Location Based Garbage Collection
Location Based Garbage Collection
Location Based Garbage Collection
R.Sangeetha1, T.Logesh2
II MCA Department of Computer Science and Applications, Periyar Maniammai Institute Of Science and Technology,
Thanjavur, India,[email protected].
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Applications, Periyar Maniammai Institute Of Science and Technology,
Thanjavur, India, [email protected]
Abstract: Multiple mobile or web applications are combined in smart cities to create comfortable human habitation. Making an
efficient, effective, and ecologically friendly rubbish management system is one of these alternatives. The current trash
collection system involves daily or weekly rounds of routine garbage trucks, which not only don't cover every part of town, but
may also be a wholly inefficient use of public funds. This idea offers a low-cost mobile or web-based system that the
government may use to effectively handle the enormous volumes of trash that are collected every day, as well as a much
better answer to the nuisance of electric pigs for the people. Additionally, all users of this app can access the Google map to
view the whereabouts of the garbage collector. This is accomplished by a network of smart bins that employ cloud-based
monitoring and analysis tools to provide garbage trucks with predicative routes. For the workforce and therefore the citizens,
an internet app is created that principally offers the generated routes for the labour and locates the closest available smart bin
for citizens.
Keywords: Rubbish management, Smart bin, Garbage trucks, Generated routes, Smart city.
Sangeetha R, Logesh T 19
International Journal of Electrical and Computer System Design,ISSN: 2582-8134, Vol. 04, pp.19-23
[3] “ Smart Garbage Tracking System” is an article by 4.1 Admin Bin List
P.Bhavani , R.Yogasri , S.Santhanalakshmi , and
S.Meharajebeham published in April 2021. To access the bin list with collected information, as well
A smart waste tracking system using IoT, Android, GPS, as the driver information with ID, name, and vehicle
and Google API is implemented to address garbage number, an admin login is typically required. The admin
collection inefficiencies and promote cleanliness. IoT- login provides authorized access to the system or
enabled bins with fill level sensors transmit real-time platform where the data is stored. Once logged in, the
data to a central server. A GPS-equipped garbage admin can perform the following steps:
collection truck, guided by an Android app, optimizes
routes based on bin fill levels displayed on a Google 1. Navigate to the appropriate section or module that
map. Real-time alerts ensure timely waste collection, contains the bin list and driver information. This could
reducing overflowing bins and the spread of diseases. be a dashboard, database management system, or a
The system supports the SWACHH BHARAT goal by dedicated admin interface.
improving waste management and promoting a clean 2. Locate the bin list section, which should display the
environment. collected information related to bins. This might include
[4] “Location Based Garbage Management System For details such as bin ID, location, capacity, status, and
Smart City” is an article by P.K.S.Harini, S.Ramya, other relevant data.
R.Yamini published in November 2020. 3. Similarly, find the driver information section, which
A mobile and web-based system is proposed to improve should display the details of drivers, including their ID,
waste management in smart cities, offering an efficient name, and vehicle number. Depending on the system,
and eco-friendly solution. By integrating intelligent bins there might be additional fields such as contact
and cloud-based tools for data analysis, garbage information, license details, or employment history.
collection routes can be optimized. A mobile or web 4. Use the provided tools or filters to search, sort, or refine
application guides employees and directs citizens to the the displayed data as needed. This allows the admin to
nearest accessible trash bins. This system improves locate specific bins or drivers based on various criteria.
efficiency, extends coverage, enhances convenience for 5. Review the information presented in the bin list and
citizens, and reduces costs while promoting a cleaner driver information sections. Admins can analyze the
and more comfortable living environment. data, generate reports, or perform any necessary
actions based on the collected information.
3. Proposed work
4.2 Driver Details
GARBAGE COLLECTION is implementable in cities Driver information includes the driver's name, vehicle
where home trash generation is substantial but there is number, and driver ID.
relatively little effort put into controlling it. The idea of
smart cities is primarily compatible with this one. This a) Driver ID: A unique identifier assigned to each
largely prevents the clogged collection of home garbage driver. It helps in distinguishing one driver from
that makes it difficult to handle its disposal. The another in the database.
suggested solution can be put into practise in smart b) Name: The driver's full name, which includes
cities where residents would dispose of their trash using their first name and last name. It helps in
garbage collecting vehicles. People post a statement identifying the driver by their personal
that the public can track their vehicles when they want information.
to dispose of their trash. The expense could be split c) Vehicle Number: The number assigned to the
among the locals, resulting in less expensive service vehicle that the driver operates. It is used to link
delivery. the driver to a specific vehicle in cases where
multiple vehicles are associated with a
4. Modules Description company or organization.
Sangeetha R, Logesh T 20
International Journal of Electrical and Computer System Design,ISSN: 2582-8134, Vol. 04, pp.19-23
Sangeetha R, Logesh T 21
International Journal of Electrical and Computer System Design,ISSN: 2582-8134, Vol. 04, pp.19-23
Fig.4 Admin
7. System Requirements
Software Requirements
Android : Emulator
Android : SDK – adt-bundle-windows-x86
IDE : Eclipse Mars
Front End : Android
Back End : Sqlite
Hardware Requirements
Processor : Intel i5
Installed memory (RAM) : 8 GB
Hard Disk : 1TB
Operating System : windows 10
Fig.5 User
Sangeetha R, Logesh T 22
International Journal of Electrical and Computer System Design,ISSN: 2582-8134, Vol. 04, pp.19-23
Sangeetha R, Logesh T 23