Brain Tumor Diagnosis Using Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Capsule Neural Networks and Vision Transformers, Applied To MRI: A Survey
Brain Tumor Diagnosis Using Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Capsule Neural Networks and Vision Transformers, Applied To MRI: A Survey
Brain Tumor Diagnosis Using Machine Learning, Convolutional Neural Networks, Capsule Neural Networks and Vision Transformers, Applied To MRI: A Survey
Brain Tumor Diagnosis Using Machine Learning,
Convolutional Neural Networks, Capsule Neural Networks and
Vision Transformers, Applied to MRI: A Survey
Andronicus A. Akinyelu 1,2, *, Fulvio Zaccagna 3,4 , James T. Grist 5,6,7,8 , Mauro Castelli 1,†
and Leonardo Rundo 9, *,†
often of lower grades [3]. Malignant brain tumors infiltrate the surrounding parenchyma
with variable aggressiveness. Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common and aggressive
type of malignant brain tumor, commonly classified as a grade 4 CNS tumor with dismal
survival [3,4]. Brain tumors can also be categorized according to their origin into primary
and secondary brain tumors, with the former originating in the brain and the latter usually
in a distant site [3].
At present, diagnosis and management are based upon clinical and radiological
information. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the mainstay for the assessment of
patients with brain tumors [5], although conventional imaging has significant limitations
in evaluating tumor extent, predicting grade, and assessing treatment response [6]. Novel
acquisition techniques are under development to improve lesion characterization, therapy
assessment and management [7]; however, novel approaches to image analysis have been
gaining traction thanks to the wealth of information possessed by radiological images [8].
In this context, brain tumor classification and segmentation have become pivotal
for image analysis. Brain tumor classification can be performed with different methods,
including manual classification and computer-aided classification. Manual classification
of brain tumors is very time-consuming [9], and prone to error [10]. However, manual
classification cannot be ignored, as it is still the reference standard both for clinical care and
used as a comparison for other techniques [11].
Computer-aided diagnosis has proven to be useful in supporting medical practi-
tioners [12]. It can be performed using different techniques including classical machine
learning (ML) [13,14] (such as clustering [15]), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
approaches [16,17], recently considering also capsule neural networks (CapsNets) [18,19],
and Vision Transformers (ViTs) [20].
This paper presents a survey on brain tumor segmentation and classification tech-
niques, with a particular emphasis on ML-based, CNN-based, CapsNet-based, and ViT-
based techniques.
The primary objective of this survey is to highlight the current state-of-the-art of
ML-based, CNN-based, CapsNet-based, and ViT-based brain tumor segmentation and
classification methods. This paper also highlights recent achievements, relevant research
challenges, and future research directions. This survey is different from the existing
surveys [9,21–23] in the following ways:
1. Most review papers considered one or two types of ML-based techniques, while
we included four types of brain tumor segmentation and classification techniques:
classical ML algorithms, CNN-based techniques, CapsNet-based techniques, and ViT-
based techniques. This survey summarizes the current state-of-the-art in brain tumor
segmentation, grade estimation, and classification. It outlines the advances made
in ML-based, CNN-based, CapsNet-based, and ViT-based brain tumor diagnosis
between 2019 and 2022.
2. Most of the previous studies [9,21–23] presented an overview of either CNN-based
techniques, ML-based techniques, or both ML- and CNN-based approaches. In
addition to CNN-based and ML-based techniques, we present a summary of CapsNet-
based, and ViT-based brain tumor segmentation and classification techniques. Cap-
sNet is one of the state-of-the-art techniques for brain tumor segmentation and classi-
fication. The findings of this survey show that CapsNet outperformed CNN-based
brain tumor diagnosis techniques, as they require significantly less training data
compared to CNNs. Moreover, CapsNets are very robust to different rotations and
image transformations. Furthermore, unlike CNN, ViT-based models can effectively
model local and global feature information, which is very critical for accurate brain
tumor segmentation and classification.
3. Some review papers did not provide a comprehensive discussion and pertinent
findings. This survey presents significant findings and a comprehensive discussion
of approaches for segmenting and classifying brain tumors. We also identify open
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 3 of 40
problems and significant areas for future research, which should be beneficial to
interested scholars and medical practitioners.
The remainder of this manuscript is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces
some fundamental concepts necessary for an accurate understanding of this manuscript.
Section 3 introduces the material and methods used for this survey. Section 4 provides an
in-depth review of recently published ML, CNN, CapsNet, and ViT-based brain tumor
classification and segmentation techniques. Section 4 also highlights the core contributions
and performance of various studies. Section 5 discusses several open research problems
and critical issues related to brain tumor segmentation and classification. Section 5 also
presents a performance analysis of brain tumor diagnosis techniques, as well as details
on several popular datasets. Section 6 concludes the paper with some final thoughts and
potential research directions.
2. Background
2.1. Brain Tumors and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Brain tumors can be intra-axial (e.g., gliomas) or extra-axial (e.g., meningiomas or
pituitary adenomas). Intra-axial brain tumors are particularly difficult to treat, especially at
advanced stages, when they are usually discovered due to the symptoms caused by the
mass effect on the surrounding brain [5]. Treatment failure can be due to several factors,
including the limited capacity of current imaging modalities to identify the boundaries
of the lesion within the normal appearing brain parenchyma [24]. Hence, more advanced
imaging techniques for assessment of brain tumors and surrounding structures is critical
to improve overall management [5,24,25]. Extra-axial brain cancers also require special
attention, as these tumors (such as pituitary adenoma and meningiomas) can result in
complications and long-term impairment [26–28].
MRI is the workhorse for brain tumor imaging in clinical practice providing structural,
microstructural, functional, and metabolic information [29]. Moreover, novel advanced
imaging techniques are continuously developed to improve identification, characterization,
and response assessment of brain tumors [6]. Hence, many artificial intelligence (AI)
applications in brain tumor imaging have been based on MRI. For more information on
brain tumors, kindly refer to [5].
capsule layer is typically the first one, followed by an undetermined number of capsule
layers. The capsule layer is followed by the class capsule layer. The convolutional layer
is used to extract features, which are then transmitted to the primary capsule layer. The
primary capsule performs a series of operations and transmits the resulting feature map to
the digit capsule. Typically, the digit capsule is composed of a n × m weight matrix, where
n denotes the number of classes and m the size of each digit capsule. The digit capsule is
used to classify the input image before it is fed into the decoder. The decoder consists of
three fully connected layers that are used to reconstruct or decode the selected digit capsule
into an image.
Figure 2. Overview of a Vision Transformers (ViT) model. The image is partitioned into N small
patches (e.g., 9 patches). Each of the image patches contains n × n pixels (e.g., 16 × 16 pixels). After
partitioning, each image patch is flattened: each of the flattened image patches is fed into a linear
projection layer to obtain a lower-dimensional linear embedding. Moreover, positional embeddings
are added to the sequence of image patches to ensure that each image keeps its positional information.
The input sequences and position embedded sequence are fed into a standard transformer encoder for
training. The training can be conducted by an MLP or CNN head stacked on top of the transformer.
The “*” symbol refers to an additional learnable (class) embedding that is appended to the sequence
based on the position of the image patch. This class embedding is used to predict the class of an input
image after self-attention updates it.
Figure 3. General scheme of a capsule neural network (CapsNet). A CapsNet is a three-layer network
composed of convolutional, primary capsule, and class capsule layers. The primary capsule layer is
typically the first one, followed by an undetermined number of capsule layers. The capsule layer is
followed by the class capsule layer. The convolutional layer is used to extract features, which are
then transmitted to the primary capsule layer. The primary capsule performs a series of operations
and transmits the resulting feature map to the digit capsule.
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 6 of 40
CapsNet can recognize spatial and hierarchical relationships among objects in im-
ages [40]. They are resistant to rotation and image transformations [38]. Additionally, as
shown in [41], CapsNet requires substantially less training data than CNN [18]. Moreover,
results reported in the literature [41] show that CapsNet has the potential to improve the
accuracy of CNN-based brain tumor diagnosis using a very small number of network
parameters [42].
It is worth noting that the pooling operation in CNNs makes it robust to small input
transformation. However, for CNN to perform well, it must be trained on augmented
data in terms of scale, rotation, and varying perspective. Despite this, results reported in
the literature [39,43] indicate that, in some cases, CapsNet performs comparably to CNN
models trained on augmented datasets. CapsNet does not need to be trained on large-scale
or augmented data to produce very good results. This makes it a suitable model for medical
image datasets, which are typically small. For more information on CapsNet, please refer
to [38].
Figure 4. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) diagram
of the proposed review on AI applications to brain tumor MRI.
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 7 of 40
Figure 5. (a) percentage of reviewed articles; (b) number of reviewed articles and their
publication year.
3.1. Datasets
The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Society
has funded numerous events and open challenges over the years to stimulate the develop-
ment of DL tools and medical devices for computer-aided diagnosis. Most studies used
the datasets provided by the MICCAI Society to evaluate the efficiency of their techniques.
Details of the other datasets are also shown in Table 1. As shown in the table, most of the
benchmark datasets are small, making it challenging to build DL models from end-to-end.
Table 1. Cont.
4. Literature Survey
Brain tumors can be located anywhere in the human brain and assume virtually
any shape, size, or contrast (dissimilarity) [10]. This shows that ML-based solutions that
can effectively and automatically classify and segment brain tumors are needed. The
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 9 of 40
introduction of powerful computing devices and lower hardware prices have prompted
the scientific community to develop numerous techniques for brain tumor segmentation
and classification. Some of the techniques were designed with classical ML algorithms,
while other techniques were designed with CNN algorithms and CapsNet. This section
presents a review of ML-based, CNN-based, CapsNet-based, and ViT-based techniques for
brain tumor segmentation and classification. It is expected that these techniques will assist
medical practitioners in improving the accuracy and consistency of diagnosis.
4.1.1. Brain Tumor Classification and Segmentation Using Hybrid Texture-Based Features
The texture of an image is an important feature that can be used to identify different
regions of interest. The texture of a region in an image is determined by the distribution
of Gray levels across the image pixels [15]. Jena et al. [15] proposed a brain tumor classi-
fication and segmentation technique using texture features and multiple ML algorithms.
The technique is divided into two stages: tumor classification and tumor segmentation.
In the tumor classification stage, the MRI scans are pre-processed, and texture features
are extracted from the images using different texture extraction techniques. The following
texture-based features were explored in the study: first-order statistical feature [76], Gray-
level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) feature [77], Gray-level run length matrix (GLRLM)
feature [78], Histogram-oriented gradient (HOG) feature [79], Local binary patterns (LBP)
feature [80], Cross-diagonal texture matrix (CDTM) feature [81], and simplified texture
spectrum feature [82]. All the features were extracted from 100 tumor and 100 non-tumor
images. The extracted features were combined to form a feature vector matrix of size
200 × 471. Subsequently, the feature vector matrix was used to train five ML algorithms:
SVM, k-NN, binary decision trees, RF, and ensemble methods. The ensemble methods
consist of seven algorithms, namely: Adaboost, Gentleboost, Logitboost, LPboost, Robust-
boost, RUSboost, and Totalboost. After training, the tumorous images were identified
and used as input to a hybrid tumor segmentation technique designed in the study. The
hybrid technique consists of k-NN and fuzzy C-means clustering algorithms. The hybrid
technique was used to segment the tumor regions in the images, and it was evaluated on
two datasets based on the following performance metrics: average Dice similarity coeffi-
cient (DSC), average Jaccard similarity coefficient, and average accuracy. The dataset used
to evaluate the model include: BraTS2017, BraTS2019, and the Cancer Imaging Archive
(TCIA). Experiments show that the ensemble methods produced the best result, achieving a
classification accuracy of 96.98% and 97.01% for BraTS2017 + TCIA and BraTS2019 + TCIA,
respectively. RF produced the second-best result, achieving an accuracy of 96.5% and
96.99% for BraTS2017 + TCIA and BraTS2019 + TCIA, respectively. The results also show
that the segmentation technique produced a Dice similarity score and accuracy of 90.16%
and 98.4%, respectively for BraTS2017.
recall of 96.02% and 97.00% for glioma, respectively, using softmax activation function. The
performance of the model was improved by over 2.5% when the SVM classifier was used.
It achieved precision and specificity of 98.76% and 98.93% for glioma, respectively. The
performance of GoogleNet was also improved by over 2.3% when the k-NN classifier was
used. It produced precision and specificity of 98.41% and 98.63% for glioma, respectively.
This shows that features extracted from pre-trained CNN models can be used to build
effective ML-based classifiers.
4.1.3. Brain Tumor Classification Using Ensemble of Deep Features and ML Classifiers
Kang et al. [84] proposed a method for brain tumor classification using an ensemble
of deep features. The technique consists of three stages. In the first stage, input images
are pre-processed, and more images are generated using data augmentation. The pre-
processed images are then used as input to 13 pre-trained CNN models, namely: ResNet-
50 [85], ResNet101 [85], DenseNet-121 [86], DenseNet-169 [86], VGG-16 [87], VGG-19 [87],
AlexNet [88], Inception-v3 [89], ResNeXt-50 [90], ResNeXt-101 [90], ShuffleNet-v2 [91],
MobileNet-v2 [92], and MnasNet [93]. The pre-trained CNN models are used to extract
features from the images. In particular, the features are extracted from the fully connected
layers of the pre-trained models. The extracted features are used to train nine ML classifiers,
namely: Gaussian Naïve Bayes, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM), Adaptive Boosting
(AdaBoost), k-NN, RF, SVM and neural networks with a fully connected layer. Moreover,
the pre-trained models that produced the three best results are identified, and the extracted
features from the three best pre-trained models are combined into one sequence. Finally, the
combined features are used to train the nine ML classifiers. The technique was evaluated
on three brain MRI datasets downloaded from Kaggle websites. Results showed that
DenseNet-169, Inception-v3, and ResNeXt-50 produced the best features, achieving an
accuracy of 96.08%, 92.16%, and 94.12%, respectively.
study. The technique was tested on the FigShare dataset. The dataset consists of 3064 T1 w
post GBCA MR images (from 233 patients) belonging to three classes of brain tumors:
glioma, meningioma, and pituitary tumor. The proposed technique achieved an accuracy
of 95.82% when trained on the 10 feature vectors extracted from the fully connected layer.
The accuracy reduced to 93.83% when it was trained on the 3136-feature set extracted from
the fifth convolution layer. This shows that SVM models trained on small-scale feature sets
have the potential to produce better results than those trained on large-scale feature sets.
CNN produced an accuracy of 94.26% when it was trained as a standalone classifier.
The summary of all the ML-based algorithms is presented in Table 2. Furthermore, the
building blocks of a typical ML-based brain tumor segmentation and classification model
are shown in Figure 6.
Ref. Year Method Main Highlight Dataset Performance
Inception-v3, and
13 pre-trained Concatenated three deep
Three brain ResNeXt-50 produced
CNN models and Normal and features from pre-trained
[84] 2021 MRI datasets the best deep features,
nine ML tumor images CNN models and trained
[56–58] achieving an accuracy of
classifiers nine ML classifiers.
96.08%, 92.16% and
94.12%, respectively.
SVM, k-NN, Extracted features from
SVM and k-NN
and modified Glioma, modified GoogleNet
produced a specificity of
[14] 2021 GoogleNet meningioma, pre-trained architecture CE-MRI dataset
98.93% and 98.63%,
pre-trained and pituitary. and used it to train SVM
architecture and k-NN
Developed multiple ML
Classification accuracy of
models on six
SVM, k-NN, 96.98% and 97.01% for
FLAIR, T1 w, T1 w texture-based features.
binary decision BraTS 2017 and BraTS 2017 and 2019,
[15] 2022 post GBCA, and Applied a hybrid of
tree, RF, ensemble BraTS 2019 respectively. DSC and
T2 w k-NN and C-means
methods. accuracy of 90.16% and
clustering for tumor
98.4%, respectively.
NB, RNN, bat Designed hybrid
and lion techniques model using
Tumor and Classification accuracy
[94] 2022 optimization, the combination of TCIA
normal images of 98.61%.
PCA, ICA, and metaheuristics and ML
cuckoo search. algorithms.
Proposed a hybrid
technique using FigShare
[13] 2021 SVM and CNN meningioma, and 95.82% accuracy
CNN-based features dataset
pituitary tumor
and SVM.
Figure 6. Building blocks of a typical ML-based brain tumor classification and segmentation model.
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 12 of 40
4.2.3. Brain Tumor Classification for Multi-Class Brain Tumor Image Using Block-Wise
Swati et al. [97] introduced a block-wise fine-tuning technique for multi-class brain
tumor MR images. They considered three classes of abnormal brain tumors: (i) glioma,
(ii) meningioma, and (iii) pituitary tumors. In the study, the VGG-19 pre-trained network
was used to initialize the weights of the CNN model designed in the study. Additionally,
rather than fine-tuning the VGG-19 pre-trained network all at once, the previous layers of
the CNN were fine-tuned using a block-wise approach. In this approach, the 19 layers of
the VGG-19 architecture were divided into six blocks. The first and second blocks consist of
two convolutional layers and one pooling layer. The third, fourth, and fifth blocks consist
of four convolutional layers and one pooling layer. The last block consists of two fully
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 13 of 40
connected layers and one output layer. The block-wise fine-tuning is initiated by fine-
tuning the layers in the last block and freezing the weights of the layers in the other blocks.
A similar approach is taken until the whole six blocks were fine-tuned. The block-wise
fine-tuning technique was evaluated on the CE-MRI dataset [56]. Results showed that the
technique achieved a classification accuracy of 94.82% using the 5-fold cross-validation.
study that produced the best result achieved an average classification accuracy, sensitivity,
and specificity of 88.82%, 81.81%, and 92.17%, respectively.
The flow for most of the proposed CNN-based brain tumor classification technique is
shown in Figure 7. The summary of all the CNN-based brain classification algorithms is
presented in Table 3.
Ref. Year Method Main Highlight Dataset Performance
Classification accuracy
of 95.5%, 92.66%,
Adopted four data 87.77%, and 86.71%.
augmentation techniques. for Grades I–IV,
Also used Radiopedia respectively on
+ data
[16] 2019 Grades I–IV InputCascadeNN and Brain radiopedia dataset.
augmentation +
architecture for data tumor dataset Sensitivity and
augmentation and VGG-19 specificity 88.41% and
for fine-tuning. 96.12%, respectively,
on the brain
tumor dataset.
Applied user-defined
hyperactive values and a Classification accuracy,
Differential deep differential operator to TUCMD sensitivity, and
T1 w, T2 w and
[95] 2021 CNN + Data generate feature maps for (17,600 MR specificity of 99.25%,
FLAIR images
augmentation CNN. Proposed several brain images) 95.89%, and 93.75%,
data augmentation respectively
Introduced a block-wise CE-MRI [56]
fine-tuning technique for 3064 images Classification accuracy:
[97] 2019 meningioma, and VGG-19
multi-class brain tumor from 233 94.82%
pituitary tumor
MRI image. patients.
Proposed a multi-scale 3D
CNN architecture for
grade classification BraTS2018:
capable of learning both Training-209
local and global brain HGG and 75
tumor features. Applied LGG from Classification
[62] 2020 LGG and HGG 3D CNN
two image pre-processing 284 patients. accuracy: 96.49%
techniques for reducing Validation:
thermal noise and 67 mixed
scanner-related artifacts in grades.
brain MRI. Used data
Average classification
GANs was used to TCGA-GBM
T1 w, T1 w post accuracy, sensitivity,
U-Net architecture, generate synthetic images [99] and
[75] 2020 GBCA, T2 w, and specificity of
GANs for four modalities of MRI: TCGA-LGG
FLAIR 88.82%, 81.81%, and
T1 , T1e, T2 , FLAIR. [99].
92.17%, respectively
Used BAT algorithm to
optimize the loss function Accuracy, recall (or
Complete, core, Custom CNN
of CNN. In addition, used sensitivity), and
[17] 2019 and enhancing architecture, Bat BraTS2015
skull stripping and image precision of 92%, 87%,
tumors algorithm
enhancement techniques and 90%, respectively
for image pre-processing.
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 15 of 40
4.3.1. Enhanced CNN and Bat Algorithm for Brain Tumor Classification
Thaha et al. [17] introduced a strategy for segmenting brain tumors using an enhanced
CNN coupled with the Bat algorithm. The Bat algorithm was used to optimize the loss
function (cross-entropy). The loss function is adjusted with the goal of improving the
segmentation accuracy. In the experiments, MR images were preprocessed using a skull
stripping and image enhancement technique. The authors added a central-point-enhanced
layer in the study to address misclassification concerns. The approach was evaluated, and
the results indicated that the improved CNN achieved a precision, recall (or sensitivity),
and accuracy of 87%, 90%, and 92%, respectively, compared to the standard CNN, which
achieved 82%, 85%, and 89%, respectively.
near the tumor, and other healthy patches. Based on patient data, the authors further
categorized the tumor images into six classes: 0 (normal), 1 (ground truth region based on
a combination of classes 2–5), 2 (enhancing region), 3 (necrotic region), 4 (T1-abnormality),
and 5 (T2-abnormality). The models were evaluated using DSC and the Hausdorff distance.
The performance metric was utilized to compare the ground truth with the automatic
segmentation. The performance of several techniques was compared using 10-fold cross-
validation method. The results demonstrated that CNN models achieved the following
Dice coefficients when it was evaluated on different institutional data: 0.68 ± 0.19 and
0.59 ± 0.19, respectively. The performance declined when CNN was trained on the same
institutional data. It produced a Dice coefficient of 0.72 ± 0.17 and 0.76 ± 0.12, respec-
tively. The authors stated that further research is necessary to determine the cause of this
performance decrease.
output layer takes care of calibrating the output probabilities (thanks to the re-training that
was performed on the output layer).
The un-cascaded and cascaded models were subjected to a variety of experiments.
Results from the un-cascaded models indicated that the double-pathway models generated
the best results. The results also indicated that adding a second training phase considerably
improved the model’s performance. Additionally, training the local and global routes con-
currently produced better outcomes than training each pathway separately and averaging
the results. The results from the cascaded models showed that the first cascade architecture
produced the best Dice similarity of 0.88. The models increased the Dice similarity scores
for all tumor regions.
98%, 99%, and 99% for BraTS2018, BraTS2019, and BraTS2020, respectively. The results also
show that the YOLOv2-inception-v3 model produced a mean average precision (mAP) of
0.98, 0.99, and 1.00 for BraTS2018, BraTS2019, and BraTS2020, respectively.
The general workflow for CNN-based brain tumor segmentation is shown in Figure 8.
Moreover, Table 4 shows the summary of all the CNN-based brain tumor segmentation
techniques surveyed in this study.
Ref. Year Method Main Highlight Dataset Performance
Designed a patching-based DSC-Same institution:
Metastasis, technique for brain tumor 0.72 ± 0.17 and
[73] 2018 meningiomas CNN segmentation. Evaluated TCIA 0.76 ± 0.12. Different
gliomas the impact of Institution: 0.68 ± 0.19
inter-institutional dataset. and 0.59 ± 0.19
Designed a two-pathway
architecture for capturing
Necrosis, edema,
[10] 2017 CNN global and local features. BraTS2013 DSC: 0.88
non-ET, ET.
Also designed three
cascade architectures.
Developed a triple
Triple CNN network architecture to
DSC: 0.90, 0.82, and
architecture for simplify the multiclass BraT2018
[74] 2020 WT, TC, and ET 0.79 for WT, TC, and
multi-class segmentation problem to a dataset
ET, respectively
segmentation. single binary
segmentation problem.
Modified U-Net
architecture, Data Developed an DSC, sensitivity, and
T1 w, T1 w post
augmentation, batch encoder-decoder specificity of 0.814,
[41] 2020 GBCA, T2 w, and BraTS 2019
normalization using architecture for brain 0.783, 0.999,
the N3 bias tumor segmentation. respectively.
correction tool [100].
Inception-v3, NSGA, Designed a CNN-based Classification accuracy
LDA, SVM, k-NN, hybrid framework for of 98%, 99%, and 99%
BraTS 2018,
softmax, CART, tumor enhancement, for BraTS2018,
[101] 2021 HGG and LGG BraTS2019,
YOLOv2, and feature extraction and BraTS2019, and
and BraTS2020
McCulloch’s Kapur selection, localization, and BraTS2020,
entropy tumor segmentation respectively.
Used BAT algorithm to
optimize the loss function Accuracy, recall (or
Complete, core, Custom CNN
of CNN. In addition, used sensitivity), and
[17] 2019 and enhancing architecture, Bat BraTS2015
skull stripping and image precision of 92%, 87%,
tumors algorithm
enhancement techniques and 90%, respectively
for image pre-processing.
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 19 of 40
4.4.3. Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Transformers Encoders and CNN Decoder
Some of the ViT-based techniques used CNN for encoding. Ali et al. [105] intro-
duced a ViT-based technique for 3D image segmentation that uses ViT for encoding. The
transformer encoder directly accepts a one-dimensional sequence of 3D image patches as
inputs. The image sequence was created by dividing the input images into non-overlapping
patches of uniform size. For each layer in the transformer model, the extracted patches are
projected into an N-dimensional embedding space. Moreover, a one-dimensional positional
embedding was added to the embedding space to preserve the spatial information of the ex-
tracted patches. Additionally, the output was routed through a stack of transformer blocks
for encoding. During the encoding, sequence representations at different resolutions are
extracted from the transformer and reshaped into a tensor of a specific size. Convolutional
and normalization layers are used to project the reshaped tensors from the embedding space
into the input space at each image resolution. The output of the transformer’s final layer is
fed into a CNN decoder. The CNN decoder employs deconvolutional layers to increase
the resolution of the feature maps by a user-defined factor. All of the transformer blocks’
feature maps are concatenated and fed into another set of convolutional layers. The feature
map from the convolutional layers is fed into a deconvolutional layer for upsampling. This
procedure is repeated for all the layers. The final output is fed into a 3D convolutional
layer with a softmax activation function to construct the predicted segmented image. On
the Medical Segmentation Decathlon (MSD) dataset [59], the technique produced a DSC of
0.789, 0.585, and 0.761 for WT, ET, and TC, respectively.
transformer encoder blocks. The 3D patch partitioning layer is used to divide the three-
dimensional input volume into non-overlapping three-dimensional patches. The authors
proposed two techniques for partitioning volumetric data into non-overlapping patches.
The partitioned 3D tokens are fed into the linear embedding layer, which converts each
token to a vector space of N dimensions. Additionally, the 3D patch merging layer is used
to generate feature representation hierarchies. The encoder module’s output is passed to the
decoder module. The module consists of a transformer encoder block, a 3D patch expand-
ing layer, and a classifier. The decoder block is used to compute cross and self-attention
independently. Self-attention is used to exploit global interactions between encoder fea-
tures, whereas cross-attention is used to filter out local or non-semantic features. The
3D patch expanding layer is used to transform the encoded feature maps into a format
compatible with the input image’s spatial resolution. The classifier layers are composed
of a single 3D convolutional layer that is used to map the feature representations to the
specified segmentation classes. The technique was evaluated on the BraTS2021 dataset,
and it achieved a DSC of 85.59%, 87.41%, and 91.20% for ET, TC, and WT, respectively.
The workflow for a ViT-based brain tumor segmentation technique is shown in
Figure 9. Furthermore, the summary for the ViT-based techniques reviewed in this study is
shown in Table 5.
Ref. Year Method Dataset Main Highlight Performance
BraTS2020-DSC of
90.09%, 78.73%, and
81.73% for WT, ET, and
TC, respectively.
Developed a
BraTS2019–DSC of
Transformers and BraTS2019 and transformer-based
[35] 2021 ET, WT, EC 90%, 78.93%, and
3D CNN BraTS2020 network for 3D brain
81.84% for WT, ET, and
tumor segmentation.
TC, respectively DSC
of 90%, 78.93%, and
81.84% for WT, ET, and
TC, respectively
Developed a technique for
DSC of 0.891, 0.933,
Swin transformers multi-modal brain tumor
[32] 2022 ET, WT, and TC BraTS2021 and 0.917 for ET, WT,
and CNN images using Swin
and TC, respectively.
transformers and CNN.
Developed a segmentation
DSC of 0.789, 0.585„
Transformers and technique for multi-modal
[105] 2022 WT, ET, and TC MSD dataset and 0.761 for WT, ET,
CNN brain tumor image using
and TC, respectively.
transformers and CNN.
Designed a
CNN-transformer DSC of 0.823, 0.908,
Transformers and
[104] 2021 WT, ET, and TC BraTS2021 technique for multi-modal and 0.839 for ET, WT,
brain MRI scan and TC, respectively.
Developed a U-Net shaped
encoder-decoder technique
using only transformers.
The transformer encoder DSC of 85.59%, 87.41%,
Transformers and
[107] 2021 WT, ET, and TC BraTS2021 can capture local and and 91.20% for ET, TC,
global information. The and WT, respectively
decoder block allows
parallel computation of
cross- and self-attention.
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 22 of 40
4.5.2. Brain Tumor Classification Using Bayesian Theory and Capsule Neural Network
CapsNet, like other standard DL networks, suffers from model uncertainty [108].
Model uncertainty refers to the degree to which a model is uncertain about its weights and
predictions. Developing a network that models uncertainty is important because it serves
as a medium for returning the uncertain predictions to experts for further verification. Most
CNN networks use the softmax activation function. However, the output of the softmax
does not reflect the degree of uncertainty of a model’s prediction [108]. Afshar et al. [40]
proposed a brain tumor classification network (called BayesCap) using Bayesian theory
and CapsNet. Bayesian theory is used to model the uncertainty associated with predictions
of the model. The technique was evaluated on the CR-MRI dataset [56] consisting of
3604 brain MR images from 233 patients. The results show that the technique produced an
accuracy of 68.3%. The same authors [40] in another study [18] evaluated CapsNet on the
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 23 of 40
same dataset, and the results show that CapsNet (without Bayesian theory) outperforms
the Bayesian variant, producing a classification accuracy of 78%. The reduced accuracy
was expected because the Bayesian variant was developed with the objective of modeling
the uncertainty and learning the posterior of the model’s weights rather than improving
the classification accuracy [40]. Overall, the results show that Bayesian theory improves
the interpretability of a network, which is very important for medical applications.
connected layer, and an output layer with three neurons, one for each of the three output
classes. The CapsNet was evaluated on the CE-MRI dataset. The dataset was used to train
the CapsNet before and after image pre-processing. Results reported in the study show
that the proposed technique produced an accuracy of 87% and 92.6%, before and after
pre-processing, respectively. This shows that the pre-processing improved the accuracy of
CapsNet by 5.6%.
4.5.6. Brain Tumor Segmentation Using a Modified Version of Capsule Neural Network
Aziz et al. [37] introduced a CapsNet-based technique for segmenting brain tumors.
They used the modified version of the original CapsNet architecture called SegCaps [42].
SegCaps was first proposed by Lalonde and Bagci [42] to address CapsNet’s [37] runtime
and memory constraint issues. The routing method is one of the primary distinctions
between CapsNet and SegCaps. In the SegCaps design, routing between lower layer
capsules and upper layer capsules takes place entirely within a single spatial window, and
transformation matrices are also shared between capsules of each layer. The proposed
technique was evaluated on the BraTS2020 dataset. Twenty percent of the tumor slices
were randomly selected and utilized to train SegCaps in the studies. Additionally, 85% of
tumor slices were randomly chosen and used to train the U-Net architecture. Results show
that SegCaps surpassed the U-Net architecture by 3%, obtaining a DSC of 87.96%. SegCaps
accomplished this improvement by using 95.4% fewer parameters than U-Net.
The workflow for a typical CapsNet-based brain tumor segmentation technique is
shown in Figure 10. Moreover, the summary of all the CapsNet-based techniques reviewed
in this study is presented in Table 6.
Figure 10. Workflow for a Capsule Network (CapsNet)-based brain tumor segmentation technique.
Ref. Year Method Dataset Main Highlight Performance
Designed a DL technique
CapsNet and that can model uncertainty Classification
[40] 2020 glioma, and Cancer dataset [56]
Bayesian theory. associated with predictions accuracy: 68.3%
of CapsNet models.
Brain tumor dataset.
Introduced a new
Meningioma, (937 images),
activation function for Classification
[19] 2021 Glioma, Pituitary, CapsNet Glioma (926 images),
CapsNet, called PSTanh accuracy of 96.70%.
normal Pituitary
activation function.
(901 images),
normal (500)
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 25 of 40
Table 6. Cont.
Ref. Year Method Dataset Main Highlight Performance
Brain tumor dataset
Developed a
[56]. 3064 images
CapsNet-based technique
from 233 patients.
Meningioma, using dilation convolution
CapsNet, dilation Meningioma Classification
[109] 2019 Glioma, Pituitary, with the objective of
convolution (708 slices), Glioma accuracy: 95.54%.
normal maintaining the high
(1426 slices),
resolution of the images
Pituitary (930 slices),
for accurate classification.
Presented a performance
CapsNet; analysis on the effect of
Meningioma, Brain tumor dataset: Classification
[110] 2019 classification; Data image pre-processing on
Glioma, Pituitary 3064 [56]. accuracy: 92.6%
pre-processing CapsNet for brain tumor
T1 w, T2 w, T1 w Designed a modified
network; brain
[37] 2021 post GBCA and BraTS 2020 version of CapsNet using DSC of 87.96%.
FLAIR SegCaps network.
Developed different
CapsNet for brain tumor
segmentation. Investigated 86.5% for
Brain tumor dataset the performance of input segmented tumor,
[18] 2018 Pituitary, and Capsule network
proposed by [56] data on capsule network. and 78% for whole
Developed a visualization brain image
paradigm for the output of
capsule network.
5. Discussion
Different ML-based, CNN-based, CapsNet-based, and ViT-based techniques have
been developed so far. Generally, most of the techniques are divided into two stages:
segmentation and classification stage. The segmentation stage is used to identify the
specific region where the tumor is located and the subregions within the tumor, while the
classification stage is used to identify the specific type or grade of the segmented tumor.
Most of the techniques were developed to distinguish the different classes of CNS tumors
including meningioma, pituitary tumors, glioma, and metastases. SVM, DT, NB, Bayesian
algorithm, k-NN, ANNs, and CNN are the most widely used ML and DL algorithms for
brain tumor classification and segmentation.
Brain tumors can be diagnosed using different types of medical images, such as CT
and MRI. However, MRI is the reference standard in the clinical routine. This is due to
the multiparametric nature of MRI. This section presents a discussion on the design and
development of various brain tumor classification and segmentation techniques.
data imbalance in many datasets. Results obtained in the study show that training the
model on local and global features concurrently produced better outcomes than training
separately and averaging the results.
A few authors [41,60] investigated the usage of small kernels with the goal of con-
structing deeper networks that do not overfit. Results achieved by the studies show that
small kernels produce effective brain segmentation results. Furthermore, some studies
designed effective multi-purpose frameworks for brain tumor diagnosis. For example,
Sharif et al. [101] designed a multi-purpose framework that can perform different functions
including tumor enhancement, feature extraction and selection, localization, and tumor seg-
mentation. In the study, homomorphic wavelet filter, inception-v3 model, non-dominated
sorted genetic algorithm (NGSA), YOLOv2, and ML algorithms were used for tumor en-
hancement, feature extraction, feature selection, localization, and tumor segmentation,
respectively. Experiments performed in the study show that the multi-purpose framework
produced good results. This type of framework will be very useful to medical practitioners,
as it can help them to handle multiple tasks effectively.
Most of the CNN-based and CapsNet-based architectures developed in the literature
used the ReLU activation function. The performance produced by ReLU-based networks
can be improved [19]. Adu et al. [19] introduced a new activation function for improved
tumor classification and segmentation, called PSTanh. Results reported in the study show
that PSTanh activation function outperformed ReLU by 7.11%.
5.4. Capsule Neural Network-Based Brain Tumor Classification and Segmentation Techniques
Many CNN-based image classification techniques have been introduced in the litera-
ture, and most of them produced state-of-the-art results. CNNs can automatically learn
high-level and low-level features from images without the need for feature engineering.
However, CNNs require large datasets for training. Additionally, CNNs are incapable of
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 28 of 40
then combined to produce improved results. Jena et al. [15] designed a tumor classifica-
tion technique using a combination of seven algorithms, namely: Adaboost, Gentleboost,
Logitboost, LPboost, Robustboost, RUSboost, and Totalboost. Results reported in the study
show that the ensemble method produced the best classification accuracy compared to
stand-alone classification algorithms, such as RF.
In addition to the U-Net architecture, the following network architectures are widely
used in the literature: ResNet, VGG-19, and InputCascadeCNN. The VGG-19 architecture
is pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset [118] consisting of 1.2 million high-quality images.
It consists of 16 convolutional layers and three fully connected layers. The InputCas-
cadeCNN architecture [10] is designed to extract local and global contextual features. It
consists of 7 × 7 feature maps for extracting local features (small details of the tumors) and
11 × 11 feature maps for extracting global features.
Some researchers introduced novel fine-tuning techniques for brain tumor classifi-
cation and segmentation. Swati et al. [97] introduced a block-wise fine-tuning technique
using the VGG-19 network architecture. They divided the layers of the VGG-19 network
into different blocks and fine-tuned each block sequentially. While the layers in one block
are fine-tuned, the layers in the other blocks are frozen. Experiments show that this tech-
nique produced promising results. Thus, more fine-tuning approaches can be developed to
improve the performance of brain tumor diagnosis systems.
Most studies also applied data augmentation techniques to increase the dataset size
and consequently improve the performance of CNN models. Some of the data augmenta-
tion techniques used in the literature include flipping, rotation, skewness, shears, sharpen-
ing, Gaussian blur, emboss, and edge detection. Some studies [16,95] used a combination of
these techniques. Results reported in the literature show that data augmentation techniques
improved the performance of DL-based brain tumor segmentation and classification mod-
els. In addition to data augmentation, some studies [75] used data enrichment techniques,
such as GANs, to generate synthetic MR images. Many studies did not explore the use of
advanced data enrichment techniques, and it is still an active research area.
presented in this study. The authors introduced a two-pathway architecture that can learn
to segment both localized and global-scale features of the brain. This shows that building
a model that can learn both local and global features concurrently will produce better
outcomes compared to building separate models and averaging their results. Figure 13 also
shows that the patching-based technique developed by AlBadawy et al. [73] produced the
worst result, by achieving a DSC of 0.68.
Figure 14 shows the performance overview of the ViT-based techniques reviewed in
this study. As shown in Figure 14, the ViT-based technique developed by
Hatamizadeh et al. [32] produced the best result, achieving a WT, ET, and TC of 93.3%,
89.1%, and 91.7%, respectively. In the study [32], the authors developed a U-shaped ar-
chitecture consisting of CNN and Swin. Moreover, the ViT-based technique developed
by Jia et al. [104] produced the second-best result. The authors designed a UNet-based
architecture for multi-modal MRI scans using CNN and ViT.
Figure 15 shows the results of the CapsNet-based brain tumor segmentation and
classification techniques surveyed in this paper. As shown in this plot, the technique
proposed by Thaha et al. [17] yielded the best result for CapsNet-based brain tumor
segmentation and classification. The technique achieved a classification accuracy of 96.7%.
In the study, the authors [17] developed a loss function optimization technique using the
BAT algorithm. This demonstrates how bio-inspired algorithms can be used to improve
CapsNet-based models. Figure 15 also shows that the method developed by Adu et al. [19]
produced the second-best result. The authors [19] used a new activation function with
CapsNet, and it achieved a classification accuracy of 95.54%.
Figure 11. Summarized results for classical ML-based brain tumor classification techniques. For
studies that used the same algorithm, we selected the algorithm that produced the best performance.
The SVM model designed by Sekhar et al. [14] produced the best performance for ML-based tumor
classification. The RNN constructed by Kaur et al. [94] generated the second-best result for ML-
based brain tumor classification. The remaining competitors include the DenseNet-169 proposed in
Kang et al. [84], the ensemble approach exploited by Jena et al. [15], and the work of Deepak and
Ameer [13] that combined SVM with CNN.
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 32 of 40
Figure 12. Performance overview of CNN-based brain tumor classification techniques. The tech-
nique developed by Isselmou et al. [95] achieved the best performance for CNN-based brain tumor
classification. The techniques proposed by Mzoughi et al. [62] yielded the second-best classification
accuracy. The remaining competitors include the work of Sajjad et al. [16], the VGG19-based approach
of Swati et al. [97], the work of Ge et al. [75] based on UNet and GAN, and, finally, the combination
of CNN and BAT proposed by Thaha et al. [17].
Figure 13. Performance overview of CNN-based brain tumor segmentation techniques. The tech-
nique developed by Havaei et al. [10] outperformed all the CNN-based brain tumor segmentation
techniques presented in this study. The remaining competitors include the patching-based technique
developed by AlBadawy et al. [73], the encoder-decoder architecture proposed by Zeineldin et al. [41],
and the triple network architecture developed by Yogananda et al. [74].
J. Imaging 2022, 8, 205 33 of 40
Figure 14. Performance overview of ViT-based techniques. The ViT-based technique developed
by Hatamizadeh et al. [32] produced the best result, achieving a WT, ET, and TC of 93.3%, 89.1%,
and 91.7%, respectively. The remaining competitors include the ViT-based technique developed by
Jia et al. [104], the work of Peiris et al. [107], the study of Wang et al. [35], and the method proposed
by Ali et al. [105].
Figure 15. Performance overview of CapsNet-based brain tumor techniques. The technique proposed
by Thaha et al. [17] in 2020 yielded the best result for CapsNet-based brain tumor segmentation
and classification. The method developed by Adu et al. [19] produced the second-best result. The
remaining competitors include the work of Afshar et al. [40], the studies of Kurup et al. [110] and
Aziz et al. [37], and the method proposed by Afshar et al. [18] in 2018.
outperformed the ReLU activation function. Future research could explore more acti-
vation functions for improved brain tumor classification and segmentation methods.
8. The max-pooling operation used in network architectures normally affects the image
quality and resolution of an image, and consequently the accuracy of a network.
Very few studies developed techniques that maintain high-resolution feature maps.
Further work is therefore required in this area. Future research can develop effective
techniques that can preserve the quality and spatial recognizability of an image.
9. Most of the currently available CNN-based approaches were developed for a specific
form of cancer. A general-purpose DL-based framework that can diagnose different
types of cancer will be very useful to medical practitioners
10. Most datasets cited in the literature suffer from data imbalance problems. For instance,
98% of samples in one of the benchmark datasets–Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS)
dataset–belong to a single class, whereas the remaining 2% belong to another class.
Clearly, building a model on such an imbalanced dataset will result in overfitting. Fur-
thermore, most studies did not explore the use of advanced data enrichment methods,
such as GANs, for improving the performance of brain tumor diagnosis. In addition,
most studies did not investigate the performance of different data augmentation
techniques for brain cancer diagnosis. Moreover, most studies did not investigate
the use of different state-of-the-art pre-trained networks for brain cancer diagnosis.
The problem of data imbalance and small-scale dataset in brain tumor diagnosis may
be addressed by developing techniques that combine advanced data augmentation
techniques and state-of-the-art pre-trained network architectures.
11. AlBadawy et al. [73] reported that there was a significant decrease in the performance
of CNN models when they were trained for patients from the same institution com-
pared to when they are trained for patients from different institutions. The reason
behind the reduced performance requires systematic investigations.
12. The fusion of multi-modal data can improve the performance of brain tumor diagnosis
models. Utilizing complementary information from multiple imaging modalities has
sparked a rise in recent research interest in cross-modality MR image synthesis. Recent
studies [119,120] have developed multi-modal brain tumor segmentation systems
that can learn high-level features from multi-modal data. Future research can design
enhanced multi-modal diagnostic frameworks for brain tumors.
13. Correct classification of multi-modal images of brain tumors is a vital step towards
accurate diagnosis and successful treatment of brain tumors. However, resolving
incomplete multi-modal issues is a challenging task in brain tumor diagnosis. Some
techniques [121,122] have been proposed to address this difficulty, but more research
is still required.
14. An important aspect that deserves further investigation is the development of inte-
grative approaches, by considering clinical and multiomics data along with imag-
ing [123,124], such as autoencoders [125] and variational autoencoders [126].
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.A.A., M.C. and L.R.; Methodology, A.A.A.; writing—
original draft preparation, A.A.A.; writing—review and editing, A.A.A., F.Z., J.T.G., M.C. and
L.R.; supervision, M.C. and L.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: We gratefully acknowledge financial support from FCT Fundação para a Ciência e a
Tecnologia (Portugal), national funding through research grant Information Management Research
Center—MagIC/NOVA IMS (UIDB/04152/2020).
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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