Breast and Endocrine Case Report - Mohammed Alrubaiaan
Breast and Endocrine Case Report - Mohammed Alrubaiaan
Breast and Endocrine Case Report - Mohammed Alrubaiaan
Endocrine Surgery
Case Report
MRN: 00934185
Room: Ward 400 – Room 416- KSMC
Name: Zabia Maid Al-Qahtani
Age: 34 years old
Gender: Female
Nationality: Saudi
Chief Complaint:
Neck swelling
Associated Symptoms:
Numbness and tingling of right arm
Dysphagia – liquids
Shortness of breath – sleeps elevated on 2 pillows
Irregular menstruation
Past Medical History:
Medically free
No medications
No herbal medications
Family History:
Social History:
▪ Patient married
▪ Gravida 3 para 3
Review of Systems:
Physical Examination:
▪ Vital Signs:
General Exam:
o Patient was alert and well oriented, looks well
o Hands: No pallor, nail clubbing, onychorrhexis, muscle wasting, koilonychia or
peripheral cyanosis. Normal capillary refill and Radial Pulse had regular rhythm and
normal volume. No tremor, clubbing, sweating or warm hands. No skin changes.
o Eyes: No conjunctival pallor, no scleral icterus though. No lid retraction, lid lag or
exophthalmos. Eye movement is normal and there is no proptosis.
o Neck: palpable submandibular lymph node on the left side
o Legs: No lower limb edema.
Chest Examination
o Respiratory:
Abdominal Examination:
o Inspection: C section scar
o Palpation: Soft and lax and No tenderness, palpable masses or organomegaly.
o Percussion: Tympanic throughout. No shifting dullness.
o Auscultation: Normal bowel sounds; no bruit was heard over the abdominal aorta
or the renal arteries.
o Digital Rectal Examination: Unremarkable
Head and Neck Examination:
o Neck swelling left bigger than right
o Lymph node palpable sub mandibular lymph node on left side
LYM 2.39 10^9/L
MONO 0.56 10^9/L
WBC 7.5 10^9/L
RBC 5.15 10^12/L
Hb 12 g/dl
HCT 37.2%
MCV 72.2 fL
MCH 23.3 pg
MCHC 32.3 g/dL
RDW 16.1%
PLT 231 10^9/L
Neutrophils 59.2%
Lymphocytes 31.9%
Eosinophils 1.1 %
Basophils 0.3%
Monocytes 6.0%
PT 12.9 sec
PT INR 0.94 sec
PTT 29.8 sec
BUN 6.9 mmol/L
Creatinine 51 umol/L
Uric Acid 315 umol/L
Na 138 mmol/L
K 4.02 mmol/L
Cl 103 mmol/L
Ca 2.3 mmol/L
AST 11.7
ALT 13.6
Albumin 44.6 g/L
Calcium 2.1 mmol/L
Phosphorus 1.24 mmol/L
Magnesium 0.7 mmol/L
Alkaline phosphatase 90 U/L
Ultra sound findings: isthmus 0.47cm. Right lobe : 5.45x1.55x1.77cm = 5.22ml.
Left lobe : 7.78x6.33x4.25 = 110ml. Both show diffuse heterogenicity and normal
vascularity, bilateral multiple well defined heterogeneous nodules of variable sizes.
Largest one is : 7.78 x 4.25 cm in left lobe
Tirad 3 for FNA
Bethesda type 2
Left lobe of the thyroid is grossly enlarged with heterogeneous enhancement which is medially
extended to involve the isthmus and is measuring about
width of 0.2 side, The 8,3 cm in the vertical height. The trachea is at displaced on the right side
and showing significant compression on the left side.
Retrosternal extension of the left lobe of the thyroid noted and measuring about 10 mm below
the manubrium steri level.
No nasopharyngeal mass is seen but palatine tonsils are mildly enlarged.
Enlarged lymph node seen at level I B (retromandibular region )measuring on rt side about
15x17 mm and on left side about 9x13 mm . Other lymph
Nodes are subcentmetencin nalure
Laryngeal column is normal with normal vocal cords and laryngeal cartilages are preserved.
No bony lesions seen in the cervical spine and visible facial bone is also made of the history of
previous previous. The. There is which was sent rest of
the pelvis of the anterior
Grossly enlarged left lobe of the thyroid gland is normal with heterogeneous enhancement and
causing significant compression on the
trachea from the loft side and also showing retrosternal extension for about 10 mm below the
Bilateral palatine tonsils are mildly enlarged and onlarged lymph node son at level I B as
Final Diagnosis:
Multi-nodular goiter
Seen today 14/11/2022, doing fine no hypocalcemic signs, talking, tolerating orally, no
voice fatiguability with clear voice, passing urine but no bowel motion yet. O/E: pt
conscious alert oriented , vitaly stable : T 36.6 , BP141/82, P 76, spo2 98. Labs: Ca 2.18
Po4 0.96 Mg 0.76 Albumin 36.8 plan: CaCo3 1000mg po tid, Heparin 5000 IV, Hold
tramadol, bone profile, wound clean no sign of infection
Day 2 patient doing well fit for discharge, discharged at 10 am. Given Thyroxine 150
mcg. Booked for follow up in 2 weeks