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Bill of Quantities
1 B 4.1.02 Making earthen ring/cross bundh of required height and width to prevent water LS (Fixed Tk. 1.000 One One
from entering in the working area for any type of foundation with earth arranged 100000.00) 100000. Lakh 100000.0 Lakh
and carried by the contractor including bullah/bamboo palisading and double point point
tarja mat/drum sheets walling as and where necessary, maintaining the same Zero Zero
throughout the working period, filling by throwing earth in layers, removal of
structure totally on completion of the bridge, etc. all complete as per
requirement and instruction of the E-I-C.
2 B 4.1.03 Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches in all sorts of soil except rocky, cum 802.337 One Eighty
gravelly, slushy or organic type, up to a depth of 2m to the lines, grades and 100.001 Hundre 80234.50 Thous
elevation as shown on the drawing, removing boulders, logs and other d point and
objectionable materials, clearing all loose materials, disposing of all excavated Zero Two
materials to a safe distance designated by the E-I-C for an initial lead of 20m,
and cut to a firm surface including bailing out water, removal of spoils to a safe
distance, back filling of sites of trenches up to original level, shoring if
necessary etc. all complete as per requirement and instruction of the E-I-C.
Back-filled materials shall be compacted to a density comparable with the
adjacent undisturbed material.
3 B Supplying best quality MS pipe of different diameter (internal) to work site for m 72.000 Ten Seven
bored cast-in-situ pile including loading, unloading, carrying and all sorts of 10000.0 Thous 720000.0 Lakh
handling, taxes, incidental charges, fitting and fixing the same in position by and Twenty
making all arrangements, etc. all complete as per design, specification and point
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Tender / Proposal Preparation
4 B 4.1.08 Sand filling on the prepared foundation bed with sand of minimum FM 0.80 in cum 71.960 Six Forty-T
150mm in thickness in each layer including supplying, placing in conformity with 600.001 Hundre 43176.07 hree
the profile and level as per design including watering, compaction, etc. all d point Thous
complete as per direction of the E-I-C Zero and
5 B 4.1.09 Single layer brick flat soling with 1st class or picked kiln burnt bricks in sqm 149.225 Two Thirty-
foundation, filling the interstices tightly with sand of minimum FM 0.50, watering, 250.001 Hundre 37306.39 Seven
leveling, dressing, etc. all complete as per instruction of the E-I-C. d and Thous
Fifty and
6 B Cement concrete work in foundation with Portland cement, sand (minimum FM cum 11.187 Six Sevent
1.80) and 1st class/picked brick chips 20mm down graded (LAA value not 6500.00 Thous 72715.51 y-Two
exceeding 40), including shuttering, mixing by concrete mixer machine, casting, and Thous
laying compacting and curing for the requisite period breaking bricks into chips Five and
etc. all complete as per direction of the E-I-C. Cylinder crushing strength of
concrete should not be less than 105kg/cm2 at 28 days of curing (Suggested
Mix Proportion 1:3:6). Additional quantity of cement to be added if required to
attain the strength at the contractors own cost.
7 B Reinforced cement concrete work in well caps, pile caps, bearing sheets, cum 168.689 Twelve Twenty
abutment base, etc. with ordinary Portland cement (OPC/CEM-1), sand 12000.0 2024268 Lakh
(minimum FM 2.50) and 20mm down well graded crushed stone chips Thous Twenty
(Preferably stone chips from Madhyapara, Dinajpur), (LAA value not exceeding and -Four
30), including shuttering, mixing by concrete mixer machine casting, laying,
compacting and curing, for 28 days, breaking stone boulders into chips etc. all
complete as per direction of the E-I-C but excluding cost of reinforcement.
Cylinder crushing strength of concrete should not be less than 250kg/cm2 at 28
days of curing (suggested mix proportion 1:1.5:3, w/c max. 0.4). Additional
quantity of cement to be added if required to attain the strength at the
contractor's own cost.
8 B Making the temporary artificial island in river/channel required for cast-in-situ each 2.000 Two Four
bored pile with supplying and driving close hole bamboo posts (75-100mm) up 200000. Lakh 400000.0 Lakh
to required depth with two bracing above water with half split bamboo point point
horizontaly fixed with country nails and driven Gazari/Salbullah posts (150 Zero Zero
-175mm dia) @ 1m c/c up to required depth & half split bullah bracing at top
level, drum sheet walling & internal cross tie with 16mm dia rod at alternate
buhhah post and all other necessary iron fitting, earth arranged and carried by
contractor by any means including cost of all materials required for the work
and maintaining the same till the completion of the work for which the island is
made, etc. all complete as per design,drawing, spaecification & direction of the
Engineer-in-charge. The structures are to be completely removed on
completion of the work and the cost is inclusive of this element also.
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Tender / Proposal Preparation
9 B Boring and casting of RCC cast-in-situ piles up to the required depth and m 1071.700 Two Twenty
diameter with temporary steel casing in all types of soils including 2-chamber 2000.00 Thous 2143401 -One
slurry tank, drilling with bentonite circulation (Dry Bentonite powder of liquid limit and Lakh
of minimum 350 shall be mixed with water @ minimum 4% by weight to make point Forty-T
the fresh drilling fluid of viscosity between 32-50 seconds and density less than
1.1gm/cc). Washing bore hole with bentonite slurry (until the slurry from bore
hole bottom have density less than 1.15gm/cc and sand content is less than
4%) placing of reinforcement and placing concrete by tremie pipe with Ordinary
Portland cement (OPC/CEM-1), sand (minimum FM 2.50) and 19mm down
graded crushed stone chips , (LAA value not exceeding 30) to result minimum
ultimate cylinder crushing strength of 250 kg/cm2 at 28 days (suggested
minimum mix proportion 1:1.5:3, w/c ratio maximum 0.4) with allowable slump of
150mm to 200mm including cost of all materials, labour, equipment and all
incidental charges but excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication,
etc. all complete as per design, drawing, specifications and direction of the
Engineer. Additional quantity of cement be added, if required to attain the afore-
mentioned concrete strength, by the contractor at his own costs.(Boring method
shall be selected as set in the drawing).
700mm dia
10 B Boring and casting of RCC cast-in-situ piles up to the required depth and cum 412.614 Nine Thirty-
diameter with temporary steel casing in all types of soils including 2-chamber 9000.00 Thous 3713526 Seven
slurry tank, drilling with bentonite circulation (Dry Bentonite powder of liquid limit and Lakh
of minimum 350 shall be mixed with water @ minimum 4% by weight to make point Thirtee
the fresh drilling fluid of viscosity between 32-50 seconds and density less than
1.1gm/cc). Washing bore hole with bentonite slurry (until the slurry from bore
hole bottom have density less than 1.15gm/cc and sand content is less than
4%) placing of reinforcement and placing concrete by tremie pipe with Ordinary
Portland cement (OPC/CEM-1), sand (minimum FM 2.50) and 19mm down
graded crushed stone chips , (LAA value not exceeding 30) to result minimum
ultimate cylinder crushing strength of 250 kg/cm2 at 28 days (suggested
minimum mix proportion 1:1.5:3, w/c ratio maximum 0.4) with allowable slump of
150mm to 200mm including cost of all materials, labour, equipment and all
incidental charges but excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication,
etc. all complete as per design, drawing, specifications and direction of the
Engineer. Additional quantity of cement be added, if required to attain the afore-
mentioned concrete strength, by the contractor at his own costs.(Boring method
shall be selected as set in the drawing).
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Tender / Proposal Preparation
11 B 4.1.24 Labour for breaking head of cast-in-situ bored pile/pre-cast pile up to required cum 13.145 Four Fifty-Fi
length by any means and removing the dismantled materials, such as, concrete 4250.00 Thous 55866.26 ve
to a safe distance including scrapping and removing concrete from steel/MS and Thous
rods, preparation and making of platform where necessary, carrying, all sorts of Two and
handling, stacking the same properly after clearing, leveling and dressing the
site and clearing the river bed, etc. all complete as per direction of the E-I-C.
(Measurement will be given for the actual pile head volume to be broken).
12 B Conducting static load test as per ASTM D1143 or equivalent standard for the each 1.000 One One
cast in situ/ precast pile providing required scaffolding, bracing, jacks, pressure 100000. Lakh 100000.0 Lakh
test gauge, loading unloading, arranging other necessary plants and equipment point point
including staging, mobilization, demobilization, hire charge, gunny bags, sand Zero Zero
and filling sacs/gunny bags for loading, record readings and preparation of
results in standard forms and other incidental charges as per standard practice
and procedures including submission of load test report, furnishing all graph
and chart etc. complete in all respects approved and accepted by the Engineer
(Minimum two cyclic loading). Before commencing load test, Contractor shall
submit method statement for conducting load test to the Engineer for approval.
However, Engineer's approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities and obligations under Contract. (Testing party will be selected
taking prior approval of Procuring Entity)
Using sand filled Gunny Bag/Concrete Block or Equivalent
Above 75 ton and upto 125 ton
13 B Integrity test of cast-in-situ/pre-cast pile by placing a small accelerometer on the set 4.000 Twenty One
top of a pile while hitting the pile head with a small hammer. The shock wave 25000.0 -Five 100000.0 Lakh
traveling through the pile propagate with the velocity of sound in concrete which Thous point
is 3000-3500 m/s approximately or as decided by the Engineer, as per and Zero
approved method.
For upto 10 nos. pile of a single bridge
14 B Reinforced Cement Concrete work in diaphragm walls, wing walls, piers, cum 130.536 Ten Thirtee
columns, abutments of bridges and vertical members of box culverts with 20mm 10000.0 Thous 1305360 n Lakh
down graded stone chips (Preferably stone chips from Madhyapara, Dinajpur), and Five
(LAA value not exceeding 30), sand (minimum FM 2.50) and Ordinary Portland point Thous
cement (OPC/CEM-1), having minimum 28 days ultimate cylinder crushing
strength of 250kg/cm2 (suggested mix proportion 1:1.5:3, w/c max. 0.4).
excluding cost of reinforcement and its fabrication but including cost of all other
materials, shuttering, casting, curing for 28 days and all incidental charges, etc.
complete in all respect as per design, drawing and direction of the E-I-C
Upto 5m
15 B Reinforced Cement Concrete work (1:1.5:3, w/c max. 0.4) in girders, cum 175.628 Twelve Twenty
cross girders, beams, ribs, fillets, etc. in bridge with 20mm down well 12000.0 2107536 -One
graded stone chips (Preferably stone chips from Madhyapara, Thous Lakh
Dinajp)(LAA value not exceeding 30), sand (minimum F 2.5) and Ordinary and Seven
4 of 8 01-Jul-15 12:28 AM
Tender / Proposal Preparation
16 B Reinforced Cement Concrete work in deck slab (including cantilever), side walk, cum 136.698 Eleven Fifteen
curb, wheel guard, etc. in bridge with stone chips (Preferably stone chips from 11500.00 1572027 Lakh
Madhyapara, Dinajpur)(LAA value not exceeding 30), sand (minimum FM 2.50) Thous Sevent
and Ordinary Portland cement (OPC/CEM-1), having minimum 28 days ultimate and y-Two
cylinder crushing strength of 250kg/cm2 (suggested mix proportion 1:1.5:3, w/c
max. 0.4) excluding cost of reinforcement and its fabrication but including cost
of all other materials, shuttering, casting, curing for 28 days and all incidental
charges, etc. complete in all respect as per design, drawing and direction of the
Up to height 5m
17 B Reinforced Cement Concrete work in railing and rail post with stone chips cum 13.216 Eleven One
(Preferably stone chips from Madhyapara, Dinajpur)(LAA value not exceeding 11500.00 151984.0 Lakh
30), sand (minimum FM 2.50) and Ordinary Portland cement (OPC/CEM-1), Thous Fifty-O
having minimum 28 days ultimate cylinder crushing strength of 250kg/cm2 and ne
(suggested mix proportion 1:1.5:3, w/c max. 0.4) excluding cost of reinforcement
and its fabrication but including cost of all other materials, shuttering, casting,
curing for 28 days and all incidental charges, etc. complete in all respect as per
design, drawing and direction of the E-I-C.
18 B Supplying and fabrication of M.S High strength Ribbed (deformed) bar/ Twisted kg 153319.816 Sevent One
bar reinforcement of required size and length for all types of RCC work in/c 75.001 y-Five 11499139 Crore
straightening the rod, removing ruts, cleaning, cutting, hooking, bending, point Fourte
binding with supply of 22 B.W.G. GI wire, placing in position, in/c lapping, Zero en
spacing and securing them in position by concrete blocks (1:1), metal chairs,
etc. complete in/c cost of all materials, labour, local handling incidentals
necessary to complete the work as per specifications, drawings and direction of
the E-I-C. (Measurement will be based on standard weight of 490 lbs/ft3.
Chairs, laps and separators will not be measures for payment. The cost of
these remains inclusive in the unit rate)
MS Ribbed Weld able Bar (Deformed Bar) of steel grade RB 400W) with
minimum yield stress = 400 MPa & Elongation 14%
19 B 4.2.09 Providing 50mm average thick wearing course (1:1.5:3) on deck slab of bridge cum 19.800 Nine One
with cement, sand (minimum FM 2.50) and 6mm down graded boulder chips, 9000.00 Thous 178200.0 Lakh
mixing concrete, laying cost of all materials, labour and transportation to the and Sevent
site, etc. all complete as per direction of the E-I-C point y-Eight
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Tender / Proposal Preparation
20 B Providing rainwater down pipe including placing in position and cost of all m 54.000 Two Ten
materials as per drawing and direction of the E-I-C. 200.001 Hundre 10800.05 Thous
75mm PVC pipe d point and
Zero Eight
21 B 4.3.04 Providing nosing with MS angles of different sizes. including cost of all kg 197.624 One Ninete
materials, welding, carrying, etc. all complete as per design, drawing and 100.001 Hundre 19762.59 en
direction of the E-I-C. d point Thous
Zero and
22 B 4.3.05 Providing expansion joints between the breast walls (abutment top wall) and kg 552.794 One Fifty-Fi
girders or in between the girders with steel sheet and filling the gap with sand 100.001 Hundre 55279.95 ve
and bitumen (80/100) as per design, drawing and direction of the E-I-C. d point Thous
Zero and
23 B Supplying, fitting and fixing steel laminated Elastomeric/ Neoprene bearings set 19.000 Eighte Three
(preferably from Mageba-Switzerland/Canada/India or equivalent) in exact 18000.0 en 342000.0 Lakh
positions as per drawing, specifications conforming to ASTM D4014 and Thous Forty-T
direction of the E-I-C including cost of all materials, labour, carrying etc. and wo
complete ( The set shall be of 100% virgin chloroprene Neoprene rubber
consisting of one or more vulcanized elastomeric material pads bonded to rolled
mild steel metal plates to form a sandwich arrangement etc. to complete the
support of a girder at each end). Laboratory test to be performed from BUET,
Dhaka for compression set value maximum 35% after 22 hr. at 100 0C
conforming to ASTM D-395 method B, Elastomeric content minimum 60%, Ash
content maximum 5%, Shear mudolus 0.80 - 1.2 N/mm2 and Elastometer
hardness limits=60±5 duro conforming to ASTM D 2240. The type of bearings
will be used for bridge beyond 12.0 m span. Bearing sizes are as follows ( one
set extra for laboratory test). Size =length x breadth x thickness .) Supplying,
fitting and fixing steel laminated Elastomeric/ Neoprene bearings in exact
positions as per drawing, specifications conforming to ASTM D4014 and
direction of the E-I-C including cost of all materials, labour, carrying etc.
complete ( The set shall be of 100% virgin chloroprene Neoprene rubber
consisting of one or more vulcanized elastomeric material pads bonded to rolled
mild steel metal plates to form a sandwich arrangement etc. to complete the
support of a girder at each end). Laboratory test to be performed from BUET,
Dhaka for compression set value maximum 35% after 22 hr. at 100 0C
conforming to ASTM D-395 method B, Elastomeric content minimum 60%, Ash
content maximum 5%, Shear mudolus 0.80 - 1.2 N/mm2 and Elastometer
hardness limits=60±5 duro conforming to ASTM D 2240. The type of bearings
will be used for bridge beyond 12.0 m span. Bearing sizes are as follows ( one
set extra for laboratory test). Size =length x breadth x thickness .)
Size : 320mmx500mmX65mm
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Tender / Proposal Preparation
24 B 4.3.14 Back filling of abutment with 50:50 best quality picked brick khoa & sand of min. cum 54.045 One Fifty-F
FM 1.00 of 450mm width, in layers of 150mm thickness free from dust impurities 1000.00 Thous 54045.05 our
etc. including compacting using steel or concrete drop hammer (durmus), and Thous
watering & dressing and including supply & cost of all materials, carrying and point and
labour, arranging and supplying of steel/concrete hammer and other tools
required to work site etc. al complete as per direction of the E-I-C. Payment to
be made for the compacted volume only for a compaction of 90% of the
maximum dry density.
25 B Welding at the splicing point of main reinforcement at 3 points (each point being each 85754.000 Three Two
25mm in length) and each alternate contact point of spiral binder tie rod with the 3.001 point 257347.7 Lakh
main vertical reinforcement of the bored piles using electrodes including the Zero Fifty-S
cost of all materials, labours, tools and equipment, the cost of power, etc. all Zero even
complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer.
For spiral spot welding,(each alternate contact point of spiral binder tie rod with
the main vertical reinforcement)
26 B Welding at the splicing point of main reinforcement at 3 points (each point being each 4104.000 Twenty Eighty-
25mm in length) and each alternate contact point of spiral binder tie rod with the 20.001 point 82084.10 Two
main vertical reinforcement of the bored piles using electrodes including the Zero Thous
cost of all materials, labours, tools and equipment, the cost of power, etc. all Zero and
complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer.
For lap welding of main reinforcement,3points (each point)
27 B 4.3.22 Providing weep hole of in abutment/ retaining wall/ wing wall including placing each 84.000 Two Twenty
and hand packing of 1st class/picked bricks metal (size 40mm - 63mm) @0.085 250.001 Hundre 21000.08 -One
cum in the back of each weep hole etc. all complete as per direction of the d and Thous
E-I-C. Fifty and
28 B Construction of 2m wide temporary bamboo diversion bridge with 100mm m 45.000 Two Ninety
average dia pucca borak bamboo in 4 (four) lines of posts longitudinally and 2000.00 Thous 90000.04 Thous
required lines of posts 2m c/c transversely with beams and struts and every and and
post with double bracing?s and each post driven to at least 0.75m depth point point
including half split bamboo decking including supplying nuts, bolts, etc. fitting,
fixing and supply, carrying and cost of all materials & labour, etc. all complete as
per direction of the Engineer.
Grand Two
Total : 2733706 Crore
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Tender / Proposal Preparation
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8 of 8 01-Jul-15 12:28 AM