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Snack A Lot Foods Bill

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Account Number Statement Date October 24, 2023

3653672915 Amount Due $40.41
Please reference this number when making a payment.
Due Date Novemer 17, 2023
Bill # 365710729201 A monthly interest charge equal to 1.5% per month (effective
annual rate of 19.56% per annum or 0.04896% compounded
daily rate) will be applied if payment is received after the due date.

Service Location: 238 SALLOUM WAY SASKATOON SK S7S 1N1

Premise #: 8338710702

Previous Current Read Adjustment Adjusted

Service Meter From To # Days Multiplier Usage
Reading Reading Type Factor Usage

Electric PWST274234 09/20/2023 10/18/2023 27 25789.32 25915.85 Actual 1.00 126.530 KWH 1.036900 131.199

Your Previous Charges

Amount of Last Bill $44.88

Payment Received September 28, 2023 Thank $45.15 CR
you Balance Forward $0.27 CR

Your Electricity Charges: Residential

*Electricity provided by Alectra Utilities Corporation as Standard Supply


Time Of Use
Winter On-Peak 32.38 kWh @ $0.208 $6.74
Winter Mid-Peak 34.99 kWh @ $0.144 $5.04
Winter Off-Peak 59.16 kWh @ $0.101 $5.98 Alectra Utilities rates have changed effective January 1, 2023. Please
visit our website at www.alectrautilities.com for details.
Delivery $31.58
Regulatory $0.76
Your Total Electricity Charges $50.10

H.S.T. (H.S.T. Registration 728604299) $6.51

Ontario Electricity Rebate $15.93 CR
Total Amount Due by November 17, 2023 $40.41

Please make your payments to Alectra Utilities Corporation.

Account Number: 3653672915

Use this number for all types of payments

Please Pay By: November 17, 2023 $40.41

A monthly interest charge equal to 1.5% per month (effective annual

rate of 19.56% per annum or 0.04896% compounded daily rate) will Amount Paid:
be applied if payment is received after the due date.
SASKATOON SK S7S 1N1 Alectra Utilities Corporation
P.O. BOX 3700
Concord, ON L4K 5N2

0 200417 000004041 000004041 0 00 3653672915

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Customer Service / Power Outages: Water Emergencies (business hours):
excluding statutory holidays (hours may vary Brampton ____________ 905 840 6300 City of Vaughan _____ 1 877 963 6900
by location). Hamilton _____________ 905 522 9200 City of Markham ____ 1 877 963 6900
Mississauga ___________ 905 273 7425 Water Emergencies (after hours):
Visit the Alectra Utilities website at Simcoe County/Barrie __ 1 877 963 6900 City of Vaughan ______ 905 832 8562
alectrautilities.com to: St. Catharines __________ 905 984 8961 City of Markham ______ 905 477 7000
• Access your account York Region _________ 1 877 963 6900 Water Emergencies (24/7):
• View your smart meter and Time-Of-Use data Call Before You Dig: City of Hamilton ______ 905 546 2489
• Go paperless ON1Call ____________ 1 800 400 2255
• Advise that you are moving
• View our outage maps
• Learn about conservation

Always Ask for ID reasonable times, require access to this equipment for reasons that include
For your protection, all Alectra Utilities employees and contractors carry inspections, maintenance, repair, alteration, replacement, disconnection,
a photo identification card. calibration and metering.

Are you Moving? Disconnection/Reconnection of Service

Please notify our office at least 1 week in advance of the closing date. When an electrical service has been disconnected from Alectra Utilities'
A new account charge will be applied whenever a customer changes an distribution system for six months or longer, Alectra Utilities will deem
address or registers for a new account. Customers will be held the service non-existent and require the condition of a new service be met
responsible for all electricity used until notice is received and the prior to reconnection. The customer is required to apply to the
account is finalized. Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) for inspection before reconnection
can be done.
Supply Of Power
Alectra Utilities will endeavour to use reasonable diligence in providing Privacy Information
a regular and uninterrupted supply of service, but does not guarantee a In accordance with privacy legislation, Alectra Utilities representatives
constant supply of electricity or the maintenance of unvaried frequency may only discuss a customer's account with the account holder or an
or voltage. authorized representative of the account holder. Contact Customer Service
to notify us of any changes to your account information or to update your
Access to Equipment selected authorized representative.
Alectra Utilities equipment located on a customer's premise is in the
care and at the risk of the customer. Alectra Utilities will, at

Electricity Regulatory Charges
This is the cost of the electricity supplied to you during this billing Regulatory charges are the costs of administering the wholesale electricity
period and is the part of the bill that is subject to competition. system and maintaining the reliability of the provincial grid and include
the costs associated with funding Ministry of Energy conservation and
Delivery renewable energy programs.
These are the costs of delivering electricity from generating stations
across the Province to Alectra Utilities then to your home or business. Global Adjustment
This includes the costs to build and maintain the transmission and Electricity generators in Ontario receive a combination of payments from the
distribution lines, towers and poles, and operate provincial and local operation of the wholesale market, payments set by regulation and payments
electricity systems. A portion of these charges are fixed and do not under contracts. Your portion of the net adjustments arising from these and
change from month to month. The rest are variable and increase or other authorized payments is included on your bill as the Global Adjustment.
decrease depending on the amount of electricity that you use. The
delivery charge also includes costs relating to electricity lost through NOTE: For a detailed explanation of electricity terms, please visit our website
distributing electricity to your home or business. Alectra Utilities at alectrautilities.com or ontarioenergyboard.ca.
collects this money and pays this amount directly to our suppliers.
When electricity is delivered over a power line, it is normal for a small
amount of power to be consumed or lost as heat. Equipment, such as
wires and transformers, consumes power before it gets to your home
or business.

Alectra Utilities offers many convenient payment methods: Pre-authorized payment, telephone Alectra Utilities has programs and payment
banking, online and credit card (fees in effect).For further details, please visit our website plans to help customers who are having
at alectrautilities.com. difficulties paying their electricity bills.
There are additional programs for qualifying
Please consider the environment and switch to paperless billing at alectrautilities.com. low-income customers. For more information
about our Equal Payment Plan, the Low-Income
Cheque or money order payments can be mailed to the following address: Energy Assistance Program, or the Ontario
Electricity Support Program, visit our website
at alectrautilities.com or contact our Customer
Alectra Utilities P.O. Box 3700 Concord, ON, L4K 5N2 Service department.


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