Communicative Language Teaching
Communicative Language Teaching
Communicative Language Teaching
This approach (CLT) makes use of real life situations that need
communication. The teacher sets up a situation that the students are
likely to encounter in real life. Unlike the audiolongual method of
language teaching which relies on repetitions and drills, the
communicative approach can leave students in suspense as to the
outcome of a class exercise, which will vary according to the reactions
and responses. The real life situations changes from day to day.
Students’ motivation to learn comes from their desire to communicate
in meaningful ways about meningful topics.
After modeling the action a few times the teacher can ask his students
to repeat the word or phrase while doing the action. When students
have learnt a new word or command, they can interact among them to
make a reinforent. This kind of activities in the classroom are more
effective if students are standing in a circle around the teacher. Also,
the teacher can encourage his students to walk around while doing the
Finally, let’s look at some examples about using TPR in the classroom:
In Silent Way classrooms the teacher’s key is not to talk and peer
correction is extensively used. The Silent way uses specialized
teaching materials such as the sound color chart, word charts and Fidel
The following are the steps to develop an English class using this
The teacher does not correct his students oral communication errors,
but correct grammar mistakes through the development of grammar
exercises workshops. The main goal of a Natural Approach classroom
is that students can use the foreign language that are acquiring to
express ideas, develop tasks and solve problems. Stephen Krashen
states that “language acquisition does not require extensive use of
conscious grammatical rules, and does not require tedious drill. That is
why this method prefers that students can produce orally in the
classroom in order to develop the speaking ability in a natural way as
same as they acquired their mother tongue.
Finally, don't forget that in the Natural Approach the students’ role is
focused on meaningful and vocabulary while the teacher must provide
comprehensible input for his students.
In the first stage, the teacher is in charge to help his students to get
relax by having a positive mind and thinking that the learning will be an
easy and fun process where they will acquire knowledge. In the active
concert (second stage), the teacher presents to the students the
material that will be studied that could be the reading of a text
accompanied by classical music at the background.
In the passive review (second concert), students will listen to their
teacher reading to a text while listening classical music at the
background. The function of the music is to prepare learners with an
optimun mental state to acquire knowledge easily. The final stage is to
review and reinforce the learning through the use of puzzles, games or
any other activity that could contribute with the purpose.
In this second part of the third unit of our English Didacic Course you
will study about e-learning as a new paradigm in education. Before
starting, I want to make the introduction to Virtual Education.
Thanks to the boom of virtuality and ICT, many universities around the
world have included virtual education programs in their academic
options, so that people can professionalize without leaving their homes.
Like any innovation, virtual education or e-learning has brought
advantages and disadvantages, which we will see in details later. The
technological growth that the country has faced in the last decade, has
made that a global trend like virtual education, takes possession in
Colombia in a fast way.
E-Learning: If your e-tutor asks you about the meaning of this concept,
your possible answer would be “It’s when people study by using a
laptop and the internet”. This is a base definition that most of people
have, but Which would be a complete and academic definition of e-
learning? As an e-tutor, my personal definition of e-learning is the
following: it’s an educational process mediated by the internet,
information and communication technologies (ICT), where through an
established learning instructional path and the guidance of a virtual
tutor, the student achieves learning goals.
It has been proven that Virtual Educación has increased the number of
students around the world. This increase is due to several reasons
such as:
Personally, I consider that are more the advantages that this way of
education has brought to the society. Next, you will study about
the advantages and disadvantages of this new paradigm in
There are many reasons why people love e-learning and there are
some others why people think that this new online learning method has
some disadvantages. Let’s look at some of them…
E-Learning / Advantages E-Learning / Disadvantages
Just in time learning Requires computer access
Standardized learning Requires internet access
Self paced learning Requires basic computer
Flexible means of assessment skills
No travel costs Does not suit all learners
No classroom accommodation
Cost effective
Let's make a reflection activity. There are many other reasons that
make e-learning a good option to study. In your personal case as a
virtual student you should have some reasons to say that virtual
education has changed your way to see a learning process. Look at the
following questions and give the answers from your own perspective or
The e-tutor must be in permanent contact with his/her students with the
purpose to provide help and guience. It is necessary to make the
students feel confortable and that they feel that even though is a virtual
course, they are not alone during the process.
Disturb the designs: I would like to start this part with the following
quote: “The world is a university and everyone in it is a teacher. Make
sure when you wake up in the morning, you go to school.” ―T. D.
Jakes. After reading the previous quote I can say that we never stop
learning and that we can learn new things everyday from anyone.
Now, how is related the text above with Disturb the Designs? When
you are an e-tutor, you are constantly assigning tasks to your students
for getting learning evidences about their learning process. After
verifying and analyzing the evidence presented by the students, it is
possible to find faults related to the design of the activity. This is when
the e-tutor must ask him/herself how to improve or reinforce this
weakness. Will the redesign of the activity achieve better learning
outcomes in students? It could be that a student let you see through
his/her performance how to adjust or adapt the content or an activity in
order to obtain better results in the virtual learning process.
Hey e-buddy. Let's continue analyzing the next chart about the e-
tutor's moderating role.
Technological skills: the fact that the teaching / learning process take
place through virtual platforms, requires that the student possess a
series of technological competencies in order to be able to function
properly in the virtual environment. Obviously, it is not necessary to be
an expert in technology, but to have basic computer skills and ICT
management are required for presenting learning evidences, and to
navigate through the different menus offered by the virtual campus.
In virtual education, the most used type of video is the “Video Lesson”,
since in the absence of a physical classroom, it is used as a mean to
instruct students, providing them with the acquisition of knowledge and
showing them practical examples.
The Virtual Education is a learning and teaching system that uses the
Information and Communication Technologies, as an effective mean
for the comprehensive training of the students regardless of their
geographic location. The appropriate use of these technologies in
educational processes necessarily requires the articulation of
pedagogies, didactics, methodologies, study materials, learning
strategies and innovative communication strategies that motivate the
Active learning
Use of the Information and Communication Technologies
The tutor's role change
Personalized learning.
Continuous formative evaluation.
Let’s finish the study of this final unit of our Didactic Course answering
the following question: What is a flipped classroom?
Recordemos que el eclecticismo es una corriente de pensamiento que
reconoce la incapacidad de un único sistema educativo.
Teoría o modelo pedagógico para alcanzar el verdadero conocimiento.
En este sentido, el eclecticismo propone la necesidad de
Aplicar diferentes teorías, estilos o ideas dependiendo del caso
concreto de estudio.
Let’s start this part studying about the methods and approaches used
to teach English as a Foreign language In this first unit we are not
going to study them deeply but to mention them to have an idea of how
teaching of English started.
One of the first ways used to teach English was The Grammar
Translation Method. This teaching method originated through the
teaching of classical languages.
Later, was the turn for The "Designer" Methods; in this category we
have the Suggestopedia, The Silent Way and Strategies-Based
Instruction. In the middle of the last century, and as a consequence of
the First World War, was presented a new method of teaching English
known as The Audiolingual Method.
A short time later and due to the emergence of new linguistic theories
was created a new method known as The Natural Approach. Then,
was the turn for the Communicative Language Teaching that now a
days is one of the most famous and known English teaching methods
around the world.
In the third and last unit of this English Didactic Course you will study
about each one of the methods and approaches that have been used
to teach this language through history. Also, you will look at some
advantages that all those methods and approaches could give teachers
to apply in the classroom.
This strategy is about asking students to write about specific topics that
are not clear for them. Topics that are difficult or confusing to
undertand. The goal of this activity is help students to reflect on what
they need to review or reinforce to adquire significant knowledge.
Now let's analyze the following mind map in order to understand a little
more about what didactics is and how it works.
Language allows people to get to know other cultures and it opens their
minds to new ways of thinking which will make people understand
more clearly aspects of their own culture that they did not see before.
It has been scientifically proven that learning a foreign language
stimulates the brain by improving all its functions, allowing people to
perform better in their daily occupations.