Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning Model On Narrative Text Teaching Materials

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Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning

Model on Narrative Text Teaching Materials

Ari Septia Palupi, Miftakhul Huda(B) , and Dini Restiyanti Pratiwi

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia

[email protected]

Abstract. This study aims to (1) describe the application of the roundtable cooper-
ative model on narrative text teaching materials, (2) describe students’ responses
to the application of the roundtable cooperative model on narrative text teach-
ing materials, (3) describe the increase in students’ knowledge of narrative text
teaching materials. The type of research used was classroom action research. Data
collection techniques were observation, interviews, questionnaires, tests, and doc-
umentation. The data in this study were in the form of application, response,
and increase in students’ knowledge of implementing the roundtable cooperative
model on narrative text teaching materials. Data were analyzed using interactive
techniques, including data reduction, presentation, and concluding. The data vali-
dation technique used data and method triangulation. The study results show that
(1) applying the roundtable cooperative model to narrative text teaching materi-
als can improve students’ understanding and writing skills. These improvements
include structure, storyline or sequence of events, writing development, and com-
pleteness of information according to the theme; (2) students’ responses to the
application of the roundtable cooperative model show that 90.3% agree to use the
cooperative model in narrative text teaching materials and 9.7% do not agree; (3)
there is an increase in student learning outcomes. Before applying the roundtable
cooperative model, the students get an average score of 56, and after applying it,
they get an average score of 69. The results show that the roundtable coopera-
tive model can be used in the learning process by using media that supports the
roundtable cooperative model and teaching materials.

Keywords: Roundtable Cooperative Model · Digital Learning · Narrative Text

1 Introduction
A country’s progress indicators can be seen in its education condition. The more devel-
oped the education, the better the human resources produced. However, it is not easy
to realize. Many problems arise in education, like the problems that often occur in high
school in learning Indonesian. Students must develop their literacy knowledge and abili-
ties but are not interested in learning about texts. Learning to listen, read, and write is no
longer popular with students because material delivery is less interesting. Millennial-era
students cannot be given material in the form of text only. They tend to be interested in
more challenging things, such as learning using digital media, where students can play

© The Author(s) 2023

M. H. Hikmat et al. (Eds.): ICOLAE 2022, ASSEHR 757, pp. 259–279, 2023.
260 A. S. Palupi et al.

a direct role. Uninteresting learning will make it difficult for students to understand the
material presented. This also makes students unable to listen to the teacher’s explanation.
Using digital media can trigger enthusiasm for learning and develop student creativity.
The rapid development of technology has become a strong foundation for developing
human resources. Adequate utilization of technological equipment will be useless with-
out adaptive, responsive, and reliable human resources. Developing human resources in
using technology is through the learning process in schools. The ability of educators to
use technology is the right way to prepare competent students. The technological capa-
bilities possessed by students are aimed at maximizing the education system. Students
have technological abilities, critical thinking, collaboration, literacy, problem-solving,
communication skills, and good character qualities. Understanding technology can help
students to obtain positive learning outcomes. Media is a tool, material, or event that can
create interesting learning to receive knowledge, skills, and attitudes [1].
Utilization of digital media in the learning process can arouse students’ interest to be
more active while still optimizing actual teaching materials. Digital media can carry out
the learning process effectively and efficiently [2]. Various media are available to help
the learning process run [2]. So far, the learning process is still in the classroom, but with
digital media, the learning process can be carried out outside of school. Educators can
use platform learning like Evernote, which can channel students’ creativity in writing
works. This digital media application allows users to create written works in short stories,
articles, and the like. The application is easily accessible by students via digital devices
such as mobile phones and desktops at any time. With the use of digital media, it is
hoped that it can improve student learning outcomes and foster student motivation in
writing literary works.
Students’ interest in writing literary works is still quite low. Students do not want to
develop their writing skills because they do not understand the use of good language and
struggle to convey ideas or main points. Educators or teachers must create innovations
that can improve students’ writing skills. One of them is by seeking to use interesting
and diverse learning models. The application of learning models with the help of digital
media carried out by teachers is not successful because teachers still use the lecture
method, so they do not provide stimulus to students. Learners easily get bored because
they do not apply various learning strategies or models. The application of this learning
strategy is with the help of using digital media to find separate concepts in the teaching
and learning process to foster the enthusiasm and creativity of students [3].
The application of various learning models strongly supports the needs of students in
curriculum policies requiring system learning by full-day school [4]. This means that the
emergence of various alternative media is beneficial in meeting the needs of students so
that learning is more effective and efficient. As is the case in Indonesian language subjects
which require students to master and understand the techniques of writing literary works.
In general, the activities carried out by students in learning Indonesian are divided into
two: students must understand the text types and create the type of text being studied
[5]. It is challenging for someone to convey his ideas in written form. Each student must
understand the structure of their thoughts on a problem so that it will be easy to put their
ideas into written form. Understanding language rules also influence students’ success
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 261

in expressing their ideas or thoughts in written form. An understanding of language can

help students express their ideas as they wish.
The teacher’s ability to choose a writing learning model that is appropriate to the text
and context is a must. Planning a suitable learning model has an important role in the
learning process to help students express themselves and as an effort to achieve goals in
learning. The selection of continuous methods influences improving students’ writing
skills [6]. One of the learning models that can help students to develop their skills is the
roundtable cooperative model. Roundtable cooperative model is a learning model that
focuses on students, where students will work in groups by sitting in a circle to form
a round table, and each group member will participate in writing down their ideas or
ideas in turn. By using this learning model, students are expected to be able to play an
active role in their groups. Submitting ideas or thoughts written by each student in a
group will help these students learn to write literary texts. One of the materials that can
be applied in the digital-based roundtable cooperative model is narrative text teaching
material. Using the roundtable cooperative model in narrative text teaching materials
will develop students’ ability to express interesting ideas expressed in text form. In line
with that, Walef [7] argues that for students’ abilities to increase, a learning design is
needed to support students in practicing writing skills.
Based on the description of the background above, the research problems of this
article are described as follows: (1) How to implement the digital-based roundtable
cooperative model on narrative text teaching materials in high schools?; (2) How do the
students respond to applying the digital-based roundtable cooperative model to narra-
tive text teaching materials in high schools?; (3) How to increase students’ knowledge
regarding narrative text teaching materials after applying the roundtable cooperative
model? Based on the research problems, this study aims: (1) to describe the application
of the digital-based roundtable cooperative model on narrative text teaching materials in
high schools; (2) to describe students’ responses to the application of the digital-based
roundtable cooperative model on narrative text teaching materials in high schools; (3) to
describe the increase in students’ knowledge regarding narrative text teaching materials
after applying the roundtable cooperative model.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Learning Model

The learning model is a concept that is arranged systematically to organize learning

activities so that they can run according to the objectives. With this learning model,
teaching and learning activities in the classroom will be carried out well to make it easier
for students to understand the material presented by the teacher. In implementing the
learning model in the classroom, some characteristics can distinguish the several learning
models used. According to S. Nasution (cited in Tibahary & Muliana, 2018), there are
three characteristics of learning models commonly used in the learning process: 1) A
learning model that delivers as much material as possible from the teacher for students
to master the material. This learning model is said to be successful if students master the
knowledge conveyed; 2) A learning model that is essentially the same as the first where
262 A. S. Palupi et al.

learning focuses on the teacher; 3) A learning model that organizes the surrounding
environment to be connected with students so that an active learning process occurs [8].
The success of the learning process is influenced by the teacher’s ability to plan,
implement, and evaluate student learning outcomes [9]. If the planning and learning
process can be carried out properly, it will achieve the goals of education. The learning
model can be said as a plan that can be used to design the learning process in certain sit-
uations in building the curriculum. An important function of the learning model is the
improvement of effective and interactive learning processes to achieve educational goals
that can build curriculum [10].

2.2 Roundtable Cooperative Model

Cooperative learning is a learning strategy that involves students working cooperatively
to achieve common goals [11]. Cooperative learning is structured to increase student
involvement, make it easier for students to make decisions in groups or individually, and
provide opportunities for students to socialize and learn from each other from different
backgrounds. Through cooperative learning, students can become a source of learning
for other students. Therefore, cooperative learning is developed on the premise that the
learning process will be more meaningful if students can help each other understand the
teaching material.
In cooperative learning, students can learn from two main sources: the learning
process in the classroom and other learning resources. According to Lie in Aljatila [12],
cooperative learning provides opportunities for students to work together with other
students in doing structured tasks or understanding the material presented by the teacher
[12]. Using a cooperative learning model can improve students’ ability to communicate
subjects so that they look more focused [13]. In addition, applying the cooperative model
helps students think critically, solve problems, and apply their knowledge and expertise
in groups and around them [14]. Tasks that require students to solve problems and think
critically will provide increased results when using the cooperative model [15]. Students’
thinking skill is much higher when working in groups than individually. However, in
using the cooperative model, the teacher must strive for application in more interesting
and diverse learning, no longer in a traditional way, but teachers must create active
and creative learning to increase students’ learning motivation. Through the roundtable
cooperative model, teachers can provide interesting learning.
Roundtable cooperative model is pioneered by Spence Kagan. The roundtable coop-
erative model is a learning strategy designed to develop students’ skills [16]. Roundtable
technique trains students to think alternatively by expressing ideas in their writing by
adjusting the group assignments in each small group so that students are more motivated
when completing tasks with this model [17]. Roundtable cooperative model is an activ-
ity of exchanging ideas in one group carried out in rotation. Each group member must
provide or convey his ideas on the available worksheets. This process will make it easier
for students to properly solve their problems. The advantages of the roundtable coopera-
tive model are [18]: 1) motivating students to think innovatively and critically, 2) giving
opportunities to students to explore their abilities, and 3) increasing self-confidence to
convey the knowledge they have according to their abilities. According to Jianti (2017),
the steps in carrying out the roundtable cooperative model system can be done in groups
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 263

by sitting around the table [19], the teacher gives a problem either in the form of an
object or another, students write down ideas or thoughts related to these problems on
paper [20], students take turns writing ideas by rotating the paper. Each type of learning
model has its steps in its application so that the selection of a learning model will be
more precisely adapted to its competence [21].

2.3 Digital Learning

In learning, the presence of digital media is so influential because it is proven to help

teachers achieve their learning goals. Media is a tool that can be used by teachers in
the teaching process to convey knowledge to students. According to Yaumi in Adhiana
(2022), learning media are all physical forms which include physical objects such as
printed materials, original objects, visuals, audio, audiovisual, and multimedia, which
are designed deliberately to convey information in the learning process to create an
effective learning atmosphere according to students’ needs so that learning objectives
can be achieved [22]. The role of technology as digital media in the world of education
is important because it can be used as an interaction tool to convey information related
to the learning process [23]. Digital learning can improve the quality of educational
strategies using technology [24]. According to Hariadi in Zakaria (2022), digital learning
allows students to enhance their experience actively. The learning outcomes of high
school students using digital media have proven to be effective and positive [25]. It
is useful for students and helps teachers carry out self-development to increase their
insight into learning activities with students. Valkenburg in Agnesia (2021) states that
the development of digital media has changed humans’ socializing or communication

2.4 Narrative Text

The narrative text is a text that entertains the reader or listener. The story can be in
fairy tales and fables or other true stories that are entertaining and included in narrative
texts. Narrative text can also be interpreted as a story that makes readers experience the
events the author conveys in his/her writing. Another characteristic of narrative text is the
description of the character’s actions that occur in a series of times. The narrative text’s
main elements are actions under the time sequence [27]. To produce a good narrative
text, some components must be present in the narrative text. These components include
components of content, grammar, spelling, and diction. The basic competence achieved
by students in writing narrative texts is presenting events, sequences of events, and
information conveyed in texts [28].
In addition to basic competencies, writing narrative texts also pays attention to lan-
guage rules. Kinds of linguistic rules include the formation of words, sentences, and the
preparation of paragraphs. Thus, linguistic aspects in written works are deliberately used
to express ideas [29]. Narrative text is usually arranged according to the structure of the
text. According to Hasan (2022), the structure of the narrative text consists of [30]:
a. Orientation or the author or writer describes the setting and introduces the characters
in the story.
264 A. S. Palupi et al.

b. Complications or problems arise when the main character encounters obstacles.

c. Resolution or solving the problems that the characters faced.

3 Method

This research was classroom action research. Classroom action research is carried out
in stages according to field conditions to increase the learning process and student
learning outcomes. This research was conducted at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta
grade eleven. The research object was grade eleven students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Surakarta. The grade eleven students used the roundtable cooperative model on Indone-
sian narrative text teaching materials. The data in this study were in the form of appli-
cation, response, and increased students’ knowledge of narrative text teaching materials
after applying the roundtable cooperative model. Classroom action research was carried
out as a cycle that included pre-action, action, and post-action stages. Data collection
techniques were observation, interviews, questionnaires, tests, and documentation. Pro-
cedures for conducting research included planning, action, observation, and reflection.
In the planning stage, the researcher made observations regarding the learning process
in the classroom and conducted interviews with teachers regarding the use of media
and learning models used. Then the researcher conducted an initial test to determine stu-
dents’ understanding and knowledge of narrative text teaching materials through writing
narrative texts. After carrying out the test, the researcher analyzed the results of students’
narrative writings.
The data analysis technique used was interactive analysis, including data reduction,
data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data reduction was made by sorting out the
most important and relevant data. Data presentation was done by describing or narrating
the results of data, figures, and tables, while concluding was done by describing the
impact of implementation and its effectiveness. The data validation technique used data
and method triangulation. The researcher used several data sources to collect the same
data in data triangulation. The data obtained was examined thoroughly with other data
sources. In method triangulation, the researcher compared data obtained using specific
data collection methods/techniques with similar data obtained using other data collection

4 Results and Discussion

4.1 Initial Skills of Students on Narrative Text Teaching Materials

The initial research results, from both interview and observation data, show that students’
knowledge and skills regarding narrative text teaching materials are still low. From the
results of the interviews, it is known that the teacher’s narrative text learning activities
still use the traditional way, where the teacher explains theories related to narrative
texts. The teacher uses conventional and monotonous learning models such as lectures,
resulting in less active students. Lecture and question-and-answer learning models will
only make students forget the material presented [31]. The teacher’s difficulty using
technology is an obstacle to making learning more enjoyable. If the teacher has digital
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 265

skills, he can help create interesting learning content related to the intended material [32].
In connection with the characteristics of learning the Indonesian language, teachers must
apply learning models that can provide direct learning experiences to participants [33].
A suitable learning model is an excellent effort to train students’ thinking skills.
Using a suitable learning model will make students not bored, and learning will be fun to
achieve learning objectives. The cooperative model can increase students’ understanding
and learning outcomes in Indonesian subjects [34]. To find out students’ understanding of
the material, the researcher made observations through the pre-action stage. At this stage,
the researcher knew students’ understanding of narrative text teaching material through
filling out questionnaires and writing narratives. From the writing results, the researcher
then assessed per the assessment rubric. The following are the assessment results of
writing narrative texts in the pre-action cycle of grade eleven SMA 1 Muhammadiyah
Table 1 shows that from 31 students in grade eleven-1 SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Surakarta, only seven got good scores, while 24 other students got poor scores in nar-
rative writing skills. The results of the pre-action show that students’ narrative writing
skills are still quite low. Then, from the results of filling out the questionnaire, some
students have an opinion about learning to write in class. The questionnaire results show
that students can accept the teacher’s way of teaching, understand and comprehend the
material presented, and are helped by the teacher’s delivery. However, some students
still state that they do not understand and comprehend the structure and elements of
narrative text. Students’ narrative writing skills need to be improved because it is easier
for students to express ideas, knowledge, and ideas in writing [35].

Table 1. Students’ Scores in Narrative Writings Before Applying the Roundtable Cooperative
266 A. S. Palupi et al.

4.2 Application of the Roundtable Cooperative Model

Application of the roundtable cooperative model begins with introducing the learning
model to students in the classroom. The application of the roundtable cooperative learn-
ing model is intended to provide opportunities for students to contribute and provide
views or thoughts, and ideas in a small group. In addition, applying the roundtable coop-
erative model can train students’ critical and creative thinking skills. The application
of the roundtable cooperative model can be made with digital media. One of the digi-
tal media that can be used is the Evernote application. This media may not be widely
known because not all students like to write. This medium is appropriate for implement-
ing roundtable cooperative model because the activities carried out in this learning model
focus on writing activities. In addition to using the Evernote application, the roundtable
cooperative model also uses Instagram social media. Instagram social media is used to
publish student writing results after a groupmate gives comments on the writing.
After introducing the roundtable cooperative model, the researcher gives an example
of applying the model according to the correct steps. The researcher gives an example
directly with four students, and then they form small groups. After forming small groups
by sitting in a circle around a table, the researcher gives an object as a picture of the
story they will write. From the picture, each student conveys their ideas. The first student
conveys an idea and then continues with the next student until the last student. After all
the students in one group convey their ideas, everyone writes a story as a narrative text.
The narrative text written is exchanged with a groupmate to be corrected regarding the
structure and elements of the text. Providing examples of the application of the roundtable
cooperative model will provide an understanding of the steps in its implementation later.
Small group activities will allow students to develop problem-solving skills rationally
and be active in the learning process [36].
After students understand the steps of the roundtable cooperative model, then 31
students of grade 11–1 SMA Muhammadiyah Surakarta apply the roundtable cooperative
model to narrative text teaching materials. In its application, students will take turns
from the first student to the last student in a small group to convey their ideas on a
predetermined topic. The object that students will use to create narrative text is in the
form of an illustration. Students use the illustration to determine the theme or content
in writing narratives. All students can play an active role in determining the story’s
contents according to the illustration. Then, in writing the narrative text, students will
develop it individually. The development of ideas to become a narrative of everyone
must be different according to their creativity and abilities. However, students will be
more creative and active using the roundtable cooperative model because the learning
process is fun. The evaluation of the results of writing narratives is assessed directly
by the researcher according to the assessment rubric to determine the students’ skills
before and after applying the roundtable cooperative model. The development of ideas
or thoughts in each group written in the narrative text will be explained.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S1

Students (S1) create narrative texts developed from ideas written alternately in groups
titled Menyerah (Surrender). The results of the writing illustrate that Adin can develop
narrative writing. However, several aspects of narrative writing do not yet exist, such as
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 267

the completeness of information and plot structure. The choice of words and the forma-
tion of sentences is still not quite right, causing the writing to be less understandable.
The formation of the sentence appears in the sentence Di suatu hari ada dua pemuda
yang sedang menggali di dalam tanah (one day there were two young men digging in
the ground). Spelling errors and wrong word choices are also found in S1’s writing.
However, the entire narrative writing shows that students (S1) understand the structure
and elements of narrative text. It can be seen from the storyline and story development
that it is interesting for readers.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S2

In S2’s narrative writing, it is enough to convey events chronologically. The relationships
between sentences are less neatly arranged but still easy to understand. The development
of narrative writing is still lacking, causing the events in writing to seem flat. Students
are less skilled in choosing words, and errors still occur in spelling. The structure has
no introduction, body, or closing sections.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S3

The ideas in narrative writing written by S3 entitled Boleh Lelah tapi Jangan Menyerah
(Tired but Do not Give up) are developed creatively according to the theme and title.
The completeness of information in writing is complete and easy to understand. It has
elements of action, characterization, and point of view. The sequence of events is arranged
chronologically and is very interesting. The structure has an opening, body, and closing
section. Narrative writing has orientation, resolution, complication, and coda sections.
The choice of words, writing sentences, and spelling are correct, but there are still some

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S4

The narrative writing by S4 entitled Pantang Menyerah (Never Give up) is developed
quite creatively, but the writing does not align with the idea and title. The information
provided is incomplete because there is no point of view, so the text is less understandable.
The sequence of events in the text is written chronologically but is still uninteresting.
The structure of the text has an introduction and body sections. In writing narrative text,
the closing or coda is not something that must exist, but in S4’s narrative writing, the
events that are told do not contain elements of resolution, which is confusing. Word
choice, sentence writing, and spelling writing still have some mistakes, but they do not
obscure the story’s contents.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S5

The narrative writing produced by S5 does not have a title, but from the writing results,
it follows the ideas that have been made in groups. The writing is developed creatively
according to the theme so that the reader easily understands the story’s meaning. The
information conveyed is complete and has elements of characterization, action, setting
of time and place, and point of view. The events are arranged chronologically, but the text
is less attractive. The structure has orientation, complication, and resolution sections.
The choice of words is correct, but there are still errors. The writing of sentences still
268 A. S. Palupi et al.

has errors but does not obscure the story’s contents. The spelling in the text also still has
some mistakes, such as writing capital letters and using semicolons.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S6

The narrative text written by S6 is entitled Jangan Putus Asa (Never Loose Hope). The
narrative writing is developed very creatively according to the idea and title. The infor-
mation is complete and has elements of action, characterization, plot, setting, and point
of view, making the text easy to understand. The events arranged in the text are chrono-
logical and very interesting. The structure has orientation, complication, resolution, and
coda sections. The choice of words in the text is correct, but there are some errors in the
writing of sentences and spelling. These mistakes do not obscure the story’s meaning,
and the writing can be read correctly.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S7

The narrative writing by S7 entitled Usaha Tak Menghianati Hasil (Effort Doesn’t Betray
Result) is developed creatively according to the idea. The information written is complete
and has elements of action, characterization, setting, and point of view. The narrative
text with a chronological plot is easy to understand and enjoyable. The structure has
orientation, complication, resolution, and coda sections. The choice of words has some
errors but does not obscure the sentence’s meaning. Sentence writing and spelling have
some errors but can be read correctly.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S8

The narrative text written by S8 is entitled Berusaha (Trying). The narrative writing is
developed quite according to the idea and title of the text. The events that occur do not
describe the contents of the text. The information provided is complete and has elements
of action, characterization, setting, and points of view that are easy to understand. The
sequence of events is arranged chronologically and is quite interesting. The structure has
only orientation and complication sections. Word choice, sentence writing, and spelling
have some errors but do not obscure meaning. Commas and periods occur frequently.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S9

The narrative writing developed by S9 is titled Kebodohan (Foolishness). The writing
is developed according to the title, but the content does not have a clear structure. The
information provided is quite complete, but the text is less understandable. The sequence
of events is arranged in a coherent but uninteresting manner. The structure only has an
orientation section. Many mistakes in the choice of words, sentence writing, and spelling
still affect the story’s meaning.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S10

The narrative text written by S10 is entitled Bermuka Dua (Two-faced). The text is
developed creatively according to the group’s themes and ideas. The information con-
veyed is complete, with characterization, action, point of view, and background elements.
The narrative text is relatively easy to understand, its content and flow. The events are
arranged chronologically, interestingly with the various events and their resolution. The
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 269

structure has orientation, complication, and resolution sections. There are several mis-
takes in the choice of words, sentence writing, and spelling, but they do not affect the
story’s meaning. Errors do not affect meaning or readability.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S11

The title used in S11’s narrative writing is Penolong (Helper). The narrative writing is
developed quite creatively according to the title. The information is incomplete, so it is
not easy to understand the storyline and content of the text. The main ideas in the text
are less interestingly developed. The sequence of events is arranged less chronologically
so that the main ideas are not conveyed to the reader. The structure has orientation
and complication sections with inappropriate word choices. Word choice errors do not
obscure the meaning of the sentence. Spelling has some errors in using a point or a

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S12

The narrative text written by S12 is titled Jangan Putus Asa (Do not Lose Hope). The
student develops the writing according to ideas and titles. The development of ideas
in the form of narrative text has elements of action, characterization, plot, setting, and
point of view, making it easier for the reader to understand the storyline conveyed. The
structure has orientation, complication, resolution, and coda sections. The arrangement
of sentences in the text still has errors but does not change the meaning of the sentences.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S13

The title used by S13 is Jatuh (Falling). The text is developed quite creatively according
to the theme and title of the text. The information provided regarding the story’s main
ideas is complete, with elements of characterization, actions, setting, and point of view,
so it is relatively easy to follow the storyline. Events are arranged chronologically and are
pretty interesting. The structure of the text has orientation, complication, and resolution
sections. The sentence relationship is sufficient to explain the sequence of events. Word
choice, sentence writing, and spelling still have some mistakes, but they do not obscure
the meaning and can be easily understood.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S14

The ideas made before being developed into a narrative entitled Berusaha (Trying). The
narrative text is developed quite creatively according to the ideas and titles. The infor-
mation in the text is given quite completely with elements of action, setting, characteri-
zation, and point of view that can help to understand the storyline. Events are arranged
chronologically and are very interesting. The developed narrative text has orientation,
complication, and resolution sections. Word choice, sentence writing, and spelling are
pretty understandable. Some errors are only found in spelling. The relationship between
sentences is enough to explain the plot and the main idea of the narrative text.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S15

The narrative writing developed by S15 is titled Tolong (Please). The writing is developed
according to the title, but the content does not have a clear structure. The information
provided is complete, but there are no elements of action and point of view, so the
270 A. S. Palupi et al.

reader cannot understand the text. The sequence of events is arranged chronologically
but uninterestingly. The structure only has an orientation section. Word choice, sentence
writing, and spelling still have many mistakes that affect the sentence’s meaning. The
error affects the relationship between sentences that do not explain the sequence of events
in the text.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S16

The title given to S16’s writing is Menyerah (Give up). The narrative text is developed
very creatively according to the formulation of ideas and titles. The complete information
provided has elements of action, characterization, setting, and points of view that are easy
to understand. The sequence of events is arranged chronologically and is quite interesting.
The text has an orientation, complication, and resolution structure. The choice of words
is suitable for the developed text, but there are some errors. There are no errors in the
writing of sentences and spelling, so it is enough to explain the sequence of events
through the relationships between sentences.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S17

The narrative text written by S17 is entitled Kesempatan (Opportunity). The narrative
text is developed creatively according to the formulation of ideas and titles. The student
conveys complete information about the action, characterization, setting, and point of
view. The sequence of events is written chronologically and is quite interesting, but
each event’s development is still lacking. The writing has orientation and complication
sections. The choice of words is correct, and there are some errors. Sentences and spelling
are correct throughout the text, but some inaccuracies confuse the sequence of events in
the story.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S18

The title used in S18’s narrative writing is Tolong-menolong (Help). The development of
the narrative text by students is quite creative. However, the development of characters,
setting, events, and plot is not clear and confusing for the reader to understand the
contents of the text. Spelling and sentence arrangement have several errors. The student
does not focus on the main ideas to develop ideas into the narrative text.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S19

The narrative text by S19 does not have a written title in the results of his writing. Nar-
rative writing is developed quite according to the formulation of ideas. The information
provided is complete, and elements of action, characterization, setting, and points of
view are easy to understand. The sequence of events is arranged chronologically and
is quite interesting. The structure has only orientation and complication sections. Word
choice, sentence writing, and spelling have some errors but do not obscure meaning.
Commas and periods occur frequently.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S20

The title of the narrative text created by S20 is Celah Kecil Kepompong (A Small Gap
of Pupa). The narrative text is developed very creatively according to the idea and title.
The information conveyed is complete with actions, characterizations, backgrounds,
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 271

and points of view. The structures in the narrative text are orientation, complication,
resolution, and coda. The choice of words follows the information conveyed and its use.
There are some mistakes in writing and spelling, but it does not change the meaning of
the sentence. The relationship between sentences is enough to explain the sequence of
events in the text.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S21

The narrative text developed by S21 does not have a title. The text developed is less
creative and not under the formulation of ideas discussed with the group. The information
provided is an element of action only, affecting the reader’s understanding because of
this lack of information. The structure has orientation and complication sections. The
choice of words is appropriate according to the content of the text, but the writing of
sentence spelling has several errors. The development of the idea to become a narrative
text is still less attractive.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S22

The text written by S22 is Tukang Kue (A Baker). The text is developed very creatively
according to the formulation of ideas and titles. The information given in the text has
elements of action, character, and setting. The writing is easy enough to understand, and
the sequence of events is interesting. The sequence of events is written chronologically,
marked by the relationship between sentences. The text structure has orientation, com-
plication, and resolution sections. Word choice, sentence choice, and spelling are quite
precise and clear, but there are some errors. These errors do not change the sentence’s
meaning and main idea in each paragraph.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S23

The title of the narrative text that S23 wrote is Berusahalah (Make an Effort). The writing
is developed creatively according to the idea and title. The meaning of each sentence is
easy to understand so that the reader can accept it. The information provided is complete
with action elements, time setting, and characters. Events are arranged chronologically
and are quite interesting. The structure has orientation, complication, resolution, and coda
sections. Word choice, sentence writing, and spelling have some mistakes. However, the
errors do not change the meaning.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S24

The narrative text written by S24 is entitled Hasil dari Sebuah Usaha (The Result of
an Effort). The text is developed very creatively according to the idea and title. The
information given in the text is complete. There are characterization, setting, action, and
point of view elements. Events are arranged chronologically and are quite interesting.
The text structure has orientation, complication, resolution, and coda sections. Word
choice, sentence writing, and spelling are appropriate according to their function, but
there are still some errors. The error does not change the sentence’s meaning or the
sequence of events.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S25

The narrative writing produced by S25 does not have a title, but from the writing results,
272 A. S. Palupi et al.

it is under the ideas in the group. The writing is developed quite creatively according to
the theme so that the meaning of the story can be conveyed. The information provided is
complete with characterization, action, and background elements. Events are arranged
chronologically, but the text is less interesting. The structure has orientation, complica-
tion, and resolution sections. The choice of words is correct, but there are still errors.
The writing of sentences still has errors but does not change the meaning or main story.
Spelling in the text also has some errors, such as writing capital letters and semicolons.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S26

The title of the narrative text written by S26 is Sani Munafik (Hypocrite). The text is
written very creatively according to the idea and title. The information in the text is quite
complete, with elements of action, characterization, and setting. Events are arranged
chronologically and are quite interesting. The structure has orientation, complication,
and resolution sections. Word choice, sentence writing, and spelling are quite correct,
but there are still some errors. However, the errors do not change the meaning of the
sentences in the story.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S27

The title of the narrative text written by S27 is Seorang Pemenang (A Winner). The
writing is developed creatively according to the formulation of ideas in the group. The
meaning or main idea in the text is quite easy to understand. The information pro-
vided comprises elements of action, characters, and background. Events are arranged
sequentially and creatively. The text structure consists of orientation, complication, and
resolution sections. Word choice, sentence writing, and spelling have several errors.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S28

The title of the narrative text that S28 wrote is Kesuksesan (Success). The writing is
developed creatively according to the idea and title. The meaning of each sentence is
easy to understand from the delivery of information in the text. The information provided
is quite complete, with elements of action, setting of time, place, and character. Events
are arranged chronologically and are quite interesting. The structure has orientation,
complication, and resolution sections. Word choice, sentence writing, and spelling have
several mistakes. The meaning of the story is quite easy to understand.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S29

The title of the narrative text written by S28 is Formalitas dalam Pertemanan (Formality
in Friendship). The writing is developed creatively according to the title. The information
given in the text has elements of action and characterization. The story’s meaning and
sequence of events are easy to understand in the text because they are presented quite
interestingly. The text structure has orientation and complication sections. Word choice,
sentence writing, and spelling have some mistakes but do not change the meaning.

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S30

The text written by S30 is based on the formulation of the Pantang Menyerah (Do not
Give Up) idea. The text is written creatively based on ideas and the title. The information
presented in the text has elements of characterization, action, and setting. The meaning
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 273

of the story is easy to understand, with a chronological and interesting sequence of

events. The structure of the text has orientation, complication, and resolution sections.
The choice of words is correct, but there are some mistakes in writing sentences and

Development of Ideas in Narrative Writing S31

The text written by S31 is Jangan Menyerah (Do not Give up). The text is written cre-
atively according to the theme. The information presented is quite complete, with ele-
ments of characterizations and actions. The sequence of stories is arranged in a coherent
and quite interesting way. The text consists of orientation and complication sections with
the right choice of words. However, there are some mistakes in writing sentences and
Based on the data of the application of the roundtable cooperative model for the
students at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta grade 11–1, the development of ideas
in narrative texts can be written according to the structure of the text, the sequence of
events, the storyline, and the completeness of the information per the previous draft ideas
written in groups. The most dominant ability of students in developing narrative writing
is the structure and completeness of the information. Completeness of information and
variations of students’ writing will help students train their mindset. The more varied
the writing, the more patterns of development of the text will be [37]. Writing narrative
texts allows students to express their feelings, thoughts, and imaginations in written form.
In addition, the teaching materials developed must provide opportunities for students to
play an active role by applying the learning model [38]. Fun learning will have a positive
impact on students. One of them is by applying learning models or strategies that are
appropriate to the teaching materials and characteristics of students [39].

4.3 Student Responses to the Application of the Roundtable Cooperative Model

in Narrative Text Teaching Materials
Based on the results of applying the roundtable cooperative model to narrative text
teaching materials, students’ responses to the application of the model were obtained.
There were, 90% of students stated that the application of the roundtable cooperative
model appropriate for use in writing, especially in narrative text teaching materials, and
10% stated that the application of the roundtable cooperative model not suitable for
learning narrative texts.
Figure 1 shows that 28 (90%) students agree to use the roundtable cooperative
model on narrative text teaching materials, and 3 (10%) students do not agree to use
the roundtable cooperative model. The reasons students agree to use the roundtable
cooperative model in narrative text teaching materials are a) having the opportunity to
convey ideas, b) being able to share ideas with other friends, c) helping to solve prob-
lems, d) being able to train critical and creative thinking skills, e) making it easier to
write narrative texts by predetermined themes, and f) being motivated to write narratives.
The reasons students do not agree to the use of the roundtable cooperative model are
a) difficulties in writing narrative texts because the theme of the story is determined
beforehand, b) not providing an opportunity to express ideas or thoughts, c) being not
motivated to write narrative texts because they are not asked to write. According to
274 A. S. Palupi et al.

Fig. 1. Diagram of Students’ Responses to the Application of the Roundtable Cooperative Model

Mardiyah in Rizki (2022), cooperative learning benefits students because it can help
them find and understand challenging concepts [40]. In line with this opinion, Asmawati
[41] states that using the roundtable learning model can increase students’ creativity in
learning to write texts.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that students accept and agree
to use the roundtable cooperative model on narrative text teaching materials. Using
the roundtable cooperative model, the learning process is more interactive, motivating
students to write narrative texts. In addition, each group member can solve existing
problems, and students can interact well with other friends.

4.4 Increase of Students’ Narrative Writing Skills by Using the Roundtable

Cooperative Model
Applying the roundtable cooperative model with digital media makes the maximum
contribution to the learning process of writing narrative texts for grade eleven-1 SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. This is evidenced by an increase from before to after the
implementation of the roundtable cooperative model. With digital media, the maxi-
mum results are obtained because students feel more flexible in expressing their ideas.
Students’ activeness in the learning process and discussions increases with the appli-
cation of this learning model. The following are the scores of students of 11–1 SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta which show an increase in writing narrative texts.
Figure 2 shows an increase in the average score after and before using the roundtable
cooperative model based on digital media on students 11–1 SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Surakarta. The average score before the action was 56, and after using the roundtable
cooperative model, the average score of student learning outcomes increased to 69.
Using this model has the maximum impact on the interaction process of students so
that a multi-directional interaction process can occur. The role of peers is important in
motivating the learning process because fun learning will make it easier to understand the
material received. The ability of students to develop stories according to predetermined
themes is seen in the results of writing narratives. The use of learning models influences
the improvement in students’ writing because it can challenge students to provide their
best writing based on input from the group [42]. In addition, students’ understanding of
Digital-Based Roundtable Cooperative Learning 275

Fig. 2. Students’ Scores in Narrative Writing Skills

the structure, elements, and sequence of events greatly influences the results of writing
narratives. An increase in learning outcomes can be seen from the average score of
writing skills and the presentation of the completeness results in each cycle [43]. The
importance of learning outcomes is a benchmark to determine students’ skills and to
improve learning strategies [44]. Students’ writing skills must continue to be trained
from various elements, both external elements and elements of their language. One of
the writing skills that a student must possess is the ability to write narrative texts to
express creative ideas in written form [45].

5 Conclusion

This study concludes that the application of the roundtable cooperative model begins
with introducing the model to students, giving examples of the steps in the roundtable
cooperative model, and implementing the roundtable cooperative model on narrative
texts. Applying the roundtable cooperative model shows students’ understanding and
ability of narrative text teaching materials. The responses of students show that some
students agree and do not agree with using the roundtable cooperative model on narrative
text teaching materials. Students agree with using this learning model in narrative text
teaching materials because it allows students to convey ideas and train them to think
critically and creatively. The increase in learning outcomes indicates students’ under-
standing of teaching materials through applying the roundtable cooperative model before
and after applying the roundtable cooperative model on narrative text teaching materi-
als. Before applying the learning model, the average score was 56; after the application,
the average score was 69. By applying the roundtable cooperative model, students are
motivated to think more creatively, especially in writing narrative texts, and can increase
their activeness and contribution to group discussions.

Acknowledgments. The authors would like to thank Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta for
providing publication funds.
276 A. S. Palupi et al.

Authors’ Contributions. The first author contributed to collecting data and completing the
preparation of the article. The second author contributed to reviewing the article.

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