SPM Study Notes
SPM Study Notes
SPM Study Notes
It can be also defined as a finite endeavor having specific start and completion dates, undertaken to
create a unique product, service or result which brings about a beneficial change or added value
A project ends when its objectives have been reached, or the project has been terminated.
Projects can be large or small and take a short or long time to complete.
Like any human undertaking, projects need to be performed and delivered under certain constraints.
Traditionally, these constraints have been listed as scope, time, and cost. These are also referred to
as the Project Management Triangle, where each side represents a constraint. One side of the
triangle cannot be changed without impacting the others. A further refinement of the constraints
separates product 'quality' or 'performance' from scope, and turns quality into a fourth constraint.
For analytical purposes, the time required to produce a product or service is estimated using
several techniques. One method is to identify tasks needed to produce the deliverables documented
in a work breakdown structure or WBS. The work effort for each task is estimated and those
estimates are rolled up into the final deliverable estimate.
Time is not considered a cost nor a resource since the project manager cannot control the
rate at which it is expended. This makes it different from all other resources and cost categories
Cost to develop a project depends on several variables including : labor rates, material rates,
risk management, plant (buildings, machines, etc.), equipment, and profit. When hiring an
independent consultant for a project, cost will typically be determined by the consultant's or firm's
per diem rate multiplied by an estimated quantity for completion.
Scope is requirement specified for the end result. The overall definition of what the project is
supposed to accomplish, and a specific description of what the end result should be or accomplish
can be said to be the scope of the project.
A major component of scope is the quality of the final product. The amount of time put into
individual tasks determines the overall quality of the project. Some tasks may require a given amount
of time to complete adequately, but given more time could be completed exceptionally.
Over the course of a large project, quality can have a significant impact on time and cost or vice
A project should be initiated with a feasibility study, where a clear definition of the goals and
ultimate benefits need to be determined
Knowledge, skills, goals and personalities are the factors that need to be considered within project
management. The project manager and his/her team should collectively possess the necessary and
requisite interpersonal and technical skills to facilitate control over the various activities within the
Projects normally involve the introduction of a new system of some kind and, in almost all cases, new
methods and ways of doing things. This impacts the work of others: the "users". User interaction is
an important factor in the success of projects and, indeed, the degree of user involvement can
influence the extent of support for the project or its implementation plan.
The magnitude of IT project management often means that it’s more than just applying knowledge,
aligning skills, and using regular tools and techniques to drive a project to completion. IT project
managers deal with the challenges of interdependent integrations, rapid technology upgrades, and
version changes that can occur throughout the project timeline.
Project Managers work with other concerned stakeholders to evaluate and determine the
values and feasibility of the project
Create a project plan: team, timeline, activities, and resources budgeting. Designing required
solutions to solve the customer’s problem. Communicate project plan to all stakeholders
Performance Control:
Project execution process gets evaluated in this phase by means of KPIs like project
objectives, quality deliverables, cost monitoring, overall project performance, etc.
The promised project deliverables are handed over to the client for validation. A final closure
meeting is also held to discuss the overall experience and to close all project accounts.
these phases represent the path a project takes from the beginning to its end and are generally
referred to as the project “life cycle.”
Initiation Phase:
During the first of these phases, the initiation phase, the project objective or need is identified; this
can be a business problem or opportunity.
An appropriate response to the need is documented in a business case with recommended solution
Issues of feasibility (“can we do the project?”) and justification (“should we do the project?”) are
Once the recommended solution is approved, a project is initiated to deliver the approved solution
and a project manager is appointed.
. Approval is then sought by the project manager to move onto the detailed planning phase.
Planning Phase:
The next phase, the planning phase, is where the project solution is further developed in as much
detail as possible and the steps necessary to meet the project’s objective are planned
. In this step, the team identifies all of the work to be done. The project’s tasks and resource
requirements are identified, along with the strategy for producing them. This is also referred to as
“scope management.”
s. The project manager coordinates the preparation of a project budget by providing cost estimates
for the labour, equipment, and materials costs. The budget is used to monitor and control cost
expenditures during project implementation
Once the project team has identified the work, prepared the schedule, and estimated the costs, the
three fundamental components of the planning process are complete. This is an excellent time to
identify and try to deal with anything that might pose a threat to the successful completion of the
During the third phase, the implementation phase, the project plan is put into motion and the work
of the project is performed. It is important to maintain control and communicate as needed during
implementation. Progress is continuously monitored and appropriate adjustments are made and
recorded as variances from the original plan.
In any project, a project manager spends most of the time in this step. During project
implementation, people are carrying out the tasks, and progress information is being reported
through regular team meetings.
Status reports should always emphasize the anticipated end point in terms of cost, schedule, and
quality of deliverables. Each project deliverable produced should be reviewed for quality and
measured against the acceptance criteria. Once all of the deliverables have been produced and the
customer has accepted the final solution, the project is ready for closure.
Closing Phase:
During the final closure, or completion phase, the emphasis is on releasing the final deliverables to
the customer, handing over project documentation to the business, terminating supplier contracts,
releasing project resources, and communicating the closure of the project to all stakeholders.
The last remaining step is to conduct lessons-learned studies to examine what went well and what
didn’t. Through this type of analysis, the wisdom of experience is transferred back to the project
organization, which will help future project teams.
Module II
Waterfall Model
. It is also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use.
In a waterfall model, each phase must be completed before the next phase can begin and there is no
overlapping in the phases.
The Waterfall model is the earliest SDLC approach that was used for software development.
The waterfall Model illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow. This
means that any phase in the development process begins only if the previous phase is complete. In
this waterfall model, the phases do not overlap.
All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase and
documented in a requirement specification document.
System Design –
the requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this phase and the system
design is prepared. This system design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and
helps in defining the overall system architecture.
Implementation −
with inputs from the system design, the system is first developed in small programs called
units, which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and tested for its functionality,
which is referred to as Unit Testing.
All the units developed in the implementation phase are integrated into a system after
testing of each unit. Post integration the entire system is tested for any faults and failures
Deployment of system –
Once the functional and non-functional testing is done; the product is deployed in the
customer environment or released into the market.
Maintenance –
There are some issues which come up in the client environment. To fix those issues, patches
are released. Also to enhance the product some better versions are released. Maintenance is done to
deliver these changes in the customer environment
Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model. Each phase has specific deliverables and a review
Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood. Clearly defined
Not suitable for the projects where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of changing. So,
risk and uncertainty is high with this process model.
Evolutionary model is a combination of Iterative and Incremental model of software development life
delivering it in incremental process over time is the action done in this model.
. The Evolutionary development model divides the development cycle into smaller, incremental
waterfall models in which users are able to get access to the product at the end of each cycle.
Evolutionary model suggests breaking down of work into smaller chunks, prioritizing them and then
delivering those chunks to the customer one by one.
r of deliveries made to the customer. The main advantage is that the customer’s confidence increases
as he constantly gets quantifiable goods or services from the beginning of the project to verify and
validate his requirements.
The model allows for changing requirements as well as all work in broken down into maintainable
work chunks.
Advantages –
Error Reduction (core modules are used by the customer from the beginning of the phase and then
these are tested thoroughly)
Disadvantages –
Scrum is an agile project management methodology or framework used primarily for software
development projects with the goal of delivering new software capability every 2-4 weeks.
. It is one of the approaches that influenced the Agile Manifesto, which articulates a set of values and
principles to guide decisions on how to develop higher-quality software faster.
Agile Development
Agile is a time-bound, iterative approach to software delivery that builds software incrementally from
the start of the project, instead of trying to deliver all at once
agile software development was specially designed to curate the needs of the rapidly changing
environment by embracing the idea of incremental development and developing the actual final
In Agile development, Design and Implementation are considered to be the central activities in the
software process.
Design and Implementation phase also incorporate other activities such as requirements elicitation
and testing into it.
In an agile approach, iteration occurs across activities. Therefore, the requirements and the design
are developed together, rather than separately.
The allocation of requirements and the design planning and development as executed in a series of
increments. In contrast with the conventional model, where requirements gathering needs to be
completed in order to proceed to the design and development phase, it gives Agile development an
extra level of flexibility.
Deployment of software is quicker and thus helps in increasing the trust of the customer.
Helps in getting immediate feedback which can be used to improve the software in the next
People – Not Process. People and interactions are given a higher priority rather than process and
In case of large software projects, it is difficult to assess the effort required at the initial stages of
the software development life cycle.
The Agile Development is more code focused and produces less documentation.
Agile development is heavily depended on the inputs of the customer. If the customer has
ambiguity in his vision of the final outcome, it is highly likely for the project to get off track.
Only senior programmers are capable of taking the kind of decisions required during the
development process. Hence it’s a difficult situation for new programmers to adapt to the
Agile is a framework which defines how the software development needs to be carried on.
Spiral Model
The spiral model combines the idea of iterative development with the systematic, controlled aspects
of the waterfall model.
. This Spiral model is a combination of iterative development process model and sequential linear
development model i.e. the waterfall model with a very high emphasis on risk analysis.
. It allows incremental releases of the product or incremental refinement through each iteration
around the spiral.
The Spiral Model is widely used in the software industry as it is in sync with the natural development
process of any product, i.e. learning with maturity which involves minimum risk for the customer as
well as the development firms.
Development can be divided into smaller parts and the risky parts can be developed earlier which
helps in better risk management
The disadvantages of the Spiral SDLC Model
Not suitable for small or low risk projects and could be expensive for small projects.
Process is complex
Prototype Model
Software prototyping model works best in scenarios where the project's requirement are not known.
It is an iterative, trial, and error method which take place between the developer and the client.
Evolutionary prototype
Incremental prototype
Extreme prototype
Users are actively involved in development. Therefore, errors can be detected in the initial stage of
the software development process.
Missing functionality can be identified, which helps to reduce the risk of failure as Prototyping is
also considered as a risk reduction activity.
The prototype helps to gain a better understanding of the customer's needs. Prototypes can be
changed and even discarded.
Prototypes may offer early training for future users of the software system
The cost of developing a prototype is a total waste as the prototype is ultimately thrown away.
The poor documentation because the requirements of the customers are changing.
Module III
Data Flow Diagram
Data-flow diagrams (DFDs) model a perspective of the system that is most readily understood by
users – The flow of information through the system and the activities that process this information.
Data-flow diagrams provide a graphical representation of the system that aims to be accessible to
computer specialist and non-specialist users alike.
The models enable software engineers, customers and users to work together effectively during the
analysis and specification of requirements
in data-flow modelling only a limited set of constructs are used, and the rules applied are designed to
be simple and easy to follow.
• The system scope and boundaries are clearly indicated on the diagrams
• The technique of decomposition of high level data-flow diagrams to a set of more detailed
diagrams provides an overall view of the complete system, as well as a more detailed breakdown and
description of individual activities, where this is appropriate, for clarification and understanding.
Although all data-flow diagrams are composed of the same types of symbols, and the validation rules
are the same for all DFDs, there are three main types of data-flow diagram:
• Context diagrams — context diagram DFDs are diagrams that present an overview of the system
and its interaction with the rest of the “world”.
• Level 1 data-flow diagrams — Level 1 DFDs present a more detailed view of the system than
context diagrams, by showing the main sub-processes and stores of data that make up the system as
a whole.
• Level 2 (and lower) data-flow diagrams — a major advantage of the dataflow modelling technique
is that, through a technique called “levelling”, the detailed complexity of real world systems can be
managed and modelled in a hierarchy of abstractions. Certain elements of any dataflow diagram can
be decomposed (“exploded”) into a more detailed model a level lower in the hierarchy.
For each type of diagram we shall first investigate what the features of the diagram are, and then we
shall investigate how to create that type of diagram. However, before looking at particular kinds of
dataflow diagrams, we shall briefly examine each of the symbols from which DFDs are composed.