Paper Group 3

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Submitted to fulfill one of the assignments in the course Economic English

Composed by: Group 3

Yoana Salsabila (3722085)

Jumnita Sari (3722089)

Rosela Akhrita (3722090)

Irma Ramadhani (3722110)

Sariani ( 3722119 )

Iqbal Rabin Sidik (3722124)

Rayhan Rhaf (3722126)


Sarah Madina, M.Pd




2023 M/ 1445 H


Praise be to Allah Swt thanks to his grace and guidance we can complete the
task of compiling an Economic English paper entitled Business Correspondence,
this preparation consists of several book references and online media. Although
there are still many shortcomings and mistakes due to our limited knowledge of
Business Correspondence. Therefore, we need criticism and suggestions so that
our paper writing becomes even better. Hopefully this paper can be useful for all
of us.

Thank you also to all those who have helped complete this paper and issued
their ideas, so that this paper can be neatly arranged. And thank you also to our
supervisor Mrs. Sarah Madina, M.Pd who has provided support and enthusiasm
in making this paper.

Bukittinggi, 31 Oktober 2023

Group 3


FOREWORD .......................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ii


A. Background .....................................................................................................1
B. Problem formulation .......................................................................................2
C. Objectives .......................................................................................................2


A. Definition of Business Correspondence .........................................................3

B. The Role of Business Correspondence ...........................................................4
C. Parties Involved in Correspondence ...............................................................5
D. Importance of Business Correspondence........................................................5
E. Basics of Correspondence...............................................................................7
F. Correspondence Language..............................................................................7
G. Functions of Business Letters .........................................................................7
H. Letter Grouping ..............................................................................................8
I. Letter Parts ....................................................................................................10


A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................12
B. Suggestions ..................................................................................................12




A. Background
An organization or company must establish a relationship with other
organizations or companies or other companies so that their business activities
can run well and smoothly. In an effort to establish and foster these
relationships 'letters' still play an important role in addition to the use of other
means of communication such as telephones, telephone, and other
communication tools. important role in addition to the use of other means of
communication such as telephone, fax, internet and others. So what is meant by
'business correspondence' is basically a variety of is basically a variety of
information and data exchange activities through the media correspondence in
supporting business activities between a company and other companies. other
A letter is a written communication tool that is useful for conveying
information from one party to another. This information can be in the form of
notices, announcements, statements, requests, requests, reports and so on. so
on. With letters, everyone can directly communicate with each other without
having to meet face to face. with each other without having to meet face to face
first. Letters are an inseparable part of human activity in this modern era. In
this modern era. in economic and social needs for example, humans,
organizations, or companies are encouraged to utilize letters for the smooth
running of their business activities.
Speaking in writing is certainly different from speaking orally. Here the
rules and manners must still be maintained. Because a letter is an 'ambassador'
organization/agency of the sender. Therefore, letter writers and office
administrators must be careful in writing letters so as not to office
administrators must be careful in writing letters so as not to create a bad
impression of their company. Bad impression of the company. Knowledge of
the types and forms of letters is important to know. Because letters are a

commonly used communication tool, letter writers should know: how to write,
symbols and signs used which must be of a nature and agree with the general
so that it is easy to understand the recipient understood by the recipient of the
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the above background, several problems can be found,
1. What is the definition of business correspondence?
2. What is the role of business correspondence?
3. Who are the parties involved in correspondence?
4. What is the importance of business correspondence?
5. What are the basics of correspondence?
6. What is the language of correspondence?
7. What is the function of a business letter?
8. How are letters grouped?
9. What are the parts of a letter?
C. Destination
The objectives of writing this paper are:
1. To know the definition of business correspondence.
2. To identify the role of business correspondence.
3. To identify the parties involved in correspondence.
4. To know the importance of business correspondence.
5. To know the basics of correspondence.
6. To know the language of correspondence.
7. To know the function of a business letter.
8. To know the grouping of letters.
9. To know the parts of a letter.



A. Definition of Business Correspondence

Correspondence comes from the word correspondence (English) or
correspondenti (Dutch) which means the relationship that occurs between
related parties. The relationship between the parties involved in business is
usually official and is carried out by correspondence. Letters are one of the
media in written communication channels used to convey information to other
parties. Information conveyed by mail is usually in the form of notification,
information, statements, orders, requests or reports. Information can be written
or typed on a piece of paper (conventional) or can also be in the form of
electronic mail (e-mail).
In the context of this discussion, the term correspondence is equivalent to
the English term correspondence. The term correspondence in English, which
means correspondence or communication with letters. The Big Indonesian
Dictionary states that correspondence means correspondence (1989: 462).
Correspondence can also be correspondence can also be interpreted as sending
letters. This means that correspondence is communication activities using
letters as a means. People who communicating by using letters are called
correspondents. Based on the information above, it can be said that
correspondence is a type of written communication.1
One type of written communication. Correspondence can take place
between a person and another person, between a person and an agency or vice
versa, between an organization and an organization, and so on. With the
organization, and so on. From the description above, it can be concluded that
correspondence is the communication between a person and another person,
between a person and a agency or vice versa, between a person and an
organization or vice versa. vice versa, between a person and an organization or

Sutrisna Dewi, Komunikasi Bisnis, (Yogyakarta: C.V ANDIOFFSET, 2007), 80

vice versa, between agencies and agencies, between organizations and
organizations, and so on.
Agency, between organizations and organizations, and so on using letters
as a means. Letter as a means. Correspondence activities certainly go through a
process, namely writing, sending, and receiving letters. From the explanation
above, business correspondence is a correspondence activity between one party
and another party, both good and bad. between one party and another party
both individually and institutionally related to the business world. Related to
the business world.
B. The Role of Correspondence
In Business Correspondence or correspondence activities are part of the
daily life of business organizations. Correspondence in business has the
following roles:2
1. Creating good, clear and precise letters In daily life, there are still many
mistakes in letter writing. For example, incomplete sentence structure,
convoluted, incorrect punctuation, irregular grammar and incorrect adoption
of letter forms and models. These errors are caused by:
a. There is no direction and control on how to write a good letter, either in
the family or in the organization.
b. People themselves are too forgiving of mistakes in letter writing. A
chaotic letter can lead to misunderstandings or chaos that will hinder the
flow of information. Correspondence activities are indirectly a learning
process in creating good, clear and precise letters.
2. Creating good cooperation. Companies cannot achieve their goals without
working with other parties. In order to work well together, companies need
to maintain good communication. Other parties will support the creation of
good cooperation.
3. Not everyone in the company automatically knows the activities that occur
within the company or the activities that occur between the company and

Sutrisna Dewi, Komunikasi Bisnis,...86

outside parties. Correspondence plays an important role in disseminating
company activities, both to internal and external parties.
C. Parties Involved in Correspondence
In general, the parties involved in correspondence activities are:3
1. Correspondent, which is the person or party who sends the letter and or who
signs the letter.
2. Editor, which is the person who compiles the letter script.
3. Secretary, which is a person who assists the leader in correspondence
4. Typist, which is a person who helps produce letters.
5. Register, which is a person who carries out administrative activities or
letters administration which includes giving letter numbers, recording
outgoing letters and incoming letters, and handling filing letters (filling
6. Courier, which is the person or party who delivers the letter to the recipient.
D. Importance of Business Correspondence
Several surveys on international business transactions explain that around
80% of export-import business communication & interaction activities are
usually carried out through correspondence (correspondence), especially
through telex, fax and especially through e-mail. While the rest is usually done
through direct face to face negotiation. This means that correspondence plays a
very important role in international trade in general. The results of face to face
negotiations will eventually be formulated and documented in the form of
Because the results of face-to-face meetings of both negotiating parties
will be set out in the form of minutes. The minutes as a written record will
usually be initialed by each negotiating party, as a sign of temporary
agreement. Thus it is clear that even though a transaction is carried out face-to-
face, in the end it will still be formulated in written form, or in the form of
Djoko Purwanto, Komunikasi Bisnis edisi ketiga, (Jakarta:ERLANGGA, 2006), 76
Thomas Bratawidjaja, Korespondensi Bisnis, (Jakarta:PT. Pustaka Binama Presindo,
1992), 71

correspondence documents. So whatever method is used in the transaction
whether through correspondence or face-to-face negotiations, in the end
correspondence will still play the most important role, because without
correspondence either through the media of ordinary mail, telex, facsimile,
email, etc. then a trade transaction, especially export-import, it seems
impossible to be implemented.
1. Correspondence and Favorable Image
In practice, most of our business relations may only know our
company through the letters (brochures, leaflets, price lists) that we have
sent. They do not know us personally or personally. Therefore, the design of
the form and content of the letter starting from the letterhead, the content of
the letter and the language used will be an initial reflection of our company's
existence. The company's image at the initial stage of introduction may only
be represented at a glance by the shape of the envelope cover or letterhead,
therefore the envelope and letterhead design needs to be made with a
graceful and beautiful design that can provide basic information about the
company, especially those that can show the extent of the company's
integrity and bona fides.
2. Correspondence and Reputation (Good Reputation)
If our company has received its first order (first ordertrial order) then
this means that we are starting to enter a very important stage in the life of
the business venture. The first order is a test of the company's bona fides,
and one of the measures that can be used is whether the company can hold
commitments, especially about the right quality and on time.5
3. Correspondence and Trust (Reliability)
A good image arises from a good outward appearance, while a good
reputation will be born from the company's ability to hold the promise of
commitment or in showing good performance. If the company can achieve
the two goals above, customers will automatically trust the company in its

Achmad Zainuddin dan Wahyono, Korespondensi Bisnis Indonesia, (Jakarta: Mitra
Wacana Media, 2007), 23

business transaction activities. The role of correspondence is very important
to be able to support the achievement of these three goals, namely the
achievement of: image, reputation and trust from the company's business
E. Correspondence Basics
Business correspondence is a correspondence activity carried out in the
business world, both in the form of letters, memos, agenda proposals, and
business reports. A letter is a means of written communication delivered by
one party to another using certain media.6 One of the things that distinguishes a
regular letter from a business letter is the purpose of writing it. Letters are
oriented towards business activities as well as the language style used. In its
development, one can write and send a letter with a piece of paper or
electronically (email).
F. Correspondence Language

Business correspondence or business correspondence has its own

language, namely business correspondence language. The characteristics of
business correspondence language are clear, straightforward and interesting
and polite.

1. Clear The definition of clear here is easy to understand and free from the
possibility of misinterpretation. In business correspondence, accuracy in
word choice, sentence integrity and the use of punctuation are required.
2. Straightforward means economical. Economical means economical in using
words, but with a complete scope of meaning.
3. Interesting and Polite Interesting language does not have to be beautiful like
the language used in poetry. Interesting language here is lively and friendly
language, avoiding repetition of words that are boring and able to arouse the
reader's interest.
G. Functions of a Business Letter

Achmad Zainuddin dan Wahyono, Korespondensi Bisnis Indonesia,...24

Apart from being a communication tool, letters have the following
1. A business letter serves as a representative or ambassador for the sender of
the letter. In relation to the business world, business letters function as
carriers of business messages from the sender of the message to other
parties. Because a business letter can function as a representative of the
sender of the letter, the sender of the letter needs to pay attention to various
important rules in letter writing, for example: objectivity, systematics,
simplicity, and ease of understanding (clarity).
2. A tool to convey notifications, requests or requests, thoughts or ideas related
to business matters, for example: letters requesting new product
information, new product offer letters, product order letters, billing letters,
acceptance letters, rejection letters, and complaint (claim) letters.
3. Written evidence (written documents), such as sale and purchase
agreements, work orders, cooperation letters, receipt letters, and invoices.
Through business letters that can be used as historical evidence.
4. Tools for remembering, for example archived business letters, when needed
these letters can be seen and checked again.
5. Evidence of history (historical), for example business establishment license
letters, business merger letters.
6. Work guidelines, such as decrees and orders (work instructions). These
business letters serve as guidelines or acuandalam carrying out a business
H. Mail Grouping
1. According to Form
a. A sealed letter is a letter sent by a person to a person consisting of letter
paper and a cover (envelope) of various sizes.

Edun, Materi Surat Menyurat, Sumber: (Diakses pada hari Selasa tanggal 31
Oktober 2023 jam 12:11 WIB)

b. Postcard is an open form of mail used to convey short/short and practical
messages in the form of a small card with a size of 10 cm x 15 cm issued
by PT PosIndonesia.
c. Postal Warrant / Money Order is a letter in the form of a combination of
letter paper and envelope.
d. Telegrams and telexes are also known as wire letters. Telegram is news
that is printed and delivered from a distance.
e. Memorandum (memo) and Memorandum are letters used by leaders to
convey short messages in the form of notifications, requests or other
matters in an organization.
f. Evidence Letter is a letter that has a function as proof of legal recognition
of a certain payment between one party to another. Examples: invoices,
receipts, and receipts.8
2. According to Usage.
a. A personal letter is a letter made by a person whose content is related to
personal or personal interests or matters. Including personal letters:
letters of introduction, love letters, marriage invitation letters, thank you
letters, etc.
b. Dinas letters are letters whose contents are related to the interests of the
duties and activities of government agencies. Which includes official
letters: official invitation letters, announcement letters, circular letters,
cover letters, etc.
c. Business letters are letters used by people or entities that organize
business activities, such as production, trade, and service businesses.
d. Social Letter is a letter used by organizations or social institutions for
various social interests for the community in general. For example,
notification letters to related agencies, letters of request for assistance to
donors, etc.
3. According to the intended target.

Iman, Korespondensi Bisnsi, Sumber:
2007/12/pert8a.ppt (Diakses pada hari Rabu tanggal 1 November 2023 jam 09:42 WIB)

a. An ordinary letter is a letter made by a person or organization addressed
to a person or other organization that contains information that is general
in nature and not personal/ private in nature. For example: a notification
letter about holding a workshop on the application of business
communication in a company.
b. Circular Letter is a written notification letter delivered by a person/
organization addressed to a large number of other people/ organizations.
For example: circular letters about working days and holidays, flag
ceremonies for national holidays, and schedules for wearing work
c. Announcement Letter is a letter containing a notification about
something that needs to be known by employees of an organization or the
wider community. For example: a company announcement about job
openings for several important positions (marketing manager, personnel
manager, and production manager).
4. According to the content and purpose, the types vary according to the
purpose and purpose of writing the letter. For example: product order letter,
certificate letter, notification letter, information request letter, product offer
letter, confirmation letter, assignment letter, etc.9
5. According to the urgency of completion, letters are grouped into three types,
namely: Ordinary Mail, Immediate Mail, Express Mail.
I. Letter Section
Every letter has parts and each of those parts has a specific use. The
placement or location of the parts of the letter depends on the form of letter
used. In official letters (business), the parts, are as follows:10
1. Letter head (letterhead) This first part of the letter contains: Logo or symbol
of an agency, institution, company or organization, Name of the agency,
institution, company, or organization, Address of the agency, institution,

Finoza Lamuddin, Aneka Surat Sekretaris dan Bisnis, (Jakarta:Diksi Insan Mulia, 2005),
Finoza Lamuddin, Aneka Surat Sekretaris dan Bisnis,...15

company, or organization, Telephone number, postal code, email address or
web address.
2. Date of the letter
3. Number, attachment and subject matter
4. Bana and addressee
5. Opening salutation and opening paragraph 5.
6. Contents of the letter
7. Closing salutation and concluding paragraph
8. Signature, clear name and title
9. Copy or c.c (carbon copy)
10. Initials



The science of correspondence plays a vital role in the smooth running of
a business. With adequate correspondence knowledge, it will ensure a smooth
correspondence process so that business development can accelerate and be
ready to reap maximum profits. Business correspondence is a correspondence
activity between one party and another party both individually and
institutionally related to the business world. In my opinion, business
correspondence plays an important role as a line of communication between
individual business people or between business companies to work together to
achieve a goal with mutual benefit to each other. Business correspondence can
also make the company grow and have many networks that can be reached.
In carrying out daily activities, a company will not be separated from
correspondence activities. It can even be said that this correspondence activity
is the lifeblood of a company. From the flow of letters in and out, we can
measure the frequency and intensity of communication that takes place in a


Thus the paper we made, hopefully with this paper can add to our insight
and understanding of the definition of Business Correspondence. The author
realizes that in this paper there are still many shortcomings both in terms of
writing and references that become reference materials. For this reason, the author
is happy to receive criticism and suggestions given, in order to improve the
author's next paper.


Bratawidjaja, Thomas. 1992. Korespondensi Bisnis. Jakarta:PT. Pustaka Binama

Dewi, Sutrisna. 2007. Komunikasi Bisnis. Yogyakarta: C.V ANDIOFFSET.
Edun. 2011. Materi Surat Menyurat, Sumber: (Diakses pada
hari Selasa tanggal 31 Oktober 2023 jam 12:11 WIB)
Iman. 2007. Korespondensi Bisnsi, Sumber:
2007/12/pert8a.ppt (Diakses pada hari Rabu tanggal 1 November 2023
jam 09:42 WIB)
Lamuddin, Finoza. 2005. Aneka Surat Sekretaris dan Bisnis, Jakarta:Diksi Insan
Purwanto, Djoko. 2006. Komunikasi Bisnis edisi ketiga. Jakarta:ERLANGGA.
Zainuddin, Achmad dan Wahyono. 2007. Korespondensi Bisnis Indonesia.
Jakarta: Mitra Wacana Media.

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