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Media and Information Literacy. Electronic Age (1930s - 1980s). Audio Media.

Uses audio or voice

Involves necessary skills that let a Electronic age started when people recording as a medium in the delivery
person interact using different media utilized the power of electricity that of information.
platforms and get access to made electronic devices like transistor
Multimedia. Concerned with the
information around the globe. radio and television work.
computer-controlled integration of
Information Age. The media have a Information Age (1900s - 2000s). text, graphics, drawings, still and
significant role in our society towards Known as the digital age. Use of the moving images (video), animation,
disseminating information, connecting worldwide web through an internet audio, and any other media where
people, and acting as an agent of connection. Rapid technological every type of information can be
change in our society. advancement and innovation with the stored, communicated, and handled
use of microelectronics lead to the digitally.
Communication and Media
development of laptops, netbooks
Information. Communication is New Media. A term used to integrate
mobile phones, and wearable
affected by media and information the different technologies emerging on
because of the advancement of one digital platform to organize and
technology and the availability of Print Media. A type of media paper distribute content. Examples are
different communication services. and ink is reproduced in a printing podcasts, video games, and wikis.
process that is traditionally mechanical
Media Literacy. Highlights the capacity Media Convergence. Merging of
such as books, newspapers,
of an individual to understand the different equipment and tools for
magazines, journals, newsletters, and
functions of media and determine the producing and distributing news
relevant use and worth of media through digitization and computer
platforms. Text Media. A simple and flexible networking. This is also known as
format for conveying ideas, whether technological convergence.
Information Literacy. The
handwritten or printed. May also be
communication or acquiring of data or Indigenous Knowledge. The distinctive
displayed on-screen as part of
facts that relate to the use of media knowledge kept to a specific group of
broadcast media, multimedia, or new
information. people. Local knowledge, folk
knowledge, people’s knowledge,
Technology Literacy. The skill of an
Typography. The art and technique of traditional wisdom, or traditional
individual to manipulate technology
arranging the visual component of the science are other terms used for it.
independently or with the assistance
written word.
of others in using the technology in an Locally appropriate. Indigenous
efficient and suitable way. Visual Media. Refers to pictures, knowledge signifies a way of life that
photos, images, and graphics used to has advanced with the local
Information and Media Literacy.
channel communication using the conditions.
Enable people to become a
sense of sight.
responsible user and producer of Restraint in resource exploitation.
media and information. Informational Graphics (Infographic). A Production is for survival needs only;
visual representation of information to only those necessary for immediate
Media. Communication for people
understand the high-volume and survival are taken from the
which includes newspapers, radio,
complex data easily. environment.
televisions, and the internet.
Cartoons. A sketch or drawing Diversified production systems. There
Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s).
intended as satire, caricature, or is no abuse of resources; various
During pre-industrial age, about 4.5
humor. strategies are utilized to avoid risks.
million years ago, the early hominids
discovered fire, developed paper from Photography. An image created by light Respect for nature. A ‘conservation
plants, and built weapons. captured on a light-sensitive surface, ethic’ often exists. Here, the land is
which is usually photographic film. treated as sacred.
Industrial Age (1700s - 1930s).
Economic and societal changes, such Broadcast Media. Reaches target Human dependence on nature for
as the substitution of handy tools with audiences using airwaves as the survival. All species are interrelated;
machines like the power loom and the transmission medium. hence, one affects the other.
steam engine.
Flexibility. Indigenous knowledge meanings are being communicated Genre Convention. Refer to the
means adapting to new circumstances through various media. common use of the elements of
and being open to outside knowledge. narratives such as the characters,
Language (aka Medium of
settings, or themes in a certain type of
Social responsibility. There are strong Communication). A “system of
family and community ties, and with arbitrary, vocal symbols that permit all
them, feelings of obligation and people in a given culture, or other Media Producers. Refer to the people
responsibility to preserve the land for people who have learned the system of who initiate, plan, and produce media
future generations. that culture, to communicate or to texts.
Primary Sources of Information. Refer Stakeholders. Refer to people or
to “original materials”. The raw Media Language. Denotes how media organizations that share the same
products of written texts. producers make meaning about a interests or intentions.
certain medium they are producing
Examples: Audience. A significant element in
and how they transfer that meaning to
delivering media texts.
Artifact. Refers to something made or their target audience.
created by humans, such as a tool or a Audience Analysis. The process of
Denotative meaning is the literal
work of art, especially an object of looking into the demographics and
meaning of the media text while
archaeological interest. psychology of the audience.
connotative meaning refers to the
Diary. A record with distinct entries various interpretations that the text Audience Engagement. This refers to
organized by date reporting on daily suggests to the audience which are the reaction of the audience to the
activities or other periods. often associated with their culture, media text.
values, beliefs, etc.
Patent. The granting of a right to an Audience Expectations. This refers to
inventor by a sovereign authority. Media codes and conventions are the the anticipation of the audience about
very foundations of all the existing the text.
Audio/Video Recording. media.
Audience Foreknowledge. This refers
Secondary Sources of Information. Media codes. Have an established to the exact information which the
Written after an original product. They meaning, denotation, or connotation, audience brings about the media
are the analyses, interpretations, and to the target audience. output.
evaluations of primary sources.
Conventions. Refer to the possible Audience Identification. This refers to
Examples: methods in which codes are organized the connection built by the media text
in a product. to the audience.
Indexes. Typically found as one or
more individual volumes at the end of Types of Media Codes: Audience Placement. This refers to the
a set. Ex. Indexes, bibliography,
strategies producers use to make the
indexing and abstracting periodicals. Symbolic Codes. Audience based. The
audience feel that the media text is
meaning of the product is not based on
Survey Type. Involves the product of made specifically for them.
the product itself but on the
examination or description of interpretation of the audience. Audience Research. This refers to the
someone or something. Ex. Reviews,
monitoring of the audience before,
treatises, and monographs. Technical Codes. Refer to codes
during, and after the production of the
specific to a media form alone.
Reference Type. Consists of materials media text.
collected from others’ works such as Written codes. The formal written
Piracy. The unauthorized reproduction
encyclopedia, dictionary, handbook, language used in creating a media
or use of a copyrighted book,
manual and critical tables. product.
recording, television program,
Tertiary Sources of Information. Types of Conventions: patented invention, trademarked
Involve information that collects and product, etc.
Form Conventions. Ways in which the
organizes primary and secondary
types of media codes are expected to Intellectual Property (IP). Refers to
be arranged. creations of the mind, such as
Media and information literacy inventions; literary and artistic works;
Story Conventions. Refer to the basic
involves a full understanding of how designs; and symbols, names and
structures of narratives.
information, signs, symbols, and images used in commerce.
World Intellectual Property Geographical Indications and The Labor of Laziness. The writer takes
Organization (WIPO). The global forum Appellations of Origin. Signs used on the time to paraphrase most of the
for intellectual property services, goods that have a specific geographical paper from other sources and make it
policy, information, and cooperation. origin and possess qualities, a all fit together.
reputation or characteristics that are
Types of Intellectual Property: The Self-Stealer. The writer “borrows”
essentially attributable to that place of
generously from his or her previous
Copyright. A legal term used to origin.
describe the rights that creators have
Fair Use. you can use copyrighted
over their literary and artistic works. Sources Cited
material without a license only for
Republic Act 8293 Intellectual Property certain purposes. These include The Forgotten Footnote. The writer
Code of the Philippines Commentary, Criticism, Reporting, mentions an author’s name for a
Research, Teaching. source, but neglects to include specific
Copyright Validity Period information on the location of the
Literary Works Lifetime of the Creative Commons. An American non-
material referenced.
author + 50 profit organization devoted to
years after expanding the range of creative works The Mis informer. The writer provides
death available for others to build upon inaccurate information regarding the
Art 25 years from legally and to share. sources, making it impossible to find
the date of them.
creation Digital Citizenship. The norms of
Photographic 50 years from appropriate, responsible technology The Too-Perfect Paraphrase. The writer
Work publication use. properly cites a source, but neglects to
Audio-Visual 50 years from put in quotation marks on text that has
Netiquette. Set of rules for behaving
Work publication been copied word-for-word, or close to
Sound 50 years from properly online. Respecting other
Recording year recording users’ views and displaying common
took place courtesy when posting your views to The Resourceful Citer. The writer
Broadcast 20 years from online discussion groups. properly cites all sources, paraphrasing
Recording date of and using quotations appropriately.
Digital Footprint. A trail of data you
broadcast The paper contains almost no original
create while using the Internet.
Trademark Valid for 10 work!
years ad may be Plagiarism. The act of using another
renewed for a The Perfect Crime. The writer properly
person's words or ideas without giving
periods of 10 quotes and cites sources in some
credit to that person.
years places but goes on to paraphrase other
Invention Patent Valid for 20 Types of Plagiarism: arguments from those sources without
years from filling citation.
date application Sources Not Cited

The Ghost Writer. The writer turns in

Patent. An exclusive right granted for another’s work, word-for-word, as his
an invention. or her own.

Trademarks. A sign capable of The Photocopy. The writer copies

distinguishing the goods or services of significant portions of text straight
one enterprise from those of other from a single source, without
enterprises. alteration.

Industrial Design. Constitutes the The Putlock Paper. The writer copies
ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an from several different sources,
article. May consist of three- tweaking the sentences to make them
dimensional features, such as the fit together while retaining most of the
shape or surface of an article, or of original phrasing.
two-dimensional features, such as
The Poor Disguise. The writer has
patterns, lines, or color.
altered the paper’s appearance slightly
by changing key words and phrases.

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