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Giovanni Rana

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User Manual

EN 1 - 26
TR 26 - 54

Dear User,

Thank you for choosing Zaxe 3D printers. Before using your product, please read the user manual.
Read the instructions carefully. The user manual will give you basic information about your product, safety
measures, maintenance and tips for your first print. Failure to follow these instructions may result in property
damage and injuries. It may also cause malfunctions or poor quality printing results.

1. Part of the Product 4. Introduction 5. Printing Process

Exterior View 5 The Unboxing 9 Printer Selection and Uploading 19
Detailed View 6 Configuration 10 Adjusting the Model 20
Print Head Details 7 Plugging the Power Cord 10 Slicing 22
Filament Loading 11 Uploading via Wi-Fi 23
2. Inside the Box 8 Calibration 14 Uploading via USB 24
Wi-Fi Connection 16 Removing the Print From the Bed 25
Pre-Printing 17
3. Technical Information 8 6. Support 26
xDesktop Setup 18


We recommend you set up a

well-ventilated room that is dedicated
only to 3D printing.
Please try not to stay in the same
room with the devices for a long
period of time. Vapors that are Hot surface! Wait for the table While placing the Magnetic PEI plate be
produced while printing does not pose to cool down before touching. careful not to damage the electronic traces.
a direct threat to your health but on It might case some serious harm to on your
the long run when it gets combined device.
with the accumulated dust particles it
might pose a threat.

Tools in the starter kit box and

accessories for the intended use
should be used with special care.
As it will affect the printing Power Source should be 230 VAC/ 50
Wrong use can cause serious injuries.
quality please set your printer on Hz(EU) or 110 VAC / 60 Hz(US); do not plug
When you unplug the power cord,
a flat and well balanced surface. your printer to any other power sources
pull the plug instead of the cable. It
then these as it may cause serious damage
will reduce the risk of damaging the
to your device
plug or the AC outlet.


While printing with PLA, FLEX and PETG Always use protective gear Do not put your hand between
half-opening the HEPA filter according to while using your printer. mechanical components.
the picture above will improve your
printing quality. When printing ABS or
ASA, Hepa Filter should always be closed


Keep your 3D printer out of Do not operate your printer Device should be operated in
reach of your pet and children. while there are flammable and temperatures between 20-30°
volatile materials in the C (68-86° F)

1. Parts of the Product
Exterior View

Top Lid

Touch Screen

Side Window

Front Doors

USB Ports

1. Parts of the Product
Detailed View

HEPA Filter

Spool Holder

On / Off Button

Ethernets Port

1. Parts of the Product
Printing Head

Cooling Block Fan

Step Motor

Extrusion Gear

Fan Duct
Inductive Sensor

Heat Break

Heating Block


Silicon Sock

Fan Channel

2. Inside the Box

Filament Allen Key Power Cord

Printer Side Cutter Greasing Oil Glue

Sample Print Warranty Cerificate

3. Techical Information

Layer Height 25-600 microns Weight 28.3 KG

Printing Technology Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) Software xDesktop
Printing Area 220 X 230 X 250 mm Screen Touch Screen
Connection Type Wifi, USB, Ethernet
Device Dimensions 410 x 532 x 546 mm
With Spool Holder 410 x 612 x 546 mm

4. Introduction

1 2 3 4

Lift the top cardboard box Lift the printer from handle Cut the belts
spaces and put it on the
dedicated spot for your printer.

5 6 7 8

Remove the front protective First remove the front Remove the parts that locks Lift the table upwards and
foam first, then remove the protective foam than the rear the table and axes. remove the toolkit.
one. one. Your printer is ready to use

4. Introduction

In this section, the installation of your 3D

printer stages and your first print will be
carried out. Set your device on a firm and
well balanced surface. Concussions or
uneven leveling can cause your print
quality to decrease.

Plugging the Power Cord

Plug the cord into the socket shown in the

image securely and make sure it is in place.
Securely the power cord and make sure it is
in place. Press the power button to power
up your printer.

4. Introduction
Filament Loading

1 2
Take out the filament from it’s sealed Extend your spool holder by
bag, cut the tip of your filament with gently pulling it and place your
an angle of 45 degrees. spool on the spool holder.

3 4
Load your filament from the Load your filament till the end
filament entry point. (right under of protective tube.
the filament sensor)

4. Introduction
Filament Loading

Press Setting from the main menu. Go to the Filament Settings. For your first installation choose the Install
Filament option and follow the steps.

4. Introduction
Filament Loading

Print head will be heating up for the Filament will be ready for installation after If the installation was successful the
filament installation. Place your filament the print head is heated up. Follow the filament will be exiting the nozzle. When the
on the Spool Holder before the heating steps and wait for the filament installation. filament of the right color is installed,
process is over and feed the filament to the confirm the installation was successful to
print head. start the printing process.

4. Introduction

Table calibration should be done when you use your 3D printer for the first time. When you
move it or when you use it for a long time. Bad table calibration can cause many problems
and it may even cause your device to be out of service. Make sure your table calibration is

If the print doesn't stick to the printing surface or if there isn't any extrusion on the first
layer while it prints, it is generally because of bad table calibration. In case of such an
event, please follow the instructions below.

Choose Settings > Bed Calibration

When the calibration process starts, all axes will return to their starting positions. After
the print head and table heats up, your 3D printer will automatically calibrate the print
table in a couple of minutes.

4. Introduction

After the calibration, the print head will

start to print straight lines. You can
press the up and down arrows on screen
to be sure that your print sticks to print
bed according to the picture on screen.If
you set the Z-offset too close or too far
from the bed it will decrease your print

Print head is too far from Print head is in ideal distance Print head too close to
the print surface to the print surface the print surface

4. Introduction
Wi-Fi Connection

Firstly, download the files of your X3 from the link below.

X3 File: https://d.zaxe.com/x3

To connect your device to Wi-Fi, go to the After the access point is connected, go to Under the Client Mode section, fill the SSID
connections settings on your computer and the IP address on your browser. section with the name of your local Wi-Fi and
Change the Radio Mode setting to Client enter your password in the Password section.
connect to your X3
Mode in the Network Setting menu. As the last step, click on Restart.

4. Introduction

Before printing with your device, applying glue stick

to your print surface is crucial. This process ensures
that your print will stick to the PEI Surface firmly.

This process should always be done while the

print table is cold!
Apply 4-6 layers of glue stick to your PEI
Surface in opposite directions.

Usage of glue sticks differs depending on the

material. Usually for the PEI Surface there is
no need to apply glue stick but, if there is an
adhesion problem do not hesitate to apply it.

After a while, glue will lose it’s function.

Do not reapply it without cleaning the PEI
Surface. You can clean the table with a damp
towel then reapply the glue when it’s dry.

4. Introduction
xDesktop Setup

With Zaxe printers we suggest the usage of our own slicer xDesktop, which is available
for free on www.zaxe.com./xdesktop.

xDesktop Setup xDesktop Setup

Welcome to the xDesktop Installation Folder

Setup Wizard
This will install xDesktop on your computer.
Please specify the folder where xDesktop will be installed.
It is recommended that you close all other applications
before continuing

Click Next to contiue or Cancel to exit Setup.

Folder Location


Next Cancel Next Cancel

Open the setup wizard and follow the Choose your installation folder. When the setup wizard is completed, you
instructions. can start getting your first print.

5. Printing Process
Printer Selection and Uploading

Firstly choose X3 from the top right corner of the xDesktop. xDesktop is compatible with formats
such as .stl , .obj and .amf. You can upload your 3D model by pressing the open model button at
the top left side of the screen or you can simply drag and drop it.

Select 3D Printer

Prepare model for Print

5. Printing Process
Adjusting the Model

You can make small adjustments to your model such as re-locating, duplicating, scaling,
re-orientin, mirroring, adding and removing support manually from the menu at the left
hand side.

With xDesktop you are in full control!

File Edit Settings Help

Open File







Blocking Support Manually

Adding Support Manually

5. Printing Process
Adjusting the Model

With the tools on the left hand side menu, you can easily make small adjustments to your
model and speed up your printing preparation effectively.

Centering Duplicating Moving

Scaling Mirroring Editting

5. Printing Process

After you complete your adjustments on the model, proceed to slicing via the menu on your
right hand side. Select “Prepare the Model”

Choose your filament, layer height, support settings, infill and other parameters.
When you picked your parameters, proceed by clicking the “Slice” button

5. Printing Process
Uploading via Wi-Fi

If the xDesktop and your Zaxe X3 3D Printer are in the same network, you can upload your
print simply by picking it from the right-hand side menu and selecting “Print”.

File Edit Settings Help

5. Printing Process
Uploading via USB

If the xDesktop and Zaxe X3 3D Printer aren’t in

the same network, you can proceed by selecting
the “Upload to Flash Disc” button. It will
automatically upload the sliced model to a plugged
USB Disc on your computer.

Plug the USB Disc into your Zaxe X3 3D Printer.

From “Print Now” select “Disc” and pick your
model to start printing.

5. Printing Process
Removing the Print From the Flexible PEI Plate

Always wait for the print bed to cool down before

getting your print. When the print bed is cooled down
you can proceed to lift the PEI plate from your print
bed. You can easily separate the model from the PEI
plate by simply bending it.

While placing the felxible PEI plate to the bed, be

careful not to damage the electronic traces. It might
cause some serious harm on your device.

Please place the PEI plate properly between the screw

heads on the print bed. The print bed has high
temperature magnets to firmly hold the PEI plate. Be
careful while placing the sheet and do not damage the
electronic traces on the bed, it might cause some
serious harm on your device.

6. Support
Technical Support

If you are having trouble while doing the setup of your Zaxe X3 3D Printer or if you are
having a problem with it, you can always contact support.zaxe.com to get detailed
information and get in contact with one of our technical support experts.


EN 1 - 26
TR 27 - 52
31 35 45
32 36 46
33 36 48
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34 40 50
42 51
34 52

Yalnızca 3 boyutlu baskıya adanmış ve
havalandırması olan bir oda
kullanmanızı tavsiye ediyoruz. Aynı
zamanda, cihazların bulunduğu odada
kalmanızı önermiyoruz. Baskı işlemi
sırasında açığa çıkan buharlar Manyetik PEI plakasını yerleştirirken elektronik
doğrudan tehlike oluşturmaz, ancak . yolların zarar görmemesine dikkat ediniz.
uzun vadede biriken toz parçacıkları ile Cihazınıza ciddi zararlar verebilir.
birleştirildiğinde olumsuz etkileri

Başlangıç seti kutusunda ki aletler ve

aksesuarlar, amaçlanan kullanım için
dikkatle kullanılmalıdır. Yanlış kullanım
ciddi yaralanmalara neden olabilir.
Güç kablosunu prizden çıkardığınızda,
kablo yerine fişi tutarak çekin. Fiş veya
AC prizine zarar verme riskini azaltır.

Hareketli parçalardan elinizi
uzak tutunuz!

Katman Kalınlığı 25-600 microns Ağırlık 28.3 KG
Baskı Teknolojisi Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) Yazılım xDesktop
Baskı Alanı 220 X 230 X 250 mm Ekran Dokunmatik Ekran
Bağlantı Tipi Wifi, USB, Ethernet
Boyutlar 410 x 532 x 530 mm
Spool Holder (Açık) 410 x 612 x 546 mm

1 2 3 4

Önce üstteki karton yukarıya Ürün el yerlerinden tutarak Kemerleri kesilir.

doğru kaldırılarak açılır. kullanılması planlanan yere
5 6 7 8

Köşebentlerin daha sonra Ürünün köpükleri, önce öndeki Tablayı ve eksenleri kilitleyen Tabla el ile yukarıya
taşımada kullanılmak üzere sonra arkadaki olmak üzere parçalar sökülür. kaldırılarak altındaki gereçler
koli malzemeleri ile saklanması sırası ile çıkarılır. çıkartılır ve ürün kuruluma
önerilir. hazır hale gelir.

1 2
Filamenti vakumlu poşetinden Filament tutucuyu cihaza takınız.
çıkarınız. Uç kısmını 45 derece Daha sonra kendinize çekerek ve en geniş
sivri bir şekilde kesiniz. pozisyona getirerek filamenti takınız.

3 4
Filamenti NFC etiketi cihaza bakacak Filament koruyucu borunun uç
şekilde yerleştirip filamentin giriş noktasından kısmından çıktıktan sonra
takarak uç kısma doğru ilerletiniz. ittirmeyi durdurunuz.
Filamentin dolanmamasına dikkat ediniz.

Ana ekrandan Ayarlar menüsüne giriniz. Menü içerisinde yer alan Filament İlk yüklemede Filament Yükle menüsünü
Ayarlarına giriniz. seçerek adımları takip ediniz.

Filament yüklemek için baskı kafası Baskı kafası ısındıktan sonra filamenti Filamentiniz başarılı bir şekilde yüklenmişse
ısınmaya başlayacaktır. Isınma işlemi yüklemeye hazır hale gelecektir. Adımları nozülden çıkmaya başlayacaktır. Doğru renk
bitene kadar Spool Holder’a filamenti takip ederek filament yüklenmesini ve doğru filament yükledikten sonra işlemi
takarak yol boyunca kafaya getiriniz. bekleyiniz. onaylarak baskı almaya başlayabilirsiniz.

Öncelikle sahip olduğunuz X3 cihaz dosyasının dosyalarını aşağıdaki linkten indirebilirsiniz.
X3 dosyası: https://d.zaxe.com/x3

Cihazı Wifi'ye bağlamak için İnternet Erişim noktasına bağlandıktan sonra İstemci Modu altında SSID : Ortamda ki Wi-Fi
Erişimine gidin ve bilgisayarınızı orada tarayıcı üzerinden ip adresine Ağı ve Şifre : Wi-Fi şifresi olacak şekilde
gidin. Ağ bölümü altında Radyo Modu: ayarlayınız. Son adım olarak en aşağıda yer
bulunan Zaxe X3 erişim noktasına bağlayın.
İstemci Moduna alınacak. alan Yeniden Başlat butonuna basınız.


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