2020-越南期刊 Wave - overtopping - and - splash-up - at - seawalls - with - bu
2020-越南期刊 Wave - overtopping - and - splash-up - at - seawalls - with - bu
2020-越南期刊 Wave - overtopping - and - splash-up - at - seawalls - with - bu
Article in Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Biển · July 2020
DOI: 10.15625/1859-3097/20/3/15064
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Seawalls have been erected to protect hundreds of towns and tourism areas stretching along the coast of
Vietnam. During storm surges or high tides, wave overtopping and splash-up would often threaten the safety
of infrastructures, traffic and residents on the narrow land behind. Therefore, this study investigates these
wave-wall interactions via hydraulic small scale model tests at Thuyloi University. Remarkably, the
structure models were shaped to have different seaward faces and bullnoses. The wave overtopping
discharge and splash run-up height at seawalls with bullnose are significantly smaller than those without
bullnose. Furthermore, the magnitude of these decreasing effects is quantitatively estimated.
Keywords: Bullnose, overtopping, physical model, seawall, splash-up, wave flume.
Citation: Le Hai Trung, Dang Thi Linh, Tang Xuan Tho, Nguyen Truong Duy, Tran Thanh Tung, 2020. Wave
overtopping and splash-up at seawalls with bullnose. Vietnam Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(3),
Le Hai Trung et al.
Wave overtopping and splash-up at seawalls
of the flume. Additionally, we used another In short, three groups of parameters were
camcorder to record the overview of every measured including wave characteristics,
experiment. overtopping volumes and splash run-up height.
Figure 1. Experimental setup in the wave flume including a wave board, a foreland, a base, a
seawall, an overtopping water tank and a wave absorber (not to scale)
Cross-sections of the seawall model different seaward faces including curved (fig. 2a),
The cross-section of any structure plays a steep (fig. 2b) and straight (fig. 2c). In general,
vital role in the wave-structure interaction, the studied structural configurations would be
especially overtopping and splashing up. found similar to coastal structures of complex
Therefore, we investigated the performance of geometries as described in Zanuttigh (2016) [11].
T9 T5 T8
T2 T4 T10
(a) Curved face (b) Steep face (c) Straight face
Figure 2. Different cross-sections of seawall with and without bullnose
Each type of wall was shaped with and the dimension of the entire wall. These seawall
without bullnose, e.g. T2 is curved one with models are made of mica plastic. They are all
bullnose and T9 without bullnose. Remarkably, 150 mm high, 120 mm and 96 mm wide at toe
the bullnose is relatively large with regard to and crest, respectively.
Le Hai Trung et al.
Wave overtopping and splash-up at seawalls
From the measured values above, we plot despite having a bullnose or not. In general,
the dimensionless crest freeboard Rc Hm0 steep face models (T5 and T4) would produce
the highest overtopping discharge while
against dimensionless discharge q gH m3 0 in straight ones generate the lowest overtopping
fig. 3, fig. 4 and fig. 5. It is clear that the rate (T8 and T10).
higher the freeboard, the smaller the discharge
T9 no bullnose
T2 bullnose
Figure 3. Dimensionless discharge vs. cress freeboard, curved face models T2 and T9
T5 no bullnose
T4 bullnose
Figure 4. Dimensionless discharge vs. cress freeboard, steep face models T4 and T5
Le Hai Trung et al.
T8 no bullnose
T10 bullnose
Figure 5. Dimensionless discharge vs. cress freeboard, straight face models T10 and T8
Having no bullnose, overtopping discharges In which: qbn and qno bn are overtopping rates on
are similar between models T9 and T8, and seawall model with and without bullnose,
slightly less than on T5. It would be due to the respectively. The smaller the factor, the greater
steep face that stimulates water run-up to reach the amount of discharge which is decreased due
higher than in cases of straight and curved to the bullnose.
ones. Maximum value of q gH m3 0 is up to In tables 2–4 above, overtopping rates
without bullnoses qno bn are assigned to qT9, qT5
about 0.015 for T5 while that is 0.012 and 0.01
and qT8 while those with bullnoses qbn
for T9 and T8, respectively.
correspond to qT92, qT4 and qT10. And the
Interestingly, bullnose shows the most calculated values of kbn vary over a comparable
significant effect on steep face models when range for curved (0.1 ~ 0.398) and straight
q gH m3 0 drops from (0.008 ~ 0.014) for T5 (0.085 ~ 0.356) seawalls. Not surprisingly, the
to (0.002 ~ 0.004) for T4. In the mean while, steep face model has the most scattering kbn
overtopping rates reduce from (0.008 ~ 0.012) which fluctuates from 0.014 to 0.954. For
for T9 to (0.002 ~ 0.003) for T12 and comparison, Pearson et al., (2005) [6] paid
attention to seawalls with high freeboard and
q gH m3 0 is (0.008 ~ 0.01) and (0.001 ~ under wave breaking conditions. In their study,
0.003) on T8 and T10, respectively. And for recurve/parapet shows significant effect with
rather high freeboard, there would be hardly reduction factor larger than 0.95.
any water overtopping the curved seawall T2. Three sections all have the smallest kbn with
water depth of 0.50 m in the wave flume; and
Reduction factor due to bullnose effect curved and straight ones get the maximum
It is the bullnose that considerably reduces value of the factor with 0.55 m water depth
the overtopping discharge on all seawall (table 5). Therefore, it seems that bullnose may
models tested. Based on EurOtop 2006 [12], cause more clear effects with lower water level
Bruce et al. (2010) [13] described the mean rather than higher one. For curved and straight
overtopping rates for various configurations of seawalls, higher waves lead to greater kbn, i.e.
vertical and composite structures. Inspired by the influence of bullnose becomes less
these existing theories, a discharge reduction significant. In contrast, bullnose of steep wall is
factor is proposed to quantitatively estimate the more effective in decreasing overtopping
effect of bullnose as follows: discharge when wave gets higher.
qbn Kortenhaus et al., (2004) [14] first
kbn (2) discussed systematically a huge volume of data
qnobn on overtopping at seawalls with recurves/wave
Wave overtopping and splash-up at seawalls
return walls/parapets. The authors did introduce recommended in order to establish the
a simple reduction factor depending on relationship between kbn and the configuration
geometrical dimensions of the parapets. Indeed, of the seawall as well as the bullnose shape in
a larger number of measurements are highly the coming steps of the present study.
Figure 6. Exceedance probability of splash run-up height on curved face model T9 (no bullnose)
and T2 (bullnose)
Le Hai Trung et al.
Figure 7. Exceedance probability of splash run-up height on steep face model T5 (no bullnose)
and T4 (bullnose)
Figure 8. Exceedance probability of splash run-up height on straight face model T8 (no bullnose)
and T10 (bullnose)
On the other hand, there are fewer data hsp H m 0 and Psp are promisingly expected.
points which tend to be distributed more For the sake of simplification, linear
closely in cases of those with bullnose. It regressions were performed as deriving
would be explained that bullnoses effectively
function of Psp regarding hsp H m 0 as
prevent splash of low energy but more
powerful ones. Therefore, relations between dependent variable, e.g.
Psp 0.095 1.1783 for curved seawall with bullnose T2 (4)
H m0
Psp 0.076 1.56 for steep seawall with bullnose T4 (5)
H m0
Psp 0.126 1.541 or straight seawall with bullnose T10 (6)
H m0
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