NEC Delivering Better Project Outcomes
NEC Delivering Better Project Outcomes
NEC Delivering Better Project Outcomes
Delivering better
project outcomes
Crossrail is one of the largest The decision to use NEC4 contracts was based on a desire to use a form of contract that was well
infrastructure projects in recognised, as well as being highly regarded by the supply chain. NEC4 reflected our approach
Europe. It involves building of putting long-term, collaborative relationships at the heart of the delivery strategy for the East
42km of new tunnels, 10 Coast main line. For the first time, we were also keen to include a design, build and maintain
new stations and improving contract and the NEC4 DBO allows us to do this.
30 more. NEC contracts are
being used extensively to
deliver the project. Philip Bennett, Commercial Director, Network Rail
4 Delivering better project outcomes Delivering better project outcomes 5
How much does NEC4 save? What are the other benefits?
NEC users also save on legal fees. NEC4 contracts The main benefits of using NEC4 contracts for • All contracts are in plain, simple, unambiguous
Given every procurement process and work best when they have not been amended– an organisation’s needs can be summarised English. They provide clear and concise guidance
project is unique, it is difficult to do back-to- though they do of course provide the option for as follows: on the communications required between the
back financial comparisons between NEC4 amendment to suit specific clients- or project-related parties and the processes for dealing with change.
and other contracts. But wherever NEC has • They offer a complete set of tried-and-tested,
requirements, such as confidentiality or security. There is complete transparency throughout
been trialed in the world it has generally highly adaptable standard-form contracts for
the contract on risks, costs and programme.
been adopted for further use and, in many If a dispute should arise during the contract that buying works, services and supplies anywhere
cases, become the default contract suite. cannot be resolved through the normal collaborative in the world. They include shorter, simpler •
They offer clients complete flexibility on pricing
contract processes, all NEC4 contracts provide for cost- contracts for smaller, lower-risk purchases, plus and payment, with a full range of lump-sum,
effective resolution through adjudication or a dispute back-to-back consultancy and sub-contract open-book, target-cost and cost-reimbursable
Where you will save money using NEC4 is when
avoidance board. Only a handful of NEC contracts forms for the supply chain. Alliance, framework arrangements. There are various options for
changes happen, unexpected or otherwise. In
have ever ended up in court over the past 25 years. and design–build–operate forms exist for incentivising suppliers, including pain/gain sharing
accordance with NEC4 processes, each event will
larger capital projects and programmes. arrangements and early completion bonuses.
be collaboratively, efficiently and quickly dealt
with to ensure minimum impact on the overall cost •
All contracts require parties to work in a •
NEC4 Contracts offer a sharing of risk to each
and programme. It will not be left to a potentially collaborative way under an obligation to act party involved in the project. Risks are collectively
expensive and time-consuming negotiation and ‘in a spirit of ‘mutual trust and co-operation’. shared, managed and resolved through the
possible dispute at the end of the contract. This means both parties are obliged to notify cooperation of all participants. The risk allocation
each other as soon as they become aware is in the best interest of the project.
For example, multiple quotations can be requested
of something which may affect the cost,
from the supplier to deal with the change in terms
programme or quality, and then work together
of different time and/or cost scenarios. This allows
to minimise the impact. Any additional cost or
the client to select whichever quotation best suits the
time requirements are agreed as the contract
their business requirements. It also provides the client
Highways England have recently launched a new £9 progresses so there are no surprises at the end.
with a better forecast of the final completion date
and final cost payable, enabling actions to be taken billion NEC4-based framework for delivery of major
early where budget or time constraints are critical. motorway and A-road projects in England replacing a
previous NEC3 Framework.
The use of the NEC family of contracts ensured that We adopted NEC on our capital works programme in 2008 to promote
most problems were solved when they occurred, a culture change from the traditional ‘them and us’ approach to one of
rather than ending up in the courts at the end of collaboration. Over 6 years we were able to deliver our overall portfolio of
the process. projects within 6% of the control budget.
Sir John Armitt, Chairman of the London 2012 Olympic Delivery Authority Spencer Hodgson, Capital Projects Manager, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
8 Delivering better project outcomes Delivering better project outcomes 9
They are suitable for purchases such as the design,
for purchasing professional services such as
construction, refurbishment and decommissioning of ECC & ECS
engineering, architectural, project management
buildings, structures, process plants and infrastructure
and consultancy works. They also cover SC
– including everything from houses, schools, hospitals
composite services such as asset management and
and leisure facilities to infrastructure for water,
maintenance, as well as facilities management TSC & TSS
energy, transport, industry and waste. In addition,
such as cleaning, catering, decorating, security,
the NEC4 Alliance Contract (ALC) is designed for
maintenance and data processing. ALC
integrated delivery teams; and the NEC4 Design Build
Operate (DBO) contract is for works contracts that DBO
extend into the operational phase.
The NEC Supply Contract has worked well, even with the requirement to have two FC
currencies - Euros for the crane supply as delivered from Germany and Pound Sterling
for demolition of the existing cranes. Furthermore, the absence of references to any DRSC
UK-specific legislation within the main clauses made it easier to fit the contract into
Guernsey legislation than some other families of contracts. BUSINESS CASE DESIGN DELIVERY OPERATION
1 Great George Street E: [email protected] nec-contract
London T: +44 (0) 20 7665 2305 @nec_contracts
SW1P 3AA NEC Contracts