Ability of Drilling Mud To Lift Bit Cuttings
Ability of Drilling Mud To Lift Bit Cuttings
Ability of Drilling Mud To Lift Bit Cuttings
ing the flow of true fluids. Measurement equation for resistance to flow of plas- Presently used equations for slip in
of these plastic flow properties has been tic fluids in the laminar region. In true fluid should therefore be modified
made possible by means of a rotational . place of viscosity, Bingham introduced to take this into account.
viscosimeter: and it has been' found the terms yield value (ty ) and rigidity It has been shown both theoretically
possible to predict the flow performance (n) and the resulting equation is: and experimentally that the resisting
16 L t y 32n VmL force acting on a particle moving in a
of muds under actual drilling condi- ~P =
+ gDp"
(1) true fluid depends on the size of the
tions.'o Drawing an anology between
particle, some function of the area, ve-
flow of muds in circular pipes and fall As pointed out before, muds behave locity of the particle relative to the
of particles through drilling muds it like true fluids when in turbulent How fluid, and the density and viscosity of
was thought that cutting slip velocities and therefore Fanning's' equation the fluid. By rearrangement of the Fan-
should be affected by these plastic flow should hold for the turbulent flow ~f ning equation, a group known as the
properties, and the proper approach to mud in circular pipes. Beck· has shown
that Fanning's equation is applicable
-coefficient of friction, Cn , is obtained to viscosity, area, and relative velocity resistance is largely due to transfer of
and this has been found to be a func- and Stokes law relates particle slip momentum to larger masses of fluid,
tion of the Reynolds number. This gives velocity to particle and fluid properties. and is proportional to area, square of
the general relation for frictional re- Stokes law is: the relative velocity of the particle, and
sistance and the following eqnations are 2gD' (Ps - Pm) density of the fluid. In the turbulent
an expression of this relationship for V . = - - - - - - for spherical region, Rittingers equation shows how
laminar and turbulent slip. particles particle slip varies with physical prop-
_For true fluids in viscous flow (2)
erties of the fluid and the particle. Rit-
(Re < .05), resistance is proportionai In the turbulent region (Re > 2000) . tingers equation is:
for spherical
which returned some o,f the pump out- the relationship of the coefficient of This f~ncti()n was constant for a par-
put to the reservoir. A sketch of the friction, C n, to Reynolds number is ticular mud and the correlation of the
apparatus is shown in Fig, 1. shown in Fig. 3. It should be noted that function and yield value, tn is shown
there are two distinct curves, one for in Fig. 5. This relationship enables a
Each mud was constructed to the spheres, and the other for flat or ir- modified form of Stokes law to be used
approximate desired flow properties, regular particles. ' in predicting laminar slip velocities.
mixing being accomplished with a jet In laminar slip, apparent viscosity, From the laboratory data., empirical
mixer. Circulation of the mud was con- is found to be a function of rigidity. equations were derived iil which cutting
tinued long enough to make sure flow
properties would remain constant dur-
ing the test. Mud was then pumped
through the pipe column and the rate
was measured. Single cuttings of one
slip velocity is expressed as a function number for spheres in true fluids have necessary to determine slip velocities
of cutting ch~racteristics and mud flow been accurately deterniined. Wadell1 in mud for both flat and spherical par-
properties. has shown that slip velocities of various ticles.
flat particles require different Cn vs Re The coefficient of friction, Cn, is de-
. values, these relationships being de- fined as:·
DISCUSSION. OF RESULTS pendent on relative flatness of the par-
ticles ( see Fig. 2). Relative flatness (4)
Turbulent Slip termed sphericity, is defined as the APm Va'
Much data has been accumulated by ratio of the surface area of a sphere When the velocity has reached equilib-
various authors concerning slip veloci- of the same volume as a particle to the rium; the retarding force on the par-
ties of spherical particles in true fluids. surface area of that particle. Since the ticle is:
Relations between Cn and Reynolds majority of bit cuttings are flat it was
for any situation, and the corresponding rigidity. This function was designated It should be pointed out that certain
,"lip velocity is obtained from: as (x) (n), and with this definition phenomena observed in cutting slip
- n Re slip velocity equations in laminar flow have no counterpart in pipe flow. In
V. = 3.2 D.p",-
(10) are: pipe flow systems, the flow region is
Spherical Particles: selected a~ the one which requires the
The equivalent diameter De u~ed in the larger pressure drop. In bit cutting slip,
Vs= gD·(P.-Pm)-6gDt,. (18)
above equation is the diameter of a . this would be analogous to a bit cutting
18 (x) (n)
sphere whose ~olume is equal to that of falling in whichever type of slip re-
the particle. For a' non-spherical par- Flat Disks:
sults in the least slip velocity. This is
ticle: 3"lr tDg (Po - Pm) - 6"lr gt,. (D+2t)
V.= ----~~-~----~~-~ not a universal statement however. If
64 (x) (n) the mud is in laminar flow, the cutting
6 Volume (19)
(11) will fall in the type of slip giving lower
Actual slip velocities in the laminar slip velocities; hut in ihe turbulently
The force causing slip in a true fluid is: /&0
F = Volume (Ps - Pm) g . (16)
In a plastic fluid such as mud, how- /00
ever, this force is reduced due to the
yield strength and the resulting force
.6'0 Z --I--
PROCEDURE were introduced on each run through In the first series, cuttings were caught
a' special by-pass arrangement on the at the shale shaker, a Baker retainer
It was decided that without causing standpipe. Times of travel to the outlet being used as a bridging plug in the
excessive operating costs, the most ac- pohit were taken, and corrections were casing to insure return of cuttings from
curate results on cutting slip velocities made for time consumed in traveling
the bottom. A full opening Reed bit
could be obtained by injecting artificial down the flow line ditch in those cases
cutti~gs into the circulating system at (jet nozzles removed) was run in on
where cuttings were timed at the shale
the base of the standpipe and measur- shaker. Pump rates were. adjusted for the 4% in. drill pipe and circulation
ing the time of travel to the shale shak- a series of runs by use of the hydraulic ,established with the bit just barely
er or some other point where they could couplings with en~nes running at a clearing the retainer. Returns were
be caught as they came out of the hole. governed speed. Frequent checks on through 12 in. blowout preventers, a
Artificial, cuttings used in the field pump rate were made to be sure it did ,7 in. flow line angling at about 30 to
tests were circular disks made from a not vary during a particular series of the outside of the mast superstructure
were in turbulent flow in all parts of
1---- -~--~
--- ---~
.< ..? ." .8 /.0 .he
h"f .c
I '
this was run during the first series of
tests. Some errors were introduced in
the first test by the flow ditch and these
were in turn further magnified by. the
FIG. 6 - CALCULATED AND OBSERVED SLIP VELOCITIES FIELD DATA. high viscosity mud used to bring about
enon of a parabolic velocity gradient would tend to move cuttings from one is that some of the cuttings might have
could be a possible explanation of slip part of the stream to another. Because been momentarily trapped in some part
velocities which appear to be greater of this fact, a cutting could start out in of the system. This would tend to give
than their calculated value. Mud in the a portion of the annulus having a veloc- measured slip velocities greater than
laminar flow region flows in a seJ;ies Qf ity less than the average mud velocity calculated values.
conc~ntric shearing layers of mud and and continue in it all the way up the
there is· no turhuience present !\,hich annulus. Another possible explanation Since data from the laboratory tests
did not reveal any such difficulty with
laminar slip measurements, it is thought
that the shorter travel distance did not
allow the plug flow or velocity gradient
phenomena to be so pronounced as they
were in field tests. 1;'he laboratory ap-
- ~ .. ,.~
L J:-T#R8l/LEAlT 5L/P
troduction of a number of errors, and
prediction of the action of the cutting
was almost impossible due to the
changes of velocity and eddies and tur-.
bulent zones caused by restrictions such
. .~- as tool joints and rubber drill pipe pro-
tectors. It is thought that the higher slip
~,4M'/N"W SUP
rates was an indication of the above·
factors rather than the true slip velocity
being affected by circulating rate.
It has been previously pointed Qut
that the average per cent deviation for
turbulent slip velocity figures was from
+15 per cent to -10 per cent. The
amount of deviation is not distressing
·F/r·i 8 when it is remembered that actual nu-
merical differences between Qbserved
/ 2 3 45& 7 and computed values were on the order
/.sec of +0.15 ft per sec. Roughness of :the
system and methOds of measurement
FIG. 8 - RELATI9N OF NET RISE VELOCITY AND MUD V,ELOCITY. could account for this magnitude' of de-
viation. On the whole the correlation lift bit cuttings, (2) above this mini- Turbulent Slip
between observed and computed turbu- mum velocity what would be the most
lent slip velocities are very satisfactory advantageous pump rate, and· (3) could 835 Vol (Ps-Pm)
for engineering use, and qualitative re-
Cn (Re)' = 3.3xIO·
the mud be further treated so that even n'
sults fall in line with what was pre- From Fig. 4, Re = 380
with the added mud costs, an economic
dicted.' nRe
advantage could be realized due to V. = 0.77 .£t per sec
low.er horsepower requirements needed . ,6.4D.Pm
GENERAL DISCUSSION for cleaning the hole. At a mud velocity of 4.0 ft per sec
With the knowledge that there is a To illustrate a problem such as s~ated the net rise velocity of the cuttiug will
means for determining the How prop- above, the following example is given: be 3.23 ft per sec
erties of drilliug muds, and that these Computation of Optimum Pump Rate Fig. 8 is based on the above data
How properties can be used to predict A well being drilled with mud of and shows the relation:hetween net ri~e
Tahle V
SU1ll1llary of Cutting Slip Velocities--=- :rest No.1
Mud 11 Mud 12
Wt=10.9 #/gsl n=0.00506 I/sec ft Wt=10.15 i/gal n=0.02131/secft Water
Cutting Size ty=0.0498 I/sq ft Vc=2.14 ft sec ty=0.1611bs/sq ft Vc=~.5 ft/sec
Turbulent Observed Cutting Slip ~ Calculated
Laminar Observed Cutting Slip ~ Observed Cutting Slip
Cutting Velocity-(ft/sec) Cutting Velocity-(ft/sec) Velocity-(ft/sec)
-Diam. Thickness Volume Slip Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Slil! Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel.
(Inch~) (Inc1>es) (Cu. In.) Velocity 4.75-4.77 3.78-3.96 2.84-2.96 VelOCIty 4.68-4.70 4.04-4.15 3.24-3.34 1.72 4.91 3.47-4.40 2.04-2.06
(ft/sec) ft/sec {t/sec ft/sec (ft/sec) ft/.ec ft/sec ft/sec ft/sec ft/sec ft/sec ft/soo
I ~ 0.392 1.07 .99 1.20 1.34 - 9.35 0040 0.15 0.625 +12.6 1.,55
1 U!. 0.220 0.97 .93 +4.3 0.20 0.83 -76.0 1.16
2~ :1(. 0.245 0.98 1.02 - 3.92
'% ~ 0.122 0.12 0.62 -80.6 1.07
2%; 'If 0.139 0.87 1.02 1.04 -15.5 0.17 -/-0.04- 0.24 0.20 +30.7 1.36
.~ %,. 0.076 0.80 .55 +45.5 0.91
,%, ~6 0.0865 0.80 .83 - 3.62 0.12 -/-0.385 -/-0.135 Out 1.33
,~ %, 0.0433 0.70 .65 + 7.70 0.870
% %, 0.0288 0.017 -/-0.025 Out
~ 34 0.0491 1.09
~ Va 0.0245 0.63 .56 .49 +17.3 0.88 .90
~ KG 0.0123 0.54 .39 .81 -10.0 0 -/-0.72 ~.13 Out
% Va 0.0138 0.55 .71 .42 - 1.79 0.015 .31 0.29 Out .15 .81 .82
To illustrate the balance between case such as this would be to add a would change the path of the cutting or
varying the cutting . lift ability with in- bentonitic clay, which increases both momentarily deposit cuttings in quies-
creased horsepower or adding chemicals yield value and rigidity. and treat with cent pockets of mud.
to change mud properties the above a viscosity reducer such as caustic-que-
example is again cited, assuming that bracho when the mud became too thick CONCLUSIONS
the annular mud velocity is not limited to pump efficiently. The caustic que-
to 4.0 ft per sec. If the net rise velocity bracho would tend to decrease the yield 1. Slip velocity va~ues computed by
of cuttings had to be 4.5 ft per sec, the value greatly and change the high the turbulent slip equations show
mud in its present state would have to rigidity only slightly. For cuttings in deviations within ± 15 per cent of
be pumped at a velocity of 4.5 + 0.77 turbulent slip an increase of rigidity in slip velocity values measured un-
or 5.27 ft per sec. Chemical treatment the mud will decrease slip velocity and der actual field conditions.
of the mud could raise the critical veloc- therefore increase the ability of the mud 2. Laminar slip equations appear to
ity to 4.8 ft per sec. With the modified to lift cuttings. be correct; however, the limited
Table VI
Summary of Cutting Slip Velocities - Test No.2
n=0.00128Ibs/sec ft
Wt.=10.2Ibs/gal n=0.00141Ibs/sec ft
ty=0.00154 Ibs/sq ft Vc=0.508 ft/sec % Deviation ty=0.00767Ibs/sq ft Vc=1.055 ftlsec % Deviation
Diameter Thickness Volume of Computcd of Computed
(Inches) (Inches) (Cu In) Calculated Average Value Calculated Observed Cutting Silp Average Value
Turbulent Observed Cutting Slip From Turbulent Velocity-(ft/sec) From
Cutting Velocity-(ft/sec) Obs.rved Value Cutting Observed Value
Slip Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel. Slip Vel. Mud Vel. Mud Vel.
(ft/sec) 4.94-5.04 3.73 2.75 (ft/sec) 5.04 3.54
1 ~ 0.392 1.11 1.11 1.35 - 9.75 1.13 1.29 -12.40
1 %l 0.220 1.02 0.91
+ 3.56
- 6.80
+ 4.08
- 9.35
",{, % 0.152 0.96
% 0.076 0.87 0.63 0.70 +30.8 0.88 0.74 0.75 +18.10
'~ ~ 0.0865 0.88 0.85 1.12 1.26 -17.8 0.90 1.06 1.05 -14.7
:1=17.1 .
- 0.86
+ 8.40
- 5.35
% M 0.0138 0.64 0.46 0.65
to see how changing the mud flow x =empirical slip velocity factor Discussion
properties by chemical treatment for laminar slip, dimensionless. By C. L. Prokop, Production Research
can aid in the removal of bit cut- Division, Humble Oil and Ref. Co.,
tings from the well. REFERENCES H auston, Texas
The authors have presented an inter-
1. Wadell, R., "The Coefficient of Re-
esting paper which should he a definite
ACKNOWLEDGMENT sistance as a Function of Reynolds
contribution toward a more thorough
Number for Solids of Various
understanding of the factors which de-
The authors wish to express their Shapes," Journal of the Franklin
termine the carrying capacity of a
appreciation to the Ma~agement of th~ Institute, 217, (1934), 459-490.
drilling fluid.
Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. for permis-
sion to prepare and publish this paper, 2. Schmiedel, J., "Experimentelle Un- The paper discusses the' velocity dis-
although it is recognized that the grant- tersuchungen uber die Fallbewe- tribution which exists across a mud
ing of such permission does not neces- gung von Kugeln, Und Schieben in stream flowing in laminar flow. In a