Star Wars Companion 3.5-Web

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Star Wars for Savage Worlds Conversion by:

Christopher Leiby
Additional Design: David Morris, Will Lewis, Jim Garner
Original Layout: David Morris
Playtesters,Contributers & Proofers:
Doug Becker, Russ Hein, Wyatt Helmer, Young "Hammer" Lee, Brandon Lundburg, Austin Lybrink,
David Morris, Mark Mouzakis, Evan Sharp, Lindsay "Scout" Wight, Brandon Binggeli, Wayne Grelle,
Craig Watt, Jim Santagate, Neilybob
Production: Christopher Leiby and David Morris
Director of Visual Design: Christopher Leiby

Special Thanks
Disney Inc
Lucas Arts
Wizards of the Coast
Star Wars Saga Edition Wiki
All the amazing artists that I couldn’t find credits for
My Wife for being so understanding of all the time spent on this project

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at
Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with Permission. Pinnacle makes no
representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This game references Star Wars. Star Wars and all associated characters, vehicles, logos, and trademarks are copyrights of

HA= Heavy Armor vs= Vehicle Scale
HW= Heavy Weapon ss= Starship Scale
SBT= Small Burst Template
MBT= Medium Burst Template
LBT= Large Burst Template
CP = Capital Ship
WC= Wild Card

Table of Contents
Species...............................................5 Vehicle Rules.....................................115
Setting Rules.....................................29 Hyperspace Rules.................................116
Optional Setting Rules.....................29 Vehicles..............................................120
Base Of Operations..............................29 Mounts.................................................120
Downtime.............................................33 Ground Vehicles...................................125
Giant Foes............................................34 Walkers.................................................125
Expanded Breaking Rules.....................34 Land Speeders.....................................127
Changes to SWADE Core Book........35 Speeder Bikes......................................132
New Skills/Hindrances/Edges..........36 Armored Assault Tanks.........................134
New Skills.............................................36 Tracked Vehicles...................................136
New Hindrances...................................36 Wheeled Vehicles.................................138
New Edges...........................................36 Air Vehicles...........................................139
Background Edges................................36 Starfighters..........................................143
Combat Edges......................................37 Space Transports..................................154
Power Edges.........................................37 Capital Ships........................................161
Professional Edges...............................37 Weapon Emplacements....................177
Force Traditions....................................38 NPC's...................................................181
Vehicle Edges.......................................38 Imperials..............................................182
The Force............................................47 Rebel / Republic....................................187
The Darkside........................................48 Non-Affiliated........................................188
Force Powers.....................................49 Droids...................................................196
List of Powers.......................................49 Creatures...........................................203
Lightsaber Forms..............................62
Destiny Mechanic..............................63
Sample Destinies..................................64
Armor, Arms, and Gear.....................68
Melee Weapons....................................74
Ranged Weapons..................................79
Heavy Weapons....................................87
Personal Missiles..................................88
Droid Gear............................................96
Modification System.........................100
Universal Upgrades..............................102
Weapon Upgrades................................104
Lightsaber Upgrades............................106
Armor Upgrades...................................109
Vehicle Upgrades..................................112
Vehicle Weapon Upgrades....................115

Revised & Expanded Edition 3.5

Many sapient species make their home in the galaxy. Players can choose from any of these races when
creating their character. The following species are specific to the Star Wars setting. As such they do not
list the Races found in the SWADE Core Book, which are also available.
This Companion introduces Innate Abilities. Innate Abilities do not count as Arcane Backgrounds for the
purpose of Edge Requirements, and the PP for them must be kept separate from the PP of other sources.
GM Note: Other Species can be created using the rules for doing so in the SWADE Core Book.
Allena are short, reptilian bipeds Aqualish are tusked, walrus-faced
that have wide eyes and a wide humanoids with skin ranging in
mouth with small, sharp teeth. Their color from dark green or blue to
heads taper back from a wide face. deep russet or black.
Aleena have long bodies in
comparison to their short arms and
stubby legs. They are typically blue-
gray in color.

•Small Stature: Aleena have naturally short Special
bodies they are always under 4’ as such their
toughness and size are reduced by -1. •Not the Brightest: Aqualish are more inclined to
•Slow Pace: Aleena have a pace of 5” and their just bash a problem away than think it over (they
running die is reduced to a d4. do not start with a free d4 in Common Knowledge).
•Edges: Danger Sense. •Aquatic: At home in the water Aqualish cannot
•Innate Ability: Boost Skill (Cost 1 Ability Point). drown in oxygenated liquid and move their full
(This is a Touch Ability and they can only affect pace when swimming.
themselves but functions as the Power otherwise) •Toughness: Aqualish are a tough breed (their
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be toughness is increased by 1).
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus
Ardennians are small bipeds, with
ANZATI elongated noses and short blue-
Although their appearance is gray covering most of their bodies.
similar to that of Humans, the They have narrow dark colored
Anzati are an unusual Species, and eyes, and hold a stout posture. An
are most noted for their lack of a Ardennian’s six limbs all share the
readily detectable pulse and for same structure, with opposable
their low body temperature. An thumbs and four fingers.
Anzati's other distinguishing
physical trait is a pair of cheek
pouches, each of which conceals a
proboscis that extends for feeding.
•Extra Limbs: Ardennians can use their extra
Special limbs to perform an extra action. They ignore two
•Innate Ability: Drain Power Points: As an Action points of Multi-Action penalties each turn. (This
once per round, an Anzati can use its proboscis to does however still suffer from the Off-Hand
drain energy from a Grappled target, draining 1d6 penalty)
of the targets Power Points (Arcane or Innate if any, •Size -1: Ardennians average only about four feet
and the die does not Ace.) The Anzati can repeat tall, reducing their size (and therefore Toughness)
this action each round until the target escapes the by 1
Grab, or until the target reaches 0 Power Points. •Weaker than most: Ardennians start with a -1
Any creature that reaches 0 Power Points in this to Strength. (this applies to damage as well)
way is Stunned.
Points: Anzati do not have Power Points of their
own. They start with 0 points and must steal Points
as above and have no limit to how many they can
have. They can use these stolen Power Points to
Cast Healing per the Power.

Arkanians are bipedal humanoids Balosar have coarse hair, a frail-
with a near-Human appearance. looking frame, and retractable
Arkanian eyes have no visible iris antennapalps atop their heads. The
or pupil, and are typically stark average Balosar stands about 1.6
white in color. They possess four meters tall, and most have sickly
clawed digits, three fingers and a complexions from a lack of sunlight
thumb. and clean air. While they have their
Antennapalps retracted, a Balosar
can pass for human. While doing so
they do not suffer from the
Outsider Hindrance nor do they
benefit from the reroll to Notice
rolls granted by them.
Special Special
•Low Light Vision: Arkanians ignore penalties for •Outsider: Seen as untrustworthy by most other
Dim or Dark illumination (But not Pitch Darkness). species Balosar suffer the minor form of this
•Outsider: Arkanians are never quite comfortable hindrance when not passing as a human.
dealing with other Species. They subtract -2 from •Antennapalps: Their antennapalps function as
Persuasion Rolls with all but others of their kind. extra sensory organs giving them one free re-roll
•Agile: Arkanians are graceful. They start with a for Notice checks involving sound when they are
d6 Agility instead of a d4. This increases their not passing as human.
maximum Agility to d12+1. •Immune to Poison: Growing up on a polluted
homeworld has given Balosars resistance to toxic
Arkanian Offshoots are bipedal
humanoids with a Near-Human BARABELS
appearance. They have pure white Barabels are towering bipeds with
skin, making them easily reptilian features: a prominent jaw;
identifiable from the Arkanian sharp teeth; a long tail; and
Purebloods, and possess five remarkably tough, dark scales.
digited fingers (As opposed to the Barabels are between 1.9 and 2.3
Arkanians’ four). A rare few meters in height, adding to their
Arkanian Offshoots have unique fearsome reputation.
traits as well, such as pointed ears,
or an exotic eye color.

•Low Light Vision: Arkanian Offshoots ignore
penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (But not Special
Pitch Darkness). •Natural Armor: A Barabel's thick scaly hide
•Outsider: Arkanian offshots are never quite provides a +2 Armor
comfortable dealing with other Species. They •Infravision: Barabels “see” heat, This halves
subtract -2 from Persuasion Rolls with all but others Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets
of their kind. (including invisible beings)
•Adaptable: Arkanian offshots begin play with •Environmental Weakness: Barabels suffer a -4
any Novice Edge of their choosing. They must to resist the effects of Frigid Climates (Cold).
meet its Requirements as usual. •Vengeful: Barabels who have been wronged
never forget nor do they let anything stand in their
way when they seek to right the scales. Though
they may be willing to wait if they must. They will
eventually always achieve their satisfaction.
•Bite: Barabels have Natural Weapons in the form
of a Bite that does Str+d4
•Claws: Barabels also have Natural Weapons in
the form of Claws that do Str+d4

Bith are humanoid in shape; their A Caamasi’s body is tall, lean, and
most notable features are their covered in down. It has long arms
bulbous heads and huge black with thin, three-fingered hands.
eyes. Their skin is often The coloration of the downy coat is
somewhere between gray and typically golden with purple rings
pink, although some Bith have skin around the eyes and three
tints of yellow or green. They lack matching stripes from the tops of
an external nose but have a finely the head that extend to the
tuned sense of smell. Their large shoulders. Less common
eyes give them incredibly focused colorations feature radically darker
vision, allowing them to see into hues in the same patterns.
the microscopic scale, but in turn,
they have poor long-range vision.
•Edges: Danger Sense.
•Innate Ability: Boost Skill. Bith can boost any •Innate Ability: Memnis (Cost 1 Ability Point/ per
Smarts related skill and are +2 on their Focus Skill Target) Caamasi can create strong, lasting
roll to do so. (Cost 1 Ability Points) (This is a Touch memories and share them with others of their
Ability and they can only affect themselves but Species through an inborn telepathy. Sharing a
functions as the Power otherwise) memory begins with taking a Full-Round Action to
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be initiate the link between two adjacent Caamasi;
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus transferring a memory requires as much time as
Skill) the events being recalled. The recipient of a
memory must be willing to receive it. Experiencing
Memnis is not like receiving a photographic
BLOOD CARVERS memory of those events, but rather a complete,
Vaguely humanoid with golden immersive experience. Any character who receives
skin, beak-like noses, and dark a Memnis from a Caamasi always gains +2 on
eyes, Blood Carvers are taller than Knowledge checks related to that memory. Force-
Humans, despite their triple using characters can also receive Memnis from a
segmented legs. Blood Carvers Caamasi with a successful Use the Force check.
wear sparse, close-fitting clothing
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus
that allows them to move about Skill).
with relative quiet, and they rarely,
if ever, adorn themselves with
jewelry. Tribal tattoos are common
on Blood Carvers. CATHAR
Cathar have leonine features, the
Special distinctiveness of which varies by
•Deathstrike: If your Action Card is a Joker, individual. Males have large
double the damage of your first successful Fighting manes, short beards, and tusks
attack this round. jutting from the lower jaw. Females
have smaller manes, but
impressive fangs along the upper
jaw. Cathar coloration ranges from
BOTHANS light yellow to dark beige,
Bothans are covered in fur that sometimes accented with dark
ripples in response to their stripes.
emotional state. They have tapered
ears, and both male and female
Bothans sport beards. Special
•Agile: Cathar are graceful. They start with a d6
Agility instead of a d4. This increases their
maximum Agility to d12+1.
•Claws: Cathar have claws that cause
Strength+d4 damage.
•Bloodthirsty: Cathar can be cruel to their foes,
often toying with them for simple Amusement.
•Natural Spies: Bothans add +2 to Notice and
Hacking rolls made to search for hidden papers/
files, or while hacking.

Cereans are a sophisticated and Chiss have deep blue skin and red
cultured humanoid species native to the glowing eyes. The shade of their
planet Cerea, a world on the fringes of skin and the crimson of their eyes
known space. Their elongated heads deepens with the amount of
distinguish them from most other oxygen in the atmosphere that
humanoid species. they breathe. They tend to have
black hair, though some
individuals, especially female
Chiss, develop grey hair as they

Special Special
•Intuitive Initiative: The binary brain of a •Low Light Vision: Chiss ignore penalties for Dim
Cerean allows them to constantly evaluate the or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness)
outcome of their actions even while observing •Versatile: Chiss are versatile and accomplished
everything around them. Whenever a Cerean is at many tasks. As such they start with 2 extra skill
dealt an action card of Five or lower, they may points to purchase skills with.
discard it and draw again until they get a card
higher than a Five.
•Contemplative Nature: Cereans are CHISTORI
contemplative by nature and often once they start The Chistori are a race of obscure
down a path they wish to see where it goes and saurian humanoids. So scarce is
are unwilling to change directions. As such they the information of these people
receive one less benny per game session and are that even the Jedi Archives have no
not allowed to take the luck edge. information on the Chistori
• Observant: Cereans are always half focused on homeworld. What little is known
their surroundings and the things and beings in it.
Their Notice and Common Knowledge both start as about this Species comes from
a d6 instead of a d4. This increases their maximum their interactions with others.
to d12+1. Fierce and warlike, they are quick
to anger and tend to use excessive
force to deal with even the
CHADRA-FAN smallest slights. As a result, few
No more than a meter tall, with flat space-faring Species have any reason to seek them
noses and round, dark eyes, out.
Chadra-Fans are covered in fur
everywhere except for their Special
fingers, toes, and large ears. • Tough Hides: Chistori have thick, scaly skin
giving them +2 to Armor.
• Sharp Fangs: The sharp fangs of a Chistori are
considered Natural Weapons and cause
Strength+d4 damage.
• Cold Sensitivity: Chistori are sensitive to cold
environments and suffer a -4 penalty to resist cold
effects and suffer +4 damage from cold-based
Special • Natural Predator: Natural instincts make the
Chistori more aware of their surroundings. They
•Small Stature: Chadra-Fans have naturally short start with the Alertness Edge. They also elicit
bodies they are always under 4’ as such their subconscious fear in others and suffer a -2 to
toughness and size are reduced by -1. Persuasion rolls with other species.
•Low Light Vision: Chadra-Fans ignore penalties
for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch
•Tinker: Chadra-Fan start out with a D4 in Repair.

In their natural forms, Clawdites Devaronian males are hairless with
are distinctly reptilian, their thick red-tinted skin, sharp incisors, and
hides having a green or ocher cast. a pair of large horns growing from
Their catlike eyes are yellow, set in their foreheads. Their appearance
a face that could pass for Human. is not unlike the devils of a
Clawdites can alter their thousand myths. Female
appearance in subtle ways when Devaronians are covered in thick
young, and as they age and fur that ranges in color from brown
practice their skills, they can to white. Females are hornless and
assume the appearance of similarly have prominent canine teeth.
sized Species, even masking their Devaronians stand 1.6 to 1.8 meters tall.
equipment when it is held close to
their bodies. Special

Special •Male Devaronians: start with a d6 in Agility and

increases the Maximum to d12+1
•Innate Ability: Shape Change (Cost 5 Ability •Female Devaronians: start with a d6 in Smarts
Points) Clawdites are shapechangers and can alter and increases the Maximum to d12+1
their appearance. A Clawdite can Shapeshift into
any humanoid species that is size 0 as an Action.
While shapeshifted, a Clawdite gains a +4 on DRAETHOS
Persuasion rolls made to convince others they are A Draethos’s most prominent
someone else. feature is a lipless mouth, which
Duration: 5 Rounds creates the illusion of a large
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be overbite. Their tightly muscled
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus humanoid bodies are covered in a
Skill) (This is a Touch Ability and they can only scaly skin ranging from violet to
affect themselves) mauve to gray. Their hands are
clawlike, contributing to the
CODRU-JI Draethos’s skeletal appearance.
Codru-Ji juveniles, or Wyrwulves,
resemble six-legged canines and
are often mistaken for pets by
offworlders who don’t know any Special
better. • Low Light Vision: Draethos ignore penalties for
Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness).
• Toughness: Draethos have tough skin (their
Toughness is increased by 1).

•Extra Limbs: Codru-Ji can use their extra limbs
to perform an extra action. They ignore two points
of Multi-action Penalties each turn. (This does
however suffer from the Off-hand Penalty).
•They get in the way: Due to their extra limbs
Codru-Ji subtract 2 from Trait Rolls when using
equipment that wasn’t specifically designed for
them, and cannot wear armor or clothing that is
not made for them. Equipment and clothing costs
double the listed price.
•Frail: Codru-Ji are less durable than most.
Reduce their toughness by 1.

DROIDS •4th: Battle Droids, Probe Droids: All 4th Degree
Droids vary in Droids have an additional -2 to their Persuasion
shape, size, Rolls (Even when dealing with other Droids). In
and functions return they do not have the Dependency Design
depending on feature shown above. Allowing them to function
the task and indefinitely without recharging.
species that •5th: Labor Droids: All 5th Degree Droids have a
created them. -1 to Smarts. In Return they start with a +4 to
That said all resist one Single negative environmental effect,
Droids have such as Heat, Cold, Radiation, etc.. Damage from
the same that source is also reduced by 4
basic design
features at DUG
creation. They also select a Degree during
creation. All Character Droids start with a Heuristic Dugs are vaguely humanoid, in that
Processor. they possess a torso, two legs, and
two arms. The positions of their limbs
Special are reversed, however, so that they
use their upper limbs for walking and
•Construct: Constructs are artificial beings made their lower limbs to manipulate
of inorganic material. They add +2 to recover from objects. They have brown skin, floppy
being shaken, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, ear flaps, and large mouths filled with
don’t breathe, and are immune to disease and broad, flat teeth. Male Dugs possess a
poison. Wounds must be mended via the Repair flap of skin on their throats that can
skill. Each attempt takes one hour per current be inflated and used to produce
Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour.” mating calls during the appropriate
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge. They season.
must spend one hour out of every 24 plugged into
a power supply. If unable to do so they begin to
take Fatigue each day until they become Special
incapacitated as they run low on power. A day after
that, they perish. Each hour spent recovering while •Small Stature: Dugs have naturally short bodies
plugged in to a power source restores a level of they are always under 4’ as such their toughness
Fatigue. and size are reduced by -1.
•Droid: Droids subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls •Fast Hands: Dugs possess excellent reflexes and
when interacting with anyone that is not a droid, hand-eye coordination as such they ignore 2 points
and have no legal rights in most areas (they’re of Multi-Action penalties each turn
generally considered property). •Born to Race: Dugs are natural pilots. As such
•Never Force Sensitive: Droids being inorganic they start with a d4 in Piloting
are never able to take the Force Use skill. Due to
this reason they can also never have an Arcane DUROS
Background or use Force Powers.
Tall hairless humanoids from the Duro
system. Many respected scholars
Degree credit the Duros with creating the first
•1st: Medical Droids, Research Droids: All 1st hyperdrive. Although not as numerous
Degree Droids have a -2 Penalty to Strength and -1 as Humans, the Duros are almost as
to Parry. In return they start out with the Healer or omnipresent.
Investigator Edge and a d6 in the Healing or
Research Skill.
•2nd: Astromech Droids, Mechanic Droids: All 2nd
Degree Droids are Unable to speak Basic as they
are not equipped with a vocabulator that allows it.
Other races can learn to understand them if they
take the proper language skill. They can hear and
understand basic and may communicate via
electronic devices or similar methods. In return Special
they start out with a d4 in Astrogation, Electronics • Adaptable: Like Humans Duros may select a
or Repair free Novice edge of their choice (and must meet all
•3rd: Protocol Droids, Service Droids: All 3rd the edge’s requirements).
Degree Droids have reduced Pace by 1 and the • Natural Pilot: Duros start with a d4 in Piloting.
running die a die type. In return they do not • Frail: Duros are less durable than most. As such
subtract 2 from their Persuasion rolls when their toughness is reduced by -1.
interacting with anyone that is not a Droid. They
are still considered Property and have no legal
rights in most areas however.

Intelligent omnivores native to one Feeorin are massive, highly
of the moons orbiting Endor, Ewoks muscled humanoids standing over
are almost unknown prior to the 2 meters tall. Their skin tones vary
battle of Endor. Ewoks live in tree- wildly, from coal black to pale
dwelling tribes with gender-based white but are more
division of labor; males hunt, commonly green, yellow, or blue.
forage, and make weapons, while Half-meter-long tendrils hang from
females raise young and handle the sides and backs of their head.
other domestic tasks. Ewok culture They also have bright red eyes.
revolves around complex animistic
beliefs involving the giant trees of
the forest moon.
• Vengeful (Major): Feeorins never forget a
• At home in Nature: Ewoks are naturally at wrong done to them and neither will those who do
home in any area that is not considered “Urban” as it.
such they gain a +2 to stealth as well as Survival • Mean (minor): Feeorins are rather ill-tempered
in non-urban settings and don’t try and hide it. They have a -1 to their
• Low Light Vision: Ewoks eyes amplify light. Persuasion Rolls.
They ignore penalties to dim and dark illumination • Low Light Vision: Feeorins ignore penalties for
(but not Pitch Darkness). Dim or Dark illumination (But not Pitch Darkness).
•Backwater Planet: Due to their primitive • Inborn Resilience: Feeorins are a hardy bunch
background Ewoks do not start out with the and a second shaken result does not cause a
Common Knowledge skill as a Core Skill. This skill wound to them.
may be gained normally but does not start at a d4. • Great Fortitude: Feeorins are able to fight
• Small Stature: Ewoks have naturally short through their pain. They may ignore 1 point of
bodies they are always under 4’ as such their pace Wound penalties.
and their size are both reduced by -1
•Primitive Expertise: Ewoks gain a +2 to
fighting when using Medieval weapons.

FALLEEN Episode I The Phantom Menace

The Falleen are a reptilian Species Turmoil has engulfed the
that have a similar shape and size Galactic Republic. The
to Humans. Delicate blue-green taxation of trade routes to
scales, supple and flexible, cover
their bodies, growing thicker and outlying star systems is in
harder where they cover their dispute.
spines. Falleen can and do grow
hair, and for many, their hair is a
Hoping to resolve the matter
point of pride. They wear their with a blockade of deadly
black tresses long, pulled up into battleships, the greedy
topknots, or back in elaborate
braids. Some adorn their luxuriant Trade Federation has stopped
hair with combs, beads, and ornate nets made of all shipping to the small
priceless wire and gemstones planet of Naboo.
While the congress of the
Republic endlessly debates
• Innate Ability: Empathy (As per the Power) in
the SWADE Core Book. this alarming chain of events,
Cost and Duration: As per the Power but uses the Supreme Chancellor has
Ability Points and Focus to cast
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be secretly dispatched two Jedi
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus Knights, the guardians of
Skill). peace and justice in the
galaxy, to settle the

Felucians are a tall, bipedal Gamorreans are green-skinned
Species. Both their arms and legs creatures from the planet Gamorr.
end in four, large webbed digits They are known for great strength
with suction- cup fingertips. and brutality and their tendency
Springing from the underside of toward (and talent for) violence
each forearm is a second short has made them favored
arm, ending in three large and mercenaries throughout the
agile fingers. A Felucian’s head is a galaxy. Gamorreans prefer heavy
thick mass of long flexible tendrils melee weapons and have a
featuring illuminated tips. The eyes marked distaste for energy
and mouth appear as black holes or openings weapons.
within this mass.

• All Thumbs (minor): Felucians come from a
non-technical world. As such they suffer a -2 • Strong: Gamorreans are natural brutes. Their
penalty when using mechanical or electrical strength starts as a d6 instead of a d4. This
devices. If they roll a Critical Failure while using increases their maximum to d12+1.
such a device they break it. It can be fixed with a •Let’s gut something: Gamorreans start with a
repair roll and 1d6 hours. d6 in fighting and their maximum is increased to a
• Outsider (minor): Due to their facial features d12+1
being hidden, most humanoids feel uncomfortable •Droid Hate: As a species Gamorreans hate
when dealing with them. As such Felucians droids. They suffer a -2 to Persuasion rolls
subtract 2 from Persuasion rolls made to influence whenever they must interact with one and may
those who aren’t their own kind. become hostile towards it with little provocation.
•Extra Limbs: Felucians can use their extra limbs •Unable to speak Basic: Gamorreans are unable
to perform an extra action. They ignore two points to speak basic as their vocal chords wont allow for
of Multi-action Penalties each turn. (This does anything but grunts. Other races can learn to
however suffer from the Off-hand Penalty). understand them if they take the proper language
•Give me some Sun: Felucians being plant based skill. They can hear and understand basic, and may
need to receive at least 1 hour of direct sunlight communicate via electronic devices or similar
every 24 hours. They receive one level of fatigue methods.
for every day they don’t do so until they become •Clumsy Blasters: Due to their dislike of energy
Incapacitated. weapons they suffer a -1 penalty to all shooting
•Weaker than most: Felucians start with a -1 to rolls.
Strength. (this applies to damage as well) •Tough: Gamorreans increase their base
•Only Felucian: Felucians can only speak their toughness by +1 due to their tough hides.
own language. Though they can understand others
and communicate with a translator.
•Aquatic: At home in the water Felucians cannot
drown in oxygenated liquid.
•Innate Ability: Force Blast
Cost and Duration: As Per the Power but uses
Ability Points and Focus to cast
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses their
Focus Skill)

Short, stocky, and fleshy in Gungans range from 1.6 to 2
appearance, Gand have three meters tall, with two eye stalks,
fingers on each hand, and their floppy ears, and long tongues.
faces are lumpy and unsettling.
Gand have large, multifaceted eyes
that betray little emotion. All Gand
encountered off-world use a special
breathing apparatus that fits
snugly into their facial orifice.

Special Special
•Infravision: Gand eyes filter light. Illumination •Semi-Aquatic: At home in the water Gunguns
penalties are halved when attacking warm can hold their breath for 15 minutes before
targets(including invisible ones). checking for drowning.
•Antitox Breath Mask: Gand masks prevent •Low Light Vision: Gungans eyes amplify light.
them from being affected by any airborne poisons They ignore penalties to dim and dark illumination
or diseases. Without this mask they must make a (but not Pitch Darkness).
Vigor roll every round. If the roll is failed, they gain
a level of Fatigue. A Gand who is incapacitated
from this dies in a number of minutes equal to his
Vigor. If the mask is able to be replaced before HOUK
then, he can be resuscitated with a healing roll at Houk are hulking bipeds with thick
-2. skin (Usually dark blue or violet),
•Regeneration: The Gand can make a natural hairless heads marked with bony
healing roll once per day, even permanent injuries ridges and a pronounced brow,
can be recovered once all other Wounds have been flabby jowls, beady yellow eyes,
healed. An attempt to heal a Permanent wound can and no visible ears or nose. The
be attempted once per week. Every permanent
wound counts as a -1 to this attempt including the average Houk stands about 2.2
first one. meters tall.
•Gand Only: A Gand cannot communicate in any
language other than Gand. Other species can learn
to understand them if they take the proper
language skill. They can hear and understand
basic, and may communicate via electronic devices
or similar methods. Special
•Size +2: Houk receive a +2 to Toughness and
GRAN their Maximum Strength is increased by 2 steps to
a D12+2.
The beige-skinned Gran have three
distinctive eye stalks with pitch-
black eyes, ahead of small horns
and large, triangular ears. Males
and females have similar builds.

•Infravision: Gran can see heat, (Illumination
penalties are halved when attacking warm targets
(including invisible ones).
•Innate Accuracy: Gran start out with a D4 in

A Hutt is an immense, slug-like Typically a peace-loving and gentle
creature with a thick body, people, Ithorians are reluctant to
muscular tail, and small arms participate in combat, though a few
protruding from it’s upper body. have taken to the adventuring

Special Special
•Slow as a Slug: A Hutt moves at Pace 3, has a •Mother Jungle: Ithorians are devoted to
running die of d4, is -2 from Athletics and rolls to maintaining ecological balance. They start with a
resist Athletics where movement and mobility are d4 in Survival.
integral to the challenge. •Technologically Advanced: Ithorians long ago
•Force Resilient: Hutts have slippery minds and left the surface of their planet and live in “Herd
bodies as such any Force Power directed at a Hutt Ships” above it. They start out with a d4 in
suffers a -2 penalty (even from an Ally) and Science.
damage caused by such powers is reduced by 2 as
•Size +2: Hutts receive a +2 to Toughness and JAWA
their Maximum Strength is increased by 2 steps to Jawas wear brown hooded cloaks
a D12+2. to protect themselves from the
oppressive heat of the twin suns of
IKTOTCHI Tatooine. Beneath their coverings,
Jawas are slight rodent creatures
The Iktotchi are a humanoid with tiny hands and feet.
Species with large, downward-
curving horns. Females have
smaller horns than the males. Their
skin is thick, tan, and hairless,
weather beaten by Iktotchon's
fierce winds. Their eye color ranges
from yellow to orange.
•Reduced Pace: Decrease the characters pace by
1 and their running die one die type.
Special •Size -1: Jawa average only about four feet tall,
reducing their size (and therefore Toughness) by 1.
•Innate Ability: Limited Precognition: Iktotchi are •Infravision: Jawa can see heat, (Illumination
gifted with limited precognition and are subjected penalties are halved when attacking warm targets
to prophetic dreams. As such they can grant (including invisible ones).
themselves a +1 Species bonus to Parry against •Desert Dweller: Jawa are adapted to the desert.
any single attack. They may even do so after the They receive a +4 to resist the effects of
attack total is determined, but they must do so environmental Heat such as arid climates and
before Damage is rolled. (Cost 3 Ability Points). damage from that source is also reduced by 4.
Duration: Instant •Tinker: Jawa start out with a D4 in Repair.
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus

Kaminoans are tall and gaunt, with pale To Humans, Khil faces are ghastly.
skin, three-fingered hands, and long Their skin is a sickly green, and
necks. Their faces are small and they have fleshy strands (Hullepi)
dominated by a pair of large, black hanging where one would expect a
eyes. Every male Kaminoan has a fin- mouth.
like crest on the top of his head, but
female Kaminoans have no such

•Hullepi: Khil are able to absorb nutrition through
•Resilient: Scientific refinements to their genetic the tentacles on their faces, called hullepi, drawing
code makes Kaminoans immune to Poisons or nourishment from almost any environment. Khil do
Disease. not suffer the effects of Hunger, except in sterile

Kel Dor evolved on Dorin, a world
with an atmosphere consisting Kissai have glowing yellow eyes
mostly of helium and a gas that is and crimson hides. They are
unique to that world. As such, Kel humanoid with distinctly sharp,
Dor cannot breathe on planets with predatory features.
common nitrogen/oxygen
atmospheres. Conversely Dorin’s
atmosphere is toxic to most
nonnative life.

•Filter Goggles: Kel Dor goggles filter light.
Illumination penalties are halved when attacking •Warriors Awareness: This character starts with
warm targets(including invisible ones) Loss of the Danger Sense Edge.
these goggles means the Kel Dor is considered
blind and suffers a -4 to all actions requiring sight.
•Antitox Breath Mask: Kel Dor masks prevent
them from being affected by any airborne poisons
or diseases. Without this mask they must make a
Vigor roll every round. If the roll is failed, they gain
a level of Fatigue. A Kel Dor who is incapacitated
from this dies in a number of minutes equal to his
Vigor. If the mask is able to be replaced before
then, he can be resuscitated with a healing roll at
• Armored Equipment: Due to the nature of their
dependency on this equipment the Kel Dor have
become experts at making them. Called shots to
the head do no extra damage.

The Kubaz have rough-textured Mantellian Savrips have a
green-black skin and bristly hair hunched-over stature, leathery
that grows from the top of their skin, snake-like heads, and arms
heads. Their eyes are very long enough to drag the ground.
sensitive to red wavelengths of Their skin tone can vary
light; when away from their between a bland grey or a dark
homeworld, they must wear blue tone, and their mouths are
protective lenses. The most striking filled with razor-sharp poisonous
feature of a Kubaz's face is its short teeth.
prehensile trunk. Adult Kubaz stand
between 1.7 and 2 meters tall.

•Low Light Vision: Kubaz ignore penalties for
Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness) •Semi-Sentient Brute: The Savrip starts with a
•Information Networking: The Kubaz typically -2 Penalty to both Smarts and Spirit (but not its
develop intricate information networks in order to linked skills). They also start with a d6 Strength
gather intelligence in an area or about an instead of a d4. This increases their maximum
individual. A Kubaz may re-roll Persuasion and Strength to d12+1.
Intimidation rolls to Gather Information only, •Hulkish: Savrips are Big so much so that they
keeping the better of the two results. can’t wear or use standard equipment without
•Special Equipment: Kubaz suffer from exposure taking a -2 to Trait Rolls to do so. Food, Equipment,
to light without protective goggles. When exposed and Clothing cost Double the listed Price to be the
to sudden light, and without protective goggles, a proper size for this character.
Kubaz suffers a -1 penalty to any trait roll •Faster Than They Look: They have a Pace of 8
dependent on vision. This penalty can only be and their running die is a d8.
removed after spending one hour in darkness, or •Poison Jaws: They have Natural Weapons in the
one hour after putting on protective goggles. form of jaws that do Str+d6. In addition the victim
Replacement goggles cost 1,000 credits (200 on must make a Vigor roll or suffer the effects of Mild
Kubindi). Kubaz characters begin play with a pair of Poison (pg. 128) if the attack causes them to be
protective goggles at no cost. Shaken or take a Wound.
•Rage: They start with the Berserk Edge.
•Primitive Knowledge: Savrips start with the All
Thumbs Hindrance.
LANNIK •Thick Skin: Savrips have thick hide which grants
Adult Lannik stand between 1.1 to them +2 Natural Armor.
1.3 meters tall and weigh between
35 and 45 kilograms. Females tend MASSASSI
to be as tall as their male
counterparts, but slightly thinner. Massassi have glowing yellow eyes
Lannik coloration ranges from dark and crimson hides. They are
red and orange to purple and dark humanoid with distinctly sharp,
blue, with hair, eyes, and skin of predatory features. The Massassi
similar hue. They have large, are large, hulking beings who
pointed ears capable of rotating to appear brutish, a trait that
pick up distant or faint sounds. disguises their intelligence.
Because they have few facial
expressions, Lannik often seem grim or angry to
those unfamiliar with them.

•Small Stature: Lannik have naturally short Special
bodies they are always under 4’ as such their
toughness and size are reduced by -1. •Warriors Awareness: This character starts with
•Reduced Pace: Decrease the characters pace by the Danger Sense Edge.
-1 and their running die one die type. •Hulkish: Massassi are Big, so much so that they
•Spirited: Lannik start with a d6 in Spirit and can’t wear or use standard equipment without
increases the Maximum to d12+1 taking a -2 to Trait Rolls to do so. Food, Equipment,
•Heightened Awareness: A Lannik can choose and Clothing cost Double the listed Price to be the
to re-roll any Notice check, but the result of the re- proper size for this character.
roll must be accepted, even if it is worse. •Survivor: The Massassi start out with Survival as
a d6 and the skill maximum is d12+1.

Miralukans are similar to Humans. Mirialans appear very similar to
They cover their featureless eye stock Humans save that their skin
sockets with cloth or visors, color ranges from yellow-green to
especially when training. more human coloration and can at
times show as a pale blue-green.
Their eyes are usually blue or
green, with orange more rarely;
and their hair is typically black or
brown. They average the same
heights as Humans, though they
tend to be slightly lighter and they
have lifespans comparable to
Special Humans.
•Blind: Miralukans are completely without Sight. Special
They suffer a -6 to all Physical tasks that require
vision. (Gm’s Call). •Innate Ability: Mind Link: Mirialans can create a
•Force Awareness: This character starts with the telepathic connection between themselves and
Danger Sense Edge. others. The link accommodates only willing
•One With the Force: The character starts out subjects and communication. Thoughts that aren’t
with an Arcane Background of their choice and consciously transmitted aren’t relayed (Cost 1
several Starting powers. Ability Point per person involved in the link.
Including the Mirialan themselves.
Starting Powers Range: Smarts
•Force Sight: (Unique to Miralukans) Duration: 5 Rounds
Power Points: 1 •Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be
Range: Self used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus
Duration: 5 Rounds Skill)
Force Sight allows the user of the power to sense
all objects and living beings within a 12” range
from the recipient. This includes invisible or MON CALAMARI
concealed foes. With a raise, the range is The Mon Calamari are land
increased to 24”. It also allows the recipient to creatures but water is essential to
ignore up to 4 points of penalties from Blindness their culture. They are used to
when attacking foes hidden by darkness, moist climates and find arid areas,
invisibility, or similar abilities or effects, but does
not reduce penalties from cover such as deserts, uncomfortable
•Force Shield and unnatural.
•Force Blast

•Aquatic: At home in the water Mon Calamari
cannot drown in oxygenated liquid and move their
full Pace when swimming.
•Environmental Weakness: Mon Calamari suffer
a -4 to resist the effects of Arid Climates (Heat).
•Technologically Advanced: Mon Calamari are
some of the best shipbuilders in the galaxy. They
start out with a d4 in Science.

The average Muun stands about Neti are sentient plants with rough
1.9 meters tall and has an gray skin similar to plant bark, thin
elongated, almost featureless head branching arms, and thick body
and rail-thin body. trunks. Neti foliage tends to be
brown or black, and grows on the
upper part of a Neti's body. Neti
also spout a crown of black-green
vegetable "Fur" resembling hair.
Rootlike appendages serve as feet.
When resting, an adult Neti
generally appears as a 5-meter-tall
•Stamina: Muun start with a d6 in Vigor and
increases the Maximum to d12+1 •Innate Ability: Growth: The Neti can increase
their Size by 1 for every 2 Ability Points spent. Each
increase in Size grants the Neti a one-step increase
to Strength and 1 point of Toughness. This does not
NAUTOLAN increase Wounds regardless of change to Scale.
Nautolans have thick green skin Duration: 5 Rounds
that is covered in dark, mottled •Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be
spots. Their large, black eyes allow used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus
them to see well in dim light. Each Skill)
Nautolan's head is crowned by
long, tentacle-like tendrils, which
the Nautolan decorates with NOGHRI
leather bands, metal rings, or
beaded ties. Noghri are small, compact
humanoids. A typical Noghri has
gray skin, beady black eyes set
within bony sockets, claws, and
fangs. Adult Noghri average 1.3
Special meters tall.
•Low Light Vision: Nautolans ignore penalties for
Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness)
•Aquatic: At home in the water Nautolans cannot
drown in oxygenated liquid and move their full
Pace when swimming.
•Environmental Weakness: Nautolans suffer a
-4 to resist the effects of Arid Climates (Heat).

• Reduced Pace: Decrease the characters pace
by -1 and their running die one die type.
Neimoidians are slight of build and • Size -1: Noghri average only about four feet tall,
stand between 1.6 and 2 meters in reducing their size (and therefore Toughness) by 1.
height. They are hairless, with • Hardy: A second shaken result in combat does
large red eyes and wide, lipless not cause a wound.
mouths. Their skin is usually bluish • Claws: Noghri have claws that cause
gray, but it can range in tone from Strength+d4 damage.
very pale to almost black.
Neimoidians favor expensive
clothing and are always seen in
public wearing whatever symbols
of office or rank they possess.

•Naturally Persuasive: Neimodians start with a
d6 in Persuasion and their maximum increases to
•Academic by nature: Neimodians start with a
d4 in Academics

Nosaurians’ thick skin ranges in Humanoid in appearance, Pykes
color primarily from light green to are thin and tall with long limbs
black, with other colors less and fingers. Their heads are
common. A Nosaurian’s head excessively elongated and tapered
features a prominent ridge of with proportionally small faces, a
horns, serving both as a natural feature most other sentient
headdress and weapon. Old and species find unsettling. Their skin
battle-scarred Nosaurians often tones are often dull green with
have broken or damaged horns. more brightly colored eyes, often
hidden behind face masks.

•Horns: Nosaurians have horns that cause
Strength+d6 damage. •Born Killer: Pykes are naturally adapt at killing
they start with the Assassin Edge even if they don’t
meet all the requirements
Pantorans are a Near-Human QUARREN
Species with skin of various shades
of blue and yellow eyes, with some Quarren hail from the planet Mon
rare instances of black. Their hair Calamari sharing the world with
ranges in color from black and blue that species.
to light purple and white. They
have an average height similar to
that of Humans, a bit less than two
meters. Their physiology allows
them to be comfortable in lower
temperatures, requiring only a
couple layers of casual clothing in
icy climates. In all other aspects, Pantorans are
nearly identical to Humans.
•Aquatic: At home in the water Quarren cannot
•Cold Resistance: Pantorans are adapted to the drown in oxygenated liquid and move their full
cold. They receive a +4 to resist the effects of Pace when swimming.
environmental Cold such as Arctic climates and •Isolationist: Quarren suffer a -2 from Persuasion
damage from that source is also reduced by 4. rolls made to influence those who aren’t Quarren or
•One-upmanship: Pantorans are naturals at Mon Calamari.
explaining why they are better than you. As such •Low Light Vision: Quarren eyes amplify light.
they start with a d4 in Taunt. They ignore penalties to dim and dark illumination
(but not Pitch Darkness).

Rakata resemble humanoids with Human Replica Droids, or HRDs,
tall, cone-like heads. Their eyes are are sophisticated synth-skin and
located on the sides of their head, bio-fiber-covered Droids designed
attached by a short eye stalk. Their to be nearly indistinguishable from
claw like hands have only three Humans. Their design is similar
digits. Their skin is gray or gray- enough to Human anatomy that
brown. even high-quality medical scanners
are not always able to identify
them as inorganic, although they
are able to discern some
differences from the typical
Human. They were sometimes
referred to as “Meatdroids” or
“Droid Clones.” Unlike true clones, a droid clone
Special can be created in under three months.
•Force Blind: For reasons unknown, the Rakata
have lost their connection to The Force. Rakata Special
cannot take the Force Sensitivity Edge. They can
still increase their Dark Side Score and are still •Construct: Constructs are artificial beings made
affected by Force Powers and the Use the Force of inorganic material. They add +2 to recover from
Skill as normal. being shaken, ignore one level of Wound modifiers,
•Primitive Tech: Rakata Suffer the effects of the don’t breathe, and are immune to disease and
All Thumbs Edge when using any Technology not poison. Wounds must be mended via the Repair
created by their Species. skill. Each attempt takes one hour per current
•Rage: They start with the Berserk Edge. Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour.”
•Adaptable: Rakata start with a free Novice Edge •Vow (Major): Replica Droids are loyal to their
of their choice (they must meet all the creators (or an individual or organization
Requirements). designated at creation). They cannot cause harm
•Ancient Knowledge: Rakata start with a d6 in to those that they are loyal to or through inaction
Common Knowledge. allow them to be harmed. This can be removed for
two Advancements.
•Never Force Sensitive: Droids being inorganic
are never able to take the skill Force Use. Due to
RATTATAKI this reason they can also never have an Arcane
Background or use Force Powers.
The Rattataki are a Species of pale- •Secret (Major): Replica Droids are designed to
skinned Near-Humans, standing meld in with other humans. They are illegal in
1.7 to 1.9 meters in height. Their some places and being revealed can lead to a host
skin is universally chalk-white, with of issues. If it is ever made public knowledge that
bald heads. Their eyes possess the character is a Replica Droid, trade this for
more variation, between shades of Enemy, Shamed, Wanted, or another appropriate
grey and green. Most Rattataki Hindrance approved by the GM.
imprint tattoos along their cranium
to denote major life events and
Rodians are a humanoid species
with multifaceted eyes, tapered
snouts and deep green skin.
•Born Soldier: Rattataki are natural Soldiers and
start with the Soldier edge even if they don’t meet
all the requirements

•Keen Senses: Rodians start with the Alertness
edge due to their multifaceted eyes.

Ryn are humanoid, but slightly Sluissi have long, legless, and
shorter than Humans. All Ryn have distinctly serpentine bodies that
thick, muscular tails that end in are covered in fine scales, typically
white tufts. Prehensile, their tails ranging in color from light brown to
can support their weight and even dark green. Sluissi's eyes are round
act as a third arm. A fine coat of and totally black. A forked tongue
smoke-gray fur covers their bodies, aids a Sluissi's sense of smell.
while they grow thick white to blue-
white hair on their heads. Males
wear thin mustaches and beards. A
Ryn’s most distinctive feature is its
nose. A chitinous organ, similar to
a beak, it is perforated to allow the passage of air.
Ryn can pipe sounds through these holes to create Special
a variety of tones, whistles, and pops. Skilled Ryn
can use these “Beaks” to create music. •Serpentine: By coiling their serpentine bodies,
Sluissi are able to jump twice as far as normal. In
addition they add +4 to damage when leaping as
Special part of a Wild Attack instead of the usual +2
•Prehensile Tail: Ryn receive a +1 to their Parry
due to their tails. They may also use this tail to
perform any Free Action that usually requires an SNIVVIAN
empty hand to perform. This also allows them to
“Ready” up to 3 objects per turn as a Free Action. The short Snivvians have thick
skin, and sparse hair. They have a
large, short snout, and large
SELKATH canines protruding from their lower
jaw. Their thick skin protects them
Selkath are amphibious humanoids, from harsh winters, and also aids
with large eyes on each side of them in warmer climates.
their wide, flat heads. They have
concealed gill slits that work
equally well in air or water. They
have naturally poisoned, retractile
claws, but it is socially
unacceptable (And illegal on Special
Manaan) to use them against an
opponent. Nevertheless, highly •Size -1: Snivvians average only about four feet
enraged Selkath occasionally tall, reducing their size (and therefore Toughness)
disregard this restriction. by 1.
•Observant: Snivvians start with a d6 in Notice.
•Cold Resistance: Snivvians are adapted to the
cold. They receive a +4 to resit the effects of
Special environmental Cold such as Arctic climates and
•Aquatic: At home in the water Selkath cannot damage from that source is also reduced by 4.
drown in oxygenated liquid and move their full •Artistic Nature: They start out with a d4 in
Pace when swimming. Performance.
•Poisoned Claws: Selkath have claws that cause
Strength+d4 damage. With a successful claw
attack the victim must roll Vigor or suffer the
effects of Mild Poison. However any Selkath who
uses their claws to attack anyone is instantly given
the Wanted (Major) hindrance on Manaan or when
dealing with other Selkath, for doing so.

Tall and thickly muscled, Stenax Sullustans ranged from 1 to 1.8
have gargoyle-like faces and a row meters in height and bore round,
of bony spikes running across their tapered skulls. Sullustans were
shoulders. Three sharp claws distinguishable for their almond-
punctuate each foot, five on each shaped black eyes, facial jowls
hand, with additional spikes lining called dew flaps and large, round
the backs of their calf muscles. ears.
Stenax have scaly, purple-gray skin
and white eyes with minuscule

Special Special
•Claws: Stenax have Natural Weapons in the form •Who has big eyes/ears: Their Notice starts as a
of Claws that do Str+d4 d6 instead of a d4. This increases their maximum
•Big: Stenax are Big, so much so that they can’t to d12+1.
wear or use standard equipment without taking a •Natural Pilot: Sullustans start with a d4 in
-2 to Trait Rolls to do so. Food, Equipment, and Piloting.
Clothing cost Double the listed price.
•Flight: Stenax can fly at Pace 6 per round. Use
Athletics when maneuvering.

Talz are completely covered in
The Stennes Shifters are biological shaggy white fur. Each one has
offshoots of the Near-Human four black eyes, plus a proboscis
Stennes and resemble their kin in for talking and eating, and two
appearance, with ashen-gray skin large hands with sharp talons.
riddled with dark veins and small
knobs, a slight body, heavy-lidded
eyes, and gaunt cheeks that gave
them a skull-like visage.

•Claws: Talz have claws that cause Strength+d4
•Innate Ability: Drain Power Points: As an Action damage.
once per round, a Shifter can drain energy from a
Grappled target, draining 1d6 of the target's Power
Points (Arcane or Innate if any, and the die does
not Ace.) The Shifter can repeat this action each
round until the target escapes the Grab, or until
the target reaches 0 Power Points. Any creature
that reaches 0 Power Points in this way is Stunned.
They can use these stolen Power Points to Shape
Change (Cost 5 Power Points) Stennes Shifters are
shapechangers and can alter their appearance. A
Shifter can Shapeshift into any humanoid species
that is size 0 as an Action. While shapeshifted, a
Shifter gains a +4 on Persuasion rolls made to
convince others they are someone else.
Duration: 5 Rounds
Points: Shifter’s do not have Power Points of their
own. They start with 0 points and must steal Points
as above and have no limit to how many they can

Tchuukthai are Togorians are predatory, aggressive
hulking, nomads and fearless warriors. In
quadrupedal the days of the Republic, Togorian
brutes with pirate fleets were a known
thick leathery menace. The Republic was
skin, wide-set unsuccessful in quelling this threat,
eyes, flaring but the new Empire has the drive
nostrils, and and the firepower to crush the
sharp fangs. fleets. During The Dark Times,
Bristling fur pirate fleet survivors are likely to
covers their seek their fortunes aboard non-
shoulders and Togorian ships and in non-Togorian
backs, and armor plating protects their head, organizations.
joints, and vital organs. An Adult Tchuukthai stands
2 meters tall at the shoulder or 3 meters tall when Special
standing upright on his or her hind legs. Tchuukthai
who consort with other Species typically don •Balance beyond Compare: Togorians start with
clothing' others do not. the Steady Hands Edge (Even if they don’t meet
the Requirements)
•Claws: Tchuukthai have Natural Weapons in the TOGRUTA
form of Claws that do Str+d4
•Low Light Vision: Tchuukthai ignore penalties Togruta have an oval face flanked
for Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch by striped, curved horns and a
Darkness) long head tail. Elaborate red and
•Big: Tchuukthai are Big so much so that they white patterns adorn the
can’t wear or use standard equipment without face,while a Togruta’s body and
taking a -2 to Trait Rolls to do so. Food, Equipment, limbs display red and white
and Clothing cost Double the listed price. stripes.
•Natural Armor: Tchuukthai posses an armored
hide that provides a +2 Armor bonus

Thisspiasians are reptilian
humanoids with two pairs of arms
and long hair coming from both the Special
top of their head and beards. Their •Pack Hunter: Togrutas are adept at working
skin is scaled, and lower pair of together with others. They add 2 points to any
arms is typically hidden inside of melee gang-up they are involved in. This does not
clothing change the maximum allowed bonus of Gang Up.
•Echo Location: Togrutas can "see" by emitting
sound and receiving its echo. As long as they can
emit and receive sound, they may ignore all
illumination penalties and ignore up to 4 points of
blindness (this does not include the effects of the
Blindness Hindrance), invisibility, or other penalties
inflicted by sight or illumination within 10" (20
Special yards). Creatures with keen hearing may be able to
•Prehensile Tail: Thisspiasian are able to jump hear the character’s calls (GM's call).
twice as far as normal. In addition they add +4 to
damage when leaping as part of a Wild Attack
instead of the usual +2
•Poor Parry: Thisspiasian are poor melee
defenders. Which results in a -1 to parry
•Infravision: Thisspiasian “see” heat, This halves
Illumination penalties when attacking warm targets
(including invisible beings)

Toydarians are rarely more than 1.5 Tridactyls, is simply one of many
meters tall. Toydarian skin color terms used to denote this species.
ranges from blue to green to pink. No one but them, knows what they
They are pudgy, with spindly limbs are really called. And they aren't
and a pair of fluttering wings that telling. They average about 0.7
keeps them aloft. meters tall. They are green or
greenish-brown skinned with large
pointed ears and three digits on
each hand, with small vestigial
claws. Hair tends to be sparse and
white or grey.

Special Special
•Force Resilient: Toydarians have slippery minds •Small Stature: Tridactyl have naturally short
as such any Force Power directed at a Toydarian bodies they are always under 4’ as such their
suffers a -2 penalty (even from an Ally) and toughness and size are reduced by -1.
damage caused by such powers is reduced by 2 as •Reduced Pace: Decrease the characters pace by
well. -1 and their running die one die type.
•Flight: Toydarians can fly at pace 6 and “run” for •One With the Force: The character starts out
extra movement as usual. with an Arcane Background of their choice
•Size -1: Toydarians are short, reducing their size •Strong Connection: Tridactyl start with one
(and therefore Toughness) by 1. extra benny as per the “Luck” edge
•Miserly: Toydarians all have the “Minor Greedy

TRANDOSHAN Roughly 2 meters tall, Tusken

Raiders are swathed from head to
The reptilian Trandoshans are toe in dusty bandages, as required
known for their great strength and by ancient custom. Protruding
warlike nature. circular lenses protect their eyes,
and filter masks cover their


Special •Stealthy: Tuskens start with a d6 Stealth.

•Survival Instinct: They start with a d4 in
•Scales: The scales that make up their skin grants Survival.
them armor +2.
•Regeneration: The Trandoshan can make a
natural healing roll once per day, even permanent
injuries can be recovered once all other Wounds
have been healed. An attempt to heal a Permanent
wound can be attempted once per week. Every
permanent wound counts as a -1 to this attempt
including the first one.
•Infravision: Illumination penalties are halved
when attacking warm targets(including invisible
•Hated Wookiees: They have a strong dislike of
Wookiees. They suffer a -2 to Persuasion rolls
whenever they must interact with one and may
become hostile towards them with little
•The Cold is not for Us: Trandoshan suffer a -4
to resist the effects of the Cold.

This humanoid species is instantly Ugnaughts are stout humanoids
recognizable by their long, tapered with porcine facial features. Adults
“head-tails.” stand between 1.0 and 1.6 meters

•Small Stature: Ughnaughts have naturally short
•Head-tails: Twi’leks can use their head-tails to bodies they are always under 4’ as such their
communicate in secret with each other, even if in a toughness and size are reduced by -1.
room full of others. The complex movement of the •Natural Electrician: Ughnaughts start with a d4
tails is, in a sense, a “secret” language that all in Electronics
twi’leks are fluent in. •Natural Mechanic: Ughnaughts start with a d4
•Natural Showmen: Naturally able to attract the in Repair
attention of others with the complex movements of •Natural Scientist: Ughnaughts start with a d4 in
their head-tails. Twi’leks start with a d4 in Science

Umbarans are thinly built
Ubese are a Species of graceful humanoids with sunken eyes and
Near-Humans. They are uniformly pallid skin tones that range from
slender and frail compared to snowy white to pale blue. Male
Humans. Acclimation to their toxic Umbarans stand between 1.7 and 2
atmospheres prevents the Ubese meters tall; females tend to be
from breathing the air of other shorter and slighter of build.
planets, so they are forced to wear
body suits and breathing
apparatuses. Beneath this
equipment, Ubese are hairless,
with pleasant features, fair skin,
and bright green or blue eyes.
They have exotic features with narrow faces and Special
overly large eyes set above high cheekbones.
•Low Light Vision: Umbarans ignore penalties for
Dim or Dark illumination (but not Pitch Darkness)
Special •Naturally Stealthy: Umbarans start with a d6 in
•Antitox Breath Mask: Ubese Helmets prevent Stealth and their maximum increases to d12+1
them from being affected by any airborne poisons
or diseases. Without this mask they must make a
Vigor roll every round. If the roll is failed, they gain
a level of Fatigue. A Ubese who is incapacitated
from this dies in a number of minutes equal to his
Vigor. If the mask is able to be replaced before
then, he can be resuscitated with a healing roll at
•Frail: Ubese are Frail reducing their Toughness by
•Adaptable: Ubese start with a free Novice Edge
of their choice (and must meet all the Edge’s
•Survivors: Ubese start with a d4 in Survival.

Generally short and chubby, the Weequay are humanoids with
Utai are pale-skinned and hairless, thick, leathery skin that ranges in
possessing large, oblong heads color from tan to dark brown. Their
which slope backwards. Two glassy faces are lipless, with flat noses
black eyes protrude from thick and a well-defined frill along each
stalks on the Utai’s face, which is of their jowls. Males grow their
otherwise unremarkable, aside black hair into long braids, while
from a small, puckered mouth. females are bald.

•Reduced Pace: Decrease the characters pace by
-1 and their running die one die type. •Natural Armor: Weequay posses a thick,
•Size -1: Utai are short, reducing their size (and leathery hide that provides a +2 Armor bonus
therefore Toughness) by 1. •Pheromones: Weequay communicate silently
•Low Light Vision: Utai ignore penalties for Dim with other members of their tribe by emitting
or Dark illumination (But not Pitch Darkness). complex Pheromones. This form of communication
•Stealthy: The character starts with a D6 in has a maximum range of 20”
•Innate Ability: Beast Friend: The Utai are
naturally gifted when it comes to dealing with
Beasts and wild creatures. WHIPHIDS
(As Per the Power but Cost is Paid with Abilty Points Whiphids are bulky bipeds covered
and uses the Focus Skill) in light brown or golden fur. A
•Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be Whiphid’s lower jaw sports two
used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus large tusks. Whiphids vary in bulk
Skill). and size depending on the climate
they live in. They often shed some
weight on hotter worlds to prevent
VURK overheating.
Vurks are tall, reptilian amphibians
with leathery gray-green skin. Their
eyes are dark and set deep in their
faces. A long crest extends up and
back from a Vurk's skull. A Vurk has
two long, thick fingers and an Special
opposable thumb on each hand. •Size +1: Toughness and its strength die is
increased 1 step.
•Cold Resistance: Whiphids are adapted to the
cold. They receive a +4 to resist the effects of
environmental Cold such as Arctic climates and
damage from that source is also reduced by 4.

Special Episode II Attack of the Clones

•Aquatic: At home in the water Vurk cannot There is unrest in the Galactic Senate. Several
drown in oxygenated liquid and move their full thousand solar systems have declared their
Pace when swimming.
•Environmental Weakness: Vurk suffer a -4 to intentions to leave the Republic.
resist the effects of Arid Climates (Heat). This Separatist movement, under the leadership
•Placid: Vurks are renowned for their ability to
remain calm and collected, even in the face of of the mysterious Count Dooku, has made it
danger. They make their Spirit roll at +2 to resist difficult for the limited number of Jedi Knights
to maintain peace and order in the galaxy.
Senator Amidala, the former Queen of Naboo, is
returning to the Galactic Senate to vote on
the critical issue of creating an ARMY OF THE
REPUBLIC to assist the overwhelmed Jedi....

Wookiees are walking carpets. Yarkora have three-fingered hands
Wookiees are widely recognized as with large black nails and a
one of the strongest and fiercest prominent snout flanked by tufts of
intelligent Species in the galaxy. hair. The body of a Yarkora is
Wookiees have many customs and covered in short, smooth, usually
traditions that revolve around beige fur.
honor and loyalty, including the
special bond called the honor
family and the sacred pledge called
the Life Debt. A Wookiee never
uses his or her climbing claws in
combat; doing this is considered
dishonorable and a sign of madness.
Innate Ability: Malacia (As Per the Power but Cost is
•Unable to speak Basic: Wookiees are unable to Paid with Abilty Points and uses the Focus Skill)
speak basic as their vocal chords are unable to •Ability Points: 15 (These points can only be
speak it. Other races can learn to understand them used to cast their Innate Ability and uses the Focus
if they take the proper language skill. They can Skill).
hear and understand basic and may communicate
via electronic devices or similar methods.
•Strong: Wookiees are known for their strength. YUUZHAN VONG
Their strength starts as a d6 instead of a d4. This Yuuzhan Vong are humanoids with
increases their maximum to d12+1. sloped foreheads, pallid skin, and
•Climbing Claws: Wookiees have retractable dark hair. Their skin bears
claws which aid only in climbing. When climbing ritualistic scars and tattoos that
the Wookiee can add +2 to her Athletics. add to their sinister appearance.

Wroonians are humanoid in shape,
differing from Humans only through
their blue skin and yellow eyes.
This coloration causes them to be
confused with the similarly blue-
skinned Pantorans, a Special
misunderstanding not helped by •Force Blind: For reasons unknown, the Yuuzhan
their representation in the senate Vong have no connection to The Force. Yuuzhan
by a Pantoran senator. Vong cannot take the Force Sensitivity Edge,
cannot make Use the Force checks, and never gain
Force Points. In addition, they are immune to any
Force effect that targets them directly. (They can
still be affected by any AOE powers or powers that
don’t directly affect them.)
Special •Living Tech: Yuuzhan Vong have a -2 to use any
Non-Living technology. All Yuuzhan Vong start play
•Iron Will: Wroonians may re-roll their attribute with an Ampistaff.
roll one time to resist the effects of Intimidation or •Extra-Galactic: All Yuuzhan Vong are -2 to
Persuasion tests. Persuasion Rolls made to influence those who
aren’t Vong, They are also openly treated with
hostility by the vast majority of the galaxy.
•Amphistaff: An Amphistaff is a serpentine
creature genetically engineered by the Yuuzhan
Vong to serve as a weapon. The Amphistaff can
become as rigid as stone or as flexible as rope, and
it can contract the muscles around its head and tail
to form razor-sharp edges. Its tail functions as a
spear when Rigid (Damage: Str+d6 Notes: Reach
1, Parry +1 if used two-handed). It also has a bite
attack that does Str+d4 damage on the non-spear
end. With a successful bite attack that causes at
least a Shaken result, the victim must succeed at a
Vigor roll or suffer the effects of Mild Poison.

The Zabrak is a humanoid species
most distinguished by patterns of
vestigial horns on their heads.

•Tough: The harshness of their homeworld of
Iridonia, forged the Zabrak and gave them an iron
will to survive. They have Toughness +1.
•Heightened Awareness: Zabrak start with a d6
Notice and the maximum is increased to d12+1.

Setting Rules
Star Wars uses the following setting rules. (Found in the SWADE Core Book)
•Conviction (pg 136) (This is done by using the Destiny Mechanic)
•Creative Combat (pg.137)
•More Skill Points (pg.140)
•Multiple Languages(pg.140)
•Wound Cap (pg.140)
•Unarmored Hero (pg.141)
•Starting Credits $1,500

Optional Settings Rules

These Optional Setting Rules accommodate different play styles and help tailor the Setting to match the
style of game the GM wishes to run. All without changing the core of the game.

BASE OF OPERATIONS a known location makes it easier to host friendly

locals, emissaries, and other allies. If it’s a ship it
may be a Prototype or an Archaic design or from an
Players spend much of their time on Traveling, alien Species unknown to the Galaxy at large.
Fighting Opponents and undertaking Epic
Adventures. Whether it takes the form of a (2) Hallowed: The structure or its grounds are
Starship, a Bunker hidden on a remote planet, or a deeply revered and respected. It may mark the site
secret facility in the middle of a busy city, having a of a great battle or heroic sacrifice, hold the
Base of Operations of their own gives them a place remains of a legendary person, or is the former
to recuperate from such things. There they can home of a Jedi (or Similarly respected Order)
recover from injuries, store their hard-earned loot, academy. Most citizens have a Friendly attitude
hone their skills, host important emissaries, and toward any party members known to operate from
plan their next adventure.This section helps you its hallowed halls. It may be a ship that is known to
establish a Base for the player characters. It can have performed an amazing feat, or had a famous
create anything from a humble shuttle to an entire owner in the past. Either way all team members
base with thousands of troops and support staff. start each session with an additional Benny.
When you’re ready to do so, follow the steps.
(3) Inspiring: Those who walk this Base’s Corridors
are inspired to great deeds of selflessness and
• STEP 1: Roll an Advantage. heroism. Inspiration might come from a monument
• STEP 2: Roll a Complication. to a fallen hero, trophies from previous victories, or
• STEP 3: Determine the base’s Form and how the even amazing art or architecture that inspires the
adventurers acquire it. soul. All party members’ Spirit die is increased by
• STEP 4: Add any Upgrades the base might one die type.
already have when acquired. The player characters
can guide its growth from there. (4) Mentor: The base or ship is managed by an
•STEP 5: Determine an Encounter exceptional individual. He or she might be a
respected leader, a Jedi, a beloved relative of one
or more party members, an amusing jokester, a
STEP 1: ADVANTAGE famous pilot, or even a Force spirit. The GM should
create an appropriate Wild Card character and use
The Advantages listed on the table below are him or her to support the team in their adventures.
At the start of each session, randomly choose one
framed in terms of a typical Star Wars setting. Use player character. Continue to do so each session
your imagination to apply them to other themes. In until every player has been chosen once, then start
all cases, “members” refers to any and all again. That character may recite a brief tale of the
permanent party members who have free access mentor’s guidance or inspiration to gain Conviction
to the base and its systems. If an individual quits that must be used on some action relevant to the
or leaves the party, or if the base is destroyed, any anecdote. If the Conviction isn’t used by the end of
bonus is lost. the adventure, it’s lost.
ADVANTAGE (ROLL 1D6) (5) Productive: The base, ship, or nearby facilities
under its control produce exceptional wealth of
some kind. Members share in the rewards and
(1) Exotic Location: The base is unusual in some enjoy a monthly bonus equal to their starting funds
way, such as in the middle of a city, on a remote times their Rank (2× at Seasoned, 3× at Veteran,
planet, or a hidden Asteroid. If the base is intended and so on). Of course rivals covet the stronghold's
purely to serve as a home for the party rather than fortune and may attempt to steal or destroy it.
be open to the local populace, the group may
decide to keep its location secret. This makes it
more difficult for enemies to find and attack, while

(6) Renowned: The base or ship is famous for (5) Intruders: The base or ship is frequently
something. Perhaps it holds a wondrous library of attacked by space pirates, Jawa type thieves,
Jedi texts, is the last remaining structure from a Imperials, Sith, etc. The building may sit above
past civilization, or is one of the fastest hunks of uncharted tunnels, or have some sort of strategic
junk in the Galaxy. All party members gain a value. Ships may have a hidden beacon or been
permanent die type in a Trait of their choice. The marked at a previous spaceport. These foes
bonus might come from exposure to Force occasionally find their way inside to cause trouble,
phenomena, exceptional training equipment or steal things, or even attack. They may be bandits,
tutors, or the high standards the place demands of Imperials, Mandalorians, spy's, or beings just
the party members. looking to stow-a-way.

(6) Remote: The base is in a location far removed

STEP 2: COMPLICATION from civilized planets. It may be deep in the
Unknown Region, on an uninhabited water world,
on a moon, or at an oasis in the center of a desert
Complications are long-term issues with the Base. world. Whatever the location, travel to the base
The heroes might be able to resolve the matter for requires time or special maps that show hidden
a while, but it eventually returns, changes, or hyperspace routes.
evolves with a slight twist or change to keep the
story interesting.


Don’t let the lack of an Advantage or Complication

prevent you from using it as the campaign
(1) Contested: A powerful rival wants the base or develops. Just because you didn’t roll “Contested”
ship for her own. She’s constantly attempting to on the Complication table doesn’t mean it can’t
take it by guile, force, blackmail, subterfuge, or
even through foreclosure! This is usually a villain, develop later in the campaign. Whatever makes
but could also be a rival party of adventurers or the campaign fun and interesting is what you
even an unfriendly aristocrat such as an envious should do. The results on these tables can inspire
duke or Governor, maybe even a local crime boss you to develop the base or ship and its role in the
with a petty grudge. The team gains the Enemy campaign as you go. Imagine a Krayt dragon
(Minor) Hindrance. The enemy might be powerful attacking the heroes in their base, or your ship is
but only show up occasionally, or may be less attacked by Pirates. It’s partially destroyed and one
powerful but more frequent in its actions. of the characters falls. Perhaps it gains the
Foreboding trait until the Krayt dragon, or Pirates
(2) Crumbling: The base or ship is falling apart. It are defeated. Then the survivors erect a
may be old, was built poorly, lies on a barren monument to their fallen friend and it becomes
asteroid or planet, or suffered one too many Hallowed. That’s a story worth telling!
attacks by Space pirates or even the Empire. Doors
stick, Womp rats scuttle in the walls, Electronics STEP 3: FORM
break on occasion, floors slope at slight angles, or
walls or control panels fall randomly. When rolling
for Encounters, a roll of 5–9 indicates the Now that the nature of the base or ship has been
Malfunction result instead. established, figure out its general form and
appearance. Is it a warehouse beside a bustling
(3) Foreboding : The Ship or Base is labyrinthine, a shopping sector? An ancient derelict spaceship in
junkheap, a reminder of some terrible tragedy or the middle of no-where? A beat up old freighter? A
betrayal, ugly, or perhaps located in some strange Capital ship run by your patron? Whatever it is, it’s
or unnatural place. Visitors are uneasy there, help large enough to accommodate the party’s personal
is hard to find (and retain), and the Galaxy’s quarters, mess, meeting rooms, and any Upgrades.
perception of its inhabitants is inevitably tainted. If the team later changes their base or ship so that
Party members have the Bad Luck Hindrance (this the current description no longer makes sense, the
doesn’t stack with a character’s Bad Luck). Roll
again until you get a different result if the GM and players can describe an expansion, they
stronghold’s Advantage is Hallowed. can move to a new location, or whatever else fits
(4) Well Known: The base’s location is known by
everyone. Strangers arrive almost daily to ask for
help and it’s centered in an area likely to be a •Acquisition
valuable target for robbery or attacks. There’s
always a crowd outside, including greedy thieves, Next decide how the heroes came by their base or
enemy agents, those asking for spurious help, or starship. It might have come from “borrowing” it, a
those who are truly in need. If the location is windfall inheritance, a gift for accomplishing a task
difficult to reach, take the Remote result instead. If given to them, the heroes might simply decide to
the base is a starship take the Intruders result buy or build such a place or starship with some
instead. massive treasure they earned in their latest

adventure. Don’t worry about the “cost” of the ROOM UPGRADES
base or ship. Decide what makes sense for the •Advanced Firewalls: The team’s electronics are
group and their environment and use it as an protected by advanced firewalls or protective
opportunity to emphasize the flavor of the setting. software that make them very difficult to hack. Any
If the heroes are newcomers from a distant planet, foe attempting to break into their systems
for example, maybe they have to settle for a subtracts 8 from their Hacking rolls, and failure
building in a seedy part of a city. If the team are automatically signals all available team members
beloved folk heroes, maybe a grateful senator to the attempted intrusion.
grants them a small Starship. Both reinforce the •Base Defenses: The base’s entrances have
feel of the game and even create new adventure automated turrets equipped with either stun guns
ideas. What do the heroes have to do to earn or Gatling lasers (team’s choice). If this Upgrade is
respect? Does the patron expect something in taken a second time, they cover each other
return? If the party is more villainous, maybe they Upgraded room as well. The exact nature of the
took their structure, or starship during a raid or defenses should be a discussion between the
betrayal. Or perhaps they stole the command players and Game Master.
codes that override the entry locks and anti-theft •Brig: Prisoners are kept in these advanced
protocols to the base or ship (and whoever they security cells. Various methods, from stun cuffs to
tranquilizer beds, ensure all but the heaviest
stole them from wants it back!). hitters can be kept here until they are turned over
or set free.
•Maintenance •Command Center: This upgrade makes the
heroes’ central gathering area a cutting edge
Large structures, such as bases and Capital Ships, command center. It adds interactive holographic
depend on many crew members to handle day-to- maps linked to global, or system-wide satellites,
day operations— Pilots, Droids, Maintenance, advanced scanners that can detect different kinds
gunners, commanders, troops, and a host of of energy, and state-of-the-art communications
others. The players and GM should work together arrays. Adjust this for the time period as needed.
to understand and record the basics, naming any The Command Center adds +2 to Research rolls if
important staff members and giving them a few the information can be found in this way (GM’s
unique personality traits to make them memorable call).
and unique. (You can use the Allied Personalities •Exotic Location: The base is in an unusual
table in Savage Worlds for inspiration, if you like.) location, such as a space station, beneath a
The cost to maintain the stronghold isn’t volcano, on a private moon, or hidden deep below
something the players and Game Master should a city. The group can decide if it’s hidden or not.
normally track. It might be maintained by the Either decision has its own story-based
people it offers protection to (loyal planets or consequences on the campaign. A hidden base is
governments who share their stance in the harder for villains to find and attack, while a public
conflicts that often arise) or covered by an base makes it easier to host friendly government
agreement with the queen or senator who granted officials, and other allies. If the heroes already
it. Financial matters might occasionally create have a base when they choose this Upgrade they
adventures, however! Perhaps a spiteful adversary must relocate. Maybe that occurs after a titanic
sets out to ruin his rivals’ income so they have to battle that levels their previous home.
vacate or sell their building. Or a shortfall forces
•Monument: This Upgrade may only be taken after
a team member falls! A monument in a prominent
the party to take a distasteful mission they’d location in the base recounts her achievements
otherwise pass on. Use the maintenance and and final sacrifice. Every member of the team
upkeep of the team’s base or ship to create drama increases their Spirit one die type permanently.
and role playing situations. Don’t worry about This may only be taken once, no matter how many
counting Credits — that’s not very heroic! monuments are eventually installed
•Hidden Entrance: Whether it’s the main entrance
STEP 4: UPGRADES or a secret back door, the base has a secure
method that its members and even its vehicles can
enter and exit discreetly. The portal might be a
Bases consist of personal living quarters, kitchens, long corridor leading far from the building or cave,
meeting rooms, privies, and other basic areas by a secret elevator into the local turbolift network, or
default. Anything else is an “Upgrade.” When the a secret Hyperspace route.
group earns an Advance, they may also add any •Medical Center:The team has a full hospital with
one of the Upgrades below to their stronghold. It’s advanced life-saving equipment. Add +2 to Healing
up to the party to figure out what to do if they rolls made to treat patients here.
can’t agree on which Upgrade to take! Encounters: •Force Tradition Library: Jedi or other Force
Of course there’s a price for owning something so Tradition followers can consult the rare tomes kept
valuable! Whenever you Upgrade your stronghold, within this library. Those allowed to access these
roll on the Encounters table. If the party isn’t texts add +2 to their Occult rolls.
around for the encounter, the GM can send word of •Science Lab: The base has an advanced
the event or saves it for when they return as she workshop, laboratory, or research room that adds
sees fit. +2 to any Science or relevant Research rolls made

•Security Team: The base has five security agents (11) Attack: Opponents attack the team’s base.
(design them yourself or use either the Rebel This might be a frontal assault, an attack via
Soldier or Stormtrooper) to protect it from “Trojan Horse,” or even a betrayal of some sort.
infiltration and assault. The squad may be taken on
missions if desired, but this is generally frowned (12) Collapse: Some part of the base collapses. An
upon as it often results in their harm. This Upgrade Upgrade, chosen randomly, is lost in a bizarre
may be taken more than once to gain an additional accident, finally crumbles from previous damage,
team or give all existing teams one Advance. or is the target of an attack. When the team takes
•Self-Sufficient: The base has its own water their next Upgrade, the damaged Upgrade is
source, generator, food-stores, oxygen (if repaired as well.
necessary), and other critical life-support systems.
The team can survive within for up to 90 days even (13) Shortfall: The team’s finances are at a crisis
if cut off from the outside. level for some reason. Maybe it’s only a temporary
•Training Room: The training room consists of state, but they must raise funds by taking on some
androids, robots, mechanical traps, and even hired
opposition to hone the team’s battle skills. The sort of task from a disagreeable source to keep the
brutal training grants all team members +1 base or starship afloat.
•Trophy Room: The heroes dedicate a room to (14) Plague: A plague infects the crew. The heroes
relics of their most memorable adventures. This must decide how to deal with it. They may have to
Upgrade may be taken up to three times, wait it out, bargain with a healer for her service, or
representing new trophies that add a Benny to a gather some rare cure from a creature or faraway
special team pool. When this Upgrade is planet.
implemented, and at the start of each session
afterward, the players should take turns being in (15) Hostile Government: The mayor, governor, or
charge of the pool. The player with this role can some other powerful figure or authority has a beef
hand out these Bennies at any time, granting them with the heroes. The authority tries to make the
as she thinks appropriate to her teammates (and team’s life difficult by slowing construction
even nonplayer characters). (Upgrades), filing complaints for violating noise
•Vehicles: Each time this Upgrade is taken grants ordinances, or riling up the public by pointing out
the heroes Speeder bikes for each team member, a the financial and physical hazard the base poses
Landspeeder, an Air Speeder, or a single person for the locals. This might lead to a Social Conflict in
Starfighter. court—and perhaps uncover the nefarious
•Vehicle Bay: The heroes have a dedicated vehicle involvement of an opponent as well.
bay that adds +2 to vehicle Repair rolls.
(16) Catastrophe: A natural or man-made disaster
threatens their base and the area around it. It
STEP 5: ENCOUNTERS (ROLL 1D20) might be an earthquake or tornado, a battle
between extremely powerful creatures, a black-
Every time your group Upgrades the base, on the hole or Supernova, or an accident at a nearby high-
Encounter table below. As always, the Game tech lab (secret or otherwise).
Master should customize details for her game and
the team’s particular backgrounds and adventures. (17) Local Trouble: The local’s have a problem with
the group or one of its members. One or more of
them have complained to the authorities, filed a
ENCOUNTERS lawsuit, or are making terrible accusations in the
press of some troublesome wrongdoing. The
(1) Double Trouble: Roll twice and apply both authorities might be friendly to the heroes, but the
results! locals, led by one or two troublemakers, are
adamant about chasing you out of their
(2–8) No Encounter: This time! neighborhood.
(9) New Hyperspace Route: A new Hyperspace (18) Local Crimelord: A local Crimelord has a
route is found on purpose or by accident. Maybe a problem with the group or one of its members. He
new species comes out, or maybe the heroes can might send Bounty Hunters after them, try to
go in—perhaps even visiting New Planets! Blackmail them or claim they owe him money, he
may even be working for a larger syndicate.
(10) Rampage: A giant creature (or creatures)
terrorize a nearby settlement or planet —and the (19) Diplomatic Mission: A rival planet or system
team’s base is directly in its path! Perhaps the has a dispute with the character's faction or their
creatures were driven from some underground patron. The party is tasked with negotiating the
system and aren’t truly destructive, or maybe issue somehow, perhaps performing a favor for the
they’re being manipulated by some insidious rival, uncovering his foul scheme, or finding a
villain. suitor for his headstrong son or daughter.

(20) The Senator is Dead!: The party's Patron, d4 Wounds. Failure means she doesn’t make any
mentor, or an ally is slain. She might perish in money and takes Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises.
some epic adventure, be the victim of an assassin Success earns her 1000 Credits if she’s Novice
or a coup, or simply pass after a long and happy rank, 2000 Credits if Seasoned, 3000 Credits if
life. The heroes are expected to attend the funeral, Veteran, 4000 Credits for Heroic, and 5000 Credits
bring a memento to the family, recover some if she’s Legendary. Double the reward with a raise.
information or destroy it and perhaps avoid
detection or arrest.
•Train: A Character can practice a specific skill or
attribute to temporarily increase its effectiveness.
A character might train Fighting by sparring with a
master, Persuasion by public speaking, Occult by
DOWNTIME studying forbidden tomes, Strength or Vigor with
vigorous exercise, and so on. The character must
Characters often have time between their possess at least d4 in any skill chosen for training.
Adventures. Some might spend it practicing their Afterwards, she gets a free reroll when failing that
Lightsaber techniques or modifying their items. skill or attribute for one entire encounter. This
Others may try to earn a few coins in town, spend stacks with any other rerolls she may have from
time with their friends, or aid locals in need. When other sources. The player chooses when to activate
the Game Master decides there’s her rerolls as a free action. If she Trains again, the
“downtime” (generally a few days to a week), you previous focus is lost.
can choose one of the following activities. Each
provides a benefit of some sort, from financial •Research: A character can spend her Downtime
rewards to progress in crafting or rerolls on select developing or learning new powers. This doesn’t
Traits. Narrate what your Character is doing then permanently give her a power, but allows her to
use any Power of her Rank or lower for one entire
follow the instructions under each activity. Some encounter. The power is cast at a −2 penalty, but is
Game Masters might also require characters spend otherwise treated just like one of the Force Users
Credits on cost of living or upkeep of ships or regular powers. Finally, Research can also be used
equipment during Downtime. Unless an option says to reveal deep information about a particular
otherwise, its effect may only be gained once subject. No Trait roll is required. The GM decides
regardless of how long the downtime lasts. just how much the investigator can learn in a week
given the topic, the location, and resources at
•Carouse: Carousing characters spend their time
socializing with friends, making new ones, or •Rest: Those who have suffered grievous Wounds
cementing relationships with their contacts. This might need to do so during Downtime to recover
usually involves considerable cost and time spent their health. Use the Natural Healing rules during
at local restaurants, gambling establishments and the week. Any healers in the group can provide
Cantina. During her Downtime, the character Support, as can other allies or hired professionals
spends 50 credits in food, drink, and such as physicians in a nobleman’s employ.
entertainment. Double that for each Rank Regardless of the outcome, resting characters gain
thereafter: 100 credits for Seasoned, 200 credits one Benny. Characters may choose to rest even if
for Veteran, 400 credits for Heroic, and 800 credits they have no Wounds. This provides the same
if she’s Legendary). In exchange, she gains a favor benefits as Centering, with the hero doing nothing
she can call in at any time. The greater her Rank but resting mind and body to recover from the
and her overall standing (GM’s call), the greater stress of adventuring.
the favor.
•Upgrade: A Character may wish to Upgrade or
•Center: The hero focuses on whatever brings her Modify their Gear or Ship during their Downtime.
happiness. That might include quality time with Using the Modification Rules. Any one with the
friends, a solitary hunt through a secluded forest, appropriate Skill needed for the Modifications being
riding a favorite horse, painting, reading, writing, made can provide Support, as can other allies or
performing, dancing, or courting a romantic hired professionals such as mechanics. This cuts
interest. Whatever the activity, the goal is inner the Upgrade time in half as the hero can focus
peace and happiness. Taking a week to enjoy the solely on the task at hand.
fruits of one’s labors grants the character

• Earn: The hero earns credits in some way.

Perhaps he takes on odd jobs, kills Womp rats in
the local area, or even “procures” it from the local
gangs! The hero must make a relevant skill roll to
earn her reward—Thievery for scoundrels, Fighting
for Mercenaries, Performance for entertainers, etc.
Use an appropriate attribute for more mundane
jobs. A Critical Failure means the character doesn’t
make any money and embarrasses herself
somehow. If the job was dangerous, she also takes

Some enemies are so huge the heroes can freely Occasionally a character may want to break Armor
maneuver between the foe’s massive legs, be or other unexpected items not listed in the Core
swallowed whole by them, or even ignored Book. Use the wearer's/ user's Parry if worn/held, or
completely as though they were tiny insects. 2 if it’s motionless. If a damage roll equals or
Creatures or Vehicles that are two or more Scales exceeds the Armors/ Objects Hardness, it’s broken,
smaller than another may attempt to climb up the bent, shattered, or otherwise ruined. The GM
larger foe, or skim the surface of a larger vehicle decides the exact effect.
with an opposed Maneuvering roll. If the smaller
creature or Vehicle wins, he’s attached and moves Most anything can be broken given enough time
along with the larger creature or vehicle on its and effort, so use this system only when
turn. If the larger creature or Vehicle wins, the attempting to break things in a hurry (such as
smaller creature falls or is shaken off, taking during combat rounds). A character must
appropriate Falling damage. Vehicles take crash specifically state he’s trying to break the Armor/or
damage as if they rammed the larger vehicle, the Object to do so—don’t check every time the
larger vehicle does not take damage from this. If wearer/user is hit.
the smaller creature is in an appropriate spot (GM’s
call), he ignores up to two points of Called Shot No Bonus Damage or Aces: Attacks against solid
penalties when making a melee or shooting (in objects don’t get bonus damage from raises, and
Melee) attack. This lets a hero clamber up the back damage rolls don’t Ace. Unlike a person or complex
of a Krayt dragon, for example, and strike it in the device like a computer or a vehicle, an attack can’t
back of the neck, eye, or other vulnerable spot, or hit a “vital” area on a Armor itself and thus do
target a vulnerable spot on a vehicle, like controls more damage.
or a joint or open hatch. It may even allow a
smaller ship to attach itself to a larger one in a The Method use to determine the Hardness of any
daring maneuver. Armor or Solid object is to double the die number
of the Min Str Die (d8 = 8 for example). Then add a
+1 for every era Medieval, Modern, Futuristic

For Example a Futuristic Infantry Battle Suit has a

Min Str of d6. Doubling that gives us 12 and then
add +1 for every Era, so a +3. Giving the Armor a
15 Hardness.

If an object doesn't have a Min Str then use the

Encumbrance Table on pg 67 of the SWADE core
rules and the objects weight to determine the Min
Str needed. (A 20lb object or less would be a d4,
above 20lbs upto 40lbs is a d6 and so on.) Then
decide if it is a soft or Solid object.

If its a Solid object simply follow the method above

to determine hardness.

If it's a soft object just apply the Min Str die alone.
(A d4 = 4 Toughness)

Damage Types: Certain types of attacks can’t

break certain types of objects. Use common sense
when determining whether or not a particular type
of weapon can destroy Armor.

Changes to the SWADE Core Book
•Faith is Removed Example: The hacker attempts to steal a size 14
•Focus is no longer used for Arcane Background Freighter. Size 14 is Gargantuan as such the
(Gifted) it instead is used for Innate Abilities Freighter has a Smarts range of d10-d12. It has a
•Psionics is renamed Force Use and is used to bonus to this die of +6, and has d10-d12 total
access all Force Sensitive Powers subsystems. The Gm decides that this being a
•Spellcasting is Removed civilian vehicle it has a d10+6 smarts. The hacker
•Weird Science is Removed who has a Cyberjack (+4 to Hacking) and a d12
•Pg 150 is removed skill plugs in. He and the GM decide what System
•Pg 152 is removed he wants to take over. He decides he wants to take
•Pgs 154 to 173 are Replaced by a Force Powers
List over the door controls so he can keep out any
•Hacking is Changed to Read as Follows “Hacking unwelcome interruptions while opening doors for
is the skill used to create programs and “Hack” into his allies elsewhere in the ship, after 3 rounds he
secured systems. Use of this skill requires a ends up with 8 Tokens. He now has Root access to
computer or interface of some sort. the ship's doors subsystem with only 9 systems to
Most “Hacking” attempts are a simple skill roll go before he has complete control. This also grants
resisted by the device's Smarts. (If the device does him a +2 bonus on his next attempt. Feeling
not have a listed Smarts the GM should assign an confident he attempts to take over the next
appropriate Smarts die.) Examples: Non-military system, but even with a +2 for all 3 rounds of the
grade Bracer Computers, Datapads, and Personal attempt. He only ends up with 3 Tokens this time.
Computers. Most non-military vehicles like That is a Failure. They are now locked out of any
speeders. further attempts to access other subsystems for
1d4 hours. The System decides it needs to retake
SMARTS RANGE TABLE that subsystem and as such it attempts to hack
back in. The Hacker ends up with 5 Tokens this
SCALE SMARTS RANGE time. He loses his Root Access but still has User
Small d4 access. The System has failed to retake the
Subsystem and is locked out for the next 1d4
Normal d4-d6 hours.
Huge d8-d10
Gargantuan d10-d12 This is a Crit Failure and is treated as such.
0 The Target is hostile and will attack if possible,
For more complex systems the following system is or otherwise betray, report on, or hinder the
used. party at every opportunity. The Hacker is also
locked out of the entire system including any
Hacking System subsystems they may have already taken over.
The hacking attempt is broken down into 3 rounds.
With the hacker rolling their Hacking skill with any This is a Failure and is treated as such. The
appropriate modifiers as the GM sees fit, opposed 1-3 Target denies the Hacker from all further
by the devices Smarts. (Other Players may Assist Access and may even attempt to revoke any
as per usual) Each success and Raise grants her an access they currently have by performing a
“Access Token” (The Device doesn’t gain tokens, it Hacking attempt of its own against the
just attempts to keep the Hacker from gaining
Hacker.. It may or may not Attack, betray,
report or hinder the party beyond the denial
At the end of the third round the hacker totals up
(GM Discretion). The Hacker is also locked out
their “Access Tokens” and looks up their result on
the “Hacking Results Table” For most Complex of all other systems for 1d4 hours.
systems the GM should assign an appropriate
Smarts die. This is done by first determining the This is a Success and is treated as such. The
4-5 Target grants the Hacker basic user access to
size of the system to be hacked to determine it’s
Smarts Range as well as how many subunits it has, the subsystem, but not control. It will not work
Which is determined by it's Smarts Die, you then against its Allies.
add the scale modifier as it’s system bonus. If at
any point the Hacker is able to take over all the 6+ This is a Success with a Raise and is treated as
Subsystems with at least User Access he defeats such. The Target grants the Hacker Root
the system and now has complete control forever. access to the subsystem, and control. It will
work against its Allies. For every Token above
6 the Hacker has they gain a +1 (maximum
+4) on their next hacking Attempt.

New Skills / Hindrances / Edges
New Skills Idealistic (Minor)
You see things in black and white and struggle with
more nuanced dilemmas. Most of the time this is
Astrogation (SMARTS) an admiral virtue, but it causes great issues when
This skill is used when making hyperspace jumps, on the horns of a moral dilemma, such as whether
looking at Star charts, or knowing where in the Galaxy to hand a starving thief over to the Local
one might be. This is generally done while using the Authorities or let him get away with his desperate
Ships Navi-computer or by the Ships Astromech Droid. but perhaps necessary crime.

New Hindrances Low-G Worlder (Minor)

This being hails from a world with light Gravity,
Corruption (Major) making his muscles weak compared to most other
This Hindrance may only be taken by a character species. He subtracts 1 from all Strength rolls
with the Force Sensitive (Darkside) Background. (including damage).
The Force User draws upon deep wells of fear, hate
and anger. Whenever he rolls a Critical Failure on
his Use Force roll, he gains a new Minor Hindrance Selfless (Minor/ Major)
that reflects the corruption of his mind and body You think of others before yourself. You sleep on
(They may also increase a minor Hindrance they the floor to give another the bed. You pretend to be
have already gained this way to a Major). He might full to give your friends the last bite of meat. You
become Jealous, for example, as he realizes how stand before your friends when the Rancor attacks.
difficult it is to gather his power. Or Ugly as those You buy the book that everyone else in your party
dark energies are reflected in his contorted reads—a true hero! The extent and frequency of
features. These Hindrances last until the Force- your sacrifice determines whether this is a Minor or
user’s next Advance, at which time he may remove Major Hindrance.
one Minor Hindrance (gained this way), or reduce a
Major Hindrance (gained this way) to a Minor.
New Edges
Force Sensitivity (Minor/Major)
This Character is affected by the Force more than Background Edges
most. As a Minor Hindrance, subtract 2 when
making a Trait roll to resist the Force, Subtract 4 as
a Major Hindrance.
Heavy-G Worlder
Requirements: Novice
Grim (Minor) The Character comes from a dense world with very
heavy gravity. He starts with a d6 in Strength this
The hero is serious, taciturn, and finds mirth also increases their maximum to d12+1
tiresome. He’s Provoked (see Savage Worlds) on
any successful Taunt—whether the opponent has
the Provoke Edge or not. Provoked characters
subtract 2 from rolls to affect any opponent except Rocket Jock
the one who insulted him. This lasts until a Joker is Requirements: Novice, Piloting d8, Shooting d6
drawn (by either side) or someone else The pilot can fire one weapon system per action
successfully Taunts them. Grim also counts as a without incurring a multi-action penalty while
Requirement for the Menacing Edge (see Savage Piloting or Driving a vehicle, aircraft, or starship

Multi-Functional Droid
Hyperspace Sickness (Minor)
Requirements: Droid, Novice, Smarts d8
Something about the character doesn’t sit right This Droid may select another Droid Degree. They
with the bizarre warping effects of hyperspace. gain both the Negative and Positive aspects of
After each use of Hyperdrive travel, he suffers a every degree they have. This Edge may only be
level of fatigue that takes 24 hours to fade. taken once per Rank.
Hyperspace Sickness can cause Incapacitation but
not death.

Combat Edges Uncanny Reflexes
Requirements: Veteran, Agility d8+, Athletics d8+
The character has an uncanny ability to avoid area
Charge attacks and effects. She ignores the usual −2
Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts. She
Requirements: Seasoned, Fighting d8+ also gets a regular Evasion attempt against area
A short burst of speed adds significant impact to effect attacks or effects that don’t usually allow it
this hero’s melee damage. If she runs at least (at the usual −2 penalty).
5” (10 yards), she adds +2 to the damage of her
first Fighting attack that turn. This may be
combined with a Wild Attack. Power Edges

Favored Power
Coordinated Firing
Requirements: Seasoned, Force Sensitive (Any),
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d8 Force Use skill d8+
As long as the character makes only ranged The Force user has dedicated his time to mastering
attacks this round, One of which must target an a particular power. Choose one of your character’s
object or creature, They may grant a single ally a powers. She may ignore up to two points of any
+1 gang-up bonus to all attacks that ally makes in penalties (Multi-Action, Wounds, Fatigue, etc.)
the same round against that same object or when activating that power.
creature. This bonus counts towards the +4
maximum Gang-up bonus allowed from all sources.
Battle Meditation
Requirements: Veteran, Force Senstive (Any),
Requirements: Heroic, Fighting d10+ arcane skill d10+
The hero’s ability with a melee weapon is This Edge allows the user to use her Force Powers
unparalleled. As long as he has a melee weapon in on large units of Extras such as soldiers,
hand, physical ranged attacks (arrows, axes, henchmen, or guards. See Battle Meditation on
spears, etc. But does not include attacks from page 48 for details.
energy weapons like Lasers, Blasters, etc.) directed
against him (and assuming he can see it coming)
use his Parry as the base TN.
Professional Edges
Droid Master
Requirements: Veteran
Opportunity is what one makes of it. When a Requirements: Novice, Smarts d8+, Electronics
character with this Edge is dealt a Joker, he adds d6+, Repair d6+
+4 to his Trait and damage rolls instead of +2. This character has started to design and build his
own droids. The Droid Master may select any 2nd
degree droid to build (With Gm approval)
Savagery The Droid is an Extra and doesn’t Advance in Rank
Requirements: Novice, Fighting d6+ or abilities. If the Droid is disassembled or
Violence is a way of life for some. Those with this destroyed the hero builds a replacement in 1d4
Edge hit their foes hard enough that they often days.
don’t get to reply in kind. A character with this
Edge causes +4 damage when making a Wild More Powerful Droids:
Attack rather than +2 Droid Master may be taken more than once.
Choose one of the effects below each time it is
Trademark Armor chosen:
•Gain an additional Droid (Once per Rank,
Requirements: Novice, Strength d6, A complete set Legendary Characters may create a Droid Extra
of armor (helmet,legs,torso) every other Advance.)
The hero knows one unique set of armor and how •Increase one of the Droids Traits one die type
to move within it. He treats the Minimum Strength (only one Trait per Droid)
to wear it as if it is one die lower when he is •Add one Special Ability to the Droid from the
wearing the full set. This armor also has an extra following list ( Aquatic, Armor, Burrow,
Modification Slot. If any part of the armor is Environmental Resistance, Flight, Hardy, Infra-
destroyed, lost, replaced, modified or Upgraded. vision, Low Light Vision, Resilient/ Very Resilient,
They lose this benefit until they spend several days Stun, Wall Walker )
adjusting it to be exactly right. (However long the •Add a new Degree of Droid that may be created.
You gain access to them in the following order; 3rd
GM feels is appropriate) degree, 5th degree, 1st degree, 4th degree (May
only be taken Twice per Rank)

Droid Bond Force Traditions
Requirements: Novice, Droid Master Force Traditions are a special subset of Edges that
Some Individuals have an extraordinary bond with represent various Force Using Traditions each one
the Droids they create. These characters may consists of the following
spend their own Bennies for any Droid they create •Membership:
and that are under their control. The conditions for being considered a member of a
given Force Tradition are outlined in the
description. A character may be a member of more
Mandalorian than one Force Tradition, but this is uncommon and
should have an in-game reason and method for
Requirements: Novice, Soldier
learning the new Tradition.
Mandalorians are trained from a Young age to be •Professional Edges:
ready for combat at any time. They get a +1 on all These are the Edges available to Members of each
Fighting and Shooting Rolls. They also receive a +1 Tradition
to any Piloting Roll made to use a Jetpack. •Unique Devices:
Some Traditions have the ability to create these
Vehicle Edges A brief bit of background about the tradition

Trademark Vehicle
Requirements: Novice, Repair d8, Piloting d6
You know a particular vehicle like the back of your
hand. Add +2 to the Vehicles Handling score when
you are at the controls. This Edge may be taken
multiple times, applying it to a different vehicle
each time it is. If a Trademark Vehicle is lost, you
can replace it but the benefits don’t kick in for a
few days (however long the GM feels is
dramatically appropriate). The Agents of Ossus
Any character who has the Force Sensitive
Wild Card Vehicle (Lightside) Edge can become a member of The
Agents of Ossus by being accepted as an
Requirements: Heroic, Trademark Vehicle (for the apprentice by someone who is already a member
ship this will be applied to) of this Force Tradition.
You have modified your ship to the point that the
ship itself is now a Wild Card and its handling score Professional Edges
is improved by 2 points. If the ship is lost or stolen,
This modifier stays with the ship. If a Wild Card
Vehicle is lost, you can replace it but the benefits Agent of Ossus
don’t kick in for a few days (however long the GM Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Lightside)
feels is dramatically appropriate).
When using the Force Conceal Power Agents of
Ossus receive the Strong Modifier at no additional
Episode III Revenge of the Sith cost of PP.
War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by
the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are Members of The Agents of Ossus focus on using
heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere. The Force to aid their survival under the heel of the
In a stunning move, the fiendish droid leader,
Empire. Living almost exclusively in urban
environments, The Agents of Ossus develop Force
General Grievous, has swept into the Republic Powers that fit with their lifestyles. They believe
capital and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, that they are the last torchbearers in a galaxy of
darkness, and that their ability to use The Force
leader of the Galactic Senate.
and their willingness to do so is all that is keeping
As the Separatist Droid Army attempts to flee the galaxy from being plunged completely into the
the besieged capital with their valuable abyss of corruption fostered by the Empire. Though
not necessarily engaged as dissidents against the
hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a desperate Empire, by and large they choose to live outside
mission to rescue the captive Chancellor.... the government's rules and regulations, and they
strike out on their own path even when living
among law-abiding citizens.

The Believers The Felucian Shamans
Anyone with the Force Sensitivity Feat and a Dark Membership
Side Score of 1 or higher is welcome to join The
Believers by being accepted as an apprentice by a Only Felucians who are Trained in the Use the Force
member of the cult. Skill are accepted into the ranks of The Felucian
Professional Edges
Professional Edges
Sith Reverence
Requirements: Novice, A Darkside Score of 1 or Felucian Shamanism
Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Lightside),
You gain a +1 bonus on your attack rolls while you Felucian
are within 10” and in line of sight of an ally with a
Dark Side Score equal to or greater than your own. Felucian Shaman train to fight the Darkside, Any
power cast by someone with the Force Sensitive
(Darkside) Edge, targeting them suffers a -2
Information penalty and damage is reduced by -2 as well. This
The Believers follow the teachings of The Sith from does stack with both Arcane Resistance and
ancient times before the Rule of Two and strive to Improved Arcane Resistance.
extend the influence of The Dark Side of The Force.
Native to the Force-rich world of Felucia, The
Felucian Shamans are among the most talented
natural Force-users in the galaxy. The world of
Felucia is tied intimately to The Living Force, and
as such the world's flora and fauna, including the
The Fallanassi Felucians themselves, can be influenced by the
presence of strong agents of The Force, both light
Membership and dark. The members of the Shaman caste of
Felucia, aware of this potential danger, always
The Fallanassi are insular, but they do occasionally ensure that any of their brethren who fall to The
cross paths with other cultures and members of Dark Side are immediately executed in the Ancient
other Force Traditions. It's conceivable, however Abyss, the resting place of one of the largest
unlikely, that an outsider might be indoctrinated Sarlaccs in the galaxy. The Shamans fear, and
into the ranks of The Fallanassi, but only under rightly so, that allowing a powerful agent of The
exceptional circumstances, and only if the White Dark Side to live on their world will corrupt not only
Current guides The Fallanassi to do so. their fellow Felucians but the planet itself.

Professional Edges

White Current Adept

Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Any),

You can make a Use the Force check in place of


The White Current guides The Fallanassi to use its
power to benefit everything and everyone around
them, as well as to protect themselves. Those who
succeed in channeling the White Current often
display powers with surprising effects.

The Inquisitorius The Jal Shey

Membership Membership
Any character with the Force Sensitive (Lightside)
Any Character with a Force Sensitive Edge can Edge can become a member of The Jal Shey by
become a member, But they must have “Fallen to being accepted as an apprentice by a one who is
the Darkside” at one point to be accepted. already a member of this Force Tradition.

Professional Edges
Professional Edges

Imperial Inquisitor
Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Lightside)
Requirements: Novice, Any Force Sensitive Edge, While using any device created by a Mentor. A
Fallen to the Darkside Neophyte may use his own PP to Activate and
Maintain Powers in the Device (see pg 151 of the
An Imperial Inquisitor gains a +2 bonus to use Swade Core Book) but this costs 3 pp to do instead
Mind Reading against anyone who does not have of 1.
the Force Sensitive (Darkside Edge)
Requirements: Neophyte
Imperial Inquisitors are the latest, secret addition As above the cost to Maintain Powers is reduced to
to Imperial Intelligence. At the request of the 2 PP
Emperor, a special division has been created called
The Inquisitorius, which specializes in scouring the
galaxy for Force-users of all types and eliminating Mentors
them. Led by a Grand Inquisitor, these Dark Side Requirements: Artificer, Advisor
Force-users seek out surviving Jedi, adepts,
primitive shamans, and all students of The Force Unlike a normal Artificer these rare individuals
who are not aligned with the Emperor. The have mastered the ability to create Arcane
Inquisitors are ruthless and effective even when Devices. Any Device made by a Mentor may gain
not using The Dark Side. Rumors of their methods its own set of PP equal to half of the Points put into
and existence are slowly spreading throughout the it by the Mentor who must pay double the cost of
intelligence services, making them among the each power he puts into the device to do this. If
most feared operatives. The Inquisitors work best they do so these points are lost to them until they
through interrogation and investigation, with and are regained by Recharging, however the Recharge
without The Force. Few can withstand an rate is reduced to 1 Power Point per day and all
Inquisitor's interrogation session. other requirements of recharging still apply. They
may also Maintain Powers in the Device for the
normal cost of 1 PP

Unique Devices
Jal Shey Devices
A Device made by a Jal Shey Mentor has its own
set of Power Points based upon the amount
invested by the Mentor when created. They
operate as standard Arcane Devices in the hands of
anyone who is not a Jal Shey. However unlike a
normal Arcane Device, Jal Shey Devices recharge
at a rate of 1 Power Point per day as long as they
are not used during that time and are in the
possession of someone with the Force Sensitive
(Lightside) Edge.

The Jal Shey is one of the oldest known Force
Traditions, and one of the most wide-ranging.
Unlike other Force Traditions, the Jal Shey study
The Force from an intellectual, scientific point of
view, rather than a spiritual journey.

The Jedi Unique Devices
Jedi Devices
Membership A Device made by a Jedi Artificer has its own set of
Any character with the Force Sensitive (Lightside) Power Points based upon the amount invested by
Edge can become a member of the Jedi Tradition the Jedi Artificer when created. They operate as
by being accepted as an apprentice by a Jedi standard Arcane Devices in the hands of anyone
Knight or Jedi Master or by Studying with Jedi who is not a Jedi. However unlike a normal Arcane
Holocrons or other Teaching materials. Device, Jedi Artificer Devices recharge at a rate of
1 Power Point per day as long as they are not used
Professional Edges during that time and as long as it is in the
possession of someone with the Force Sensitive
(Lightside) Edge.
Jedi Knight
Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Lightside), Information
Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber) There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
While you have a Lightsaber readied and you are There is no passion; there is serenity.
aware of a ranged attack, the Target Number for There is no death; there is The Force.
the attacker equals half your Parry (Rounded -From The Jedi Code
Down) +2. This does not apply to area attacks. For centuries, the group of philosophers that would
Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned) the Knight eventually become The Jedi contemplated the
may also redirect one ranged attack that fails. mysteries of the energy field known as The Force.
Towards any target with in range Smarts of the Eventually, some of the group's members
Knight as a Free Attack using their Shooting skill. mastered The Force. After that, they dedicated
The redirect takes place immediately (before other themselves to using their newfound skills and
hits against the hero on the same Action Card, if powers for good, helping those in need. In the
any) thousands of years that followed, the Jedi served
(The GM may Rule that certain attacks can not be as protectors of The Galactic Republic. Answering
deflected because the ammo is destroyed when it to their own Jedi Council and operating in
hits the Lightsaber Blade for example sluthrowers, concordance with the Judicial Department of the
rocks, etc...) office of the Supreme Chancellor, the Jedi became
(You also may not Redirect Vehicular Weapons of the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy.
Medium or Higher Type)

Jedi Master
Requirements: Seasoned, Jedi Knight

As with the Knight edge, A Master may also

redirect ranged attacks that fail. But they can do so
against up to three such failed attacks. Redirecting
them towards any target with in range Smarts x2
of the Master as a Free Attack using their Shooting
skill. These redirects takes place immediately
(before other hits against the hero on the same
Action Card, if any)

Jedi Artificer
Requirements: Jedi Knight, Artificer

Unlike a normal Artificer these rare individuals

have mastered the ability to create Arcane
Devices. Any Device made by a Jedi Artificer may
gain its own set of PP equal to half of the Points put
into it by the Jedi Artificer who must pay double the
cost of each power he puts into the device to do
this. If they do so these points are lost to them
until they are regained by Recharging, however the
Recharge rate is reduced to 1 Power Point per day
and all other requirements of recharging still

The Jensaarai The Keetael

Membership Membership
Any character with either the Force Sensitive Any Draethos who has the Force Sensitive (Force
(Lightside) or the Force Sensitive (Darkside) Edges Adept) Edge can become a member of The Keetael
can become a member of the Jensaarai Tradition by by being accepted as an apprentice by someone
being accepted as an apprentice by a member of who is already a member of this Force Tradition.
The Jensaarai.
Professional Edges
Professional Edges
Keetael Warrior
Jensaarai Squire
Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Force
Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Lightside) / Adept),Danger Sense, Must be a Draethos
(Darkside), Trademark Armor (Jensaarai)
The Keetael Warrior has learned to hone his
Jensaari Squires have learned to shift their armor fighting skills to a degree most never will. He can
to give themselves the best protection possible take the Block and Improved Block Edges at one
during combat. Once per turn they may negate Rank lower than normally required.
half of the AP from a single attack that is directed
towards them. (This does not apply to area Information
On the Draethos homeworld of Thosa, warriors and
hunters dominate the culture. Unsurprisingly, the
Jensaarai Defender Draethos Force Tradition of Keetael uses The Force
Requirements: Seasoned, Jensarri Squire to increase fighting and hunting prowess. Keetael
is a mysterious, but not secretive Force Tradition.
Jensaari Defenders are masters at shifting their They are relatively few (Only in the hundreds), as
armor to give themselves the best protection are the number of Draethos Force-users. Many
possible during combat. Due to this they may practitioners choose to conceal their abilities and
negate half of the AP from up to three attacks membership, not out of fear of reprisal, but to
directed towards them per turn. (This does not maintain a significant advantage over their
apply to area attacks) opponents in battle.
Initiates are also taught the customs and history of
Information The Keetael. Rather than carrying Lightsabers, they
use the same weapons as the rest of Draethos
The Jensaarai sect of Force-users came into society. Though few wear trappings that identify
existence near the end of the Clone Wars and is them as members of the order, each Initiate
relatively young compared to other Force receives a small silver disk upon completion of
Traditions. Founded by an Anzati Dark Jedi, Nikkos their training. One side is inscribed with an
Tyris, The Jensaarai blend teachings of Jedi and Sith elaborate series of circles, the symbol of the order,
philosophy to form something altogether different. and the other side carries the symbols and
The Jensaarai resemble both The Jedi and The Sith signatures of the Keetael Masters and Initiates
in many ways; they construct and wield involved in the individual's training. The disk is a
Lightsabers, they defend their planet from hostile symbol of membership in the order. However,
forces, and they have a strong grasp of The Force members are not required to display it, or even
and its ways. Still, they remain quite different in carry it.
other respects. Jensaarai Defenders construct suits
of armor, fashioning them after creatures they feel
fit their personalities, and they can be violent and
ruthless when necessary. Though many Jensaarai
Defenders run the risk of falling to The Dark Side,
very few actually do, as discipline and awareness
of the repercussions of their actions are two of the
most important tenets of Jensaarai training.

The Krath The Luka Sene

Membership Membership
Any character who has the Force Sensitive (Force Any Miraluka who has the Force Sensitive
Adept) Edge can become a member of The Krath (Lightside) Edge can become a member of The
by being accepted as an apprentice by someone Luka Sene by being accepted as an apprentice by
who is already a member of this Force Tradition. someone who is already a member of this Force
Professional Edges
Professional Edges
Krath Follower
Luka Sene
Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Force
Adept) Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Lightside),
Krath focus their study on the Illusion Force Power;
their illusions may encompass the volume of a LBT Due to their intense study a Luka Sene can ignore
instead of just a MBT as normal. up to 6 points of penalties when they have Force
Detect activated instead of the usual 4 points that
Krath Master other members of this Species can ignore.
Requirements: Seasoned, Krath Follower
Krath Master’s have learned the ability to add The Force is far more common among Miralukans
substance to their Illusions. Anyone who does not than other Species. Miralukans also rely on The
resist the effects of a Krath Illusion when they Force more than any other Species because they
come into contact with it becomes either depend on The Force to sense their surroundings in
Distracted or Vulnerable. (The Krath decides which) lieu of their lost eyesight. Thus, Miralukans do not
regard beings with The Force as seers or mystics,
Information and mystically based Force Traditions have few
supporters in Miralukan society. However, some
The Krath are an unusual combination of reclaimed Miralukans do present an increased aptitude with
Sith learning and direct influence from Sith spirits. the sense-based aspects of The Force. Once
None of the early Krath received formal Sith identified, Miralukan educators and leaders
training. Instead, they pieced together techniques encourage such individuals to join The Luka Sense,
and Sith magic from artifacts and occasional input a formal organization, with meditation and
from powerful Sith spirits. Rather than avoiding education chambers in most cities on their
The Dark Side, The Krath have no such inhibitions homeworld. The Luka Sene concentrates first and
and follow their investigations in any direction they foremost on developing the powers of their
deem worthy. They learn how to use ancient Sith membership, particularly sense-related powers.
Artifacts, project massive and destructive Sith Luka Sene is academic in atmosphere and culture.
illusions, and wield Sith sorcery. Mysticism is still present, but used by most
members as a basis for more practical application
of Force Powers. Offworlders regard The Luka Sene
as a university for Force-users, a place where
classes and education take place, but not a
tradition that dominates an attendee's personal life
to the degree seen in Jedi, Sith, or other Force

The Mecrosa Order The Order of Shasa

Membership Membership
Only individuals who possess the Force Sensitive Only Selkath who posses the Force Sensitive (Force
(Darkside) Edge can become a member of The Adept) Edge can become a member of The Order of
Mecrosa Order, by being accepted as an apprentice Shasa, by being accepted as an apprentice by
by a Lord who is already a member of this Force someone who is already a member of this Force
Tradition. Tradition.

Professional Edges Professional Edges

Mecrosa Apprentice Order of Shasa

Requirements: Force Sensitive (Darkside), Assassin Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Force
Adept), Selkath
Mecrosa Apprentice’s excel at using the Force to
guide their attacks, when targeting the smallest Members of the Order of Shasa who have
chink in armor. When doing a Called Shot to attack completed the Rite of Fira reduce the AP of a
the Head or Vital Organs of a normal sized creature Lightsaber by 5 when they have their Fira readied
they do so at -3 instead of -4. and are aware of the attack

Mecrosa Lord Information

Requirements: Mecrosa Apprentice The Order of Shasa is a new Force Tradition, formed
just after the end of The Jedi Civil War. Named for
A Mecrosa Lord increases the bonus from Assassin its founder, the Order is exclusive to the planet
to a +3 instead of +2 Manaan and its native Species, the Selkath.
Because The Order is so new, initiatives undergo
Information little formal training. Those teaching have little
more experience than those learning. However,
For centuries, a secret evil in the Tapani Sector has Shasa has instituted one formal initiation
had nobles and commoners jumping at shadows in requirement- The Rite of Fira. Students deemed
their own homes and palaces. That evil is The ready to become full members of The Order are
Mecrosa Order. At last, Houses Pelagia and sent on a special quest that serves as a final test of
Melantha beg for Republic intervention, but with their abilities, reminding them of the reason The
Exar Kun's war intensifying, no help comes. High Order was founded and providing them with a
Lady Brezwalt III stands poised to transform Tapani weapon for personal defense.
Sector into The Mecetti Empire, until Pelagian Jedi
Shadows turn the tables. Infiltrating every Mecrosa
chapter, the Jedi double agents wait. Then, when
Kun is defeated, the Shadows spring their trap and The Rite of Fira requires the initiate to swim to the
The Jedi Order pounces. In this event, known as wreck of the kolto harvester destroyed by Revan in
The Cleansing of the Nine Houses, Jedi Knights the Hrakert Rift (This is a Travel Challenge that
destroy The Mecrosa Order, and Mecetti nobles, takes 3 days). After removing a piece of metal from
anxious to save face, turn against Lady Brezwalt. its cortosis-laden hull plating, the initiate must then
use the heat from volcanic vents on the ocean floor
Special to craft the cortosis into a Fira (Vibroblade) a
curved, Lightsaber resistant sword (This requires a
Members of The Mecrosa Order who have either repair roll at -2), which members of The Order can
edge are considered Sith Knights for the purposes use to defend themselves against possible Sith or
of qualifying for the Sith Lord Edge. But they still even Jedi threats.
must meet the other Requirements.

The Sith Unique Devices
Sith Devices
Membership A Device made by a Sith Artificer has its own set of
Any character with the Force Sensitive (Darkside) Power Points based upon the amount invested by
Edge can become a member of The Sith by being the Sith Artificer when created. They operate as
accepted as an apprentice by a Sith Lord. During standard Arcane Devices in the hands of anyone
The Rise of the Empire Era, there can only be one who is not a Sith. However unlike a normal Arcane
Sith Lord and one Sith Apprentice. Thus, the only Device, Sith Artificer Devices recharge at a rate of
way to join The Sith during this era is to wait (Or 1 Power Point per day as long as they are not used
arrange) for one of the two Sith to die. during that time and are in the possession of
someone with the Force Sensitive (Darkside) Edge.
Professional Edges
Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Sith Knight
Through passion, I gain strength.
Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Darkside), Through strength, I gain power.
Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber) Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
While you have a Lightsaber readied and you are The Force shall free me.
aware of a ranged attack, the Target Number for -From The Sith Code
the attacker equals half your Parry (Rounded An ancient order of Force-users devoted to The
Down) +2. This does not apply to area attacks. Dark Side and determined to destroy The Jedi, The
Once per turn (if not shaken or stunned) the Knight Sith have existed in many forms throughout the
may also redirect one ranged attack that fails. history of the galaxy. The original Sith were a Near-
Towards any target with in range Smarts of the Human population on Korriban, subjected and ruled
Knight as a Free Attack using their shooting skill. by outcast Dark Jedi several thousand years before
The redirect takes place immediately (before other the Battle of Yavin. The name "Sith" eventually
hits against the hero on the same Action Card, if came to refer to the Dark Side cult that ruled the
any) Sith people (That is, the "Lords of the Sith"). When
(The GM may Rule that certain attacks can not be The Old Republic discovered The Sith Empire
deflected because the ammo is destroyed when it thousands of years later, it led to the Great
hits the Lightsaber Blade for example sluthrowers, Hyperspace War, the first of a long series of
rocks, etc...) (You also may not Redirect Vehicular conflicts that ravaged the galaxy over the next few
Weapons of Medium or Higher Type) millennia. Eventually, The Sith Empire (Now known
as the "Old Sith") was destroyed, and all it left
Sith Lord behind were ancient Holocrons and the ruined
tombs and temples on Korriban, Yavin 4, and a
Requirements: Seasoned, Sith Knight handful of other planets throughout the galaxy.
As with the Knight edge, A Lord may also redirect
ranged attacks that fail. But they can do so against
up to three such failed attacks. Redirecting them
towards any target within range Smartsx2 of the
Lord as a Free Attack using their shooting skill.
These redirects takes place immediately (before
other hits against the hero on the same Action
Card, if any)

Sith Artificer
Requirements: Sith Knight, Artificer

Unlike a normal Artificer these rare individuals

have mastered the ability to create Arcane
Devices. Any Device made by a Sith Artificer may
gain its own set of PP equal to half of the Points put
into it by the Sith Artificer who must pay double
the cost of each power he puts into the device to
do this. If they do so these points are lost to them
until they are regained by Recharging, however the
Recharge rate is reduced to 1 Power Point per day
and all other requirements of recharging still

The Witches of Dathomir

Only female natives of Dathomir (From The Rise of
the Empire Era onward) with the Force Sensitive
(Force Adept) edge can be members of The
Witches of Dathomir.

Professional Edges

Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Force
Adept), Beast Bond

If they cast the Beast Friend power they gain the

Mind Rider Modifier for free

Requirements: Novice, Force Sensitive (Force
Adept), Must have at least 1 Darkside Point

If they cast Fear they reduce the cost of the power

and modifiers by 1 (This can not reduce the cost
below 1)

Native to the planet of Dathomir, The Witches of
Dathomir were the first non-Jedi Force-users
encountered by Luke Skywalker during his quest to
rebuild The Jedi Order. Some 600 years before the
Clone Wars, The Jedi Order banished a Jedi named
Allya to the primitive planet of Dathomir. In exile,
she founded her own sect of Force Adepts,
selectively breeding with a group of exiled arms
dealers, and within decades had created a Force-
using society. The Witches of Dathomir are part of
a primitive culture with a strong yet rudimentary
grasp of The Force. Though much of their own
knowledge is derived from The Jedi arts, over the
centuries their lifestyle and philosophies have
shaped their knowledge of The Force to fit their
own needs.

The Force
Force Sensitive
To use the Force, a character must take one of the Force Sensitive Edges. If Force Sensitive (Lightside) or
(Darkside) is taken after character creation, the character should have access to a holocron or other
source to learn the tradition from. Once per Rank Force Senstive Characters can switch Alignments with
GM Approval. A Force Adept may become a Lightside or Darkside user. A Lightside user may become a
Force Adept or Darkside user. A Darkside user may become a Lightside user or a Force adept, but they
must immediatly Atone if they have not already begun to do so. This comes at a cost though, Doing so
inflicts a -2 penalty whenever they use a Power that has a listed Light or Dark version. This penalty lasts
until their next advance at which time they should change the names of their powers to the new
alignment and no longer suffer the -2 penalty. Force adepts do not need to change the names, but still
suffer the -2 penalty until their next advance as normal.
If this change causes a Character to no longer qualify for certain Edges, they gain no benefit from those
edges until such time as they do qualify for them.
Force Sensitive (Force Adept)
Force Skill: Force Use (Spirit)
Starting Powers: 1
Power Points: 15
The character has an innate connection to the Force. Adepts often have a mix of Light and Dark powers.
This Edge is used both for those who have no formal training and for smaller traditions of the force, such
as the Witches of Dathomir.

Force Sensitive (Lightside)

Force Skill: Force Use (Smarts)
Starting Powers: 3
Power Points: 10
The character has been trained in the ways of the Jedi or other Lightside Tradition. The character also is
given the Code of Honor (Major) Hindrance If this background is taken during character creation this
hindrance counts as 2 of the 4 points they are allowed to take to buy edges. If taken after character
creation it does not.

Force Sensitive (Darkside)

Force Skill: Force Use (Smarts)
Starting Powers: 3
Power Points: 10
The character has been trained in the ways of the Sith or another Darkside Tradition. The character also
is given the Bloodthirsty (Major) Hindrance. If this background is taken during character creation this
hindrance counts as 2 of the 4 points they are allowed to take to buy edges. If taken after character
creation it does not.

At any time a Player may “Call upon the Darkside”. Once a character has been Redeemed, all future
Doing so functions as if they have spent a Benny uses of the Darkside by them inflicts a -2 to their
even if they have none to spend. They can even do Opposed Spirit Rolls to resist the Darkside. If the
this to re-roll a Critical Failure. This gives them a Darkside wins (even with just a Success) they
Darkside Point. These points must be noted on “Embrace the Darkside” and are completely
their character sheet. They carry over from one controlled as if The Darkside had a Raise.
session to the next.
A character may use the Force in Minor Ways by
Whenever a character who is Force Sensitive uses making a Use Force roll. This is an action, and
a Darkside Point to effect a “Force Use” roll, The the effect must be based on one of the character’s
Force User receives Two Darkside Points for doing existing powers. A Sith could use Combustion to
so instead of one. light a campfire, for example. A Krath could use
Fear to cause forboding during a Story to entertain
GM DARKSIDE a group of children. A Force user uses Move Object
to pull a fruit to him. A Jedi uses Light/Darkness to
A GM may call upon the Darkside once per game dim or brighten a room for Dramatic Effect while
session, If they do so, all players are awarded a telling a Story.
Benny. Success means the desired effect occurs with no
cost in Power Points. A raise has an additional
TAINTED narrative impact of some kind— the fruit spins
almost as if Dancing, the Fire burns a unique color.
When a player “Calls upon the Darkside” they are Failure causes the spell to fail without effect. A
considered Tainted. They must make an Opposed Critical Failure causes the spell to backfire, which
Spirit Roll against the Darkside (Every Darkside requires the caster to lose 1 Power Point or suffer
point, including the one they just took, raises the Fatigue. Critical Failure also causes an
Darkside’s dice by one step. D4 at 1, d6 at 2, d8 at embarrassment or minor mishap of some sort— the
3, d10 at 4, d12 at 5, every Darkside point after 5 Fruit smacks the caster or someone else along the
adds a +1 to the roll). If the Character wins the way, a conjured flame lights a book on fire, or the
Character suffers no ill effects from his brush with power makes an embarrassing sound or smell.
the Darkside. If the Character wins with a Raise the A successfully Minor Use Duration is the same as
Character adds +2 to all further rolls they make, the power it’s based on and may be maintained by
until the start of their next turn. spending Power Points as usual.
If the Darkside Wins the character “Falls to the The GM has the final say on what a Minor Use can
Darkside” and must obey commands that don’t do, but the effect must not replace a power or
directly harm himself or those he cares about. If cause damage (at least directly).
the Darkside wins with a Raise, The character It can be used to Test or Support, or grant a +1
“Embraces the Darkside” and is completely bonus on a subsequent roll in the same encounter.
controlled, but gets an automatic Spirit roll as a For example, if the Jedi uses a cantrip to impress a
free action at -2 to avoid directly harming himself crowd of village children, the GM might give him
or those he cares about. If the Characters +1 to a Persuasion roll later on if he talks to their
resistance succeeds, he doesn’t carry out that parents or someone else who witnessed the
particular command but doesn’t otherwise resist kindness.
the Darkside’s Commands. These effects last a
number of rounds equal to the number of Darkside
Points they have.
Some Jedi have the Ability to effect select units or
ATONING even entire armies. Only those who have the Battle
Meditation Edge (page 37) may use the rules
At any time Characters may choose to Atone. presented below.
Characters who do so may no longer call upon the Casting a spell via Battle Meditation costs +5
Darkside until they have fully Atoned for their past Power Points. Only powers with the Additional
evils. They Atone by forfeiting Conviction Recipients modifier are eligible, though that
(Lightside Points) to get rid of their Darkside Points. modifier is not used when casting via Battle
While Atoning if they perform an act that would Meditation. (It may be cheaper
normally grant them Conviction they no longer to use Additional Recipients with a small number of
receive it. Instead their Darkside total is reduced allies that calculation is left to the user!)
by one. The character is considered “Redeemed” Force Powers may only be cast on characters with
once they have removed all their current Darkside identical profiles, i.e. a unit of Stormtroopers, a
points. troop of Droids, etc.
Resistance: Make a group roll for the defenders if
the power is resisted.

BATTLE MEDITATION roll and get a 6. The Sith is successful and decides
to make the Gungun's stand idly for five rounds (if
he tries to make them attack their fellows they get
another roll to resist, as described in the Mind Trick
2-50 -2
Later, the same Sith decides to grant Force Shield
51-250 -4
to an embattled troop of 50 Stormtroopers. That’s
a −2 penalty to his Use Force Roll, so he needs to
251-500 -6
roll a 6 for a basic success and a 10 for a raise.

Range: The Range of all Battle Meditation is 100

Maintenance: Powers may be maintained normally,
meaning that once cast, a caster may maintain
boost Trait (Shooting) on a unit of Troopers another
five rounds for a single Power Point.
Battle Meditation Penalty: The Force use skill roll
suffers a penalty based on the number of troops
affected, as shown on the Battle Meditation Table
Example: A Sith casts Mind Trick on an enemy
formation of 400 Gungan warriors at the height of
a climactic battle. The Sith’s total, after the −6
penalty, is an 8. The Gungun's resist with a group

Force Powers
This section is meant to replace the Powers Section of the SWADE Core Book almost completely. The
Following list is what should be removed or replaced in the Powers section of the Core Book. Pgs 148 and
149 are Replaced by the Following. “Certain Powers have a Light and a Dark version. This doesn’t alter
the power or limit it from being used by Force Adepts. Lightside Players should write down the Light
name and Darkside players should use the Dark name of the powers. Force Adepts may use either name.
List of Powers
Battlemind Battle Strike (Light) / Dark Rage (Dark)
Rank: Novice Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1 Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts Range: Self
Duration: 30 Minutes Duration: 5
Battlemind creates a telepathic connection This power allows a player to increase the amount
between two individuals (which does not of damage they do in Melee by increasing their
necessarily have to include the caster). The link Strength one die type, or two with a raise, for five
accommodates only willing subjects and rounds.
communication – Only Consciously transmitted Modifiers
thoughts can be shared. Once activated, the Range •Armor Piercing (+1 to +3): Each point spent
between all linked minds is one mile, or Five with a grants the power AP 2 to a maximum of AP 6 (This
raise. If any of the linked characters suffer a does not stack with other AP, use whichever is
Wound, all others must make a Smarts roll or be higher).
Shaken (this cannot cause a wound). The speed of •Heavy Weapon(+2): The attack counts as a
communication is that of normal speech, but with a Heavy Weapon.
raise members may communicate up to 30 •Smite (+2): While in effect the weapons damage
seconds or so of speech on a single combat turn. is increased by +2, or +4 with a raise
•Additional Recipients(+1): The power may affect
additional targets at a cost of 1 Power Point per

Battle Focus (Light) / Dark Intent (Dark) Boost/Lower Skill
Rank: Novice Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2 Power Points: 3
Range: Self Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 Duration: 5 (boost); Instant (lower)
This power allows a player to increase the amount This power allows a character to increase or
of damage they do in Ranged combat for five decrease any skill the target currently has at least
rounds. While in effect the damage of a ranged a d4 or higher in. Boosting an ally’s skill increases
weapon is increased by +2, or +4 with a raise. the selected Trait one die type, or two with a raise,
Modifiers for five rounds. Lowering an enemy’s skill has a
•Armor Piercing (+1 to +3): Each point spent Duration of Instant and lowers the selected skill a
grants the power AP 2 to a maximum of AP 6 (This die type with success, or two with a raise (to a
does not stack with other AP, use whichever is minimum of d4). A victim automatically tries to
higher). shake off the effect with a Spirit roll as a free action
•Heavy Weapon(+2): The attack counts as a at the end of his turn and at the end of every
Heavy Weapon. following turn, while still affected. Success
improves the effect one die type, and a raise
Beast Friend (Light) / Beast Servant (Dark) removes the effect entirely. Additional castings
don’t stack on a single Skill (take the highest), but
Rank: Novice may affect different Skills.
Power Points: Special Modifiers
Range: Smarts •Additional Recipients(+2):The power may affect
Duration: 10 minutes additional targets at a cost of 1 Power Point per
This power allows an individual to speak with and target.
guide the actions of nature’s beasts. The cost to •Strong (+1): Lower Trait only. The Spirit roll to
cast is equal to the sum of their Size (minimum 1 shake off the effect is made at −2.
per creature) Controlling five wolves (Size −1)
costs 5 points (remember the minimum cost of 1), Cloak
for example. Controlling a rhino (Size 5) costs 5
points. Success means the creatures obey simple Rank: Seasoned
commands, like a well-trained dog. They attack Power Points: 5
foes and endanger their lives for their master. A Range: Smarts
raise on the Force Use skill roll means the beasts Duration: 5
are more obedient. They won’t kill themselves but With a success, you bend light and muffle sounds
overcome their natural fears to follow their orders. around you, with the Force. The character and their
Swarms can also be controlled. Small Swarms cost personal items become a vague blur or outline.
1 point, Medium Swarms cost 2, and Large Swarms Any action taken against them that requires sight
cost 3. Beast friend works only on natural is made at -4, or -6 with a raise. These same
creatures with animal intelligence, not humanoids. penalties apply to any Notice rolls using sight or
Modifiers sound made to detect the cloaked character.” It
•Mind Rider (+1): The caster can sense through also prevents electronic devices from seeing,
any of the beasts he’s befriended. sensing, or recording the character visually.
Blind •Additional Recipients(+3): The power may affect
additional targets at a cost of 3 Power Points per
Rank: Novice target. They must remain within range of the
Power Points: 2 caster to maintain the effects.
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant Combustion
Those affected by this malicious power suffer
blurred vision or near-complete-blindness with a Rank: Novice
raise. Success means the victim suffers a −2 Power Points: 2
penalty to all actions requiring sight, or −4 with a Range: Smarts
raise. The victim automatically tries to shake off Duration: Instant
the effect with a Vigor roll as a free action at the Conjure a flame about the size of a torch, and hurl
end of his turn and at the end of every following it at a target for 2d6 damage, and they catch on
turn, while still affected. Success removes 2 points fire. Roll a d6 immediately after it does so. On a 6,
of penalties, and a raise removes the effect it grows in intensity by 1d6 each time to a
entirely. maximum of 5d6. On a 1, the fire drops a level, or
Modifiers burns out if reduced below 1d6 damage. The fire
•Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power continues to cause damage at the beginning of the
affects everyone in a MBT. For +3 the Area of victim’s turns. The victim may also make an
Effect is increased to a LBT. Athletics roll to reduce the fire by 1d6 on their turn,
•Strong (+1): The Vigor roll to shake off the effect this is an action each time they do so.
is made at −2.

Crucitorn (Light) / Hate Gives Power(Dark) Environmental Protection (Light) / Environmental
Rank: Seasoned Subjugation (Dark)
Power Points: 5 Rank: Novice
Range: Self Power Points: 2
Duration: 5 Range: Smarts
You draw upon the Force to ignore the debilitating Duration: One Hour
effects of physical pain, and focus despite great This power allows the target to breathe, speak, and
physical trauma. On a Success you are able to move at his normal Pace in an otherwise fatal
ignore 1 point of Wound penalties. With a Raise environment. It protects him against intense heat,
you are able to resist 2 points of Wound penalties. cold, radiation, atmospheric or fluid pressure, and
lack of oxygen. Generally, the adventurer can
Damage Resistance (Light) / Anger Gives Strength function normally underwater, in space, within the
(Dark) core of a volcano, etc. It fails quickly (1d4 rounds)
in the presence of super- intense conditions such
Rank: Novice as actual lava or the massive radiation of a melting
Power Points: 1 nuclear core, for example. Environmental
Range: Smarts Protection reduces damage from like sources by 4
Duration: 5 (6 with a raise). If protecting against intense heat,
Damage Resistance creates a field of energy for example, it protects against a flamethrower or
around a character, giving him 2 points of Armor, other fire based attacks.
With a raise, the bonus is applied to Toughness Modifiers
instead. This stacks with all other armor, natural or •Additional Recipients(+1): The power may affect
worn, and is negated by AP as usual. additional targets at a cost of 1 Power Point per
Modifiers target. They must remain within range of the
•Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect caster to maintain the effects.
additional targets at a cost of 1 Power Point per
target. They must remain within range of the Empathy (Light) / Mind Wraith (Dark)
caster to maintain the effects.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Detonate Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
Rank: Novice The caster forms an emotional bond between
Power Points: 2 himself and the target with a successful Force Use
Range: Smarts vs Spirit roll. He knows the target’s emotional state
Duration: Instant and most basic surface thoughts, and gains a +1
Use the Force to locate the weak point of an (+2 with a raise) to Intimidation, Persuasion,
unattended object. Using the Force to shatter it. On Performance, or Taunt rolls against him. Empathy
a success you roll 2d6 damage against the target's also works on animals, adding a +2 to riding or
Hardness (pg 98 core book), or 2d8 with a raise. other rolls used to interact with the creature.
(The dice can ace due to knowing the weak point)
Enlighten Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3/6/9
Rank: Novice Range: Planet/System/Galaxy
Power Points: 3 Duration: 5
Range: Smarts This power allows a player to target one creature
Duration: Instant you know or have met with before. You can sense
You reach out to an ally telepathically, sharing whether the target is alive or dead and gain a
visions of the near future to give the ally a bonus in vague sense of its immediate surroundings, what
combat. Make a Use the Force check. On a Success it’s currently doing, and any strong emotions it is
the ally may add a +1 to their next attack (as per presently feeling. For 3 points they can do so
the Gang-up rules), +2 on a Raise. anywhere on the planet the player is on as long as
the target is both on the same planet and alive. For
Modifiers: 6 points they can detect them within the same
•Additional Recipients (+1): The Power may affect system of planets. For 9 points they can detect
more than one target for 1 additional Power Point them anywhere in the Galaxy. The target may
per target. They must remain within range of the resist with an opposed Spirit roll.
caster to maintain the effects.

Farsight Fold Space
Rank: Seasoned Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2 Power Points: 4
Range: Smarts Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 Duration: Instant
Farsight allows the recipient to see in detail over You can use The Force to bend space, transporting
great distances. She can read lips or read fine print a character almost instantaneously from one place
up to a mile distant. With a raise, she also halves to another. Fold Space allows a character to
Range penalties for Shooting, Athletics (throwing), disappear and instantly reappear anywhere they
or other abilities affected by Range. can see within their range, or double that with a
Modifiers raise. Opponents adjacent to a character who
•Additional Recipients(+1): The power may affect Folds Space away don’t get a free attack. If casting
additional targets at a cost of 1 Power Point per Fold Space on a willing subject , the caster decides
target. They must remain within range of the where they move to, not the target.
caster to maintain the effects. Modifiers:
•Additional Recipients (+1): The Power may affect
Fear more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
per target. All targets affected must be adjacent to
Rank: Novice the original target of this power.
Power Points: 2 •Unseen Location (+4): Folding space to an unseen
Range: Smarts location is very difficult to do. The roll to do so is
Duration: Instant done at -2 and any failure is treated as a crit
This power causes overwhelming dread and horror. failure.
Those affected make a Spirit roll. On a Success •Teleport Foe (+2): The Foe must be targeted by a
they resist the effects. On a failure, extras are Touch attack first. (pg 108 Core). This is an action,
Panicked and Wild Cards roll on the Fear Table. If so the casting must be the second part of a Multi-
the power is cast with a raise, the Fear roll is at -2 Action if the touch attack is successful. The Foe
and Wild Cards add +2 to Fear Table results. resists the casting with an opposed Spirit roll
Modifiers against the Use the Force skill total. If they fail to
•Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power resist it they are sent anywhere the caster can see
affects everyone in a MBT. For +3 the Area of within their range, or double that with a raise. A
Effect is increased to a LBT. Foe may not be teleported into a solid object. (Can
not be combined with the Additional Recipients
Episode IV
Force Astrogation
It is a period of civil war. Rebel
Rank: Seasoned
spaceships, striking from a Power Points: 5
hidden base, have won their Range: Self
first victory against the evil Duration: 5 Minutes
Force Astrogation allows the Force User to stretch
Galactic Empire. out their senses and map a Hyperspace Route.
With a successful "Use the Force" Roll they are able
During the battle, Rebel spies to map out a safe route to a single object within 12
hours of the current location. With a Raise they can
managed to steal secret plans map a route out to a single object within 24 hours
to the Empire's ultimate weapon, of their location. On a Failed Roll they end up
colliding with a small object and require rolling on
the DEATH STAR, and space the “Out of Control” Chart on page 119 of the
station with enough power to SWADE Core Book. On a Critical Failure they Strike
destroy an entire planet. a large Object and must roll on the “Vehicle Critical
Hits'' chart also on page 119. This ability functions
as if the Force User had rolled Astrogation using a
Limited Navicomupter.
Pursued by the Empire's sinister
agents, Princess Leia races home
aboard her starship, custodian
of the stolen plans that can
save her people and restore
freedom to the galaxy

Force Barrier Force Detect/ Conceal
Rank: Seasoned Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2 Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 Duration: 5 (detect); one hour (conceal)
Force Barrier creates a straight wall 5′′ (10 yards) Detect allows the recipient of the power to detect
long and 1′′ (two yards) tall, of immobile material all living beings within Range from the recipient for
that conforms to the surface it’s cast upon. The five rounds. This includes invisible or concealed
wall has a Hardness of 10, and may be destroyed foes. With a raise, the range is increased to Range
as any other object (see Breaking Things on page x2. It also allows the recipient to ignore up to 4
98 of the SWADE Core Book). When the spell points of penalties when attacking foes hidden by
expires or the wall is broken it dissipates. any means other than cover.
•Damage (+1): The barrier causes 2d4 damage to Conceal prevents detection of the Force on one
anyone who contacts it. being of Normal Scale. For larger creatures,
•Hardened (+1): The wall is Hardness 12. increase the cost by the Scale modifier (+2 for
•Shaped (+2): The barrier forms a circle, square or Large, +4 for Huge, +6 for Gargantuan)
other basic shape. With success, attempts to detect beings with the
•Size (+1): The length and height of the barrier Force suffer a -2 penalty or -4 with a raise.
doubles. If Force Detect fails, the character cannot see
through the concealment with Force Detect and is
Force Blast (Light) / Corruption (Dark) not aware it is concealed unless presented with
obvious evidence of such (for example, being
Rank: Seasoned attacked)
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts x2 •Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect
Duration: Instant more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
You use The Force to send a bolt of pure Energy per target. They must remain within range of the
into an enemy. On a success you launch a ball of caster to maintain the effects.
explosive energy at the target, causing 2d6 •Strong (+1): Conceal Only, Detect rolls to see
damage, or 3d6 with a raise. through Conceal are made at -2.
•Area Effect (+1/+2): For +1 point the power Force Disarm
affects everyone in a SBT. For +2 the Area of Effect
is increased to a MBT. Rank: Novice
•Damage (+2): The Power causes 3d6 damage Power Points: 1
(4d6 with a raise). Range: Smarts x2
•Ballistakinesis (+1): The target’s also are Duration: Instant
Distracted until the end of their next turn. You Disarm an opponent by using The Force to pull
their weapon from their grasp. Your Disarm attempt
Force Bind (Light) / Dark Binding (Dark) must first hit the object and has the same penalties
to do so as a called shot. (see Called Shots, Core
Rank: Novice book pg. 99), If your attempt hits the weapon.
Power Points: 2 Make an opposed Use the Force roll against the
Range: Smarts target's Strength. On a Success you pull the object
Duration: 5 from them. You may choose to let the item drop to
Force Bind allows the caster to restrain a target the ground in the target’s fighting space or have
with the Force (Hardness 8). If successful, the the item fly into your hand (In which case you must
target is Entangled. With a raise, he’s Bound. have a free hand to catch it).
Victims may break free on their turn as detailed
under Bound & Entangled on page 98 of the core
There is no emotion;
•Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power there is peace.
affects everyone in a MBT. For +3 the Area of
Effect is increased to a LBT.
There is no ignorance;
•Tough (+1) The Hardness is increased to 10 there is knowledge.
There is no passion;
There is serenity.
There is no death; there
is only the Force.

Force Grip Force Sight
Rank: Novice Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1 Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts x2 Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant Duration: 5
You use The Force to crush and even to hold your Force Sight allows a hero to see in the dark. With
enemy. Force Grip causes the target to take 2d6 Success, he ignores up to 4 points of illumination
damage, or 3d6 with a raise. penalties. With a raise, he ignores up to 6 points
Modifiers and can see in pitch darkness
•Damage (+2): The Grip causes 3d6 damage (4d6 Modifiers
with a raise). •Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect
•Held (+2): The target is also Entangled. With a more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
Raise, he’s Bound. per target. They must remain within range of the
Special: You may maintain your concentration on a caster to maintain the effects.
Held target to continue damaging it from round to
round by spending a Power Point to maintain it Force Slam
each round. Maintaining the Force Grip Power is a
Standard Action, and you must make a new Use Rank: Novice
the Force check each round. To determine the new Power Points: 2
damage amount for each round). Victims may Range: Cone Template
break free on their turn by attempting a Strength Duration: Instant
roll at -2. If the victim is successful they improve Success creates a cone template starting at the
their status one level, or two with a raise. caster and extending outward (see Area of Effect
Special: The player may spend a benny to ignore Attacks, pg 97 in the Core book). Everything within
Range and instead effect anyone they can see. suffers 2d6 damage (or 3d6 with a raise).
This includes through a live video feed. Modifiers
•Damage (+2): The Slam causes 3d6 damage (4d6
Force Lightning (Light) / Dark Energy (Dark) with a raise).
•Prone (+1): Anyone inside the template must
Rank: Seasoned make a Strength roll (at -2 with a raise) or be
Power Points: 3 knocked Prone.
Range: Smarts x2
Duration: Instant Force Storm
You blast an enemy with deadly arcs of Force
energy. Effecting a MBT. Every target within suffers Rank: Seasoned
2d6 damage, or 3d6 with a raise. Power Points: 3
Modifiers Range: Self
•Damage (+2): The Lightning causes 3d6 damage Duration: 5
(4d6 with a raise) Force Storm creates a dangerous field of energy
and debris around you that harms foes foolish
enough to get to close. At the end of your turn, all
Force Shield adjacent beings (including allies) automatically
Rank: Novice take 2d4 damage.
Power Points: 3 Modifiers
Range: Smarts •Damage (+2): The Storm causes 2d6 damage.
Duration: 5 •Selective (+1): The caster can choose not to
You use The Force to create a bubble of telekinetic affect individual targets affected by the power by
energy around yourself, protecting you from harm. spending 1PP per target.
With Success, foes must subtract 2 from either
melee or ranged attacks (caster's choice). With a Force Stun
raise, the penalty applies to both. An attacker
using a ranged weapon in melee against the Rank: Novice
recipient suffers the penalty either way. Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
•Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect Duration: Instant
more than one target for 1 additional Power Point Stun shocks a target with concussive force. A
per target. They must remain within range of the successful casting means the victim must make a
caster to maintain the effects. Vigor roll (at -2 with a raise on the Force Use skill
roll) or be Stunned (see pg 106 in the Core book).
•Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power
affects everyone in a MBT. For +3 the Area of
Effect is increased to a LBT.

Force Thrust Illusion
Rank: Novice Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2 Power Points: 3
Range: Cone Template Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant Duration: 5
You use the Force to push a target away from you. Illusion can be used to create a visual scene or
Success creates a cone template starting at the replica of most anything the caster can imagine,
caster and extending outward (see Area of Effect but it is silent, intangible, and incapable of
Attacks, pg 97 in the Core book). Anyone touched affecting the real world. For example illusionary
by the template is Distracted and must then make weapons pass through foes, one cannot sit on an
a Strength roll (at -2 if the caster got a raise) Those illusionary chair. Those who contact an illusion or
who fail are hurled 2d6” – Directly away from the doubt it’s real make a Smarts roll as a free action
caster. Victims who strike a hard object (such as a (at -2 if the power was activated with a raise) If
wall) take 2d4 damage (nonlethal unless it’s a successful, that individual is no longer subject to
spiked wall or other more dangerous hazard) this casting. The GM should make group rolls for
Modifiers Extras as they point out the illusion’s
•Strong (+1): Strength rolls are made at -2 or -4 inconsistencies to each other. The volume of the
with a raise. Illusion must fit within a sphere the size of a MBT.
Force Whirlwind •Sound (+1): The power generates sound
appropriate to the illusion. Illusionary allies may
Rank: Novice talk, crows may caw, and so on. It may not mask or
Power Points: 2 mute existing sound, however.
Range: Smarts •Strong (+2): Smarts rolls to disbelieve the illusion
Duration: Instant are made at -2 or -4 with a raise.
You call upon The Force to surround an enemy in a
swirling vortex of Force energy. The whirlwind lifts Ionize
them about half a meter off the ground, spinning
them in the air and buffeting them with Force Rank: Novice
energy. With success, the caster places a MBT Power Points: 1
anywhere within Range. Anyone touched by the Range: Smarts x2
template is Distracted and must then make a Duration: Instant
Strength roll (at -2 if the caster got a raise) Those You call upon The Force to overload electrical
who fail are hurled directly away from the center of systems and Droids, damaging or even destroying
the MBT. (The caster chooses the direction for the unit. The damage only affects electrical
those in the dead center). Victim’s who strike a systems and Droids and does 2d6 damage, or 3d6
hard object (Such as a wall) take 2d4 damage with a raise.
(nonlethal unless it’s a spiked wall or other more Modifiers
dangerous hazard). •Damage (+2): Ionize causes 3d6 damage (4d6
Modifiers with a raise).
•Area Effect (+1): The power affects a LBT. •Area Effect (+2): Ionize effects a MBT.
•Strong (+1): Strength rolls are made at -2 or -4 •Ignores Armor (+3) Ionize damage is applied to
with a raise. the base toughness of the target ignoring any
armor it may have.

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts
Duration: 10 minutes
Light creates bright illumination in a Large Burst
Template. With a raise, the light can be focused
into a 5′′ (10 yard) beam as well.
Darkness blocks illumination in an area the size of
a Large Burst Template, making the area Dark, or
Pitch Darkness with a raise (see Illumination on
page 102). If light and darkness overlap, they
create a patch of Dim light (−2).
• Mobile (+1): The caster can move the area of
effect up to his Force Use skill die type each round
after casting, or attach it to an inanimate object
when first cast.

Levitate Mind Trick
Rank: Seasoned Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 3 Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 Duration: 5
Levitate allows the character to float up or down Mind Trick is an opposed roll of the character’s
vertically up to your Pace. If you end your Force Use skill versus the target’s Spirit. With
movement next to a flat surface you may move success, the victim automatically obeys commands
over onto it. that don’t directly harm himself or those he cares
Special: You may activate Levitate as a reaction by about. With a raise, the target is completely
spending a benny to stop yourself from falling. This controlled, but gets an automatic Spirit roll as a
requires an immediate Use Force Roll. On a free action to avoid directly harming himself or
Success you activate the power and may use it as those he cares about. If the affected target’s
normal. resistance succeeds, he doesn’t carry out that
Modifiers command but otherwise doesn’t resist other non-
•Additional Recipients (+2): The power may affect harmful commands. With a raise, he breaks the
more than one target for 2 additional Power Points hold and the power ends. Commands should be
per target. They must remain within range of the general in nature, such as “Go on your way” or
caster to maintain the effects. “Ignore these Droids.”
Malacia (Light) / Force Scream (Dark) •Additional Recipients (+2): The caster may Affect
others at the cost of 2 Power Points per target.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: Until the end of the victim’s next turn Morichro
This Power confounds a target, making him both
Distracted and Vulnerable if he fails a Smarts roll Rank: Seasoned
(at -2 with a raise on the Force Use skill roll). Both Power Points: 2
states are removed at the end of the victim’s next Range: Smarts
turn. Duration: One hour
Modifiers Anyone affected by Morichro must make a Spirit
•Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power roll (at -2 if the caster got a raise on her Force Use
affects everyone in a MBT. For +3 the Area of skill roll). Those who fail fall asleep for the duration
Effect is increased to a LBT. of the power. Very loud noises or attempts to
physically wake a sleeper (by shaking him, for
example) grant another Spirit roll.
Mind Reading Modifiers
•Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power
Rank: Novice affects everyone in a MBT. For +3 the Area of
Power Points: 2 Effect is increased to a LBT.
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Mind reading is an opposed roll versus the target’s
Smarts. Success allows the character to gain one
truthful answer from the subject. The target is
aware of the mental intrusion (unless the mind
reader gets a raise). The GM may apply modifiers
based on the subject’s mental Hindrances or
current state of mind.

Rank: Novice
Range: Smarts x2 POINTS WEIGHT
Duration: 5
Move Object allows for the movement of objects or Tiny to Normal Sized Object
creatures (Including oneself) with the Force. It has
a starting Strength of d4, or d6 with a raise. You - d4 20 lbs 80 lbs FSA+d4
must use the Improved modifier below to exceed
this starting Strength increasing the casting cost 1 +1 d6 30 lbs 120 lbs FSA+d6
point for every level you raise it. Unwilling
opponents resist the caster’s Force Use skill with +2 d8 40 lbs 160 lbs FSA+d8
an opposed Spirit roll when targeted and at the
start of each of their turns afterward until they’re +3 d10 50 lbs 200 lbs FSA+d10
released. Successful resistance does not mean the
power failed - the caster may try again on his next +4 d12 60 lbs 240 lbs FSA+d12
turn, or target a different character who can
attempt to resist. They can be moved up to the Large Objects (+2 Scale Mod)
caster’s Smarts per turn in any direction, and can
be bashed into walls, ceilings, or other obstacles. +5 d12+1 100 lbs 400 lbs FSA+d12+1
Dropped creatures suffer falling damage as usual.
If used in this way against a Vehicle or Ship, +6 d12+2 250 lbs 1k lbs FSA+d12+2
unwilling opponents resist the caster’s Force Use
Skill with the appropriate skill for the type of +7 d12+3 500 lbs 1t FSA+d12+3
Vehicle or Ship they are in. FSA stands for Force
Sensitive Attribute. Extra Points is the additional +8 d12+4 1k lbs 2t FSA+d12+4
Power Point cost. Strength is the Powers Attribute
for any checks or opposed rolls. Lift is the weight +9 d12+5 2.5k 5t FSA+d12+5
the caster can lift without being encumbered. lbs
Max Weight is the upper limit that the caster can +10 d12+6 2.5 t 10 t FSA+d12+6
carry while encumbered. Damage is limited by the
Size of the object or creature being affected. (For +11 d12+7 5t 20 t FSA+d12+7
example the most damage a Tiny to Normal object
can do is FSA+d12) Huge Objects (+4 Scale Mod)
Kinetic Combat: A caster can wield tools (including
weapons) with Move Object as an action. Use the +12 d12+8 12.5 t 50 t FSA+d12+8
caster’s relevant skill when used in this way (not
his Force Use skill). Ranged weapons do their +13 d12+9 25 t 100 t FSA+d12+9
standard damage. For Melee weapons replace their
damage with the damage found in the chart, all +14 d12+10 50 t 200 t FSA+d12+10
other aspects remain the same. If an object is used
to attack a target apply all appropriate modifiers +15 d12+11 125 t 500 t FSA+d12+11
including Scale Modifiers.
Modifiers Gargantuan Objects (+6 Scale Mod)
•Range (+1/+2): Double the power’s listed Range
for 1 Power Point, or triple it for 2. +16 d12+12 250 t 1k t FSA+d12+12
•Improved (+1): The Strength of Move Object is
increased by one die type or two with a raise. The
Power Level that can be applied to an object is +17 d12+13 500 t 2k t FSA+d12+13
limited by the size of the creature or object being
moved. No matter how many PP are spent during +18 d12+14 750 t 4k t FSA+d12+14
the activation of this Power.
•Multiple Objects (+1/ Object ): You may split the +19 d12+15 1k t 8k t FSA+d12+15
number of Extra Points spent on Improved between
multiple objects. +20 d12+16 1.5k t 16k t FSA+d12+16
Example: if a Force user wished to use Two
Lightsabers for Kinetic Combat and apply the +21 d12+17 2k t 32k t FSA+d12+17
maximum damage with each one. They would
need to spend 11pps to do so. 2pps to activate the +22 d12+18 4k t 64k t FSA+d12+18
power, 1pp for the second object, and then 8 pps
of Improved to be split 4pps per lightsaber. This +23 d12+19 8k t 125k t FSA+d12+19
allows each saber to do FSA+d12 damage.
They may also spend 8 points to grab 8 rocks and +23 d12+20 16k t 250k t FSA+d12+20
have each one do FSA+d4 damage or increase this with a
with Improved as well. raise

Negate Energy Rebuke
Rank: Seasoned Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2 Power Points: 1
Range: Self Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
This power allows a character to attempt to negate This power allows a character to attempt to negate
one energy based attack by making a Use the one enemy Force Power. It has no effect on Innate
Force check. If the result of the check equals or Abilities. It can be used on a Power already in
exceeds the Attack roll made to hit you, the attack effect or to counter an enemy power as it is being
is negated and you take no damage. If your check cast. The latter requires the countering Force User
is less than the Attack roll you take damage as to be on Hold and interrupt his foe’s action. In
normal. Use of this Power requires the player to be either case, Rebuking an opponent’s power is an
on Hold and interrupt his foe’s action. opposed roll of Force Use Skill (With a -2 modifier if
Special: You may activate Negate Energy as a the rival’s power is of another type such as Jedi vs
reaction by spending a benny even if not on Hold Sith. If the Rebuking character wins, the targeted
but must still interrupt your foe’s action as normal. power ends immediately (or fails if it was
countered with the usual results of failure). With a
Phase raise, the recipient of the Rebuked power is also
Rank: Seasoned Special: You may activate Rebuke as a reaction by
Power Points: 3 spending a benny even if not on Hold but must still
Range: Self interrupt your foe’s action as normal.
Duration: 5 Modifiers
You can pass through solid objects, such as walls • Disrupt (+1): Rebuke can disrupt Force Devices
and doors. Phase allows a character to pass for one round, or two with a raise. The difficulty to
through solid objects at half his normal Pace (or full do so is -2 for Arcane devices, or a -4 for Unique
Pace with a raise) he may not run. A phasing Devices. While disrupted they are inert and are not
character may attempt to surprise a foe by making usable.
an opposed Stealth versus Notice roll. If the phased •Multiple Powers (+3) If Successful, the user
character wins, the target is Vulnerable to him only. negates all the target's currently activated powers.
With a raise, the phased character gets the Drop.
Targets on hold may attempt to interrupt the attack Relief
before it occurs. Once their presence is known
further phasing does not allow further surprise Rank: Novice
attempts. Power Points: 1
Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Relief removes one Fatigue level, or two with a
raise. It can also remove a character’s Shaken
status, and removes Stunned status with a raise.
•Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect
more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
per target.

Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts x2
Duration: Instant
You can move a single target, whether it is a
creature or object, in two different directions
simultaneously. The Force Use skill roll is affected
by Cover, Illumination, and all other usual
penalties. The damage is 2d6, or 3d6 with a raise If
you deal enough damage to reduce the target to
Incapacitated, you rip the target into two separate
parts (Living creatures are automatically Bleeding
•Damage (+2): Rend causes 3d6 damage (4d6
with a raise).

Resist Force Shatterpoint
Rank: Novice Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 1 Power Points: 2
Range: Touch Range: Smarts
Duration: 5 Duration: Instant
Success with Resist Force means hostile powers You can see the critical point of something,
suffer a -2 penalty ( -4 with a raise ) to affect this whether it is a person or object, that would shatter
character. If the power fails to affect this target due if struck at the right time. One of your attacks the
to this penalty, it still activates and consumes following round is rolled with a +1, or +2 with a
Power Points (and may still affect other targets). If raise, you choose which attack that round to apply
the power causes harm, damage is also reduced by this bonus to.
a like amount.
Resist Force stacks with Arcane Resistance should Slow (Light) / Hobble (Dark)
the recipient have both
Modifiers Rank: Seasoned
•Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect Power Points: 2
more than one target for 1 additional Power Point Range: Smarts
per target. They must remain within range of the Duration: Instant
caster to maintain the effects. The Force enables you to slow your targets as if
they are encumbered by an extremely heavy load,
Repulse making it difficult for them to move. Success
halves the target’s total movement each round
Rank: Novice (round up). With a raise, movement is also an
Power Points: 2 action. The target automatically attempts to shake
Range: Self off the effects of Slow at the end of each of his
Duration: Instant turns by making a Spirit roll.
You call upon The Force to surround yourself in a Modifiers
swirling vortex of Force energy. The vortex lifts you •Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power
off the ground, buffeting all adjacent beings affects everyone in a MBT. For +3 the Area of
(including allies) with Force energy. With success, Effect is increased to a LBT.
the caster places a MBT with them as the center. •Strong (+1): The Spirit roll to shake off the effects
Anyone else touched by the template is Distracted of Slow are made at -2.
and must then make a Strength roll (at -2 if the
caster got a raise) Those who fail are hurled Speak Language
directly away from the center of the MBT. Victim’s
who strike a hard object (Such as a wall) take 2d4 Rank: Novice
damage (nonlethal unless it’s a spiked wall or Power Points: 1
other more dangerous hazard). Range: Smarts
Modifiers Duration: 10 Minutes
• Area Effect (+1): The power affects a LBT. This power allows a character to speak, read, and
• Strong (+1): Strength rolls are made at -2. write a sapient language other than his own. A
• Damage (+2): Increase the damage taken by raise on the Force Use skill roll allows the user to
those who fail their Strength roll to 2d6. appropriately use and understand slang and dialect
as well.
Sever Force Modifiers
•Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect
Rank: Veteran more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
Power Points: 2 per target. They must remain within range of the
Range: Smarts caster to maintain the effects.
Duration: Instant
Powerful Force Users can use this ability to drain Surge
the Force from their foes, They can even
sometimes leech the stolen energy for themselves. Rank: Novice
The power is opposed by the target’s Spirit, and Power Points: 2
the caster suffers a -2 penalty to her roll if the Range: Self
target has a different Force Sensitive Background Duration: 5
than their own. Success drains 1d6 of the rival’s Success with Surge doubles your movement (basic
Power Points (if any, and the die does not Ace). Pace and Running). With a raise the character also
With a Raise, the caster adds the points to their ignores the -2 running penalty.
own. This may take them over their usual Modifiers
maximum, they last until used, and must be the • Quickness (+2): The character’s total Multi-
first spent when casting. Action penalty is reduced by 2 (They can do two
actions at no penalty or three at -2).
• Jumping (+1): The characters' jumping distances
are also doubled.

Stagger Vital Transfer (Light) / Dark Transfer (Dark)
Rank: Novice Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2 Power Points: 3
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
You use The Force to lash out at a nearby enemy, Transfer removes Wounds less than an hour old. A
Staggering it. Make a Use the Force check against success removes one Wound, and a raise removes
the target's Agility. With a Success you cause the two. The power may be cast additional times to
adjacent target to take 2d6 damage. With a Raise remove additional Wounds within that hour and as
the target is also pushed back 1d4” directly away long as the healer has enough Power Points. For
from you. Extras, the GM must first determine if the ally is
Modifiers: still alive (see Aftermath, page 96 of the core
•Area Effect (+2/+3): For +2 points the power book). If so, a successful Force Use skill roll returns
affects everyone but the caster in a MBT centered the ally to action (Shaken if it matters).
on the caster. For +3 the Area of Effect is increased Modifiers
to a LBT. •Greater Transfer (+10): Greater healing can
restore any Wound, including those more than an
Technometry hour old.
•Crippling Injuries (+20): The power can heal a
Rank: Seasoned permanent Crippling Injury (see Incapacitation,
Power Points: 2 page 95). This requires an hour of preparation and
Range: Touch only one casting is permitted per injury. If it fails,
Duration: Special this caster cannot heal that particular injury (but
Technometry is the ability to get visions of the past someone else may try). If successful, the subject is
from an object. With a successful casting, she Exhausted for 24 hours.
gains a vague impression of whatever information •Neutralize Poison or Disease (+1): A successful
she's looking for, from the object's creation healing roll negates any poison or disease. If the
forward. A raise grants her more specific poison or disease has a bonus or penalty
information. associated with it, the modifier applies to the Force
If the caster uses Technometry on a bloody Use skill roll as well.
vibroblade to investigate a murder, for example, a
success might tell her the wielder was a human
and the attack happened at night. With a raise, she Wall Walker
might get a glimpse of the killer's face or some
other clue that reveals his identity. Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Valor (Light) / Combat Enhancement (Dark) Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Rank: Seasoned Wall walker allows the recipient to walk on vertical
Power Points: 4 surfaces. With a success, she moves at half her
Range: Smarts normal Pace. With a raise, she moves at full Pace
Duration: 5 and can even run if they want to do so. They must
With a successful Force Use skill roll, the recipient end their movement on a horizontal surface. If
gains the benefits of a single Combat Edge chosen forced to make an Athletics roll to climb or hang on
by the caster. The caster (Not the Recipient) must to a surface edge, she adds +4 to the total.
have the same Rank or higher as the Edge’s Modifiers
Requirements. With a raise, the recipient gains the •Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect
Improved version of the Edge (if there is one, and more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
even if he doesn’t meet the Rank Requirement). per target.
•Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect Wound (Light) / Inflict (Dark)
more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
per target. They must remain within range of the Rank: Novice
caster to maintain the effects. Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts x2
Duration: Instant
Wound crushes your target, painfully injuring them.
The Force Use skill roll is affected by Cover,
Illumination, and all other usual penalties. The
damage is 2d6, or 3d6 with a raise.
•Damage (+2): Wound causes 3d6 damage (4d6
with a raise).
•Additional Recipients (+1): The power may affect
more than one target for 1 additional Power Point
per target.

Wound Transfer
Rank: Heroic
Power Points: 30
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Requirement: Vital Transfer
Wound Transfer allows one attuned with the Force
to do what others can’t. They can transfer their
own life energy into another to bring them back
from death itself. The target must have died within
the last 5 minutes and must not have had a
Finishing Move performed on them. The Caster
makes a Use Force roll at -8. On a Success the
target comes back to life with 3 wounds and is
Shaken, the caster takes a Wound however (that
can’t be soaked). On a Success with a Raise the
caster receives a level of Fatigue instead of a
Wound. On a Failure the target remains dead and
the caster still takes a wound as above. On a Crit
Fail the target remains dead and the caster drops
to incapacitated and begins to bleed out.
•Power (+5): Even a Finishing Move can’t prevent
this caster from bringing back the dead if they
succeed on their roll.

Lightsaber Forms
Lightsaber Forms can be simulated by taking specific Edges to accomplish the basic feel of having studied each Form. Taking one
of the edges would simulate a student of that Form. Having Both would simulate a Master of that Form.

Form I: Shii-Cho Form V: Shien/Djem So

The oldest known form of lightsaber combat, it was Two fluid disciplines of lightsaber combat, which
a simplistic style that balanced traditional were considered physically demanding styles due
maneuvers intent on maiming and killing with a to their requirement of quick transitions from
focus on disarming an armed foe and was used dedicated defensive stances to all-out attacks. The
against a superior number of opponents. It was a Shien variant had users often attack when least
popular form among Padawans in the Jedi Order. expected and could utilize a reverse blade grip.

•This form is simulated simply by taking the Edges •This Variant is simulated by taking the Edges
“Trademark Weapon Lightsaber" and "Improved “First Strike" and "Improved First Strike”
Trademark Weapon Lightsaber”. All other Forms The Djem So variant taught users maneuvers that
are built on top of this basic Form by taking other geared it for both saber-to-saber combat and
Edges as well. blaster deflection, but lacked agility
•This Variant is simulated by taking the Edges
Form II: Makashi “Brute" and "No Mercy”
A style regarded for its elegance, graceful
presentation, and balletic approach in wielding a Form VI: Niman
lightsaber. It was notable for its primary focus on
facing a single opponent and the avoidance of Considered the most popular lightsaber combat
being disarmed by an opponent while form in the Jedi Order, it balanced the qualities
simultaneously working to disarm them. presented in all the other forms but did not
incorporate any notable strengths. Less demanding
•This form is simulated by taking the Edges than all the other previous combat styles, its
“Counterattack" and "Improved Counterattack” approach was a careful balance between offense
and defense but leaned towards the latter and
Form III: Soresu extensive integration of Force powers
A defensive style that utilized tight, controlled •This Form is simulated by taking the Edges “Jedi
movements and strict economy of action. Knight" and "Jedi Master”
Practitioners of this form focused on defense
entirely in any situation and committed to Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad
analyzing their opponents and openings created,
often from the frustration and fatigue of the Considered the most aggressive and unpredictable
enemy, while not succumbing to the fatigue or disciplines and therefore the most controversial, it
mistakes themselves. It remained popular even was a combat style with a history of the Jedi High
during the creation of other lightsaber forms. Council forbidding it and later allowing only select
users to practice the disciplines. It was a style
•This form is simulated by taking the Edges considered both physically and emotionally
“Block" and "Improved Block” exhausting.

The Juyo variant focused on aggressive assault and

Form IV: Ataru a mindset that drew upon anger and negative
emotions to fuel relentless assault. This mindset
A speedy, acrobatic, and aggressive lightsaber caused many users to fall to the dark side of the
combat style that placed greater emphasis on Force or close to it.
using the Force to enhance movements in all areas •This Variant is simulated by taking the Edges
of combat and required great room to attack from “Berserk" and "Iron Jaw”
all directions. Due to its nature, it was considered a
demanding fighting style both physically and The Vaapad variant, developed by Mace Windu,
through the Force similarly drew upon anger and passion, but
required the user to not give into them. This style
•This form is simulated by taking the Edges is characterized by rapid, frenzied strikes and
“Acrobat" and "Combat Acrobat” powerful blows. However, it was not as reckless in
nature as Juyo.
•This Variant is simulated by taking the Edges
“Frenzy" and "Improved Frenzy”

The method of using two lightsabers during
combat, be they single blades or double blades
altogether. Variants of Jar'Kai included utilizing
more than two single-bladed or double-bladed
lightsabers at the same time, depending on the
physiological or technological capabilities of the

•This Method is simulated by taking the Edges

“Ambidextrous" and "Two-Fisted”

Destiny Mechanic
Important characters in the Star Wars universe and sharing valuable information or wisdom it held
have important destinies to fulfill. Luke, Leia, Darth in life.
Vader, and the Emperor have significant roles to
play on the galactic stage. This Section will give •NOBLE SACRIFICE
the Gamemaster tips for how to use the Conviction Whenever a character willingly sacrifices
Mechanic in their Adventures. themselves for a noble cause, particularly while
In each adventure when the heroes have taken a fulfilling their Destiny, they can bolster the resolve
significant step toward a particular Destiny, The of their surviving comrades and allies. For
GM Should reward them with Either a Destiny example, when Arvel Crynyd crashed his A-wing
Bonus or Penalty as appropriate. As well as a into the bridge of The Executor, it was a turning
Conviction Token. (per the Conviction Mechanic on point in the Battle of Endor. When a character dies
pg 136 of the SWADE core book.) fulfilling their Destiny in such a way, all allies
Gamemasters whose players choose to have a within the same star system gain a +1 Destiny
destiny should feel free to award bonuses at points bonus on attack rolls and +1 Destiny bonus to their
throughout the campaign where they feel Defenses (Parry and Toughness) for 24 hours.
appropriate, though some destinies might require
more work on the part of the GM to integrate. •VENGEANCE
Although any character can have a Destiny to When a valiant ally falls in the pursuit of their
fulfill, only Wild Cards receive Destiny Points and Destiny, it can have powerful effects on those
receive benefits for pursuing their destinies. present at the time of their death. When a
Fulfilling a Destiny should is no easy task, as such character dies fulfilling their Destiny, any ally who
it should take committed effort on the part of the witnesses their death may choose to become filled
player to achieve. (Keep this in mind when with a desire to avenge their fallen comrade,
determining the requirements needed to gaining a +2 Destiny bonus on attack rolls and
accomplish them) damage rolls for 24 hours. Since revenge leads to
The Dark Side, any Force-user who chooses to gain
The Following Special Effects may occur also. these bonuses must immediately increase their
Dark Side Score by 1.
A Force-user who dies in the process of fulfilling
their Destiny may manifest as a Force Spirit. For a
Jedi or other good Force-users, this means CHOOSING A DESTINY
transforming into a translucent blue spirit that can
appear before their former allies. For a Darksider, Player’s may choose a Destiny at character
this means becoming an evil Dark Side Spirit that creation or sometime after, or not at all. The player
can linger on, continuing to spread the influence of can choose a Destiny for their character based on
The Dark Side. The Character retains their how the campaign is developing or they may have
consciousness (And their Attribute scores) but the GM select a Secret Destiny for them. The GM
becomes completely incorporeal. The Force Spirit should present challenges and encounters that let
can manifest at will and can vanish just as easily. It the character progress to their ultimate goal. A
can also walk through walls and exist in the Secret Destiny can be discovered as the character
vacuum of space. Additionally, Force Spirits can makes choices and Conviction awards indicate the
travel anywhere in the galaxy instantly with a mere path towards that Destiny. New Destiny's can be
thought. However, Force Spirits have no substance created by picking an appropriate Skill and
and cannot interact physically with creatures or granting them and any ally within 6" of them a +1
objects in the universe. or +2 bonus to that Skill for 24 hours Or applying a
When a hero dies and becomes a Force Spirit, that -1 or -2 to that same skill to the player for 24
Force Spirit becomes a GM-controlled character. hours. Then granting them an appropriately related
Under the GM’s control, a Force Spirit might serve +1 or +2 to the skill or linked attribute when they
as a guide, advising heroes in times of dire need Fulfill their Destiny

The following sample destinies should provide a
starting point to create your character’s Destiny. Your Destiny requires you to create an object,
Each example includes a description and machine, or other item of great power or
examples. significant use. You must use this item in support of
•Destiny Bonus: When a character accomplishes a another character’s Destiny or in a future Destiny
goal or performs a task that clearly moves them of your own. Others might help create the actual
closer to fulfilling their Destiny (GM’s item, so long as you lead and make a significant
determination), they gain this short term benefit. contribution to the effort. Pursuing this destiny
•Destiny Penalty: When a character does might require you to seek out rare or restricted
something that clearly moves them away from materials, expert advice, and adequate
their Destiny(GM’s determination), they suffer this construction facilities or shops.
short-term penalty. Examples of this Destiny include Grand Moff Tarkin
•Destiny Fulfilled: When a character fulfills their and the construction of The Death Star, Raith
Destiny, they gain these permanent benefits. Sienar and the TIE Fighter, and Walex Blissex and
the Victory I-Class Star Destroyers.
CHAMPION •Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies
within 6” of you gain a +1 Destiny bonus on Repair
Your Destiny requires you to become the leader of Rolls.
a large and/or significant group or organization and •Destiny Penalty: You take a -1 penalty on Repair
successfully lead it through an extremely rolls for 24 hours.
threatening event. Characters who have this •Destiny Fulfilled: You or any ally within line of
Destiny might or might not know of the group they sight gets a free re-roll while performing a Trait Roll
are destined to lead. They must attain this goal to use the created object.
through a mixture of training, charisma,
experience, and political maneuvering. The DESTRUCTION
Gamemaster might want to divide this into two
Destinies: attaining leadership and leading the Your Destiny is to destroy a person or object, for
group through troubled times. good or evil. A Rebel Agent’s Destiny might be to
Examples of this Destiny include Mon Mothma destroy a tyrannical Imperial Moff presiding over
leading The Rebel Alliance, Darth Sidious gaining their home planet, while a darksider may be
control of The Galactic Republic, Wedge Antilles destined to destroy a powerful Jedi training site
leading Rogue Squadron, and Admiral Ackbar used to bolster the ranks of The Jedi Order.
escaping Grand Moff Tarkin and eventually taking The target of this Destiny should be something
command of the Rebel Fleet. very difficult to reach, either because it’s heavily
•Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies guarded or well hidden.
within 6” of you gain a +1 Destiny bonus to Parry. Examples of this Destiny include Darth Vader’s
Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 penalty to your Parry destruction of the Emperor, Lando Calrissian’s
for 24 hours. destruction of the Death Star II.
•Destiny Fulfilled: You receive a permanent +1 •Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies
increase to your Persuasion. within 6” of you gain a +2 Destiny bonus on all
damage rolls.
•Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 penalty on all
damage rolls for 24 hours.
CORRUPTION •Destiny Fulfilled: Increase one Ability Score of
Your Destiny is to corrupt an individual, your choice by +1.
organization, or location. You may seek to turn a
person to the darkside or indoctrinate a group of
people in the ways of evil. Your destiny may also
be to become corrupted yourself, either by another
character, an organization, or a series of life-
changing events that unfold over time. Corruption
should be a long-term goal requiring a great deal
of time and effort. Examples of this destiny include
the Emperor’s corruption of Anakin Skywalker, a
dark Force-user transforming a Jedi shrine into a
temple of evil, or an Imperial officer convincing an
Alliance cell to betray the Rebellion.
•Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies
within 6” of you gain a + 1 on Intimidation rolls.
Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 on Intimidation rolls
for 24 hours.
•Destiny Fulfilled: Gain an Advance. In addition,
your Darkside Points increase until it’s equal to 1
more than your Starting Benny total signifying that
you’ve Fallen to the dark side.

Your Destiny is to discover a person, Species, Your Destiny is to liberate a group, population, or
object, or location that was either previously lost or region from domination. The focus of this Destiny
unknown to the civilized galaxy. This could be as can range from a persecuted group- a small alien
simple as seeking out the remains of a long-dead enclave, a remote town, or an orbital installation-
hero, or as rare as finding a convergence in the all the way to a city, a starport, or even an entire
Force. A Scout’s Destiny might be to find a thus-far- planet. For instance, a hero might endeavor to free
uncharted world that helps solve a galactic crisis, a planet’s governing legislature, which had been
while a Scoundrel’s Destiny might be to chart a previously relocated to a well-guarded penal camp
new route through The Deep Core, allowing The by a hard-line Imperial governor to silence its
Rebel Alliance to sneak past the Empire’s security dissenting view. As another example, she could
web. The thing being discovered should be attempt to wrest control of a starship construction
something that can only be found as the result of a facility from the Empire by influencing the worker
long-term search or serendipitous events that only population to revolt, supplying arms and
occur because the character long ago set down the equipment, and leading them in a mutiny.
path that would lead to that discovery. Achieving this objective usually requires organizing
Examples of this Destiny include Qui-Gon Jinn’s resistance to Imperial forces that are persecuting
discovery of Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine or Kyle the local populace, destroying key installations or
Katarn’s discovery of the Valley of the Jedi. assets, or deterring or eliminating personnel that
•Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any ally are vital for the Empire to maintain its oppressive
within 6” of you gain a +1 Destiny bonus to grip.
Research Rolls. Examples of this Destiny include Ezra Bridger
•Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 penalty to your liberating Lothal from the Empire, Lando Calrissian
Research Rolls for 24 hours. taking control of Cloud City from the previous
•Destiny Fulfilled: You gain a permanent +1 Baron Administrator, and the Revanchists’
Destiny bonus to your Smarts. liberation of Taris from The Mandalorians.
•Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies
EDUCATION within 6” of you gain a +2 Destiny bonus on Melee
Attack rolls.
Your Destiny is to train or educate another being or •Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 penalty on Melee
group of beings in some way. In some cases, this Attack rolls for 24 hours.
could mean taking a young padawan learner and •Destiny Fulfilled: You gain a permanent +1
molding them into an eventual Jedi Master, or it Destiny bonus to your Fighting Skill.
could mean training fresh-faced Rebel Alliance
recruits and molding them into a crack team of Episode V: The Empire Strikes
SpecForce operatives.
Characters with this Destiny are not merely Back
teachers providing mundane training. The It is a dark time for the
education that this Destiny demands must be of Rebellion. Although the Death
great importance to the galaxy, and should lay the
groundwork for the beneficiaries of your tutelage Star has been destroyed,
to go on to fulfill destinies of their own, Only when Imperial troops have driven the
the training is complete can this Destiny be
fulfilled, and the process should take many months Rebel forces from their hidden
or years to complete. Examples of this Destiny base and pursued them across
include Obi-Wan Kenobi’s training of Anakin the galaxy.
Skywalker, Yoda’s training of Luke Skywalker, or
Grand Admiral Thrawn’s training of Captain
Pellaeon. Evading the dreaded Imperial
•Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies Starfleet, a group of freedom
within 6” of you gain a +1 Notice Rolls.
•Destiny Penalty: You take a -1 penalty on Notice fighters led by Luke Skywalker
Rolls for 24 hours.
•Destiny Fulfilled: You gain a permanent +1 has established a new secret
Destiny bonus to Academics. base on the remote ice world of

The evil lord Darth Vader,

obsessed with finding young
Skywalker, has dispatched
thousands of remote probes
into the far reaches of space

Your Destiny is to redeem a character that has There are rare individuals who bear their heritage
been corrupted or otherwise turned to evil. Many for better or worse. Those with this Legacy can
Jedi seek to turn their fallen brethren away from trace their history back to famous or notorious
the Dark Side. A Rebel Agent might seek to turn his ancestors. This may be Skywalker, Fett, Qel-Droma,
brother, an Imperial Officer, away from the evil Solo, Windu, or any other famous character who
Empire, redeeming him back to the side of justice lived before the timeline of the game currently
and freedom. The target of this Destiny should be being played in by the character with this Destiny.
someone who has fallen from the light in some This Destiny comes with great benefit but also
way, whether that means turning to the Dark Side great cost.
of the Force, or simply siding with evil over good. It grants a free Background Edge but in return you
Turning someone away from their wicked ways is also must choose one of the following Major
usually very difficult and requires far more than Hindrances (Enemy, Heroic, or Wanted) this
simple persuasion. Often a character that fulfills Hindrance doesn't grant any points towards the 4
this Destiny does not survive it, and sometimes point maximum used to buy positive Edges,
neither does their redeemed target. Additionally, Attributes, and skills during character creation.
you may be your own target for this Destiny, Some examples may be Skywalker or Palpantine
making your own redemption the means of granting an Arcane Background to represent their
fulfilling it. strong Force Connections but also one of the Major
Examples of this Destiny include Luke Skywalker Hindrances. (Not easy names to walk around with
turning Darth Vader away from the Dark Side and after all) , Solo may grant Quick to represent his
Revan’s redemption of Bastila Shan on the Star ability to react faster than others. They must also
Forge. select another Destiny that should be linked in
•Destiny Bonus: You gain 5 Temporary Power some way with their Family name that they must
Points (This does not increase your Permanent Total work towards. Furthering the Legacy for future
but can exceed it. These points must be spent Generations.
•Destiny Penalty: You lose 5 Power Points. (This
does not lower your Permanent Total) If you have
no Power Points to lose, you take a -1 penalty on
attack rolls until you Spend a Benny to Recover the
lost Power Points.
•Destiny Fulfilled: The Dark Side Score of the
redeemed character is reduced to 1, and they lose
any remaining Power Points. You gain the Power
Points Advance for your current Rank (This does
not count against the once per Rank Limit)

Your Destiny requires you to save a person from
death or an object from destruction. Often
characters with this Destiny will not know which
person or object they’re meant to save, let alone
when and how to do so. They simply must be in the
right place at the right time.
A hero might spend months traveling with their
allies before fulfilling their Destiny by saving one of
their lives. Conversely, a Rebel Agent might
engage in years’ worth of espionage on their home
planet, only to find that their Destiny is to save a
local Imperial Magistrate who betrays the Empire
after having their life saved.
Examples of this Destiny include Han Solo saving
Luke Skywalker’s life at the battle of Yavin, and
Wicket the Ewok rescuing Leia from the Scout
Troopers on Endor.
•Destiny Bonus: For 24 hours, you and any allies
within 6” of you gain a +2 Destiny bonus on all
Healing Rolls.
•Destiny Penalty: You take a -2 penalty on all
Healing rolls for 24 hours.
•Destiny Fulfilled: One Character of your choice
(This can include your own) Gains a +1 to their
Vigor Ability.

STARSHIP-LINKED Secondly, the options you can exercise by using a
Destiny Point are slightly different, as detailed
Sometimes, a Starship is more than just a means below. The following are possible only when you
of transportation. Sometimes, it’s part of a are acting as a crew member (Pilot, Copilot,
character’s Destiny. In fact, for some characters, Gunner, System Operator, Commander, or
it’s the focal point of their Destiny, which might Engineer) on the Starship linked to your Destiny:
otherwise be nothing more than to wander •Automatically cause an attack rolled against your
aimlessly from one jam to another. No matter how Starship to miss, even once the attack is resolved.
humble (Or downright ramshackle) a Starship •Automatically succeed on any Pilot check,
might appear, if it’s the Destiny of a character to including any check to avoid a hazard or obstacle.
be linked with that ship, it can accomplish amazing •Act as if you drew a Joker this Round (Must be
things. used to perform an operation that uses the
If you decide to link a Starship (Or, rarely, a •Cause any damage rolled against your Starship to
Vehicle) to your Destiny, that replaces the normal instead affect any other Starship within Range:
Destiny mechanic. In essence, you don’t have a Smarts.
Destiny to accomplish any specific goal; instead, •Remove one Critical Hit Effect from the Ship.
you’re destined to have the most important events •Repair your Starship, remove one Wound level.
in your life with a specific Starship. This option is •Restore your Starship’s shields to full Shield
appropriate in campaigns with at least a moderate Rating.
frequency of Starship Scale encounters, but it’s In general, a character with a Starship-Linked
certainly not restricted to such campaigns. In fact, Destiny can do what no one else can manage-
if a campaign centers exclusively around Starship unless they, too, are linked to its Destiny. There’s
Scale action, this option might be too powerful as it nothing to prevent multiple characters from being
allows you to access your Destiny Points in most Destiny-Linked to the same Starship. Such
encounters. characters might share the ship, or might
constantly be stealing, buying, or gambling it back
Only the GM can decide if Starship Linked Destinies and forth between them
are appropriate for a given campaign. You do not
earn Destiny Points with a Starship Linked Destiny
using the rules the way normal destiny's do.
Instead you Start out with one Destiny Point, you
then gain one at every other Advance, and they
never return once you spend them. However,
having your Destiny linked to a Starship causes the
rules to work slightly differently.

First, if Starship-Linked is your Destiny, it is never

completely destroyed. Even if it is blown up in
battle or confiscated by Hutts before being crushed
and melted, some small part of it survives. Perhaps
you find the hyperspace core the whole Starship
was built around, or its ruined hull is found drifting
as debris after that battle. Your Starship can cease
to be functional as easily as anyone else’s, but a
recognizable part of it always survives for you to
rebuild (Or retrofit to a similar Starship). It can be
as time consuming and difficult as getting a new
Starship would be (If not more so), but the result
still qualifies as your Starship-Linked Destiny.

Restricted Items The Black Market
Some objects require licenses to own or operate, or
are restricted to qualifying organizations or Almost anything is available on the Black Market.
individuals. In such cases, a character must pay a However, you must make a Networking Roll to
license fee to own the object legally. A license fee locate a Black Market merchant who has the object
is a separate expense, purchased in addition to the you seek. The Penalty to the Roll is listed in the
object to which it applies, If the item is bought Penalty column of the Restricted Objects table, and
after Character Creation.The four restriction ratings the GM may apply a bonus or penalty of 1 to 4, to
are as follows: the check depending on the circumstances. (For
example, finding a Black Market dealer on the
•Licensed: The owner must obtain a license to own smuggler's moon of Nar Shaddaa is relatively easy
or operate the object legally. Generally, the license and may warrant a +4 bonus on the check.) If you
is not expensive, and obtaining it has few if any succeed on the Network Roll, you find a Black
additional legal requirements. Market merchant who has access to the item you
seek, With a Raise it takes half the time required
•Restricted: Only specifically qualified individuals for him to provide it. If you fail, you can try again
or organizations are technically allowed to own the later. If you Crit fail, someone notices you've been
object. However, the real obstacles to ownership asking questions and comes to capture,
are time and money; anyone with sufficient interrogate, or silence you.
patience and cash can eventually acquire the
necessary license. Once you find someone who can get the item for
you, you'll have to pay two, three, four, or five
•Military: The object is sold primarily to legitimate times the item's normal price (as listed in the Black
police and military organizations. A military rating Market Cost column of the Restricted Items table)
is essentially the same as restricted, except that and wait some time for the item to become
manufacturers and dealers are generally under available (as listed in the Time Required column).
tight government scrutiny and are therefore
especially wary of selling to private individuals. Rare Equipment
A Rare piece of Equipment is generally available
•Illegal: The object is illegal in all but specific, only on its planet of origin (for example, Kashyyyk
highly regulated circumstances. for the Bowcaster) or by acquiring it directly from
the manufacturer. When available on the open
Getting A License market elsewhere, Rare items usually cost double
the listed price.
To get a license, you must pay the fee required to
file the application. The amount of the fee is a Common Items
percentage of the object's normal cost, as listed in These items do not require a License and are
Restricted Objects. Once you've paid the fee, make usually readably avaliable on any planet or in any
a Common Knowledge Roll applying the Penalty market that sells them.
listed. On a Success, your license is approved and
will be available to you in a number of days as
listed in the Time Required column, Half this time
with a Raise. On a Failure, you spend a number of
days as listed in the Time Required column, but Restricted Objects Table
you are not granted the license and your
application fee is lost, On a Crit Failure your RESTRICTION LICENSE BLACK PENALTY TIME
Application is flagged and the authorities are RATING FEE MARKET REQUIRED
contacted. You may try again as often as you like if COST
you have the time and credits to do so. Except on a
Crit Failure. Common -- -- -- --
Whether you succeed or fail on your Common
Knowledge Roll, your request is recorded in public Licensed 5% x2 -1 1 day
records. The more restricted the license, the more
in-depth the background check required, and this Restricted 10% x3 -2 2 days
leaves an increasingly detailed electronic trail for
others to follow. Military 20% x4 -3 5 days
You can choose to secure a license through illicit Illegal 50% x5 -4 10 days
means. If you want to bribe an official, make a
Persuasion Roll instead of a Common Knowledge
Roll. If you want to fabricate a false identity or
steal another person's identity, make a
Performance Roll instead of a Common Knowledge
Roll. If either of these checks fail the local
authorities are alerted to your activities.



STR. Armor(Helmet)
Armored spacesuit +6 d8 35 $12000 2(1) 24 hours life support, -4 AP to
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) ballistic attacks, Restricted
Barabel microbe +2 d4 6 $4000 1 Reduces energy & fire
armor (Torso) damage by 2, Licensed
Battle armor +6 d6 16 $7000 1 Military
Battle armor, heavy +8 d10 30 $15000 3 Military
Battle armor, heavy +8 d10 32 $19000 4(1) Military
Battle armor, light +4 d4 9 $3500 1 Military
Battle armor, light +4 d4 12 $6500 2(1) Military
Battle armor, +6 d6 17 $11000 2(1) Military
Beskar'gam, heavy +8 d10 32 $45000 3(1) +1 to intimidate, -8 AP to
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) Lightsabers and energy.
Restricted , Rare
Beskar'gam, light +4 d6 10 $33500 1(1) +1 to intimidate, -4 AP to
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) Lightsabers and energy.
Restricted, Rare
Beskar'gam, medium +6 d8 17 $37000 2(1) +1 to intimidate, -6 AP to
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) Lightsabers and energy.
Restricted, Rare
Biohazard Suit - d4 9 $4000 1(1) Immunity to all atmospheric
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) or inhaled poisons and
diseases, 1 hour life support.
Blast helmet and +2 d4 3 $500 1(1)
vest (Torso,Head)
Bodyguard armor +4 d6 10 $4000 1(1) 10 hours of life support.
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) Licensed
Camo armor +4 d4 6 $6000 1 +2 to Stealth checks,
(Torso,Arms,Legs) Restricted
Camo scout armor +6 d6 13 $6500 1 +1 to Stealth checks,
(Torso,Arms,Legs) Licensed
Ceremonial armor +4 d6 13 $5000 1(1) +1 to Persuasion checks,
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) Restricted
Combat jumpsuit +2 d4 8 $1500 1 Licensed
Commando armor +4 d6 10 $4000 1(1) 10 hours of life support,
(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) Military

Corellian powersuit +4 d8 20 $10000 2 +2 to Athletic checks,

(Torso,Arms,Legs) Restricted

Coruscant Guard +6 d6 10 $8000 1(1) Restricted, Rare


STR. Armor (Helmet)

Dark armor, heavy +8 d10 30 $25000 3 -3 PP Dark powers,

(Torso,Arms,Legs) minimum 1 PP, Rare
Dark armor, light +4 d6 10 $10000 1 -1 PP Dark powers,
(Torso,Arms,Legs) minimum 1 PP, Rare
Dark armor, medium +6 d8 16 $15000 2 -2 PP Dark powers,
(Torso,Arms,Legs) minimum 1 PP, Rare
Light armor, heavy +8 d10 30 $25000 3 -3 PP Light powers,
(Torso,Arms,Legs) minimum 1 PP, Rare
Light armor, light +4 d6 10 $10000 1 -1 PP Light powers,
(Torso,Arms,Legs) minimum 1 PP, Rare
Light armor, medium +6 d8 16 $15000 2 -2 PP Light powers,
(Torso,Arms,Legs) minimum 1 PP, Rare
Pilot Suit +2 d4 9 $4000 1(1) 10 hours of life support.

Scout trooper armor +4 d4 9 $5500 1(1) Military


Space trooper armor +6 d4 9 $10000 -4 AP to ballistic attacks, +2

(Torso,Arms,Legs,Head) 2(1) to Athletic checks, 24 hours
life support, Military
Trooper armor +6 d6 10 $8000 1(1) Military

Trooper armor, fire- +6 d8 12 $9000 1(1) Reduces damage from fire by

resistant 4, Military

Armored spacesuit: This is a typical airtight
The Armors listed here are specific to the Star Wars spacesuit made of flexible fabric with air and heat.
Setting. Unless the GM says otherwise all of the It provides +6 Armor, and includes a helmet with a
Armor in the Swade Core Book is also Avaliable. two-way radio (50 mile range) and Heads Up
You will need to determine the amount of Mod Slots Display (HUD) to display atmospheric composition
the armor has. This is done using the Min Str of the or incoming messages. Canisters for the suits
Armor. A d4-d6 Min Str has 1 slot, a d8 has 2, contain 24 hours of oxygen, and an integral
while d10- d12 have 3 slots to start out with. If the headlamp provides powerful illumination.
Armor is Powered it gets 1 extra free Slot. If it has Spacesuits provide complete protection against
a Helmet included the Helmet Slot is shown in ( ) in cold and vacuum, and are shielded against
the Mods Area of the Table. radiation. If the wearer suffers a wound in a
vacuum, he must apply an adhesive patch as an
If a piece of equipment does not have a listed action. If he doesn’t, he suffers depressurization
Minimum Strength requirement. Then use the the following round. For an extra $1,000, the suit
Encumbrance Table on pg 67 of the core book and contains a small thruster system that allows the
the item's weight to determine the Minimum wearer to maneuver in zero-gravity for up to eight
Strength needed to use the item. To determine how hours.
many modification slots it has. (Anything above a
d12 has 3 slots) Barabel microbe armor: Created by Creshaldyne
Industries, this Armor is a sleeveless vest of soft
For Droids simply select an appropriate armor and material. Pouches within the Armor hold a saline
rename it based on the Armor Bonus (+1 Plasteel, solution containing specialized microorganisms,
+2 Quadanium, +3 Durasteel, +4 Duravlex, +6 which absorb intense heat or Radiation.
Laminanium, +8 Neutronium, +10 Crystadurium)
Applying any logical Notes, and ignoring the ones
that don't make sense (The GM has final say)

Battle armor: Battle Armor combines protective Beskar’gam, medium: The Beskar’gam is extremely
metal or composite plates with a Padded Flight Suit rare outside of Mandalorian culture. True
to form a layer of protection. While off-the-rack Beskar’gam is made of Mandalorian Iron (Beskar)
Battle Armor is available, most users cobble which is strong enough to deflect blaster fire and
together their gear from various sources. even Lightsabers, and when worn by a true
Mandalorian warrior it can greatly reduce the
Battle armor, heavy: Similar to regular Battle amount of damage taken even from direct hits.
Armor, Heavy Battle Armor features more plating This suit is a mix of true Beskar and other
than padding, including various pieces molded to Materials.
fit the user, such as breastplates and armor
covering arms and legs. Biohazard suit: The Biohazard Suit is a common
piece of Equipment that protects the wearer from
Battle armor, heavy powered: Utilized by warriors hazardous biological matter. The standard
who define their fighting style by the gear they Biohazard Suit is bright yellow and features a
carry, Heavy Powered Battle Armor resembles domed, transparent helmet to allow for normal
standard Heavy Battle Armor but comes pre-wired vision. A Biohazard Suit provides immunity to all
for augmentation. Heavy Powered Battle Armor Atmospheric Hazards and inhaled Poisons, as well
comes with a Helmet Package pre-installed. When as to any Diseases spread by inhalation or contact.
using the Equipment Modification rules, Heavy A Biohazard Suit provides 1 hour of breathable
Powered Battle Armor has 1 free Upgrade Slots, atmosphere before the filter and atmosphere
from Powered this slot is already added in the canister must be replaced.
Armor Table.
Blast helmet and vest: The Armor consists of a
Battle armor, light: Similar to denser suits of Battle lightweight helmet and a composite vest that,
Armor, this stripped-down Light Battle Armor is when worn together, offer limited protection
frequently used by soldiers who lack extensive against incoming attacks.
armor training, but need a slight edge in combat.
Bodyguard armor: Bodyguard Armor blends
Battle armor, light powered: practicality with Protection. Bodyguards wear
Designed to be augmented with additional different styles of Armor. However a typical suit
components and weapons, Light Powered Battle consists of a helmet, a durable breast guard,
Armor comes pre-wired with special connections to shoulder guards, and articulated greaves for the
power auxiliary accessories. Light Powered Battle arms and legs. They also usually have an
Armor comes with a Helmet Package pre-installed. identifying marker to show who they work for.
When using the Equipment Modification rules, Light
Powered Battle Armor has 1 free upgrade slot from Camo armor: Camo Armor protects the wearer from
Powered this slot is already added in the Armor discovery as well as injury. In addition to the usual
Table. hard metal plates woven on top of a fabric
bodysuit, the Armor is also embedded with
Battle armor, powered: The Powered Armor variant miniature photoreactive fibers that allow the suit to
of standard Battle Armor, Powered Battle Armor is absorb light and change its color to match the
frequently used by those warriors who see their wearer’s surroundings.
Armor as an extension of their combat prowess and
not just their defenses. Powered Battle Armor
comes with a Helmet Package pre-installed. When Camo scout armor: Creshaldyne Industries Camo
using the Equipment Modification rules, Powered Scout Armor is worn by scouts, commandos, and
Battle Armor has 1 free upgrade slot, from Powered other stealthy troops. It combines sound-
This slot is already added in the Armor Table. dampening technology with the light-bending and
light-absorption technology used in the
Beskar’gam, heavy: The Beskar’gam is the Camouflage Poncho.
traditional suit of Mandalorian Armor. Most suits of
Beskar’gam are individually tailored to the wearer. Ceremonial armor: Ceremonial Armor blends
They usually have various customizations, ranging practicality with ornate design. Republic Guards
from simple coloration changes to significant and Imperial Royal Guards wear different styles of
structural alterations. Ceremonial Armor. A typical suit of Ceremonial
Armor consists of a helmet, durable breast guard,
Beskar’gam, light: Not all suits of Mandalorian shoulder guards, and articulated greaves for the
Armor are Beskar, but a wearer of the Beskar’gam arms and legs.
is a fearsome sight indeed. Light Beskar'gam is
made out of materials other than Beskar. Combat jumpsuit: This heavily padded jumpsuit is
designed to provide limited protection against
physical and energy trauma without overly
restricting the wearer’s movement.

Commando armor: The Armor has a sealed system Light armor, medium: Designed to match the
allowing the wearer to survive underwater or in needs of the individual Jedi who wears it, a suit of
Vacuum for up to 10 hours. Jedi Battle Armor is a rare sight in the galaxy.
Mostly popularized during the days of the Great
Corellian powersuit:This suit of body Armor Sith War and the Jedi Civil War, Jedi Battle Armor
contains an energized exoskeleton and a series of protects vital areas while not hindering the
servomotors that boosts the wearer’s physical movements of the wearer. Allowing them to Focus
strength. Used by professional soldiers, more clearly on their connection to the Light Side.
mercenaries, and bounty hunters, the powersuit Pilot Suit: Favored by starfighter pilots all over the
requires skill and training to be used effectively. galaxy, the one-piece added flight suit protects
against decompression, g-force, and harmful
Coruscant Guard armor: One of the status symbols environments. It provides limited protection
marking Coruscant as the new Imperial Center is against attacks as well. A Padded Flight Suit comes
the development of an elite Stormtrooper unit with a matching helmet and gloves that seal
specifically for police duty on the capital world. around the wearer and provide up to 10 hours of
Befitting their unique status, Coruscant Guards life support, allowing them to survive in the
wear distinctive red and black armor not issued to vacuum of space or any other hostile environment.
regular stormtrooper or military units. They are
afforded great authority to search any dwelling or Scout trooper armor: Scout Troopers could be found
structure as well as to detain virtually any aboard Darth Vader’s personal fleet, Death
individual when investigating criminal or Squadron. One of the Scout Troopers’ priorities was
subversive activities. High-ranking ISB Agents to aid the Sith Lord, in squashing The Rebel
might call upon the Guard’s services when Alliance along with its sympathizers and secret
investigating politically powerful individuals. allies. Scout Troopers notably protected the SLD-26
Although only a few Guard units have been planetary shield generator (Which protected the
activated, their numbers are growing. Some expect construction of the Death Star II over the forest
that new units will also appear on important, and moon of Endor), since the remoteness of the shield
potentially disruptive, Core Worlds in the coming bunker necessitated Speeder Bikes and the thick
months and years. forest environment demanded quick reflexes to
traverse the landscape at high speeds.
Dark armor, heavy: These suits of Armor may look
like they originated as other stock models, but they Space trooper armor: A new suit of power armor
are modified through various processes, including that was in development during the Clone Wars,
Sith Alchemy. Dark Armor is not just another piece the Space Trooper Armor prototypes were field
of protective gear; to many Sith Lords, the Armor is tested by the Galactic Marines, formerly the 21st
nearly as important as their Lightsabers. A suit of Nova Corps, at the Battle of New Bornalex, five
Dark Armor defines a Sith Lord’s appearance, and months before the end of the epic conflict. Space
is frequently made to be as frightening as possible. trooper Armor has 1 free upgrade slot, from
Powered this slot is already added in the Armor
Dark armor, light: Dark Armor is the generic name Table.
given to various suits of Armor possessed and worn
by the Sith. Trooper armor: Worn by the elite soldiers of The
Galactic Empire, Stormtrooper Armor comes in a
Dark armor, medium: Each suit of Dark Armor is variety of models based around a standard white-
unique, having been created for and often modified and black shell. Filled with electronics that assist
by an individual Sith Lord. and augment the Stormtrooper in their duties, it
includes rudimentary environmental protection,
Light armor, heavy: While rare to see a Jedi in such three-phase sonic filtering, and visual
heavy armor. When you did see them in this Jedi amplification. Variants of this armor also exist,
Battle Armor it was a sight to behold. The including Snowtrooper Armor, Sandtrooper Armor,
protection from this armor lets them Focus more and Clone Trooper Armor. Each has slightly
clearly on their connection to the Light Side. different details, but all include the basic
characteristics common to all Stormtrooper Armor.
Light armor, light: This lighter version of Jedi Battle Though unavailable on the open market, these
Armor while not as strong as the heavier versions. suits can occasionally be found on the black
Protects vital areas while not hindering the market (sometimes for much higher prices).
movements of the wearer. Allowing them to Focus
more clearly on their connection to the Light Side. Trooper armor, fire-resistant:Blaze Troopers wear
heavier fire-resistant armor and wield wrist-
mounted Flamethrowers attached to the Jet Packs
on their backs. They break through enemy lines by
scattering adversaries with concentrated blasts of

Contact Special d4 1 1 $700 Target must make a Vigor Roll -2 or be
Stunner Stunned, +1 on Thievery checks
made to conceal it, Licensed
Data dagger Str+d4 d4 1 1 $50 +2 on Thievery on checks made to
conceal it, Illegal
Double- Str+d6 d6 1 3 $150 Parry +1, two hands
Bladed Sword
Dynamic Str+d8 d8 2 6 $3000 Two hands, Restricted
Double Str+d6+2 d6 1 2 $700 AP 4, Parry -1, two hands, Licensed
Electrostaff Str+d4+2 d4 1 4 $3000 Instead of Damage it can instead be
used to make the target roll Vigor -2
or be Stunned, two hands, Restricted
Fire Blade Str+d4+1 d4 1 1 $200 AP 2, Licensed
Force Pike Str+d6+2 d6 1 3 $500 If Shaken or Wounded the target must
make a Vigor Roll -2 or be Distracted,
Gaderffii Str+d6 d6 1 3 $60 Reach 1, Parry +1 if used two handed
Garrote Special d4 1 0.2 $50 On a Raise it also does Str+d4
damage, Illegal
Lightsaber Str+d6+8 d4 1 2 $1000 AP 12, Rare
Lightsaber, Str+d6+8 d4 1 2 $4000 AP 10, Parry +1, Can’t be Thrown,
Cross-Guard Rare
Lightsaber, Str+d6+8 d6 1 3 $2000 AP 10, Two Hands, Rare
Dual Bladed
Lightsaber Str+d6+8 d6 1 3 $3000 AP 12, Can’t be Thrown, Rare
Lightsaber, Str+d6+4 d4 1 2 $1500 AP 10, Parry +1, Can’t be Thrown,
Guard Rare
Lightsaber, Str+d6+6 d6 1 3 $2000 AP 8, Reach 1, Parry +1, two hands,
Pike Rare
Lightsaber, Str+d6+4 d4 1 1 $800 AP 10, Rare
Lightwhip Str+d6+4 d4 1 1 $5000 AP 10, On a Raise target is Distracted
or Vulnerable, Reach 1, Rare
Shock Boxing Special d4 1 0.5 $100 Does not count as a weapon for
Gloves Unarmed Defender (p109), Restricted
Shock Stick Str+d4 d4 1 2 $800 On a Raise target is Distracted or
Vulnerable, Restricted
Shock Whip Str+d4 d4 1 1 $100 On a Raise target is Distracted or
Vulnerable, Reach 2, Restricted

Sith Sword Str+d6+6 d4 1 2 $3000 AP 10, Rare
Vibro-Axe Str+d10+2 d10 3 7 $750 AP 2, Parry -1, two hands, Restricted
Vibroblade Str+d6+2 d6 1 2 $500 AP 2, Licensed
Vibrodagger Str+d4+2 d4 1 0.5 $200 AP 2
Vibro Special d4 1 0.5 $200 Does not count as a weapon for
Knucklers Unarmed Defender (p109 SWADE),
Vibrolance Str+d8+2 d8 2 6 $550 AP 2, Reach 1, two hands, can not be
thrown, Licensed
Vibrorapier Str+d4+2 d4 1 2 $500 AP 2, Parry +1, Restricted

Vibro-Saw Str+d12+2 d12 3 10 $1000 AP 2, Parry -1, two hands, Licensed

Vibrosword, Str+d8+2 d8 2 3 $600 AP 2, two hands, Licensed

Vibrosword, Str+d10+2 d10 3 6 $750 AP 2, Parry -1, two hands, Licensed

Melee Weapons Contact Stunner: Frequently sold as a personal

protection device, the Contact Stunner is a small,
The Melee Weapons listed here are specific to the inconspicuous Weapon, the forward end of which is
Star Wars Setting. Unless the GM says otherwise all covered with over a dozen contact disks, enabling
of the Melee Weapons (Except for the Futuristic it to deliver a concentrated and, therefore,
Weapons) in the Swade Core Book are also effective discharge when it contacts a target.
Avaliable. You will need to determine the amount of However, the Weapon’s lack of mass makes it less
Mod Slots the Weapon has. This is done using the useful for anything other than rendering a target
Min Str of the Weapon. A d4-d6 Min Str has 1 slot,
a d8 has 2, while d10- d12 have 3 slots to start out unconscious. Because of its slender and compact
with. design it is difficult to detect it.

If a piece of equipment does not have a listed Datadagger: A Datadagger is an elaborate and
Minimum Strength requirement. Then use the decorative Code Cylinder that contains a hidden
Encumbrance Table on pg 67 of the core book and weapon. When the wielder twists the hilt, a needle-
the item's weight to determine the Minimum like blade extends from the socket. Since the blade
Strength needed to use the item. To determine how is so well hidden within the code’s electronics, it is
many modification slots it has. (Anything above a hard to detect.
d12 has 3 slots)
Double-Bladed Sword: This two-bladed version of
the Sword allows those proficient in the use of two
weapons to take advantage of their skills while
wielding only one weapon. Typically the two blades
are connected in the middle by a short length of
metal, providing a safe place for the wielder to grip
the weapon.

Dynamic Hammer: The Dynamic Hammer by

Republic Munitions is intended to be used as a
battering ram for breaking down doors, but can be
used as a devastating weapon. By using ultrasonic
vibration similar to that of a Vibroblade, the
Dynamic Hammer pounds a door open by brute
force. When used on physical barriers, a Dynamic
Hammer treats the target’s Toughness as 5 points
lower than normal (See Attack an Object).

Double Vibroblade: The Double Vibroblade is Lightsaber: The Lightsaber, simple in design yet
essentially two curved Vibroblades attached to a difficult to wield and master, features a handgrip
central, twisted hilt. Though difficult to control, hilt that projects a blade of pure energy. The
when used properly it is an effective close-combat traditional weapon of the Jedi, the Lightsaber
weapon. stands as a symbol of their skill, dedication, and
authority. The blade of a Lightsaber is generated by
Electrostaff: An Electrostaff has an electromagnetic an Energy Cell and focused through crystals within
pulse generator that discharges upon impact on the hilt. The saber can cut through most materials
each end, allowing it to deal blunt-force wounds. If (Except another Lightsaber blade, an energy
desired, either electromagnetic pulse can be set to Shield, or a few exotic materials), given enough
Stun its target instead. time. Because only the handgrip has any weight,
unskilled users have difficulty judging the position
Fire Blade: The inhabitants of the planet Dathomir of the blade. Anyone using one to attack that does
coined the term “Fire Blade” for this cutting not have Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber) for each
energized blade, but similar tools can be found on Lightsaber treats a failed attack roll as a Critical
nearly every planet in the galaxy. When activated, Failure. Dual Wielding Lightsabers would require
a sheath of energy surrounds the blade of this taking the edge twice (Once per Weapon) to avoid
Weapon, allowing it to slice through nearly any this. The Lightsaber’s true potential becomes
material. apparent in the hands of a fully trained Jedi, who
can defend and attack with the weapon, deflecting
Force Pike: Force Pikes are 1-meter-long poles shots or striking opponents with the glowing blade.
topped with power tips. A two-setting power dial (While Lightsabers, of any variation, can block
located near the bottom of the pike allows the user Slugs from Slugthrowers they can not redirect them
to set the weapon to “Lethal” or “Stun”. Although back at targets as the Slug is destroyed upon
primarily a Vibro weapon, the Force Pike also contact with the blade)
delivers an electrical shock through its tip.
Lightsaber, Cross-Guard: An extremely rare
Gaderffii: Primarily found in the hands of Tusken Lightsaber variant that is usually only found in the
Raiders, the Gaderffii (Also called a Gaffi Stick) is a hands of skilled Lightsaber Duelists, the
pole weapon made from scrap metal. It always Crossguard Lightsaber (Sometimes referred to as a
features a spike or blade on one end and some Forked Lightsaber) has a special hilt that typically
kind of bludgeoning instrument on the other. emits three (Although sometimes only two)
Similar Weapons are sometimes carried by the Lightsaber blades. The first blade is the standard,
raiders and scavengers of many worlds, especially full-length blade common to all Lightsabers. The
in places that include old battlegrounds or plenty Crossguard Lightsaber also emits two secondary
of discarded junk. blades, less than a Human handspan in length and
narrower than the standard blade, at an angle
Garrote: Typically fashioned from a strand of spun between 45 and 135 degrees away from the
Durasteel, a Garrote is designed to crush the primary blade. These secondary blades are used to
target’s throat and prevent breathing. A Garrote protect the wielder’s hand from Lightsaber attacks
requires two hands to use, and any attack made that slide down the blade. The Crossguard
with the Garrote is treated as a Grapple attempt Lightsaber also enables the wielder to parry
(Page 101 of the Swade Core Book) but the incoming Lightsaber attacks between the primary
attacker applies a -2 to his Athletics Roll. Instead of and secondary blades, making it easier to Block
the standard Entangled and Bound results the Lightsaber attacks. Anyone using it to attack that
following effects happen. does not have Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber,
At the beginning of the target’s turn, before they Cross-Guard) treats a failed attack roll as a Critical
can take any Actions, the target must make a Vigor Failure.
Roll or take a level of Fatigue. This occurs before
the target takes any actions including any Lightsaber, Dual Bladed: The Double-Bladed
attempts to break free. (They must make this Vigor Lightsaber consists of two Lightsabers fused at
roll at the start of every turn they remain grappled their hilts. These weapons are rare and require
in this way) even greater skill to wield than single-bladed
If the attacker wins the opposed Athletics roll with Lightsabers. One or both blades can be ignited at
a raise the attacker also does Str+d4 damage to once. Anyone using one to attack that does not
the target. The attacker is however also Vulnerable have Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber, Dual Bladed)
while doing so. On his turn as per usual the treats a failed attack roll as a Critical Failure.
attacker can still attempt to Crush them if his
target doesn't break free on their turn.

Lightsaber, Dual-Phase: A Dual-Phase Lightsaber is Lightwhip: A Lightwhip is similar to a Lightsaber in
a Lightsaber variant that, at first glance, appears that it emits a beam of energy from its handgrip.
to be identical to a standard Lightsaber, with a The device differs though, in that the “Blade” is
small handle emitting an energy blade about 1.3 long and flexible, giving it the properties of a whip.
meters long. Dual-Phase Lightsabers include a Although a Lightwhip has a greater Reach, it lacks
complex array of multiple Lightsaber Crystals the power of a more traditional Lightsaber. On a
within the handle of the weapon, allowing the user Raise the Whip causes the target to become either
to switch the blade’s length from the standard Distracted or Vulnerable instead of doing extra
length out to a length of nearly 3 meters. Dual- damage. Anyone using one to attack that does not
Phase Lightsabers are extremely popular during have Trademark Weapon (Lightwhip) treats a failed
the days of the Jedi Civil War and the surrounding attack roll as a Critical Failure.
time periods due to the large number of
Lightsaber-wielding opponents a Jedi is likely to Shock Boxing Gloves: These Gloves are powered
face. The longer blade setting allows the wielder to gauntlets worn during a Shock Boxing match.
keep an opponent at a distance during a duel, but Shock Boxing Gloves protect the wearer’s hands
Dual-Phase Lightsabers on this setting are also and also deal damage to any character hit by
more unwieldy, making it difficult to defend against them. Shock Boxing Gloves provide a +1 bonus to
opponents that get up close to the wielder. In its damage with a successful Unarmed attack.
Default Form, a Dual-Phase Lightsaber functions as
a normal Lightsaber. As an Action, the wielder can Shock Stick: The Shock Stick is a Melee Weapon
switch to the Extended Form setting. While on this that delivers a stunning blow to the enemy’s
setting, the Dual-Phase Lightsaber increases the senses. Using technology similar to that of a Stun
wielder’s Reach by 1, but the wielder also takes a Baton, a Shock Stick has the added benefit of
-2 penalty to their Parry. Switching back to the delivering it’s stunning energy in a rapid,
Default setting also takes an Action. Anyone using overwhelming burst that can completely disable
one to attack that does not have Trademark less hardy beings. On a Raise the Stick causes the
Weapon (Lightsaber, Dual-Phase) treats a failed target to become either Distracted or Vulnerable
attack roll as a Critical Failure. instead of doing extra damage.

Lightsaber, Guard: A rare variant of the short shoto Shock Whip: A nasty Weapon deemed by many to
style of the Lightsaber, the Guard Shoto (Also be unnecessarily painful, the Shock Whip has been
referred to as the Lightsaber Tonfa) has a second used by warriors throughout the galaxy for
handle that sticks out from the main hilt at a 90- generations. Fast and cruel, the Shock Whip
degree angle. It is possible to hold a Guard Shoto consists of a metal grip from which extend long,
by either the main hilt, or the second handle. If it is thick wires woven together into a single strand.
held by the second handle, the lightsaber blade The metal grip houses an Energy Cell that can send
can be held parallel to the forearm, allowing it to a surge of energy through the Shock Whip’s cord,
easily be used for blocks. Anyone using one to issuing an electric shock to the target. On a Raise
attack that does not have Trademark Weapon the Whip causes the target to become either
(Lightsaber, Guard) treats a failed attack roll as a Distracted or Vulnerable instead of doing extra
Critical Failure. damage.

Lightsaber, Pike: The favored weapon of the Sith Sword: The Sith Sword is a weapon created
Emperor’s Shadow Guard, the Lightsaber Pike during the days of the Sith Empire using arcane
resembles a conventional polearm in many alchemical techniques. A Sith Sword is physically
respects. At the end of the handle is a slightly identical to most archaic swords, though the
shorter and thicker lightsaber blade, which can be alchemical treatment it receives makes it nearly as
activated as an Action using a switch about dangerous as a Lightsaber. The Sith Sword can be
midway down the weapon’s haft. Unlike treated as a Lightsaber for the purposes of using
Lightsabers these weapons do not treat a failed Edges and powers. Additionally, a Sith Sword
attack roll as a Critical Failure if you do not have becomes more powerful in the hands of a character
Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber, Pike). who is steeped in the Dark Side of The Force. A
character with the Force Sensitive (Darkside) AB
Lightsaber, Short: Sometimes called a Shoto Saber. receives a +2 bonus to damage rolls with the Sith
Small Jedi characters such as Master Yoda favor the Sword
Short Lightsaber. Jedi skilled at Two-Weapon
Fighting often use the Lightsaber, Short as their Vibro-Axe: This powerful Vibro weapon features an
off-hand weapon of choice. Anyone using one to Energy Cell that causes the blade to vibrate rapidly
attack that does not have Trademark Weapon when activated. This gives the weapon far greater
(Lightsaber, Short) treats a failed attack roll as a power than a standard Axe, with minimal effort
Critical Failure. from the wielder.

Vibroblade: The Vibroblade is a close-combat
weapon favored by soldiers and mercenaries
throughout the galaxy. It resembles a short sword
with a high-tech look and feel. Vibroblades are
Illegal in most urban areas.

Vibrodagger: Assassins and petty thugs favor the

smallest of the Vibro weapons, the Vibrodagger. A
number of civilians carry it for defense. It alone
among Vibro weapons is subject to very little
regulation, since it is viewed as a common tool for
crafters and explorers.

Vibroknucklers: Little more than a casing attached

to a set of finger rings, Vibroknucklers are favored
by thugs and petty thieves, mainly because the
Weapon can be easily concealed or stored away.
The Weapon’s nasty surprise- a small microblade
that extends slightly beyond the knuckles- is an
added bonus. VibroKnucklers provide a +2 bonus
to damage with a successful Unarmed attack.

Vibrolance: The Vibrolance is a large, spear-like

Weapon commonly employed by guards and
sentries. The Weapon deals a massive amount of
damage. Gamorreans particularly enjoy
brandishing Vibrolances, using them to prod slaves
or spear prisoners. A Vibrolance is too large and
unwieldy to be Thrown

Vibrorapier: A Vibrorapier is designed to have a

longer, thinner blade than the standard Vibroblade.
It is well-balanced and completely silent due to a
specialized design that diminishes the ultrasonic
pitch that other Vibro Weapons normally create.
Many professional fighters consider the Vibrorapier
an excellent Weapon and prefer it over a blaster or
other melee Weapons when stealth is necessary.

Vibro-Saw: A large and cumbersome variation of

the Vibro-Axe, a Vibro-Saw is typically used to cut
down large vegetation such as trees and
exceptionally thick vine clusters. However, its
impressive cutting power has led the Vibro-Saw to
be used to cut through bulkheads in boarding
actions by military units and pirates alike. The
Vibro-Saw also has the distinct advantage of being
legal in areas where the possession of any other
type of Vibro weapon is a criminal offense.

Vibrosword, Long: The Vibrosword is a full length

Vibroblade. The Weapon resembles many standard
swords used by primitive societies, though the
signs of technological enhancements can be found
in both the handle and the blade.

Vibrosword, Great: The Great Vibrosword is

essentially an oversized Vibrosword designed to be
used in both hands. The Weapon resembles many
larger swords used by primitive societies, though
the signs of technological enhancements can be
found in both the handle and the blade.

Ascension 15/30/60 3d6 2 1 25 d6 1 4 $950 Stun, Military
BlasTech 15/30/60 2d4 2 1 100 d4 1 2 $300 Stun, Restricted
BlasTech 10/20/40 2d6+2 2 1 50 d4 1 4 $650 Stun, Military
Blaster 15/30/60 2d6 2 1 50 d4 1 2 $250 Stun, Licensed
Bluebolt 15/30/60 2d6 2 1 50 d4 1 2 $850 Stun, Stun Range is
Blaster 4/8/16, Military
Bryar 15/30/60 2d4 2 1 50 d4 1 2 $1350 Licensed
Darter 3/6/9 2d4 - 1 1 d4 1 2 $150 Licensed
DX-2 Sonic 3/6/12 2d6 - 1 5 d6 1 4 $4000 Reload 5, Illegal
Flame Cone 2d12 - 1 10 d4 1 5 $500 May set targets on fire,
thrower affects target’s least
Armored area, fuel pods
cost $40 and weigh 1
pound, may be “evaded”
(No Recoil), Military
Heavy 15/30/60 3d6+2 2 1 25 d4 1 3 $450 Stun, Military
Heavy, Cone 3d12 - 1 10 d8 2 5 $1000 May set targets on fire,
Flame affects target’s least
Thrower Armored area, fuel pods
cost $40 and weigh 1
pound, may be “evaded”
(No Recoil), Military
Hold-out 5/10/20 2d4 2 1 50 d4 1 2 $250 Illegal
Ion 5/10/20 2d6 - 1 30 d4 1 1 $350 Ignores Droid Armor, Can
Pistol only Shake Organics,
Merr-Sonn 15/30/60 2d6+2 4 1 50 d4 1 2 $850 Stun, Restricted
Model 434

Needler 15/30/60 2d4 10 1 10 d4 1 2 $650 Licensed

Razor Bug 12/24/48 2d6 2 1 1 d4 1 1 $10 Illegal, Rare

S-5 Heavy 15/30/60 3d6+2 2 1 25 d6 1 4 $2000 Stun, Military, Rare

SaberDart 10/20/-- 2d4 - 1 1 d4 1 .5 $2500 Reload 1
Snare 10/--/-- - - 1 2 d4 1 2 $600 A Successful hit means
Pistol the Target is Entangled
(pg 98 Core book) The
Ropes toughness is a 15,

Sonic Pistol 3/6/12 2d4 - 1 50 d6 1 2 $900 Reload 1, Only needs
to hit the standard TN
for a Ranged attack
against Jedi or Sith
using Lightsabers,
Sonic 15/30/60 - - 1 50 d4 1 2 $450 Make a normal
Stunner shooting attack. On a
Success Victims must
make a Vigor roll, on a
raise it is at -2, or be
stunned, Illegal
Sub 15/30/60 2d6 - 4 120 d6 1 2 $250 Autofire Only, Military
Targeting 30/60/120 - - 1 1 d4 1 .5 $50 Military
Thud Bug 12/24/48 2d8 - 1 1 d4 1 .5 $20 Illegal, Rare

Wrist 5/10/20 3d4 - 1 10 d4 1 1 $800 Illegal

Assault 60/120/240 2d8 2 3 50 d6 1 8 $1750 Stun, +1 to Shooting,
Blaster Rifle Two Handed, Military
BlasTech Cone 2d6+2 2 1 5 d6 1 4 $1000 Two Handed, Restricted
Blaster 30/60/120 3d6 2 3 100 d6 1 8 $700 Stun, Two Handed
Carbine when stock is
extended, Restricted
Blaster Rifle 30/60/120 2d8 2 3 100 d6 1 8 $1000 Two Handed when
Stock is extended,
Brayar Rifle 25/50/100 2d6 2 1 50 d4 1 2 $1850 Two Handed, Licensed
Bowcaster 24/48/96 3d10+2 2 1 100 d8 2 5 $1450 Two Handed, Licensed,
Commando 15/30/60 2d10 2 1 25 d6 1 4 $2500 Stun, Military
Special Rifle

Double 10/20/-- 3d6 - 1 25 d8 2 3 $1200 Restricted

DXR-6 Rifle 12/24/48 2d6 - 1 15 d6 1 4 $5500 Reload 5
Two Handed, Illegal
Flechette 8/16/32 3d8 2 1 4 d8 2 10 $2100 Two Handed, Military
Launcher (LBT)
Heavy 30/60/120 2d8+2 2 3 100 d8 2 8 $3000 Two Handed, Military
Blaster Rifle

Ion Carbine 20/40/80 2d8 - 3 30 d6 1 1 $1250 Two Handed, Ignores

Droid Armor, Can only
Shake Organics,

Ion Rifle 20/40/80 2d8 - 1 30 d6 1 1 $850 Two Handed, Ignores
Droid Armor, Can only
Shake Organics,
Light 30/60/120 3d6+2 2 3 300 d6 1 5 $1200 Autofire Only
Repeating Two Handed, Military
Micro Grenade 12/24/48 By Type - 1 4 d4 1 2 $2500 Two Handed, Military
Missile 24/48/96 By Type - 1 1 d8 2 8 $1500 Two Handed, Military
Heavy Blaster 30/60/120 2d8+2 2 3 100 d8 2 10 $1500 Stun, Two Handed,
Rifle Military
Rail Detonator 8/16/32 2d10 - 1 10 d6 1 10 $2350 Two Handed, Military
Gun (MBT)
Repeating 12/24/-- 3d8 2 3 300 d8 2 10 $3500 Autofire,
Blaster Two Handed, Military
Sniper Blaster 80/160/320 2d8 2 1 10 d6 1 4 $2000 Two Handed, Military
Sonic Rifle 12/24/48 2d4 - 1 50 d6 1 4 $1200 Reload 1, only needs
to hit the standard TN
for a Ranged attack
against Jedi or Sith
using Lightsabers,
Two Handed,
Sporting 40/80/160 2d6 2 3 100 d4 1 4 $800 Stun,
Blaster Rifle Two Handed, Licensed
Stokhli Spray 8/16/32 - - 1 5 d4 1 10 $14000 Functions as a Net,
Stick SWADE pg. 73,
Blaster 40/80/160 2d10+2 2 1 10 d10 3 18 $3000 HW, Two Handed,
Cannon Military
E-Web 80/160/320 3d12+4 4 4 900 d12 3 38 $8000 HW, Two Handed,
Repeating Autofire, Military
Flame Cannon Cone 4d6 - 1 1 d10 3 30 $3000 HW,May set targets
on fire, affects
target’s least Armored
area, fuel pods cost
$40 and weigh 1
pound, may be
“evaded” (No Recoil),
Two Handed, Military

Gatling Laser 50/100/200 3d6+4 2 4 600 d8 2 20 $1000 Autofire, HW, Two

Handed, Military

Grenade 24/48/96 By Type - 1 4 d8 2 15 $1000 HW, Two Handed,

Launcher Military

Heavy $4000 HW, Two Handed,

50/100/200 3d8+4 2 4 900 d8 2 20
Repeating Autofire, Military

The Ranged Weapons listed here are specific to the
Star Wars Setting. Unless the GM says otherwise all Due to the large ammo amounts of most Star Wars
of the Ranged Weapons (Except for the Futuristic Range weapons. Instead of tracking Ammo
Weapons) in the Swade Core Book are also
Avaliable. These weapons are usually refered to in individually. You can use Cinematic Ammo Tracking.
Star Wars as Slugthrowers. When doing so replace the Shot Amount in the
You will need to determine the amount of Mod Slots Ranged Weapons Table with an Ammo Level
the Weapon has. This is done using the Min Str of instead as per the Ammo Level Table to determine
the Weapon. A d4-d6 Min Str has 1 slot, a d8 has the weapons starting level. During an Encounter
2, while d10- d12 have 3 slots to start out with. any Skill die that rolls a 1 reduces the Ammo Level
by One. (Multiple 1’s for example when using a
If a piece of equipment does not have a listed higher ROF or Rapid Fire results in multiple
Minimum Strength requirement. Then use the reductions).
Encumbrance Table on pg 67 of the core book and At the end of Every Encounter you Also Reduce the
the item's weight to determine the Minimum Ammo Level by one as well
Strength needed to use the item. To determine how
many modification slots it has. (Anything above a AMMO VALUE TABLE
d12 has 3 slots)
•Stun Setting: If the weapon has a Stun Setting, it
is listed in the Notes Section. Ranged weapons set 100+ Level 4
to Stun have a maximum range of 2/4/8, unless 50-99 Level 3
noted otherwise. Make a normal shooting attack.
On a Success Victims must make a Vigor roll, on a 25-49 Level 2
raise it is at -2, or be stunned.
1-24 Level 1
•Reduced Recoil: Unless otherwise noted all - Empty
ranged weapons Listed here, (except Heavy
Weapons), firing at a ROF higher than 1 in one Pistols
action causes Reduced Recoil, a -1 penalty to the
attackers Shooting rolls. (This also effects any Ascension Gun: The Ascension Gun is a Heavy
weapons Modified to have a ROF higher then 1 in Blaster Pistol with a special Syntherope tether and
one action ) In all other ways Reduced Recoil a grappling-dart launcher attached. As an Action,
functions as per the Recoil Rule in the Swade Core you can switch the Weapon from Blaster mode to
Book, Edges and other effects such as "Braced" Ascension mode. When fired in Ascension mode,
that affect Recoil also affect "Reduced Recoil" the the Weapon shoots a grappling dart attached to
same way.
the Syntherope, tethering the Weapon to the
•Retractable Stocks: Weapons with Retractable target. If the tether is projected vertically, the
stocks can be "Braced" when the Stock is Ascension Gun can pull the wielder upward at a
extended. They also count as "Long Arms" when speed of 12’ per round, with a maximum vertical
extended for the purpose of firing them in Melee lift capacity of roughly 720 lbs. An Ascension Gun
Range. When the Stock is not extended they count can also be used to create a zipline to a target
as "Short Arms" for the purpose of firing them in surface after the Syntherope has been secured to a
Melee Range. Opening and closing the stock fixed object at the shooter’s location. The zipline
requires the use of a Readying action. allows the wielder to slide along the line at a speed
of 12’ per round if the destination has a lower
•Braced: "Long Arms" can be braced as an action. elevation. In Ascension mode, the Ascension Gun
Doing so Negates Recoil and Min Str penalties (all has a maximum Range of 30. In Blaster mode, an
other penalties should still be applied) for all Ascension Gun functions like a normal Heavy
further shooting actions taken to fire that particular Blaster Pistol. Ascension Guns are somewhat
"Long Arm" in the same round. "Braced" suffers bulkier than other Weapons of the same size.
from MAP as per usual."
BlasTech DH-23: The DH-23 is designed to be a
•Ion Weapons: Ion Weapons ignore droid armor. more reliable Weapon when compared to the
They can only Shake Organics. typical Blaster Pistol, but it sacrifices range and
strength to achieve it. The Pistol incorporates an
•Autofire: Autofire weapons can only be fired at effective heat radiator and a tight body
their full Rate of Fire. When using an Autofire
Weapon the Ammo used per Rate of Fire can be construction that increases it’s ammo capacity
found in the SWADE Core Book on Pg. 93

BlasTech DT-12: The initial concept behind the Flamethrower: This wrist mounted Flamethrower is
design and production of the DT-12 is to cater to a ranged weapon that shoots a cone of burning
customers who do not have hands like the chemicals.
Humans, such as Rodians with their longer fingers,
by incorporating a larger trigger grip. The Weapon Heavy Blaster Pistol: Heavy Blaster Pistols were
gives up weight and long-range accuracy to invented to provide the sort of firepower one
provide a stronger punch. expects from a Blaster Rifle, but in a compact and
easily carried sidearm. The weapon produces
Blaster Pistol: “Blaster Pistol” is a blanket term for additional “Punch” by drawing heavily on its Power
literally thousands of different designs from Pack, reducing the number of shots the Power Pack
hundreds of manufacturers, such as the popular can provide (compared to a regular Blaster Pistol).
BlasTech DL-18. Blaster Pistols are popular with Han Solo uses a Heavy Blaster Pistol, the BlasTech
urban police forces, traders, and anyone who DL-44.
needs to pack respectable firepower in an easily
carried package. Heavy, Flamethrower: A handheld version of the
flamethrower. It’s a Heavy pistol-size weapon with
Bluebolt Blaster Pistol: Named for the blue chrome a jar-sized fuel tank.
that adorns the body of the original models of this
Pistol, the Bluebolt Blaster Pistol is much larger Hold-out Blaster: Small, palm-sized blasters see
than a normal Blaster Pistol. However, the Weapon widespread use in weapon-restricted areas. Hold-
is balanced with a heavy grip and a light barrel, out Blasters are commonly found in the possession
making it easy to wield in one hand. Due to this it of undercover agents, gamblers, Scoundrels, or
is able to fire a Stun bolt further than normal. Nobles seeking to protect themselves. They are
sometimes carried as a backup weapon for more
Bryar Pistol: A Bryar Pistol is a cut-down version of lethal characters. Because of its compact design, a
a Bryar Rifle. Though it has less Range than the Hold-Out Blaster Pistol grants a +2 Equipment
Bryar Rifle and deals less damage, the Bryar Pistol bonus on Thievery checks made to conceal it.
is actually more manageable and accurate at Short
Range than the Bryar Rifle. As an Action, you can Ion Pistol: An Ion Pistol fires a stream of energy
prime a Bryar Pistol for a built-up shot. If you make that wreaks havoc on electrical systems, making it
no attacks with the Bryar Pistol before the start of effective against Droids, Vehicles, electronic
your next turn, the next attack you make before devices. It deals normal damage against such
the end of the encounter deals an extra d4 of targets and ignores their Armor completely. When a
damage and consumes 5 charges. You may not use cybernetically enhanced creature (Any creature
any ability that consumes more than one shot in with a Strain Rating) is targeted it causes Fatigue
conjunction with a primed shot. instead of a Wound and they become Distracted
until the end of their next turn. Creatures without
Darter: A Darter is a large Pistol that launches a cybernetics may only be shaken.
dart by use of a compressed air canister. Although
the Range is limited and the damage minor, the Merr-Sonn Model 434: Built as a compact Pistol, the
darts can deliver Poison or a Surveillance Tagger. Merr-Sonn Model 434 quickly earns the nickname
Poachers, game wardens, security personnel, of “Death Hammer” from the bounty hunters and
assassins, and even medical personnel use Darters professional killers who favor the gun because of
in their duties. its durability and sheer power. The Weapon’s
Durasteel plating increases its sturdiness. Bounty
Dx-2 Sonic Disruptor: One of the most violent Sonic hunters,
weapons on the market, the Sonic Disruptor is mercenaries, and assassins who use the Death
outlawed by the Republic, even for use against the Hammer ornately decorate the Weapon, adding
Sith. The Sonic Disruptor not only deals more detail after every kill.
devastating Sonic damage to a target, it also
atomizes anything it harms, leaving few traces of a Needler: Designed to be effective against personal
victim behind. If damage from the Sonic Disruptor shields without sacrificing range, a Needler fires
would cause a Wild Card to drop to incapacitated, tiny, ultra-sharp darts that penetrate energy
they make a Vigor roll +2 . On a Success nothing shields and Armor and drill into the target’s body. A
extra happens, On a Failure they are killed Needler’s ammunition can be laced with contact
instantly. When a Sonic Disruptor drops an Extra to Poison, delivering the Poison to its targets.
Incapacitated or destroys an object, Vehicle, or
Droid, that target is disintegrated and ceases to Razor Bug: Razor Bugs are small, disc-shaped
exist. Because of the massive energy required to insects engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong to serve
create a Disruptor beam, the Sonic Disruptor can as ranged Weapons. Though they are thrown by
fire only once every other round. hand, Razor Bugs are shaped in such a way that
they fly with great speed, distance, and accuracy,
making them an effective replacement for longer-
ranged Weapons.

S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol: The Theed Arms S-5 Sonic Stunner: A Sonic Stunner creates waves of
combines the firepower of a Heavy Blaster Pistol sonic energy that assault the aural receptors of
with the utility of an Ascension Gun. This allows the anyone it targets. The weapon fires a concentrated
wielder to carry a single weapon that provides for burst of sonic energy that manipulates the minds
defense, quick ascension capability, and the ability of living beings, causing them great pain. Even
to capture an opponent. A successful hit using the deaf creatures can be harmed by a Sonic Stunner,
Liquid Cable feature ensnares (SWADE pg 98 because it creates high-frequency vibrations that
Entangled) a target or securely attaches to a penetrate the brain. However, unlike with most
targeted surface. It can lift up to 500 kilograms and blaster weapons, only the target of the attack
has a range of 30’. If the tether is projected hears any noise, making the weapon otherwise
vertically, the S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol can pull the silent. This weapon can only be used to Stun living
wielder upward at a speed of 12’ per round. An S-5 creatures.
can also be used to create a zipline to a target
surface after the Liquid Cable has been secured to Sub-repeating Blaster: This Pistol-sized Repeating
a fixed object at the shooter’s location. The zipline Blaster, intended for use indoors and in close-
allows the wielder to slide along the line at a speed quarters combat, is preferred by pirates and
of 12’ per round if the destination has a lower bounty hunters who want to carry a lot of firepower
elevation. In Ascension mode, the S-5 Heavy in a small package. A Sub-repeating Blaster is an
Blaster Pistol has a maximum Range of 15’. Autofire-only Weapon and includes a Retractable
Additionally, an S-5 Heavy Blaster Pistol carries 10 Stock. Unless the Retractable Stock is extended,
micro darts, which can be fired at a range of up to you cannot Brace before making an Autofire attack.
2/4/8. When fired in this manner, the S-5 Heavy Which causes Recoil ( -1 to shooting)
Blaster Pistol deals 2d4 points of damage and
inflicts Paralyzing Poison on a result of Shaken or Targeting Laser: This tiny laser is used to paint
better. targets with a beam of light to guide missiles,
bombardment attacks, or other incoming fire, but it
Saberdart Launcher: A Saberdart Launcher is a otherwise deals no damage. The laser is tunable
weapon created by the Kaminoans, and most through a broad spectrum, allowing the attacker to
notably wielded by Jango Fett during the opening home in on a specific Targeting Laser in the
stages of the Clone Wars. The darts themselves otherwise chaotic jumble of battlefield laser fire. It
deal little damage, but the Poison they carry is can be used by hand or mounted on any Weapon.
lethal. When a living creature is effected (at least a To use a Targeting Laser, the wielder makes an
Shaken Result) by a Kamino Saberdart, they must attack roll, Applying all appropriate penalties. As
make an immediate Vigor roll, failure means the long as the wielder repeats the attack each round,
character is Stunned, takes a Wound (two on a any ally who knows the frequency of the Targeting
Critical Failure), and perishes in 3d6 rounds unless Laser gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls when
treated. The Saberdart Launcher fires individual attacking the target with a Missile Launcher,
specialized Kaminoan Poison Darts, which needs to Grenade Launcher, or Vehicle Weapon.
be reloaded after each shot.
Each dart is both Illegal and Rare, and costs $500 Thud Bug: Like Razor Bugs, Thud Bugs are insects
each. engineered by the Yuuzhan Vong to serve as
ranged Weapons.
Snare Pistol: The smaller cousin of the Snare Rifle,
the Snare Pistol carries the same capabilities, but Wrist Blaster: For those needing the ultimate in
in a smaller weapon and with a considerably discretion, a Wrist Blaster provides protection
shorter range. A Snare Pistol fires a length of without drawing attention. It is popular with
weighted Syntherope that wraps around the target, Assassins, diplomats working in hostile territories,
allowing the Weapon’s wielder to initiate a Grab or and other VIPs who hate being completely
Grapple against an enemy at up to Short Range unarmed. The Wrist Blaster is worn as a bracelet
Only. and looks like an ordinary piece of jewelry. The bulk
of the Wrist Blaster contains the power cell, which
Sonic Pistol: Designed as a civilian response to Jedi is powerful enough to deliver the same damage as
and Sith using Lightsabers to Deflect their attacks, a blaster, but contains enough energy for only a
the Sonic Pistol fires compressed bolts of pure single shot. A Wrist Blaster is meant for use in
sound at its target. Though slightly less powerful close quarters. Special alloys mask the Wrist
than standard weapons such as blasters, the Sonic Blaster from sensor scans for Weapons. Detecting a
Pistol is particularly effective against Jedi and Sith Wrist Blaster with a sensor scan requires a
because the weapon’s Sonic bolt bends around a Successful Electronics Check at -4.
Lightsaber, striking the target despite the
intervention of the Lightsaber’s energy blade.

RIFLES Double-Barreled Blaster Carbine: A favorite
Weapon among those who live on the fringe of
Assault Blaster Rifle: A precision weapon used by society, the Double-Barreled Blaster Carbine packs
military units, the Assault Blaster Rifle is one of the a powerful punch yet is small enough to conceal
most precise weapons in existence. The original under loose clothing. Unlike a normal Blaster
design of the Assault Blaster Rifle comes from the Carbine, the Double-Barreled Blaster Carbine is
Mandalorians, but it is perfected by the Czerka incapable of making Autofire attacks. However, the
Corporation. Weapon can be switched to a “Double-Shot”
setting as an Action. While in Double-Shot mode,
BlasTech 500: Best known as the “ESPO” gun due the Weapon acts as an Area Effect Weapon,
to its wide use by The Corporate Sector Authority, targeting everything in a SBT for 2d6+4 damage.
the BlasTech 500 is a compact blaster with a short Each Double-Shot attack consumes 2 shots.
barrel and an open- frame stock. Designed for use
against large crowds, the Weapon trades simple DXR-6 Rifle: The DXR-6 is a Disruptor Rifle built by
accuracy for the ability to hit just about anything in the Tenloss Criminal Syndicate. It is a larger version
its path. Operating best in Autofire mode, the Rifle of the DX-2 Disruptor Pistol, and it has the same
incurs a -2 penalty and has a 20/40/80 range, legal and social issues associated with its use. The
when used as a Single-Shot Weapon. Disruptor not only deals devastating Sonic damage
to a target, it also atomizes anything it harms,
Blaster Carbine: This small Blaster Rifle has a short leaving few traces of a victim behind. If damage
barrel and compact two-handed grip, making it from the Disruptor would cause a Wild Card to drop
look more like a long Pistol than a Rifle. Some to incapacitated, they make a Vigor roll +2 . On a
Blaster Carbines, such as the E-5 used by B1- Success nothing extra happens, On a Failure they
Series Battle Droids, have a Retractable Stock. A are killed instantly. When a Disruptor drops an
Blaster Carbine without a Retractable Stock costs Extra to Incapacitated or destroys an object,
650 credits (Instead of 700 credits). Vehicle, or Droid, that target is disintegrated and
ceases to exist. Because of the massive energy
Blaster Rifle: The basic Blaster Rifle is standard required to create a Disruptor beam, the Disruptor
issue to soldiers across the galaxy. Some Blaster can fire only once every other round.
Rifles, such as the BlasTech E-11 (Or its “Clone,”
the SoroSuub Stormtrooper One), have a Flechette Launcher: The Flechette Launcher is an
Retractable Stock. A Blaster Rifle without a anti-personnel Weapon that saw extensive use
Retractable Stock costs 900 credits (Instead of during the last half of the Clone Wars. It fires
1000 credits). canisters filled with hundreds of tiny Durasteel
darts that spread out over a large area. A Flechette
Bryar Rifle: As an Action, you can prime a Bryar Launcher is an AOE to a Large Burst Template.
Rifle for a built-up shot. If you make no attacks Canisters cost $50
with the Bryar Rifle before the start of your next
turn, the next attack you make before the end of Heavy Assault Blaster Rifle: A large Rifle designed
the encounter deals an extra d6 of damage and to give a single person enough firepower to take
consumes 5 charges. You may not use any ability out a whole squadron of enemies, the Heavy
that consumes more than one shot in conjunction Assault Blaster Rifle is restricted to military use
with a primed shot. under Imperial law. When a Heavy Assault Blaster
Rifle scores a hit with a raise, its damage dice
Bowcaster: The Bowcaster is crafted exclusively by change from d8s to d10s, but it does not add the
the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. A fusion of modern and normal extra d6 when doing so.
ancient technologies, the weapon hurls an
explosive energy quarrel at incredible speed, much Ion Carbine: The prevalence of Assassin Droids and
like an archaic rail gun. The Bowcaster can fire War Droids during and after the Great Sith War
Micro Grenade Bolts, which act as normal Grenades necessitates the creation of advanced Ion weapons
but are somewhat smaller. Micro Grenade Bolts to combat them. The Ion Carbine is similar to an
follow all the normal rules for each type of Ion Rifle, but is Autofire-capable, allowing the
Grenade, but deal -4 damage on a successful hit. wielder to take down several Droids at once. An Ion
When used in this way it has range 12/24/48 Rifle fires a stream of energy that wreaks havoc on
electrical systems, making it effective against
Commando Special Rifle: The “Special” is a sawed- Droids, Vehicles, electronic devices. It deals normal
off Rifle preferred by Republic Commandos for its damage against such targets and ignores their
lightweight and stopping power. Its portability and Armor completely. When a cybernetically enhanced
power are offset by its ammunition demands; creature (Any creature with a Strain Rating) is
Power Packs must be replaced after 25 shots. targeted it causes Fatigue instead of a Wound and
they become Distracted until the end of their next
turn. Creatures without cybernetics may only be

Ion Rifle: An Ion Rifle fires a stream of energy that Repeating Blaster Carbine: The Repeating Blaster
wreaks havoc on electrical systems, making it Carbine is an Autofire weapon that functions best
effective against Droids, Vehicles, electronic at Short Range. The Repeating Blaster Carbine has
devices. It deals normal damage against such difficulty hitting targets at longer Ranges, and is
targets and ignores their Armor completely. When ineffective against distant targets.
a cybernetically enhanced creature (Any creature
with a Strain Rating) is targeted it causes Fatigue Sniper Blaster Rifle: A favorite among assassins
instead of a Wound and they become Distracted and military sharpshooters, the Sniper Blaster Rifle
until the end of their next turn. Creatures without is a powerful and accurate Weapon ideal for
cybernetics may only be shaken. Is not Auto-fire eliminating targets at Long Range. Unwieldy in
Capable anything other than a prepared firing position, the
Sniper Blaster Rifle is poorly suited for use in close
Light Repeating Blaster: The Light Repeating combat. If they move in the same round as they
Blaster is the largest Rifle-style weapon carried by make an attack with a Sniper Blaster Rifle, they
military personnel. It is an Autofire-only weapon. take a -2 Snapfire penalty on the attack roll. Sniper
Blaster Rifles often have a Bipod and Targeting
Micro Grenade Launcher: The Locris Syndicates Scope mounted on them, but neither is included in
MGL-1 Micro Grenade Launcher is a small, portable the cost listed.
Weapon that can deliver Miniaturized Grenades
quickly and with a minimal amount of training. Sonic Rifle: Designed as a civilian response to Jedi
Unlike other Grenade Launchers, this Weapon is and Sith using Lightsabers to Deflect their attacks,
classified as a Rifle for the manner in which it is the Sonic Rifle fires compressed bolts of pure
used. A Micro Grenade Launcher fires Micro sound at its target. Though slightly less powerful
Grenades, which act as normal Grenades but are than standard weapons such as blasters, the Sonic
somewhat smaller. Micro Grenades follow all the Rifle is particularly effective against Jedi and Sith
normal rules for each type of Grenade, but deal -2 because the weapon’s Sonic bolts bend around a
damage on a successful hit. A Micro Grenade Lightsaber, striking the target despite the
Launcher holds four Micro Grenades. A Micro intervention of the Lightsaber’s energy blade.
Grenade Launcher can be mounted on a Rifle (This
takes 1 minute and requires a Repair check) or Sporting Blaster Rifle: Sporting Blaster Rifles are
used as a separate Weapon. popular with the galactic elites as well as among
“Fringers” living in isolated colonies. Sporting
Missile Launcher: The shoulder or back mounted Blaster Rifles are legal in most systems, but special
PLX-2M is derived from Merr-Sonn’s Clone Wars-era permits must be obtained to carry them on many
PLX-1 Portable Missile Launcher. Designed to punch Core Worlds. Luke Skywalker kept a Sporting
holes through Heavy Armor, the “Plex-one” is also Blaster Rifle in his land speeder on Tatooine.
a particularly effective anti-personnel Weapon. Sporting Blaster Rifles often have a Targeting
Scope mounted on them, but the scope is not
Heavy Blaster Rifle: The Heavy Blaster Rifle is a included in the cost listed.
larger, more powerful version of the Blaster Rifle
often used by Clone Troopers, Stormtroopers, and Stokhli Spray Stick: The Stokhli Spray Stick is a
other troops during battles on open terrain. hunting Weapon designed to bring down a target
Because of its size, it is not well suited to close- without killing it. The Stokhli Spray Stick is one of
quarters fighting. the few Long-Range Stun Weapons in the galaxy,
and high demand for the Weapon has driven its
Rail Detonator Gun: The Rail Detonator Gun is a price up to match. The Stokhli Spray Stick fires a
rarely seen Weapon used by specialized fine mist that coalesces into the form of a sticky
Stormtrooper units. Primarily carried by Imperial webbing that wraps up its target as a Net does.
Jumptroopers, the Rail Detonator Gun is an When the Stokhli Spray Stick’s webbing strikes a
advanced Weapon that compliments the target, it also discharges a stun bolt that can
Jumptroopers’ penchant for aerial combat. It uses render some of the toughest targets unconscious.
powerful electromagnets to hurl an explosive Any target struck by a Stokhli Spray Stick must
canister down the barrel of the Weapon and toward make a Vigor Roll -2 or be Stunned; additionally,
a target at an incredible speed. The Rail Detonator the Stokhli Spray Stick’s webbing functions as a
Gun is an AOE Weapon, with a MBT. A Rail Net, allowing the attacker to initiate a Grab or
Detonator Gun requires a magazine of special Grapple on the target at range. A Stokhli Spray
explosive canisters, each of which carries 10 shots Stick requires canisters of spraymist to operate.
and costs 100 credits and weighs 2 lbs. After 10 After 5 shots, the canister must be replaced, and
shots, the magazine must be replaced. each canister costs $250 credits and weighs 2 lbs.

HEAVY Grenade Launcher: This Grenade Launcher, while
portable, must be set up and braced, Doing so
Large, powerful weapons that may require a Bi-pod takes 5 actions. When done, this Weapon can
or Tripod to operate fall under the category of deliver Grenades quickly and with a minimal
Heavy Weapons. They are all subject to the Recoil amount of training. The Grenade Launcher holds
Rules (page 105 of the SWADE Core Rules). They four Grenades. This Grenade Launcher Doubles the
are also subject to Snapfire (page 66 of the SWADE effective range of grenades fired from it. Grenade
Core Rules) Launchers cannot be used to hurl Thermal
Detonators because these devices are simply too
Blaster Cannon: Portable, shoulder-fired Blaster big and heavy.
Cannons fire powerful bolts of energy. Often used
as an anti-vehicle weapon, the Blaster Cannon has Heavy Repeating Blaster: The Heavy Repeating
the range and power to inflict devastation on Blaster is a fearsome weapon typically operated
troops and structures alike. A Blaster Cannon is an from a bunker emplacement, or mounted on a
Area Attack weapon. It uses the MBT but due to the combat Vehicle. The Heavy Repeating Blaster
slow build up of power. This attack can be operates only in Autofire mode.

E-Web Repeating Blaster: The E-Web Repeating

Blaster can normally only be fired when mounted
on a Tripod. When mounted on a Tripod, it is
treated as one size smaller for purposes of being
wielded (Allowing a normal character to operate it
with two hands). The E-Web Repeating Blaster only
operates in Autofire mode, and requires a Power
Generator to operate. Without this generator it is
limited to 50 Shots. With it the E-web can fire for
as long as it has power. Normally, the E-Web
Repeating Blaster requires a second crewman to
regulate the weapon’s Power Generator; this
second crewman must spend an Action while
adjacent to the weapon to regulate its power. After
you regulate the E-Web Repeating Blaster’s power,
it will function normally until the beginning of your
next turn. If the weapon’s power is not regulated,
apply a -2 penalty on all attack rolls made with the

Flame Cannon: The Flame Cannon is a larger

version of the regular Flamethrower, with a
considerably hotter temperature, and greater fuel
capacity. Examples include the Merr-Sonn Model
CR-28 and the Czerka CZ- 28 Flamestrike. Mounted
on ground Vehicles or tripods, the Flame Cannon is
ideal for clearing out bunkers or as a Weapon of
shock and terror. When mounted on a Tripod, the
Flame Cannon is treated as one size smaller for
purposes of being wielded, allowing a Medium
character to operate it with two hands. The Flame
Cannon shoots a cone of burning chemicals. A
successful attack deals 4d6 points of Fire damage
to the target. This attack can be “evaded” if not
then the fire ignores all armor except sealed armor
when applying damage.

Gatling Laser: The Gatling laser is a large two-

handed weapon consisting of four rotating barrels,
That can only be operated in Autofire.

Explosives Table


EMP (Ion) 5/10/20 MBT 3d6 .25 $250 Ignores Droid Armor, Can
only Shake Organics, Restricted

Energy Ball 5/10/20 SBT 2d8 .25 $20 Licensed, Rare

Fragmentation 5/10/20 LBT 3d6 .25 $200 Military

Smoke 5/10/20 LBT - .25 $100 Restricted

Stun 5/10/20 MBT - .25 $250 Restricted

Thermal 5/10/20 SBT 3d10 .25 $2000 Illegal

Personal Missiles

Armor Piercing 24/48/96 - 2d6 .5 $60 AP 10, HW, Military

Boomer 24/48/96 LBT 5d6 .5 $120 HW, Medium/ Long range only,
Heat Seeker 24/48/96 - 3d6 .5 $60 HW, Military

Rocket 24/48/96 - 3d6+2 .5 $80 HW, Military

Grenades Smoke: Creates an area of smoke in a Large Burst

Template that obscures vision (–4). For double the
EMP (Ion): Electromagnetic pulse grenades knock price, the smoke also contains particles that halve
out all electronic devices in a Medium Burst the damage from energy weapons fired into the
Template. For constructs, power armor, or devices, area.
roll 3d6 nonlethal damage against each item's
Toughness ignoring any armor but not Shields they Stun: Targets must make a Vigor roll at –2 with a
may have. If the device would be Shaken it raise it's at -4 ) or be Stunned
Malfunctions (Constructs are Vulnerable, Power
armor stops working) for the rest of the round, If it Thermal: Damage 3d10. May set targets on fire.
would have taken a wound the device stops Ignores all but sealed armor.
functioning until a Repair roll at -2 can restore
power to it. If a cybernetically enhanced creature Personal Missiles
(Any creature with a Strain Rating) is targeted it
causes Fatigue instead of a Wound and they Armor Piercing: Armor Piercing Missiles do AP 10
become Distracted until the end of their next turn.
Creatures without cybernetics may only be shaken. Boomer: Boomers have a minimum arming
distance of 25”.
Energy Ball: Damage 2d8, Small Burst Template.
Heat Seeker: Opposed Shooting vs Agility Roll to
Fragmentation: Damage 3d6, Large Burst lock on. Ignores all but total cover against locked
Template. targets. Once fired the defender gets another
Agility roll to evade.

Rocket: Basic line of sight projectile.



8-2A Medical Bundle $500 1 lb Common

ABC Scrambler $3000 3 lbs Restricted

Adhesive Patches $20 1 lb Common

All-Temperature Cloak $100 1 lb Common

Ambient Aural Amplifier $3000 .5 lb Restricted

Ammo/Power Packs $50 .1 lb Common

Anti-Rad Dose $300 1 lb Common

Antitoxin Patch $25 - Common

Antidote Synthesizer $2500 1 lb Restricted

Aquata Breather $350 .2 lb Common

Aural Amplifier $2000 1 lb Licensed

Bacta Tank $10000 500 lbs Licensed

Beacon $2000 5 lbs Common

Binder Cuffs $50 1 lb Common

Bioscanner $600 2 lbs Common

Biotech Tool Kit $450 1 lb Restricted

Bracer Computer $1300 .5 lb Common

Breath Mask $250 1 lbs Common

Camouflage Netting $2000 40 lbs Common

Camouflage Netting, Powered $6000 60 lbs Common

Camouflage Poncho $125 1.5 lbs Common

Chain $25 2.5 lbs Common

Climbing Harness $45 .5 lb Common

Code Cylinder $150 .5 lb Licensed

Com Scrambler $6000 10 lbs Military

Comlink $100 1 oz Common

Comlink (Earbud) $200 1 oz Common

Comlink (Hands- Free) $150 1 oz Common

Comlink (Tightbeam) $300 1 oz Licensed

Gear Table Cont

Communications Scanner $1000 1 lb Military

Computer Interface Visor $1200 8 ozs Common

Computer Spikes $6000 1 lb Illegal

Computerized Interface Scope $2000 .5 lb Military
Credit Chip Deposit - Common
Cryogenic Pouch $600 1.5 lbs Licensed

Data Card $10 8 ozs Common

Datapad $100 1 lb Common

Decoy Glow Rod $100 4 lbs Illegal

Demolotions Sensor $1000 .5 lb Licensed

Droid Caller $10 2 ozs Common

Energy Sheet $200 1 lb Common

Energy Tent $500 2 lbs Common

Glow Rod $25 .5 lb Common

Holoprojector, Personal $500 1 lb Common

Jetpack $2000 5 lbs Restricted

Jetpack Fuel Cells $100 .5 lb Restricted

Language Translator $400 1 lb Common

Liquid Cable Dispenser $50 1 lb Common

Macrobinoculars $250 2 lbs Common

Matter Cutter $2000 15 lbs Licensed

Nutri-bar $5 4 ozs Common

Ooglith Masquer $5000 1 lb Illegal

Plasma Cutter $10000 110 lbs Military

Portable Computer $500 2 lbs Common

Power Recharger $150 3 lbs Common

Projected Light Device $1000 4 lbs Common

Restraining Bolt $5 .2 lb Common

Security Kit $200 1 lb Restricted

Sensor Suite (Medium) $5000 18 lbs Restricted

Sensor Suite (Small) $500 2 lbs Licensed

Stokhli Spray Pod $250 2 lb Licensed

Targeting Scope (Enhanced Low-Light) $1000 1.2 lbs Restricted

Targeting Scope (Standard) $100 .2 lb Common

Gear Ambient Aural Amplifier: Although Aural Amplifiers
have existed for centuries, vast improvements to
The Gear listed here is specific to the Star Wars the technology are made during the Rebellion era,
Setting. Unless the GM says otherwise all of the
Common Gear (Except for the items found in the driven by the need to surreptitiously listen in on
Firearms Accessories area) in the Swade Core Book contacts who could be Imperial spies, Rebel
are also Avaliable. You will need to determine the recruiters, or bounty hunters looking to make a few
amount of Mod Slots the item has. This is done quick credits. Previous models of Aural Amplifiers
using the Min Str of the item. A d4-d6 Min Str has were bulky and obvious, and they garbled
1 slot, a d8 has 2, while d10- d12 have 3 slots to messages almost as often as they worked. They
start out with. also required power cells, limiting the degree to
which they could be concealed. Unlike previous
If a piece of equipment does not have a listed models a helmet can be worn while using this
Minimum Strength requirement. Then use the device. Employing the same technology used for
Encumbrance Table on pg 67 of the core book and protocol Droids, the new Ambient Aural Amplifiers
the item's weight to determine the Minimum can pick out sounds, analyze them, and amplify
Strength needed to use the item. To determine how only the sounds that are likely to be useful. These
many modification slots it has. (Anything above a devices draw power from the body heat of any
d12 has 3 slots) warm-blooded creature that wears them, giving the
amplifiers an effectively unlimited operation time.
8-2A Medical Bundle: The 8-2A Medical Bundle is a (Cold-blooded Species can power the devices by
compact placing them on a warm surface or piece of gear.)
package designed to both equip a trained medic The result is it grants the user a +2 to Notice
for work in the field and to allow untrained checks to detect others around them, as long as
individuals to apply first aid in emergencies. A they can hear them and are not Dazed or Stunned.
medpac contains bandages, bacta, synthetic flesh,
coagulants, stimulants and other medicines Ammo/ Power Pack: Ammo Packs represent any
designed to help an injured patient recover quickly. number of cells/clips/other devices used to provide
This functions as the Vital Transfer Power using the ammo for the vast majority of ranged weapons in
appliers Healing as the casting roll. the Galaxy. (Certain weapons may require special
Ammo packs)
ABC Scrambler:The ABC scrambler was a modified A Power Pack is a compact rectangular battery that
version of an Imperial Army anti-ordnance EM fits into an energy using device, such as a
probe. It was designed to emit a full spectrum of Datapad/comlink/ or millions of other everyday
ultrasonics, biological irritants, and chemical items in the galaxy. They provide the power
agents over a wide area when fired. These needed to use it. A Power Pack can be recharged
combined effects would disorient an opponent, with a Power Recharger.
effectively producing a massive sensory overload.
The tube could only hold one pod at a time. It Anti-Rad Dose: The Anti-Radiation Dose grants a
functions as a Stun Grenade fired from a Grenade user a +1 to resist the effects of Hazards caused
Launcher when used in this way. ABC scramblers by radiation. As well as a +1 to any healing roll
were also used as a defensive countermeasure by performed to heal someone suffering from the
some bounty hunters to protect them from guided effects of Radiation.
missiles and other projectiles. Worn on the belt or
attached to armor, the ABC scrambler emitted Antitoxin Patch: This adhesive patch is applied near
false audio, biological, and chemical signals to the stomach (Or similar organ, depending on the
interfere with guided missiles. When used in this Species). It emits a low dose of antitoxin, giving the
way. All Electronically targeted projectiles suffer a wearer a +1 Equipment bonus to Natural Healing
-2 during the attempt to lock onto this target. rolls made against Ingested Poisons and a +1
Equipment bonus to their Vigor roll against Inhaled
Adhesive Patches: Small squares made of the same Poisons. An Antitoxin Patch lasts for 24 hours.
material as spacesuits, adhesive patches are a
quick puncture repair kit. One patch is required for Antidote Synthesizer: An Antidote Synthesizer is a
every breach. small, portable device that takes the portability of
a Microlab one step farther. If an antidote to a
All-Temperature Cloak: An All-Temperature Cloak Poison or a toxin is needed and proper medical
was a wrap around cloak that protected its wearer attention is not immediately available, an Antidote
from the elements and hostile conditions. An all- Synthesizer can be used to help the victim survive.
temperature cloak is especially good at protecting The Antidote Synthesizer can analyze a small
people from severe weather. It grants a +1 to amount of Poison or toxin inserted into the
resist the effects of Hazards caused by climate machine’s sample tube, and within 1d6 rounds it
conditions. can create 1d4 doses of antivenom or antitoxin
that each grant a +2 bonus to a Healing check
made to treat the Poison or toxin. To reproduce an
antidote after the doses are expended, however,
requires a new sample of the Poison or toxin.

Aquata Breather: While underwater, an Aquata Biotech Tool Kit: You need a Biotech Tool Kit to
Breather can provide up to 2 hours of breathable modify Yuuzhan Vong Biotech, install a Bio-Implant
air through its mouthpiece. (Cyber-Ware), or otherwise alter biological devices
and Living Vehicles. A standard Biotech Tool Kit
Aural Amplifier: The Aural Amplifier is a device consists of a variety of implements and tools that
worn on the head, which allows the wearer to hear look more at home in a Medical Kit than in a Tool
from a great distance by amplifying sound waves Kit, and unlike a normal Tool Kit, items in a Biotech
originating from the direction of the wearer’s Tool Kit cannot be doubled as Improvised Weapons.
interest while dampening ambient noise. Due to Attempting to do so without such a kit inflicts a -2
the bulky nature of this device you can not also to all such rolls.
wear a helmet while wearing this. It grants the
user a +1 to Notice checks to detect others around Bracer Computer: The Bracer Computer is a
them, as long as they can hear them and are not Datapad worn on the user’s forearm. It performs all
Dazed or Stunned. the same functions as the Standard Datapad,
including the ability to read standard Data Cards in
Bacta Tank: This large specialized tank is filled with a slot on the underside of the device. The Bracer
the powerful healing agent, Bacta, which promotes Computer also features a holographic screen that
rapid healing. A Bacta Tank can be used in displays information as a two-dimensional image
conjunction with Surgery. If the Healing check is about three centimeters above the device. Plus,
successful, the patient heals all current Wounds the keyboard is designed to accommodate one-
and Fatigue as well as any permanent injuries. It handed typing. The Bracer Computer is popular
cannot however grow back any parts that are among those who need to conserve space with
gone. A Bacta Tank can also be used when treating their Equipment. It has a Smarts of d4 to resist
Disease, Poison, or Radiation in a creature. In this hacking attempts.
case, the Bacta Tank grants a +4 Equipment bonus
on your Healing check. A Bacta Tank and a supply Breath Mask: A face mask that provides 12 hours of
of Bacta is expensive, so such medical equipment breathable air in a Toxic Atmosphere It adds +2 to
is usually found only in hospitals, aboard Capital resist harmful gases or harmful atmospheres. If the
Ships, and within major military bases. Each hour atmosphere contains the being’s required air (such
of treatment consumes one liter of Bacta, which as oxygen), the rebreather can run indefinitely by
costs 100 credits. A typical Bacta Tank holds up to simply filtering out harmful gases instead.
300 liters of Bacta, and the Bacta Tank must hold
at least 150 liters at all times to provide any Camouflage Netting: Any Camouflage Netting
benefit. Only one creature can be immersed in the found on the market is of two kinds: powered or
tank at any given time. unpowered. Both kinds, when draped over one or
more objects within a 6’ by 6’ square area, bestow
Beacon: When activated, this powerful hand-held a +2 bonus to all Stealth checks while under the
device transmits a signal to the nearest relay point, netting, and offer partial Concealment. Integrated
broadcasting a distress message. The immense into the netting of the powered version are
power drains the battery after one use, meaning overlapping sensor baffle scales that emulate the
the message contains the beacon’s location at the emission patterns of the surrounding terrain-
time it was activated. Once captured by a network including light emissions. The powered Camouflage
or relay of some sort, the message containing the Netting grants an additional +2 bonus to all Stealth
beacon’s last-known location re-broadcasts until checks while under the netting. The netting is
deactivated. carried in a small backpack and takes a Full-Round
Action and two people to deploy it.
Binder Cuffs: Durasteel restraints designed to lock
two limbs of a prisoner together, normally the Camouflage Poncho: The Camouflage Poncho is
wrists or ankles, but it is possible to lock one arm worn over Armor to conceal the wearer from being
to one leg or use the Binder Cuffs to hook a spotted. Special materials track the surrounding
prisoner to a tree. The cuffs have a Toughness of area and alter the pattern of the Camouflage
18, and removing them without the seven-digit Poncho, smoothing and blending the wearer’s
release code requires a Repair Roll at -4 . The silhouette. A Camouflage Poncho grants a +1
Binder Cuffs can be attached to the limbs of any Equipment bonus to Stealth checks.
creature of Large, Medium, or Small size.
Chain: This 3’ length of chain has 12 Toughness.
Bioscanner: This hand-held scanner and screen
depicts the internal structure of organic beings. Climbing Harness: This device used for climbing
This greatly helps characters looking for damage, has a low powered repulsor unit in it. While it won't
and adds +1 to their Healing rolls. With a tiny drop stop an unsecured fall it can help slow down a
of blood a Bioscanner can also detect known Secured one. When using a harness while climbing
poisons, diseases, and other conditions. (pg 125 SWADE) In addition to the +2 to Athletics
checks while climbing granted for having good
equipment, if they fall the distance is reduced to
1/4th the distance of the restraint and they do not
suffer Fatigue from bumps and bruises.

Code Cylinder: A compact encoded security device Comlink (Tightbeam): A Tightbeam Comlink is a
issued to many military, political, or corporate simple add-on for any Comlink or transceiver. It is
officials, a code cylinder accesses computer data worn on a helmet or headpiece and uses special
via a scomp link or provides entry into restricted lasers to send and receive encrypted messages
facilities. from another individual also equipped with a
Tightbeam Comlink. Soldiers use the Tightbeam
Com Scrambler: The Com Scrambler disrupts Comlink to ensure that messages are not
enemy communication, but it also scrambles intercepted on the battlefield. The two characters
friendly communication. Mounted on a backpack must be in line of sight with each other, but the
frame, a Com Scrambler can be carried to the front Tightbeam Comlink ignores penalties due to
line and even into enemy territory, where it can be Darkness, Smoke, or other Atmospheric Hazards.
connected to a power source and left behind. A Communications Scanners and other passive
Com Scrambler covers a 20-kilometer radius, methods of interception cannot pick up Tightbeam
blanketing the area in powerful white noise that Comlink messages, unless the interceptor is
disrupts all Comlinks, HoloNet signals, and Droid directly in the path between individuals using these
Remote Receivers within the area. Getting a signal devices.
into or out of the affected area requires an
Electronics check against the Com Scrambler’s Communications Scanner: A Communication
default d12+4. This check must be Scanner is a Datapad-sized device used to
made every minute as the Com Scrambler’s intercept, analyze, decode, and record Comlink,
computer constantly scans and adapts to block any transceiver, and HoloNet transmissions.
signals it locates. Unencrypted broadcasts are automatically picked
up. By making a Successful Electronics check, the
Comlink: A voice-activated communications device user can determine the number and types of
that is held in the hand. It has a range of one mile communication being broadcasted and received
on its own, or can tap into broadcast channels such within a 50-kilometer radius. With a Raise it also
as cellular, satellite, or Holonet services for near- reveals the direction and distance of a broadcast.
infinite range. The Communications Scanner grants a +1
Equipment bonus to decipher encrypted messages
Comlink (Earbud): The Earbud Comlink is a tiny that it receives. However, it cannot be used to
Comlink fitted for the wearer’s ear, allowing locate the presence of Tightbeam Comlinks unless
unobtrusive private communication for anyone the Communication Scanner is directly in the path
needing to be discreet-ambassadors, card cheats, of the Tightbeam Comlink. In addition, the
and spies, for example. The Earbud Comlink’s size, Communication Scanner functions as a Recording
shape, and color give the wearer a +2 Equipment Unit for the transmissions it intercepts.
bonus to Thievery checks for the purpose of hiding
its presence. The Earbud Comlink can be Computer Interface Visor: Worn across the eyes
programmed to initiate or receive a transmission and connected to a computer system, the
when the wearer touches his or her ear or even Computer Interface Visor provides the wearer with
clicks or grinds his or her teeth. Because of it’s a heads-up display that displays relevant data laid
minute size, the Earbud Comlink has a range of 50 over one’s normal vision. A Computer Interface
kilometers or low Visor translates complex computer algorithms into
orbit. easy-to-understand symbols and words.. The
Computer Interface Visor also provides a +1
Comlink (Hands-Free): The Hands-Free Comlink is a Equipment bonus on Electronics checks. A
convenient device often used by beings working Computer Interface Visor cannot be worn at the
under conditions where both hands are needed to same time as Armor with a helmet or any other
perform a task. This Comlink consists of several device worn on the head.
linked sound-absorbing pads, placed on the face of
the user and connected to an earpiece. When the Computer Spikes: Computer Spikes are single-use
wearer speaks, the sound-absorbing pads transmit programs built into a basic piece of computer
the speech; additionally, the Comlink can be hardware that plugs directly into another computer
adjusted to pick up only the faintest of whispers, system. Designed to bypass computer security and
allowing the wearer to use the Comlink to help improve access to protected systems, a
communicate quietly when stealth is important. Computer Spike interfaces with another computer
Hands-Free Comlinks have a range of 50 system and uses untraceable programs to chip
kilometers or low orbit, and they can be built into away at the target system’s defenses. A Computer
helmets and Armor. Hands-Free Comlinks can Spike can be activated as an Action, after which it
process audio, but not video or holo. makes a single Hacking check (d10 +2) that can be
used only to gain initial access. All Computer
Spikes are considered Illegal.

Computerized Interface Scope: This item is a small Decoy Glow Rod: Though not officially
electro-binocular device, mounted onto a Weapon, manufactured by any corporation, the Decoy Glow
that projects a targeting image onto a monocle or Rod is a piece of Equipment used by enemies of
helmet display worn by the wielder. Additionally, the Empire and smugglers alike. This device is a
the computer image projected by the scope can be fully functional Glow Rod with a hollowed-out
displayed on a Datapad or transmitted by Comlink handle that can be used to hide small objects. A
to a remote location, allowing others to see what Decoy Glow Rod can hide up to 3 kilograms of
the wielder sees. By using a Computerized Equipment, no one piece of which can be larger
Interface Scope, the wielder effectively reduces the than Tiny in size. This allows the owner to hide
Range of the target by one category (To a everything from Code Cylinders and Data Cards to
minimum of Short Range) when Aiming. The device Credit Chips and small Comlinks within the interior.
is otherwise mechanically identical to a Targeting Best of all, since the Decoy Glow Rod is functional,
Scope (Standard) and does not stack with a Imperial customs agents almost never suspect that
Targeting Scope or with any other device that does such a device is being used to carry contraband.
not stack with a Targeting Scope. Hiding an item inside a Decoy Glow Rod grants the
user a +4 Equipment bonus on Stealth checks to
Credit Chip: The credit chip is a small, flat card that hide the item.
features a security code and credit algorithm
memory stripes. The chip can hold a specified Demolitions Sensor: Resembling a pair of goggles,
number of credits appropriate to the government the Demolitions Sensor can detect both the
that issued it, or it can draw from a specific explosives and triggering mechanisms of Mines,
account held by the user. (The amount of the chip Grenades, and other explosive devices,
or a $50 credit deposit) highlighting them in the wearer’s vision. The
Demolitions Sensor grants the wearer a +1
Cryogenic Pouch: A Cryogenic Pouch is a medical Equipment bonus on Notice checks made to find
device that can stabilize critically wounded soldiers Mines and other planted explosives. It also grants a
in the field. It comes in a small canister worn on a +1 bonus to evade any explosives that can be
soldier’s belt or stored in a Medical Kit. Opening evaded. A Demolitions Sensor cannot be worn at
the canister releases a pouch large enough to hold the same time as Armor with a helmet or any other
a single Medium creature. When the pouch is device worn on the head.
sealed, it releases a cryogenic compound that
causes the creature inside to enter suspended Droid Caller: The Droid Caller is a handheld
animation, stabilizing his or her condition for transmitter weighing 0.2 kg. It transmits a signal to
transport to a proper medical facility. Bounty any droid equipped with a matching Restraining
hunters sometimes use Cryogenic Pouches to Bolt. The Droid Caller overrides a Droid’s motor
move prisoners. Activating a Cryogenic Pouch and function and compels it toward the caller for as
wrapping it around an unconscious creature long as the device is activated.
requires a Full-Round Action. A creature that is
Bleeding Out becomes stabilized once inside. A Energy Sheet: This 8’×5’ sheet of light-
Cryogenic Pouch has enough power to keep a weight energy cells absorbs and releases
creature alive for up to 24 hours, although it can energy to provide environmental protection
be hooked up to another power source with a from about 150° Fahrenheit down to about
Successful Repair check. Designed for rough –50°. Once charged, it retains enough energy
handling in battlefield conditions, the Cryogenic for 72 hours of continuous use. This is the
Pouch has Toughness of 5, to breach the seal. If the size used for personal bedding.
Cryogenic Pouch is breached, the character inside
reverts to its previous state after 1 round. Energy Tent: An easy-to-assemble 2-man tent using
the same material found in the energy sheet. The
Data Card: A data card is a simple storage device. tent and collapsible poles are contained in a small
Intended solely as external storage for a computer, drawstring bag.
it has no interface for direct display, editing, or
entry of data. Glow Rod: A glow rod is a portable illumination
device that projects a beam of light up to 6”.
Datapad: These hand-held personal computers
serve as notebooks, day planners, calculators, and Holoprojector, Personal: A hand-held, personal
sketch pads. In addition to performing basic hologram transmitter can be used to view real-time
computer functions, Datapads can interface with or recorded three-dimensional images or to pass
larger computer networks directly or via comlink. information through a comlink connection. It has
While it is a computer it is just a storage device enough memory to store about 1 hour of a holo
with display, input, and editing capability; they recording or 1,000 holo images.
have no ability to run programs on their own
beyond these basic capabilities. It has a Smarts of
d4-2 to resist Hacking.

Jetpack: A Jetpack is a propulsion system that a Nutri-Bar: Advanced freeze-drying and condensing
character can strap on, allowing flight over short techniques allow a complete meal to be packed
distances. Arm and wrist controls are employed for into a 4” by .5” thick bar.
maneuvering. Activating a jetpack is a free action,
and you gain a fly speed of 6. The jetpack has 10 Ooglith Masquer: An Ooglith Masquer allows a
charges and can be run continuously until it runs Yuuzhan Vong or other non-human species that is
out of charges. Each round of use consumes one humanoid to disguise themselves as a Human.
charge. Anything beyond basic maneuvering Putting on or removing an Ooglith Masquer
requires a piloting roll. As a special maneuver at -2 requires an Action and causes a level of fatigue.
the user can do a Speed Blast. Where he directs (That takes an hour to recover).
extra fuel into the jets and doubles his fly speed,
doing so costs 1 extra charge. (So 2 charges that Plasma Cutter: Trying to blast through a
round) Magnetically Sealed Door often requires a barrage
of blaster fire or an Explosive Charge, but
Jetpack Fuel Cells: Replacement fuel cells. It takes specialized Plasma Cutting Lasers make it much
an action to replace the Cell during combat and easier to slice one’s way through. Using a Plasma
takes a Repair roll to accomplish. If attempted Cutter, invading forces can penetrate a
during flight this roll is at -4 Magnetically Sealed Door in a matter of seconds as
opposed to the several minutes it would take to
Language Translator: Available as software for blast through with conventional weapons. The
existing hardware or as a portable device about invaders simply place the Plasma Cutter on the
the size of an electric razor, translators can decode door (A Successful Repair check), activate the
standard audio signals as well as ultra high and low device, and stand clear as it burns through the
frequencies. Translation is provided in text or audio door in a few rounds (It lowers the Toughness of
form, as the user requires. The device's skill in a the object by 15 each round). When the integrity of
known language is d12+2. It begins with 3 known the door has been compromised (Meaning that the
languages chosen at purchase. It cannot translate door has been reduced to 0 Toughness), the
unknown languages, but advanced models (5x the section sliced out by the Plasma Cutter explodes
price) can “learn”. Roll a d6 each full day the inward, dealing 2d6 points of damage to any
device interacts with a target speaker. On a character standing adjacent to the other side of the
success, it gains a d4 in that language. It may door.
continue to “train” itself in this way until its skill is
a d12+2. Portable Computer: Standard Laptop like device.
Capable of running complex programs. It has a
Liquid Cable Dispenser: Cable dispensers contain a Smarts of d8 to resist Hacking.
special liquid that instantly solidifies upon contact
with either atmosphere or vacuum to form a tough, Power Recharger: A Power Recharger is used to
light-weight, flexible cable. The dispenser contains recharge a Power Pack or Energy Cell. The recharge
enough liquid for 50’ of cable and is refillable at process takes 4 hours, and only one Power Pack or
authorized outlets. The cable has a hardness of 20 Energy Cell may be recharged at a time. A Power
and can safely support up to 1,500 lbs ($5 to Recharger holds enough power to recharge 100
recharge) Power Packs or Energy Cells, but is normally
connected to a ship's or building's power supply,
Macrobinoculars: These advanced viewing devices allowing it unlimited recharge capacity.
provide magnification up to 500x. Including a
digital readout of distance and compass direction. Projected Light Device: A three-dimensional or
A button press even provides Low Light or holographic, projected light projector that
Infravision (eliminating illumination penalties) generates images from a built-in data-port. Images
Macrobinoculars add a +2 to vision-based Notice can fill up to ten cubic feet.
rolls to see things at a distance.
Restraining Bolt: A Restraining Bolt turns off a
Matter Cutter: These devices use ultrasonics, Droid’s motor impulse without actually shutting
lasers, molecular disruption, or antimatter (Ultra down the Droid. The Restraining Bolt is activated
Tech) to make narrow cuts through matter. They’re with a handheld device called a Droid Caller.
most often used by salvage crews or marines to Restraining Bolts must be secured to specific
breach ship hulls or sealed interiors. Each .5” wide, locations on Droids. Attaching or removing a
foot long, foot deep cut requires a single round Restraining Bolt is an Action and requires a
(real world measurements, not game inches). Successful Repair Check. A Droid fitted with a
Double the time required for every full 30 points of Restraining Bolt can’t upgrade or improve its Skills.
Armor the material has. As an improvised melee A Droid with a Heuristic Processor can attempt to
weapon, it causes 3d6 Damage with AP 10, remove its own Restraining Bolt as an Action with a
Fighting rolls and Parry for the user are -2 to use successful Hacking check -4 followed by a
this device in this way. successful Repair check. A Droid that fails the
Hacking check can’t attempt to remove the
Restraining Bolt again until 24 hours pass.

Security Kit: Functions as a set of lockpicks for Droid Gear Table
Electronic Locks.
Sensor Suite: Optical, chemical, motion, and other Antitheft Comlink
active sensors ignore illumination penalties and $100 1 lb Common
add +2 to Notice rolls made to detect designated
types of targets such as biological beings, chemical Audio Enhancers $2000 1 lb Licensed
signatures, metal, etc. The targets do not have to Automap
be visible, though dense materials may cause $1000 2 lbs Common
inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s discretion. Backup Processor $200 1 lb Common
Small sets are handheld and have a range of 50
yards. Medium sets are backpack sized and have a Basic Processor $100 1 lb Common
range of 500 yards. Power Recharge $300 1 lb Common
Stokhli spray Pod: This pod is used to recharge a
Burrower Drive $2000 50 lbs Licensed
Stokhli spray stick. it takes an action to replace.
Claw $500 2 lbs Common
Targeting Scope (Standard & Enhanced Low-Light):
A Targeting Scope is a sighting device that makes it Climbing Claws Special - Common
easier to hit distant targets. However, it affords a Collapsible $2000 10 lbs Common
very limited field of view, making it difficult to use. Construction
Installing a Targeting Scope on a rifle or pistol
Communication $1000 3 lbs Military
requires 10 minutes, and a Successful Repair Countermeasure
check. A Targeting Scope (Standard) reduces the System
Range by one category (For example, from Medium
to Short Range). However, you must Aim at your Communications $5000 2 lbs Military
target to gain this benefit, and you lose the benefit Jammer
if you change targets or lose line of sight to your Concealed Item Special - Restricted
A Targeting Scope (Enhanced Low-Light) functions Courier $500 x Size 2 lbs Licensed
the same as a Targeting Scope (Standard) in Compartments of Droid
normal light. However, after Aiming at a target, it Credit Reader
allows the wielder to ignore penalties for Dim or $50 1 lb Common

Dark illumination (But not Pitch Darkness) when Darkvision $1000 1.5 lbs Common
attacking that target. Heuristic Processor $1000 1.5 lbs Common

Droid Gear Automap (Droid): An Automap system actively

scans the area within a 12’ radius of a Droid in
Antitheft Comlink Locator (Droid): Some Droids are which it is installed. The scan reveals terrain,
equipped with Internal Comlinks to broadcast atmospheric conditions, electromagnetic
messages. However, these devices require the signatures, and lifeforms. However, an Automap
Droid to speak out loud, and in some situations scan cannot penetrate solid objects such as walls
such an act is inadvisable. A Droid equipped with and closed doors. The scan also includes
an Antitheft Comlink Locator can send a distress navigational information, such as the Droid’s
signal to its master’s Comlink with no apparent direction and speed when readings were taken as
activity by the Droid. The distress signal well as global coordinates if the Droid can establish
broadcasts no information, but it can be tracked. a link to an orbiting satellite or Starship.
The signal continues to broadcast if the Droid is
deactivated, but it shuts down if the Droid is Backup Processor (Droid): The Droid has a
destroyed. concealed back-up of its personality and the data,
skills, and memories it regards as critical. The data
Audio Enhancers (Droid): Audio Enhancers increase restores itself 1d6 days after a memory wipe with a
the sensitivity of a Droid’s aural sensors, enabling successful Electronics roll using its current
it to pick up sounds not normally perceived by Electronics skill -2. If unsuccessful, the core tries to
standard sensors. When Eavesdropping or restore itself every 1d6 days. Discovering a Backup
Listening for distant and ambient sounds, a Droid Processor requires an Electronic or Repair roll at -4
equipped with Audio Enhancers can reroll Notice against the Droids Smarts. The character
checks, keeping the better of the two results. All attempting the roll must state they are looking for
other modifiers for the Notice check still apply. such a core to even attempt this roll.

Basic Processor (Droid): Basic Processors are not Communications Countermeasure System (Droid):
designed for creative thought and problem solving, One of the first things enemy forces do after
and as such most Droids interpret instructions and discovering a Droid is prevent the Droid from
Behavioral Inhibitors very literally. Furthermore, establishing communications to request rescue or
Basic Processors are very limited in that the Droid call for help from its allies. A Communications
cannot perform any task for which it was not Countermeasure system prevents jamming of a
programmed. A Droid with a Basic Processor Droid’s communications. The system broadcasts
cannot use any Skill Untrained. Similarly, a Basic signals on multiple frequencies to counteract
Processor may prevent it from harming sentient interference. A Droid with a Communications
living beings altogether. Countermeasures gains a +2 Equipment bonus to
all Electronics checks made to overcome
Power Recharge Interface (Droid): This accessory Communications Jamming.
enables a Droid to recharge a standard Power Pack
for its master. As a Free Action, the Droid can plug Communications Jammer (Droid): When behind
in and transfer energy to the Power Pack. enemy lines, a Droid takes every possible
Recharging a Power Pack depletes energy from the precaution to ensure that anyone who finds it is
Droid. For each recharge, the Droid takes a level of unable to call for help or alert others about the
Fatigue that lasts 24 hours or until the Droid can Droid’s presence. The Communications Jammer
find a way to recharge its own power supply. allows a Droid to jam any Comlink signal by
Burrower Drive (Droid): Mining and other Droids interfering with a facility’s communications
can use a Burrower Drive to tear through large systems or by directly jamming signals in the
chunks of ore embedded in the crust of a planet or Droid’s general vicinity. A Communications Jammer
in an asteroid. A Burrower Drive enables a Droid to grants a Droid a +2 Equipment bonus when
move at half-speed underground. It can also move making a Hacking check to slice into a computer
vertically up or down at a similar rate. A Burrower system and shut it down. The Droid also gets the
Drive can be used as a Weapon. The Droid makes a +2 Equipment bonus to maintain that status if any
melee attack at -4. If the attack is successful, the slicers attempt to stop the jamming. Once the
Droid deals 4d6 damage with AP 10. Droid has successfully connected with the
communications system and begun jamming, it can
Claw (Droid): Claws are an intermediate step continue jamming the system until it disconnects
between Tools and Hands. They are useful for or it is forced out. The signal jammer emits signals
grabbing onto objects to be moved, but aren’t very at multiple frequencies to interfere with any
good for tasks that require fine manipulation. For Comlink signals within a 1- kilometer radius of the
example, while a Droid could easily carry a blaster Droid. The Droid must make a Successful
in its Claw, it would have difficulty firing it. A Droid Electronics check at -2 to successfully jam any
using a Claw to perform a task that normally incoming or outgoing Comlink signals.
requires a true hand must make an Athletics check
to succeed at the task. If the check fails, the Droid Concealed Item (Droid): This system enables the
drops the object it is attempting to manipulate. Droid to have a Weapon or a Tool built into a
hidden compartment in its body, an Appendage, or
Climbing Claws (Droid): Claws designed to grip a its head. With this system, a Weapon can also be
surface can be added to any Droid with a Hand or camouflaged to look like a standard Tool or
Claw Appendage. Climbing Claws grant the Droid a Appendage. For example, an arm can hide a
climb speed of 4. While in use, a Climbing Claw Blaster Rifle, or a beam cutter might actually be a
cannot be used for any other action. Climbing Blaster Pistol. Typically, the size of the Appendage
Claws double the cost of the Appendage. must be similar to the size of the concealed
Weapon or Tool. If the item is fully concealed by the
Collapsible Construction (Droid): A Droid Droid’s Armor or outer covering, it cannot be
sometimes needs to be stowed in places where it detected by visual observation alone. If a Weapon
usually would not fit. For example, a Droid stowed is not fully concealed and portions are visible, such
in a smaller cargo space might surprise an enemy. as a muzzle or blade, then when being searched
The Collapsible Construction modification allows a for Weapons the Droid gains a +2 bonus to Stealth
Droid to lower its size category by one when it checks to conceal the Weapon. The cost of
shuts down. The Droid Brain enters stand- by mode concealing a Weapon or a Tool equals the base cost
while it compacts itself into a smaller size. The of the item plus the cost of the Appendage and/or
Droid can reactivate at any time as an Action. Compartment Space x 2. The Gamemaster can
increase the cost multiplier to account for complex
or unusual installations. Deploying a fully
Concealed Weapon is an Action (Cost as noted)

Courier Compartments (Droid): Droids are Heuristic Processor (Droid): This type of Processor
sometimes used as messengers to deliver allows a Droid to learn by doing, usually without
important messages and items across the galaxy. instruction. The Droid is able to reason through
To protect items entrusted into their care, these several potential solutions to tasks and formulate
Droids can have hidden Courier Compartments the best approach. Because of this, a Droid with a
installed in their Droid Chassis. Such Heuristic Processor may use Skills Untrained, just
compartments are also favorites of smugglers who like any other character. Similarly, the Droid can
own Droids. A Droid with a Courier Compartment wield a weapon. In addition, a Droid with a
might walk right past a starport inspection team Heuristic Processor can creatively interpret its
that is on the way to tear its master’s ship apart. instructions, allowing it to complete tasks in a
Courier Compartments can be installed in four manner that it deems appropriate. A Heuristic
locations within a Droid. A Courier Compartment in Processor allows a Droid to work around its
the torso can hold an item that is 2 sizes smaller Behavioral Inhibitors as long as it can justify a
than the Droid’s size. A Courier Compartment in given action. For example, a noncombatant Droid
the arm or leg can hold an item that is 3 sizes with a Heuristic Processor can attack and even
smaller than the Droid’s size. A head compartment harm a sentient living being as long as it believes
can hold an item that is 4 sizes smaller. Detecting that doing so will ultimately save more sentient
a Courier Compartment requires a successful beings from harm. Over time, a Droid equipped
Notice check (with a penalty equal to the with a Heuristic Processor develops a unique
appropriate Scale Modifier) against the Droid’s personality based on experience. Because of this,
Stealth. A common accessory in a Courier Memory Wipes and Restraining Bolts are commonly
Compartment is a Toaster, which destroys the used to ensure that a Heuristic Processor doesn’t
contents of the Courier Compartment with a brief allow a Droid to stray too far from its intended
blast of plasma energy triggered by the Droid. purpose. Still, some progressive masters actually
Installing a Toaster into a Courier Compartment encourage their Droids to break their
doubles the cost of the Courier Compartment. programming, trusting the Droid’s judgment to
Credit Reader (Droid): Interplanetary banks and make independent decisions without taking
crime lords have one common interest: They need advantage of the situation.
to know how much money a client has before they
do business. Whether a line of credit or hard
currency, a Credit Reader determines whether a Episode VI: Return of The
target’s credits are real or if a line of credit exists Jedi
for that being. The Credit Reader gives the Droid a
+1 bonus to any Electronics check against any Luke Skywalker has
Thievery check made to forge credit accounts or returned to his home
financial documents. The Droid can also instantly
count any sum of hard credits presented to it as a planet of Tatooine in an
Free Action. attempt to rescue his
Darkvision (Droid): A Droid with Darkvision ignores
friend Han Solo from the
penalties for Dim or Dark illumination (But not clutches of the vile
Pitch Darkness). gangster Jabba the Hutt.
Little does Luke know that
secretly begun
construction on a new
armored space station even
more powerful than the
first dreaded Death Star.
When completed, this
ultimate weapon will spell
certain doom for the small
band of rebels struggling
to restore freedom to the

If used to replace a missing limb or appendage or Weapons if they don’t include Ion Shielding. Ion-
other body part that functions as if it was the Shielding is an upgrade specifically designed for
original and does not enhance the character in any Cybernetic Prostheses. It must be bought at the
way. The cost is $2500 but the item does not inflict same time as the Cyberware is purchased for an
strain on the user. If used to counteract the effects additional 50% of its cost. A Cybernetic Prosthesis
of a hindrance the player must have bought off the with the Ion-Shielding upgrade protects the host
hindrance as well to not suffer the strain. The from Ion damage. If all of a creature's cybernetic
prices here assume the implant is noticeable if that enhancements have the Ion-Shielding upgrade, the
area of the recipient’s skin is exposed. If the host is not treated as being cybernetically
planet’s technology level supports it, cyberware enhanced for the purposes of taking Ion damage.
can be made invisible to all but direct searches for However, if even one cybernetic enhancement
an additional 50% of its cost. Having any visible does not have this Ion-Shielding, the host gains no
implants causes others to treat the character as if benefit. The number of times the particular
they have the Outsider Minor Hindrance if they enhancement may be taken, is listed in the table.
themselves do not also have visible implants.
Each implant has the following statistics, followed
by a description of its game effects: Cyberware Table
Strain: The amount of stress the cyberware places
on the physical tissue, mental synapses, etc.
Characters suffer Fatigue if they exceed their Adrenal Surge 1 $5000 2
Maximum Strain.
Cost: The price of the cyberware and its installation Armor U $3000 1
at a sanitary and professional facility. Prices may
double or even triple on worlds where body Attribute Increase U $3000 X 2x
modding is illegal. Rating Rating
Avaliability of and legality of Cyberware depends
on the Planet. Communicator 1 $1000 1
Cyberjack 1 $10000 3
The cost per implant includes installation. The cost
Mule 1 $5000 2
can be reduced by 25% by going to a “street doc,”
but the hero must make a Vigor roll at –4. If he Skill Chip U $3000 X 1x
succeeds, the implant is fine. If he fails, the Rating Rating
implant is rejected and ruined. The street doc may
or may not give refunds… Should a character want Trait Bonus U $10000 1
an implant removed, he can pay 25% of the Vision 1
implant’s cost to do so. Street docs will usually do $10000 1
it for free if they can keep the implant, but the
character must make a Vigor roll at –2 or be
Exhausted from the botched surgery for the next Adrenal Surge: The character’s adrenal gland has
two weeks. The Max amount of each type of been surgically augmented. He receives +2 to
Cyberware that can be installed is found in the recover from being Shaken. This stacks with the
Cyberware table. U means unlimited. Combat Reflexes Edge.

Armor: Subdermal plates or fibers have been

STRAIN placed beneath the character’s skin, granting him
+2 Armor all over. This Mod counts as a layer of
Cyberware is invasive. It necessarily replaces bone Armor for the purpose of Stacking.
and tissue and places electrical and biological
strain on the bearer’s mind and body (and perhaps Attribute Increase: Each time this implant is
his soul as well). Every piece of cyberware has a chosen, an attribute may be increased by a single
Strain rating. The amount of cyberware a character die step. This can not be used to exceed the
can place in his body is equal to his Vigor or Spirit Species Maxium. If an advance is used to later
die type, whichever is lower. This is called his raise the affected Attribute. This Cyberware stops
Maximum Strain. Once a character reaches his working until an upgrade can be applied to it. The
Maximum Strain in cyberware, his mind and body cost of the Upgrade is the difference between the
simply can’t handle any more stress or process any previous rating and the new rating.
further input. If additional Strain is incurred, the
user suffers a level of constant Fatigue equal to the Communicator: A small radio has been built into
amount he’s exceeded his maximum. No one can the character’s skull. It has a range of five miles
exceed their Max Strain by more than two points. and can communicate with standard radio
This Strain also makes them vulnerable to Ion equipment.

Cyberjack: Real hackers don’t use keyboards—they Skill Chip: Add or increase a single skills die type,
tap directly into the system via a datajack in their but no more than two die steps. Skill chips may be
head and “run the matrix.” This adds +4 to all swapped freely with no surgery. This is an action,
Hacking rolls. If the character fails such a roll but takes an entire round before the new skill is
anyway, the intense feedback causes a level of active. Chips carried separately are the size of
Fatigue that fades in one hour and can cause thumbnails and have no significant weight. This
Incapacitation but not death. If the system was can not be used to exceed the Species Maxium.
particularly powerful or well-protected, failure If an advance is used to later raise the affected
(including during a failed Dramatic Task) causes Skill. This Cyberware stops working until an
1d6 damage per Scale The System is above upgrade can be applied to it. The cost of the
Normal. Armor offers no protection from this Upgrade is the difference between the previous
damage. rating and the new rating.

Leg Enhancement: The character gains +2 Pace Trait Bonus: This represents a host of various
and increases his running die one step. He also devices that add a flat +1 bonus to any skill or
increases his jumping distances by 1”. Each time attribute (but only once per Trait). A targeting eye,
this is taken after the first increases Pace by +1. for example, might add +1 to Shooting. This stacks
with all other bonuses as usual.
Mule: The character’s skeleton has been
strengthened, increasing his Load Limit to 8× his Vision Enhancement: Cybernetic eyes grant
Strength. If he has the Brawny Edge as well, it magnification (50×), thermal, and low-light vision.
increases to 10× Strength. This adds +1 to appropriate sight-based Notice
rolls and eliminates illumination penalties if in the
appropriate mode. Changing modes is an action.

Modification System
No self-respecting bounty hunter uses off-the-rack If a piece of equipment does not have a listed
components, and after a few years in the field Minimum Strength requirement. Then use the
neither do most commandos. Anyone with Encumbrance Table on pg 67 of the core book and
extensive experience, from smugglers to customs the item's weight to determine the Minimum
agents to adventurers, knows they might live or Strength needed to use the item. To determine how
die by how well their gear works. Often, it's not many modification slots it has. (Anything above a
that you need a brand new piece of gear; you just d12 has 3 slots)
need the Equipment you have to work better.
That's where Equipment Upgrades come in; they
provide ways for you to get the most out of every GAINING UPGRADE SLOTS
kilogram you carry. Even if you don't strictly need You can gain more Upgrade Slots for a piece of
to upgrade your Equipment, having a unique Equipment by one of two methods. You can Strip it,
collection of tools and gadgets helps to build a removing some existing features, as detailed
reputation in a galaxy where it's best to get your below, or you can increase its Min Str die size.
foes to stand down without firing a shot. Unless a method of adding more Upgrade Slots
You can make a finite number of modifications to a specifies it can be applied more than once to a
piece of Equipment. There isn't room to add every particular piece of gear, it can't.
booster, reinforcement, and modification a fringer
might find useful on any piece of Equipment. To
represent these limits, every item has a number of
Upgrade Slots. Most Upgrades take up a single slot,
though a few particularly extensive modifications
might take two or even three (And a few don't
require any Upgrade Slots, representing relatively
minor modifications). If you don't have enough
slots for a given modification, you can't add it to
that piece of Equipment. You can't add
modifications beyond an item's available Upgrade
Slots, but you can gain more Upgrade Slots (See
Every piece of Equipment has a number of unused
Upgrade Slot that it starts out with. Based upon the
Minimum Strength to use the item. A d4-d6 item
has 1 slot, a d8 has 2, while d10-d12 items have 3
slots to start out with.

Stripping must reduce the capacity or utility of the Any piece of Equipment can gain an Upgrade Point
Equipment in a significant way; if it looks like by increasing its weight and doubling its cost. This
Stripping a piece of Equipment won't downgrade a has no effect on the Equipment's effectiveness.
game mechanical aspect of its function, you also (For example, an enlarged Sensor has the same
don't gain an Upgrade Slot. Each element that is Range and abilities despite now being larger and
Stripped adds one Upgrade Slot to that piece of heavier.) This represents both physically making
Equipment. Upgrade Slots can never be used to more room within the Equipment for an Upgrade,
install enhancements to an area that has been and using sturdier, larger components to prevent
Stripped: If you Strip the damage dice of a the stress of the new modification from damaging
Weapon, you can't use any of its Upgrade Slots to the Equipment. If Armor undergoes this process, it
gain a modification that improves its damage. doesn't change size but instead becomes one die
Stripping a piece of Equipment to add one Upgrade step heavier (Min Str d4 Armor becomes Min Str d6
Slot takes eight hours of work, requires a Armor, d6 would become d8 and so on). D12 min
successful Repair check, and has a cost equal to str. armor can't benefit from this option. No gear
50% of the base cost of the item being Stripped. can gain more than one Upgrade Slot by increasing
On a failed check the Stripping goes badly; the its size.
item ceases to work until fixed and it doesn't gain
the additional Upgrade Slot. It takes 1 additional
hour of work and the same cost before another INSTALLING UPGRADES
Repair check can be made to fix the problem. Once Installing an Upgrade can take anywhere from a
a successful check is made, the Equipment returns few minutes of work to a week of frustrating
to functioning, and the Upgrade Slot is gained. If machining and retooling in an overheated
any attempt results in a Critical Failure then the workshop. The amount of time depends on the
item is not simply non-functioning until fixed, but number of Upgrade Points required and the quality
instead is completely destroyed. of the Upgrade (Commercially Bought or Scratch-
A Scratch-Built Upgrade costs twice as much as a
STRIPPING WEAPONS Commercially Bought Upgrade. After the time listed
•Damage: Reduce the damage dice dealt by one in the table below, make a Repair check . On a
step. The number of dice does not change, just success, the Upgrade is installed and functioning
their size. Change d12s to d10s, d10s to d8s, d8s properly. On a failure, the Upgrade doesn't work
to d6s, d6s to d4s, d4’s can not be reduced.. For properly; you may attempt the Repair check again,
example, a Weapon that deals Damage of 3d10 but each retry requires the same amount of time
damage would have its damage reduced to 3d8 and costs half as much as the original attempt.
damage. Removing an Upgrade requires the same amount
•Range: Reduce a Ranged Weapon's Range by one of time. On a failure, the Upgrade has been
step. This is done by making the mid range the deactivated but not removed; you may attempt the
long range, the short range becomes the mid Repair check again (Which requires the same
range, then divide that number in half to
determine the new Short range. For example, a amount of time) On a Critical Failure the upgrade is
weapon with 50/100/200 would have its range destroyed. If you don't care about removing the
become 25/50/100 Upgrade intact, reduce the time required to the
•Stun Setting: A Weapon with a Stun Setting can next lowest increment (For example, from 1 day to
have that function Stripped to gain one Upgrade 1 hour, or 1 hour to 10 minutes), but the Upgrade
Slot. is automatically destroyed on a failed check. Once
•AP: For every 2 points of AP removed you can the Upgrade is successfully removed (Or
also gain 1 Modification Slot as well destroyed), the Upgrade Slot that was occupied
•ROF: Weapons with ROF higher than 1 can be becomes available again.
Stripped to just having a Single-Shot fire mode.
•Defensive Material: Armor can have sections of POINTS
Defensive Material Stripped, lowering its Armor
bonus to Toughness by 1 point (Minimum of 0). 0 10 Minutes 1 Hour
•Joint Protection: Armor normally uses more
fragile, more expensive materials to cover its 1 1 Hour 1 Day (8 Hours)
joints, frequently with extensive bracing to transfer
the impact of an attack to stronger sections of the
Armor. Armor can be rebuilt to use standard, heavy 2 or More 1 Day (8 Hours) 1 Week (5 Days)
materials everywhere and remove the bracing to
make room for another Upgrade Slot. This doubles
the weight.

UNIVERSAL UPGRADES Cloaked: Cloaked Equipment has its energy
signatures baffled, any noises it makes muffled, its
Universal Upgrades can be used on a wide range of appearance camouflaged and slenderized, and it
gear. Most Universal Upgrades can be applied to comes with a case that allows it to be placed in an
any type of Equipment, though some have inconspicuous location. When not in use, such
limitations or special rules when applied to Armor Equipment imposes a -4 penalty on any Notice or
or Weapons. Electronics check made to detect it. When in use, it
Avaliability of Universal Upgrades depends on the imposes only a -2 penalty on such checks as the
item they are applied to as it is assumed if your equipment is running during use. Weapons are
licensed to have the item, your also licensed to obvious when in use, even if Cloaked. Cloaked
modify it. Armor does not help with Stealth checks made to
Sneak, but it applies when you make a check Such
UNIVERSAL UPGRADES TABLE as making the Armor appear as ordinary clothing.
UPGRADE COST UPGRADE Dual Gear: One piece of Equipment can be built
POINTS into another as an Upgrade, but it is impossible to
Cheater $500 1 place a larger piece of gear into a smaller piece-
Cloaked you can't cram a Blaster Cannon into a Lightsaber.
$750 1
Dual Gear can act as either piece of component
Dual Gear $1000 1 gear without penalty. For example, a Glow Rod that
has been Upgraded to include a Hold-Out Blaster
Electrograpple Handle $1000 1 Pistol can illuminate or shoot, as the user desires.
Environmental Sealing Normally, such Equipment can't act as both pieces
$400 1
of Equipment at once. You must pay the full price
Extra Power Source $200 1 for the piece of Equipment being added to the
primary object as Dual Gear. If either piece of
Memory Upgrade $4000 1 Equipment requires a Power Pack or other energy
Advanced Memory Upgrade source, it must have its own (Items combined with
$16000 2
this modification cannot share Power Packs or
Miniaturized $500 2 other energy sources).
Recognition System $200 2 Electrograpple Handle: An Electrograpple Handle is
a magnetized section of Equipment designed to fly
Remote Activation $100 2
toward a specifically attuned Grapple Gauntlet (The
Secret Compartment cost of which is included in the Upgrade cost). A
$600 2
piece of Equipment with an Electrograpple Handle
Silverplate $2500 1 can be retrieved by a character wearing the
attuned Grapple Gauntlet as an Action out to a
Spring Loaded $300 1
range of 6’. If the Equipment is held or strapped
Storage Capacity down, the Grapple Gauntlet allows a Strength
$100 1
check with a +2 bonus to rip it free. This is an
opposed Strength check (To remove it from
someone holding it) or against the Toughness of
Cheater: A Cheater is a hand-held device designed the straps restraining it. This is most often used on
to allow you to cheat at the popular Gambling a Weapon. This allows a character to throw a
game of Sabacc. Because they are Illegal (And Weapon down to "Prove" they are disarmed, only to
likely to get you killed to boot), Cheaters usually retrieve it at range when trouble starts.
are disguised and added to another piece of
functional Equipment. While you use a Cheater, Environmental Sealing: Environmental Sealing
you gain a +2 Equipment bonus on the Gambling places gaskets, protective coatings, nonreactive
check made to determine the outcome. You have materials, and airtight seals throughout a piece of
to make a Thievery check opposed by any Equipment to ensure that it does not fail because
observers' Perception checks to conceal the use of of environmental conditions. The Equipment works
a Cheater, but you gain a bonus on your check normally in a Vacuum, underwater, after being
determined by the object's size. (Generally, packed in dirt or sand, or in a snowstorm. It does
Cheaters are placed in devices such as Credit not take damage from Atmospheric Hazards,
Chips or Comlinks, to conceal their use.) However, Extreme Temperatures, normal Fires, or Radiation.
if anyone ever beats your Gambling check in a
Sabacc game With a Raise, that person realizes
you must be cheating somehow (Though they
won't know exactly how- often leading to a
demand for a search of your possessions).
A Cheater installed into a rigged Sabacc Card is
called a Skifter.

Extra Power Source: Any Equipment that runs on Remote Activation: This Upgrade allows a piece of
Energy Cells or Power Packs can be modified to Equipment to be activated with a signal from a
have two such power sources, doubling the Comlink or similar Communications Device.
duration the device will function (Or the number of Although typically associated with Explosives or
shots a Weapon can make before being recharged). Security Systems, Remote Activation can be used
It's possible to make this modification more than to set a Droid to activate, a Fusion Lantern to flare
once, adding an additional Energy Cell or Power to life, a computer to start running a program, or a
Pack each time. The Energy Cells or Power Packs holoprojector to begin a recorded holoprojection.
are typical for the device Upgraded, and each is Activating a remote is an Action, which includes
replaced at the normal cost. entering the special command code (Allowing a
single Comlink to activate multiple pieces of
Memory Upgrade: Any device that has a Smarts Remote Activation gear, one Action per item
score (Such as a Portable Computer) can have its activated). The range of Remote Activation is
Memory Upgraded, improving its performance and determined by the Comlink or other
storage capacity. The basic Memory Upgrade Communications Device used. Any Comlink can be
increases the device's Smarts by +2 and doubles used to activate the gear, sending a signal with a
the device's storage capacity. Unless otherwise specific code along a specific frequency. A
specified, an unmodified computer holds a number character aware of a piece of remotely activated
of memory units equal to 5 x half of the computer's gear can find the necessary frequency and
Smarts die. (A single memory unit holds the same activation code with an Electronics check -6.
amount of data as a Recording Unit, and 10
memory units are enough to hold coordinates for a Secret Compartment: Like Storage Capacity, this
single hyperspace jump.) The Memory Upgrade Upgrade allows gear to carry smaller gear within it.
cannot be installed on Droids. However, the gear carried in a Secret
Compartment is concealed. It takes a -6 Notice
Memory Upgrade, Advanced: Any device that has a check to spot the compartment when it is used,
Smarts score (Such as a Portable Computer) can and a -4 Notice check to find it with a close, hands-
have its Memory Upgraded, improving its on examination. Equipment with a Secret
performance and storage capacity. The Advanced Compartment can hold a single item that is at most
Memory Upgrade increases the device's Smarts by half the weight of the Equipment itself. Thus, a
1 die level and multiplies the device's storage Blaster Pistol that weighs 2lbs with a Secret
capacity by 5. Unless otherwise specified, an Compartment can hold an object of 1lb or less
unmodified computer holds a number of memory Such as a Comlink
units equal to 5 x half of the computer's Smarts .
die. (A single memory unit holds the same amount Silverplate: Silverplate is a special chroming
of data as a Recording Unit, and 10 memory units process that adds a layer of tough composite
are enough to hold coordinates for a single material (Often Dallorian Alloy) across the surface
hyperspace jump.) The Advanced Memory Upgrade of any piece of gear. In addition to looking stylish,
cannot be installed on Droids. this gives the gear +2 Toughness against attempts
to break them. Armor with Silverplate does not
Miniaturized: Equipment with the Miniaturized grant its +2 to its wearer, but does gain it against
Upgrade weigh half as much. A Melee Weapon that attacks directed specifically at the Armor to break
is Miniaturized has its damage dice reduced by one it.
step (d6s become d4s, d4s become d4-2) because
it lacks the mass and striking surface area to deal Spring-Loaded: Any Equipment that can be held
more damage. and used in one hand can be Spring-Loaded.
Readying a Spring-Loaded piece of Equipment does
Recognition System: Equipment with a Recognition not count against the two ready Actions you can
System can identify it's owner and won't function take per round. It is most common for Pistols to be
for anyone else. Fooling a Recognition System Spring-Loaded, but anything from Grenades to
takes 1 minute and an Electronics check at -6 . The Datapads can use this Upgrade.
owner of gear with this Upgrade can deactivate it
as a Free Action (Before passing a Weapon to an Storage Capacity: This Upgrade allows gear to
unarmed ally, for example); optionally, the carry smaller gear within or on it, in an obvious
Recognition System can have a code phrase that compartment. Equipment with the Storage
allows anyone to activate it. Capacity Upgrade can hold multiple items, as long
as their total weight is less than the Equipment
with Storage Capacity. So a Flak Jacket that weighs
10 lbs can hold any number of objects equaling up
to 10lbs total (either in pockets or attached by
straps) without increasing the weight of the base
equipment itself.

WEAPON UPGRADES Bayonet Ring: A Bayonet Ring is a simple upgrade
added to a melee weapon. Once upgraded, the
The following Upgrades are designed specifically weapon can be mounted on a specific type of
for Weapons. Some apply to any Weapon, while ranged weapon. The type of ranged weapon must
others apply only to specific Weapons (Detailed in be chosen at the time you install the upgrade; the
the Upgrade description). A few, such as weapon must be usable by a Normal sized
Neutronium Reinforcement, can be applied to non- character, and it cannot require a Bipod or other
weapon Equipment, but they rarely provide enough mount for any normal operation (Such as a Heavy
of a bonus to be worthwhile. Repeating Blaster). The most common combination
Avaliability of Weapon Upgrades depends on the is placing a Vibrodagger on a Blaster Rifle, but
Weapon they are applied to as it is assumed if your other combinations are possible as well (Such as a
licensed to have the Weapon, your also licensed to Stun Baton mounted onto a Grenade Launcher, a
modify it. combination preferred for riot control). While the
upgraded melee weapon is mounted on its ranged
WEAPON UPGRADE TABLE weapon, the minimum Strength to use it is
increased by one die type, and it must be wielded
UPGRADE COST UPGRADE POINTS in two hands. In addition, the melee weapon's
damage dice increase by one step: d4s to d6s, d6s
Bayonet Ring 100% of Weapon 0 to d8s. Both the melee weapon with the Bayonet
Cost Ring Weapon Upgrade and the ranged weapon can
Bipod $100 0 be used separately; mounting or removing the
upgraded melee weapon requires an Action.
Computerized $2000 0
Interface Scope Bipod: A Bipod is an attached two-legged stand
Double Trigger that steadies the barrel of a Rifle or Heavy
$800 0
Weapon. Preparing a Bipod for use is an Action,
Durasteel and you cannot prepare a Bipod unless you are
$2000 1
either Prone or adjacent to low objects (Or other
waist- to chest-height Cover) that are between you
Flash Suppressor / $400 0 and your target. If you move, you cannot use the
Silencer Bipod until you prepare it again. A Bipod Negates
Improved Energy Recoil and Min Str penalties. A Bipod adds 20% to
$4000 1
the weight of the Weapon (Minimum 1 lb).
Ion Charger $3000 1 Computerized Interface Scope: This item is a small
electrobinocular device, mounted onto a Weapon,
Missile Load $250 1
that projects a targeting image onto a monocle or
Neutronium helmet display worn by the wielder. Additionally,
$3000 1
the computer image projected by the scope can be
displayed on a Datapad or transmitted by Comlink
Overload Switch $250 1 to a remote location, allowing others to see what
the wielder sees. The device is otherwise
Pulse Charger $2000 1 mechanically identical to a Targeting Scope
(Standard) and does not stack with a Targeting
Rangefinder $200 1 Scope or with any other device that does not stack
Rapid Recycler with a Targeting Scope.
$500 1

Slinker Double Trigger: A Weapon with a Double Trigger

$1000 1
treats one trigger as a "Safety," with the second
Sniper Switch $500 0 trigger being a Hair Trigger that fires when the
slightest pressure is applied to it. Weapons of this
Targeting Scope, $1000 0 type can be extremely accurate, since only a small
Enhanced amount of pressure is needed to fire them
Targeting Scope, $100 0 (Reducing the chance of moving the Weapon
Standard slightly while pulling the trigger), but this takes
time and training. they gain a +4 bonus on attack
Tripod $200 0
rolls if they Aim with a Weapon that has the Double
Trigger Weapon Upgrade (Rather than the normal
+2 bonus provided by Aiming).

Durasteel Bonding: The Durasteel Bonding Weapon Overload Switch: An Overload Switch allows any
Accessory coats a Melee Weapon with a thin layer Energy Weapon to build a feedback loop that
of Durasteel, making it more resistant to damage causes it to explode. When activated as an Action,
and ensuring that it retains its keen edge over the Weapon becomes an Improvised Thrown
time. A weapon with Durasteel Bonding gains AP2 Weapon (with a range from pg 102 core book). A
(This Weapon Accessory can only be placed on a Weapon whose size is two or more steps greater
weapon that doesn’t already have AP.) than yours (Such as a Human using an E-Web
Repeating Blaster) cannot be Thrown, so it will
Flash Suppressor/Silencer: The Merr-Sonn Nonsonic instead detonate at the end of your turn. The
is a typical example of a Flash Suppressor/Silencer. overloaded Weapon deals Energy damage equal to
Fitting over the muzzle of any Small or larger double its normal damage dice; for example, an
Slugthrower, this device reduces both the sound overloaded Blaster Pistol (2d6) deals 4d6 points of
and the muzzle flash when the weapon is fired. A Energy damage. Once the Overload Switch is used,
Flash Suppressor/Silencer imposes a -4 penalty to the Weapon is destroyed. This modification cannot
Notice checks to discern the sound or spot the be added to Grenades, Mines, or other Explosives.
flash of an equipped Slugthrower. It reduces the
maximum Range of the weapon by one range Pulse Charger: Any Blaster Weapon can be fitted
increment. with a Pulse Charger. A Pulse Charger forces more
power into the blast chamber, producing more
Improved Energy Cell: A modification made only to powerful shots at the expense of lost accuracy. This
Pistols, Rifles, Heavy Weapons, that require a Upgrade causes a -1 penalty on all attack rolls with
Power Pack, the Improved Energy Cell accessory the Weapon, but the Weapon deals +1 point of
increases the efficiency of the energy flow between damage per die. For example a weapon that does
a Power Pack and the weapon’s firing mechanism. 3d6 would now do 3d6+3
A weapon with the Improved Energy Cell
modification doubles the number of shots it can Rangefinder: Any Ranged Weapon can have a
fire on a single Power Pack. Rangefinder built into it. Such a Weapon gets a +1
when used to attack a target at Short Range. The
Ion Charger: An Ion Charger encases a Melee benefits do not stack with those of Targeting
Weapon in a light Ion field that flares to full Scopes. (However, a Weapon can have both a
strength anytime the Weapon strikes something. Rangefinder and a Targeting Scope, using the latter
This causes the Melee Weapon to deal +2 Ion only when Aiming at targets at Medium or Long
damage in addition to its normal Melee Damage. Range.)
Ion Chargers are common on Vibroblades, and are
often referred to as an "Ionite Edge." Any Rapid Recycler: A Rapid Recycler allows a Blaster
Cybernetically Enhanced person struck by an Ionite Weapon with a ROF of 1 to be able to switch to a
Edged weapon with a result of at least shaken is ROF 3 Switching between the two firing modes is
also Distracted until the end of their next turn. an Action.

Missile Load: A Grenade's charge can be converted Slinker: Only slugthrowers and missile weapons can
into a missile warhead. Once turned into a missile, be Upgraded as Slinkers. Once a Weapon is made a
the device cannot be Thrown as a Grenade. The Slinker, it can no longer fire normal ammunition
primary advantages of Missile Loads are their (And Slinker ammunition costs twice the normal
greater effect and Range when fired from a Missile price). Slinkers are equipped with simple sensors
Launcher. Increase the total amount of damage and battle computers, and programmed to fly
dice of the original Grenade by 1 when converted around obstacles or even around corners to strike a
to a Missile Load. For example, an Energy Ball target. If a Slinker is fired at a target with Cover
would change from a 2d8 to a 3d8 , and a (But not Total Cover), It reduces the Cover
Fragmentation Grenade would change from a 3d6 Penalties by 2.
to a 4d6.
Sniper Switch: A Sniper Switch allows a Weapon
Neutronium Reinforcement: Neutronium is a heavy, that can be normally fired only in Autofire mode
neutron-rich metallic alloy used to make Armor and (Such as an E-Web Repeating Blaster) to be used in
reinforce Starships. It can also be used to harden Single-Fire mode. However, the Weapon no longer
and sharpen the striking or cutting surface of has reduced Autofire penalties when Braced
Melee Weapons other than Lightsabers. Any Melee because it is no longer an Autofire-only Weapon.
Weapon given Neutronium Reinforcement gains a Switching between the two firing modes is an
+1 to their damage. Action.

Targeting Scope (Enhanced low-light): A Targeting
Scope (Enhanced Low-Light) functions the same as
a Targeting Scope (Standard) in normal light.
However, after Aiming at a target, it allows the
wielder to ignore penalties for Dim or Dark
illumination (But not Pitch Darkness) when
attacking that target.

Targeting Scope (Standard): A Targeting Scope is a

sighting device that makes it easier to hit distant
targets. However, it affords a very limited field of
view, making it difficult to use. Installing a
Targeting Scope on a rifle or pistol requires 10
minutes, and a Successful Repair check A Targeting
Scope (Standard) reduces the Range by one
category (For example, from Medium to Short
Range for the purpose of penalties applied to the
shooting roll). However, you must Aim at your
target to gain this benefit, and you lose the benefit
if you change targets or lose line of sight to your

Tripod: A Tripod is an attached three-legged stand

that facilitates the use of some Rifles and Heavy
Weapons. A Tripod carries with it a set-up time of 4
Actions. This process can be lessened to 2 Actions
with the assistance of a second character. A Tripod
counts as a mount for any Weapon that requires it
(Such as a Heavy Repeating Blaster or E-Web
Repeating Blaster). In the case of Autofire-only
Weapons that require a mount. While mounted on
the Tripod, the Weapon is considered immobile.
Negates Recoil and Min Str penalties.

Due to the Miniaturized nature of the Electronics
involved in the Hilt and the need to attune the
Crystals to function properly. All Empty Lightsabers
Mod Slots have mini mod slots. These Mini Slot
holds a number of miniature mods equal to the Min
Str number of the saber itself.
For example a Saber with a d4 Min Str has 4 mini
slots for mini-mods. These Mini Mods are Found in
the Lightsaber Crystal and the Lightsaber Hilt
Tables. They may be combined in any combination
that does not exceed the number of Mini-Slots.
These count as a single Mod for the purpose of
filling any empty Mod Slot on the Melee Weapon.
All Upgrades performed to a Lightsaber require a
Repair Roll -2, followed by an Electronics Roll -2,
then a Use the Force Roll -2. All three rolls must be
successful or the device is rendered unusable for
at least 24 hours. At which time another attempt
may be made. If during any roll a Critical Failure
occurs the Crystal is Destroyed and a new one
must be obtained before the Lightsaber can be
Avaliability of Lightsaber upgrades are usually
Rare, Due to them generally having to be built
specifically for the Lightsaber they are upgrading.

Ankarres Sapphire 1 $5000 Blue Improves healing Skill +1 while wielding the Lightsaber

Barab Ingot 1 $1000 Varies Lightsaber may catch things on Fire when dealing
damage (pg 127 SWADE)

Bondar Crystal 0 $500 Varies Practice Lightsaber does not deal damage on a
successful hit, Vigot -2 to resist being stunned
Compressed Crystal 2 $2500 Varies +2 to Damage

Corusca Gem 1 $1000 Varies +1 die of damage against a target with Arcane
Dragite Crystal 2 $3000 Varies +1 die of damage when the Action Card is a Joker
Durindfire Crystal 0 $500 Silver Casts a glow when activated, as bright as a Fusion
Firkraan Crystal 0 $200 Varies Lightsaber deals Ion damage instead of normal
Force Imbued Ilum 3 $4000 Varies If Action Card is a Joker recover up to 5 spent Power
Crystal Points
Heart of the Guardian 2 $4000 Orange +2 on attack rolls against Lightsaber-wielders

Hurikane Crystal 2 $1750 Blue or Violet +2 on attack rolls against targets in Armor
Ilum Crystal 1 $1500 Blue or Green +1 on attack rolls
Jenraux Crystal 2 $2000 Varies +1 to Toughness
Kaiburr Crystal Shard 3 $3000 Crimson Increases Force Point Die Type when attacking with
Force Powers

Kasha Crystal 2 $600 Varies +1 to Athletics (but not related Skills)

Kathracite Crystal 1 $500 Varies Reduces the weapon's damage die by one step ; +1 on
attack rolls
Krayt Dragon Pearl 1 $2000 Varies +1 to Damage Rolls

Lambent Crystal 2 $4000 Varies Ignore Arcane Resistance, but not Improved Arcane

Mantle of the Force 3 $3500 Cyan +2 to activate Force Powers that effect only you

Mephite Crystal 2 $2500 Varies +2 on attack rolls

Phond Crystal 2 $2000 Varies +1 to Vigor (but not the related Skills)

Pontite Crystal 2 $1500 Blue or Green +1 to Persuasion

Rubat Crystal 1 $2000 Varies +1 to Spirit (but not the related Skills)

Sigil Crystal 2 $3000 Varies +2 on Damage Rolls

Solari Crystal 2 $2000 Varies +2 to redirect failed ranged attacks

Synthetic Crystal 2 $1500 Red or Varies +1 to Intimidation

Unstable Crystal 2 $2750 Red or Varies +1 die to damage on a Joker ; Deactivates whenever a
1 is rolled on the Skill Die


Beckon Call 1 $100 Can summon a Vehicle using a Slave Circuit

Blade Lock 1 $150 Locks the blade on, so it does not turn off when thrown or if dropped

Concealed 2 $300 A secret compartment that can store a single object that weighs
Compartment under 1 lb (GM's Call)

Electrum Detail 1 $400 A symbol of rank and skill, similar to a badge of honor

Fiber Cord 0 $50 A Cord is attached to the end of the Lightsaber, Attempts to Disarm
are -2
Force Activated 2 $200 Lightsaber can only be activated by someone with the Force
Sensitive Edge

Interlocking Hilt 2 $250 Allows a single-bladed Lightsaber to attach to another Lightsaber

that also has this Upgrade

Pressure Grip 1 $500 Lightsaber automatically disables itself when not being held

Trapped Grip 3 $1000 Booby-traps the Lightsaber with a hidden stun mechanisim (2d6),
can be deactivated with a hidden knob or button
Waterproof Casing 2 $750 Lightsaber can function normally while underwater

Armor Upgrades are designed specifically for
personal Armors. Popular with bounty hunters and
infiltrators, they allow Armor to be more than a UPGRADE COST POINTS
protective item. Many individuals use their Armor
as a walking collection of gadgets and gizmos to Aquatic Adaption $500 1
avoid detection, process data, or escape combat.
Like most Equipment, all Armors have a number of Armorplast $900 0
Upgrade Slots. This often makes these heavier,
slower Armors appealing to mercenaries and Armor Reinforcement
hunters as mobile Equipment platforms, even if a $3000 1
lighter Armor might not weigh them down as
much. Climbing Claws $200 1
Avaliability of Armor upgrades depends on the
Armor they are applied to as it is assumed if your Cortosis Fiber $6000 1
licensed to have the armor, your also licensed to
modify it. Diagnostics System $500 1
Aquatic Adaptation: This Upgrade seals your Armor
against the pressure of deep ocean travel, allows Environmental Systems $600 1
you to filter breathable air out of water indefinitely,
and uses fins and small jets to allow swift and easy Helmet Package $4000 0
motion through liquids. When wearing this Armor,
you gain a swim speed equal to one-half your Pace Internal Generator
and can breathe in water. $1000 1

Jump Servos $100 1

Armorplast: This Upgrades the standard Durasteel
or other defensive plates of Armor with high-
strength Armorplast or a similar lightweight, high- Mesh Underlay $2500 2
cost material. This reduces the weight of the Armor
by 50%. Powered Exoskeleton $4000 2

Armor Reinforcement: The Armor Reinforcement

Radiation Shielding $400 1
Armor Accessory increases Armor's ability to
harmlessly deflect incoming attacks by coating the
interior of the Armor with tough materials, adding Rangefinder $500 1
an extra layer of defense. Reinforced Armor
increases the armor +1 and adds 2 pounds. Ready Harness $500 1

Climbing Claws: retractable spikes worked into the Reflec Shadowskin

arms and legs of a suit of Armor. When wearing $20000 1
this Armor, you gain a Climb Speed equal to half
your Repulsorlift Unit $1000 1
walking Pace
Shadowskin $5000 1
Cortosis Fiber: A rare fiber that when woven into a
suit of armor adds a -6 to AP against Lightsabers Shield Generator
(This Mod can not be added to any armor that $10000 3
already grants a penalty to AP). As such it can only
be added once to any armor that is able to receive Shockweb $6000 1
this mod. If attacked by a Lightsaber and the
attacker rolls a 1 on their Skill Die their Lightsaber Vacuum Seals, Standard $2000 1
Shorts Out. This Shorting out happens after the
result and damage (if any) from the attack is Vacuum Seals, Improved
determined but before further attacks occur. It $5000 2

lasts until the end of the Attackers next turn Weapon Moint, Standard $1000 1

Diagnostics System: A Diagnostics System is a Weapon Mount, Concealed $3000 1

series of sensors and simple computers that
monitor both the armor and its wearer. Anyone
making a Repair check on the armor or a Healing Whistling Birds $1000 1
check on its wearer gains a +1 Equipment bonus
from the Diagnostics System. White-Noise Anti-Static $2000 1

Environmental Systems: These systems come in Powered Exoskeleton: Much like the Corellian
two varieties: Cold-Weather Systems and Warm- Powersuit, other Armors may be Upgraded to
Weather Systems. It is possible to install both in include a Powered Exoskeleton that enhances the
the same suit of Armor, but doing so counts as two physical strength of the wearer. Because of the
separate Upgrades. An Environmental System weight and energy required, only a suit of Non-
makes you immune to the effects of Extreme Cold Powered Heavy Armor can have the Powered
or Extreme Heat, as appropriate. Exoskeleton Upgrade. A Powered Exoskeleton
operates for 20 rounds on a standard Energy Cell.
Helmet Package: When installed in the helmet of a (This armor must have the Internal Generator
suit of Armor, this electronic package allows the Upgrade also) Turning a Powered Exoskeleton on or
Armor to grant the wearer a +1 Equipment bonus off is an Action. When active, the Powered
on Notice checks as well as Low-Light Vision. In Exoskeleton gives the wearer a +2 Equipment
addition, it includes an integrated hands-free bonus to their Athletics. A Powered Exoskeleton
Comlink. Installing the Helmet Package takes 1 adds 5 lbs to the weight of the Armor. Each use
hour, and a Repair check at -4. (Even if not for the full 20 minutes uses up one
energy cell)
Internal Generator: A miniaturized version of a
Power Generator, an Internal Generator can Radiation Shielding: This is necessarily heavy and
provide continuous power for different Upgrades on bulky. Only a suit of Medium Armor or Heavy Armor
a suit of Armor, including any Integrated can be modified with Radiation Shielding, and it
Equipment. The Internal Generator can be increases the Armor's weight by 10 lbs. The
activated or deactivated as an Action. As long as Radiation Shielding removes the need to make
it's active, an Internal Generator can Vigor checks when dealing with a Radiation from a
simultaneously power up to ten different devices hazardous situation.
that have negligible power requirements (Anything
without a listed duration). For devices with specific Rangefinder: A Rangefinder built into a suit of
power requirements, an Internal Generator can Armor works like a Weapon Rangefinder, but it
store four units of energy (Each the equivalent of applies only to ranged attacks made by Weapons
an Energy Cell, Power Pack or built into the Armor on a Weapon Mount. Its
20 rounds of power from a Power Generator), and it benefits apply to other Ranged Weapons only if you
automatically recharges one such unit every hour. Aim immediately before making the attack.
A suit of Armor can receive this Upgrade multiple
times if more energy capacity is needed, but each Ready Harness: A Ready Harness is a series of
Internal Generator adds 10 lbs to the weight of the hooks, straps, and clips distributed around the
Armor. The biggest drawback to an Internal Armor, designed to make Equipment easily
Generator is its energy signature. If the Internal accessible and to settle its weight more
Generator powers anything but devices with comfortably on the wearer's frame. A Ready
negligible power requirements, any character Harness can hold any combination of items
attempting to detect the wearer with a Sensor Pack equaling 20 lbs. The weight of Equipment in the
or Vehicle Sensors gains a +4 circumstance bonus Ready Harness is halved for purposes of
on the Electronics check. determining your Encumbrance, and such
Equipment can be retrieved or replaced as a Ready
Jump Servos: a repulsorlift-aided system that Action, this does not increase the amount of Ready
assists in making long jumps. When wearing Armor Actions you can take.
with this Upgrade, you treat all jumps as Running
Jumps. Additionally, you can reroll a failed Jump Reflec Shadowskin: A more advanced version of
check (Keeping the better of the two results). Shadowskin uses the material Reflec, which was
developed by the Grand Army of the Republic and
Mesh Underlay: The Mesh Underlay Armor later used by various Imperial special forces units.
Accessory helps channel certain types of energy Reflec is more effective but also more expensive
away from the wearer's body, reducing the than normal Shadowskin. A suit of Armor with
effectiveness of a potentially devastating blow. A Reflec Shadowskin adds a +4 Equipment bonus on
character wearing a suit of Armor with the Mesh its wearer's Stealth checks.
Underlay Armor Accessory gains a +4 Equipment
bonus to their Vigor Roll against being Stunned by Repulsorlift Unit: This Upgrade takes the same kind
an energy weapon. of hover repulsorlifts used by Droids and modifies
them to allow the Armor to float up to 1 foot off the
ground. The wearer can activate or deactivate the
Repulsorlift as an Action. While the Repulsorlift is
operating, the wearer ignores the effects of
Difficult Ground and takes half damage from Falling
Damage. A Repulsorlift operates for 10 rounds on a
single Energy Cell.

Shadowskin: A matte black finish of light- and Weapon Mounts: Weapon Mounts allow Weapons to
sensor- absorbing material, a Shadowskin turns be added more efficiently. A two-handed Weapon
any Armor coated with it into a stealth suit. requires 2 Weapon Mounts, a one-handed Weapon
Normally coupled with a Sound Dampener requires 1 Weapon Mount. This Upgrade does not
(Included in this modification cost), it is difficult to include the cost of the Weapons to be mounted.
see, hear, or detect the Armor with sensors. Armor Such Weapons are modified only for mount use,
with Shadowskin grants a +2 Equipment bonus on and can't be fired as hand-held Weapons. It takes
all Stealth checks made by the wearer. 10 minutes and a Repair check to change Weapons
in a Weapon Mount. A Mounted Weapon cannot be
Shield Generator: A deflector Shield Generator can Disarmed, and it need not be drawn to be used but
be built into a suit of Medium Armor or Heavy it does still suffer from MAP as per usual. Weapons
Armor. Due to their bulk and power requirements, in mounts are obvious unless the Weapon Mount is
it is not possible to install more than one Shield Concealed, in which case it takes a Notice check -4
Generator into a suit of Armor. The Armor must to spot the Weapon when not in use.
have the Internal Generator Mod installed also.
When Activated the shield uses all 4 energy cells to Whistling Birds:
function for up to 20 rounds or until it takes a Range: Smarts x2
Wound after which it shuts down until recharged. Cost: $1,000/ 2 shots
The Internal Generator must recharge all of its cells Each use of Whistling Birds launches a barrage of
before the shield can be used again. small explosive darts. The area of effect is a MBT.
Turning a Shield Generator on or off is an Action Every selected target within the area suffers 2d6
that must be declared. The user is protected by an damage, 3d6 with a raise.
ablative energy field that gives them one Notes: They may not be reloaded during combat.
additional Wound. Shield Wounds are lost before This is an Area Effect Attack, using Shooting. If a
Wounds are taken. A Shield never suffers more Deviation occurs everyone within the MBT is
than one Wound from a single hit, but damage that affected.
causes a Wound to the shield may not be Soaked. Requires: 1 mod slot to be mounted.
Shutting the Shield down early does not prevent
the need to recharge it, The energy is used up no White-Noise System: The White-Noise System, as it
matter the duration or if it takes a Wound. came to be known, was used by the commandos of
the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone
Shockweb: A Shockweb is a powerful electrified Wars. This device, when incorporated into armor,
stun field that can encase the entire surface of the allows the electrical systems in the armor to suffer
Armor, It must be linked with an Internal Generator. minimal effects to electrostatic charges. With this
It takes one Energy Cell to function for up to 20 system installed, the armor and therefore all
rounds or until it delivers a single charge after electronic devices installed within the armor are
which it shuts down; it may be reactivated on the immune to the effects of EMP Grenades or Ion
user's turn as an action as long as he has Weapons. However, the wearer suffers a -2 penalty
remaining energy cells. Turning the Shockweb on to all attack rolls and Notice checks for the
or off is an Action That must be declared. While the remainder of the round after being hit by such a
Shockweb is active, any time you are the target of weapon.
a successful melee attack, or Grapple attack, the
attacker takes 2d4 electrical damage. The energy
cell is used up no matter the duration or if it
delivers a shock.

Vacuum Seals: Any Armor can be Upgraded with

Vacuum Seals, which include airtight gaskets
around all joints and simple Life Support
Equipment that adds 2 lbs of weight. This allows
the Armor's wearer to survive for 10 hours in the
Vacuum of space or any other hostile environment.
Medium Armor and Heavy Armor can instead
Upgrade themselves with Improved Vacuum Seals,
which includes enough Life Support to last up to 24
hours, and adds 10 lbs of weight.

No Vehicle owner can resist tinkering with his ship You can gain more Upgrade Points for a Vehicle by
for long. Anyone with extensive experience, from Stripping it, reducing its Speed, or by Upscaling.
smugglers to customs agents to adventurers, Stripping: Removing an Upgrade requires the same
knows they might live or die by how well their Ship amount of time as installing. On a failure, the
gets from point A to Point B. That's where Vehicle Upgrade has been deactivated but not removed;
Upgrades come in; they provide ways for you to you may attempt the Repair check again (Which
get the most out of every inch of space available. requires the same amount of time). On a Critical
Even if you don't strictly need to upgrade your Failure the upgrade is destroyed. You can reduce
Vehicle, having a unique collection of tools and the time required to remove an Upgrade by one
gadgets helps to build a reputation in a galaxy increment, but the Upgrade is automatically
where it's best to get your foes to stand down destroyed on a failed check. Once the Upgrade is
without firing a shot. You can make a finite number successfully removed (Or destroyed), the Upgrade
of modifications to a Vehicle. There isn't room to Slot that was occupied becomes available again.
add every booster, reinforcement, and modification Speed Reduction: The ship trades power and speed
a Pilot might find useful on any piece of Vehicle. To for additional room. Each time this is taken, reduce
represent these limits, every Vehicle has a number VS by 2 and SS by 1 each to gain an extra mod
of Modification Points. Most Upgrades take up a Point, or you can increase its size.
single Point, though a few particularly extensive Upscaling: Increasing its size costs $ 5K x current
modifications might take two or even three (And a Size. This May Affect Vehicle Handling. If increasing
few don't require any Upgrade Points, representing its size moves it up to a new bracket. Adjust the
relatively minor modifications). If you don't have ships handling to the new modifier found in the
enough Points for a given modification, you can't table.
add it to that Vehicle. You can't add modifications UPGRADE TIME TABLE
beyond a Vehicles available Upgrade Points, but
you can gain more Upgrade Points. Every Vehicle UPGRADE COMMERCIAL SCRATCH BUILT
has a Maximum number of Mod Points available to POINTS
it. This is determined by the Size of the Vehicle 0 10 Minutes 1 Hour
itself. For example a Size 11 Vehicle has 11 Mod
Points. All Vehicles use this same system. To 1 1 Hour 1 Day (8 Hours)
determine how many current available slots you
have, take the Size of the Vehicle and deduct the 2 or More 1 Day (8 Hours) 1 Week (5 Days)
current number of Mod Points already in the NOTE: These Modifications may only be applied to ships
vehicle. This will give you the remaining points that do not have the (CP) Designation.
available. The remaining number of Mod Points are
listed for Each Vehicle in the Mod column of the INSTALLING
Stat Block for each ship.
Navicomputers are included in the Cost of Installing an Upgrade can take anywhere from a
the Hyperdrive. Limited Navicomputers few minutes of work to a week of frustrating
reduce the overall cost by 25%. If purchasing machining and retooling in a Hanger. The amount
without a navicomputer (For a back-up or for of time depends on the number of Upgrade Points
ships with R2 units or other similar droids). required and the quality of the Upgrade
Reduce the overall cost by 50%. They are (Commercially Bought or Scratch-Built). A Scratch-
also included as part of the Hyperdrive for Built Upgrade costs twice as much as a
the Purpose of Upgrade Points. However Commercially Bought Upgrade. After the time listed
Limited Navicomputers or no Navicomputer in the table below, make a Repair check . On a
at all do not lower the Upgrade points. It success, the Upgrade is installed and functioning
only lowers the cost. properly. On a failure, the Upgrade doesn't work
properly; you may attempt the Repair check again,
but each retry requires the same amount of time
and costs half as much as the original attempt.
UPSCALING TABLE Removing an Upgrade requires the same amount
SIZE HANDLING of time. On a failure, the Upgrade has been
deactivated but not removed; you may attempt the
-2 to 2 +2
Repair check again (Which requires the same
3 to 5 +1 amount of time) On a Critical Failure the upgrade is
destroyed. If you don't care about removing the
6 to 8 0 Upgrade intact, reduce the time required to the
9 to 11 -1 next lowest increment (For example, from 1 day to
1 hour, or 1 hour to 10 minutes), but the Upgrade
12 to 15 -2 is automatically destroyed on a failed check. Once
16 to 19 -3 the Upgrade is successfully removed (Or
destroyed), the Upgrade Slot that was occupied
20 and above -4 becomes available again.



AMCM 1 $5K x Size 1 Military

Enhanced Armor Size/2 $10K x Size 1 Licensed

Artificial Intelligence 1 $10K x Size 0 Common

Atmospheric 1 $10K x Size 1 Common

Crew Space U $100K 1 Common

Hyperdrive Class .50 2 $1K x Size x Points 5 Illegal

Hyperdrive Class .75 2 $1K x Size x Points 4 Military

Hyperdrive Class 1 2 $1K x Size x Points 3 Military

Hyperdrive Class 2 2 $1K x Size x Points 3 Common

Hyperdrive Class 3 2 $1K x Size x Points 2 Common

Hyperdrive Class 4 2 $1K x Size x Points 2 Common

Hyperdrive Class 5 2 $1K x Size x Points 2 Common

Hyperdrive Class 6 2 $1k x Size x Points 2 Common

Hyperdrive Class 8 2 $1K x Size x Points 1 Common

Hyperdrive Class 10 2 $1K x Size x Points 1 Common

Hyperdrive Class 15 2 $1K x Size x Points 1 Common

Fuel Pods Size/2 $100K x Size 2 Common

Garage / Hanger U $1M 4 Common

Mercantile U $100K 2 Common

Passenger Pod U $50K 1 Common

Sensor Suite, System 1 $1M x Size 1 Licensed

Sensor Suite, Planetary 1 $25K x Size 1 Common

Speed Size/2 $100K x Size 1 Common

Shields Size/2 $25K x Size 1 Licensed

Stealth System 1 $50K x Size 2 Illegal

Targeting System 1 $10K x Size 1 Licensed

Weapon Mount Size Special 1 Licensed

Turbolaser Batteries Size/2 $10K x Linked Mounts 1 Military

VEHICLE UPGRADES Passenger Pod: Small and Medium ships only.
These are rows of fairly spacious seats with safety
AMCM: Anti-Missile Countermeasures are harnesses, personal vid-screens, and other
integrated jammers and decoys. They add +2 to amenities designed for short travels (typically less
Piloting or Electronics rolls made to evade missile than 24 hours). Each pod seats 10.
attacks (and Tractor Beams).
Sensor Suite, System: Light, chemical, motion, and
Enhanced Armor: Increases a ship’s Armor value other active sensors allow detection of targets up
and toughness by 5 points. Due to the nature of to one light year away with an Electronics roll.
space and the size and shape of starships, all Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll.
Armor is considered Heavy Armor. Illumination penalties are ignored. Targets don’t
have to be in direct line of sight, but asteroids or
Artificial Intelligence: The ship’s AI can operate all powerful energy fields may cause inaccurate or
systems— from locomotion to weapons to opening false readings at the GM’s discretion.
or closing hatches. It has a skill level of d10 in
these tasks, but is an “Extra” and does not receive Sensor Suite, Planetary: This functions exactly like
a Wild Die. The AI does not suffer from multi-action the System Sensor Suite but has a range of 10K
penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In combat, miles with an Electronics Roll, and adding the +2
the AI acts on the captain’s Action Card. Giving the only within 1K miles.
AI a short verbal command is a free action.
Shields: Every time this mod is taken add one
Atmospheric: Allows the ship to enter planetary shield wound to the vehicle.
atmospheres. This includes heat shielding and
additional work to handle the stress and strain of Speed: Each purchase increases the ship’s VS by 2
entry. All starships have vertical take-off and and SS by 1 each. (This cannot be taken if the ship
landing (VTOL) capability. has been stripped using Speed Reduction.)

Crew Space: Space for four permanent crew Stealth System: Radar-absorbing paint, heat
members. baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the
ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those
Hyperdrive/Backup Hyperdrive: This includes both trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship
the drive and the astrogation system required to subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered
use it.The speed of a hyperdrive is rated on an as a free action, but is negated any round in which
inverse scale: the faster the hyperdrive, the lower the ship fires a weapon or emits some other signal
the rating. These ratings, generally called such as radio signal or active sensor search.
"Classes," provide an idea of a ship's hyperdrive
speed. The hyperdrive class acts as a multiplier for Targeting System: The ship’s internal sensors and
a given base travel time established by how long it computers are linked to all attached weapons. This
takes a Class 1 hyperdrive to travel a given route. compensates for movement, range, multi-actions,
Thus, for example while a Class 2 hyperdrive took and the like, negating up to two points of Shooting
twice the base time to travel a given route, a Class penalties.
10 would take 10 times as long, while Class 0.5
would only take half the base time. Weapon Mount: Each Weapon Mount can hold up to
4 weapons of the same type. Linking them
Fuel Pods: Each fuel pod increases the vessel’s together, Dual linked weapons add +1 to hit and
energy capacity by 50%. +2 to Damage, Triple Linked Weapons add +2 to
hit and +2 to Damage, Quad linked weapons add
Garage / Hangar: A small hangar (or garage or +2 to Shooting or Electronics (depending on the
external lift-hooks) can carry up 8 Size points of Weapon) and +4 to Damage. Total all Linked
ship, vehicle, or walker (The main ship must be Weapons in a set first, then halve that total
larger than size 8 and the vehicle in the hangar rounding up to determine the cost of this Mod.
can not exceed more than half the main ship's
size). Turbolaser Batteries: These powerful weapons
consist of several Weapon Mounts linked together
Mercantile: Found only on Huge or larger ships, this (Max of 5 Mounts/ Battery). Multiply the Weapon
might be a restaurant, commissary, or specialty Damage by the number of Mounts (All Mounts must
store. Each generates Size+$1d4K a month for the have a full complement of Weapons (4) and contain
ship (and the same for the mercantile’s owner). weapons of the same type) (This Mod is only
The store has 300 square feet of space. Each available for Capital Ships)
additional Mod adds roughly 100 square feet and +
$1d4K to revenue.



Gatling Laser 50/100/200 3d6+4 4 800 $1000 AP 2 (Autofire), Military

Light 150/300/600 2d10 1 100 $100K AP 5, HW, (Point Defense Systems),

Power Core Costs $200, Licensed
Medium 150/300/600 3d10 1 100 $500K AP 10, HW, Power Core Costs $1000,
Heavy 150/300/600 4d10 1 100 $1M AP 15, HW, Power Core Costs $2000,
Super Heavy 150/300/600 6d10 1 100 $2M AP 25, HW, Power Core Costs $5000,
Massive 150/300/600 8d10 1 100 $4M AP 40, HW, Power Core Costs $10K,
Size 14 and Larger Ships Only, Military

Mega 150/300/600 10d10 1 100 $10M AP 50, HW, Power Core Costs $25K,
Size 16 and Larger Ships Only, Military

Missiles / Torpedoes

Missile, Light 200/400/800 6d6 1 - $50K/4 AP 8, HW, SBT, Military

Missile, Heavy 200/400/800 8d6 1 - $200K/4 AP 15, HW, MBT, Military

Missile, Super 100/200/400 8d6 1 - $1M/8 AP 40, HW, LBT, Spacecraft Only,
Torpedo, Light 300/600/1200 8d12 1 - $1M/6 AP 50, HW, LBT, Spacecraft Only,
Torpedo, Heavy 300/600/1200 10d12 1 - $1M/4 AP 80, HW, LBT, Spacecraft Only,

Vehicle Rules

Vehicle Scale: This is the vehicle's Pace when they

Vehicles in the Star Wars universe run the gamut
from ponderous armored walkers and capital ships, are in an encounter with characters that are not in
to agile airspeeders and starfighters. Despite this vehicles. VS is calculated with 10 + vehicle’s
variety, the basic purpose of all Vehicles remains handling modifier.
similar: moving passengers from one place to Starship Scale: This is the vehicle's Pace when
another. Of course, the places involved in this used in an encounter with only other vehicles. SS is
journey can greatly affect the form and function of calculated (VS/3 rounded down) + Class modifier +
the Vehicle. Most of the Vehicles shown here are half bonus from the Trademark Vehicle Edge.
equipped with Weapons. If you wish to add Starfighters have a class modifier of +1, Capital
weapons to any ship that is not Equipped already, Ships have a -1. Other vehicles have no Class
use the Vehicle Mod System to Equip them if you modifier.
wish to have them be armed.
The listed Cost of the Vehicles shown here is the
suggested price for a non-modified ship, removing
basically all the listed mods from any ship example
in the notes and Weapons areas. So it would still
include things like Sublight Drives, Life support,
and other basic functions. Gm's should adjust value
for any ships their players may sell during the
course of the game to reflect this, if they aquire it
already modified .

Energy Capacity is listed on the Ship Size Table For Systems and Sectors not mapped out on the
under Energy. This is the number of day’s worth of Map (found at the end of this book). The method
energy a ship has. A Huge ship, for example, has to figure out how long a trip through Hyperspace
500 day’s worth of energy under normal takes is to roll 1d6 (result = hours) for in system
circumstances. In a pinch, ships can halve jumps and 2d6 (of different colors) for another
consumption of power by using only critical system (Result of die 1 = days , die 2 equals
systems and maneuvering. Fuel for the power hours) and build your own maps. The die rolls can
source and resupplying the Provisions costs ACE also. (Travel times may be longer from planet
$1,000 x the ships Size. A to Planet B. Then if you jumped from A to C and
then back to B due to anomalies like black holes,
asteroid belts etc... so don't hesitate to let that
REPAIRS happen and add that cool thing to your map when
Starships can take several wounds before they’re it does.)
wrecked and might suffer damage from combat or When Traveling along a Hyperspace Route the ship
maneuvering accidents. Hull damage can be must revert to real space at every System it
repaired by crews going “EV” (Extra Vehicular) and encounters and a new Jump must be calculated to
using welding kits and the like to patch the the next System along the Route. Rolling their
damage. This requires a Repair roll at –1 per Astrogation Roll at every Stop and paying the
wound by the crew Energy Cost to jump back into Hyperspace
members performing the action and 1d4 hours per towards the next system.
wound. A success removes one wound, and each They may wish to allow the Autopilot to do the in-
raise removes another. The roll may be attempted between jumps, In this case each jump inflicts an
multiple times until all wounds are sealed. Critical additional -1 to the Original Astrogation Roll.
Hits are repaired in the same way but may not Every Sector a ship Travels through along a Minor
require going EV—Game Master’s call depending or Non-Trade Route the GM should Draw at least
on which system was damaged. If a 1 is rolled on one Travel Card (or even two or three cards in a
the skill die while attempting to make a repair, the particularly dangerous area) A Face Card or Higher
system or remaining wounds requires proper represents an encounter, and the card suit can be
facilities, such as a space station or used to determine the type. Draw twice more if
“drydock.” (This can not be rerolled by spending a the card is a Joker and combine the results – Such
Benny. However a Darkside point will still allow a as Enemies and an Obstacle or Strangers and a
Reroll) Treasure.
Cost: Repairs made by the crew have no cost
other than time. At a space station, repairs cost Spades - Enemies: Hostile Forces are
$2,000 x the ship's Size per wound. encountered, be it as they drop out of Hyperspace
at the edge of the System or perhaps between
HYPERSPACE systems. They must be dealt with or escaped from
before the ship can continue on it’s way.
Jumping into hyperspace requires an advanced
computer that plots a course away from large Hearts – Strangers: The ship encounters neutral or
planetary bodies, asteroid fields, or other things friendly nonplayer characters when they drop out
that might somehow interfere with the jump. of Hyperspace next. They may be Merchants, Lost
Plotting the jump requires an Astrogation skill roll or Stranded travelers seeking aid, Locals willing to
that takes 1d4 rounds under combat conditions, guide them around a new hazardous area. Or even
and is modified by the distance of the jump. another group of Adventures.
Failing the roll means the ship can’t jump for
another 2d4 rounds. This might be cause for a Diamonds – Treasure: Somewhere along the way
Dramatic Task to find a new jump point or vector if they discover a derelict or abandoned ship, it may
a threat is imminent. Failing a Complication during have supplies, a cache of valuable minerals, or
a Dramatic Task means the drive malfunctions and even a hidden vault full or treasure.
must be repaired (2d6 rounds, Repair –2). Success
means the ship makes the jump into hyperspace Clubs – Obstacle: The Heroes encounter an
and arrives 2d6 days from its destination (Each obstacle of some kind and must figure out how to
raise on the Astrogation roll cuts two days off this). deal with it or circumvent it. Some examples are a
The vessel must travel the rest of the distance Rogue Astroid field, a Minefield, Mynocks, etc..
(measured in remaining days) conventionally. A
captain can reduce the travel time a day by
spending two day’s worth of energy. A Huge ship
that arrives 7 days from its destination, for
example, could spend 14 day’s worth of energy to
arrive that day. Energy Costs: Jumping into
hyperspace requires energy, consuming a number
of days from the ship’s overall capacity as shown
on the Energy column of the Astrogation Table.

For example a trip by a size 10 vehicle with 200
ASTROGATION TABLE energy and a x1 Hyperdrive like an X-wing makes a
jump into hyperspace and the trip takes 4 days. It
DISTANCE ASTRO ENERGY would cost them 10 energy to jump into
MOD hyperspace and 4 energy to travel to their
In System destination and drop out of hyperspace. Assuming
they are jumping to a different system along an
Planet to Planet -0 Half Size
established Hyperspace lane. If it is the same
Major Trade Route system it would cost them 5 to jump into
hyperspace and 4 to travel. If another system via a
Same Sector -2 Half Size
non established hyperspace lane it would be 20 to
Different Sector -4 Size jump into hyperspace and 4 to travel.
Let's take the X-wing again 200 energy size 10. The
Minor Trade Route Pilot is going to Jump down a Hyperspace Trade
Same Sector -4 Size
Route in the Kathol Sector. Traveling from Torize to
Galtea. This takes 6 jumps so he is down 60 energy
Different Sector -6 2x Size just to make the jumps as each jump is to the next
sector of the route and requires a drop out, a
Non-Trade Route recalculation and a re-entry. You then use up a
certain amount of energy to maintain hyperspace
Same Sector -8 2x Size and survive day to day. As noted in the energy and
provisions area each unit of energy is enough to
Different Sector -10 2x Size sustain that ship one day. That trip takes 7 days
and 12 hours. So the trip takes 67 and a half units
TRAVEL IN REAL SPACE of energy to accomplish. Leaving them roughly
132.5 units left. Traveling back would be the same
amount, if they take the same route, so they would
Surface of Planet to 1-10 Minutes get back to Torize with 65 units left. You would then
Orbit also need to deduct the cost it takes to fly to the
planet and land.
Orbit to unsafe 5 Minutes (-4 to Attempt)
Hyperspace Jump
Orbit to Safe 10 Minutes - 2d6 Days Starships move tens of thousands of miles per hour
Hyperspace Jump and operate in a three dimensional space, so
Distance attackers can’t board an enemy ship unless it’s
been disabled. Since even disabled ships drift,
Planetary orbit to 2d6 hours
boarding requires the chasing ship to make a
another planet in the
same system
Piloting roll to match the target’s vector and speed.
If the roll fails, each ship suffers 1d6 damage times
Planetary orbit to outer 2d6 Days the other vessel’s Size. Once the ships are
edge of system connected, the attackers still need to gain access.
Matter cutters or Plasma cutters are usually
Traveling through needed to open a portal through the hull (use the
ship’s normal Toughness and armor). Once inside,
hyperspace isn't like borders must break through sealed interior doors,

dusting crops, boy.

cross breached sections open to the vacuum of
space, and battle enemy survivors.

Without precise
GMs can run this as a tactical combat, or might
consider using the Mass Battle rules if there are
calculations we could significant numbers of combatants. In the latter
case, the defenders gain a +2 bonus to their
fly right through a Knowledge (Battle) rolls in every round of battle
until the fight is over. There’s no retreat, but
star or bounce too combatants typically surrender if they fail their
Morale roll.
close to a supernova Interior walls and doors are typically Toughness 14
and that'd end your (4). The walls and doors of secure or pressurized
areas are Toughness 27 (15).
trip real quick,
wouldn't it?

When a ship is wrecked (more than the amount of The craft is protected by an ablative energy field
wounds), crew and passengers have a chance to that gives it one additional Wound each time this
eject (Small ships) or reach the escape pods. modification is taken (the number in parentheses is
Player characters must roll the lower of their how many “Shield Wounds” the ship has). Shield
Smarts or Agility to evacuate. Those who fail go Wounds are lost before Wounds to the hull. Roll
down with the ship. Assume 50% of the nonplayer Critical Hits normally when a shield takes a Wound.
character crew also manage to evacuate. Those Craft with remaining Shield Wounds never suffer
who eject from Small ships parachute to land if in more than one Wound from a single hit, but
the atmosphere, or drift until picked up in space. damage to Shield Wounds may not be Soaked.
Escape pods hold 10 human sized occupants and Certain weapons ignore this ability, as do collisions
provide one month’s worth of food, water, and with hard objects of at least half the ship’s Size or
power. The pod’s distress beacon has enough greater.
power for one year, and beams a signal that Ships with the Shield Mod receive a number of
reaches 1000 miles—further if relayed by shield tokens equal to half the ship size. These
satellites. If a planet is in range (determined by the tokens can be spent to recharge the shields at the
Game Master), the pod has enough fuel to angle end of each round of combat. Each shield
itself in and perform one controlled landing. recharged per round (up to their max shield mods)
takes two tokens to regenerate. Each round a ship
ION WEAPONS doesn't recharge a shield they regain one token (up
Ion cannons don’t cause actual damage, but roll to their max tokens).
damage normally and compare to the vessel’s
toughness, ignoring Armor. A success knocks out
the ship’s systems so that all electronics are down Shunting Power: There are two ways to shunt
(deflector screens, shields, weapons, maneuvering, power described below. If both are used, the
etc.) and it cannot take actions until the crew penalties inflicted - if any do occur - are
makes a Repair roll at -4. With a Raise the penalty cumulative. Shields may be increased by one
is -8. If the Repair roll is successful, the vessel’s shield level for a number of rounds equal to the
electronics reboot and it may function normally on size of the ship by giving more power to the shield
the following round. On a Raise, the vessel can system than to other systems. This is an
function immediately. Electronics Roll. And increases the Maximum
Ion Weapons are stopped by Shields, so an amount of Shield Wounds by one as well for those
attacker must first eliminate those to hit the ship’s rounds.
hull directly and fry its systems. Any vehicle scale A Critical Failure shuts down the ship’s shields
Laser, Missile, or Torpedo weapon can be entirely—they recharge at the rate of one Token
purchased as an “Ion Weapon” instead for the every other Round and can’t be shunted again until
same cost as the regular Weapon. after they have fully restored. Failure means
nothing happens. A success increases your Shields
by one Wound, but any Trait roll dependent on the
ship or its weapons and hardware (Piloting,
Shooting, Electronics, etc.) are made at –2 for a
number of rounds equal to the size of the ship as
systems reroute electrical and processing power to
the shields. With a raise, the Shields are increased
without inflicting any penalty.
Shields automatically recharge one Token at the
end of every Round that a shield Token is not spent
to Recharge a shield. (Up to the Max amount of
Shield Tokens). In an emergency, a character may
attempt to shunt the ship’s power to the shields to
recharge them faster. This takes an action and an
Electronics or Repair roll at –2.
A Critical Failure shuts down the ship’s shields
entirely—they recharge at the rate of one Token
every other Round and can’t be shunted again until
after they have fully restored. Failure means
nothing happens. A success lets you spend shield
tokens on your turn, but any Trait roll dependent on
the ship or its weapons and hardware (Piloting,
Shooting, Electronics, etc.) are made at –2 until the
end of the character’s next turn as systems reroute
electrical and processing power to the shields. With
a Raise, you may spend Shield Tokens without
inflicting any penalty.

Dual linked weapons add +1 to hit and +2 to Ships are listed with a mods column that is written
Damage, Triple Linked Weapons add +2 to hit and #(#) The # outside of the brackets is the number
+2 to Damage, Quad linked weapons add +2 to hit of Mod Slots the vehicle has total. The # inside the
and +4 to Damage. The Stats for the ships below Brackets are the number of Unused Mod Slots still
already have this extra damage included. avaliable


Weapon Batteries are powerful devices. They Some Starships have “point defense” systems to
consist of several Linked Weapon Mounts all firing shoot down incoming missiles. These systems
as one. They take the Damage of the Weapons and attack any missile that wasn’t Evaded
multiply it by the amount of Weapon Mounts. (For automatically. The system grants a single Shooting
Example a Battery of Heavy Laser Cannons that roll per missile at Short Range and any other
consists of 4 Mounts each with 4 Quad Linked relevant modifiers (including speed – missiles move
Heavy Laser Cannons in them. Would do 4d10+4 at incredible speeds, inflicting a -6 penalty, unless
x4 Damage). The Multiplier is also the number of otherwise noted) Each missile has a toughness of
Mod Slots a Battery takes up. (This option is only 8(2). (See Breaking Things pg 98 of the SWADE
available on Capital Ships) Core Book)


Ships can only affect vessels of equal or smaller Capital Ships have Large Batteries of Weapons.
Size. This is an opposed Shooting roll at -2 vs the Ships with the CP designation should usually only
Defenders Piloting Roll. If the attacker is be used to lay down Suppressive Fire and not be
successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled used to directly attack any ship that does not have
into contact in 2d6 rounds. A Captured ship can the CP designation.
attempt to escape every round until it is in contact This turns the attack into an Area of Effect attack.
by an opposed Piloting Roll at -4 vs the attackers To make the attack place a MBT on the table and
Shooting Roll without a penalty to do so. make a shooting Roll with all applicable Modifiers.
Compare the total to each target in the template
LASERS separately. Success means the target is Forced to
Lasers of this size burn through solid materials and the edge of the Template in the direction chosen by
flash boil flesh (When targeting anything that is not the Attacker, and a raise means they are hit and
a vehicle, increase the damage die by one type). must Roll “Out of Control” (SWADE pg. 119) The
Default Shooting die is a d10 (Remember to
apply size modifiers).
Unless otherwise noted, Missiles must “lock” onto Firing Arcs, The weapons shown in a Capital Ships
their targets before they can be fired. This Action is Weapon Area, represent a single Firing Arc. In
an opposed Electronics roll versus the Target’s General these are all the weapons they can bring
maneuvering skill (Boating, Driving, or Piloting as to bear on a single target.
appropriate). Success gives the attacker a “short”
lock and allows him to fire up to half the missiles
his particular craft can fire at once rounded down
(A dual linked launcher could fire 1 missile, a triple
linked launcher could fire 1, while a quad linked
launcher could fire 2). A Raise results in a solid lock
and allows him to fire as many missiles as his craft
can fire at once (A dual linked launcher could fire 2
missiles, a triple linked launcher could fire 3, while
a quad linked launcher could fire 4). The Enemy
attempts to evade each missile separately by
making a maneuvering roll at -4 (or -2 if the target
has substantial cover to hide behind – such as
asteroids, skyscrapers, canyon walls, or even large
enemy ships. A Critical Failure on this roll means
the craft goes Out of Control (see pg 119 of the
SWADE Core Book)


Many military units use creatures as Mounts. Although Speeders and Speeder Bikes are faster, such
Vehicles are prone to mechanical problems in extreme environments. Creatures native to those
environments are more reliable. Although urban forces almost never use creatures as Mounts, military
patrols and scouts in dangerous or hostile environments frequently use Mounts, increasing the chances
of survival. Mounts require upkeep every day.
Perhaps the most adaptable herbivores in the galaxy, Banthas are found on
numerous worlds and are so well known that their name is used in a plethora of
proverbs, sayings, and children's stories. Several fringe religions see the Bantha as
a divine messenger. Banthas can survive in most environmental extremes, and are
able to go without food or water for several weeks. Although many subspecies
have adapted to the peculiarities of their environments, most Banthas have large,
curving horns and long, shaggy fur. Banthas are commonly used as transportation
and as beasts of burden. Their meat and hides are highly prized, particularly by
the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine, who use the beasts extensively.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
6 +2 2 8(2) 5 6 2 1.9 Tons $10/Day $1,750

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Special Abilities: Thick Hide (+2), Hardy (It doesn’t suffer a wound from being shaken twice), Headbutt

Large, long, reptilian creatures native to the forest planet of Kashyyyk. A Bolotaur
has a long neck ending in an iguana-like face. Beneath the Bolotaur's short snout
dangles a brightly colored wattle, used both to attract mates and to scare off
competitors. The tail of a Bolotaur is at least as long as the rest of its body, giving
it unshakable balance. A Bolotaur moves in a quick, waddling gait, and the claws
on its stubby legs dig in and grip the tough bark of the massive trees of Kashyyyk,
allowing it to climb through the canopies. Bolotaurs range throughout the entire
planet, with slight variations in color and in the length of neck and tail.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
5 +2 2 10(4) 6 8 1 1067 lbs $2/Day $1,200

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Stealth d6
Special Abilities: Armor (+4), Claws (Str+d8, AP2), Bite(Str+d8), Climb Pace 6

Cracian Thumper
The Cracian Thumper is the galaxy's most widely used land Mount. Originally a
native of all five planets in the Craci System, the Thumper has been exported to
most civilized systems of the galaxy. It is used as a versatile Mount for military
operations by The Rebel Alliance, and as a racing Mount by residents of more
urban areas. A Cracian Thumper is bipedal, with powerful hind limbs, smaller
forelimbs, and a thick tail it uses for balance and defense. Thick, long fur covers its
body in colder climates, but is shed on warmer planets. Racing Thumpers are
typically shaved to reduce weight and to give the creatures a sleeker appearance.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
4 +2 2 6 4 12 1 564 lbs $2/Day $750

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6, Stealth d10
Special Abilities:Free Runner, Bite/Claws (Str+d6), Low Light Vision, Hardy, Tail Lash (Str+d4 The
creature may make a free attack against one foe at no penalty.)

Of all the creatures indigenous to Tatooine's vast deserts, the Dewback is the most
respected. While the plodding Bantha makes for shelter at the first hint of a
sandstorm, a Dewback marches resolutely on without so much as a grunt, even
right through the heart of the storm.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
6 +2 2 8(2) 5 6 1 670 lbs $2/Day $900

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Special Abilities: Thick Hide (+2), Hardy (It doesn’t suffer a wound from being shaken twice), Bite

Eopies are known for being able to survive for weeks without water, as well as for
plodding along in the worst sandstorms. The Eopie's noted lack of panic at a sudden
threat has lead to a common spacers' expression: "As Steady as an Eopie."

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
2 - 1 8 4 8 1 1600 lbs $2/Day $750

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d4, Notice d6
Special Abilities: Imperturbable: A rider gains a +2 on Ride checks to control an Eopie mount


Native to Felucia and occasionally transplanted to other jungle worlds, Gelagrubs are
large, insectlike larvae used as Mounts by the clone forces of the Republic and by
other militaries. The Gelagrub is about the size of a Dewback and has evolved in the
dangerous climate of Felucia, giving it numerous natural defenses against the
planet's hazards.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
4 +2 2 6 4 5 1 1067 lbs $2/Day $1,150

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d4, Athletics d4
Special Abilities: Hazard Resistance (The Gelagrub gains a +2 to resist Natural Hazards. When
mounted by a rider Trained in Riding, the rider also gains this bonus against Natural Hazards.)

When the Gungans migrate into the waters of Naboo, they bring Kaadu with them
to serve as draft animals and war mounts. An everyday sight within Gungan
bubbled cities, Kaadu are not found on any other planet in the galaxy. Thanks to
their powerful legs, Kaadu are incredibly quick, both on land and underwater,
making them excellent choices for scouting missions and for making sudden
charges in battle. Their particularly acute hearing enables Kaadu to avoid
predators lurking in Naboo's swamps.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
2 - 1 6 4 12 1 564 lbs $2/Day $850

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Special Abilities: Free Runner, Low Light Vision, Hardy, Swimming Pace 4

Kybucks are swift herbivores from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. Kybucks
move at incredibly high speeds overland.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
2 - 1 6 4 12 1 564 lbs $2/Day $1,250

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Special Abilities: Free Runner

Native to Alaris Prime in the Kashyyyk System, Maru are agile reptilian riding
beasts, able to cover large distances due to their muscular hind legs. Although
their forearms are vestigial, Maru can use their long tails to defend themselves
against predators. The Wookiees who inhabit Alaris Prime use Maru as pack
animals and ride them as war mounts.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
2 - 1 6 4 10 1 530 lbs $2/Day $950

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6, Stealth d10
Special Abilities: Bite/Claws (Str+d6), Low Light Vision, Hardy, Tail Lash (Str+d4 The creature may
make a free attack against one foe at no penalty.)

The Narglatch is a stealthy predator found on planets such as Naboo and Orto
Plutonia. It is a solitary hunter that moves extremely silently, stalking prey with
incredible focus. Narglatch are also strong swimmers, but prefer to hunt on land.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
4 +2 2 10 6 6 4 1.8 Tons $10/Day $2000

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Edges: Brute
Special Abilities: Bite/Claws (Str+d6), Hardy, Swim Pace 6

Dathomiri Rancors
Dathomiri Rancors are considerably more intelligent, and their claws function as
hands. They can speak, they have an enduring culture, and they can both make
and use simple tools. The Rancors and the witches have a close relationship that
borders on cultural symbiosis. Some Rancors partner themselves with an
individual witch. These partnerships are for life, and the Rancor serves as the
witch's mount, companion, and protector.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
8 +4 3 20(4) 7 8 2 1.2 Tons $10/Day N/A

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d10, Strength d12+8, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Athletics d6, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Special Abilities: Armor (+4), Bite/Claws (Str+d8), Hardy (It doesn’t suffer a wound from being shaken
twice), Reach (10’), Smash (Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no protection against the smash), Swat (The
Rancor ignores up to 4 points of scale penalties when attacking)

Towering beasts of burden, Rontos are mammals prized for their ability to shrug
off Tatooine's intense heat, although they do require large amounts of water.
Their size makes them particularly effective at discouraging predators, and their
sense of smell is acute enough to detect a Krayt Dragon from up to a kilometer
away. However, Rontos are somewhat skittish in urban environments: their poor
eyesight cannot adjust quickly enough to the sudden movements of smaller
creatures and Vehicles. A spooked Ronto will often throw its riders to the ground
and then lumber off in a random direction until it can no longer sense the threat.
Although Jawas are particularly fond of these easily trained animals, the little
scavengers are also poorly suited to controlling a panicked Ronto.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
7 +2 2 14 4 6 4 1.8 Tons $10/Day $3,000

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d4


Dirty and smelly, the reptilian Tauntaun is perfectly suited to life on the barren ice
world of Hoth. The Tauntaun's thick fur and layers of fat keep its body temperature
high enough for it to operate during the day, but it must seek shelter from the
bitter cold at night.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
2 - 1 6 4 12 1 635 lbs $2/Day $800

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Special Abilities: Free Runner, Bite/Claws (Str+d6), Low Light Vision, Hardy, Environmental Resistance

Varactyls are a large saurian species native to the planet Utapau. They are
lizardlike in appearance, with green scales that thicken into armored plates on the
Varactyl's head. Quills, some of which resemble feathers, sprout in a ridge that
runs from the creature's head to the tip of its tail. As cold-blooded animals,
Varactyls are more active during daylight hours. They are excellent climbers and
can travel across vertical surfaces with incredible speed and agility.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Parry Pace Passengers Cargo Upkeep Cost
4 +2 2 8 4 10 4 1.8 Tons $10/Day $1600

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A), Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d4, Notice d6
Edges: Fleet-Footed
Special Abilities: Kick (Str+d4), Climbing Pace 6

Ground Vehicles
The most basic Vehicles in the Star Wars universe, Ground Vehicles only operate on (Or very near to) a
planetary surface.

Walkers move about on two or more legs, literally walking over the terrain. Walkers retain their balance
by means of finely tuned gyroscopes, and offer a fairly smooth ride. They rely on even footing, however,
and when they topple, the results can be disastrous. Walkers ignore obstacles that are three or more
sizes smaller than them.
A later addition to the Grand Army of the Republic, the All-Terrain Attack Pod, or AT-
AP, is designed to be a lighter, faster version of the AT-TE. The AT-AP sees extensive
use on Kashyyyk, where the dense forests make it much more difficult for AT-TEs to
be quickly deployed.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 41(24) - 10(vs) 3 - 6(3) NA

Cargo: 440 lbs

Notes: HA
•Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
•Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (12 Missile Payload)
•Heavy Laser Cannon (Fixed Front) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)

The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) was a four-legged combat walker of the
All-terrain vehicle line used by the ground forces of the Galactic Empire, and the
First Order. With the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, stormtroopers and the TIE
fighter, it was one of the most famous symbols of the Empire’s military might.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 85(56) -2 8(vs) 5 - 14(11) NA

Notes: HA
Troops: 40
•Dual Linked Super Heavy Laser Cannons (fixed front +1 to Shooting)(6d10+2, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
•Gatling Laser (Pintle right) (3d6+4, AP 4, 50/100/200, HW)
•Gatling Laser (Pintle left) (3d6+4, AP 4, 50/100/200, HW)
Special: Stomp (The AT-AT can Stomp a SBT that it is over during it’s movement. The Stomp ignores
Scale Mods and is an opposed Driving versus the targets Agility (creature) Piloting (Air Vehicle) or Driving
(land based vehicle) If successful it does 1d12+8 damage)

The Kashyyyk deployment variant of the AT-ST is designed to root out insurgents
and enemy scouts from terrain that offers heavy cover.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
5 +2 4 30(15) +1 11(vs) 2 - 5(2) NA

Cargo: None
Notes: HA
•Light Missile Launcher (Front Firing Arc) (6d6, AP 8, 200/400/800, HW, SBT) (12 missile payload)
•Medium Laser Turret (Pintle Right) (3d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW) (Gunner)
• Medium Laser Turret (Pintle Left) (3d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW) (Gunner)


The All Terrain Reconnaissance Transport (AT-RT), also known as the All Terrain
Recon Transport or the Republic scout walker, was a model of recon walker
manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards and used mainly during the Clone Wars by
Advanced Recon Force Scout Troopers of the Galactic Republic. It was the precursor
to both the All Terrain Defense Pod and the All Terrain Scout Transport.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 3 16(6) +2 4(vs) 1 - 2(0) NA

Notes: HA
•Light Laser (Fixed Front) (2d10, AP 5, 150/300/600, HW)
•Light Mortar Launcher (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, 200,400,800, HW, SBT) (12 Mortar Payload)


The All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST), also known as a Scout Transport, Scout
Walker, or derisively as a chicken walker, was a lightweight, bipedal walker used by
the ground forces of the Galactic Empire. Later, the First Order used an updated
variant of the AT-ST within their military.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 41(24) - 10(vs) 2 - 6(3) NA

Notes: HA
• Dual Linked Medium Laser Cannons (Fixed Front +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW)
• Gatling Laser (Pintle left)(3d6+4, AP 4, 50/100/200, HW)(Gunner)
• Heavy Cannon (Pintle Right)(4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)(Gunner)

Adapted from industrial security Vehicles built by Rothana Heavy Engineering, the
All-Terrain Tactical Enforcer, or AT-TE is a formidable weapons platform capable of
delivering an entire platoon of Clone Troopers to strategic points on the battlefield,
then providing them with covering fire while they take up positions. An unusual
feature of the AT-TE is its magnetic grapplers, which enable it to scale even sheer
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 52(32) - 10(vs) 7 - 8(6) NA

Cargo: 10 Tons
Notes: HA
Passengers: 38
Climbing Pace: 2
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Fixed Front) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)

Land Speeders are common sights on the technologically advanced worlds. Equipped with repulsorlift
drive technology, they hover above the ground at a height of anywhere from a few centimeters, to
several meters, and can achieve remarkable speeds. Speeders ignore penalties for Difficult Terrain


The Speeder Truck is a common sight on many worlds, since it's the fastest and
most economical way to carry tons of cargo. The Trast Heavy Transport A-A5
Speeder Truck is a typical example of dozens of different heavy cargo speeder
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 16(2) -1 9(vs) 3 - 9(9) $35,500
($8,000 Used)
Cargo: 25 tons
Passengers: 25

Arrow-23 Landspeeder
The Aratech Arrow-23 Landspeeder is an enclosed speeder truck designed for
hunters and adventurous tourists on fringe worlds. It has a comfortable interior (Or
a luxury interior for 10,000 credits more), a rugged exterior able to resist most
animal attacks (And some blaster fire), and extensive cargo capacity. It is also one
of the fastest commercial Landspeeders on the market, a quality that endears it to
many police forces and bounty hunters.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 16(4) +1 11(vs) 2 - 4(2) $10,800
($3,400 Used)

Cargo: 1763 lbs

Passengers: 5
• Grenade Launcher (4d8, MBT, 14/48/96) (Payload 4 Grenades),
• Light Laser (pintle turret) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

The Bantha-II is a typical heavy cargo speeder. Though slow by the standards of
most Speeders, it's simple controls and heavy lifting capacity make it effective as
a cargo carrier and mid-range transport. The skiff's open deck makes it easy to
load, and its long, lean frame allows it to move into tight spaces and close to
loading docks. However, the skiff's large maneuvering vanes, which are easy to
damage, make the Bantha-II unpopular for use in crowded cities and on
industrialized planets.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 13(2) - 6(vs) 1 - 6(6) $8,000
($3,000 Used)

Cargo: 135 Tons

Passengers: 16

Generic Pod Racer

The Base Pod Racer is an unorthodox design that resembles a cockpit pulled by
several large Engines. Although the rider of the Pod Racer sits in a cockpit similar
to that of a Landspeeder, the Vehicle's light construction, single-pilot capacity,
Even though it is a Size 4 Vehicle it counts as a size 2 for Handling. However the
haphazard design makes them incredibly difficult to control. (This imposes a
Piloting Penalty of -4 to anyone without extra limbs)
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 3 11(2) +1 12(vs) 1 - 4(4) $25.700
($18,300 Used)

Cargo: 5 lbs

Built for both speed and maneuverability, the Infantry Support Platform, or ISP,
utilizes a vectored-thrust turbofan engine that can be angled for maximum
acceleration or maximum deceleration, particularly over "Soft" terrain (Such as the
marshy swamplands on Felucia and Kashyyyk, where it sees the most use).

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 41(24) - 10(vs) 2 - 6(4) $11,600
($2,880 Used)
Cargo: 121 lbs
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Left, Pilot, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Right, Co-Pilot, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Freerunner is a heavy military speeder designed by KAAC (The Kelliak Arms
and Armor Company) to be the ultimate in fast, flexible military ground craft. Its
advertising claims it's able to take on advanced scout, supply escort, or even
frontline combat duties.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
12 +6 6 74(48) -2 8(vs) 5 - 12(10) $140,000
($111,000 Used)
Cargo: 25 Tons
Passengers: 6
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Dual Linked, Turret (Rear), Gunner, +1 to Shooting) (4d10+2, AP 15, HW,
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret (Front), Gunner, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

PL-90 Luxury Speeder

A large speeder intended to carry wealthy individuals and their entourages, the
Ubrikkian Repulsorlift PL-90 Luxury Speeder is one of the most popular, if
expensive, Vehicles on the market. A favored Vehicle of nobles and wealthy
corporate agents, the PL-90 boasts four rows of seats (Including individual seats for
the Vehicle's pilot and a single passenger in the front). The back three rows of the
landspeeder are padded bench seats, which provide passengers with the utmost in
comfort and relaxation during their travels.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 11(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 4(4) $48,000
($29,000 Used)

Cargo: 66 lbs
Passengers: 7


The X-34 landspeeder was a model of civilian landspeeder manufactured by
SoroSuub Corporation and available during the Galactic Civil War between the
Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
3 - 3 10(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 3(3) $10,550
($2,500 Used)

Passengers: 1

Mekuun Corporation’s Swift Assault was a 15.9 meter-long hovercraft. It employed
four Kasmin three-stage turbo pumps to generate an air cushion. Kasmin’s
turbopumps were the most refined heavy-duty air blower of its type available,
permitting the Swift Assault 5 to produce extra elevation and float when required.
A Gurian S87 “perpetual charge” power plant dynamo provided power for the
hover scout; a power capacitor started the air blower rotation, and the energy
generated by the vehicle's air cushion was recycled via back-blast impellers to
supplement the S87’s power generation. The efficient engine design gave the Swift
Assault 5 a longer operational range than equivalent vehicles of its size and type.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
7 +2 4 46(28) - 10(vs) 4 - 7(4) NA

Notes: HA, Hover

Troops: 6
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Turret, HW) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Blaster Cannon (Turret) (2d10, AP 5, 150/300/600)
• Concussion Missile Launcher (Turret, Dual Linked, +1 to Electronics) (6d6+2, AP 8, HW, SBT,
200/400/800) (16 Missile Payload)

TT-6 Landspeeder
The SoroSuub TT-6 Landspeeder is the iconic personal Vehicle of The Old Republic
era. A two-seater landspeeder with large rear engines and an aerodynamic body,
the TT-6 is mass-produced by SoroSuub to provide an inexpensive and appealing
Vehicle for personal use.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
3 - 3 10(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 3(3) $12,000
($3,800 Used)

Cargo: 88 lbs
Passengers: 1

V-35 Courier
The V-35 Courier is an extremely common, cheap, durable landspeeder designed
for families and small businesses. In addition to being durable and having a good
cargo capacity for a private speeder, the V-35 Courier is popular because it offers
concealment to those inside. Although it lacks the armor for it to be of much
military value, it does allow those who would rather not be seen coming and going
an excuse to travel incognito. Though no one normally bothers, it is possible to
mount a small weapon turret on the Vehicle's roof, tied to its scanner scope.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 3 11(2) +2 12(vs) 1 - 4(4) $8,000
($2,500 Used)

Cargo: 110 lbs

Passengers: 2

Manufactured by Aratech Repulsor Company, the 64-Y Swift 3 Repulsor lift Sled was
a fast and light repulsorlift sled built with the same “engine with a seat” design
philosophy as the swoop bike.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 11(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 4(2) $8,000
($1,800 Used)

Notes: Drop Net—When you fire this weapon, make an attack roll against all targets in a MBT within
range. On a Successful hit the target is entangled (pg 98) with a -4 on Strength or Athletic rolls made to
• Medium Laser (Front) (3d10, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Drop Net (6/12/24) (See Notes Above)


The 74-Z speeder bike was a model of speeder bike used by the Galactic Republic
during the Clone Wars and later used by the Galactic Empire for combat
reconnaissance purposes during the Galactic Civil War. They were usually piloted
by scout troopers and were able to jam comlinks.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 3 16(6) +2 12(vs) 1 - 2(1) $6,750
($1,200 Used)

Notes: Restricted for sale if the Bike is armed. Price is for the Unarmed Model
Passengers: 1
• Light Laser (pintle front) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)


The AeroChaser Speeder Bike is a quick and durable speeder bike, found on worlds
throughout the galaxy. Designed and manufactured on Taris, the AeroChaser is
shipped to planets throughout the Republic and beyond. Sleek and fast, the
AeroChaser is also relatively inexpensive because of the large quantities produced.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 3 9(2) +2 12(vs) 1 - 2(2) $5,800
($1,000 Used)

Cargo: 9 lbs

BARC Speeder
The Aratech Repulsor Company's military-grade speeder bike, designed to replace
its slightly older (And poorly armed) 74-Z Speeder Bike. Unlike the 74-Z Speeder
Bike, the BARC can perform at high altitudes, making it useful for escorting LAAT/i
Gunships and LAAT/c Gunships.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
3 - 3 21(9) +1 11(vs) 1 - 3(2) $8,300
($1,550 Used)

Cargo: 11 lbs
Passengers: 1
• Light Laser (pintle front) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

FC-20 Speeder Bike

A small, lightweight vehicle noted for its quiet operation. Its distinctive U-shape
design make the vehicle a comfortable ride and easy to operate (+2 Equipment
bonus to Handling.)

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 3 4(1) +4 14(vs) 1 - 2(2) $4,000
($1,000 Used)
Cargo: 5 lbs

Generic Swoop Bike

The Lhosan Industries Swoop Racer is an unorthodox design that resembles a
Landspeeder more than a Speeder Bike. Although the rider of the Lhosan Swoop
Racer sits in a cockpit similar to that of a Landspeeder, the Vehicle's light
construction, single-pilot capacity, and narrow chassis design qualify it as a
Speeder Bike.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 3 4(1) +2 12(vs) 1 - 2(2) $18,700
($14,300 Used)

Cargo: 5 lbs

Nebulon-Q Swoop Racer

Gang members, pirates, and other scum use the Nebulon-Q Swoop Racer because of
its affordable price, its high speed, and its intimidation factor. It's a bike for those
who live fast and die young. (However, it is difficult to control and imposes a -2
Equipment penalty to Handling).
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 3 9(2) - 10(vs) 1 - 2(2) $5,500
($1,050 Used)

Cargo: 5 lbs

R-2000 Raptor
The R-2000 Raptor speeder bike is designed by Ikas-Adno, a prominent manufacturer
of Speeder Bikes. The R-2000 is highly customizable, it can be found in almost all
sectors of the known galaxy.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
3 - 3 10(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 3(2) $10,00
($7,000 Used)
Cargo: 2 lbs
• Light Laser (pintle front) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)


The Single Trooper Aerial Platform (Or STAP) is a swift, agile weapons platform held aloft
on repulsorlifts. The STAP is really little more than a variant of the Speeder Bike.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 3 16(6) +2 12(vs) 1 - 2(1) $2,500
($850 Used)

Cargo: None
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5 HW, 150/300/600)


These heavily armored Vehicles use repulsorlifts to move about the battlefield.
Although not maneuverable, they pack incredible firepower, and can safely
transport small teams of troops into hostile territory.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
5 +2 4 30(15) +1 11(vs) 4 - 5(1) NA

Notes: HA, Ion Vulnerability- Due to a design flaw the AAT takes double damage from Ion weapons
Troops: 6
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Turret, HW) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Blaster Cannon (Pintle Right) (2d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Blaster Cannon (Pintle Left) (2d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Missile Launcher (Turret, Dual Linked, +1 to Electronics) (8d6+2, AP 15, 200/400/800, HW, MBT)
(12 missile payload)

Baktoid Armor Workshop's answer to the Grand Army's TX-130 Saber-Class Fighter
Tank, the Ground Armored Tank (Or GAT) is a lightly armed, lightly armored fast-
attack Vehicle built for recon and light infantry support. The GAT is fast and agile,
making it ideal for "Hit-and-Run'' tactics. The GAT is controlled by an integrated
Droid Brain, ensuring that it is expendable.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
7 +2 4 46(28) - 10(vs) - - 7(4) $17,500
($11,000 Used)

Cargo: None
Weapons: (Shooting d6, Electronics d8)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Turret, Dual Linked, +1 to Electronics) (6d6+2, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800)
(24 Missile Payload)

The Multi-Troop Transport (MTT) for the Trade Federation's Battle Droid "Security
Force" long before the Clone Wars. To facilitate rapid deployment, the engineers at
Baktoid Armor Workshop developed a hydraulic storage rack that could not only
stack 112 B1-Series Battle Droids (Compressed into a convenient boxlike shape) in
the MTT 's cargo bay but also deploy them directly onto the battlefield in less than
one minute.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
12 +6 6 74(48) -2 8(vs) 4 - 12(11) $138,000
($80,000 Used)

Cargo: 12 Tons
Passengers: Passengers: 112 B1-Series Battle Droids (Compressed) or 20 Droideka-Series Destroyer
Droid (Compressed)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret, Gunner. +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

TX-130 Saber-Class Fighter Tank

The TX-130 Saber-Class Fighter Tank was meant to serve as a counter to the Trade
Federation's versatile AAT-1s, but without the inherent "Lowest-Bidder" design
flaws. Although the TX-130 includes a compartment designed to carry an R2-Series
Astromech Droid, Astromech Droids are generally considered more valuable as
Starfighter support; most crews use the extra space as additional cargo storage.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 41(24) - 10(vs) 3 - 6(2) NA

Cargo: 1653 lbs

Passengers: 2 + Astromech Droid
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Front, Gunner) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Proton Missile (Fixed Front, Co-Pilot, Dual Linked, +1 to Electronics) (8d6+2, AP 15, HW, MBT,
200/400/600) (16 Torpedo Payload)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Gunner, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Laser (pintle front, Pilot) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

QH-7 Chariot Speeder
The Uulshos LAVr QH-7 Chariot Command Speeder is designed to allow a
commander to enter or flee the field of battle with moderate protection. Unlike the
PX-4 Mobile Command Base, the Chariot Command Speeder can get right into the
thick of battle and out again within a matter of moments. Often used by
commanders who want to get a closer look at the way a battle is progressing, the
Command Speeder is also frequently tasked with evacuating a commander from a
hot zone.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
7 +2 4 46(28) - 10(vs) 3 - 7(6) NA
Cargo: 440 lbs
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret, Gunner, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

Tracked Vehicles have treads or tracks looped around a large number of wheels, providing great traction,
but making them less maneuverable at higher speeds- and extremely loud at any speed.

Laser-borers were small vehicles that ran on treads and seated a single operator.
During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, laser-borer tracks were
prevalent around the tunnel entrances to Black Spire Outpost on the planet Batuu.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
2 - 4 16(6) +2 4(vs) 1 - 2(0) NA

Notes: HA
• 2 Claws (Claw attacks benefit from the Frenzy Edge) (1d12+1+1d8)
• Laser Borer (Fixed Front,) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600) If an attack with the laser borer misses its
target, roll randomly to see where the beam strikes (See Deviation pg 97 in the SWADE Core Book) . Treat
this square as if a fragmentation grenade (3d6, HW, LBT) had just struck there. This can be evaded (pg
100 in the SWADE Core Book).

Persuader-Class Droid
Known variously as the Corporate Alliance Tank Droid, CAD, or "Snail" Tank, the NR-
N99 Persuader-Class Droid Enforcer is originally developed as an anti-insurgent
Droid, but it is swiftly converted for a somewhat more lethal role in the Clone Wars.
Although few were present at the Battle of Geonosis, the NR-N99s were deployed
in massive numbers at the Battle of Kashyyyk.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 57(36) -1 9(vs) - - 9(6) NA

Cargo: None
Notes: Shooting d8
•Heavy Laser Cannon (Front, HW, Pilot) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Ion Cannon (Front,Pilot) (2d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW)
• Light Concussion Missile Launcher (Front, Pilot) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (12 Missile Payload)

The Czerka Corporation Multi-Environment Tracked Transport (M-ETT)- colloquially
referred to as a "Sandcrawler"- is designed for environments where repulsorcraft
are too difficult or expensive to use. The M-ETT functions well in a variety of
terrain, but it excels on dry, arid worlds (Such as Tatooine) where the Tracked
Vehicle can find purchase on unstable ground. The rolling sand dunes of desert
worlds make using Walkers or Wheeled Vehicles difficult, and sandstorms and fine
airborne particles can cause malfunctions in repulsorlifts.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
13 +6 6 20(2) -2 8(vs) 10 - 13(13) $110,000
($40,000 Used)

Cargo: 3 Tons
Passengers: 60

TIE Crawler
The TIE Crawler- or Century Tank, as it is more commonly known- is a more
practical iteration of the earlier TIE Mauler design. It can hold only a single person,
who acts as both pilot and gunner. The pilot uses foot controls to adjust the angle
of steering and speed, while the hand controls are tied into fire control systems.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 52(32) - 10(vs) 1 - 8(7) NA

Cargo: 143 lbs

• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

Wheeled Vehicles move on one or more wheels (Most commonly two to four). Faster and more
maneuverable than Tracked Vehicles or Walkers, wheels are a cheap alternative to repulsorlift technology
for light and fast Vehicles.

Hailfire Droid
Designed as an all-terrain tank, the Hailfire operates on two massive,
independently turning wheels that give the tank an extremely tight turning radius,
as well as letting it reach decent land speeds- at least fast enough to move into
range, deliver its payload of missiles, then retreat to a safe distance where it can
be resupplied. Unfortunately, the Hailfire is very lightly armored compared to most
tanks, making it extremely vulnerable to counterattack.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 41(24) - 10(vs) - - 6(3) NA

Cargo: None
Weapons: (Shooting d8, Electronics d8)
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Quad Linked, Fixed Front, +2 to Shooting) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• 2x Light Proton Missiles (Fixed Front, Dual Linked, +1 to Electronics) (6d6+2, AP 8, HW, SBT,
200/400/600) (30 Torpedo Payload)

HAVw A6 Juggernaut
An awe-inspiring Juggernaut, The Turbo Tank was used exclusively by the Republic
during the second half of the Clone Wars, and saw action on Kashyyyk, Praesitlyn,
Saleucami, and countless other worlds. Any planet with terrain too soft for Walkers
to maneuver tended to heavily favor Turbo Tank deployment, as well as worlds
where the speed of the A6 could give it an advantage over Separatist forces.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 68(44) -1 9(vs) 4 - 11(7) $350,000
($210,000 Used)

Cargo: 30 Tons
Passengers: 50
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Front, Gunner) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Missiles (Fixed Front, Co-Pilot, Dual Linked, +1 to Electronics) (6d6+2, AP 8, HW, SBT,
200/400/600) (20 Torpedo Payload)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Gunner, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Laser (pintle front, Pilot) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

Originally created as an all-terrain military reconnaissance Vehicle- and later
adopted by civilians for racing- the Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike returns to its
roots during the Clone Wars, serving as a light patrol vehicle for The Confederacy
of Independent Systems. The Wheel Bike is difficult to control, particularly at
higher speeds, so pilots need to be specially trained to handle the vehicle.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
3 - 3 21(9) +1 11(vs) 1 - 3(3) $15,000
($4,000 Used)

Cargo: 22 lbs
Passengers: 1

Air Vehicles generally operate above a planetary surface, but within the planet's atmosphere.

Airspeeders are repulsorlift Vehicles that can travel anywhere up to about 300 kilometers above ground
level, but they are incapable of true space flight. Because they fly so high above the ground, they ignore
penalties for Difficult Terrain and obstacles. Of all Planetary Vehicles, Airspeeders are the most

Basilisk War Droid

The ancient Basiliskan race yielded many technological advances to their
Mandalorian conquerors.
Chief among them is the Basilisk War Droid, heavily armed electronic quadrupeds.
Operating both in atmosphere and in Orbital space (As a Drop Ship only), they are
deadly enough on their own, their artificial intelligence operating a variety of
Weapon Systems within their Mandalorian steel shells.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 41(24) - 10(vs) 1 - 6(3) NA
3(ss) ($70,000

Cargo: 220 lbs

Passengers: 1
Notes: HA
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5 HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (4 Missile Payload),
• Claws (Melee, 2d8, HW,)


The HSP-10 pursuit airspeeder was an air patrol model employed on Coruscant by
the early Empire. With a maximum speed of 620 kilometers per hour, it required a
single pilot and could carry three passengers; it was fully enclosed. It was capable
of carrying half a ton of cargo and consumables for one day. The pilot could
operate a double laser cannon and an ion cannon.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
3 - 3 13(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 3(1) $40,000
($20,000 Used)

Notes: HA
Passengers: 1
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Fixed Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, 150/300/600, HW)
• Light Ion Cannon (Front) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

The Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (LAAT/i), also known as the Low
Altitude Assault Transport, Republic attack gunship, Republic Gunship or Assault
Gunship, was one of the several models in the Low Altitude Assault Transport line
of starships that mainly served as gunships and troop transports for the Grand
Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Its role was to transport Clone
troopers as well as offering air-to-ground and air-to-air support for the Galactic
Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(8) -1 9(vs) 4 - 11(5) $65,000
($40,000 Used)

Notes: When the doors are open passengers use their own toughness, not the vehicles toughness to
resist attacks directed at them, HA
Troops: 16
• Light Missile Launcher (Front Firing Arc. Dual Linked, +1 to Electronics) (6d6+2, AP 8, 200/400/800,
HW, SBT) (24 missile payload)
• Gatling Lasers (Pintle Front) (3d6+4, AP 4, 50/100/200, HW)
• 2x Medium Laser Turret (Pintle Right) (3d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW) (Gunner)
• 2x Medium Laser Turret (Pintle Left) (3d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW) (Gunner)


The T-47 airspeeder, also known as the T-47 light airspeeder, was a craft
manufactured by Incom Corporation. They were modified by the Rebel Alliance into
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 14(2) +1 11(vs) 2 - 4(1) $50,000
($15,000 Used

Notes: Harpoon Gun- A gunner using the harpoon gun to attack an enemy walker must make an attack
roll ignoring armor; if successful, the pilot must make an opposed maneuvering roll (pg.113). If the Pilot
wins the harpoon attack succeeds, the target walker cannot move without making a maneuvering roll at
-4. If successful the walker is able to move at half pace but is still entangled and must make this roll
every time it attempts to move. On a raise it breaks the entangling cable. On a failure the enemy walker
goes Out of Control (pg. 119), HA.
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Fixed Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, 150/300/600, HW)
• Light Blaster Cannon (Pintle Rear) (2d10, AP 5, 150/300/600, HW) (Gunner)
• Harpoon Gun (See Notes Above, Gunner, 25/50/100)

The Raider was an Imperial-gray speeder based on the Low Altitude Assault
Transport, and was tasked with quickly and nimbly delivering troops or agents to a
hotspot. Angular and wingless, the Raider sported less armor and armament than
the LAAT and could carry only six passengers, with the passengers being
completely enclosed in a troop bay which was sealed off by twin sliding doors to
the aft, the cockpit situated behind a mirrored opaque canopy.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(8) -1 9(vs) 4 - 11(6) $50,000
($30,000 Used)

Notes: When the doors are open passengers use their own toughness, not the vehicles toughness to
resist attacks directed at them, HA
Troops: 6
• Gatling Lasers (Pintle Front) (3d6+4, ROF 4, AP 4, 50/100/200, HW).
• 2x Medium Laser Turret (Pintle Right) (3d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW) (Gunner).
• 2x Medium Laser Turret (Pintle Left) (3d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, HW) (Gunner).


The Ubrikkian Talon I combat cloud car was an armed air vehicle designed to fill a
niche between starfighters and lighter vehicles like the Storm IV cloud car. Capable
of Orbital Space Flight. Introduced some time before the Battle of Yavin, Talon I
combat cloud cars were known to be used until at least the era of the New Jedi
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 20(6) - 10(vs) 1 25 6(5) $85,000
4(ss) ($40,000 Used)

• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Front, +1to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)


Tibanna gas platforms were large floating structures that were used to extract
tibanna gas. These Platforms are treated as Vehicles for statistical purposes, but
they are usually immobile and do not require a Pilot to function. Instead, the droid
brain controls all the functions of the Weapon Emplacement. While a Pace is
included this is out of combat. Once Combat Starts they can not be moved.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 15(4) - 1(vs) 1 25 11(10) $42,000
($30,000 Used)

Notes: Droid brain

Weapons: (Shooting d6)
• Light Laser Cannons (Turret) (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

Twin-228 Airspeeder
Another design popularized by the SoroSuub Corporation, the Twin-228 Airspeeder
is a two-person speeder that shares aesthetic similarities with other contemporary
Vehicle designs. The cockpit is situated toward the rear, with two sets of prongs
stretching forward from the cockpit for over half of the Airspeeder's length. Two
large engines at the rear of the Vehicle give it a decent top speed
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 11(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 4(4) $22,000
($13,500 Used)

Cargo: 132 lbs

Passengers: 1


The Storm IV Twin-Pod Cloud Car was an atmospheric vehicle known as a cloud car
which was designed and manufactured by Bespin Motors on Bespin’s Cloud City.
Capable of Orbital Space Flight.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 15(4) - 10(vs) 2 25 6(5) $75,000
4(ss) ($28,000 Used)
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, Co-Pilot, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

Veltiss-2 Airspeeder
The Veltiss-2 Airspeeder is a fast and lightweight vessel well suited to use on
worlds where the urban sprawl puts large distances between common travel
destinations. On worlds such as Coruscant, where an Imperial delegate might be
required to travel from one side of a continent to the other in the course of their
day-to-day duties, the Veltiss-2 makes such a trip manageable.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 11(2) +1 11(vs) 1 - 4(4) $19,000
($9,200 Used)

Cargo: 66 lbs
Passengers: 1

The RZ-1 A-wing interceptor, also known as the RZ-1 A-wing starfighter, was a
wedge-shaped starfighter manufactured by Kuat Systems Engineering, which took
design inspiration from the Republic starfighters of the Clone Wars. Designed for
Speed this Starfighter has a +2 Handling Bonus.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
7 +2 4 20(4) +2 14(vs) 1 50 7(0) $175,000
6(ss) ($70,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (1), Speed (1)
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Turret , +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5 HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (12 Missile Payload)

The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter, also known simply as the ARC-170
starfighter, was a heavy-duty model of starfighter used by the Galactic Republic
during the Clone Wars and was considered the latest in fighter technology. Jointly
manufactured by Incom Corporation and Subpro, it continued to see usage into the
reign of the Galactic Empire, but was eventually phased out by the newer TIE line,
though some found their way into the hands of the Alliance to Restore the
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(6) -1 9(vs) 4(ss) 3 250 11(2) $155,000
($70,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x1.5, If the ship has an Astromech Droid it grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and
Repair Rolls, Shields (3)
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Dual Linked, Front, Pilot, +1 to Shooting) (4d10+2, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front, Co-Pilot) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (8 Torpedo Payload)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Rear, Gunner, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

B-wing starfighters were a type of heavy assault starfighter used primarily as an
attack vessel against capital ships and escorting other fighter squadrons and
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(6) -1 9(vs) 4(ss) 1 250 11(2) $220,000
($120,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Limited Nav Computer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (2)
• Gatling Lasers (Pintle Front) (3d6+4, ROF 4, AP 4, 50/100/200, HW).
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Turret, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5 HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (12 Torpedo Payload)

The Nssis-class Clawcraft was a starfighter typically associated with the Chiss, but
in fact was a hybrid development of standard Imperial technology. The fuselage
was based on the ubiquitous “ball cockpit” of the TIE Series of Imperial
starfighters, with a Sienar ion drive pod mounted on the rear, but stemming from
the junction of cockpit and drive pod were two pairs of curving wings which thrust
out like an X-wing strike-foils, and then extended forward in a claw-like grip around
the cockpit. At the tip of each wing was a Sienar L-s7.2 laser cannon.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 16(vs) 1 100 8(0) NA

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x1.5 (Limited Navi Computer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1), Speed (3)
• Heavy Lasers (Quad Linked, Front, +2 to Shooting) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)

The CloakShape fighter, or CS fighter, was a space and atmospheric fighter built by
Kuat Systems Engineering decades before the Clone Wars.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 10(vs) 1 25 6(1) $60,000
4(ss) ($15,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x1.5 (Limited Navi Computer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1)
• Heavy Lasers (Quad Linked, Front, +2 to Shooting) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)


The yorik-et, referred to as a coralskipper or skip by New Republic forces, was the
Yuuzhan Vong version of a starfighter during their invasion of the galaxy.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 25(6) -1 9(vs) 4(ss) 1 - 9(6) NA

Notes: HA, Dovin Basel (As an action the Pilot can grant themselves one of the following effects that
lasts until changed. Either a +2 to (ss), +5 to Armor, or a +1 die of Damage with the Dovin Basel: see
below), Shields (1)
• Heavy Volcano Cannon (Fixed Front) (5d10, AP 30, HW, MBT, 100/200/400)
• Dovin Basel (Can only effect Shields) (4d8+2, HW, 100/200/400)

The Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, also known as the Delta-7 Jedi
starfighter or Delta-7 Jedi Interceptor, and commonly referred to as the Jedi
starfighter, was a starfighter model designed by Kuat Systems Engineering and
used by the Jedi Order before and during the Clone Wars. The variant Delta-7B
Aethersprite-class light interceptor was also used by the Jedi during the Clone
Wars. The Delta-7 would also be used by the Alliance to Restore the Republic in
their early campaigns against the Galactic Empire.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 12(vs) 1 25 6(4) $180,000
5(ss) ($145,000 Used)

Notes: Can be attached to a Booster Ring for a Hyperdrive x1, Hard Wired Astromech Droid grants +2 on
Astrogation Rolls, HA, Speed (1)
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)


Scarab-class starfighters were a model of starfighter used by the Trade Federation.
During the Clone Wars, the Trade Federation sided with the Confederacy of
Independent Systems and had a huge fleet of Lucrehulk-class Battleships based in
the blockaded purse-worlds of the Quellor sector, where they engaged the Galactic
Republic’s 2nd Fleet. These battleships were converted from transports so that
their cargo holds could act as hangars for Scarab-class starfighters and Vulture-
class starfighters.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 10(vs) - - 6(4) $180,000
4(ss) ($145,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Shields (1)

Weapons: (Shooting d8)
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)


The Variable Geometry Self-Propelled Battle Droid, Mark I (also known as the
Vulture-class droid starfighter or simply as the vulture droid) was a droid
starfighter used by the Trade Federation. Later, in much greater numbers, it
was utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It participated
heavily in the Clone Wars, at engagements such as the Battles of Kamino and
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 10(vs) - - 6(4) $30,000
4(ss) ($19,000 Used)

Notes: Can reconfigure itself into “Walk Mode” allowing it to patrol on the ground with a Pace of 5 (It
takes a full Round for it to change from one mode to the other), HA, due to it’s Droid brain it ignores the
first level of MAP
Weapons: (Shooting d6)
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (6 Missile Payload)


The droid tri-fighter, also known as the tri-droid fighter or simply tri-fighter, was a
deadly Confederacy droid starfighter designed as a fast, agile and powerful space-
superiority starfighter, built to excel in dogfighting. It would be used in large
numbers throughout the Clone Wars.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 10(vs) - - 6(2) $80,000
4(ss) ($40,000 Used)

Notes: It’s weapons can be fired at the same target or separate targets (If fired at a single target each
additional laser grants Gang-up to the attack Roll, Due to it’s Droid brain it ignores MAP, HA
Weapons: (Shooting d8)
• Medium Laser (Fixed Front) (3d10, AP 10, HW, Range: 150/300/600)
• 2x Light Laser Cannons (Pintle Front) (2d10, AP 5, Range: 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, Range: 200/400/800) (6 Missile Payload)

The E-7 E-wing multi-role starfighter, also called E-wing escort starfighter, was a
single-pilot starfighter developed by FreiTek Inc. It was notable for being the first
fighter designed entirely under the support of the New Republic. E-wings deployed
with updated laser cannons were known as the Type B
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
7 +2 4 20(4) - 12(vs) 1 50 7(0) $175,000
5(ss) ($70,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (1), Speed (1)
• Medium Lasers (Triple Linked, Front, +2 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (16 Torpedo Payload)


The Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, also known as the Jedi interceptor or Jedi
starfighter due to its extensive use by Jedi pilots, was a Republic starfighter used
late in the Clone Wars that shared design elements with the Republic’s Delta-7 and
Delta-7B starfighters, as well as the TIE fighters of the later Galactic Empire. The
Galactic Alliance would later come to utilize a successor, the Eta-5 interceptor.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 14(vs) 1 25 6(2) $200,000
6(ss) ($140,000 Used)

Notes: Can be attached to a Booster Ring for a Hyperdrive x1, If the ship has an Astromech Droid it
grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and Repair Rolls, HA, Speed (2)
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Cannon (Front) (3d10, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Nantex-class territorial defense starfighter, also known as the Geonosian
starfighter or more simply as the Nantex-class starfighter, was a needle-shaped
starfighter manufactured by Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights Collective and used by
the natives of Geonosis. Many saw service during the Clone Wars to defend the
droid factories of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 14(vs) 1 - 8(5) NA

Notes: HA, At Short Range they add +1 to all attack Rolls (this is added to the +1 from Dual Linked
listed in the stats below), Speed (2)
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Ginivex-class starfighters, more commonly known as the Fanblade starfighters,
were six starfighters constructed by the Geonosian Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights
Collective for Separatist agent Asajj Ventress and her cohorts on Rattatak.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 4 24(6) - 14(vs) 1 100 8(3) NA

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), Shields (2), (Speed 2)
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front , +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter, commonly known as the K-wing, was a
heavy starfighter/bomber.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(6) -1 9(vs) 4(ss) 4 250 11(3) $250,000
($120,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), Shields (2), HA

• Heavy Laser Cannon (Quad Linked, Turret, +2 to Shooting) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (18 Torpedo Payload)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (4 Missile Payload)
• Heavy Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (10d12, AP 80, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (6 Torpedo Payload)

The Mankvim-814’s simple construction consisted largely of a reactor feeding
power to a high-velocity ion drive. A magnetized rudder tilted the ion flow for off-
axis thrust, while side thrusters aided roll and yaw adjustments.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 10(vs) 1 - 6(4) $80,000
4(ss) ($40,000 Used)

Notes: It’s weapons can be fired at the same target or separate targets (If fired at a single target each
additional laser grants Gang-up to the attack Roll, HA
• 2x Light Laser Cannons (Pintle Front) (2d10, AP 5, 150/300/600, HW)

Based on the same Hapan principles of speed and agility that produced the smaller
Miy’til starfighter, the Miy’til assault bomber blended an impressive mix of sublight
speed and maneuverability that put it on par with a heavy starfighter rather than a
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 4 24(6) - 12(vs) 2 - 8(0) $180,000
5(ss) ($140,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2, Backup Hyperdrive x12 (An Astromech Droid grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and
+4 on Repair Rolls), HA, Speed (1), Shield (1)
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Dual Linked, Fixed Front, +1 to Electronics) (6d6+2, AP 8, HW, SBT,
200/400/800) (32 Missile Payload)

The craft’s small size meant that the Hapan engineers had to miniaturize many of
its components. It employed an Astromech droid to assist with in-flight operations
and navigation. The Miy’til was, like other small starfighters, relatively lightly
armed, with only two laser cannons and one concussion missile launcher.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 10(vs) 1 - 6(0) $210,000
4(ss) ($85,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2, Backup Hyperdrive x12 (An Astromech Droid grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and
+4 on Repair Rolls), HA
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (6 Missile Payload)

The Naboo Royal N-1 starfighter, sometimes known simply as the Naboo
starfighter, was a starfighter used by the government of Naboo during the late
years of the Galactic Republic and early days of the Galactic Empire for
defense, patrol, and escort duties.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 10(vs) 1 25 6(0) NA

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (If the ship has an Astromech Droid it grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and Repair
Rolls), HA, Shields (1)
• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (10 Torpedo Payload)

The Porax-38 (P-38) starfighter was a tough, hyperdrive-equipped starfighter
used by the Utapauns as part of the Utapau Skyforce. Some models were
adapted by the Confederacy of Independent Systems into the Rogue-class
starfighter line.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
5 +2 4 18(4) +1 11(vs) 1 25 5(0) $120,000
4(ss) ($50,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (Limited Navicomputer +2 on Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (1)

• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

The Predator-class fighter, also called the TIE Predator and nicknamed Eyeballs
by the Galactic Alliance, was a starfighter produced by Sienar Fleet Systems and
used by the New Galactic Empire as of 130 ABY.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
5 +2 4 18(4) +1 13(vs) 1 25 5(0) $120,000
5(ss) ($50,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (Limited Navicomputer +2 on Astrogation Rolls), HA, Speed (1)

• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)


The Scimitar assault bomber was an advanced starfighter/bomber based on TIE
Series technology. It was used by the Galactic Empire.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 25(6) -1 9(vs) 4(ss) 1 - 9(5) $120,000
($45,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Shields (2)

• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Fixed Front,+1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (16 Missile Payload)

The Sith fighter, also known as the Sith interceptor, was a starfighter that
formed the bulk of Darth Revan and Darth Malak’s space forces during the Jedi
Civil War.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 17(4) +1 15(vs) 1 - 4(0) NA

Notes: HA, Speed (2), Shields (1)

• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)


The Cutlass-9 patrol fighter, also known as the SoroSuub patrol fighter, was a
starfighter manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation prior to the Clone Wars.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 10(vs) 1 100 8(3) $140,000
4(ss) ($65,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), HA

• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (8 Missile Payload)

The StarViper was equipped with dual laser cannons of medium destructive power,
and unlike other starfighters, it was short in length but tall, lacking a fuselage. It
had decent armor and was fairly quick, but was expensive, which meant that it was
not deployed in large squadrons.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 14(vs) 1 100 8(0) $140,000
6(ss) ($65,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (1), Speed (2)
• Heavy Lasers (Quad Linked, Front, +2 to Shooting) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (10 Torpedo Payload)

The TIE/ln space superiority starfighter, commonly called the TIE fighter, was the
signature starfighter of the Galactic Empire and de facto symbol of Imperial
space superiority. Instantly recognizable from the roar of its engines as well as its
unique design, the TIE/ln exuded Imperial power and prestige across the galaxy,
seeing use throughout the Empire’s political existence.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 12(vs) 1 - 8(6) $60,000
5(ss) ($25,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Speed (1)

• Medium Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600).

The TIE Advanced x1, or TIE/ad, was an advanced prototype starfighter that was
part of the TIE line manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems. Darth Vader notably flew
a TIE Advanced x1 during the Battle of Yavin.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 14(vs) 1 100 8(1) $160,000
6(ss) ($65,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x4 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (1), Speed (2)
• Heavy Lasers (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (4d10+2, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (1 Missile Payload)

The TIE/sa bomber, formally known as the TIE Surface Assault Bomber and also
known as the TIE/sa tactical bomber and TIE bomber, was a bombing variant of
the TIE line used by the Galactic Empire, and was their main source of anti-
emplacement air-support. They were nicknamed “dupes” by the New Republic
pilot Wyl Lark.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 25(6) -1 9(vs) 3(ss) 2 - 9(7) $150,000
($60,000 Used)

Notes: HA
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Fixed Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (15 Missile Payload)

The TIE/D Defender, commonly known as the TIE Defender or T/D, was a high-
performance TIE Series starfighter developed for the Imperial Navy by Sienar Fleet
Systems in a project overseen by Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin shortly before
the Battle of Endor. Representing a shift in starfighter design from previous TIE
models, the ship featured a hyperdrive as well as deflector shields to allow it to
operate independently of Imperial capital ships.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 12(vs) 1 100 8(1) $160,000
5(ss) ($65,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x4 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (1), Speed (1)
• Heavy Lasers (Quad Linked, Front, +2 to Shooting) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (8 Torpedo Payload)
• Medium Ion Cannon (Front) (3d10, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The TIE/IN interceptor, also known as the TIE Interceptor, was a type of TIE fighter
used by the Galactic Empire, most notably during the Battle of Endor. The
interceptor was identifiable by the addition of four arrow-shaped panels tipped
with laser cannons.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 18(vs) 1 - 8(3) $120,000
8(ss) ($50,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Speed (4)

• Heavy Lasers (Quad Linked, Front, +2 to Shooting) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600).


The V-19 Torrent starfighter, also known as the V-19 Torrent Interceptor, was a model
of starfighter manufactured by Slayn & Korpil. They were used by the Republic Navy
during the Clone Wars
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 25(6) -1 9(vs) 4(ss) 1 150 9(4) NA

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls)

• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Fixed Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (6 Missile Payload)

The Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, also known as the Alpha-3 Nimbus or
V-wing starfighter, was a starfighter model manufactured by Kuat Systems
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 12(vs) 1 100 8(2) $102,500
5(ss) ($45,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Limited Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1), Speed (1)
Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

The T-65B X-wing starfighter, also known as the T-65 X-wing starfighter or T-65B
space superiority fighter, was a single-seat craft manufactured by Incom
Corporation and used most famously by the Alliance to Restore the Republic during
the Galactic Civil War.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
10 +4 5 26(6) -1 10(vs) 1 200 10(3) $150,000
4(ss) ($65,000 Used)

Notes: HA , Hyperdrive x1(An Astromech Droid grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and +4 on Repair Rolls),
Shields (2), X-foils take an action to open or close (must be closed to enter or leave the atmosphere.)
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Dual Linked when X-foils are closed. +1 to Shooting +2 to Damage, Quad Linked
when X-foils are open. +2 to Shooting +4 to Damage) (Fixed Front) (4d10, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Dual Linked, Fixed Front, Electronics +1) (8d12+2, AP 40, HW, LBT,
300/600/1200) (6 Torpedo Payload)

The X-83 TwinTail starfighter was a model of X-wing series starfighter used before
and during Darth Krayt’s rise to power in 130 ABY. Manufactured by Incom
Corporation, the X-83 was a cutting-edge vessel and the primary starfighter of the
New Jedi Order until that organization’s destruction following the Sith-Imperial War.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 37(16) -1 13(vs) 1 200 11(0) $150,000
6(ss) ($65,000 Used)

Notes: HA , Hyperdrive x1 (An Astromech Droid grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and +4 on Repair Rolls),
Shields (2), Enhanced Armor (2), Speed (2)
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Quad Linked, +2 to Shooting, Fixed Front) (4d10+4, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (8 Torpedo Payload)

The BTL Y-wing starfighter, also referred to as the Y-wing starfighter/bomber or
more simply as the BTL-series, Y-wing fighter, or Y-wing, was a series of multi-role
starfighter-bombers manufactured by Koensayr Manufacturing. Commissioned by
the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars, many surviving Y-wings would go on
to serve with the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 10(vs) 1 100 8(0) $135,000
4(ss) ($60,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x1 ( An Astromech Droid grants +2 on Astrogation Rolls and +4 on Repair Rolls),
Shields (2)
• Heavy Laser Cannon (Dual Linked, Fixed Front. +1 to Shooting) (4d10+2, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Cannon (Turret) (3d10, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (8 Torpedo Payload)

The Z-95 Headhunter, also referred to as the Z-95 starfighter or simply the Z-95,
was a multi- purpose starfighter jointly manufactured by Incom Corporation and
Sublights Products Corporation. Despite being considered outdated, the Z-95 was
durable and adaptable to a variety of different roles, which led many to recognize
it as a versatile and respectable snub- fighter of its era.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 25(6) -1 9(vs) 4(ss) 1 150 9(3) $80,000
($45,000 Used)

Notes: HA , Hyperdrive x1 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1)

• Light Laser Cannons (Triple Linked, Front, +2 to Shooting) (2d10+2 , AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (6 Missile Payload)

The Action IV transport was a Corellian Engineering Corporation medium bulk
freighter of the Action series.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
19 +6 6 34(8) -3 7(vs) 2(ss) 8 600 19(17) $80,000
($45,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x3 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), HA

Cargo: 75,000 tons


The Baudo-class star yacht was a favorite ship of rich youngsters. It also had the
ability to be easily modified, so the ship was sometimes used by smugglers.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
12 +6 6 20(4) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 1 300 12(7) $400,000
($250,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x7), HA, Shields (1)
Cargo: 35 Tons
Passengers: 8
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5 HW, 150/300/600)

The ILH-KK Citadel-class civilian cruiser, also known as simply the Citadel-class
cruiser or Citadel cruiser, was a heavily armed and armored transport built by
Koensayr during the final years of the Galactic Republic.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
13 +6 6 31(8) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 3 350 13(4) $205,000
($120,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (2)

Cargo: 50 Tons
Passengers: 14
Carried Craft: 2x Starfighters (External)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (12 Missile Payload)
• Tractor Beam (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)


The YT-1300 light freighter, also known as the YT-1300 Corellian freighter, was a
type of light freighter manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation that
saw operation in the galaxy during the final days of the Galactic Republic and the
reign of the Galactic Empire. By the year 0 BBY, it was considered an outdated
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 24(6) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 2 450 14(8) $100,000
($25,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12), HA, Shields (1)
Cargo: 100 Tons
Passengers: 6
• Medium Laser (Quad Linked, Turret Top, +2 to Shooting) (3d10+4, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)


The YT-2000 transport was designed to be a direct improvement over the YT-1300,
but it only saw a limited production run. Its basic design was similar to the YT-1930
with its centrally- placed cockpit and symmetrical design, while the rest of the ship
returned to the saucer-like design of the YT-1300.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 24(6) -2 10(vs) 3 450 14(8) $130,000
3(ss) ($32,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls ), Backup Hyperdrive x12), HA, Speed (1)
Cargo: 150 Tons
Passengers: 6
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Top, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The YT-2400 is the CEC’s bid to produce a “Perfect” light freighter. An upgrade of
the YT-2000 design, it incorporates everything learned during the run of the long
and successful YT line. Though it uses many of the same technology upgrades as
the short-run YT-2000, the YT-2400 returned to the off-center cockpit arrangement.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 24(6) -2 12(vs) 4 450 14(6) $150,000
4(ss) ($45,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12, HA, Speed (2),
Shields (1)
Cargo: 150 Tons
Passengers: 7
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Top, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Dynamic-class freighter was a light freighter built by a subsidiary of Core
Galaxy Systems on the remote Republic world of Transel around the period of the
Mandalorian Wars. A stock Dynamic-class freighter was only modestly armed and
shielded; however, the ship was designed to accept modifications without
compromising existing systems and most ships were therefore heavily customized
by their owners.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
12 +6 6 20(4) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 3 300 12(7) $80,000
($30,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x3 (Navicomputer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (2)

Cargo: 60 Tons
Passengers: 6
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Right, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret Left, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)


The Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft, also known simply as a Firespray-
class interceptor, was a patrol ship manufactured by Kuat Systems Engineering.
Firesprays were used to guard and patrol the prison moon Oovo 4,while bounty
hunters Jango Fett and Boba Fett piloted a customized Firespray named Slave I
throughout their career,which Jango had stolen from Oovo IV.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(6) -1 9(vs) 3(ss) 1 250 11(5) $120,000
($90,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x3 (Navi Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x15), HA, Shields (1)
Cargo: 70 Tons
Passengers: 4
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Turret, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600).
• Tractor Beam (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200).

The Class 720 freighter, also known as the Ghtroc 720, was a light freighter
manufactured by Ghtroc Industries. Though less popular than the competing YT-
series, the Ghtroc 720 developed a following in the Outer Rim Territories, where
Ghtroc Industries was located, and thousands of the freighters remained in use
even after the manufacturer went out of business.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
13 +6 6 21(4) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 2 350 13(7) $98,500
($23,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x15), HA, Shields (1)
Cargo: 135 Tons
Passengers: 10
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Gozanti Cruiser, also known as the Gozanti-class armed transport, was a slow
but powerful independent transport designed by Corellian Engineering Corporation.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
13 +6 6 41(18) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 2 350 13(3) $98,500
($23,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x3 (Navicomputer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Enhanced Armor (2)

Cargo: 60 Tons
Passengers: 10
• Medium Laser (Quad Linked, Turret, +2 to Shooting) (3d10+4, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600),
• 4x Light Laser Cannons (2d10, AP 5, HW, 75/150/300),
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (8 Torpedo Payload)


The Sith Empire utilized a class of assault shuttle during the Great Galactic War,
Cold War, and Galactic War against the Galactic Republic. There existed a larger
variation of these shuttles, but the Imperial assault shuttles were used far more
frequently than their larger counterparts in the Sith Empire’s many wars with the
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
9 +4 5 25(6) -1 9(vs) 3(ss) 2 150 9(1) $850,000
($340,000 Used)

Notes: HA , Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x18, Shields (1)
Troops: 450
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (15 Missile Payload)
• Tractor Beam (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)

The Rendili StarDrive light corvette, commonly known as the Imperial Customs
corvette, was a light starship commonly used for patrol and inspection actions.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 3 450 15(3) NA

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x8, Shields (2)
Cargo: 500 Tons
Troops: 20
• 6x Medium Laser (Dual Linked +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)


The J-type star skiff (sometimes called the Naboo star skiff) was a yacht starship
created by the Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps for the Royal House
of Naboo. It was referred to as a star skiff due to its primary purpose as a
passenger transport, a role often shared by the common repulsorlift surface
vehicles known as skiffs.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 24(6) -2 16(vs) 3 250 14(4) NA
6(ss) ($5 Mil
black market)
Notes: Hyperdrive x.5 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), HA, Shields (1), Speed (4)
Cargo: 10 Tons
Passengers: 5
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, also known as the Lambda-class shuttle, Imperial
Lambda, Imperial Transport or the Imperial Shuttle, was a multi-purpose transport
with a trihedral foil design used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil
War, and was considered an elegant departure from the standards of brutish
Imperial engineering.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 32(8) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 6 250 14(5) NA
black market)

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x10, HA, Shields (1)
Cargo: 50 Tons
Passengers: 20
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, Left and Right Turret, Gunner, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW,
• Medium Laser (Quad Linked, CoPilot, +2 to Shooting) (3d10+4, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Laser Cannons (Dual Linked, Front, Pilot, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

The GR-75 medium transport, sometimes referred to as the Gallofree transport,
was a transport designed and constructed by Gallofree Yards, Inc. They were lightly
armed with a clamshell- like hull to protect the cargo pods it carried. They could
not reach any more than 650 kilometers per hour and had a class 4 hyperdrive.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
16 +6 6 29(8) -4 6(vs) 6 500 16(8) $350,000
1(ss) ($125,000 Used)

Notes: HA, Hyperdrive x4 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls)

Cargo: 19,000 Tons
Passengers: 40
• Light Point Defense Laser (Dual Linked , +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600

The Consular-class cruiser, commonly referred to as Republic cruiser, was a
Corellian Engineering Corporation starship used by the Galactic Republic to
transport Jedi and diplomats to troubled spots across the galaxy.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
16 +6 6 29(8) -3 7(vs) 2(ss) 8 500 16(11) $1.25 Mil
($400,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1)

Passengers: 16
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

“Sith Infiltrator” was a term used to describe various designs of starships used by
Sith Masters and apprentices during their long centuries of secret actions against
the Jedi Order. Darth Sidious and two of his apprentices used highly customized
Star Couriers to serve as their Sith Infiltrators.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(6) -1 13(vs) 1 250 11(2) NA

Notes: Hyperdrive x1.5 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12), HA, Shields
(2), Speed (2)
Cargo: 2.5 Tons
• Medium Laser (Dual Linked, +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat was, early in the Galactic Civil
War, the smallest hyperspace-capable combat starship in use by the Imperial Navy.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) -2 8(vs) 2(ss) 4 450 15(8) $624,000
($240,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x2 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), HA

Cargo: 20 Tons
• Medium Laser (Quad Linked +2 to Shooting) (3d10+4, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Cannons (3d10, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (8 Missile Payload)
• Light Proton Torpedo (Fixed Front) (8d12, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (4 Torpedo Payload)

The Theta-class T-2c shuttle, also known as the Theta-class shuttle, was a model of
shuttle used by the Galactic Republic and later, the Galactic Empire. Emperor
Palpatine ordered Grand Vizier Mas Amedda to inform Captain Kagi to prepare his
Theta-class for immediate takeoff to rescue Darth Vader on Mustafar following a
duel there against his former Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
11 +4 5 27(6) -1 9(vs) 3(ss) 2 250 11(5) $1 Mil
($210,000 Used)

Notes: Hyperdrive x1 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x15, HA, Shields (1)
Cargo: 50 Tons
Passengers: 16
• Medium Laser (Quad Linked, +2 to Shooting) (3d10+4, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Acclamator-class assault ship, alternatively referred to as the Acclamator-class
trans-galactic military transport ship or Acclamator-class transgalactic military
assault ship, or by the shorter names Acclamator-class transport, Acclamator-class
troopship, or the rarer Acclamator I transport, was an assault-class capital ship
created for the Galactic Republic by Rothana Heavy Engineering. It was the
predecessor of the later Republic and Imperial models in the Star Destroyer line.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
18 +6 6 54(24) -3 9(vs) 2(ss) 20,141 600 18(1) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x.75 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Shields (3), Speed (1)
Cargo: 10,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 64 Speeder bikes, 10 AT-TE walkers, 16 LAAT gunships, and 8 self-propelled heavy
artillery units.
Troops: 3,200
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600),
• Light Point Defense Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600),
• Light Proton Torpedo Batteries (+2 to Electronics) (8d12+4 ×2, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (100
Torpedo Payload)


The Acclamator II-class assault ship, also referred to as the Acclamator II-class
transgalactic military assault ship, was an assault ship based on the Acclamator-
class assault ship and was first used by the Galactic Republic near the end of the
Clone Wars. The Acclamator II-class was designed primarily to carry out orbital
bombardments, and as such its troop complement was reduced by nearly eighty
percent in order to make room for the added weaponry.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
18 +6 6 54(24) -3 7(vs) 1(ss) 20,141 600 18(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Shields (2)
Cargo: 11,250 Tons
Carried Craft: 320 Speeder bikes, 48 AT-TE walkers, 80 LAAT gunships, and 36 self-propelled heavy
artillery units.
Troops: 16,000
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600),
• 2x Heavy Proton Torpedo Batteries (+2 to Electronics) (10d12+4 ×2, AP 80, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200)
(60 Torpedo Payload)
• Light Point Defense Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (+2 to Electronics) (6d6+4 x2, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (80 Missile

The Arquitens-class light cruiser, also known as the Jedi light cruiser or Republic
light cruiser and later the Imperial light cruiser, was a line of light cruisers
designed by Kuat Drive Yards that saw extensive service with the Republic Navy
during the Clone Wars. They would go on to see limited service under the Galactic
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
16 +6 6 29(8) -3 1(ss) 16,210 500 16(0) NA
($17,777,500 black

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x18,
Shields (1)
Cargo: 9,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 5 starfighters
Troops: 3,000
• 2x Massive Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×2, AP 40, HW, 75/150/300)
• 2x Light Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×3, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)


The Munificent-class star frigate, also known as the Munificent-class star Banking
Clan frigate, Munificent-class heavy frigate, Separatist frigate or Banking Clan
frigate, was a warship designed by Hoersch-Kessel Drive Inc. for use by the
InterGalactic Banking Clan, the Trade Federation, and later the Confederacy of
Independent Systems during the Clone Wars.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
16 +6 6 36(10) -3 1(ss) 200 500 16(0) $57 Mil
($40 Mil Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navicomputer +2 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x10, AMCM,
Shields (1)
Cargo: 40,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 12 Landing Craft/Shuttles
Troops: 150,000 Battle Droids
• Massive Turbolaser (Front) (8d10, AP 40, HW, 75/150/300)
• Medium Ion Cannon (Front) (3d10, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (3d10+4 ×2, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Carrack-class light cruiser, also known as the Carrack-class gunship, was a
cruiser deployed by the Republic Navy throughout the final era of the Galactic
Republic and was prominent in the Clone Wars.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
16 +6 6 29(8) -3 1(ss) 1092 500 16(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields (1),
Tactical Fire (When a Carrack Cruiser lays down Suppressive Fire, all Allied Starships add +1die type to
damage rolls on a successful Attack)
Cargo: 3,500 Tons, 4 TIE fighter on external racks
Troops: 142
• Super Heavy Laser Battery (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser battery (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Tractor Beam (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)


The Recusant-class light destroyer, also known as the Recusant-class Commerce
Guild destroyer, Recusant-class warship, or Commerce Guild warship, was a model
of destroyer manufactured by Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps for use by
the Commerce Guild, and later, the Confederacy of Independent Systems during
the Clone Wars. Separatist naval commanders such as General Grievous often
employed Recusant-class starships as their flagship.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
17 +6 6 48(20) -3 1(ss) 300 600 17(2) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields (3),
Tactical Fire (When a Guild Destroyer lays down Suppressive Fire all Allied Starships add +1 die type to
damage rolls on a successful Attack)
Cargo: 10,000 Tons
Troops: 40,000 Battle Droids
• Massive Turbolaser (Dual Linked, Fixed Front, +1 to Shooting) (8d10+2, AP 40, HW, 75/150/300)
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser battery (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)


The Action VI transport, sometimes referred to as the bulk transport and the
modified action transport, was a popular freighter built by Corellian Engineering
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 24(6) -2 14(vs) 8 600 16(0) $1 Mil
4(ss) ($500,000 Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x3 (Navi Computer+4 Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1), Speed (3)
Cargo: 90,000 Tons
• Super Heavy Laser Battery (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×2, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser battery (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

The CR70 corvette was a model of corvette used by House of Organa during Order
66 and later the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War
against the Galactic Empire. One notable CR70 corvette was the Tantive III, which
was utilized by Viceroy and Senator Bail Organa during the fall of the Galactic
Republic and rise of the Galactic Empire.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) -2 8(vs) 18 450 15(0) $2.9 Mil
1(ss) ($1 Mil Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Shields (2)
Cargo: 5,000 Tons
Passengers: 600
• Super Heavy Laser Battery (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser battery (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)


CR90 corvettes, also known as Corellian corvettes or blockade runners, were
consular vessels manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. While the
CR90 would see initial use within the late Galactic Republic and Imperial Senate,
many vessels would be appropriated by the early rebellion and Rebel Alliance
against the First Galactic Empire, despite not being designed as a combat-oriented
vessel. They were later used by the navies of both the New Republic and the
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) -2 10(vs) 30 450 15(0) $3.5 Mil
2(ss) ($1.5 Mil Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1), Speed (1)
Cargo: 5,000 Tons
Passengers: 600
• Super Heavy Laser Battery (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser battery (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

The DP20 Frigate, also known as the DP20 Gunship or simply as the DP20 and
colloquially referred to as the Corellian Gunship, was a warship model
manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It saw service in the
Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, and then notably in the Alliance to Restore
the Republic.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 32(8) -2 8(vs) 91 450 14(1) $4.8 Mil
1(ss) ($2.4 Mil Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x16), Shields (1)
Cargo: 90,000 Tons
• Heavy Turbolaser (Dual Linked, +1 to Shooting) (4d10+2, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• 6x Light Point Defense Laser (2d10, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special: Unlike most Capital Ships the
Gunship can target Starships directly with a single Point Defense Laser for 2d10 damage)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front, Quad Linked, +2 to Electronics) (6d6+4, AP 8, HW, SBT,
200/400/800) (120 Missile Payload)

The DS-1 Orbital Battle Station was originally designed by the Geonosians before
the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire took over the project. However,
the plans for the battle station were stolen by the Rebel Alliance from Scarif,
leading to its destruction at the Battle of Yavin, but not before it unleashed its
planet-destroying cannon on Alderaan and Jedha City.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
40 +6 6 148(80) -4 1(ss) 50K 2000 40(10) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x15, Planetary
Sensor Suite (+2 to Electronics and Notice rolls to spot targets within 100k miles), Artificial Intelligence,
Shields (3), Complement of 100 Interplanetary Shuttles and 5000 Starfighters.
Passengers: 1 Million
Special: Only takes one Wound maximum from any attack that does not target its core.
• 10x Mega Turbolasers (Quad Linked, +2 to Shooting) (10d10+4, AP 50, HW, 150/300/600)
• 5x Tractor Beam (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• 5x Mega Ion (Quad Linked, +2 to Shooting) (10d10+4, AP 50, HW, 150/300/600)
• 10x Light Point Defense Laser (Dual Linked, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
(Special: Unlike most Capital Ships the Death Star can target Starships directly with a single Point
Defense Laser per Starship for 2d10+2 damage)
• Planet Killer Laser (a plot device weapon that takes an hour of high-intensity energy to destroy an
entire planet)

Darth Vader : Don't be too proud of this technological

terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a
planet, or even a whole system, is insignificant next to
the power of the Force.


The Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser is a heavily armed battleship that remains in
active use despite being supplanted by superior technologies. The Dreadnaught-
Class Heavy Cruiser came into service well before the beginning of the Clone Wars,
but by the time the conflict arrived it had already become outdated.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
25 +6 6 92(50) -4 1(ss) 16,210 2000 25(1) $2,9 Mil
($1 Mil Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navicomputer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x18,
Shields (1)
Cargo: 9,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 12 starfighters
Troops: 3,000
• Massive Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 x5, AP 40, HW, 75/150/300)
• 2x Light Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 x5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• 2x Tractor Beam (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• 3x Medium Ion Batteries (Quad Linked, +2 to Shooting) (3d10+4, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Eclipse was the first Eclipse-class dreadnought ever constructed and the lead
ship and prototype of its class. It was built as a flagship for Emperor Palpatine, who
used it after being reborn into one of his clone bodies. Both a powerful
technological tool and a potent psychological weapon, the Eclipse boasted a
planet’s worth of weaponry and was almost unstoppable.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
36 +6 6 134(72) -4 1(ss) 712.645 2000 36(0)) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Backup x15), Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls, Planetary Sensor Suite
(+2 to Electronics and Notice rolls to spot targets within 100k miles), Shields (5)
Carried Craft: 100 Interplanetary Shuttles and 5000 Starfighters
Troops: 150,000
Special: Only takes one Wound maximum from any attack that does not target its core
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (3d10+4 ×5, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• 5x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Superlaser (a plot device weapon that takes an hour of high-intensity energy to destroy an entire


The GR-90 Max transport, sometimes referred to as the Gallofree Heavy, was a
transport designed and constructed by Gallofree Yards, Inc.. They were lightly
armed with a clamshell- like hull to protect the cargo pods it carried. The GR-90
expanded on the previous success of their well known GR-75 Medium Transport.
Other then being better armed and larger in size the basic design is unchanged
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
20 +6 6 36(10) -4 6(vs) 2(ss) 6 1000 20(17) $350,000
($125,000 Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x4 (Nav Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x15,
Shields (1)
Cargo: 19,000 Tons
Passengers: 40
• 4x Light Turbolaser (Dual Linked, +1 to Shooting) (2d10+2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)

Designed by Olanji/Charubah, Battle Dragons became the primary capital ships of
the Hapan Royal Navy, supported by Nova-class battle cruisers. The Hapan fleet,
led by Prince Isolder’s oversized Battle Dragon Song of War, contained at least 63
Battle Dragons, each representing one of the Consortium’s worlds.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
18 +6 6 54(24) -3 2(ss) 12,190 600 18(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls) Backup Hyperdrive x14, Shields (2),
Speed (1)
Cargo: 6,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 36 Miy’til Fighters
Troops: 500
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Cannon (6d10, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo Batteries (+2 to Electronics) (8d12+4 ×2, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (200
Torpedo Payload)
• 2x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Mass Pulse Mines (A Mass Pulse mine can be dropped at any point in a Battle Dragons movement, and
it functions for 10 Rounds. Any ships in a LBT with the mine at its center that attempt to enter
hyperspace. Have a -4 to do so and failure of any attempt is treated as a critical failure.)(16 Mine


The Nova-class battle cruiser was a capital ship that formed a large portion of the
Hapan fleet. The Hapes Consortium had several different warships at their
disposal. The backbone of their fleet was the distinctive Battle Dragon, but Nova-
class battle cruisers were regularly used to supplement the Dragons.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) -2 1(ss) 1,790 450 15(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1.5 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Shields (1)
Cargo: 600 Tons
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×4, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×6, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Nova Cruiser can target Starships directly with a single battery of its Point
Defense Lasers for 2d10+4 damage)
• Medium Ion Cannon (Quad Linked, +2 to Shooting) (3d10+4, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)

The Imperial I-class Star Destroyer was a model of Imperial-class Star Destroyer in
the service of the Imperial Navy. A wedge-shaped capital ship, it bristled with
weapons emplacements, assault troops, boarding craft, and TIE line starfighters. In
the era of the Galactic Empire, its command bridge was staffed by the finest
crewmen in the navy.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
27 +6 6 100(54) -4 1(ss) 37,085 2000 27(3) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x8, Shields (4)
Cargo: 36,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 72 TIE Fighters (any variant), 8 Lambda-Class shuttles, 20 AT-AT’s, 30 AT-ST’s, Various
support Vehicles
Troops: 9,700
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (3d10+4 ×5, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×4, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• 2x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)


The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, also known as an Impstar-Deuce, was a Star
Destroyer model manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards for use by the Imperial Navy.
Part of the Imperial- class line, the class served as successor to the Imperial I-class
Star Destroyer. Armed with a plethora of weapons, including turbolasers and ion
cannons, the 1,600-meter-long capital ship could be used to subjugate a planet or
serve as a command ship for other vessels.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
27 +6 6 100(54) -4 2(ss) 37,085 2000 27(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x8, Shields (4),
Speed (1)
Cargo: 36,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 72 TIE Fighters (any variant), 8 Lambda-Class shuttles, 20 AT-AT’s, 20 AT-ST’s, Various
support Vehicles
Troops: 9,700
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• 3x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)

The Interdictor-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Interdictor-class heavy
cruiser, was an Interdictor vessel and used by the Galactic Empire that was
capable of emitting an interdiction field to pull passing ships out of hyperspace or
prevent them from going to lightspeed.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
27 +6 6 100(54) -4 1(ss) 37,085 2000 27(3) NA

Notes: CP, HA,Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x8, Shields (3)
Cargo: 36,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 72 TIE Fighters (any variant), 8 Lambda-Class shuttles, 20 AT-AT’s, 20 AT-ST’s, Various
support Vehicles
Troops: 9,700
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Gravity Well (Any ship within 6” of the Cruiser that attempts to enter hyperspace has a -4 to do so and
failure of any attempt damages the Hyperdrive. This requires a Repair roll -4 and 2d6 rounds.)


Naval Command developed the Lancer-Class Frigate as an anti-fighter escort for
larger ships that might be susceptible to the Alliance’s Starfighter tactics. Although
it is the size of a light cruiser, the Lancer-Class was designed to destroy small ships
at close range.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
13 +6 6 31(8) -2 4(ss) 50 350 13(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2, (Navi Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls) Backup Hyperdrive x15, Shields
(1), Speed (3)
Cargo: 300 Tons
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Lancer can target Starships directly with a single battery of its Point
Defense Lasers for 2d10+4 damage)

The Marauder-class corvette was a 195-meter-long light capital ship introduced
prior to the Clone Wars.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
14 +6 6 32(8) -2 2(ss) 177 450 14(1) $2.4 Mil
($1.45 Mil Used)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 to Astrogation Rolls) Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields
(1), Speed (1)
Cargo: 300 Tons
Carried Craft: 12 Starfighters, 2 Landing Barges, 4 Shuttles
Troops: 80
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×4, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• 3x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)

The MC80 Star Cruisers were capital ships used by the Rebel Alliance during the
Galactic Civil War. These immense vessels were a startling contrast to the angular-
shaped Imperial-class Star Destroyers, which were favored by the Imperial Fleet.
Whereas the Imperial warship resembled a pointed dagger in shape, a Mon
Calamari cruiser lacked hard angles and was covered with ovoid forms suggesting
an organic sculpture.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
27 +6 6 100(54) -4 2(ss) 5,402 2000 27(3) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x9, Shields (3),
Speed (1)
Cargo: 20,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 36 Fighters (any variant), 2 Stock Light Freighters, Various support Vehicles
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (3d10+4 ×5, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600)
• 5x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
(For Home One remove the 2 Freighters and increase the Fighters to 120)


Star Defenders were heavy warships created for the New Republic. They took
Republic ship-construction in a new direction, towards larger and more intimidating
classes than previously built.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
33 +6 6 124(66) -4 1(ss) 68,174 2000 33(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls, Hyperdrive Backup x12, Shields (3)
Cargo: 200,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 168 Starfighters, 48 Heavy Starfighters, up to 1,000 small craft
Troops: 12,500
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• 5x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (6,000 Missile Payload)

The Nebula-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Defender-class Star Destroyer,
was the largest, most powerful warship design in the New Republic’s New Class
Modernization Program.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
27 +6 6 100(54) -4 1(ss) 7,039 2000 27(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls). Backup Hyperdrive x10, Shields (2)
Cargo: 15,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 60 Star Fighters (any variant), 12 Space Transports, Various support Vehicles
Troops: 1,600
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600),
• Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600
• Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)
• 5x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Light Concussion Missiles (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (240 Missile Payload)

The EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate also known as Nebulon-B frigate was a frigate
manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards. Despite being intended for Imperial Navy
service, it gained more fame as a Rebel Cruiser used by the Alliance to Restore the
Republic, and its successor, the New Republic, throughout the Galactic Civil War.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
16 +6 6 36(10) -3 1(ss) 920 500 16(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls) Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields (2)
Cargo: 6,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 24 Starfighters
Troops: 75
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×4, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×4, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Nebulan-B can target Starships directly with a single battery of its Point
Defense Lasers)
• 2x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)

The Pellaeon-class was named in honor of former Imperial Grand Admiral Gilad
Pellaeon, and drew upon the distinctive and classic wedge-shape of earlier times,
made famous by the Harrower, Venator and Imperator classes used by the navies
of the Ancient Sith Empire, Galactic Republic and the old Galactic Empire
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
27 +6 6 100(54) -4 1(ss) 8,450 2000 27(1) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x.75 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12,
Shields (2)
Cargo: 11,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 48 Predator-Class Fighters (Any variant), 6 shuttles, various support vehicles
Troops: 2,700
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Massive Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×5, AP 40, HW, 150/300/600)
• 3x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Massive Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×4, AP 40, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Proton Torpedo Batteries (+2 to Electronics) (8d12+4 ×2, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (200
Torpedo Payload)


The Assault Frigate Mark I was a modification of the Dreadnaught-class cruiser that
was used in the Rebel fleet.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) -2 1(ss) 5,000 450 15(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields (1)
Cargo: 7,500 Tons
Troops: 100
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600 (Quad Linked)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Mk 1 can target Starships directly with a single battery of its Point Defense

The Assault Frigate Mark II, also known as the Assault Frigate Mk II or just as the
Assault Frigate, was a class of frigate that was deployed by the Alliance to Restore
the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
17 +6 6 33(8) -2 1(ss) 5,000 450 17(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls) Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields (3)
Cargo: 7,500 Tons
Troops: 100
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600 (Quad Linked)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Mk 2 can target Starships directly with a single battery of its Point Defense


The Star Galleon-class frigate was an armed cargo freighter and escort frigate used
by the Imperial Navy. The Star Galleon-class was manufactured by Kuat Drive
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
20 +6 6 72(40) -4 2(ss) 10 1000 20(2) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls) Backup Hyperdrive x15), Shields (3)
Cargo: 100,000 Tons
Carried Craft: The Cargo Hold is a separate craft that can be detached and uses the backup hyperdrive
Troops: 300
• 2x Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600),
• Concussion Missiles (Fixed Front) (6d6, AP 8, HW, SBT, 200/400/800) (16 Missile Payload)


The Strike-class medium cruiser, also known simply as the Strike Cruiser, was a
medium star cruiser designed by the Loronar Corporation during the Galactic Civil
War for the Imperial Navy as a general-purpose vessel capable of modular
modifications to allow it to fit many mission profiles, yet cheap enough to be
produced in large quantities.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
18 +6 6 54(24) -3 2(ss) 2,112 600 18(2) NA
($17 Mil
black market)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x8, Shields (2),
Speed (1)
Cargo: 9,000 Tons
Troops: 1,020
• Super Heavy Laser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×2, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Medium Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×2, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
• 2x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×2, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)

Super Star Destroyer was an umbrella term used by both the Galactic Empire and
the Alliance to Restore the Republic to refer to several classes of massive Imperial
vessels larger than Imperial Star Destroyers, the largest of which was the Executor-
class Star Dreadnought.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
33 +6 6 124(66) -4 1(ss) 280,734 2000 33(4) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x10, Shields (4)
Cargo: 250,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 144 Starfighters, Various Support Craft
Troops: 38,000
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600),
• Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600),
• 5x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200),
• Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (4d10+4 ×5, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600),
• Heavy Torpedos (Fixed Front) (+2 to Electronics) (10d12+4, AP 80, HW, LBT, 200/400/800) (50,000
Missile Payload)


The IPV-1 System Patrol Craft, also known as the Imperial patrol vessel, Imperial
patrol vehicle or IPV-1-class corvette, was a standard system security and customs
vessel commonly used near planets to interdict smugglers and protect against
piracy. It was produced by Republic Sienar Systems.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
13 +6 6 31(8) -2 8(vs) 840 - 13(0) NA
4(ss) ($3 Mil
black market)

Notes: CP, HA, Shields (5), Speed (3)

Cargo: 200 Tons
Troops: 40
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Lancer can target Starships directly with a single battery of its Point
Defense Lasers)

The Lucrehulk-class battleship was the primary capital ship of the Trade
Federation’s Trade Defense Force. Most Lucrehulks were modified from enormous
cargo haulers. Upgraded and modified versions were later used by the CIS
Navy,the Separatist holdouts, the Alliance to Restore the Republic, the Corporate
Sector Authority and the Killik Colony.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
32 +6 6 64(16) -4 1(ss) 15 450 32(20) NA
($3 Mil
black market)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields (2)
Cargo: 5 Mil. Tons
Carried Craft: 1,500 droid fighters, 6250 AAT’s, 1,500 Troop Carriers, Various support Vehicles
Troops: 100,000+
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x2, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600),
• Massive Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×2, AP 40, HW, 150/300/600),
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×2, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Battleship can target Starships directly with a single battery of its Point
Defense Lasers)


The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as a Republic attack cruiser or Jedi
Cruiser, was a line of wedge-shaped Star Destroyers in service with the Galactic
Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. The backbone of the Galactic Republic’s
naval forces, the Venator was a versatile capital ship capable of serving as a troop
carrier, a cargo transport, and a warship for ship- to-ship combat. Its front section
contained a large flight deck and hangars to accommodate a complement of
Republic starfighters and gunships.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
23 +6 6 84(46) -4 3(ss) 7,400 2000 23(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x12, Shields (3),
Speed (2)
Cargo: 20,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 192 V-wing or V-19 Torrents, 192 Eta-2s, 36 ARC-170s, 40 heavy Airspeeders, 24 Heavy
walkers, various support craft
Troops: 2,000
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x2, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
• Massive Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×4, AP 40, HW, 150/300/600)
• 3x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
• Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×3, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600) (Special:
Unlike most Capital Ships the Venator-Class Star Destroyer can target Starships directly with a single
battery of its Point Defense Lasers)
• Light Proton Torpedo (+2 to Electronics) (8d12+4 ×2, AP 40, HW, LBT, 300/600/1200) (64 Torpedo

The Victory II-class Star Destroyer was a class of Star Destroyer that was
manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards as a successor to the original Victory-class Star
Destroyer. Initially a life extension program, it became the Victory II program which
introduced the Victory II-class, and sought to fix many problems from the previous
model including increasing combat performance and longevity. Despite the
rebuilds, the Victory II was not able to correct all of the issues of its predecessor.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
26 +6 6 96(52) -4 1(ss) 5,200 2000 26(0) NA

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x1 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x15, Shields (2)
Cargo: 20,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 24 Tie Fighters (Any variant), 5 Lambda Class shuttles, 10 AT-ATs, 10 Juggernauts, various
support vehicles
Troops: 2,040
• Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 x5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600),
• Massive Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×5, AP 40, HW, 150/300/600),
• 5x Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200),
• Massive Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×5, AP 40, HW, 150/300/600)


The Vindicator-class heavy cruiser, alternatively known as the Vindicator-class
cruiser, was a class of heavy cruiser deployed by the Galactic Empire’s Imperial
Navy during its reign. One heavy cruiser served as system security for Ord Cestus.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
26 +6 6 96(52) -4 1(ss) 2,551 2000 26(0) NA
($43 Mil
black market)

Notes: CP, HA, Hyperdrive x2 (Navi Computer +4 Astrogation Rolls), Backup Hyperdrive x8, Shields (2)
Cargo: 8,000 Tons
Carried Craft: 24 Starfighters
Troops: 400
•Super Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×4, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
•Super Heavy Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (6d10+4 ×5, AP 25, HW, 150/300/600)
•Light Point Defense Laser batteries (+2 to Shooting) (2d10+4 ×5, AP 5, HW, 150/300/600)
•Tractor Beams (Special: See Tractor Beams, 50/100/200)
•Massive Ion Batteries (+2 to Shooting) (8d10+4 ×5, AP 40, HW, 150/300/600)

Weapon Emplacements are a staple of ground warfare. They typically fall under two categories:
antipersonnel and anti-vehicle. Weapon Emplacements are treated as Vehicles for statistical purposes,
but they are usually immobile and do not require a Pilot to function. Instead, Gunners control all the
functions of the Weapon Emplacement. Unlike Other Vehicles these are Equipped with the Standard
Weapons they come with. While a Pace is included this is out of combat. Once Combat Starts they can
not be moved.

The Atgar 1.4 FD P-Tower is an outdated light anti-vehicle artillery piece that dates
back to the Clone Wars. Its dish-shaped target profile, and its minimal crew
protection make it unpopular with Rebel troops. However, it is inexpensive and
available through Black Market channels, which makes it accessible to Alliance
forces and resistance groups. It is largely ineffective against heavily armored
Vehicles, Walkers, and fast-moving Speeders, but the P-Tower can still take down
moderately armored Vehicles. The P-Tower requires a crew of four to operate- three
to regulate the dish's power systems, and one to target enemy units.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
1 - 3 10(3) - 1(vs) 4 - 1(0) $12,000
($6,000 Used)

•Medium Laser (3d10, AP 10, HW, 150/300/600, ROF 1) (Gunner)

The Anti-orbital cannon was a weapon emplacement constructed by the
Confederacy of Independent Systems it was specifically designed in mind to target
capital ships, as evidenced by their large size. They were constructed on a fixed
platform and received its source of power from a network of four to six power
generators. The generators, including the cannon itself, were not shielded. In the
event the generators are destroyed, the cannon will explode.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) - 1(vs) 30 - 15(14) $1.2 Mil
($75,000 Used)

Massive Turbolaser (8d10, AP 40 HW, ROF 1/ Round), (Surface to Orbit, CP, This Cannon ignores Shields)


The Bp.2 anti-infantry turret was a light emplacement weapon built for Imperial
forces by Taim & Bak during the Galactic Civil War. Consisting of a self-powered
rapid-firing blaster cannon mounted on a fully rotatable turret base, it could easily
defeat most attacks by infantry and was particularly effective against soldiers in
close formation. Firing a stream of blasts every few seconds, it was also capable of
damaging or destroying lighter vehicles, though it had little effect on any moderate
or heavy armor plate.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
5 +2 4 18(4) - 1(vs) - - 5(4) $35,000
($15,000 Used)

• Light Laser Cannon (Shooting d8), (HW, Turret), (2d10, AP 5, 150/300/600, ROF 3)

The Bp.4 anti-vehicle turret was a light emplacement weapon built for Imperial
forces by Taim & Bak during the Galactic Civil War. The turret consisted of a
powerful blaster cannon mounted on a base. It included its own power generator,
removing the need for external linkages and allowing the turret to continue
operating even after the destruction of a base's main power generator. Bp.4 turrets
could easily destroy light vehicles, seriously damage middle-weight enemy craft.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
6 +2 4 19(4) - 1(vs) - - 6(1) $45,000
($21,000 Used)

•Heavy Laser (Shooting d8), (HW, Turret), (4d10, AP 15, 150/300/600, ROF 3)


The Bp.5 anti-aircraft turret was a light emplacement weapon built for Imperial
forces by Taim & Bak during the Galactic Civil War. Designed specifically for use
against low-flying aircraft such as Rebel T-47 airspeeders or BTL Y-wing starfighters
attempting bombing runs, the turret mounted a twin light flak pod on a short base.
Including its own power generator to keep it functioning no matter the state of any
external power supply, it was designed with simplicity in mind and could be quickly
set up from pre-fabricated parts at any Imperial installation.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
8 +4 5 24(6) - 1(vs) - - 8(7) $85,000
($42,500 Used)

•Medium Ion Cannons (Shooting d8), (HW, Turret), (Dual Linked, Fixed Front. +1 to Shooting) (3d10+2,
AP 10, 150/300/600, ROF 3)


The Golan Arms DF.9 Anti-Infantry Tower is one of The Rebel Alliance's most
common artillery pieces. Its rapid fire rate and impressive range make it highly
effective against advancing infantry. Rebel technicians modify the DF.9's Weapon
Systems in order to increase its effectiveness against AT-STs. The DF.9 requires a
three-person crew, operating the weapon from within the cramped quarters of its
tower enclosure. The armored tower has a lower entry hatch, an upper observation
hatch, and a turret that rotates 180 degrees.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
3 - 3 21(9) - 1(vs) 3 - 3(2) $14,000
($7,000 Used)

•Heavy Laser Cannon (Turret, HW) (4d10, AP 15, 150/300/600, ROF 3)

The LR1K cannon used sonic blaster technology that employed internal
oscillators to produce a devastating sonic blast. The high-impact concussive
sonic energy was stabilized by a containment sphere within the cannon
until impact against a target, at which point it broke up to create an
omnidirectional blast. Commonly, the LR1K required two gunners to
operate, although the cannon's advanced, highly precise targeting
computers could do most of the work.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
4 +2 4 17(4) - 1(vs) 2 - 4(3) $98,000
($34,000 Used)

• Medium Sonic Cannon (HW, Turret, MBT), (3d10, AP 10, 150/300/600, ROF 1)


The M-68 planetary magnapulse cannon was a planetary weapon emplacement
designed by Kuat Drive Yards and used by Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil
War. The M-68 planetary magnapulse cannon was built with a large underground
generator and a large rotating plasma cannon above the surface. The cannon fired
plasma balls at the enemy vehicles, causing massive electrical disturbances that
disabled the targets for a time.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
12 +6 3 30(8) - 1(vs) 3 - 12(11) $1 Mil
($700,000 Used)

•Heavy Magna Cannon (Turret, HW), (6d10, AP 25, 150/300/600, ROF 1), (This Cannon does Ion Damage)


The KDY Planet Defender Heavy Ion Cannon- referred to as the "Ion Cannon" of the
"150"- is one of the few Surface-to-Orbit planetary defense batteries available. The
Ion Cannon is capable of disabling even top-of-the-line Capital Ships such as an
Imperial Star Destroyer for a few minutes at a time. Although the V-150 is an
expensive weapon with massive power and installation requirements, The Rebel
Alliance acquired several of them to protect its most important bases. The Ion
Cannon famously defended Alliance troopers during the evacuation of Hoth.
Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
16 +6 6 85(56) - 1(vs) 150 - 16(15) $1.5 Mil
($1 Mil Used)

•Mega Ion Cannon (10d10, AP 50, HW, ROF 1/ Round)(Surface to Orbit, CP, This Cannon ignores Shields)

The XX-9 heavy turbolaser was a shipboard emplacement weapon produced by Taim
& Bak. The Taim & Bak XX-9 heavy turbolaser was protected by a meter of
quadanium steel plating and was a deadly weapon against capital ships, at the cost
of many credits. It featured dual turret-mounted barrels and was mounted on a
square base.

Size Scale Wounds Toughness Handling Pace Crew Energy Mods Cost
15 +6 6 33(8) - 1(vs) 20 - 15(14) $950,000
($690,000 Used)

• Heavy Laser Cannon (Dual Linked, Fixed Front. +1 to Shooting) (4d10+2, AP 15, HW, 150/300/600)


Squads are collections of extras that work together as a single character on the battlefield, much like
swarms of creatures. A squad represents a group of four NPC’s of the same type that come together into
a single unit. They occupy the same space and have only one turn's worth of actions. The squad is an
abstract concept that allows the Game master to populate an encounter with low-level troopers and still
maintain the speed and ease of combat they need. Any non-Wild Card NPC can be used as a Squad. (An
example Stormtrooper Squad is found in the Imperial section of the NPC Area)
Squads roll one trait die as usual along with a Wild Die when making skill or attack rolls. Squads have
Resilient and Very Resilient, They also add a +1 to attack and damage rolls per member of the squad, in
all other ways they function as a single extra including wounds.

This NPC is so loyal they will sacrifice themselves for whomever it is they serve. If a Fanatic is adjacent to
a character who has just been hit by either a Melee or Ranged Attack. They may take any damage dealt
to that character themselves instead.

IMPERIALS (# Wild Cards) Imperial Comm Operator
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Elite Shadow Guards Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Fighting d6, Electronics d6, Notice d6,
Strength d10, Vigor d8 Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2)
Driving d6, Fighting d8+1, Intimidation d6, Hindrances: Loyal
Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Edges: Rapid Fire
Use Force d8 Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
Pace 6; Parry 9; Toughness 12(6) 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), comlink (encrypted), Blast
Hindrances: -- Helmet (+2), Blast Vest (+2)
Edges: Force Sensitive, Sith Knight, Block,
Trademark weapon (Lightsaber Pike), First Strike,
Improved First Strike, Frenzy, Imperial Detention Block Guard
Powers: Dark Rage, Damage Resistance, Surge, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Move Object, Force Shield, Force Grip Strength d8, Vigor d6
Power Points: 15 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Gear: Shadow Guard armor (+6), Lightsaber Pike Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
(Reach 1, Damage Str+d6+6, Parry +1 (included), Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
AP 8) Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 7(2)
Special Abilities: Hindrances: Loyal
•Very Resilient: Elite Shadow Guards take two Edges: Block
wounds before they're Incapacitated. Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), comlink (encrypted), Blast
# Emperor’s Hand Helmet (+2), Blast Vest (+2), Contact Stunner
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Imperial Gunner
Skills: Astrogation d6, Athletics d6, Common Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d8, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Use Force d8 Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4) Shooting d10, Stealth d4
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major) Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 9(4)
Edges: Force Sensitive, Trademark Weapon Hindrances: Loyal
(Lightsaber), Sith Knight, Sith Lord, Assassin Edges: Marksman
Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal, Gear: Battle armor, light (+4), S-5 Heavy Blaster
Damage Resistance, Move Object, Force Shield, Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, AP 2, RoF 1),
Surge, Mind Trick, Force Grip, Dark Rage Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 3x Thermal
Power Points: 15 grenades, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Bundle
Gear: Lightsaber (Damage Str+d6+8 AP 12) Dark
armor, light (+4) All Dark powers -1 pp, minimum 1
pp. Imperial Informants
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Heavy Stormtrooper Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d10,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Driving d6, Repair d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d6 Shooting d4, Stealth d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Hindrances: --
Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Edges: --
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 11(6) Gear: Hold out Pistol (Range 5/10/20, Damage
Hindrances: Loyal 2d4,AP 2, RoF 1), Knife (Str+d4)
Edges: --
Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6), Gatling laser rifle
(Range 50/100/200, Damage 3d6+4, RoF 4, AP 2,
HW, Autofire), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2),
Resilient, 3x frag grenades, utility belt with 8-2A
Medical Bundle

Imperial Junior Officer Imperial Officer
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Battle d6, Notice d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Battle d6, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Hindrances: Loyal Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: Command, Inspire Edges: Command, Natural Leader, Inspire
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Code cylinder, comlink 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Code cylinder, comlink
(encrypted) (encrypted)

Imperial Pilot (Tie)

Imperial Lieutenant
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Astrogation d4, Athletics d6, Common
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Knowledge d8, Piloting d6, Fighting d6,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Battle d6, Notice d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2)
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 Hindrances: Loyal
Hindrances: Loyal Edges: –
Edges: Command, Natural Leader, Inspire Gear: Pilot Suit (+2), Blaster pistol (Range
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2)
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Code cylinder, comlink
# Imperial Sentinel (First Generation)
Imperial Medical Researcher
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4,
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Driving d6, Fighting d8+1, Intimidation d8, Notice
Driving d4, Fighting d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4,
Persuasion d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4, Healing d8 Use Force d6
Pace 6; Parry 4; Toughness 5 Pace 4; Parry 7; Toughness 16(8)
Hindrances: Loyal Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: -- Edges: Block, Trademark weapon (Vibroaxe), First
Gear: Bioscanner, researcher’s robes, Hold out Strike, Improved First Strike, Frenzy, Force
Blaster (Range 5/10/20, Damage 2d4,RoF 1, AP 2) Sensitive, Sith Knight
Powers: Dark Rage, Damage Resistance
Imperial Nobleman Power Points: 15
Gear: Dark armor, heavy (+8 )All Darkside Powers
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, cost 3 less PP min. of 1, Vibroaxe (Str+d10+2, AP
Strength d6, Vigor d8 2)
Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d4, Common Special Abilities:
Knowledge d8, Battle d10, Fighting d8, Intimidation •Size 2: Towering at almost 8' Sentinals are an
d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d10, Piloting d6, intimidating sight
Repair d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 12(6)
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean
Edges: Aristocrat, Block, Combat Reflexes, First
Strike, Command, Inspire
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrorapier (Str+d4+2, AP 2, +1
Parry “included”), Armored Robes (+6)

# Imperial Sovereign Protectors Imperial Storm Commander
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d8, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Battle
Driving d6, Fighting d8+1, Intimidation d6, d8,Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6,
Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Shooting d8, Stealth d4 Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d8,
Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 11(6) Stealth d10+1
Hindrances: Loyal Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 11(6)
Edges: Block, Trademark weapon, Ambidextrous, Hindrances: Loyal
Two- Fisted Edges: Rock and Roll, Command, Hold the Line,
Gear: Royal Guard armor (+6 armor; Battle Armor Inspire, Natural Leader, Tactician
with helmet package), double vibroblade Gear: Enhanced Scout Trooper Armor (+6 Armor,
(Str+d6+2, AP 4. Two Hands), heavy blaster pistol +1 Stealth, Night Vision), Blaster rifle (Range
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP 2), 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger
comlink (encrypted, long- range [miniaturized], (Str+d4+2, AP 2)
holo capability), utility belt with 8-2A Medical Special Abilities:
Bundle •Very Resilient: Storm Commanders take two
wounds before they're Incapacitated.
Imperial Spy
Imperial Overseer
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
Skills: Athletics d6, Climbing d6, Common Strength d6, Vigor d8
Knowledge d10, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Electronics Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8,
d8, Thievery d8, Persuasion d8, Notice d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Battle d8, Notice d6,
Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6 Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 7(1)
Hindrances: Cautious Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: Streetwise, Thief, Connections Edges: Command, Natural Leader, Inspire
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2) 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Code cylinder, comlink
(encrypted), Padded Uniform (+1, Cap,
Imperial Storm Commandos
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, ISB Agent
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d10+1 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 11(6) Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Battle d6, Notice d6,
Hindrances: Loyal Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Edges: Rapid Fire, Rock and Roll Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Gear: Enhanced Scout Trooper Armor (+6 Armor, Hindrances: Loyal
+1 Stealth, Night Vision), Blaster rifle (Range Edges: Command, Inspire
30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
(Str+d4+2, AP 2) 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Code cylinder, comlink
Special Abilities: (encrypted)
•Resilient: Imp Storm Commandos take one wound
before they're Incapacitated. Mistryl Shadow Guard
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion
d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Use Force d6
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major)
Edges: Force Sensitive, Trademark Weapon
(Lightwhip), Sith Knight
Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal,
Force Shield, Surge, Force Stun
Power Points: 10
Gear: LightWhip (Damage Str+d6+4 AP 10) Dark
armor, light (+4) All Dark powers -1 pp, minimum 1

Naval Engineer Sith Knight
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
Strength d4, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
Astrogation d6, Fighting d6, Electronics d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion
Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d8, Shooting d4, d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Use Force d8
Stealth d4 Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4)
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2) Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major)
Hindrances: Loyal Edges: Force Sensitive, Trademark Weapon
Edges: Rapid Fire (lightsaber), Sith Knight, Sith Lord
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal,
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), comlink (encrypted), Blast Damage Resistance, Move Object, Force Shield,
Helmet (+2), Blast Vest (+2) Surge, Mind Trick, Force Grip, Dark Rage
Power Points: 15
Naval Soldier Gear: Lightsaber (Damage Str+d6+8 AP 12) Dark
armor, light (+4) All Dark powers -1 pp, minimum 1
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, PP.
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, # Sith Lord
Fighting d6, Electronics d6, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d8,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2) Strength d6, Vigor d6
Hindrances: Loyal Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d10,
Edges: Rapid Fire Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Battle d6, Notice d6,
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6,
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), comlink (encrypted), Blast Use Force d10
Helmet (+2), Blast Vest (+2) Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major)
Scout Trooper Edges: Force Sensitive, Command, Command
Presence, Natural Leader, Inspire, Fervor,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber), Sith Knight, Sith
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Lord
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Damage Resistance, Move Object, Force Shield,
Piloting d4, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Surge, Mind Trick, Force Grip, Dark Rage, Force
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 9(4) Lightning
Hindrances: Loyal Power Points: 25
Gear: Scout trooper Armor (+4), Blaster pistol Gear: Lightsaber (Damage Str+d6+8 AP 12) Dark
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), armor, light (+4) All Dark powers -1pp, minimum 1
Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x frag grenades, PP.
Comlink, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Bundle
Shadow Trooper
Sith Apprentice
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d8+2
d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Use Force d6 Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 11(6)
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4) Hindrances: Loyal
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (Major) Edges: --
Edges: Force Sensitive, Trademark Weapon Gear: Camo scout armor (+6 Armor, +1 Stealth,
(Lightsaber), Sith Knight Night Vision), Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120,
Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2,
Force Shield, Surge, Force Stun AP 2)
Power Points: 10
Gear: Lightsaber (Damage Str+d6+8 AP 12), Dark
armor, light (+4) All Dark powers -1 pp, minimum 1

Stormtrooper Stormtrooper Squad (4 Members)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Persuasion d4, Shooting d6+4, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 11(6) Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 11(6)
Hindrances: Loyal Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: -- Edges: --
Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6,Trooper Armor ), Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor),
Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8+4,
3, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x frag RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x
grenades, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Bundle frag grenades, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Bundle
Special Abilities:
Stormtrooper Medic •Very Resilient: Stormtrooper Squads take two
wounds before they're Incapacitated.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Veteran Heavy Stormtrooper
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Persuaion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4, Healing d6 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 11(6) Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Hindrances: Loyal Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Edges: Healer Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4
Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor), Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 12(6)
Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF Hindrances: Loyal
3, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), utility belt Edges: --
with 3x 8-2A Medical Bundle Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor),
Gatling laser rifle (Range 50/100/200, Damage
Stormtrooper Officer 3d6+4, RoF 4, AP 2, HW, Autofire), Vibrodagger
(Str+d4+2, AP 2), , 3x frag grenades, utility belt
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, with 8-2A Medical Bundle
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Special Abilities:
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, •Resilient: Veteran Heavy Stormtrooper take one
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Battle d6, Notice d6, wound before they're Incapacitated.
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 11(6) Veteran Imperial Officer
Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: Command, Natural Leader, Inspire Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor), Strength d6, Vigor d8
Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF Skills: Atghletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x frag Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Battle d8, Notice d6,
grenades, Comlink, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Bundle Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 7(1)
Hindrances: Loyal
Stormtrooper Recruits Edges: Command, Natural Leader, Inspire
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Code cylinder, comlink
Strength d6, Vigor d6 (encrypted), Padded Uniform (+1, Cap, Jacket,
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Leggings)
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4,
Persuasion d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Veteran Stormtrooper
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 11(6)
Hindrances: Loyal Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Edges: – Strength d8, Vigor d8
Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor), Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
3, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x frag Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4
grenades, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Bundle Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 12(6)
Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: Coordinated Firing
Gear: Stormtrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor),
Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF
3, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x frag
grenades, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Bundle

REBEL/REPUBLIC ($ Wild Cards) Jedi Knight
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8,
$ ARC Trooper Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6,
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d8, Use Force d8
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4)
Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4 Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major)
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 11(6) Edges: Force Sensitive, Trademark Weapon
Hindrances: Loyal (Lightsaber), Jedi Knight, Jedi Master
Edges: Block, Ambidextrous, Two-Gun Kid Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal,
Gear: Clonetrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor, Fire Damage Resistance, Move Object, Force Shield,
Resistant: Reduces Damage from Fire by 4), Blaster Surge, Mind Trick, Vital Transfer, Battle Strike
rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Power Points: 15
2x Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, Gear: Lightsaber (Damage Str+d6+8 AP 12) Light
RoF 1, AP 2),Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x frag armor, light (+4) All Light powers -1pp, minimum 1
grenades, 2x EMP grenades, utility belt with 8-2A PP.
Medical Bundle
$ Jedi Master
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d8,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d8,
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Battle d6, Notice d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4 Use Force d10
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 11(6) Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: Loyal Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major)
Edges: Block Edges: Force Sensitive, Command, Command
Gear: Clonetrooper Armor (+6, Trooper Armor), Presence, Natural Leader, Inspire, Fervor,
Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF Trademark Weapon (Lightsaber), Jedi Knight, Jedi
3, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 2x frag Master
grenades, utility belt with 8-2A Medical Bundle Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal,
Damage Resistance, Move Object, Force Shield,
Clonetrooper Pilot Surge, Mind Trick, Vital Transfer, Battle Strike,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Relief
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Power Points: 25
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Gear: Lightsaber (Damage Str+d6+8 AP 12) Light
Piloting d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, armor, light (+4) All Light powers -1pp, minimum 1
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 PP.
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: -- Jedi Padawan
Edges: Ace Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Gear: Armored Flight Suit (+4, Body Armor), Strength d6, Vigor d6
Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
1, AP 2) Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6,
Use Force d6
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major)
Edges: Force Sensitive, Trademark Weapon
(Lightsaber), Jedi Knight
Powers: Force Whirlwind, Force Detect/ Conceal,
Force Shield, Surge, Vital Transfer
Power Points: 10
Gear: Lightsaber (Damage Str+d6+8 AP 12) Light
armor, light (+4) All Light powers -1pp, minimum 1

Rebel Pilot NON-AFFILIATED (% Wild Cards)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Anti-Government Cell Member
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Astrogation d6, Piloting d6, Fighting d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Persuasion d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2) Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4,
Hindrances: -- Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Edges: – Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2)
Gear: Pilot Suit (+2), Blaster pistol (Range Hindrances: --
15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2) Edges: --
Gear: Blast helmet and vest (+2), Blaster pistol
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2)
Rebel Spy
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Anti-Government Cell Leader
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Climbing d6, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Electronics d8, Thievery d8, Persuasion d8, Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d4, Common
Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6 Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 Battle d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d8,
Hindrances: Cautious Research d8, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Edges: Streetwise, Thief, Connections Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, Hindrances: --
RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2) Edges: Command, Natural Leader, Inspire, Reliable
Gear: Hold out Pistol (Range 5/10/20, Damage
2d4,AP 2, RoF 1), DataPad, Code cylinder, comlink
Rebel Trooper (encrypted)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Anti-Government Elite Cell Member
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2) Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Hindrances: -- Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Notice d4,
Edges: -- Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6
Gear: Blast helmet and vest (+2), Blaster pistol Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2)
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2) Hindrances: --
Edges: --
Gear: Blast helmet and vest (+2), Blaster pistol
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2),
Grenade Launcher, 6 Frag Grenades

Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Persuasion d6,
Throwing d6
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: Vow (Major)
Edges: Alertness, Dodge, First Strike, Marksman,
Steady Hands, Streetwise
Gear: Body Armor (+4), Vibrosword, Long
(Str+d8+2, AP 2), Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120,
Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), comlink

Bespin Security Guard Bounty Hunter
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Skills: Astrogation d8, Athletics d8, Common
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Knowledge d6, Driving d6, Fighting d8,
Shooting d4, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Stealth d4 Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 Piloting d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d8,
Hindrances: -- Taunt d6
Edges: Coordinated Firing Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 10(4)
Gear: Bespin Security Uniform, BlasTech DH-23 Hindrances: Greedy, Mean, Vengeful (Major)
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d4, AP 2, RoF 1), Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Streetwise
Binder Cuffs, comlink Gear: Body Armor (+4), Blaster rifle (Range
30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger
Bespin Security Guard (Elite) (Str+d4+2, AP 2), 3x Stun Grenades (Range
5/10/20, LBT, Target must make a Vigor roll (at -2
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, with a raise) or be Stunned (pg. 106), Contact
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Stunner, Binder Cuffs, comlink
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Citizens
Shooting d6, Persuasion d8, Piloting d8, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2) Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Hindrances: -- Strength d6, Vigor d6
Edges: Coordinated Firing Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Gear: Bespin Security Uniform, Combat Jumpsuit Driving d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d4,
(+2), BlasTech DH-23 (Range 15/30/60, Damage Stealth d4
2d4, AP 2, RoF 1), Binder Cuffs, comlink Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5
Hindrances: --
Bespin Security Commander Edges: --
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), clothes, comlink, 20 credits,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 various personal belongings
Skills: Athletics d6, Commong Knowledge d8,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Battle d6, Notice d6, COMPNOR Supporters
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Piloting d10,
Stealth d4 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 6(1) Strength d6, Vigor d6
Hindrances: Loyal Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Edges: Command, Natural Leader, Inspire Driving d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d4,
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Stealth d4
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Padded Bespin Security Uniform Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5
(+1, Cap, Jacket, Leggings), Binder Cuffs, comlink Hindrances: --
Edges: --
Bodyguard Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2),
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Contact Stunner, COMPNOR anti-alien propaganda
Strength d8, Vigor d6 (concealed in jacket), credit chip (100 credits),
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, comlink
Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Persuasion
d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Throwing d6 Corporate Security Officer/ Fixer
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: Vow (Major) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Edges: Alertness, Dodge, First Strike, Marksman, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Steady Hands Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Gear: Bodyguard armor (+4), Vibrosword, Long Driving d6, Fighting d6, Electronics d8, Thievery
(Str+d8+2, AP 2), Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, d8, Persuasion d8, Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth
Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), comlink d8, Piloting d6, Repair d6
Special Abilities: Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Fanatic: Bodyguards are trained to put themselves Hindrances: --
between their boss and incoming attacks. If they Edges: Attractive, Double Tap
are within 6" of their boss. Once per round they Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
can interrupt an incoming attack by moving 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2),
between their boss and the attack. This is done Body Armor (+2, Leather Jacket), dark clothes,
after the attack roll but before the damage roll. comlink

Coruscant Guard Felucian Scout
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Focus d6,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4 Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d8
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 11(6) Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Hindrances: Loyal Hindrances: --
Edges: Block Edges: Frenzy
Gear: Coruscant Guard Armor (+6), Blaster rifle Special Ability:
(Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), 3x Aquatic: At home in the water Felucians cannot
Stun Grenades (Range 5/10/20, LBT, Target must drown in oxygenated liquid
make a Vigor roll (at -2 with a raise) or be Stunned Innate Ability: Force Blast (See Felucian Species)
(pg. 106), Contact Stunner, utility belt with 8-2A Gear: Rancor jawbone “club” (Str+d6), Loin Cloth
Medical Bundle
Former Aristocrat
Coruscant Guard Veterans
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Intimidation d8, Common
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Knowledge d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8,
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Stealth d4, Shooting d4, Taunt d6
Persuasion d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d4 Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 9(4)
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 11(6) Hindrances: Greedy, Stubborn
Hindrances: Loyal Edges: Aristocrat, Connections, Strong Willed
Edges: Block, Command, Natural Leader, Inspire Gear: Body Armor (+4), Blaster rifle (Range
Gear: Coruscant Guard Armor (+6), Blaster rifle 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger
(Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), 3x (Str+d4+2, AP 2), comlink
Stun Grenades (Range 5/10/20, LBT, Target must
make a Vigor roll (at -2 with a raise) or be Stunned Gamorrean Basher
(pg. 106), Contact Stunner, utility belt with 8-2A
Medical Bundle Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Strength d10, Vigor d6
% Felucian Chief Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d4,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6-1, Stealth d4
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 9(2)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Hindrances: --
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Edges: Block, Brawler, Frenzy
Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Gear: Spiked War Maul (Str+d10), Leather Armor
Use Force d8, Focus d8 (+2 Jacket)
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Hindrances: -- Gamorrean Guard
Edges: Force Sensitive (Force Adept),
Special Ability: Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Aquatic: At home in the water Felucians cannot Strength d10, Vigor d6
drown in oxygenated liquid Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Innate Ability: Force Blast (See Felucian Species) Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d4,
Powers: Farseeing, Vital Transfer, Force Shield, Persuasion d4, Shooting d6-1, Stealth d4
Mind Trick, Move Object Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 8(2)
Power Points: 25 Hindrances: --
Gear: Loin Cloth Edges: --
Gear: Vibro-Axe (Str+d10+2, AP 2), Leather Armor
(+2 Jacket)

% Gamorrean Warlord % Holocron Gatekeeper
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility --, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
Strength d10, Vigor d6 Strength --, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d6, Common Skills: Intimidation d8, Notice d10, Persuasion d8
Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Pace 8 (Flying); Parry --; Toughness --
Notice d4, Persuasion d8, Shooting d6-1, Stealth d4 Hindrances: --
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 14(8) Edges: --
Hindrances: -- Special Abilities:
Edges: Command, Inspire •Holocron Gatekeeper: They cannot interact in
Gear: Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage the same way that normal NPC’s do. While the
2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Maul (Str+d10), Battle armor, gatekeeper occupies a space on the battlefield,
heavy (+8), 50 credits, various personal they cannot make physical attacks or use Force
belongings powers because it is merely a construct of the
holocron. The gatekeeper takes no damage from
Generic Technician physical attacks, though he can be affected by
mind-affecting abilities and skills)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, •Force Bond: The Gatekeeper can grant any one
Strength d6, Vigor d6 of the following edges: Arcane Resistance,
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Channeling, Concentration, Extra Effort, or
Driving d6, Notice d6, Electronics d8, Repair d6, Mentalist (Changing all Arcane Background
Stealth d4 Requirements to be any Force using Background
Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5 and changing all Skill requirements to be Force
Hindrances: -- Use) for as long as the Force User is connected to
Edges: -- it.The Edge must be chosen upon connection and
Gear: Datapad, Toolbelt can not be changed. Only one bond can be in
effect at a time.
•Vulnerability to Rebuke: Whenever a character
Genetically Altered Felucian targets the Gatekeeper with a successful
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, application of the Rebuke power, the gatekeeper
Strength d8, Vigor d8 loses the ability to use the Force Bond special
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4-2, ability on his next turn. With a raise two turns.
Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, •Vulnerability to Sever Force: If a character
Persuasion d4-2, Shooting d6, Stealth d8 spends a Conviction Point when using Sever Force
on the gatekeeper, the Force energies dissipates,
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 6 destroying the gatekeeper and the holocron
Hindrances: --
Edges: Frenzy
Special Ability: % Hutt Crimelord
Aquatic: At home in the water Felucians cannot Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,
drown in oxygenated liquid Strength d12+4, Vigor d12
Innate Ability: Force Blast (See Felucian Species) Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d10,
Gear: Fused Blade “Short Sword” (Str+d6) Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Persuasion d8,
Notice d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
High Level Crime Boss Pace 4; Parry 6; Toughness 12
Hindrances: Greedy, Curious
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Edges: Arcane Resistance, Improved Arcane
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Resistance, First Strike
Skills: Athletics d6, Astrogation d8, Common Gear: DX-2 Sonic Disruptor (Range 3/6/12,
Knowledge d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, Reload 5)
Notice d8, Persuasion d10, Piloting d10, Repair d6, Special Abilities:
Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d8 •Size 4: Hutts are Large and they know it.
Pace 6; Parry 9; Toughness 12(6) •Hardy: Hutts do not take a wound from being
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean, Wanted Shaken Twice.
Edges: Ace, Block, Combat Reflexes, Command, •Tail Lash: The Hutt can make a free Str. Attack
Hard to Kill, Inspire against up to two foes to it’s side or rear at no
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage penalty
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrorapier (Str+d4+2, AP 2, +1
Parry “included”), Armored Plate (+6)

Local Aristocrat Local Gang Leader
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Battle d6, Notice d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
Persuasion d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Persuasion d6, Piloting d10, Repair d6, Shooting d8,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 Stealth d8, Taunt d8
Hindrances: Stubborn Pace 6; Parry 9; Toughness 12(6)
Edges: Aristocrat, Command, Inspire Hindrances: Greedy, Mean
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Edges: Aristocrat, Block, Combat Reflexes,
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Code cylinder, comlink Command,Hard to Kill, Inspire
(encrypted) Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrorapier (Str+d4+2, AP 2, +1
Local Bodyguard Parry “included”), Armored Robes (+6)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Local Gang Member
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Survival d8, Taunt d6 Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 10(4) Persuasion d4, Piloting d6, Repair d4, Shooting d6,
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean, Vengeful (Major) Stealth d6
Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Streetwise Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 7(2)
Gear: Body Armor (+4), Blaster rifle (Range Hindrances: Greedy, Mean
30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger Edges: --
(Str+d4+2, AP 2), 3x Stun Grenades (Range Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
5/10/20, LBT, Target must make a Vigor roll (at -2 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrorapier (Str+d4+2, AP 2, +1
with a raise) or be Stunned (pg. 106 SWADE Core Parry “included”), Reinforced Robes (+2)
Special Abilities: Local Guild Member
Fanatic: Bodyguards are trained to put themselves
between their boss and incoming attacks. If they Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
are within 6" of their boss. Once per round they Strength d6, Vigor d6
can interrupt an incoming attack by moving Skills: Athletics d6, Intimidation d8, Common
between their boss and the attack. This is done Knowledge d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth
after the attack roll but before the damage roll. d4, Shooting d4, Taunt d6
Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5
Local Bounty Hunter Hindrances: Greedy, Stubborn
Edges: Connections, Strong Willed
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Gear: Fancy Clothes, Datapad, comlink
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Local Nobleman
Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Survival d8, Taunt d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 10(4) Skills: Athletics d6, Intimidation d8, Common
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean, Vengeful (Major) Knowledge d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8,
Edges: Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Streetwise Stealth d4, Shooting d4, Taunt d6
Gear: Body Armor (+4), Blaster rifle (Range Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5
30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Vibrodagger Hindrances: Greedy, Stubborn
(Str+d4+2, AP 2), commlink Edges: Connections, Strong Willed
Gear: Fancy Clothes, Datapad, commlink

Local Politician
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Intimidation d8, Common
Knowledge d10, Fighting d6, Notice d8,
Persuasion d8, Stealth d4, Shooting d4, Taunt d6
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Hindrances: Greedy, Stubborn
Edges: Connections, Strong Willed
Gear: Fancy Clothes, Datapad, commlink

Local Security Guard Noghri Assassin
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Persuasion d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d8,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 Throwing d6
Edges: Coordinated Firing Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 8(2)
Gear: Security Uniform, BlasTech DH-23 (Range Hindrances: Vow (Major)
15/30/60, Damage 2d4, AP 2, RoF 1), Binder Cuffs, Edges: Alertness, Assassin, Dodge, First Strike,
comlink Marksman, Steady Hands, Streetwise
Gear: Body Armor (+2, Leather Jacket),
Local Smuggler Vibrodagger (Enhanced Damage Mod, Str+d4+3,
AP 2), dark clothing, comlink
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d6 % Noghri Strike Team Leader
Skills: Athletics d4, Astrogation d8, Common
Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Repair d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Taunt d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 11(6) Battle d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6,
Hindrances: Mean, Greedy, Wanted Notice d8+2, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6,
Edges: Block Stealth d8, Throwing d6
Gear: Armored Spacesuit (+6), Blaster pistol Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 8(2)
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Hindrances: Vow (Major)
Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2) Edges: Alertness, Dodge, First Strike, Marksman,
Command, Natural Leader, Inspire
Majordomo Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Body Armor (+2, Leather Jacket),
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, dark clothes, comlink
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Intimidation d8, Common Noghri Warrior
Knowledge d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d8,
Stealth d4, Shooting d4, Taunt d6 Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Hindrances: Greedy, Stubborn Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4,
Edges: Connections, Strong Willed Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8+2,
Gear: Fancy Clothes, Datapad, commlink Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d8,
Throwing d6
Mid Level Crime Boss Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 8(2)
Hindrances: Vow (Major)
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Edges: Alertness, Dodge, First Strike, Marksman,
Strength d10, Vigor d6 Steady Hands
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Gear: Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), Body Armor
Battle d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, (+2, Leather Jacket), Stokhli spray stick, dark
Persuasion d6, Shooting d6-1, Stealth d4 clothing
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 14(8) Special Abilities:
Hindrances: -- Fanatic: Bodyguards are trained to put themselves
Edges: Command, Inspire between their boss and incoming attacks. If they
Gear: Blaster rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage are within 6" of their boss. Once per round they
2d8, RoF 3, AP 2), Maul (Str+d10), Battle armor, can interrupt an incoming attack by moving
heavy (+8), 50 credits, various personal between their boss and the attack. This is done
belongings after the attack roll but before the damage roll.

Pirate Retired Nobleman
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d6-1, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d6-1, Vigor d6-1
Skills: Athletics d6, Astrogation d6, Common Skills: Academics d10, Athletics d6,
Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Intimidation d8, Common Knowledge d10,
Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Repair d4, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Stealth d4, Shooting d4,
Shooting d6, Stealth d6 Taunt d6
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 7(2) Pace 5; Parry 2; Toughness 5
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean Hindrances: Greedy, Stubborn, Elderly
Edges: Dodge, Block Edges: Connections, Strong Willed
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Gear: Fancy Clothes, Datapad, comlink
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrorapier (Str+d4+2, AP 2, +1
Parry “included”), Pilot Suit (+2) Rodian Thieves

Pirate Captain Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,

Strength d6, Vigor d6
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Driving d6, Fighting d6, Electronics d8,
Skills: Athletics d6, Astrogation d8, Common Thievery d8+1, Intimidation d8, Notice d8+2,
Knowledge d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6
Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Piloting d10, Repair d6, Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Taunt d8 Hindrances: Cautious
Pace 6; Parry 9; Toughness 12(6) Edges: Streetwise, Thief, Alertness
Hindrances: Greedy, Mean, Wanted Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
Edges: Ace, Block, Combat Reflexes, 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2)
Command,Dodge Hard to Kill, Inspire
Gear: DX-2 Sonic Disruptor (Range 3/6/12, Royal Nobleman
Damage 2d6, RoF 1, Reload 5), Vibrorapier
(Str+d4+2, AP 2, +1 Parry “included”), Armored Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
spacesuit (+6) Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Planetary Nobleman Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
Persuasion d8, Piloting d10, Repair d6, Shooting d8,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d8
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Pace 6; Parry 9; Toughness 12(6)
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Hindrances: Greedy, Mean
Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Edges: Block, Combat Reflexes, Command,
Persuasion d8, Shooting d10, Survivial d6, First Strike, Hard to Kill, Inspire
Stealth d4 Gear: Vibrorapier (Str+d4+2, AP 2, +1 Parry
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 9(4) “included”), Custom Armored Robes (+6)
Hindrances: Overconfident
Edges: Marksman Scoundrel
Gear: Battle armor, light (+4), S-5 Heavy Blaster
Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, AP 2, RoF 1), Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,
Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2), utility belt with 8- Strength d6, Vigor d6
2A Medical Bundle Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
Driving d6, Fighting d6, Electronics d8,
Prisoners Thievery d8, Persuasion d8, Notice d8,
Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Piloting d6, Repair d6
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Hindrances: --
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Edges: Attractive, Double Tap
Driving d6, Fighting d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
Persuasion d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2)
Pace 6; Parry 4; Toughness 5
Hindrances: --
Edges: --
Gear: Prison Garb

Squib Scavenger % Twi’lek Poisoner
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d4, Vigor d4 Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6,
Driving d6, Notice d6, Shooting d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Stealth d4, Persuasion d10 Persuasion d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d8,
Pace 4; Parry 2; Toughness 5 Throwing d6
Hindrances: -- Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 5
Edges: -- Hindrances: Vow (Major)
Gear: assorted junk, Blaster pistol (Range Edges: Alertness, Dodge, First Strike,
15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2) Marksman,Steady Hands, Streetwise
Special Ability: Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage
•Natural Diplomat: Members of the Squib species 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2),
are naturals at negotiating. They have a species comlink
trait that grants a +2 competence bonus to their
Persuasion skill when used while they are haggling Special Ability:
over the price of something. •Trihexalon Poison: The Twi’lek poisoner carries
four vials of a distilled and refined chemical
weapon called trihexalon. Normally used as a
Thug chemical weapon, trihexalon can be refined and
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, altered to react (or fail to react) with certain
Strength d6, Vigor d6 biochemical compositions. The Twi’lek poisoner’s
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, trihexalon is engineered to affect all non-Twi’leks,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, preventing the poison from being used against her.
This particular variety of trihexalon is a contact
Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 poison that attacks the Vigor of any target
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 5 damaged by the weapon to which it is applied, If
Hindrances: -- the attack causes damage, the target Must make a
Edges: -- Vigor Roll at -2. On a failure the character is
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Distracted and knocked out for 2d6 minutes (twice
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2) that with a critical failure)

Thug Leader Ugnaught

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Driving d6, Fighting d4, Gambling d6,
Persuasion d8, Piloting d6, Repair d6, Shooting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d6,
Stealth d6, Taunt d6 Piloting d4, Shooting d4, Repair d6, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 11(6) Pace 4; Parry 4; Toughness 4
Hindrances: Mean, Greedy, Wanted Hindrances: --
Edges: Block Edges: --
Gear: Armored Spacesuit (+6), Blaster pistol Gear: Biohazard suit, Blaster pistol (Range
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), worker’s
Vibrodagger (Str+d4+2, AP 2) clothes, comlink, tool belt

Trandoshan Slaver Ugnaught Boss

Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d12,
Driving d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Driving d6, Fighting d4, Gambling d6,
Notice d4, Persuasion d6, Piloting d6, Shooting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6,
Stealth d4 Piloting d4, Repair d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 9(2) Pace 4; Parry 4; Toughness 4
Hindrances: -- Hindrances: --
Edges: Brawler Edges: Command, Inspire
Gear: Hold out Pistol (Range 6/12/24, Damage Gear: Biohazard suit, Blaster pistol (Range
2d4,RoF 1), comlink 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), worker’s
Special Abilities: clothes, comlink, tool belt
•Regeneration: Slow Trandoshan can make a
Natural Healing Roll once per day. (Including
Permanent Wounds)
•Claws: (Damage Str+d6)
•Scaly Skin: (+2 Armor, Included)

Ugor Forager DROIDS (^ Wild Cards)
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, The cost of a non-combat droid is based upon the
Strength d6, Vigor d6 number of Attribute Die it has. Add them up then
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, multiply that by 1,000. For a Combat Droid the
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Cost is Double that amount. Unless otherwise
Persuasion d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d8 noted all droids have Basic Processors.
Pace 4; Parry 5; Toughness 7(2)
Hindrances: -- 21B Medical Droid (1st )
Edges: –
Gear: Blaster pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d4,
2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), mace (Damage str+d6), Pilot Strength d6-2, Vigor d6
Suit (+2), various items of value Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8,
Notice d6, Healing d12+2, Persuasion d10-2,
Special Abilities: Stealth d4
Amorphous Nature: Ugors are amoeba-like Pace 6; Parry 1; Toughness 5
shapeshifters and may alter their abilities at will. Hindrances: --
As a full-round action, an Ugor can raise or lower Edge: Healer
any physical ability by 1 die type, but each die Gear: Comlink, 4x 8-2A Medical Bundle,
must be transferred from another Attribute. This Bioscanner, Scalpel (Vibrodagger: Str+d4+2, AP 2),
ability lasts for 1d6 rounds before it alters back to Heuristic Processor
the Ugor’s original scores. Bonuses and penalties
(to skills, defenses, attacks, and so on) have to be Special Abilities:
adjusted accordingly if this adjustment affects •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
them. •Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4
to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage
Work Crewmember from Electrical Attacks
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6,
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Electronic rolls.
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, •Dependency: All droids need to recharge.
Driving d6, Electronics d8, Fighting d6,
Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d4,
Repair d8, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 501-Z Security Droid (4th )
Pace 4; Parry 4; Toughness 5 Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Hindrances: -- Strength d6, Vigor d8
Edges: -- Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Gear: Biohazard suit, Heavy Hydrospanner Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8,
Damage Str+d6, worker’s clothes, comlink, tool Persuasion d8-4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
belt Pace 4; Parry 6; Toughness 10(4)
Hindrances: --
Edges: --
Gear: Force Pike (Str+d6+2, If Shaken or Wounded
the target must make a Vigor Roll -2 or be
Distracted, Laser Rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage
3d6, RoF 3, AP 2), Heuristic Processor,
holorecorder, holoprojector, internal comlink,
Duravlex armor plating: +4
Special Abilities:
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being

501-Z Security Droid Squad (4 Members) A9G – Series Archive Droid (1st )
(4th ) Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d4,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d6-2, Vigor d6
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d10-2, Stealth d4,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, “Select Skill” d12+2
Persuasion d8-4, Shooting d8+4, Stealth d6 Pace 6; Parry 1; Toughness 5
Pace 4; Parry 6; Toughness 10(4) Hindrances: --
Hindrances: -- Edge: Investigator
Edges: -- Gear: Comlink,
Gear: Force Pike (Str+d6+6, If Shaken or Wounded Special Abilities:
the target must make a Vigor Roll -2 or be •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
Distracted, Laser Rifle (Range 30/60/120, Damage shaken
3d6+4, RoF 3, AP 2), Heuristic Processor, •Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4
holorecorder, holoprojector, internal comlink, to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage
Duravlex armor plating: +4 from Electrical Attacks
Special Abilities: •Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
shaken Electronic rolls.
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge.
8D Smelter Droid (5th Degree) •Select Skill: (Upon Creation or Purchase select
one Skill based on Smarts. This Droid has a d12+2
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8-1, Spirit d4, in that skill)
Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d8, Repair d8, Notice d6, Electronics d4, ^ Advanced Purge Trooper Droid (4th )
Persuasion d10-2, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4) Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Hindrances: -- Strength d10, Vigor d10
Edges: -- Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d8,
Gear: Matter Cutter (3d6, AP 10, Parry and Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Fighting are -2 if used as a weapon), Durvlex armor Persuasion d6-4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4
Shell (light +4) Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 19(8)
Hindrances: --
Special Abilities: Edges: --
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being Gear: Vibrosword,Great (Str+d10+2, AP 2, Parry
•Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4 -1, Two Hands), Shoulder Mounted Missile Launcher
to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage (Range 24/48/96, Damage 3d6, HW, Ignores all but
from Electrical Attacks total cover), Heuristic Processor, Neutronium armor
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via Shell +8
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and Special Abilities:
Electronic rolls. •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge. shaken
•Resilient: Smelter Droids take one wound before •Size 4: Built to hunt Jedi. This Droid uses it's size
they're Incapacitated. to do so
•Environmental Resistance (Heat): They are +4 to •Energy Skin: (reduce damage from lasers by 4), ,
Resist Heat Effects and take -4 Damage from Heat •Cortosis Plating: (A lightsaber has -6 AP when
Attacks hitting the Advanced purge trooper.)

AD – Series Weapons Maintenance Droid AS-P4 Hunter Droids (4th )
(2nd ) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Repair d8, Notice d6, Electronics d6, Persuasion d8-4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Persuasion d8-2, Stealth d4 Pace 4; Parry 6; Toughness 10(4)
Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5 Hindrances: --
Hindrances: -- Edges: --
Edges: -- Gear: Gatling Laser (Range 50/100/200, Damage
Gear: 2 Tool Arms, 2 Hand Arms, Fire Extinguisher 3d6+4, RoF 4, AP 4, Heuristic Processor, internal
Special Abilities: comlink, Duravlex armor plating +4, holorecorder,
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being holoprojector
shaken Special Abilities:
•Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4 •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage shaken
from Electrical Attacks
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via BLX Labor Droid (5th )
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
Electronic rolls. Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d4,
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge. Strength d6, Vigor d6
•Repair Master: May reroll Repair rolls made to fix Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
any broken piece of equipment Fighting d8, Repair d8+2, Notice d6, Electronics d4,
Persuasion d10-2, Stealth d6
^ Annihilator Droid (4th ) Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 5
Hindrances: --
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Edges: Mr. Fix-it
Strength d6, Vigor d12 Gear: Repair Tools, Datapad
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4,
Special Abilities:
Fighting d10, Intimidation d6, Notice d8, •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
Persuasion d8-4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 shaken
Pace 4; Parry 7; Toughness 22(6) •Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4
Hindrances: -- to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage
Edges: Two Gun Kid, Ambidextrous, Counter from Electrical Attacks
Attack, Improved Counter Attack, First Strike, •Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via
Improved First Strike a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
Gear: 2x Gatling Lasers (Range 50/100/200, Electronic rolls.
Damage 3d6+4, RoF 4, AP 4, Heuristic Processor, •Dependency: All droids need to recharge.
internal comlink, Laminanium armor plating +6 •Resilient: BLX Labor Droids take one wound
Special Abilities: before they're Incapacitated.
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Size 8: This 4 legged droid can look even a
Rancor in the eyes
•Shields x2: an ablative energy field that gives it
two additional Wounds. Shield Wounds are lost
before other Wounds. An Annhilator Droid with
remaining shield Wounds never suffer more than
one Wound from a single hit, but damage to shield
Wounds may not be Soaked.
•Combat Design: May Attack Twice in one Round
with no Penalty or attack Once and make a shield
repair attempt with no penalty
•Very Resilient: Annihilator Droids take two extra
wounds before they're Incapacitated.

Crab Droid (5th ) CZ – Series Secretary Droid( 3rd )
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d4, Attributes: Agility d6-1 , Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d12,
Fighting d8, Repair d8, Notice d6, Electronics d4, Notice d6, Language (All Common Races) d8,
Persuasion d10-2, Stealth d8 Language (Non-Common Races) d6,
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4) Persuasion d8, Stealth d4
Hindrances: -- Pace 5; Parry 3; Toughness 5
Edges: -- Hindrances: --
Gear: Circular Saw (2d4+4), Matter Cutter (3d6, Edges: --
AP 10, Parry and Fighting are -2 if used as a Gear: Comlink, Heuristic Processor
weapon), Durvlex armor Shell +4 Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being shaken
shaken •Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4
•Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4 to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage
to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage from Electrical Attacks
from Electrical Attacks •Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and Electronic rolls.
Electronic rolls. •Dependency: All droids need to recharge.
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge. •Linguist: The Droid knows as many Languages as
•Resilient: Crab Droids take one wound before needed
they're Incapacitated. •Comlink Jammer: As an action, the CZ droid can
jam all comlinks (including encrypted ones) within
6” of the droid for one round.
Combat Droid (Trade Federation Battle Droid)
(4th ) ^ Droideka (4th )
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d10 Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6-4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4 Electronics d10, Persuasion d6-4, Shooting d8,
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness 11(4) Stealth d4, Repair d8
Hindrances: -- Pace 4 Walking, 8 Rolling (Takes an Action to
Edges: -- change from walking to Rolling); Parry 6;
Gear: Duravlex armor Shell +4, Blaster pistol Toughness 15(6)
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2) Hindrances: --
Special Abilities: Edges: --
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being Gear: 2x Gatling laser rifle (Range 50/100/200,
shaken Damage 3d6+4, RoF 4, AP 2), Laminanium armor
Shell +6
Special Abilities:
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Size 2: Built For Combat
•Energy Skin: reduce damage from lasers by 4
•Shields x2: an ablative energy field that gives it
two additional Wounds. Shield Wounds are lost
before other Wounds. A Droideka with remaining
shield Wounds never suffer more than one Wound
from a single hit, but damage to shield Wounds
may not be Soaked.
•Combat Design: May Attack Twice in one Round
with no Penalty or attack Once and make a shield
repair attempt with no penalty

DP-2 Probe Droid (Probe Droid) (4th ) Patrol Droid (4th )
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d8, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Persuasion d6 -4, Shooting d8, Stealth d10 Persuasion d10-4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Pace 6 (flying); Parry 6; Toughness 13(4) Pace 4; Parry 6; Toughness 10(4)
Hindrances: -- Hindrances: --
Edges: -- Edges: --
Gear: Duravlex armor plating +4, Blaster pistol Gear: Duravlex armor plating +4, Force Pike
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), (Str+d6+2, If Shaken or Wounded the target must
sensor unit (+2 to Survival Rolls for Tracking make a Vigor Roll -2 or be Distracted, Blaster rifle
Purposes), video recording unit, Heuristic (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d8, RoF 3, AP 2),
Processor, internal comlink internal comlink
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
shaken shaken
•Low Light Vision: Its sensors ignore penalties from •Limited; jump jets: Allows the droid to jump 8"
Dim and Dark areas but not Pitch Darkness. once per encounter
•Size 3: When fully deployed this droid extends its
arms in every direction Protocol Droid (3rd )

FSD-6D Surveillance Droid (Probe Droid) Attributes: Agility d6-1 , Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
(4th ) Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d12,
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Notice d6, Language (All Common Races) d8,
Strength d6, Vigor d8 Language (Non-Common Races) d6,
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Persuasion d12, Stealth d4
Fighting d8, Intimidation d4, Notice d8, Pace 5; Parry 3; Toughness 5
Persuasion d6 -4, Shooting d8, Stealth d10 Hindrances: --
Pace 6 (flying); Parry 6; Toughness 8(4) Edges: --
Hindrances: -- Gear: Comlink, Heuristic Processor
Edges: -- Special Abilities:
Gear: Duravlex armor plating +4, Blaster pistol •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
(Range 15/30/60, Damage 2d6, RoF 1, AP 2), shaken
sensor unit (+2 to Survival Rolls for Tracking •Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4
Purposes), video recording unit, Heuristic to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage
Processor, internal comlink from Electrical Attacks
Special Abilities: •Dependency: All droids need to recharge.
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being •Linguist: The Droid knows as many Languages as
shaken needed
•Low Light Vision: Its sensors ignore penalties from
Dim and Dark areas but not Pitch Darkness.
•Size -2: attacks made against it are at -2
Large Security Droid (Trade Federation Super
Battle Droid) (4th )
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Persuasion d6-4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 12(4)
Hindrances: --
Edges: --
Gear: Gatling laser rifle (Range 50/100/200,
Damage 3d6+4, RoF 4, AP 2), Duravlex armor +4
Special Abilities:
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Size 1: Built For Combat
•Energy Skin: reduce damage from lasers by 4
•Very Resilient: They take two wounds before
they're Incapacitated.

R8- Series Astromech Droid (2nd ) Shadow Security Droid (4th )
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d4,
Strength d6, Vigor d6 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Astrogation d10, Athletics d6, Common Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8,
Knowledge d8, Repair d12, Notice d6, Stealth d6 Fighting d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d6-4,
Electronics d6, Piloting d6, Persuasion d8-2 Shooting d8, Stealth d10
Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5 Pace 8 (flying); Parry 6; Toughness 8(4)
Hindrances: -- Hindrances: --
Edges: Mr Fix-It, Edges: --
Vehicle Mechanic (Avaliable to Players in the Gear: Duravlex armor plating +4, Gatling laser
Planetary Guide) rifle (Range 50/100/200, Damage 3d6+4, RoF 4, AP
Requirements: Novice, Mr Fix-It 2), sensor unit (+2 to Survival Rolls for Tracking
This Droid is able to perform what seem like Purposes), video recording unit, Heuristic
miracles when working on a Vehicle. With a Processor, internal comlink
Successful Repair roll they can bypass the effects Special Abilities:
of certain results (Guidance/Traction, Locomotion, •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
Weapon, System) caused by Critical Hits for a short shaken
while. This doesn't actually repair the Wound that •Low Light Vision: Its sensors ignore penalties from
caused the effect, if any. It just bypasses the effect Dim and Dark areas but not Pitch Darkness.
caused by it for short time. Each Success and Raise •Size -2: attacks made against it are at -2
bypasses one current effect for 6 Rounds. A Failure •Self Destruct: When destroyed the Shadow Droid
means the Droid can not bypass any current explodes in a SBT for 3d6 damage to anyone inside
Effects even if they succeed with a raise at a later the blast area
attempt to bypass Effects caused by new Critical
Hits. Se-4 (3rd )
Gear: 1 Tool Arm, Fire Extinguisher, Heuristic
Processor Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d6,
Strength d10, Vigor d10
Special Abilities: Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6,
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being Fighting d6, Intimidation d12, Notice d12,
•Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4 Persuasion d6, Stealth d4
to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage Pace 5; Parry 5; Toughness 7
from Electrical Attacks Hindrances: --
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via Edges: --
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and Gear: Comlink, Heuristic Processor
Electronic rolls. Special Abilities:
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge. •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4
Rx-13 Pilot Droid (2nd ) to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage
from Electrical Attacks
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, •Dependency: All droids need to recharge.
Strength d6, Vigor d6 •Linguist: The Droid knows 100 Languages
Skills: Astrogation d8, Athletics d4, Common •Taste Bud: A sensor in it's left index finger, that is
Knowledge d8, Repair d8, Notice d6, Stealth d4 sensitive enough it can even detect poison in food.
Electronics d6, Piloting d10, Persuasion d8-2
Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5 T0-D Interrogation Droid (4th )
Hindrances: --
Edges: -- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,
Gear: 2 Tool Arms, 2 Hand Arms, Fire Extinguisher, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Heuristic Processor Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Persuasion d8-4,
Special Abilities:
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being Notice d6, Healing d12, Stealth d4
shaken Pace 6; Parry 7; Toughness 10(4)
•Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are -4 Hindrances: --
to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage Edges: --
from Electrical Attacks Gear: Duravlex armor plating +4, Comlink, 4x 8-
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via 2A Medical Bundle, Scalpel (Vibrodagger:
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and Str+d4+2, AP 2)
Electronic rolls. Special Abilities:
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge. •Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
Electronic rolls.

Warden Droid (4th )
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d4,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Notice d8,
Persuasion d6-4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 9(4)
Hindrances: --
Edges: --
Gear: Duravlex armor plating +4, Stun Claws
(Contact Stunner), Heuristic Processor
Special Abilities:
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
Electronic rolls.

XK-V8 Excavation Droid (5th )

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6-1, Spirit d4,
Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8,
Repair d8, Notice d6, Electronics d4, Stealth d6
Persuasion d10-2
Pace 6; Parry 2; Toughness 5
Hindrances: --
Edges: --
Gear: Circular Saw (2d4+4), Matter Cutter (3d6,
AP 10, Parry and Fighting are -2 if used as a
Special Abilities:
•Construct: They add +2 to recover from being
•Environmental Weakness (Electricity): They are
-4 to Resist Electrical Effects and take +4 Damage
from Electrical Attacks
•Data Jack: Droids tap directly into the system via
a datajack This adds +2 to all Hacking and
Electronic rolls.
•Dependency: All droids need to recharge.

Creature Specific Rules

Pack Tactics:
Packs gain a +2 bonus to melee attack rolls for each adjacent allied Pack. In all other ways packs function as if they are swarms.

(* Wild Cards )
Acklay * Bull Rancor
Attributes: Agility d8, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, d6 (A), Spirit d10, Strength
Strength d10, Vigor d8 d12+10, Vigor d12
Skills: Athletics d10, Skills: Fighting d8,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Intimidation d10, Athletics d6,
Notice d8, Stealth d8 Notice d6, Stealth d4
Pace 8; Parry 6; Pace 6; Parry 7;
Toughness 15(4) Toughness 28(6)
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
•Armor +4: Hard Shelled •Armor +6: Thick Hide
•Claws: Str+d8, AP2 •Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
•Bite: Str+d8 shaken twice.
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being •Size +10: Heavy and powerful
shaken twice •Bite: Str+d8
•Reach +1: Those claws can reach out and stab •Reach +2: You may think your at a safe Distance,
you your not.
•Size +5: It stands an impressive 15' •Smash: Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no
protection against the smash
Bantha •Swipe: The Rancor ignores up to 4 points of scale
penalties when attacking
Attributes: Agility d4, •Claw Slash: Str+d8 The creature makes two claw
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, attacks at no penalty.
Strength d10, Vigor d8 •Regeneration: The Rancor makes a Vigor roll
Skills: Athletics d4, every round – even after they have been
Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, Incapacitated. A Success removes one Wound (or
Notice d6, Stealth d4 removes the Incapacitated Status) and a raise
Pace 6; Parry 5; heals an additional Wound
Toughness 14(2)
Special Abilities:
•Armor +2: Thick Hide Canyon Krayt Dragon
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
shaken twice. Attributes: Agility d10,
•Size +6: Slow and heavy, but powerful Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d10,
•Headbutt (Str+d10) Strength d12+5, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting
d12, Intimidation d12,
Notice d12, Stealth d8
Pace 8; Parry 10;
Toughness 20(6)
Edges: Frenzy, Improved Frenzy, Block, Improved
Special Abilities:
•Armor +6: Scaly Hide
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
shaken twice.
•Size +7: It's big by our standards. Small by Krayt
•Bite/ Claws: Str+d8
•Swat: The Krayt ignores up to 4 points of Scale
penalties when attacking with its claws,
•Tail Lash: Str+d4 The creature may make a free
attack against up to two foes at no penalty.)

Chrysalis Rancor Corellian Banshee Bird
Attributes: Agility d6, Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, (A), Spirit d8, Strength d4,
Strength d12+8, Vigor d12 Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d8, Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8,
Intimidation d12, Athletics d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d10
Notice d6, Stealth d12+1 Pace 4; Flying 8; Parry 5;
Pace 8; Parry 7; Toughness 3
Toughness 16(4) Edges: Extraction, Improved Extraction, Dodge
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
•Armor +4: Thick Hide •Size -2: attacks made against it are at -2
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being •Claws: Str+d4
shaken twice. •Swoop: If it moves before it attacks it adds 1d4 of
•Size +8: Smaller, but still powerful damage
•Bite: Str+d8 •Banshee Wail: (Range: Smarts, Shooting d6, On a
•Reach +1: You may think your at a safe Distance, success place a MBT within range. All creatures
your not. within the template must immediately make a
•Smash: Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no Vigor roll at -2 or be Distracted with a raise; they
protection against the smash are also Vulnerable. Until the start of their next
•Swipe: The Rancor ignores up to 4 points of scale turn)
penalties when attacking
•Claw Slash: Str+d8 The creature makes two claw Corellian Sand Panther
attacks at no penalty.
•Regeneration: The Rancor makes a Vigor roll Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4
every round – even after they have been (A), Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Incapacitated. A Success removes one Wound (or Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8,
removes the Incapacitated Status) and a raise Notice d8, Stealth d12
heals an additional Wound Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 6
•Fear -2: Anyone who sees a Chrysalis Rancor
must make a Fear Check Edges: Assassin
Special Abilities:
•Poison Bite/Claws: Str+d6, If a creature is
Comet Mynock affected by an attack that results in a wound they
must make an immediate Vigor Roll on a failure
Attributes: Agility d10, they suffer the effects of a Mild poison see pg. 129
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, of the Swade Core Book
Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8,
Dark Lizard (aquatic)
Stealth d10
Pace 4; Flying 8; Parry 5; Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4
Toughness 5 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Edges: Extraction, Improved Extraction, Dodge Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8,
Special Abilities: Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
•Size -2: attacks made against it are at -2 Stealth d8
•Bite: 2d4 Pace 6, Swim 8; Parry 6;
•Survive in Vacuum: Mynocks are silicon-based life Toughness 9(2)
forms that take no damage from exposure to Edges: Alertness
vacuum. Special Abilities:
•Fly Through Space: Mynocks can fly in the •Bite/Claw: Str+d6
vacuum of space and can maneuver without any •Speed: d8 running die
hindrance or penalty in vacuum. •Natural Armor +2: Leathery Hide
•Atmospheric: Unlike other Mynocks they suffer no •Prehensile tongue: Grapple Attacks made with the
ill effects from being in the Atmosphere. tongue gain a +2 bonus, and “crushing” causes the
Lizards Str in damage, Reach 2
•Size +1: Dark Lizards are usually around 7' long

Dark Lizard (aquatic), Alpha Dinko Pack (Swarm MBT and Pack)
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6 Attributes: Agility d6,
(A), Spirit d6, Strength d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4,
Vigor d8 Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting
Intimidation d8, Notice d6, d6, Intimidation d6,
Stealth d8 Notice d8, Stealth d10
Pace 6, Swim 8; Parry 6; Pace 6, Parry 7;
Toughness 10(2) Toughness 6
Edges: Alertness Edges: Alertness
Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6 •Pack Tactics: Packs gain a +2 bonus to melee
•Speed: d8 running die attack rolls for each adjacent allied Pack. In all
•Natural Armor +2: Leathery Hide other ways packs function as if they are swarms.
•Prehensile tongue: Grapple Attacks made with the •Bite/ Claw: 2d6
tongue gain a +2 bonus, and “crushing” causes •Speed: d8 running die
the Lizards Str in damage, Reach 2 •Motion-Sensitive Vision: the eyes of a dinko have
•Size +2: Alpha Dark Lizards can reach over 9' evolved such that they see only movement. The
long creature takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls against
•Tail Lash: The Alpha Lizard can make a free Str. motionless opponents
Attack against a single foe to its side or rear at no •Poison: If the bite of a dinko causes a wound to a
penalty living target, the target is also poisoned. The target
must make a Vigor roll at -2 or be paralyzed for
Dewback 1d4 rounds
•Scent: Dinkos ignore concealment and cover
Attributes: Agility d4, when making Notice rolls against opponents within
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, 10 squares, and they take no penalty from poor
Strength d10, Vigor d8 visibility when tracking
Skills: Athletics d4, •Stench: Dinkos exude a foul stench that
Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, nauseates most other creatures. Any creature in
Notice d6, Stealth d4 the burst template of the pack at the end of the
Pace 6; Parry 5; Toughness pack's turn must make a Vigor roll, on a failure the
14(2) target becomes nauseated for 1 round. A
nauseated target can only take a single action that
Special Abilities: round.
•Armor +2: Thick Hide
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
shaken twice Dragonsnake
•Size +6: Dewbacks make decent mounts Attributes: Agility d8,
•Bite: Str+d8 Smarts d4-2 (A), Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting
d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6,
Stealth d8
Pace 4, Swim 10; Parry 6;
Toughness 12(2)

Edges: Assassin
Special Abilities:
•Low Light Vision: The Dragonsnake ignore
penalties from Dim and Dark areas but not Pitch
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6
•Natural Armor +2: Its skin reflects attacks
•Size +4: It's Body is long
•Tail Lash: The Dragonsnake can make a free Str.
Attack against a single foe to it’s side or rear at no
•Resilient/Very Resilient: They take two wounds
before they're Incapacitated

Droch Swarm Felucian Ripper (aquatic)
Attributes: Agility d10, Attributes: Agility d8,
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d12, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
Strength d8, Vigor d10 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Notice d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting
Pace (Special: see Light d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
Sensitive) Parry 6; Stealth d8
Toughness 7 Swim 8; Parry 6;
Toughness 6
Special Abilities:
•Light Sensitive: Droch are only fully active in Pitch Special Abilities:
Darkness. Their Pace is affected by the level of •Bite/Claw: Str+d4
Illumination. Pitch Darkness (pace 10), Dark (pace •Tail Slap: Str+d6
8), Dim (pace 6) Direct Light Source (pace 4)
Daylight (pace 2), Swarms aren’t intelligent Giant Greethka
enough to do anything but attack, they shouldn’t
take Multi-Actions, make Tests, etc. Attributes: Agility d8,
•Burrow, Bite: Hitting Automatically they cause Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
2d4 damage, Damage is applied to the least Strength d12, Vigor d12+3
armored location, those in completely sealed suits Skills: Athletics d8,
are immune. If they cause a Wound the Droch Fighting d4, Stealth d8
burrows into the skin and the wounded creature Pace: 4; Parry: 4;
must immediately make a Vigor roll or be infected Toughness 13
with the Death Seed Plague, they must make this Special Abilities:
roll every round until the Droch is removed, which •Size +4:
takes a Healing roll at -4. •Tremorsense: It automatically senses the location
•Death Seed Plague: This Poison causes a level of of anything that is in contact with the ground
Fatigue upon contracting it. Every hour after that andwithin 50”. The creature is not affected by
they must make a Vigor roll or take a Wound. A darkness, but it is highly sensitive to energy (sonic)
Successful Healing roll at -4 or the use of the Vital effects. A simple claxon or alarm can keep a
Transfer power with the correct modifier will halt greethka at bay for 1d6 rounds until it gets its
the disease bearings, and sonic based weapons (including
•Swarm: The Swarm covers an area equal to a vibroblades and the like) deal double damage
SBT, MBT, or LBT and attacks everyone inside •Envelop: A giant greethka can envelop Large or
every round. They are immune to cutting and smaller creatures with its body, by making an
piercing attacks. AOE attacks work normally, and a opposed Athletics roll ignoring size modifiers if
character can stomp to inflict his Strength in there are any. Any creature who is enveloped is
damage each round. Bound and Entangled and may only try to escape
•Split: Swarms split into smaller swarms when (pg 98). They have only half their vigor die plus 1
Wounded Reduce the Blast Template one size after round to do so. After which they must begin
a Wound for each newly created Swarm, SBT making Vigor Rolls to continue to hold their breath.
swarms are destroyed On a failure the entangled character becomes
unconscious and has a number of rounds equal to
Energy Spider his vigor die, to be rescued before they die. If they
are rescued a healing roll at -2 can resuscitate
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), them
Spirit d6, Strength d10, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8,
Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Shooting d10,
Stealth d10
Pace 8; Parry 5; Toughness 6

Special Abilities:
•Bite: Str+d8 (Str+d4 Poison mild pg 128),
•Wall Walker: Can move on wall and ceilings at
•Webbing: The Spider can cast webs in a SBT. This
is a Shooting Roll with a Range of 6”. A Hit means
the victim is Entangled, or Bound with a Raise (pg
•Size +1: The Spider is slightly larger than a

* Greater Krayt Dragon Gundark
Attributes: Agility d10, Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
Strength d12+8, Vigor d12 Strength d10, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting Skills: Fighting d8,
d12, Intimidation d12, Intimidation d10, Notice d6,
Notice d12, Stealth d8 Stealth d4
Pace 8; Parry 10; Pace 8; Parry 6;
Toughness 26(6) Toughness 19(2)
Edges: Frenzy, Improved Frenzy, Block, Special Abilities:
Improved Block •Armor +2: Thick Hide
Special Abilities: •Size +6: The Gundark's size is used to stab
•Burrow: Pace 6 downward
•Armor +6: Scaly Hide •Bite: Str+d4
•Bite: Str+d8 •Claws: Str+d4, Can Make up to 4 attacks on a
•Claw Slash: Str+d8 The creature makes two claw single target each round at no penalty
attacks at no penalty. •Stab and Grab: A Gundark scoring a raise with at
•Fear-2: Anyone who sees a Krayt Dragon must least two claw attacks has impaled it’s foe. It may
make a Fear Check then attack with its bite, gaining +2 to that attack
•Acidic Bile: It spits Acidic Bile in a MBT doing 4d6, and damage
It continues to do damage at the start of a victims
turn. Roll a D6 right after it does so. On a 6 the Hssiss (Aquatic)
Acid stays at the same intensity. On a 5 or lower it
drops a level. If reduced below 1d6 damage it has Attributes: Agility d8,
run its course Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6,
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being Strength d8, Vigor d8
shaken twice Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting
•Size +12: Larger then the most other Krayt d10, Intimidation d8, Notice
Dragons. d8, Stealth d8
•Gargantuan: Greater Krayt Dragons have Heavy Pace 8, Swim 8, Parry 6;
Armor and their attacks count as Heavy Weapons. Toughness 6
•Stomp: The Greater Krayt stomps down with a Special Abilities:
MBT Attack that ignores Scale modifiers and is an •Bite/Claw: Str+d6
oppossed Athletics vs Agility Roll. (Defenders roll •Knock Down: Whenever a Hssiss hits a target with
individually) Those who don't dodge take d12+8 its Bite attack that results in the target being
•Swat: The Krayt ignores up to 4 points of Scale shaken or worse, the target must make an Agility
penalties when attacking with its claws Roll, at -2 if the attack hits with a raise. Failure
•Tail Lash: Str+d4 The creature may make a free means the character is knocked Prone
attack against up to two foes at no penalty •Drag Away: Whenever a Hssiss knocks a target
Prone using its Knock Down Ability, it can
Grey Fear Moss immediately move its speed as a Free Action and
pull the target along with it. The target ends its
Attributes: Agility d4, movement in an adjacent space chosen by the
Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8, Hssiss . This movement does not provoke Attacks
Strength d12+4, Vigor d8 of Opportunity
Skills: Fighting d8,
Intimidation d6, Notice d8,
Stealth d10, Use Force d12
Pace 1; Parry 6;
Toughness 14(2)
Edges: Force Sensitive
Powers: Detect/Conceal Life, Puppet, Stun
Power Points: 25
Special Abilities:
•Size +6: This moss seems harmless until it rears
up at you
•Armor +2: Thick Skin
•Tentacles x 5: See Tentacles pg 178 of the SWADE
Core Book
•Slap: d12+4
•Fear Toxin: This is a contact poison emitted
through the surface of the fear moss onto the bare
skin of its prey. Anyone successfully grappled must
make a Spirit Roll every round they remain
grappled at -2. This is a Nausea level Fear Check.

* Horax Kintan Strider
Attributes: Agility d6, Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, d8 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d12,
Strength d12+10, Vigor d10
Vigor d12+4 Skills: Fighting d10, Notice d8,
Skills: Fighting d6, Stealth d10
Intimidation d8, Notice d6 Pace 6; Parry 7;
Pace 8; Parry 5; Toughness 15(2)
Toughness 25(4)
Special Abilities: Gear: Club (Tree Branch): Str+d10, +2 to break
•Armor +4: Its massive bulk just seems to absorb objects if used Two Handed)
damage directed at it Special Abilities:
•Resilient/Very Resilient: They take two extra •Claw: Str+d6
wounds before they're Incapacitated •Armor +2: Thick Hide
•Gore: If a Horax can charge at least 6” before •Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
attacking, it adds +4 to damage shaken twice
•Tusks: Str+d6 •Size +6: The Strider dwarfs most species that
•Size +13: Probably the largest creatures most will encounter it.
ever see •Regeneration: The Strider makes a Vigor roll
•Tail Slap: Str+d4 the target must also make an every round – even after they have been
Agility Roll at -2, or be knocked Prone Incapacitated. A Success removes one Wound (or
•Gargantuan: Greater Horax have Heavy Armor removes the Incapacitated Status) and a raise
and their attacks count as Heavy Weapons. heals an additional Wound)
•Stomp: The Horax stomps down with a LBT Attack
that ignores Scale modifiers and is an oppossed Knobby White Spider (adult)
Athletics vs Agility Roll. (Defenders roll individually)
Those who don't dodge take d12+10 Attributes: Agility d10,
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
Katarn Strength d10, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d10,
Attributes: Agility d10, Fighting d8, Intimidation d10,
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10, Notice d8, Shooting d10,
Strength d8, Vigor d8 Stealth d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Pace 8; Parry 5;
Fighting d8, Notice d8, Toughness 4
Stealth d12 Special Abilities:
Pace 10; Parry 6; •Bite: Str+d8
Toughness 6 •Poison: this works as mild poison pg 128 SWADE
Edges: Berserk, Extraction core book
Special Abilities: •Wall Walker: Can move on wall and ceilings at
•Low Light Vision: They ignore penalties from Dim Pace.
and Dark areas but not Pitch Darkness. •Webbing: The Spider can cast webs in a LBT. This
•Horns: Str+d4 is a Shooting Roll with a Range of 6”. A Hit means
•Bite/Claws: Str+d6 the victim is Entangled, or Bound with a Raise (pg
•Rapid Attack: can make up to 3 attacks on the 98)
same target each round without suffering MAP, any •Size +6: This massive Spider shoots a large web
attack made against multiple targets still suffers
MAP as normal

Kath Hound
Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting
d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Pace 6; Parry 6;
Toughness 7
Special Abilities:
•Bite/Claws: Str+d6, the target must also make an
Agility Roll at -2, or be knocked Prone

Knobby White Spider (Young) Kouhuns
Attributes: Agility d10, Attributes: Agility d10,
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
Strength d10, Vigor d6 Strength d4-2, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8,
d8, Intimidation d10, Stealth d12+2
Notice d8, Shooting d10, Pace 6; Parry 5;
Stealth d10 Toughness 3
Pace 8; Parry 5; Special Abilities:
Toughness 4 •Size -4: attacks are made at -6 for standard size
Special Abilities: characters
•Bite: Str+d8 •Poison: If a creature is affected by an attack that
•Poison: this works as mild poison pg 128 SWADE results in a wound they must make an immediate
core book Vigor Roll on a failure they suffer the effects of a
•Wall Walker: Can move on wall and ceilings at Lethal poison) see pg. 129 of the Swade Core
Pace. Book)
•Webbing: The Spider can cast webs in a MBT. This •Bite: Str+d6
is a Shooting Roll with a Range of 6”. A Hit means
the victim is Entangled, or Bound with a Raise (pg Kreehawk
•Size +4: Smaller than the Adult version its still big Attributes: Agility d10,
enough Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8,
Krayt Dragon Stealth d10
Attributes: Agility d10, Pace 4; Parry 5;
Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d10, Toughness 5
Strength d12+8, Vigor d12 Edges: Extraction, Improved Extraction, Dodge
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting Special Abilities:
d12, Intimidation d12, •Flight: can fly at Pace
Notice d12, Stealth d8 •Size -2: attacks made against it are at -2
Pace 8; Parry 10; •Claws: Str+d4
Toughness 23(6) •Swoop: If it moves before it attacks it adds 1d4 of
Edges: Frenzy, Improved Frenzy, Block, damage
Improved Block
Special Abilities: Kybuck
•Burrow: Pace 6 Attributes: Agility d8,
•Armor +6: Scaly Hide Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4,
•Bite: Str+d8 Strength d10, Vigor d8
•Fear-2: Anyone who sees a Krayt Dragon must Skills: Athletics d8, Notice
make a Fear Check
•Acidic Bile: It spits Acidic Bile in a MBT doing 4d6, d6, Stealth d4, Fighting d6
It continues to do damage at the start of a victims Pace 12; Parry 4;
turn. Roll a D6 right after it does so. On a 6 the Toughness 8
Acid stays at the same intensity. On a 5 or lower it Edges: Free Runner
drops a level. If reduced below 1d6 damage it has Special Abilities:
run its course •Kick: Str+d6
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being •Size +2:About the size of a horse
shaken twice
•Size +9: Larger then the most other Krayt Massiff
•Swat: The Krayt ignores up to 4 points of Scale Attributes: Agility d6,
penalties when attacking with its claws Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8,
•Tail Lash: Str+d4 The creature may make a free Strength d10, Vigor d12+2
attack against up to two foes at no penalty Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting
d8, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Pace 6; Parry 6;
Toughness 9
Edges: First Strike
Special Abilities:
•Bite/Claws: Str+d6
•Size +2:About the size of a small bear
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
shaken twice

Mynock Nashtah
Attributes: Agility d10, Attributes: Agility d8,
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
Strength d4, Vigor d6 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Skills: Athletics d8,
Stealth d10 Fighting d10, Intimidation d8,
Pace 4; Flying 8; Parry 5; Notice d6, Stealth d8
Toughness 3 Pace 8; Parry 7;
Edges: Extraction, Improved Extraction, Dodge Toughness 8(2)
Special Abilities:
•Size -2: attacks made against it are at -2 Special Abilities:
•Bite: 2d4 •Bite/Claw: Str+d6
•Survive in Vacuum: Mynocks are silicon-based life •Speed: d8 running die
forms that take no damage from exposure to •Armor +2: Hardened Skin
vacuum. However, they take the same damage •Scent: Nashtah ignore concealment and cover
from being in a planetary atmosphere that ordinary when making Notice rolls against opponents within
life forms take from being in a vacuum. 10 squares, and they take no penalty from poor
•Fly Through Space: Mynocks can fly in the visibility when tracking
vacuum of space and can maneuver without any •Leaping attack: When a Nashtah makes a Wild
hindrance or penalty in vacuum. Attack, it adds +4 to its damage instead of +2
•Energy Drain: When attached to a ship they lower
the pace of the ship by one and also decrease its Nek Dog
energy by 10 for every Mynock attached to it.
Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8,
Nadir Spider Strength d12+2, Vigor d12
Attributes: Agility d10, Skills: Athletics d8,
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Fighting d8, Notice d8,
Strength d10, Vigor d6 Stealth d8
Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Pace 6; Parry 6;
Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Toughness 11
Shooting d10, Stealth d10 Edges: Brute
Pace 8; Parry 5; Toughness 11 Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: •Bite/Claw: Str+d6
•Bite: Str+d8 •Size +3:About the size of a an angry bull
•Poison: this works as mild poison pg 128 SWADE •Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
core book shaken twice
•Wall Walker: Can move on wall and ceilings at
Pace. Nexu
•Acidic Spray: It spits Acidic Bile in a SBT doing
2d6 this is a Shooting roll, It continues to do Attributes: Agility d8,
damage at the start of a victims turn. Roll a D6 Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
right after it does so. On a 4 or higher the Acid Strength d12, Vigor d8
stays at the same intensity. On a 3 or lower it drops Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting
a level. If reduced below 1d6 damage it has run its d8, Intimidation d8, Notice
course d8, Stealth d10
•Size +6: So big and so much acid Pace 8; Parry 6;
Toughness 7
Special Abilities:
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6
•Size +1: Larger then the average man
•Pounce: When a Nexu makes a Wild Attack, it
adds +4 to its damage instead of +2

Nighthunter Reek
Attributes: Agility d10, Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6,
Strength d12+3, Vigor d8 Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Skills: Fighting d6,
Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6
Notice d8, Stealth d12 Pace 6; Parry 5;
Pace 8; Parry 6; Toughness 10(2)
Toughness 8(2) Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: •Armor +2: Rock hard skin
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6 •Berserk: When a Reek is Frightened(Such as
•Armor +2: Hardened Skin being attacked), it goes berserk. It gains +2 to all
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being Fighting and Strength Rolls and its Toughness, but
shaken twice Parry is reduced by 2. It also Ignores wound
•Resilient/Very Resilient: They take two wounds penalties
before they're Incapacitated •Size +4: This lumbering mass can do some
serious damage
Rakghoul •Resilient/Very Resilient: They take two extra
wounds before they're Incapacitated
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), •Gore: If a Reek can charge at least 6” before
Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8 attacking, it adds +4 to damage
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d10, •Tusks: Str+d6
Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Stealth d6
Pace 8; Parry 7; Toughness 6 Ronto
Attributes: Agility d6,
Special Abilities:
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6 Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8,
•Plague: On a successful bite attack the target Strength d12+4, Vigor d10
must make a Vigor roll at -2 or be infected by Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d4
Rakghoul Disease. This is a Chronic Disease as Pace 6; Parry 4;
such at the start of every game session the Toughness 15
character must make a Vigor roll at -2. Failure Cargo: 1.8 tons
means they are Exhausted from fits and spasms for Special Abilities:
the entire session, a Critical Failure means they •Size +7: thankfully they are generally gentle
have succumbed to the Disease and will become a •Smash: Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no
Rakghoul if not cured by the end of the session, On protection against the smash
a Success he is Fatigued for the game session, and
a raise means he gets a second wind and suffers
no ill effects this session.

Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
Strength d12+8, Vigor d12
Skills: Fighting d8,
Intimidation d10, Athletics d6,
Notice d6, Stealth d4
Pace 8; Parry 7;
Toughness 17(4)
Special Abilities:
•Armor: +4: Thick Skinned
•Bite/Claws: Str+d8
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
shaken twice
•Reach +1: Distance is key to victory
•Size 7: An Average sized Rancor is bigger then
you think
•Smash: Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no
protection against the smash
•Swat: The Rancor ignores up to 4 points of scale
penalties when attacking
•Resilient/Very Resilient: They take two extra
wounds before they're Incapacitated

* Sarlacc Tauntaun
Attributes: Agility d4, Attributes: Agility d8,
Smarts d6(A), Spirit d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4,
Strength d12+14, Strength d10, Vigor d8
Vigor d12+8 Skills: Athletics d8,
Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Stealth d4
Intimidation d6, Notice d8, Pace 12; Parry 4;
Stealth d10 Toughness 8
Pace --; Parry 6; Edge: Free Runner
Toughness 33(6) Special Abilities:
Special Abilities: •Bite/Claw: Str+d6
•Bite: Str+d8 •Size +2: The horse of the galaxy according to
•Size +15: Like the tip on an Iceberg, Most of it is some
never seen •Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
•Armor +6: Buried underground, Called shots can shaken twice
only target the Tentacles •Low Light Vision: They ignore penalties from Dim
•Tremorsense: It automatically senses the location and Dark areas but not Pitch Darkness.
of anything that is in contact with the ground and •Environmental Resistance (cold): They are +4 to
within 50” Resist cold Effects and take -4 Damage from cold
•Tentacles x9: see Tentacles (pg 178 SWADE Core Attacks
Book), Grappling Attacks only. Any target that is
grappled is dragged towards the mouth. It takes * Terentateks
1d4 rounds to do so. Any Normal or smaller size
creature is swallowed whole. For larger creatures Attributes: Agility d6,
the Sarlacc takes bite attacks until they are broken Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
down small enough to swallow Strength d12+10, Vigor d12
• Stomach Acid: The Acid starts out at 1d6 It Skills: Fighting d8,
continues to do damage at the start of a victim's Intimidation d10, Athletics d6,
turn. Roll a D6 right after it does so. On a 6 the Notice d6, Stealth d4
Acid Increases by 1d6, On a 2-5 It remains at the Pace 6; Parry 7;
same intensity. On a 1 it drops in intensity by one Toughness 24(6)
die but will never go below 1d6. This continues Edges: Force Resistance,
until the creature passes out from pain or escapes Improved Force Resistance
somehow back up out of the mouth. If it does not Special Abilities:
escape it is then moved to a secondary stomach •Armor +6: Thick Hide
where it is kept alive and Incapacitated until the •Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
Sarlacc decides to eat it. Creatures in this shaken twice.
predicament are sustained by the Sarlacc through •Size +10: Smaller, but still powerful
nutrients in its system that seep in through the •Bite: Str+d8
victim's skin, preventing the prey from dying of •Reach +1: You may think your at a safe Distance,
hunger or thirst. your not.
•Smash: Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no
protection against the smash
Shyrack •Swipe: The Terentatek ignores up to 4 points of
scale penalties when attacking
Attributes: Agility d6, •Claw Slash: Str+d8 The creature makes two claw
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, attacks at no penalty.
Strength d4, Vigor d6 •Regeneration: The Terentatek makes a Vigor roll
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, every round – even after they have been
Stealth d6 Incapacitated. A Success removes one Wound (or
Pace 6; Flying 6 ; Parry 5; removes the Incapacitated Status) and a raise
Toughness 5 heals an additional Wound
Special Abilities: •Fear -2: Anyone who sees a Terentatek must
•Overwhelm: A Shyrack gains a +2 gang up bonus make a Fear Check
on melee attack rolls for each allied Shyrack •Infravision: Halve penalties for bad lighting when
adjacent to both it and its target. Maxium +4 attacking warm targets, including invisible ones.
•Scent: Shyracks ignore Concealment and Cover •Tail Lash: Str+d4 The creature may make a free
when making Notice Rolls to locate opponents attack against up to two foes at no penalty.
within 10 squares, and they take no penalty to
Survival rolls from poor visibility when Tracking.

Tra’cor * Tyrant Rancor
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6 (A), Attributes: Agility d6,
Spirit d10, Strength d12+4, Vigor d12 Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d10,
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10, Strength d12+10,
Athletics d6, Notice d6, Stealth d4 Vigor d12+4
Pace 6; Swim 8; Parry 7; Skills: Fighting d8,
Toughness 18(2) Intimidation d10, Athletics d6,
Notice d6, Stealth d4
Special Abilities: Pace 8; Parry 7;
•Armor +2: Leathery Hide Toughness 29(6)
•Bite/Claws: Str+d8 Special Abilities:
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being •Armor +6: Thick Hide
shaken twice •Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being
•Reach +1: Useful to grab things off the shoreline shaken twice.
•Size +6: One of the smaller varations of the •Size +13: Holy Crap! Run!
Rancor species •Bite: Str+d8
•Smash: Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no •Reach +2: You may think your at a safe Distance,
protection against the smash your not.
•Swipe: The Tra’cor ignores up to 4 points of scale •Smash: Str+d10, Non-Rigid armor offers no
penalties when attacking protection against the smash
•Tail Lash: Str+d4 The creature may make a free •Swipe: The Rancor ignores up to 4 points of scale
attack against up to two foes at no penalty penalties when attacking
•Dependent: The Tra’cor may leave the liquid it •Claw Slash: Str+d8 The creature makes two claw
lives in briefly but dehydrates quickly. Every 10 attacks at no penalty.
minutes it spends completely out of the liquid it •Regeneration: The Rancor makes a Vigor roll
takes a level of Fatigue until Incapacitated. A day every round – even after they have been
after that it will Perish. Each hour spent back in the Incapacitated. A Success removes one Wound (or
liquid restores a level of Fatigue. removes the Incapacitated Status) and a raise
heals an additional Wound
•Fear -2: Anyone who sees a Tyrant Rancor must
Tuk’ata Sith Hound make a Fear Check
•Gargantuan: Tyrant Rancor have Heavy Armor
Attributes: Agility d8, and their attacks count as Heavy Weapons.
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, •Stomp: The Tyrant Rancor stomps down with a
Strength d8, Vigor d8 MBT Attack that ignores Scale modifiers and is an
Skills: Athletics d8, oppossed Athletics vs Agility Roll. (Defenders roll
Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, individually) Those who don't dodge take d12+8
Notice d8, Stealth d8
Pace 10, Parry 6;
Toughness 6 Vornskr
Edges: Extraction, Improved Extraction
Special Abilities: Attributes: Agility d6,
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6 Smarts d8 (A), Spirit d4,
•Speed: d10 running die Strength d6, Vigor d8
•Pack Tactics: When a Tuk'ata is adjacent to an Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting
opponent, all of the Tuk'ata's allies gain a +2 gang d6, Focus d8, Intimidation d6,
up bonus on melee attack rolls against that Notice d8, Stealth d10
opponent to a maxium of +4 Pace 6, Parry 7;
•Scent: Tuk’ata ignore Concealment and Cover Toughness 6
when making Notice Rolls to locate opponents Special Abilities:
within 10 squares, and they take no penalty to •Bite/Claw: Str+d6
Survival rolls from poor visibility when Tracking. •Tail Lash: Str + d8 If a creature is affected by an
attack that results in a wound they must make an
immediate Vigor Roll on a failure they suffer the
effects of a Paralyzing poison see pg. 129 of the
Swade Core Book
•Hunting: The Vornskr can use Force Detect to
locate and track it’s prey. This costs the Vornskr 1
Point each time it uses this ability and it can only
ever track a single target, These points can only be
used to cast their Hunting Ability and uses the
Focus Skill to do so.
Points: 10

Wampa Ysalamiri
Attributes: Agility d6, Attributes: Agility d4,
Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4,
Strength d12+2, Vigor d12 Strength d12, Vigor d4
Skills: Athletics d8, Skills: Athletics d4,
Fighting d8, Notice d8, Notice d6, Stealth d12
Stealth d8 Pace 1; Parry 2;
Pace 6; Parry 6; Toughness 4
Toughness 11(1) Special Abilities:
Edges: Brute •Claws: The Ysalamiri sinks its claws deep into the
Special Abilities: tree it feeds from. It has a +4 to resist any attempt
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6 to remove it
•Armor +1: Thick fur •Force Nullify: Each Yaslamiri has a MBT around
•Size +2: Wampa have to duck often when chasing where the Force is difficult to access. All attempts
prey to activate a Force Power within the field are done
•Hardy: It doesn’t suffer a wound from being at a -6 penalty, Any power cast outside of the field
shaken twice cannot effect a creature inside the field directly
•Low Light Vision: They ignore penalties from Dim (this doesn’t stop for example a rock hurled by
and Dark areas but not Pitch Darkness. Move Object from hitting the creature, the Force
•Environmental Resistance (cold): They are +4 to user just loses control of the rock when it enters
Resist cold Effects and take -4 Damage from cold the field. But it does prevent for example Force
Attacks Grip from being used on them), If a Force user
enters the field they must make a Use Force roll at
-6 to maintain any powers they may have activate
at the time they do so.
Womp Rats •Dependency: Ysalamiri must be in direct contact
Attributes: Agility d6, with a tree native to the planet Myrkr at all times.
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, If removed from the tree they die with in 1d4 days
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6,
Notice d8, Stealth d10
Pace 6, Parry 5;
Toughness 8(2)
Edges: Alertness
Special Abilities:
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6
•Armor +2: Thick Hide
•Speed: d8 running die
Womp Rats (Pack)
Attributes: Agility d6,
Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4,
Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8,
Fighting d6, Intimidation d6,
Notice d8, Stealth d10
Pace 6, Parry 5;
Toughness 6
Edges: Alertness
Special Abilities:
•Bite/Claw: Str+d6
•Armor +2: Thick Hide
•Speed: d8 running die
•Pack Tactics: Unlike normal Womp Rats, they have
learned to hunt as a pack. They add a +2 to melee
attack rolls for each “Womp Rats (Pack)” adjacent
to them.


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