NEC Delivering Better Project Outcomes

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works | services | supply

Delivering better
project outcomes

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2 Delivering better project outcomes Delivering better project outcomes 3

Contents What is NEC4?

03 What is NEC4? This document introduces the NEC4 suite of NEC around the World
procurement contracts for the global purchasing The NEC has become the default suite of contracts
04 What makes NEC4 different? of works, services and supplies. It outlines the for public-sector works, services and supplies in the
commercial benefits the contracts can bring through UK, Hong Kong, South Africa and New Zealand. NEC
06 How much does NEC4 save? the promotion of a more open, collaborative and Contracts have been endorsed by the Government
efficient relationship with the supply chain. Construction Board, Cabinet Office, UK and by the
07 What are the other benefits? Development Bureau, HKSAR Government. According
NEC4 is the fourth evolution of the NEC to Hong Kong Development Bureau’s Construction 2.0
08 Which NEC4 contract? suite of procurement contracts that were publication “the NEC is a contract form that promotes
originally launched in the UK in 1993. a more collaborative way of working, along with
10 What resources are needed? clarity, simplicity, prescribed project management...
albeit based around a clear contractual structure.
11 What support is available? The contracts’ origins were in the engineering and
construction sector, but they have evolved to be They have also been successfully used in Australia,
suitable for buying all types and sizes of works, China, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands,
services and supplies in any sector – from billion-dollar North Africa, Peru, the Philippines, UAE and the
capital schemes to parts and people. USA, and are also increasingly used in private sector
NEC4 can be used for anything from long-term
alliances, frameworks and design-build-operate They delivered the venues and facilities for London
contracts to short-term consultancy, maintenance 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and are now
 The NEC suite of contracts…has linked the projects, people and processes together to create the
and supply agreements. Pricing can be lump-sum, delivering the Lima 2019 Pan American and Parapan
correct environment for successful delivery. NEC4 embraces the digital changes that are happening
target cost, remeasurement or cost-reimbursable, and American Games in Peru. They have been used to buy
in the construction industry, especially around BIM, which I believe will be central to creating a step
payments made by activity, quantity or actual cost tunnel boring machines from France, nuclear waste
change in performance. Whilst looking forward it also builds on the fundamentals required for an
plus fee. containers from Germany and the world’s first vertical
effective contract. The use of NEC4 on public sector projects will help to deliver the Government
cable car from the Netherlands
Construction Strategy as we seek to improve central government’s capability as a construction
client to deliver further savings. They are used for design, construction and
maintenance of hospitals in Hong Kong, libraries and
community centres in New Zealand, universities in
Tony Meggs, Chief Executive, Infrastructure and Projects Authority, UK South Africa and every major transport infrastructure
project carried out in Britain the past 20 years.

Crossrail is one of the largest The decision to use NEC4 contracts was based on a desire to use a form of contract that was well
infrastructure projects in recognised, as well as being highly regarded by the supply chain. NEC4 reflected our approach
Europe. It involves building of putting long-term, collaborative relationships at the heart of the delivery strategy for the East
42km of new tunnels, 10 Coast main line. For the first time, we were also keen to include a design, build and maintain
new stations and improving contract and the NEC4 DBO allows us to do this.
30 more. NEC contracts are
being used extensively to
deliver the project. Philip Bennett, Commercial Director, Network Rail
4 Delivering better project outcomes Delivering better project outcomes 5

What makes NEC4 different?

If there are changes to the amount of work the Example comparison of features of NEC4, JCT and FIDIC
NEC’s mission from the outset has been, supplier has to do, there are clearly defined In the construction sector, NEC4 competes directly with JCT in the UK and FIDIC forms internationally. Both
‘to provide clarity, flexibility and stimulate processes to handle changes in costs and time called JCT and FIDIC provide a suite of contracts for procuring works and services and, while their drafting style has
good management’. No other contract ‘compensation events’. The contracts also provide a become clearer and they have adopted some NEC style provisions, in recent years, they both take a traditional
suite aspires to improve the procurement clear and precise process for evaluating the cost and contracting approach – as can be seen from the many NEC4 features that are absent.
and delivery process, rather than just time implications of compensation events, which
facilitate it. include events arising from client scope changes, and Feature NEC4 JCT FIDIC
the contract sets out the process to determine the
Suite of standard form contracts for procuring works and services * * *
All NEC4 contracts are designed around the time and cost effects, within a set timescale.
Suites of standard form contracts for buying goods and equipment *
following three principles. The result is that the programme and budget are
Suitable for international use with choice of law and language * *
• They stimulate good management of continually updated and agreed as changes and
Written in plain, simple, jargon-free English *
the relationship between the two parties events happen. There should be no surprises at the
end of an NEC4 Contract. Option for multiparty collaboration *
to the contract and, therefore, of the
work involved in the contract. Client can appoint a representative to run the contract on their behalf * * *
All works and supply contracts also allow for early
contractor/supplier involvement.
Client can specify start, completion, access and sectional completion dates * * *
• They can be used in a diverse range of commercial
Client can specify key dates for stated deliverables or outcomes *
situations, for a wide variety of types of work
and in any location around the world.
Client can penalise contractor for late completion * * *
Client can reward contractor for early completion *
• They are clear, simple and written in plain
Client can reward contractor for exceeding key performance indicators *
English, using language and a structure which is
Contractor required to submit a detailed programme at the outset * * *
straightforward and easily understood.
Contractor required to submit updated programmes at set intervals *
Uniquely, one of the foundation clauses of every
Pricing option for lump-sum contract based on bill of quantities * * *
NEC4 contract states the parties are to act, ‘in a spirit
of mutual trust and co-operation.’ This differentiates
Pricing options for more transparent lump-sum or cost-based open-book contracts * *
them from traditional contracts, which tend to follow Client can make staged payments to contractor * * *
a more adversarial, ‘us and them’ approach. Clear definition of cost - Defined Cost - with a predetermined fee for overheads & profit *
A single comprehensive section covering all entitlements the supplier may have to any
To many users, the ‘jewel in the crown’ of NEC4
changes in the contract price or time to complete the works/service/supply
contracts is the ‘early warning’ process. if either party
Obligation on both parties to give early warning of any matter which could affect cost,
becomes aware of any matter which could affect progress, completion or quality, and to have a timely discussion how to best to mitigate * *
time, cost or quality, they are required to notify the the risk
Heathrow Airport Limited signed a contract worth
other party immediately. This is promptly discussed Client sets out quality requirements for design and works in a separate document * * *
£812 million for the new Terminal 2 at Heathrow. It
at an early warning meeting to decide how best to Client can specify contractor design in any works or supply contract *
covers detailed design and construction of the main
mitigate the risk and aiming to decrease the time
180,000m2 Terminal 2A building and ten aircraft Client can specify early contractor involvement *
taken to resolve the issue.
stands boosting passenger capacity from 2 to 20 Precise, objective definition of completion and of defects *
million a year. Procedures for defect identification and rectification * * *
Obligation on both parties to notify defects and set period for rectification of defects *
Client can accept defects * *
6 Delivering better project outcomes Delivering better project outcomes 7

How much does NEC4 save? What are the other benefits?
NEC users also save on legal fees. NEC4 contracts The main benefits of using NEC4 contracts for • All contracts are in plain, simple, unambiguous
Given every procurement process and work best when they have not been amended– an organisation’s needs can be summarised English. They provide clear and concise guidance
project is unique, it is difficult to do back-to- though they do of course provide the option for as follows: on the communications required between the
back financial comparisons between NEC4 amendment to suit specific clients- or project-related parties and the processes for dealing with change.
and other contracts. But wherever NEC has • They offer a complete set of tried-and-tested,
requirements, such as confidentiality or security. There is complete transparency throughout
been trialed in the world it has generally highly adaptable standard-form contracts for
the contract on risks, costs and programme.
been adopted for further use and, in many If a dispute should arise during the contract that buying works, services and supplies anywhere

cases, become the default contract suite. cannot be resolved through the normal collaborative in the world. They include shorter, simpler • 
They offer clients complete flexibility on pricing
contract processes, all NEC4 contracts provide for cost- contracts for smaller, lower-risk purchases, plus and payment, with a full range of lump-sum,
effective resolution through adjudication or a dispute back-to-back consultancy and sub-contract open-book, target-cost and cost-reimbursable
Where you will save money using NEC4 is when
avoidance board. Only a handful of NEC contracts forms for the supply chain. Alliance, framework arrangements. There are various options for
changes happen, unexpected or otherwise. In
have ever ended up in court over the past 25 years. and design–build–operate forms exist for incentivising suppliers, including pain/gain sharing
accordance with NEC4 processes, each event will
larger capital projects and programmes. arrangements and early completion bonuses.
be collaboratively, efficiently and quickly dealt
with to ensure minimum impact on the overall cost • 
All contracts require parties to work in a • 
NEC4 Contracts offer a sharing of risk to each
and programme. It will not be left to a potentially collaborative way under an obligation to act party involved in the project. Risks are collectively
expensive and time-consuming negotiation and ‘in a spirit of ‘mutual trust and co-operation’. shared, managed and resolved through the
possible dispute at the end of the contract. This means both parties are obliged to notify cooperation of all participants. The risk allocation
each other as soon as they become aware is in the best interest of the project.
For example, multiple quotations can be requested
of something which may affect the cost,
from the supplier to deal with the change in terms
programme or quality, and then work together
of different time and/or cost scenarios. This allows
to minimise the impact. Any additional cost or
the client to select whichever quotation best suits the
time requirements are agreed as the contract
their business requirements. It also provides the client
Highways England have recently launched a new £9 progresses so there are no surprises at the end.
with a better forecast of the final completion date
and final cost payable, enabling actions to be taken billion NEC4-based framework for delivery of major
early where budget or time constraints are critical. motorway and A-road projects in England replacing a
previous NEC3 Framework.

 The use of the NEC family of contracts ensured that  We adopted NEC on our capital works programme in 2008 to promote
most problems were solved when they occurred, a culture change from the traditional ‘them and us’ approach to one of
rather than ending up in the courts at the end of collaboration. Over 6 years we were able to deliver our overall portfolio of
the process. projects within 6% of the control budget.

Sir John Armitt, Chairman of the London 2012 Olympic Delivery Authority Spencer Hodgson, Capital Projects Manager, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
8 Delivering better project outcomes Delivering better project outcomes 9

Which NEC4 contract?

Supply: Suitable for any project:
The principal NEC4 contracts, short contracts and subcontracts can be broadly grouped
into works, services and supply as shown below. The choice of form depends on the The main supply contracts are the NEC4 Supply The NEC4 Framework Contract (FC) is intended for
procurement complexity and level of risk. Contract (SC) and the NEC4 Supply Short Contract use in the appointment of one or more suppliers to
(SSC). These are for the supply of high-value goods carry out work or provide a service or supply goods
and associated services such as transformers, on an ‘as instructed’ basis over a set term. In addition,
generators, rolling stock, cranes, gantries and the NEC4 Dispute Resolution Service Contract (DRSC)
Works: Services: complex plant. They are also suitable for lower- is for engaging an adjudicator or a member of a
risk items such as building materials and products, dispute resolution board, as provided for in all NEC4
The main works contracts are the NEC4 Engineering The main service contracts are the NEC4 Term
stationery, personal protective equipment and parts. contracts. The DRSC can be used with any works,
and Construction Contract (ECC), the Engineering Service Contract (TSC), the NEC4 Term Service
services or supply projects.
and Construction Subcontract (ECS), the Engineering Subcontract (TSS), the NEC4 Term Service Short
and Construction Short Contract (ECSC) and the Contract (TSSC), the NEC4 Professional Service
Engineering and Construction Short Contract (PSC), the NEC Professional Service
Subcontract (ECSS). Subcontract (PSS) and the NEC4 Professional
Service Short Contract (PSSC). They are suitable

They are suitable for purchases such as the design,
for purchasing professional services such as
construction, refurbishment and decommissioning of ECC & ECS
engineering, architectural, project management
buildings, structures, process plants and infrastructure
and consultancy works. They also cover SC
– including everything from houses, schools, hospitals
composite services such as asset management and
and leisure facilities to infrastructure for water,
maintenance, as well as facilities management TSC & TSS
energy, transport, industry and waste. In addition,
such as cleaning, catering, decorating, security,

the NEC4 Alliance Contract (ALC) is designed for
maintenance and data processing. ALC
integrated delivery teams; and the NEC4 Design Build
Operate (DBO) contract is for works contracts that DBO
extend into the operational phase.




The NEC Supply Contract has worked well, even with the requirement to have two FC

currencies - Euros for the crane supply as delivered from Germany and Pound Sterling
for demolition of the existing cranes. Furthermore, the absence of references to any DRSC
UK-specific legislation within the main clauses made it easier to fit the contract into
Guernsey legislation than some other families of contracts. BUSINESS CASE DESIGN DELIVERY OPERATION

David Parish, Head of Project Services, Guernsey Government

10 Delivering better project outcomes Delivering better project outcomes 11

What resources are needed? What support is available?

NEC has been running accreditation programmes
The client representative on an NEC4 works, for NEC managers since 2013 and there now over NEC offers a comprehensive range of practice notes, webinars, training, events and books to
service or supply contract is defined as the 5,000 NEC accredited project managers, service provide further support to users.
‘project manager’, ‘service manager’ or managers and supervisors worldwide. They have
‘supply manager’ respectively. They can be the option to be listed on the Institution of Civil Practice notes: Events:
an individual or an organisation, and they Engineers Register for Accredited NEC Professionals at A series of NEC practice notes are NEC’s events provide users with
should be involved from the outset. freely available from the NEC website expert advice and support,
to provide advice on application of networking opportunities, and
The contract manager also needs to ensure that the
The manager should have a comprehensive the contracts in the light of new regulations or insights into the latest NEC developments. The
chosen supplier is fully aware of the NEC4 approach
understanding NEC4 contract management processes emerging technologies. Recent topics include programme includes seminars, workshops, and
to collaborative working. All contracts work better
as their role is vital to the success of the contract. It is complying with EU General Data Protection breakfast briefings which are held across the
when all involved parties understand their roles and
their job to work closely and collaboratively with the Regulation, using the UK Construction Industry UK, Asia Pacific, Australasia and Africa.
responsibilities and NEC can offer training and advice
supplier to ensure the best possible outcome for the Council Building Information Modelling (BIM)
to support users throughout all phases of a project.
client. protocol, and offsite modular construction. Books:
NEC offers a range of manuals and
Webinars: books which have been written to help
NEC’s webinars provide access to the users maximise the benefits of the
latest NEC knowledge wherever users contracts. Written by expert authors, they provide
are in the world for no fee. Attendees practical day-to-day tips, essential advice, detailed
can ask speakers and consultants questions, and overviews of the contracts and clauses, contract
 We… arranged a series of practical training workshops at the start
recordings of the live events are available on the strategies and implementation of good practice.
of the contract and then on an annual basis to promote the NEC
NEC website to watch back at a later date.
partnering spirit with contracting parties. User Guides:
Training: Guidance documentation is
NEC’s training courses are delivered by
available for various stages of the
Luk Wai-hung, Deputy Project Manager, Water Services Department, Hong Kong experts who have an in-depth knowledge
procurement lifecycle, dealing with
of NEC contracts and their use across
procurement strategy, contract preparation,
industry. The training courses offered are suitable
supplier selection and contract management.
for those new to NEC4. Experienced NEC3 users will
also be able to complement their knowledge with
 We are planning to build 250 new quality, affordable homes by 2020 and all future Users’ Group:
courses covering the changes that have taken place
NEC provides a comprehensive range of
developments will now be procured using NEC4. We feel the scope and flexibility in the NEC4 contracts. Delivered internationally, NEC
support services and operates regional
within the NEC suite fits our purposes and objectives in order to produce quality training courses are available in a selection of formats
users’ groups to help improve access to these
workmanship at best value for our customers. In addition, planned maintenance of to suit the learning and development preferences
services. Membership is designed to provide support
our existing 3800 homes – such as kitchen, bathroom and roof replacements – of both UK-based and international clients. Options
to users around the world.
include classroom, online and in-house training
will also now be undertaken under the NEC4 Term Service Contract and
NEC4 Term Service Short Contracts.

Adrian Johnson, Managing Director of Commercial Services, Catrefi Conwy Housing

Association (largest social landlord in Wales)
[Cover] The unique British Airways i360 project in Brighton UK was
successfully procured in just 24 months using NEC from Dutch, French and
British suppliers. Completed in 2016, the £48 million, 162 m tall structure
is the world’s first vertical cable car, the tallest moving observation tower
and the most slender tower built.

1 Great George Street E: [email protected] nec-contract
London T: +44 (0) 20 7665 2305 @nec_contracts
SW1P 3AA NEC Contracts

NEC is a division of Thomas Telford Ltd, which is a wholly owned subsidiary

of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the owner and developer of NEC.

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