Spoinlage and Beer Products

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Spoilage yeasts in beer and beer products

Inge M Suiker and Han AB Wösten

Microbial spoilage of beer and related products results in high but costs are high at a global scale. The introduction of
economic loss. Undesired microbes can impact the quality of undesired microbes at any stage of the malting and
the end product at any stage of the production process. brewing process can have major negative effects on the
Brettanomyces and Saccharomyces wild strains, including B. quality of the end product [3]. Table 1 shows the major
bruxellensis and S. cerevisae diastaticus (S. diastaticus), are stages of beer production and microbial species that have
commonly isolated as spoilage yeast. Knowledge of the been found during these stages. It should be noted that
taxonomy, ecology, and mechanisms of resistance against little is known about the spectrum of spoilage microbes in
antimicrobial activity of beer (products) and preservation non-alcohol beers and radlers, especially because the
methods is now emerging, which can be used to develop commercial tools to identify spoilage microbes have been
spoilage prevention strategies. developed for regular beer. The spectrum of spoiling
Address microbes thus may be more diverse in radlers and non-
Microbiology, Department of Biology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, alcoholic beer [4]. Bacteria, especially some lactic acid
3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands bacteria, are considered the most hazardous beer spoilage
microorganism in breweries [2]. Yet, also yeasts and
Corresponding author: Wösten, Han AB ([email protected])
filamentous fungi spoil beer.

Current Opinion in Food Science 2022, 44:100815 This review focusses on the fungal beer spoilers with
This review comes from a themed issue on Food Mycology 2022 emphasis on Saccharomyces diastaticus and Brettanomyces
Edited by Anderson Souza Sant’Ana bruxellensis and discusses how spoilage incidence can be
reduced. To this end, spoilers have to be correctly iden-
For complete overview of the section, please refer to the article col-
lection, “Food Mycology 2022”
tified by revealing their taxanomy, entry of spoilers in the
brewery should be decreased by understanding their
Available online 19th February 2022
habitat, and hurdles that inhibit growth of the spoiler
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2022.100815 should be introduced targeting molecular mechanisms
2214-7993/ã 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an that underly spoilage.
open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
Fungal spoilers
The degree to which barley is contaminated with fila-
mentous fungi and yeasts depends on the field and
Spoilage of beer and beer related products storage conditions. The many fungal genera on the field
The global revenue in the beer segment will amount include Fusarium and Cladosporium species, while typical
more than 600 billion euro in 2022 and the market is storage fungi comprise Aspergillus and Penicillium species
expected to grow annually by 6.8% [1]. This is explained, [5]. Fungi such as Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium are
at least in part, by the increasing popularity of alcohol free capable of producing mycotoxins that survive the brewing
beer and radlers. Beer has a high microbiological stability process. Therefore, strict quality standards for mycotoxin
because of its low pH and the presence of ethanol, hop levels in malt are defined [3]. An additional problem of
bitter compounds, high levels of carbon dioxide, low fungal contamination of barley is gushing. This vigorous
levels of oxygen and low amounts of easily digestable overfoaming of carbonated beverages occurs when the
carbohydrates such as glucose and maltose [2]. Moreover, container is opened and is caused by hydrophobins [6].
the heating step at 100 C during wort production effec- Growth of filamentous fungi and wild yeasts can also be
tively inactivates spoiling microbes that have accumu- deleterious for malt quality by competing with the malt
lated up to this stage. Still, preventive measures like embryo for oxygen, thus inhibiting its germination [7].
sanitation protocols in the brewery and pasteurization
or sterile filtration during packaging are needed to reduce Wild yeasts, but not filamentous fungi, are known to spoil
the chance of spoilage. Despite these measures, beer can later stages of beer production (i.e. during wort produc-
still be spoiled by microbes. Spoilage risk is higher in non- tion, inoculation, fermentation and conditioning and
alcoholic beer and in radlers because of the absence of packaging; Table 1). Notably, Saccharomyces and Bretta-
alcohol and the presence of higher levels of easily digest- nomyces that are used in beer production [5,8] are also the
ible sugars in these products. main yeasts that spoil beer. The latter yeasts, in particular
B. bruxellensis (see below), spoil beer through the produc-
The economic loss of microbial spoilage of beer (pro- tion of acetic acid and highly volatile phenolic com-
ducts) is not exactly known as not all cases are reported pounds, such as 4-ethylguaiacol and 4-ethylphenol, giving

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2 Food mycology

Table 1

Microbes that have been found during the different stages of beer production. Adapted from Ref. [16]

Filamentous Fungi Yeast Bacteria

From Barley to Malt Absidia Candida Acetobacteriaceae
Aspergillus Debaromyces Alcaligenes
Alternaria Hansenula Bacillus
Aureobasidium Hanseniaspora Enterobacteriaceae
Fusarium Rhodotorula Flavobacterium
Botrytis Sporobolomyces Lactobacillus
Cladosporium Trichosporon Pseudomonas
Wort Saccharomyces Enterobacteriaceae
Inoculation Saccharomyces Obesumbacterium
Rhanella aquatilis
Fermentation Saccharomyces Lactobacillus
Conditioning and Packaging Saccharomyces Acetobacter
Bretanomyces Gluconobacter
Candida Lactobacillus
Hansenula Megaspaera
Hanseniaspora Micrococcus
Pichia Pectinatus
Schizosaccharomyces Pediococcus
Torulopsis Selenomonas

beer an undesired aroma of bandages, sweat, and smoke. Pichia anomala, Candida sake and Debaryomyces hansenii)
S. diastaticus is likely the main Saccharomyces spoiler. For will adhere [13]. Subsequent adherence of S. diastaticus
instance, about two third of the S. cerevisae related spoiling and/or B. bruxellensis will result in a biofilm with spoilage
events in craft beer in Andean Patagonia are related to S. potential. Yet, these yeasts can be relatively lowly abun-
diastaticus [9]. Spoilage of beer by this yeast manifests dant in these biofilms. Relative abundance of S. cerevisiae
itself by fermentation of residual carbohydrates, including (including S. diastaticus) was only <0.05% of the total
dextrins and starch, by producing phenolic off-flavors and fungal population in 85% of the biofilms [16].
by haze formation and superattenuation. This leads to
increased alcohol percentage, overcarbonation and a Phylogeny and identification of S. diastaticus
weakened body [5,10,11]. The incidence of spoilage with and B. bruxellensis
S. diastaticus has increased between 2008 and 2017 [12]. Brettanomyces was for the first time described in 1904 as
About two twird of the cases are related to contamination the causative agent of secondary fermentation and char-
that occurs post-fermentation, most likely during filling acteristic flavours of English stock ales [17]. Nowadays,
[12]. Biofilms are most probably the main source of these Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Brettanomyces anomalus, Bretta-
contaminations [13]. Microbes in biofilms are highly nomyces custersianus, Brettanomyces naardenensis, and Bret-
resistant to antibiotics, disinfectants, UV light and dessi- tanomyces nanus are accepted species within this genus,
cation [14]. Moreover, biofilms are not easily removed; while Brettanomyces acidodurans has also been assigned to
some locations were recolonized in 2–12 hours [15]. Thus, this genus despite its high genetic divergence relative to
daily cleaning of colonized areas only temporarily reduces the other Brettanomyces species [18,19]. The former three
the number of microorganisms on surfaces. PCR and species can grow in beer, while the former two are able to
selective enrichment identified S. diastaticus in 46% spoil beer [20]. Most reported cases of spoilage with
and 39% of biofilms from breweries, respectively [16]. Brettanomyces concern B. bruxellensis [21]. Sequencing of
B. bruxellensis was identified in 32% and 3% of the PCR- 53 strains of this yeast revealed that intra-strain genetic
positive and PCR-negative S. diastaticus samples, respec- diversity is larger than in S. cerevisae and related to ploidy
tively. Notably, both yeasts were only identified in sam- level with about 75% and 25% of the strains being diploid
ples that were positive for Candida and/or Pichia as well. and triploid, respectively. The diploid and triploid strains
Together, data suggest that S. diastaticus and B. bruxel- form three and two strain clusters, respectively [22].
lensis only exist in mixed biofilms in the presence of
Candida and/or Pichia. Primary colonisers of surfaces in Yeast strains capable of fermenting starch and dextrins
brewery bottling plants are gram-negative bacteria such as were for the first time isolated by Andrews and Gilliland
Pseudomonas spp. In the next step, yeasts (particularly [11], who classified this yeast as a separate Saccharomyces

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Spoilage of beer and beer products Suiker and Wösten 3

species called S. diastaticus. Genomics changed this per- It is easy to isolate S. cerevisiae from places associated with
spective by showing that the amylolytic strains are varie- fermentation and making alcohol, such as vineyards,
ties of S. cerevisiae [23]. The amylolytic STA1 gene is wineries, breweries, bakeries and distilleries. Yet, a study
considered unique for S. diastaticus. Out of 1169 genomes indicates that it is not adapted to a specific niche [37]
[24,25], 54 were positive for STA1 [26]. These 54 strains and it can also be isolated from oak trees, soil, plants,
and an additional 43 S. diastaticus strains cluster in 4 out of insects and fruit, as well as from humans as a commensal
>30 S. cerevisae clades [27]. The Beer/Mosaic clade, or even as a pathogen [38–42]. These environments have
related to beer and breweries, comprises 74 S. diastaticus high or low carbon and nitrogen concentrations and range
strains and represent 86% of the strains in this clade. The from pH 3 to pH 8, from water to 1.3 M NaCl, and from
French Guiana Human clade, related to human feaces, 0 C to 45 C [38–47]. However, it is unclear whether the
consists of 20 S. diastaticus strains that represent 63% of cells are actively growing, are metabolically active or are
the strains in this clade. Three S. diastaticus strains cluster dormant in these niches [40]. In contrast to S. cerevisiae, S.
in a clade with 65 S. cerevisiae strains, and one in a clade diastaticus is not easily isolated from nature. Out of
with three S. cerevisiae strains [16]. Thus, S. diastaticus is 97 strains, only six originate from nature; two from Ecua-
not a monophyletic variant of S. cerevisiae and can not be dor (from water on a leaf and an insect), three from French
considered a subspecies [23,27,28,29]. However, for Guiana (from agouti paca and fruit), and one from the
historical reasons we will continue to label them as S. Netherlands (from bark) [16,26,27]. The other
diastaticus. Presence of STA1 is also not monophyletic 91 strains have been isolated from beer, wine, spirits
since about 10% of the strains identified as S. diastaticus and human feces. Results thus indicate that S. diastaticus
by a commercial PCR-based method do not have this is a lowly abundant variety of S. cerevisiae in nature but it
gene and are positioned in different clades [27]. can be easily isolated from biofilms in breweries.
Together, a commercial PCR-based method and the
presence of STA1 are not sufficient to assign a strain as
S. diastaticus. Reversely, presence of STA1 does not imply Molecular mechanisms involved in spoilage
that the strain is a spoiler. Several strains contained a The physiological and developmental state of cells
promoter deletion in this gene and thereby do not have S. cerevisiae cultures enter the quiescent state when car-
amylase activity [26]. bon source in the medium has been depleted [48,49].
Alternatively, cells can form ascospores when a non-
Traditionally, culturing is used to detect spoilage yeast fermentable carbon source such as acetate is present
[30,31]. Use of enrichment media (containing for instance [50,51]. These spores represent the most resilient phase
ethanol, cupper, or starch) increases sensitivity of this of S. cerevisiae [52–54]. For instance, they are more resis-
detection method [30–33]. However, culturing is accom- tant to temperature treatment, mild alkali and acid con-
panied with long incubation periods (up to a few weeks), ditions and to digestive enzymes when compared to
may give false-positives, and B. bruxellensis may not grow vegetative cells during logaritimic or stationary growth
despite being viable [30,31]. Direct measurements using or to quiescent cells [40,52,54]. Yet, vegetative cells in the
PCR-based methods (such as amplifying (different parts stationary growth phase are similarly resistant to freeze-
of) STA1 of S. diasaticus) may lack sensitity and thus needs thaw and desiccation.
a pre-culturing step [27,34]. This also applies to detec-
tion techniques monitoring spoilage yeast metabolites Ascospores of S. diastaticus were shown to grow in all
[30]. Moreover, primers used in PCR-based methods tested alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers and radlers but
should be selective and cover all spoiler strains. As vegetative cells did not grow in lemon or lime-based
mentioned above this is still an issue in the case of S. radlers (LL radler) [16]. The latter may be explained
diastaticus. by the low pH of this beer product and the presence of D-
limonene. The ability of ascospores to grow under these
conditions may be explained by their dormancy, which
Habitat would enable them to adapt to the new medium before
Brettanomyces can be isolated from different substrates germination. Adaptation would also explain why vegeta-
such as fruit peels, kombucha, kefir, tea, olives, sodas and tive cells that are pre-cultured in alcohol free beer or in
wooden barrels but also from ecosystems with limited mixtures of alcohol-free beer and LL radler do colonize
nutrient conditions not often inhabited by other yeasts this type of radler [16]. Reversely, spoilage capacity is
[35]. Various studies have shown a high phenotypic lost when vegetative cells grown in LL radler (resulting
diversity of B. bruxellensis with respect to sugar metabo- from germinated ascospores) are grown for 13 generations
lism, nitrogen source utilisation and to abiotic factors like in YPD but not when grown for 4 generations. These
temperature, pH, oxygen availability, and sulfur dioxide findings suggest a cellular memory of acquired stress
(see Ref. [36]). This phenotypic diversity may contribute resistance. Gradual increase of LL radler in the growth
to the variety of ecosystems from which B. bruxellensis can medium or the low pH of non-alcoholic beer may be
be isolated. experienced as a mild stress by yeast, thereby acquiring

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4 Food mycology

cross-protection against a range of stresses [55]. This may Genes SRD1, OSW1, CWP1, CWP2 are higher expressed
enable the yeast to grow in LL radler. in young ascospores of S. diastaticus when compared to
their equivalents in S. cerevisiae [16]. Sporulation is not
initiated in the S. diastaticus DDsrd1 strain, while spores
The ability to convert starch and dextrins
walls do not mature in the DDosw1 strain. Consequently,
As mentioned above, spoilage of S. diastaticus is related
cells of these deletion strains do not survive heat treat-
with the ability to convert starch and dextrins, which is
ment at 60 C. The transcriptional regulator SRD1 is thus
due to the secretion of extracelular glucoamlyase (1,4-
involved in spore formation and its increased expression
a-D-glucan glucohydrolases; EC [11,56–58]. This
in S. diastaticus may result in spores that are more heat
enzyme is encoded by three highly homologous STA(1–3)
resistant. Sporulation in the S. diastaticus DDcwp1,2 strain
genes, which are chimers from FLO11 and SGA1 [59,60].
is similar when compared to the wild type strain and
The 30 end of STA1 is homologous to SGA1, present in all
malachite green staining indicates that mature ascospores
S. cerevisiae strains, that encodes an intracellular glycogen
are formed. Yet, DDcwp1,2 cells are more sensitive to a
degrading glucoamylase that is specifically expressed
heat treatment [16]. Cell wall proteins Cwp1p and
during sporulation. The 50 part of STA1 is homologous
Cwp2p are mannoproteins that are covalently linked to
to FLO11 that encodes a membrane-bound flocculin that
the cell wall and that lower permeability of the cell.
promotes flocculation of S. cerevisiae [60], and which
Especially when cells are under stress, Cwp complexes
makes that the STA1 is secreted.
are formed [64–66]. Such complexes may play a role in the
protection of ascospores by stabilizing the ascus wall. The
Heat resistance higher expression of these genes in spores of S. diastaticus
Heat resistance of ascospores of S. diastaticus strains may contribute to the increased heat resistance of these
within the Beer/Mosaic clade varies considerably with strains compared to other S. cerevisiae strains. The differ-
a 4.41 log10 decimal reduction between the most sensitive ence in heat resistance in the vegetative cells of the
and the most resistant strain. In fact, the latter strain is SRD1, OSW1, CWP1, CWP2 deletion strains needs to
among the most heat resistant yeast strains [27,53,61]. be confirmed. Preliminary results indicate that the vege-
Notably, ascospores of S. diastaticus strains of the Beer/ tative cells of DDosw1 and DDsrd1 have a similar heat
Mosaic clade are on average more heat resistant than resistance when compared to the wildtype strain, which is
spores from S. diastaticus strains of other clades [27]. expected since these genes are both sporulation specific.
Therefore, it is tempting to speculate that breweries The vegetative cells of DDcwp1,2, however, seem to be
provide a selective pressure that makes S. diastaticus more less heat resistant, possibly due to weakened cell walls.
heat resistant. This selective pressure may be exposure to
heat. S. diastaticus rapidly acquires heat resistance during Conclusion and future perspectives
eight cycles of heat exposure of ascospores with a D60 Brettanomyces and Saccharomyces are considered the most
value increase from 6.5 to 9 min [27]. Notably, the D52 common yeasts that spoil beer (products), of which S.
value of vegetative cells also increases from 9.2 min to diastaticus and B. bruxellensis are notorious examples.
16.2 min during the eight cycles. Apparently, heat treat- These spoiling yeasts can be found within biofilms in
ment of ascospores selects for a mechanism that also breweries but their source from the environment is not
functions in vegetative cells. Apart from the genetic clear. This knowledge may provide leads to prevent entry
background of the strain, also environmental growth of the spoilage yeasts at beer production sites.
conditions and the menstruum impact heat resistance.
Vegetative cells grown in YPD are more heat resistant Data suggest that S. diastaticus and B. bruxellensis exist in
when treated in physiological saline when compared to mixed biofilms in the presence of Candida and/or Pichia.
treatment in non-alcoholic beer with D52-values of In fact, relative abundance of S. cerevisiae (including S.
10.3 and 4.0 min, respectively [16]. This may be diastaticus) in most biofilms is <0.05% of the total fungal
explained by the pH of 4.3 of the latter menstruum when population, making it very challenging to perform in
compared to physiological saline (6.5). Also, vegetative depth analysis of the physiological state of these cells
cells grown in non-alcoholic beer are 10 times more heat in such communities. This is of great importance to assess
resistant than cells grown in YPD [16]. This could be prevention strategies since the environmental growth
due to induced cross-protection against environmental conditions and the developmental stage of the cells have
stresses for instance by strengthening the cell wall [62,63]. a great impact on stress resistance. Labelling with, for
Finally, the developmental state of the cells impact heat example, antibodies followed by cell sorting could reveal
resistance. Vegetative cells in the post diauxic shift phase whether the spoilage yeasts occur as vegetative cells or
are more heat resistant than vegetative cells in the loga- ascospores and whether these cells are more stress resis-
rithmic growth phase. Furthermore, young ascospores are tant than cells that have been cultured in the lab. Possi-
more susceptible to heat inactivation than mature spores, bly, resistance of cells in biofilms is higher and, as a
even though the spore wall already seems fully formed in consequence, temperature and time needed for pasteuri-
these young spores [27]. zation should be increased or other hurdles should be

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Spoilage of beer and beer products Suiker and Wösten 5

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