ECE (2022) 5th Sem Syllabus
ECE (2022) 5th Sem Syllabus
ECE (2022) 5th Sem Syllabus
5 Semester
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B.Tech. , ECE, Semester-5
Total 17 0 10 27 22
*Assessment of Practical Training-I will be based on presentation/seminar, viva-voce, report and certificate for the practical training taken at the
end of 4th semester.
Open Elective Course-I is to be offered by Departments other than ECE.
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Course Credits : 3.0 Course Assessment Methods (Internal: 30; External: 70) Two Minor tests
Mode : Lectures (L) each of (20 Marks), class performance through percentage of lectures attended
Teaching schedule L T P : 3 0 0 (4 Marks), assignments, quiz etc. (6 Marks), and end semester examination of
Examination Duration : 03 Hours (70 Marks).
For the end semester examination, nine questions are to be set by the examiner .
Question number one will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus . It
will contain seven short answers type questions, rest of the eight questions are
to be given by setting two questions from each of the four units of the syllabus .
A candidate is required to attempt other four questions selecting one from each
of the four units. All questions carry equal marks.
Course Contents
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amplifiers, Measurement of Power, VSWR, frequency, attenuation, insertion loss, wavelength
and impedance.
1. Microwave devices and circuits: Samuel Liao; PHI.
2. Microwave devices & Radar Engg: M. Kulkarni; Umesh Publications.
3. Microwave Engineering: Annapurna Das, S. K. Das, MCGraw Hill Education.
1. Microwaves and Radar: A.K. Maini; Khanna.
2. Microwave Engineering, David M. Pozar, Wiley.
3. Microwave & Radar Engg, Dr. A. K. Gautam, katson Books.
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Course Credits: 3.0 Course Assessment Methods (internal: 30; external: 70) Two minor tests each
Contact Hours: 3/week, (L-T-P: 3-0-0) of 20 marks, Class Performance measured through percentage of lectures
Mode: Lectures and Tutorials attended (4 marks) Assignments (4 marks) and class performance (2 marks),
Examination Duration: 3 hours and end semester examination of 70 marks.
For the end semester examination, nine questions are to be set by the
examiner. Question number one will be compulsory and based on the entire
syllabus. It will contain seven short answers type questions. Rest of the eight
questions is to be given by setting two questions from each of the four units
of the syllabus. A candidate is required to attempt any other four questions
selecting one from each of the remaining four units. All questions carry equal
Course Contents
PIC MICROCONTROLLER ARCHITECTURE: Introduction to PIC Microcontrollers,
Processor Architectures: Harvard vs. Von Neumann, CISC vs. RISC, Comparison between
PIC10, PIC12, PIC14, PIC16, PIC18 devices. PIC 16 Microcontroller, Architecture and
pipelining, Block diagram, program memory considerations, Addressing modes, CPU
Registers, Instruction set, simple operations.
INTERRUPT AND I/O PORTS OF PIC MCU: Interrupt logic, Timer2 scalar
initialization, Interrupt service routine, Loop time subroutine, External interrupts and timers,
Synchronous serial port module, Serial peripheral device, Output port expansion, Input port
expansion, UART.
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tools/environments, assembly language programming style, interpreters, high level languages,
Intel hex format object files, Debugging.
Text Books:
1. “Design with PIC Microcontroller”, by John B. Peatman, Pearson.
2. “PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems: using assembly and C for PIC 18” by Muhammad Ali
Mazidi, Pearson.
Reference Books:
1. “Microcontroller Programming, the Microchip PIC”, by Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton, CRC Press.
2. “Embedded C programming and the microchip PIC” by Richard H. Barnett, Larry O’ Cull, Delmar
Cengage Learning.
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For the end semester examination, nine questions are to be set by the
examiner. Question number one will be compulsory and based on the entire
syllabus. It will contain 7 short answers type questions, Rest of the eight
question is to be given by setting two questions from each of the four units
of the syllabus. A candidate is required to attempt any other four questions
selecting one from each of the four units. All questions carry equal marks.
Pre-requisites: Programming in C
CO 1 Describe various types of data structures and operations that can be implemented on these L1
data structures.
CO 2 Demonstrate the use of various data structures and their related operations. L2
CO 4 Compare the suitability of alternative data structures and prescribed operations for various H2
problem situations.
CO 5 Defend solutions with respect to effective storage of data and efficiency of the required H3
operations for solving real world problems.
Course Content
Introduction to data structures and their types, Abstract data types, linear lists: Arrays and linked
lists: memory representations, implementing operations like traversing, searching, inserting and
deleting etc. Applications of arrays and linked lists. Representing sets and polynomials using
linked lists.
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Stack and Queue: Static and linked implementations, Operations and Applications. Circular
queues, Tress, Binary trees and related terminology, Tree traversals (Recursive), Threaded
Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees implementation and operations, Priority queues.
Height Balanced or AVL trees and B trees. Graph definitions and related terminology, memory
representations and related operations (traversal, insertion, deletion, search), Path Matrix,
Warshall’s Shortest path algorithm Hashing, Hash tables, hash function and collision resolution.
Sequential and binary search, Sorting algorithms: Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort,
Quick sort, Merge sort, Count sort, Heap sort, Comparison of searching and sorting techniques
based on their complexity analysis, Time and space complexity of algorithms: Asymptotic
analysis, Big O, Omega, Theta notations.
Text Books:
1. Aho, A. V., Ullman, J. D., and Hopcroft, J. E., Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, 1983.
2. LangsamYedidyah, Augenstein J Moshe, Tenenbaum M Aaron, Data Structures using C and C++, 3rdedition,
PHI, 2009.
3. Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L. and Stein, C., Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 2009.
Reference Books:
1. Robert L. Kruse, Data Structure and Program Design in C, Pearson Education India, 2007.
2. Weiss, M. A., Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Addison-Wesley, 2007.
3. Sahni, S., Data Structures, Algorithms, and Applications in C++, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2001.
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Course Credits : 3 Course Assessment Methods (Internal: 30; External: 70) Two Minor tests
Mode : Lectures (L) each of (20 Marks), class performance through percentage of lectures attended
Teaching schedule L T P : 3 0 0 (4 Marks), assignments, quiz etc. (6 Marks), and end semester examination of
Examination Duration : 03 Hours (70 Marks).
For the end semester examination, nine questions are to be set by the examiner.
Question number one will be compulsory and based on the entire syllabus. It
will contain seven short answers type questions, rest of the eight questions are
to be given by setting two questions from each of the four units of the syllabus.
A candidate is required to attempt other four questions selecting one from each
of the four units. All questions carry equal marks.
Course Contents
INPUT / OUTPUT RELATIONSHIP: System / Plant model, illustrative examples of plants &
their inputs and outputs, open loop & closed loop control system & their illustrative examples,
mathematical modeling and representation of physical systems, Concept of transfer function,
relationship between transfer function and impulse response, order of a system, block diagram
algebra, signal flow graphs: Mason’s gain formula & its application, characteristic equation,
derivation of transfer functions of electrical and electromechanical systems.
TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Typical test signals, time response of first order systems to
various standard inputs, time response of 2nd order system to step input, time domain
specifications, steady state error and error constants, concept of stability, pole-zero configuration
and stability, necessary and sufficient conditions for stability, Hurwitz stability criterion, Routh
stability criterion and relative stability. Root locus concept, development of root loci for various
systems, stability considerations.
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FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Relationship between frequency response and time-
response for 2nd order system, polar, Nyquist, Bode plots, stability, Gain-margin and Phase
Margin, relative stability, frequency response specifications.
COMPENSATION: Necessity of compensation, compensation networks, application of lag and
lead compensation, basic modes of feedback control, proportional, integral and derivative
CONTROL COMPONENTS: Synchros, servomotors, stepper motors, magnetic amplifier.
1. Control System Engineering: I.J. Nagrath & M. Gopal; New Age Publishers.
2. Automatic Control Systems: B.C. Kuo, PHI. Publishers.
3. Control System Engineering: U.A. Bakshi,V.U. Bakshi;Technical Publications
1. Modern Control Engg: K. Ogata; PHI. Publishers.
2. Control Systems - Principles & Design: Madan Gopal; Tata Mc Graw Hill. Publishers.
3. Modern Control Engineering, R.C. Dorf & Bishop; Addison-Wesley Publishers.
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List of Experiments
Note: At least eight experiments are to be performed in the semester, out of which minimum six
experiments should be performed from above list. Remaining experiments may either be
performed from the above list or designed and set by concerned institution as per the scope of the
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NOTE: At least twelve experiments are to be performed in the semester, out of which at least
eight experiments should be performed from above list. Remaining experiments may either
be performed from the above list or designed & set by the concerned institution as per the
scope of the syllabus.
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Pre-requisites: Network Analysis and Synthesis lab, Analog Electronics- I Lab, Analog
Electronics -II Lab
List of Experiments
NOTE: At least eight experiments are to be performed in the semester, out of which at least six
experiments should be performed from above list. Remaining experiments may either be
performed from the above list or designed & set by the concerned institution as per the scope of
the syllabus.
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Practical Training-I
General Course Information:
Mode: Practical
Practical Training-I
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