Political Exercise

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- Government is a words that ‘gubernare‘ from Latin word which mean to direct,
rule , guide and govern. It is also a body of people and institution that make and
enforces the law for betterment of society. Process of governing is authoritative
exercise of power. Basically, to stay in power a government must enjoy the
support of its people. There are few classifications of government which are
democratic system, totalitarian system, autocratic system, unitary system,
parliamentary system, presidential system and monarchy system. Hence, what
I think is the best type of government for Malaysia is presidential system.
Presidential system is to practice ‘separation of powers’ between executive and
legislative. For the sake of check and balances in political systems as not to
allow any organs of government to become more powerful than other.
Presidential system is to prevent abuse of power from happening. President will
be directly elected by voters. When the president wins the election, he/she will
choose any individuals (who is not from legislative branch) to become his/her
cabinet ministers. Basically, the features of presidential system are president
(the executive) is directly elected by voters. The president holds two position as
head of the state and head of government. The president has the right to
appoint his cabinet ministers (anyone his favour), but it must prove by the
legislative branch. If Malaysia practice this ‘separation of power’ to ensure the
principle of ‘check and balances’. The president is responsible directly to the
people/voters. With this type of government Malaysia’s system of political going
to be stable because right now Malaysia is using parliament system because
the prime minister is elected from the legislative branch directly. But for
presidential system not, the executive leader, the president going to be directly
voted upon by the people. I believe that government will have more checks and
balance after this. Presidential system the president could only respond to the
people which mean the legislative branch can’t really do anything to threaten
the president. In conclusion, Malaysia system going to be better with this kind
of system that have been practice by us with the system that going to hear
people voices more.
- Based on what is going on with environmental issues in Malaysia, I don’t think our
government play the best it’s role. What I could give the examples that our government
doesn’t play the best which is where all the students stranded as a result of the
government’s decision to change their admission date to university. many students
who are stranded abroad have no vehicle to return to, no place to stay overnight, there
are also those who are unable to return to their state due to living in Sarawak or Sabah
or a state that is in the north. they are the ones who have a hard time getting back,
with a lot of stuff to prepare for entering university. they did not hear the voices of the
people and the plight of the people. they just read with the statement "they often send
last minute assignments and then we give a lastminute decision to follow in their
footsteps" it does not make sense to do so. but who helps all the students who are in
trouble? the people. The people who helped them all had a Ustaz named Ustaz Ebit
Lew he who is helped the students who were in trouble so he rented a bus for them
all. they also issued a trending hashtag stating #rakyatjagarakyat if I were the leader
of the country at that time I would be saddened by the treatment done by my people
because this has proved that I do not carry out my responsibilities well, they seem to
have lost faith in me. but what is the government doing to help them? there is nothing
but the people who help a lot of students who are in trouble all that. Another example
I can give to a government that does not give any action as a leader is the water
problem that is often faced in Selangor. they need to do something about that
important issue. it is very troublesome for the people because it does not only happen
once in a while but often happens so that there are people who cross other states to
avoid water problems in their place of residence. The government needs to do
something to help the people's grievances and difficulties. even if something is difficult
for them to make but they should prioritize the people.
- A country in which a nation principally the same type of people exists, organized by
either race or cultural background. Generally, everyone would speak the same
language, probably practice the same or similar types of religion and share a set of
cultural. State is considered as one entity that consist of four basic elements which are
territory, population, government and sovereignty. Territory is a shared specific
geographical area. Example, states uses military forces to establish borders. It’s
includes 4 dimensions land mass, air space, sea and underground. Sea according to
International law and Law of the Sea, 12, nautica mile is consider as state territory.
Why did underground is consider as state’s territory because it’s contains rich natural
resources. Underwater territorial also significant for offshore oil drilling rigs and mining
other raw materials under the oceans. The second elements is population. It is a sense
of cohesion among people ( common ethnicity, language ). All the organisms that both
belong to the same species and live in the same geographical area. Sufficient number
of populations. This includes citizen and non-citizen. How to become a citizen of a
state, there is three ways whish is jus soli meaning that according to place of birth.
Second step, jus sanguinis its citizenship of a parents determines the citizenship of
the child. Third step naturalization divided by two, first conferred by state for his/her
contribution (honorary citizenship) second application applying formally to the
government. Every citizen has duty to obey the law. State has duty to protect citizen.
The third elements, is what based on the question above which is sovereignty.
Governs itself as a sovereign entity. It also had diplomatic recognition. The supreme
political authority in the state. The right and power to make law and implement law
without external influence. Internal sovereignty is right to legislate and implement law
within its own territory. External sovereignty recognition by international law that the
state is sovereign, recognition given one state to another through diplomatic relations.
The last elements, government is the organizing hold over the population. Max weber
‘monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within given territory’ government
refers to the particular group of people which is the administrative bureaucracy of a
society at a given time. Consist of legislature (law-making body), executive (executor
of state’s law and policy) and judiciary (court system, a judicator of dispute). Basically,
without all those elements otherwise cannot be called as a state. Hence, a country
cannot be exists without sovereignty otherwise it is not a country.


- Political party is a group of people. A group of people who try to achieve political. A
group of people who try to achieve political power and who are united by common a
group of people who try to achieve political power and who are united by common
beliefs about how the country. Political parties organisations with labels under which
candidates seek election to governmental office. Party systems is the interactions of
parties with each other and with overall political system depends on the party system.
Stable, moderate party systems made democracy in the UK, US, CANADA, &
Malaysia. There are few types of political system which is the one-party system, the
dominant party system, The two-party system, the multiparty system, the two plus
party system and fluid party system.
The first party system is the one-party system. The party system is a form government
where the country is rules by a single political party, meaning only one political party
exists and the forming of other political parties is forbidden. This is called a one-party
dominant state. In this case opposition parties against the dominant ruling party are
allowed, but have no real chance of gaining power. For example, in China all power is
vested in the communist Party of China. Other parties are allowed to exist only if they
accept the leading role of Communist Party. Advantage of one-party system no time
wasted on politics and campaigns. Time can be better spent running the bloody
country. The dominant party system. A dominant-party system is political system in
which opposition groups or parties are permitted, but a singe party dominates election
results. Any ruling party staying in power for more than one consecutive term may be
considered a dominant party. The advantage of dominant party is Being the only major
party with influence in the government, the dominant party's ideas get implemented
into law, regardless of whether a majority of the citizens agree with the party's policies
or not. The next party system is the two-party system. In politics, a two-party system
is a party system in which two major political parties dominate the political landscape.
At any point in time, one of the two parties typically holds a majority in the legislature
and is usually referred to as the majority or governing party while the other is the
minority or opposition party. The sense of two-party system describes an arrangement
in which all or nearly all elected officials belong to one of the only two major parties
and third parties rarely win any seats in the legislature. In such arrangements, two-
party systems are thought to result from various factors like winner-takes-all election
rules. In such systems, while chances for third-party candidates winning election to
major national office are remote, it is possible for groups within the larger parties, or in
opposition to one or both of them, to exert influence on the two major parties. In
contrast, in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia and in other parliamentary
systems and elsewhere, the term two-party system is sometimes used to indicate an
arrangement in which two major parties dominate elections but in which there are
viable third parties that do win some seats in the legislature, and in which the two
major parties exert proportionately greater influence than their percentage of votes
would suggest. The advantage of two-party system political information is much easier
to understand. Although a two-party system limits the options of voters, it allows parties
to present information in a convenient manner. Each party is able to represent their
own broad political philosophy. As such, voters can better understand the views of a
party regarding certain issues.
The next party is the multiparty system. A multiparty system is a political system in
which A multi-party system is a political system in which multiple political parties
across the political spectrum run for national election, and all have the capacity to gain
control of government offices, separately or in coalition. Several parties compete for
power and all of them have reasonable chance of forming government. First-past-the-
post requires concentrated areas of support for large representation in the legislature
whereas proportional representation better reflects the range of a population's views.
Proportional systems may have multi-member districts with more than one
representative elected from a given district to the same legislative body, and thus a
greater number of viable parties. May promote electoral participation by opposing
political forces. The significance party system at Malaysia is the two-party system. As
we all well known, Malaysia is a country that practice a multiparty system. That types
of system are lacking because its going to hard for all them to be in one word. There’s
going to be it will create misunderstanding between one party and the other party. the
people will also have difficulty in choosing the party that will lead the country. multiparty
system can also create fights between other leaders. by using the two-party system
makes it easier for Malaysia to vote and run a manifesto to convince the people to vote
for them. Political information is much easier to understand. Although a two-party
system limits the options of voters, it allows parties to present information in a
convenient manner. Each party is able to represent their own broad political
philosophy. As such, voters can better understand the views of a party regarding
certain issues. It also got to balance is achieved because multiple interests and
opinions are accommodated. Each party is comprised of organized groups and
individual voters who all have a broad range of interests. As such, a party needs to be
able to accommodate these interests when making political decisions. Including
voter’s interests also allows a party to receive continued support. Other then that,
governing them is much more simple. Two-party systems have been preferred over
multi-party systems because they are not difficult to govern. This kind of system also
discourages radical minor parties and as such, the results are less unruliness and
more harmony.

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