Unit 2 - Business Planning
Unit 2 - Business Planning
Unit 2 - Business Planning
Operationally, describe how you will manage your business. A Forecasts of product demand, revenues, and expenses for new
manufacturer will want to describe how raw materials will be ventures will draw on the market research you conducted.
obtained and transformed into a finished product. A service Your projections are only as good as your assumptions, so
provider will want to describe where, when, and how the make sure they are valid and realistic. Document as much
service will be performed. Your operational description should as you possibly can, including how you developed your
also include your polices and procedures for billing and assumptions. Purdue Extension publication Fatal Business
collections, contract management, inventory control, record Planning Assumptions (EC-734) discusses financial and
keeping, and how you will maintain quality. general planning assumptions.
Provide projections for two to four years in the future,
Legal Issues including:
Intellectual Property Protection 1. Forecasted income (monthly for first two years,
Protecting your business and its products from imitators then by quarter or year thereafter),
should be a concern early in your venture, particularly if you
have innovative products. Trademarks and service marks will 2. Forecasted cash flows by month (monthly for first
protect your company’s marketing symbols for products and two years, then by quarter or year thereafter),
services. Patents will help protect the products you create. 3. Forecasted balance sheet for all years (year-end), and
See Purdue Extension publication Intellectual Property:
Obtaining Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 4. Breakeven analysis.
(EC-723) for more information on this topic. Many small businesses will have very limited revenue for the
Compliance first two years of operation. Most small businesses will not
Every business is subject to local, state, and federal regulation. make a real profit for at least two to three years. Without
Outline your plan for complying with relevant regulations. significant financial reserves, your venture is likely to fail.
See Purdue Extension publication Licensing, Regulatory You can use a convincing business plan to gain capital
and Tax Requirements for Indiana Businesses: A Checklist needed to get beyond the initial difficult years. If the purpose
Guide for New Businesses (EC-733) for more information on of your plan is to seek funding, request those funds, and
this topic. describe how they will be used.
If you have applied for and received a Tax Identification As with any venture, there will be risks. Identify and describe
Number from the federal government, then include it here. the most threatening risks to your success. Outline the
activities you will pursue to manage the risks.
. Business Planning
P 145
The Importance Of Planning Once in business, key personnel can be
overwhelmed by the day-to-day demands
Business plans and other planning
of managing. Yet there are many strategic
documents are vital to winning agreement
decisions that have to be made as well.
and support. Writing a strong, clear
Periodic business planning and review
proposition can mean the difference
can help to avoid sudden crises in the
between a project going ahead or surviving
business, expensive problems developing,
or not. Developing a business plan requires
under-performance at critical times or
a lot of time and energy, but it’s invaluable
over long periods that will kill the business.
for one primary reason - it forces you to
come to terms with your business idea.
P 146
Planning - Getting Started Who Writes The Business Plan?
Business planning is a journey. The plan is The chief executive, manager or a
your road-map. It describes a route from small executive group of the business’
where you are to where you want to be. management group should take overall
It identifies risks and barriers but if done responsibility. In some businesses
well will also enable you to develop risk smaller units will need to write their
-avoidance and risk-minimisation strategies. own development or business plans,
in which case the chief executive will
Start planning by thinking about two key delegate responsibility to the service
questions: What are you trying to achieve? team while shaping its overall approach
Why are you planning? When you have and conclusions.
answered these questions, you have already
begun the business planning process. The best approach is top down, bottom up,
A plan reviews the current status of the where the management group decides the
organisation and plots an overall business strategy, the manager develops the plan
strategy for a particular period or set of in line with that strategy and the whole
events. The plan(s) should cover all areas process is reviewed, changed, corrected
of the business. and improved, then re-approved.
P 147
The Process Of Business Planning Using The Plan : Implementation
Business planning begins by deciding what The business plan creates the basic
you are trying to achieve and the outcomes foundation from which you can build a
you are seeking or the problems you are business and something you can compare
trying to solve. Having identified these, progress and development to. Are you
planning proceeds by a series of steps, achieving what you set out to achieve?
as follows: Has implementation followed the plan and
. Describe your business activities or plans if not, why not? Were the risks properly
predicted and have opportunities been
. Outline the current status of the business
realised? Have costs been in line
or its planned activity in Year 1 with forecasts?
. Describe the external market, any
competition and where you place yourself
in the market
. Decide the objectives of the plan over
a given period of time
. Develop strategies for achieving
these objectives
. Identify risks and opportunities
of various strategies
. Develop coping strategies that limit
risks and exploit opportunities
. Develop a series of working plans
. Calculate costs and income as part
of an overall financial plan
. Ensure the strategy is set down clearly
and concisely
P 148
Making It Happen
1 : Communicate the plan widely. Make sure that you have the widest possible
understanding and commitment to its aims and delivery plans.
2 : Organise the business in ways that ensure the business plan is at the heart of operations
throughout the business.
3 : Clearly define roles and responsibilities and communicate them to staff and
other key people.
4 : Set personal objectives for every employee and volunteer, agreed with that person.
5 : Develop individual budgets to support various aspects of implementing the plan and
assign responsibility for managing the budgets - with clear spending limits - to individual
staff or staff teams.
10 : Ensure people who need to know are kept informed and ensure that issues, outcomes
and other information about implementation are available when the next planning
exercise comes along.
While you are implementing the business plan, don’t forget to keep checking progress.
Review developments against the plan. Learn from events; adjust the plan as required
within the constraints of the business (time, money, and people).
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