Personal Values Exercise
Personal Values Exercise
Personal Values Exercise
Values Clarification of each personal value to you. Place an asterisk (*)
next to the five or six personal values that have the
Having contemplated some important values, Fill highest score in column D.
out the following Personal Values Work-sheet. This Review the five or six values you placed an asterisk
process is designed to further clarify values you next to, and ask yourself the following questions:
hold dear. • As I think back on my experiences (job, career,
life), do these values seem to be the most
Column A important values for me? If not, what changes
do I need to make?
Identify how well you feel you’ve satisfied each • How do my five or six most important personal
value. Use the following scale: values from the worksheet compare with the
satisfaction scores in column A? On which
0 = not at all values do I want to increase my satisfaction?
1 = slightly
2 = some From the results of your Personal Values Worksheet
3 = fairly well and your self-questioning, list the five personal
4 = considerably well values that are most important to you. The order
5 = extremely well of listing makes no difference. But place a 10 beside
the value you decide is the most important to you
Column B (in the Importance Weight column). Compare the
other four values to your first choice and assign
Identify how you would feel if your current satis- each an appropriate number from 1 through 9. Ask
faction of this value were significantly reduced. Use yourself such questions as, “Is this value about 80
the following: percent as important as my first value?” If so, assign
that value an Importance Weight of 8. Continue
0 = not at all concerned until all five values have been weighted. Each of
1 = slightly concerned your five values should have a different weighting.
2 = somewhat concerned
3 = quite concerned
4 = considerably concerned
5 = extremely concerned
Column c
0 = indifferent
1 = slightly happier
2 = somewhat happier
3 = much happier
4 = considerably happier
5 = extremely happier
Column d