Microbes in Human Welfare
Microbes in Human Welfare
Microbes in Human Welfare
2. Give the scientific name of the source organism from which the first antibiotic was
3. Name the gas released and the process responsible for puffing up of the bread dough when
Process – Fermentation
4. Name the metabolic pathway associated with the rising of dough in making bread. What
Ans. Metabolic pathway : Alcoholic fermentation by yeast. CO2 produced in this process is
5. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit
7. Name the group of organisms and the substrate that act to produce biogas.
8. Bottled fruit juices are clearer as compared to those made at home. Explain.
Ans. Bottled fruit juices are clearer as compared to those prepared at home because they are treated
with enzyme pectinase and protease. This enzymes acts on juices and make them clearer.
A Mention the microbial source and state the reason for administration of this
bioactive molecule.
(ii) Bottled fruit juices bought from the market are clearer as compared to those made at
home. Give reason.
11. Name a bioactive molecule, its source organism and the purpose for which it is given to
organ transplant patients.
Ans. Cyclosporin A.
12. Make a list of three household products along with the names of the micro-organism
producing them.
13. Name the types of association that the genus Glomus exhibits with higher plants.
Ans. Symbiosis/Mycorrhiza/Mutualism.
Ans. In paddy fields, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) add organic matter to the soil and increases its
15. Mention the information that the health workers derive by measuring BOD of a water body?
Ans. By measuring BOD of a water bodies, health workers find the amount of dissolved O2. The lesser
amount of dissolved O2, the more polluted the water body will be.
1. Why is Rhizobium categorized as a ‘symbiotic bacterium’ ? How does it act as a biofertiliser?
Ans. Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium living in the root nodule of leguminous plants, it fixes
atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms to be used by plants as nutrient and in turn bacteria get
carbohydrate food and shelter from the plant. It is a biofertiliser as it is a living organism that
enriches nutrient content of the plant / soil.
2. How do mycorrhizae help the plants to grow better?
Ans. Mycorrhiza refers to symbiotic association between the fungus and the root of higher plants.
These fungi in these associations absorb water, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium from
soil and pass it to the plant. The fungus brings about the solubilization of organic matter of soil
humus, release of inorganic nutrients absorption and their transfer to roots. The genus Glomus
forms a mycorrhizal association with plants.
3. Your advice is sought to improve the nitrogen content of the soil to be used for cultivation
of a non-leguminous terrestrial crop.
(a) Recommend two microbes that can enrich the soil with nitrogen.
(b) Why do leguminous crops not require such enrichment of the soil?
Ans. (a) Azospirillum/ Azotobacter/ Anabaena/ Nostoc / Oscillatoria /Frankia (Any two correct
names of microbes).
(b) They can fix atmospheric nitrogen, due to presence of Rhizobium/N2 fixing bacteria in their
root nodules.
4. (i) How do organic farmers control pests ? Give two examples.
(ii) State the difference in their approach from that of conventional pest control methods.
Ans. (i) Natural predation / biological control.
Ex. Lady bird used to kill aphids / dragon flies used to kill mosquitoes / Bacillus thuringiensis used
to kill cotton bollworm / caterpillar / butterfly caterpillar.
S. Conventional Pest Organic farming based
No. Control pest control
(a) Use of chemical insecticides No chemical used.
and pesticides.
(b) Harmful to non target Not harmful to non target
organisms. organisms.
(c) Cause environment No adverse impact on
5. Choose any three microbes, from the following which are suited for organic farming which
is in great demand these days for various reasons.
Mention one application of each one chosen.
Mycorrhiza, Monascus, Anabaena, Rhizobium, Methanobacterium, Trichoderma.
Ans. Mycorrhiza : Fungal symbiont of the association, absorb phosphorus from soil.
Anabaena : Fix atmospheric nitrogen / Adds organic matter to the soil.
Rhizobium : It is a symbiotic root nodule bacterium which fixes atmosp n
leguminous plants) in organic form which is used by plant as nutrient.
Methanobacterium : They digest cellulosic material and the product / spent slurry can be used as
Trichoderma : Biocontrol agent for several plant pathogens.
6. What are biopesticides ? Give the scientific name and use of the first commercially used
biopesticide in the world.
Ans. The biological agent which are used to control weeds, insects and pathogen are called
biopesticides. The micro-organisms that are used as biopesticides are some viruses, bacteria,
fungi and their products. The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis was the first biopesticide to be
used on commercial scale.
7. Organic farmers prefer biological control of diseases and pests to the use of chemicals for
the same purpose Justify.
Ans. (i) Reduces dependence on toxic chemicals.
(ii) Protects our ecosystem or environment.
(iii) Protects and conserves non-target organisms / they are species – specific.
(iv) These chemicals being non-biodegradable may pollute the environment permanently.
(v) These chemicals being non-biodegradable may cause bio magnification
8. Give an example of a bacterium, a fungus and an insect that are used as biocontrol agents.
Ans. Bacteria: Bacillus thuringiensis
Fungus: Trichoderma
Insect: Ladybird / Dragonfly / Moth or any other correct example.
9. What are biopesticides ? Give the scientific name and use of the first commercially used
biopesticide in the world.
Ans. The biological agent which are used to control weeds, insects and pathogen are called biopesticides.
The micro-organisms that are used as biopesticides are some viruses, bacteria, fungi and their
products. The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis was the first biopesticide to be used on commercial
10. Name any one symbiont which serves as a biofertilizer. Mention its specific role.
Ans. Rhizobium, a root nodule bacterium of legumes is a symbiont. It fixes nitrogen symbiotically and
thus help the plants in obtaining their nitrogen nutrition and therefore serve as a biofertilizer.
11. Which of the following is a cyanobacterium that can fix atmospheric nitro ,
Oscillatoria, Spirulina.
Ans. Oscillatoria
12. In the given diagram the gas X can be:
Dung Water (CH4 + CO2 + .…) Sludge
Production of (B)
(i) Analia developed the technology of producing biogas from coul dung largely due to the
efforts of -
Ans. (i) Methanogenic bacteria.
(ii) What is represent by B in the flow chart?
Ans. Organic acid
(iii) Which one produce gas by decomposing the gobar in gober gas.
Ans. Methanogenic bacteria
(iv) Where are methanogenic bacteria not found.
Ans. Activated sludge
2. Read the following and answer the questions given below.
Microorganisms include bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. In our mind, we presume, most of
the time, that microbes are always harmful. Microbes are, of course, the causal agents of many
infections diseases of plants and animals including humans but they also have lots of beneficial
role. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are one of this kind of useful group. These are Gram positive,
non-sporulating, either rod-shaped or spherical bacteria. They produce lactic acid in milk
products as major metabolic end product of carbohydrate fermentation. LAB are considered as
natural fermentors. Lactobacillus is a common LAB which converts lactose sugar of milk into
lactic acid, that causes coagulation and partial digestion of milk protein casein. Milk is then
changed into curd, yoghurt and cheese. Lactobacillus is also used in probiotics which have
potentially beneficial effect on gut ecosystem of humans. Some other probiotic strain used belong
to the Genus Bifidobacterium.
(i) How is lactic acid bacteria beneficial to us other than helping in curdling t
Ans. Lactic acid bacteria improves the nutritional quality by increasing vitamin B12.
(iv) How is LAB (Lactic Acid Bacillus) helpful for our stomach.
Ans. LAB play very beneficial role in checking disease-causing microbes in our stomach.
(v) How LAB helpful for conversion of milk sugar into Lactic acid.
Microbes are also used for commercial and industrial production of certain chemicals like
organic acids, alcohols and enzymes. Microbes are also used for the production of enzymes.
Lipases are used in detergent formulations and are helpful in removing oily stains from the
laundry. Bottled fruit juices bought from the market are clearer as compared to those made at
home. Streptokinase produced by the bacterium Streptococcus and modified by genetic
engineering, another bioactive molecule, cyclosporin A. Statins produced by the yeast has been
commercialised used.
(i) Name the microbe used commercially in the production of blood cholesterol lowering
Ans. Cyclosporin A
Ans. Streptococcus