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[ ] [ ][ ] (4)
is the firing angle
{ [ ( )
[ ] [ ( ) ][ ] (9)
( )
At the end of iteration, the variable firing angle is updated according to equation 10
() ( ) (10)
c) Voltage Index Method for SVC Positioning
To obtain significant improvement, VAR compensator should be placed on the buses having severe voltage
problems. To assess the level of voltage problem of each bus, voltage index as formulated in [26] is utilized.
Vmin= minimum permissible system voltage.
Vi = voltage at bus i.
Using the index, the severity of voltage problem at each bus can be addressed. When the voltage problem at a
bus is more severe, the voltage index at that bus is higher.
d) Systematic Sampling Method of SVC Sizing
Having ranked the buses for SVC position placement using voltage index the next step is to determine the size
of SVC using systematic sampling method. Systematic sampling method is a statistical method the following
procedures are used.
(1) Choose 0 – N MVar as the range of the Var power of the SVC and divide the maximum Var power by n sample
to get k sampling rate.
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 76 81 85 89 93 97 101105
System Buses Number
Figure 5: Graph of Simulated System Voltage with and without SVC Insertion
Violated Buses
No of Buses
No SVC SVC at Dumex (50MVar) SVC at Dumex (50MVar),
Ovie (40MVar)
Simulation Conditions
No SVC SVC at Dumex (50MVar) SVC at Dumex (50MVar),
Simulation Conditions Ovie (40MVar)
Figure 7: Graph of System Active Power Loss under Various Simulation Condition
Table 7: Simulation Conditions and System Reactive Power Loss
SVC at Dumex (50 MVar),
Simulation Condition No SVC SVC at Dumex (50 MVar)
Ovie (40 MVar)
Reactive Power Loss (pu) 1.763 1.619 1.552
No SVC SVC at Dumex (50MVar) SVC at Dumex (50MVar),
Ovie (40MVar)
Simulation Conditions
Figure 8: Graph of System Reactive Power Loss Under Various Simulation Conditions
b) Analysis of Result and Summary
From the results of load flow analysis without SVC, it was found that all buses fall below the allowable voltage
range of within ±5% of the nominal voltage. The voltage range was between 80.94 % (0.8094 p.u) and 91.47 %
(0.9147p.u) (table 4 and figure 5) and the total active and reactive loss are 0.832MW and 1.763MVAR (table 6,
figure 7 and table 7,figure 8) respectively. The study system was compensated to achieve the voltage
improvement and power loss reduction, the Static Var Compensator was placed at two positions, Dumex Bus
and Ovie as suggested by voltage index simulation see table 3 and section IV(a).
The simulation conducted for SVC sizing using systematic sampling method started with the SVC placed initially
at Dumex bus and it showed that the optimum of the SVC was 50MVar and the system active and reactive loss
were reduced from 0.8332 MW and 1.763MVar to 0.775MW and 1.619MVar (table 6, figure 7 and table 7, figure
8) column 2 respectively. The system bus voltages range was also improved from 80.94 % (0.8094 p.u) and
91.47 % (0.9147p.u) to 82.83 % (0.8283 p.u) and 98.11 % (0.9811p.u). the violated buses were reduced from
108 to 45 buses (table 5 and figure 6), this is 58.33% bus voltage violation reduction.
On the second placement of the SVC at the bus that ranked second in the voltage index simulation, which is the
Ovie, the optimum size of the SVC at this bus was 40 MVar. At this condition the system active and reactive loss
were improved to 0.729 MW and 1.552 MVar (table 6, figure 7 and table 7, figure 8) column 3 respectively, and
the bus voltage was enhanced to between 86.92% (0.8692 p.u) and 98.60% (0.9860 p.u) (table 4.3 , figure 4.2
and figure 4.3). this improved the bus voltage violation from initial system bus voltage violation of 108 buses to
17 buses (table 5 and figure 6) column 3, this is 85.19% bus voltage violation improvement. The placement of
second SVC in Isoko feeder has less effect than placing at Ovie bus, this could only achieve 70.37% violation
reduction (108 buses to 32 buses) compare to 85.19% achieved by SVC at Ovie as second placement. These
results confirm the prediction made by voltage index ranking.
The use of Static Var Compensator in enhancing voltage stability considering Otovwodo 33/11kV distribution
station, Delta State, as a case study was applied to the power system. From the simulation carried out, it can be
concluded that voltage stability can be enhanced using SVC which controls the flow of reactive power in the
line. The research has shown that SVC enhance system loss reduction.
[1] Kundur, P. (2007). Power system stability. Power system stability and control, 10.
[2] Gyugyi, L. (1994). Dynamic compensation of AC transmission lines by solid-state synchronous voltage
sources. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 9(2), 904-911.
[3] Biswas M, Kamol K. Das (July 2011) “Voltage Level Improving by Using Static Var Compensator (SVC)”
Global Journal of researches in engineering: J General Engineering Volume 11 Issue 5 Version 1.0.