Minor-2 (Paper With Solution)

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Question No. 01 to 25 Only One Correct Answer

1. A spherical charged conductor has surface charge density  . The electric field on its
surface is E and electric potential of conductor is V. Now the radius of the sphere is halved
keeping the charge to be constant. The new values of electric field and potential would be:
(A) 2E, 2V (B) 4E, 2V (C) 4E, 4V (D) 2E, 4V


2. Two identical positive charges are fixed on the y-axis, at equal distances from the origin O.
A particle with a negative charge starts on the negative x-axis at a large distance from O,
moves along the x-axis, passed through O and moves far away from O. Its acceleration a is
taken as positive along its direction of motion. The particle’s acceleration a is plotted
against its x-co-ordinate. Which of the following best represents the plot?

(A) (B) (C) (D)


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3. Six charges are placed at the vertices of a regular hexagon as
shown in the figure. The electric field on the line passing through
point O and perpendicular to the plane of the figure at a distance
of x (>> a) from O is:

Qa 2Qa 3 Qa
(A) (B) (C) (D) Zero
0 x 3 0 x 3 0 x 3


4. A solid conducting sphere having a charge Q is surrounded by an uncharged concentric

conducting hollow spherical shell. Let the potential difference between the surface of the
solid sphere and that of the outer surface of the hollow shell be V. If the shell is now given
a charge of –3Q, the new potential difference between the same two surface is:
(A) V (B) 2V (C) 4V (D) – 2V
Sol. In such situation potential difference depends only on hte charge on inner sphere. Since,
charge on inner sphere is unchanged. Therefore, potential difference V will remains
5. Eight point charges having value q each, are fixed at vertices of
a cube. The electric flux through square surface ABCD of the
cube is:

q q q q
(A) 24 (B) 12 (C) 6  (D) 8 
0 0 0 0


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6. Figure shows a system of three concentric metal shells A, B ad C
with radii, a, 2a and 3a respectively. Shell B is earthed and shell C
is given a charge Q. Now, if shell C is connected to shell A, then
the final charge on the shell B, is equal to:

4Q 8Q 5Q 3Q
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
13 11 3 7


7. Uniform electric field of magnitude 100V/m in space is directed along the line Y = 3 + x.
Find the potential difference between points A (3, 1) and B (1, 3)

(A) 100 V (B) 200 2 V (C) 200 V (D) None of these


8. The dipole moment of a system of charge +q distributed uniformly on an arc of radius R

subtending an angle  / 2 at its centre where another charge –q is placed is:

2 2qR 2qR qR 2qR

(A) (B) (C) (D)
   

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9. Six charged particles each of magnitude q lie on the circumference of a ring of radius R as
shown in the figure. Find the magnitude of net electrostatic force acting on the charge
 1 
particle at P. k  
 40 

(5 3  4 ) k q 2 (3 3  2) kq 2
(A) (B)
4 3 R2 2 3 R

(3 3  2) kq 2 (5 3  4) kq 2
(C) (D)
3 R2 2 3 R


10. Figure shows a thick metallic sphere. If it is given a charge +Q, then electric field will be
present in the region.
(A) r < R1 only
(B) r > R2 only
(C) r < R1 and r > R2
(D) R1 < r < R2

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11. Figure shows three spherical and equipotential surfaces 1, 2 and 3 round a point charge q.
The potential difference V1 – V2 = V2 – V3. If t1 and t2 be the
distance between them. Then:
(A) t1 = t2\
(B) t1 > t2
(C) t1 < t2
(D) t1  t2


12. A charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two equal charges Q. The system of the
three charges will be in equilibrium if q is equal to:

(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
2 4 4 2


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13. Four point charges +q, + q, –q and –q are placed on the corners of a square of side length
‘a’ as shown in the figure. The magnitude of electric field at a point which is at a distance x
(>> a) from the centre along a line perpendicular to the plane of the square and passing
through the centre, is

2qa qa 2qa qa
(A) (B) (C) (D)
40 x 2 20 x 3 20 x 3 40 x 3


14. In the figure, two point charges +q and –q are placed on

the x-axis at (+a, 0) and (–a, 0) respectively. A tiny dipole
of dipole moment (p) is kept at the origin along the y-axis.
The torque on the dipole equals,
(A) Zero (B)
20a 2
qp qp
(C) 4 a 2 (D)  a 2
0 0


15. The current density in a wire is 10 A/cm2 and the electric field in the wire is 5 V/cm.
If  = resistivity of material,  = conductivity of the material then (in SI units)

(A)   5  103 (B)   200 (C)   5  10 3 (D)   200


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16. A conductor with rectangular cross section has dimensions (a × 2a × 4a) as shown in
figure. Resistance across AB is x, across CD is y and across EF is z. Then

(A) x = y = z (B) x > y > z (C) y > z > x (D) x > z > y


17. Resistance of a wire at temperature to C is

R = R0 (1 + at + bt2)
Here, R0 is the temperature at 0oC. The temperature coefficient of resistance at temperature
t is

a  2bt 1  at  bt 2
(A) (B) (a  2bt) (C) (D) Constant
1  at  bt 2 a  2bt


18. A hollow cylinder of specific resistance , inner radius R, outer radius 2R and length l is as
shown in figure. What is the net resistance between the inner and outer surfaces?

3 R 2  R  ln(2) ln(2)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
l 2 2 l l

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19. A current (I) flows through a uniform wire of diameter (d) when the mean drift velocity is v.
The same current will flow through a wire of diameter d/2 made of the same material if the
mean drift velocity of the electron is:
(A) v/4 (B) v/2 (C) 4v (D) 2v


20. A certain piece of silver of given mass is to be made like a wire. Which of the following
combination of length (L) and the area of cross-sectional (A) will lead to the smallest
(A) L and A
(B) 2L and A/2
(C) L/2 and 2A
(D) Any of the above, because volume of silver remains same

21. The resistance of a wire is 10  . Its length increases by 10% by stretching. The new
resistance will now be:
(A) 12 (B) 1.2 (C) 13 (D) 11

22. Two wires of resistance R1 and R2 have temperature coefficient of resistance 1 and  2 ,
respectively. These are joined in series. The effective temperature coefficient of resistance

  2 1R 1   2 R 2 R1R 2 1 2

(A) 1 (B) 1 2 (C) R  R (D)
2 1 2 R12  R 22


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23. Consider two conducting wires of same length and material, one wire is solid with radius r.
The other is a hollow tube of outer radius 2r while inner r. The ratio of resistance of the two
wires will be:
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 1 : 4


24. The resistance of a wire is R. If the length of the wire is doubled by stretching, then the new
resistance will be:
(A) 2R (B) 4R (C) R (D) R/4
Ans. 4R
25. The current in a conductor varies with time t is I = 2t + 3t2 where I is in ampere and t in
seconds. Electric charge flowing through a section of conductor during t = 2 sec to t = 3
sec is:
(A) 10 C (B) 24 C (C) 33 C (D) 44 C


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Question No. 26 to 50 Only One Correct Answer

26.D The difference in coordination numbers of hexagonal close packing in 3D and square close
packing in 2-D, of identical spheres is:
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8
Sol. CN of HCP = 12
CN of 2D square = 4
So, difference = 12 – 4

27.D Which of the following figure represents the cross-section of an octahedral site?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

28.B Select the correct match about crystal system :

Crystal system Interfacial angle No. of bravais unit cell
(A) Cubic system  =  =  = 90o 4
(B) Hexagonal =   1
(C) Orthorhombic  =  =  = 90o 3
(D) Monoclinic =   1

29.B Copper cyrstllises in a structure of face centered cubic unit cell. The atomic radius of
copper is 1.28 Å. What is axial length on an edge of copper?
(A) 2.16 Å (B) 3.62 Å (C) 3.94 Å (D) 4.15 Å
Sol. a = 2 2R

30.C Platinum crystallizes in a face-centered cubic crystal with a unit cell length a. The distance
between nearest neighbours is :
3 2 2
(A) a (B) a (C) a (D) a
2 2 4

31.B Four Newman projection formulae of compound CH 2 OH  CHOH  CHOH  CHO are
shown below.

(I) H HO

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Which of the above represents erythro isomer?
(A) I and III (B) I and IV (C) I and II (D) II and IV

32.B Which of the following biphenyls is optically active

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


Find out relation in above structures

(A) I and II are identical (B) II and III are identical
(C) I and III are enantiomer (D) II and III are enantiomer

34.B Which of the following compounds is not resolvable?

(A) (B) Cl – CH = C = C = C = C = CH – Br

(C) (D)

Sol. (A) Resolvable (B) Non–resolvable

(C) Resolvable (D) Resolvable

35.C Given the correct order of initials T of F for following statements. Use T if statement is true
and F if it is false :
(P) Me – CH = C = C = CH – Br is optically active
(Q) All optically active compound are chiral
(R) All chiral pyramidal molecules are optically inactive


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(A) Chain isomers (B) Metamers

(C) Position isomers (D) Conformers
Sol. Structures of given compound are Me – O – CH2 – Et and Et – O – CH2Me so metamers.

37.D Among the following pair of compounds geometrical isomers are :




(D) None of the above

38.C Which of the following represent enantiomer?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


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39.C Which of the following Fischer projection is the enantiomer of the following molecule?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Sol. Draw F.P. formula

40.B Which of the following is a meso compound?

(A) (B) (C) (D) All of these


41.C How many structures of 20 amines are possible by C5H13N (without counting stereoisomers)?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7

42.D Most stable conformation of Cis-1-bromo-2-chloro cyclohexane is :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

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43.A The number of stereoisomer possible for the following compound :

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

44.D Which of the following will not show geometrical isomerism?

(A) (B) (C) (D)


shows which type of isomerism?

(A) Functional group isomerism (B) Geometrical isomerism
(C) Metamerism (D) Positional isomerism



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47.B Which of following pair is diastereomers?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

Sol. (a) Identical, (b) Diastereomers, (c) Positional isomer, (d) Identical

48.B Which of the following orbital overlapping results in antibonding, gerade M.O. having two
nodal plane?

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these


ABMO (gerade) 2NP (XZ and YZ)

49.A Which of the following order is correct for boiling point?

(A) NH3 > PH3
(B) CH3 – O – CH3 > C2H5OH
(C) o-hydroxybenzaldehyde > m-hydroxybenzaldehyde
(D) None of the above

50.C Which is the right structure of XeF4?

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

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Question No. 51 to 75 Only One Correct Answer

51. The inverse of y  5log x is :
(A) x  (1 / y ) log 5 (B) x  y1/log5 (C) x  5log y (D) x  51/log y


1  | x | 5 
52. The domain of the function f ( x)  sin  2  is (,  a ]  [a, ]. Then a is equal to:
 x 1 
17 17  1 1  17 17
(A) (B) (C) (D) 1
2 2 2 2


53. Let [t] denote the greatest integer  t . Then the equation in x,[ x]2  2[ x  2]  7  0 has:
(A) exactly two solutions (B) exactly four integral solutions
(C) no integral solution (D) infinitely many solutions

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82 x  82 x
54. The inverse function of f ( x)  2 x , x (1,1), is ______ .
8  82 x
1 1 x  1 1 x 
(A) log e   (B) (log 8 e)log e  
4 1 x  4 1 x 
1 1 x  1 1 x 
(C) log e   (D) (log 8 e)log e  
4 1 x  4 1 x 


x[ x ]
55. Let f (1,3)  R be a function defined by f ( x )  , where [x] denotes the greatest
1  x2
integer  x. Then the range of f is :
 2 3  3 4 2 1 3 4
(A)  ,    ,  (B)  ,    , 
 5 5  4 5 5 2 5 5
2 4 3 4
(C)  ,  (D)  , 
5 5 5 5

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56. Let function f : R  R be defined by f ( x)  2 x  sin x for x  R. Then f is

(A) one to one and onto (B) one to one but NOT onto
(C) onto but NOT one to one (D) Neither one to one nor onto

57. The domain of the definition of the function f ( x )  2
 log10 ( x 3  x) is:
4 x
(A) (1,0)  (1, 2)  (3, ) (B) (2, 1)  (1,0)  (2, )
(C) (1,0)  (1,2)  (2, ) (D) (1,2)  (2, )


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x 2 1
58. The domain of definition of the function y  3e log( x  1) is :
(A) (1, ) (B) [1, ) (C) R  {1} (D) (,  1)  (1, )


59. If f ( x) is a real valued function such that f ( x  6)  f ( x  3)  f ( x )  0, x  R, then

period of f(x) is
(A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 18 (D) 24


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4 1/ 4
60. If f(  2  x   a  1   f  x   a   for all x  R, then f(x) is periodic with period
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8


x e x
Let f(x) = 1  x 2  , g  x  
61. 1   x  where, [ ] denotes the greatest integer function . Then
domain of {f(x) + g(x)} is
(A) R - [-1 } (B) R - [-1, 0)
(C) R - {-2, -1, 0 } (D) R-[ -2, 0)


2 1/4
 x  x 2  
62. The domain of the function f(x) = 9  27 3  219  32( x 1) 
 

5 
(A) [-3, 3] (B) 3,   (C)  2 ,   (D) [0, 1]
 


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63. The function f :[0,3]  [1,29], defined by f ( x)  2 x3  15 x 2  36 x  1, is
(A) one-one and onto (B) onto but not one-one
(C) one-one but not onto (D) neither one-one nor onto


64. If the domain for y  f  x  is [- 2, 3], then the domain of g  x   f   x   is

(A) (-2, 3) (B) [-2 , 3] (C) [-2, 3) (D) (-2, 3]


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65. The range of the function f ( x)  is
4  3cos x
 1 1  1 
(A) [0, 1] (B)  7 , 2  (C)  7 ,1 (D) 1, 7 
   


 x  
66. The period of f ( x )  2cos   is
 3 
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

67.  
The function f ( x )  sin log( x  1  x 2 ) is
(A) Even function (B) Odd function
(C) Neither even nor odd (D) Periodic function


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68. The number of real solutions of the log 0.5 | x | 2 | x | is
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 0 (D) None of these


  2 3  
1 1 1 12 1
69. The value of sin cot  sin  cos  sec 2   is
  4 4 
  
(A) (B) (C) 0 (D)
4 6 2

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70. If sin 1 ( x 2  2 x  1)  sec 1 ( x 2  2 x  1)  , x  0, then the value of
x  x
2sec1    sin 1   is equal to
2 2
3 3  
(A)  (B) (C)  (D)
2 2 2 2


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 1 2 x 2  x
71. cos  x  1  x 1    cos 1  cos 1 x holds for
1 2

 2 4  2

(A) x [1,1] (B) x  R (C) x [0,1] (D) x [1,0]


 3 
72. If x   ,2  , then the value of the expression sin 1  cos{cos 1 (cos x)}sin 1 (sin x)  , is
 2 
 
(A)  (B) (C) 0 (D) 
2 2

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73. If | a | 1,| b | 1 and | x | 1, then the solution of

 2a 
1 1  1  b   2x 
sin  2 
 cos  2 
 tan 1  ,
2  is
1 a  1 b  1 x 
1 b 1  ab ab  1 a b
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1  ab a b ab 1  ab


74. The value of ‘a’ for which ax 2  sin 1 ( x 2  2 x  2)  cos 1 ( x 2  2 x  2)  0 has a real
solution, is
  2 2
(A) (B)  (C) (D) 
2 2  


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 1 
75. A root of equation 17 x 2  17 x tan  2 tan 1    10  0, is
 5 4
10 7
(A) (B) –1 (C)  (D) 1
17 17


51.C 52.C 53.D 54.A 55.B 56.A 57.C

58.A 59.C 60. D 51. B 62. C 63. B 64.C
65.C 66.D 67.B 68.B 69.C 70.B 71.C
72.B 73.D 74.B 75.D

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