Medicare Two-Way Claim: Purpose of This Form Private Health Insurance Member's Details 1 2 3 4 5
Medicare Two-Way Claim: Purpose of This Form Private Health Insurance Member's Details 1 2 3 4 5
Medicare Two-Way Claim: Purpose of This Form Private Health Insurance Member's Details 1 2 3 4 5
Check that all required questions are answered and that the form is signed and dated. 6 Do you want this recorded as your permanent postal address? No
Provide your original accounts with receipts if the accounts have been paid. Yes
Place in the drop box at one of our service centres.
7 Phone number ( )
We will process your Medicare claim and forward your private health insurance claim to your private
health insurer for processing. Private health insurer payments will be paid by Electronic Funds Transfer
(EFT). To receive payment by EFT, register your bank account details with your private health insurer.
Claiming the private health insurer medical gap benefit
• At a private health insurer
The private health insurer medical gap benefit is the difference between the Medicare benefit and the
Complete your private health insurance claim form as well as a Medicare claim (MS014) form. If you do Medicare schedule fee that your private health insurer will pay for in-hospital services.
not have this form, go to or visit one of our service centres.
Check that all required questions are answered and that the form is signed and dated.
8 Do you want to claim the private health insurer medical gap benefit? No Go to 13
Provide your original accounts with receipts if the accounts have been paid and return your completed forms
and supporting documents to your private health insurer. Your private health insurer will forward your Medicare Yes
claim to Medicare for processing. Your claim will then be processed by us and your private health insurer.
• By post 9 Hospital name
Complete this form and a Medicare claim (MS014) form. If you do not have this form, go to
10 Is this a public hospital? No Go to 12 or visit one of our service centres.
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Ancillary claim details Privacy notice
Ancillary services are services such as dental, optical and physiotherapy. Ancillary claims do not attract a 15 The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us, and is protected by law. We need
Medicare benefit. However, as part of the Medicare Two-way service, you are able to complete this form. to collect this information so we can process and manage your applications and payments, and provide
Attach all original accounts with receipts if paid and lodge your ancillary claim at one of our service centres. services to you. We only share your information with other parties where you have agreed, or where the
Your claim will be forwarded to your private health insurer for processing. law allows or requires it. For more information, go to
No Yes I authorise:
No Yes • my private health insurer to contact the provider of any professional service for clarification of any
details in this claim.
• Services Australia to forward my Medicare statement of benefit for in-hospital services associated
with the attached Medicare claim (MS014) form electronically or manually to my private health
Private health insurance On completion, print and
member's signature - sign by hand.
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