3PS MC 002 - 01

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Bechtel France S.A.S.


Jamnagar Export Refinery Project



(Previously issued as 22960-3PS-MC-002)

Centrifugal/Axial Compressors

1 16-Dec-05 Issued for Design DRH JC DH

0 28-Oct-05 Issued for Approval DH PW DH

Rev Date Revision By Chkd Appr Client

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1. General..................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Codes, Regulations and Standards............................................................................................ 3

3. Selection of ‘Bought-Out’ Items and the Use of Sub Sellers.....................................................4

4. SELLER’s Experience Qualifications....................................................................................... 4

5. Precedence................................................................................................................................ 5

6. Design...................................................................................................................................... 5

7. Inspection and Certification.................................................................................................... 20

8. General................................................................................................................................... 24

9. Painting and Coating............................................................................................................... 25

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1. General
The purpose of this Specification is to define the minimum requirements for the design,
fabrication and testing of centrifugal compressors, drivers, and auxiliary equipment supplied in
accordance with API Standard 617, Seventh Edition, 2002 - "Axial and Centrifugal
Compressors and Expander – Compressors for the Petroleum, Chemical and as Industry
Services," as modified by this specification. It is also intended that the specification shall
cover FCC axial air compressors. The paragraph numbering of this specification follows API
Standard 617, and each of the paragraphs denotes an addition, decision, or modification to the
API Standard 617 requirement. New paragraphs will be labelled "New".

Compliance with this specification does not relieve SELLER from meeting the requirements of
BUYER or his nominated representative when stipulated in the material requisition.

It is incumbent on SELLER to comply with all legislation applicable to the project in which
this specification is applied.

The chapters and paragraph numbers of this specification refer to the same paragraph as API
617, which shall be modified and appended as indicated. Paragraphs of API 617 not
referenced in this specification shall apply as written.

Throughout this document, the terms BUYER and SELLER are synonymous to the terms
PURCHASER and VENDOR respectively.

Any relevant Process Licensor requirements are to be in accordance with the relevant Project
Specifications as referenced in the material requisition.

2. Codes, Regulations and Standards

In addition to the specifications referred to in the material requisition the following
specifications together with codes, standards, specifications, drawings and documents referred
to therein shall apply:

1. API 617 Seventh Edition, 2002 Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and Expander
Compressors for the Petroleum, Chemical and as Industry Services,"

2. ASME PTC 10 Compressors and Exhausters - Power Test Codes

3. MSS SP - 55 Visual Acceptance levels for castings

4. BS 5493 Code of Practice for Protective coating of iron and steel

structures against corrosion

5. BS 3900 Methods of test for Paints

6. BS EN 10204 Materials Testing Certificate

7. IEC 60364-1 Electrical Installations of Building

8. ISO 10474 Steel & Steel Products, inspection documents

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It is SELLER’s responsibility to obtain all specifications and standards referred to in this

document, and familiarise himself with the requirements contained therein.

3. Selection of ‘Bought-Out’ Items and the Use of Sub Sellers

Details of, and the proposed Sub-SELLERS of all items which are not part of SELLER’s own
manufacture, and any intent to use others to partly or wholly manufacture any part of the
equipment or its ancillaries shall be disclosed to BUYER in SELLER’S bid.

This requirement does not apply to standard fasteners and bulk items such as pipe and pipe

Alternatively, BUYER may, at any time prior to award, nominate sub SELLERs from whom
certain items shall be obtained. SELLER shall advise prior to issue of purchase order the
consequences of any such nominations. SELLER as minimum shall advise manufacturer of
seals, motors, vibration monitoring equipment and load coupling.

After the placement of the order, SELLER shall not substitute any of the agreed sub-Suppliers
without BUYER’s prior approval.

Where BUYER nominates sub-SELLERs for bought out items, BUYER reserves the right to
hold direct technical discussions with the said sub-SELLERs to ensure that the whole
equipment as supplied by the SELLER meets all the requirements of the material requisition.

BUYER shall provide SELLER with minutes of such discussions for review and acceptance.

The provisions of the clause 3 shall not relieve SELLER of his contractual responsibilities for
engineering and quality control.

4. SELLER’s Experience Qualifications

Unless specifically noted in the SELLER’s proposal and approved by BUYER, all
equipment shall be supplied by SELLER’s qualified by experience in designing and
manufacturing the equipment proposed. To qualify, SELLER must have manufactured (at
the proposed point of manufacture) at least two comparable units. These units must have
been in service for at least two years each and must be performing satisfactorily.

If SELLER cannot show experience with two comparable units, SELLER may be able to
satisfy the qualification requirement on an individual component and service basis. Experience
may be spread through several operating units. To qualify, each of the reference units must
have been in service for at least two years and be operating satisfactorily.

Proposals which are based on SELLER qualification on a component basis must be very
clearly noted in the proposal document and accompanied with data to demonstrate experience
in critical areas. Critical areas which must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of BUYER may
include, but are not limited to : service conditions (such as pressures, temperatures, capacity,
power, speed, and type of gas handled, head per stage, efficiency) and design (such as sealing
system, bearing system design and loading, bearing spans, number of stages and staging
arrangement, Mach Number (Machine Mach Number and Inlet relative Mach Number),
impeller flow coefficients casing size and design, rotor dynamics, log dec, shaft diameter at

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impellers and bearings, impeller design, discharge volute type, stage performance, material
selection, and power transmission components).

SELLER shall propose impellers having a minimum of 2 years of successful proven experience
in similar service. An experience list for each impeller shall be provided in the SELLER’s
proposal. The listing must include all of the following design parameters: impeller diameter,
tip speed, molecular weight, operating speed, flow coefficient, head coefficient, and mach
numbers. SELLER should provide information (tabulation or scatter diagram) as to inlet
relative Mach number and flow coefficients for impellers supplied in the past comparing the
offered impellers.

SELLER shall document required Qualification Experience in his proposal by submittal of

"Technical Data Experience Comparison Summary Sheets" comparing all key technical design
details of the proposed design against two qualified comparable units.

5. Precedence
In the event of conflict, actual or implied, among documents relating to an enquiry or order,
the following order of precedence shall govern:-

 Material requisition for quotation or purchase order and variations thereto

 Data sheets and drawings
 This specification
 API Standard 617, Seventh Edition 2002.
 Other specifications and standards referenced in this specification
 Other national and international standards

6. Design
6.1. General

All centrifugal compressors, (and axial compressors as applicable), drivers and all ancillaries
shall conform to the requirements of API Standard 617, 7th edition, July 2002, as amended by
the comments in Section 6.2

6.2. Comments On API 617, 7th edition.

Following are the additions, decisions and modifications to the corresponding

paragraph numbers of API 617, seventh edition. As the seventh edition is
structured in several chapters, only chapters that apply to centrifugal and axial flow
compressors ( between the bearing designs) are focused on here. These chapters

 Chapter 1- General Requirements

 Chapter 2- Centrifugal and Axial Flow Compressors

Comments are not provided herein for Integrally Geared Compressors and
Expander - Compressors.

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Any bullet paragraph not addressed in this specification will either be covered in
the compressor data sheet or deemed to be not required if referred to in the API as
'when specified'.

6.3. API 617 Chapter 1 – General Requirements

API 617 Chapter 1 Paragraph Number

1.0 Section 1 - General

1.5 Definition of Terms (Addition)

1.5.55 (New) - "Addition" adds the requirement following this term to the
referenced API Standard requirement. An addition does not change
the API Standards requirement.

1.5.56 (New) - "Modification" changes the API Standard requirement to that

which follows the term. All parts of the API Standard requirement
which are not addressed remain applicable.

1.5.57 (New) - "Decision" provides direction for choices which are specified
by the API Standard paragraph. Parts of bulleted paragraphs which do
not require decisions are fully applicable.

1.5.58 (New) - "Clarification" indicates BUYER’S interpretation of clauses

in the API Standard.

1.5.59. (New) - "Pressure rise to surge" is the absolute discharge pressure at

the flow corresponding to the surge point for the 100 percent speed
and inlet conditions minus the absolute discharge pressure at the
compressor rated point.

1.5.60 (New) - Inlet Relative Mach Number

The Inlet Relative Mach Number is defined as Mr = W1 / C1, where
W1 is the relative gas velocity at the inlet to the outer edge of the
inducer, and C1 = acoustical speed at inlet conditions. SELER to
confirm basis of Inlet Relative Mach Number stated and provide full
details if different from above.

1.5.61 (New) - Peripheral Mach Number

Peripheral Mach Number is defined as Mu = U2 / C11, where U2 is
the peripheral impeller speed at the outlet. C11 = acoustical speed at
inlet conditions.

1.6 Normative References

1.6.5 (Decision) - SELLER shall comply with applicable Federal, State or

Local codes, regulations ordinances, and rules. Unless defined
otherwise these shall be those applying to the country or state where
the equipment is to be installed.

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2.0 Section 2 – Basic Design

2.1 General

2.1.2 (Addition) - The word auxiliaries, shown in parenthesis, shall be read

as auxiliaries and accessories. (As defined in section 3 of API 617).
Furthermore, the compressor and its auxiliaries shall be suitable for
periods of idleness of several months duration under the specified site
conditions, without requiring any special maintenance procedures.

2.1.3 (New) - Unit Responsibility

SELLER shall have unit responsibility for all equipment unless

otherwise stated. Unit responsibility means being responsible for the
entire equipment train including but not limited to the following:-

 Obtaining and transmitting all required driver, gear, coupling and

auxiliary equipment data to BUYER.

 Preparing the combined equipment outline drawings, combined flow

schematic drawings, combined wiring diagrams, and combined
connection diagrams for the entire train.

 Performing torsional analysis of the entire train and co-ordinating any

changes required.

 Performing lateral critical speed analysis of the compressor and other

train components and co-ordinating any required changes.

 Compressor train layout, baseplate design, and foundation/grouting


 Compressor train vibration and bearing temperature sensor

component selection and co-ordination of all units in the train
including driver and gearbox.

 Coupling selection, rating and fit.

 Co-ordinating all physical and performance interfacing required to

meet applicable specifications.

 Co-ordinating mounting/testing requirements. If the train components

are to be mounted at the SELLER’s facility or are to be used during
SELLER’s testing the SELLER shall be responsible for the co-
ordination of and the expense of shipping between the component
manufacturer's facility and SELLER assembly or testing facility.
SELLER with unit responsibility shall also be responsible for the
shipment of equipment back to the original manufacturing facility for
all components which are discovered in the course of testing to be

2.1.6 (Clarification) - All piping services within the baseplate limits should be
fully manifolded (where suitable and terminated at the baseplate edge in
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flanged connections. SELLER shall provide within the baseplate limits

all necessary controls, non return and isolating valves. For compressors
with bottom connections: All lube, seal and control oil piping shall exit
the compressor area through the baseplates, where practical. Piping and
auxiliaries shall preferably not run over or above the top half of a
horizontal split case, bearing brackets or coupling guard. For
compressors with gas seals: Piping between gas seal panel and
compressor shall be overhead with sufficient headroom

2.1.9 (Clarification) - SELLER’s proposal shall state clearly how the

specified sound level limits will be met.

2.1.13 (Decision) – The SELLER shall review and comment in the piping
arrangements. The SELLER representative maybe asked to field
check the equipment for proper installation.

(Decision) – Existing clause shall be replaced by following.

SELLER’s representative shall check initial installation and perform
activities as per API 617 subparagraphs a,b,c.

2.1.17 (Addition) – If air operation is specified in the data/requisition sheets,

the manufacturer shall state in the proposal whether the compressor is
capable of operation on air without significant modifications and what
constraints apply for this operational mode.

2.2 Materials (Addition) - SELLER’s proposal shall list all inspection and tests
(hydrostatic, X-ray, ultrasonic, magnaflux, etc.) that will be carried
out on proposed major compressor components (casing, impellers,
shafts, forging, shaft rough machined forging, assembled rotor, etc.)
SELLER shall not refer BUYER to other SELLER documents for this
basic information. Tests at both component sub-supplier location and
at SELLER’s shop shall both be indicated.

2.3 Casings (Addition) - A rotor bundle removal system shall be provided, for

radially split casings.

(Addition) – For radially split casings shear ring design is preferred.

Where bolted covers are offered they shall be designed to allow the
use of hydraulic bolt tensioning device which shall be provided as part
of the SELLER’s special tool. A rotor bundle system shall be
provided, for radially split casings. (Addition) - Weld procedures, shall be submitted for review and

approval. (Modification) - Last sentence to read as follows:

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Repair procedures and repair weld procedures shall be submitted for

BUYER’s review and approval prior to initiating any repairs. (Clarification) - All internal cavities in the casing shall be individually

drained terminating in a block valve at the skid edge.

(Addition) – Each compressor casing drain shall be flanged, valved

and manifolded to a single drain at the edge of the baseplate.
Individual stage drains on radial split casings shall be provided only
when specified on the datasheet. Casing drain shall be accessible
from the compressor platform. (New) - Bolt holes on all flanges shall be fully back or spot faced. (Decision) - When connections other than those covered by ANSI,

API, ASME, or MSS standards are approved, SELLER shall supply
all mating flanges, studs, and nuts. (Modification) – Each pipe nipple shall be provided with a weld neck
or slip on flange. (Addition) - Plugs that do not require removal for inspection or

maintenance shall be seal welded.

2.3.4 (Modification of last sentence) - For each main process nozzle, the
manufacturer shall furnish in the tabular format the following data. A)
The maximum allowable forces and moments and combinations
thereof for satisfactory continuous operation. B) The maximum
allowable forces and moments and combinations thereof under
transient conditions such as start up and (emergency) shutdown. C)
Expected nozzle moments due to thermal expansion between the cod
static and normal full load operating conditions. D) Any expected
movement in addition to the above as a result of transient conditions.

2.5 Rotating Elements (See Chapter 2 for additional requirements)

2.5.5 (Modification) - Replaceable thrust disks shall be hydraulically


2.5.8 (Addition) - The minimum operating temperature while running shall

be taken into account in the design of the shaft - sleeve - impeller.
Shrink shall be maintained and the stress shall be within the allowable
at the expected temperature range. If specified, SELLER shall submit
supporting calculations to BUYER for approval.

2.5.9 (Modification) - The SELLER's proposal shall identify compressor

designs that do not require a balance drum and shall supply sufficient
detail to demonstrate that a balance drum is not needed. (New) - The following repair techniques shall be prohibited:

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a) Straightening of shafts

b) Rectification of machining errors by the application of metal

coatings such as hard chrome plate

Repairs to shafts, shaft sleeves, impellers and balance drums by

metal coating are not acceptable.

2.6 Dynamics (Addition) – Sources of excitation shall also include two times

electrical power line frequency for units having electric motor drives. (New) - SELLER shall jointly with the drive manufacturer, establish
the maximum transient torques that will occur in the shafting system
under start-up, running, fault, and critical speed conditions. All
components including the coupling, and the fit of the coupling hub on
the shaft, shall be suitable for at least 175% of this maximum
transient torque figure.

Motor driven trains shall be designed to withstand, 3 phase short

circuit torques, and re-acceleration torques.

Shear pin couplings shall not be used without BUYER’s specific


2.7 Bearings and Bearing Housings

2.7.1 (Clarification) – Radial bearings shall be of the tilting pad type

and split for ease of assembly and removal. SELLER shall
advise capabilities and limitations for reverse rotation. SELLER
shall advise capabilities and limitations of the thrust bearing
design considering reverse rotation and load carrying capacity. (Decision) - Each bearing temperature detector shall be dual-element,

100 ohm platinum RTD. Each bearing RTD shall have a local

2.8 Shaft End Seals (Clarification) - In the absence of specified settle out conditions the

compressor and seal support system shall be suitable for the average
of the highest specified discharge pressure and the corresponding
specified suction pressure. [Settle out pressures for Refrigeration
compressors are to be based on the pressure developed by evaporation
at the highest ambient or solar temperature specified]. (New) - All seals except labyrinth type shall have shaft sleeves.

2.8.3 (Addition) – for all process gases, dry gas seals are preferred.
SELLER shall offer, based on application, tandem or double seals.
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SELLER shall include in his proposal a reference list showing his

proven experience with dry gas seals and separate reference list from
the seal manufacturer both showing the experience in similar
applications, for design criteria see API 617, paragraph 2.1.2. a) (Clarification) - When dry gas seals are specified the dry gas shaft
seal and entire sealing system shall be suitable for the following
range of operating conditions:
 As specified on Data Sheet.

 Shaft at rest with casing pressure equal to settle out pressure as

shown on Data Sheet.

 Acceleration and deceleration

 Low pressure operation.

 Reverse rotation.

b) Shaft seals shall be of the self-acting dry gas seal type. Unless
otherwise specified, for toxic or inflammable gases tandem
arrangement is required consisting of a primary seal and a
secondary seal with intermediate labyrinth per API 614 Fig 4A-2.

A seal gas system complete with all necessary filters, pressure

control and instrumentation shall be supplied for primary,
secondary and separation seal gas.

Dual seal gas filters are required complete with change over
valves, vent valves drains, and instrumentation, to monitor and
allow maintenance during continuous operation. All piping and
fittings downstream of the filters shall be stainless steel.

Instrumentation shall be supplied to monitor seal performance and

provide remote indication in the event of seal failure.

A purged separation labyrinth or carbon seal ring shall be

provided between the secondary seal and the bearing. The vent
purge is to be vented to atmosphere and alarm and shutdown shall
be provided to detect seal failure or excess gas leakage. Purge
media shall be agreed between BUYER and SELLER.

c) The gas leakage from the primary gas seal and the secondary seal
shall be stated and guaranteed with the deviation to be expected
between as new and worn status.

Static and Dynamic factory tests at the seal manufacturer's facility

are required to demonstrate the correct design and manufacture of
the seals and that guaranteed leakage values have not been

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d) Process gas shall be filtered and used as primary seal gas, if

suitable. Provision shall be made for primary seal gas from
external source for conditions where seal gas cannot be sourced
from process gas. (Addition) - The seals shall also be pressurised where starting could
cause the suction pressure to dip below atmospheric pressure.

3.0 Section 3 - Accessories

3.1 Drivers

3.1.1 (Addition) – Power rating is required to cover variation in local grid

supply frequency (50Hz +/- 2.5Hz). Refer to para 9.10 of Basic
Engineering Design Data 25194-3PS-GAB-001.

3.1.3 (Clarification) - The compressor/driver train shall be capable of

starting when pressurised to suction pressure and/or settle out
conditions with the recycle valve open. The thrust bearing shall be
capable of withstanding any transient loadings occurring during start-

3.1.5 (Substitution) – Motors for auxiliary equipment shall be suitable for

the area, classification and grouping specified on the datasheets and
meet the requirements of the project specification for electrical
induction motors.

3.1.7 (Addition) - Unless otherwise agreed upon, Gas turbine drivers shall
have a power margin of at least 7% between the gas turbine site rated
power and driven load maximum power requirements at the gas
turbine output shaft including SELLER +4% guarantee tolerance.
(i.e. 11% total).

3.1.9 (New) - Motors for auxiliary equipment shall be suitable for the area,
classification and grouping specified on the data sheets and meet the
requirements of the project specification for electrical induction

3.2 Couplings and Guards

3.2.2 (Addition) - Dry diaphragm or flexible element type load couplings

are required between gearbox and compressor and between adjacent
compressors. Coupling hubs shall be hydraulically fitted keyless hubs
where removable hubs are required for maintenance purposes.
Heating of hubs for installation/removal is specifically prohibited.
Supply of gear type couplings requires BUYER specific agreement.
Gearboxes should preferably have flanged shaft ends.

SELLER shall furnish the necessary pump, hoses and fittings,

pressure gauges and any other equipment required for installation and
removal of hydraulically fitted coupling hubs.

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The compressor coupling guard shall be provided with an oil drain line.
The coupling drain shall be led to lube oil return line and shall be
provided with a sight glass.

SELLER shall submit the proposed coupling guard design including

windage and heat balance calculations, together with experience for
review. The coupling guard temperature shall be less than 85 °C
(185F). Designs requiring oil spray cooling shall not be proposed.

For membrane type couplings the axial natural frequency (ANF) shall be
at least 20% away from equipment system excitation frequencies. The
coupling SELLER shall determine the “ANF” by shaker test.

3.3 Mounting Plates (Addition) - All components directly connected to the compressor,

such as gear reducers and drivers, shall be provided with a minimum
¼ inch (6.3 millimetres) stack of stainless steel shims (not laminated
shim stock) between their supports and the top of the baseplate or
soleplate to facilitate field alignment.

3.6 Special Tools

3.6.1 (Addition) - The following shall be supplied as a part of special tools:

a) Hydraulic pumps and adapters for hydraulic fit couplings.

b) Cradles or guide rails for disassemble of the inner casing for barrel

The SELLER shall supply a cradle and other special tools to facilitate
removal and replacement of barrel compressor, inner casing. The job
cradle and special tools shall be used during factory assembly to
insure proper fit-up and operation. Lifting equipment shall be
certified in accordance with a recognized certification authority
standard procedure.

4.0 Section 4 - Inspection, Testing, and Preparation for Shipment

4.1 General

4.1.1 (Addition) - SELLER shall provide listing (in bid and after Contract
award) of all major compressor sub-components (casing, shaft
forging, impeller, forgings, etc.) and Sub-Supplier, to which SELLER
will send his QC Inspectors. SELLER shall specifically detail what
quality control checks will be carried out.

SELLER shall provide listing of sub-suppliers (in Bid and after

Contract Award) of all major compressor sub-components (casing,
shaft forging, impeller forgings, etc.) Any proposed new Sub-
SELLER's shall be identified.

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SELLER shall provide at least 5 working days notice to BUYER for

any hydrostatic, mechanical or performance test. This amount of
notice shall also be given for the date when equipment will be ready
for final inspection prior to shipment.

SELLER shall provide test results from the preliminary test to

BUYER at the time of the witness test notification so BUYER can be
sure the equipment is ready for witness test.

4.2 Inspection

4.2.1 (Addition) BUYER’s right of inspection shall not take the place of
the required testing based on the material specifications quoted by
SELLER, nor shall they relieve SELLER of any responsibility for any
testing which should be done as a result of design requirements.

Prior to final compressor assembly and closure and during internal

clearances check, “Proof of Correct Build” check sheet shall be
completed by SELLER and submitted to BUYER’s Inspector for
review and sign-off. SELLER shall submit “Proof of Correct Build”
check sheet, as part of BUYER’s Data and Drawings requirements,
for review. SELLER’s check sheet shall contain, as a minimum (but
not be limited to):

(a) Internal critical dimensions have been verified (i.e.,

discharge diffuser width, etc.)

(b) Internal critical drillings have been completed and verified

dimensionally correct (i.e., balance piston, etc.)

(c) Dry Gas Seal anti-rotation tabs have been correctly set, etc. (Decision) - A final cleanliness inspection shall be performed on all

the compressor piping and all appurtenances furnished by the
SELLER. (Decision) - Hardness verification shall be required whenever

hardness limitations are specified or whenever process gas
components have been specified which would require limited
hardness materials to prevent stress corrosion cracking.

4.3 Testing (See Chapter 2 for additional requirements) (Clarification) - Plots showing synchronous vibration amplitude and

phase angle versus speed for acceleration and deceleration shall be
made before and after the 4 hour run. These shall be Raster (waterfall)
type plots. Plots shall be made of both the filtered (once per
revolution) and unfiltered vibration levels. The speed range covered
by these plots shall be zero to the specified driver trip speed. (Decision) - Tape recordings or collection of data on CD shall be

done by the SELLER and be provided to the BUYER.

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Jamnagar Export Refinery Project (Addition) - Secondary seal leakage shall be measured during 4-hour

mechanical running test. The measurement is to ensure that flow
exists in the leakage path. (Decision) - The lube oil and seal oil inlet pressures
and temperatures shall be varied through the range permitted in
the compressor operating range. (Decision) - Dry gas shaft end seals shall not be removed for
inspection after a successful mechanical running test. If the test is not
successful, BUYER’s Inspector shall be present for the disassembly
and inspection of all dry gas shaft end seals openings / inspections.

SELLER shall return problem related seals to seal manufacturer for

inspection/testing. A written report shall be made with references to
cause of problem(s), corrective action(s), and included as a part of the
seal mechanical running test report. (Addition) – For variable speed compressors the slope of the surge
line shall be verified by measuring the head and flow at the surge
point at 70% and 105% of rated speed. (Decision) - Compressors in hydrogen rich gas service shall be

leakage tested with helium in accordance with this requirement. (Decision) - For compressors with discharge pressures of over 200

Bar(g) SELLER shall demonstrate their ability to carry out full
pressure, full speed, full power testing with gas having characteristics
similar to that specified. This requirement does not apply to
compressors in low molecular weight duties. (New) - Compressor Seals and spare compressor seals shall be tested
in a rig at the seal manufacturer to the maximum operating conditions
of temperature, pressure and speed (including overspeed).

The tests shall include:

a) Static leakage tests in 10% increments to maximum operating


b) Dynamic leakage tests at maximum continuous speed and 120%

of maximum operating pressure.

c) Depressurisation at the maximum permitted rate from the

conditions in (b) followed by tripping of the driver.

d) Tripping of the driver from overspeed with the seal pressurised to

120% of maximum operating pressure.

e) Depressurisation of the seal at the maximum permitted rate after


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f) Testing of the secondary seal at 120% of maximum operating

pressure and maximum continuous speed and simultaneous
depressurisation of both seals at the maximum permitted rate with
the driver running at maximum continuous speed.

g) After completion of the running tests the static leakage tests shall
be repeated. If the leakage in the tests prior to and after running
are not comparable to within +/- 30% the seals shall be dismantled
for examination and rectification. If dismantling is necessary the
seals shall be retested.

If the leakage rates are comparable the seals should not be dismantled.

4.4 Preparation for Shipment (Modification) - Exterior surfaces, except for machined surfaces, shall

be painted in accordance with BUYER’s Paint Specification.
Painting and coating requirements shall be in accordance with Section
9 of this specification. (Addition) – When specified, spare rotors shall be furnished with and
shipped in Nitrogen- pressurized welded sheet steel containers. The
spare rotor container shall be supplied with a nitrogen pressure
maintenance system that maintains nitrogen pressure for the duration
of transit to its final destination. Spare rotor container drawings shall
be submitted, after contract award, as part of regular BUYER’s Data
and Drawings Requirements. Container shall be supplied with a
pressure gauge. (Addition) - SELLER’s proposal shall include a listing of main

proposed shipped-loose items, including instrumentation and valves,
etc. A detailed listing of all items shall be submitted, for BUYER’s
review after contract award, as part of BUYER’s Data and Drawings
Requirements. Interconnecting piping shall be tagged and identified on
a drawing for field installation. SELLER shall also designate which
loose-shipped items are to be installed in BUYER’s equipment or

4.4.7 (New) - Upon “Readiness-of-Shipment” notice giving to BUYER’s

Inspector, SELLER shall:

a) SELLER shall provide BUYER with a copy of SELLER’s internal

inspection “check lists” that demonstrates the unit has been inspected
for compliance with job specifications and for completeness, etc. The
lists shall indicate any open, uncompleted issues that remain (if any).

b) Make available at Final Inspection Site a complete set of

SELLER’s BUYER reviewed final drawings for BUYER’s
Inspector’s use.

5.0 Section 5 - Vendor’s Data

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5.2 Proposals

5.2.1 (Addition) - SELLER’s proposal shall include a concise description

of the following:

a. All compressor components proposed.

b. If the driver is a gas turbine, Power Tabulations are required for

each condition and ambient temperature. Include Turbine site
power available as well as the compressor power with all margins

c. Identify any prototype components proposed.

d. All compressor components or application of compressor

components at, near, or outside SELLER’s standard demonstrable
engineering standards / guidelines.

5.2.3.w (New) - SELLER shall include a listing (in their proposal of major
sub-component manufacturers proposed (i.e., lube oil pump, motors,
instrumentation, valves, junction boxes, etc.). The listing shall also
be submitted for BUYER’s review after contract award as part of
BUYER’s Data and Drawings requirements.

5.2.3.x (New) - SELLER shall clearly state the specific locations/plants

where manufacture and testing of major components are planned
including where such items such as high speed balancing will be

5.3 Contract Data (Addition) - Compressor and driver service manuals shall, prior to

shipment, be reviewed by SELLER’s Contract Engineer.

Compressors and Driver Operating and Maintenance Manuals shall

have at the beginning a listing of compressor and driver rotor serial
numbers. This listing shall denote serial number of separately
shipped rotors (“spare” rotors) and it shall denote which rotor (if any)
has been performance tested. Serial numbers shall be cross-
referenced with the equipment numbers of machines in which they
were shipped. (New) - A Certification Manual shall be prepared containing, as a

minimum (but not limited to):

a. Material certification

b. Approved weld procedures

c. NDT reports

d. Mechanical Running Test Report

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e. Performance Test Reports (if any)

f. Specification waivers

Certification Manuals proposed index shall be submitted for review as

part of BUYER’s Data and Drawings Requirements.

Upon completion and prior to shipment, Certification Manuals shall

be presented to BUYER’s inspector for verification of completeness.
Certification manuals shall have been reviewed by SELLER’s
Contract Engineer to ensure correctness (namely, contents matching
index) and shall be signed accordingly.

6.4. API 617 Chapter 2 – Centrifugal and Axial Compressors

API 617 Chapter 2 Paragraph Number

2.0 Section 2 – Basic Design

2.1 General

2.1.1 (Addition) - Compressors shall be capable of withstanding surge and

all conditions stated in the data sheets, e.g. the requirement for 'on
line' washing. The stability range shall extend to 110 percent of the
flow at the rated point.

2.3 Casings (Addition) - The maximum allowable working pressure of the casing

shall also be suitable for the discharge pressure at surge at maximum
specified inlet pressure. (Addition) - Any special casing closure designs (to ensure casing
horizontal – joint tightness) shall be described in SELLER’s bid. (Addition) - For radially split casings a shear ring design is preferred.
Where bolted covers are offered they shall be designed to allow the
use of hydraulic bolt tensioning devices which shall be provided as
part of the SELLER’s special tools. (Modification) - First sentence to read as follows:

The compressor and its mountings shall be designed to withstand

external forces and moments on each nozzle equal to a minimum of
three (3) times the values calculated in accordance with NEMA SM
23. BUYER will provide (upon request) actual forces and moments
acting on compressor nozzle.

2.4 Guide Vanes, Stators, and Stationary Internals

2.4.8 (Addition) - Diaphragm design shall provide for positive locking to

prevent rotation in the housing.

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2.5 Rotating Elements (Decision) - A differential pressure gauge and transmitter with block

and bleed valves, shall be provided to indicate the pressure difference
between the balance chamber pressure and inlet pressure.

2.7 Bearings and Bearing Housings (Clarification) - Radial bearings shall be of the tilting pad type.

SELLER shall advise capabilities and limitations for reverse rotation. (New) - Radial and thrust bearings shall be capable of withstanding

reverse rotation for a short period of time without damage. (Addition) - SELLER shall advise capabilities and limitations of the

thrust bearing design considering reverse rotation and load carrying
capacity. (Addition) – Unless otherwise agreed, a separate thrust bearing shall

be used for each compressor rotor.

3.0 Section 3 - Accessories

3.4 Controls and Instrumentation

3.4.7 (Modification) - Vibration, Position, and Bearing Temperature

Detectors, and Monitors, as specified on the data sheets, shall be
supplied, installed, and calibrated in accordance with API Standard
670. (New) - Each Proximity probe holder shall be shouldered so that the
proximity probe location is maintained when the proximity probe
holder is removed and re-installed. The Proximity probe holder shall
be mechanically locked to the bearing housing and the Proximity
probe shall be mechanically locked to the holder to prevent loosening
in service. (New) - Leads from the Proximity probes shall be designed and
installed to eliminate noise pickup and signal deterioration and shall
be brought out to terminal boxes mounted on the skid edge. All
wiring shall be armoured cables with cable gland provided in each
terminal. Each Proximity probe shall be completed with an individual
oscillator-demodulator mounted in a terminal box. (New) – Provision shall be provided for the installation of key

phasors. (Clarification) - All piping services within the baseplate limits should
be fully manifolded (where suitable) and terminated at the baseplate
edge in flanged connections. SELLER shall provide within the
baseplate limits all necessary control, non-return and isolating valves.
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4.0 Section 4 – Inspection, Testing, and Preparation for Shipment

4.3 Testing (Addition) - For variable speed compressors the slope of the surge
line shall be verified by measuring the head and flow at the surge
point at maximum continuous speed and at 90% speed.

(Addition) - In evaluation of performance test results, the Reynolds

number correction shall be in accordance with ASME PTC 10, 1997
(Appendix F). (Addition) - Axial position shall be monitored throughout the test. (Modification) - Second sentence to read as follows:

As a minimum, these sweeps shall cover a frequency range from zero to 8 times the maximum
continuous speed.

7. Inspection and Certification

SELLER may submit an alternative inspection programme for review and approval at the bid
stage. The submittal should address all the issues referred to in this section.

7.1. Inspection Class

For the purpose of inspection and certification, compressors are categorised into
four classes (I, II, III & IV).

The inspection class for the compressor shall be determined in accordance with the
maximum discharge pressure and the temperature relationship as shown in the

Maximum discharge pressure shall be defined as: absolute discharge pressure at the
flow corresponding to the surge point for the maximum continuous speed and most
severe inlet conditions as defined on the data sheet.

The temperature used in the table shall be defined by consideration of the

maximum / minimum design temperature and selection of that temperature which
corresponds with the more severe inspection class.

Once the inspection class has been identified, the extent of inspection and NDE
shall be given as in Section 7.2. The certification level shall be given in Section

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7.2. Extent of Inspection and NDE

Having determined the inspection class, the material inspection requirements are
given in Table 1 and in the accompanying notes. Type of inspection shall be
determined by inspection class and fabrication process.

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Fabrication Duty Inspection Class

Process I II III IV

Cast Casing MPI / DPI MPI / DPI MPI / DPI Visual

+ RT inspection
(Note 2) Machined
(Note 2) surfaces only

Wrought Casing MPI / DPI MPI / DPI Visual Visual

+ RT/UT inspection inspection
(Seam welds

Nozzle Pressure MPI / DPI MPI/DPI Visual Visual

attachment retaining + RT / UT inspection
weld inspection

Butt weld Pressure MPI / DPI MPI / DPI Visual Visual

retaining + RT/UT inspection inspection

Fillet weld Pressurised MPI / DPI MPI / DPI Visual Visual

component inspection inspection

All Internals Visual Visual Visual Visual

inspection inspection inspection inspection


Notes (for Table 1)

1. 'Wrought' includes all forgings, plates and tubulars.

2. MPI / DPI of casings to include all exterior and accessible interior surfaces,
including machined surfaces.

3. Radiography of cast casings refers to critical areas, defined as areas of highest

stress, abrupt changes in section, weld ends and at risers gates or feeders.
SELLER is to submit, for BUYER approval, details of the critical areas
proposed to receive RT.

4. NDE of welds defined in Table 1 above to be 100% of all welds.

5. Pressure retaining refers to process fluids.

7.3. Inspection Procedure and Sequence

Surfaces of all castings shall be suitably cleaned by chipping or blasting prior to


All castings shall be visually examined and proven free from sand, scale, cracks,
tears, voids and other harmful defects. Visual acceptance levels shall be as
specified in MSS-SP-55.
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NDE procedures and acceptance criteria (RT, UT, DPI, MPI) shall be in
accordance with the following:

In accordance with ASTM E94.
Acceptance to ASME code, Section VIII, UW-52 for welded fabrications and
ASME code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 7 for castings.

Ultrasonic Inspection (UT)

In accordance with ASME code, Section V, Article 5.
Acceptance to ASME code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 12 for welded
fabrications and ASME code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 7 for castings.

Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI)

In accordance with ASTM E 709.
Acceptance to ASME code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 6 for welded
fabrications and for castings, ASTM E 125 using photographic comparison with
defects not exceeding the following severity level.


I Linear Discontinuities 1
II Shrinkage 2
III Inclusions 2
IV Chills and Chaplets 1
V Porosity 1
VI Welds 1

Liquid Penetration Inspection (DPI)

In accordance with ASME code, Section V, Article 6.

Acceptable to ASME code, Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 8 for welded
fabrications and Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix 7 for castings.

MPI shall be used for ferrite materials utilising the wet method. Dry powder shall
not be used. Permanent magnets shall not be used.

MPI / DPI for acceptance shall be performed in the final machined condition.

All NDE shall be performed in the final heat treated condition (not necessarily
after stress relieving) unless agreed otherwise by BUYER.

7.4. Welding & Repair

Welding procedures for both fabrication and casting repairs shall comply with the
requirements of specification 25194-3PS-GAW-001 'vendor welding procedure
approval and welding quality requirements'.

Procedures shall be submitted to BUYER for approval in accordance with the

Schedule stated in the material requisition (MR).

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The repair of any defect found on castings by plugging peening, use of plaster or
cement compound, or impregnation by plastic materials or similar compounds is
prohibited. Repairs to the pressure boundary shall be by welding only.

After major weld repair all cast casings shall be heat treated or stress relieved as
required by the casting specification, however the BUYER reserves the right to
specify solution heat treatment for repairs to austenitic stainless steel where
considered applicable for process or environmental reasons.

All weld repairs shall be re-examined by appropriate method as defined in Section


7.5. Material Certification

Material Certification shall be provided in accordance with Fig. 2 in accordance

with BS EN 10204.

PART Inspection Class

Auxiliary Piping (process & seal 3.1
system inc. all pressure
retaining fittings, valves, etc.)

Impellers/Blading (all)

Pressure bolting 2.2
Shaft Sleeves


8. General
8.1. Utilities and Environmental Data

Utilities available, such as electric power, water, steam, plant air are stated and
their physical properties described in 25194-3PS-GAB-001 Basic Engineering
Design Data.

Environmental data will be as 25194-3PS-GAV-004 Project Environmental


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8.2. General Requirements

Packaging and preservation shall be in accordance with the project requirements as

listed in the material requisition.

8.3. Spares

SELLER shall advise the commissioning and two years operating spares, and
complete the relevant forms as requested in the material requisition.

8.4. Special Tools

Any special tools required for erection, commissioning or maintenance shall be

identified in SELLER bid and supplied with the equipment.

9. Painting and Coating

9.1. Scope

It is the responsibility of SELLER to ensure that all equipment, including sub-

seller equipment is coated to the necessary standards described herein.

9.2. Coating Performance

Equipment shall be supplied coated to withstand the environmental and service

conditions quoted on the data sheets for a minimum period of five years with a
maximum deterioration level of Re 3 per BS 3900 part H3.

9.3. Environmental Conditions

Coating systems shall be based on BS 5493. Coating shall be of a type listed as

suitable under the appropriate part of table 3 for the exposure conditions shown on
the data sheet. Exposure conditions shall be:

BS 5493 table 3

Polluted coastal part 3

9.4. Service Conditions

The selection of coating systems shall account for the anticipated operating
temperature of the coated surfaces. If required high temperature components shall
be coated in accordance with BS 5493 table 3 part 11. Austenitic stainless steel
surfaces at temperatures between 50°C and 200°C which are insulated or are
expected to come into contact at any time with a salt laden atmosphere, and low
temperature equipment and piping which is to be insulated, shall be suitable
protected with a non zinc containing paint.

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9.5. Materials for use over Stainless Steels

The thinners, solvents, cleaning materials and coatings which are to be used in
direct contact with austenitic stainless steels shall meet the following requirements:

 The total halogen content shall be less than 200ppm by weight.

 The total halogen (inorganic and organic) content shall be less than 1% by

 The sulphur content shall not exceed 1% by weight.

 Low melting point metals (lead, bismuth, zinc, mercury, antimony, cadmium
and tin) shall not be intentionally added to the coating material.

9.6. Paint and Coating Procedure

Painting shall be in accordance with specification 25194-3PS-GAW-005

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