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.Precast Concrete Connections

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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2019 IJESC

Research Article Volume 9 Issue No. 6

Precast Concrete Connections

Ankit Katiyar1, Chandresh Kumar Jha2
M. Tech Scholar1, Assistant Professor2
Rama University, Mandhana Kanpur, UP, India

Though the precast concrete structural systems are being widely used worldwide, Earthquakes are natural disasters which have
caused a lot of infrastructural damage and loss to human lives. In the past earthquakes, the cost effective precast structural
systems had not performed well. The failure of the precast structures was attributed to the poor performance of connections.
Connections form the weakest link in the precast concrete structure. For the past four decades though a lot of research has been
carried out on the behavior of precast structures, a complete understanding of the behaviour of precast beam-column connections
to lateral loading has not been ed field calls for skills and abilities far beyond the construction engineering and has to be a balance
amid advanced technology and trends, management, feasibility and economy. The specimens were classified into three groups
with two numbers in each group. They are TYPE I connections - Bolt and Rod connections, TYPE II connections: Cleat Angle
and Stiffened Cleat Connections and TYPE III connections: Dowel Connections. The TYPE I connection consisted of two
connection details (i) Precast connection using JBolt (PC-JB) and (ii) Precast connection using Tie Rod (PC-TR). The TYPE II
connection consisted of three connection details (i) Precast connection using Cleat Angle (PC-CL) (ii) Precast connection using
cleat angle and single Stiffener (PC-SS) (iii) Precast connection using cleat angle and Double Stiffener (PC-DS). The TYPE III
connection consisted of two connection details (i) Precast connection using Dowel bar (PC-DW) and (ii) Precast connection using
Dowel bar and Cleat Angle (PC-DWCL). The precast concrete beam and column near the joint were also detailed with
confinement reinforcement. All the sixteen specimens were tested under constant axial load on the upper end of the column and
with cyclic load at the end of the beam. The main objective of the study was to investigate the different detailing of joints in an
exterior precast concrete beam-column joint subject to reverse cyclic loading. Analytical modeling was also performed on the
monolithic specimen and seven precast specimens using finite element package ANSYS and the experimental results were
validated with the results obtained from the finite element models. The experimental results matched well with the analytical
results. From the study, it was observed that precast specimens PC-DS and PC-DWCL performed satisfactorily in terms of
ductility and energy dissipation when compared to the reference monolithic specimen ML.

Keywords: Horizontal Force, Prestressed Concrete, Tensile Reinforcement, Concrete Creep.

I. INTRODUCTION seismic areas, when the specific local requirements are taken
into account in connection design. If planning a building for a
Precast is a modular building system based on components and seismic area, it is recommended to involve seismic connection
connections. Some type of a precast connection is needed design experts into the process.
between each produced precast unit. Demands for precast
connection types vary among different precast products, local 2- Precast floor connections...
building conditions and restrictions, and loads on the structure. There are several pre-tested connections for hollow-core slab
Generally every country has its own system for precast floors. Hollow-core slabs are normally installed on neoprene
connections. There are several pre-tested connection types for strips, that can also be used as part of the final connection.
precast floor products, and seismic and support connections. Neoprene strips ensure a uniform bearing of floors.
Precast connections ensure safety and durability of a precast Connections at longitudinal joints are used between the edges
building. They carry the predefined loads in different building of the hollow-core floor unit and beams or walls running
structures and resist fire and water. Industrially produced parallel with the floor. Their main function is to transfer
precast connections are fast and easy to install no matter what horizontal shear on the precast units.
the precast product. Precating is great for producing Large
numbers of identical components. Let's say we are building an Specific precast connection sample drawings can be found
affordable housing project with3,000 identcal apartments. We for...
could then use Precating to produce wall slabs and floor slabs *HC slab on rectangular Beam
for all apartments. and then lift them into place and connect *HC sab on concrete wall,wall-to-wall connection
them. *HC slab on Sandwich wall
*HC slab on wall corbel
1- Precast connection design....
Typically precast connections can be done with an industrially 3- Precast connections for sandwich walls...
produced connection part, wet connection, bolt, or weld Connecting loops, ties and fixing sockets are common safety
connection. In precast connection design the key variables are solutions, when building with sandwich walls. Connecting
strength, volume changes, ductility, durability including fire loops connect the vertical joints of precast wall panels to each
and corrosion, simplicity in production, installation and other. They are single-wire loops, which can be applied on
maintenance, temporary loading conditions, economy and wall-to-column joints as well. Connecting loops are easy to
appearance. Precast buildings suit well for hot, cold and also install by opening the wall cover, bending the loops to the

IJESC, June 2019 22996 http://ijesc.org/

operating position and connecting them to reinforcement. Ties storing the raw materials, such as cement, aggregate, sand,
connect a facade and an inner panel of a sandwich wall admixtures, water, reinforcement bars, and steel or plywood
together. They are a connecting reinforcement of the wall sheets for formwork
including outer, inner and diagonal bars forming a lattice-type A formwork making and maintenance yard
of ties. Outer and inner bars can be either normal or stainless A concrete mixing plant
steel, whereas diagonal bars are always of stainless steel. A steel reinforcement yard to make rebar cages to be placed
Fixing sockets are used for attaching and fixing objects to inside the concrete
precast concrete such as guard rails, lighting fixtures, etc. Their A casting area
main function is to carry axial load. A curing area
A stacking area for finished components
4- Joints of the outer layer of the sandwich wall
Main variables of a high quality precast wall are ventilation in For infrastructure projects, a casting yard is created on a piece
sandwich structures, water resistance and outlook. Most of the of open land in the city. It is important that this be located near
precast wall problems are caused by the joint deformations in a major highway, as the precast elements can be very large or
the outer layer of facades and sandwich walls due to heavy, and cannot be taken through narrow roads.
temperature and moisture variation. The right use of wall joints
is essential to prevent these problem. Good wall joint material Precast concrete components can be connected in a number
withstands stress caused by thermal movement in the units, of ways:
solar ultraviolet and infrared radiation, external air temperature
and impurities. Joints should be designed so, that they prevent 1. They can be bolted together. In order to do this, steel
rainwater entering between precast unit and the insulation. The connectors are embedded in the concrete at the time of casting.
key in a sustainable wall joint construction is provision of solid This must be done with great precision.
and smooth adhesion surface for the jointing mass in the edges
of the wall units. By changing surface material, texture or color 2. They can be grouted or concreted together. In this method,
at the joints, it is possible to form surfaces, where junctions are loops of steel reinforcement are left protruding out of the
seen as a natural parts of the facades. precast concrete members. Two members are placed in
position, and reinforcement is threaded between the loops.
II. BRIEF LITERATURE SURVEY Fresh concrete is then poured around this reinforcement, in a
space left for this purpose.
Precast concrete is a construction product, made by casting
concrete in a reusable mold or "form", which is then cured in a IV. PROBLEM STATEMENT:
controlled environment and transported to the construction site
for installation. There are different types of precast concrete Typically precast connections can be done with an industrially
forming systems for architectural applications, which differ in produced connection part, wet connection, bolt, or weld
size, function, and price. Usage of precast elements eliminates connection. In precast connection design the key variables are
or highly reduces the need for conventional formworks and strength, volume changes, ductility, durability including fire
props. They also lower the generation of wastage and checks and corrosion, simplicity in production, installation and
other environmental hazards. They further provide a safe maintenance, temporary loading conditions, economy and
working platform to the workers. Precast products are appearance. Precast buildings suit well for hot, cold and also
manufactured in a casting area where critical factors such as seismic areas, when the specific local requirements are taken
temperature, mix design, and stripping time can be closely into account in connection design. If planning a building for a
checked and controlled, which ensures that the quality of seismic area, it is recommended to involve seismic connection
precast products is better than that of cast-in-situ concrete. design experts into the process. here are several pre-tested
Moreover, it saves a considerable sum of money through connections for hollow-core slab floors. Hollow-core slabs are
eliminating rectification work. Furthermore, due to factory- normally installed on neoprene strips, that can also be used as
controlled environment, different combinations of colors and part of the final connection. Neoprene strips ensure a uniform
textures can be applied easily to the architectural or structural bearing of floors. Connections at longitudinal joints are used
pieces. A vast range of sizes and shapes of precast components between the edges of the hollow-core floor unit and beams or
can be produced, providing flexibility and fresh look to the walls running parallel with the floor. Their main function is to
structures. These are the advantages of using precast concrete. transfer horizontal shear on the precast units.
Precast concrete is primarily used in the construction of
buildings with repetitive designs and elements, such as schools V. METHODOLOGY/ PLANNING OF WORK
and apartments. It provides architects with an exciting medium
while designing facades for a wide range of buildings, such as SQRIM is a full precast concrete method that eliminates cast-
healthcare facilities, shopping malls, commercial buildings, in-place (CIP) concrete on the building's main structural
and stadiums. elements such as the columns, beams, and the beam-column
joint core. In SQRIM, the beam and beam-column joint core
III. PROPOSED RESEARCH WORK are fabricated as a single precast element. These elements are
vertically installed in the construction site. Grouted mechanical
Precasting can be done at a casting yard, in or near the site, or sleeves are used to join the precast elements. To emulate an
in a factory. A key aspect of determining whether to use site or RC structure, grout is injected into the joints and into the holes
factory precasting are the transport costs. Factory work offers to rigidly connect the precast elements. The advantages of
superior quality for obvious reasons, so if there is a factory SQRIM application are: shorter construction period, high
close to the site, it makes sense to use it. If a precasting yard is quality precast elements, elimination of formworks and
to be created, space must be laid out for the following temporary supports, and savings on labor. Since 2003, SQRIM
activities: has been applied to 40 building projects in Japan. Developed

IJESC, June 2019 22997 http://ijesc.org/

from SQRIM, SQRIM-H is also full precast concrete method 6. For slabs, shuttering work, reinforcement works consume
that eliminates cast-in-place (CIP) concrete and has the same more time in conventional method; but in precast, slabs also
characteristics and advantages of SQRIM. Grouted mechanical get manufactured in yard itself.
sleeves are also used to connect the precast elements. In 7. All parts of a structure cannot be fixed with precast
SQRIM-H, the beams can be fabricated separately from the elements; at few necessary locations block work is essential in
beam-column joint core and are simply shaped compared to precast construction also.
the SQRIM's single beam and beam-column joint core 8. In precast method, slab should proceed further with screed
element. Thus, beams are easily installed by sliding of certain thickness to provide
horizontally (indicates the "H") to join with the column. The necessary electrical conduits; whereas conventional system
method can be applied to any building with complicated shape contains the electrical conduit works in normal slab shuttering
and structural framing. SQRIM-H has been applied to 8 work itself.
building projects since 2008. The I-SQRIM is specially 9. No alterations in design are possible in precast construction;
intended for the overseas (international) market and was but in conventional, any kind of alterations are made without
applied for the first time in a petrochemical plant pipe rack in any problem.
Malaysia. The original design of the pipe rack was 10. Better quality control can be possible with precast
conventional precast which still required cast-in-place (CIP) construction but as the floor level increases, in conventional
concrete to rigidly connect the precast elements. The original system it is very difficult to maintain good quality.
design was changed with the application of SQRIM method. 11. Precast construction system requires almost half the
This includes changing the original lap reinforcement to number of total man power that required for conventional
mechanical joint, L-shaped hook anchor reinforcements to system.
mechanical end anchors, and to rigidly connect the precast 12. Construction activities take place at a faster rate in precast
elements grout injection was applied instead of CIP. Since CIP compared to conventional system.
concrete is also eliminated in I-SQRIM, it achieves the same 13. Precast construction provides better alignment of structural
characteristics and advantages of SQRIM. Production of elements than the conventional one.
precast elements has been done in casting yard. Moulds of
adequate stiffness have been used and installed as per issued VII. REFERENCE
GFC drawings. The sequence of activities involved in the
production of precast elements is as follows: [1]. PRECAST CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGY IN
CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY S.S. Chandar, Rehabilitation of
1. Mould cleaning and preparation Buildings, International Journal of Civil Engineering Research.
2. Shuttering / assembling the mould components
3. Fixing of rebars / cast-in-fittings [2]. Internet and wikipedia
4. Pre-concrete check
5. Concreting
6. Curing
7. Demoulding
8. Final inspection
9. Stacking


Precast construction method is recently developed method, still

a lot of researches going on to improve its applications. Here
few comparisons made with conventional construction system
by studying the site work and analyzing the activities.

1. Precast construction method is purely based on shear wall

concept and hence the typical floor doesn’ t contain any type of
columns but in conventional, columns are must to construct
twelve floors of a tower.
2. Precast construction process carried out at site as production
of elements along with simultaneous erection of the ready
elements which considerably saves the time of construction
where as in conventional, block work and curing consume
much time to complete.
3. Block work is limited to only 1 to 1.2m height per day to
maintain proper alignment whereas; precast elements do not
have any such restrictions.
4. In conventional method, block work must proceed further
with proper curing and also plastering require curing period
for sufficient hydration and to attain strength; but in precast
method, no such intense curing required because, the main and
final curing done at casting yard only to achieve maximum
5. Plastering work is mandatory in conventional whereas
precast method doesn’t require any kind of plastering work.

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