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Produces offspring with novel

1) 4 stages in total (plus interphase) combinations of genes
2) Happens in somatic cells
3) Purpose is cellular proliferation C. This can be an adaptive advantage in
4) Produces 2 diploid daughter cells unstable or unpredictable
5) Chromosome number remains the environments. Humans are used to
same thinking of animals as having two
6) Genetic variation doesn’t change sexes, male and female, determined
at conception. However, in the
MEIOSIS animal kingdom, there are many
1. 8 stages in total (plus interphase) variations on this theme.
2. Happens in germ cells
3. Purpose is sexual reproduction Hermaphroditism occurs in animals
4. Produces 4 haploid daughter cells where one individual has both male and
5. Chromosome number is halved in female reproductive parts. Invertebrates,
each daughter cell such as earthworms, slugs, tapeworms
6. Genetic variation increased and snails, are often hermaphroditic.


I. Produces new cells
II. Similar basic steps
III. Start with a single parent cell

A. Is the combination of (usually
haploid, or having a single set of
unpaired chromosomes)
reproductive cells from two
individuals to form a third (usually
diploid, or having a pair of each type
of chromosome) unique offspring
a) Produces offspring genetically fragmentation and the part is big enough,
identical to the parent because the a separate individual will regrow.
offspring are all clones of the original

b) This type of reproduction occurs in

prokaryotic microorganisms
(bacteria) and some eukaryotic
single-celled and multi-celled
organisms. Parthenogenesis is a form of asexual
reproduction where an egg
- In asexual reproduction, fusion of the develops into a complete individual
egg cell and sperm cell does not occur; without being fertilized. The
reproduction is mainly through mitosis, resulting offspring can be haploid or
which creates a clone of the parent. diploid, depending on the
process and the species.
- Animals may reproduce asexually
through fission, budding, fragmentation,
or parthenogenesis.

Fission, also called binary fission, occurs

in prokaryotic microorganisms and some
invertebrate, multi-celled organisms.

Budding is a form of asexual reproduction

that results from the outgrowth of a
part of a cell or body region, leading to a
separation from the original organism
into two individuals.

Animals are born and develop in

Fragmentation is the breaking of the different ways, depending on their type
body into two parts with subsequent of embryonic development.
regeneration. If the animal is capable of
• Viviparous animals develop inside the condition after the winter and before the
parent’s body and give birth to live breeding season. Consequently, most
offspring, including most mammals and individuals did not produce offspring,
some sharks, among others. probably using the food resources
available during the dry breeding season
• Oviparous animals produce and lay to restore body condition before winter.
eggs where the young further develop
outside of the parent’s body, such as sea …long-lived species reduce investment in
turtles, most lizards, and birds, reproduction to maximize adult survival
among others. during stressful periods and suggest that
multiyear droughts may result in
• Ovoviviparous animals produce eggs population declines due to recurrent
that hatch within the body of the reproductive failure.
parent, such as in some snakes, including
boas, vipers, and rattlesnakes! Work stress and exhaustion were
another factor in couples’ minimal
What is the significance of sexual intercourse. This factor, especially
reproduction? in a post-disaster setting, can negatively
It allows the continuity of a species impact an individual by triggering overt
generation after generation. psychological and physiological distress.
It plays an important role in evolution by
transmitting favorable variations
from one generation to another

Reproduction is the obligatory process to

uphold the gene pool from
generation to generation for any existing
species. Among the other reproductive
processes, mating fulfills the purpose of
sexual reproduction by pairing two
opposite sexually reproducing animals or
hermaphrodite organisms in terms of
copulation for insemination and
subsequent internal fertilization. The
term mating is applied to higher
vertebrates and bacteria, archaea, and
viruses, where recombinant progeny
occurs from the exchange of genomic
information from the involved paired
individuals (Das & Yadav, 2020).

Dry conditions in 2012 reduced food

resources during pre breeding, limiting
individuals’ ability to restore their body

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