Appendix 1 - ITP R&R
Appendix 1 - ITP R&R
Appendix 1 - ITP R&R
Type of Work Work Activity Inspection / Testing Required Inspection Stage Frequency Acceptance Criteria Quality Record Remarks
Contractor Consultant Client
Removal and Material approval - Before commencement of works Before commence- Once for each source Material approval form S R R
Replacement Earth fill, Sand Fill ment of works
i) Test report
Material approval -
i) Catalogues
ii) Certificate
iii) Test Report
Inspection Inspection of material on site After delivery As Client’s instruction Request for Work W W SW
Inspection (RFWI)
Mackintosh Probe Test Mackintosh Probe Test Before removal of Every 25m or as per Lab Report W W SW
USM Client’s instruction
Trial Pit Trial Pit Based on Test Result As Client’s instruction Lab Report W W SW
S - SUBMIT : Submission shall be submitted by Contractor. The approval shall be granted from the Consultant prior to use or implement each submission/work.
N - NOTIFICATION POINT : A notification shall be done in order for the Representative to verify the works.
H - HOLDING POINT : Points where no further works shall be proceed without the written approval from Representative.
W - WITNESS : The Representative to carry out the inspection shall be present the time of inspection. If they are not present at the time of inspection, Contractor
can proceed with the works/activities at their own risk.
SW - SPOT WITNESS : The Representative to carry out the inspection shall be present at his discretion to attend the inspection.
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