Waste Management Plan-1
Waste Management Plan-1
Waste Management Plan-1
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1. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3. DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION ................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.1 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...........................................................................................................................................3
a) Project Coordinator (PC) .........................................................................................................................................................3
b) Project Manager (PM) ..............................................................................................................................................................4
c) HSE Manager ................................................................................................................................................................................4
d) HSE Supervisor .............................................................................................................................................................................4
e) Waste Management Subcontractor ....................................................................................................................................5
This waste management plan has been developed to provide a guidance for SHVA Company’s
(hereafter shall be referred as CONTRACTOR) Project management and staffs. The purpose of
this Plan is assure that all waste generated at the project is properly managed and disposed of.
This includes;
a) Identification of the source of all waste streams and assignment of a responsible person to
manage this waste stream.
b) An ongoing evaluation of all waste streams to determine their proper characterization as:
hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste, universal waste, medical waste, recyclable waste
or special waste.
c) Co-ordinate the requirements of the various “sections” of the plan so that requirements
common to one or more, such as training, storage & waste disposal effectively.
d) Define all roles and responsibilities
This waste management plan shall be applied on CONTRACTOR’s responsible areas in project
name to be written here. All departments and personel of CONTRACTOR and Subcontractors
must comply with all requirements of this waste management plan
Project Coordinator, Project Manager, site supervision, all chiefs of departments, responsible
persons of facilities and areas, HSE department and their staffs are fully responsible to comply
with and apply the requirements of the waste management plan.
The Project Coordinator is fully responsible overall waste management system. The PC is
to provide resources (personel, materials and budget) to establish, implement, develope,
manage and monitor the waste management system. Environmental issues throughout
the duration of the contract will be controlled by the Project Manager.
PM works under the direction of the Project Coordinator. PM provides direct operational
oversight of work performed and is responsible for ensuring full compliance with
specifications and other contract documents, including the requirements of waste
c) HSE Manager
The Project HSE Manager is responsible for the detailed application and implementation
of the WMP (Waste Management Plan) and for its updating if necessary. In addition to
duties defined in the HSE Plan and EMP (Environmental Management Plan), The HSE
Manager has the following specific role and responsibilities:
d) HSE Supervisor
The Site HSE supervisor reports to the Project HSE Manager and will coordinate all health,
safety and environmental activities. He is responsible of all the activities of site HSE
Personnel. Site HSE Supervisor will have the following responsibilities:
1. Will ensure that all staff, including subcontractors, and all activities comply with
this WMP,
2. Review the site specific procedures written by HSE Manager
3. Will keep the HSE Manager fully informed on any site waste issues.
4. Will ensure that waste records are returned to HSE office for review.
5. Collaborate with Site HSE Manager in order to obtain and manage the waste
disposal contracts
6. Support the Site Personnel to implement the WMP and waste management
The responsibility for waste management will be upon each individual onsite, however,
dedicated housekeeping resource will be appointed to ensure proper application of the
Descriptiption of hazardous wastes are given below. Some hazardous wastes are thinner, oil
based paints, chemicals as defined below;
a) Explosive: substances and preparations which may explode under the effect of flame or
which are more sensitive to shocks or friction than dinitrobenzene.
b) Oxidizing: substances and preparations which exhibit highly exothermic reactions when
in contact with other substances, particularly flammable substances.
c) Highly flammable liquid substances and preparations having a flash point below 21°C
(including extremely flammable liquids), or substances and preparations which may
become hot and finally catch fire in contact with air at ambient temperature without
any application of energy, or solid substances and preparations which may readily catch
fire after brief contact with a source of ignition and which continue to burn or to be
consumed after removal of the source of ignition, or gaseous substances and
preparations which are flammable in air at normal pressure, or substances and
preparations which, in contact with water or damp air, evolve highly flammable gases in
dangerous quantities.
d) Flammable liquid substances and preparations having a flash point equal to or greater
than 21°C and less than or equal to 55°C.
e) Irritant: non-corrosive substances and preparations which, through immediate,
prolonged or repeated contact with the skin or mucous membrane, can cause
f) Harmful substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they
penetrate the skin, may involve limited health risks.
g) Toxic substances and preparations (including very toxic substances and preparations)
which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they penetrate the skin, may involve serious,
acute or chronic health risks and even death.
h) Carcinogenic substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if
they penetrate the skin, may induce cancer or increase its incidence.
i) Corrosive substances and preparations which may destroy living tissue on contacts.
j) Infectious substances containing viable micro-organisms or their toxins which are
known or reliably believed to cause disease in man or other living organisms.
k) Teratogenic substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if
they penetrate the skin, may induce non-hereditary congenital malformations or
increase their incidence.
l) Mutagenic substances and preparations which, if they are inhaled or ingested or if they
penetrate the skin, may induce hereditary genetic defects or increase their incidence.
m) Substances and preparations which release toxic or very toxic gases in contact with
water, air or an acid.
n) Substances and preparations capable by any means, after disposal, of yielding another
substance, e.g. a leachate, which possesses any of the characteristics listed above.
o) Ecotoxic substances and preparations which present or may present immediate or
delayed risks for one or more sectors of the environment.
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Special wastes are potentially dangerous industrial wastes that are not categorized and
regulated as hazardous waste. There are six categories of special waste:
Waste generated by health care activities includes a broad range of materials, from used
needles and syringes to soiled dressings, body parts, diagnostic samples, blood, chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, medical devices and radioactive materials.
Medical wastes potentially expose health care workers, waste handlers, patients and the
community at large to infection, toxic effects and injuries, and risks polluting the
environment. It is essential that all medical waste materials are segregated at the point of
generation, appropriately treated and disposed of safely in accordance with local laws and
All wastes will be seperated according to classifications. All wastes will be stored, treated and
disposed in a specific area which is designated by COMPANY. No wastes will be transferred for
disposal at the dumpsites/landfills off-site.
Recycled materials will be stored on-site until waste management company to receive them.
All kind of wastes shall be transferred and dumped only onto waste storage area that specified
by COMPANY. Residual/ Combustible wastes will be treated in accordance with the
requirements of the COMPANY.
All hazordous wastes shall be collected, transported and disposed according to regulations of
local government and/or municipality.
CONTRACTOR Project Management will provide various types of containers and receptacles
(total unit containers; netted skips, bins, drums etc) for the collection, transport and storage of
waste. Containers shall be of suitable design to prevent leaks (e.g. from failure through
corrosion), weathering and scavenging, and to facilitate safe transport. CONTRACTOR may use
a subcontractor for waste management according to contract requirements and local
government’s legislation. Plastic bags shall be used for segregated wastes to assist waste
handlers in identifying ‘contaminated’ segregated waste quickly and without risk of injury.
A various wastes shall be generated on Project site and these wastes shall be taken by the
employees to the waste storage areas. This is why different waste storage areas shall be
designated and identified with signs for different types of wastes to prevent mixing all wastes.
When waste is being transferred by subcontractor, they have to fill “Waste Transfer Form” and
it should be accompany the waste always. The Waste Transfer Form should contain full
description of waste, the quantity, process that produced it, how it is contained, and any
particular precautions to be taken when handling it. If the waste has a MSDS this will be attached
to the WTF and will accompany the consignment. (See Attachement B for WTF).
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Waste storage area should be designed to handle all waste types as Hazardous wastes, non-
hazardous wastes, infected medical waste and special waste. All wastes must be stored in
approved containers to prevent;
Waste containers should be recognized according to contents and different wastes should
not be mixed and waste containers should be in good condition. This is why the following
precautions shall be taken;
1. Damaged and wrong labeles shall be replaced with right and new ones.
2. Containers shall be labeled in accordance with to waste type
3. All labels shall be checked periodically and updated
4. Containers are in good condition and are not leaking;
5. Containers are appropriate and sufficient to the waste they contain;
6. appropriately sealed (e.g. with a lid or bung)
7. Containers are not emitting any harmful gases or generating heat.
Non-hazardous wastes shall be stored in non-hazardous waste storage area. The wastes
may be as below and these wastes are recyclable materials;
a) Ferrous metals (cans and scrap)
b) Non-ferrous metals (aluminum, cables etc)
c) Plastic bales
d) Wood
Unrecyclable materials may be stored in a different zone in non-hazardous waste storage
area and they may be incinerated. Non-hazardous wastes shall be reported monthly with
“Monthly Waste Report Form” (See Attachment C for MWRF)
All hazardous waste shall be stored in hazardous waste storage area. Some of hazardous
waste may be incinerated. Hazardous wastes shall be reported with “Monthly Waste
Report Form” (see attachment C for MWRF).
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All hazardous solid wastes shall be stored in hazardous waste area in appropriate
containers. These materials may be as below;
The large vehicle batteries will be stored in suitable containers to prevent the leaking of
acids. The small batteries, toner, pc and etc will be stored in containers. These wastes will
be stored while alternative options for recycling are considered.
The following liquids will be stored at the Hazardous Waste Storage Area;
All preventive measures shall be taken to prevent contamination of chemicals with soil and
groundwater; this is why the sealed bulk containers and piping system shall be used to
prevent chemical leaks into soil and groundwater
Some hazardous liquid wastes shall be transfered and bulked in the sealed containers
which are located in the Hazardous Waste Area. Other hazardous liquid chemical wastes
shall be bulked in sealed containers. This hazardous liquid waste in sealed containers shall
be transported and disposed in accordance with regulations of local government and/or
municipality and also COMPANY requirements. The requirements of waste management
procedure prepared by COMPANY for hazardous liquid chemical will applied for bulk,
transportation and disposal of the liquid hazardous wastes. Any chemical will not be
released to the environment (ground surface, under ground, groundwater, river etc) out of
control and information of local authority and COMPANY
All contaminated soils and other solids shall be stored in designated area in hazardous waste
storage area. Sludges and tank bottoms contaminated with hydrocarbons will also be stored
in dedicated lined storage pits in the Hazardous WSA. The pits will be engineered to prevent
further soil and groundwater contamination from release of fluids.
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Waste treatment and disposal shall be exuceted according to contract requirements and local
laws and regulations. CONTRACTOR shall transfer all wastes out of the Project area until a
specific waste storage area be designated by COMPANY
CONTRACTOR shall transfer all wastes to the waste storage area according to waste
management plan and waste classification. Non hazardous wastes shall be disposed in
accordance with COMPANY requirements.
disposed in accordance with COMPANY requirements and local law and requlations. Some
hazardous wastes include:
Medical waste shall be contained separately from other waste at the point of origin.
All biohazardous waste must be placed in a red bag labeled with the words "Biohazardous
Waste" or with the international biohazard symbol and the word "BIOHAZARD". This red
bag must be placed in a rigid and leak-resistant container with a tight-fitting lid for storage,
handling or transport. This secondary container must be labeled with the words
"Biohazardous Waste" or with the international biohazard symbol and the word
"BIOHAZARD" on the lid and on the sides in order to be visible from any lateral direction.
All sharps waste must be placed into a sharps container that is rigid, puncture-resistant,
leak- resistant when sealed, and difficult to reopen once sealed. The sharps contained
must be labeled with the words "SHARPS WASTE" or with the international biohazard
symbol and the word "BIOHAZARD." Sharps containers may be placed in red biohazard
bags or in rigid containers with biohazard bags.
fixatives, must be placed in a secondary container labeled with the words "PATHOLOGY
Pharmaceutical waste that is either prescription drug may be considered biohazardous
waste by definition and must be placed in a container labeled with the words
Any area designated for the accumulation and storage of medical waste containers must
be secured to prevent entry by unauthorized persons. The exterior door, gate, or lid must
be marked with a warning sign in appropriate languages for the different nations in project
personnel. The wording shall read "Caution-Biohazardous Waste Storage Area—
Unauthorized Persons Keep Out," and in other languages.
8.4 Sewage
Untreated waste water and sewage will not be discharged and released to environment. All
collected waste water and sewage shall be transfered by CONTRACTOR to waste treatment
plant designated by COMPANY. All other wastes shall be transfered to out of the Project
area by a suitable local subcontractor which comply with local laws and regulations.
9.1 PPE
All waste handlers must wear protective equipments to protect themselves against
bloodbourne pathogens, accidental contacts with toxic, irritant, corrosive, carcinogenic and
other harmful substances. Some PPE types are as below:
a) Protective Gloves
To protect cleaners and other staff who are working as waste handler. Gloves should
be made of materials that are resistant to puncture from contaminated sharps and
that are designed to enable staff to safely and effectively perform their duties.
b) Protective Eyewear
Waste handlers should be provided with protective eyewear to protect them from
falling debris, potential bloodborne pathogens and heat.
1. Provide adequate protection against the particular hazards for which they
are designed.
c) Protective Respirators
Protective repsirators should be used only when the handling wastes generate dust,
fumes, mist and smoke. Paper or cloth surgical masks do not protect from hazards of
infectious medical waste and other harmful substances and should not be substituted
for an air-purifying respirator (with cartridges).
Respiratory protection is only needed for personnel who exposure harmfull dust, mist,
fumes and smoke. Personnel should be properly fitted for an air-purifying respirator,
and replacement cartridges must be made available approximately every six months
depending on frequency of use.
A protective air-purifying respirator consists of two main parts—a face mask (half-
mask) and two cartridges.
1. Provides protection against dust, fiber, fumes, mist, soot, and smoke.
2. Is reasonably comfortable when worn under the designated conditions.
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3. Fits snugly and does not unduly interfere with the movements of the
4. Is made of material that is capable of being disinfected regularly.
5. Has a strap that is either elastic or adjustable.
6. Is made of silicone or thermal plastic polymer.
7. Is available in a minimum of three sizes: small, medium, and large. Size
dimensions will vary by manufacturer and should be requested prior to
Maintenance guidance:
d) Protective Footwear
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Waste handlers should be provided with protective footwear to protect from falling
debris, potential bloodborne pathogens contained in medical waste, and occupational
heat exposure.
e) Hardhat
Each affected employee is to wear protective hardhat when working in areas where
there is a potential for injury to the head from falling objects
Hardhats which comply with EN 397 standard should be provided to waste handlers.
Waste handlers should be vaccinated with the vacinations of hepatitis A, hepatitis B and when
required, tetanus.
Waste generation in all waste generation sources, waste types, and waste quantity shall be
obtained daily basis and these informations shall be reported to Project HSE manager in each
month. All information about waste management shall be monitored with the monthly waste
monitoring form (See attached D)
With this monitoring system, all waste generation sources shall be monitored; all waste types
and waste quantities shall be obtained. A database shall be provided with these informations
to develope actions, plans, procedures, trainings and etc; these actions shall provide new datas
to minimize waste generation, increasing recycling and reusing of wastes.
HSE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE will regularly monitor waste storage, segregation, transfer
and disposal facilities. He will also ensure a high standard of house keeping and good material
Work areas shall be inspected by HSE Department representative on an informal ongoing basis
to verify compliance of WMP. Any non-compliance shall be rectified immediately. An
investigation may be instituted, depending on the nature and/or frequency of occurrence of
the non compliance.
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In addition, daily inspections will be conducted by HSE officer. Any concerns identified will be
immediately brought to the attention of the relevant Project management for appropriate
action. HSE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE has the authority to suspend operations, if
inadequate actions have been taken.
A weekly Site tour will be conducted by a team comprising Project Manager/ Construction
Chiefs and individual Construction Site Supervisors, and HSE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE as
appropriate. Inspections shall be supported by checklists and inspection report forms.
All personel shall receive training on waste management. General information shall be given to
the employees in induction training. Detailed trainings and informations shall be provided to
the employees with Powerpoint presentations, toolbox topics and audits.
Waste handlers shall be trained specially on hazards of waste handling, transfer, storage,
disposal, labels-signs. Additionally waste handlers shall be trained on health risks of waste
handling, preventive measures and PPE to be used.