The Sprawl Touched Prime 2019
The Sprawl Touched Prime 2019
The Sprawl Touched Prime 2019
Steve Wallace & Hamish Cameron
It’s 2050 and magic rules everything around you. Just kidding—cash still rules, but
magic makes a great scapegoat.
Touched Prime is a cyberfantasy setting for The Sprawl. The rifts have been open for a
couple of generations. The magic has seeped into the very fabric of humanity, splitting
it into multiple kin groups: Dwarf-kin, Elf-kin, Human-kin, Troll-kin and Wild-kin.
Magic has also been seamlessly absorbed into the corporate system—huge divisions
and subsidiaries are devoted to exploiting the rifts and their magic. Down on the
streets, magic users come in many forms: the highly educated Mages, the indebted
Thrall and the warrior Adepts. Then there are the Horror Bane, normal folk scarred by
a Horror whom they have sworn their lives to destroy.
Touched Prime is the second installment of the Touched settings, advancing the
world established in A Darkening Alley and putting magical abilities in the hands of
the characters. All players choose a kin group and have access to four new playbooks:
Adept, Horror Bane, Mage, and Thrall. Players may also choose the Antiquarian
playbook from A Darkening Alley.
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The rifts had been around for thousands of years but were barely open and their
impacts were relegated to myths and fairy stories. Grendel, Merlin, yokai, Baba Yaga:
weird events throughout human history all now considered manifestations of the rifts.
Around 1986, though, they started to crack wide open and we started to see the first
real impacts of rift magic.
It’s 2050 now and after 65 years of exposure all of humanity has been affected. Our
very DNA has been re-written by the weird energies of the rifts, and humanity has
splintered into distinct groups—the kin. Elf-kin, Human-kin, Troll-kin, Dwarf-kin and
Wild-kin; each group distinct from one another in both culture and appearance.
By the 1990s most people had mutated into one kin or another. Most of the time the
mutations were consistent through close family, so if you grew horns and had a strong
aversion to fire your sister probably did too. Every once in a while, however, a family
was divided, a Dwarf-kin brother and a Wild-kin sister or the like. Nowadays you’re
born into it, with kin traits passing down mostly along maternal lines: if your mom’s a
Dwarf-kin so are you, your siblings, your aunties and uncles, and so on.
The rifts brought something else with them, real true magic. Not Las Vegas “I’m a man,
no now I’m a Tiger! Oh my god why is that Tiger mauling my partner” kind of magic, but
real “I’m blowing stuff up with my mind” kind of magic. The world wasn’t ready for it.
The first large scale, widely publicised magical event was “the Kenosha Ray”, named
for the Wisconsin city from where the ray struck.
A seventeen year old kid named Scott Hienowski thought he was talking to a ghost
via his Ouija board but it was actually a Horror named Yazhul having a laugh. Yazhul
saw fit to give this kid a boon which made Scott the first well-known Thrall. Scott didn’t
really know what to do with all this new found power and Yazhul didn’t seem to have
any actual need for Scott outside of pure amusement and therefore provided no real
direction. Scott began experimenting, first with small cantrips like turning water into
Zima and oregano into weed.
These days you don’t go on a run without some magic to back you up—you never know
what you’re going to come up against out there. Maybe the Corp you’re working for
spends some cred and hires a true-blue Orthodox Mage with lots of degrees on the
wall or perhaps they’ll only spring for a back alley Thrall indebted to some two-bit
Horror. Either way, you want someone who can manipulate the rifts on your side
because you can be damn sure the other guys have a few.
»» Parliamentary Democracy
»» Diverse Leadership
»» Extensive Land Base
»» Deploy CFSA Army
»» Close CFSA Borders
»» Use CFSA Intelligence Gathering
»» AI
»» Robotics Manufacturing
»» Rift Computing
»» Deploy AI Presence
»» Deploy Robot Operative
»» Use High-end Rift Weaponry
»» Advanced Rift-based Cyberware
»» Weather Control Tech
»» Advanced Rift-based Weapons Tech
»» Deploy Weather Effect
»» Perform Covert R&D
»» Reveal Advanced Weaponry
Previously the government of the Peoples Republic of China, SinoCorp is now the
largest employer in the world. Specializing in the extraction and exploitation of raw
materials, they have been able to grow their overall size dramatically in the past 20
years. They currently control most of what was once China as well as a large chunk of
the eastern half of what was the Russian Federation. SinoCorp has also revolutionised
space travel with the use of rift magic. They own the largest Moon colony and are
currently working on a new Mars colony. Both colonies have extensive mining
»» Space Travel
»» Resource Extraction
»» Moon and Mars Access
»» Launch Exploratory Rocket
»» Weaponise Mining Facility
»» Deploy Moon-based Weapons Platform
»» Highly Devoted Followers
»» Full and Unlimited Control of Otherworld
»» Horror-based Rift Knowledge
»» Adapt Otherworld on the Fly
»» “Yazhul Will See You Now.”
»» Deploy New Rift Tech
»» Exceptional Knowledge of the Rifts
»» Bleeding Edge Magical Research
»» Mage Assassins
»» Deploy Contract Mage
»» Reveal Previously Unknown Property of the Rifts
»» Perform Mass Ritual
Add these playbooks are to the standard playbooks available in The Sprawl. Each
playbook represents a different aspect of how the Rifts and Rift Magic have impacted
Adepts harness the power of the rifts to increase their physical agility and combat
ability. Adepts form orders that draw heavily on the martial arts and usually combine a
few different forms into a cohesive practice. Adherents train their entire lives to perfect
their body, mind, spirit and connection to the rifts. An Adept is a deadly weapon that
can infiltrate, kill and disappear without a trace.
Horror Banes devote their lives to thwarting and ultimately destroying a Horror
which caused them an intense personal trauma. Most Horror Banes have lost one or
more loved ones to a specific Horror. Collectively, the Horror Bane are also a society
of likeminded individuals that help each other in their quests to rid the world of the
Horrors. Membership of this loose organization gives the character access to a massive
network of safe houses, contacts and information. They also have contact with another
group of creatures from beyond the rifts, the Wonders. The motivations of the Wonders
are just as alien and opaque as that of the Horrors they oppose, but their shared desire
to prevent the Horrors from interfering in our dimension makes them convenient, if
ambiguous, allies.
Mages devote their lives—sometimes since early childhood—to the understanding and
manipulation of rift magic. They usually belong to an order, like the United Orthodox,
and serve these orders their entire lives. They prefer knowledge to raw power, but
of all magic users they have the most subtle control. Where Thralls depend more on
raw power and circumstance, Mages are able to specifically tailor a spell for any given
situation. They have also mastered the art of summoning and can bring forth creatures
from other dimensions to serve them.
Thralls give themselves over to the dark machinations of some Horror or another in
return for magical ability. The Horrors are beings of completely alien intent, so signing
up to serve one offers the potential of extreme risk and extreme reward. No matter the
intent of the Thrall, at some point their will may be overridden by the completely alien
will of the Horror they serve.
Bruce, Camilla, Colleen, Diana, Grace, Hippolyte, Jackie, Jeeja, Johnny, Liu, Mai,
Penthesilea, Raiden, Samantha, Sammo, Scorpion, Shang, Sonya, Toshiro, Ziyi, an
animal name, an elemental name, a fighting title
Assign each stat one of these numbers: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, +0, -1; your Touch
should be +2 or +1.
Many Adepts are trained, supported and used by organisations who follow the same
beliefs and practice the same fighting style.
How did you learn to infuse the magical power of the rifts into your fighting style?
ЂЂ You were trained by an Akashic organization to which you still belong. Name
and describe them. You are +owned.
ЂЂ You were trained by an Akashic organization which you subsequently aban-
doned. Describe the manner in which you left the organization and say why you
are still +hunted.
ЂЂ You were self-taught. Your style is +raw and you are +disdained by Adepts who
were trained by an Akashic organization.
You get these three:
ЂЂ Akashic training: Your training in Akashic physical traditions gives you a base
of 1-armour. Your unarmed strikes deal a base of 2-harm. In addition, when you
centre yourself, apply one effect to your strikes while in this new state. Choose
from these effects: cold, electricity, fire, or stunning.
ЂЂ Centre: When you pause to reinforce your connection to the rifts, roll Touch.
10+: change your rift power to the desired state
7–9: change your rift power, but choose 1:
• You are momentarily lost in another world. Take -1 forward
• You are put into unexpected danger (the MC will tell you what)
ЂЂ Rift power: You are always in one of three states: Balanced, Protective, or
Aggressive. You change the state you are in by using the centre move. When
you change your state, you remain in that state until you change it again.
Balanced: Add +1 ongoing to act under pressure and assess while in this
state. If your power is +raw, you may not enter this state.
Protective: You inflict -1 harm and take -1 ongoing to the harm move while in
this state. Take +1 ongoing to armour while in this state. If the victim consents
to your participation in any sort of healing while you are in this state, they heal
an additional 1 harm.
Aggressive: You inflict +1 harm and take -1 to armour while in this stance. Take
+1 ongoing to play hardball while in this stance.
You get:
ЂЂ Akashic focus (this is some magical trinket; describe it)
ЂЂ Loose-fitting clothing
Choose one:
ЂЂ +Flashy motorcycle
ЂЂ Goggles (Choose two: +thermographic, +light amplification, +magnification,
+flare compensation)
ЂЂ Old book of Akashic lore
ЂЂ Trauma derms (allows you to apply first aid to characters at 2100 or less harm)
Choose two:
ЂЂ Behavioural: Describe your ethical code. When adhering to your code hinders
the mission, mark experience.
ЂЂ Pride: When your need to prove yourself against great odds endangers the
mission, mark experience.
ЂЂ Protective: When you put your responsibility to ahead
of the mission, mark experience.
ЂЂ Revealing: When you discover more information about ,
mark experience.
As a group, the Horror Bane are a loosely knit organisation devoted to removing the
taint of the rift Horrors from our world. Those recruited into the ranks of the Bane
are often victims of a particular Horror’s machinations; this Horror is considered that
Bane’s Adversary. While devoted to the extermination of all Horrors, most Bane focus
primarily on their Adversary.
Corporate work is a means to an end for the Bane; missions often turn up leads and
artifacts to use in their fight against their Adversary. The cred is pretty useful as well.
In general, Horror Bane are distrustful of Thralls—weak puppets of the Horrors—but
they’ll work with them on missions when necessary, unless, of course, the Thrall is in
service to the Bane’s Adversary.
Assign each stat one of these numbers: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, +0, -1; your Touch
should be +2 or +1.
Describe what you know of your Adversary.
»» Have you seen hard evidence that your Adversary is actively hunting you or are
you only aware of it through nightmares? You are +hunted.
»» Describe how your Adversary most recently affected our world.
»» What is the most startling aspect of your Adversary’s machinations?
»» What happened to cause you to join the Horror Bane?
»» What trauma was inflicted on you by your Adversary? Describe it. You are
The Horror Bane adopt any weapons or technology that will serve the ultimate goal of
wiping out the Horror blight. Choose any single piece of Cyberware you believe will
help in the fight against your Adversary.
ЂЂ Rift cant: You have a deep and well-informed network in the magical community.
When you research, you may roll with Touch instead of Mind.
ЂЂ Rift weapon: The Bane have perfected the art of infusing their weapons
with rift energies, this dramatically increases their lethality against rift-based
entities. When you mix it up against an entity from beyond the rifts, you may
roll with Touch instead of Meat.
Choose two weapons:
ЂЂ Ancient dagger (2-harm hand/close antique)
ЂЂ Heavy revolver (3-harm close/near reload loud)
ЂЂ +Rift-touched sword (3-harm hand messy artifact +rift-touched)
Choose two:
ЂЂ Adversarial: When you deliberately hinder the mission in order to oppose
your Adversary, mark experience.
ЂЂ Behavioural: Describe your ethical code. When adhering to your code hinders
the mission, mark experience.
ЂЂ Horror Bane: When your membership in the Horror Bane hinders the mission,
mark experience.
ЂЂ Revealing: When you discover more information about your Adversary, mark
Amestris, Circe, Deshawn, Harry, Hermes, Granger, Inverse, Jackdaw, Naga, Susan,
a traditional name, a mystical name, an anonymous name
Assign each stat one of these numbers: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, +0, -1; your Touch
should be +2 or +1.
Describe your order. Choose one:
ЂЂ You know that your order is affiliated with a corporation. Choose it.
ЂЂ Your order’s affiliation is a closely guarded secret, unknown even to you.
How were you recruited into your order? Choose one or make up your own: forced,
family, enthusiasm, necessity, junkie, genetics, career, ideology, memory, military
What is your relationship with your order now?
ЂЂ You are a loyal member. You’re +owned.
ЂЂ You fucked them over and ran. You’re +hunted.
Some magical orders frown on cyberware, some embrace it, others forbid it entirely.
What is your order’s attitude towards it? You don’t start with cyberware automatically,
but you may take chromed at character creation. If you do, answer the usual cyberware
questions as well as the questions about your magical order.
ЂЂ Rift magic: When you call upon the power of the rifts to shape raw magical
energy into physical effects, roll Touch.
10+: you harness enough magical energy to create a shape of effect. If you
push yourself, you can add an adjunct and make a choice from the 7–9 list
• Shape: ray, orb, dart, slick, gaseous
• Effect (1-harm): electricity, stunning, fire, acid, magnetism, cold, wind,
light, darkness
• Adjunct: greater (+1-harm), split, hidden
7–9: you harness enough magical energy to create a shape of effect, but at a
cost. Choose one:
• The magic is draining. Take S-harm
• The effect is loud or otherwise attracts attention
• One aspect of the magic (shape or effect) is not entirely under your
control. The MC will choose one and twist it
6-: the flows of magical energy are too weak to harness or fail to control the
energy you do pull together. The MC will make a move
ЂЂ Summon: When you reach into the streams of magic to pull an entity from
another dimension, roll Touch.
7+: you draw out an entity under your control. Choose a form and element
from the lists below
10+: the entity you summoned has an additional useful characteristic. Add an
attribute from the list below
6-: your procedure was imperfect. The MC will choose the form and element of
the entity you summoned, but it is most definitely not under your control
You begin with access to these attributes: +huge, +tiny, +invisible, +flying
Rift Magic
In Touched, rift magic works by crafting ”sentences” to describe the spell
you are casting. If you roll a 7+, you are able to create a shape of a certain
effect—for instance, a ray of cold or an orb of darkness. You have lists of both
shapes and effects to choose from and you can add new ones by taking
certain upgrade moves.
When you roll a 10+, you are able to add adjuncts to your shapes and effects.
These adjuncts are modifiers to make your spell more powerful—for instance,
you could now cast a greater cone of cold which would do 2-harm instead of
just 1 or a split orb of darkness that would create two separate orbs instead
of just one.
Summoned Entities
Summoned entities usually last for long enough to complete an intended task
or for the length of an action phase. The mage that controls the summoned
entity can dismiss it back into the magic flow whenever they like by uttering
a short phrase. MC moves may dismiss a summoned entity earlier than the
summoner may like or may remove control of the summoned entity, either
transferring it to an NPC or making it uncontrolled.
Summoned entities are usually destructive forces of pure nature with a
similar cognitive capacity and ability to understand speech as an animal.
Intelligent entities with distinct personalities do exist in the magical flows
emanating from the rifts. If a mage wants to attempt to summon and control
one of these, that entity will be offended by the deed at best and will react
Choose two weapons:
ЂЂ Dagger (1-harm hand/close discreet)
ЂЂ Holdout pistol (2-harm hand/close discreet quick reload loud)
ЂЂ Mace (2-harm hand)
ЂЂ Staff (1-harm hand quick)
Choose two:
ЂЂ Armoured coat (1-armour)
ЂЂ Extravagant headgear (when you roll a 12+ to summon, choose a second
element to apply)
Choose two:
ЂЂ Behavioural: Describe your ethical code. When adhering to your code hinders
the mission, mark experience.
ЂЂ Proselytising: Describe your belief system. When you persuade others to act
according to your beliefs, mark experience.
ЂЂ Revealing: When you discover more information about ,
mark experience.
ЂЂ Touched: When you deliberately hinder the mission to learn more about the
rifts, mark experience.
When the rifts opened, the world was flooded with streams and rivers and seas of
magical energy. Thralls are those who can feel this energy and have made pacts with
an extra-dimensional Horror in exchange for the power to read and manipulate these
magical flows. Of course, the Horrors have their own twisted motivations for gifting
such powers; motivations seldom known to the Thrall. Unlike Mages, Thralls have no
rigid power structure but they often work with other followers of their Horror.
Thralls can read the influence the flow of magical energy has on what those less aware
might call “random” events. The events that mark significant patterns in the magical
flows are called “runes”. These runes are often the magical symbols carved on small
rocks as the name suggests, but some Thralls use alternative divinatory signs.
Assign each stat one of these numbers: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, +0, -1; your Touch
should be +2 or +1.
Describe your master. You are +owned. Choose one:
ЂЂ Your master has other followers, cultists and Thralls. Describe them as if they
were a gang (The Sprawl, pp.138-139). In addition to the choices you make for the
gang’s leader, your master is an alien intelligence of unknowable motivations.
ЂЂ Any other followers your master may have are unknown to you. Do you think
you’re the first? His only Thrall? The latest?
Why did you make a magical pact with an extradimensional Horror? Choose one or
make up your own: forced, family, enthusiasm, necessity, junkie, genetics, career,
ideology, memory, military
Look, buddy. What you do with your meat sack is your own business, just do what
it says. You don’t start with cyberware automatically, but you can take chromed at
character creation. If you do, answer the usual cyberware questions as well as the
questions about your Horror.
You get these two:
ЂЂ Magic of the bones: You can read the flows of magical energy through your
runes and store the power of favourable runes for later use. Favourable runes
hold power and you will often keep them to use as a focus for your spell-craft
The bones are imbued with greater healing power. They will heal
2 harm when touched to a living creature.
The rifts give you insight to the future. Take +1 forward on your
next action.
The bones confuse and bewilder a target. They gain the tag
2+4 The rifts warp time around your target. They gain the tag +slow.
An ally is imbued with a terrible and alien ferocity. Until the magic
5+2 fades, that ally receives +1 harm on their attacks. Mark experience
if their violence complicates the mission.
The bones are imbued with healing power. They will heal 1 harm
when touched to a living creature.
The bones give you insight to someone else’s future. Give the
3+6 bones to an ally; when they roll aid or interfere with them they
give +2 or -2 forward. The dice are then returned to you.
The bones hold a sticky hex. Throw at an enemy to give them the
+held tag.
The bones give you remote sight. Place them anywhere you want;
you see through them as if they were your eyes.
5+5 The bones hold a glamour. You gain a temporary magical disguise.
The bones explode in light. Those who view it gain the tag
ЂЂ Gris gris: You have crafted a talisman that allows you to store one additional
set of imbued bones, expanding your magic of the bones dice pool to a total
of 5 dice.
ЂЂ High priest: You occupy a high position in your master’s cult. Your church of
subordinates are a gang (2-harm +small +magical +fanatical +secret). Pick 2:
• Your church is armed with mystical weaponry: add 1 harm and +rift-
• Your church is protected by mystical armour: add 1 armour and +over-
• Your church is particularly attendant to your teachings: add +loyal; you
may remove +fanatical
• Your church has a specialist edge: add one of +mobile, +specialists,
+well-connected, or +resources
• Your church is successful at recruiting (how?): replace +small with
ЂЂ Horrors’ foresight: Choose one die from your magic of the bones dice pool
and remove it from the game; this reduces your maximum dice pool by 1 for the
rest of the mission. You gain 2 [intel].
ЂЂ Magic touch: When you aid or interfere using rift magic, roll Touch.
ЂЂ Rift hook-up: Your master periodically reveals the location of caches of
useful or valuable items. Once per mission you may ask your master for help;
ЂЂ Spirit contacts: You can use blood magic to summon a spirit for information.
When you do so, roll hit the streets with Touch instead of Style.
Choose two weapons:
ЂЂ Dagger (1-harm hand/close discreet)
ЂЂ Holdout pistol (2-harm hand/close discreet quick reload loud)
ЂЂ Mace (2-harm hand)
ЂЂ Staff (1-harm hand quick)
Choose one:
ЂЂ Coat of trinkets (0-armour, subtract 1 when rolling harm move)
ЂЂ Horror skull mask (1-armour, frightening)
Choose two:
ЂЂ Behavioural: Describe your ethical code. When adhering to your code hinders
the mission, mark experience.
ЂЂ Beholden: When you deliberately hinder the mission to acquiesce to the
Horror who gave you your power, mark experience.
ЂЂ Proselytising: Describe your belief system. When you persuade others to act
according to your beliefs, mark experience.
ЂЂ Revealing: When you discover more information about ,
mark experience.
Allison wants to see if she can find out where on
Miskatonic Amalgamated’s orbital weapons platform the
hostage her team is trying to save is located. Since
she has spirit contacts she decides to interrogate
the spirits of the hostage’s ancestors using hit the
streets. She rolls and gets a 12 total: her dice read
six and four and she has a +2 Touch score. Because
she rolled 7+, she has not only succeeded in her hit
the streets roll but has also automatically triggered
magic of the bones.
When you open yourself up to the rifts and call forth questions to the alien entities
that live beyond, roll Touch.
10+: the rifts sing sweet music; you learn a truth you’ve been seeking
7–9: the rifts ring a cacophony; you gather a vague hint from the noise
6-: the rifts show you horror and pain. The MC will make a move
Anyone may take ritual and untrained magic as basic advances. If you want to use the
basic advance “choose a move from another playbook” to take a move from the Thrall
or Mage playbooks, consult with your MC and anyone already playing a Thrall or a
Untrained Magic
When you call upon the energy of the rifts to shape raw magic into physical effects,
spend an [artifact] or a piece of equipment with +artifact and roll Touch.
7+: you are able to create a shape of effect
10+: your [artifact] or +artifact item survives the spellcasting process
Shape: ray, orb, dart, slick, gaseous
Effect (1harm): electricity, stunning, fire, acid, magnetism, cold, wind
See the Mage playbook rules on rift magic for a full discussion of shape and effect.
As the magical energy of the rifts courses through the world, it subtly changes all
it touches. All characters have been influenced by the rifts and will choose one kin
group. The kin groups represent a set of fairly consistent mutations that affected all
humans within the first 5 years after the rifts opened wide.
Named for their tall, slender frame and pointed ears, Elf-kin are particularly attuned to
the flow of rift magic through the world.
ЂЂ Attuned: When you make a move dealing with rift energies, take +1 forward.
While Human-kin have been infused by the energy of the rifts, they look like the
humans that existed before the rifts opened wide.
ЂЂ Luck: You have 2 luck points per mission. Spend these points one-for-one to
add +1 to any roll after the roll has been made. Add “+1 Luck point per mission”
to your list of basic advances.
The Wild-kin are as diverse in form as the cyber-society they now inhabit. They are
seldom alike, but always striking.
Choose one:
ЂЂ Striking mutation: You have a very apparent wild mutation. Add +1 to any
stat and explain what your mutation looks like (ex. +bear arms for +1 Meat or
+badass diamond skin for +1 Edge).
ЂЂ Beyond human: Choose a move from any playbook (in consultation with the
rest of the table) and describe how some aspect of your mutations allows you
to use that move.
Smashing Stereotypes
Although these kin groups have been reasonably consistent since the rifts
opened, they are not a standard by which identity in a kin group can be
judged. At best, they represent commonly occurring traits. As a group, you
can add colour, variety, and overlap to these moves: tweak these, create
your own, make the world yours.
Running Touched Prime isn’t terribly different from running a regular game of The
Sprawl, you’re just adding a badass magical sheen. Magic is now the most powerful
source of power in the world—well, next to the Horrors anyway—so every corporation,
government and shadow operative looking to get ahead will leverage it. Even in
2050, new discoveries from beyond the rifts are a constant and every corporation
wants to have their mitts on them. You have to take this into account when building
out your world with the players. Everything gets influenced by the rifts: weapons get
enchanted, a beggar on the street might be some weird machination of a Horror, that
used deck the hacker bought might be cursed.
Missions should take this into account. The targets of missions could be specific items
recovered from the other side of a rift, you might have the characters go to another
dimension filled with untold weirdness to explore and report back, a regular old
assassination might go pear-shaped when the target turns out to be some Horror’s
avatar who now has the characters in its sights, a corporate extraction might involve a
trip to the other side to bring back a sentient mold who just happens to be one of the
best corporate accountants in existence.
The rifts open up to a number of other dimensions, some sort of like our own and
others completely inhospitable and abhorrent. The powers that emanate from the rifts
are weird and often horrific. While the world has grown used to the existence of rifts,
a lot of what exists on the other side of the rifts, or visits our world via the rifts, can be
beyond horrific and mind-breaking. If you want to incorporate more of that truly alien
feel to the rifts, you can use the Eldritch Trauma rules from A Darkening Alley. You
can even remove the rifts completely and just go with a magical resurgence storyline:
swap the Horrors for some other sort of magical creature—dragons or demons
perhaps—that the Thrall can derive power from and do the same for the Horror Bane
and their Adversary.
When you make hard moves, always consider how the rifts might interact with the
current situation. If you’re about to harm to someone, are the bullets enchanted? If
they are, what’s the impact of that? Are the mooks of the corporation the operatives
the following photos were used under the CC BY-SA 2.0 license
and manipulated by Dana Cameron
p 17, 19
p 43, 45