Valence Bond Theory VBT.

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Valence Bond Theory

According to the valence bond theory, "Covalent bond is formed by

overlapping atomic orbitals having unpaired electrons"
The atomic orbitals overlap on the bond formation and the larger the
overlap the stronger the bond.

Postulates of Valence Bond Theory

The important postulates of the valence bond theory are listed below.
i) Half filled atomic orbital of one atom overlaps with half filled
atomic orbital of another atom to form a covalent bond.
ii) Atomic orbitals undergoing overlap must be sufficiently close to
each other with proper alignment.
iii) The strength of bond formed depends upon the extent of
overlapping of atomic orbitals. Greater the overlapping of atomic
orbitals, stronger the covalent bond formed
iv) Overlapping lowers the energy of the molecule and excess energy
is released. The energy released per mole is called stabilization
energy or bond energy and the equilibrium distance between two
nuclei of bonding atoms is bond length.
v) Number of unpaired electrons in ground state or excited state of an
atom is called covalency of the element.
Types of Covalent Bonds

There are two types of covalent bonds depending upon type of overlapping
of orbitals; sigma bond and pi bond.

Sigma ( σ ) and Pi ( Π) bonds

Sigma and pi bonds are types of covalent bonds that differ in the overlapping
of atomic orbitals. Sigma bonds are a result of the head-to-head overlapping of
atomic orbitals whereas pi bonds are formed by the lateral overlap of two
atomic orbitals.
Ways of formation of σ bond
There are diferent ways of formation of σ-bond by head to head overlapping of
orbitals. Both s and p orbitals can be involved in the formation of σ-bond.

1. S-S Overlapping
One ‘s’ orbital from each participating atom undergoes head-on overlapping
along the internuclear axis. An s orbital must be half-filled before it overlaps
with another.
This type of overlap occurs in H2 molecules, where each hydrogen atom has a
half-filled s orbital.
2. S-P Overlapping
Here, one half filed s orbital overlaps with one half-filled p orbital along the
internuclear axis, forming a covalent bond. This condition is illustrated below.

s-p Overlap in Sigma Bonds

3. P-P overlapping
In this condition, one half-filled p orbital from each participating atom
undergoes head-on overlapping along the internuclear axis. This type of
overlapping is illustrated below.

The Pi (π) Bond

Pi bonds are formed by the sidewise overlap of atomic orbitals along a
direction perpendicular to the internuclear axis. During the formation of π
bonds, the axes of the atomic orbitals are parallel to each other whereas the
overlapping is perpendicular to the internuclear axis. This type of covalent
bonding is illustrated below.
Generally, double bonds consist of one sigma and one pi bond, whereas a
typical triple bond is made up of two π bonds and one σ bond. It is important to
note that a combination of sigma and pi bonds is always stronger than a single
sigma bond.

Formation of oxygen molecule

Oxygen: 1s2 2s2 2p4

2px 2py 2pz

Py Py

Px Px

Difference Between Sigma and Pi Bonds
Differences between sigma and pi bonds are tabulated below.

Sigma Bond Pi Bond

It is formed by end to end, head on or It is formed by sideways or lateral

axial overlapping of half filled orbitals. overlapping of half filled orbitals.
The overlapping orbitals can be pure or The overlapping orbitals must be
hybrid unhybridized

These bonds are strong and have high

These bonds are relatively weak.
bond energies.

Can exist independently Must exist along with a sigma bond.

Has an impact on the shape of Has no role in determining the shape

of molecules

Limitations of Valence Bond Theory

i) According to VBT, a covalent bond is formed by overlapping of
half filled orbitals. It cannot explain bonding in electron deficient
ii) It fails to explain the paramagnetic behavior of O2. Paramagnetic
behavior is due to unpaired electrons but according to VBT, O2 has
no unpaired electrons.
iii) Presence of other nuclei in the molecule should affect the
whole electronic arrangements of atoms in the molecule.
This has been neglected in VBT.

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