Personal Values Exercise

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Personal Values Clarification Exercise

Table 1 – Personal Values Worksheet

Value A B C D
1. Accomplishment (achieving, mastery, skilled)
2. Adventure/Courage (risk taking, fearless in face of hazards)
3. Affection (close intimate relationships)
4. Beauty (appreciation of the beauty of ideas, things, etc.)
5. Collaboration (close working relationships)
6. Compassion (empathy for suffering, fierceness to see change)
7. Creativity (imaginative self expression)
8. Family Happiness (contentedness with loved ones)
9. Forgiveness (release of guilt and shame, hurts, pain)
10. Freedom (independence and freedom of choice)
11. Friendship (close personal relationships, connection)
12. Generosity (giving without thinking, ready to share)
13. Gratitude (thankful for your life what you have/do not have)
14. Health ( for self, others and the environment)
15. Humour/Pleasure (like to laugh, enjoy life, play)
16. Influence (leading, influential, accountable for results)
17. Inner Healing/Peace (calm sense of wholeness, content)
18. Integrity (honesty/truthfulness of one’s belief and action)
19. Learning/Curious(thought provoking, gain knowledge, study
20. Loyalty (steadfastness, allegiance, commitment)
21. Order (stability and predictability)
22. Personal Growth and Development (use of potential)
23. Self-Respect (self-esteem, pride)
24. Simplicity (transparent, enough, living lightly)
25. Social Service/Justice (helping others, improving society)
26. Social Recognition (status, recognition, admiration)
27. Trust (in self and others and any ‘Higher’ power)
28. Vulnerability (courage to be true self, open to others)
29. Winning (in competition with others)
30. Wisdom (mature understanding of life)
31. Wonder (awe, appreciation of spirituality, mystery)

Table 2 Personal Values Worksheet

Most Important Personal Values Importance Weight
(adapted from Ed Martsolf, A Whole New Approach)

Values Clarification of each personal value to you. Place an asterisk (*)
next to the five or six personal values that have the
Having contemplated some important values, Fill highest score in column D.
out the following Personal Values Work-sheet. This Review the five or six values you placed an asterisk
process is designed to further clarify values you next to, and ask yourself the following questions:
hold dear. • As I think back on my experiences (job, career,
life), do these values seem to be the most
Column A important values for me? If not, what changes
do I need to make?
Identify how well you feel you’ve satisfied each • How do my five or six most important personal
value. Use the following scale: values from the worksheet compare with the
satisfaction scores in column A? On which
0 = not at all values do I want to increase my satisfaction?
1 = slightly
2 = some From the results of your Personal Values Worksheet
3 = fairly well and your self-questioning, list the five personal
4 = considerably well values that are most important to you. The order
5 = extremely well of listing makes no difference. But place a 10 beside
the value you decide is the most important to you
Column B (in the Importance Weight column). Compare the
other four values to your first choice and assign
Identify how you would feel if your current satis- each an appropriate number from 1 through 9. Ask
faction of this value were significantly reduced. Use yourself such questions as, “Is this value about 80
the following: percent as important as my first value?” If so, assign
that value an Importance Weight of 8. Continue
0 = not at all concerned until all five values have been weighted. Each of
1 = slightly concerned your five values should have a different weighting.
2 = somewhat concerned
3 = quite concerned
4 = considerably concerned
5 = extremely concerned

Column c

Identify how you would feel if your current satis-

faction of this value were significantly increased.
Use the following:

0 = indifferent
1 = slightly happier
2 = somewhat happier
3 = much happier
4 = considerably happier
5 = extremely happier

Column d

Add columns B and C together and place a total

in column D. This reflects the relative importance

Beware of perfectionism, it does not have to be refined initially. It just

has to mean something to you. Get it out and refine it over time.


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