trainings, preparation
and updation of plans, mock drills,
procurements of equipments, etc
L1 Can be managed at district State and Centre remain ready to assist if
level need arises
L2 Beyond the capacity of Require active participation and
district mobilisation of resources from State
L3 Resources of District and Require Central Government for reinstating
State Government have the State and District machinery as well as
been overwhelmed for rescue, relief, and other response and
recovery measures
Table 6.1: Levels of Disaster (L Concept)
TEOC Mamlatdar
Respond and
simultaneously report
Figure 6.1: Trigger Mechanism
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On the expiry of a disaster declaration, For assessing the damage and need
of the affected community, the
the Authority shall, where necessary,
act as an agency for facilitating and damage and need assessment team
coordinating rehabilitation and should represent all the different
communities and groups in the
reconstruction activities by
departments of the Government. affected area. An ideal team would
include expert in the related field,
The reconstruction and rehabilitation government official and
plan is designed specifically for worst representatives from majority and
case scenario. minority communities, females,
Scheduled Caste and Tribes,
The key activities in this phase are
panchayat member or nagarpalika
discussed below: member, etc.
7.1 Detailed Damage and Need The format for Detailed Damage and
Assessment Loss Assessment is given in annexure 8.
Earthquake Management Plan 2015-16 Volume 1
GoG shall coordinate with national The active participation of the owner
and international NGOs, donor also ensures regular monitoring of the
agencies and other government process, quality of material used, etc.
bodies to prioritise restoration of critical which helps in speeding up the
infrastructure like health institutions, reconstruction process.
temporary housing, lifesaving facilities,
critical government infrastructure, etc. Other ways to involve the affected
population in the rehabilitation
7.2.2 Reconstruction process is through regular
GSDMA shall oversee reconstruction communication regarding activities,
and rehabilitation work and ensure scope and nature of the proposed
that it takes into account the overall reconstruction and rehabilitation
development plans for the state. effort. Hence, GSDMA and relevant
GSDMA shall approve reconstruction Government departments, district
and rehabilitation projects based on: administration and local authorities
shall undertake:
Identification of suitable
projects by relevant i. Ongoing Media Management/
departments Public Relations
Project detailing and approval To ensure accurate communication of
by the relevant technical the reconstruction and rehabilitation
authority measures being taken to various
Two essential aspects of reconstruction stakeholders
ii. Community Management
a. Owner Driven Reconstruction
This includes communicating to the
Reconstruction should be done on the affected communities with a view to
principle of Owner Driven apprise them of efforts being made for
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Chapter 8 Financial
8.1 Funding Mechanism at Various b. Prime Minister’s National Relief
Levels Fund (PMNRF)
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While updating the plan the following b. Chief Executive Officer, Gujarat
aspects need to be considered by the State Disaster Management
COR every year: Authority
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