Course Outline Fall20232024
Course Outline Fall20232024
Course Outline Fall20232024
write basic Matlab programs to solve the problems encountered in the course;
know the difference between an approximate and an exact solution of a problem, and the
definition of absolute and relative errors;
determine the root(s) of a nonlinear equation using the Bisection method , Regula Falsi method , fixed point iteration method , Newton's
method and the Secant method;
state and prove the conditions under which the sequence converges to a unique root of the equation x=g(x);
determine the order of an iterative process for computing the root of an equation;
solve nonlinear systems of equations using fixed point and Newton’s methods;
Solve simultaneously sets of linear algebraic equations using Gauss Elimination, LU Decomposition, Jacobi , Gauss-Siedel and the SOR
construct an interpolating polynomial using either the Lagrange or Newton formula, and describe their relative advantages and
prove the error formula for Lagrange interpolation;
construct divided difference tables for prescribed data;
solve numerical differentiation problems using suitable numerical differentiation formulas;
derive the trapezoidal and Simpson's rules for approximating an integral;
derive the error term for the trapezoidal and Simpson’ rules;
solve Ordinary Differential Equation problems using Euler’s, Heun’s and Runge Kutta methods
On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed their skills in:
- the mathematical analysis underlying the development of numerical methods
- the implementation of the numerical methods for a variety of multidisciplinary applications
- being able to establish the limitations, advantages, and disadvantages of numerical methods
On successful completion of this course, all students will have developed their appreciation of and respect for values and attitudes regarding the issues of:
- The role of numerical methods in relation to enginerring
- Relationship with other members engineering
A A:85-100 , A-:80-84
(excellent) Excellent understanding of the concepts and the principles as demonstrated by correct and accurate knowledge and application of
theory/laws in solving problems. Response to problems is clear, legible, concise and accurate. Excellent performance.
B B+: 75-79, B:70-74 , B-: 66-69
(good) Better than average understanding of the concepts and the principles as demonstrated by correct and accurate knowledge and
application of theory/laws in solving problems, but doesn't have the depth and outstanding quality of an "A". Response to problems
is fairly clear, legible, but occasionally contains some inaccuracies. Performance exceeds the minimum requirements
C C+:63-65 , C:59-62 , C-: 56-58
(average) An average understanding of the concepts and the principles as demonstrated by reasonably correct knowledge and application of
theory/laws in solving problems, but doesn't have any depth. Response to problems is reasonably clear, legible, but contains
inaccuracies. It reveals a sufficient understanding of the material, but lacks depth in understanding and approach/application.
Content and form don't go beyond basic expectations and/or display some substantial errors. Acceptable but non-exceptional
performance that doesn't go beyond the minimum requirements.
D D+:53-55 , D:50-52
(barely sufficient) Minimal knowledge and barely sufficient understanding of the concepts and the principles as demonstrated by approximately
correct application of theory/laws in solving problems. Response to problems is not very clear and is barely legible, and contains
many inaccuracies. It reveals a minimum (confused) understanding of the material, and lacks depth in understanding and
approach/application. Content and form do not adequately meet the basic expectations, and/or display significant errors.
Performance demonstrates severe problems in one or more areas.
D- 35-49
(fail) Unsatisfactory progress in understanding of the concept and principles, unsatisfactory knowledge of the theoretical part of and
insufficient skils in solving problems.
Work does not meet the most minimal standards. It reveals no understanding of the material, lack of basic academic skills and
knowledge, or completely incomprehensible writing. Performance is not acceptable
NG May be given the students not attending classes and or examinations
Assignments for the term includes:
-theoretical applications to methods
-software programs
Course Grade will be computed as follows:
1. Midterm Exam 1 % 35
2. Final Exam % 45
3. Lab works, Quizes, homeworks and attendance% 20
It is compulsory to show student identification card, in order to be able to attend examinations or
quizzes. Those who will not be able to show identification card will not be allowed to attend the
Students are compulsory to attend the examinations in the scheduled room. They will not be allowed
to attend the examination in a room which is not scheduled for them.
Students may check their examination papers within a pre‐announced period of time. Information
about this matter will be given in the instructions of each of the examinations.
Students missing an examination has to provide a valid excuse within three days following the
examination they missed.
One general make up examination will be given at the end of the semester after the final examination
period. Students attending make up examination will be responsible from all subjects.
It is a University regulation that unexplained absences of 50% or more from classes will automatically result in an NG grade.
John H. Mathews: Numerical Methods for Mathematics,
Science and Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1999.
2023-2024 Fall Semester
1-2 Roots of Equations,Locating the roots graphically an analytically, Bisection Method, False
Position Method
3 Fixed Point Iterative Method, Newton's Method, Order of the methods
4 Fixed Point Method, Newton’s Method
5-6 Iterative Methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR)
7 LU Decomposition Method,Gauss Elimination Method
8 Lagrange Interpolation Polynomial, Equispaced Interpolation
9 11-25 Nov. 2023 Midterm Examinations
10 Least Squares, Least Squares Polynomial Fitting,Nonlinear Curve Fitting
11 Calculus of Finite Differences, Errors and Approximation of Derivatives
12 Quadrature, Trapezoidal, Simpson's Formulas,
13 Composite Integration Formulas
14 Explicit Methods, Implicit Methods
15 Runge Kutta type implicit methods
16 Jan. 3- 18 2024 Final Examinations
17 Jan. 24-26 2024 Resit Exam Applications
Feb. 1- 7 2024 Resit Exams
This is intentionally failing to give credit to sources used in writing regardless of whether they are published or unpublished. Plagiarism (which also
includes any kind of cheating in exams) is a disciplinary offence and will be dealt with accordingly.)