Flood Disclosure Notice: Texas Apartment Association
Flood Disclosure Notice: Texas Apartment Association
Flood Disclosure Notice: Texas Apartment Association
In accordance with Texas law, we are providing the following flood disclosure:
• We are or
X are not aware that the unit you are renting is located in a 100-year floodplain. If
neither box is checked, you should assume the unit is in a 100-year floodplain. Even if the unit is not
in a 100-year floodplain, the unit may still be susceptible to flooding. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) maintains a flood map on its Internet website that is searchable by
address, at no cost, to determine if a unit is located in a flood hazard area. Most renter’s insurance
policies do not cover damages or loss incurred in a flood. You should seek insurance coverage that
would cover losses caused by a flood.
• We are or are not aware that the unit you are renting has flooded (per the statutory definition
below) at least once within the last five years.
This Lease Contract (“Lease”) is between you, the resident(s) as listed below and us. The terms “you” and “your” refer to all residents.
The terms “we,” “us,” and “our” refer to the owner listed below.
Residents _____________________________________________
Alex Enrique Guerra Owner ______________________________________________
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ Occupants ___________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________
A. Apartment (Par. 2)
Street Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
8001 S 1H 35frontage Road
Apartment No. _________________________
0624 City: ______________________________________
Austin State: ___
TX Zip: ____________________
C. Monthly Base Rent (Par. 3) E. Security Deposit (Par. 5) F. Notice of Termination or Intent to Move Out (Par. 4)
A minimum of _____________________
60 days’ written notice of
$ ____________________________
1609.00 $ _____________________________
termination or intent to move out required at end of initial Lease
term or during renewal period
Note that this amount does not
D. Prorated Rent include any Animal Deposit, which If the number of days isn’t filled in, notice of at least 30 days
would be reflected in an Animal is required.
$ _____________________________ Addendum.
X due for the remainder of 1st
month or
r for 2nd month
H. Returned Check or Rejected J. Optional Early Termination Fee (Par. 7.2) K. Animal Violation Charge (Par. 12.2)
Payment Fee (Par. 3.4) Initial charge of $ __________________
100.00 per animal (not
$ ____________________________________ to exceed $100 per animal) and
30.00 Notice of ________________ days is required.
You are not eligible for early termination if A daily charge of $ ____________________
10.00 per animal
I. Reletting Charge (Par. 7.1) you are in default. (not to exceed $10 per day per animal)
Fee must be paid no later than ___________
A reletting charge of $____________
1393.15 days after you give us notice
(not to exceed 85% of the highest
If values are blank or “0,” then this section does
monthly Rent during the Lease term)
not apply.
may be charged in certain default
L. Additional Rent - Monthly Recurring Fixed Charges. You will pay separately for these items as outlined below and/or in separate addenda,
Special Provisions or an amendment to this Lease.
M. Utilities and Other Variable Charges. You will pay separately for gas, water, wastewater, electricity, trash/recycling, utility billing fees and other
items as outlined in separate addenda, Special Provisions or an amendment to this Lease.
Special Provisions. See Par. 32 or additional addenda attached. The Lease cannot be changed unless in writing and signed by you and us.
29. Severability and Survivability. If any provision of this Lease is invalid _____________________________________________________________
or unenforceable under applicable law, it won’t invalidate the remain- (Name of Resident) Date signed
der of the Lease or change the intent of the parties. Paragraphs 10.1,
10.2, 16, 27 and 31 shall survive the termination of this Lease.
This Lease binds subsequent owners. _____________________________________________________________
(Name of Resident) Date signed
30. Controlling Law. Texas law governs this Lease. All litigation arising
under this Lease and all Lease obligations must be brought in the
county, and precinct if applicable, where the apartment is located.
31. Waivers. By signing this Lease, you agree to the following: Owner or Owner’s Representative (signing on behalf of owner)
31.1. Class Action Waiver. You agree that you will not participate _____________________________________________________________
in any class action claims against us or our employees, agents,
or management company. You must file any claim against us
individually, and you expressly waive your right to bring,
represent, join or otherwise maintain a class action,
collective action or similar proceeding against us in
any forum.
Apartment Lease Contract, TAA Official Statewide Form 22‑A/B‑1/B‑2 Revised July 2022 Page 6 of 6
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease for Apt. No. 0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address)
in , Texas.
Signature of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
2. PUC. Water conservation by submeter billing is encouraged by the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC). Submeter billing is regulated
by PUC rules, and a copy of the rules is attached to this addendum. This addendum complies with those rules.
3. Mutual Conservation Efforts. We agree to use our best efforts to repair any water leaks inside or outside your apartment no later than
7 days after we learn about them. You agree to use your best efforts to follow the water-conservation suggestions listed in the checklist
4. Submeter Billing Procedures. Your monthly rent under the TAA Lease does not include a charge for water and wastewater. Instead,
you will receive a separate monthly bill from us for submetered water and wastewater use, as follows:
(A) Your monthly water and wastewater bill will conform to all applicable rules of the PUC (see attached).
(B) As permitted by state law, a service fee of %
9 (not to exceed 9%) will be added to your monthly water-service charges.
(C) No other administrative or other fees will be added to your bill unless expressly allowed by law or PUC rules. No other amounts will be
included in the bill except your unpaid balances and any late fees (if incurred by you). If we fail to pay our mastermeter bill to the utility
company on time and incur penalties or interest, no portion of these amounts will be included in your bill.
(D) We will calculate your submetered share of the mastermetered water bill according to PUC rules, Section 24.281.
(E) We will bill you monthly for your submetered water consumption from approximately the 14 day of the month to the 14
day of the month, the latter being our scheduled submeter-reading date. Your bill will be calculated in accordance with PUC rules and
this Addendum and will be prorated for the first and last months you live in the unit.
(F) PUC rules require us to publish figures from the previous calendar year if that information is available. The average monthly bill for all
dwelling units in the apartment community last year was $
38.44 per unit, varying from $
0.32 for the lowest
month’s bill to $
236.90 for the highest month’s bill for any unit. This information may or may not be relevant since the past
amounts may not reflect future changes in utility-company water rates, weather variations, future total water consumption, changes in
water-consumption habits of residents, and other unpredictable factors.
(G) During regular weekday office hours, you may examine: (1) our water and wastewater bills from the utility company; (2) our calculation
of your monthly submeter bill; and (3) any other information available to you under PUC rules. Please give us reasonable advance
notice to gather the data. Any disputes relating to the computation of your bill will be between you and us.
5. Your Payment-Due Date. Payment of your submeter water and wastewater bill is due 16 days after the date it is postmarked or hand
delivered to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that payment is received no later
than the due date. You will pay a late charge of 5% of your water and wastewater bill if we do not receive your payment on time.
In the kitchen . . .
• Run your dishwasher only when you have a full load.
• If you wash dishes by hand, don’t leave the water running for washing or rinsing. Fill the sink instead.
• Use your sink disposal sparingly, and never for just a few scraps.
• Keep a container of drinking water in the refrigerator.
• When cleaning vegetables, use a pan of cold water rather than letting the faucet run.
• For cooking most food, use only a little water and place a lid on the pot.
• Report all leaks to management.
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Resident or Residents [All residents must sign here] Owner or Owner’s Representative [sign here]
Texas Apartment Association
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No. 0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.
2. Reason for allocation. Governmental entities impose stormwater/drainage fees to help pay for the cost of maintaining
the infrastructure needed to prevent flooding and lessen the impact of pollution on our water system. These fees can be
significant. Our property has chosen to allocate this fee so residents are more aware of the true costs associated with these
fees and so it is not necessary to raise rents to keep pace with these fee increases.
3. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated stormwater/drainage bill is due 16 days after the date it is postmarked
or hand delivered to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so that payment
is received no later than the due date. You will pay a late charge of 5 percent of your stormwater/drainage bill if we do
not receive timely payment. If you are late in paying the stormwater/drainage bill, we may immediately exercise all lawful
remedies under your lease contract, including eviction—just like late payment of rent.
4. Allocation procedures. Your monthly base rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for stormwater/
drainage costs. You will pay separately for these monthly recurring fixed charges which are defined under the Lease as
“Additional Rent”. You may receive a separate bill from us each month or we may include these items as separate and distinct
charges as part of a multi-item bill. You agree to and we will allocate the monthly stormwater/drainage bill for the apartment
community based on the allocation method checked below. (check only one)
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total square footage in the apartment community, i.e. your unit’s
square footage divided by the total square footage in all apartment units.
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total number of people living in the apartment community, i.e.
the number of people living in your apartment divided by the total number of people living in the entire apartment commu-
nity for the month. (“People” for this purpose are all residents and occupants listed in leases at the apartment community
as having a right to occupy the respective units).
q Half of your allocation will be based on your apartment’s share of total square footage and half will be based on your share
of total people living in the apartment community, as described above.
X Per dwelling unit
q Other formula (see attached page)
5. Penalties and fees. Only the total stormwater/drainage bill will be allocated. Penalties or interest for any late payment of
the master stormwater/ drainage bill by us will be paid for by us and will not be allocated. A nominal administrative fee of
0.00 per month (not to exceed $3) will be added to your bill for processing, billing and/or collecting.
6. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the stormwater/drainage bill
cannot be changed except as follows: (1) you receive notice of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect; and
(2) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual agreement.
7. Right to examine records. You may examine our stormwater/drainage bills from the utility company, and our calculations
relating to the monthly allocation of the stormwater/drainage bills during regular weekday office hours. Please give us
reasonable advance notice to gather the data.
���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No. 0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address)
in , Texas.
2. Reason for allocation. Our property receives a single bill for trash removal/recycling. In recent years, many trash haulers
and recyclers have increased fees dramatically to keep pace with rising costs associated with landfills and environmental
mandates. By allocating this bill, we hope to make residents more aware of the true costs of waste disposal and to help
reduce, reuse and recycle, and in turn, lower both costs and the impact on our environment.
3. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated trash removal and recycling bill is due 16 days after the date it is
postmarked or hand delivered to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill
so that payment is received no later than the due date. There will be a late charge of $
0.00 (not to exceed $3) if
we do not receive timely payment. If you are late in paying the trash removal/recycling bill, we may immediately exercise all
lawful remedies under your lease contract, including eviction—just like late payment of rent.
4. Allocation procedures. Your monthly base rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for trash
removal/recycling. You will pay separately for these monthly recurring fixed charges which are defined under the Lease
as “Additional Rent”. You may receive a separate bill from us each month or we may include these items as separate and
distinct charges as part of a multi-item bill. You agree to and we will allocate the monthly trash removal/recycling bill for the
apartment community based on the allocation method checked below. (check only one)
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total square footage in the apartment community, i.e., your
unit’s square footage divided by the total square footage in all apartment units.
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total number of people living in the apartment community,
i.e., the number of people living in your apartment divided by the total number of people living in the entire apartment
community for the month. (“People” for this purpose are all residents and occupants listed in leases at the apartment
community as having a right to occupy the respective units.)
q Half of your allocation will be based on your apartment unit’s share of total square footage and half will be based on your
share of total people living in the apartment community, as described above.
X Per dwelling unit
q Other formula (see attached page)
5. Penalties and fees. Only the total trash removal/recycling bill will be allocated. Penalties or interest for any late payment
of the master trash removal/ recycling bill by us will be paid for by us and will not be allocated. A nominal administrative fee
of $
0.00 per month (not to exceed $3) will be added to your bill for processing, billing and collecting.
Your trash removal/recycling allocation bill may include state and local sales taxes as required by state law.
6. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the trash removal/recycling
costs cannot be changed except as follows: (1) you receive notice of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect;
and (2) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual agreement.
7. Right to examine records. You may examine the trash removal/recycling bill we receive from the trash utility and our
calculations related to the monthly allocation of the trash recycling/removal bill during regular weekday office hours. Please
give us reasonable advance notice to gather the data.
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Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract for Apt. No. 0624 in
Ethos Apartments Apartments.
2. Acknowledgment Concerning Trash Service Requirements. You agree to abide by all trash guidelines and requirements
set forth in this addendum. You understand and agree:
• Trash must be secured (check one): In trash bags X In trash bags inside a trash container.
• Trash will be placed outside for collection only in the following designated area:
X Outside front door Curbside Ground floor breezeway Other
• Trash may be placed outside for pick up only on the following designated day(s):
X Monday X Tuesday X Wednesday X Thursday Friday Saturday X Sunday
• Trash may be placed outside for pick up only at the following designated time: 6-8PM
• In the event that a collection date is missed, it is the responsibility of the resident to dispose of the trash in a designated
compactor or dumpster area, or keep the trash inside the apartment until the next collection date.
• Trash may NOT be placed outside for pick up on the following holidays: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day, Easter,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
3. Trash Preparation Requirements. You agree to adhere to the following requirements:
• All trash must be in bags and securely tied. No loose trash will be collected.
• All pet litter and waste must be double bagged.
• Do not put broken glass or sharp objects in trash for pick up.
• Cardboard boxes must be broken down (flattened) and securely bundled together.
• No oversized items (i.e. furniture, large boxes, etc) will be picked up.
• No bags over 25lbs will be picked up.
4. Additional Requirements for Provided Trash Container. You X will will not be provided with a trash container. You
agree to adhere to the following requirements if a trash container is provided:
• All issued trash containers are property of the trash service and must be left in the apartment at move out.
• It is the responsibility of the resident to keep the trash container clean and in good condition.
• It is the responsibility of the resident to bring the container inside the apartment no later than 10AM .
• A container left out during non-designated times will be removed and may result in an interruption of service.
• If a container is removed for the above violation, it will be returned after a $ 25.00 return fee has been paid.
• There will be a $ 25.00 charge for an additional container, or for replacement of a damaged or missing
5. Penalties for Non-Compliance. If any of the items outlined in paragraph 2, 3, or 4 of this addendum are not met at any
time during the initial term or any renewal term of your Lease, you will be in breach of your Lease and liable for a
25.00 non-compliance fee and subject to any consequences as outlined in the Lease Contract.
Repeated non-compliance will result in the termination of trash services and the responsibility for trash disposal will return
to the resident(s).
6. Special Provisions. The following provisions will supersede any conflicting provisions of the Lease Contract and this
10/21/2023 ________________________________________________
Resident Name/Date Resident Name/Date
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
Resident Name/Date Resident Name/Date
Community Director/Date
Revised 04/2019
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract for Apt. No. ______________
0624 in
Ethos Apartments Apartments.
2. Acknowledgment Concerning Recycling Program. You agree to abide by all recycling guidelines and
requirements set forth in this addendum.
3. Recycling. We encourage every resident to participate in the recycling program. Doing so not only properly
manages recyclable material so it can be used to make new products, but diverting usable material from the
landfill extends the life of the landfill. By extending the landfill life, we are better able to control future trash
service costs. As a result, trash can be disposed of locally rather than be transported to another area landfill.
o Located
Trash Compactors
Recyclables and recycle containers may not be stored anywhere outside of your apartment home including
patio, breezeways, etc.
4. Additional Requirements for Provided Recycle Container. You will X will not be provided with a container.
You agree to adhere to the following requirements if a container is provided:
All issued recycle containers must be left in the apartment at move out
It is the responsibility of the resident to keep the recycle container clean and in good condition
10/21/2023 ______
Resident Name/Date Resident Name/Date
Resident Name/Date Resident Name/Date
Community Director/Date
Revised 4/2019
2. Responsibility for payment of the listed services or fees, and the method of allocation, will be as indicated below. Your monthly
base rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for the services or fees listed below. Instead, we will include
this item as a separate and distinct charge as part of a multi-item bill.
a) Valet Trash service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
X charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
X if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________
25.00 per month.
X 3rd party billing company Conservice LLC
b) Pest Control service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
X charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
X if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________
5.00 per month.
X 3rd party billing company Conservice LLC
c) Cable TV service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
❑ charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
❑ if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________ per month.
❑ 3rd party billing company ___________________________________________________________________________
d) Internet service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
❑ charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
❑ if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________ per month.
❑ 3rd party billing company ___________________________________________________________________________
e) Alarm Monitoring service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
❑ charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
❑ if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________ per month.
❑ 3rd party billing company ___________________________________________________________________________
f) HOA Dues service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
❑ charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
❑ if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________ per month.
❑ 3rd party billing company ___________________________________________________________________________
g) Amenity/Technology service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
❑ charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
❑ if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________ per month.
❑ 3rd party billing company ___________________________________________________________________________
h) (Other) Rent Admin Fee
_________________________________________________ service to your dwelling will be paid by you either:
❑ directly to the utility service provider; or
X charges will be billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:
❑ if flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $____________________ per month.
X 3rd party billing company Conservice LLC
Revised 8/2023
3. Apartment owners receive bills for services provided to residents and charges for various governmental fees. These are direct
costs that the apartment community incurs. In order to help control the cost of rent, we have chosen to allocate the services and
governmental fees indicated below through an allocated bill using a standardized formula to distribute these costs fairly.
If a flat fee method for trash or other utility service is used, Resident and Owner agree that the charges indicated in this
Agreement (as may be amended with written notice as specified above) represent a fair and reasonable amount for the
service(s) provided and that the amount billed is not based on a monthly per unit cost.
4. When you move out, you will receive a final bill which may be estimated based on your prior usage. This bill must be paid at the
time you move out or it will be deducted from the security deposit.
5. We are not liable for any losses or damages you incur as a result of outages, interruptions, or fluctuations in services provided to
the dwelling unless such loss or damage was the direct result of negligence by us or our employees. You release us from any and
all such claims and waive any claims for offset or reduction of rent or diminished rental value of the dwelling due to such
outages, interruptions, or fluctuations.
6. You agree not to tamper with, adjust, or disconnect any service device. Violation of this provision is a material breach of your
Lease and may subject you to eviction or other remedies available to us under the Lease, this Addendum, and at law.
7. Where lawful, all services, charges, and fees of any kind under this lease shall be considered additional rent, and if partial
payments are accepted by the Owner, they will be allocated first to non-rent charges and to rent last.
8. The allocation formula(s) for determining your share of the services and fees above cannot be changed except as follows: (1) you
receive notice of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect; and (2) you agree to the change in a signed lease
renewal or signed mutual agreement.
9. This Addendum is designed for use in multiple jurisdictions, and no billing method, charge, or fee mentioned herein will be used
in any jurisdiction where such use would be unlawful. If any provision of this Addendum or the Lease is invalid or unenforceable
under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability only without
invalidation or otherwise affecting the remainder of this Addendum or the Lease. Except as specifically stated herein, all other
terms and conditions of the Lease shall remain unchanged. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Addendum and
the terms of the Lease, the terms of this Addendum shall control.
Revised 8/2023
_________________________________________________ 10/21/2023
Resident Date
_________________________________________________ _____________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________________ _____________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________________ _____________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________________ _____________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________________ _____________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________________ 10/26/2023
Owner’s Representative Date
Revised 8/2023
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No. 0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas. The terms of this addendum will control if the terms of the Lease and this addendum conflict.
2. Reason for allocation. Apartment owners receive bills for services provided to residents and charges for various
governmental fees. These are direct costs that the apartment community incurs. In order to help control the cost of rent, we
have chosen to allocate the services and governmental fees indicated below through an allocated bill using a standardized
formula to distribute these costs fairly. While we may impose a nominal fee to help recover our costs in administering these
bills, we do not add any other costs to these bills and make no profit off of them.
3. Services and governmental fees allocated. We will allocate the following services and governmental fees:
q Cable/satellite television q Registration/license fee
q Stormwater/drainage q
X Other ����������������������������������������������
Backflow Inspection
q Trash removal/recycling q
X Other ����������������������������������������������
CoA Community Benefit Charge
q Street repair/maintenance fee q
X Other ����������������������������������������������
CoA Reserve Fund Surcharge
q Emergency services fee q Other ����������������������������������������������
q Conservation district fee q Other ����������������������������������������������
q Inspection fee q Other ����������������������������������������������
4. Your payment due date. Payment of your allocated services and governmental fee bill is due 16 days after the date it is
postmarked or hand delivered to your apartment. You agree to mail or deliver payment to the place indicated on your bill so
that payment is received no later than the due date. You will pay a late charge of $
0.00 (not to exceed $3) if we
do not receive timely payment. If you are late in paying the services and governmental fee bill, we may cut off services, as
allowed by law, and we may immediately exercise all other lawful remedies, including eviction—just like late payment of rent.
5. Allocation procedures. Your monthly base rent under the TAA Lease Contract does not include a charge for the services
and governmental fees indicated above. You will pay separately for these charges which are defined under the Lease as
“Additional Rent”. You may receive a separate bill from us each month or we may include these items as separate and
distinct charges as part of a multi-item bill.
You agree to and we will allocate the indicated services and governmental fees for the apartment community based on the
allocation method checked below: (check only one)
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total square footage in the apartment community, i.e., your
unit’s square footage divided by the total square footage in all apartment units.
q A percentage reflecting your apartment unit’s share of the total number of people living in the apartment community,
i.e., the number of people living in your apartment divided by the total number of people living in the entire apartment
community for the month. (“People” for this purpose are all residents and occupants listed in leases at the apartment
community as having a right to occupy the respective units).
q Half of your allocation will be based on your apartment unit’s share of total square footage and half will be based on your
share of total people living in the apartment community, as described above.
X Per dwelling unit
q Other formula (see attached page)
6. Penalties and fees. Only the total of the services and governmental fee bills will be allocated. Penalties or interest
for any late payment of these bills by us will be paid for by us and will not be allocated. A nominal administrative fee of
0.00 per month (not to exceed $3) will be added to your bill for processing, billing and/or collecting.
7. Change of allocation formula. The above allocation formula for determining your share of the services and governmental
fee bills cannot be changed except as follows: (1) you receive notice of the new formula at least 35 days before it takes effect;
and (2) you agree to the change in a signed lease renewal or signed mutual agreement.
8. Right to examine records. You may examine our service and governmental fee bills from the companies and governmental
entities and our calculations relating to the monthly allocation of these bills during regular weekday office hours. Please give
us reasonable advance notice to gather the data.
���������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
2. Acknowledgment Concerning Parking Requirements. You must abide by all parking guidelines and requirements set forth in
the “Parking” paragraph of the Apartment Lease Contract and this addendum.
3. Resident/Occupant Parking with Permit Requirements. This property ! X does ! does not have parking permit
requirements. If required, a parking permit, pass, online/virtual registra on, or barcode is required for resident vehicles
parked (select all that apply):
X anywhere on property ! in assigned/reserved covered spaces (not a carport)
! in unassigned covered spaces (not a carport) ! in assigned/reserved carport spaces
! in unassigned carport spaces ! in assigned/reserved uncovered spaces
! in unassigned uncovered spaces ! in assigned/reserved parking garage spaces (community use)
! in unassigned parking garage spaces (community use)
• If you purchase a new vehicle, or replace a vehicle listed below, you must bring your registra on into the front o ce for
veri ca on and complete a revised agreement. If you feel you need a temporary permit, you must contact the leasing
o ce to discuss this with Management. Registra on/permits are not transferrable.
• If required above, all vehicles parked in these areas must clearly display a valid parking permit/pass/decal/hanger/other
provided by the property. Permits must be visibly placed on the: (check one) ! exterior rear of your vehicle ! X
windshield near the registra on and inspec on s ckers ! rearview mirror ! passenger window !
• If required above, only residents (leaseholders) and occupants listed on the Lease will receive a parking permit as
described above, whether physical or virtual/online. Occupants of legal driving age will receive a parking permit upon
request from a resident/leaseholder listed on the Lease.
• Residents are responsible for informing guests of our parking policies and where they may park.
• Online/Virtual Permits. Where applicable:
o All resident vehicles must be registered online using the following website or smartphone app: R2Park.com
____________________________________________. If a vehicle is not registered online, it is unauthorized to park
in any area selected above and is subject to immediate towing.
o All online/virtual permits will expire on your move-out date unless the following speci es otherwise: _____________
o If online or in-person registra on of your vehicle is delayed for any reason, you must park ______________________
_______________________________________________________________________ un l registra on is complete.
4. Resident/Occupant Parking without Permit Requirements. This property ! does ! does not have parking available
without a permit required. Where applicable, assigned or reserved spaces may be u lized by only those residents/
occupants to whom they are assigned. Residents are not required to have a parking permit for vehicles parked (select all
that apply):
! anywhere on property !
X in assigned/reserved garages (individual use)
! in unassigned covered spaces (not a carport) ! in assigned/reserved covered spaces (not a carport)
! in unassigned carport spaces !
X in assigned/reserved carport spaces
X in unassigned uncovered spaces ! in assigned/reserved uncovered spaces
! in unassigned parking garage spaces (community use) ! in assigned/reserved parking garage spaces (community use)
Where available, street parking (metered or unmetered) outside of the property may be u lized by residents/occupants on
a rst-come, rst-served basis.
5. Parking Garage (Community Use). This property ! does ! X does not have a parking garage. Spaces within the parking
garage are ! reserved and/or ! not reserved. If the property does have a parking garage, the parking spaces within it are
available for use by only ! residents of the property ! occupants of the property ! their guests. Parking in these
structures without a valid permit (if required above) may result in towing or immobiliza on of your vehicle or your guest’s
vehicle without no ce.
• Residents with a parking space indicated above are required to park their vehicle in the designated space and may no
longer park in any unassigned resident parking spaces.
• Only persons listed as a resident or occupant may use these parking spaces.
• We may periodically open and enter garages to ensure compliance with this addendum.
• We reserve the right to retake possession and/or le evic on if you default in complying with this addendum or the law.
• If dwelling unit is vacated or abandoned, parking space indicated above will be considered the same and subject to the
same remedies as outlined in the lease contract
7. Recrea onal Parking Requirements (Boat/Trailer/RV). Boat, trailer, and/or RV parking ! is ! X is not available on this
property. If available, only the following may be parked on property: ! Boats ! Trailers ! RVs. If allowed, the following
rules apply:
• You may only park this vehicle ! in assigned parking space number(s) ________________________________________
or ! in a parking space in the following loca on: ________________________________________________________.
• The monthly amount in the rent paragraph of the lease contract (select one):
! includes the rental amount for exclusive use of the boat, trailer, and/or RV parking space(s)
! does not include the rental amount of $____________ for exclusive use of the boat, trailer, and/or RV parking
• Boats, trailers, and/or RVs parked or stored in their designated space or area must always be in an opera onal and
moveable condi on. No other vehicles may be parked or stored in this designated space or area unless authorized by
Management in wri ng.
• No one may sleep, cook, barbeque, or live in an area designated as a parking space nor in any vehicle parked or stored
in an area designated as a parking space.
8. Guest Parking Requirements. Where applicable, assigned or reserved spaces may not be u lized by guests, only those
residents/occupants to whom they are assigned. Guest vehicles must be parked only in spaces as indicated below.
Permit Required Spaces. This property ! does ! does not have Guest parking permit requirements. If required, a parking
permit, pass, online/virtual registra on, or barcode is required for Guests vehicles parked (select all that apply):
! anywhere on property ! in unassigned spaces in parking garage (community use)
! in unassigned uncovered spaces ! in designated guest spaces in parking garage (community use)
! in unassigned covered spaces (not a carport) !
X in designated guest spaces
! in unassigned carport spaces
Guests vehicles must ! visibly display a guest parking permit obtained from the property o ce ! be registered online
using the following website or smartphone app: ____________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________. If a guest vehicle does not meet the indicated
requirement, it is unauthorized to park in any area selected above and is subject to immediate towing.
Spaces without Permit Required. This property ! does ! does not have Guest parking available without a permit required
Guests are not required to have a parking permit for vehicles parked (select all that apply):
! anywhere on property ! in unassigned spaces in parking garage (community use)
! in unassigned uncovered spaces ! in designated guest spaces in parking garage (community use)
! in unassigned covered spaces (not a carport) ! in designated guest spaces
! in unassigned carport spaces
Addi onal informa on on Guest parking and/or obtaining permits:
Where available, street parking (metered or unmetered) outside of the property may be u lized by guests on a rst-come,
rst-served basis.
9. Vehicle and Parking Informa on. (Permit # will apply only if Paragraph 3 re ects that a parking permit is required.)
Vehicle No. 1 Type ________________Year _____________Make ____________________Model _____________________
Color ________________Plate # _________________Permit # ___________________Date Issued _____________________
Vehicle No. 2 Type ________________Year _____________Make ____________________Model _____________________
Color ________________Plate # _________________Permit # ___________________Date Issued _____________________
Vehicle No. 3 Type ________________Year _____________Make ____________________Model _____________________
Color ________________Plate # _________________Permit # ___________________Date Issued _____________________
Vehicle No. 4 Type ________________Year _____________Make ____________________Model _____________________
Color ________________Plate # _________________Permit # ___________________Date Issued _____________________
! I do not have a vehicle at this me and have not received a parking permit as referred to in paragraph 3.
12. Penal es for Noncompliance. If any of the items outlined in the preceding paragraphs of this addendum are not met at any
me during the ini al term or any renewal term of your lease, you will be in breach of your lease, towed or immobilized,
liable for a __________________ noncompliance fee, and subject to evic on.
13. Parking Enforcement. In the event your vehicle or your guest’s vehicle is towed or immobilized, you may contact the
Reliant Towing
Company Name________________________________________________________________________________________
(512) 363-5900
Phone Number ________________________________________________________________________________________
10000 Slaughter Creek Dr, Austin, TX 787
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________
14. Resident Parking Viola on Remedies. This property ! X allows ! does not allow residents to personally remedy parking
situa ons (assigned space is occupied by another vehicle, etc.) by contac ng the parking enforcement company at the
number listed above to have the vehicle removed or immobilized.
15. Special Provisions. The following provisions will supersede any con ic ng provisions of the Lease Contract and this
Any vehicle without current license or registration will be given at least 10 days'
notice that the vehicle will be towed if the violation has not been corrected or
the vehicle removed from the premises.
_________________________________________ 10/21/2023
Resident Date
_________________________________________ _________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________ _________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________ _________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________ _________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________ _________________________
Resident Date
_________________________________________ 10/26/2023
Owner’s Representa ve Date
2. Acknowledgment of Receipt and Cost of Keys and Access Devices. You must return all keys and access devices upon move-out.
You will be charged for replacements and will be charged for any key or access device not returned at move-out. Do not give
your keys, access device(s) or codes to anyone else.
Item Allows Access To Count Cost Item Serial Numbers (if applicable – list all)
$5.00 N/A
Mail Key Mailbox
Remote $ 50.00
5. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over con ic ng provisions of this form:
______________________________________________________ 10/21/2023
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ 10/26/2023
Owner’s Representa ve Date
� Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 Revised 8/2022
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No.
0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address)
in , Texas.
2. Use of Appliances. You (as residents) have permission from us (as owner) to install and use (check all that apply):
X a washing machine and/or q
q X a dryer in the dwelling unit described above, subject to the conditions in this addendum.
Please remember that we do not select your washing machine or dryer, install them, maintain them, or use them. You are
in the best position to prevent water, fire, smoke or other damage caused by: (1) a defective washing machine or dryer;
(2) a washing machine or dryer accident; or (3) improper installation, maintenance or use of a washing machine or dryer.
3. Conditions. If your washing machine and/or dryer leaks, floods, causes a fire, causes smoke damage, or otherwise
malfunctions or is misused, it can cause a lot of problems and a lot of damage to your unit and other units, as well as damage
to your personal property and personal property of residents in other units. For these reasons, your right to install and use a
washing machine and/or dryer in your unit is subject to the following conditions. You automatically agree to those conditions
when connecting or using a washing machine and/or dryer in your unit.
4. Installation. You should be especially careful in your choice of a washing machine and/or dryer and in their installation,
maintenance and use—just as if it were in your own home. You and all other residents, occupants, and guests in your
unit must follow manufacturer’s instructions for the washing machine and/or dryer’s installation, maintenance, and use.
Installation must be done by a professionally qualified person or company approved by us. We recommend that you have it
professionally installed.
5. Responsibility for damage. You agree to assume strict liability for all damage to your unit and to other units and to
personal property in your unit and other units if the washing machine and/or dryer leaks, floods, malfunctions or is misused,
or in any other way causes damage—unless it is caused by us or our management company, or acts of God to the extent they
couldn’t be mitigated by your action or inaction. That means you will be responsible for costs of removing water from carpets,
replacing permanently damaged carpets, repainting, and any other repairs or damages to your unit and to other units, as well
as damage to personal property in your unit and other units if, among other things:
• the water or dryer vent hoses break or leak; or
• the water or dryer vent hoses were incorrectly connected or did not have protective washers in the connections; or
• the washing machine and/or dryer was overloaded, causing it to malfunction; or
• the washing machine and/or dryer leaks or malfunctions for any other reason.
• the owner’s insurance may not cover such damages, and the owner is under no obligation to have insurance that does
cover such damages.
6. New hoses. When installing the washing machine, you must use new hoses since bursting or leaking hoses are the most
common cause of water damage. Stainless braided water hoses are recommended. Similarly, you should use a new dryer
vent hose when installing your dryer.
7. Inspection. You must not use the washing machine and/or dryer until management has inspected the installation. Such
inspection does not relieve you of liability in the event of water, fire, smoke or other damage from your washing machine and/
or dryer.
8. Maintenance. You will have the sole responsibility for maintaining your washing machine and all related hardware. Such
maintenance must include, but is not limited to, regularly cleaning lint from your dryer’s lint trap.
9. Insurance. At all times you must carry renter’s insurance that provides insurance coverage for damage to your personal
belongings from accidental water discharge from your washing machine or other causes. Similarly, it must provide coverage
for fire or smoke damage from your washing machine and/or dryer. It must also provide coverage for any potential liability,
due to your fault, for water, fire, smoke or other damage to other units and to personal property of others. You must verify
with your agent that such coverages are included in your policy and must furnish us a copy of the policy upon our request.
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Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract for Apt. No. 0624
________________ in the Ethos
Apartments Apartments.
2. Acknowledgment concerning insurance or damage waiver. As a condition to and for the duration of your
residency, you are required to maintain an insurance policy which provides a minimum of $100,000 in liability
coverage per occurrence. Additionally, a minimum of $10,000 Personal Property coverage is X is not required.
Liability Insurance pays the losses of other people to whom you unintentionally (or through negligence) cause
injury. By not maintaining a liability insurance policy, you may be liable to us and others for loss or damage caused
by your actions or by the actions those of any occupant or guest in the dwelling.
Resident agrees to provide written proof of insurance coverage to Management prior to taking possession of the
Premises and prior to either the renewal of Resident’s Rental Agreement Term or prior to the expiration of insurance
which Resident has placed to satisfy the terms of this Insurance Addendum. Resident agrees to renew and keep the
appropriate level of insurance in place during the entire term of Resident’s tenancy at the Premises. Resident further
agrees that no lapse in coverage will occur and that Resident will renew or replace Resident’s coverage prior to
You acknowledge and understand that liability insurance DOES NOT PROTECT your possessions
or dwelling contents (i.e., household goods, furniture, electronics, or clothing) against losses
caused by your actions or those of any occupant or guest, including but not limited to losses due
to flood, fire, smoke or water damage.
You acknowledge and understand that Personal Property Insurance DOES PROTECT against the
loss of, or damage to, possessions caused by specific perils up to a defined dollar amount. Both
______Initial the amount and covered perils vary by insurance policy. Perils can include losses from fire,
water and smoke damage, vandalism, burglary, lightning, windstorm, or explosion; however,
certain perils, such as flood, are often excluded.
3. Preferred insurance program. You acknowledge that we have informed you of any insurance program (the
“Program”) that we have made available to you that provides you with an opportunity to purchase liability
insurance and/or personal property insurance policies from ResidentShield. Be advised that this insurance
carrier is not an affiliate of, nor owned or operated by Highmark Residential, and Highmark Residential makes
no guarantees, representations, or promises concerning the insurance or services provided. You are under no
obligation to purchase renter’s insurance or liability insurance through the Program.
4. Election of insurance coverage or damage waiver. Resident agrees to the following with respect to Resident’s
obligations to provide Required Insurance (INITIAL ONE):
Resident hereby agrees to purchase Required Insurance from an insurance company of Resident’s choice. If
Resident elects to purchase Required Insurance from a company other than ResidentShield, Resident will
provide Management with written proof of compliance with this Rental Agreement Addendum on or prior to
the Rental Agreement commencement date, and any time such proof is requested by Management.
Resident’s insurance company will be required to name Ethos
Apartments with address of P.O. Box 3687, Coppell, TX 75019 as “Additionally Interested Party” on Resident’s
policy whereby Management will receive notices of pending cancelation or actual policy cancelation of
Required Insurance selected by Resident.
5. If Resident does not maintain Required Insurance, or proof of Required Insurance, acceptable to Management in its
reasonable discretion, is not provided to Management prior to occupancy of the Premises by Resident or prior to
any cancellation or expiration of such policy, then Resident is in breach of the Rental Agreement and Resident
hereby agrees that in order to avoid such a breach, Management shall have the right, but not the obligation, to
purchase replacement coverage and to charge Resident a fee to cover the expense for such insurance. The
insurance requirement of this Rental Agreement may then be satisfied by Management, who may schedule the
Resident’s unit for coverage under the Management Placed Tenant Liability Insurance policy “MPTLI.” The coverage
provided under the MPTLI will include Required Insurance coverage listed above. An amount equal to the total cost
to Management of adding Resident’s unit to the MPTLI shall be charged back to Resident by Management or
Management’s authorized representative. Some important points of this coverage which Resident should
understand are:
A) Management is the Named Insured under the MPTLI. Resident is an Additional Interested Party under the
tenant liability component of the MPTLI policy for liability arising from on-premises Bodily Injury and
Property Damage up to the Limits of Liability appearing above.
B) MPTLI coverage is not personal liability insurance or Renter’s Insurance. MPTLI coverage does not extend
the provision of coverage to the Resident in the event the Resident causes damages or injuries to another
Revised 2/2020
Resident understands that Management has the right to add the Premises to the Management Placed Tenant
Liability Insurance policy “MPTLI”. To cover the cost of this insurance and the resulting administrative
expense, Resident may be charged, and if charged, agrees to pay a monthly fee not to exceed $25. The
fee is currently $______________
20.00 but can change without notice. Employees of Management are not
licensed agents. Please note: The MPTLI plan is not owned or operated by Management, and Management
makes no guarantees, representations, or promises concerning the insurance or services provided by the
MPTLI plan.
If an insurance carrier is chosen outside of the Program (see Section 4) please provide the following:
Resident Signature/Date
Resident Signature/Date
Resident Signature/Date
Resident Signature/Date
Owner’s Representative/Date
Revised 2/2020
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease between you and us for Apt. No. 0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address)
in , Texas.
2. Payments. All payments for any amounts due under the Lease must be made:
q at the onsite manager’s office
X through our online portal
q by mail to , or
q other: Ethos-Apartments.com .
3. Security Deposit Deductions and Other Charges. You’ll be liable for the following charges, if applicable: unpaid rent; unpaid
utilities; unreimbursed service charges; repairs or damages caused by negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse, including stickers,
scratches, tears, burns, stains, or unapproved holes; replacement cost of our property that was in or attached to the apartment and is
missing; replacing dead or missing alarm or detection-device batteries at any time; utilities for repairs or cleaning; trips to let in company
representatives to remove your telephone, Internet, television services, or rental items (if you so request or have moved out); trips to
open the apartment when you or any guest or occupant is missing a key; unreturned keys; missing or burned-out light bulbs; removing
or rekeying unauthorized security devices or alarm systems; packing, removing, or storing property removed or stored under the Lease;
removing illegally parked vehicles; special trips for trash removal caused by parked vehicles blocking dumpsters; false security-alarm
charges unless due to our negligence; animal-related charges outlined in the Lease; government fees or fines against us for violation (by
you, your occupants, or your guests) of local ordinances relating to alarms and detection devices, false alarms, recycling, or other matters;
late-payment and returned-check charges; and other sums due under this Lease. You’ll be liable to us for charges for replacing any keys
and access devices referenced in the Lease if you don’t return them all on or before your actual move-out date; and accelerated rent
if you’ve violated the Lease. We may also deduct from your security deposit our reasonable costs incurred in rekeying security
devices required by law if you vacate the apartment in breach of this Lease.
Upon receipt of your move-out date and forwarding address in writing, the security deposit will be returned (less lawful deductions) with
an itemized accounting of any deductions, no later than 30 days after surrender or abandonment, unless laws provide otherwise. Any
refund may be by one payment jointly payable to all residents and distributed to any one resident we choose or distributed equally among
all residents.
4. Requests, Consent, Access and Emergency Contact. All written requests to us must be submitted by:
X online portal
q email to [email protected]
X hand delivery to our management office, or
q other: .
From time to time, we may call or text residents with certain promotional or marketing messages that may be of interest. By signing
this form and providing contact information, you are giving us your express written consent to contact you at the telephone number you
provided for marketing or promotional purposes, even if the phone number you provided is on a corporate, state or national Do Not Call
list. To opt out of receiving these messages, please submit a written request to us by the method noted above.
You agree to receive these messages from us through an automatic telephone dialing system, prerecorded/artificial voice
messages, SMS or text messages, or any other data or voice transmission technology. Your agreement is not required as a
condition of the purchase of any property, goods, or services from us.
Any resident, occupant, or spouse who, according to a remaining resident’s affidavit, has permanently moved out or is under court order
not to enter the apartment, is (at our option) no longer entitled to occupancy or access devices, unless authorized by court order.
After-hours phone number (512) 407-9918
(Always call 911 for police, fire, possible criminal activity or medical emergencies.)
5. Parking. We may have any unauthorized or illegally parked vehicles towed or booted according to state law at the owner or operator’s
expense at any time if the vehicle: (a) has a flat tire or is otherwise inoperable; (b) is on jacks, on blocks, or has a wheel missing;
(c) takes up more than one parking space; (d) belongs to a resident or occupant who has surrendered or abandoned the apartment;
(e) is in a handicapped space without the legally required handicapped insignia; (f) is in a space marked for office visitors, managers, or
staff; (g) blocks another vehicle from exiting; (h) is in a fire lane or designated “no parking” area; (i) is in a space that requires a permit or
is reserved for another resident or apartment; (j) is on the grass, sidewalk, or patio; (k) blocks a garbage truck from access to a dumpster;
(l) has no current license or registration, and we have given you at least 10 days’ notice that the vehicle will be towed if not removed; or
(m) is not moved to allow parking lot maintenance.
7. Amenities. Your permission for use of all common areas, amenities, and recreational facilities (collectively “Amenities”) located at
the property is a license granted by us. This permission is expressly conditioned upon your compliance with the terms of the Lease, the
Community Policies, and any signage posted in or around any of the Amenities. We have the right to set the days and hours of use for all
Amenities and to change those or close any of the Amenities based upon our needs. We may make changes to the rules for the use of
the Amenities at any time.
Neither we nor any of our agents, employees, management company, its agents, or its employees shall be liable for any damage
or injury that results from the use of any Amenities by you, your invitees, your licensees, your occupants, or your guests. This
release applies to any and all current, past or future claims or liability of any kind related to your decision to use the Amenities.
8. Package Services. We q do or q
X do not accept packages on behalf of residents.
If we DO accept packages, you give us permission to sign and accept any parcels or letters you receive through UPS, Federal Express,
Airborne, United States Postal Service or other package delivery services. You agree that we are not liable or responsible for any lost,
damaged or unordered deliveries and will hold us harmless.
9. Fair Housing Policy. We comply with applicable fair housing laws. In accordance with fair housing laws, we’ll make reasonable
accommodations to our rules, policies, practices or services and allow reasonable modifications to give disabled persons access to and
use of the dwelling and common areas. We may require you to sign an addendum regarding the implementation of any accommodations
or modifications, as well as your restoration obligations, if any. This fair housing policy does not expand or limit any rights and obligations
under applicable law.
10. Special Provisions. The following special provisions control over conflicting provisions of this form:
Signature of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease for Apt. No. 0624 _____________ in Ethos Apartments
All policies apply to all residents, occupants, and guests and are subject to change.
2. Rental Payment. All payments for any amounts due under the Lease and Addenda must be made at the onsite manager’s
o ce or through our online portal. The following payment methods are accepted: electronic payment, personal check,
cashier’s check, or money order.
• No par al payments will be accepted.
• A er move-in, paper payments will not be accepted for monthly charges except for repayment of a returned payment.
• A returned payment fee plus applicable late charges will be assessed on all payments returned by a bank for any reason.
Returned payments must be paid by a cashier’s check or money order within 24 hours of no ca on.
• Cash is never accepted.
We have the right to reject any payment not made in compliance with the above paragraph.
3. Occupants. If, during the term of the lease, you have an addi onal child either by birth or adop on, and such addi onal child
2 years of age or older and exceeds the maximum occupancy restric ons of the apartment, you must transfer to a larger
is ___
apartment or vacate the apartment at the end of the lease term. Before allowing any person not already named in the lease
contract to occupy your apartment home, all requirements must be met, and permission obtained from Management.
4. Pets. Maximum of 2 pets per apartment. Aggressive dogs or any dog with a bite history will not be accepted. Approved
support or service animals of all breeds are accepted.
5. U li es. List, if applicable.
Electric Company: Austin Energy Account Number:
6. Keys and Locks. The care and maintenance of the keys and locks to your apartment is of cri cal importance.
• We do not o er lockout service a er business hours.
• A replacement key may be provided for a minimum charge of $5.00. Keys may only be given to leaseholder(s) listed on
the lease agreement, and only if proper ID has been provided and veri ed.
• If you wish to have your locks changed, a reasonable charge will be levied. Payment in advance of a lock change is not
• You may not install or change locks without express wri en permission from Management. Any unauthorized lock
installa on/change will result in the removal of said lock(s) at your expense.
7. Intrusion Alarms*.
• We may or may not provide intrusion alarm service in the home.
• If allowed and you obtain intrusion alarm service, you must provide Management the security code and promptly no fy
us of any changes to an exis ng alarm code.
• You are responsible for obtaining any necessary permit to operate the alarm and will be responsible for all charges that
arise from installa on and/or removal of the alarm, including, but not limited to, nes for false alarms.
8. Package Acceptance. This community will X will not sign for and/or accept resident packages in the o ce. This
community X does does not have a package locker system available to accept delivery of packages from the U.S. Postal
Service and/or any commercial delivery service to a locker. Registra on is required to enable deliveries to the lockers. If
checked, an excep on will be made to accept the following packages in the o ce when all package lockers are full, if
checked: X oversized packages X over ow packages.
The following is applicable only if the above indicates packages will be accepted in the o ce. You authorize this community, or
agents thereof, to accept packages on your behalf from the U.S. Postal Service and/or any other commercial delivery service
(UPS, Federal Express, etc.) with your signature on this addendum serving as wri en consent. You acknowledge that the
community, or agents thereof, are NOT responsible for C.O.D. deliveries or damaged, perishable, or lost items. Packages
containing expensive or valuable items will not be accepted in the o ce. Packages not retrieved from the o ce within ___ NA
calendar days will be returned to the original carrier.
9. Use of Ameni es and Common Areas. Guests must always be accompanied by a resident when using the Ameni es and may
be asked to leave at our discre on. You will be liable to us for any damage caused by you or any guests or occupants
anywhere in the community.
Everyone has a role in limi ng the spread of COVID-19 and/or other virus strains. All rules related to common areas and
amenity usage have been developed with the health and safety of residents and team members in mind and in accordance
with state/local orders and guidance from public health authori es. Always assume that anyone could have a virus. Follow
health and safety guidance from state/local government and public health authori es.
All residents must:
• Comply with all posted signs and published rules and requirements rela ng to speci c common areas or ameni es,
including occupancy limits and protec ve measures.
• Maintain safe physical distancing. If such distancing is not feasible, other measures such as face covering, hand hygiene,
cough e que e, cleanliness, and sanita on should be rigorously prac ced. Avoid group gatherings.
______________________________________________________ 10/21/2023
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ _______________________________
Resident Date
______________________________________________________ 10/26/2023
Owner’s Representa ve Date
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract • Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas that
(”Lease”) executed by you, the resident(s), on the dwelling are not well-traveled or well-lit.
you have agreed to rent. That dwelling is: • Keep your keys handy at all times when walking to your car
Apt. #
0624 at SREIT Ethos or home.
Austin, L.L.C. • Do not go inside if you arrive home and find your door
open. Call the police from another location and ask them
to meet you before entering.
(name of apartments) • Make sure door locks, window latches and sliding glass
doors are properly secured at all times.
or other dwelling located at
• Use the keyless deadbolt on your unit when you are at
(street address of house, duplex, etc.) • Don’t put your name or address on your key ring or hide
City/State where dwelling is located extra keys in obvious places, like under a flower pot. If you
. lose a key or have concerns about key safety, we will rekey
your locks at your expense, in accordance with paragraph
2. Security Guidelines. We disclaim any express or implied 11 of the Lease.
warranties of security. We care about your safety and that of
other occupants and guests. No security system is failsafe. • Check the door viewer before answering the door. Don’t
Even the best system can’t prevent crime. Always act as open the door if you don’t know the person or have any
if security systems don’t exist since they are subject to doubts. Children who are old enough to take care of
malfunction, tampering, and human error. The best safety themselves should never let anyone inside when home
measures are the ones you perform as a matter of common without an adult.
sense and habit. • Regularly check your security devices, smoke alarms and
Inform all other occupants in your dwelling, including other detection devices to make sure they are working
any children you may have, about these guidelines. We properly. Alarm and detection device batteries should be
recommend that all residents and occupants use common tested monthly and replaced at least twice a year.
sense and follow crime prevention tips, such as those listed • Immediately report in writing (dated and signed) to us any
below: needed repairs of security devices, doors, windows, smoke
• In case of emergency, call 911. Always report emergencies alarms and other detection devices , as well as any other
to authorities first and then contact the management. malfunctioning safety devices on the property, such as
broken access gates, burned out exterior lights, etc.
• Report any suspicious activity to the police first, and then
follow up with a written notice to us.
• Know your neighbors. Watching out for each other is one
of the best defenses against crime.
Resident or Residents (all sign below) Owner or Owner’s Representative (sign below)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
Your are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the lease between you and us for Apt. No. 0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas OR
the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address)
in , Texas.
2. Number and size. You may install 1 satellite dish(es) or antenna(s) on the leased premises. A satellite dish may not exceed
one meter (3.3 feet) in diameter. Antennas that only transmit signals or that are not covered by 47 CFR §1.4000 are prohibited.
3. Location. Your satellite dish or antenna must be located: (1) inside your dwelling; or (2) in an area outside your dwelling such as a
balcony, patio, yard, etc. of which you have exclusive use under your lease. Installation is not permitted on any parking area, roof, exterior
wall, window, window sill, fence, or common area, or in an area that other residents are allowed to use. A satellite dish or antenna may not
protrude beyond the vertical and horizontal space that is leased to you for your exclusive use.
4. Safety and non-interference. Your installation: (1) must comply with all applicable ordinances and laws and all reasonable safety
standards; (2) may not interfere with our cable, telephone or electrical systems or those of neighboring properties; (3) may not be
connected to our telecommunication systems; and (4) may not be connected to our electrical system except by plugging into a 110-volt
duplex receptacle. If the satellite dish or antenna is placed in a permitted outside area, it must be safely secured by one of three methods:
(1) securely attaching it to a portable, heavy object such as a small slab of concrete; (2) clamping it to a part of the building’s exterior that
lies within your leased premises (such as a balcony or patio railing); or (3) any other method approved by us in writing. No other methods
are allowed. We may require reasonable screening of the satellite dish or antenna by plants, etc., so long as it does not impair reception.
5. Signal transmission from exterior dish or antenna to interior of dwelling. Under the FCC order, you may not damage or alter
the leased premises and may not drill holes through outside walls, door jams, windowsills, etc. If your satellite dish or antenna is installed
outside your dwelling (on a balcony, patio, etc.), the signals received by it may be transmitted to the interior of your dwelling only by the
following methods: (1) running a “flat” cable under a door jam or windowsill in a manner that does not physically alter the premises and
does not interfere with proper operation of the door or window; (2) running a traditional or flat cable through a pre-existing hole in the wall
(that will not need to be enlarged to accommodate the cable); (3) connecting cables “through a window pane,” similar to how an external
car antenna for a cellular phone can be connected to inside wiring by a device glued to either side of the window—without drilling a hole
through the window; (4) wireless transmission of the signal from the satellite dish or antenna to a device inside the dwelling; or (5) any
other method approved by us in writing.
6. Safety in installation. In order to assure safety, the strength and type of materials used for installation must be approved by us.
Installation must be done by a qualified person or company approved by us. Our approval will not be unreasonably withheld. An installer
provided by the seller of the satellite dish or antenna is presumed to be qualified.
7. Maintenance. You will have the sole responsibility for maintaining your satellite dish, antenna, and all related equipment.
8. Removal and damages. You must remove the satellite dish or antenna and all related equipment when you move out of the dwelling.
In accordance with the TAA Lease Contract, you must pay for any damages and for the cost of repairs or repainting caused by negligence,
carelessness, accident. or abuse which may be reasonably necessary to restore the leased premises to its condition prior to the installation
of your satellite dish, antenna or related equipment. You will not be responsible for normal wear and tear.
9. Liability insurance and indemnity. You must take full responsibility for the satellite dish, antenna, and related equipment. If the dish
or antenna is installed at a height or in some other way that could result in injury to others if it becomes unattached and falls, you must
provide us with evidence of liability insurance to protect us against claims of personal injury and property damage to others, related to your
satellite dish, antenna, and related equipment. The insurance coverage must be $ ,0.00 which is an amount reasonably
determined by us to accomplish that purpose. Factors affecting the amount of insurance include height of installation above ground level,
potential wind velocities, risk of the dish/antenna becoming unattached and falling on someone, etc. You agree to hold us harmless and
indemnify us against any of the above claims by others.
10. Security deposit. Your security deposit (in your Lease Contract) is increased by an additional reasonable sum of $ 0.00
q effective at time of installation or q effective within days of installation to help protect us against possible repair costs,
damages, or failure to remove the satellite dish, antenna and related equipment at time of move-out. Factors affecting any security
deposit may vary, depending on: (1) how the dish or antenna is attached (nails, screws, lag bolts drilled into walls); (2) whether holes
were permitted to be drilled through walls for the cable between the satellite dish and the TV; and (3) the difficulty and cost of repair or
restoration after removal, etc. A security deposit increase does not imply a right to drill into or alter the leased premises.
11. W
hen you may begin installation. You may start installation of your satellite dish, antenna, or related equipment only after you have:
(1) signed this addendum; (2) provided us with written evidence of the liability insurance referred to in paragraph 9 of this addendum;
(3) paid us the additional security deposit, if applicable, in paragraph 10; and (4) received our written approval, which may not be
unreasonably withheld, of the installation materials and the person or company that will do the installation.
12. Miscellaneous. If additional satellite dishes or antennas are desired, an additional lease addendum must be executed.
________________________________________________ ����������������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
Please note: We want to maintain a high-quality living environment for you. It’s important to work together to
minimize the potential for bed bugs in your dwelling and others. This addendum outlines your responsibility
and potential liability when it comes to bed bugs. It also gives you some important information about them.
You are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.
©2019 Texas Apartment A ssociation, Inc. continued on back
� Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030
Bed Bugs
A Guide for Rental-Housing Residents
(Adapted with permission from the National Apartment Association)
Bed bugs are wingless, flat, broadly oval-shaped in- cause of welts like that often go misdiagnosed. One
sects, with a typical lifespan of 6 to 12 months. Capa- distinguishing sign is that bed-bug marks often ap-
ble of reaching the size of an apple seed at full growth, pear in succession on exposed areas of the skin such
bed bugs are distinguishable by their reddish-brown as the face, neck, and arms. But sometimes a person
color, although after feeding on the blood of hu- has no visible reaction at all from direct contact with
mans and warm-blooded animals—their sole food bed bugs.
source—the bugs assume a distinctly blood-red hue
until digestion is complete. While bed bugs typically act at night, they often
leave signs of their presence through fecal markings
of a red to dark-brown color, visible on or near beds.
Bed bugs don’t discriminate. Blood stains also tend to appear when the bugs have
been squashed, usually by an unsuspecting sleeping
Bed bugs’ increased presence across the United States host. And because they shed, it’s not uncommon to
in recent decades is due largely to a surge in interna- find the skin casts they leave behind.
tional travel and trade. It’s no surprise then that bed
bugs have been found in some of the fanciest hotels
and apartment buildings in some of the nation’s most
expensive neighborhoods.
Prevent bed-bug encounters
when traveling.
Nonetheless, false claims that associate bed bugs
presence with poor hygiene and uncleanliness have Because humans serve as bed bugs’ main mode of
caused rental-housing residents, out of shame, to transportation, it’s especially important to be mindful
avoid notifying owners of their presence. This only of bed bugs when away from home. Experts attribute
causes the bed bugs to spread. the spread of bed bugs across all regions of the Unit-
ed States largely to increases in travel and trade, both
While bed bugs are more attracted to clutter, they’re here and abroad. So travelers are encouraged to take
certainly not discouraged by cleanliness. Bottom line: a few minutes on arriving to thoroughly inspect their
bed bugs know no social or economic bounds; claims accommodations before unpacking. Because bed
to the contrary are false. bugs can easily travel from one place to another, it’s
also a good practice to thoroughly inspect luggage
and belongings for bed bugs before heading home.
Bed bugs don’t
transmit disease.
Know the bed-bug
There exists no scientific evidence that bed bugs
carry disease. In fact, federal agencies tasked with dos and don’ts.
addressing pests of public-health concern, namely
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the • Don’t bring used furniture from unknown sourc-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have re- es into your dwelling. Countless bed-bug infesta-
fused to elevate bed bugs to the threat level posed by tions have stemmed directly from bringing home
disease-carrying pests. Again, claims associating bed second-hand and abandoned furniture. Unless
bugs with disease are false. you are absolutely sure that a piece of second-
hand furniture is bed-bug-free, you should as-
sume that a seemingly nice looking leather
Learn to identify bed bugs. couch, for example, is sitting curbside waiting to
be hauled off to the landfill because it’s teeming
Bed bugs can often be found in, around, behind, un- with bed bugs.
der, or between: • Do inspect rental furniture, including mattresses
• Bedding and couches, for the presence of bed bugs before
• Bed frames moving it into your dwelling.
• Mattress seams
• Do address bed-bug sightings immediately. Rent-
• Upholstered furniture, especially under cushions
al-housing residents who suspect the presence of
and along seams
bed bugs in their unit must immediately notify
• Wood furniture, especially along areas where draw-
the owner.
ers slide
• Curtains and draperies • Don’t try to treat bed-bug infestations yourself.
• Window and door frames Health hazards associated with the misapplica-
• Ceiling and wall junctions tion of traditional and nontraditional chemical-
• Crown moldings based insecticides and pesticides poses too
• Wall hangings and loose wallpaper great a risk to you, your family and pets, and your
• Carpeting and walls (carpet can be pulled away from neighbors.
the wall and tack strip) • Do comply with eradication protocol. If the deter-
• Cracks and crevices in walls and floors mination is made that your unit is indeed playing
• Electronic devices, such as smoke and carbon-mon- host to bed bugs, you must comply with the bed-
oxide detectors bug-eradication protocol set forth by both your
Because bed bugs leave some people with itchy welts owner and their designated pest-management
similar to those made by fleas and mosquitoes, the company.
Please note: We want to maintain a high-quality living environment for our residents. To help achieve this
goal, it is important that we work together to minimize any mold growth in your dwelling. This addendum
contains important information for you, and responsibilities for both you and us.
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract executed by 4. Avoiding Moisture Buildup. To avoid mold growth, it’s important to
you, the resident or residents, on the dwelling you have agreed to rent. prevent excess moisture buildup in your dwelling. Failing to promptly
attend to leaks and moisture accumulations on dwelling surfaces can
That dwelling is: Unit # 0624 at
encourage mold growth, especially in places where they might get
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
inside walls or ceilings. Prolonged moisture can come from a wide
variety of sources, such as:
, • rainwater leaking from roofs, windows, doors, and outside walls, as
(name of apartments) well as flood waters rising above floor level;
or other dwelling located at • overflows from showers, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, washing machines,
dehumidifiers, refrigerator or air-conditioner drip pans, or clogged
air-conditioner condensation lines;
(street address of house, duplex, etc.) • leaks from plumbing lines or fixtures, and leaks into walls from bad
City/State where dwelling is located or missing grouting or caulking around showers, bathtubs, or sinks;
. • washing-machine hose leaks, plant-watering overflows, pet urine,
cooking spills, beverage spills, and steam from excessive open-pot
2. About Mold. Mold is found everywhere in our environment, both cooking;
indoors and outdoors and in both new and old structures. Molds are
nothing new—they are natural microscopic organisms that reproduce • leaks from clothes-dryer discharge vents (which can put a lot of
by spores. They have always been with us. In the environment, molds moisture into the air); and
break down organic matter and use the end product for food. Without • insufficient drying of carpets, carpet pads, shower walls, and
molds we would be struggling with large amounts of dead organic bathroom floors.
matter. Mold spores (like plant pollen) spread through the air and are 5. Cleaning Mold. If small areas of mold have already accumulated on
commonly transported by shoes, clothing, and other materials. There is nonporous surfaces (such as ceramic tile, formica, vinyl flooring, metal,
conflicting scientific evidence about how much mold must accumulate wood, or plastic), the Environmental Protection Agency recommends
before it creates adverse health effects on people and animals. Even so, that you first clean the areas with soap (or detergent) and water and let
we must take appropriate precautions to prevent its buildup. the surface dry thoroughly. (Applying biocides without first cleaning
3. Preventing Mold Begins with You. to minimze the potential for mold away the dirt and oils from the surface is like painting over old paint
growth in your dwelling, you must: without first cleaning and preparing the surface.) When the surface
is dry—and within 24 hours of cleaning—apply a premixed spray-
• Keep your dwelling clean—particularly the kitchen, bathroom, on household biocide such as Lysol Disinfectant®, Original Pine-Sol®
carpets, and floors. Regular vacuuming and mopping of the floors, Cleaner, Tilex Mold & Mildew Remover® or Clorox® Clean-up® Cleaner
plus cleaning hard surfaces using a household cleaner, are all + Bleach. (Note two things: First, only a few of the common household
important to remove the household dirt and debris that harbor cleaners can actually kill mold. Second, Tilex and Clorox contain bleach,
mold or food for mold. Throw away moldy food immediately. which can discolor or stain surfaces, so follow the instructions on the
• Remove visible moisture accumulations on windows, walls, ceilings, container.) Always clean and apply a biocide to an area five or six times
floors, and other surfaces as soon as reasonably possible. Look for larger than any mold you see—mold can be present but not yet visible
leaks in washing-machine hoses and discharge lines—especially if to the naked eye. A vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate
the leak is large enough for water to seep into nearby walls. If your air (HEPA) filter can be used to help remove nonvisible mold products
dwelling has them, turn on exhaust fans in the bathroom before from porous items such as fibers in sofas, chairs, drapes, and carpets—
showering and in the kitchen before cooking with open pots. provided the fibers are completely dry. Machine washing or dry-cleaning
Also when showering, keep the shower curtain inside the tub (or will remove mold from clothes.
fully close the shower doors). Experts also recommend that after
a shower or bath you (1) wipe moisture off shower walls, shower 6. Warning for Porous Surfaces and Large Surfaces. Do not clean or
doors, the bathtub, and the bathroom floor; (2) leave the bathroom apply biocides to visible mold on porous surfaces such as sheetrock
door open until all moisture on the mirrors and bathroom walls and walls or ceilings or to large areas of visible mold on nonporous surfaces.
tile surfaces has dissipated; and (3) hang up your towels and bath Instead, notify us in writing and we will take appropriate action to comply
mats so they will completely dry out. with Section 92.051 et seq. of the Texas Property Code, subject to the
special exceptions for natural disasters.
• Promptly notify us in writing about any air-conditioning or heating-
system problems you discover. Follow any of our rules about 7. Compliance. Complying with this addendum will help prevent mold
replacing air filters. It’s also good practice to open windows and growth in your dwelling, and both you and we will be able to respond
doors periodically on days when the outdoor weather is dry (i.e., correctly if problems develop that could lead to mold growth. If you have
humidity is below 50%) to help humid areas of your dwelling dry questions about this addendum, please contact us at the management
out. office or at the phone number shown in your Lease Contract.
• Promptly notify us in writing of any signs of water leaks, water If you fail to comply with this addendum, you can
infiltration, or mold. We will respond in accordance with state be held responsible for property damage to the
law and the Lease Contract to repair or remedy the situation as dwelling and any health problems that may result.
necessary. We can’t fix problems in your dwelling unless we
know about them.
Resident or Residents (all sign below) Owner or Owner’s Representative (sign below)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
(Name of Resident)
Your are entitled to receive a copy of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.
TAA Official Statewide Form 15-FF, Revised January 2015
Copyright 2015, Texas Apartment Association, Inc.
1. 0624
Addendum. This is an addendum to the Lease Contract for Apt. No. _______________________________ in
Ethos Apartments
2. Acknowledgment concerning Package Acceptance and Package Management System Requirements. You agree to abide by
all package delivery and package management system requirements set forth in this addendum. You understand and agree
that neither the Owner nor Package Management System Provider shall retain any liability concerning any packages inside
the package lockers or package room. You authorize us to accept packages on your behalf, if applicable, as indicated in
paragraph 3 of this addendum, while you remain responsible for any loss, liability or damages to any of your packages inside
the package locker or package room. You further agree to defend and indemnify Owner and the Package Management
System Provider from any and all damages and liability that may result from our accep ng delivery of any package on your
behalf. You agree to assume all risk of loss or damage associated with delivery of packages to the lockers, package room, or
the community. Nothing within this addendum shall impose any liability or obliga on on Owner in any way related to
packages. The package management system is provided “as is” by Owner and the Package Management System Provider.
This addendum shall be considered part of the exis ng Lease Contract.
3. Package Acceptance and Package Management System Requirements.
• Packages are not accepted in the o ce. We will not sign for any packages or parcels. You will need to coordinate with
the carrier for the delivery of packages or parcels requiring signature.
• If the property has package lockers:
o An excep on X will will not be made for packages that will not t into a package locker for registered users.
o An excep on X will will not be made for over ow packages when the lockers are full.
• A secured package management system is available to accept the delivery of packages from the U.S. Postal Service and/
or any commercial delivery service to a secured locker where it will be available for pickup 24/7. Registra on is required
to enable package deliveries to the lockers.
• There are no registra on, storage, or per-use fees.
• Packages that remain in a locker or package room for more than 3 _____ days may be returned to sender.
• Inappropriate use or abuse of the package lockers, package room, or package management system may result in the
cancella on of the resident account by the package management system company or the property and may result in
addi onal charges assessed against the resident for damages that are caused by direct ac ons of the resident, the
resident’s occupants, and/or resident’s guests.
• If you choose not to register to use the package management system, delivery may be a empted at the door. If no one is
home to receive the package, the package may be returned to the courier hub to be held for pick-up or a empted re-
delivery at a later date.
4. Package Management System Informa on
• Complete registra on for the package management system Link provided in email from Amazon Hub
________________________________________________________, and set your no ca on and account preferences.
• When a package is delivered, a text and/or email no ca on will be sent with a unique access code.
- Go to the package management system kiosk and enter the access code from the no ca on.
- Locker or package room door will open for package retrieval.
• If the property has package lockers:
o If a package is too large to t in a locker, and accepted in the o ce, a no ca on will be sent that the package
was delivered and can be retrieved from the o ce.
o If you have di culty accessing packages in the highest lockers, you can set your locker preference on your
account to have packages delivered only to lockers below 4 feet.
• Addi onal no ca on will be sent as a reminder that you have a package wai ng to be picked up. A er 3 _____ days, your
package may be returned to sender without further no ca on.
• Contact Amazon Hub
_____________________________________ at 888-283-0577
__________________________ 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
for assistance with lost or deleted access codes, locker or package room door that will not open, or other ques ons
about your account.
5. Special Provisions. The following provisions will supersede any con ic ng provisions of the Lease Contract and this
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Resident/Date Resident/Date
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Resident/Date Resident/Date
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Resident/Date Resident/Date
Owner’s Representa ve/Date
Revised 4/2023
� Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030
Lease Addendum for Optional Service from Spruce
2. Spruce: Spruce performs op;onal services such as housekeeping, pet care, laundry, and other chores for residents of
this property. You are under no requirement to u;lize the Spruce service. If you do u;lize services from Spruce, you
will be required to agree separately with their terms and condi;ons in order to receive service.
3. Welcome Package: As part of your lease, you have the op;on to accept a welcome package consis;ng of coupons for
complementary services. Accep;ng this welcome package does not obligate you to any payment to Spruce or to this
property. You acknowledge that Spruce will send the details of this welcome package in a one-;me communica;on,
delivered via email and/or SMS, which will include instruc;ons on how to accept it.
4. Requests for Service: Only an authorized Lessee (resident) may request service through the Spruce PlaRorm. You may
grant access to your residence for services provided by Spruce using the Spruce mobile or web applica;on.
5. Resident Informa=on: By signing this Addendum, you expressly consent to Lessor’s sharing of certain Lessee personal
informa;on with Spruce for the purpose of: (i) providing you with informa;on about the Services and/or a welcome
package; and (ii) valida;ng authorized Lessees for Service requests.
Owner’s Representa;ve/Date
Revised 7/2020
� Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030
FOR RESIDENTS 2022 - 2023
These guidelines contain numerous no-cost and low-cost ways you can go green. There are simple and easy
measures you can take to save energy, conserve water, limit your waste, improve your surroundings, and reduce
your impact on the environment.
By following the recommendations set forth in this guide, you can not only save money, but you can also positively
contribute to creating a healthier and more environmentally-sustainable community.
emissions and can save money.
• Slant blinds downward to permit sunlight • Cover pots and pans when cooking to reduce
to enter the room and increase warmth (this cooking time.
can serve as an insulator). • To ensure food safety, keep the refrigerator
• Switch the ceiling fans to spin in reverse to circulate temperature set between 36°F to 40°F /
warm air downward (the fan will turn clockwise when 2.2°C to 4.4°C and the freezer at 0°F / -17.8°C.
looking at the fan from below).
• Don’t overcrowd the fridge or freezer; freezers
• Place a draft stopper under exterior doors.
should not be more than two-thirds full.
• Layer clothing in the winter. The Department
of Energy calculates that your energy bill will increase • Keep the freezer and refrigerator organized to
3% for each degree you raise the thermostat. reduce the amount of time searching for items
• In the summer: when the door is open.
• Close the blinds (with the slats in the up position) as • Turn off the drying function of the dishwasher.
tightly as possible. This will reflect light and heat and Leave the door open to air-dry dishes instead.
create a pocket of air.
• Switch the ceiling fans to spin normal to
circulate warm air to the ceiling (the fan will turn
counter-clockwise when looking from below.) LIGHTING
• Take advantage of natural daylight.
• When working or reading, use task lighting
ELECTRONICS (such as desk lamps) rather than lighting the
entire room.
• Delete old files off the cloud to reduce energy used by • Regularly dust lamps and light fixtures to remove
data centers. All files that you have on the cloud are stored in
dust obstruction light emission
data centers, which use energy.
• Remove your screen saver. Screen savers use almost as • Turn off lights in unoccupied rooms.
much energy as during active use. • Switch to LED lights.
• Some electronics draw electricity when they are plugged
into an outlet (phantom electricity). Plug electronics
into surge protectors and turn off power strips when
electronics are not in use.
EXCEPTION: Electronics that require power
in order to access an Internet connection
for regular updates.
• Save money by shutting down a home computer
if you don’t expect to use it for the next two hours.
Turn off the monitor if the computer is not going to
be used within the next 20 minutes.
• As you replace equipment, look for energy‑efficient
products that conserve energy, such as those labeled
ENERGY STAR® certified in the US.
©2023 RE Tech Advisors, LLC � Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 3
Proper water conservation practices can help protect
wildlife habitats by reducing the need for new water
sources. Saving water reduces the energy needed to
CONSERVATION treat and deliver the water, all while decreasing your
water bill.
• Identify any leaks, flooding, or over-use of
irrigation systems. Fix or report to responsible
parties (e.g., property manager, Homeowners’
Association, or local authorities).
©2023 RE Tech Advisors, LLC � Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 4
Source reduction is the best way to
©2023 RE Tech Advisors, LLC � Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 5
Recycling allows individuals
©2023 RE Tech Advisors, LLC � Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 6
SUSTAINABLE Making more environmentally-conscious purchases
has positive impacts on community health and
wellbeing, the environment, and the local economy.
• Shop local whenever possible. • Choose dairy products with no artificial hormones
or antibiotics.
• Support small businesses.
• Look for third-party green-certified products • Learn about the “Slow Food” movement.
(e.g., Fair Trade Certified™, UL GreenGuard • Buy organic fruit and vegetables, if possible.
Certified, EcoCert® Cosmos, B Corp®). Apples, strawberries, and grapes are the top three
most contaminated foods with the highest amount
of pesticides.
©2023 RE Tech Advisors, LLC � Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 7
GREEN Green cleaning keeps toxins and chemicals out
• Tar: rub with eucalyptus oil. • Some air fresheners use harsh chemicals.
Instead, lightly spritz your space with white vinegar
(the smell will quickly vanish).
INFECTIOUS DISEASE • Add 1/4 cup (60ml) of white vinegar to the washer
to remove any mildew smells from towels
PREVENTION and sheets.
• Disinfect high-touch surface areas, including • A cup (240ml) of white vinegar will clean a
(but not limited to) door handles/knobs, handrails, washing machine. Run it through a regular cycle,
light switches, faucets, kitchen equipment, without clothes.
countertops, and other surfaces that are frequently • Deodorize and clean the garbage disposal
touched throughout a day. with white distilled vinegar ice cubes (freeze
• Follow the World Health Organization (WHO) full-strength white distilled vinegar in an ice
Guidelines and manufacturer instructions for safe cube tray). Run several cubes down the disposal
and effective disinfectant use. while flushing with cold water.
• If available, purchase cleaning products developed • Clean the microwave by mixing 1/2 cup (120ml)
of white distilled vinegar and 1/2 cup (120ml) of
by a member of the Global Ecolabelling Network.
water in a microwave-safe bowl. Heat inside the
microwave. Baked-on food will be loosened,
and odors will disappear. Wipe clean.
©2023 RE Tech Advisors, LLC � Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 8
In addition to positive environmental
impacts, switching to active and
alternative forms of transportation can
provide financial benefits as well as
physical and mental health benefits.
• Use a smart phone to find nearby walkable shops, • Biking is a clean form of transportation.
restaurants, services, and activities.
• Be sure to take appropriate precautions for safety:
• Discover local public transit by checking online
• Always wear a helmet.
public transit trip planners, such as Google
Maps Transit, which provides a map, step-by- • Ride with traffic, not against it.
step instructions, and photos to help reach the • Be visible, especially when riding at night. Wear
destination. Look into using bike/scooter share bright colors and use flashing lights
as an alternative form of transportation. and reflectors.
©2023 RE Tech Advisors, LLC � Blue Moon eSignature Services Document ID: 402340030 9
CoolClimate’s mission is to massively scale up the adoption of climate solutions.
This nonprofit organization is dedicated to the responsible reuse, repair,
and recycling of electronic products.
This website provides information about Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs.
Electronics donation and recycling is a great way to help conserve resources
and natural materials.
Learn more about fuel economy at the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable
Their mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors,
businesses, and the marketplace—to create a socially just and environmentally
sustainable society.
Find green, healthy, and ethically produced products and services for home and
One-stop source of information about recycling mercury-added “lamps.”
This is a nonprofit initiative of The Monday Campaigns, working in collaboration
with the Center for a Livable Future (“CLF”) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public Health.
Slow Food® was founded in 1989 to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures
and traditions, counteract the rise of fast life, and combat people’s dwindling
interest in the food they eat.
Sign up for their newsletter for water-saving ideas.
This site includes information about simple and effective green alternatives that
make a real, lasting difference.
EPA has tools to help reduce an individual's environmental footprint.
1. Addendum. This is an addendum to the TAA Lease Contract for Apt. No. 0624 in the
SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas OR
the condominium/townhome located at (street address)
in , Texas.
2. Responsibility for area. The apartment or condominium/townhome unit has a fenced or enclosed patio, yard or atrium.
Unless we, as owner, expressly assume responsibility below, you, as resident, will perform or pay for yard maintenance of
such fenced or enclosed area, as follows:
q You or q
X we will keep the lawn mowed and edged and maintain all plants, trees, shrubs, etc.
X You or q we will keep the lawn, flowerbeds, sidewalks, porches and driveways free of trash and debris.
q You are, q
X we are, or q no one is obligated to fertilize lawn and plants.
3. Report problems. You must promptly report infestations or dying vegetation to us. You may not modify existing landscape,
change any plants or plant a garden without our prior written approval.
����������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
Signatures of All Residents Signature of Owner or Owner’s Representative
This Camera Addendum is made and entered into as of the date of the Apartment Lease Contract (the “Lease”)
executed by Highmark Residential, LLC, managing agent for owner of________________________
SREIT Ethos Austin,
L.L.C. (the “Manager”) and the resident(s) (the “Resident”, whether one or
more) identified below. The purpose of this Addendum is to clarify the purpose of cameras in the apartment
community. For and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and in the Lease and for other good
and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as
1. The Cameras. Resident acknowledges that there are cameras that have been installed in certain
common areas of the apartment community. However, Resident further acknowledges that the cameras
are mechanical devices, can malfunction or be rendered inoperative at any time and should not be
relied upon by Resident for any type of security services. The cameras will not be actively monitored
but will be used to investigate any incidents that occur on the property.
2. Resident’s representations regarding security. Resident represents that Resident will not rely upon the
Cameras for any type of security services and that Resident will contact the local law enforcement
agency in the event of any security concerns. In the event of an emergency, Resident agrees to call
911. Resident further represents that it has made whatever decisions it desires with respect to obtaining
insurance coverage Resident deems appropriate to protect Resident, occupants of Resident’s unit or
their respective belongings.
3. Resident’s acknowledgements regarding security. Resident acknowledges that: (i) the cameras are not
to be construed as a representation or an express or implied warranty of security; (ii) there is no
guarantee or representation that the cameras are monitored, operable or working; (iii) the cameras are
not to be construed as a representation that they will, in any way, increase Resident’s personal security
or the security of other occupants in Resident’s unit or guests; (iv) there is no guarantee against crime
or of reduced risk of crime; (v) Resident and all occupants and guests must exercise due care for
Resident’s own and others’ safety and security; and (vi) the Manager is not responsible for injury,
damage or loss to person or property caused by the criminal acts of others. Resident further
acknowledges that Resident will be as cautious as possible with respect to Resident’s property and
surroundings and that the Manager suggests Resident get to know Resident’s neighbors and always
lock Resident’s apartment door whenever Resident leaves the apartment.
4. Conflicts. To the extent the terms of this Addendum conflict with the terms of the Lease, the terms of
this Addendum shall control.
10/21/2023 ____________________________________
Resident Signature/Date Resident Signature/Date
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Resident Signature/Date Resident Signature/Date
Owner’s Representative/Date
Dear Resident(s),
Every 15 seconds, a re department responds to a re somewhere in the United States. The major causes of home re deaths are
una ended cooking, smoking, portable heaters, candles, arson, and children playing with matches or lighters. By paying careful
a en on to these issues, each of us can share the responsibility of keeping our homes safe from re.
Smoke Detectors and Fire Alarms
Highmark Residen al provides smoke detectors in every apartment home. Smoke detectors should be placed on the ceiling near
bedrooms so they can be heard in the event of re. Smoke detectors should also be inspected regularly to ensure proper
func onality. While Highmark Residen al inspects smoke detectors prior to move-in, residents should test smoke detectors
periodically and replace ba eries as needed. Be sure to no fy the o ce sta if they are not func oning properly or if you need
assistance tes ng smoke detectors or replacing ba eries.
Fire Ex nguishers
If a re does occur, having a re ex nguisher ready can be a life and property-saving item. Ex nguishers can be purchased from many
hardware and grocery stores, o en for less than $20. Dependent upon local ordinances, a re ex nguisher may already be provided
by Highmark Residen al. Residents should inspect their ex nguishers o en to make sure that they are properly charged and able to
be used.
All re ex nguishers are used in the same way. Users must pull the safety pin, aim the ex nguisher at the base of the re and
squeeze the handle to discharge the re ex nguisher, sweeping the spray across the base of the re.
Types of Fires
Cooking res are among the leading causes of residen al re incidents, and the leading cause of cooking res is una ended cooking.
You should never leave the kitchen when cooking. In case of a cooking re like a grease re, using baking soda will smother the re
but use the re ex nguisher when it is needed. Water should not be used to ex nguish a grease re because water will spla er the
grease and increase the size of the re.
Electrical res are also common, and incidents can be easily reduced by not overloading power outlets. Keeping the area around
plugs free of dust and spider webs will help ensure less ammable material around the outlet.
You should also never connect mul ple power strips together or use many electrical devices on one power outlet. If a re does occur,
do not use water. A re ex nguisher should be used; however, if the re becomes too large, dial 9-1-1 to contact the re department.
Pa os & Balconies
Grills, hibachis, chimeneas, smokers, and any other outdoor cooking or open- ame devices are prohibited from use on pa os or
balconies and are not permi ed to be stored on balconies. These items must be used only on ground level and no less than 10 feet
from any building or per your city ordinance.
Smoking – Only if smoking is permi ed on property
Cigare es/cigars should never be le una ended inside your apartment or on pa os/balconies. Leaving and forge ng a cigare e
res ng on a combus ble material such as wood, grass shrubs, or plas c could result in a re. Be sure that there are no smoldering
cigare es when emptying an ashtray into a wastebasket lled with paper or other combus bles.
Escape Routes
One of the most important things to do is to prepare an escape plan. Apartments are fairly small when compared to large o ce
buildings, schools, or houses, but it is s ll impera ve that you memorize the oorplan of your home. When you move into your
apartment, take me to become familiar with the exit paths. One exit would be the main door, but some apartments also have re
exits next to windows or balconies.
You should also become familiar with the whole building, taking note of emergency stairwells or re escapes.
Many apartment communi es conduct emergency re drills or re safety mee ngs which can also be helpful, especially if you have
small children.
Fire Preven on Tips
1. Maintain smoke detectors Tips – Fire Safety
2. Have a working re ex nguisher 1. Make an escape plan
3. Never leave your kitchen while cooking 2. Prac ce your escape plan
4. Don’t overload power strips/outlets 3. Choose a mee ng place
5. Monitor, contain & fully ex nguish: 4. Crawl in low smoke
a. Cigare es, cigars, pipes – only if smoking is 5. Test every door for heat
permi ed on property 6. Don’t go back in, no ma er what!
b. Incense Dial 9-1-1 in case of emergency
c. Cooking surfaces
d. Heaters, irons
e. Hair dryers, curling irons
Note: Candles are not permi ed in your apartment home.
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Resident/Date Resident/Date
_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Resident/Date Resident/Date
_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Resident/Date Resident/Date
Owner’s Representa ve/Date
This Body of Water Acknowledgement and Release (this “Acknowledgement and Release”) is an
addendum to, and forms a part of, the lease agreement (the “Lease Agreement”) that this Acknowledgement
and Release is attached to. Capitalized terms used in this Acknowledgement and Release that are not defined
herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Lease Agreement.
For and in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and as an inducement for the
Owner and Community Director of the property to enter into the Lease Agreement with you, you agree as
2. RELEASE. Resident assumes the risk with respect to having a body of water near Resident’s
apartment and acknowledges that neither the owner of the apartment community, the Community Director
of the property, nor any of their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees, members, partners,
lenders and agents, and the affiliates of any of the foregoing (collectively, the “Owner Parties”), are liable
for any injuries, death, damages or losses to persons or property caused by or related to the body of water
or the entry by Resident and/or their occupants and guests into any such body of water. RESIDENT, TO
10/21/2023 _____________________________________________
Resident Signature/Date Resident Signature/Date
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Resident Signature/Date Resident Signature/Date
Owner’s Representative/Date
Revised 04//2019
This Virus Warning and Waiver Addendum relates to the TAA Lease Contract, signed ,
for Apt. No.
0624 in the SREIT Ethos Austin, L.L.C.
Apartments in Austin ,
Texas, OR the house, duplex, etc. located at (street address)
in , Texas.
Due to the inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and/or other virus strains (collectively “Viruses”) on the premises as defined
in Section 92.001 of the Texas Property Code (the “Premises”), it is important that you diligently follow all posted instructions,
written rules, and generally accepted health precautions concerning the spread of Viruses while on the Premises. Viruses may
be extremely contagious and can lead to severe illness and death. You should always assume that anyone could have a Virus.
There is no representation or warranty that: (1) the Premises are or will remain free of Viruses, (2) persons on the Premises
are not carrying Viruses; or (3) exposure to Viruses cannot occur on the Premises.
Date Resident
Date Resident
Date Resident
Date Resident
Date Resident
Date Resident
Date Owner’s
10/26/2023 Representative
Status Signed
Document ID 402340030
Submitted 10/26/23
Total Pages 55
Daniel Zuniga
signer key: 2e6d538ddd75a4c875f1ee1c53be2641
IP address:
signing method: Blue Moon eSignature Services
authentication method: eSignature by email [email protected]
browser: PHP 7.3.29/SOAP
1 10/21/23 01:07:57 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez accepted Consumer Disclosure
2 10/21/23 01:08:22 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Flood Disclosure Notice
3 10/21/23 01:09:42 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Apartment Lease Form
4 10/21/23 01:09:46 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Apartment Lease Form
5 10/21/23 01:09:52 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Additional Special Provisions
6 10/21/23 01:09:57 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Water/Wastewater Submetering Addendum
7 10/21/23 01:10:06 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Allocating Stormwater/Drainage Costs
8 10/21/23 01:10:12 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Allocating Trash Removal and Recycling Costs
9 10/21/23 01:10:17 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Trash Service Addendum
10 10/21/23 01:10:18 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Trash Service Addendum
11 10/21/23 01:10:25 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Recycling Addendum
12 10/21/23 01:10:26 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Recycling Addendum
13 10/21/23 01:10:45 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Additional Services and Fees
14 10/21/23 01:10:48 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Lease Addendum for Additional Services and Fees
15 10/21/23 01:10:55 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Allocating Services and Government Fees
16 10/21/23 01:11:05 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Highmark Parking Policy Addendum
17 10/21/23 01:11:06 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Highmark Parking Policy Addendum
18 10/21/23 01:11:10 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Key and Access Device Addendum
19 10/21/23 01:11:12 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Key and Access Device Addendum
20 10/21/23 01:11:18 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Washing Machine and Dryer
21 10/21/23 01:11:27 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez initialed Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
22 10/21/23 01:11:30 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez initialed Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
23 10/21/23 01:11:32 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez initialed Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
24 10/21/23 01:11:41 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez initialed Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
25 10/21/23 01:12:00 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez initialed Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
26 10/21/23 01:12:03 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
27 10/21/23 01:12:07 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
28 10/21/23 01:12:14 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Community Policies Addendum
29 10/21/23 01:12:20 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Community Policies Highmark
30 10/21/23 01:12:22 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Community Policies Highmark
31 10/21/23 01:12:27 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Security Guidelines
32 10/21/23 01:12:33 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Satellite Dish or Antenna Addendum
33 10/21/23 01:12:37 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Bed Bug Addendum
34 10/21/23 01:12:38 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Bed Bug Addendum
35 10/21/23 01:12:45 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Mold Information and Prevention Addendum
36 10/21/23 01:12:50 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Package Management System Addendum
37 10/21/23 01:12:51 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Package Management System Addendum
38 10/21/23 01:12:56 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Optional Service from Spruce
39 10/21/23 01:12:58 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Lease Addendum for Optional Service from Spruce
40 10/21/23 01:13:37 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Green Living Guide for Residents
41 10/21/23 01:13:42 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Lease Addendum for Patio or Yard Maintenance
42 10/21/23 01:13:48 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Surveillance Camera Addendum
43 10/21/23 01:13:50 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Surveillance Camera Addendum
44 10/21/23 01:13:56 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Fire Prevention and Safety
45 10/21/23 01:13:58 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Fire Prevention and Safety
46 10/21/23 01:14:03 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Body of Water Addendum
47 10/21/23 01:14:04 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Body of Water Addendum
48 10/21/23 01:14:10 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez dated Virus Warning and Waiver Addendum
49 10/21/23 01:14:11 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez signed Virus Warning and Waiver Addendum
50 10/21/23 01:14:15 PM CDT Alex Enrique Guerra Rodrà Â-guez submitted signed documents
54 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Additional Special Provisions
56 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Allocating Stormwater/Drainage Costs
57 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Allocating Trash Removal and Recycling Costs
62 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Additional Services and Fees
63 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Lease Addendum for Additional Services and Fees
64 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Allocating Services and Government Fees
65 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Highmark Parking Policy Addendum
66 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Highmark Parking Policy Addendum
67 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Key and Access Device Addendum
68 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Key and Access Device Addendum
69 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Washing Machine and Dryer
70 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
71 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Renters Liability Insurance Addendum - Master Policy
76 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Satellite Dish or Antenna Addendum
79 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Mold Information and Prevention Addendum
80 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Package Management System Addendum
81 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Package Management System Addendum
82 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Optional Service from Spruce
83 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Lease Addendum for Optional Service from Spruce
84 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Green Living Guide for Residents
85 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Lease Addendum for Patio or Yard Maintenance
88 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Fire Prevention and Safety
89 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Fire Prevention and Safety
92 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga signed Virus Warning and Waiver Addendum
93 10/26/23 09:28:47 AM CDT Daniel Zuniga dated Virus Warning and Waiver Addendum