Appointment Letter
Appointment Letter
Appointment Letter
A Face to Face appointment has been made for you at Eccleshill Treatment Centre on:
PLEASE ALLOW 1-2 HOURS for your appointment as unfortunately clinics can run late or you may require
more tests or procedures on day
If you are unable to attend and booked your appointment directly through Eccleshill Treatment Centre please contact
the bookings department on 01274 623000. If, however, you booked your appointment through Choose and Book then
you need to ring 0345 608 8888.
If you fail to attend your appointments you will be discharged back to the GP.
Yours sincerely
Bookings Department
IMPORTANT INFORMATION for patients who have EAR WAX or have any HEARING LOSS
- If you are attending due to ear wax or have any hearing loss symptoms please use olive oil in your affected
ear(s). Ear wax often needs to be removed prior to a hearing test. Patients with hearing loss often have ear
wax without realising. NEVER use cotton buds in your ears, these cause damage to the ears and make wax
removal far more difficult and uncomfortable.
o Lie on your side, put 2-3 drops of olive or almond oil into your ear, continue to lie on your side for
2minutes to allow it to soak in, then if needed turn over and repeat in the other ear, repeat this if
possible 3-4times a day for the 2 weeks preceding your appointment if possible. Make sure you
continue all the way until the morning/afternoon of your appointment as wax can dry out quickly.
o The more frequent that olive oil is applied the quicker and more comfortable it is to have the wax
removed. If the ear wax it is too dry, we will attempt to remove it, however in some patients it makes
the procedure too uncomfortable/hard and we may need you to rebook your appointment and bring
you back for another appointment, after appropriate olive oil treatment.