Valence Bond Theory VBT.
Valence Bond Theory VBT.
Valence Bond Theory VBT.
There are two types of covalent bonds depending upon type of overlapping
of orbitals; sigma bond and pi bond.
1. S-S Overlapping
One ‘s’ orbital from each participating atom undergoes head-on overlapping
along the internuclear axis. An s orbital must be half-filled before it overlaps
with another.
This type of overlap occurs in H2 molecules, where each hydrogen atom has a
half-filled s orbital.
2. S-P Overlapping
Here, one half filed s orbital overlaps with one half-filled p orbital along the
internuclear axis, forming a covalent bond. This condition is illustrated below.
Py Py
Px Px
Difference Between Sigma and Pi Bonds
Differences between sigma and pi bonds are tabulated below.