Molar Absorptivity Coefficiebnt
Molar Absorptivity Coefficiebnt
Molar Absorptivity Coefficiebnt
The UV-VIS absorptive and emissive properties of three laser dyes, viz. Rhodamine 6G, Rhodamine B and
Rhodamine 101, have been studied in ethanolic and methanolic solutions. Time-resolved methods were used to
study the decay of the first excited singlet state of each dye. The absorptive properties of the lowest excited
singlet states of Rhodamine 6G, Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 101 were generated using picosecond laser
pulses. Values for the molar absorption coefficient for the S, t S, absorption process were measured, for each
dye, by both comparative and complete-depletion methods. Values for the S, t S, absorption process, in
ethanol, were found to be 3.7 x lo4 (452 nm), 4.4 x lo4 (428 nm) and 4.3 x lo4 (430 nm) dm3 mol-' cm-' for
Rhodamine 101, Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine 6 respectively with the corresponding values for the S, t S,
absorption process being measured as 7.7 x lo4 (576 nm), 6.4 x lo4 (532 nm) and 3.8 x lo4 (566 nm) dm3 mol-'
cm-' . These results are compared and contrasted with available literature values.
Lasing action, in dye lasers, involves a radiative transition lation densities (molecules cm-3) of the first excited singlet,
from the lowest excited singlet state to a vibrational level of the ground state and the first excited triplet state respectively.
the ground state. The theoretical and practical aspects of the For most laser dyes, the quantum yield of intersystem cross-
operation of dye lasers has been reviewed.' Shortly after exci- ing is small and the final term in eqn. (3) may be ignored.
tation, the molecules of dye will be located at the lower vibra- Laser gain at any wavelength will be compromised if either
tional levels of the first excited singlet state (Sl). For dyes the ground state or the lowest excited singlet state absorb the
such as Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine B, these relaxation emitted light of that wavelength.
times have been measured as being in the range 0.5-1.0 P S . ~ In spite of the frequent use of Rhodamine 6G as a dye laser
We can now consider the presence of two distinct popu- material, there have been relatively few published determi-
lations uiz. So and S1. It would clearly be disadvantageous for nations of the absorptive properties of the lowest excited
the population of S, to absorb a further photon from the singlet state particularly in the region where lasing
pump beam and, thereby, be excited to some higher energy O C C U ~ S . ~ Published
-~~ data for Rhodamine B are rareg and
level (S").Not only would the absorption process S, t S, be the authors know of no such information for Rhodamine 101.
wasteful of input energy but (and this would also apply as a The principal difficulty in such measurements has been that
result of an S, t So transition) the energy released as heat, in upon excitation of these materials, into the singlet manifold,
the subsequent relaxation back to S,, may lead to thermal an intense burst of fluorescence is observed which may
degradation effects in solution. 'blind' the detector and, thereby, render quantitative obser-
Fluorescence and stimulated emission occur from the vations of absorption processes almost impossible. The col-
lowest vibrational level of S, to one of the various linear geometry, used throughout this study, coupled with the
rotational-vibrational energy levels of So in accordance with location of the detector at some distance from the sample cell,
the Franck-Condon principle. The stimulated emission cross- has proved useful in reducing complications, due to prompt
,may be calculated from the following expression :'
section, CT, fluorescence, often encountered when using right angle
A4E(1) It is clear that a thorough knowledge of a variety of
CTe =-
8cn2nz parameters is important when predicting those dyes which
would be efficient lasing materials. Such parameters include
where E(A) is the fluorescence line shape function normalised fluorescence quantum efficiency, fluorescence lifetime,
such that: ground-state absorption spectra and excited singlet-singlet
absorption spectra. In this manuscript we concentrate on
r E ( A ) dA = 4jF examining such properties for three laser dyes viz. Rho-
damine 6G, Rhodamine B and Rhodamine 101.
n is the refractive index of the solvent, c is the speed of light
in vucuo, and z is the fluorescence lifetime of the dye. For an Experimental
eflticient laser dye the fluorescence quantum yield, @jF x 1. All rhodamine dyes (Lamda-Physik), 2,2'-bipyridine ruthe-
The gain coefficient of a dye laser at a given wavelength, nium(rr) dichloride hexahydrate [G. F. Smith Chemical
&I ),
depends upon a number of parameters: Company, Ru(bpy)$'3, absolute alcohol (drawn from labor-
s(4 = %W,- ~ g ( W -0 % ( W 1 - m c , atory stock) and absolute methanol (J. T. Baker) were used as
received. Water was purified by passage through a Millipore
where a,(1) is the stimulated emission cross-section at A, ~ ~ ( 1 )filtration system. Ground-state absorption spectra were mea-
is the ground-state absorption cross-section at A, CT&) is the sured with either a Hewlett-Packard 8450A or Hewlett-
absorption cross-section of the lowest excited singlet state at Packard 8451A spectrophotometer. Fluorescence emission
A, a@) is the absorption cross-section of the lowest excited spectra were obtained using a Perkin-Elmer MPF-43A spec-
triplet state at 1 and C,, C, and C , are the molecular popu- trophotofluorimeter. The spectral response (500-700 nm) of
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the instrument was measured using a combination of the fol- All the experiments were performed at ambient tem-
lowing standards (for which corrected spectra were perature (20 f 2"C), the solutions being in free equilibrium
available): quinine sulfate,' sulforhodamine 101'* and the with the atmosphere.
aluminium chelate of Pontachrome blue-black R.' An exci-
tation wavelength of 530 nm was used in all fluorescence
experiments. Quantum yields of fluorescence were obtained
Results and Discussion
by using solutions optically matched at the excitation wave- Fluorescence Quantum Yields and Fluorescence Lifetimes
length. Dye solutions were prepared such that absorbance
Ground-state absorption spectra for the three rhodamines
values of 0.4 +_ 0.02 were obtained at 530 nm. Each solution studied are shown in Fig. 1. Fluorescence quantum yields
was then diluted by a factor of 10 and emission spectra
were measured relative to Rhodamine 101 in ethanol for
recorded on these diluted samples. The areas under the cor-
Published on 01 January 1993. Downloaded by Ryerson Polytechnic University on 22/07/2013 15:02:43.
pulses (ca. 2 mJ per pulse) of the laser beam (532 nm) and I
0.1 1
minima at ca. 540 nm. The spectral shape of the absorptions
shown in Fig. 2 are qualitatively similar. The difference in
observed intensity arises from the fact that experiments were
0 performed using different laser excitation energies. We assign
the species present in such systems to the first excited singlet
state of Rhodamine B. This assignment is made on the basis
of kinetic data (vide infra) and from the knowledge that relax-
6 -0.1 ation to the lowest vibrational level of S1 (after excitation to
e S,) is complete within 1-2 ps.’ Additionally, we can rule out
B the fact that the species observed contains any significant
Published on 01 January 1993. Downloaded by Ryerson Polytechnic University on 22/07/2013 15:02:43.
contribution from the triplet state of Rhodamine B, since the
rate for triplet-state production will equal the rate of decay of
the lowest excited singlet state which, from single photon
counting data, is ca. 3.5 x lo8 s - l (ethanol data). At a decay
of 66 ps after excitation, therefore, less than 3% of singlet
states will have been removed from solution at the time of
-0.3 observation. Excited-state spectra produced upon excitation
400 500 600
at 355 nm of the same dye-solvent systems, after normal-
wavelengthlnm isation to peak maxima, were essentially superimposable.
Fig. 2 Transient absorption spectrum measured 66 ps after laser Transient difference spectra were generated in exactly the
flash photolysis (excitation wavelength 532 nm) of Rhodamine B same manner for both Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine 101
(7.6 x rnol dm-3) in ethanol (m) and methanol (0).Solutions
were contained in quartz cuvettes (pathlength 1 cm) in free equi- (data not shown). Maxima in the blue region of the spectrum
librium with the atmosphere at ambient temperature. and bleaching in those areas where ground-state absorption
of these molecules is maximal were observed.
The fluorescence lifetimes (zf) of the dyes studied were mea- In any flash photolysis experiment, where quantitative
sured using methanol and ethanol as solvent. All solvent-dye measurements are to be made, it is important to investigate
combinations gave reasonable fits (as evidenced by values of the correlation between excitation intensity and the concen-
reduced xz) to single exponential behaviour indicating the tration of excited states thus produced. In this context, linear
presence of one emitting species. Data from such experiments plots are expected for the production of relaxed excited
are given in Table 1. Where comparisons from the literature singlet states in the absence of biphotonic effects, provided
were available, it can be seen that reasonable agreement there is little conversion (ca. ~ 1 0 % of) the ground state to
exists between previously reported values and the data pre- excited state(s). We have made such measurements for eth-
sented in this study. anolic solutions of both Rhodamine 6G (ground-state
concentration = 6.7 x mol dm-3) and Rhodamine B
(ground-state concentration = 6.3 x mol dm-3) after
Picosecond Absorption Data excitation at 355 nm. The results from such experiments are
The transient absorption spectra of the species observed shown in Fig. 3 where the intensity observed at 430 nm for
(66 5 ps) after laser excitation (532 nm, ca. 2 mJ per pulse) of both Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine B are shown as a func-
ethanolic and methanolic solutions of -Rhodamhe B tion of beam energy. The full (100%)beam energy, nominally
(7.6 x mol dm-3) are shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen, 5 mJ, produced excited singlet-state concentrations of
the difference spectra exhibit maxima at ca. 430 nm and 8.1 x mol dm-3 in the Rhodamine 6G experiment and
7.5 x mol dm-3 in the Rhodamine B experiment, these
excited singlet-state concentrations being calculated from a
0.4 1 /
0.1 1 -2.2
0 20 40 60 80 100 -2.6
energy (arb. units) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Fig. 3 Absorbance changes observed (66 ps) after laser flash pho- time/ps
tolysis (excitation 355 nm, observation 430 nm) as a function of laser Fig.4 Exponential decay of the absorbance ( A ) observed
power for ethanolic solutions of Rhodamine 6G (m) and Rhodamine (wavelength of observation 430 nm) after laser flash photolysis
B ( 0 )at 6.7 and 6.3 x lo-’, respectively. Maximum excited singlet (excitation wavelength 532 nm) of Rhodamine B (7.6 x mol
state concentrations (100% beam energy) were 8.1 and 7.5 x dm-3) in methanol. The solid line yields a singlet state lifetime of 2.7
mol dm-3 for Rhodamine 6G and Rhodamine B, respectively. ns.
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I 0
nm (quantitatively similar results were obtained when 355 nm 0.2-
was used as excitation wavelength). In a typical experiment, 0
the absorption spectra from each of 300 pulses at a given 8
delay setting was averaged and stored. The delay line was
altered so as to delay the time at which the analysis beam
interrogated the sample and a further 300 laser pulses were
delivered to the sample and the transient absorption spectra 0 20 40 60 80 100
averaged and recorded. This process was repeated for a energy (arb. units)
number of delay settings. The decay of the observed absorp- Fig. 5 The effect of increasing laser power (532 nm) on the absorb-
tion is well fitted (correlation coefficient r2 = 0.998) assuming ance due to the first excited singlet for ethanolic solutions of Rho-
the presence of one decaying species. The lifetimes observed damine 6G (4.7 x mol dmV3, wavelength of observation
from such experiments (2.7 ns) correlate extremely well with 441nm, O), Rhodamine B (7.2 x mol dm-3, wavelength of
data obtained by the (superior) technique of single photon observation 450 nm,). and Rhodamine 101 (1.5 x mol drn-’,
counting (2.6 ns). This correlation provides additional evi- wavelength of observation 462 nm, 0). Pathlength was 1 cm.
dence that the absorptions, seen in Fig. 2, arise from the first
excited singlet state of the molecule under study.
The molar absorption coefficient for the S, t S, transitions dm-3) and Rhodamine 101 (1.5 x lo-’ mol dmL3).From a
was measured by two methods. First, a comparative method knowledge of the limiting value of absorbance and the
using Ru(bpy): as actinometer was employed. Upon excita-
ground-state concentration of the dye, calculation of is
tion (355 nm) the charge-transfer excited state of Ru(bpy)g+ is relatively straightforward, although it should be remembered
produced with unit quantum effi~iency.~’The difference that the maximum concentration of excited singlet state mol-
molar absorption coefficient for the charge-transfer state is ecules, C,,, , which can be produced by this method is:’
reported to be -7600 dm3 mol-’ cm-’ at 450 nm.28 Solu-
tions of each dye in either ethanol or methanol and (7)
Ru(bpy)g+ in water were prepared such that they had identi-
cal absorbances (0.6 & 0.02) at the excitation wavelength (355 ~ 5 3 2is the ground-state molar absorption coefficient at 532
nm). Under such conditions, since both Ru(bpy)g+ and dye nm, I E ~ ~ ~ is( the ~ absolute
~ ~ ~ value
~ ) ofI the molar stimu-
excited states are produced with unit quantum efficiency, the lated emission coefficient at 532 nm and C, is the ground
following may be derived : state concentration.
The results obtained from both approaches are shown in
AE(Ru) A d y e ( l ) Table 2 for the ethanol data sets. As can be seen, reasonable
AE(dye) = agreement exists between the values obtained by the two
A ( R ~ ;4 5 0 nm)
methods. For subsequent interpretation of our data we have
where A q d y e ) and AER,, represent the difference molar absorp- decided to adopt those values obtained by the comparative
tion coefficients for the dye S, t S, absorption (at wave- method.
length A) and the charge-transfer excited state of Ru(bpy): +
80 000 Having thus obtained values for the molar absorption coef-
I ficients of the transitions observed at the wavelengths listed
in Table 2, we can readily convert the data in Fig. 2 to plots
- of molar absorption coefficient us. wavelength. The absorb-
g 40000 ance changes (AA) shown in Fig. 2, at any wavelength, may
m be described by :
AA = (en+ 1 - cg + -+o)C,1 (8)
0 0
5 where E~ is the molar absorption coefficient of the ground
state, E~~~ is the molar stimulated emission coefficient and
Published on 01 January 1993. Downloaded by Ryerson Polytechnic University on 22/07/2013 15:02:43.
wavelength ~ , , + , / d mmol-'
~ cm-'
7 100000
Rhodamine 6 G
- I
428 4.4 x 104 a
532 6.4 x 104 a
mg 50000 440 - b
s 562
3.0 x 104
5.0 x 104
0 530 5.0 x 104
g 0
433 7.0 x 104
8 538 1.8 x 104 e
C 440 4.8 x 104 J
p -50000 1.0 x 104 @
s Rhodamine B
2 430 4.3 x 104 0
1 Bp
566 3.8 x 104
-100000 450
400 500 600 700 575 5.5 x 104 c
n +
ground-state absorption spectra for each of the rhodamines o +
studied in this work, it seems reasonable to assign the
absorptions observed at 430 nm and 452 nm for Rhodamine o +
B and Rhodamine 101 respectively as arising from the S, t ++
S, transition. a+ ++++
It is instructive: to compare the values obtained,: in this ++++ a ++
work, for values of E,, with previously reported work and to OJ
this end such data is presented in Table 3. It can be seen that 530 580 630 680
reasonable agreement exists in the case of Rhodamine 6G
wavelengt h/nm
around 430 nm where values ranging from 4.4-7.0 x lo4 dm3
mol-' cm-' have been determined. However, for measure- Fig. 9 Plots of effective stimulated emission cross-section (ceff)
Rhodamine 6G (O),Rhodamine B (+) and Rhodamine 101 (H).All
ments made at 530 or 532 nm, the molar absorption coeffi- data is for ethanolic solutions
cients vary from 1.0 to 6.4 x lo4 dm3 mol-' cm-'. This wide
variation is probably not unexpected considering the range of
techniques employed to measure the same parameter. Four
groups of workers have, for example, employed 8-20 ns
pulses to measure the spectral properties of an excited state values of 3.2 x cm2, 1.9 x cm2 and 1.2 x
whose lifetime is only 4 ns.3-5*9910In such experiments it is cm2 obtained in previous studies (ref. 7, 8 and 9 respectively).
less easy to demonstrate, with confidence, that a full yield of A number of potential sources of error may contribute to the
the first excited singlet state is being observed at power levels discrepancies observed between these measured values. For
assumed to completely deplete the Rhodamine 6G ground example, the stimulated emission cross-section [see eqn. (l)]
state. This is yet more difficult for measurements made at is calculated from a knowledge of the corrected fluorescence
wavelengths (ca. 530 nm) where stimulated emission also pre- emission spectrum, the fluorescence lifetime and the fluores-
vents complete conversion to the S, state. The more direct cence quantum yield. Errors in the measurement of any of
method is to use laser pulses which are much shorter than the these parameters will, of course, be reflected in the calculated
lifetime of the S, state. In two studies,',' one of which' was of oeffvalues.
a preliminary nature, picosecond pulses (typically 40 ps) have For Rhodamine B, this study yields a oeff value of
been used. Magde et al. used' a complex method of inte- 2.07 x cm2 (568 nm) and this can be compared with a
grating the fluorescence emission to calculate the concentra- previous value of 0.8 x cm' (570 nm).9 The value of
tion of S, states. Gazeau et a1.' used the more direct oefffor Rhodamine 101 of 1.1 x cm2 (594 nm) is the
approach of comparing the absorbance of the Rhodamine 6G first reported value of this parameter for this molecule.
S, state with that of the benzophenone triplet state as stan-
dard. This is a similar approach to that employed in this
work using the absorption of the charge-transfer state of
Ru(bpy)i+. The method relies on there being effectively only Conclusion
one fully populated excited state, on the timescale of the pico-
second experiment, whose molar absorption coefficient can We have measured the excited singlet state absorption and
be accepted as a standard. Despite this more direct method, gain properties of three laser dye molecules by the most
the molar absorption coefficients were measured as 5.0 x lo4 direct methods available. Comparison with previous mea-
(530 nm8), 1.8 x lo4 (538 nm7) and 6.4 x lo4 (532 nm, this surements, where large differences have been found, indicate
work) dm3 mol-' cm-'. The complexity of the integrated that there is still some progress to be made before confidence
fluorescence method for estimating S , state concentration in these important parameters can be justified for these and
must allow less confidence to be placed on the absolute novel laser dyes.
values obtained in that study.7 The small difference in molar
absorption coefficients between the values reported here and
in the preliminary study by Gazeau et a/.' indicate that a The authors would like to formally extend their thanks to the
considerable degree of confidence can now be placed in a staff of the Center for Fast Kinetics Research for their help
molar absorption coefficient of 5.0-6.4 x lo4 dm3 mol-' and assistance during the course of these studies. In particu-
cm-l at 532 nm with corresponding values of 4.4 and lar the contributions of Stephen Atherton, Stefan Hubig,
5.0 x lo4 dm3 mol-' cm-' at 428 nm. Tony Harriman and Paul Snowden were invaluable. The
The effective stimulated emission cross-section, oeff, Center for Fast Kinetics Research is supported jointly by the
Biomedical Research Technology Program of the Division of
oeff= ( - E , - . ~ - E,,+') x 3.82 x lo-', (cm') (10) Research Resources of NIH (Grant RR00886) and by the
may be obtained from consideration of the data in Fig. 6-8 University of Texas at Austin. D.G.J. would like to acknow-
and this parameter is plotted as a function of wavelength in ledge the award of an SERC CASE Studentship. Further
Fig. 9. At 560 nm we obtained a value of oeff= 1.60 x financial support from British Nuclear Fuels plc is gratefully
cm2 for Rhodamine 6G and this may be compared with acknowledged.
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Paper 3104313D; Received 21st July, 1993