FINAL Fall2008 ACC501 01
FINAL Fall2008 ACC501 01
FINAL Fall2008 ACC501 01
Fall 2008
ACC501- Business Finance (Session - 1)
Management Conflict
Interest Conflict
Agency Problem
Which of the following term refers to the ease and quickness with which
assets can be converted to cash?
Raw material
Direct labor
Manufacturing overhead
Administrative expenses
Which of the following can be com puted by using the inform ation only
from balance sheet?
Equity multiplier
Inventory turnover
Receivable turnover
Return on equity
Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the present value discount factor?
Rs. 225
Rs. 341
Rs. 410
Rs. 452
In order to com pare different investm ent opportunities (each with the sam e risk)
with interest rates reported in different manners you should:
You have Rs. 1,0 0 0 to invest. You have 2 choices; first is the savings account
A, which earns 8.75 percent com pounded annually and second is the savings
account B, which earns 8.50 percent com pounded m onthly. Which account
should you choose and why?
What will be the value of a Rs. 1,0 0 0 face-value bond with an 8% coupon rate
at 8% required rate of return?
M&M Proposition
Fisher s Effect
BCG Matrix
Investors dem and a higher yield as com pensation to the risk of possible default.
This extra premium is called:
Taxability premium
In which type of voting, each shareholder is entitled one vote per share times
the number of directors to be elected?
Straight Voting
Statutory Voting
Cumulative Voting
Straight Voting
Proportional Voting
Cumulative Voting
Which of the following is the price that the dealer wishes to pay for a share ?
Simple Price
Bid Price
Strike Price
Complex Price
Suppose the initial investment for a project is Rs. 160,000 and the cash flows are
Rs. 40,000 in the first year and Rs. 90,000 in the second and Rs. 50,000 in the third.
The project will have a payback period of:
2.6 Years
3.1 Years
3.6 Years
4.1 Years
The XYZ Corporation is considering an investment that will cost Rs. 80,000
and have a useful life of 4 years. During the first 2 years, the net incremental
after-tax cash flows are Rs. 25,000 per year and for the last two years they are
Rs. 20,000 per year. What is the payback period for this investment ?
3.2 Years
3.5 Years
4.0 Years
Which of the following set of cash flows should be considered in the decision
at hand?
___________ Cost is an outlay that has already occurred and hence is not affected
by the decision under consideration.
The cost of common equity, the cost of preferred stock, and the cost of debt
Over the past four years, a company has paid dividends of Rs. 1.00, Rs. 1.10, Rs.
1.20 and Rs. 1.30 respectively. This pattern is expected to continue into the
future. This is an example of a company pay a dividend that grows:
At a constant rate
By a decreasing amount
At a decreasing rate
1st proposition
2nd proposition
3rd proposition
Increasing equity
Which of the following describes how a product moves through the current
asset accounts ?
Cash Cycle
Operating Cycle
Current Cycle
Which of the following is the time between sale of inventory and collection
of receivables ?
Inventory period
Collection period
Suppose you have Rs. 10,000 on deposit. One day, you write a cheque for Rs.
2,000 and deposit Rs. 4,000. What is your disbursement float ?
Rs. 4,000
+ Rs. 2,000
Rs. 2,000
+ Rs. 4,000
Suppose you have Rs. 70 in stock A and Rs. 120 in another stock B in your
portfolio. Stock A has an expected return of 25% and stock B has an
expected return of 20%. What will be the portfolio expected return ?
The dollar returns are the sum of the cash received and the change
in dollar value of the asset
The MC Inc. purchased a share of common stock exactly one year ago for Rs.
45. During the past year the common stock paid an annual dividend of Rs. 2.40.
The firm sold the stock today for Rs. 80. What is the rate of return the firm has
What w ill be the cash inflow if w e have sales of Rs. 400,000 and accou
nts receivable are increased by Rs. 70,000?
Rs. 70,000
Rs. 230,000
Rs. 330,000
Rs. 470,000
What will be the cash inflow if we have sales of Rs. 300,000 and
accounts receivable are decreased by Rs. 70,000?
Rs. 70,000
Rs. 230,000
Rs. 370,000
Rs. 470,000
Su p pose a firm borrow s Rs. 800,000 at 7%. What w ill be the total interest bill p
er year if tax rate is 34% ?
Rs. 19,040
Rs. 36,960
Rs. 56,000
Rs. 800,000
Which one of the following motives refers to the need for holding cash as a
safety margin to act as a financial reserve?
Speculative motive
Transaction motive
Precautionary motive
Personal motive
Su p pose m arket valu e exceed s book valu e by Rs. 225,000. What w ill be the
after-tax proceeds if there is a tax rate of 34 percent?
Rs. 105,600
Rs. 148,500
Rs. 191,000
Rs. 225,000
Su p pose you have bou ght 100 shares of a corporation one year ago at Rs. 18 per
share. Over the last year, you have received a d ivid end of Rs. 2 p er share. At
the end of the year, the stock sells for Rs. 27. As p er given inform ation, w hat w
ill be the capital gains yield?
SN T Com pany p u rchased a vehicle for Rs. 450,000. Based on historical averages,
this vehicle is w orth 25% of the p u rchase price now and it is being sold at this
p rice. What is the vehicle s m arket valu e ?
Rs. 14,875
Rs. 112,500
Rs. 337,500
Rs. 230,000
Stand ard d eviations for Investm ent A and Investm ent B are 19% and
28% respectively. This indicates that:
Financial leverage refers to the extent to which a firm relies on the debt.
Financial leverage must affect the overall cost of capital in any condition.
Suppose there is an expected rate of 20%. What will be the risk premium if
risk free rate is (i) 8% and (ii) 12% ?
Match the capital budgeting techniques are given in Column A to the criteria
in Column B. Provide the correct answer in Column C.
Calculate the NPV and PI for both projects. If both projects are
mutually exclusive then which project should be chosen and why?